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I Was Destined To Destroy the World But Chose to Sell Llamas Instead. (Original-Shounen Inspired.)

What should be the best name for best Llama?

  • Buddy

    Votes: 35 7.6%
  • Patty

    Votes: 14 3.0%
  • Worcestershire Sauce

    Votes: 114 24.8%
  • Stale Melon

    Votes: 24 5.2%
  • Bob

    Votes: 51 11.1%
  • Steve(n)

    Votes: 27 5.9%
  • Admiral Van Perrywinkle

    Votes: 195 42.4%

  • Total voters
The Wind Down, End.
On the world of Terra, to be a Hero was to give one's self to the protection and aid of the people. To use one's power, be it gifted, of natural talent, or earned, to protect those weaker than they are, to selflessly protect the world from all that would endanger it. As a direct result, seeing strange occurrences was not only to be expected, but an inevitability in their trade. Indeed, in their time as a Hero, Ling Moonsong was proud to say they had saved many lives, and as a consequence of their travels, had seen many strange things, particularly from the more.....eccentric peers in their line of work.

However, in all of their years as a Hero, Ling had to admit, seeing some sort of gremlin-wizard dancing after being set alight like a living bonfire was a new one. Usually when people were set on fire, they were running around screaming in pain, or simply ignored it if they were a Hero of any level of power worth something.

"What is going on here?" The Moon Rabbit asked in their confusion as they drifted down to the ground behind a group of Shellforters. The mechanical, crab-man esq monks closest to them were quick to make note of their arrival and perked up [as much as a living machine of metal plating can 'perk up'] when they saw the eight armed wheel symbol that signified an officially sanctioned Hero.

"Pleased salutations: Greetings, honorable Hero! We are celebrating the defeat of a most vile Fallen member of your great orders, as well as the heavenly blessings of being in the presence of a Miraculous One!" 'Miraculous One'? Ling didn't consider themself particularly enlightened into the many faiths of other cultures, their own beliefs being that of their people's form of ancestral worship, but even they could recognize that such a title had very special meaning to the monks of this place.

"Miraculous One?" They enquired with genuine curiosity. The nearest bot nodded, or at least the equivalent given the lack of neck for his chassis forcing him to move his entire upper body in an odd bowing motion.

"Overjoyed: Yes, honorable one. The Miraculous One was sent by the Great Maker in answer to our prayers of salvation! Truly we are blessed!" Ling nodded as they looked around, taking in the sights before them. Chanting, cheering machine-men, a stock-pile of captured bandits, and a tiny dancing wizard. In other words: They were definitely going to have to write a report on this. With a brow raising up their forehead, the Moon Rabbit took a steadying breath before pulling out a scroll and quill from their dimensional storage.

"If it is alright with you, I would like for you to start from the beginning."


Strictly speaking, if Han was being objective, this party was easily a 3, maybe a 4, on his personal scale for ragers. Half the guests were tied up in a corner, there was no real food much less drinks out to enjoy, and the music wasn't leaving him half deaf. That being said, having Kevin around dancing after he'd lit himself on fire was easily boosting the rating up to a 7.

"Go, Kevin, go!" Han whooped. With a graceful flourish, Kevin spun around before striking a pose, simultaneously extinguishing the flames around him. "Thata boy!" Han cheered. A smile on his face, the puppy-faced young man hopped on over to his honorary uncle.

"Uncle Han, it's been forever since I saw you! How are you?"

"Oh you know, exploring the world, brewing new and exciting concoctions, same old same old." Han admitted matter-o-factually. "How's the new job been going?"

"Oh, it's been going great!" Kevin hopped in delight, eyes wide and sparkling. "I've managed to do a lot of sales, and even made a big one for a whole town! I even made some new friends!" Kevin looked behind himself and motioned to the two strangers to come forwards. "Guys, come meet my uncle Han!"

Han leaned back as he took in the sight of the two stepping forward. The shorter one, roughly Kevin's height, was a green skinned male Goblin in merchant's clothing, a larger pack on his back. His feline like nose wiggled as he stepped forwards, a curious light in his eyes. "Hiya, the name's Toyo. You've got yourself a great nephew here, if you don't mind me sayin'."

"Don't I know it." Han chuckled before turning his attention to the larger of the trio, a tall, well dressed canine woman, bespectacled and seemingly mixed breed, stood tall and unafraid, the telltale guitar of a bard upon her back.

"I am Alyxia of Cotcher's Town." She dipped her head low in respect. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise, young lady. Thank you both for looking after this little scamp." Han said with a grateful look.

"If I can ask, why are you here, uncle? It's great to see you, but why come to me now?" Han blinked as Kevin's question hung in the air.

"Ah, right!" He chuckled as he reached into his loose gi and took out a letter. "Your cousin sent me this. He said it was time to start the next step of your training." The emotions that rolled through Kevin's face were as many as they were rapid. Snapshots of surprise, worry, curiosity and finally acceptance went by so fast that most would have been unable to register it.

"It's time?" Kevin asked to be certain.

"It's time." The Wukong nodded.

"Er, time for what?" Toyo asked out loud, out of the loop for obvious reasons.

"Why, time to help this little bugger master his magic!" The silence between the four of them was only broken by the celebrating crowds around them. Were it not for them, one would be able to hear a pin drop into the mud.

".....He hasn't mastered his magic." Alyxia did not ask it, she stated in an almost serene acceptance.

"Oh trust me, you haven't seen what this little guy can really do just yet." Han uttered with a twinkle in his eye and a grin on his lips.


It went by many names. The Collector. The Traveler. The Questing One. What it was called didn't matter, the well dressed, vaguely feline looking thing not caring for what Mortals decided to name it. As it stepped into the dark, dank, ruined halls of its master's abode, it came in expecting to hear its true name called, to inquire on its mission. As it inspected the key fragment in its hand, smirking to itself on its job well done, it stopped as it realized its master had yet to call to it. Forming its current visage into a frown, it resumed its journey into the heart of the ruined domain of its master.

"There you are, Naru!" It, Naru, had to stop its frown from deepening instinctively as the agitating scratchy sound that passed for a voice from its master's 'spymaster' reached its ears. Stepping into the main chamber-a ruined place that could once have passed for a cross between a royal court and a temple altar-it valued its professionalism too much to sneer at the sight of its......associate.

Huddled on all fours, its hunch back covered in constantly forming and unforming eyes, Watcher crouched next to the first steps up to their master's altar, its ocular organs all glaring at Naru in a rainbow of different iris colorations.

"Master has been quiet, and I haven't been able to get him to speak to me!" It warbled in its scratchy voice. That got Naru's attention enough to raise its brow. As annoying as it found Watcher, their master saw something of value in his multi-eyed spy, and so was not one to remain quiet when it came crawling back to him to make its reports.

"Sire?" Naru stated out loud. The dark, formless mass of rock where once a throne sat remained silent. Now Naru was feeling concerned. "Sire? Sire, can you hear me? I have completed my mission and have retrieved the fragment!" As if finally hearing it, the air itself began to shift around the hulking stone, shift and blend until what could pass as a voice began to form from it.


"Yes Sire, I am here."

"So am I!" Watcher piped up as to not be left out.

"Sire, is something wrong?" Naru asked.

"......No. Nothing is wrong." He said after a long, drawn out moment. "It is just that I have felt something I haven't felt in a long, long time. It left me.....Nostalgic." It was a testament to their value to their lord that he would admit this much to them, where his other servants would be lucky to receive direct orders from him personally at most.

"I....See." Naru did not, but that didn't matter. If their master decided to elaborate, he would unprovoked. "I managed to accomplish my mission."

"Did you now?" There was an almost distant quality to the question, as if their master's mind wasn't entirely on the present. Naru ignored this and just pressed on. It lifted its hand to show the key fragment.

"The Shellfort fragment, as requested."

"Shellfort...." Again, his attention was elsewhere.

"That's what I wanted to report, Master! Our clean up operation was stopped by the intervention of a Hero!" Watcher cried out. "Sol was unable to complete his mission!"

"Never mind that. The key fragment is what matters." Their master declared. "While it is unfortunate that we could not cover our tracks, the fragment is in our possession and that puts us right on schedule. As far as I am concerned, we have won here."

"Of course, my lord." Naru and Watcher both bowed deeply to the stone. "I will leave it with the others, then. I still have other tasks to accomplish for your plans to come to fruition." Naru stated.

"Go." At the command, Naru bowed deeper still before turning around and making its way outside the bounds of their master's domain to teleport out. Watcher remained behind, however, hopping in place.

"Sire, may I ask, what has you distracted? What could make you nostalgic?"



"What happened there, whoever stopped it. In doing so, they did something that I have not felt in a long, long time." Watcher blinked its myriad eyes. before daring to ask further.

"What was it?"

"They answered the hopes and prayers of thousands......Good."
Kokoa Cocoa, Pt. 1
Toyo was the first to admit that he wasn't the most well versed in magics. He was a merchant by trade, and while he could recite the economic policies and laws of no less than 7 different nations from heart, he was left scratching his head at what this Han had just said.

"....Kevin hasn't mastered his magic." The Goblin repeatedly slowly. "No offense, but are you sure about that?"

"Oh trust me, kid, this little guy is only working at a portion of his full capability." Han declared, pointing a thumb at Kevin. For his part, the puppy faced canid sniffed something in the air before letting out an tiny sneeze. "Just wait until you see when he's fully trained."

"I should be surprised, but to be honest I've started to come to expect this sort of thing from him." Alyxia admitted honestly as she looked at Kevin with a nonplussed look. For his part, Toyo was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that Kevin had been fighting with a metaphoric handicap so far given what he'd seen the little guy was capable of. Still, Alyxia had a point and by this point he really shouldn't be surprised about any Keviness from their younger friend.

"So, he'll be stronger once he's done?" Toyo asked bluntly.

"More like he'll be more efficient." Han explained as Kevin took the opportunity for his friends distraction to begin doing a little jig for the surrounding Shellforters. The enraptured among them immediately began taking notes and recordings of what was surely some sort of sacred dance. "Faster, more efficient use of his abilities, less wasted energy, all that good stuff. Up until now, he's been doing the magical equivalent of working a muscle. What my job will be is like teaching a martial artist the best way to use said muscles through proper technique."

"I've heard of this." Alyxia butted in. "It's a popular method among hedge mages who don't subscribe to following the normal mystical education systems like a magic school or Hero Training Academy."

"So wait, you're saying our little guy is the equivalent of a home-schooler?" Toyo asked. Han snapped his fingers and pointed at the Goblin with a smile.

"Sure, let's go with that!" Toyo whistled. Alyxia might have resigned herself to going along with the madness that was Kevin without a second thought, but Toyo wasn't about to let the sense of awe and wonder leave him just yet.

"Well then, when do we start?" Toyo almost jumped at how suddenly Kevin popped back into the conversation, now standing next to the Goblin as if he had always been there and hadn't just spent the last couple of minutes breaking the minds of robo-monks through break-dancing. Han just smiled at his ward.

"Let's enjoy the party first, we'll burn that bridge when we get to it."

"You mean, 'cross' that bridge." Alyxia corrected.

"No, it was the first thing I said the first time." Han confirmed. Toyo had to raise an eyebrow at that. Yup, this was Kevin's uncle alright.


"-nd that is how the Miraculous One saved us all!" The mechanical crab-man finished proclaiming. Ling just nodded as they finished scribbling down the information provided before glancing in the direction of this 'Miraculous One'. It was not their place to judge others on their physical appearance. Indeed, Ling's slight build often had them misjudged by others, friend and foe alike. Still, they couldn't help but wonder: Could that tiny wizard gremlin creature really have beaten Sol on their own?

As they watched from the sidelines, they observed the short creature chattering excitedly with a vaguely familiar Wukong that Ling just couldn't quite place where they had seen them before. Wukong Brewmasters were not uncommon, after all. To their surprise, whatever they were chatting about led to the small wizardy one to briefly glow before a Llama appeared in a puff of light. They considered heading over to personally ask them the details of what had happened, but decided to send their report off first. With a double tap of their quill to the corner of their scroll, the report disappeared as it was sent to their superior.

They considered stepping forward and introducing themself to the two odd Heroes, but ultimately decided they would await for their response before proceeding further. If their superior knew who this was, then they would know if they were already registered or if they were still in need of doing so. It took some of the fun out of discovering for themself, but they were nothing if not by the book. Besides, what was the worst response their boss could have over some mysterious Hero level individuals?


Councilor Nyro let out a relaxed sigh. Today was a good day. All of the paperwork was already dealt with, reports were coming in that showed no major problems, and he had no meetings the rest of the day. The unicorn male laid back in his office chair as he stared out of the window behind his desk, taking in the view of the mountain range outside of the Heroes Guild's headquarters.

"What a beautiful sight." He murmured to himself, a soft smile on his muzzle as he swirled his cup of tea in one of his hands. "My doctor was right, reducing stress does wonders for the blood pressure. Nothing can ruin a moment like this." No sooner did he say that did he wince and suck in a sharp breath. "I should not have said that." Indeed, not a moment later did those words leave his lips that the info-scroll to one of his top agents began to glow with a new report. Sighing and silently cursing himself for tempting fate, Nyro turned his chair to his desk and set his tea aside a reasonable distance away, making sure to swallow his current mouthful quickly before he opened the scroll and got to reading.

"Ah, Ling. Always good to receive one of your reports." He said, allowing himself a moment of ease. Ling Moonsong had always been a reliable one: Polite, formal, by the book, all the traits and qualities that Nyro appreciated in those that reported directly to him, if for no other reason than a lack of quirkiness that made some of his subordinate's reports.....interesting to read. And not in the fun kind of way.

"Let's see here." The Unicorn hummed as he read the report and found himself intrigued. Who would attack Shellfort, and with a Fallen Hero like Sol at that? There was something there he would have to tell Ling to look into before they left the fortress monastery, as he didn't like that one bit. What he found particularly surprising, however, was that by the time Ling had gotten there, the issue had been resolved: An unknown mage type Hero had succeeded in defeating Sol and saving the Fort.

"Well well, seems like we'll be sending a medal of heroism over. I'm sure whoever they are will appreciate-" Nyro stopped as he got to the part of the report describing the individual. "No," Black, furless skin. "No no," Covered in bandage like attire and a poncho like cloak. "No no no," Green eyes and a puppy like face. "No no no, don't tell me-" And right before the report had been sent, they had summoned a Llama through etheric, golden colored magic. He had made sure not to be drinking anything specifically to avoid choking on his drink, and yet as his blood pressure skyrocketed and his teeth grit, Nyro suddenly found himself coughing on his own spit. "God. Damn. It." He managed to hiss. That crystal horned bastard! He said the little bugger wouldn't be in the Hero buisness! What sort of game was he playing at!?

Taking his scroll-link to Ling, he began to write with deliberate, forced care.

'Hero Moonsong, thank you for your report. The individual you have found is of some interest to us and we would appreciate diligent reports on their status at regular intervals. Pay attention to the following instructions with exceptional care: One. Introduce yourself-'
Koakoa Coacoa, Pt. 2.
Toyo wasn't exactly what you would call a 'party animal'. Indeed, his laid back nature often had him sticking to a corner in most festive gathering's he'd been to much of his life. He was the boring one even at family gatherings, when he still went to them. That being said, even he couldn't help but let loose and have some fun as he joined with Kevin in yet another circular dance as Alyxia played on her guitar and Han laughed as he brewed a sweet smelling concoction in a small scale brewing pot he kept with him.

The Goblin wasn't unfamiliar with drink, but the scent coming from the pot smelled too sugary to be alcohol. If he didn't know any better, it almost smelled like hot chocolate.

As their latest dance wound down, Toyo found himself panting from the unfamiliar exertion while Kevin seemed ready for another round, the cheering crowd of mechanical crab men around them having what could only be described as a religious experience at this whole event.

"Man, I've got to work on my stamina." He huffed more to himself than anything else. "If we're going to get trained, I'm going to need it to keep up."

"Don't worry, I'll whip you into shape yet." Toyo almost jumped out of his skin at Han's sudden voice over his shoulder. He glanced to see the Wukong squatting down to eye level behind him, a big mischievous grin as he took pleasure at the Goblin's fright. "But before that, hope you like hot chocolate! It's something of a specialty of mine."

"I thought you were a brewmaster." Toyo blinked.

"Oh, I am, but nothing in the code says you have to exclusively brew liquor." Han declared as he thoughtfully scratched his scruff covered chin. "Why, I know a few in the order who deal exclusively in Tea and still get the full benefits of our magic. And one guy's almost exclusively doing coffee!" Han shrugged as he jabbed a thumb over his shoulder to the still brewing pot, who was now being tended to by one of the smaller metal men the monkey had somehow managed to convince to keep watch over it. "Me? I like to dabble in all kinds of things. I love my drink, but I've got a wide palette."

"I can understand that." Toyo nodded. "My family's got a family run merchant company, but most everyone sticks to working out shops and leaving the supply running to outside employees. It's oddballs like me who want to be wandering around."

"You good at your work?" Han asked as he moved from scratching his chin to his cheek, a genuine curiosity in his eyes.

"I mean, by traveling merchant standards, I can count the number of times I've failed to sell on two hands with over a decade of doing the job." Toyo shrugged. "So I feel like I gotta say I am, yeah."

"Then there might be hope for you yet." A smile materialized over Han's mouth as he said that. "It's harder for adults who didn't at least partially train in magic growing up to pick up and access magic of any kind, but someone who is already good at their work has an easier time doing it. You're good with a guitar but never practice bard magic? You have an easier time picking it up then if you start cold. Same applies with money magic."

"What even is 'money magic'?" Toyo asked as he looked over to Kevin. The young man was now juggling several large weapons the Shellforters gave him, to the clapping of the assembled crowds.

"If we want to be technically, it's a bit of a misnomer because it's a lot broader than just money." Han explained as he followed Toyo's gaze and a fond smile came over him at the sight of his honorary nephew. "For example, once you learn the basics, you'll be able to alter probability in the area around you." Toyo's eyes widened and his head snapped to Han.

"Wait, really?"

"Oh yeah, I'm not making it up. Merchant Mages are rare, but the one time I saw one, no joke, he altered the statistical probabilities of being hit when a bunch of bandits came after him and not one of them could land a hit no matter how hard they tried! They eventually just got fed up and left." Toyo couldn't help but laugh at that. He already knew he wasn't going to be at that level so soon, but he had to admit to himself that the new possibilities of becoming a 'Merchant Mage' did sound enticing.

Before he could ask more on that particular mystical path, however, a new voice cut through the air.

"Pardon me, I'm looking for the one who defeated the Fallen Hero, Sol?" At once, Toyo, Han, and Alyxia turned their heads to see an androgynous rabbit with white, grey eyes, and silver hair, garbed in formal clothing of black and white that looked like a cross between Eastern bureaucratic attire and combat armor. The bronze and gold pendant instantly marked them as a member of the Hero's Guild and instantly they knew what was happening: Another hero had come to respond to the attack on Shellfort, but had arrived after the battle had ended.

"Present!" With that, Kevin hopped forwards, using his powers to stop the still juggled weapons mid air before gently setting them down on the ground again. The rabbit, almost certainly a Moon Rabbit, smiled in a friendly manner as Kevin stepped forward.

"I see Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, though I don't think you're registered." They declared, clearly not surprised or resistant to the tiny puppy faced mage's claim. "I'm Ling Moonsong, it is an honor to meet you sir-?"

"I'm Kevin!" He proclaimed in as friendly a tone as ever. "Nice to meet you too, Ling!"

"Sir Kevin, if it's alright, would you come with me to tell me everything that happened with the Fallen Hero, perhaps show me where he is? I'd like to get your personal testimony for my report, and I'll need the criminal to make an official apprehension for the Guild."

"Yush." Kevin nodded and followed Ling away, the crowd of Shellforters following behind, chanting his accolades as they did so.

"Kevin, wai-" Alyxia began before Han clapped his hands to get her and Toyo's attention.

"Okay, how's about we get some of my precinct famous hot chocolate!" Han cheerfully declared.

"W-hot chocolate?" Alyxia blinked. "But what about Kevin?"

"Oh, he'll be just fine, he can handle a little interview with a Hero Guild worker." The Wukong stated. "Besides, he's not the only one who has something to say. Tell me, how much do you two know about Kevin?" At that, Toyo and Alyxia both blinked and glanced at one another.

"Well, he's got phenomenal cosmic powers and can kick seven kinds of bad guy ass." Toyo said. "And he chooses to spend his days wandering the lands, selling people llamas."

"He's a young man who is both very mature and yet not so all at once." Alyxia added. Han nodded as he listened to them.

"All correct. And that is all you know?"

"Well.....Yes." Han nodded again as he began to scratch his chin throughtfully.

"So......You don't know what he is, then." The two friends' eyes widned as they instantly caught on to what Han was getting at.

"....No. No we don't." Alyxia admitted. "He often mentions his grandfather and cousin, but he never elebaorates on them without us asking, which we don't often do out of respect for his privacy. At least, that's why I don't try and pry more."

"Good, good." Han nodded in approval. "Respecting his privacy is good. But there's some things you need to know if you're going to keep traveling with him, and I'm going to have to share them with you so you know what you're getting yourselves into."

"What kinds of things?" Toyo asked. Han smiled as he wandered over to his pot, opened it up and nodded as he began to take out cups and pour them full of the bubbling sweet drink within.

"Come on and gather round, my young friends. I think it's time you learned about what our little Kevin is. But first, one question." He looked them dead in the eyes, a serious look to his features.

"What is it?" Alyxia inquired, worry on her own face.

"Marshmellows or no marshmellows?"



"Marshmellows, please." Toyo declared.
Koakoa Coacoa, Pt. 3.
Once upon a time, there was nothing.

And then, there was something.

In the endless darkness there came a being called Koa. Koa looked around in the emptiness surrounding them, stretching on for infinity, and decided this was most uncool. So, Koa used their imagination to come up with something to fill this darkness. And thus, the first rock came into being. However, because it was a big black nothing, Koa couldn't see this rock they made, so they decided they'd fix this.

And thus, the first star was made.

Koa kept on creating things, bringing them about with their infinite imagination. However, as the rock became full of green and wet things, Koa realized they were lonely. Time passed in the time before time, and no matter what Koa did with their infinite power to fill the infinite void around them, they couldn't fill the void in themself. For a time, all seemed lost to become most uncool.

Then, one day, a miracle happened.

As Koa sat on their rock of green and wet things, they saw something drifting high above them: Someone else, someone who looked much like they did.

Koa went up to see this new person, and found they were quiet and still, unmoving. Koa looked them up and over, unable to see what was wrong with them, for they were whole and intact. It was not until Koa looked inside that they saw the problem: This other person had no heart.

So, they did the logical thing and tore out their heart to share.

Koa split their heart in two, stuffing one half back into them to heal and leaving the other half to grow anew inside the other person. The second half grew and grew until finally, Koa was no longer alone, and now had their new friend: Koa.

Koa and Koa danced and played and made merry in their garden, but as they did, the second Koa realized that as fun as it was, they wanted to do what Koa one had done and create things. However, in splitting themself in half, Koa realized it was much harder to use their imagination to make things a reality.

They realized in order to continue their infinite fun, they would need tools.

Koa and Koa used their share power to make their new tools. For Koa, a great and most cool instrument was made, for them to pluck harmonies that would weave the chords of creation. Koa, meanwhile, now had a great and mighty brush, to paint the chords and make them solid.

And so together, Koa and Koa painted and sang new things into being: New rocks of green and wet things, sometimes making them white and cold or tan and hot to shake it up, and new suns to make these rocks warm and nice to be at. When they got hungry, they painted big spheres of dairy to dine on, the left overs orbiting their creations and becoming the moons.

After a time, Koa and Koa stood back and appreciated their works, and they were in agreement: It was most good.

However, something was missing, and they were quick to realize what this was: The rocks, no matter the variation, were without people of their own, nobody to play in the waters or sleep under the shade, nobody to warm themselves under the suns or to nibble on the moons. This could not stand, however they knew they would need help to make peoples to fill the sky. They would need people of their own.

So, Koa became Koasith, and Koa became Koathatch, and together they made their children: The Koarrigan. Their children, in turn, made their own children form their own bodies: The Koakoa.

And so the Koakoa went and made all the animals and all the peoples amidst all the stars.

Koasith and Koathatch and their Koarrigan children looked upon all that existed and they agreed: It was cool. Satisfied with their work, they told their Koakoa that they would now go into a deep and long sleep, and leave them to tend to their Creation. As they left, they gave them one, and only one order: Be Good and Excellent to One Another.


"And that is the story of what our dear friend Kevin is." Alyxia and Toyo were silent as they stared at Han. For his part, the monkey man just sipped his mug of hot chocolate like what he had said wasn't anything important.

"That can't be right, right?" Toyo uttered. "Our little Kevin is, what, an actual Demigod?"

"That's the official story, anyway." Han shrugged. "You know how creation myths are, they tend to be either allegorical or dramatizations of how things actually happened." The Wukong then looked the two in the eye each, expression suddenly serious. "But in the simplest, bluntest of terms, yes, the closest way we can describe our little Kevin is a Godling, a member of a race who all share divine qualities."

"It all makes too much sense." Alyxia murmured. "Even if the story itself isn't what actually happened, him being of divine blood-a Godling-.....It all tracks."

"Hold on, aren't Llamas Godlings too?" Toyo piped up.

"They are the descendants the Great Vicguna, yes." Han noted. "Though, they're hardly a problem given their way of life. Closer to God-Beastlings than a normal species of Godlings."

"Wait, hold on, hold on." Toyo piped up. "I have so many questions. Why is Kevin here? Why's he the only one of his kind? Why haven't we heard of these here Koakoa before?" He narrowed his eyes. "What's going on with him?" At that, Han's face fell, a look of sadness over his face.

"That part of the story, I'm afraid, I'm not at liberty to say. That is up to Kevin to tell you, when he feels comfortable and ready to do so. However, I can tell you this much: The Koakoa of the story are not like those of today. Something terrible happened to them, long ago, something terrible that should never have happened. And now all may very well pay the price." Alyxia opened her mouth to ask before shutting it. Han just said he couldn't go into detail and it would have to be Kevin who did so. With that, she glanced at Toyo and the pair looked over at their younger companion.

In the distance, Kevin was cheerfully talking to the Hero, Ling, as they marched towards where Sol's comatose body was being guarded. Beside him was a Llama, unusually short for its kind, and oddly handsome, roughly as tall as Kevin was as the little man conversed idly.

"It'll be up to him if and when he tells you the fate of his people as they are today," Han declared sadly, "But I must stress something to you both." The pair turned to look at Han, who was now giving them both a hard, steely look. "I need you two to promise me something. Something very important." There was something about the look in the laid back monkey's eye, something in his grave tone, that caused the two to instinctively straighten up and listen intently. "No matter what happens, no matter what you learn, I need you two to promise me. Promise me that you will be there for him, that you will still be his friends."

"We promise." Han blinked at the instant response. The complete lack of hesitation that came from the pair and their reply was matched by their own steely, determined looks. A fond smile came over the Wukong's lips.

"You two are a good lot." He said warmly. "It will be my sincerest honor to teach you two as well as my little nephew. Now, drink up, your chocolate's are getting cold." The pair nodded before drinking their beverages. It was the best hot chocolate they'd ever tasted.


[Hey all. Terribly sorry for the delay, but I both was trying to find the right way to convey the Koakoa story right as well as waiting for something to be completed. That something?



Thanks to @Jen for the cover! Hope you all like the cover I had made!]
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I've known Kevin for only 17 minutes but if anything would happen to him I'd kill every single one of you and then myself.

I had the opposite reaction. I though he's a chump w/ no backbone that if not for the kindess of Mortimore would have been cheated of what he's selling

Nevermind he's a shit at sales. The first thing he did was bombared his victim w/ a word vomit about some pitch noone cares besides him. He sold cause its a good deal
Guyial's Notes 1: Terra, Adventurer's and Heroes Intro New
Entry 01

I have been within this reality for some time now, and while I do miss my home, the state it's been left in since the Devastation has yet to subside, even thousands of years later. Better I am here to make meaningful help and change compared to what limited capabilities I can offer back home.

I have already sent an in depth analysis compiled from notes from my team's experiences in this universe to our leaders back home, so I will only spare a quick summation of what we have found in this reality: This is, in my opinion, one of the most peculiar universes we have ever discovered to date. While we require more in depth tools and scientific teams that cannot be spared to research this universe further, we have found that the moons of this universe are made of cheese.


We had to pool our collective Aetherwork powers, my team and I, to confirm this wasn't some dream realm of a mad, sleeping god. It is not. The implications that this universe is somehow naturally occurring with such an odd feature as this is something I'm sure dimensional researchers would love to learn about once things settle down back home.

The next major point of interest is the inhabitants of this reality. Most species here are, in terms of power, Godlings, Mortal beings with power and abilities far beyond the realms of Mortal life for most universes as to be demigods either through natural process or through training and flourishing their power. Uncommon, but not unheard of, and not the first encounter we've had with such a universe. But I digress.

Having said all of this, I have been spending most of my time here on a world the locals call 'Terra', a distant backwater compared to the rest of the dominant civilizations in this reality. For the best, I say, the typical problems with a universe of Godlings plague these stars: Fighting for dominance, power, control, superiority. Compared to all that, Terra is unique in several regards. While worlds teeming with many different races are not uncommon, especially in my home universe, this world is distinct as being seemingly the only one of its kind in this one, the other worlds rarely having more than one, a maximum count of three, distinct naturally occurring species having been found.

This world also has most of its Mortals start out at a level of power most conventional universes do with theirs, 'weak' by the standards of its home universe, but with a distinct potential to grow exponentially in power as a form of self-improving Godling species'.

There are two organizations created to regulate, train, and oversee these developing Godlings who choose to increase their powers. The starting organization is 'The Adventurer's Guild', a name so common I find in my travels as to be painfully droll to my ears. Despite their lackluster name, the Guild is where most developing Godlings start out, choosing from a number of different 'paths' to which hone and develop their abilities down specific mystical routes of capabilities. The Bards, for example, can create mystical effects by playing music, their instruments becoming conduits from which they affect the world. Brewmasters, meanwhile, create enchanted brews of both impeccable taste and heartening abilities to imbue their drinkers with incredible power for short duration.

There are dozens of such Paths, each with their own unique and distinct power sets, with Adventurer parties banding together to cover each other's weaknesses in their journeys. Adventurers' have the important task of keeping 'Monsters', entities borne of Terra's magical leylines going awry to create semi-sentient masses of hostile elemental power. Low level monsters are the most common of such beasts, and the main task of Adventurer's is to keep their numbers culled and controlled. If Monsters survive too long, they can metamorphose into Divine Beasts, at which point they are too powerful for even the strongest Adventurer group to handle.

This is where the Heroes come in. On another level of power from the strongest of Adventurers, and indeed recruited from those Adventurers who breach through a set ceiling for Adventuring operations, Heroes are full on demigods, beings imbued with the divine spark that sets apart Godlings from normal Mortals. As such, with their incredible power, Heroes are ranked and judged based on the 'Level' of power they currently reside within, the highest levels of which blur the line between a Godling from an actual, proper divinity.

Natural disasters, Divine Beasts, and on rare occasions hostile invasions from foreign entities and powers are what Heroes are expected to deal with. A heft responsibility, not all Heroes can take the pressure and it is not unheard of for mental breaks to occur, which is often grounds for retirement and power restrictions to be placed upon them to avoid them accidentally destroying the very lands and peoples they are meant to protect. Some rare instances occur, however, of Heroes 'falling', becoming part of the menagerie of threats their kind are expected to deal with in order to protect their world against devastation.

There is an ranking system in place that separates the different tiers of Adventurers and Heroes of their capabilities, but that is for another time. I am due for a regular update meeting with my team soon so I will have to end my notes here for now. I will leave on this note, however, that for all its dangers, this Terra is a world of beauty and wonder. In fact, I am hoping to convince my sister to allow me to take my nephew here for his training. Even with the perils, it is still in a better, safer state than back home for young Gamil.

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