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Chapter 24
Next day, all of us sorcerers who had been chosen to fight in the battle against the invading beasts had gathered along with Ancient One.

Among the Masters, it seemed that Master Wong and Master Mordo would be joining the battle.

"Ancient One, would we depart for Ta Lo now?" A young sorcerer who seems to be only in his early 20s asked eagerly after everyone had gathered.

"Be patient, young man. There will be more sorcerers who will be joining us." Ancient One said surprising many of us.

As if on cue, several portals appeared in front of our eyes.
From the portals, several sorcerers appeared. Each one of them received to be rather young. They appeared to be from various Ethnic communities.

Some looked to be European, others had dark skin and there was even one girl whose seemed to be Korean.

"We greet Ancient One." All the sorcerers bowed and greeted Ancient One.

"They are sorcerers from different branches of Kamar Taj. Although the main headquarters of Kamar Taj is here in the Himalayas, it also has several branches all over the world." Ancient One explained to us about the different branches of Kamar Taj.

"Now that everyone is here, we shall now depart." Ancient One declared and created a portal to Ta Lo.

When we entered the portal, I realised that all of us were directly at the entrance of the village in Ta Lo.

There was already a group of villagers waiting for of all of us. All of them were dressed in the unique dragon scaled armour I had seen while I was training in Ta Lo. Most of them had weapons such as halberds and bows in their hands but there were also some with bare hands.

I could already see many familiar faces among them. An uncle who worked in the fields, an auntie who did housework, all of them were now here dressed in ferocious armour with weapons in their hands. It honestly felt surreal to me.

"Peter, I knew that you would be here." Master Ying Nan came out of the crowd to meet me. Like everyone else, she was also wearing a beautiful dragon scale armour in which she looked absolutely stunning despite her age.

"Master!" I clasped my hands and greeted her.

"Given the extent of your powers, it is no surprise that you are participating in the battle." Master Ying Nan said while sighing. It looked like she was worried for me.

"Don't be overconfident. Always remember what I have taught you." Master Ying Nan warned me to always be cautious.

"Everyone!" I was about to continue the conversation with Master Ying Nan when Ancient One called all of us.

"Now that everyone who will participate in the battle is here, let me distribute these artefacts to you." Ancient One suddenly produced a large box out of nowhere. Given her status, it was no surprise that she had a spatial equipment.

Ancient One opened the box to reveal that it contained several bracelets adorned with glowing green gems.

"As everyone knows, the dimensional invaders this time are the soul sucking beasts under the Dweller in Darkness." Ancient One started explaining.

"To protect ourselves from the soul sucking ability of these beasts, everyone must wear these soul protection bracelets." So, this bracelets were to protect ourselves from the most annoying ability of those bastard beasts.

"However, the ability of these soul protection bracelets is not allowed powerful. It can only protect you from their powers for a limited time. So, try not to be too dependent on them." Ancient One warned.

Then, she floated the bracelets and distributed one to each of us.

"Now, let's hurry to the lake. The Dweller in Darkness's behaviour changes whenever this invasion occurs." Ancient One said and all of us followed her to the lake.

Upon Ancient One's order, Master Wong and Master Mordo started casting observation spells to see if there were any changes in the seal, while the rest of us started making the final preparations.

Soon, a deafening roar erupted from the sealed door where the Dweller in Darkness was held. Moreover, several vibrations could also be felt from the door despite it being far away from us.

"Any changes in the seal." Ancient One asked hurriedly.

"There are no changes, Ancient One. The seal is as secure as before." Master Wong reported.

"Good. It seems that the battle is finally upon us." Upon hearing her words, all of us got ready for the inevitable battle.

"I will now create the portal to the mirror dimension." Ancient One started created the portal which will lead us to the battlefield.

"Unfortunately, I would not be able to join all of you on the battlefield. I must observe the other dimensions from Kamar Taj in order to see if there are will be another attack from the other dimensions as they could see this invasion as a sign of weakness for us." Ancient One declared that she wouldn't be joining the battle due to her duties.

"In my absence, Master Wong will take charge." Saying this, Ancient One created a portal to Kamar Taj and disappeared.

"All of us will now enter the mirror dimension. Everyone be alert." Master Wong ordered.

"This is…." Upon entering the mirror dimension, I was shocked as the scene before my eyes did not reflect Ta Lo in any sense.

"Surprised," Master Wong asked me after seeing my reaction.

"Yeah!" I replied. In front of me was urban city full of skyscrapers. From the looks of it, it looked like an Asian City due to the writing on the posters and the architecture.

"We have found in the recent years with the onset of modern civilization that combat in mirror dimension is more effective in urban areas. That is why we recently remodelled this artificial mirror dimension. It is modelled after Hong Kong." Master Wong explained.

"Get ready, our guests are here."

Just as Master Wong said, several dark ripples started appearing in the mirror dimension and the invading beasts started pouring out of it.

I along with all the other sorcerers, got ready for the battle.

The battle is finally here! So, without much talking, let's continue!

As I have said before, for the rest of this month, there will be 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advance chapters on Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 25
I could see the various soul sucking monsters pouring out of the dark ripples in the distant sky of the mirror dimension.

The soul sucking masters looked like giant bats except that they had tentacles like that of an octopus as their tails. There were also several elephant sized soul sucking masters which had large horns on their head and purple energy emitting from their tentacles. It looked like those were the leaders of the flock.

Looking at the entire flock of monsters at a glance, there were around 100 monsters in total.

And the total numbers of sorcerers and martial artists combined were only 25. Yet none of us were frightened by such a large disparity even though we were countered four to one. Because all of us knew that we would win this battle.

"Beware of the tentacles of these monsters. That is where their soul sucking ability resides." Master Wong warned us.

"Even though all of you have soul protection bracelets, it is always beneficial to be aware. Moreover, the soul protection bracelets also have a limit." He reminded us that the soul protection bracelets were not all powerful.

Soon, the eyes of the monsters fell upon our group and they started flocking towards us.

"Ready an opening salvo. Let these bastard monsters know what kind of force they are fighting with." Master Wong ordered.

The sorcerers started chanting powerful spells and the few archers who had come along with the martial artists of Ta Lo also readied their enchanted arrows. As for myself, I created a spear formed of my red lightning.

"Now," Master Wong gave the order once the monsters neared us.

As soon as he ordered, all of us launched our spell. The glowing spells look like fireworks as they continued towards the monsters, yet the impact was much more.

It was clear from their cries as our spells finished them off. The opening salvo had alone killed more than 15 percent of the monsters. My spear itself had easily pierced through one monster and continued to finish two more.

"Peter, lower down the voltage of your lightning a little. We still need their carcasses to create equipment." Master Wong advised me to lower my attack power a little after seeing my spear annihilate through the monsters.

Despite having about 15% of the flock already destroyed, the monsters remained relentless as if they had no fear.

"Alright, everyone. It's about time. Ready the mirror dimension." Master Wong ordered all the sorcerers present.

As soon as he ordered, almost all the sorcerers, excluding me and a few young ones started manipulating the mirror dimension at the same time.

The effect of their manipulation was simply magnificent. Suddenly there was a city not only beneath us but also above us.

Then, the skyscrapers and the buildings from both cities started floating in the sky as if physics simply did not exist the sorcerers manipulated the floating masses to prevent the monsters from approaching us in groups.

The floating buildings broke down into debris and then reformed to create a grand blockade. Now, the monsters could not flock towards us in groups even if they wanted.
They would have to either move around the blockade to approach us or go through the intentionally left gaps which were changing every moment.

Either way, the monsters' formation was now broken and if they still wanted to feast on us, they could only come towards us in a few numbers. Yet, this obstacle did not weaken their resolution a single bit.

"Alright, everyone. Take your formations now." Master Wong ordered.

Everyone got into formations as Master Wong ordered. Some elite sorcerers along with Master Wong continued to manipulate the mirror dimension while others began to ready the barriers and spells.

The rest of the sorcerers paired with the martial artists while the archers took their position behind the barriers.

"Peter, Ancient One has given a special orders for you." Well given my powers, it was obvious that I would hold some special position.

"You can go full on rampage. That is what she said."
I grinned as I heard the orders and transformed into my draconic form, ready to wreak havoc among the monsters' ranks.

"Wait for a second. Listen the full orders." Master Wong asked me to wait as the orders were not finished.

"However, be sure to always be near our formations in case any emergency happens." So, I was also in charge of emergency situations.

By now, the monsters had started reaching our positions. However, all of us were long ready. Already, spells were flying in the air towards them.

I also spread my wings and engaged them. Flying through the air, I began striking them down with my fists, barely any of them were even able to stand a single of my punches.

However, I made sure to control my strength. Initially, it was a bit hard for me to determine the proper strength required to just kill them.

The first one I struck was a bit mangled, the second one survived even if it was on the verge of death. But as I continued attacking, I was able to adapt quickly and find how much I should hold back.

As I continued fighting the monsters and demolished their ranks, for the first time, I felt completely in sync with my powers.

Previously, even with all my training, I had only achieved about 90% control over my instincts. But now, I was completely in tune with them.

My powers no longer felt like they were something separate. They felt like they belonged to me. There were no wild instincts left. I could easily control how much strength I wanted to exert and when.

Now, after a long time I felt like I was complete truly myself. Exhilarated by this phenomenon, I let out a roar while my body emitted red lightning.

I looked back to see how the others were doing. With me at the front dispatching the monsters, by the time the monsters reached the formations, the ranks were already quite thinned allowing the others to easily finish them off.

Master Wong was commanding the whole situation very well, all the while manipulating the mirror dimension to never let the monsters get the upper hand.

Master Mordo, with the help of his magic boots, was constantly moving throughout the battlefield, helping whenever a part of the formation felt overwhelmed by the attacks.

The other sorcerers were also doing quite well. The monsters could not even break the barriers before they were shot down.

The martial artists were also doing well with the help of sorcerers. The sorcerers bound the monsters with their spells while the martial artists finished them off in close combat.

Master Ying Nan was even better. She did not even need the help of the sorcerers. She moved through the battlefield alone, finishing the monsters one after another.

Looking at the whole situation, everything was going on pretty well. No wonder, Ancient One said that we could finish the dimension invasion without any casualty.

"Ah!!" Suddenly, a girl's scream was heard throughout the entire battlefield.

Hope all of you like how I am dealing with this whole dimension invasion!

As I have already said, for the rest of this month, there will be 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advance chapters on
Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 26
I looked around to see where the scream had came from. The scream had came from the direction of the barrier team.

One of those giant monsters with horns and purple energy had closed on to the formation and pierced the barriers with its tentacles laced with that purple energy.

It had a girl entangled in its tentacles which caused her to scream. I recognised that girl, she was sole one who had arrived from Korea!

The purple energy once again covered the monster's tentacles, moving on towards the girl's body. The monster was trying to suck her soul! Fortunately, the soul protection bracelet let out a green aura stopping the purple energy.

"Everyone, stop that monster!" Master Wong ordered.

Many sorcerers targeted the monster with their spells, the archers shot their arrows at it and the martial artists rushed towards it. Master Mordo also ran towards the master as fast as he can. I myself also started flying towards the monster.

However, as soon as the monster was hit by a few spells, it sensed the danger and flew away from the formation, taking the girl who was still trapped in its tentacles, away with it.

"Peter, you must save that girl." Master Wong immediately called me with a communication spell as I was still a little far away from the formation.

"We will manage it here for quite some time. You go and save the girl as fast as you can. She is the granddaughter of a close friend of mine. I have taken the responsibility of her safety in this battle." Master Wong hurried me further.

"Although the soul protection bracelet is protecting her for the time being, it will not be able to hold out for too much time. Hurry!" Master Wong said once more and cut the call.

I could feel the urgency of the situation from Master Wong's words. Looking at the distance between the monster and me, it will take me easily a few minutes even if I flew towards it all the while boosting my wings as I had flown too far from the formation.

Calculating rapidly using my enhanced intelligence, I tried to think of a way to reach them as fast as possible. I could only think of a single way, I must use that mystic art.

I immediately descended on a nearby floating building after this realisation and contacted Master Wong using a communication spell.

"Make a pathway for me using the floating buildings." I asked Master Wong as soon as the spell connected.

He did not reply but I could see all the floating buildings moving around me to create a clear pathway between the monster and me. I could see them clearly, the girl was still struggling in the monster's tentacles, trying to form a spell but couldn't because of the purple energy constantly trying to suck her soul.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, readying myself to use the mystic arts as fast as I could. Then I opened my eyes, fully focused on the pathway. Red lightning started emitting from me, a large amount of it from my lower region.

Then, I executed Thunderclap and Flash to move at an astounding speed, jumping from one building to another, closing the distance between the monster and me.

I would not have been able to use Thunderclap and Flash at such a level if I had not gained complete control over my instincts during the battle and Ancient One had not given me an impromptu lesson yesterday regarding the Mirror Dimension.

As I ran using the Thunderclap and Flash, the pathway soon came to an end. Although the sorcerers had created a rather long pathway, there was still quite a distance remaining. But that distance was now doable.

I jumped over the last building and unfurled my wings and further boosted them. With the momentum from the Thunderclap and Flash still remaining and the speed of the boosted wings, I reached the monster in no time.

As I approached the monster, I focused to create an energy blade. Then, with swift and precise maneuver, I severed the tentacles ensnaring the girl and caught her in my arms.

The monster cried out in pain only now realising that I had stolen its prey and turned its attention to me.
Realising that it was no situation to hold back my strength, I created a fully charged spear of red lightning and launched it without any hesitation towards the monster's head.

The monster caught off guard by my sudden attack and already in excruciating pain was unable to react and the spear pierced through its skull, ending its life.

"Thank you! Thank you!" The girl said sobbing to me as she realised that I had saved her.

"It's okay. You are safe now." I said in a bid to console her.
As I received her gratitude, I felt an indescribable kind of joy. A sense of triumph, a feeling of joy, a relief that you had saved a life.

Was this what Gwen felt whenever she saved someone as Spider Woman? Perhaps it was this feeling which helped her continue a lonely existence as Spider Woman.

Maybe this was what I was pursuing when I took the lizard serum in a bid to gain superpowers to become a hero?

Looking back, I felt that my previous self was pretty stupid to do such an idiotic act. But if it was not for that idiotic act, perhaps I would never have gained these powers and not be here.

I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard a deafening roar in the victiny. I could see another giant monster with a group of smaller monsters advancing towards us. It seems that we were rather far away from the formation.

"More monsters!!" The girl whispered in my arms scared which was obvious after what she had faced.

"Calm down, I am here. Nothing will happen." I consoled her as I readied myself to face the approaching monsters.

Alright everyone, this battle will be finished in the next two chapters as well as the entire Kamar Taj arc.

Actually, when I had written this chapter, I was going to use an European girl but at that time, I was reading some Korean novels, so in the end I decided for a Korean one.

As I have already said earlier, for the rest of this month, there will be a total of 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advance chapters on Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 27
My heart raced as I saw the monsters coming towards me. The monsters were not a problem. Given my powers, I could easily crush them.

The problem was the girl in my arms. My powers were too intense. Even a single spark of my red lightning could cause fatal damage to her and I did not want her to get hurt because of me.

"Peter, I'm here to help."

Just as I was contemplating how to effectively kill those monsters, I heard Master Mordo's voice.

Looking towards where the voice was coming from, I could see Master Mordo approaching us from a portal.

Now, I could see why Master Mordo got the title of a master. It was not an easy task to create a portal in the mirror dimension especially when it has been this much distorted.

The distortion of the mirror dimension scrambled the spatial coordinates, making it quite hard to create an effective portal. Only someone who had a mastery in the study of mirror dimension could pull it off.

Now that Master Mordo was here, I knew what I had to do.

"Take her back." I pushed the girl towards Master Mordo by putting a float spell on her.

As Master Mordo caught her, I could see his surprised expression.

"I will take care of the monsters here. You go and help others." I announced my intention.

"Be careful." Master Mordo said to me and left with the girl through a portal.

I could feel his emotions through his words. Master Mordo knew how powerful I was, yet he asked me to be careful.

Seeing that the monsters were now closer to me and only approaching me from a single direction, I decided to do something I rarely had the chance to do. I created a magic circle and casted a spell. The magic circle was red in colour with some red sparks flying from it because it was a lightning spell I was casting with my red lightning.

As soon as all the monsters were in the range, the crackling red magic circle launched several bolts of lightning towards them.

However, the bolts did not move in a straight line. They moved around the monsters and then wrapped them in a cage.

The bolts of lightning didn't disappear and continued to exist, trapping the monsters within it. Then, more bolts spread from the cage and struck the monsters both inside it as well as the few stragglers who were not inside the cage.

This was the spell 'Lightning Prison'. Despite it being a binding spell, its power was greater than a large number of combat spells and it was also quite difficult both to learn and use.

I could also create the effect of the spell without using the spell itself but it would take me more than a few minutes to create it and the effect would be a little erratic as it was a rather complex spell which required both lightning attribute and the study of advanced energy constructs.

Although I had mitigated the spell's power quite a lot in order to not outright annihilate the monsters, all the smaller monsters had died after taking one or two bolts of lightning.

Only the giant monster was remaining and even it was not in a much greater condition after crashing into the lightning cage in a bid to escape it.

Deciding to end its misery, I soared towards the monster with a lightning blade and sliced at its neck. As the monster's head was quite large, it took me more than a single strike to finish it.

Having finished the immediate threat, I looked back to see how the others were doing.

Nearly all the monsters had reached the formation by now. I could also see three giant monsters engaging in battle.

I flew towards them immediately, realising that the situation could once again turn dangerous.

As I reached near the formation, I would see who was engaging the giant monsters.

One monster was fighting with Master Mordo. Other sorcerers were supporting Master Mordo by binding the monster and attacking it with their spells while Master Mordo took the attention of the monster with the help of his magic boots and staff artefact.

Another monster was attacking Master Wong and the elite sorcerers who were manipulating the mirror dimension. However, its attack ended before it even began.

Master Wong and the elite sorcerers constantly manipulated the area around the monster, blocking its approach by trapping it within the various floating buildings. It was not able to move forward an inch since it attempted to attack them.

The last monster was near where the martial artists of Ta Lo were. Master Ying Nan was currently fighting it.
Whenever the monster tried to attack her, it seemed like she knew how it was going to attack. She dodged its every attack and also counterattacked near perfectly.

Honestly, she looked like a fairy as she constantly moved around the monster. Of course, the monster itself looked quite frustrated because of its inability to attack her.

I quickly moved to support Master Ying Nan as I reached the formation. Taking advantage of the fact that the monster was distracted by Master, I unleashed a relatively powerful lightning bolt at it.

The monster cried as it was suddenly strike by my lightning bolt.

Master Ying Nan was slightly surprised by my appearance but seized the opportunity to strike a magic infused punch at the monster's head like she had shown me back during my trial.

The monster was already quite battered by Master previously and my lightning bolt had put it near death. Master's punch on its already dented head was the last nail in the coffin, finishing it off.

"Hey, I could deal with it myself." Master Ying Nan chided me playfully.

"I know," I said while smiling.

I scanned the battlefield once more to see what had changed. Master Mordo had already finished the monster he was fighting with the help of the sorcerers.

However, Master Wong was still fighting with his monster as he also had to manipulate the mirror dimension.

I was just starting to move towards Master Wong to support him when suddenly Master Wong created a large portal towards the monster.

From the portal came a train which directly rushed towards the monster and struck it head on, finishing it off.

Damn! I didn't know you could use mirror dimension to perform such tricks. I will have to ask Master Wong later how he did it.

With all the giant monsters finished, the few remaining monsters were in complete panic. I swiftly moved to dispatch them in order to finish the battle.

At this moment, it was clear that the battle was over.
And thus, the entire dimension invasion is finished. I hope you all liked how dealt with the entire battle.

As I have already said earlier, for the rest of this month, there will be a total of 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advance chapters for Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 28
I returned to Ta Lo along with the rest of the sorcerers once the battle was over. Although some sorcerers remained behind in the mirror dimension to collect the carcasses of the dead monsters, a majority returned to Ta Lo.

As I fought in the battle against those interdimensional beasts, I realised what kind of responsibility rested upon Kamar Taj and Ta Lo.

Although I had known since start that Kamar Taj protected Earth from the threats of other dimensions, only now I knew what enormous responsibility it was.

Although we had defeated those soul sucking monsters quite easily, it was only because we had soul protection bracelets. Otherwise, one single attack and our souls would be sucked from our bodies.

That makes me wonder what kind of monster, the Dweller in Darkness sealed in Ta Lo was. No wonder, original dimension of the people of Ta Lo was destroyed.

"Peter! You did truly great in today's battle." Master Wong came to me and started praising me.

"I only did what I could." I said embarrassed.

"No, Peter. This time, you were truly great. Seriously, your presence was truly helpful in thinning the ranks of the monsters at the frontline. You lessened the pressure on us too much.

Because of you, I did not even need to join the battle until the end. Believe me, the battle would have been quite different if you had not there."

Master Wong continued praising me and counted my accomplishments one by one despite my embarrassment.

"Still, thank you for saving Hye-rin. Her grandfather was a great friend of mine. I do not know what I would have told him if she had died in the battle."

Hye-rin, so that was the name of that girl, huh. Sounds Korean which is rather obvious when looking at her appearance.

"Master Wong, Ancient One has asked for your presence." A sorcerer came and said to Master Wong.

Looks like Ancient One has already arrived. It was quite fast.

"It seems that I must now go, Peter." With one last pat on my back, Master Wong left.

"Apprentice Peter, I had not thought that you would do such a great job at today's battle." Soon after Master Wong left, Master Mordo came and praised me.

This was quite unexpected seeing that Master Mordo didn't come near even my shadow since his defeat at my hands.

"I had not thought that you could do such a great job seeing that you had only been learning mystic arts for a mere 2 months." Master Mordo said rather haughtily.

Oh! It seems that he was still sour about his defeat.
"Still, you did a great job. Now, I must leave to give my report to Ancient One." Afterwards, Master Mordo left. He must still feel awkward around me.

"Peter, you were awesome, today!"

"Peter! When I saw you in the battle today, I felt like I was looking at a dragon!"

"Peter! That mystic art you used to chase that monster was truly awesome. What kind of mystic art is it?"

Several sorcerers who had joined today's battle came to praise me for my performance in today's battle. How awesome I looked while fighting, how I look like a dragon in my draconic form. Seriously I was being praised too much.

I was feeling a little shy after this much praise. After all, this was the first time I was getting such fame.

"Peter!" The girl whom I had saved, Hye-rin greeted me as soon as she appeared before my eyes.

"Thank you for saving me!" She bowed towards me, showing her gratefulness.

"It's nothing. Anyone who could do it would have done so, Hye-rin. That's your name right?" I asked awkwardly.

"Yes, Park Hye-rin." She introduced herself.

"Say, the sorcerers from Korea usually learn at the main headquarters. But you arrived from elsewhere." This was rather puzzling for me. After all, everyone who was from Asian continent studied at Kamar Taj in Nepal.

"Actually, you can say that I was home-schooled in mystic arts. My grandfather is a retired master. He trained me just casually but I turned out to be quite gifted in mystic arts."

So, that is the reason she fought rather amateurishly in the battle. She was home-schooled leading to her not having any practical experience.

"Ah! That's right." Suddenly, Hye-rin's face lit up.

"I was thinking how to repay you. My grandfather is a master in Armour making and enchantment. I will ask him to make an armour for you."

"There is no need for it." I didn't want to impose on her especially when I didn't save for any reward.

"No, I insist." Hye-rin was not ready to take a no for an answer.

"Apprentice Peter, Ancient One has called for you." A sorcerer delivered the message to me. He seemed rather shy referring me as an apprentice.

As I moved through the crowd of sorcerers, I could listen to the various phrases being sung about me.

Soon, I reached where Ancient One was. She was currently talking with Master Wong and Master Mordo.

"Ah! Peter. You are here." Ancient One addressed me upon seeing that I had arrived.

Suddenly, her eyes widened upon seeing me. "Interesting," she muttered.

"How is your condition now? Are your instincts still running wild?" She questioned me immediately.

"No, I am now in full control of myself. It feels like my body and my mind are now completely in sync." Truly, it felt to me like the days where I was led around by my instincts like a puppet were long gone.

"Congratulations, Peter. It seems a true battle was the last thing you required to achieve complete control over yourself."

I was truly impressed by Ancient One's insight. She could always obtain the information she required just by observing someone.

"Anyways, you have performed truly well in today's battle. Everyone is singing your praises." She said pointing to the sorcerers still talking about me.

I felt a little shy upon hearing her words. Although I had received numerous praises today, it felt quite different to hear it from my teacher.

"Now that you have gained complete control over instincts and have more or less learned enough in the field of mystic arts, I believe you are now ready to be promoted to a sorcerer." Ancient One announced.

"Moreover, I believe you have gained quite a title already." She said pointing to the voices saying that I had the power of a dragon.

"Everyone!" Ancient One said loudly, drawing the attention of all the warriors and sorcerers who had participated in today's battle.

"Because of Apprentice Peter's achievement in today's battle, he has been promoted to the rank of a sorcerer." Ancient One announced.

Everyone present nodded their heads in agreement and clapped for me. It would be a shame for me not to be a sorcerer after today's battle.

"Despite Peter learning the mystic arts for only a few months, he has shown great talent in it. Moreover, his powers allow him to easily defeat most of our masters. As such, he has been given the title of 'Dragon Sorcerer'." Ancient One declared further.

To think that she would give me a title. A title was only given to the most promising sorcerers or those who had done something great in the field of mystic arts. For example, Master Zenitsu had the title of 'Thunderflash' because of his unique mystic art.

"Dragon Sorcerer! Dragon Sorcerer!"

Soon, everyone started chanting my title. As the chants of Dragon Sorcerer filled the air, I felt a surge of pride in everything I had accomplished since my arrival at Kamar Taj.

*End of Dragon Sorcerer Arc*

And with this, we have finished the entire Kamar Taj arc. I know that in this arc, the chapters were rather short but I promise you that most of the future chapters will be larger.

I will not say much. Just this much that I hope you liked my story and will continue to like it in the future. See you in the next arc, "The X-Dragon"!

As I have said earlier, for the rest of this month, there will be a total of 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advan
ce chapters on Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 29
Aunt May's POV

I was in the kitchen making Peter's favourite food as he was finally coming home after more than 2 months. Especially since the last time we met was too short, I could not even hug him then.

"Let me help you, Aunt May." Mary Jane, or as her friends called her, MJ was helping me as she had learned that Peter was arriving today.

"You know, Aunt May. You should have told me the truth about Peter sooner. After all, I was his friend from childhood." MJ was angry that we had not told her about Peter's condition when we first found out.

"Believe me, I wanted to, MJ. But you know how people feel about mutants." We worried that Peter would face discrimination. That is why we never told anyone about him.

"But you know me. I would not discriminate against Peter just because he became a mutant." MJ was angry that we did not believe in her.

"I know that I was not close with Peter those days as I was busy with my band. But still, he suddenly disappeared one day. I do not know what I would have felt if that was the last time I saw him."

It was clear from MJ's words that she was feeling guilty for not being with Peter before he disappeared.

"Thankfully, it was found that he was safe. But even then he did not return. Upon asking, you just said that Peter had a medical emergency and would not be able to join the school for a few months."

"It was all too much suspicious. It was clear from Gwen's behaviour that she knew the truth and even she did not tell me despite me pestering her relentlessly."

MJ's frustration could be clearly seen from her face.

"But I told you the truth, didn't I?" It was me who had told her why Peter had disappeared and why he had not returned back yet.

"Only because I had literally begged you." I still remember how she had come to me crying and asking where was Peter and if he was okay. So, I had no choice but to tell her.

We were about to continue our conversation when we heard the bell ring.

"Ben, check who it is." Ben had come back early today from his job just so that he could spend more time with Peter.

I heard the sound of door opening. Looks like it was not Peter, otherwise he would have called us immediately.

"It's Gwen." So, Gwen was also here now.

"Gwen is saying that Captain Stacy will not be joining us today. He has some important work." Ben's voice came from the living room.

"Tell her that she can spend the night here." I said to Ben from the kitchen.

"But, but---" I could hear Gwen's voice from the living room trying to object.

"No, Gwen. You heard May. You have to stay here." I could hear Ben rebuking her.

Everyone was here now, only Peter was left. When will he arrive?

Peter Parker's POV

I arrived through a portal to an alley near my home. After all, I could not open a portal directly front of my home where anyone could see it.

I wish I could have come back sooner but unfortunately the creation of my personal armour took much longer than I had predicted.

My transformation complicated it as the armour also had to transform in order to accommodate my own transformation.

As I stood before the door, I could hear my heart racing. I closed my eyes and took a deep sigh and then pressed the bell.

I saw an eye in the eyehole and heard Uncle Ben calling for everyone. Soon after, the door opened.

As the door opened, I could see my loved ones whom I had longed to see again. Aunt May, Uncle Ben, Gwen and …….. MJ!

"MJ! What are you doing here?" I was surprised to see her as Aunt May had a not told me about her.

"What, you forgot about your childhood friend so easily, Tiger?" MJ said to me teasingly which was rather typical of her.

"No, I am just surprised to see you here." I clarified.

"You know, Peter. You should have called me about your condition. I am also your friend, you know." MJ said seriously.

"So, what did you learn in that secret magic society?" She asked once again, this time however, with a curious tone.

"Peter, now that you are here, you should remove that illusion spell." Aunt May said after I had finished talking with MJ.

"Illusion spell?" MJ questioned.

"Ah! I forgot to tell you. Peter's appearance changed after he awakened as a mutant." Aunt May clarified.

"Alright!" I removed my illusion spell revealing my true appearance.

As soon as MJ saw my true appearance, it looked like her jaw literally dropped. Although MJ was blushing upon seeing my new appearance, Gwen didn't seem to like it.
Perhaps she was feeling guilty regarding what had happened.

"Damn! Peter. You transformed from a shy cute guy to such a handsome one." MJ muttered.

I spread my arms towards Aunt May signifying I could hug her now.

She happily hugged me. I could see that her eyes had turned rather misty when she left my embrace. Uncle Ben's eyes had also turned misty but they were clearly holding themselves back from crying so as to not ruin the occasion.

Then, I turned to Uncle Ben and hugged him. He patted my shoulder pridefully.

"Hey, no hugs for me?" MJ complained.

"Wait for your turn." I said to MJ and then hugged Gwen. At last, I hugged MJ.

"You should go and change first. These robes do not suit your handsome face at all." MJ pointed out my sorcerer robes to me.

I quickly went to my room and changed into a simple white t-shirt and jeans. My old clothes however, stretched against my new muscular body. Looks like I would need to buy new clothes.

As I took the stairs and event to the living room where everybody was waiting for me. They were quite surprised by my muscles which could not be seen previously in my robes.

"I thought that you have joined a secret society, not a gym. How did you gain such muscles?" MJ asked curiously.

"Most of it is from when I gained my powers and the rest is from my martial arts training." I answered.

"Do they train you martial arts in that magic society?" MJ asked again.

"Everyone there knows a little martial arts. However, I trained in mystic martial arts in Ta Lo where I went to control my powers." I explained.

"Ah! That secret society. Where you could not even contact us?" Uncle Ben said this time.

"Yes, it is really a very closed society. However, I took some pictures there. Let me show you." I showed them all the pictures I took in Ta Lo.

"That baby nine-tails looks so cute." Both MJ and Gwen gushed over the beauty of all these mythical beasts.

"It's time for dinner, everyone." Aunt May said. Soon, all of us were at the dining table.

Aunt May had made all of my favourite dishes. I ate all of them with gusto.

"It seems that your appetite has increased quite much." Aunt May commented seeing me demolish the food on my plate.

"How can I not when you have made all these dishes with so much love?" I replied causing everyone to smile.

Even after dinner, we continued talking from quite some time.

"That reminds me, Peter. Why were you so late when you had told me that your promotion was more than a week ago?" Uncle Ben asked.

"Oh! It was because my armour was being readied from the spoils of battle." Oops! I slipped.

"What kind of battle?" Uncle Ben asked with narrowed eyes.

"Oh! It was just a small battle against some interdimensional beasts who had invaded. I did not even need to do much. I was just shooting my lightning at them." I tried to underplay the whole battle and my role in it.

"Oh! That reminds me I had brought some gifts for both of you. I had forgotten about them in excitement." I tried to change the topic to make them forget about the battle.

I could see that Aunt May knew that I lied but thankfully she did not say anything.

I went to my room in order to take out two amulets from my sorcerer robes and gave them to Uncle Ben and Aunt May.

"These are special magical amulets I have specially enchanted for both of you. They have been enchanted with revitalisation spell which will help you in maintaining your health." I explained the function of the amulets.

"You did not need to do this, Peter." Uncle Ben said emotionally.

"But I wanted to give both of you something as a gift." This was a way for me to repay everything they had done for me, even if a little.

We continue talking from some more time but eventually time went on and night became too deep. So, Mary Jane had to leave for her home.

We also went to retire to our room. As I was about to go to sleep myself, I heard a knock on my door.

"Peter, it's me. We need to talk." Gwen's voice sounded from the other side of the door.

I decided to start this arc directly in New York. What kind of armour was made for Peter and what he learnt in this week will be explained later.

Also, it is finally time for that heart to heart talk which Peter should have had with Gwen a long time ago.

As I have already said earlier, for the rest of this month, there will be a total of 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advance chapters on Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 30
I knew that this was a talk we should have had long ago. Unfortunately, none of us got enough time nor were we together before to talk about it.

So, I opened the door. As soon as I opened it, Gwen leaped into my arms and started sobbing.

"I am sorry! I am sorry! I am sorry!" That was all she was saying while sobbing incessantly.

"Calm down, Gwen. It was not your fault what happened that day. Look I am still here." I tried to make her calm down.

"How can you say that? You almost died that day. I thought I would never see you again. And it was all because of me." Gwen said furiously while still sobbing.

"But you did it because I had become a monster. If you had not stopped me that day, someone could have died at my hands. And then, even if I had survived, I do not know how I would have lived. So, do not have blame yourself." I tried to reason with her.

It seems that Gwen could now understand it somewhat as she slowly pulled herself away from my embrace. As I saw her expression, however, it looked like she was still unconvinced but did not want to talk more about the topic.

"Hey, you have grown taller." Gwen commented after she pulled away from me.

"That's true." Gwen was almost near my height after she got her spider powers but now I was more than a head taller than her.

"Now, tell me how you survived." Gwen asked, her face completely serious.

"And don't think about lying. I know what was your condition then. You should have died in a few minutes." It was clear from her expression that she wanted to learn the truth.

"It would have required a true miracle to save you. Just an X-gene would not have brought you back from the brink of death. And that is not withholding how you reached those sorcerers. What had truly happened, Peter?"

Gwen brought out all the points which were suspicious. It looks like she had given it much thought.

"Alright, I will tell you. But you must promise me that you will keep it an absolute secret." What I was about to tell her could not go outside even if very few people would actually believe it.

"I promise, now tell me." Gwen promised almost immediately.

"It may sound nonsensical but I was saved by Peter Parker." I told her in this way so that it would be easier to explain the whole debacle.

"How can you joke at such a serious topic, Peter?" Gwen said angrily as she thought I was joking.

"I am not joking, Gwen. Calm down and listen to my whole words first." I asked her to stay come and listen.

"I was saved by Peter Parker who was from a different dimension. He was not only a Spider-Man, same as you but also a Sorcerer Supreme, the same position as Ancient One." I explained.

Gwen calmly processed my words. It was after all shocking for anyone to learn that her best friend was said by his own self from a different dimension.

"I am glad that he saved you, Peter. But did he say anything to you?" Gwen asked curiously.

"No, he did not say anything much to me. He appeared when I was dying and asked me if I wanted to live.

I said yes and felt unconscious. When I woke up, I was already at Kamar Taj 4 days later. It is actually due to him that I have so much less restrictions compared to other sorcerers."

I did not know why he saved me but not only did he save my life but also completely changed it. For this, I will always be grateful towards him.

"But even then, you have changed so much, Peter." Gwen said sadly.

"You are no longer that shy, nerdy guy. All I can see is a confident young man ready to take what life throws at him."

That was true. After gaining my powers, I had changed a lot. Now, I realised why she didn't like my new appearance. Because she blamed herself for what happened to me.

"But I am still Peter, Gwen. It is just that I am also something more." I tried to reassure her.

As we continued our conversation, Gwen finally began to find some semblance of calm within herself.

"Say, are you going on patrol today as well, Gwen?" I asked her.

"Yeah! Of course, why?" Gwen asked puzzled.

"Why don't I join you? After all I have now powers too. Also, I have my new armour, perfect for joining you on patrol." I offered.

"But you don't need to, Peter. I can handle myself." Gwen didn't want me to accompany her. It seems that she did not want to put me in danger again.

"Gwen, I have fought and killed interdimensional beasts in battle. What are a few crooks in comparison?" I argued.

"Now that you remind me, what kind of battle was that, Peter?" Gwen asked me with suspicious eyes. Damn! How could I bring back this topic.

"I told you, Gwen. It was just a small scale dimensional invasion." I tried to once again undermine the battle.

"Tell me the truth, Peter." Gwen said, this time with a glare.

"Alright, alright. There were about 100 interdimensional beasts." Finally, I relented.

"How could you participate in such a dangerous battle, Peter?" Gwen said angrily. It seems that she was seriously angry this time.

"I was not alone, Gwen. I was with a whole army of sorcerers." I said in a bid to calm her down. There was no need to tell her that I was on the frontlines.

"Sorry, I got a little overprotective." Gwen apologized as she realised that she was trying to interfere with my freedom.

"Alright, it's nothing. Now, let's get ready for the patrol."
Gwen was about to leave to get ready when suddenly the bell rang.

"Who is it at this time?" I could hear Uncle Ben's grumbling.

"I will take care of it, Uncle Ben." I reassured Uncle Ben that I would see who was at the door.

Putting an illusion spell on myself, I went to open the door.

I opened the door to reveal quite a unique bunch. There was a grumpy looking man accompanied by a bald man in a wheelchair. Furthermore, the wheelchair was held by a dark skinned woman with silver white hair.

Looks like we have some guests. I guess everyone has already realised who they are? If not, you will see.

As I have already said earlier, for the rest of this month, there will be a total of 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advance chapters on Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
I opened the door to reveal quite a unique bunch. There was a grumpy looking man accompanied by a bald man in a wheelchair. Furthermore, the wheelchair was held by a dark skinned woman with silver white hair

And now here is Charles Xavier and his pet mutants!

Also I have to say I enjoy what you've done with the few crossovers that you have included in the story, and I would love to see more parts of these settings to cross over in the story as well!
Chapter 31
"May I ask why you are here?" They were truly an odd bunch who had appeared at an odd time.

Moreover, I could sense through my dragon sense that all of them were dangerous if I engaged them in combat, even the old man in wheelchair.

Thankfully, I could not sense any hostility from them otherwise I would have engaged them right away.

"Are you Peter Parker?" The bald man asked.

"Yes, I am. What is your business with me?" I asked warily.

"Hello, Peter. I am Professor Charles Xavier. Have you ever heard of me?" Professor Xavier asked me.

"Yes, I know. You are a renowned expert on mutant related topics."

Now I understand who they were. The danger I felt from them combined with their background, revealed that they were mutants.

"Can we come inside? We need to discuss a few important things related to you." Professor Xavier politely asked.

"Please wait a moment outside. I need to discuss it with my uncle and aunt." Saying these words, I closed the door without giving them a moment to reply.

As I returned, I could see that Uncle Ben and Aunt May had emerged from their room because of our uninvited guests.

"Who is it, Peter?" Gwen asked me while descending the stairs.

"They are mutants. They have come to meet with me." I said immediately, revealing the truth.

Ancient One had warned me when I had left Kamar Taj that mutants what seek me out madly as my X-gene was supposedly too powerful.

So, I had anticipated this encounter but I had not thought that they would arrive the same day I came back to the city.

"So, what do we do now, Peter?" Uncle Ben asked me realising I was more experienced in these matters.

"We would meet them but not before preparing thoroughly." I activated the spatial ring on my right hand which Ancient One had gifted me on my promotion and pulled out three magical bracelets.

"Here, put these on your wrists and I try to activate them." I instructed.

Everyone put them on and did as I instructed. Suddenly, there was an energy shield before everyone's body emanating from the bracelets.

One of the bracelets was the one I had created earlier and the rest I created under Hye-rin's grandfather's guidance, when he had arrived to make my armour in Kamar Taj.

"Alright, everyone. Get ready, I am bringing them in." I asked everyone to be prepared.

Soon, I ushered Professor Xavier and the others into the living room.

"I apologise to everyone for ruining their sleep but it was an extremely important matter." Professor Xavier looked genuinely sorry for disturbing us this late at night.

"Please don't be wary. We have just come here to talk." He reassured us once again noticing our guarded look.

"Let me introduce ourselves. I am Professor Charles Xavier and these are my friends Logan and Ororo Munroe." He introduced himself and the man and woman who came with him.

"All of us are mutants." Professor Xavier finally revealed that all of them were mutants.

They must have expected us to be surprised as they looked rather awkward after seeing that none of us were surprised by this sudden reveal.

"We have come to meet young Peter Parker here at such a time because he is a very powerful mutant." Professor Xavier said and again none of us were surprised.

"It seems that all of you already know." He muttered after seeing our expressions.

"How did you find that I was a mutant?" It was truly odd that they found about me after just a few hours I was in the city.

"Let's just say that we have a mutant searching machine. Although, it is not accurate, it is more than enough to find the general area.

And, when we searched the news about this area, we found about you, young Peter. Someone who had suddenly disappeared but was later found, however was still out of town." Professor Xavier started pointing out all the clues.

"Then, we queried in Mr. Ben's company and found that he was on leave because his nephew was coming home today.

All of this matched perfectly with the sudden result, the machine gave us about the appearance of a powerful mutant." Incredible, they found me so quickly even though they only knew the general area.

"So, what do you want with me?" I asked curiously as even now I could feel no hostility from them.

"I would like to offer you to join my school. 'Xavier's school for gifted youngsters', a school I have created for mutants where they can learn how to control and use their powers properly." Professor Xavier said, offering me a proposal.

I could see the benefit in joining such a school. Even I sometimes felt a little awkward in Kamar Taj because of my powers and status.

"What would happened if I deny your offer?" Unfortunately, I would have to deny Professor Xavier's offer because I was already affiliated with Kamar Taj.

"Although we will do nothing if you reject our proposal, we will however, not be the last ones to approach you. Your powers are simply too strong for any organisation to leave you alone.

There are several unscrupulous organisations who will stop at nothing to make you join them. Each of them have their own agenda and would try to brainwash you to make you join them." Professor Xavier explained the danger I was in.

"Moreover, they could even try to hurt your family because of you. We can help you in protecting your family if you join us as we are partnered with the government." I could see what kind of position I was in.

"Please wait a moment." Saying this, I went out of the living room.

Then, I sent a message to Ancient One through a communication spell asking her to visit after giving her information about my situation.

The situation was so serious that I could not decide alone. So, I decided to bring Ancient One in to explain that I was already a part of Kamar Taj.

"So, what do you think about my offer, Peter?" Professor Xavier asked after I returned.

"I am glad to receive your offer but I am already part of a different organisation." I decided to tell the truth as Ancient One was going to visit in a few moments anyways.

Suddenly, I felt an intrusion in my mind which caused my instincts to go haywire.

I felt an image of a dragon roar in my mind against the intrusion. It was similar to the one I had seen before when I was meditating.

Soon after the dragon appeared in my mind with a roar, the mental intrusion disappeared from my mind after being struck back.

"Ah!!" Professor Xavier let out a roar of pain, revealing that he was the one who tried to enter my mind.

However, the damage was already done. Because of the sudden intrusion, my illusion spell was shattered, revealing my true appearance.

Furthermore, as a result of my instincts going wild, my arms had transformed into claws, emitting red lightning.

"Charles, hadn't you said that the boy's powers were still developing?" Logan suddenly questioned.

So, we are now finally into the X-Men arc. Also, there is a reason for Peter's powers acting like a mental shield which will be explained later.

As I have already said earlier, for the rest of the month, there will be a total of 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advance chapters on Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 32
Seeing Professor Xavier suddenly in pain, Logan unleashed metal claws which released weirdly from his knuckles while Ms. Ororo also got ready for a fight.

I also got ready in case a fight actually happens, with my dragon sense working at full power so that I could act at the first moment. I also signalled everyone with my eyes to ready themselves to activate the bracelets at any time.

"Stop!" Professor Xavier said loudly in an attempt to prevent any hostilities.

"I said to stop. It was my fault." He surprisingly admitted his fault and asked Logan and Ororo to calm down.

Hearing his order, Logan and Ororo backed down, however they still have their guard up. Professor Xavier took a few deep breaths before starting to continue talking.

"I apologise to you, Peter for trying to read your mind without your permission. However, I had no other choice." Surprisingly, Professor Xavier bowed his head down to me in order to apologize.

"Why did you do it?" I asked still keeping my guard up.

"We have many enemies who would love to kill us. So, when you told us that you are a part of another secret organisation, I panicked and tried to read your thoughts.

I was afraid that you were a part of an organisation which was hostile to us. Of course, I didn't manage to read your mind in the end, though!" Professor Xavier explained why he unexpectedly tried to enter my mind.

"Did you read anyone else's mind?" My response would depend entirely upon his answer.

"No, I didn't. I had thought that they wouldn't know about that secret organisation enough to draw conclusions. That is why I targeted you." Professor Xavier replied honestly.

Upon hearing Professor Xavier answer everything politely and still sensing with my dragon sense that he had no ill intentions, I decided to forgive him just this once.

"I am letting you off just this once. However, just one more mistake and all the negotiations are off." I warned Professor Xavier.

"Anyways, the leader of my organisation is already on her way. You will know what organisation it is when you meet her." They would realise what kind of organisation Kamar Taj was when they would meet Ancient One. There was no need to tell them in advance as I wouldn't be able to explain it properly.

"But, I don't understand how you have these powers. Your X-gene was supposed to be still developing when I detected it." Professor Xavier looked puzzled as he asked me.

"How do you know I am a powerful mutant when my X-gene is supposed to still be developing?" It was simply incomprehensible.

"Because it released a greater amount of energy waves as compared to other mutants despite not showing any characteristics of an active X-gene." Professor Xavier explained.

"But Peter told us that his powers were due to his X-gene." Uncle Ben said puzzled by this sudden dilemma and looked at me for answers.

I wanted to tell them the truth but how was I supposed to tell them that I was given this powers by another me from a different dimension while I was dying.

I was just thinking how to answer when a portal suddenly appeared in the living room. Good, Ancient One was here, so she would handle everything.

"Greetings, everyone. I am Ancient One, Sorcerer Supreme of Kamar Taj." Ancient One introduced herself while greeting Professor Xavier and his friends.

"Sorcerer Supreme, are you telling us that magic is real?" Ms. Ororo said surprised by Ancient One's introduction.

"How do we believe that magic is real and you are the leader of those magicians? You could be a portal creating mutant." Logan questioned, obviously sceptical about Ancient One.

Upon hearing their questions, Ancient One simply smiled. She created a magic circle using her right hand and casted a telekinetic spell to float several objects around the room.

Then, she created a flame in one hand and then ice in her other one. Afterwards, she created an energy blade.

"Can a mutant wield such diverse powers? Do you believe now in the existence of magic?" Ancient One said smiling.

"Alright, we believe in your words." Professor Xavier said after seeing the proof.

All of them well silent for a few moments, contemplating the sudden reveal of magic before them. Then, Professor Xavier opened his mouth to speak.

"May I ask how you sorcerers perceive us mutants?" He asked politely.

"Many mutants believe themselves to be the next step of human evolution. Some people treat them as demons while a few even believe them to be blessed by God.

However, their existence is perceived much more differently by us sorcerers. We refer to them as cheats." Ancient One referred to the mutants quite absurdly. This was the first time I was hearing this because I never had a chance to talk with Ancient One regarding this topic.

"Cheats?" Professor Xavier asked puzzled by Ancient One's words.

"Yes, we believe that their powers are simply cheat codes to what we can achieve through magic." Ancient One explained.

"For example, for a sorcerer to be able to float large boulders would require months or even years of training and practice. However, a mutant with telekinetic powers can easily float such large boulders with his mind." Ancient One gave an example.

"Of course, it often comes at a cost. From the few mutants who joined Kamar Taj, we learned that they often have difficulty learning other branches of magic which are not related to their powers." She mentioned the trade off for the mutants.

Professor Xavier silently reflected upon her words for a few moments then slowly an expression of anger suddenly appeared on his face.

"Then, why did you not help us mutants when we suffered? According to what I understand, you could easily take them in and it would even be beneficial to your organisation." Professor Xavier questioned angrily.

"You misunderstand what Kamar Taj is. It is not an organisation working for profit or a special agenda. Our only motive is to protect Earth from the interdimensional threats.

Moreover, becoming a sorcerer of Kamar Taj is a lifetime commitment. Once you become a sorcerer, you have to spend your entire life at Kamar Taj. Peter is just an exception because of certain circumstances." Ancient One explained calmly.

"I apologise. I spoke too hastily." Professor Xavier apologized for his harsh words.

"But I do not understand the nature of Peter's powers. It is not his X-gene and from how I have seen you use your magic, it doesn't seem to be magic either." Professor Xavier asked puzzled about the nature of my powers.

Ancient One shared a look with me asking if I could tell them. I nodded to give my agreement.

"We didn't tell Peter's family about this because it is a rather complex matter. Peter was actually given these powers by someone. You can understand these powers to be a result of external mutation." Ancient One started explaining.

Upon hearing Ancient One's words, Professor Xavier suddenly spoke.

"Would this someone happened to be a man wearing a spider themed suit? Like that of the Spider Woman we often see in the news. He was also wearing a red cloak fastened by an eye shaped brooch."

"How did you know?"

Surprise! Professor Xavier knows about Spider Supreme. But how? What did Spider Supreme do? Find out in the next chapter.

As I have already said earlier, for the rest of this month, there will be a total of 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advance chapters on Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 33
How can Professor Xavier know about Spider Supreme? It simply shouldn't be possible.

There could only be one way. Spider Supreme had returned to this dimension and had done something which attracted the attention of Professor Xavier and his friends.

"It seems that he was indeed the one who had given you these powers." Professor Xavier deduced from my surprised expression that Spider Supreme was indeed that someone.

"How do you know him?" Ancient One asked, contemplating the return of Spider Supreme.

"A mutant girl we were trying to recruit had encountered him. We were having difficulty recruiting her as she was quite materialistic. She wanted to use her powers to quickly become rich and thus rejected our offers.

However, later we found her at our door unconscious. After a body check we found that not only had her mutant powers were enhanced but she had also went through a secondary mutation."

Professor Xavier explained the whole debacle. It was worth wondering why Spider Supreme would give her such powers.

"When we talked to her, we found that she had encountered that guy. She told us that when she tried to read his mind, she could not even feel it. As if there was nothing there.

Then, that guy made her unconscious with a tranquilizer. When she woke up, she was with us."

From what I had learnt from my studies so far, this incident could have very dangerous conclusions. If she could not even find his mind then it was either because he simply was not there or was so advanced in mystic arts that her power could not even reach him.

"Moreover, her secondary mutation was a physical mutation despite her powers being telepathic. Thus, it is important for us to know about such a person who can give anyone such powers."

It was indeed a very weird situation, although quite similar to mine. This time however, Spider Supreme didn't even ask her and just gave her powers after making her unconscious. Just what was he trying to do?

"Are you guys still searching for him?" Ancient One asked Professor Xavier.

"Of course, we are." Logan replied in a rough tone as if it was obvious.

"We have to search for him. Someone who can give anyone such powers and then just disappears afterwards, we simply can't let him go without knowing his agenda." Professor Xavier explained his reason.

"Then, I advise you to stop the search immediately. You will simply never be able to find him." Ancient One advised Professor Xavier.

"Why can we not find him?" Professor Xavier looked puzzled after hearing her advice.

"Because he is someone from a different dimension. Moreover, a Sorcerer Supreme like I am." Ancient One revealed the reason, shattering their worldview once again.

"Another dimension?" Professor Xavier mumbled.

All of them fell silent for quite some time. It was rather normal as their worldview was shattered twice in a matter of few minutes.

"Can you figure out his intentions as he is also a Sorcerer Supreme?" Professor Xavier asked after much thought.

"When we talk about parallel dimensions, one can't assume a person's behaviour using his counterpart for comparison. Someone who is a great person in this world can be just a common person in a parallel dimension. All I can say is that as a Sorcerer Supreme, his intentions can't be evil." Ancient One said after some thought.

"I guess we will not learn more about him in the short term." Professor Xavier decided to end this topic for now as it was going nowhere.

"Anyways, it seems that Peter wouldn't be joining us." Professor Xavier said sadly.

"That's not specifically true." Ancient One said interrupting his words.

"Is it still possible for Peter to join us?" Professor Xavier said, his voice filled with hope.

"Actually, Peter's admission in Kamar Taj was due to Spider Supreme. As such, he has much more freedom in his duties and is not restricted as much compared to other sorcerers. So, it is entirely possible for Peter to join your school." Ancient One explained my special situation.

"So, Peter. Would you like to join Professor Xavier's school? I believe it will be a unique experience for you." Ancient One asked me if I wanted to join.

"I would like to if you don't mind, Ancient One." I believe that it would be a rather nice change in environment, if nothing else.

I was rather lonely back in Kamar Taj, often spending my time only in studying and practicing the mystic arts. Hopefully, I'll make some friends this time.

"Then, I welcome you to Xavier's school for gifted youngsters, Peter." Professor Xavier welcomed me, this time as my future teacher.

"Of course, don't forget that you are still a sorcerer of Kamar Taj. You will often need to return to continue your studies." Ancient One reminded me.

After it was confirmed that I would join Professor Xavier's school, Uncle Ben suddenly spoke.

"Say, how do your students study their regular classes? From what you have told us so far, your school only focuses on teaching your students about their mutant powers." Uncle Ben asked concerned about my studies.

It was obviously because I was already absent from my classes for more than 2 months.

"Actually, our students continue your studies in a local school. We only provide training in mutant powers and hostel facilities." Professor Xavier explained about his school's facilities.

"Uncle Ben, you don't need to worry. I have already decided to change to distance learning course for the rest of the year." I explained my plan to Uncle Ben.

"But you know that the school only provides a distance learning course in case of a medical emergency where the student can't continue their studies in the school for the rest of the year." Uncle Ben asked, worried about my plan.

"Don't worry, Uncle Ben. I will convince the school authorities. Besides, the school can't just let their star student suddenly disappear from it." I tried to convince Uncle Ben that I could do it.

"Very well." This time Uncle Ben relented because he knew that I could already pass my final exams given my intelligence.

Actually, I was going to do this from the beginning even if Professor Xavier had not visited. It simply was not possible for me to continue school when I had to give most of my time to mystic arts.

"Well, it seems that everything has been settled. Then, I will take my leave." Ancient One stood up, ready to depart.

"Please wait a moment, Ancient One." Professor Xavier stopped Ancient One.

"If it is possible, we would like to collaborate with Kamar Taj. Given the nature of your expertise and your knowledge regarding mutants, I believe it will be a beneficial experience for our students." Professor Xavier suggested a bold proposal.

"I will think about it." Ancient One said only this much before creating a portal to leave.

Well, guess who is this character? She will play an important role in the story. Also, be ready for a Kamar Taj school trip in the future.

I will say in advance that I don't know anything about distance learning course especially in America but just assume that it works in this universe.

Also, I have an announcement to make. From now on, there will be no chapters on Tuesday and Friday. I know that everyone likes daily chapters and I could even do them with some difficulty. But I am afraid that I will not be able to maintain the quality of my chapters if I do so.

I am truly sorry for this. I have received a lot of love from you readers. As such, I want to give you quality content as well as try my best to deliver a true Marvel experience.

But from now on, there will be a total of 9 chapters on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 34
"Peter Parker, although I am overjoyed to meet the top student of my school again, I think it would have been better if we had met in better circumstances."

Currently, I was at the principal's office at Midtown High, discussing with the Principal Bill about my application for the distance learning.

"Is it really necessary for you to take the distance learning course? Is there no other choice?" Principal Bill asked me seriously.

"It is, sir. I can already ace the final exams. As such, I believe that I should give my time to more important things." I explained my reasoning to the principal.

"It is not because of bullying in the school that you are leaving it, right Peter. If it is, I sincerely apologize for the trouble you have went through because of our negligence.

It was only when you disappeared and an investigation took place that we knew that you went through such excessive bullying. I can't believe that we were so negligent that our top student went through such bullying. It is too much humiliating for our school."

Principal Bill further went on saying how my bullies had been punished and that if I was afraid of bullying, there was nothing to worry about and I could return without any fear in my heart.

Honestly, it was sickening for me how the teachers often dismissed my pleas about bullying. They always said that it was tough love and I should fight against it myself.

The bullies targeted me because despite looking like a weak guy, my future was secure. I was the top student and even an intern at Oscorp. So they bullied me because they were simply jealous of me.

"You know, Peter. It is rather humiliating for us to have a top student taking the distance learning course especially after an investigation revealed how much he was bullied. It gives the message that we can't teach properly.

Well, given the letter I have received from Professor Xavier along with the emails he had sent me with a few other reputable professors, I have no choice but to accept your application."

Principal Bill finished his words with a sigh. The letter and emails were support Professor Xavier had given me so that my application would be approved without any complications.

After Principal Bill realised that he could not prevent me, he reluctantly went through all the procedures and transferred me to the distance learning course.

As everything was completed successfully, I stood up and was about to step out when the principal's voice rang from behind me.

"For all that is worth, Peter; I am truly sorry for all the bullying you went through during your time in the school." He sounded genuinely remorseful.

"It is all in the past now, Principal Bill." That is all I said before leaving the office.

Gwen had indeed said the truth when she had told me that I had changed too much. I had truly changed during these few months. Without even including my powers, I was now a sorcerer of Kamar Taj and a mystic martial artist of Ta Lo. I was no longer the old Peter Parker.

As I left the school's gate, I didn't have leave immediately but instead waited at the gate because I wanted to meet someone.

Soon, the school bell rang and students started coming out of the school. I immediately started searching for my best friend, Harry Osborn as I had heard from Gwen that he constantly pestered her everyday to find about me.

"Puny Parker, is that you?" What was this bastard doing here?

In front of me was my main bully of my school days, Flash Thompson along with his girlfriend, Liz Allen.

"Come now, Flash. It is now where to talk to Peter after he has returned after so much time." Liz tried to calm Flash down.

"Do you know how much I suffered because of him, Liz? The police took me from my house deep in night and interrogated me for hours.

When the school found how much I had bullied Peter, they decided to deduct my marks in the final exam. I was this close to being thrown out of the school. My whole future can go downhill because of this bastard."

Flash was truly furious ranting out how much he was unfairly treated. I would only say that he got what he deserved.

But still, I would have to thank Captain Stacy next time I meet him for grilling Flash. And it seems that Principal Bill was not lying when he said that they were punishing the bullies.

"You should at least be happy that he returned safely after his sudden disappearance." Liz continued to attempt to calm Flash despite her words having no effect.

"By the way, Peter, you look quite good with these new muscles. Have you been hitting gym lately?"

Was I hallucinating? Did Liz Allen just flirt with me? Well, she was always the flighty kind of girl.

My illusion spell could only change my face and not my overall appearance. As such, she must have been attracted by my new body.

"Damn it, Peter. You have only arrived and are already trying to steal my girlfriend."

Flash, angry upon seeing me and somehow thinking that I was trying to steal his girlfriend tried to punch me.

Of course, with my martial arts training, I easily dodged his punch. However, he continued trying to punch me while I only evaded in order to not cause an accident at the school.

"Stay still, Loser!" Flash said in anger while trying to hit me.

"You are truly a muscle brain, Flash. Why would I stay still so that you could hit me?" I taunted Flash. Unfortunately, the taunt was too successful.

"You bastard! I am going to fuck you up right here and then go and fuck your Aunt May." Flash insulted Aunt May in anger knowing how close I was with her.

As soon as I heard it, it seemed like something snapped inside me. Without thinking of any consequences, I struck at his abdomen with a palm strike.

"Ah!!" Flash actually flew backwards some distance before crashing into the ground as he was hit by my palm strike.

Fortunately, I had manage to control my strength at the last moment. Otherwise, Flash would have died from that single strike.

"Ah! Pu… Puny Pa… Parker!" Flash moaned in pain as he laid on the ground and could not even say anything properly.

Well, it seems my strength may have slipped a little. Flash will probably have a few cracked ribs.

"Peter! Is that really you?" I looked in the direction of the voice to see Harry running towards me.

So, Peter had gone to his school for some work and also to meet Harry but in the end, met Flash first. And since Flash had crossed the line this time, he got the beating he should have gotten a long time ago.

If you want to read 9 advance chapters or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 35
Before I could say anything to Harry, he rushed towards me and enveloped me into a tight hug.

"You, alright. Flash didn't hurt you, did he?" He asked me in a worried tone.

I laughed as I heard him worrying over me. He was always like that trying to look over me. In fact, he was the one who started our friendship.

"Calm down fast and then look around you properly. Now tell who was hurt?" I told Harry prompting him to look at Flash lying down on the ground still moaning in pain.

"How were you able to beat him so badly, Peter?" Harry was obviously surprised to find that I had beaten Flash considering that previously he didn't even feel my hits.

"We will talk about Flash later, Harry. Where were you until now? I was waiting for you for quite some time." I inquired.

"He was busy pestering Gwen about you, Peter." Before Harry could answer, Mary Jane's voice was heard replying from behind us.

Both of us looked back to see MJ and Gwen approaching us.

"Do you know, Peter? He regularly pestered Gwen about you. His pestering had gone so bad that everybody thought that he was trying to date Gwen." MJ told me how relentless Harry was.

"But what could I do? No one else in the school knew as much about Peter as Gwen did. And seeing her relaxed and trying to make new friends, I knew that she obviously knew about you. However, she wouldn't tell me a single word about you." Harry defended himself.

"Now that you are here, Peter, tell me where were you exactly." Harry asked seriously.

"I will tell you but not here. Follow me." What had happened with me was obviously something I could not tell publicly.

As we started to walk away, I looked at Flash was still lying down on the ground.

"Hey, Liz. Take Flash to the infirmary and tell him to use his brain more in the future if he knows how to!" I instructed Liz who looked like she didn't know what to do.

All of us piled into Harry's car, a gift from his father. Under my direction, we arrived at a nearby park. As it was still afternoon, there were not many people here.

Still, to be safe, we decided to talk in a secluded corner.

"Now, no one is around us. Can you tell me now, Peter." Harry asked impatiently.

"Wait a moment first." I casted an isolation barrier which will prevent anyone from seeing and hearing us.

"What the hell was that, Peter!" Harry was surprised upon seeing me cast a spell.

"Well, Harry. You were asking what had actually happened. I will tell you the truth now. I became a mutant." I began telling him the cover story. Although Uncle Ben and Aunt May along with Gwen, Professor Xavier as well as his friends knew the truth, the less people knew about this matter, the better.

Harry was silent for a few moments, digesting my words but then spoke.

"Was what you did now your mutant power?" He asked curiously.

"No, actually it is something else." No matter how powerful a mutant's ability was, nothing could beat magic in its versatility.

"Alright, don't get surprised by what you see next." I dispelled the illusion spell revealing my true appearance to Harry.

"What the hell! Peter, is that really you?" Despite being warned already, Harry was obviously surprised by the sudden change in my appearance.

"How could I otherwise know that you had literally begged your father for that car?" I reminded him of an incident which only both of us knew.

"Hey! We agreed that we would never talk about this." Harry responded back in an angry and embarrassed tone.

"Now, you believe I am Peter." I asked Harry with a smile.

"Of course! How can I not? Ha ha ha!!" Harry started laughing despite the seriousness of the situation and along with him, all of us.

Then, I started telling Harry the whole cover story. How my powers were quite unstable when my X-gene first awakened but fortunately the sorcerers of Kamar Taj sensed my powers and saved me. And since then, I was at Kamar Taj learning magic and training my mutant powers.

As Harry contemplated what he had learned from me about how I was a mutant and magic was real, MJ suddenly spoke.

"Peter, I am sorry but me and Gwen have to leave for band practice." She looked apologetic as she said.

"It's alright. We are only going to have a boys' talk anyways." There was no need for the girls to stick around for us.

After the girls left, Harry spoke.

"So, can anybody learn magic?" He asked curiously.

Upon hearing his question I smiled. As his best friend, I knew why he had asked such a question.

Although Harry tried to always look like a chill guy, I knew that inside he felt insecure. Due to his father's high expectations and him not being able to achieve them, Harry had an inferiority complex.

"Although anyone can learn magic to some degree, becoming a sorcerer is a lifelong commitment. You have to leave your everything behind. I am an exception because of my mutant powers and some other circumstances." I answered his question frankly.

"Oh! So, I guess I can't learn magic." Harry said dejected.

"Hey, you are good enough as you are. You don't need magic to prove anything." I tried to motivate Harry after he looked dejected.

"Alright!" Harry smiled at my words.

Afterwards, we continued to talk for quite some time.

"Shit! It's getting late. I have to meet Father at Oscorp today." As it was getting late, Harry realised that he had a meeting to attend. He looked at me apologetically.

"You are going to Oscorp. Can you give me a ride? I was also about to go there to meet with Dr. Connors." After meeting with Harry, that was my next stop.

"Why would I not give you a ride, Peter? You just have to ask." Harry smiled realising we could talk for some more time.

And so Peter's reunion with Harry ends. A little spoiler for my readers. There is a small battle next chapter with an iconic villain of Spider Man.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 36
"Just what happened here?"

We were en route to Oscorp when we saw a commotion on the road ahead and Harry stopped the car because of it.

Cars were standing still on the road with the passengers missing while people were running in the opposite direction in panic.

"What is happening here, Grandpa?" I asked an old man who was also running in the opposite direction but was rather slow because of his old age.

"There is a crazy thief who has got advanced weaponry from who knows where. He has already looted a bank but he was stupid enough to shoot his own vehicle causing him to be stranded. So, he is now shooting indiscriminately everywhere with his hi-tech weapon in a bid to make an escape route." The old man told us while panting heavily.

Before we could ask something more, the old man also darted away like everyone else.

I could see in the distance that there was a guy wearing a yellow suit launching some kind of blasts everywhere. He was slowly moving towards our direction.

"Let's get out of the road, at least. We should not be in open in such situations." I suggested to Harry.

Soon, we were in a nearby alley, out of the line of fire.

As I saw that bastard launching those blasts everywhere without any care in the world, I felt a surge of anger within me.

That bastard had already caused quite a lot of damage to the surroundings and didn't seem to care if people got hurt. He had to be taken down. And seeing that there was no one else who could do it, I would have to do it!

"Harry, wait here. I will come back after taking that bastard down." I said to Harry.

"But, Peter…." Harry was obviously shocked by my sudden declaration.

"You don't need to worry, Harry. That guy is nothing. I have faced much greater threats than him. He would not even be able to scratch me." I assured Harry.

I put my hand on a bracelet which was on my right hand and activated it. The bracelet emitted a light which engulfed my body. When the light disappeared, I was not in my clothes but a special enchanted combat suit.

The suit was black in colour with a few red highlights. It had a hood along with a half-face mask which would cover my identity.

It was made with the hide of a giant soul sucking monster along with some dragon scales I had received from the people of Ta Lo.

The suit itself was especially optimised for urban combat while the bracelet was a gift from Hye-rin's grandfather, as an extra gift for saving his granddaughter. It was used for swift transformation.

And the suit was full of various protective enchantments the most powerful of which was lightning resistance enchantment so that the suit would not be burnt by my red lightning.

There were also some additional enchantments made for various situations I could encounter. It was only possible for the suit to have this much enchantments because it was made from the leather of an interdimensional beast which could contain a large amount of enchantments.

I had thought to use this suit first to patrol along with Gwen but this situation was as good as any to unbox it.

Putting on an invisibility spell on myself, I stealthily neared that crazy guy.

Now that I was near, I could see what kind of blasts he was shooting.

He was using the gauntlets to vibrate the air around him to release powerful air blasts. It was easy for me to recognise it because this method was often used in advanced wind spells.

"Ha ha ha ha! I am Shocker. Who would have thought that my invention would be so powerful? I am going to be rich!" The crazy guy identifying himself as Shocker boasted about his gauntlets.

As soon as I heard his boasting, I got even more angry. This bastard was shooting everywhere without caring about anyone's life just because he wanted some money. This Shocker had to be put down and quickly!

I launched a bolt of lightning at him, just enough to paralyse him.

"Ah!" Shocker screamed as he was struck by lightning out of nowhere.

Without giving him a chance to react further, I used a low powered flash to reach him in an instant. Although I could reach him quickly even without using flash, I didn't want to give him a chance to react.

As soon as I reached him, I gave him a rather strong punch, that is by my standards, on his abdomen.

Shocker opened his mouth to cry as he doubled back in pain but I struck him on his chin ruthlessly, ultimately rendering him unconscious.

That was quite fast even by my standards. Looks like the only thing Shocker had going on for himself was his hi-tech gauntlets. Without them he was just a regular human.

Well, it's good that I finished him off this fast. Now, let's return to Harry. It is getting late already. Huh!

I was about to move when I noticed Shocker's gauntlets. Now that this guy was going to jail, he wouldn't need them. Furthermore, they could be used for evil intentions.

So, I think I should take them for safekeeping. I put the gauntlets out of Shocker's hands and moved to a nearby alley.

After looking around and saying that nobody was looking I put the gauntlets into my storage bracelet and then put on an invisibility spell and returned to the alley where Harry was.

"It's done, Harry." I said to Harry as I reappeared.

"Damn it, Peter! Don't scare me like that!" Harry jumped back in fright as he saw me reappear.

"By the way, that was awesome, Peter. You didn't tell me that you also knew martial arts." Harry was truly surprised by how quickly I put down Shocker.

"I will tell you later. Let's go now. Otherwise get ready for your father's rage." I reminded Harry as I activated my bracelet to revert to my casual clothes.

"That's right. I completely forgot about it after seeing your performance."

So, how did you like this small fight? After Peter had gained this much power and trained in Kamar Taj as well as Ta Lo, it would simply be a shame if he could not finish this fight so quickly.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 37
"Slow down a little, Harry. We are already late, rushing wouldn't change anything."

In the end, we got late because the incident with Shocker had led to the road ahead being blocked. So, we had to take a longer route.

"But you know, Peter. How strict my father is? He will surely be angry because of my tardiness." Harry always feared disappointing Mr. Osborn.

"Just tell Mr. Osborn that we were hanging out so we got late. He would not scold you much once he learns I was with you." I tried to console him that nothing will happen.

As soon as we reached Oscorp, Harry jumped out of the car and ran inside the building. Sighing, I entered the building hastily so that I wouldn't be left behind.

"Sorry, I got late. There was an accident on the way here. Where is my father?" Harry hastily asked the attendant on the desk about his father's whereabouts.

"I would advise you, Master Osborn to prepare yourself for harsh scolding. Mr. Osborn is very furious today." As soon as Harry heard it, his face paled.

"He is in Dr. Connors' Lab discussing something with him. I will hope for your well being, Master Osborn." Even the attendant took pity on Harry, that is how furious Mr. Osborn was today.

"Hey, we can meet both of them at the same time. Once they meet me, Mr. Osborn probably would not have enough time to scold you." I tried to encourage Harry. He just merely smiled upon my words.

"Dr. Connors, this is not what we were promised. Do you know how much money we have spent on you? What answer will I give to the shareholders?"

We heard Mr. Osborn raging at Dr. Connors as soon as we entered the lab. The lab was soundproof so we only heard the argument after entering the lab.

"Peter, is that really you?" Mr. Osborn said, surprised upon seeing me. After all, I was supposed to be indisposed and due to a medical emergency.

"Peter, I am so glad to see you! However, I believe you have come at an inappropriate time." Dr. Connors said sadly while looking at Mr. Osborn.

"What happened, Dr. Connors?" I asked softly.

"I will tell you, Peter. When Dr. Connors had first started this research, he said that he will create a miracle medicine capable of regenerating a severed limb. After years of research and near endless funding, the project is finally nearing its completion.

So, we have started testing on life subjects. However, every test was a failure. The animals used as test subjects either died or became horrifying mutated monsters."

Mr. Osborn started telling us the matter instead of Dr. Connors. Perhaps he was telling us boys because I was involved in this project as Dr. Connors' intern and Harry needed to learn this as the heir of Oscorp.

"So, in this case, the project can be said to be a failure. Dr. Connors is saying that he can fix this but he demands more funding which is impossible for us to provide after seeing the project's failure."

Now, I could see what the matter was. In the eyes of shareholders, this project was already a failure while Dr. Connors could not give up this project as it was his life's work.

Fortunately, I already had a solution for this whole dilemma.

"Dr. Connors, may I see your research papers and test results. I had some great ideas while I was away." I asked him for all the result documents he had.

"Of course, Peter, why not? You already know most of it anyways." Dr. Connors happily gave his research papers to me.

Damn it! I cursed in my mind as soon as I saw the result of the research. The result was so close to the lizard serum I had used that it might as well have been that same lizard serum!

No wonder all the animals used as test subjects either died or mutated. Fortunately, I knew how to resolve this matter.

During the past few months whenever I was free, I constantly thought about this research. I knew about most of the research and feared that it would end up as the lizard serum and that is what happened!

So, I was thinking of a way to divert the research so that it would not end up as the lizard serum.

And, in the end, I actually managed to create something using the research I had done previously and my enhanced intelligence which would now help in this matter.

"Dr. Connors, the power of the serum is too high. I believe that is why the mutations are happening." I said to Dr. Connors after going through the research.

"But if the power is not this high, the regeneration of the limb will not happen. This is a conundrum without an end." Dr. Connors said while sighing.

"What if we think of it in another way?" I suggested.

"Another way?" Dr. Connors said, surprised by my line of thought.

"Yes, what if we instead decrease the potency of the serum? Then, although the regeneration power of the serum will decrease, it will be enough to provide a temporary healing factor. This will turn the serum into a medicine incredibly helpful in emergency situations." I suggested my idea.

"Well done, Peter. It is an incredible idea. I was so focused on the thought of limb regeneration that I never thought about it." Dr. Connors exclaimed happily. But then, suddenly his face saddened again.

"However, in the end, this new stream of thought will still require much research and funding which is now nearly impossible." He said sadly.

"That's not true, Dr. Connors. I have already completed much of the required research." As soon as the thought had struck my mind, I had started working on it. With the help of my enhanced intelligence, the formula was already near complete.

I immediately started writing the main points of my research on a board in the lab. After finishing writing, when I looked back, I saw that Dr. Connors' jaw had nearly dropped literally. That is how shocked he was.

"Peter, that is incredible. I can see that you have already completed most of required research for this new serum." Dr. Connors was so happy that he hugged me with tears in his eyes.

"The formula needs a little sharpening but I believe that we can start live testing in a few weeks. And if the tests are successful, we can launch the product in just a few months." Now he sounded truly optimistic. I was really happy that I could help him.

"Well done, Peter. Who would have thought that you would save this project single-handedly?" Mr. Osborn said as he patted my shoulder proudly.

"Peter, I promise you. If this research is successful, I will give you a few shares in Oscorp." I was awestruck by his declaration, shares in Oscorp. I had never even thought in my dreams that I would have shares in Oscorp.

"I can't take this, Mr. Osborn. It is Dr. Connors' research." Although his offer was incredible, I could not steal Dr. Connors' credit.

"It is not that I will not get any shares, Peter. So, don't be shy to take it. You deserve it, Peter." Dr. Connors supported Mr. Osborn's decision from the side.

"Harry, you understood any of what Peter said." Mr. Osborn suddenly asked Harry who are just listening from the side.

"Of course, I did. Peter used Dr. Connors' research to create the framework for a serum which will provide temporary healing factor and he has already completed most of the required research." Harry gave a summary of everything I had said.

"Damn! Harry. I did not think that you could actually understand it." Harry's grades were just above average after all.

"Hey, don't say so. I am a bit of a scientist myself."

"Ha ha ha ha!!" All of us started laughing at Harry's joke.

I am glad I was able to help Dr. Connors and Mr. Osborn. When I had started this research, I just wanted to stop another lizard incident. Who would have thought that I would manage to make something so incredible?

So, did you like the chapter? Actually, this new serum is not going to have much effect on the plot although it will be mentioned and used sometimes in the future.

And who would have thought that there would actually be a universe where the lizard serum will be properly tested.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 38
"All ready, Peter?" Ms. Ororo asked as I put my suitcase in the car's trunk.

"Alright, I am ready. Let's go, Ms. Ororo." I replied to Ms. Ororo as I sat in the car.

Today was the day I was finally going to join Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. It would have been much earlier but Dr. Connors dragged me into the research for the new lizard serum leading to a delay of a week.

I could have gone to the school using a portal but Ancient One had forbidden it. She had said that going to new place could be very risky for a new sorcerer even if they knew the specific coordinates. One could open a portal high in the air or even deep into the ground.

And I was only now properly learning the advanced portal arts. As such, it was not necessary for me to take a shortcut when I could easily go there within a few hours.

Thus, I had to go there physically. When Professor Xavier's side had heard about it, Ms. Ororo had volunteered to pick me up.

"By the way, Peter. I heard that you got delayed because you were involved in a very special project in Oscorp. How did that happen?" Ms. Ororo asked curiously.

"Actually, my father was a dear friend of Dr. Connors who is the head of the project. When he saw that I am as intelligent as my father, Dr. Connors took me as his intern." I answered his question.

"But you have to quit it because of us, right." She asked sadly.

"No, actually I had gone to Oscorp to quit but I ended up helping him more than I had thought I ever could."

"Really?" Ms. Ororo asked amazed.

"Ever since I obtained these powers, my intelligence has been actually enhanced, so I had done some of my research on my own while I was in Kamar Taj.

This research ended up helping Dr. Connors whose research was stuck. That is why I had to stay for a week to help him as I was the one who had furthered the research."

I explained to Ms. Ororo in a layman's terms as the progress of the actual research and its actual direction was a business secret.

"That's incredible, Peter. Finally, we have someone smart among the students. All the other students except Jean are what I would say only average in their studies." Ms. Ororo praised me for my intelligence causing me to blush.

"Say, Peter. All the students we have recruited are actually in your age group. I hope that you will make some new friends when we arrive." Ms. Ororo said optimistically.

"I don't know. Back in the school, I was just a shy nerd, making me an easy target for bullying.

But…. Now, after I have gained these powers and trained in Kamar Taj, I am much different person from before. So, I don't know if I will be able to make any new friends."

"Then, I believe you will definitely make some new friends there." Ms. Ororo said chuckling.

"Really?" I was surprised by her answer.

"Everyone there has a completely different personality from everyone else. Their life has changed quite a lot since they awakened as mutants. Yet, they all have become great friends with each other." She assured me that I would have no problem making friends.

As we talked, we soon arrived in Bayville, where Professor Xavier's school was located.

"This is the place, Peter." Ms. Ororo declared as we entered a mansion.

"Really, Professor Xavier runs his school in a mansion?" I was stunned to know that Professor ran his school in an actual mansion.

"That's right, Peter. Welcome to the X-Mansion."

As we entered the mansion, I could see Professor Xavier and Mr. Logan, waiting for us along with six teenagers, two boys and four girls.

The boys included a guy wearing red lensed sunglasses indoors and a blue haired boy.

The girls however were quite a diverse lot. There was a red haired beauty and a cheerful looking brown haired girl who gave the vibe of a girl next door.

These two girls however were the simpler looking ones. There was a girl who gave a completely goth vibe. She even had a white streak in her hair along with dark shaded makeup on her face.

And the last girl was quite a stunning one. She had silver white hair like mine along with beautiful blue eyes.

"Everyone, meet Peter. He will be joining us from today onwards." Professor Xavier introduced me to everyone.

"Hi! Nice to meet you! Hello!"

I was given quite a greeting from some of the students. Especially, the red haired girl and the cheerful looking girl along with the blue haired boy gave me quite a warm greeting.

"Now, why don't all of you introduce yourself to Peter?" Professor Xavier asked all the students to introduce themselves.

"Scott Summers." The boy with sunglasses introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you Peter. I hope you play nice around here unlike a certain someone." Scott said while looking at the blue haired boy. He seemed to be the authoritarian type and it felt like he had a grudge against the other guy.

"Kurt Wagner." The blue haired boy introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, Peter. At last, the girl to boy ratio is a little more closer. Finally, Scott is not the only guy besides me." Kurt definitely seemed to be the playful type.

"Jean Grey." The red haired beauty introduced herself.

"I hope we can get along, Peter." Jean welcomed me warmly.

"Katherine Pryde but only call me Kitty." The cheerful girl said introducing herself. She definitely seemed to be a carefree girl.

"Rogue. That is all you need to know." The goth girl said when it came her turn. From her attitude, it was clear that she didn't want to get close to anyone.

"Emma Frost." That's all the silver haired beauty said. Looking at her expression, it was clear that she didn't want to be here.

"So, what is your power, Peter?" As soon as the introductions finished, Kurt asked me excitedly.

"Be a bit more patient, Kurt. But first, deactivate your holo watch. What have I told you about wearing it in the mansion?" Professor Xavier gently ordered Kurt.

"Do I have to do it, Professor?" Kurt clearly didn't want to do what Professor had ordered.

"Yes, Kurt, you have to do it. Because that is who you are." Professor Xavier said to Kurt softly.

Reluctantly, Kurt deactivated the watch on his wrist. And then in front of me was Kurt who definitely didn't look like Kurt.

He now had blue skin along with a tail. Kurt looked at me as if expecting a look of repulsion.

"Do you not hate how I look?" He was clearly surprised by my calm expression which had not changed a bit at his transformation.

"Well, I am not much different from you." Saying this, I removed the illusion spell from myself. Since I was going to stay here, I would naturally have to reveal my true appearance. Might as well do it a little earlier.

"Wow! You are similar to me." Kurt exclaimed as I also hid my true appearance like him.

Suddenly, I received a premonition out of nowhere and in response my right hand had turned into a claw and was moving towards a place in my surroundings instinctively.

Although, I now had control over my instincts, it was only in a general situation. In emergency and urgent situations like this, my body still moved according to my instincts.

As my claw headed towards the respective direction, Kurt suddenly appeared where it was headed. No doubt, his sudden teleportation had triggered my instincts.

Startled, I tried to stop my attack but the momentum was too strong. Fortunately, I was able to slow the attack enough that Kurt could teleport again to escape it.

He reappeared where he previously was, taking deep breaths because of what he had just experienced.

"You shouldn't have done that. My instincts are too strong. There could have been a serious accident."

This version of X-Men will be based on X-Men Evolution and even then only the starting cast as I do not want to make the X-Men cast too large. Although I am a new writer, I will try my best to do justice with these characters.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 39
"I am sorry, really sorry. I was just too excited to meet someone like me who also hid his own appearance. I didn't think this would happen." Kurt was apologizing fervently to me.

"There is nothing to forgive, Kurt. It was me who overreacted. So, don't be sad, okay." I tried to console Kurt, after all, the fault laid with me.

I reached where Kurt was and extended my fist towards him. "Just be a little more aware of one's personal space next time, Kurt."

"Sure, dude." With this, he bumped his fist with mine, a camaraderie forming between us.

"Say, your hand turned into a claw when you attacked. Was that your power, Peter?" Jean asked curiously. It seems that she was quite an observant one.

"You could say that." With a casual flick of my hand, I once again turned it into a claw, this time however, emitting my signature red lightning.

The room fell silent as everyone watched my red lightning curiously, their eyes shining with wonder.

"Wow! Is that lightning actually red in colour? It looks so cool and also unique! Moreover it compliments the black scales on your claw completely." Kitty exclaimed at the sight of my red lightning.

It should be said that everyone here was quite tolerant about mutant powers even if they were mutants themselves.

If I had shown anyone my black scaled claw anywhere else, most of the people would have been either afraid of me or disgusted. But here, all of them were instead fascinated by it.

"Hey, Peter. Can you transform the parts of your body at will?" Kurt asked curiously.

"Yeah, I can. Why?" It was quite a unique question.

"But that is not fair. You can switch off your mutation at will while I am stuck in this form." Kurt said sadly while referring to his own appearance.

"Kurt! How many times I have said that there is nothing wrong about how you look? You are a normal human no matter how you look." Professor Xavier said, telling Kurt he was not different from others.

"That is right, Kurt. You don't need to worry. We are with you." Kitty gave her support to Kurt by giving him a hug.

"That's right, Kurt. You don't need to be ashamed of yourself."

One by one, everyone present gave their support for Kurt. Even Rogue and Emma who had been silent till now gave their support for him.

"Thank you, guys. All of you!" Kurt said happily with misty eyes.

He must have faced quite some discrimination before joining Professor Xavier's school. Still, it was good that he now had such great friends.

"Say, Peter. Why did you take a completely different appearance when you look so handsome? Only your eyes are slitted which have to be hidden." Kitty asked curiously.

"Yeah! I have never seen any guy as handsome as you. And trust me, with my appearance, I have seen a lot of guys who have confidence in their appearance." Emma, the silent beauty suddenly said in support of Kitty's words.

"Well, I only recently gained these powers which caused my appearance to change to how I look now. It has only been a few months since then. So, it is still difficult for my friends and family to adjust to my new appearance.

Besides, it turns too many eyes and I don't want to attract so much attention. Also, any friend of mine would never be able to recognise me as Peter."

Emma looked genuinely surprised by my answer.

"Well, that is truly surprising. Most of the guys I know would have used this appearance to have girls flocking towards them." She said bitingly.

From her tone, it was clear that she didn't have any good previous experience with any guy.

"Well, it is better that I do not know such shallow girls who only follow someone because of their appearance." I replied back.

This could be said to be one of the benefits I had as someone who was generally ignored by the girls. I could easily observe their characteristics and personalities from their behaviour towards me and the others.

"So, when did Professor Xavier make the holo watch for you, Peter?" Jean asked me curiously.

"I actually didn't use a holo watch to change my appearance." I replied to Jean.

"But that is impossible. Without it, how did you change your appearance then?" Jean looked confused by my answer along with the rest of the students.

"It is because I used magic." I said the truth, suddenly revealing the existence of magic to them.

All the students seemed flabbergasted by my answer. Although they were mutants themselves, the existence of a mutant could still be explained scientifically. Magic, as such, was only fantasy for them.

"Magic, does it really exist? Do you know anything about this, Professor?" Jean, it seems was truly an intelligent girl as Ms. Ororo had said, because she immediately asked Professor Xavier once I told them about magic. After all, only Professor Xavier could answer their questions about magic considering he had recruited me.

"Believe me, Jean, I would not have believed that magic actually existed if I hadn't seen it myself." Professor Xavier assured everyone that magic actually existed.

"Peter, why don't give them a show with your magic?" Professor Xavier asked me politely.

"With pleasure, Professor."

Since Professor asked for a show, I decided to give them a true magic show. As such, I used a spell which was generally useless in most cases.

As I casted the spell, several small ball-shaped flame constructs appeared in the air. Then, I moved the flame constructs in the air all the while increasing and decreasing the energy in them.

It looked like several stars were moving in the air while twinkling. This was the spell 'Twinkling Stars'. As the flame constructs moved in the air, I could see how amazed everyone was by the spell.

It was a spell which was generally used for training in the flame mystic arts. Apart from lightning, I also had great talent in flame attribute. So, I had learnt this spell obviously for training.

"Do you believe me now?" I asked them as I ended the spell.

"Magic is amazing! Can I learn it too?" Kitty asked me with literal stars in her eyes.

"Well, everyone has some aptitude for magic. But becoming a sorcerer is a lifelong duty. You have to leave your everything behind. I am just an exception due to certain circumstances." It pained me every time I had to tell someone that they could not learn magic. But unfortunately, it just was not meant for them to learn it.

"Oh! So, I guess I can't." Kitty said sadly.

I could more or less guess what she was feeling. It was like showing a child a candy and then telling him he can't have it.

"Peter," Emma who had been watching my show of magic silently until now suddenly spoke.

"You are a sorcerer yourself. Have you ever heard of a sorcerer who wears a suit with web-like design. He also wore a red cloak fastened by an eye-shaped brooch."

So, did you like the magic show? Since most of you already know that the girl whose powers were enhanced was Emma Frost, you should know that the powers she has currently are the powers she had in the comic books. It means that she has her diamond form.

Also, she is a telekinetic even if she was not in the comic books. What was used by Spider Supreme to enhance her powers will be explained later.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 40
When I had revealed that I was a sorcerer, I was already ready to be questioned about the Spider Supreme.

Moreover, I had already talked to Professor Xavier regarding what could be told to the students and what not. Although he himself didn't know the actual truth regarding Spider Supreme.

"Professor, is Emma the one who encountered that guy?" I inquired.

"Yes, Peter. She is the one." Professor Xavier confirmed but it was already obvious from Emma's question.

"So, you have indeed met him." Emma said, visibly excited.

"Hey, is that really Emma? She is often the more reserved type of girl." Kurt muttered to Jean from side after seeing Emma's excited expression.

"So, how do you know of him, Peter?" Emma continued her questioning.

"How can I not know him?" After all, if it was not for him, I wouldn't even be alive, much less here.

"Huh!" Emma was surprised by my answer. " What do you mean?"

"I mean that it was actually that guy who gave me these powers just like how he had enhanced your powers." I explained.

"Wait a minute!" Scott, who was listening from the side suddenly interrupted our conversation.

"If that mysterious guy gave you these powers, does that mean that you are actually not a mutant?" Scott, it seems was quite a perceptive person as he had instantly picked up on my words and understood that my powers were actually given to me.

"No, Scott. That is not true. Peter is indeed a mutant. That I can assure you of." Professor Xavier said once he heard Scott's words.

"Does that mean that what Peter showed us was actually a secondary mutation like that of mine?" Emma questioned, curious about the nature of my powers.

"No, that is not it, either. Peter's X-gene is currently dormant." Professor Xavier explained with a slight smile. It seems that he was pleased by his students' questions.

"But then how did you find him, Professor? Cerebro can only pick up a mutant if he uses his mutant abilities." Jean questioned, revealing a name 'Cerebro'.

Professor Xavier had said that he had detected me using a special machine. It seems that the machine's name was 'Cerebro'.

"It is because Peter's X-gene is quite a unique one. Despite it being dormant, it's presence is powerful enough to be detected." Professor explained the unique condition of my X-gene.

"We have hypothesized that the powers Peter received have interfered with the X-gene, causing such a phenomenon."

"Hey, you were telling me about that mysterious sorcerer. Tell me now. Don't change the topic." Emma said demandingly. Looks like she was frustrated by the change in topic.

"Alright, alright. I will tell you. Actually he was the one who left me to the sorcerers after giving me these powers." I started explaining about Spider Supreme.

"We do not know much about him other than that he calls himself Spider Supreme. The only thing we can predict from his actions is that he doesn't seem to have any ill intentions."

Professor Xavier had strictly said to me to not reveal that Spider Supreme was actually from a different dimension. According to him, it was useless information for students and would only divert their attention. I somewhat agreed on this topic with him.

"Anything else?" Emma continued to probe. She was quite insistent regarding Spider Supreme.

"Well, that is all I know. And that is only because Spider Supreme had contacted Ancient One, my mentor so that she could pick me up and take me in as her apprentice."

I had to lie unfortunately but it was necessary. Spider Supreme was a guy from a different dimension with unknown motives. As such, knowing more about Spider Supreme would only be harmful for her.

"Fine," Emma finally relented seeing she would not learn anything more from him.

Suddenly, I felt a mental intrusion in my mind. And in response to it, an image of a dragon once again formed in my mind in order to counterattack.

I tried to control the counterattack to lessen it but unfortunately was not much successful.

"Ah!!" Emma let out a cry of pain revealing her to be the culprit. Looks like she tried to read my mind to find out more about Spider Supreme.

"You alright, Emma." Kitty quickly reached Emma and tried to help her calm down as she clutched her head in pain.

"Sorry, I tried to lessen the counterattack but was not successful." I apologised for causing her so much pain.

"Counterattack! Emma, you once again tried to read someone's mind without their permission. How many times have Professor Xavier taught you not to do something like this?" Scott immediately scolded Emma once he realised what had happened.

Dude, I know that you are quite an upright person but there is time for everything.

"Shut up, you jerk! Don't you see how much pain she is in." Kitty snapped back at Scott which was, to be honest, expected.

By now, everyone had gathered around Emma. Professor Xavier and Jean immediately tried to soothe her mind using their telepathy.

"Peter, don't blame Emma too much." Kitty said to me once Emma's condition looked stable.

"She had grown up in a very repressive family. So, she ran away from them. After that, she had to earn everything on the streets. So, she is very grateful to Spider Supreme for enhancing her powers without asking for anything. That is why she wanted to learn more about him. Because she wanted to find him and thank him."

Kitty explained Emma's life to me so that I would not blame her.

"Hey, I didn't tell you my life story so that you could tell it to everyone." Emma rebuked Kitty. Her condition had surprisingly healed quite faster than anyone had expected.

"But if I didn't tell them then everyone would have hated you. You are already not liked much by everyone." Kitty said softly.

"You didn't need to." Emma said to Kitty despite now having a smile on her face.

"Alright, everyone." Professor Xavier drew the attention of everyone to him.

"I think it is about time for us to visit the danger room." Danger room, what's that?

"We need to analyse Peter's powers. We already had two incidents today already, I do not want a third." Professor Xavier declared.

I know that Scott came out as a rather too rude character till now although it was actually not intentional. I will try to do justice with each character although it is difficult with such a big cast. Anyways, it's time for Peter to enter the legendary Danger Room!

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 41
"Professor, what is this danger room?" I asked curiously.

"You will know when you see it, Peter." Professor Xavier said while smiling enigmatically.

"Follow me, everyone." Under Professor's guidance, we entered deep into the mansion and eventually stepped onto a spiral staircase going downwards.

When we reached the end of the staircase, I was surprised by the sight before my eyes. I had anticipated a spacious basement as it was after all the basement of a large mansion. But what stretched out before me was nothing short of an underground bunker. Its vastness defied all of my expectations and the term 'basement' seemed woefully inadequate.

"Is that a fighter jet?" I was surprised to see a fighter jet of all things as we continued into the bunker.

"Yes! That's the X-jet." Professor Xavier started explaining about the jet.

"Before we started the school, I along with Logan and Ororo used it as a primary mode of transport while going on some government sanctioned operations. Logan and Ororo still use it sometimes even now." Professor Xavier said wistfully. He seemed to remember his past as he explained the history of X-jet.

As we continued, we finally reached our destination which appeared to be some kind of hi-tech control room.

"Welcome, everyone!" A blue skinned, furry guy wearing a lab coat, who has obviously a mutant greeted us as we reached the control room.

"Ah! You must be Peter. It is always nice to meet a new member." He raised his large, blue furred hand towards me for a handshake. Honestly, he looked like a humanoid, blue coloured lion.

"It's good to meet you too, Mr…." As I shaked his hand, I realised that he did not introduce himself.

"Oh! How could I forget to introduce myself? Guess I was too excited. I am Hank McCoy, the resident scientist of this school. However, everyone calls me the 'Beast'." He ended his introduction with large grin which surprisingly suited him.

Well, the name suited him because his appearance reminded me of the 'Beast' from the 'Beauty and the Beast' movie I had seen some time ago. Only he was blue coloured and a scientist instead of a prince.

"By the way, Peter. Is your current appearance due to your mutation?" Mr. Hank asked hesitantly.

"Yes, it is, Mr. Hank. May I ask why?"

"It is just that I was curious. Would it however be possible for you to give me a few drops of your blood?" He asked kindly.

"I could give it to you, Mr. Hank. However, my blood is impossible to be analysed by scientific equipment." I had already tried it earlier when I had time at the Oscorp Lab. My blood was too much charged with magical energy to be analysed by any equipment.

"Is that so?" Mr. Hank muttered sadly.

"Hank, we will have time to talk later. For now, we need to use the danger room." Professor Xavier stopped our conversation and uttered our motive for coming here.

"Peter! You were asking me what is danger room, right? This here is the danger room." He took me to the glass windows in the control room to show the danger room.

Outside, I could see an expansive metallic field, larger than a football field, full of several weird equipment.

"Danger room is a special training facility of our school we use to train our students." Professor Xavier finally explained what was danger room.

"Generally, we only use the lower levels to train our students which consists of obstacle courses and holograms." Well, that didn't seem too dangerous.

"However, I had discussed this earlier with Ancient One when she had called me earlier. She has given me permission to use the higher level which Logan and Ororo use.

She quoted that it would be shameful for you not to use this level after so much training."

"Well, then what are we waiting for?" I said excited.

Now, this was something interesting. Because I was busy helping Dr. Connors the whole week, I didn't have time for a good workout. This was just perfect.

"You ready, Peter." Mr. Hank's voice sounded from the control room as I stepped into the danger room ready to start.

"Born ready." I said confidently.

"Very well." Saying these words, Mr. Hank activated the danger room.

A wall slid away and robots entered the field. They immediately moved towards me using the skates they had for their feet. Moreover, several turrets appeared all over the field and started shooting lasers at me.

For any untrained person, even if they were a mutant, it would have been a difficult situation. But for me, it was nothing much.

I immediately launched some weak lightning bolts, well weak by my standards to finish them off. I had now enough control over my powers that I could launch these weak bolts repeatedly like a machine gun.

"It seems that this much is nothing for you, Peter. So, I am increasing the difficulty." Mr. Hank's sounded again, warning me.

As his voice sounded, the floor beneath me started to move like an escalator while some parts of the floor rose above the ground like pillars. Several turrets appeared on the pillars ready to shoot at me.

"Now, that is something that would require some effort." I unfurled my wings and flew while shooting at the turrets.

"Are those actual wings?" Mr. Hank's voice sounded from the control room in a low tone. Looks like he was surprised upon seeing my wings.

"Uhm… It seems that I would have to release our ace. Be glad, Peter. It is not everyday we get to release the Sentinel." Mr. Hank warned me that he was releasing the ace of the danger room.

Another wall slid away and a giant robot walked into the danger room. It's hands ended with barrels revealing they were actually laser weapons.

Furthermore, even more laser turrets appeared while the obstacles started moving faster and some more robots also appeared behind the Sentinel.

"Well, let's hope it requires at least a little more effort." Excited that I had finally a worthy opponent, I created a lightning spear crackling with my unique red lightning and hurled it at the Sentinel.

However, the lightning spear pierced through the Sentinel as if it was butter and left a large hole in its chest.

Had it been too weak or was it I was too strong? If it was later, then Ancient One had my greatest respect for facing these lightning spears of mine everyday as if they were nothing.

"Stop! Stop! The testing is over." Mr. Hank hysterically spoke from the control room. Just like he had said, the danger room was now deactivated with every robot and equipment switched off.

"Could you not have hold back your strength a little? Do you know how much it would cost to repair a Sentinel?" Mr. Hank's despair could be felt from his voice, even through the speaker.

"Sorry! I didn't realise that." I said sheepishly.

I know that the danger room is often shown to be more hi-tech and dangerous but then I realised that the ones going to use it were actually kids. Also, I wanted to have the technology level to be near that of MCU. So, here is my version of danger room. Hope, you liked it!

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 42
The morning sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon when I stirred up from my sleep. My eyes fluttered open to an unfamiliar ceiling.

It took me a moment before the events of the previous day flooded back. I had joined Professor Xavier's school finally yesterday.

The memories of yesterday made me smile subconsciously. Yesterday had been quite a chaotic day with more than a few accidents.

Fortunately, everything had somehow fallen into place by the end of the day. Still the friends I had made yesterday made it all worthwhile.

Gathering myself, I got up and freshened up for the day ahead. Then I went to the garden in the X-Mansion.

The X-Mansion had quite spacious garden. As the morning sunlight fell on the grass stained with dew, it seemed as if there were pearls on the field. The garden looked quite beautiful, a perfect place for some morning exercise.

Taking a position, I went through the martial forms Master Ying Nan had taught me. This was something I did every morning ever since I returned from Ta Lo in order to make sure my martial skills remained robust and sharp.

Suddenly, I felt a presence near me. Looking around, I saw Mr. Logan approaching me.

"Hey, bub! What's up? Do you train like this everyday?" He asked me curiously.

I nodded, "Yes, I train in my martial arts every morning."

"Hmm…" Logan's eyes narrowed a bit after which he spoke. "You seemed unsatisfied with your workout in the danger room yesterday. How about a spar, you and me? Just hand to hand, no powers."

"Sure, why not?" I accepted his preposition without any hesitation. As he had said, I was still unsatisfied that I could not let loose yesterday.

Soon both of us took our positions and began our duel. As our fists connected, I was surprised to find that Mr. Logan's strength neared my own.

Although my strength was much higher in my draconic form, it didn't mean that in my human form, I was weak. Well, it just made it easier for me to spar with Mr. Logan properly.

As we continued fighting, our fists continuously colliding with each other, I had a grasp on Mr. Logan's fighting style. Although it looked like he had some kind of training, he mostly fought with reckless abandon. Honestly, his style reminded me of how I used to fight all the way back when I had first arrived in Kamar Taj, a wild and instinctive one.

As we continued fighting, I was quickly able to find an opening due to Logan's wild style and struck at his side. However, because I was worried that I would hurt him, I struck him with much less force than I could have used.

But it seems that Mr. Logan understood my intentions as he immediately disengaged. His eyes flashed dangerously as he unsheathed his claws.

"Hey, bub! Don't underestimate me," he warned, "Just because you are strong doesn't mean that I can't take a hit. Fight me properly, damn it!"

"Alright, alright. I won't do this next time." Naturally, I conceded after his warning.

We continued our spar, our movements a blur of agility and strength. Although Mr. Logan took quite a lot more hits than me because of his wild style, he didn't look any worse. Moreover, whenever I hit him, it felt like I was hitting a metal plate.

"Alright, I think that is enough for today." Mr. Logan said stopping the spar. " Let's stop so that we still have enough energy for the rest of the day."

"By the way, where did you learn how to fight like this, Mr. Logan?" I asked curiously.

His smile faded upon hearing my question. "I don't remember." He said sadly.

"You don't remember?" I was completely surprised by his answer.

"When I woke up, I was in a secret lab, nearly a blank slate. Fortunately, I know I shouldn't be there and in that way. So I slaughtered my way out of there. At that time, I already knew how to fight like this."

Mr. Logan explained his past to me. He revealed how later Professor Xavier found him and offered him a place. Since then, he was a part of Professor's group.

"Even now after so many years, I have only learned that I am more than a hundred years old." He said sadly.

A hundred years old! Seriously, Mr. Logan looked like he could not be more than in his early 40s.

I was thinking of how to offer my condolences when the space in front of us shimmered and Kurt and Kitty appeared in front of us.

As soon as they appeared, Kitty immediately spoke, "Both of you stop fighting!"

At her words, Logan and I shared a glance and then burst out laughing.

"We were just sparring, Kitty." I reassured her.

"I knew it. You are just worried for nothing, Kitty." Kurt said to Kitty chidingly.

"You know, Peter. She woke me up when she saw both of you sparring." Kurt complained to me.

"Hey, I was just scared to face both of you alone. Both of you were fighting so fiercely." Kitty muttered angrily.

"Say, Peter. You will be joining us in the school, right?" Kitty asked me suddenly. Looks like she was trying to change the topic.

"Actually, I will not be joining you all. I have already taken a distance learning course from my school. So, I will not be going to any school from now on." I replied to Kitty's question that I would unfortunately not be joining them in the school.

"What? That's not fair! So, you will be just sitting around in the X-Mansion while all of us will be in the school." Kurt said, surprised by my answer.

"That's not true. Instead of going to school, I will be at Kamar Taj where I will be learning mystic arts for the whole day. Besides I am not attending my school only because I have already finished all of my studies." I clarified that I would not be just sitting around.

"And here I thought that you had managed to escape the hell that is homework. Looks like you also have it rough, dude." Kurt said upon learning about my situation.

We were continuing our conversation when suddenly Jean's voice came from the mansion. "Everyone, return now. Breakfast is ready."

As we returned to the mansion, I realised that maybe this new school will not be anything bad.

Although, I had been here for only a day, I was already making friends despite the students here being quite quirky with their special abilities.

And so begins Peter's journey into becoming an X-Men. Peter has done some bonding with Logan and in the very next chapter, Peter will get his first mission. So, my dear readers, ready your seat belts!

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
Chapter 43
Magic circles revolved around the shock gauntlets I had obtained from Shocker after defeating him, analysing the gauntlets and how they worked.

Shocker may have been a crazy thief but he sure knew how to craft a good invention. Just by using some vibration and shock related tech, he managed to create a powerful weapon.

The shock gauntlets were a weapon powerful enough that I could personally use them although not without heavily modifying them. I immediately took out a bunch of blank papers and started writing the modifications and enchantments I would have to perform on the gauntlets before they were combat ready.

Hmm! First of all, I would have to use some enchantments to enhance the power of the gauntlets. Although the gauntlets were already quite powerful, they just were not enough for me to use because of how powerful I was.

Moreover, I would also have to put a psychic trigger enchantment on it. Currently, it worked on thumb trigger which would not be enough in high speed combat.

Furthermore, all these enchantments could not be performed on the current framework of the gauntlets. I would have to obtain some specially enchanted metals next time I went to Kamar Taj in order to fortify its structural framework.

There should also be a channelling disk on the palm area of the gauntlets otherwise it would be difficult for me to use magic and release lightning bolts through my hands.

Now that I was reminded of my lightning, I should also put some lightning resistance enchantments on it so that it doesn't get destroyed the first time I unleash a lightning bolt wearing it.

"Now, this is something I can use." I said as I completed the final sketch of the blueprint.

This marvellous product does, however deserve a name. Let's call this 'Dragon Claws' for now.

Just as I was adding the last touches on the blueprint, I heard a knock on my room.

"Peter, you there?" Emma's voice came from behind the door.

"Give me a few minutes, Emma." I called out and hastily finished the last touches.

Then, I opened the door to find Emma calmly waiting for me. "Sorry for making you wait."

"Huh! What is this?" Emma's gaze drifted behind me to the blueprints on the desk which I didn't have time to remove.

"What are you doing, Peter?" She asked me curiously.

"Just a new project I am working on," I replied nonchalantly, "I will show you when it is complete."

Our initial interaction had not been the smoothest, what with Emma trying to read my mind and then receiving quite an intense backlash.

However, to my and everyone else's surprise, Emma had humbly apologized to me the very next day, leaving all of us shocked as she was quite an aloof one.

According to Kitty, it was because Emma found me interesting so she had apologized.

Over the last few days, we had surprisingly become fast friends as Emma herself was quite an intelligent girl. It was truly sad that Emma's field of interest was business and economics and she was not much interested in science.

Due to her rather soft behaviour towards me as compared to a quite sharp attitude towards others, Kitty believed she was romantically interested in me despite both of us never having encroached upon that topic.

However, even if Kitty's prediction was true, I was unfortunately not ready to engage in a romantic relationship at the current moment. In the recent months, I had been through a lot and simply was not ready to invest in a relationship yet.

"By the way, why did you come over?" I asked curiously.

"Professor Xavier has called for us in the conference room." Emma replied.

"Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go." After all, we had already gotten late because of me.

When we arrived, we saw that everyone else had already arrived and we were the last ones.

"Ah! Peter, Emma, you are here. Come, have a seat." Professor Xavier greeted us warmly upon our arrival.

"Why did you call all of us, Professor?" Kurt asked curiously.

"Well, I have already informed all of you about the X-Men initiative."

Indeed, he had told us about it. It was an initiative under which us mutants worked on some government sanctioned operations which are difficult for government to perform by themselves and in return the government provided us support and funding.

Generally, only Logan and Ororo went on such operations but recently they also asked us students for help if our powers could increase the success rate of the operations and if we wanted to help.

Although I didn't like someone my age participating in such operations, it would be hypocritical for me to object considering that I had already participated in a dimension invasion.

And the others were no glass vase, they also had their powers. Moreover, Professor Xavier had assured us that they would only take us on relatively simple missions and that our safety would be considered greater than the success rate of the mission.

"This time, it is a rather simple mission. That is why I called all of you. So that you can learn from this meeting and be prepared for the time you yourself have to participate in a mission." Professor explained the reason for calling the meeting.

He activated the large monitor in the conference room and the monitor showed the picture of a young boy about our age.

"This is Bobby Drake, a resident of the Long Island. Recently, it was revealed that he was a mutant."

The monitor now showed a new image. Bobby extending his hand towards someone who was encased in ice while a girl screamed near them.

"Unfortunately, it seems his powers activated in public thus revealing him to be a mutant. Currently, he has been locked in a local police station for his own safety."

Professor Xavier then revealed what was our mission. " Our mission is to go in that police station and extract him. If possible, convince him to join our school."

"Peter," Professor Xavier addressed me, " You are quite powerful. Moreover, combined with your magic, you are also quite versatile and can help us if something unexpected happens. I would like you to join us in this mission."

"Alright!" I agreed as the mission was quite easy.

"Since you would be joining us on the mission, have you thought of your codename? If you haven't, you can just use a temporary codename for now." Professor Xavier asked me for my codename considering we could not use our actual names during the mission.

Although most of the X-Men had fitting codenames, some of them were still using temporary ones since they still hadn't decided on their actual codenames. Like how Jean had 'Marvel Girl' and Emma had 'Silencer'.

Besides, Scott's codename 'Cyclops" could be said to be a misleading one since Cyclops didn't shoot laser beams.

"Just call me 'Drake' for now." I replied after some thought.

I have thought of a fitting codename for Peter but it will be sometime before he will gain it.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 44
I was near the X-jet which was about to take off for the mission, waiting for the others who are getting ready.

In the end, it was decided that Logan and I would take the lead and meet Bobby in order to extract him. The recruiting would take place once we were back safely at the X-jet.

For the backup, Kurt and Emma had been chosen. They would not join us and were only there to help us in retreating in case of emergencies.

Kurt's teleportation power, especially was extremely convenient for extraction and retreat. Emma was joining us because a telepath always comes in handy, even in the most unlikely cases.

Originally, Jean was supposed to join us for the telepath position but she was having some headaches these days. And since Professor Xavier could not go, it was decided that Emma would go.

Besides, Emma's powers had increased since her encounter with Spider Supreme. Now, she was not only a telepath but also telekinetic. And her diamond form could protect her in case anything happened.

Miss Ororo would also be joining us but she would be in charge of the X-jet and would not interfere unless there is an emergency.

Soon, everyone who would participate in the mission gathered, each wearing a specially designed uniform with an X insignia on them.

Emma, in particular, looked absolutely beautiful, radiating confidence and allure in that skin tight uniform.

"Peter, why aren't you wearing the uniform?" Kurt asked me. Then, a look of realization appeared on his face.

"Ah! I had forgotten that you have only been here for a few days. So, your uniform is not ready." He looked sheepish as he realised.

"It seems that Professor has not told you that my uniform is always ready." Saying these words, I activated my transformation bracelet.

An energy appeared from the bracelet and covered me and when it disappeared, I was already in my suit.

Kurt's jaw looked like it would drop anytime as he watched me change into my suit in an instant.

"Dude! That's awesome. Magic is so convenient." Kurt expressed his admiration as he looked truly impressed by my show of magic.

"You have to make one for me too. You have no idea how hard it is for me to change into my suit because of my tail." Kurt literally begged me to make a bracelet for him.

"Alright, I will make one for you." I acquiesced in front of his nagging.

"Now, everyone listen. I will now explain the plan." Professor Xavier drew the attention of everyone towards him.

"The plan is simple. Logan and Bobby will head to the station where Bobby is kept. Logan will guard the area while Peter will enter Bobby's cell and convince him to escape with them.

Kurt and Emma will stay close but still far away from the station, observing the whole situation. Ororo will be in X-jet ready to take off once the objectives are accomplished.

Peter, once you have extracted Bobby, regroup with the others and immediately return to the X-jet."

It was a rather simple mission and not hard to accomplish if there were not any other factors. My portals were the linchpin for the whole mission to be accomplished swiftly.

"Time is of the essence in this mission. Bobby's mutant status is already public, make him a prime target. So, Peter, go in there, extract Bobby and return as fast as you can."

Professor Xavier once again emphasized that this mission needed to be performed swiftly because of Bobby's mutant ability already being public.

"Don't worry, Professor. We will accomplished the mission as swiftly as we can." I said to Professor as all of us boarded the X-jet.

" X-Men, taking off." Kurt exclaimed, excited for the mission.

"Calm down, bub!" Logan chided Kurt, telling him to focus.

Logan and I were watching the police station where Bobby was held. The X-jet was parked a few kilometres away. We could not leave a fighter jet in an open place after all. Meanwhile, Kurt and Emma were on a nearby hill, watching the whole situation.

"Say no to the Mutants!"

" Mutants are freaks!"

" All mutants must be killed!"

We could see a small mob in a front of the police station chanting derogatory remarks about mutants.

"Looks like we must hurry." Logan said to me upon seeing the mob.

We made our way to the back of the police station where Bobby's cell was. As I didn't have coordinates regarding Bobby's cell, I had to near his cell so that I could directly open a portal there.

"Wait!" Logan suddenly asked for me to stop.

"What happened?" I asked surprised by Logan's sudden warning.

"I can hear some voices in Bobby's cell. There is someone else in there, talking to him." Logan had enhanced hearing so it was absolutely possible for him to hear it.

I casted a life recognition spell in order to confirm Logan's words. The results confirmed what Logan was saying. There were indeed two people in the cell.

"What do we do now?" I whispered to Logan as he was the more experienced one.

"Open a portal, not in the cell but near the cell. We need to see who is that other person." Logan ordered.

Following his order, I opened a portal and both of us silently entered the police station.

"Wait a moment, Logan." I stopped Logan from directly engaging and casted an invisibility spell on both of us.

"Magic really is convenient." Logan muttered after seeing the effects of the spell.

We stealthily neared the cell where Bobby was. Surprisingly, there was a policeman talking to Bobby. Maybe it was a false alarm.

"Young man, you should really think about joining the Brotherhood. You are a mutant, a homo superior. You should not obey those who are inferior to you."

Surprisingly, the policeman's words were nothing like that of someone from police service. He seemed to be someone from a mutant supremacist brotherhood.

"How many times I have told you that I do not want to join your shady, supremacist Brotherhood?" Bobby said angrily, refusing the policeman's offer.

Luckily, it seems that we were not too late.

"What is this bitch doing here?" Logan suddenly murmured.

Bitch? That's clearly a man.

Guess who is this man or rather woman who got earlier than the X-Men. Every X-Men fan would know!

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 45
Logan poked me on my side after listening to the whole conversation. It was a signal to retreat momentarily.

We retreated back into the hallway. "Why did you call us back? Who is that guy or as you say a woman?"

"I will tell you later, bub. Just know that she is a very dangerous person. It is extremely fortunate for us to find her here.

I need you to shock her to unconsciousness so that we can capture her. She is like a ghost. If we lose her here, who knows when will we ever get a chance?"

Logan told me that it was extremely important for us to capture her.

Having made changes to the plan, we returned to Bobby's cell.

"So, you will not join the Brotherhood. I am asking for the last time." The policeman or should I say woman said to Bobby. It was clear that she was getting frustrated because of a lack of progress.

"No, I will not." Bobby said resolutely. Looks like he knew what was wrong and what was right.

I and Logan could see the disguised woman moving her hand towards her back pocket and removing a taser from it.

"Then, I believe we must talk –Ah!!" Just as the disguised woman was about to use the taser on Bobby, I shot a lightning bolt at her, thus causing her to be paralyzed and drop the taser.

The shock from the lightning bolt had caused her to return to her original form. Surprisingly, her appearance was that of a blue skinned, red-haired woman. Moreover, she was quite a beautiful woman despite her blue skin.

"Who is there?" Bobby exclaimed, surprised by the turn of events, moving his head around to look for the one who attacked the mutant woman.

It was okay for him to be surprised here. After all, a man he was talking to was suddenly shocked and then was revealed to be actually a mutant woman.

"Hello, Bobby." I said as I removed the invisibility spell from us. At this point, the invisibility spell would only be detrimental for us.

"Logan… How did you get here so fast?" The woman mumbled angry, still paralyzed by my lightning bolt.

It seems that she had an enhanced physique. I had shot a rather powerful bolt at her considering that she was a mutant but she was only paralyzed from it.

Bobby was silently watching us, surprised by our sudden appearance and judging who we were.

"Hello, Mystique! Long time no see." Logan greeted the woman, apparently named Mystique while laughing.

"You could not have… come here so quickly without me knowing. How did you do it?.... How did you get here so quickly? B-By my calculations, there was still quite some time before you would have arrived." Mystique, it seems was quite surprised by our swift arrival.

Well, if not for my portals, we would have likely arrived more than an hour later and by then she would have long escaped with Bobby. So, it can be said that we were quite lucky this time.

"You don't need to know." Saying this, I shocked her once again, this time making sure that she was unconscious.

"Do you think that she has backup?" I asked Logan as he knew about her already.

"I don't think so. She generally works solo." Logan replied.

That was good. We did not need to worry that there would be a battle right here.

"Who are you? Are you also here to recruit me?" Bobby asked, guarded against us.

"Well, to be frank, yes." I replied. Considering what he had gone through just now, it would be good for us to be frank with him.

"Then what is the difference between her and you?" Bobby said pointing to Mystique who was currently lying unconscious. This was one smart kid but unfortunately his smartness could very well lead to the failure of our mission.

Damn! She really made convincing Bobby a hard job. And we could not kidnap him despite the urgency of the mission as it would make his recruitment later nearly impossible to complete.

"The difference is that the Brotherhood is an illegal mutant supremacist organisation while we are affiliated with the government. We work towards harmony between mutants and normal humans while the Brotherhood wants to rule over the humans." Logan spoke, telling Bobby the difference between us and the Brotherhood.

"Why should I believe you?" Bobby questioned us. He really was guarded against us after what had happened.

"Look, kid. We do not have the time for this. First, we need to take you away from here. Then, we can have a talk properly." It seems that Logan was getting angry because of Bobby's continuous questioning.

"Why should I leave with you? And why do we not have any time?" Bobby questioned once again.

"Because your status as a mutant makes you a prime target for various unscrupulous organisations who will do anything to make you join them. As such, you need to escape hastily." I explained this time as Logan was getting angry.

Bobby looked worried because of my words. "Would my parents also be harmed?" He asked me seriously.

"They could." I answered honestly.

"Then I will leave with you." Finally, Bobby relented and agreed to escape with us.

I inwardly breathed a sigh of relief as I realised that the end of the mission was finally within reach. It was really hard to get Bobby to listen to us.

"Logan!!" Suddenly, a rough male voice came from outside.

"Logan, I know you are there. I can smell you. Come out right now!" The voice came once again, roaring and asking Logan to come out.

"You will not come out. Very well then. I will slaughter everyone here if you did not come out within a minute." The voice gave us a sinister ultimatum which left us not choice but to obey his words.

"Damn it! What is this bastard doing here?" Logan cursed as he heard the voice's ultimatum.

Guess who has arrived now? I will give you a hint. This guy is the sworn enemy of Logan.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 46
"You sure are meeting a lot of familiar faces today, Logan." I joked a little to lessen the tension in the air.

"This is no time to joke, Peter." Logan said seriously. "Sabertooth is a truly mad bastard. He would surely slaughter all the protestors who are currently outside the police station if I do not show up immediately."

So, that crazy guy was called Sabertooth. He truly lived to that name like a crazy animal.

"You take Bobby and Mystique to the X-jet immediately. They are the ones we came here for. I will block Sabertooth for the time being." Logan instructed me.

Before I could say anything, Logan ran away towards the outside of the police station in order to confront Sabertooth.

I put Mystique on my shoulder and then opened a portal, as per Logan's orders.

"Huh! What is this?" Bobby said surprised upon seeing my portal.

"Get in, we have no time." I ordered Bobby. Although it looked like he wanted to say something, realising the seriousness of the situation, he didn't say anything and entered the portal as per my orders.

"Peter! What happened? Who is this mutant woman? Where is Logan? And who is that man who has suddenly arrived at the police station?" As soon as I emerged from the portal, Emma immediately bombarded me with her questions.

That's right. I had not opened a portal directly to the X-jet but to where Kurt and Emma was. With how dangerous the situation was, Logan would obviously appreciate some reinforcements.

"I will tell you about the woman later. The man at the police station is a crazy mutant who seems to have a personal vendetta against Logan. He has threatened to kill everyone in the police station if Logan doesn't fight him.

Logan has gone out to fight him so that I can deliver these two people to the X-jet. I will open a portal. Go and reinforce Logan now."

I finished everything I had to say in a single breath. Without giving them a chance to speak, I immediately opened a portal.

"Go now." It seems that they understood the seriousness of the matter as they immediately jumped into the portal.

The portal would take them to the back of the police station from where they would go to reinforce Logan.

Although I wanted to open the portal directly to the front of the station, I couldn't as the rules of the Kamar Taj forbid any public show of magic unless absolutely necessary.

"Enter!" I said to Bobby as I opened a portal which would take us to the X-jet.

I hope everything would be fine until I returned from delivering Bobby and Mystique.

Logan's POV

As I came out of the station, I could see Sabertooth terrorising the group of protesters.

The crowd was trembling and beginning to retreat to a corner. The police had aimed their guns at Sabertooth but he remained undeterred.

Sabertooth looked more like a beast than human with his long shaggy hair, sharp fangs and retractable claws.

Although I did not remember anything about my past, for some reason I always felt a deep hatred towards Sabertooth.

And Sabertooth also seemed to share this hatred towards me. Whenever we met, he didn't require even a second before he started attacking me.

Over the years, ever since I had joined X-Men, I had fought with Sabertooth on several occasions. Although I managed to overpower him everytime, he always escaped using vile tactics, often threatening to kill someone like he was doing now.

"Sabertooth, I am here." I called out to Sabertooth to draw his attention towards me.

"Ah! Logan. You are finally here. However, I had hoped that you would arrive a little later so that I would have been able to kill at least a few of these pests." Sabertooth said maliciously upon seeing me.

"Who would have thought that I would find you here just because I had followed Mystique on a whim?" Sabertooth cynically remarked.

To think this bastard found us because of a fucking coincidence. Talk about bad luck. Anyways, let's see if I can end this cockroach today.

"Now, enough talking. Today is the day you die at my hands, Logan." Saying this, he abruptly attacked me.

"In your dreams, Sabertooth." I easily stopped his attack with the help of my enhanced adamantium skeleton.

Although his claws left some light cuts on my body, this much was nothing for me. I counterattacked immediately with my claws, stabbing them to wound him at both of his sides.

Sabertooth immediately disengaged because of his deep wounds. Even with his healing factor, it would take some time for him to heal them.

Although I could attack him at this time to gain the upper hand, I didn't do so because I knew how cruel Sabertooth was.

There were quite a lot of innocent civilians here and he wouldn't hesitate to attack them if it meant getting an advantage.

"I don't even remember why you hate me, Sabertooth but don't you think that it is quite useless. After all, you always lose, Sabertooth, don't you?" I taunted Sabertooth so that his attention would only be on me.

"Hah! I know what you are trying, Logan. Trying to protect these pests, aren't you?" It looks like Sabertooth saw through my taunt.

"Let's play a game, Logan. Let's see if you protect these pests from dying at my hands." Saying these words, Sabertooth lunged at a nearby protestor.

I tried to run to protect the guy but he was too far. But, before Sabertooth's claws could cleave through the poor guy, a blue figure suddenly appeared, wrapped his arms around him and then disappeared with him just as quickly.

Kurt! What was he doing here? How did he get here so fast? Ah! Peter must have sent him.

But if Kurt was here, Emma should be nearby too.


Just as I thought about Emma, Sabertooth suddenly clutched his head and let out a roar of pain.

Hope you all liked the fight between Logan and Sabertooth and the interaction between them as I only have knowledge about Sabertooth from the Wikipedia.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 47
Logan's POV

As I saw Sabertooth clutching his head and roaring in pain, I immediately knew that it was a psychic attack.

I looked around and finally found Emma in an inconspicuous corner of the police station fiercely attempting to attack Sabertooth's mind.

I cautiously approached her and then asked, " Is it working?"

"Sabertooth has received training to resist psychic attacks. Moreover, his mind is also resistant against psychic attacks for some reason. It is like I am sitting on a wild bull who is constantly trying to knock me off." Emma replied, frustration evident in her tone. "It is difficult to control his mind."

I was just thinking of my next move when suddenly Kurt materialised next to me.

"How can I help, Wolverine?" Kurt asked, eager to help.

"Get all the civilians out of here immediately." I instantly instructed him without wasting any time. As long as the civilians were here, it was difficult for us to fight Sabertooth with our full power.

Having instructed Kurt to handle the civilians, I readied to engage Sabertooth myself. My attack coordinated with Emma's psychic assault was our best bet to take Sabertooth down.


Before I could make my move however, a deafening sound of a gunshot rang through the air. I looked around to see that a brave policeman had shot at Sabertooth while he was trying to deal with Emma's psychic assault.

Unfortunately, I knew Sabertooth's powers and personality and this act only played in Sabertooth's favour. The wound caused by the gunshot healed quickly while the pain caused by it only helped Sabertooth focus his attention through the mental assault towards the person who shot him.

In an instant, Sabertooth lunged towards the policeman who had shot him. I ran in a bid to intercept the attack but I was too far from them.

Yet, before Sabertooth could reach the policeman, he was struck by a bolt of red lightning.

My eyes followed the path of the lightning to find Peter in his unique cloaked outfit.

Good, now that Peter was here, it would be much easier to subdue Sabertooth.

Against a person like Sabertooth who had a healing factor and fought in close combat, it was better to use long range attacks to subdue him which we had a lack of before Peter's arrival.

Peter's POV

Looks like I returned just in time. I was delayed a little because we had to tie Mystique properly before I could return. Fortunately, nothing bad happened while I was gone.

"This much is nothing." Sabertooth said as he roared in pain. I could see Emma in a corner, her hands on her head as she continuously attacked Sabertooth's mind.

On the other hand, I could already see the lightning burns he had received after being struck by my lightning healing quickly.

Although I had shot a rather weak bolt of lightning in a bid to immobilize him, I had not expected his healing factor to be this formidable.

"How do we deal with him? This guy is like a cockroach." I asked Logan as he had earlier experience fighting this guy.

"We can only continue attacking this guy until his mind can't hold out against the double assault against both his mind and body." Logan explained that we had to wear his mind out. There was no other way to defeat this guy.

"Then, you don't need to attack, Logan. I have an attack which will be painful enough to knock him out." When I had learnt this move, I had never thought that there would come a day where I would have to use it against a human.

"Be ready, Emma. As soon as I strike him, hit him with your full power immediately." I said to Emma as red lightning started surging through my fist. Emma could only nod her head because she was busy attacking Sabertooth's mind.

As soon as the move was ready, I lunged at Sabertooth and struck at his abdomen while dodging his wild strikes.

"Ahhh!!" As I struck Sabertooth, my red lightning surged inside his body through my fist, causing him to scream in pain. Then, soon after he was knocked out because of Emma's following attack.

What I had used now was the move I had learnt back in Ta Lo. Combined with my red lightning, it was quite a cruel move.

If I had used it at full power, the opponent's body would be torn apart and burnt by my red lightning coursing through it. Although I had used it at quite a less amount of power, many of Sabertooth's nerves would have still been fried by my attack.

"You did great, bub. Who knew how much time we would have taken to subdue that cockroach if you were not here? Someone could have got an seriously hurt during that time." Logan congratulated me as he patted my back.

"Now, let's move. We have already got quite delayed." Logan said to us as he hoisted Sabertooth over his shoulder.

All of us let out a collective sigh of relief that this chaotic mission was finally going to be over.

We made our exit from the now quiet police station. Once we were in an area free of any people, I opened a portal and all of us were there in front of the X-jet.

"You alright, Emma." I asked Emma as we boarded the X-jet. After all, she was the one who was constantly attacking Sabertooth's mind.

"I am alright, Peter. Just need a little rest. You don't need to worry. Still, thanks for asking." Emma replied to me with a slight smile.

"Although the mission was quite chaotic, I am glad that everyone is safe." Ororo said to us from the pilot's seat.

"Seriously, when I saw Peter returning with Mystique, I was quite surprised. Then, I learnt that Sabertooth was also here. Do you all know how worried I was?" Ms. Ororo had been truly worried when I had reported to her what had happened.

"If Peter had not stopped me saying that I needed to watch over Mystique, I would have seriously joined the battle. I am so glad that all of you defeated Sabertooth without any injuries." Ms. Ororo likely felt guilty that she could not help us in such a dangerous battle despite being nearby.

"Still, now that everyone is here. It is time to take off. All of you, sit down and ready your seat belts." Ms. Ororo ordered as she started the X-jet.

As the X-jet flew into the sky, my first mission was finally over.

Hope you all liked the whole Sabertooth fight! See you all later in the next chapter where we will see the ripples caused by this fight.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 48
"Yesterday, in Long Island, at around 3 pm, a very dangerous mutant criminal named Sabertooth stirred up chaos by attacking a local police station there."

All of us were watching news at the television in the living room which was currently showing the yesterday incident which showed how us mutants managed to save a lot of people from the claws of Sabertooth.

"The police station at that time was filled with a mob of anti-mutant protesters who were there due to the presence of a recently discovered mutant who was detained at that police station.

Sabertooth had attacked the police station due to the presence of another mutant named Wolverine. Wolverine was supposed to be at the police station in order to rescue the young mutant when Sabertooth found him likely because he was there for the same reason.

Sabertooth and Wolverine are sworn enemies who are recorded to have fought each other whenever they encountered each other.

But what makes Sabertooth dangerous is extremely heinous personality. He had actually tried to kill all the protestors at the station right in front of Wolverine.

Fortunately, Wolverine was not alone. There was a group of mutants who were with him who stopped Sabertooth fortunately from killing anyone and finally subdued him.

We thank this group of mutants who stopped Sabertooth from committing such a cruel and heinous act."

The news went on to show the highlights of our battle where we subdued Sabertooth. Specially, my last punch which knocked out Sabertooth was shown repeatedly.

"Wow! We are famous! Woohoo!" Kurt exclaimed. He was quite happy to receive such fame on the television. "Go, Go, Team X-Men!"

"I am glad that the mission was successful without anyone getting hurt. But still, we made quite a lot of noise this time." Scott said to me, concerned about the coverage we were receiving because of the incident.

"But there was nothing else we could do. First, that woman Mystique tried to recruit Bobby and then this Sabertooth suddenly appeared, threatening to kill everyone if Logan didn't show up. We simply didn't have any other choice but to fight." Emma replied after hearing Scott's words.

"Still, we don't need to worry much. This incident actually worked in us mutants' favour since Sabertooth is a known criminal. Besides, the government will also show the incident in our favour." I said, reminding them that this incident, in the end, will only help in increasing the harmony between humans and mutants.

"Although we have not been able to identify the other mutants, this was actually the second time the cloaked mutant who used red lightning was seen." The news started reporting what they knew about me.

"The first time he was actually seen was when he defeated the thief, Shocker who had hi-tech weapons." The news channel went to show how I had knocked out Shocker in just a few moves and then disappeared after taking his gauntlets.

"Peter! It was actually you who defeated Shocker." Emma asked surprised as she saw the news.

"Yeah, it was me." I admitted readily.

"But you do not look like someone who does vigilante work." Emma said what she had understood about me.

"Because my uncle Ben has always taught me that with great power comes great responsibility." Everyone was stunned by my answer.

"Well, that's a good ideology to live by." Scott said after hearing my answer.

"Yeah!" Everyone agreed with Scott at this point.

Ring! Ring!

Suddenly, there was a call on my phone. I looked to see that it was from Aunt May.

"Hello, Aunt May." I said as I picked up the phone.

"What is this I am seeing on the television, Peter?" Looks like she realised who the cloaked man in the news was.

"What were you even doing there, Peter?" Aunt May demanded.

"It was not supposed to happen like that, Aunt May. We were just supposed to go in and come out stealthily. Sabertooth destroyed the whole plan, however." I explained to her what exactly happened.

"Just promise that you would try not to do something like that okay." Aunt May asked seriously.

"I will try, Aunt May." I said that I will try in a bid to convince her but given my powers, it was a sure deal that I would once again get involved in these matters.

"Looks like our dragon actually fears someone." Kitty said teasingly to me after seeing how much I feared Aunt May. All the while, everyone looked like they were trying to stop their laugh.

Ring! Ring!

There was once again a call. This one was from Gwen.

"You alright, Peter." She asked immediately, worried about me.

"I am alright, Gwen." I explained to her what happened exactly. After that, we talked for sometime before ending the call.

That was not the end of the calls, however. Harry's call came next. "You were awesome, Peter!"

Then came the call of MJ. "Didn't know you could fight like that, Tiger?"

Finally, after a talk with MJ, the series of calls ended.

"You are quite famous today, Peter." Jean said teasingly.

"What can I say? They are all just worried about me." I was actually glad that they called me.

Buzz! Buzz!

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. It was actually surprising as very few people visited the X-Mansion.

"I will go see it." Kitty said and went to answer the door.

"Trouble! Big Trouble!" Kitty suddenly came back screaming soon after. She looked a little shocked.

"What happened, Kitty?" Jean asked worriedly.

"There is a man in suit at the door along with a few armed individuals." Kitty said surprising all of us.

What the hell were armed individuals doing at the door of the X-Mansion?

"We need to tell Professor immediately." Scott was calm minded in this unique situation and told us what we should do.

"There is no need. I am already here." We looked back to see Professor Xavier approaching us along with Mr. Logan and Ms. Ororo.

"Do you know anything about these armed individuals, Professor?" I asked.

"Yes. They are from SHIELD. They are here to pick up Sabertooth." He explained the actual situation.

"Just Sabertooth?" I asked.

"Yes, just Sabertooth." Professor replied in affirmative.

"What about Mystique?" I asked curiously.

"I have some other plans for her which I will tell you later. Now, all of you, go to your rooms. I need to deal with the SHIELD agents." Professor Xavier ordered us after saying that he had other plans for Mystique.

This here is a reaction of Peter's and the other X-Men's fight with Sabertooth by both the media as well as Peter's loved ones. And it looks like Professor has some special plans for Mystique.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 49
"Ow! Ow! Ow!"

Bobby exclaimed in pain as he was struck by rubber balls in the danger room.

Although our initial meeting was not good because of his encounter with Mystique, Bobby had decided to join our school in the end after a heartfelt conversation with his parents and seeing on the television how we had subdued Sabertooth and prevented him from killing anyone.

But Bobby's powers were still juvenile and rather unstable so he was currently training in the danger room's most basic level where he was shot with various rubber balls.

"I can do it! Restart the machine again!" Bobby said with bravado as he was once again pelted by rubber balls.

Balls once again shot towards Bobby and he once again tried to stop them with his ice powers. But this time instead of forming an ice wall to stop the rubber balls, Bobby actually formed a layer of solid ice over a rubber ball.

Afraid of being bruised by the iced ball, Bobby closed his eyes in fear. Fortunately, Jean who was there to keep an eye on Bobby stopped the iced ball from hitting him using her telekinesis.

"This is going nowhere. The kid will not learn anything from this." Logan said as he watched Bobby being continuously pelted by the rubber balls.

"Then what do you suggest, Logan?" Ororo asked for Logan's advice.

"He needs to feel more pressure. Mutant powers work more accurately in the stressful situations." Logan suggested.

"But this is already the most basic level. After this is the obstacle course and then the robot fight which Bobby is definitely not ready for." Ms. Ororo countered Logan's proposal.

"Why don't I try? I have a great idea." I suddenly interrupted their conversation.

"What is it, Peter?" Ms. Ororo asked curiously.

"I have learned a new spell which I think will be perfect to train Bobby. So, should I try?" It was a rather unique spell and I had learnt it out of pure curiosity.

"Sure, why not?" Professor Xavier gave me the permission to try.

"Hey, why did you stop? Huh! Peter, why are you here?" Bobby asked me curiously as he saw me enter the danger room. I have to applaud his endurance as he was still raring to go after being pelted so many times.

"I will be taking over the training from now on." I replied.

"You! But your power will literally fry me." Bobby seemed to be quite afraid of my lightning after seeing me shocking Mystique.

"Don't worry. I will not use my lightning." After saying these words, I immediately casted the new spell.


Upon casting the spell, several translucent dragon-like creatures, around 6 feet in height from head to tail materialised in the room. I could hear the gasps of surprise from the control room after seeing these unique creatures.

This was my new spell, Spectral Wyverns. It was a variant of the Spectral Warriors spell which Ancient One had used on me on our first encounter.

I was actually learning the Spectral Warriors spell but when I used the spell, instead of the warriors, these wyverns appeared for some reason. Still upon testing, these wyverns were surprisingly stronger than the warriors.

"Bring it on!" After the initial surprise upon seeing the wyverns, Bobby was raring to fight them.

But as the wyverns lunged at Bobby he actually panicked. However, in a desperate attempt to defend himself, Bobby's powers worked surprisingly well, freezing not only a few wyverns but also a sizable area around him.

"Now this is something. Come on—Ah!" It seems that Bobby became a bit overconfident after freezing the wyverns but when the rest of them came, his powers actually didn't activate causing him to have no choice but to run around the danger room.

The rest of the training period was spent with Bobby running around most of the time and actually fighting and freezing the wyverns the remaining time when his powers actually worked.

"What was, hah, that power? How did you create those creatures? Your power is that red lightning, right?" Bobby asked panting after the training session ended.

"Peter! That new spell was amazing." Before I could answer, Kitty came with everyone and excitedly hugged me while asking me about my new spell.

"Hey, Kitty! I think you are making Peter uncomfortable." Emma said chidingly to Kitty. No way, was Emma actually jealous?

"Well, the answer is that I was using magic. I am also a sorcerer along with a mutant." I answered Bobby. It was something he was bound to learn after joining our school.

Bobby was obviously surprised but he spoke after a few moments, "Say, is there a special condition to learn magic?" He asked curiously.

Sadly, I had to shatter Bobby's dreams as I told him the rigorous conditions required for someone to become a sorcerer. Seriously, whenever I told anyone about magic, they would ask if they could learn it and I would have to unfortunately shatter their dreams. Honestly, it made me feel too bad.

"So, I guess I can't become one." Bobby said dejectedly after getting his dreams shattered.

"Yeah! It was a bummer for us too." Jean said in a bid to console Bobby.

"By the way, Peter. Next time you go to Kamar Taj, can you look over the books regarding telepathic and telekinetic mutants. My headaches are worsening these days." Jean asked me pleadingly. Looks like the matter was serious enough that she was asking me to look about it at Kamar Taj.

"That's not actually necessary." I answered.

"Professor Xavier has actually been talking about a collaboration with Ancient One. Last time I went to Kamar Taj, I learnt from her that the talk is nearly finished. So, we will soon be going on a field trip to Kamar Taj. You can talk about your headache there directly to Ancient One, Jean." I relayed the good news.

"Wow! That's great news." Jean said, happy to hear the good news.

So, Bobby has officially joined the X-Men now. I hope you liked the new spell although it will likely not see much action because of Peter's tremendous powers. And the Kamar Taj school trip has been confirmed!

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 50
"Take care, Professor. We will be going now." Kitty bid farewell to Professor Xavier as all of us readied ourselves for departure.

Today was the day we were finally going to Kamar Taj for collaboration. Although it had been described as a collaboration, it was actually more or less a field trip.

"Don't worry about us. Take care of yourself and enjoy the trip." Professor Xavier said to all of us students.

It had been decided that Professor Xavier and Logan would remain behind at the school along with Mr. Hank while Ms. Ororo will lead all of us students as our teacher during their absence.

"Okay, Peter. Open the portal now, we are ready." Ms. Ororo instructed me once all of us were ready for the trip.

"Alright." I obliged, creating a portal for everyone to enter.

"Huh!" As all of us stepped through the portal, Kitty could not hide her surprise at the sight before her eyes.

Before our eyes was a building with a nameplate which read '177A Bleecker Street'. Far into the distance, several skyscrapers could be seen.

There was no sight of the mysterious order hidden in the Himalayas, bustling with sorcerers, which I had described to everyone.

"Hey, this is just New York. You said that you were going to take us to Kamar Taj." Kitty said accusingly to me once she realised that we were actually in New York.

"Calm down, Kitty. Let me explain." I urged her to calm down.

"We sorcerers can't open a portal directly to Kamar Taj unless it is an emergency. The building we are standing in front of is the base of Kamar Taj in New York, the Sanctum Sanctorum. We will take a portal from here which will take us to Kamar Taj. Now, do you understand?" I asked Kitty after explaining the actual procedure.

"I understand, I understand. But you should really have told us before." Kitty finished her words with a pout.

Soon, we were all inside the Sanctum Sanctorum, ready to finally enter Kamar Taj.

"Whoa!" Everyone except me marvelled at the vast collection of artefacts which were shown as decorations in the Sanctum.

Even I was in awe but I hid it better as it was my second visit.

"Peter, are all of these magical artefacts?" Emma asked me, curious about all these decorations.

"Some of them are. The others, however are security measures. So, don't go touching anything!

Even if what you touch is an actual artefact, it could be a cursed one or it could be sealed with an offensive magic formation."

I warned everyone because I was aware of their curious nature, especially Kurt and Kitty's.

"Peter, do you think the sorcerers would be able to help me control my powers?" Rogue asked me worriedly as we made our way through the Sanctum.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright." I reassured her with a smile.

It had been quite difficult for Rogue to trust me with the knowledge of her mutant powers. She had been quite hesitant but had finally told me after receiving support from everyone.

I had been truly surprised when I had learnt about her mutant power. To think that she could absorb powers from other people, and it was even one which activated just on touch.

This explained why she always seemed so distant. She just didn't want to hurt anyone and was also afraid of being discriminated against by others. After all, her power was quite a unique one even amongst mutants.

When I had learnt about Rogue's plight, I had actually tried to test her power by touching her in a bid to learn more about it to see if I could help her somehow. Unfortunately, the results had been terrifying.

As soon as I touched her skin, my instincts went into overdrive. I had almost unleashed a lightning discharge but had somehow managed to stop myself. It was that terrifying.

In the end, I didn't manage to maintain contact for more than a few seconds. Surprisingly, Rogue had not gained much from our experiment.

She had just grown a few scales and could create a few red sparks, that was it. I also didn't feel like I lost much.

Although the result was a little interesting, in the end, we got nothing from the experiment. Hence, Rogue's hopes laid on the sorcerers of Kamar Taj. Her powers were such rare and powerful that a rookie sorcerer like myself was not experienced enough to help her.

"You don't need to worry. I didn't tell you before but they actually have an artefact which they had given me so that I could restrain my strength back when I could not control it." Seeing that Rogue was still feeling gloomy, I told everyone about the time I had to wear a restraining belt.

I had not told anyone about this fact before because it was too damn embarrassing!

"So, you had to basically wear a diaper for months." Scott remarked while laughing as he heard about the time I wore a restraining belt. To think that this guy actually knew how to laugh. After all, this was the first time I was seeing him actually laughing.

In the end, everyone laughed and the gloomy atmosphere which had been created because of Rogue's words was cleared.

Soon, we reached the end of our destination where a sorcerer was waiting to take us to Kamar Taj.

"Master Wong." I greeted Master Wong as I recognised him.

"Greetings, everyone. I am Master Wong, a master sorcerer and the librarian of Kamar Taj." Master Wong introduced himself to everyone. It seems that Ancient One had sent him because I was most familiar with him.

"Now that everyone is here, let's depart to Kamar Taj." Saying this, Master Wong created the portal to Kamar Taj.

As we stepped through the portal, we could see various apprentices continuously trying to create portals near where we had arrived.

We had actually arrived in the training yard. Now that I think of it, my first introduction to Kamar Taj was also at the training yard.

It seems that Ancient One welcomed everyone to the world of magic through the training yard. After all, it was the only place where one could see a large amount of sorcerers performing spells.

While everyone else was in awe, Ancient One arrived along with a group of sorcerers.

"Hello, young mutants. I welcome all of you to Kamar Taj." Ancient One greeted us.

So, my dear readers! The Kamar Taj school trip has officially started. I was going to show Kamar Taj in this chapter but then I realised that I had not given Rogue much coverage. And since Rogue's problems would also be addressed in this trip, it was necessary to show her side.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 51
"Wow! Kamar Taj looks amazing!" Kitty said, charmed by the scenery of the crowd of apprentices attempting to create portals in front of her.

Everyone else was also amazed by the view but Kitty was the most expressive one. But then again, everyone loved her because of her expressiveness.

"Peter, did you also used to practice here?" Kitty asked me excitedly.

"Actually, no. My powers were quite unstable back when I had first arrived at Kamar Taj. And when I started learning magic, I found that because of my powers, the magic I casted was unstable. So, I only practiced here once. After that, Ancient One gave me personal guidance so that I could gain control over my powers." I replied.

"Really! Then, you must be very lucky to have the leader of Kamar Taj personally guiding you." Kitty said upon finding that Ancient One personally trained me.

I shared a glance with Ancient One when Kitty said that I was very lucky to have her personally guiding me.

There was no need for me to tell her that Ancient One's guidance included spars which were much more dangerous than Danger Room's highest level.

"Everyone," Ancient One said, drawing everyone's attention to her.

"We have created a large scale magic circle which will analyse your mutant powers so that we can use the data obtained to help you in whatever problems you are having because of them and also guide you in using your powers more accurately.

There is still some work remaining to perform on the magic circle. As such, I have to go there for the final adjustments. In the meanwhile, you can tour around the Kamar Taj while the magic circle is getting ready."

Ancient One informed us that she would regretfully not be showing us around Kamar Taj.

"Master Wong, I will leave everyone to you. Meet me with everyone else at the magic circle in two hours." Ancient One left us in the care of Master Wong and disappeared using a portal.

"Come, let me show you around Kamar Taj. After all, it is not everyday we get guests at Kamar Taj." Master Wong took the command of our group as the tour guide and so we finally started our school trip.

There were not many tourist attractions to see on Kamar Taj as it was a school for teaching magic combined with a military facility.

The only areas which could be said to be tourist attractions were the library along with the artifact depositary. Still, the beauty of the Himalayas was already enough of a tourist attraction. This could be clearly seen by how everyone was looking in amazement at the beautiful scenery presented by the mountains before their eyes.

Master Wong joyfully showed us the library once we reached it. After all, he was in charge of it. Although everyone was dismayed once they found that the books which had information on the mutants were all in Sanskrit.

Afterwards, we went to the artifact depositary. This place was where most of the artefacts of Kamar Taj which were basic artefacts were kept. Although most of the artefacts were securely locked in the depositary, a few were shown as a display which we went to see.

"Huh! What is this sound?" Ms. Ororo exclaimed as all of us heard some noise while we were en route to where the magical circle had been created.

Indeed, sounds of a battle could be heard nearby. Looks like someone was sparring.

"Oh! It is just Master Mordo training with his new apprentice. Let me show you " Master Wong replied upon hearing Ms. Ororo's question and took us to where the noise was coming from.

When we reached the training courtyard where the noise was coming from, I could see Master Mordo sparring with someone I knew all too well. It was Hye-rin!

This was indeed a surprise. I didn't know that Hye-rin had officially joined Kamar Taj and that Master Mordo had taken her in as her apprentice. After all, I had not seen her before when I had returned to Kamar Taj last week.

Hye-rin and Master Mordo stopped sparring upon seeing us approaching. Hye-rin's face, in particular, lit up as she saw me.

"Dragon Sorcerer!" She addressed me while bowing.

"Come on, Hye-rin! There is no need for you to address me like this. After all, we are friends." It truly felt awkward to me when she addressed me as Dragon Sorcerer. It was alright when others addressed me like this but I didn't like it a single bit when those close to me addressed me as such.

Besides, me and Hye-rin had become rather good friends during the time my armour was being made. She also had great talent in enchantment so we had hit it off. She had given me some great advice on enchantment along with her grandfather which had helped me further my own mastery in the subject.

"Dragon Sorcerer?" Jean questioned me about my title. Everyone seemed puzzled by this title of mine.

"You all must be Peter's friends. He had gained this title when he had achieved great contribution during the dimension invasion back when he was just an apprentice. That scene was truly magnificent. Peter was finishing those monsters as though they were mere flies." Hye-rin replied before I could answer.

She pridefully explained how I had destroyed a great amount of monsters during the dimension invasion in my draconic form which made me look like a dragon. As such, I had been given the title of 'Dragon Sorcerer' because of my tremendous contribution in the battle.

"Dimension Invasion? There was a dimension invasion!" Everyone was surprised to hear that a dimension invasion had occurred nearly just a month ago. Their facial expression clearly explained the confusion they were feeling when they heard of my contributions in that battle.

"Ah! It was just a small dimension invasion. You don't need to worry. Besides, Hye-rin is exaggerating the facts. There were after all many other sorcerers who had also participated in that battle." I said, trying to downplay my role in that battle as I honestly didn't like the sudden fame I had gained in Kamar Taj after that battle.

In fact, one of the reasons why I had accepted Professor Xavier's invitation to his school so readily was because everyone looked at me with reverence in Kamar Taj after the invasion. This was a little unbearable for someone like me who liked to be treated as an ordinary person.

"Hey, don't say it like this, Peter? After all, you had saved my life in that battle." Hye-rin argued.

"Saved your life?" Jean asked as everyone was shocked by this fact.

"Yes, one of the stronger monsters in that battle had ambushed the barrier team where I was. It had broken the barriers and caught me in its tentacles so that it could suck my soul.

It was only because of the soul protection pendant which Ancient One had given us that I could resist until Peter saved me. I still get shivers whenever I remember how hardly that monster had constricted me with its tentacles. I could not even use any magic because of its constant attempts to suck my life."

Hye-rin explained how I had saved her life by killing that soul sucking monster.

"Damn! This world of magic is too dangerous. Even soul sucking beasts actually exist!" Kurt said after hearing about the soul sucking monsters.

"Actually, you don't need to fear the soul sucking monsters. After all, they come after every few decades, not everyday." I explained that there was no need to fear these monsters.

"By the way, when did you officially join Kamar Taj?" I asked curiously as I hadn't seen her the previous time I was in Kamar Taj.

"Just a few days ago. I realised that my skills were clearly amateurish in that battle so I decided to finally join Kamar Taj. I wanted to sharpen my battle skills because of what happened last time. So, I decided to train under Master Mordo because he is the master here in combat arts." Hye-rin then started explaining how much she had improved under Master Mordo since she had joined Kamar Taj.

It was great that she had decided to officially enter Kamar Taj. I was afraid that after her near death encounter during the dimension invasion, she would be too fearful to enter this world of magic once again.

"Ah! I forgot to introduce everyone to you. The guy in sunglasses is —"

"We will have enough time to talk later, Peter. At this rate, we will get late. As such, we must hurry." Master Wong interrupted our conversation saying that we would get late.

"Ah! That's right. I would talk to you later, Hye-rin. See ya later!" I bid goodbye to Hye-rin and all of us started to move towards our destination where Ancient One was waiting for us.

And so the school trip finally starts! Starting from the next chapter, the mutant powers of everyone will be analysed and some of them will even get a little upgrade. And since it is an analysis, 'you know who' will also be revealed.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye

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