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Big Red Disclaimer: I support none of the ideologies in this story. I do not support the extreme...
Dec 24, 2015
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Big Red Disclaimer: I support none of the ideologies in this story. I do not support the extreme actions depicted by this story.

This edition does not contain explicit gore and mass murder.

I write in snippets.


The year is year 437 in the Large Magellanic Calendar, 169 in the Astarian Reich Calendar and 7 in the USSR Calendar, the calendar era also known as the "Era of Gretchen." Three powers, the Isles-Hexagon Union, the Astaran Reich and the Union of Soviet Space Republics are locked inside a diplomatic nightmare, with the democratic and free Isle-Hexagon Union and the fascist Astaran Reich stuck in an unshakeable stalemate, favouring the latter, while the increasingly authoritarian socialist behemoth that is the Union of Soviet Space Republics continues to consolidate its new sphere of influence amidst a series of internal purges and alongside a program of rapid economic expansion and armament despite being in a state of diplomatic and economic isolation. Across the Andromedian Void, the Federal Republic of Andromeda, a former colony of the Kingdom of the Isles, scrutinises the balance of power with increasing anxiety and paranoia, although this might very well change in the near future.

Underneath all of this grand political conflict however, is a history that stretches back for countless millennia. Unsettled and disturbed by the demonic rise of the humanity-led USSR and that very rise's terrible true nature, the Messengers of Magic, the Incubators, have since erased all stellar navigation charts to their country and ceased diplomatic relations with the Astaran Reich, the Union and Andromeda, as if to retreat from the vengeful gaze of the Union of Soviet Space Republics, whose influence constantly expands to sabotage not only the interests of the Incubators, but also their other xeno associates, affiliates and partners, in the name of a intergalactic-scale class struggle against "kulaks" and other "bourgeois enemies of working sentience". The Incubators, senior power of the Virgo Supercluster, former benefactors of the Union and Andromeda are nowhere to be seen as the Milky Way edges closer daily to a full-blown intergalactic war.

This is the Legend of Galactic Gretchen, a story of a figurehead who is too powerless to stop the chaos around her.
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Chapter 1.1

In the week system of Large Magellanic Calendar, it was Second Day out of a week 10 days. Historically, on every Second Day, it was customary for the elected representatives of the Kingdom of the Isles to to meet at Parliament, to discuss matters currently at hand and to press questions onto the government's cabinet. With the recent emergency incorporation of the Republic of Hexagonia into the the Isle-Hexagon Union, the representatives of the former republic began to follow this custom too, whereas before this, it would've been Seventh Day for them. Matters of what day the two Parliaments were seated on now set aside, right now, the Parliament of the Isle-Hexagon Union was convening. Connections to servers spread all over their Net active and the Speaker having taken the chair, the digitized representatives of both constituent countries were now barking and whining at each other, all of them, despite or maybe because of the direness of the situation, waiting for the opportunity to cut their political rivals down.

"...furthermore, I would like to ask this of our Prime Minister: What measures have been taken to ensure the survival of our homefront? Rationing of electricity seems to be at an all time low, however, there doesn't seem to be much progress on turning back the Astarians at Lothringen Starzone."

In response to this question, an orchestra of jeering and hissing of the representatives in government started, reverberating across parliament to the opposition, who replied in kind. Thus, it was the role of the Speaker to intervene.

"Order! Order!" More quickly than the burst of an atomic gun, the House settled. That the Speaker belonged to the political party in government probably probably ensured that the jeering government backbench would become silent faster than otherwise.

With silence by his side, pm-cj-540 responded: "Lothringen Starzone, as I'm sure you should know, is the cosmographic lynchpin of the rest of our Union's defence."

bb-gk-278, the parliamentarian asking the question, snapped back, "But Minister, if we all starve, the whole nation is going to collapse anyway, isn't it?"

Yet again the government's backbench jeered and yet again the Speaker silenced them.

"One could make the argument that the Astarians are going to starve us anyway if they decide to commandeer our resources, should they achieve victory, isn't that true?"

Ignoring the banter on the other side of the House of Representatives, bb-gk-278 pressed onwards "But as it stands, the extreme demoralization of scarcity makes us increasingly vulnerable to other threats."

At first, pm-cj-540 was going to balk in curiosity at what bb-gk-278 was going on about, but then the thought of that other rapidly expanding nation of thugs came to mind.

"I understand the angle that is being approached here, however, there hasn't been any indication whatsoever..."

The ringing of a email notification disturbed Question Time. It came from bb-xi-345's direction and quite a disapproving glare came from the Speaker.

"For the whatever-it-is-eth time, could Representatives in the House disable their notifications?"

bb-xi-345, the owner of the device in question, could not help but to continue galking at the holoscreen.

"Our Varsovian allies are under attack!"

"Of course they're under attack. That's what started this whole war!" Another backbencher yelled, as if bb-xi-345 was an idiot.

"The USSR is invading them!"

"Damn Gretchenists!"

It was to be a day of uproar in Parliament that amounted to nothing.
Chapter 1.2.1

Located on the nexus of the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds, the Magellanic Stream was essentially a connecting stream of gas that enabled rapid travel to and from the Milky Way and the Clouds. Straddling both sides of the Stream was the spacefaring nation Varsovia, an ancient nation with a history of electoral politics and and open government. Previously oppressed for centuries by old Magellanic and Milky Way empires alike, those powers colluding at times, Varsovia rose again after the Great Galactic War of decades past. There was to be a new golden era for Varsovia or at least its eager resurgent citizens thought that.

The atomic bombardment of the planet Velun, on the Magellanic side of the Stream would shatter this illusion to pieces.

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