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So let me know, what do you guys think of Alyssa and Rhaenyra so far in this story? Why did I ask about those two in particular? Probably a totally random reason.

Alyssa Best Girl

Gib Twincest, fam. Pls. Pls gib.

I like Alyssa, I think everyone enjoys a slightly unhinged waifu now and then, Yandere is a trope for a reason after all XD. But yeah, who can complain about having a cute little/big? sister.
Alyssa >>>> Rhaenyra

Ayyyyy, my Mood Kindred.
Just found this story and got to say I'm liking it so far. Its been interesting to see a Targaryen with a level head.

Hope to see future entries going forward and thank you for everything so far!
For the previous chapters I have seen some grammar mistakes here and there .
The urge to start a new story has been growing in me but if I did that then both would be on 1 update a week because let's be honest we all know I'm not dropping 4 a week anytime soon.

But I just have all these ideas I want to do. Maybe one day when this one gets to a good stopping point I'll start working on My Life As An SI In King Daeron's Court but that's far in the future like 80k words in, which with my pace would take like 4 months.

That's kinda crazy to think about, by the time I'd get around to a new one all the good ideas would be gone, though it's not like a Bronze Prince story never was done before I posted it. I'm ranting but give me a break it's really late(early?) for me.
Just start a one shots and snippets thread and save those ideas there .
If I knew how to make a poll I'd definitely do that but since I don't I'll just have to ask the question. Does Daemon get dad of the year?

He does love his children and doesn't go out of his way to hurt them but he's also pretty out of touch, expected for this time if we're being honest.
For the poll , I think you can find the option if you look close enough .
And considering the situation daemon has a pretty great claim on the dad of the year title .

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