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Nanoquest: Lovely chibi edition (archive)


Fondly Regard Creation.
Feb 19, 2013
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[X]Run self-diagnostics

This unit is equipped with three limbs that together form a potential claw shape, along with a magnetic coil capable of drawing off individual atoms from sufficiently loose material. Energy needs are covered by absorbing heat from the environment or breaking down material in reserve for emergency needs.

Basically, we are this.

A database of several common chemicals is included within our records, including the schematics needed to replicte ourselves. All systems are normal, and power supplies are optimal.

The environment around us appears to be mostly water, which we can move in using our limbs. Sensory range only extends to 30 micrometers.

The data is corrupted. We may be able to recover it, but this will take time.

[X]Last known command?
No commands are listed on record.

Collective ressource summary

Active Units Count:
Warriors: 45 210 000 000
Collectors : 45 210 000 000
Workers: 75 350 000 000
Gastric : 200 000

Deactivated Units counts:
Probes: 15 070 000 000

Total 180 840 200 000 Units.

-Warriors have taken over the role of Immune system. 20 000 000 units are currently patrolling Host's body through circulatory and lymphatic system, and breaking down harmful elements, such as dead cells, virus remains, bacteria remains, toxins, blood impurities, into raw material. 25 210 000 000 are in standby in the lymph nodes.
- Collectors are gathering raw material and bringing them to Active Workers, or condensing it for storage in fatty tissues. Currently, all Colector are dedicated to this task.
Gastric units breaks down food ingested by host with 100% efficiency.

Worker's current tasks:
-Tier 1 enhancement: Replacement of 100% of Host's erythrocytes with respirocytes nanites. 1 000 000 000 Units.
-Tier 2 enhancement: Subdermal nanoweave armor. 18 587 500 000 Units
-Tier 2 enhancement: Musculoskeletal nanoweave body armor. 18 587 500 000 Units
-Tier 2 enhancement: Musculoskeletal structure reinforcement 18 587 500 000 Units
-Tier 2 enhancement: Epiderdermal structure reinforcement 18 587 500 000 Units
Conquered territory Faithful minions Hosts list.

Prime Host:

Name: Ponzu
Gender: Female
Age: Approximately 17
Height: 165cm
weight: 56,916kg
Occupation: Currently passing the preliminary part of a so- called "Hunter Exam"
Classification: Class E MetaHuman
Aware of Collective : Yes
Atittude toward Collective: Firmly focusing on the positive.

Class E metahuman: Despite no deviation from standard human DNA, subject displays strength, durability and endurance far superior to what her body structure and muscle definition should provide. Growth potential unknown.

Host modifications:
-Tier 3: Optimization of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.
-Tier 2: Support the disgestive system with Gastric Units.
-Tier 1: replacement of Leukocytes by Warrior

In progress.
-Tier 1 enhancement: Replacement of 100% of Host's erythrocytes with respirocytes nanites.

To prevent an increase in blood viscosity, respirocytes construction is limited to 20 million/sec. Time until full duplication of human blood active capacity, able to duplicate natural red cell function indefinitely to a breathing host and to supply all respiratory gas requirements from onboard storage alone for ~ 2 minutes in case host is not breathing (5.36 e12 devices.) : 3 days and 3 hours.

Time until respirocytes is produced in equal number as previous erythrocytes count (3 e13 devices) : Complete.

This number should be enough to provide tissue oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide removal indefinitely at mild exertion, for 23 second at peak exertion and 7 minutes and 10 seconds at rest even during cardiostasis.

Secondary objective (6e14 devices): ~17 hours

-Tier 2 enhancement: Subdermal nanoweave armor. 18 587 500 000 Units Estimated time until Completion: 7 days and 3 hours
-Tier 2 enhancement: Epiderdermal structure reinforcement 18 587 500 000 Units Estimated time until Completion: 10 days and 9 hours
-Tier 2 enhancement: Musculoskeletal nanoweave body armor. 18 587 500 000 Units Estimated time until Completion: 12 days and 6 hours
-Tier 2 enhancement: Musculoskeletal structure reinforcement 18 587 500 000 Units Estimated time until Completion: 15 days and 18 hours
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[X] Begin Reproduction. We need more Nanites to insure survival, and recovery of our Directives.

Insufficient raw material for replication. No usable material in direct environment.

[X] Attempt to discern what would be necessary to recover our Directives.

Datablocks containing Directives are corrupted. Recovery attempted is possible.
Chance of success: unknown.

Estimated duration of recovery attempt: 875462115789 microcycles. WARNING!: Operation exceeds this unit's battery life by more than 10000%.

Proceed? Y/N

[X] Analyze surroundings/Begin scouting.
-[X] Priority One: Locate materials for reproduction.
-[X] Priority Two: Avoid damage.

98% of our environment is water. The other 2% consists of carbon dioxide and some simple polymers.

Acknowledged. Begin scouting.


After 5 microcycles, we encounter a chunk of mass roughly half our size. Analysis indicates it to be 98% iron, 2% oxygen by volume. With the local chemicals, as well as the iron we have just encountered, we may be able to produce as many as two replications of ourselves or an attachment for us that would allow us to store and carry more raw material.

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useless101 said:
[X] Replicate until available materials are exhausted.

Don't see much need for a storage unit just yet. We're probably going to be immediately building new units in situ wherever we find the materials.

Updates to our design will be carried over automatically to new units.

Orders acknowledged. After 15 mycrocycles, we have created two more units.

Total number=3

Jiven said:
[X] Reproduction and exploration until 10 000 units is achieved.

Then, we will be able to do more.

Confirmation: Harvest any raw matter we encounter and produce more units? Warning: Unchecked harvest may cause harm to the host and causes the organism to consider us as threats.

Proceed Y/N?
[X] Create nanobots only in ways unlikely to cause damage
[X] Add attachment to carry raw materials create new Units as old Units Burn out or become lost keep the lowest number of units at 10.

Acknowledged. The three units spread out in the environment in search of inert material or anything tagged for destruction by the host's immune system to harvest for further replication.

.......... After ten microcycles an antigen trail leads a unit to a large deposit of dead cells. As is many as 47 more units are created from it.

Units spread out through in 5 cluster of 10 while, carrying the remaining material with them. One stays to complete the exploration/collection of their current position, while the others joins the bloodstream. Harvest and replication proceeds at optimal rate, though several units are lost in combat with viruses and lack of supplementary storage space means several mass of rare material such a lithium must be left behind.

After 1300 microcycles, our total number is 876 units in 5 clusters of ~170 units.

With such numbers, we have the workforce and processing power to create more complex, dedicated units. Note: none of those units will have the ability to replicate or perform more than their own specific task..
-Probe type: Units dedicated to exploration, tagging potential raw material for collection and mapping host. Can survive in strongly acid environment such as the stomach.
-Warrior type: Units dedicated to defense of colony against virus and the body's immune system.
-'Collector type: Units dedicated to the collection and transportation of raw material for use by the standard "Worker" type.

Alternatively, it is possible to further upgrade the basic design of our units to cover these roles, abeilt with 50% less efficiency as a dedicated unit. Single upgrade would increase the cost and creation time of unit by 10%, a second by 20%, and a third by 40%.

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Jiven said:
[X] Production: 200 Probes
-[X] Disperse and map. Search for deposits of Fat.
[X] Production: 300 Collectors
-[X] Collect and transport Fat to Workers in clusters of 50 units
[X] Production: 100 Warrior.
-[X] Stand by
[X] Production: 1000 Workers
[X] Research: Facilities

Unit production proceeds on schedule. Probes spread through the bloodstream and start mapping the body.

ALERT: Probes are under heavy attack by white cells! A unit trespassed on a lymph node, triggering a violent reaction from the immune system. Warriors are sent to rescue them immediately, but a majority of the Probes is destroyed before they catch up.

WARNING: Immune system declared our units a threat to the organism. White cells and other defenses will continue to harass us unless steps are taken to prevent it.

Active units
Probes: 48
Warriors: 45
Collectors : 234
Workers: 1789

Mapping proceeds at a much slower rate, but exploration of the upper is complete.Digestive tracts are tagged and two large concentration of fatty tissues on the upper ventral section of the torso. Preliminary examination suggests host to be of female gender.

Fatty tissues contain all the elements needed for replication in large amount. Harvest Y/N?
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Query: Around how many nanites would we need to make recovery of our directive possible in a viable timespan?


Our processus power increase exponentially with increase in worker units. 40 million units estimated to be the minimum to recover data in an acceptable timetable of 850000 mycrocycles. Projection of optimal situation would be to devote 1 billion units to recovery in 500 microcycles.

[X] Produce en masse from fatty deposits
[X] 500 Warriors units as a goal, then maintain that number while using them as escorts.

Warning! Conflicting orders!
'500' cannot be considered 'en masse' by any definition. With our current workforce, it is possible to produce 1789 warriors every 5 mycrocycles, assuming it has acces to sufficient ressources.

Reconsider number Y/N?

WARNING: Reaction from the immune system has been mild so far as it has been mostly successfull, but it can be predicted that it will escalate its action if it enCounters increased resistance. A protracted assault on our units will consist of multiple waves of at least 7000 to 30 000 phagocytes. Further escalation can be expected if the immune system still regard us a threats.

WARNING As of now, Worker units can defend themselves again phagocytes at 1:1 ratio, Warrior units at 4:1. Projection indicate this ratio will go down drastically within 100 microcycles of protracted assault.

[X] Begin Camouflage research
[X] Prioritize construction of Warrior units until camouflage is complete.


Research complete. "Stealth" coating found in the database. Protein layer marked with proper enzyme can be applied on unit to 'camouflage' it as a white blood cell. WARNING: A freshly destroyed cells must be analyzed by our worker unit to learn how to create the proper enzyme. Chances of this action proviking aggressive reaction for the immune system : 70%

Development of stealth coating: 20 mycrocycles

Coating process: 2 microcycles. Alert: Coating cannot be self-applied.

[X] Do not directly engage immune system, only guard actions.


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Bloodshifter said:
[X] En mass production.
-[X] Attempt to achieve Warrior/Worker/Collector/Scout ratio of 4/8/3/1.
--[X] Once Warrior production reaches 15,000 actively engage white blood cells until enough enzyme for research is procured.
---[X] Once Warrior production reaches 100,000 only replenish losses unless situation changes drastically.
[X] Once Coating is possible delegate half our workforce and any idle workers to applying it.
-[X] Start with Collectors, then Workers, then Scouts and last Warriors.
--[X] Coated nanites are not to engage White blood cells.
---[X] Once everything but Warriors are coated stop replenishing Warriors until ratio of 2/8/3/1 is achieved.

Acknowledged. Begin production


First phase Complete.

Active units
Probes: 3 750
Warriors: 15 000
Collectors : 11 250
Workers: 30 000

Begin Second phase. Warrior units deploy to engage phagocytes

Warning!: Our agression has been detected by the immune system. Counter attack imminent!

Beginning enzyme retrieval... Complete.

Beginning Analyzis.....

Alert!: Immune response inbound: 10 000 phagocytes. Deploying Warrior: 75 000 units.

.... Battle complete. No casualties on our side.


Alert!: Second wave inbound. Number: 40 000.

.......Battle complete. No casualties on our side.

...Research complete! Begin application of coating.

Alert!: Third wave inbound. Number: 100 000.

.... Battle complete. No casualties on our side.

... Coating appliciation complete. It will be added to the design of any future units.

Alert!: Immune response interrupted. No additional wave is expected.

Warning!: Coating is estimated to last no longer than 500 microcycles.

Beginning Third Phase.


Third Phase Complete.

Active units
Probes: 20 000
Warriors: 100 000
Collectors : 300 000
Workers: 800 000

With our growth in processing power, new options are now apparent. We can subvert minor organs and assume direct operational control. We can also link ourselves to the neural network and interpret sensory datas. Direct contact with the host may also be possible, assuming our database host her language.

Pipeman said:
Well, that went well.

How many units will we approximately need to subvert a lymph node? How many to subvert all (500-600) and effectively replace [host]'s immune system?
What sort of reactions would the different stages of such an operation cause?
How many percent of our workers do we need dedicate to continuosly reapplying our coating?

8000 units per node should be sufficient. While a united capture would be most efficient, ot would kickstart a body-wide hyper activity as the immune system tries to figt an unseen enemy. Heightened temperature and host's exhaustion are to be expected.

Warning!: Probability of white blood cells turning on each other: 85%
Host would be left extremely vulnerable to infection until White blood cells are replenished.
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Pipeman said:
[X] Research further ways to avoid conflict with the immune system

Three options have deen deemed as worth investigating:
-Further research could yield a permanent 'mantle' that would camouflage a unit indefinitely. Warning: projections suggest this mantle would increase production cost and time by 40 to 50%

-Subvert the lymph nodes and liver to effectively assume control of the immune system. Warning: Any Units set in this task could not be reassigned without catastrophic results for the Host and us both.

-Engage Extremis protocol: Errror! Insufficient processing power to access protocols.

[X] Gain Further Information:
-[X] Sensory organs. Link into them, and begin gathering data.
[X] Do not approach or attempt to communicate with [Host] until further data is acquired.
Acknowledged. Please assign a number to this task. Optimal number for this task: 1 million units.
[X] Do not yet subvert any organs, but get workers into position to do so, or to assist if the larger situation deteriorates and endangers [Host].
-[X] Focus on vital organs first, mapping their structure, and determining what would be needed to repair or replace them in the event of damage.
-[X] Mapping general structure of the body and non-vital organs, and determining if any preexisting conditions exist, is a secondary concern.
Acknowledged, probes will deploy to further map host's structure.


Mapping complete. Collected datas permit amore complete appraisal of the host.

Height:165 cm
Weight: 54 kg.
Age: estimated to be between 16 to 19 years old.

No outstanding illness , ailment or disorder have been detected. Aside from common microfractures and microlesion, host is in near perfect health.
Alert!: Traces of numerous antidotes, antivenoms and vaccines were discovered in the bloodstream.
Alert!: Host displays exceptional physical capabilities, well above recorded "peak human" capabilities. Reclassified as a class E metahuman.

[X] Continue unit production at the same ratio and a rate that is unlikely to cause further immune system responses or non-negligable damage to [Host].
Acknowledged. Performing new replication cycles.


Active units
Probes: 200 000
Warriors: 1 000 000
Collectors : 3 000 000
Workers: 8 000 000

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Pipeman said:
[X] Assign 1 million units towards linking to [Host]'s sensory organs.
Acknowledged, proceeding with connection.


Connection complete. Now interpreting sensory data.

Our host is presently sitting in a large office, checking the contents of a backpack. She's handling what seems to be medical products and various canisters bearing hazard symbols. More medical equipments are present at the edge of her vision along with animal health prevention posters. Hypothesis: This is a vetenarian's office.

"So you're really going?" The words are adressed to our host and she turns toward a middle aged man with a pot belly.

She nods. "I'm checking every again for my peace of mind, but everything is ready. I'll take the bus tomorrow."

The man sighs "I could at least take you to the train station, you know."

Our host gets up and hugs the man. " Don't worry, Jii. I'll be alright."

"I hope you will. I'm going to miss you Ponzu."

'Ponzu' recorded as host's presumed name.

The man steps back. "Look at me, getting all mushy over nothing." He shakes his head. "Come on, supper's ready. Let's make it a good one."

Our hosts nods and follows the man out. She passes by a mirror.


[X] Research the improved mantle.
-[X] Halt production momentarily and dedicate all units not dedicated towards linking to sensory organs or maintaining current numbers towards this reasearch.
--[X] Unless something new comes up apply improved mantle to all units, once research is completed.



Research complete.


Coating complete.

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Warning: If our primary directive is recovered, carrying it out will be our first and only priority.
Proceed y/n?

ERROR: "General Enhancements" too broad a category. Please precise your orders.

enhancement are classed in three tiers.

Tier 3: biological optimization. Increasing host natural abilities

Tier 2: nano augmentation. Dedicate nanites to reinforce the body's function chemically or structurally.

Tier 1: bionic conversion: Fit host with cybernetic or biomechanical upgrades.
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Theoretically, Tier 3 is engineering the body until it can bring out the peak of its potential. I.E. "peak human." You change nothing, add nothing, only fix and improve.

Tier 2 is supplementing the Body functions with nanites to improve their efficiency and boost their potency. Having nanites break down the food in the stomach, organize and direct white blood cells from the lymph nodes is tier 2.

Tier 1 is supplanting original bodyparts with nanites or cybernetics implant. I want to say 'cyborg', but partial conversion like lacing the bone structure with e-carbon, or putting in entirely organic replacement that don't strictly follow human templates is also Tier 1.

Now, the limits? Unknown. It entirely depends on what exact upgrades you'll make. What's more Ponzu is from a verse where people's physical capabilities can vastly surpass what is supposed to be human limits.

As for synergy, there is some of course. Especially between Tier 3 and 2, but even tier 1 benefits from a stronger overall base, if only to reduce risks of rejection. But it's not like there's a particular order you must go through. Tiers are based on invasiveness level, nothing else.

Did that clear it up?
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Sensory input update: Our host appears to be on a large farm. She has been brought to a barn and is currently surrounded by a crowd of children aged five to thirteen. The large amount of foodstuff suggests a party is about to start.

This is an opportunity to acquire more raw material. Our forces will soon exceed the number that can maintain themselves by harvesting body heat without lowering our host's temperature noticeably. Stimulate hunger? Y/n

Prioritize Gastric units construction ? y/n

The planned operations of lymph nodes subvertion and sensory optimization will be a heavy burden on the host. It is advised to wait until our host is asleep before applying them. Wait? y/n
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Begin production of 200 000 Gastric Units; Workers protected by an acid resistant shell to survive in the stomach. This number is considered sufficient to achieve perfect efficiency of food breakdown, leaving no toxin or waste. 1 000 000 regular Workers are created to assist nutrients absorption from the intestine to the bloodstream.

External sensory input: Ponzu spends muc hof the evening munching on drumstick or devouring cake and sweets. A boy remarks that "she is stocking up for the Exam" and get punched on the head in answer. No other words are said on the matter.

Warning: Ponzu's food intake for night represents 5.2% of her body mass. While this more than cover the needs of a colony an order of magnitude larger than our own for the foreseeable future, change in host's volume will be visible to the naked eye even if we maximize fatty tissues' density. Suggestions?

External sensory input: Once the party winds down, Ponzu helps put the children to bed. She then goes into a small single bedroom, probably her own and goes to sleep herself.

Begin Second Phase: Sensory optimization.


Complete. Slight adjustments of key components of the sensory organs will improve our host's senses by 5 to 10%.

Begin Third Phase: Lymph Nodes' Subvertion. By managing antigen production we will ensure that we won't be a target for the immune system and improve its response time to real threats. Proceeding...

............ Alert!:A Severe Adverse Reaction was triggered by our units. Immune system recognized our action as Hostile and deployed immediately tagged our units for destruction. Because our stealth mantle identifies us White Blood Cells, the immune system is tearing itself apart in its attempt to protect itself. Warning!: Our units are targets as well and vastly outnumbered. Aside from the Gastric Units. The Colony faces a very real risk of complete destruction.

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Pipeman said:
[X] Abandon coating to increase production efficiency.
[X] Fortify Main Colony in areas we can defend well and can be used to start mass production of 8/5/2/1 Warrior/Worker/Collector/Scout ratio.
-[X] Monitor crucial areas like the brain, heart, lungs, et cetera.
-[X] Have Gastro units do nothing but multiply until they quadruple their numbers, then dedicate half their numbers to Warrior production.
-[X] Try recycling as many resources as you can.
[X] Whenever sufficient Warriors available, send out coordinated forces to accomplish key goals. Otherwise do not engage immune system actively.
-[X] Prioritize preventing crucial damage to Host Ponzu and shutting down production of further white blood cells.
--[X] Once sufficient numbers are achieved begin removing rampant immune system, replacing its function and repairing damage to Host Pozu.

Acknowledged: General shedding of stealth mantle in progress... Complete.

Majority of the colony relocating near in the chest cavity to monitor vital organ. Probe will be sent to monitor the brain under Warrior escort.

Begin replication. Warriors will focus on establishing security perimeter around Workers until our numbers are sufficient to overtake the immune system or critical damage has
been detected.

.................-Alert: No attack from the immune system has been registered since shedding of Stealth Mantle. Hypothesis: Immune system has recognized itself as superior threat and prioritize it own destruction to the exclusion of all.

This is a chance: Deploying Collectors to gather remains for further replications.

Query: Should Warriors be deployed immediately to prevent further damage to host? Y/n

Warrior number: 350 000 000
Worker count: 120 000 000
Estimated White blood cell count: 1 200 000 000
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Carrnage said:
[X] Aggressive action.
[X] Primary objective: Subvert the Lymph nodes, and guard actions for the workers doing so.
-[X] Use fuel from food eaten as resources for construction.
[X] Secondary objective: Prevent damage to critical organs.
[X] Tertiary objective: Prevent damage to all other areas.

Acknowledged. Assault in progress.


Success. Rampaging immune system neutralized. Unit losses negligible. Now that we control the lymphatic system, we are in command of the immune system's identification system. The immune system is no longer a threat to us.

Warning: The near complete destruction of the immune system has left Ponzu extremely vulnerable to viral and bacterial attacks. Measures should be taken quickly if we want to ensure host's health.

Alert: Billions of dead cells are floating through the organism and risk clogging the vessels and prevent the body's operation. Measures should be taken quickly if we want to ensure host's health.

Alert: After fuelling our replication exclusively with newly ingested nutrients, it only decreased the amount of new body fats by 10%. Host's volume will still go up subtantially.

Alert: Ponzu's is currently in the REM stage sleep, experiencing "dreaming". This may be the best time for a first contact with her.

Active Units Count.

Probes: 170 000 000
Warriors: 1 360 000 000
Collectors : 340 000 000
Workers: 850 000 000

Carrnage said:
[X] Continue production. Achieve ratio of 1/3/3/5 of Probes/Warriors/Collectors/Workers.
-[X] Recycle as many of the dead cells for this as possible, so as to reduce clogging.
[X] Have collectors and workers take care of the dead cells clogging the vessels and preventing the body's operation.
[X] Have warriors assist in immune system duties until further notice.
[X] Do not engage in direct contact yet.
[X] Once host no longer in immediate danger from clogging, move new fat stores towards the previous harvesting sites for ease of access. Condense fat stores as required.
Acknowledged. Deploying units.


Update: 99% of the dead cells have been processed into new units. Warriors have entered the lymphatic system and spread out through the whole body to guard it against harmful elements. 89% of fats moved to upper ventral section of the torso, 10% expanded buring the immune system's rampage reamining 1% used for replication.

Alert: Now that our Host was fully mapped and that nanite's density is sufficient to monitor the entire body in real time, Probes have no purpose to fulfill. Suggest putting them in sleep mode. Y/n?

Active Units Count.

Probes: 15 070 000 000
Warriors: 45 210 000 000
Collectors : 45 210 000 000
Workers: 75 350 000 000

External sensory Input: Ponzu is jerked awake by a loud banging on her door. "Girl, what are you doing! The bus is already here!"

Her hands shoot to her ears immediately. "Quit Shouting!" She winces. Hypothesis: The unexpected increase in sensitivity is making our host uncomfortable. Opening her eyes generates the same reaction, providing further evidences.

Ponzu stumbles to her feet and nearly loses her balance. Hypothesis: The placement of Ponzu's increased bodymass slightly shifted her center of gravity. Moreover last night's event caused a high level of stress to Ponzu's organism regardless of our efforts to limits real damages. Even with our improvements and our Collective bolstering her immune system, our host is approximately 30% below her standard operating level.

Ponzu gasps as she spot her increased volume. "The hell? How did I grow a cupsize overnight?" She palpates her increased breasts. "So damn heavy, too!"

Alert: Ponzu's climbing heartrate and shallow respiration and several other chemical realeases suggest anxiety, possibly fear and panic.

Ponzu puts on a large sweater and some pants and walks out of the dormitory, half heartedly returning the greetings sent her way. Her destination seems to be the medical facility she was in yesterday.

Warning!: With our current numbers, any blood exam or bodyscan threaten to reveal our presence.

[X]Sean Connery
[X]"Good mornin' lass and welcome to a broad new world of adventure! I apologize for the rough start. We are the Symbiotic Environmental Adaptation Naturalizer. SEAN. My duty is to serve you and aid in your adaptation to radical environment and put for proactive improvement of your body for increased life chances. As a sentient nanocloud our ability to do so is both wide and varied and completely at your disposal."

Acknowledged. Loading 'distinguished_old_scots' personality bundle.

"No need to be in such a hurry, lass."

Ponzu screeches to a halt and look around franctically. "Who's there?!"

"Don't bother looking. I'm nowhere around."

Ponzu takes a sharp breath.

"Don't get your panties in a twist, lass. You're not in any danger. " A beat. "Not that you're wearing any, you saucy little thing?"

Alert: Blood rushing to the head, tightened jaw and shaking fists are sign indicative of rising indignation/anger.

Our host runs into a toolshed and slams the door shut. "Who are you?"



"What would be the appropriate prounoun. Forgive me for the late introduction: I am the Symbiotic Environmental Adaptation Naturalizer. SEAN, for short. My role is to support you in your everyday life, to adapt your organism to radical environment as needed and put forth proactive improvement of your body for increased survival. As our ability to do so is both wide and varied and completely at your disposal."

"You're what, smart parasites?"

"Don't be insulting, darling. We are a sentient cloud of nanomolecular engineering devices."

Ponzu palms her chest. "You're responslible for this."



"Future augmentations will require signficant material and energy to be accomplished. Enhancing your secondary sex characteristics at the same time was judged a capital improvement."


"No need to thank us."

"... You said you can 'improve' me?"


"What can you do ? No, before that. What else did you already do?"

[]... What say?
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"Oh, not much yet. Fixed your eyes and ears, scrubbed your tongue, picked your nose. Had a look at your immune system and found it wanting, so we took over."


"No worries. Thanks to our collective intelligence, we're vastly quicker to act and deadlier than old fashioned leukocytes. Better organized, too. Think of it as an introduction package. On the house!"

Ponzu leans on a wall, puts her head in her hands and shakes it furiously. "This isn't happening."

"Though I suppose we could see you as our house, so it's on you. Oh well. "

Ponzu just keeps on muttering. "This isn't happening. This isn't hapening. this isn't happening"

"As for what we can do? Darling, what can't we do? Your body is our Cathedral, raised in honor of our Goddess! That is you. We're planning on renovating it beyond perfection, from the foundation to the pinnacle! Every stones, every arches and keys, ever mosaics and stained glasses. You'll be our Wonder of the World. Our Taj, our-"

Ponzu's fist smashes the wall, cracking the wood. "Enough!"

"As you wish."

She storms out of the toolshed, goes back into her room and plants herself before a mirror. "Can you change my eyes color?"

"Effortlessly so."

"Do it."

"You may feel a slight discomfort in your iris. W suggest shutting down your eyes during the process."

Ponzu keeps her eyes deliberately open. "Just do it."

In the span of a few second, Ponzu's eyes shift from green to blue. The girl sucks in a breath and slides to her knees. "By god. This is real."


"What did you do?"

"I modified your eye color."

"No. I mean, what did your little machines actually do to my eyes?"

"We reduced your irises' melanin level by 80%. The effect is temporary."

"Right. Okay." Our host hit her head on the mirror repeatedly. She doesn't use enough force to cause damage.

There is a knock on the door. "Girl, You're alright in there? The children are saying you're acted crazy."

Ponzu twitches on the ground. " Yeah. I- I think I ate too much yesterday!"

"No shit," The man grumbles behind the door. "The bus is about to leave. You better hurry if you want to be on it."

Ponzu scrambles to her feet "Crap! I'm coming."

"Sean, listen up."

"Yes, lass?"

"I'm going to redo my pack, since now most of my tops don't fit, then I'm going to get on that bus. By the time I'm in there, I want you to give me five, no six ways you can improve me. No wild hypotheticals or crazy ideas, I want them plausible and applicable right now and I want you to run me through each basic process. Got it?"

"Got it, yes."


BlackWarth said:
[X] Before anything else... "Lass, you don't need to talk out loud. I'm inside your brain, so if you think at me, I'll hear you."
[X] Level 2: General blemish removal, and body fat sculpting. We can keep her skin blemish- and wrinkle-free, and make sure that she'll always keep a girlish figure, no matter how much she eats or what augmentations we give her.
[X] Then the strength-boosting trifecta:
-[X] Level 3: Release a flood of myostatin, results in colloquially called double-muscle. Some bulking; unfortunate.
-[X] Level 3/2: Alter muscle to produce white muscle, for explosive power. Nanobots eating lactic acid buildup also grants superior endurance.
-[X] Level 2: Reinforce, skin, bones, muscles, and tendons with a carbon nanotube weave. Increases durability and maximum usable strength.
[X] Level 1: Replace red blood cells with respirocytes. Dramatically increases endurance.
[X] Level 3: Nor-adrenaline boost: affects alertness, vigilance, reflex, aggression, motivation, learning and memory. Also arousal, sorry.

The bus driver sends Ponzu an annoyed look when she finally gets in, but he quickly hits the road and you leave the farm behind, to a chorus of good byes and good lucks.

Ponzu listens to your propositions carefully and asks for several precisions, how long it would take to applies those changes, the chances of a rejection, but she seems cautiously optimistic about this whole turn of event. She is appreciative of the cosmetic surgery, but it's the promise of enhanced everything that really catches her interest. In the end, she tells you to start with the respirocytes, to keep the norepi shots for the emergencies and puts her foot down on the myostatin supression.

'I don't plan on looking like a bloated cow,' she thinks at you.

'You have some notion of biology, lass?'

She shrugs. 'I spent the last five years helping the doc with the farm's animals. And the farmers too, I guess."

She frowns "But what about you? How did you get here?


A few hours later, the bus reaches a town bordering a desert, you get to see the train Ponzu intends to take.

'This is a train', you ask.

'Well yes, can't you see the steam Locomotive?'

'I can, but locomotives in our databanks aren't five stories tall. Nor for that matter, are they trailing what amount to a liner on tracks.'

'Get on our level? Anway, this is the best way to cross the desert. I need to be in Zaban in 6 days, and that means getting on the other side.'


Ponzu joins the steady stream of people heading toward the train and it's not long before she reaches one of the boarding stairs.

"Welcome to the Sandsteamer Rozalin II," A young women in a gray uniform says cheerfully after punching her ticket. "Well done in making it here before the rush, you'll get your choice of rooms." She winks. "I must remind you that you must keep your ticket on you at all time. Because of the ever increasing number of stoaways, the Rosen Queen company has declared that anyone found without a valid ticket will be thrown overboard without their possessions."

'That is quite drastic.'

"You're telling me." Ponzu says aloud, causing the hostess to cock her head questioningly. "Nevermind."

Her smile returns. "Better watch out for pickpockets as well, miss."

Ponzu nods. "Is that all?"

"One more, no, two more things. First I must regretfully inform you that the mid passenger deck has received structural damages during the last trip. While some reparation have been made, a little over a third of the 2nd-class rooms have been condmened for the return trip."

"That's why you told me I'd have my pick of room."

"Exactly, While the Rozen Queen Company can't in good conscience refuses a paying costumers, the late arrivals will have to be crammed in the 3rd class rooms on the lower passenger deck." She pauses. "Returning to the 2nd class, you may experience some electrical blackout during the trip, but we assure you they will be dealt with swiftly."

"Lastly, the Rozen Queen Company will not take responsibility for you untimely death by the hands of hostile weather or desert creatures. Please listen to the staff's directive and keep the portholes shut at night so we don't all die from Shura Mantis infestation."

'Amazing how her smile doesn't waver while she's speculating about her own gruesome demise. Actually, it seems to be brightening.'

You host wisely ignores you this time. "Will that be all?"

The hostess bows and waves you aboard. "Why yes! The Rozen Queen Company wishes you a good day and an excellent trip on our line."

'This vehicle must carry thousands of passengers. Will she tell this speech to everyone who take this stair. That would be a long day.'

Ponzu climbs the stairs.

Notice:Several elements put host, and thus the collective, at risk of death. As such we may want to suggest her a course of action.


Originally, Ponzu was supposed to shoot down anything that sounded like you were turning her into a robot or taking over her bodily functions, making her unable to live without you, which means your little list would have added yet more strain to your budding relationship. Damn dices.
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SolipsistSerpent said:
[X] Tell her we don't know how we ended up in her because our records only go back to being in her body but tell her the time and date of our records start.
[X] Begin alterations agreed on with host.
Acknowledged.We will inhibit the production of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the bone marrow and progressively replace them with respirocytes as they die. Process will be complete in 23 days and 14 hours.

Ponzu acknowledges the time you give her and try to think about what she was doing at the time. She frowns."I was herding a bunch of dumb kids at the time. I'm pretty sure nothing unusual happened at the time."

'It is possible we were inserted into your organism at a previous date and only came online that day.'

Ponzu doesn't like the possibility at all.

Warning: At this point we have the opportunity to advise our host in the step she will take to ensure her safety during the trip through a highly hostile zone. The Hostess' speech included several key elements that could impact our survival.

- The risk of wild predators boarding the vehicle and hunting us.
- The risk of being stranded in this desert if our host is caught without a ticket.
-The middle deck, where Ponzu plans on staying at this time, has suffered an unknown level of structural damage at this time. This implies that there is some unknown factor in the desert with the ability to damage our transportation to a substantial degree. Furthermore, the isolation and measures meant to ensure safety on that level may be may be compromised.
-The lower deck, containing the 3rd class compartment does not show this shortcomig. It is however predicted to be packed beyong normal level, which may cause discomfort to our host. The large crowd increases the risk of being targeted by pickpockets.
-There was no mention of the upper deck, but it can be assumed the 1st class compartments provide the best in comfort and security. With the non nominative nature of the sandsteamer's ticket, it can be assumed that acquiring one and claiming a room as is all that is needed to be allowed there by the ship's staff.

Remark: Our host may be in possession of further knowledge that may help us in planning our future course of action. It may be a good time to lear more about her and her objectives.
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nick012000 said:
[X] Suggest securing the ticket inside her hat, underneath the beehive.
[X] Advice host to secure self in cabin with food and drink. More than she would normally consume in two days.
- - [X] Bunker down for the day, make sure the porthole/window is secured!
- - - - [X] Start on Host durability project: carbon nanotubing if she is unlikely to notice it. That seems less noticeable than muscle strengthening. Continue to filter blood, cholesterol, potential virii and similar health risks. Gut bacteria may be desirable to remain.
Acknowledged. A superficial 10 nanometers- thick lattice will be applied in the intercellular space to increase strutural cohesion, and 0.5 milimeters thick nanoweave will be layered over the, bones, muscles, tendons and between the dermis and epidermis for shock dispersion. Resistance to kinetic energy is projected to increase by a factor of 100. Estimated mass increase of 3%. Estimated time of completion: + 40 hours.

The lattice will be kept loose to accomodate host's future growth and mantain flexibitity.

Neural connection: Ponzu is currently on her way to get her room's key.

'Girl, considering the information we've just received, I woud suggest you claim the room furthest from the comdemned zone, secure it, stock up on provision and bunker down for the duration of the trip.'

'I guess I could afford a lot of junk food,' Ponzu muses.

'Good lass. Don't skimp on the fat and carbohydrates, we litterally live off them.'

Ponzu tilts her head questioningly. 'So I really don't have to watch what I eat?'

'Not quite. A varied alimention is still desirable for your continued well being, but feel free to indulge in diabetes-inducing, artery clogging delicacies.'

Ponzu checks in at the deck's clerk desk and asks for a room on the other side of the damaged compartment. It is a standard two beds + washroom hotel room, asides from the brass portholes replaced the window with flower paterned curtains. Surprisingly, there is even a microwave above the mini-fridge.

'Two beds?'

"This is a passenger transport," the girl says as she inspects the room. "Be happy we won't have to bunk with ten smelly guys downstairs."

'We have no sense of smell, but we grasp your meaning.'


Ponzu pick the beds closest to the portholes and undo the sheets.

'What are you doing, lass?'

'Calling dibs'

It is a testament to the size of the sandsteamer that there are stores to be found on each deck. Ponzu walk in a convenience store and fills up on snacks and tv dinners.

You want this, don't you? The need is swelling in you now. Take those Twinkies. They are defenseless. Give in to your hunger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant.

'...What are you mumbling about?'

'Never you mind, darling.'

Ponzu's blood pressure rises, before she heaves a sigh. 'Am I seriously letting you mess with my body?'

'We assure you, we are quite competent at our given tasks, regardless of the eccentricity of this personality bundle.'

Her eyes roll. 'You might think about changing, because this one isn't doing much for my confindence.' She thinks drily.

When she returns to the room, It is to discover that someone else is in the room.

A female human of asian descent, approximately the same age and build as our host. She is setting down a satchel near a japanese sword and a rifle.

'Well then.'

Threat level: Real and immediate.

The threat looks at Ponzu and offers a wide, friendly smile and a handshake. "Hey there! I guess we're going to be roomates for the next four days. I'm Megumi."

Ponzu calmy takes it. "Ponzu."

Megumi smiles even wider. "Ponzu-san, are you taking the Hunter Exam too?"

Notice: We do not know what is this "Hunter exam." Depending on our host's answer, it may be a line of inquiry we wish to pursue.

Notice: According to our observation of our host's personality, it is likely she will end the conversation as quickly as possible and keep her distance. If we wish to prolong the dialogue, and possibly befriend the girl, we'll have to suggest topics or action to our host.

'If I'm not to your taste, lass, we'll try something else.'

Loading "repressed_noblewoman" Personality bundle.

Neural connection: "Ah!" Megumi backs off. "I'm sorry, I'm being too forward."

'Mistress, this girl is a possible threat to our health. Responding favorably to her social overtures should make decrease the chance of her acting against us.'

'... Your timing sucks, but you have a point.'

Ponzu smiles and moves into the room. "Don't sweat it, it's fine. Why'd you ask about the Hunter Exam?"

"Because there's all those gruff people aboard, many with their on weapons," she say as she drops on her bed. She raises her fist in front of her and continues passionately. "They all looked on edge and at the same time, spoiling for a fight. That's exactly what I expected of a Hunter gathering!"

'Indeed, a great many we came across on this train looked to be of the disreputable sort. From that perspective, lodging with this young miss may have been a stroke of luck.'

'Were they? Not much of a surprise so close of the Exam's location but I wasn't paying much attention to them.'

'They had the good sense to stay away, so I didn't feel the need to warn you about them'

Ponzu drops her stuff beside her bed, carefully sets down her hat on the nightstand and lay down lazily. 'Doesn't matter, only small fries waste their energy putting on air so soon in the game. They won't even get to the starting line.' She glances at her prospective roommate gingerly. " I'm telling you right now, I'm not looking for a fight."

Megumi shakes her head frantically."That's not what I meant! All these people are mean looking and a lot older than me and I'm not sure how to talk to them," she admits in a rush. "But if it was with a girl my age, I'm sure it'd be fun!" She declares eagerly, eyes shining with hope.

Ponzu shrugs "Sure."

Megumi's eyes light up. "So you're participating to the Hunter exam too?"

"Third time. And you're a rookie, right?"

Megumi nods eagerly.

The conversation picks up from there. Megumi is from an island nation nearly on the other side of the world. She'd had planned to make a beeline for Zaban by plane, but was very surprised when she learned that every intercontinental flight was cancelled for a about a month.

Ponzu conforms her suspicion. "Because of the Exam. Each years, there's tens of thousands of applicants for the Exam, way too many for the organizer to work with, so they make getting there the first challenge. They don't actually keep the plane on the ground, but from the moment you send your application, you can be sure no plane landing within 300 miles of the exam's location will let you on."

"It was quite an ordeal." Megumi grumbles with a pout.

"Believe me, I know." Ponzu assures as she cracks opens a pack of snacks. "Still, getting there is the easy part. Make no mistake, if you're not ready for the exam, you will die." She takes a mouthful, and almost chokes over it. 'Salty!'

'We have improved your tastebuds sensitivity significantly. You will enjoy the taste of your meal more fully now."

Ponzu buries her face in her bed. 'Enjoy my ass, This is almost inedible. And there's this weird bleach aftertaste.'

'Most likely, you are detecting the minute taste of artificial additives. How wonderful.'

'It's not your tongue that asking for a swift death!'

'I see. There is no choice then, in the future, we will have to take the time to find sustenance of the highest quality.' Somehow, the disembodied personality manages to communicate a nod. 'Wherever we go, we shall endeavour to find fresh products. Surely, there must be many regional specialties worth investigating. We shall do it to the fullest, ideally tracking down venerable artisan who never compromise with taste, crafting their food using age olds traditions.'

'This doesn't help me with the ton of crap you've just made me buy, does it?'

'Or maybe, the young ambitious chefs, riding the crest of a new wave of fine cuisine, seeking to innovate with a mix of cutting edge cooking technologies and the introduction of rare, exotic ingredients.'

'Don't mind me, girl. You're only slobbering all over my neurons.'

There is a wistful sigh. 'Truly, the kitchen world is of endless depth.'


The green-haired girl's head snaps up. "Want some?"

Megumi nods and the whole pack is tossed on her bed.

"Enjoy," Ponzu grunts. Anyway, what was I saying... Oh yeah, the Exam. A lot less friendly that being stuck using the less-traveled roads, believe me."

Ponzu launches herself in the tale of last year's exam, which took place on northernmost continent. If the beginning is a matter of solving a mildly difficult puzzle, which still cuts the number of participants by half, the story rapidly turn in treks on the tundra with packs of dire wolves on their heel, battles on thin ice bridges above the raging ocean, treasure hunt in the middle of ruins of ancient civilization which led to a swim upstream through an icy and dark river filled with predators.

Megumi perks up further at this. She fires questions with starry eyes and a mouth half full. "How-mm- old were the ruins? 2000 -munch-years? 3000 years? Were there -gulp- calendars to the apocalypse engraved in the rocks? Did you have to go through a forest of swinging blades?" Escape from a giant boulder in a narrow tunnel? Fight off gigantic dinosaurs?"

"Interested in old rocks?"

Megumi nods fiercely, raised fists shaking with excitement. "Yes! I'm planning on becoming a Ruin Hunter! Ancient Civilizations are my great passion since I was a child. What about you, Ponzu-san? What sort of Hunter do you want to be?"

Ponzu smirks. "Wanna know?"


"Not telling ya." Ponzu snarks.

Megumi starts in suprise. "Why not?" she asks with a pout.

"Ask me again if you make it to the Exam."

Before Megumi can complain further, A loud hron blows through the ship. "We're leaving!" Megumi jumps to her feet. "Ponzu-san, I'm going to the lobby passageway to see our departure. Do you want to come?"

Ponzu. "I'll pass."

"Later then!" She says as she jumps out of the room.

A few mintues later, Ponzu speaks up again. "Hey, SEAN."


Ponzu lightly taps her hat, and a faint buzzing emanates from it in answer. The surface of the large hat bends and a bee flies out of it, the hat returning to his original shapes immediately. Ponzu raises a finger and the flying insect lands on it. "What could you do to improve this kid?"

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Ponzu shakes her head. " I can't micromanage a swarm in flight. And killing people is the sort of things that gets you noticed. I'm not much of a fighter, what I'm looking for is ways to increase those kids' health and lifespan, and maybe use them as recon drones. What can you do for that?"
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'If processing power is the main issue, I feel I should mention that we could build a biochip with specs order of magnitude above to that of a human brain. It could record your neural pattern in full and seamlessly take over in case your frail grey matter was critically damaged during your travels, with performance much improved.'

Ponzu puts back her bee in her hat/hive.

'Did I mention that with sufficient interaction with your beehive, we could provide you regularly you with healthy, high-energy and delicious honey?'

Alert: Ponzu's brain's activities suddenly spiked. Her vitals are reminescent of a case of "the chills."

'You know what? Let's stick with the improvements we've got going right now. How long will it take for the blood change?'

'As of now, seven days, two hours and a handful of minutes.'

Ponzu shakes her head. 'The exam will be over by then.'

'Our production was kept at a subdued rate to prevent health troubles, but as your red blood cells count decreases and your blood thin, it is within our capability to significantly accelerates the process if you wish.'

"Whatever. Keep at it and then we'll see about the rest."

Ponzu is very subdued when Megumi returns, answering curtly her attempt to engage in a conversation. She turns in early but doesn't fall asleep for a long time.

Her mood doesn't improve any the next day and she spends it devouring snacks on her bed while staring blankly at the desert through the porthole.

Megumi gives her space, reading a history book silently on her side of the room.


"Sean." She says flatly.

'As you impressed upon us the urgency of your request, we have take actions to accelerate the completion of your respiratory augmentation. After upgrades and units redistribution, our new timetable ranges up to a little more than a day.'

"That's a good news at least," she sighs tiredly. "But did you absolutely have to ruin my peaceful bathtime over this?"

'We apologize. You have been more conformable addressing us through speech rather than thought and we deduced it would be better to approach you while you were alone.'

"Yeah, the "voice in my head" thing isn't really working out for me," she admits. " But you're not going away anytime soon, are you?"

'In your current condition, it would be quickly detrimental to your health.'

"Of course it will." She steps out of the shower and grabs a towel.

'Indeed. The goal of matching your red blood cell count should be reached within the hour.'

Ponzu boggles. "One hour?!"

'Yes. This should significantly increase your stamina.'

"Is that so? I'm a pretty good runner, you know." She turns toward the bathroom's mirror with a frown. "But you said a day before. Why the huge difference?"

'Originally, we started production at a limited rate while we waited for your red blood cells count to decrease naturally, to ensure no strain on your circulatory system. Later observations confirmed that your bloodstream could support a very large number of additional units with no ill effects, with performance increasing proportionally. For reference, the introduction of 6e14 devices would increase your blood's oxygen storage capacity by a factor of 180 while staying at a safe viscosity level ."

"In practical terms, that means..?"

'That many devices would be enough to steadily and efficiently provide your muscles tissues in oxygen to the point of making muscle fatigue negligible in all but the harshest physical efforts. Peak exertion should be able to be fueled for 12 to 15 minutes instead of a handful of seconds.'

The green haired girl blinks at her reflection. "Okay. I definitely could use that."

'It could also supply your tissue in oxygen for hours in case of cardiostasis."

"By which you mean cardiac arrest."


"Nope," Ponzu says determinedly, drying herself with a vengeance. "Your casual creepiness isn't going to keep me down any longer."

'I do not understand.'

The girl buries her face in the towel. "That might be the saddest thing about all this." She put it down and starting dressing. "Anyway, you said you could introduce 6E14 devices in my body without making my heart explode. Are you sure about that?'


"Then you don't have to replace my red blood cells, do you?"

'Not at the moment, no but a thinner blood would facilitate our collectives future expansion and help our travel within your body.'

'Let's leave that for later. For now, I want my red cells renew themselves as they should. For that matter, that goes for the white blood cells too. Let them come back."

'If we follow that directive, the chances of an extremely virulent reaction from your immune system are very high. The consequences to your health would be severe.'

"I'll deal with it," the fully clad girl says meaningfully. "I'm not planning on becoming a robot. Is that clear?"

'As a peaceful, clean lake.'

She puts on her hat. 'Good.' She thinks at us.

Now complete, she steps into the bedrooms. Megumi rolls on her bed and ends up staring upside down. She holds a deck of cards in the air and says timidly. "Do you play rummy?"

Ponzu plop down next to her. " Teach me?"



A few hours before sunset, A sandstorm warning was issued for the night, demanding passengers to stay in their room and let the passageways free.

Megumi was disappointed that she wouldn't get to see the storm from the main hall's, but vanished the first time the cyclonic winds swoop the sandsteamer's side so harshly they lifted the gigantic land vessel until it was standing on a single thread.

The scattered cards are forgotten in favor for standing on the room's inner wall. " Look, I'm a spider!"

"Geez, how old are you?" Sitting on the edge of her bed, one hand securely holding her hat, she looks down at the bubbly asian girl.

'Mistress, how can you keep so calm while we're on the edge of a disaster?'

Judging from the rapidly ascending field of vision. Ponzu has rolled her eyes. 'Relax, it'll be alright.'

As she says that, the wind dies down, and the behemoth fall back on its bottom with a mighty crash, creating a wave of sand so massive it cover the porthole entirely for an instant.

Megumi dives for her mattress at the same time, and quick weight shifting puts our Host on hers.

Megumi grins. "One more! One more!"

"Enough, you! You wouldn't be laughing so much if you're were on the lower level. Their furniture isn't bolted down."

"True, they even thought of mattress straps."

Suddenly, the steady staccato of sand against metal is muffled by dull, heavy booms the echoes along the hull. "Rocks?" Megumi asks

"We must have hit a rocky area." Ponzu replies. "This may be bad. The small won't get through the hull, but those winds are more than strong enough to toss boulders at us."

Megumi nods. "Maybe we should get out of the room? Getting further in would be safer."

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