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OP Alert Add On


Lodissian Cross
Jun 15, 2015
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While I am infinitely grateful that we at last have the OP Alert add on, can we get it to proc at something like 400-700 words or more? I have had 11+ alerts from idle chatter I do not care to read, and I am aware of other users with the issue.
I hope its fine if I necro here, but it felt relevant so I didn't want to open up a new thread for this.

Is it possible to make it so posts that are threadmarked trigger the OP alert? Or some other way to toggle if the alert shows as special somehow?

Sometimes, posts with important announcements go unnoticed because they are too short, so it would be super useful if an OP could have selected posts show up as announcement posts or something like that.
I really dislike this limitation for must be over 500 words. I often miss updates from the OP. Very rarely is the OP saying stuff that is merely "idle chatter" and not immensely useful information to see.

While I would be ok with it being an option, if an option is not given it would be immensely preferential for the 500 word requirement to be eliminated and for ANY post by the QM to be trigger an alert (if I have set it to give me alerts for QM replies)

Yes, a few very rare QMs perform idle chatter that is post heavy. but they are incredibly rare and i can just disable alerts for their thread or just know to ignore them when i get them. Punishing all the QMs who post legitimate content and then have it overlooked because it didn't trigger an alert is disheartening.

Finally, there is no obvious clear user notification that there is such a limitation.

Since apparently some people want it, why not have it as optional?

edit: wait a minute
Thread Starter replies to a watched thread
The thread starter replies to a thread you are watching
  • Thread Starter replies always alerts
Is the sub option of always alerts about an exemption to this? because if so the phrasing on that option should be clearer as to what it does. I am currently asking some of the people who told me it doesn't work if they have that box checked. as it isn't the easiest thing to check
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