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There are once in a while moments in which different choices would have changed your life around...


Versed in the lewd.
May 11, 2015
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There are once in a while moments in which different choices would have changed your life around , if you had hurried a little more or perhaps said yes instead of no.

Or it might be not so small a change after all. Maybe you needed to surpass your limits, perchance one last time, in order to save them uncaring of the consequences, or see this flawed world and think perfect tools don't exist so you'll make do with flawed ones...

Who knows?

But first who are you:

[] If you are lucky your cover is intact and this cluster fuck will not start a second Shinobi war.

Inhale, exhale those are basis of most of your jutsus. Inhale

The one on your left is beginning performing hand seals his red mismatched sleeve covering some of the motions as it flaps while his companion wheezes as the blood fills his pierced chest the mask he wears a little tilted from when you had thrown him, your tanto lodged in him. Two to one at last.

There is a wince as the hole where your right eye used to be drips blood into the stones.

[] The sky is crying again,it often does in this land that has seen so much blood spilled into her ground.

Your wrists chafe in the manacles while you try with all your might to make your chakra flow in any shape at all.
Shouting at them to leave you here to survive Have to do something anything,the presence on your back worse that the kunai that is against your throat but the Salamander seems more interested in what is happening down the slope.

You shove back the edge a hot line of pain against your skin.

If you cant use chakra you might as well use blood.

[] There is a quiet agony in your neck.

He as asked you to leave with him and the first thing that comes to your mind is to say yes.
The feelings of gratitude you have for your teacher should not make you consider betraying your Hokage as your first thoughtless choice.

He has grown distant,well more distant really,on the rumors that plague the village and...

You will say no, you will not betray that which you love the village that has been kind and given so much to you.

Your neck still trows and you started that test with nine other people.

Your hand snaps to the seal,what is is really keeping you here except the oath you swore. No ninja clan,not even family.

What little keept Orochimaru sensei here either left or will do so again on a whim disappearing for years only to return randomly it seems.

And if you don´t will there be anyone that will say no to him?

[] The footsteps are fading quickly from the room the mercenaries that don´t even deserve to be called ronin and your employer leaving your master temporary hideout.

The distrust you have for the short businessman may color your next thought a bit but

Maybe you should follow them?

Hatake Kakashi should be still recovering as well and you doubt that three genins could find this place and best the Demon of the mist even if they have probed to be inventive opponents.

But master Zabuza is still recovering and if he was ambushed by those Konoha shinobis while you were away.

The voice cuts through your thoughts and you sigh.

"It is just a bad feeling"

Hi there Ladies Gentlemen and Tentacle monsters (or none of the above but why would you choose not to be an eldrich abomination is beyond me) I somewhat proudly present this mountain of thrash.

Its the first time I try to do a quest so any advice or criticism is always welcome.

Kind of want to get into the habit of writing again for the first time in years ad this seems like a fun way to do it. If this piques your interest I'm sorry t say that I'm quite the slow writer especially on a keyboard curse my clumsy and inelegant spidery fingers.

About rules well just follow forum rules and be polite.

Also should we use dice? Still not decided on it but well not using them lets you at my tender mercies instead of those of the dice goods and I my yearly sacrifice quota has already been fulfilled while TDG take dem souls all year round...
Haku Yuki

Ninjutsu: 3.5

Taijutsu: 1

Genjutsu: 1

Intelligence: 4

Strength: 1.5

Speed: 4

Stamina: 2

Hand seals: 4

Chakra 600/600



- Sensatsu Suishō: Haku creates a series of water needles surrounding his foes that are launched toward the enemy after leaping backwards to evade the crossfire.

Chakra cost: 20 (10 if you use water that is already available)

- Hyōgan Dōmu : You freeze the air around and form an ice dome capable of withstanding a great deal of punishment.

Chakra cost: 80

- Makyō Hyōshō :You surround your opponent in a dome of 21 mirrors which show only you reflection, you can move at great speeds between mirrors appearing to attack simultaneously from them. Sadly the speed of thee travel within mirrors reduced when tired.
Can also make mirrors individually or in other formations for almost instantaneous movement between reflections.

Chakra cost: 10 per mirror(2 per minute) so the full dome formation would cost 210 chakra and take a maintenance cost of 40 per minute


Silent killing:As the name suggests, this technique is simply a very quiet method of killing an opponent, usually you use senbon at a distance. Additionally, because the user moves silently, the attack is hard to anticipate and defended against
+to attacks from hiding or under the cover of vision impairing effects(mist, dust...)
+to sneaking

Anatomic knowledge:posses great deal of knowledge about pressure points and weak points in the human body you are skilled enough to put people in a near death state from a distance with senbon.

Kindhearted: Sadly you find it difficult to kill another person. Normally you can kill your heart and do it anyway but against civilians or fresh wet behind the ears genins this task is even more daunting.

One handed handseals:can perform some techniques with only one hand

Zabuza Momochi The demon of the mist.

Ninjutsu: 4.5

Taijutsu: 4.5

Genjutsu: 2.5

Intelligence: 3

Strength: 4

Speed: 4

Stamina: 4

Hand seals: 4

Chakra 300/2800

Precious person: this ally has your unwavering loyalty,you will do anything to help then achieve their dream.

Wounded:Is curantly bedridden and recovering, it should take a week but maybe he could make an earlier return to heath.



- Water clone: it creates clones that made out of water. these clones are only one-tenth of the original person's strength .

Chakra cost: 10 per clone (5 with water nearby)

-Water dragon jutsu:shapes a large amount of water into a dragon, which hits the opponent. Size and power of the technique depend on the skill of the user.

Chakra cost 200/150(if there is a large enough amount of water present)

-Great waterfall jutsu:This technique extends water over a large scale, surges and rises up to several dozens of metres high. Then it streams down to the ground in one big cascade, much like a gigantic waterfall.
needs a large amount of water present

Chakra cost 600(can not be reduced)

- Water prision jutsu: technique is used to trap a victim inside a physically inescapable sphere of water. The only downside to this technique is that the user must keep at least one arm inside the sphere at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned.

Chakra cost 100 (80 with water nearby) +10 pres second

- Kirigakure no Jutsu:this technique is a staple of Kiri the users envelops the area in mist, either made from is mouth in case of a adept practitioner or with the help of a nearby water source.

Chaka cost 20/5 per minute


Silent killing:As the name suggests, this technique is simply a very quiet method of killing an opponent, usually with a big slab of metal he calls sword or a kunai from their back. Furthermore, because the user moves silently, the attack is hard to anticipate and defended against.
+to attacks from hiding or under the cover of vision impairing effects(mist, dust...)
+to sneaking

-Kubikiribōchō: One of the sword of the Seven swordsmen of the Mist. It can repair itself by drinking the blood of his enemies so as long as the owner keeps bathing the sword in blood this blade will never suffer any irreparable damage.

-Kenjutsu: one of the most skilled swordmen in the world need i say more
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[] If you are lucky your cover is intact and this cluster fuck will not start a second Shinobi war.
Sakumo Hatake
[] The sky is crying again,it often does in this land that has seen so much blood spilled into her ground.
[] There is a quiet agony in your neck.
[X] The footsteps are fading quickly from the room the mercenaries that don´t even deserve to be called ronin and your employer leaving your master temporary hideout.
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The last three are quite easy even outright spelled out.

Alas the first one is not the awesome White Fang, ten years too war too soon AZA.(not taht you could tell but hey Mb)
Also from what the wiki tells me it was a clusterfuck In a village called kakero in the Land of th mountains that started it
Tell you what prize too the one that guesses it.

Edit Eh it seems that kakashi father was more involved in the second war that i thought.
Thats what happens for not watching good filler you dont get to nab the good ideas.

And now i kinda wish i had made the 1 one sakumo(any sakumo quets out there?)

PD Sacrifices one of the fair maidens on its laboratory for godly edit powah worth it every time
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[X] The footsteps are fading quickly from the room the mercenaries that don´t even deserve to be called ronin and your employer leaving your master temporary hideout.
The last three are quite easy even outright spelled out.

Alas the first one is not the awesome White Fang, ten years too war too soon AZA.(not taht you could tell but hey Mb)
Also from what the wiki tells me it was a clusterfuck In a village called kakero in the Land of th mountains that started it
Tell you what prize too the one that guesses it.

Edit Eh it seems that kakashi father was more involved in the second war that i thought.
Thats what happens for not watching good filler you dont get to nab the good ideas.

And now i kinda wish i had made the 1 one sakumo(any sakumo quets out there?)

PD Sacrifices one of the fair maidens on its laboratory for godly edit powah worth it every time
Was it Genno or Torifu Akimichi?
[X] There is a quiet agony in your neck

Anko is a really interesting character and I would like to see a quest that uses her as the protagonist. While Anko is common in fanfics and quests she is rarely the protagonist or a key viewpoint character. I would love to examine the story of Anko as a missing nin or loyal minion of Orochimaru.
[X] The footsteps are fading quickly from the room the mercenaries that don´t even deserve to be called ronin and your employer leaving your master temporary hideout.
Not genno or torifu either sorry.

Looks at last post sees mistakes like kakero village instead of kagero or the fact that the second war started not from that incident like i asumned after skiming the wiki but from territorial tensions that made the hiddend villages go in a series of alliances after the wounds that the countries had been dealt in the first war 20 years before were healed.

(And that superfluous war that i forgot to erase grr)

It seems that this batch of nubile virgins had a defect somewhere, the fenomenal cosmic powers don´t seem to work as advertized.

Edit: Also yep a loyal to Orochimaru Anko traveling with him and Kabuto its a fun premise.

Her and the glasses being exhasperated because that damn snake Orochimaru-sama can´t stay on path always drifting when something piques his interest.

Orichimaru shear charisma that just keeps bringing in people that only wish to fly and saying ill make you wings.

The thing startes as a series of laboratories but no its a vllage now because our leader cant stay on track and keeps picking up interesting strays, by it last of the kaguya war orphans or mediocre missing nin.

And if you can make your hilariously sociopath teacher care about that, not at just a colection of minions and test subjets but as a village that belong to him?

It could be great.
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[X] If you are lucky your cover is intact and this cluster fuck will not start a second Shinobi war.

Huh. Danzo Quest could be fun.
[X] There is a quiet agony in your neck

Anko helping start up a ninja village sounds fun.
Yeah it is and so i dont unfairly put to much weigth in only one option I´m going to share some info on the other two options that have already been revealed.

- The haku one is the one that starts more or less on the canon timeline and what buterfles you can make are limited in scope but you get the missing nin life.

Also you can go to help with the Mist civil war if you go there and the rumors reach you .

Its one of the two pathe where shipping is more free if that is your thing, want to get a crush on cute little Naruto post timeskip when hes all grown up you can try that. Zabuza reaction tho he would be quite amused I imagine xD

Sadly i would suck at actually writting romance but everything is a learning chance as my granpa used to say not really.

- In the other the ame trio manage to survive the ambush,ata price maybe nagato legs still get wrecked maybe not but well konan is on chacra restraining manacles and geting out of those when hanzo is watching is not without its insane risks but hey if you can out of there alive you only have to evade the extremely paranoid Ame ninjas while recovering and trying to get Akatsuki up and running again.

But hey think positive Yahiko is alive and that means that nagato and konan dont go into depression because well OUR BOyFRIEND IS DEAD the world is a incredibly shithy place...

But if you manage to go anf finally take over the country after killing hanzo the nex target are all the major hidden villages
And its not like you have a persistent madman tryng to get you all to the darker side or anything

Sadly nobody as guessed the only dificult one but the only thing that can solve more messes not related to teh buny goddes is a crack pairing.

Votes will close sometime tomorow ill give a 4 to 5 hour varming period xD
And celeritas guessed it (should read more carefully, so embarassing) is danzo shimura

Sometime before the start of the second war you lose you eye triyng not to fuck things to badly and get the idea of a blackwork unit that would protect konoha from the shadows and try to make it so thing like the mess you are currently in
dont ocurr or occur only to your enemies.

There are some that would say that the ambu have that covered but they are lesser men not with your magnificent levels of seinen.

Its also the odd one out from the other ones in that there will be a sort of timeskip from the awesome prologe to the end of the second shinobi war (when you step out from your Ambu commander possition as one of iwa condition for the ceasefire. poor Iwanin minato isnt even there yet) when you begin to draft and train your first agents.

How they are threated it up to you want to go for the sensible seal on the tonge by all means do so, want to make them emotioless slaves yeah you can.

Its also the only path that is more of a CK tipe of thing wich was why i wasnt sure if we were going to use dice rolls xD

Also since Azo guessed sakumo which its seems like is the quest I wanted to do all along with how much the idea excited me youll get a chance at friendship with the white fang if you`ll take this path it will be one of the possible reward to be anounce that you can pick from Celes.)
The votes will close in five hours moreor less.

Asking for a tally seems a little pointless but unless there is a new influx of votes that changes thing its gonna be Kiri missing life for you all.I´m going to have to revatche the wawe arc, wouldn´t
want to make any timing mistakes or mess up the characterization of anyone especlally naruto the damn cocky brat oh wait i can just read the new gaiden for that. sigh the only good thing obout it are sarada and chouchou
Votes closed people.

And if my eyes do not deceive me itsMissing nin thime ill put together the character sheet tomorow after rewatchig the wawe arc.
Oh neat, should be fun to see what we can do with Haku's Hyoton Bloodline.
Sorry pople yesterday was bussier the i tougth and i could not make the damn sheet yesterday, but hey better late that never...

Anway the numbere are up for discusion be it from max chakra or the costs on the jutsus, I am partin from a baseline tha a genin has betwen 200 to 300 chakra (if you do not count jinkiurikis and other outliners) A chunin betwen 600 and 900 and jounins vary the most betwen 1800 to 3000 anything above that are jinkiurikis and other monsrters of nature.

Anyway expect the first update sometime next week...

oh also Celeritas this is sadly not a Danzo quest but you earned the prize anyway so choose you loot:

-Shrewdness:When figthing an enemy whose techniques and strategies you have already wistened recibe a +5 bonus on the roll/+10 if you have had time to come up with countermeasures)

-Self taugth:+20 to your nexttry to create a new Hyōton jutsu

-It pays to be polite+5 to your next social interaction
"The mission of the team of brats from Konoha was to protect the bridge builder Haku." So its unlikely that they would abandon their post to search for you even if your ruse at the end of the fight had failed. You both know that, the only danger your master is in does not come from a plucky band Leaf's with their captain most likely also recovering, not yet at least.
You two have been here for a week now in this hideout that your client had the kindness to locate for you, between the start of this job and waiting for the two demon brothers to come back,you arrived here yesterday with Zabuza-san wounded after his battle and now he lays in bed practically defenceless.

But Zabuza-san has said that you must go,still it does not hurt to let the tails get ahead a little, three minutes you decide, so they do not smell you coming. Gato might be a filthy sever rat in a nice suit but one does not become one of the most rich men in the world by not having a healthy level of paranoia so it is doubtful that they will be talking of anything important just beyond a shinobi doorstep.
So you go over to the kitchen and get your backpack from where it sits on top of a chair grabbing from it the wooden box where you keep all you herbs checking if there is anything that needs to be replaced. Seems like you are still good for a day or two but it would be prudent to go in search for more sometime soon.

"Well Zabuza-san ill be back soon." you say "try not to move around to much your wounds will reopen."
He snorts, tilts the head up a little to watch you go, or to prove he can move as he wishes "Since when are you such a mother hen Haku." The last one then.
You feel a smile tug at your lips."Since you are in bed for underestimating the enemy Zabuza-san."
."Such a irritating brat." his eyes lock on yours."Do not kill Gato we can not afford to make to big of a ruckus."

So you follow them some ways behind your employer,you maintain yourself out of view and pursue them thanks to the cuts that the bodyguards are leaving in some of the threes they pass,either too spill blood or test their skill,probably both.
Soon the forest gives way to one of the towns that make up this island country,and you take to the rooftops making use of the scarce shadows that the dusk brings. The base of operations that the billionaire has here is in the docks, it is there that your master was offered this job, a somewhat unusual arrangement since from experience you know that reunions with missing nin are more likely to occur on seedy bars or the red light district.

Once you arrive you see ships docking for the night to take their goods in the morning to the rest of coasts of this side of the world. It is possibly the one of the only ports that is seeing any business in this country. In the yard you see various dockworkers or they would be if dockworkers had the custom of going to work armed. Maybe they do here you never know.

Anyway how can you discover if there are any matter here that is worth the time you spent traveling here.

[] Infiltrate the premises and go toward Gato office you might find something
- [] How?

[] Henge and mingle with, uh you guess they are your coworkers for now, they might left something slip.
-[] Want to raise a subject of educated debate?.

[] You could grab one of these thugs and "convince" them to sing. x0.5
-[] Anything you want to know?

[] No I want to do something else. (write in)

AN:Well remember when i said it this would be next week well i lied had some free timethis afternoon and cobbled this together,still dont like it much but oh well ill try to get better as thing go.
Also i need some chakra cost for the basic three (if anybody has sugestions about it im heppy to hear them and also to put one handed seal in your characther sheet knew i was forgetting something.
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[X] You could grab one of these thugs and "convince" them to sing. x0.5
-[X] Interrogate one of the thugs about everything related to himself. Also find out what his personality is like so we could pull a convincing henge of the thug.
--[X] After your finish dispose of the thug.
[X] Infiltrate the premises and go toward Gatho office you might find something

I'm tempted to have Haku make a huge spiky dildo and rape the guy with it.
UH wrong subs thes shall correct dat...

Its my fault for putting it there but that the the first vote on a quest wth a protagonist that dislikes killing involves torturing someone to death to find out his behavior never change qq becaus it seems like I have arrived to a fun place xD

Meh ill be worth it if the OCC torture wins just to use this

Yep thes costs sound alright, would have to put some limitations to the substitution one to explain why its not mere widesprad, hmm i liked how it was done on a quest on spacebatless its not a teleport but limited to your speed, then again going to rewatch the forest of death when sakura is going vs the sound nins to get a better look at it.

Also one thing we have relearned today is that we should let first drafts air for a day or two, ugghh is so dry and go there do that thingy,needs more meat in it and i have some ideas for now to fill it up a little now sigh well we live and learn ,but our ancestors have been shamed in such a manner that only the royal we can encompass the pain we feel.

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