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Magical Girls Academy Interest Check


Well worn.
Sep 23, 2015
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Basically this is an interest check / info dump thread for a possible Magical Girls Academy Quest.

Magical Girls Academy Quest


There are TWO Academies. One Academy is a "normal" Academy where potential magical girls are enrolled, with the bribe of full scholarship due to some (non magical) talent the girls have. For example due to the school needing to win several martial arts tournament, they could want to enroll our protagonist if we pick the "Good at martial arts" talent.

Another girl is there because she is a very talented pianist, and so on. In the school, the girls are monitored for any magical girl potential, those ranked high enough also enrolled to the Secret Magical Girls Academy., that's actually underground of the regular Academy.



A true manipulator won't only make you do what they want, they will make you think it was your idea to start with. Besides trust and loyalty can be earned, but not bought.

And actually, being nice and giving one of the candidate magical girls something they really want is the secret academy preferred method of operation. Sure they could be smug about it, they could make it so your only chance is to join, but free will is such a delightful illusion.


Wars aren't won being nice, the Secret Academy tries to be nice on principle because that wins allies and loyal soldiers. But if they have to, they can get very rude. Their main enemy is a master manipulator who has access to time travel and wants half the world to die. Still whatever their methods are, they don't exist as a secret organization to take over the world, they exist to keep magical girls from taking over the world.

They also give magical girls who keep their powers after all their quests were completed something to do. They also have their own magical girls teams as it seems everyone and their dog has some insane plot to become a god, conquer the world or kill all humanity. The UN tried to put a stop to Magical girls in the fifties , and failed, as just detaining magical girls and neutralizing their powers meant they had to deal with those evil treats themselves. So after the Fall of the Iron Curtain most organizations created to control magical girls ended unified into the Secret Academy. That means there isn't one secret Academy, but several branches.

Most of the time, the Secret Academy lets magical girls do their job, is only when a magical girl group or a single very powerful magical girl becomes a treat that they interfere. While Magical Girls were used as super soldiers for wars in the past, since the end of the Cold War the UN will severely punish a country caught doing do. Officially, said country will get sanctions for some infraction that doesn't mention the magical girls, unofficially, they will sent the Secret Academy to neutralize their magical girls.

For some reason, maybe because most Kamis and Eldritch abominations are perverts, magical girls are one of the most powerful (if not the most powerful) weapon humanity has to defeat evil.

Also, the Secret Academy being nice seems to earn them good Karma or something that prevents THE ENEMY manipulating events to just get rid of them or take over. In fact in one possible timeline where the Academy doesn't exist, a very powerful magical girl got overworked so much she went nutz and nuked the world. It seems giving an hormonal teenager power to take out evil gods and they overworking her and ruining her life wasn't such a great idea after all.
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Codename: "Aqua"

She looks about 30 years old, but has blue hair and crystal like green eyes. Due to a side-effect of unlocking all her power in her final battle against her enemy, she will have those weird eyes all her life. She is the Director of the Tokyo branch of the S.A . She doesn't keep much of her former magical girl powers, that were related to water. She is a martial artist, as good as you can get without using ki. She never was an airhead or took her duties as a magical girl above all else, she was somewhat in the middle. She still has that strange ability to befriend everyone some magical girls have, and she is quite good at public relations, so that's why she was made the director. While she wasn't the leader of the magical girl team she used to have, she is the only one of her team who keep her powers. She doesn't want kids as she fears that if she has a daughter it will get her powers or at least the freak eyes.

Warning: Remember she is the director and no matter how nice she seems, she holds a lot of power in the Secret Academy.


Codename: "Rainbow"

Due to a curse cast to her by her enemies, her worst fear came true. That fear was never growing up and being a little girl forever, so she is stuck looking as a twelve year old girl even if she is twenty-five. It doesn't help that even when her powers aren't active she has long rainbow colored hair and silver eyes. She is the sub-director, and trust me, you don't wanna mess with her. Her curse could be cured if it wasn't because it mixed with her magical girl powers, and the last time they tried to take those away a lot of natural disasters started to happen. Her powers look rather silly, as they are powers based on the rainbow, but they are quite powerful as she was a stand alone magical girl, not a part of a team. Is it said that she was given the job as sub-director to keep her in control, and because it gives her respect and makes her people treat her like an adult. They have found a way to temporally make her look her real age, but only inside the Secret Academy and it only lasts forty minutes, and the spell then can't be used until the next day.

Warning: Don't treat her like a little girl, never call her Misora-chan. Respect her authority.


Codename: Her name already sounds like machine, so she doesn't have one.

The local genius, was never a "True" magical girl. She is eighteen and was recruited by the S.A two years ago. She tends to change her hair and eye color everyday because she gets bored, and is rare to see her using the same hairstyle for more than a week. She has a strange ability that makes her invent and create machines way more advanced that it should be possible with current technology. They suspect that ability comes from a Kami or that she is a Kami herself, as both subjects W and S have similar abilities and are confirmed to be goddess. The S.A provides her funding and materials for her experiments, at least once a month some accident will happen because of her experiments and the Secret Academy will have to deal with it. Her creations more than make it up for it. Most of the new anti magic tech the UN uses is things she has invented.


Codename: Shadow Dancer (She hates it, but isn't like people can pick their codenames)

She used to be a Dark Magical Girl, now she is the gym teacher. She is Twenty-eight, has short dark hair in a boyish style and pupils-less black eyes. She takes a special interest in the main character if we pick the Sports path, trying to find what is her limit. Her power is manipulating shadows and what the protagonist calls dark Ki blasts.

Warning: Never imply that she is going easy or you, or going soft with the training. She will push you to yours limits and beyond that.

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I'm somewhat interested, but what would the protagonist be? What is their goal? I kinda want to try being a token male who wants to be relevant, and his immense struggles to do so.
I'm somewhat interested, but what would the protagonist be? What is their goal? I kinda want to try being a token male who wants to be relevant, and his immense struggles to do so.

Is a MAGICAL GIRLS ACADEMY, the only way the TOKEN MALE would be relevant if if its became a MAGICAL GIRL.

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