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Log Horizon [Fate-System]

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『Back In Black』
Feb 19, 2013
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So this is just a thread to see who might possibly be interested in participating in it, which looks likely given the IRC conversations.

Just three important things to understand:
  • I am looking for four to five players maximum. Please note this is not first come first serve - I reserve the right to pick the players if we get more then I am looking for.
  • I am looking for people who are fluent in either [a version of] Fate itself, or have knowledge of one or more other systems, and can pick up new systems relatively quickly.
  • If and when we reach a point where we get comfortably into the swing of things, and this has been going for a month or two, might be willing to handle GMing, passing it along round-robin style, down the line.

If you want to play, please say so here and give a quick blurb about your experiences with the system if you have them, or what sort of systems you have mastered in the past.
I may or may not join. I'll investigate the Fate system and Log Horizon, neither of which I have experience with. However, I do pick up systems rather quickly. Basically, if you need another person, I'm tentatively interested.
Why not?

I only have one experience with Fate-like system before. One or two Fudges.

Typically plays 3.5e, 4e, and PF. Used to like d20 Modern and derivates.
Have a bit of experience with GURPS, a lot more with Mutants and Masterminds.
Played a couple of OWoDs, learned but never played NWoD.
One or two Shadowruns.

Tried out Dark Heresy, but the group petered out when our very first investigation ran into a suped-up assassin-thing that massacred half the group with very little trouble.

Wants to try out Dungeons: the Dragoning so bad.

+ponders if he should list out the obscure ones+
Oh, right, we're doing the listy thing.
  1. DFRPG
  2. FReD
  3. D&D 3.x
  4. Pathfinder
  5. C:tD
  6. W:tA
  7. V:tM
  8. H:tR
  9. M:tA(c)
  10. C:tL
  11. Scion
  12. Adventures Dark And Deep
  13. RISUS
  14. D20 Modern
  15. 13th Age
  16. Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game
  17. Cat
  18. Penny for my Thoughts
  19. Monsterhearts
  20. Serenity RPG
I could continue but I won't unless asked.

Last time I played DFRPG I was a doctor from a long line of wizards who became a surgeon and then, after an uncontrolled hexing nearly killed one of his patients, gave in to his family's wishes and compromised by learning Biomancy first.
I am so up for this that I may need to be moved to the NSFW section before a child sees me and asks their mother awkward questions.
*raise hand*
You have my gem, Honored GM.
Sounds le awesome.
I may or may not join. I'll investigate the Fate system and Log Horizon, neither of which I have experience with. However, I do pick up systems rather quickly. Basically, if you need another person, I'm tentatively interested.
Any luck with your research?
Why not?

I only have one experience with Fate-like system before. One or two Fudges.

Typically plays 3.5e, 4e, and PF. Used to like d20 Modern and derivates.
Have a bit of experience with GURPS, a lot more with Mutants and Masterminds.
Played a couple of OWoDs, learned but never played NWoD.
One or two Shadowruns.

Tried out Dark Heresy, but the group petered out when our very first investigation ran into a suped-up assassin-thing that massacred half the group with very little trouble.

Wants to try out Dungeons: the Dragoning so bad.

+ponders if he should list out the obscure ones+
Those are fine :)

Pending responses to asked questions this may end up going ahead.
If I get this correctly, we each need:

- Aspects: What defines your character (3-5)
-- High Concept: Who your character is, can give bonuses and complications
-- Trouble: Your character's flaw, will almost always bring your character trouble
-- Other: Various other Aspects of your character (1-3)

- Approaches: Your stats, pick one at Good (+3), two at Fair (+2), two at Average (+1), and one at Mediocre (+0)
-- Careful: Diligent, Patient, Enduring, Perceptive
-- Clever: Quick-wit, Intelligent, Quick-thinking
-- Flashy: Loud, Eye-Catching, Shock-and-Awe, Distracting
-- Forceful: Strong, Powerful, Intimidating,
-- Quick: Fast, Agile, Quick-Reflexes, Limber
-- Sneaky: Stealthy, Silver-Tongue, Inconspicuous

- Stunt: Something akin to a combination of Aspect and Approach, gives you bonus on quite specific actions

EDIT: Uh, wait, Fate Core or Fate Accelerated? This one is Fate Accel.
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So, not too much experience in many different systems, but I've at least played through a PF game and am currently playing 5e d&d, at least familiar with oWoD and I do pick up systems pretty quickly, if you're still looking for players I'm more than interested in joining.
Okay so here is the details I have worked out:

We are going to be using Fate Core for our text, for the system .

This is going to be our primary resource: http://fate-srd.com/

It is basically the entire Fate Core text in a searchable website form. It is perfectly legal due to the source being freely distributable and thus not warez for any of you who are legally-inclined.

The book itself is available for free via the publisher here at: http://www.evilhat.com/home/fate-core-downloads/

My player count is as follows
  1. theweepingman
  2. Bailey Matutine
  3. abyssmal_kismet
  4. Grosstoad
  5. Berserkslash
Which is five players and exactly what I am looking for.

The next step we have before us is deciding which setting we are in, in the setting of Log Horizon.

Do you guys want to play in Western Europe? Japan (where most of the canon shenanigans are)? America?

Please talk amongst yourselves and figure out where you want to be, so I can start plotting planning, k? :)

Finally, I would appreciate it if you were to start tossing around your character's High Concept and Trouble aspects - if you don't know what those are, please refer to either the website I linked above, or the PDF.
Hmm. For trouble, it'd be Commitment Issues. For High Concept, well, it'd depend on what role I'll take in the group. I'd like to see the other High Concept first before making mine.
Eh, come to think about it, Impulsive don't define character, sooo:

High Concept: Cautious Sorceress
Trouble: Commitment Issues
Thinking something along the lines of:
High Concept: The Mad Sprinkler
Trouble: Easily Distracted
Also, about place, where do we want to start? Standard Japan?
Or Standard US? Or the more rare Europe?

(There will be no South-East Asian Server...)
Cool, I'm in then. Would prefer Western Europe, with America as a more distant second.

High Concept: Nerdy Admirer of Swords
Trouble: Arrogant Cowardice
Doesn't matter particularly much to me where we are, because my high concept is going to be Awakened AI Craftswoman with a trouble of Am I Real?
All the rest of you are trapped players. I'm not.
Okay, so it does seem to confirm that at least one NPC has become an adventurer.

Wanna discuss exactly how this happened with me and what that means over IRC?

Because I know that I want my Trouble to have something to do with my identity as a Lander who is also an Adventurer.
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