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[NSFW] Cybertron's Goetia (gundamSI x Transformers.)

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thousands of years later and im still kicking it. autobots, decepticons, it doesn't matter to me. so long as i get to clap some robo cheeks.
Chapter - 1 New


Getting some practice in, huh?
Dec 20, 2023
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"I'm sorry. May you find peace in your next life." I softly spoke, watching as the Mech's optics dimmed to nothingness and his body color faded.

The Battle… no, this hunt, had been an easy kill as could be. A simple assassination mission to kill a double agent playing both sides. No accidents, no witnesses.

Clean and proper.

Flicking off the dripping pink Energon off my Saber, I stowed it away and gave a small bow to the deceased before turning away to leave.

'Might as well let command know the deed is done.' I thought, moving two digits to the side of my head.

"This is Unit G-66. Target is KIA, Please advise." I vented out a sigh as the acid rain of Iacon washed over me. It had been what? 4,332 years since I had been reincarnated onto this war forsaken planet. And I hated it.

I hated everything about this place.

I hated the very beings that walked upon this cursed planet. Blinded by there greed and immorality, as they simply treated life as if naught but a precious thing.

And I hated the very system that bred these immoral beings.

As the caste system was naught but a tool to enslave those who could do better than others. For those who thought themselves 'strong' could belittle the supposed 'weak'.

Hmph. D-16 showed them. He showed them all.

"Roger G-66, rendezvous at the pick up point. Extract will be waiting for you but hurry, Chatter on the Autobot comns tells that one of primes elite's is heading to investigate." I sighed. Of course life couldn't be that simple.

"Understood. G-66 out." removing my hand, I jumped into the air and boosted towards the near by building roof. Hopping from one roof to the next.

Now, don't get me wrong. As much as I hated this world and every being that walked it, I wasn't that jaded to the idea or thought that all bots were bad. They were Simply… lost.

Some were dealt a bad start, with nothing to their name, while others were abused by the very system meant to either protect or help them.

Realistically, nobody could blame them for lashing out. But… to let it get his far, to the point that our very own planet had to suffer and go comatose in order to not die just seems absurd no?

I thought so.

And that was before I joined the Decepticon cause.

Ya'know, before they went all evil and became the very thing they fought against.

Nowadays its just random large scale fights happening somewhere on the planet. Some high priority target or location gets scouted out by both sides and then a conflict for said thing ensues.

Rinse and repeat and then you get the idea.


"Shit!" as I landed onto the next roof I was jumping on, a high caliber round smacked into the ground right next to my foot. dodging behind a ventilation line, I huddled down as who ever shot at me had a clear sight.

"Command, I'm under enemy sniper fire from the east! Please advise over."

Fuck, That was close. Way too close.

Huddling down, I waited for a response from command. Hopefully they could route me to a different area where I could sneak off or lay low.

"Command do you read me? Boneline are you there!?" static rung out of my comn.

Fuck me, radio's jammed. Whoever the Autobots must've sent this time really meant business. Hopefully it not who I thin-

"Come out from that hidey hole ya fockin Pansy!"...Never mind, Its totally not who I expected. Fucking hell, my ears. The loud mother fucker hijacked my Comns and had practically yelled directly into my ear drum.

But Hell, to be honest what did one really expect when a wrecker like Roadbuster shows up for something like this. But hey, something new everyday.

Jeez, I honestly thought prime had sent out Jazz for a second there. Was gearing up for the fight of my lifetime again.

Amen Primus, Amen.

"Cool your jets you Con crusher. Im coming out, so don't shoot." raising my hands in the air, I slowly stepped out of cover.

Looking around a bit, my optics settled on a huddled green figure six buildings over. The cheeky fucker must've saw me coming and got the drop on me while I wasn't paying attention. Lucky son of a bitch.

"you were always a lousy shot anyways. Wondered when Preceptor would finally teach you how to shoot." I softly jested. I valued my life thank you very much, I wasn't about to set off the crazy wrecker who was walking towards me if I had anything to say about it.

Heck, the barrel of his gun which was dangerously close to my face right now told me I probably shouldn't really test him.

"Finally ran out of luck didn't ya? Archer of Pax." he's snidely said. "20 cycles and 5 cities is all it took to finally track you down."

Archer of Pax, huh. Haven't heard that one In a while.

"yup, and your old aft still couldn't find me in half that time. What, aren't you 0 and 5 with Jackie on how fast you guys could find me?" I shook my head. "Your rust is starting to show wrecker."

He snorted at that. "oh and your a better shot? As far as I can recall that story of you missing a shot in Kaon that wheeljack told us says otherwise."

I flinched in embarrassment at that, that motherfucker! He promised not to tell anybody about that! "I have no idea what your talking about."

"of course you don't." he chuckled, dropping the gun from my face. "Ya'know you suck at lying right?" I shrugged.

And? Doesn't mean I'm gonna admit to one of my greatest embarrassments.

"Come on, Servos behind your back." I abide, cause honestly I wasn't really in the mood to duke it out with and old friend of mine. Even if were on two different sides. "Maybe we'll get back in time to have a few drinks with the others. Seaspray and Athenia have been dyin to talk to ya." I perked up at that.

"Are you slaggin serious! you should've just started with that from the get go you walking gimp! What was even the reason you to shot at me for then?!" I felt moderately offended for absolutely no reason, cause lets be honest I would've done the same to him.

"Just wanted to wave ya a friendly hello, wrecker style." the urge to facepalm had never been so strong before. How could I keep forgetting, These asshole's are fuckin crazy.

"Also, one more thing…" he holstered his sniper before asking.

"what is it roadbuster." I droned out.

"Kimaris, what the slag is a 'Gimp'?"

yo! still alive, just busy with college and all that. i just wrote this cause of the new transformers movie and because i just love robot booties. im still working on my gundamXmass effect story, just need to get in the grove again.

till then, seeya bros!