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[RPG] Kingmaker - New Hope

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What? Never saw an elf before?
Jun 24, 2018
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Welcome, my players. Welcome to the world of Golorian. A planet filled with creatures mythical or mystic, good and evil, humane and otherwise. Though, you all already know. This game in particular has been run on Roll20 for several months now, we're switching to Play by Post with occasional real time session.

So then, what is the present situation? What are you all doing right now?

Well, after your exile in all but name from normal civilization, the party has been spending most of its time at the Outpost. A fort constructed years ago that was meant only to be the first step of taming the Stolen Lands. Rather poorly designed, given the players' immediate reaction upon learning what the fort looks like from the official art. Something about compost pits and well being too close to each other.

Ah well. Yes, you're at the fort. Present situation is looking hopeful, maybe,

You have a group of 20 ish NPCs that survived under the rule of the Stag Lord, a bandit king of the Stolen Lands that seems to have an extensive education in necromancy. They're rather high strung right now, rarely having a chance to relax and cool down since their freedom. This has something to do with a player character and her present desires of food.

There's a set of twin lumberjacks and moonshiners. Very, very loud and vocal about anything and everything. Drunk it seems all the time and rarely without a fresh barrel of moonshine. Bad news about these humans? They have the intelligence score of 5, none of you are sure how they even make moonshine half the time.

The Outpost itself is a work in progress. You've started expanding the walls along the east and northern sides, laying the starting foundation for the palisade thanks to the player character that scares the NPCs and another player character that loves any physical activity. At present rate, the wall expansions should take two to three weeks to finish. You have a small stock of fresh cut trees right now, the nearby forests are several hours away at shortest. The occasional deer for food, along with a supply of herbs and weeds and wild plants harvested - you also have a supply of owlbear jerky and meats being prepared. Stone and clay is around, though in low quality and nothing that would be truly feasible for building with.

Ah, right. You also have the start for a small bathhouse and an indoor kitchen that you're labeling a tavern until you get some more room and NPCs. Each will take a day or two more then the walls, supposing you all get enough raw lumber and the outpost's normal residents don't suffer heart attacks. Mhmm. I think that is everything as the new well is likely to be part of the bathhouse? See the map on roll20 for the present look of the Outpost.

Am I missing anything? Are you missing anything? What shall each of you do and how much time spent upon it? Will the group ever finish scouting around the outpost? Will the party ever scout the hexes beyond the three they have? Well, I don't know, this is a game focused upon player choice~ May the switch to PbP be successful!
Hotuko, Happerry, PaiRho

Firuga of House Firebloom is a harsh taskmistress.

Such was only natural for a noble elven princess, or actually any who would claim descend from the kings of old. Clad in armor and wielding weapons that were literally ancient beyond belief, she cut the very image of a noble lady, one who led and directed from the very front.

Which was why she directed the harvesting of trees. Made sure the logs were cut to specification.

That the poor clay that could be found was harvested. True, she would have preferred better quality material, but needs must... and even the most base of materials could be used, clay and mud shaped with water and baked by the sun and then fire. To be used as the building blocks of the exterior of the bath house, to serve as support for the wooden walls.
Grakul Dryadson is more then willing to aid this harvest, seeking to free up the resources to make that Tavern he's been wanting to make after the walls are put up, in hopes it will help win the loyalty of the fortfolk with free or at least cheap and avaliable drinkies.

"But also, I think we should explore the surrounding land more. That is theoretically our job after all." He adds as people talk of what they'd like to be doing,
OoC: Two of my players talked to me and asked for progress, asked for a time skip to see the outpost grow and expand. None of my other players have really said anything and I've given them a week because of work and general laziness to speak up. No one else has spoken. Time to expand, time for progress, time to play some Catan! Bye bye, see you all after I trade away all my sheep.

A single month is a long time anywhere, a single month spent focused upon construction and general guidance of an outpost populated by five handfuls of people could be considered a torment. But under the guidance of the elf princess Firuga, the small outpost has expanded to the point of where it has nearly doubled in size. The walls have been erected, the shafts of lumber pounded into the ground, tied together, covered in muds and clays and the base of each wall covered in stone. The tavern, little more then a building with some storage, tables, an area set aside for a kitchen later on, and few barrels of moonshine, stands in the eastern section of the new walled area. A hole in the wall type place where the locals take comfort within, hopefully away from the lamia that terrifies them yet. A stone's throw distance from the lumberjack brew, is the bathhouse. Standing and looking little more then a wooden house, is the bathhouse and covered well. Several tubs of clay, wooden screens, closed rooms, and some plumbing. Water tastes cleaner, for those that don't auto cast cleansing magics.

Now what of the stil? What of a means of producing the alcohol that the outpost may require or need? Well, the lumberjacks have built that 200 feet from the southward facing gate and put up a few signs declaring the area around it to be hazardous to anyone that loathes moon shine. Fortunately, you've only heard one explosion from the shack so far. The lumberjacks loudly blame each other for weeks over that.

But what of the local area? What has been happening during that month? By the luck of dice rolled in private, there's been only a single encounter. On Day 23 of the time skip, a patrol of Restovian soldiers have come by. The group of 20 strong troops each carry tales of zombie deer watching them in the early morning lights and they've mentioned finding boot track prints, recent prints, on the old roads and grasslands both ahead and behind them.

Did the soldiers have any goods for trade? Any gifts for those that are to claim and build and explore the Stolen Lands? Yes and no. The patrol's captain had a necklace of silver wire with strips of copper plates tied around it for sale. An amulet of natural armor +1, those with magic could immediately identify. As for gifts, the soldiers dropped off 30 packets of rations, ten long spears, five short bows, and one hundred arrows. Well, at least next time, Restov will know that you've gotten the outpost going. Perhaps merchants or building materials will follow once the patrol returns.
After a real time session. The party has finished exploring a hex, marking it off as explored and what's there as known!

Moon Radish Patch hex! A spicy radish that, if allowed to aged, can make the eater drunk.

In Mler's arms, there's a knocked out kobold (saved at -5 HP) sorcerer that the party already knows can do Cold type Burning Hands. Who knows how that's going end - well, the GM is betting lamia food.

But still, what will the party do next? What is their next course of action? Will they explore the kobold farming den or will they leave and do something else?
But still, what will the party do next? What is their next course of action? Will they explore the kobold farming den or will they leave and do something else?
Exploration of the Den can be done in PbP thread and not just in game? @_@
If the players want to, I have no issue. Game is slow enough as is.
Mler's holding up the wet, burt, crushed, broken thing she got handed.. "ew... guys what you do to this?"
"Well... it's up to you if you want to cook it and eat it or keep it as a pet. Your own little pet lizard. You could name him George, and hug him and pet him and squeeze him." There was a stoic look on the elf princess' face as she spoke to M'ler, before she turned about to look at the cavern that they were in.
The lamia huffs, putting one hand on her hip. Kinda showing off how the ice and wind attack ripped up the silk skirting she normally has. "Didn't one of you want to make a deel with it or something..? Or else i'll just get rid of it"
The cavern looks to be dug out, small claw marks, chisel marks, and hammer strikes decorate the walls and cliff face. Though the roof looks a tad more natural, albeit with a lack of stalactites. There's two smaller tunnels, above the cavern's cliff, small enough for kobolds to easily use and just barely large enough for an adventurer to squeeze through should it be desired. Or perhaps the elf princess is looking at the wall that's covered to kobold high with the various hand woven crates, filled with what looks to be radishes of various sizes but the same type.
It's obvious what needed to be done... kill monsters, get loot... that was the key formula for adventurers, tried and true. Radishes in various crates, such a treasure for the outpost. Food stocks are always valuable.

Which left the small matter of the other entrances. She peered into the smaller tunnels to see how far they went and more importantly, if they appeared booby trapped.

Mler nibbles that lazy elf she's sharing breakfast with since nothing else is going on. (question mark)
Alright. A summary of the last session of the game as I annoyed my players to actually play and post with some relative speed!

The party finished up with the kobold warrens, leaving the crates of harvested radish alone for the moment. Mostly because the party was in no mood to deal with any traps that they hadn't found or triggered on their way through the tunnels. Who knew that rogues did such a valuable service?

The next day, the party went on exploring the Stolen Lands, this time taking the open plains over any forests or areas that kobolds or trap predators may lair. Perhaps a mistaken idea, as the party found a field of fresh and old bone laying about openly hidden by the prairie grass. Quite a grisly sight that almost caused the party's rogue type character to trip and fall face first into the pile of bone. After some investigation and knowledge checks, the party confirmed this area to be the deed of only one kind of horribleness, only one kind of horror that makes even the strongest of men scream in pure fright.

Spiders. Giant spiders the likely size of horses.

The party made for a quick retreat to the north, walking through the field of bones while hoping that they would not have to deal with giant spiders. They even gave a prayer that the giant spider wasn't a trapdoor spider. Sadly, it was a trapdoor spider. It did cause the grizzled barbarian like man to scream like a little girl. It did cause the party to immediately cast or attack with their strongest abilities. And sadly, the party won every single init. The spider went splat. And then the party harvested the corpse to dine upon it during the night.

I openly question the sanity of the elf Firuga who claimed spider legs are just thicker crab legs. And the less said about lamias eating spider corpses raw, the better.

The next day found the party in a new hex of wilderness, a new chance for exploration and hope for something that isn't going try to kill them. And they found a sod hut, complete with a garden. Inhabitanted by an old ma, a very old man with a tongue as fast as a chipmunk. Very hyper, very mad, the party's northerner got some information, got some side quests. They also learned that this old man is a caster type, that makes potions up to the third circle of arcane magics. And that he is more or less on the look out for his brother who murdered their mother and his wife.

Ah well. The session ended soon after, with the lamia cuddling Firuga and the men of the group just staring unsure at the hermit like caster with a tongue that shoot off questions and answers faster then a town crier. What will the party do now? Will they buy any potions? Will they run away from the old man? Will they continue to explore the Stolen Lands or take the hermits's words to heart and go find a monster to be eaten by?
Mler is a good cuddler, the best cuddler. She's been trained in cuddling and has a high IQ of cuddling. Don't be delicious err jealous .
The elf simply settles for taking notes on what the clearly madden magic user said that he would like and could sell... because it's best to let senile old men with far too much magic to talk and behave as they would and not get their attention in a negative manner.
Mler stretches out and bounces, doing quite a lot with the shear dancers top of hers.
Mler looks wound and wonders where ever one went.
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