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[RPG] [Log Horizon] Faceplanting right into the Database OOC thread


Getting sticky.
Jul 24, 2018
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Since at least one player has expressed the desire/need for one, here it is.

Ask and comment away.
Would love to play as beefy Monk class

Pick name, race, class (Monk I guess :) ), sub-class and write a description. That's basically the minimum. Ideally, if you produce a character sheet similar to the many examples on the main thread, it'd be great.

Once done, post the sheet here for me to go over, make sure it's all fine and then write you into the scene.
Pick name, race, class (Monk I guess :) ), sub-class and write a description. That's basically the minimum. Ideally, if you produce a character sheet similar to the many examples on the main thread, it'd be great.

Once done, post the sheet here for me to go over, make sure it's all fine and then write you into the scene.



Name: (RL) Mada, (Avatar) Rahman
Race: Ritian
Class: Monk (Pesilat), wields Kris

A martial art, & action movie enthusiast that got pulled into that latest MMO craze by his college friends Mada decides to make a build that suits his favoured genre. He was inspired by a Wuxia film trilogy and thus based his character on what the game provides,
Works and certainly unusual in Elder Tales. (Ritians are usually used as spellcasters because they take a hit on hitpoints)

I'll post you in.
I don't remember if there was anything weird with summons aside from burst summons potentially sticking around longer, so I left off the result of my attempt.
The Golem summon is basically about summoning a tank that'll last for a bit.

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