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Primitive Age of Xianxia (Honghuang style xianxia story)

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Forward: This story is a purely for fun story that I'm writing as a hobby. As such there is no...

Daoist Dreamwalker

Not too sore, are you?
Apr 4, 2021
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Forward: This story is a purely for fun story that I'm writing as a hobby. As such there is no upload schedule and updates are random but I do write pretty quick. This is also crossposted from SB where my username there is different as at the time I wasn't even considering interacting with the community here much so no need to to accuse plagarism. I am DaoistDreamwalker.

I must also confess that I am not a skilled writer by any means and am only sharing my interest in Shengui Honghuang style stories. Hope you'll at least find some enjoyment out of this.

Premise: This fic is Honghuang, a subset of Shengui which is Xianxia that takes place within the chinese mythological world. So Essentially, this is a fanfiction of chinese mythology. Honghuang specifically takes place in the very beginning, as in the beginning of the universe predating all the gods and events of Investiture of the gods and Journey to the west. This story isn't unique by any stretch of the imagination though and alot exists though most are on MTL sites. A large part of why I'm writing this is because pretty much 99.99% of Honghuang are SI power fantasies that read like a dumboldore bash fic.

PAOX also won't necessarily deviate from the timeline as I more or less want to explain events and give reasons and insights into characters. I'm not that creative, at least not enough. to tell a nuke canon tale.

Warning: You probably won't like the mc in the beginning and find him winy, naieve and confusing. That's intentional as the first 20 or so chapters in this phase are him growing out of that, his origin story if you will. I've lumped all those chapters in to one big post to start this thread off and will be posting daily until this catches up with SB and webnovel.

MC is also not a SI(or just transmigratory character) in the conventional sense. He's also not exactly all that smart nor competent. He's a man put in a position in a goal he is wholly unqualified for but is seeing till the end. So while he isn't stupid, he also isn't that smart. If you like super smart mc that can do everything, I don't think you'll enjoy him. He's not OP, just really strong and that's it.

I'd also like to point out that this is super ultra high fantasy. Scientific elements should not be applied to this story at all. This is a story about what is essentially marvel celestials as every single character. It's pointless to discuss physics with me on this story as I won't consider it. Please suspend your disbelief.

MC's sense of time is also very skewed. He's an immortal being in xianxia, expect very exagerated numbers for both size and time. If that's too much for you then I'm sorry. For reference, 10k years can go by in a paragraph with little going on. Again, please suspend your disbelief as these are cosmic lifeforms who are immortal.

Enjoy the ride.

Heavy winds fell upon the great eastern ocean of the primordial world. Enormous waves blew upwards towards the dark heavens above as tribulation clouds sent forth waves upon waves of lightning smiting the surface of the vast ocean. The waters in response began whirling transforming into a vast whirlpool stretching many dozens of kilometres wide and many tens of thousands of kilometres deep.

The mystical build-up of immortal Qi around the whirlpool was insane. If the average immortal was here he or she would've been reduced to ashes. It truly was an event most extraordinary. However, it was also very isolated. Despite the violent event ongoing, no one has come to observe nor felt it.

This tribulation storm had been ongoing for a while now, days in fact. If it were inland it would be many times worse than any natural disaster earth could accomplish. This was the only thought running through the victim of said lightning strike's mind as it laid at the bottom of the whirlpool.

"Damn it, just a little further, almost there" it cried out. From the very beginning, this individual had been at the bottom of the east sea. How did it know it was in the east sea? It just did, you could say it knew almost immediately upon regaining conciseness.

"To think waking up after getting rammed by a fucking truck of all things, I'd be getting struck by lightning" cursed the mystical soul. It had gained consciousness an unknown amount of time ago and steadily began absorbing the vast pools of immortal Qi around it.

Truth be told it cannot even remember much of their former life. It couldn't even put a name to its being, just vague images flashing by. It knew it was roughly between the ages of 20 to 25 and a male and lived on planet earth with the wonders of modern technology. However that was about it, even the school it went to was a mystery. It couldn't even move from its position within the ocean so it just sat there, slowly evolving until eventually a threshold was reached.

Originally it was happy, elated even. It felt like the days of being a mass of energy were over and a true physical form can be achieved. But the reality was not so fortunate. Tribulation clouds instantly gathered above it striking with all the rage of heaven.

However, the waves of tribulation lightning were not enough to put it down and after hours of punishment, the clouds ceased. As the dark skies brightened once more, the oceans parted and a gargantuan figure emerged.

To call it a human would be a mistake, to call it an animal would also be a mistake. The best way to describe it was a monstrosity. Sprouting 8 enormous dragon heads hundreds of metres long each with azure scales, puffy yellow mane, and catfish whiskers attached to eight long necks on a serpentine body. Adorned on it were rows of colourful fins elegant and haunting.

It possessed 6 limbs, claws with 5 digits with the innermost one of the foremost limbs having long sickle-like claws. Each claw was webbed. Its long twin tails twirled along with the wind, each one was narrow and scaled with small fins towards the end. It really didn't look like anything that'll exist on earth.

The disorientation and confusion it felt have ended. The inherited memories had truly begun to seep in. Its former human mind began shifting to the wayside while it digested what it knew.

Mystical chaos period, 3000 chaos goldfields, countless lesser chaos creatures, and most importantly of all the chaos egg. One name rebounded through all eight of its skulls.

"Great god Pangu" it mumbled. Now it all made sense. It could finally figure out where it was. Looking around with its heads it sighed. At least it was still a he or as close to a he as he could get being something out of an artist's high on cocaine mind.

"No matter what I'm still me, my inherited memories have been muddled. Am I? Was I human or was I something else? Earth? Chaos? Ah, it's all so confusing," it said shaking its many heads.

"I do not remember who I was, I do not remember who I inherited from…But I do know this, I was born in the vast ocean, transformed by the primaeval waters of the primitive world's east sea. From this day forth let I be known as Da Hai".

As soon as he said that all eight heads frowned. 'That was really unimaginative, why did I just say that?' He thought. Da Hai shook his head, it wouldn't matter now. As soon as his announcement was made great Dao already recognised it. From henceforth he was Da Hai Da Xian, the great immortal Da Hai.

Da Hai raised his heads, instantly 3 flower crowns appeared above him. 'Golden Immortal' it thought, 'not bad.' The Qi-rich environment of the east sea was truly terrific, simply by existing her Da Hai was able to reach Golden Immortal without too much issue. Its comprehension into the Dao of water was also pretty advanced.

Da Hai scanned his watery surroundings. Following the instruction from his mind a wave of power spread out. Divine sense was the inherent ability of immortals to scan their surroundings. Da Hai as a Golden Immortal posses a very powerful divine sense.

Hundreds of kilometres were covered just like that. "Nothing huh" Da Hai was disappointed yet overjoyed at the same time. His human memories were muddled but he could still remember large chunks of what would otherwise be considered trivia.

His era of birth was not the commonly known era of Chinese mythology nor was it the primordial era. Nay, it was the most primitive era predating all of the gods of Daoism. In this era, Pangu had just opened the world, Heavenly Dao hasn't been conceived, innate treasures were everywhere and most importantly competition was sparse.

In the future era, thousands upon thousands of innate gods would appear. Their powers sundered the primordial world fighting for the best spiritual treasures.

But in this era, there were only a few dozen or so innate gods. Sure the land was infested by primordial beasts transformed by remaining chaotic energy but they were unintelligent. Any ancestral xiantian lifeforms will not come about for at least another yuanhui.

A yuanhui was an era that lasted for 129,600 years. A mind-boggling amount of time. For Da Hai it was plenty of time to stock up before the inevitable disasters arrive.

Thinking about the future sent shivers down Da Hai's spine. The primitive world was relatively safe but the primordial era was another story entirely. Even great demon gods weren't guaranteed to come out of that era alive.

Moving its titanic body Da Hai began swimming. Despite his size, he moved very swiftly covering many kilometres in a matter of seconds. Even so, he knew he would be in for a long long trip. After all he primaeval world wasn't a planet, it was an entire universe stuffed into a single landmass and 4 seas. It could potentially take years for him to see land.


Three hundred years, that's how long it took for Da Hai to see land. It was an island but it was still land. In all these years Da Hai had yet to see a single living creature.

Having been on earth where the oceans were teeming with life it was very disturbing to wander endless waters for centuries yet never encountering anyone. It would seem all the primordial beasts were earthbound.

Da Hai trudged atop the land, his tails dragging behind him. Truth be told he just couldn't be bothered moving them not because he was tired. That 300 year swim was actually very relaxing.

Da Hai frowned, "Has my perception of time really changed that much?". Da Hai looked around in all directions, there was some forestry but otherwise, it was barren. Perhaps in another yuanhui these trees would cultivate a consciousness but right now they were ordinary if a lot tougher than earth trees.

"What a lonely place" Da Hai mused. Being born in this era had both benefits and drawbacks. This was definitely a drawback.

Flexing his divine senses Da Hai found nothing of note. Since there was nothing here he dived back into the ocean and moved on. It was strangely calming to the great god, the sound of water around him.

He'd liken it to living as a shut-in except he was actually outside. 'Was this how the chaos godfiends lived?' He wondered. In the chaos period preceding the opening of heaven, there existed 3000 mighty figures.

Each of these godfiends would stomp the current Da Hai like nothing. Yet they all became fodder to the Pangu god, just another footnote in history. Da Hai supposed he was like them as well, after all, he too was the reincarnation of a chaos godfiend. Yet he was also a human on earth.

It was confusing to the god. Can he truly call himself the successor of a chaos godfiend when he himself did not know who he was inheriting from?

'No matter, it's all in the past' Da Hai decided that cultivating was the most important step. The future will have many dangerous events and the current Da Hai would be less than fodder to them. It's a good thing he remembered his human side, otherwise, he would truly be in danger.

A thousand years later Da Hai reached land once more. This time it was the continent. Specifically the east continent of primordial times. During this era the universe existed in one giant landmass that was further divided into 5 distinct areas.

North, south, east, west, and central continents. Yet they were continents in name only. They were one giant landmass separated by a thin dimension gap between each bothered by their respective seas. At the centre of it all was mt Buzhou.

Mt Buzhou was the centre of the world, the lynchpin of the universe. Da Hai likened it to Atlas of Greek mythology, once that mountain falls then it's game over for everyone. But mt Buzhou is also a place of the supernatural phenomenon of the highest order.

There were bound to be tons of treasures. Da Hai couldn't contain the excitement in his heart and all eight heads smiled. He wondered what goodies he'd get. It was a shame he had no treasures when he was born, heaven was truly unfair.

'Wait no heaven isn't even a thing yet' he thought.

Great Dao ruled the primitive age. It was very easy to sense the Dao laws. There were 3000 great Daos imprinted into the universe and a further 108,000 lesser Daos. All formed from the corpses of the chaos godfiends.

As an innate god Da Hai held insight into one of the 3000 great Daos. Specifically the Dao of primeval seawater. It greatly boosted his abilities despite not having any treasures.

Crawling up on land allowed Da Hai to see the primitive land for the first time. It was a dazzling sight to the god. Mortals could never appreciate it but how can an innate god not. The rich primordial energy filled every orifice of Da Hai's body invigorating him.

"There truly isn't a time like the primitive age" mused the great god. His gargantuan body began moving quickly across the continent. There were a few places to see and a few to avoid.

Da Hai wanted to see Kunlun for himself. While swimming he couldn't find the 3 mystical islands nor golden turtle island but Kunlun was stationary. However, Da Hai also wanted to avoid mt Yujing at all costs.

There was a figure born there who possess terrifying might. In the future, this figure will be the first expert of the primordial world. The first innate god to form in history, Hongjun Daozu the ancestor of the Dao.

Da Hai was fearful but also slightly excited. He wanted to meet and talk to these legendary figures, but he didn't know them. The truth is the primitive age was a dog-eat-dog world. Many ancestors will perish by the time the primordial era arrives. Da Hai did not want to be one of them.

As he ran along the great continent his divine senses picked up something. The 4 heads on the left frowned and Da Hai stopped. His eyes scanned around him.

"Trying to hide?" Da Hai braced himself wearily.


He swung his tails in a massive arc. Amongst the distant trees, a figure ran off. The arc caused the land to shake and the earth to rise, in an instant the landscape was rearranged.

Da Hai was massive, just a footstep for him crossed many hundreds of metres. A swing like that would easily make new hills and uproot forests.
Da Hai sighed in relief, that was the strongest swing he could perform without resorting to magic. Da Hai couldn't sense any nascent soul but could feel the enemy's presence. This meant it was a primordial beast and not an innate god.

Strictly speaking there wasn't much of a difference between primordial beasts and innate gods in terms of their origin. However innate gods were xiantian lifeforms, born with extraordinary magical powers, high cultivation, and most importantly intelligence. Advantages primordial beasts don't have.

"Predators are everywhere," Da Hai mused, in an instant azure light wrapped around his body. It quickly shrank until it was the size of a person roughly 1.6 metres tall. Now instead of an eldritch abomination stood a short young man in his early twenties, not too handsome but not ugly.

"This would make traveling easier," the god smiled. Primordial beasts were similar to regular animals, his previous true form was simply too big. He caused a disturbance everywhere. A new human form or by its proper name, Dao body suits his needs much better.

"Most importantly it doesn't restrict my travel," Da Hai raised one foot and instantly traversed dozens of kilometres.


In a calm forest, a young Da Hai strolled along in an azure robe. His shoulder-length yellow hair hung loosely flowing with the wind. He was very relaxed, appearing as if no danger will come to him.

"200 years" he mused and shook his head, "No I shouldn't keep doing this". Da Hai had regularly kept track of time on a human scale. Yet parts of him could not accept it. He wasn't another Joe on earth anymore, he was great god Da Hai who arose in the east sea.

As he traveled along the more troubled he became. His obsession with the dead was beginning to get to him. He should just forget it and move on.

"What? Why did I just?" Da Hai looked at his hands in disbelief. This wasn't the first time he thought like this, over the years it had happened several times.

Da Hai filed his hands behind his back. 'I should get going' he thought and picked up his paste. The three flower crowns above him shone and a beam of light blitzed into the distance.

Suddenly Da Hai's eyes widened. A shadow came above him hundreds of metres wide. Dark feathers, 2 talons, and a single crooked head. 9 eyes stared back at him.

"Oh fuck"

"CAW" roared the bird swapping down at the unsuspecting god. Da Hai blocked with his arms, his scales taking the brunt of the damage allowing him to safely fall back.

Steadying himself Da Hai widened his eyes in fear. A primordial beast was upon him with clear hunger in its eyes. Yet something within Da Hai clicked.

He was sure he was still frozen in fear yet his body began battling the beast. Most importantly it was winning. His humanoid body moved with agility avoiding every blow while dishing out punches of his own.

Da Hai's moves were wild, unsophisticated, and brutal. The nine-eyed bird's soft flesh was torn into within moments.

"CAW" the bird called out. Another cry answered back. A second nine-eyed bird flew with rapid acceleration. It struck Da Hai like a torpedo.

Dao Hai's Golden Immortal was incredibly resilient yet he crashed into the earth forming a large crater. The god narrowed his eyes, these birds were not simple. They weren't strong in close range but with enough speed, they can pack a punch.

Da Hai looked around, more birds were coming. It was an entire flock of nine-eyed birds each hundreds of metres long from wingtip to wingtip.

Yet the innate god of the sea did not flee. Some other sense seems to have taken over him entirely. He opened his arms and screamed, "You dare!". His colossal form was released the very next second.


With one chop Da Hai consumed dozens of birds with a single head. The others got to work. These birds couldn't penetrate Da Hai's scales but Da Hai easily tore them apart. Bits of blood, feathers and gore flew through the air.

Intestines were left hanging on treetops while Da Hai gorged himself.

"Be grateful to serve as this deity's meal" Da Hai widened his mouths and ate. Bite after bite after bite, and then it was over.

A human Da Hai observed the carnage around him. The forest where he stood was dyed red and flattened. He looked at himself covered in gallons of blood. Blood was everywhere from his body to his hands and dripping down his chin.

"What the fuck did I just do."


Dipped in fresh spring water near a waterfall, Da Hai bathed attempting to wash himself. Although many days had passed since the annihilation of the nine eyed birds the god still felt uncomfortable. Even though he was very much clean he did not stop.

'Why did I become like that?' He wondered. From beginning to now he had always felt there was something within his mind that was disturbing him. It wasn't an identity crisis, he knew he was the innate god Da Hai of the east sea. But within him acknowledged something another part ignored.

Over the years one part of Da Hai had wanted to go back to that thought process while another wanted to forget and move on. But how could Da Hai just forget the previous life? How did something like that even happen in the first place?

Even with the cultivation of Golden Immortal Da Hai could not figure it out. He was a superior being born with the 5 elements and 3 splendours innately completed. He already had insight into a great Dao yet he could not understand his own transmigration.

Da Hai knew he had the ability to reincarnate someone, it wasn't that hard especially when the Heavenly Dao has yet to be conceived. But to cross entire universes across space and time itself? Da Hai could not fathom.

His own dilemma was also very disturbing. With the vicious encounter, Da Hai had realised his personality flaw. The primitive world was a dog eat dog world. None of the reincarnated innate gods would show him any mercy.

His own contemporaries were not newborn deities. They were the reincarnations of the fallen 3000 great chaos godfiends and 108,000 lesser chaos godfiends. Da Hai himself was a part of the former.

He cannot freeze like he did before, otherwise, it would truly be the death of him. Thankfully his instincts took and saved his life. However, that other personality surfaced.

"It was also me, but it is much closer to my predecessor" Da Hai mused. As a human he wasn't a particularly violent person, at least he didn't think he was from what he recalled. But the memories of the predecessor god were a little different.

Da Hai remembered vicious fighting in the chaos period. Countless gods fought and died until finally, 3000 chaos godfiends distinguished themselves from the rest. Even then these deities still warred against each other.

"Destiny demon king, Ancestor Yang Mei, Ancestor Qiankun, Demon ape, Daoist Up Down" Da Hai read out the names one by one until he completed the list. He sighed and said to himself, "Is it too late to go home?"

Bah! Home, where would that even be? Da Hai thinks the closest place fitting that description would be the east sea. It would be nice if he could find a cave adobe somewhere and start a dojo. He might even accept a disciple in the future.

With a flash of light, azure robes appeared once more covering the deity. At his level of power creation of simple objects was very easy. His clothes weren't any innate treasure, just ordinary pieces of clothing that were slightly more resilient.

Looking around the prehistoric world in the evening Da Hai felt amazed once more. The Sun star in the distant starry sky has faded leaving the Lunar star. Da Hai could also make out the 365 stars that make up primitive heaven.

"The primitive universe is truly a sight to behold" he mused. Yet behind that facade of beauty was a vicious world. Da Hai hoped to not encounter any more fierce beasts.

'Those protagonists going off about gaining experience sure are brave,' he thought. Even to Da Hai, it was slightly frightening to be wondering the vast wilderness with the knowledge of predators everywhere.

When Da Hai reached a rocky plain he stopped. A rumbling in the ground stopped him. 'What's this?' He activated his divine senses scanning the world around him.

The air was misty and very hard to see through. The rumbling got progressively louder and louder. Da Hai immediately became cautious.


A massive bull-like creature over 10 kilometres in length charged through. It had white fur and red eyes, 2 massive bull horns on a buffalo's face. It had hoofed hind legs but its forelimbs were long and apelike with 5 digits.


The creature attacked by slamming its massive palms down aggressively. Da Hai leaped back to avoid the blow and continued flying to avoid the attacks.

"Oh shit, what do I do?" He panicked and kept running. The fierce beast will not give it a chance. It chased after Da Hai, its giant muscles were visibly straining as it leaped off the ground.

Primordial beasts lacked immortal energy. It could not control the mystical powers of the world and as such without wings, they cannot fly. Despite this, the bull ape hybrid leaped kilometres onto the air landing before Da Hai.


It chomped down at the tiny by comparison figure of Da Hai catching the deity in its jaws. Dai Hai held both hands on its upper teeth and his legs stood on the lower incisor teeth.

"Shit it stinks" Da Hai grimaced. The force behind the bit was incredible. Da Hai exerted as much strength as he could in a human form and he was still nearly crushed.

"How am I supposed to survive this thing" within his heart Da Hai was panicking, he could not think of a solution. However, another thought arose from his heart.

"I am the primeval god of the sea, a lowly creature like you has no right to treat me like food!" Da Hai roared. The bull ape hybrid beast widened its red eyes in panic. Torrents of water shot into its mouth forcing its jaws open.

Cough, cough, cough!

The beast choked on gallons upon gallons of divine seawater while Da Hai stood midair arms clasped behind his back. He gazed down as if a god would an insect. 'That's right, I'm an immortal god' he was disappointed with himself.

Why was he so scared, he knew all the moves to beat the monster. Innately he could control water and with his Dao, the primeval seawater was his plaything. He could also deploy immortal might to crush the monster, cast spells to attack, or anything instead of just running.


The primordial beast looked up in rage. It leaps up with great momentum to which Da Hai drifted to the side. His vastly smaller frame effortlessly avoided the beast.

Da Hai pulled back his right arm and slapped outwards hitting the furry hide of the beast.


The monster was sent flying and landed on all fours. With a sonic boom, Da Hai appeared before it once more sending multiple blows on the creature. Each punch carried with it the power of the great Dao of primeval seawater.

The monster was pounded into the ground and forced to endure. It looked around in rage spotting Da Hai's tiny form. It grabbed with its giant palms.

Da Hai managed to avoid one but was caught in the other. The great beast began squeezing the god.

"Looks like I've got no choice" without hesitation, Da Hai released his true form. In a blinding flash of light, the titanic 8 headed serpent appeared.

"I'll teach you a lesson boy, this is what happens when you mess with your grandfather" roared the 8 heads. Raising the sickle-clawed forelimbs, Da Hai slashed through flesh drawing blood for the first time.


The bull ape hybrid was panicked and attempted to retreat. As it jumped back a whip of water shot through the air catching its ankle. Da Ha exerted much force and the water whip crushed the beast's ankle.

"Moo!" The beast roared in pain as Da Hai dragged it across the rough stony ground smearing the rocks with its blood. Da Hai opened his mouth spewing out an ocean's worth of water crushing the beast beneath the blast.

Bones gave way as the beast succumbed to its injuries while the plains became a lake.

Not far away, inside a spacious cave inside a valley sat a red-clothed figure meditating. It was an incredibly isolated location untouched by primordial beasts. As such the land remained green with various greenery. a long river ran across the valley while the cave stood amongst the cliff-face.

The man here has been quietly cultivating for thousands of years without disturbance until just now. He opened his eyes revealing 5 coloured lights. "This presence," he muttered before scanning the areas around him. Da Hai's battle would inevitably catch the attention of others. This man was both the closest and first to detect the aftershock.

"So familiar, could it be?" The man disappeared in a blinding flash of multicoloured light traversing many kilometres towards Da Hai.


Da Hai sat hunched over with one knee pulled back. The small island he was on was a by-product of his earlier battle, the primordial beast's horn had broken off and floated to the surface of the newly formed lake.

Although he was physically healthy Da Hai felt mentally exhausted. He sat there thinking of all that went down and contemplating his next actions. He thought back to the two fights he'd experienced thus far. By no means were they truly live threatening at least to his full power.

Yet he could not bring himself to fight on that level. Not until he was pushed to a corner. It wasn't even as if he was unable to do so. Da Hai truly felt pathetic, 'Am I hindered this much?'. The thought of cutting out his humanity crossed his mind.

"No, the human from earth is as much me as the predecessor from chaos. In fact, it's more like the base me is human who absorbed the chaos godfiend" Da Hai nodded to himself.

Mt Buzhou was still a distance away but Kunlun shouldn't be too far. Of course the former was much better than the latter. Da Hai decided to continue on his travels to the heavenly mountain.

"Fellow daoist wait!"

Just as Da Hai was about to leave a youthful voice called out to him. Da Hai panicked in his heart, 'So soon? Damn, I'm unlucky. He had not expected to run into another innate god so soon. One must know that in the primitive era, not many innate gods were transformed.

Da Hai was the only one to appear in the vast east sea and the most famed Hongjun, according to myth, did not leave Mt Yujing until late into the primitive era. So the chances of running into another god was nigh impossible.

Da Hai saw the foreign daoist approach him. It was a happy-go-lucky and very handsome looking fellow dressed in red robes highlighted by strips of rainbow colours. His hair was tied in a ponytail that fell onto his shoulders.

The most unique aspect of him was his eyes. Multicolour lights flashed across his irises like a rainbow. Da Hai felt that some vulnerable humans will get epileptic seizures just by looking at them.

"Fellow daoist wait up" the foreign god called out once more and Da Hai turned to face him. Looking at this guy the first thing you'd think is 'he's a good man'. But this brought suspicion in Da Hai, can you call anyone in the primitive world good?

To inhabitants of earth, all the figures of the primitive era and the later primordial are no less than mass murderers. Even Da Hai knew to be wary.

"Now that I've seen fellow daoist up close I've confirmed it" the foreign god smiled in happiness. "After so many years, turns out you also transformed brother Da Hai". The god stretched his arms out as if looking for a hug.

Da Hai was left stunned, what do think this is an anime? Da Hai was unsure how to approach this fellow, he was a little too friendly, very out of place. What's more, he felt he vague recognised him.

"It's nice to meet fellow daoist, I don't believe we've met" Da Hai saluted the red robbed man whose joyful anticipation turned into confusion than shock.

"You don't remember?" He asked. Da Hai shook his head and the red-robed man frowned. "This is troublesome" he sighed. The catastrophe of the chaos period had killed many of his acquaintances. He was one of the lucky few whose nascent soul was able to survive long enough to reincarnate.

When he felt Da Ha's presence he sensed a familiar figure, a friend. The chaos demon god of water Da Hai is also called Da Hai Shue Shen Jun. Now it seems he was only half right.

"Fellow daoist, I am Huoyun the chaos demon god of five elements. Do you truly not remember our friendship?" He inquired with some hope. He could see Da Hai's eyes held some recognition.

Da Hai shook his head, "Unfortunately not fellow daoist, my memories are muddled" he added. He recognised the name of Huoyun, but he was also confused.

Going by myth Huoyun should no longer exist, his remnant should be merged with the first cloud of the world and transform into the most tragic figure in prehistory, ancestor Hongyun. His Dao will also be obtained by another tragic figure, Kong Xuan or as later generations know him, Mahamayuri buddha. It's not too much to say that Huoyun's enter lineage was a tragedy.

"So it's fellow daoist Huoyun, yes your name is vaguely familiar to me" the daoist of five elements Huoyun was someone his instincts told him to trust. Da Hai also felt this was a potential helper hence he proposed.

"Fellow daoist, I am Da Hai transformed by the east sea. I do not remember much of who I was before but I feel that our friendship can still be rebuilt. Would you like to join me on my pilgrimage to Mt Buzhou?"

Huoyun raised his eyebrow, 'Mt Buzhou? That's an incredibly Qi dense zone'. He could guess why Da Hai wanted to go. With the vast quantities of primordial Qi available on Mt Buzhou natural xiantian treasures were bound to form.

Huoyun wasn't starved of treasures like Da Hai so he never made the trip. He had also never been to the mystical mountain before. "Okay," he agreed, "Since brother Da Hai asked I will accompany you".

Da Hai was elated, he just gained a powerful helper. Just then a pillar of light shone on the water surface surprising both gods. The natural phenomenon could mean the birth of a new innate creature or a xiantian treasure.

Innate creatures were not innate gods, they were born with inferior cultivation and a limited lifespan wears innate gods were Golden Immortals at birth.

The waters parted and a water jug jumped out. It was decorated with images of waves and serpents. Da Hai could feel the energy emanating from the water jug. 'This is undoubtedly a xiantian spiritual treasure, looks to be mid-grade too' he thought.

He looked to his side at Huoyun expecting the deity to make a move. But to his surprise, Huoyun was looking at him. 'Does he want to silence me?' Da Hai thought in a panic.

"Fellow daoist, it seems you're in luck" Huoyun joyfully laughed, "This mid-grade xiantian spiritual treasure is very suitable for you, seems it is fate". He waved his hand and the water jug flew towards Da Hai.

"Ah" Da Hai didn't know what to say, he held the treasure infant of him. It may be mid-grade but that was still very valuable. "Thank you" he finally uttered.

Huoyun shook his head, "No need to thank me, you were my lifelong brother of my five elements daoist Huoyun in the past. I will naturally look after you". This made sense Huoyun was one of the 4 strongest chaos godfiends standing alongside ancestor Yang Mei, Shichen, and Demon Ape.

"Come on, aren't we going to Mt Buzhou?" When Huoyun called out Da Hai was still in a daze. He smiled, he truly was lucky to meet a good person in the primitive world. Turning into a blast of blue light he followed after Huoyun.


The celestial mountain Buzhou held up the heavens. It separated the earth from the stray skies and prevented the catastrophe of celestial bodies colliding with the primitive world. As such the mountain was integral to the survival of the universe.

Originally Mt Buzhou existed as the spine of the great god Pangu. After the universe was opened, after Pangu separated heaven from earth his spine shot into the sky preserving Pangu's work. The heavens must never meet the earth for the sake of all living beings.

Pangu's spine transformed into the celestial mountain and became the largest construct in the world. Even the sun star and lunar star are inferior. The primordial Qi exuding from the mountain was enough to produce immortals from mortals in an instant.

If you brought a normal farm pig to this place, that pig will instantly become a great heavenly immortal. Truly it was a remarkable place only available in primitive times.

Da Hai's trek towards Mt Buzhou was going smoothly. Although he and Huoyun encountered several primordial beasts they were all defeated. In this period Huoyun shared stories over the past with Da Hai, what the original Da Hai was like within the chaos.

The divine lord great ocean rose as apart of the 3000 chaos godfiends. The mightiest existences of the chaos until Pangu. He was able to navigate and control cosmic waves and battled countless deities alongside the daoist of the five elements Huoyun and the god of space and dimensions Yang Mei.

The three of them formed a trifecta that dominated the chaos. Sadly their era came to an end when the Pangu god erupted from the great egg. With his 36th-grade chaos lotus, fortune disc, and Pangu axe, the great god obliterated the 3000 godfiends and opened up the primitive world.

Da Hai's grasp of Huoyun became better and better over time. The daoist of the 5 elements was a truly remarkable individual. He wielded the 5 element beads, a top-grade xiantian treasure much better than Da Hai's water jug. It gave him terrifying combat prowess to overcome any challenge.

"Brother Da Hai, we should be there soon. Look see there in the distance" Huoyun pointed excitedly at the shadow many kilometres away. Even Da Hai had to squint his eyes to see.

In the distance, Mt Buzhou stood in imposing glory. Even at this distance, it emanated a majestic aura almost as if commanding him to bow. Da Hai nodded, Mt Buzhou is extraordinary.

"We should be able to find some good spiritual treasures there," he said. Huoyun sighed and, "Why are you so fixated on treasures? In the past your physical body was all you needed to suppress your opponents".

Da Hai laughed in response, "Ha ha ha, don't you know brother Huoyun, a spiritual treasure gives a great boost in your combat ability and increases our chances of survival. The primitive era is not like the chaos, our cultivation had all fallen".

Huoyun nodded, Da Hai was correct but the talk of treasures always dominate the topic of Mt Buzhou. Nevertheless, Huoyun was happy to have Da Hai back. In the chaos, the 3 brothers experienced many tribulations together.

"Be that as it may, you'd find that the world has much more to offer than spiritual treasure" Huoyun retorted. Da Hai looks in slight confusion. "What does brother Huoyun mean. Spiritual treasures give us a more intimate connection to great Dao. Our lives will become so much easier"

Huoyun shook his head, "brother you're confused, having such a materialistic mindset is bad for the Dao heart". Huoyun took out his beads, "only claim when you need not what you want.

Da Hai frowned slightly, "that is a bit different from the you in the chaos". Da Hai may not remember everything but as he spent more time with Huoyun he started remembering more. He was quite familiar with Huoyun's character. "In the past, you did not hesitate to fight for spiritual treasures".

Huoyun chuckled, "we have to protect our predestine, that year the chaos pearl of five elements was destined for me. It's innate attraction guided me so I had to protect my right". Huoyun continued ahead, "come on, Mt Buzhou is not far".

Huoyun had given Da Hai some things to think about. The sea god followed behind in contemplation. 'Are my obsessions truly wrong?' He wondered. He knew he had to prepare for the future, knowledge of predestiny is always a burden.

Da Hai observed Huoyun, the daoist of five elements was truly carefree. He had no fear of the outside world and liked to wonder. He treated every tree, every stone, every river, every desert as a new sight to behold. Da Hai on the other hand had long grown bored of nature.

The two men approached the base of the mountain. They could feel the suppression getting stronger and stronger. Due to their Golden Immortal cultivation base, they were still fine but Heavenly Immortals and below would've lost the ability to fly. Mortals would've been crushed to death.

"The mountain is beautiful" praised Huoyun. He waved his hands allowing mystical primordial Qi to gather around him. He smiled, the Dao of the five elements was rich here "this environment is extremely suitable for cultivation". Huoyun sat down in a lotus position and closed his eyes. He opened up his physique to the primordial Qi and quietly cultivated it. The three flower crowns spun rapidly and the completed fused core shone.

"Cultivating already?" Asked Da Hai and when Huoyun nodded Da Hai decided to wander deeper into the mountain. Huoyun seems to have reached an epiphany, he is unlikely to leave in a short amount of time.

Da Hai climbed on his own. He had not been keeping track of time, he didn't want to know and just searched around the mountain.
"Buzhou is huge" Da Hai groaned in frustration. He had circumnavigated the base for a long time and still hadn't his starting point. Little did he know, he had been wondering for 200 years.

Huoyun opened his eyes "spiritual treasures find their owners. Brother Da Hai's fortune was not great during the chaos period. Let's see how far he can go in the primitive world".

Huoyun could sense Da Hai's location. After waking up he trailed after the sea god.

Deep within Mt Buzhou a white light shimmered. It reached out in thin fluorescent tendrils. They reached around trees, across rivers, down the great mountain. Huoyun was both right and wrong, spiritual treasures indeed look for their wielders, but the wielders also have to be willing to seek them out.

Dai Hai unknowingly began ascending the mountain with Huoyun behind him. He could vaguely feel something was guiding him. He could feel a sense of elation, it would seem the chance he'd been looking for was within Mt Buzhou.


Da Hai stood before a small pond in a clearing about an eighth of the way up Mt Buzhou. Several decades ago he experienced a precognition that guided him. After traveling for many years he finally reached his destination.

Upon reaching the pond he found himself admits a sea of small white lotus flowers gently floating on water. Da Hai supposed it would be a pretty site perfect for a date. More importantly was the rich primordial energy in the spring.

He sat down, Da Hai knew something was bound to happen soon. It's all matter of time now before a spiritual treasure appears. Hence he began cultivating.

Da Hai's body contained the perfect fusion of the 5 elements and the presence of the 3 flower crowns. This signified his departure from the river of time. Golden Immortals are ageless while the realm below Heavenly Immortals are limited to a single Yuanhui at most.

He began absorbing the Qi around him and looked for any insights into the Dao. Innate knowledge guided him all the way, more benefits of being an innate god.

Time passed, day after day, month after month, year after year. By the time Huoyun caught up to Da Hai 37 years had gone by. The daoist of the five elements smiled upon seeing Da Hai's good fortune. The rich environment of Mt Buzhou guaranteed a high grade xiantian spiritual treasure at least.

Huoyun leaned on a tree. His friend had struck gold, even he felt a little jealous. All he can do now is wait, besides they had plenty of time.

Little by little time trickled on. Da Hai fell into a state of deep cultivation completely unaware of the outside world. Huoyun acted as his protector at this time although he really didn't have to do much as Mt Buzhou naturally repelled primordial beasts due to the majestic aura radiated from the mountain.

Before they know it 5000 years had passed. One morning the pond began radiating divine light and a pillar of pure primordial Qi blasted into the heavens. Da Hai was knocked out of his cultivation state, pushed back several metres before landing on his feat.

"Took you long enough" Huoyun called out whilst chewing on a spiritual fruit.

"When did you get here?" Da Hai responded. Huoyun took another bite "thousands of years, been waiting all that time while you sat on your ass".

Da Hai looked down in embarrassment, "that long huh?". Huoyun shook his head, it was only a measly 5000 years. Didn't Da Hai know that back in the chaos era many yuanhuis will go by while some guy tried to break through?

Da Hai returned his attention back to the bond. The light had begun fading and Da Hai felt in instinctual connection to the treasure within.

Floating in the water was a small white lotus flower. It radiated powerful energy like a newborn screaming its lungs out. Da Hai's eyes widened, 'could this possibly be?' He thought.

Many hundreds of thousands of years ago, Pangu cleaved apart the chaos and established the world. He wielded 3 distinct powerful artefacts of unimaginable power. In his hands he held the Pangu axe whose cutting might destroyed the entire world.

The greats god had also wielded the Jade disc of good fortune whose deductive abilities were unparalleled. He who wielded that disc will be virtually omniscient.

Last but not least was the 36th grade chaos green lotus, the most mysterious of the trio. Not much of its power was known as Pangu Never deployed it. What is known however what that the aura it emanated suggested it to be even greater then the axe and disc.

How could the heavens allow such powerful tools to exist in an infant world. As tragedy would have it they broke apart upon the completion of Pangu's task. The Jade disc was downgraded and cracked falling into the world.

The Axe split into 3 and dispersed throughout the infant primitive world. The 36th chaos green lotus suffered the worst fate, it was utterly broken apart. The lotus' pieces fell from the heavens disappearing from the gazes of the dying godfiends.

But as luck would have it, one of the pieces. Specifically one of its seeds fell onto Mt Buzhou, right before Da Hai. The white lotus is also known as the 12th grade white lotus of peaceful enlightenment. Da Hai could tell that sitting on it would drastically bolster his cultivating ability.

However Da Hai was confused. According to myth there never was a white lotus. There only existed 4 lotuses derived from the 36th grade chaos green lotus existed by the ancient times. Perhaps it was destroyed before it had a chance to spawn.

The lotuses were transformed by the seeds that fell from the original chaos lotus. They were nurtured by the primeval energies in the world before appearing in the great wilderness. It was quite possible for them to be eaten before they could do so. Perhaps there were more lotuses out there.

Da Hai was very happy as the white lotus floated into his palms. According to myth each of the lotus offered unparalleled defence and an additional benefit. The Golden lotus could suppress and store the luck of the world. The red lotus provided control over karmic fire. The Black lotus released gas which destroyed all in its way.

"Congratulations to fellow daoist" Huoyun saluted Da Hai. The gains this time simply too good. Da Hai nodded and quickly refined the white lotus. With a single drop of blood the treasure submitted offering Da Hai total control.

"I don't sense any connection left on Mt Buzhou. It would seem I have exhausted all my luck" Da Hai said as he put away the white lotus. Huoyun nodded, consecutively gaining was rare as there was only so much luck in the world.

Unlike earth where the concept luck was just an idea, here in the primitive era it was completely different. Luck was a type of supernatural force, good fortune accompanies all living creatures good or bad. The will of the world provided luck to destined individuals and individuals who provide merits to the world.

All reincarnated innate gods were born with good fortune. It was in truth a gift given out of guilt for their deaths during the chaos era by the will of the world. No matter the cost Da Hai was very happy.

"Where should we go now?" He asked Huoyun. Da Hai's short term goals had been achieved and was a bit lost on what to do. Huoyun scratched his chin and contemplated. The primitive world was mindbogglingly big, there were so many places to go.

"How about the west?" He offered. Da Hai agreed, he would like the see the birthplace of buddhism for himself. Perhaps they could even find Mt Lin if it was already formed.

The two left for the bottom of the mountain. The trek down was much more simple to going up, they picked one direction and moved at high speeds.

"To reach west we could cross the south, north or the central continents. Either way there is no direct route to the west" said Da Hai.

Huoyun nodded, "North continent has too many powers, many of our early brethren reincarnated there. Right now that place is in an intense power struggle. I suggest the south, it's much quieter."

"Power struggle?" Da Hai had not been in the world for long and did not know what was happening. He had also not attempted any divination thus far. "What's going on in the North continent?"

Huoyun looked solemn, "you are among the last of us to be reborn so you don't know. In the North continent Shenni had declared himself the beast king. He has found a way to successfully control primordial beasts. His army is present in the millions and has already spilled into the central continent. Luckily they only occupy the northwestern areas."

"Shenni? That guy was nothing special in the chaos, how could he get so strong?" Da Hai could recall Shenni from fragmented memories from the previous Da Hai but couldn't tell much from his human side. Was there such a conflict in prehistory?

"It gets worse, Shenni has promoted to the Taiyi Golden Immortals. He has perfected his Dao of fire to the highest level. His cultivation is extremely profound" Huoyun said grimly. This was the primary reason he had not ventured out of the east, Huoyun understands that he'd stand no chance in the central continent. What's more he had no reason to be there, Yang Mei's location was still unknown and Da Hai was already with him.

"It seems we'd have to avoid going there in the future" Da Hai followed. Presently the duo were in the Qi rich central continent close to the dimensional fabric of the east. West Kunlun was actually not too far from where they were.

Suddenly Huoyun halted his hand stopping both of them. He look in shock as the air around them rippled. They both readied themselves as an old burly man with a fluffy white beard and long white hair appeared before them. A Jade disc hovered behind him

He had both hands behind his back and emitted a profound aura. It was a far above both Huoyun and Da Hai, unfathomable. To be so strong that neither Huoyun and Da Hai could not tell his cultivation meant one thing. This old man was at least a whole realm higher, Taiyi Golden Immortal.


The Da Hai Huoyun duo stood wearily before the old man. He looked at the both of them with a blank stare. His expressionless face gave away nothing. He eyed the both of them, then to Huoyun's 5 element pearls, to the white lotus in Da Hai's hand.

Finally, his gaze set on Da Hai himself, his eyes narrowed. Da Hai could feel cold sweat sliding down his back. The identity of the old man was obvious given the jade disc. Out of all people to run into why did it had it be him?

Hongjun Daozu, the ancestor of daoism. Teacher of the three pure ones and supreme master of the three realms. Da Hai gulped nervously, he didn't know what to think of the old man. On one hand, people say he's a benevolent figure who gave up everything for the good of the world.

But darker aspects of the internet told a different story. Forums of conspiracies have discussed time and again on the actions of this man. Fictional adaptations have also shone another light on his actions.

Da Hai did not know Hongjun's personality, he did not know him beyond what he has done and what others have said about him. But he knew one thing, Hongjun was strong, monstrously so. He was quite possibly the first expert in the world.

If Hongjun claimed to be number 2, no one would dare claim number 1. Similarly, Huoyun was also deeply concerned. He was no stranger to Hongjun, this man was the Dao cricket of the 3000 chaos godfiends. He remembered him being a solemn figure who hardly interacted with anyone, a complete unknown.

When Pangu opened the world Hongjun just stood there. Unlike the 2999 others who fought with all their might, Hongjun stood before the attack and willingly perished. At the time no one cared, they were desperately trying to survive.

With the benefit of hindsight, Huoyun had given things some thought. There was definitely something going on, he eyed the Jade disc beside Hongjun. 'That's impossible, could that really be?' He thought in amazement.

"You are strange," Hongjun said after a moment of uncomfortable silence. The old man frowned as if trying to figure out something but shook his head. "This old man has no intention of harming fellow daoists" the air rippled around him and he disappeared.

After several minutes of silence Da Hai broke the ice, "well, that happened" he said. Huoyun nodded, "we should be more careful in the future" he added.

The wilderness should not be underestimated. The duo quickly left the vicinity of Mt Buzhou and entered the eastern portion of the central continent. Crossing into the south is pretty simple so they sped up.

Da Hai observed the land passing below him. He saw many earth bound primordial beasts battling each other to varying success. 'The number of beasts is increasing' he thought to himself. When they first crossed the east towards Mt Buzhou the concentration of beasts weren't too bad. But now there seems to be a herd every several kilometres. Huoyun also noticed the change and frowned.

"We should be at the dimensional boundary soon, once we cross into the south we can safely make it to the west. Don't worry the south doesn't have any experts" measured Huoyun. The two came upon and quickly passed through into the south continent.

The environment instantly changed, the natural Qi was much weaker and even the Dao laws were much obscure compared to the east. As a consequence cultivators would only make half the progress with four times the effort when cultivating. The only notable feature was a series of volcanoes off the coast of the south continent.

These volcanoes were rich in fire Dao. An expert practising in fire or anything relating to heat would find great success here. Da Hai however was a creature of water, he is repelled by the heat. Although he was nowhere near the volcanoes he still felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Are those what I think they are?" Da Hai noticed something very different near one of the rivers. It was something he had not come across before in the vast wilderness. Huoyun turned his attention to where Da Hai's gaze landed.

"Already?" He said in wonderment. Near the river, a group of humanoids with fox features were going about their day. Their cultivation was not very high, even their leader was only an early stage Heavenly Immortal.

The primitive world was the era closest to creation. Living beings only included primordial beasts and Innate gods. The former were formed from the excess energy of Pangu splitting chaos and the negative thoughts of the dying chaos godfiends. The latter were the reincarnated souls of lucky chaos godfiends who resisted the conversion into building materials for the burgeoning universe.

There was however a third category, innate creatures. These were natural living beings spawned by the elements of the world, trapped by the confines of time without ownership of their true souls. They were lifeforms native to the world, belonging to it unlike the Golden Immortal realm Innate gods. They were born with a cultivation that was very high by letter generations but still ants in primitive times. They possessed no inheritance and had to rely on themselves wholeheartedly.

Huoyun had long sensed the emergence of such creatures. He was the daoist of the five elements with an intimate connection to the five elements. It was this Dao path that results in the creation of living beings. As such he knew it was only a matter of time before innate creatures appeared.

"To think a fox clan popped up," Da Hai thought out loud, his thoughts drifted so some areas of his previous life he would not share. Huoyun raised an eyebrow, 'foxes? Was that what they're called?'.

Huoyun pinched his fingers and divined. The tribe was indeed the primordial fox tribe, they were a species with an 8:2 women to men ratio and led by Hu Mei who was that Heavenly Immortal they sensed earlier. Due to the vast difference in strength, no secret could be kept from him.

"It is good that not many primordial beasts exist here, they would be defenceless" he commented. Primordial beats varied in strength but generally hovered just beneath the Golden Immortal level. Those species who gathered in flocks and herds were even weaker.

For an innate god killing primordial beasts wasn't a problem. But for a tribe with a single Heavenly Immortal, it was a much bigger issue.

"No matter, they are of no consequence" Huoyun signalled for Dai Hai and they left soon afterwards.

North continent

Within a cave deep within a burning mountain, a man cowered before a mighty power sitting upon a stone throne.

"This minister greets your majesty" a brutish looking man kneeled in front of a burly shirtless man with a fiery red mane and two curled horns.

"Speak" a deep rumbling voice sounded responded.

"Several tribes of odd creatures had appeared within our borders. They do not have high cultivation, what's more, they do not have any inherited cultivation methods. What should be done with them?" The cowering man reported.

The burly man stroked his chin, "Just a few useless things, wipe them out". He looked around the cave in disgust and went back to sleep.


Travelling in the primitive world takes time even for deities. Da Hai and Huoyun despite moving at incredible speeds could not cross the entire continent quickly. It took them over 10,000 years to cross from the world boundary to reach the western regions of the south continent.

Along the way, they encountered many new tribes popping up. It would seem the evolution of the primitive world had been kicked into overdrive. Since the fox tribe appeared dozens of other ancestral beings began appearing with their respective clans living out their lives in the south continent.

Da Hai and Huoyun had seen the butterflies, crickets, rats, boars, carps etc. The primitive world was quickly becoming more lively. However, this change wasn't all positive in Huoyun's opinion.

In Da Hai's naive confusion he questioned the much more knowledgable Huoyun on the matter. Huoyun explained that although the birth of innate creatures is ultimately good for the world as it signifies the world becoming stronger, more stable, it also signified something terrifying going on elsewhere.

In order for innate creatures to spawn, enormous amounts of Qi was required along with the five elements to give them form. Although in the primitive world the five elements only provide a base template as the actual creatures are spawned from primordial Qi.

However the initial primitive doesn't have this much Qi. Much of its initial energy was used to stabilise the world, reincarnate the remaining chaos godfiends, absorbed by primordial beasts and creating various innate items such as xiantian treasures and spiritual fruits. What little remained transformed the barren world into different biomes.

In order for innate creatures to spawn in this capacity, Qi must be extracted from pre-existing living beings. It is mandatory to create new life so Huoyun can only come to a single conclusion. Fellow innate gods have already perished.

Da Hai was startled at the revelation. The thought had crossed his mind but he had yet to see it for himself. Yes, he had indeed killed many living creatures but they were mindless primordial beats lacking any sort of consciousness.

"The western border should be just ahead," said Huoyun excitedly. The adventure he was having was much better than sitting on his lonesome back in Huoyun cave. He was very thankful Da Hai returned to his life again.

As they neared their destination the duo decided to stop for a moment. A group of innate creatures were running for their lives. Their cultivation were also much lower than the foxes. Da Hai made note that the strongest members were only a group of Profound Immortals.

This group of refugees were running away from a massive lion like creature. It had split jaws spewing out venomous toxins and a long armoured clubbed tail.

"Please help us, help us great immortals" the man who seems to be leading this group yelled out when he caught sight of Huoyun and Da Hai. He looked extremely pitiful with tattered fur clothing and unkept messy hair.

"A shame, it's a dog eat dog world here. It's best to not have too many attachments, let's…wait Da Hai where are going?" Before Huoyun even finished Da Hai blitzed across the group reaching the beast.

A massive torrent of water engulfed the beast lifting it high into the air before slamming it down onto the hard soil. The land ruptured cracking into a crater. The beast thrashed around while more tendrils slapped it again and again.

Enraged the beast leapt above the water attempting to bite Da Hai. Before it could reach the god a translucent white lotus manifested before Da Hai. The lion beast slammed head first into the unbudging lotus shield and crashed back down into the wet earth.

Da Hai brought his water jug up and more divine water poured out flooding the area. The beast seemed to have enough as it began drinking in the sea. The suction force was so great that it looked as if a whirlpool had formed on land.

"AH!" Some of the unlucky tribesmen slipped helplessly into the water. The leader desperately tried to save them however his Profound Immortal cultivation base can only do so much. He was helpless against the force of the streams and could only shield what little friends he can.

Da Hai noticed this and waved his hand. A platform of water formed an orb midair catching all the innate creatures within. Seeing themselves saved these creatures began kowtowing in thanks. However, Da Hai had more pressing matters to attend to.

This lion monster was much stronger than the nine eyed birds and the bull ape hybrid. If they were to meet this lion will devour all of them with barely any injuries. Da Hai could feel his connection with both his treasures deepen with use.

The white lotus descended upon the land crashing into the lion beast. The beast furiously rammed its body against the lotus but no matter what it did it could not succeed. Slowly bones began creaking.

The lotus smashed fully into the ground sending a tsunami into the air. The water converged into a singular point returning to Da Hai's water jug. He descended and looked around the battlefield but noticed an odd scene. There was no corpse but there was a big hole.

Da Hai's eyes widened in panic as a shadow appeared behind him. The Lion beast had ripped itself out of the ground and leapt high into the sky trying to consume Da Hai. Then the beast roared in pain.

Five element pearls slammed into the beast's hide forcing it crashing back down once more. Huo fun appeared with the five element pearls returning to his palm.

"Your battle instincts needs a lot of improvement," he said exasperatingly. Da Hai mumbled an embarrassed "sorry". Huoyun nodded and smiled, the five element pearls descended as 5 pillars of multicoloured lights. They merged into a single drill penetrating the lion beast killing it in an instant.

The corpse landed on the lotus shaped crater while Huoyun appraised the battle the whole way. Da Hai listened to the advice and felt much gain. As they were about to leave the refugees knelt down surprising both of them.

"We thank great immortals," they said in unison and kowtowed in worship. Then began offering what little they had, small dolls, tools, and herbs. Huoyun looked at Da Hai amusingly as the sea god looked somewhat helpless.

Before then knew it the leader ordered his subordinates to build a statue of Da Hai. The god didn't really want to stop their happy mood but was too embarrassed while Huoyun laughed.

"We the primordial zebra tribe swear to always worship the great immortal saviours" the whole clan knelt once more as Da Hai and Huoyun began to leave. Huoyun was amused the whole way out, Da Hai simply didn't know what to say. It seems Da Hai became the first innate god to be enshrined for worship.


North continent, western borders.

"You can't do this to us" a hairy man yelled in fright as he was bitten in half. His lower body squirted out bits of blood before collapsing in a bloody heap. The perpetrator a massive bull like winged tiger sneered.

"Food should not speak when they're being served" he licked his lips and continued to eat several more hairy men. His subordinates, monstrous beasts also began consuming everyone in the entire settlement.

"Don't forget to thank his majesty for the food" the winged tiger stomped a hairy woman in half while his tail lifted an infant to his jaws.


In the chaos, stone buildings collapsed innate creatures fell helpless to the horde of primordial beasts. The winged tiger leader laughed gleefully as more and more were eaten. Although none of the beasts answered him, they merely obeyed his commands.

"Die invaders" a hairy man jumped out from behind a ruined structure. His Heavenly Immortal cultivation provided profound might, he punched a crab like beast killing it with one punch.

Several beasts began swarming him and they were all dismantled one by one. The hairy man was powerful, his cultivation has reached the pinnacle of Heavenly Immortal and his power output was incredible.

More and more hairy men and women escaped as the Heavenly Immortal hairy man fought and killed more beasts. "These monsters are tough" he gritted his teeth and threw a rhinoceros away towards another beast.

The winged tiger noticed the commotion at the exit to the forest. He swallowed the half eaten infant and made his way over watching with surprised eyes when several more primordial beasts died.

The hairy man noticed the winged tiger approaching and more beasts parted making way for him. 'This must be their alpha' he thought, he brought his hands up and mysterious green light emitted from them.

"Die!" He roared and sent a palm strike. Unfortunately for him, the strike landed harmlessly on the tiger's hide. The tiger sneered, "and who are you supposed to be?"

Sensing danger the hairy man leapt away, he yelled for those still watching to run. The tiger looked amused, he opened his mouth and a torrent of dirty water spewed out. The hairy man looked furious, he brought his hands up to form an earth barrier.

The water curved out the barrier to the Heavenly Immortal's shock. Before he could react, the water crushed many of the fleeing survivors.

"No!" He jumped towards the tiger whose paws instantly slapped him away. The hairy men crashed helplessly onto the ground bleeding. He groggily got back onto his feet.

"You have a tenacious spirit ape, I can respect that" the tiger faced the hairy man. None of the primordial beasts intervened even though they sent the hairy man hungry looks.

"Foul beasts, I ancestral grass monkey will eliminate you" green smoke covered his whole body and grew larger. It immediately grew to over a hundred metres while the winged tiger only stood 3 metres.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!" The green smoke receded to reveal a green gorilla who smashed his fits down over and over again. It desperately pounded the entire area killing dozens of smaller primordial beasts.

"You never learned don't you" an exacerbated voice called out from above the primate. He looked up in shock, he couldn't put what he was seeing into words.

Standing several kilometres bigger, was the same winged tiger looking down at him like a god of beasts. The primate's body was forcibly lifted up into the air. He thrashed to no avail and roared helplessly.

The two were looking eye level now, the primate seemed as insignificant as an ant infant of the tiger. But the primate didn't give up, he gritted his teeth and his fur stood on end. Each strand of green fur transformed into bladed grass and shot out towards the tiger.

They did nothing.

"That's new, what was that?" No answer was given. "Inherited spell? No, you're not innate gods" the primate glared even harsher.

The tiger narrowed his eyes, "Not going to answer? Very well then… oh I see, bloodline ability. How curious"

The Primate widened his eyes in disbelief, 'did he just?'

"Read your mind? Yes," the tiger smiled. "His majesty will find this fascinating". He turned towards the army of beasts, "Change of plans. Capture them, but don't kill".

The primate looked in fear at his words, "who are you?" He asked in a trembling voice. The tiger laughed as if he found the whole situation to be one big joke.

"It astounds that you ants have never heard of your god. I am ancestor Qiong Qi of the four evils and soon to be your master, slave." He swallowed the primate.

West continent, 7000 years later

"You know something?"
"What is it Da Hai?"

"This place is a lot more boring than I thought" Da Hai admitted. The two men stood on a cliff face of a spiritual mountain. Aside from some greenery there really was nothing here. Along the way, they found some low ranking xiantian treasures but that was it.

Huoyun shrugged, "It's certainly different from the east. That's always good!" Da Hai looked very disappointed, he had thought the west in primitive times will be much different but it seems to follow in the same veins as mythology. It was fairly barren. There was even a clump of tumbleweed passing them by.

That wasn't to say it was a bad environment, it was far superior to the south. But having been to the east and central continents the west just seems unimpressive.

"The sun feels quite nice here" Huoyun commented praising the sweltering heat. Da Hai sighed, "You get impressed by the weirdest things".

"I only appreciate the good things in life, my friend"

The two flew away from the cliff soon afterwards. Their current location was close to the central continent border as Da Hai was unwilling to head to the centre. There was another legendary figure here that he did not want to disturb.

"More innate creatures?" Huoyun pointed at the distance. Da Hai looked in the same direction. They spotted a small village inhabited by hairy ape looking people. They weren't there when they first climbed the mountain 5 years ago.

Da Hai strode forwards before Huoyun had a chance to speak, "New arrivals, let's check them out".


Groups of injured hairy tribesmen were tending to each other. Some possessed minor injuries while others applied medical herbal mixes onto them. Some tribesmen were working on new building projects while others cultivated in peace.

Now that Da Hai approached them he felt the 'village' resembled a refugee camp. He strode forwards intending to exchange greetings. Upon seeing him these hairy ape like creatures began backing away in fear and distrust. Huoyun wisely stayed back but was prepared to move.

"Hello there? I am Da Has, may I know fellow daoist's name?" He greeted nervously. It was the first time he's speaking to sapient creatures after Huoyun.

The hairy tribesmen looked at one another nervously as if unsure on what to do. Some of them clenched their fists while some females looked as they wanted to cry. Da Hai was stumped, how should he move from here?

Thankfully he did not have to think long, a tall hairy man with an amputated limb slowly approached him trying to look intimidating. His aura however told a whole different story, his cultivation base was only a late Profound Immortal and a very weakened one at that.

Huoyun standing behind Da Hai commended his bravery. There was always a level of danger when confronting a vastly superior power. This hairy tribesman could obviously tell the difference in cultivation but still bravely stood out. Huoyun could think of very few lesser godfiends who could do that.

"This one is named Hou Pi, honoured immortal," he bowed to Da Hai. The embarrassed sea god hurriedly moved to help him up much to his confusion. Da Hai was much more hospitable compared to the winged tiger.

Seeing Da Hai's lack of harmful intent the tribesmen calmed down and welcomed them into their village. It was a surprisingly well built settlement given their condition. Rocky constructs riddled the hard arid landscape with some tents made of animal skin.

Da Hai felt incredibly sorry for the people here. They looked to be in misery. He looked around seeing a young hairy man with a burnt face, another girl missing both her legs, an older man looking defeated leaning on the wall.

Da Hai looked towards Huoyun and was disappointed to see no reaction from the god. 'Of course why would he' he thought, Huoyun was first and foremost a chaos godfiend. He had no concept of family like a human would. He may look it but he wasn't human.

'No that's not right, humans only resemble us not the other way around.'

When Nuwa creates humans many yuanhui from now, she used the dao body as a template thus giving the 2 arms, 2 legs, 5 digit form. This was the ascended form of enlightened creatures with high level cultivation. For beings like Da Hai and Huoyun, it came naturally.

This was what gave humans the natural dao body and why they were so successful in cultivation. Da Hai fought with himself internally, Huoyun's cold attitude disturbed him. He was so warm to him and spoke so fondly of Yang Mei so it was strange seeing him disregard these hairy tribesmen.

There were also a few villagers not hairy tribesmen. There was a family of 4 humanoid birds, a few upright raptors and a single gruff looking man standing at the far back, some horned women stood away observing them etc. It looked like a mass migration of refugees even though the population was only in the hundreds.

Da Hai's mind drifted to the prosperous foxes down south, there were thousands of them. The contrast was simply too big.

The duo sat down crossed legged inside a tent. Hou Pi grabbed a bottle of red drinks and poured them into stone bowls and offered it to Da Hai and Huoyun.

"Sorry for the poor hospitality but this is all we can do at the moment," he laughed in a self deprecating manner. Neither god enjoyed that humour.

He began explaining their tale. Their clan were the grass monkeys who originated in the forest regions in the north continent near its border west. They came into existence a scant 13,000 years ago and lived peacefully for a time.

Their great leader, Hou Pi's uncle, led their tribe to dominate the small region. However roughly 7000 years ago tragedy struck. It first started when a fleeing family of turtles encountered their village, then soon the birds came, then the red chameleons.

Soon many refugees were fleeing in their direction. It was then they realised an army of primordial beasts were on the move towards them. Primordial beasts were an extreme danger to innate creatures, even the weakest of them were as strong as a Profound Immortal. The strongest ones Da Hai encountered reached the early stages of Golden Immortal.

From Hou Pi's accounts millions of primordial beasts marched into their lands and very quickly killed off thousands of their strongest warriors. Eventually even their mightiest warrior a peak Heavenly Immortal was defeated, eaten whole by a massive winged tiger.

"Qiong Qi" Huoyun mumbled sightly but the gazes of all those present were drawn to him. Hou Pi backed away in fear, "You know them? You with them?" He frantically cried. Da Hai moved to calm the man down.

Huoyun pinched his fingers and divined, he frowned at the result. "Da Hai, it's best to leave the west" he commanded Da Hai and left the tent. The sea god hurriedly ran after him.

"Wait what's going on. Huoyun slow down tell me what's going on"

"You have divination skills, divine it yourself" he said unhappily.

Da Hai pinched his fingers and was instantly horrified at his discovery. "We must help them!" He called out.

Huoyun stopped in his tracks and turned around. A flare up of power surround the daoist of the five elements. "Are you insane?" He roared. "You really want to risk your neck for some strangers. Little brother what is wrong with you?"

Da Hai was shocked. "Huoyun, these are fellow living beings. Have some empathy, we don't have to fight Shenni but we can get these people to safety" he begged waving at the people around him.

Huoyun looked at Da Hai furiously, "The only thing that concerns me right now is yours and mine safety. We owe these creatures nothin".

"You're a good person Huoyun, you always helped others in the chaos. What changed?"

"This, this..." Huoyun gritted his teeth. "These people aren't chaos godfiends".

Da Hai looked resolute. "But neither are we," he admitted. "Not anymore, I'm going to escort the rest here then I'll take them to the south. It is peaceful there".

"The fighting will spill into the south soon enough, they've already crossed into the west and centre" Huoyun retorted.

"Well all the more reason to stop them now" in a flash of blue light Da Hai blasted off into the horizon leaving Huoyun behind.

"You were the most brutal of us three, the most arrogant. When I saw you again I thought you had changed a lot, to the point where you're not even the same person. But it seems no matter what you're still so reckless." Huoyun looked at the tribesmen around him in rage. His palms bursted into flames.

He then clenched them and the flames disintegrated.

"It's not your fault, you all just want to survive," he told the terrified refugees in annoyance. He looked in the direction Da Hai flew in, it was towards the northern border. Red mist gathered at his feet forming a red cloud and lifting the deity into the sky.

"But now my brother is paying the price."


The northern border was in a state of chaos. The harsh lands of the west were scorched in black gas whipping out any form of greenery. Littered across the fields were millions upon millions of corpses of primordial beasts in various states of decomposition.

High up in the sky 3 figures clashed against each other. Specifically, it was 2 against 1. Even so that one individual who sat on a pitch black lotus was simultaneously pushing both his opponents back.

The individual sitting on the lotus was a very handsome young man with a kind looking face. So kind in fact he looked very creepy and sinister. In his right hand lay a simple spear. He looked far less impressive than his opponents.

Two mighty deities faced the young man in battle. The one on the right was a muscular bull like tiger with massive wings. Each feather on his wings resembled swords crudely attached to the appendage. His claws were massive and emphasized great muscle strength. It was the ancestor Qiong Qi.

The figure on the left was a smaller, leaner beast. He possessed a dog like face with two horns and no eyes. A furry dog like form with claws resembling human palms on its fore limbs complete with disgusting fingers and a furry tail. The most disturbing aspect was the two sickly yellow eyes it held on each shoulder and the massive going maw on its face. This was ancestor Taotie.

These two, Qiong Qi and Taotie, were peak Golden Immortals. They possessed profound might able to crush hundreds of thousands of primordial beats on their own.

Inspire of this the current 2 innate gods looked miserable. They were both riddled with injuries and their combined armies were all dead. Their opponent had yet to receive a single wound.

"To think we're all in the same realm" Taotie fearfully whimpered out. The fierce Qiong Qi said nothing, he was unwilling to let fear show on his face. The young man looked very amused at the two as if finding their struggle comical.

"Trash should stay where they belong, you should not have come to my west continent" he arrogantly proclaimed. Both Taotie and Qiong Qi were furious at this statement. Did this small fry know who they served?

The four evils were famous in the chaos, subordinates of the legendary Demon Ape. They knew only war and fought whoever came before them. In contrast, the young man before them had no reputation amongst the 3000 chaos godfiends. He was practically a ghost.

When Pangu massacred the chaos godfiends he was standing at the very back and the last to be killed. Hence Qiong Qi thought nothing of him when he first crossed into the west. His hunt was going well, emperor Shenni was pleased with his results and sent him to pick off stragglers who fled west. Who knew once he got here he would be blocked by the smug bastard in front of him.

Qiong Qi had to hurt his pride and notify Taotie who was crossing into the central continent to help him. But when Taotie arrived he met the same predicament. They had exhausted many methods but still could not win. Their morale was at an all time low.

The young man's slit eyes turned to his back and noticed an azure figure approaching. Recognition came to his gaze, 'so the fat snake was reborn as well' he thought.

The azure figure was Da Hai and he was momentarily stunned at what he was seeing. Black smog covered the corpse littered battlefield. Primordial beasts were everywhere and even some innate creatures were among them.

Da Hai's eyes widened in terror at the carnage. Below him were even the remains of fleeing refugees.

"Bleh," he vomited his stomach contents feeling nauseous. It was too much for him. The water jug appeared in his hand and he vomited into it.

He looked up and saw the young man surpassing both Qiong Qi and Taotie and guessed the situation. As an avid fan of Chinese mythology, it was not hard to tell who all three of them are. He was terrified.

"To think an innate god will be so pathetic" the sinister young man sneered. It turns out fierce Da Hai had become stupid. He no longer cared. Qiong Qi and Taotie were feeling much the same at Da Hai's reaction. How can a chaos godfiend, a figure famous in the chaos period be so sensitive?

"Why, why didn't you save these people?" Da Hai blurted out. The young man looked in slight shock, was Da Hai stupid? The sea god didn't stop, "They were only fleeing, have you truly no heart Luohu?"

The young man looked in amazement before a wide smile appeared on his face. He gripped his stomach and laughed uncontrollably. This continued on for minutes before Luohu stopped to look at Da Hai once more.

"Oh! You're serious?" He laughed even harder at the stupefied Da Hai. Both Qiong Qi and Taotie began chuckling as well despite their injuries. What on earth was wrong with Da Hai.

"You, you, you" Da Hai repeatedly muttered, very soon rage overcame instinct. "You bastard" he roared and a tsunami crashed towards Luohu.

"Ah? That's it?" Luohu still recovering from laughing looked very amused. He swung the spear and split the tsunami horizontally. "If you want to fight be my guest"

Luohu's eye's glistened in contempt, "But you should check whether you're qualified first". The spear in his hand shot out like a rock at Da Hai.

Instantly, the 12th grade white lotus appeared. Harmonious white energy gathered creating a massive shield resembling a white lotus. The vast white light began cleansing away the killing black gas.


The spear collided with the lotus. It was as if an unstoppable force met an immovable object. However, the difference in cultivation was clear. Although Luohu had yet to step into Taiyi Golden Immortal his power was vastly higher than Da Hai. The shield resisted as long as it can before it cracked.

Da Hai roared mustering up all his immortal power. The rage of the ocean supported him fully to resist the spear. The shield gave out and a massive explosion occurred.

Da Hai's massive 8 headed serpentine body smashed into a nearby mountain causing it to collapse into itself.

Luohu looked in surprise, "He survived?" He saw the white lotus hovering protectively around Da Hai's unconscious form. A greedy look flashed in Luohu's face. He reached out to grab the lotus.

"Stop that fellow daoist" five coloured light intercepted Luohu's palm. The young man looked in surprise and rage, "Who dares!" He roared.

Huoyun had arrived just in time. He unleashed an attack with the five element pearls which collided with Luohu's own counterattack. "So it's fellow daoist five elements" he smirked and swung downwards with his spear.

Huoyun sweated profusely as the red cloud beneath him covered his whole figure narrowly avoiding the strike. He edited even more light impacting Luohu.

The young man laughed, "Do you really think that can hurt me?" The black lotus shielded Luohu easily repelling the light. Suddenly Luohu's eyes widened in panic, "What did you do?" He roared and charged forward.

The black lotus began falling out of Luohu's grasp. The godfiend panicked and ran after it. Huoyun took this opportunity and swiped Da Hai away with the five coloured light.

By the time Luohu caught the black lotus Huoyun had long escaped. The red cloud exerted its full speed blitzing far into the distance. Luohu looked in frustration was Qiong Qi and Taotie had also ran.

"Damn it!" He roared and the surrounding mountains all collapsed.

South Continent 5 years later

Huoyun had ran continuously without stopping for a long time. He used up all the primordial Qi within him to go as fast as possible with a Golden immortal cultivation base.

He stood on the shores of the south sea and looked at the injured but alive Da Hai. Da Hai had a stab wound through his abdomen but was otherwise unhurt. Innate gods can recover easily from these injuries. Da Hai's cultivation was not harmed so he can be considered to be very lucky.

"I'm sorry brother" Da Hai barely spoke out in a whisper. Huoyun sparred him a look before turning away. The daoist of the five elements appeared very irritated and regretful.

Huoyun sighed, "It seems you're not ready for the great wilderness, you've changed brother but not for the better. Please go back to the east sea, it's safer there".

Huoyun turned around and disappeared in a red flash.

Da Hai looked down at the sandy beach, "Yeah, he's right. But it just feels so wrong".


The current north, west, and central continents had been driven into a long war for the past 10,000 years. Many godfiends had revealed themselves to fight against Shenni's conquest. In this day and age, many had also arisen to the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm.

As these beings got stronger their deaths subsequently made the world stronger and more creatures were spawned. The primitive world was slowly becoming complete.

On Mt Yujing Hongjun sat quietly by himself. The endless cycle of destruction and creation is in the end, beneficial to the development of the primitive universe. He will not interfere with the way of heaven. The current trend of the world is set.

Hingjun can already sense it, the tribulation is imminent. But it is of no concern to him, he had nothing to do with it after all.

The calming Qi rich waters of the east sea were undisturbed by the outside world. Several crab people swam across picking up seaweeds, some turtles and manatees helped them. In recent years the ocean had become lively again.

More and more innate creatures had spawned, as a result, the overall population of the world had risen tremendously. What's more these creatures began procreating leading to the natural births of many descendants. At least this was only the case with the east and south continents.

Deep within the east sea, an enormous white lotus lay upon the ocean floor. All the innate creatures respected this power and generally stayed away. Within the lotus was the 8 headed serpentine Da Hai.

His return to the east sea wasn't marked with any fanfare. Hardly anyone here even knew him. He'd also avoided any interaction with the native creatures. He secluded himself and quietly cultivated hoping to reach a higher realm as soon as possible.

Da Hai had thought back on all that had happened. Huoyun's words had deeply impacted him. He knew his fellow god was right, in fact, he told himself the same advice. But it seems he was just a hypocrite who couldn't follow his own advice.

Da Hai briefly turned his attention to one of the white petals. A few crab cultivators had made their way onto the lotus. They seemed to be explorers, likely young ones.

Da Hai ignored them, his own cultivation was the most important. Luohu had shown him a large disparaging difference in strength despite them both being Golden Immortals. Since more than 10,000 years had gone by Da Hai wonders if Luohu had crossed into the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm like Shenni and Hongjun.

He had received very little news regarding the great powers of the land. He only knew the general situation.

Since Qiong Qi and Taotie's retreat, the west had been a no-go zone. Shenni had directed his army towards the central continent for Mt Buzhou. Controlling the celestial mountain would be a great boost to his power.

Da Hai silently contemplated in the Dao. As time went on his understanding of primeval seawater had vastly expanded. His own power rose step by step, the current Da Hai was far superior than the one who went on land. However, his cultivation had not advanced to the next realm.

Da Hai had reached the peak Golden Immortal but could break through the gap no matter what. He had encountered a most pressing bottleneck. If he could not promote to the Taiyi Golden Immortal he would be in serious danger.

Tribulation, the disaster of the world!

Like all innate gods Da Hai could sense it. An era was coming to an end and the tribulation was imminent. Very soon the primitive world will be covered in a ferocious battle. Da Hai's current Golden Immortal cultivation could no longer guarantee his survival.

Da Hai's mind drifted to the innate creatures of the land. Silent tears leaked from all his heads. He could not do anything in the end, all that would be accomplished was his own death followed by the deaths of countless others.

A part of Da Hai, the part that was the original Da Hai scoffed at the empathy. The side that was human was holding him back, blocking their advancement.

White light from the white lotus brushed against the sea god's scales comforting him. Da Hai accepted it closing his eyes to meditate further.

"It's no use," one day Da Hai got up from the lotus. He could not make any advancements whatsoever. He was clueless on how to proceed.

He sat on the lotus for a long time, years just standing still. A new crab village had been built on one of the petals while Da Hai was inactive.

'Hm? What's this feeling?' A sudden spark invaded Da Hai's being. He raised all 8 of his heads at once. He had received a premonition, a sudden hint that his opportunity is not in the primitive world but above.

"The starry sky? What could be up there?" His body gradually lifted itself from the lotus. The white lotus shook rising from the sea floor following its master.

Crab village

"Ah what's happening?" Crab men screamed running for their lives. There was a sudden earthquake then all of a sudden their whole village was lifted into the air. In mass panic, they all began swimming away.

The lotus that had once been their home flew up to the ocean surface disappearing above water.

"This is all your fault" one of the grab men grabbed a regal looking crab man.

"My fault? How? I was the one who discovered a top location for our village"

"If it hadn't been for you we'd still have our village"

"Stop it you guys, look there"

The two looked in a direction a third crab man was pointing at. Their village was now on the ocean floor perfectly as it was before. One by one the crab men knelt down in worship.

"Thank you great Immortal for sparring us!"


The massive landmass that was the 5 continents and the 4 seas wasn't actually all there was to the primitive world. Hanging high above the primitive world was the starry skies formed formed from the head of the Pangu god.

A total of 365 celestial bodies lied within the vast space that was the entry into the chaos sea. It was an incredible location of rich Qi and heavenly Dao laws and extremely advantages locations for cultivation. There was just a few big problems.

The celestial bodies of the starry seas held natural defences, formations against foreign intruders. Even if they can't kill people they are still a nuisance and incredibly disturbing towards cultivation. There were also naturally forming cosmic storms that occasionally sweep the area making life difficult.

The current total population of native living creatures on the starry sea was one. That one person was also the only native of the Lunar star. The celestial goddess Wangshu the innate goddess transformed from the nigh indestructible laurel tree.

Da Hai vaguely remembered the great power of the starry sky. She was unique in the first generation innate gods in that she wasn't a reincarnated chaos godfiend but a new entity spawned from the world.

Da Hai traversed high into the sky before bringing up the white lotus. Once he crossed high enough he could sense the dimensional fabric between the starry skies and the 5 continents. With a slight push he broke through space and entered the starry skies.

To Da Hai's eyes, the starry skies resembled a classic image of space just with a lot less and much bigger stars. The most eye catching feature was the enormous sun star and lunar star. Both a gargantuan construct that were basically a minor world in and of itself.

He looked around trying to sense where the premonition was guiding him. He could vaguely perceive a thin line leading towards somewhere in space. Following the trail was simple, he just didn't know where it was taking him.

Unknown to Da Hai a female figure who wore a crescent moon crown was watching him on the lunar star. Wangshu had caught on the Da Hai the moment he entered the starry sea.

"Another innate god?" She wondered out loud. Curiosity getting the better of her she transformed into silver light and followed after Da Hai.

Within the sun star and injured bold man also noticed Da Hai. He took a swift drink from his guard and went back to resting.

Da Hai flew for many years. The distance of the starry skies was incredibly vast, comparable to the 5 continents and without barriers. Each star was clearly visible and distinguishable despite the distance and Da Hai navigated around them.

He had not experienced much danger only small asteroid that were quickly destroyed. The starry skies was truly barren of life unlike the 5 continents which was slowly becoming crowded with living beings.

Da Hai closed in on a small star a distance away from the sun star. It was an ordinary star among the 365 celestial bodies but still emanated vast starry might. None of the stars in the starry skies were ordinary.

Wangshu slowed behind him, "Hello!" She greeted. Da Hai's danger senses erupted in an instant, 'how the fuck did she get there'. Turning in shock he backed away and brought up the white lotus.

Wangshu brought up both hands in surrender mode, "Calm down mainlander, I was simply curious to what you were doing" she said mischievously.

Da Hai quickly calmed down, the woman seemed to have no malice in her which made him lower his guard. However he recalled all the events in the west and kept the white lotus out.

"Fellow daoist, I sensed an opportunity in the starry skies" he greeted.

"An opportunity?" She smirked, "Are you here to rob the treasures of the starry skies?".

"Of course not, I whatever's here is merely destined with me" Da Hai tried to reason. As ridiculous as it sounds this was a perfectly plausible argument in the primitive world, not that it actually helps much.

Wangshu scoffs, "You did not acquire my permission to come here nor my permission to take anything. I am first born of the starry skies, all mother of the stars and mistress of the starry skies. Should you not worship me?" She proclaimed arrogantly.

Da Hai was momentarily, "Of course, forgive my rudeness niang niang" he began to apologise. It was realistically better to not offend anyone, take the opportunity and leave.

"Sheesh I was just joking, do you have no pride" Wangshu laughed. Red veins bulged on Da Hai's forehead, 'How was I supposed to know when you make yourself seem so threatening' he criticised in his thoughts. He simply didn't want any trouble.

"Whatever's in there has no fate with me so you can have it, though I am interested in what it is" she folded her arms and shifted away. Just in case something bad happens she's far enough away to get away.

'Is this really Wanshu?' Da Hai wondered. Turning back to the star he lowered his altitude entering the. Wangshu's personality was a little different from what he expected, weren't female cultivators supposed to be cold hearted ice cubes?

When he passed below the star's atmosphere he realised it was an entire star of ice. However the air was actually quite warm. 'Another strangeness of the primitive world' he thought.

Da Hai followed the trail to a small pond. It was small even by human standards, only enough to store 30 ml of liquid. When he reached down to the water his eyes widened in shock.

'The life giving energy, isn't this the three brilliance sacred water?' Da Hai's mind went over the moon at the sheer luck he had to run into the water. Da Hai took out his water jug and the water flew into it, 'It's best not to tell anyone what I found' he thought.

In space a ripple formed besides Wangshu. She turned to the new old man who appeared and smiled. "You're back fellow daoist! How was the chaos" she asked.

The old man nodded, "Not bad, it has changed greatly since the chaos period but I have still gained much"

If Da Hai was here he would recognise the old man. One of the few figures who stood at the top of the food chain and one of 3 brothers with the original Da Hai and Huoyun, ancestor Yang Mei.


The Yang Mei floating in space gave a very different feeling compared to the likes of Da Hai. His aura could hardly be traced and his mere presence gave off a profound feeling that Wangshu couldn't describe.

"You've broken through?" She asked

Yang Mei shook his head, "More like recovered, breakthroughs are reserved for your generation fellow daoist Wangshu". He wondered how far the others had recovered to.

During the chaos period, the 3000 chaos godfiends were monstrous existences where even the weakest stood at the apex of Da Luo Golden Immortal while the strongest crossed into the Quasi-Dao realm of power.

Yang Mei felt much better now that he had regained a significant portion of his cultivation base. He watched the ice star with some interest.

"Fellow daoist Wangshu, why are you here on this star?" He asked. Typically Wangshu did not leave the lunar star unless some unique strange occurred. The self styled allmother of the starry skies took it upon herself to protect the starry skies from any outside threats including looters. In practice, though nobody had bothered to come here yet so she was left bored.

"A fellow daoist came here not too long ago for an opportunity, seems he has some destiny with my starry skies."

Yang Mei accepted the answer, he was much the same when he first came here at the beginning of the yuanhui. He actually sensed a vaguely familiar presence on the surface of the star so he came here. His return trip into the chaos was still not common knowledge so hardly anyone knew. Divining the actions of someone as powerful as Yang Mei was also nigh impossible.

Yang Mei smiled, "Seems an old friend had paid a visit, what joyful day"

"You know this daoist?"

"Oh we go way back, he was directly responsible for saving my life once." The mood of Yang Mei was terrific, not only was he successful in the chaos but to think he'd run into an old friend. He wonders where Huoyun would be.

After Da Hai had collected the three brilliance sacred water he took time to see what insights he could gain for the life giving water. It was truly a unique natural phenomenon. Three brilliance sacred water has no set location and can occur anywhere albeit extremely rarely. Da Hai couldn't believe his luck.

However he still couldn't break through, he was still stuck at the peak Golden Immortal and couldn't form primordial unity. It was a problem most vexing, his understanding into the Dao was quite advanced, and knew how to accomplish the unity of Ying and Yang but for some reason, he couldn't do it.

Da Hai left the star soon afterwards. When he left the atmosphere he could see two figures. One was the Wangshu who he encountered earlier but the other was new to him. However, a familiar name popped up in the back of his mind, Yang Mei.

Da Hai knew this figure, a lofty individual both current and future. He was only known for one thing and that was the key fact. 'Stronger the Hongjun, great immortal Yang Mei' he thought.

"So it really was you, it is good that you are back" Yang Mei was overjoyed just like Huoyun back then. Wangshu was genuinely surprised Yang Mei could express this emotion, she had known the old man for over a hundred thousand years and yet he's always come across as indifferent.

"Yes, it's good to see you brother Yang Mei" Da Hai said uneasily. There was an awkward silence much to Yang Mei's confusion. The great immortal felt a little suspicious.

"Well, why didn't you say you were a friend of fellow daoist Yang Mei?" Wangshu decided to break the ice, "Since you're friends then consider me a friend too. Yang Mei help guide me in the early days and any friend of his is also mine".

Thankfully Wangshu's chipper personality allowed Da Hai to approach them. Wangshu invited them to the lunar star and Da Hai readily agreed, he'd like to see the infamous lunar star as well. However, Yang Mei kept an eye on Da Hai for the entire trip.

With Wangshu's navigation skills the group reached the lunar star within 3 years. Da Hai immediately took note of the extremely rich yin energy. Dao laws of water, yin, ice, and wood were very abundant.

Wangshu guided them to a massive palace complex with a huge tree outside. Da Hai looked in amazement, "Did you build this fellow daoist?"

Wangshu shook her head, "The moon palace was already here when I woke up, if anything I think it spawned before me".

"It is a naturally occurring phenomenon. The lunar palace is an innate treasure of the top grade and even then it should be one of the best" Yang Men explained.

Wangshu waved her hand and the massive doors opened, murals of celestial bodies, phoenixes, and dragons littered the great hall. A massive throne with the emblem of the moon sat at the very end. A palace fit for the ruler of the stars.

Da Hai looked at the tree outside. It was a laurel tree and looked ordinary if very oversized. Legend said it was nigh indestructible, Wu Gang spend eternity cutting the tree to no success. It'll also be the site of the first romantic tragedy in history. Da Hai wondered, 'was great Yi and Wu Gang the same?'

Wangshu waved led them to a balcony with an already set table and pre made tea. Da Hai wondered if she was having a tea party by herself. The starry skies were very barren, many of the future star gods have yet to be born.

Da Hai tasted a little of the tea, it was incredibly refreshing. He could feel his body strengthening and his understanding of the Dao deepening. He examined the tea closely.

"Wait is three brilliance sacred water?" He exclaimed in shock. Yang Mei nodded when he drank his tea, it clearly wasn't the first time he drank it.

"Yup, boiled with harvested pure yang sun fire with leaves from the laurel tree" she admitted. Da Hai felt the weight of the cup increase by an order of magnitude.

"Why would you use something so precious?"

"Oh I have a whole lake worth of that stuff lying around" she casually explained as if talking about the weather. In truth, she was rich beyond belief. Wangshu was among the first innate gods to form and the only living creature on the starry skies, she had an enormous amount of time to collect everything she could find in the starry skies.

Da Hai looked in disbelief, the reason why the starry skies seem so barren in the future was because everything was already in the lunar palace? No wonder Di Jun married Xihe that's the lord of all sugar mama.

"Don't be too jealous brother Da Hai, it is mostly low grade innate treasures and those exist by the hundred thousand down in the world" Yang Mei calmly drinking his tea. He remained expressionless, a far cry from the earlier happiness he showed.

Throughout his journey with Huoyun, Da Hai had indeed obtained quite a bit of treasure. However low grade innate treasures were a far cry from mid grade, the distance was even farther for high grade and top grade. His water jug which was mid grade was worth more than the hundreds of low grade treasures he owned.


The three put down their cups and looked up. An explosion occurred within the starry skies and the three innate gods felt it was from the direction of the sun star.

"Who dares cause trouble for my starry skies" Wangshu without hesitation bolted towards the source leaving the rest behind.

Da Hai did not wish to follow but Wangshu had been a very hospitable guest. He didn't know if Yang Mei would help but it was probably better to sneak back to the east sea. He frowned, 'That's a dick move. Shame on me for even considering.'

"I don't know if you really are Da Hai" Yang Mei's voice suddenly broke through his thoughts. "You are familiar yet foreign. What I do know is that you owe the girl karma". He flew up and followed after Wangshu.

"Oh what the hell," he flew after them as well.


The sun star is a place of fire, endless fire of vast yang Qi. Incredibly harsh for those not adept to survive. As such even Wangshu, a Taiyi Golden Immortal hardly ever ventured there which left it as one of the few hiding spots in the starry sea.

"Ah, damn you!"

Which was why the current battle was a first in history. A heavily injured bald man stumbled back, his body burned with slight embers but only weakly. He spat out mouthfuls of blood and glared.

A sophisticated middle aged man and another chubby fellow walked forwards.

"Give up," the middle aged man said. "His majesty is willing to give you one last chance. Surrender Lu Ya, for your own sake surrender". His tone was more along the lines of begging but that did not alleviate the rage in the bold Lu Ya's heart. The chubby man grinned the whole way.

"How dare you even consider that Tiandi!" He howled in rage before spitting out another mouthful of blood. Tiandi cringed at the sight but steeled his heart.

"You've already given your oath fellow daoist" the chubby fellow said softly. Tianndi clenched his palms and sighed.

"You left me with no choice Lu Ya" he raised his hand and a large ruler appeared. The top grade xiantian spiritual treasure Heaven and Earth Ruler. He swung the ruler down with great momentum.

"Do you really think I'm helpless!" Lu Ya drew as much power from the sun star as he could. A great sun disc appeared behind him spiralling out torrents of flame. However, Lu Ya was simply too weak. His flames were beaten back with little effort.

Lu Ya gritted his teeth, he exerted all his might and what little of his Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation base would allow. Tiandi sighed sadly, 'it really didn't have to end this way'.


Lu Ya was pushed to the brink of death. Both his arms were crushed and the sun disc was dim.

"It's over, arrest the sun chakram and return," the chubby man commanded. Tiandi nodded and grabbed at the disc. Lu Ya snarled in rage at the action.

"I am sorry brother Lu Ya," Tiandi apologised and battered Lu Ya's critically injured body aside. The bald man moaned in excruciating pain.

"Don't you dare call me brother, the Tiandi I knew died fighting Shenni. You are but a pretender, a disgrace," he howled with what little energy he had left. Tiandi frowned but said nothing, someone as prideful as Lu Ya will never understand.

Suddenly a pale blueish ripple across space. Cutting apart the chaos Wangshu appeared between both parties surprising both sides. Lu Ya recognised Wangshu, a hundred years ago he escaped secretly into the starry sea hidden from her sight though now it seemed she discovered him anyway.

"What is going on? Why is there such commotion in my starry skies?" She questioned angrily. Both Tiandi and the chubby fellow sneered.

"Your starry skies? All things in creation belong to his majesty!" The chubby man unleashed an attack by punching out. Space itself was torn apart by the force.

Wangshu scoffed, with a single wave of her delicate looking arm she deflected the attack wholesale. The chubby man frowned, his hands morphed into disgusting claws and swiped down.

A moon scythe appeared in Wangshu's hand and she swung it meeting the chubby man blow for blow. Tiandi also moved forwards to attack with his ruler but before he reached the goddess Yang Mei manifested before him.

"Yang Mei?" Tiandi exclaimed before being battered away. Yang Mei did not put Tiandi in his eyes at all. In a single palm strike, Tiandi felt his ribs break under the pressure of the blow.

"This is not good" the chubby man was scared. This goddess he can deal with, Yang Mei was another story entirely. Yang Mei's aura was unfathomable, far higher than his own.

"Yang Mei, do you understand the consequences? Do you know your sin for injuring one of his majesty's men?" He desperately said.

"Focus on your fight" Wangshu slashed at him once more forcing him to back away. However, one strike got through slashing at his stomach. His animal skin clothing gave away revealing a small cut leaking blood.

"Now you're asking for it" the chubby form disappeared being replaced by the massive form of Taotie. Taotie opened his massive jaws bitting at Wangshu.

"Ew, what the fuck are you?" She exclaimed avoiding several strikes and unleashing several of her own. The moon radiance cut deeply on Taotie's body and he could even feel the temperature dropping. Small ice particles formed on the side of his cuts preventing him from closing said cuts while he bled.

"Damned bitch" he breathed out a blast of digestive fluid. Wangshu swung her scythe cleaving apart the liquid. But she then looked at her scythe in shock, the blade was breaking apart.

"Taotie's greatest strength is his stomach" Yang Mei warned. His left hand held the bleeding form of Tiandi. The space rippled around him and Da Hai finally appeared.

"Sorry for being late" he apologised. Yang Mei nodded in acknowledgement. When Taotie spat more stomach acid Da Hai activated the white lotus. Before Wangshu the 12th grade white lotus manifested completely nullifying the acid.

Taotie was inwardly shocked, the white lotus brought him back to the memory 10,000 years ago. He spotted Da Hai to the side and sneered, 'What is that loser doing here?'

"Pay attention," Wangshu brought out several weapons. Her current form was vastly more horrifying than her last. If the regular Wangshu was a woman prettier than a supermodel then the current is some sort of mutated eldritch deity.

Her skin was no longer pale but had a brown wooden texture. Her hair was raised upright like roots shooting up unto the heavens coloured silver. She possessed 6 arms and 3 faces with 2 sides snarling while the centre looked serene. In her hands, she held a sword, 2 axes, a spear, another scythe and a vajra. All her treasures were at least the mid grade of xiantian.

All parties present besides Yang Mai felt jealousy. Taotie felt his eyes bulging, this girl was even richer than Shenni.

"All present stop before your king" a majestic voice roared silencing the entire starry skies shocking even Wangshu. A burly horned man with a fiery mane appeared. He was shirtless with only a tiger skinned loincloth on.

Wangshu felt her heart skip a beat. This being wasn't a Taiyi Golden Immortal, this presence was a Da Luo Golden Immortal. Da Hai was also shocked by the being. Only Yang Mei had managed to keep calm.

Taotie immediately submitted postulating himself, "Greetings, your majesty Emperor Shenni".


The self styled beast emperor gave off an oppressing presence the likes of which Da Hai hadn't felt before. His sheer presence alone made him want to kneel, the prospect of even running seemed impossible.

Wangshu wasn't doing much better. Her crown glowed dimly and her aura lost much of its lustre. Despite being nearly a yuanhui old she had never faced someone like this. Even Yang Mei had never made her feel this way.

Shenni scanned those around him. Taotie had already joined his side but Tiandi was still held captive by Yang Mei. The great immortal Yang Mei would be troublesome to deal with.

"Return what is mine Yang Mei" he commanded. Yang Mei surprisingly let go of Tiandi. He raised his leg and kicked Tiandi across space. Tiandi slammed face first into Taotie who caught him.

Taotie's eyes widened in shock when he examined the man. "Your majesty bad news" he cried. "Tiandi's unity has been broken, he has fallen to the Golden Immortal realm".

Shenni frowned, glaring at Yang Men he roared. "Dare to hurt one of mine? You're looking for death!"

"Just you?" Yang Mei provoked the beast king. Da Hai wisely flew away. Shenni charged at Yang Mei at astounding speeds clashing against the great immortal. "You really came into your own Shenni, much better than the timid cat of yesteryear" he taunted.

The two titans began clashing sending shockwaves throughout the starry seas. This was the first time two Da Luo Golden Immortals had fought in the primitive world era. In the chaos period, such a scenario was very common but ever since Pangu opened the world such an event had not happened before.

In the east continent, Hongjun woke up from his meditation. He looked up at the starry skies with interest. Luo Hu had a similar reaction in the west, he however simply laughed and went back to cultivating.

Since both titans were fighting fiercely, they no longer paid much attention to the rest. Taotie fed Tiandi a pill to help him recover his injuries but it wasn't enough. It'll take some time for Tiandi to recover the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm. The delicate harmony that was his unity had been broken by Yang Mei.

Since Yang Mei volunteered to fight Shenni, Wangshu did not hesitate to go after Taotie once more. She manifested a luminescent moon behind her that shone with magnifying light. Images of various stars and constellations appeared across her wood like skin resembling a tree shaped cosmos.

Tiandi looked at the half dead Lu Ya and Da Hai near him. "Are you with them too?" He demanded. Da Hai nodded, while he did not want to be in this battle he was already involved thereby obligated to participate. Some part of him also wanted to fight with Tiandi.

Da Hai wordlessly took out the water jug. He had named it the ocean swallowing jug millennia ago and refined it with the sacrifice of many lower quality materials. The current xiantian spiritual treasure had reached the high grade.

"I have heard about you" Tiandi began before bringing his ruler up pointing at Da Hai. "I gave you a chance at mercy but it seems you were too stupid to take it."

"Yeah, you were right," Da Hai said nervously. Gallons of seawater gushed out of the jug. Tiandi slashed with heaven defying might slashing the tsunami. The strike wasn't comparable to his strikes earlier but was still enough to split Da Hai's attack.

Da Hai executed several motions unleashing more and more water. Tiandi nullified each and every single one of them, his ruler glowed with brown and blue light.

"Heavens meet the earth!" Two simultaneous opposing forces clashed against each other like two planets colliding. Da Hai was caught in the middle but brought out both arms pushing both sides away.

The 12th grade white lotus appeared between both sides creating a barrier that split apart the attack. The petals swung blocking more incoming strikes. No matter how hard Tiandi swung he couldn't break the lotus

"You really have changed. The old Da Hai, now he was a monster. You on the other is nothing more than a turtle who knows nothing but how to hide" he taunted hoping to enrage the sea god. Da Hai in fact did feel insulted but he couldn't really refute.

'I did deduce a technique, let's use it against him' he slapped both sides of his water jug.

"Eight heads killing flood"

Eight serpentine heads made of water was unleashed into open space. Following them was an incredibly dense yet gargantuan body of water. The heads sent bolts after bolts of water blasts like a rattling gun battering Tiandi's comparatively weaker defences.

"The earth shall revolt" he roared bringing his left hand up in a hand sign. Yellowish images of the earth appeared in space solidifying before shooting up intercepting the water.

"The heavens shall pacify" he unleashed a second spell with his right hand bringing it down. Pillars of cloudy light stomped apart the ocean. The last pillar condensed into a spear stabbing at Da Hai.

Da Hai did not hesitate to bring up the white lotus perfectly parrying the assault. He seemed to have fallen into a zone of sorts. His battle actions were smoother than when he started, his movements were natural and shows experience. However he was not consciously fighting, his instincts had taken over once more.

Tiandi was a highly skilled opponent. He originated from the chaos period and battled his way to stardom. While he was mediocre at best amongst the 3000 he was a highly skilled warrior. Da Hai who had comparatively few battles was actually keeping up with him.

Tiandi gritted his teeth, 'Was Qiong Qi's information wrong?'. He had expended what reserves he could muster despite his injuries and damaged cultivation but was still unable to overcome Da Hai. In fact, he didn't know if he could win.

Da Hai's eyes were no longer nervous, instead, they were ferocious. His canines seemed to have elongated into fangs, his eyes were slit and his yellow hair swayed in space. He twisted his palm, the white lotus appearing within spinning rapidly expanding into a massive disc of bladed lotus leaves.

Tiandi blocked the best he could. The lotus ground against his ruler extremely loudly. Tiandi roared unleashing all his strength pushing the lotus to the side. He swung with all his might using another technique, "Heaven and earth were split, they do not belong together, so break for me".

A wide crescent shot at Da Hai who in response jumped gracefully in an arc like an athlete performing a high jump. Lu Ya in the distance was not so lucky, he attempted to dodge but his arm was caught separating it from the elbow.

Da Hai didn't seem to have noticed Lu Ya, his eyes were fully set on Tiandi. He kicked out mid jump reaching Tiandi in an instant impacting his face. The enemy daoist spiralled away into space.

Da Hai punched out sending a massive water fist that landed directly on Tiandi. "If only I was still a Taiyi Golden Immortal" he howled in pain barely catching himself desperately flying away. The attack had sent him dangerously close to the sun star and luckily the water evaporated into vapour.

Da Hai made several more movements, the cloud of water vapour took a gaseous shape of blades. Tiandi was forced to parry them one after the other with some landing light cuts on him. The whole battle had turned around completely.

Wangshu who was stalemating with Taotie couldn't help but take notice of Da Hai's combat ability. It was surprisingly high.


Yang Mei duelled fiercely with Shenni in space tearing apart the fabric of reality to launch dimension altering attacks. Space slid across each ripping Shenni's body in two.

The beast emperor scoffed, his body slid back in place. He raised his fist and punched pulverising the reality around him. Sounds of glass shattering were heard as reality was restored and Yang Mei's imposed changes removed.

Yang Mei took it all in stride, he was hardly bothered. His body shifted phasing through Shenni's energy blasts. The beast emperor took in a huge breath, unleashing fierce flames bathing the starry skies in purple fire. Even Da Hai's residue water and Wangshu's ice were evaporated.

Shenni launched himself at the singed Yang Mei who met the beast emperor palm to palm. The five individuals Da Hau, Tiandi, Wangshu, Taotie, and the barely functioning Lu Ya were thrown away by the force of the impact.

Da Hai was thrown out of a focused state and steadied himself mid space. Tiandi was not much better, Da Hai had felt a huge blow to him and his recovery time was lengthened even further.

"Careful Shenni, there are juniors around" Yang Mei remind. The beast took a glance at Wangshu and scoffed in disdain. He battered away Yang Mei's energy blast and kicked towards the old man. Yang Mei caught the kick and threw Shenni away for several hundred metres.

Shenni spread his arms creating thousands of burning spears that were launched at Yang Mei. Yang Mei smirked and clasped his hands, space itself distorted and the spears changed direction launching back at Shenni.

The beast emperor blew with his mouth and the spears disappeared. The two had entered a stalemate. Shenni looked around him in utter contempt, he pointed at Yang Men with a furious look.

"What's with the anger?" Yang Mei asked curiously. He was genuinely curious, he hadn't known Shenni well aside from the fact that he was a loyal subordinate of the Demon Ape. However during that period Shenni never displayed such an attitude.

Shenni seemed to have calmed down slightly. The anger was still there but he composed himself and lowered his hand. Yang Mei was extremely powerful, Shenni knew Yang Mei was distinguished even during the chaos period and even the regressed cultivation of their reincarnated state hadn't change this fact.

Shenni opened his arm and an object appeared. Yang Mei looked in shock as a metal rod that was broken a third of its length appeared. Yang Mei recognised the stick, it was the favoured weapon of Demon Ape.

"Who knew it'd fall into your hands" he mused, "I wonder how Demon Ape will feel about you stealing what's his".

Shenni's face contorted in rage. "Don't talk about him!" He roared, leaping up high to smash Yang Mei. The god clasped his palms then formed a square with them, a grey orb appeared. The distance itself changed and Shenni struck nothing, he was still a large distance away from Yang Mei.

"ROAR" Shenni's brutish human form had disappeared. A majestic muscular lion like monstrosity with a single curled horn appeared. It was armoured with crimson scales and dark red fur. It possessed three claws on each of its four limbs. The end of its tail burned in sinister black and purple fire.

'Spectral ghost fire' Yang Mei thought with caution.

"Dare to stand in my way, even if you are Yang Mei, I'll still kill you" Shenni ran on all fours pointing his horn forward. He was like to torpedo shooting at Yang Mei.

Yang Mei's grey orb glowed with power. The great immortal charged forward pointing his pearl out directly clashing against Shenni. Both sides were not losing out.

"You truly have gotten strong," Yang Mei praised.

"We are still nowhere near our peak" Shenni responded, half self deprecatingly half in rage. "That cursed fiend deserves to die!"

"Who, Lu Ya? What has that crow ever done to you" Yang Mei questioned in confusion. As far as he knew Lu Ya and Shenni never interacted during the chaos. Yang Mei exerted all his might, a Dao fruit appeared behind him.


Shenni was launched back, Yang Mei also spat out some blood. 'His progress is extraordinary' Yang Mei thought.

Shenni recovered quickly and scanned his surroundings. He spotted Taotie and Wangshu not far away. His pupils contracted before bursting in purplish flames.

"Filth of Pangu, die!" Shenni had lost his mind. He charged at the moon goddess. Wangshu spotted him coming and activated all her defences. Multiple mid grade treasures activated forming a shelf around her.


In an instant, Shenni broke through the shield and bite at Wangshu. Wangshu tried desperately to escape, the vague shadow of a Dao fruit began taking form blasting at Shenni diverting him ever so slightly. It was enough for her to move slightly out of the way.

However, it wasn't quick enough, Shenni bit down hard tearing Wangshu's left arm off. He spat the arm out as if he tasted garbage and attacked once more. Taotie wisely stayed away from his frenzied master.

Wangshu leapt backwards, her left stump bled continuously of blood and silver essence. A white lotus appeared catching the goddess on its petal. Da Hai's serpentine form sat at the centre and braced himself, one of his heads held a Tiandi that was beaten black and blue while Lu Ya sat forgotten about on another head.

"This is way out of our league," she said to Da Hai. Da Hai's serpentine faces showed visible terror.

"My apologies fellow daoists, I have implicated you" Lu ya bowed his head and apologised. Da hai shook his head, "We can talk about it later, first we need to survive this blow".

Shenni smashed into the lotus uprooting it immediately throwing everyone off. Da Hai spat out gallons of blood and felt as if his body was crushed. The emperor raised his right paw to smash the critically injured Wangshu.

Before he could land the hit, a rope of spatial energy wrapped around the frenzied godfiend's paw. Yang Mei exerted his full strength throwing Shenni into the direction of the sun star.

"Are you okay girl" he brought out a pill and fed it to Wangshu. Da Hai also arrived having steadied himself, Yang Mei passed him a pill as well. "Why is he still alive?" Yang Mei pointed at Tiandi floating in the distance.

"I…" Da Hai had no good answer, he had soundly beaten his opponent but had not taken the final blow.

"You really aren't him" Yang Mei sighed in disappointment. He closed his eyes and a trail of tears dripped out. He turned to look in the direction of the sun star.

Shenni had pulled himself out of the sea of flames looking slightly burnt. Shenni seemed to have regained his senses, the ghost flames on his body fought against the inferno of sun fire as he took to space. Taotie joined him at his side.

Shenni opened his mouth gathering the purple black spectral ghost fire in his mouth. He blasted out the flames in a long beam. Yang Mei waved his hand and the grey orb formed a shield protecting himself Wangshu and Da Hai.

"Hmph" Shenni snorted and turned around. Taotie felt an oppressive force wrapping around himself, pulling him away. The emperor and servant left the starry skies in the next instant.

Da Hai looked around, the nearby space had been distorted, shattered, restored, and obliterated again and again. An ordinary immortal would've been thrown into a spatial tide and pulled to places unknown in such an environment. The stellar bodies suffered no damage showcasing their immense durability.

Da Hai turned one of his heads but couldn't find Lu Ya nor Tiandi. Both had been burned to ashes. In the distance, the masterless Sun Chakram fell into the sun star.

In the skies of the north continent, Shenni appeared with Taotie in their human forms.

"Your majesty, dare to ask why did you not save Tiandi" Taotie questioned. Tiandi was the daoist of heaven and earth, a useful asset in their war.

Shenni snorted, "He was crippled anyway". He soon disappeared in a flash of purple flames leaving Taotie by himself. 'Deaths were inevitable, they were always meant to be distractions' Shenni thought to himself as he returned to his cave. Hundun, Qiong Qi, Taotie, and Taowu should be enough to stop any interference with his plan. Not to mention he also has Shenfeng, Si Hai, and Shang Xia who'd also submitted.

In the aftermath of the battle, Wansghu hurried back to the Lunar star. Her injuries were quite severe and she'd need to recover within her natural birth environment where lunar yin energy was at its richest.

"I'll be fine," she told them. "Though my arm has been lost to spacial tides the laurel tree can grow a new one for me" she reassured them she made haste. Her natural origin ensured a steady recovery, it may take centuries or even millennia's but she will return to her peak.

Sadly Wangshu's severed arm fell into spacial tides and was thrown to an unknown location. While recovering it could speed up her recovery immediately finding it was just unviable. It was the equivalent of searching for a needle in the pacific ocean.

Da Hai was about to leave the starry skies but Yang Mei stopped him. The old daoist invited Da Hai to go on a walk with him. Da Hai couldn't really refuse.

"What did you want to talk about fellow daoist" he asked.

"I seek to understand how you came about. Da Hai's nascent soul is clearly a part of you and yet you are not my brother. Yet at the same time, my senses are telling me that you are"

Da Hai did not know how to answer. Yang Mei looked completely sincere without any ill intent. He was similar to Huoyun in their treatment of him except Yang Mei carried an inherent sense of scepticism.

"It is complicated, I don't even understand it wholly myself" he admitted. There really wasn't much point in hiding anything, none of his 'secrets' could be used to implicate in any way shape or form. He was a connate life form, he did not have relatives nor children. His two previous friends were already aware of the change.

Listening to Da Hai's explanation sent Yang Mei into deep contemplation. What Da Hai described was possible but so improbable that it was basically impossible.

First of all, Da Hai that is the chaos godfiend possessed a very powerful soul beyond imagination. No way a lower dimensional lifeforms could take over. Yet from Da Hai's description, it wasn't like a take-over at all.

"And you say you were a…human?"

"Yes, from planet earth, or terra whichever one's the official name."

Da Hai spoke of the relevant detail, that he was originally human and from planet earth. There was no need to mention future knowledge.

Yang Mei stroke his white beard and calculated. All kinds of possibilities ran through his brain. All kinds of scenarios, theories and simulation testing each scenario he could think of.

"Doesn't fit reincarnation since he'd have a recollection. Assimilation? No, he lacks the characteristics of such a case. Not take-over, his soul has no signs. Consumption?" He mused over and over.

Before long Da Hai noted they had exited the starry sea. The pair had arrived above the east sea. It was evening and the waves were calm. Da Hai spotted many sea life innate creatures had popped up.

"Fellow daoist, would you like to listen to my guess?" Yang Mei suddenly asked out loud catching Da Hai's attention. He was a reincarnation wasn't he, one with scattered memories so what was there to theorise.

"I'm all ears"

Yang Mei nodded and waved his hand, images of a man appeared in the air. It was a powerful looking individual with scaly blue skin and fins for ears. Da Hai recognised this as the original Da Hai.

Another image appeared beside the first showcasing a young man around 18 years old. His face was similar to Da Hai's human guise except slightly older and taller.

"Why are you showing me these," he asked.

Yang Mei pointed at the image of the original Da Hai with a fond look, "This is god lord Da Hai. And this is the human". He pointed at both individuals, "Both individuals are dead".

"And they became me, I assimilated the god lord."

"No, you didn't."

This phrase stupefied Da Hai, he could only bring out a "What?".

"Assimilation regains the original personality with minimal changes, memories of the assimilated individual is retained. I have seen assimilations between multiple godfiends and you display none of the symptoms."

"You are also not a reincarnation, you should have a perfect recollection of either one side. You didn't consume my brother's soul, not only would the other be too weak but your own soul doesn't carry the signs of digestion. You would not have remembered anything from Da Hai if that was so. And your personality would not have changed"

Da Hai looked completely lost, "Then who the hell am I?"

"Find out for yourself" Yang Mei pointed a finger at Da Hai's forehead and Da Hai's world went black.

Peak of Mt Buzhou.

Hongjun sat cross legged on a rock looking at the changes occurring above him. Although nearly invisible, a faint outline of something mystical was growing. With the recent deaths of the daoist of heaven and earth Tiandi and the extreme yang sun crow godfiend Lu Ya, the gestation was nearing its final phase. Soon it can fully manifest.

What Hongjun was looking at was the Heavenly Dao. Throughout all the conflict ongoing, the deaths of Golden Immortals have allowed their essence to return to the world. Life energy entered the wilderness and triggered the birth of innate creatures while the power of Dao, the understanding into the quintessence of the universe and the profound cultivation base was taken.

The primitive world naturally wished for survival, it wished for improvement which furthers their survival. It did not have any true thoughts other than the need of continued existence. Thus the Heavenly Dao was conceived. The will for survival and maintenance.

Hongjun nodded satisfyingly. A devilishly handsome young man walked up to him.

"It turns out to be fellow daoist Luohu. What can this old man do for you?" Hongjun asked kindly.

Luohu snorted coldly, "Nothing Hongjun, I am here simply to observe what's mine. But you can do me a favour, please save me the hassle and kill yourself".

"Though our paths differ, our goal is the same. For now, we are allies" Hongjun took no offence and said very calmly as if nothing in the world bothered him.

"How much longer do we wait?" Luohu asked.

"Shenni still has his uses, the pressure he provides allows for many to improve. Once that's done," he was cut off by Luohu who continued his words.

"Once that's done the bloodbath can begin and the new era comes, damn old man you are vicious," the devil ancestor laughed.

Mt Kunlun

A spacial tear appeared unknown by all. A wooden looking arm fell out onto the mountainside. It slowly began merging into the mountainside and the previously rocky terrain began growing vast quantities of greenery.

Still, droplets of blood carrying pure yin essence of the moon dripped into the ground passing through small crevasses. It flowed and flowed until it reached deep beneath the mountain flowing to the roof of a cave.

The cave was quite small with only a single entrance. Three stone seats were laid out in a triangular formation inside the cave. Three clouds of Qi hovered in place. The central seat glowed in faint green light, the leftmost seat glowed in dual colours of black and white. The rightmost seat held a blood red colour.

However, as the blood dripped onto the red cloud mist it slowly changed. The red receded and a golden glow appeared.


The vast emptiness greeted Da Hai when he awoke. Around him was an indescribable scene. Myriad colours were all around whirling. It was unlike anything he had ever seen, even the primitive world, as mystical as it was, was still familiar.

This place was something else entirely. It was frightening, a feeling the primitive world did not initially invoke. It was inherently unstable and threatened to tear him apart.

Yet it felt like home.

Chaos, the void in which all things originate. The vast expanse beyond the starry skies, the vast expanse infinite in size, endless in possibilities. The ocean beyond the stars, the primordial chaos sea.

It was a scene both familiar yet unfamiliar to Da Hai. He looked all around him then at himself, he was in his 8 headed serpentine form. His true form but not the form he was most familiar with.

His body shifted and shifted condensing into his short human guise once more. It was not inherently more comfortable to be in, it did feel slightly better.

"How did I get here?" He spoke aloud. His voice did not echo, it simply faded into the void. "How can place feel so strange yet so familiar" he rubbed his brows.

"Where had Yang Mei send me?"

Da Hai wondered the chaotic void for an undisclosed amount of time. In the end, he could not find anything. Growing in frustration he tried to sit down but only succeed in flipping 360 degrees.

"That's not how you sit in the chaos" a voice identical to Da Hai called out behind him.

"Who?" Da Hai bore witness to someone who looked identical to him. This version of him was shirtless and only wore loose trousers.

"This wouldn't happen to be some kind of dream sequence is it?"

"Not the kind you're thinking of," the other Da Hai responds. "This is in your head but you're not really asleep."

"So I'm in my own mind? I'm basically asleep and you're just another figment of my imagination." Da Hai waved his arm attempting to dispel the other Da Hai. However the double remained.

"That won't really work."

"Are you some sort of phantom? Someone who's invading my mind? Is it you Yang Mei?"

"Yang Mei only pushed you to see what you've been ignorant of" the double's body morphed growing taller. He stood towering over Da Hai with blue sally skin and fins for ears.

"How is this possible? I am Da Hai"

The chaos godfiend shook his head, "You are certainly not me, your origin does not come from me."

"I contain the great Dao of primeval seawater, your Dao."

"Dao that you comprehended from my inheritance. If you were me you would've not needed to cultivate the Dao at all. All you'd need to do is rebuilt the cosmic tree and sprout the Dao fruit".

"If that's the case Yang Mei's fruit should've already been mutated"

"Ignorant, brother Yang Mei's Dao is something completely new. He likely abandoned his original Dao."

Da Hai was shocked, "We can do that?" The original Da Hai nodded.

"The Dao your create is not absolute, it can be abandoned for another. I do not know what happened to Yang Mei but I wager he discovered something that led to his decision".

"How do you know this," Da Hai asked.

The original smirked, "Conclusions from what you've seem, your memories are like an open book".

Da Hai gripped his head in fright, "This has been a fascinating talk but I still do not understand why I am here."

The original gestured for Da Hai to follow him, "There's someone else you need to see".

The chaos sea around them distorted, the myriad colours blended into each other merging. Slowly concrete ground formed below both individuals. Lamp posts erected from the concrete and tar road manifested before them.

Around the two 21st century buildings sprouted shooting high up into the sky. It resembled a bustling metropolis. The only flaw was the complete lack of people, the perfect image of a ghost city.

"Interesting world he lived in, such a society would've been unthinkable for us born from chaos. Perhaps this image is why humans are destined to be the protagonists of the world". The original Da Hai marvelled at the skyscrapers, he had seen pagodas many thousand times the size but it was something new he had never seen before.

"Not really, our society was kinda fucked once you looked beneath the clean surface," Da Hai remarked.

"Isn't that the case with every society?" The original laughed. He wondered how he would operate on earth. The original Da Hai guessed he would've long joined the military.

The original Da Hai led the sea god to an apartment complex, "Recognise this place?"

"It's my house, I think" Da Hai took a second but recalled the memories. "Yes this is my own apartment building, unit 311"

"Wrong," the chaos godfiend floated into the air. Da Hai followed him in confusion. The two flew up the balcony with the entrance to a door with the sign 'unit 311' plastered on top.

"I just said this was my apartment," Da Hai looked at the original godfiend like he was a moron.

"And you would be wrong" the chaos godfiend turned the knob opening the apartment door. It was a fairly clean apartment with some scattered papers lying about.

'School work' Da Hai began recognizing more and more. He could easily distinguish everything in the house. He could remember what schools he went to, the university he went to, names of his friends.

"This is my house, that's the new collector's edition godzilla figure. That's my biology report. That's a copy of Percy Jackson left on my cupboard that I never put back." Da Hai began listing everything in his room with full clarity. "How was I wrong, I am a human who reincarnated. I probably absorbed you in the process".

"If only it were so simple," The chaos godfiend stated. "This is not your residence, It's his". He gestured to the bedroom door whose nob turned. Soon it was opened and a third Da Hai walked out.

He looked identical to Da Hai but with a few differences. He was taller by 10 centimetres and had dark black hair as opposed to Da Hai's spongy yellow.

"How?" Da Hai was stunned.

"You're not me," the third Da Hai said solemnly.

"Then I'm him who absorbed you?" He turned to look at the smirking chaos godfiend who shook his head.

"You are not him either Da Hai, you are neither of our reincarnations" the third Da Hai took a seat on the sofa and gestured for the other two to sit down. "I guess we need to explain some things."


"So, I hear you've been having trouble forming the primordial unity," the human resembling Da Hai spoke while slurped a cup of instant noodles. Where he got it from Da Hai did not know but the chaos godfiend had also gotten his hands on a chicken leg and was munching on it.

"I thought you're here to explain things," Da Hai said impatiently. Before a discussion even began food was brought out between the three. It seemed the human was too busy eating.

They sat around a coffee table on a low quality sofa. Evidently, it was second hand. Arrangements of cheap take out meals somehow appeared on the table.

"This topic kinda relates to that," the human gestured to the godfiend who by this point had to dislocate his jaw and devoured 8 chicken wings and 3 big macs. He wiped his lips with his wrist.

"Use a napkin dude," the human offered one to him but it was soundly rejected.

"I need no such contraptions to clean myself," he rubbed his stomach looking content. "So where were we?"

"We were just getting started," Da Hai reminded him. The godfiend nodded.

"You are aware we died right?" He asked. Da Hai nodded. As he spent more time in his mind more things became clear to him. He could now clearly recall the original Da Hai being struck by the Pangu great god's axe.

"That year I was a part of 3000 of our strongest who fought the Pangu god. I was a part of the vanguard and fought first and also among the first to fall."

"And then you reincarnated," Da Hai answered but the godfiend shook his head.

"Couldn't even if I wanted to," seeing Da Hai's curiosity rise he continued. "See, I was one of the most stubborn chaos godfiends around. I'm sure brother Huoyun and Yang Mei had told you this already. I was one of the ones who continued resisting even after my body was destroyed".

"My form was shattered, erased from existence. My essence, the fundamental part of my Dao, my nascent soul kept fighting until the very. In the end, unlike many my nascent soul was completely obliterated. My Dao was absorbed into the foundation of the primitive world but sadly my consciousness died."

"But that doesn't make sense, Yang Mei and others all fought back against Pangu. Why are you the only one who couldn't reincarnate" Da Hai asked.

"I wasn't the only one, many were subjected to true death. As chaos godfiends our soul and nascent soul were one and the same. We were born from chaos, we did not have a universe to support us when we die. Pangu's axe split us not only physically but our nascent souls as well."

"The chaotic sword Qi tore our essence from our soul, the former became the 3000 great Daos while the latter fell onto the infant land. But those who survived with their souls had two things going for them. They were either lucky bastards or absurdly powerful individuals. Huoyun and Yang Mi were part of the latter while Tiandi and Shenni was the former"

"Pardon me for interrupting but if that's the case why can Shenni fight Yang Mei to a standstill?" The human who had finished his noodles asked.

"Right you don't have access to my portion of memories" the chaos godfiend began further explaining in detail. "It all comes down to Dao. Shenni had recovered to Da Luo Golden Immortal, since his Dao had not changed transitioned over to his new body smoothly. It evidently hasn't recovered to his former state but it's an already finalised Dao".

"From what I saw of Yang Mei, his Dao is a new one. It hasn't undergone the rigorous perfecting Shenni's Dao had gone through. Think of it like a master suppressed to the level of a student fighting against a new student."

"That's the best analogy you can come up with?" The human criticises.

"I was trying to put it into words you mortals would understand. Such peculiar creatures you are, no cultivation at all. However, do you survive?" He retorted.

"How do you survive sitting on your asses meditating all day," the human bit back.

"Okay enough, love how you two get along but can we go back on topic?" Da Hai said pleaded.

The godfiend nodded. "The key point here is that my soul was not whole anymore, I effectively died for real," he explained.

"This is where I came in, see I had an allergic reaction to a vaccination shot and died before doctors get to me. It was an unexpected event and the first of its kind with this vaccine so I also died." The human began explaining as well. His death though sounded a lot less impressive than chaos godfiend Da Hai's.

"I don't exactly know how it happened nor do I remember it. If I were a fiction theorist then I think Pangu's splitting of the chaos pulled my departing soul into the chaos sea".

"That sound's strangely plausible" Da Hai admitted. Pangu was frighteningly strong, he was far above the chaos godfiends so who knows what he could accomplish.

"It is, opening up a universe in the chaos sea was something we could all do. But what Pangu did was far beyond that, he split the very fabric of the chaos sea itself." The godfiend joined in as well.

"Anyway my soul entered into the primitive world as well but there was a problem. My soul as a human soul that is a mortal soul was pitifully weak. Before I even realised what was happening the chaotic air of the primitive world tore me apart basically red misted me" the human waved his hound around all dramatically.

In truth, this guess was pure conjecture. He did not truly know what happened due to the speed in which it all occurred being less than a nanosecond. However, as an avid reader of all kinds of fiction, he could hazard a guess.

"Coincidentally what little remained of my soul fell into the east sea. Precisely where this kid's shattered soul remains were" Da hai elaborated. "Our pieces tumbled together and drifted to the ocean floor, neither of us could be reborn, our souls weren't complete enough on their own nor combined."

The godfiend sat back and sighed, "But our combined pieces were large enough to begin attracting primordial Qi. The gathered cloud created from both of us attained an identity of its own. What little of our minds that remained was merged into this new being, you." He pointed at Da Hai.

"Then the reason my memories were so muddled in the beginning was because…"

"Because you quite literally only had pieces," the human answered for him.

"But I am remembering more and more."

"As your cultivation grew your inference into the universe also grew. Subconsciously you began absorbing more of mine and his essence that were already a part of the universe. Since the primitive world owes me karma it allowed it to happen as it only needed my Dao, not me," the chaos godfiend explained. "Us two only became conscious because of this."

Da Hai nodded, he sat backed thinking for a while. "What now? How does this even relate to my breakthrough?" He asked.

"You know what you are now Da Hai. Truth be told I hate this outcome but I am little more than a remnant memory, not even a soul." The chaos godfiend looked defeated but also in acceptance. He cupped his hand and bowed to Da Hai.

"I would've loved to experience the primitive world myself but like the god lord, I too am a remnant memory. Sorry for all the trouble I caused, I won't bother you from now on" he bowed to Da Hai.

In unison they said, "The knots in your heart are untied. We wish you luck fellow daoist". They began fading until they no longer existed. The apartment also dissipated transforming into empty space.

Da Hai stood in the void with no expression. Something was changing within him. Those conflicting sides of himself had dissipated. Da Hai could think with true clarity for the first time since conception.

"So this is what I'm truly like" he looked at his mental plane. Water slowly began filling the void until eventually, a familiar ocean appeared.

"The chaos godfiend Da Hai was an indomitable figure. He was someone who constantly warred sparing no one. His Dao of primeval seawater was one who consumed all things. Da hai, you are an ocean who devours the world".

"My cowardly human self, no I should call you Christopher. Christopher, you had an unremarkable life cut too short. You were always deeply unsatisfied. If you were given the chance you would've played god, self righteous and omniscient. A child with too much power. In a way, you are also an uncontrollable ocean who devours the world".

"But I am not you. I came from you but I am me. For eons, I struggled but now I am truly free. I feel empathy for living beings but I don't seek to control them. I can fight well but I do not seek endless conflict."

Da Hai's eyes began to glow. The water around him rose into the air. "I am the ocean who exists alongside the world. I am always here but away. I am not human and the clearance of those thoughts had made me finally understand. None of your Daos suit me, I am the ocean you see on the horizon."

Outside, in the vast wilderness, on the shores of the east sea. Primordial Qi gathered in the form of an auspicious cloud. The complete Dao of primeval seawater merged with Da Hai's body wholeheartedly.

"I declare my Dao, one of the ever distant seas."

In the distance Yang Mei watched the changes take place. "From now on my debts have been paid. Fellow daoist, you are not my brother. From this day forth we are strangers". He turned and disappeared from the primitive world

Within Da Hai, a massive cosmic tree sprouted to completion. On one of its branches, the outline of a Dao fruit was finally visible.
Interlude-Da Hai's mind through the ages.
On SB and webnovel, this came very late, like recent upload late after 100+ chapters. But it accompanies the first 21 chapters better so I'm releasing this right away.

When they poofed into existence, there was much confusion. One moment they had both busy with their own troubles and the next they were here. The blank in between didn't disturb them nor was it noticed by them until years later.

For Da Hai, it was rage, wroth, fury, bewilderment, embarrassment, indignation, and regret. It was all rolled up into one raging fish man who roared endlessly at the hollow void within the new god's mind.

For the human, it was shock, awe, joy, excitement, and ambition. He declared all the things he wanted to accomplish and all the things he'd want to do. Charming goddesses, conquering the world, teaching arrogant deities a lesson, it was all on the books.

It was because they felt powerful, yet indistinguishable. Both of them didn't notice the other initially nor did they realise neither was in control. Back then, the body hadn't even formed yet, just a mass of Primordial Qi gathering on the ocean floor.

"Who the hell are you?" Christopher cried.

"Me? Who the hell are you?" Da Hai fired back.

It was a back and forth that went nowhere because an unexpected and extraordinary event happened. Da Hai couldn't win against Christopher.

Ordinarily, no matter how special, no mortal in no circumstances could ever hope to reach Da Hai. It was comparing something the size of an atom to a star. They were in completely different realms of existence.

But here, they were somehow equal. Neither could overtake the other. Each checked the other. Neither willing to give in to the other.

And in their vying for power, the infant soul took full form.

"Fuck! You…you ruined it," Christopher cried towards Da Hai. The greater immortal stood silently with arms crossed facing away from the human presence, his own mind deeply troubled.

"You piece of shit asshole. Now I'm…Now I'll never," the human stammered again and again. Hopes and dreams were crushed and never fulfilled before they even began.

"Haa!" He sighed. "Fuck this is so messed up. I'm really dead, or just a voice in someone's head. Fuck this is not supposed to be real."

"Reality is often cruel," Da Hai answered to Christopher's surprise. "We are at an impasse. Victory was for neither of us. Or perhaps it was destined to never be us."

"You're awfully calm about all this. You really okay with being trapped here forever?" Christopher snorted.

"Of course not," Da Hai glared back with indignation clear on his scaled face. "I would be insane to think so."

"You certainly don't look it."

"Does my lack of childish outburst surprise you so? I thought you were supposed to be an adult? Was that not a sign of human maturity?" The godfiend snorted.

Christopher widened his eyes in surprise. "How did you?" He uttered. He did not recall speaking with the man beyond a screaming match.

"My thesis might as well be true. We are not souls for a body, just two bits of an origin that merged with a new being. The fact that I can recall your past and your world merely confirms this. Try it, you should be able to recall mine," Da Hai said waving the human away.

"Oh," Da Hai was right. Chris could recall Da Hai's experiences, a lot of them. Though parts were fractured there were equally as many that were not.

"What now?" He said helplessly. "Fuck...Isekai's like these were supposed to be wish fulfilment. I'm supposed to be a powerful badass. What the fuck happened?"

"Treasures, treasures, treasures, you're always going on about treasures that it's getting really old," Christopher criticised.

"What did your web novels not inform you beforehand? Please, you know the importance of spiritual treasures just as much as me," Da Hai retorted.

"Yeah but that's all you talk about. Think of something else to say for once," Chris said lying down on his side with a manga in hand.

"And you should keep quiet, main persona over there is trying to focus in swimming."

A flock, a massive flock, nay it was a swarm. A swarm of titanic multi eyed birds with endless hunger in their cold dead eyes. The sight nearly drove him insane. That primal fear of looking at a haunting eldritch abomination in the eyes.

Christopher screamed as the monsters approached. The natural terror humans felt when confronted with an aggressive predator but even that was underselling it.

These birds weren't predators, they were eldritch monstrosities. Sinful beasts born out endless indignation and rage. The folly of Pangu.

"We need to run," Christopher yelled. "Common, common, we need to get the fuck out of here."

"Coward, we fight, we're strong enough as is," Da Hai bit back.

"You insane? They're fucking demon birds, let's get out of here and search elsewhere," Christopher could feel his heart thumb throughout his chest. "This isn't a fucking game, they're gonna eat us."

Chris dragged at Da Hai's person urgently. The infighting was affecting the outside and the main persona's behaviour showed. They were dying. He didn't want to die, he needed to get away.

"Exactly this isn't a fucking game," Da Hai pulled himself out of his human companion's reach. He sent a sucker punch right at the man pushing him back. "We're strong enough as is."

They fought back and they won.

"Not used to blood and gore?" Da Hai raised his eyebrow at Chris. "I thought your 'modern entertainment' would've desensitised you by now."

"I thought so too," Christopher said with a certain hollowness. "But being something from a screen you know is make believe and seeing for yourself is a little different. You won't understand."

"No, I do not. We've stayed at this waterfall for too long. Let's make a move already."

"Yeah, we've lost a few hours, but we're immortal so it's fine."

"Hours? It's been five hundred years," Da Hai said.

The baffled look on Chris's face was priceless.

"What do you mean thousands of years had passed? It's only been like a week if even that."

"Sure about that boy?"

"I mean, it felt like that. I only met you a week or so ago, it's not that long a time. That number you just spat is completely stupid."

"So how many years exact has it been since we were born? Measure it from your heart."

"Well naturally. It's been… it's been… Oh, you're right…So long has passed already? But it didn't even feel that long."

"Of course, it wasn't that long a time. A hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, a hundred thousand even, they're not that long of a time. You mortals lived such pitifully short lives, it's a wonder anything even got done."

"And you live so long. How do you deal with all the time without going insane? It sounds sweet on paper, but how do you do it in practice?"

Da Hai was silent unsure of how to answer the question. It was common sense

"How fucked is my head," Christopher said gripping his forehead. "Thousands of years feels like days if even that."

"So that's Huoyun?" Christopher mused. "Seems like a decent guy."

"He was always more of the upbeat sort. Even though the endless years we spent together," the scaled Da Hai said with a nod. "Why did you have to force that bit of distrust through? You nearly ruined things."

"We don't know if he's the real one. Disguise techniques exist, your own memory showed that," Christopher argued back.

"Hmph, I'll recognise Huoyun anywhere in any form. Don't comment on things you don't understand."

"Right so hit left, water attack, dodge. Bro main persona isn't half bad. Huoyun isn't half bad as a coach at all," Christopher laughed excitedly. "This is much more exiting than watching VFX."

"Brother Huoyun is a skilled fighter. Learned a lot from our spars."

"I thought cultivation was all about sitting around and meditating, maybe eating a few pills here and there," Christopher said with a bit of mirth.

"Bullshit, it's nothing more than practice. Practise until you perfect and keep practising until perfection is perfected even more."

"That makes no sense."

"To you, it doesn't," Da Hai scoffed. "You think a bunch of story books about cultivators can teach you to be a cultivator? To sense Dao? Nonsense."

"You're weakening us," Da Hai accused.

"I know," Christopher said in agreement.

"If I could I will cut you where you stand. This is ridiculous," Da Hai growled. "Main persona had that beast in his grasp. Victory was easy and yet your instincts keep fucking up."

"I know," Christopher grunted.

"I understand empathy. I understand feeling bad for others. I understand because I'll help sometimes too. But to be so…To be so…Gah I can't even put it to words."

"I know," Christopher sighed tiredly.

"Why of all the infinite eternities must I be bound like this? We could've continued where I'd left off. But instead, we're forced to rely on Huoyun, to eat away at his kindness."

"I get it okay!" Christopher yelled back. "But I'm not like you. I'm not like you. I'm not like you."

"I fucked up," Christopher said guiltily. The main persona was back in the east sea now, back where it was safe

"You fucked up," Da Hai sneered. "Might as well give in at this point. Main persona is too attached to you."

Da Hai looked completely resolute. "This isn't how I wanted things to go. This isn't how I wanted to go. Damn you whoever you are that caused this. Damn you Pangu."

Da Hai took a look at Christopher. The human sat on his lonesome gazing out into the abyss through main persona's eyes. "Damn you for holding us back. Damn you for the constant whining. Damn you…Damn you."

Da Hai sighed and stepped back slumping. "And damn me. I was too prideful. Too bloodthirsty. I walked to my death. Perhaps this is what I deserve." He stared at his human companion for a long while before sitting beside him defeated.

"You and I, we could never get along. We fought too much and disagreed to much on our approach. Our endless disagreements drove him mad. Like a puppet tugged in all directions. Feh, you were right sometimes, those times you made us cautious. You were probably right to sit back and observe."

Da Hai sighed. "We fucked up. We made main persona like that. Now we're both…"

"Hey, enough with the negativity. Main persona will get it right eventually. We're both at fault for things right now," his human companion tried to offer some comfort. "Hopefully."

"Damn, she's hot with a capital H," Christopher hummed. "Don't you agree Da Hai?"

The scaled man raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"You know, Wangshu. She's like the hottest girl we've met since ever. Not even that fox girl a while back compares."

"I do not understand how she's in anyway related to heat. Perhaps ghost type Yin flames? Those are effective in scarring enemies," Da Hai proceeded to elaborate on a few guesses.

"Dude," the godfiend was only returned with a plain stare from the human.

"Why're you…oh, you're referring to physical attractiveness in relation to romantic qualities as you put it?" Da Hai said in a flat way. "I guess?"

"You don't find her pretty at all?" Christopher continued. He made exaggerated gestures across his chest much to the godfiend's confusion.

"Her bark has cleanly sharpened edges?" Da Hai tried.

"Uncultured swine," Christopher rubbed his brows and sighed. It was still strange how alien godfiends, and by extension chaos lifeforms were. They physically cannot perceive sex appeal nor do they even comprehend the need for childbearing. The closest thing they have is establishing an inheritance or accepting a disciple and those don't happen often.

"I hope main persona takes after me, cause otherwise, we'll be a wizard forever. Oh my god we're redefining the meaning of the phrase wizard," Christopher slapped his face in agony.

"Indeed, main persona does seem more comfortable in mid to ranged combat than close combat, something he'd need to work on," Da Hai nodded sagely.

"Not what I meant Da Hai."

"What a meeting," Christopher said watching the departing presence of the reborn main persona. "Main persona is beginning to develop his own personality now. No more instincts based on us. Wow, now I feel a bit lonely."

"He was right to proceed. We may be part of him, but ruling him was never the answer. Now we only serve," Da Hai grunted.

"I'm a little sad though," Christopher said.

"How so?"

"He chose your name in the end. He may have bits of me in him. But he's closer to you than me. He's more godfiend than he is human. And to be honest, I don't think that's a bad thing."

Da Hai raised an eyebrow.

"I've been doing some thinking recently. Looking at you, at all your past…well I guess it's our past…anyway, looking at all your past acquaintances. I've come to the conclusion that it takes a certain mindset to pursue Dao."

The human side of the innate god leaned back with a resigned look. "Stories are just that, stories. Anyone could become a cultivator, anyone can learn to sense Qi. But it takes a certain madness to continuously pursue the path. A single minded obsession."

"It sounded so easy reading it off the pages of a book. Like anyone could do it. Too much fanfics have also clouded my opinions. Like one day I can just turtle my way in a cave and sit still for a million years then poof, instant immortal, instant Dao comprehension. What a joke."

Christopher stood up and waved his arms around. "Sign in ten thousand years. My system makes me super OP. I have the Sharingan from the start. I cultivate for a million years from the start and teach Subhuti a lesson. Insert name will never be a puppet. So easy until you have to live it. What a joke"

He turned to look Da Hai in the eye. "You're insane. You all are. You, Yang Mei, Huoyun, Demon Ape, Sun Demon God, Chaos Sky Dragon. You're all one tracked minded men and women obsessed with something and disregard all things in pursuit of it. That old guy, Tai Chu, he was right to name you all godfiends."

"You think you know us all so well?" Da Hai asked. "Then what do you think we are? What do you think main persona is? God or Fiend?"

"That's the thing isn't it. You're extremes of either side who can flip to the other on a whim. Just the like the Taiji diagram."













"Why him?"

"Why him of all people?"
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The Storm Brews
The great immortal Hongjun watched in satisfaction as the primitive world continuously progressed. For the last 3000 years, they had patiently waited but now enough powerhouses had appeared.

"Just in time for the yuanhui to end," Hongjun said softly. His expression carried some guilt but it was not nearly enough to deter him. Luohu who sat opposing him millions of kilometres away also had similar thoughts, though he's had a distinct lack of guilt and more glee.

Hongjun tapped the fortune jade disc and calculated the future. His fully formed Dao fruit manifested appeared briefly as he calculated. Divination was always a complex topic, while the will of the world always pushes for certain events the actual timeline itself is malleable. As long as key events occur the timeline can be changed to his desire.

Hongjun smiled, everything was still on track. While he had to wait a long time he was patient, he had existed for many yuanhui already during the chaos. He was already an existence millions of years old. However, his greatest rival was also much the same.

Hongjun looked west at distant Mt Sumeru. The dark mountain radiated an oppressive aura and the corrupted screams radiated. Although such things were contained in the west Hongjun can perceive them with pinpoint accuracy.

He frowned with contempt, he had to figure out a way to defeat Luohu soon. In their current state, Hongjun was indeed a little stronger. However, the devil ancestor had accessed to stronger offensive weapons. Hongjun was not confident in defeating Luohu, he can only hope to cultivate a higher state before Luohu.

His current position on Mt Yujing was very advantageous. He had set up a mighty invisible formation there and forbade entrance to anyone he didn't allow. However, Luohu had gone a step further, since the invasion eons ago Luohu had upped his security.

The west was closed off and nobody enters without Luohu knowing. Hongjun did not have Luohu's iron grip on the east.

Hongjun looked at the northern continent. Shenni should be well enough soon to directly attack Mt Buzhou. Hongjun disappeared in a flash of purple light.

He traversed millions of kilometres and reached Mt Buzhou within 3 years. This was the discrepancy between a Da Luo Golden Immortal and lesser immortals. A journey of thousands of years was covered in several.

Hongjun stood at the peak of the celestial mountain and gently touched the gestating Heavenly Dao. The cultivation bases of Tiandi and Lu Ya had fed it nicely.

He looked down at the many innate creature tribes habitant the central continent. Unlike the south and east where innate creatures existed by the millions. The central continent only contained a few select tribes.

He stroked his beard, "The deaths of at least 150 Taiyi Golden Immortals should be enough, it'll be good if a few Da Luo dies as well" he mused.

"And what would be the purpose of such deaths" a cold voice called out behind Hongjun. The old man momentarily paused, it seemed he had miscalculated. He had assumed he was without equal in the east but turns out others had recovered to the summit he had reached.

"Greetings fellow daoist Huoyun, how has your day been" he saluted the daoist of the five elements.

The red robbed main had an extremely unhappy expression. He looked at Hongjun as if he were scum, "What are the deaths for". His fists ignited in multi coloured flame as he stepped closer menacingly.

"Fellow daoist is a good person, why would you go out of your way to hurt an old man like me" Hongjun avoided the question.

"I have been thinking back on some things fellow daoist," Huoyun stopped mid step a distance away from Hiongjun. "You were not a figure of renown and was only ranked with us since you achieved Hongyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. What's more, you did nothing as Pangu came, if anything you willingly went to your own death. Why was that?"

"It was a hopeless situation. We could never have won" he insisted.

"We didn't know that at the time. I know for a fact we could not identify his cultivation" Huoyun responded. Hongjun realised the situation was getting a little too out of control for his liking.

"What do you wish to know?" He asked.

The flames in Huoyun's hands dissipated, "For the past 10,000 years, I have investigated on my suspicions. Hongjun, did you know Pangu was coming?"


"Second question, why are you insisting our brothers and sisters need to die?"

"For the benefit of the world", he answered truthfully.

"The world can develop on its own. Give it another few yuanhui and it will strengthen naturally on its own." Huoyun responded in anger, "Shenni's war wasn't necessary".

"Be that as it may, without sacrifices advanced progress won't be made" Hongjun stated as a matter of fact.

Without another word, Huoyun blasted Hongjun with all his might. The total power of a Da Luo Golden Immortal emitted from Huoyun's Dao fruit. The five colour light enhanced the attack to preposterous degrees.

Around the world, hidden experts began taking notice of the huge commotion atop Mt Buzhou.

Wangshu recovering in her lunar palace noticed the blast. Da Hai who was stabilising his cultivation also noticed the fight millions of kilometres away.

"Very impressive fellow daoist, you really do live up to your reputation," Hongjun robes were ruffled but he remained largely unharmed. The fortune jade disc blocked Huoyun's attack without too much issue.

"One of the four great chaos demon gods who ruled the chaos. War god Demon Ape, ruler of time Shichen, great immortal Yang Mai, and you Daoist of the five elements Huoyun" the old man clapped his hands in praise. "But I'm afraid even you cannot survive a full confrontation against me".

"Are you so sure?" Five element light gathered in Huoyun's body forming 2 rainbow dragons who roared fiercely. Multi coloured light whirled around him like a hurricane. Huoyun was not playing around.

"I should remind you, this is not your era anymore. I am firstborn of the first generation innate gods. All things below me are ants and that includes you" he said with a kind smile. Huoyun gritted his teeth, the dragons were launched at Hongjun.

Two colours of black and white touched each other in front of Hongjun blocking the dragons. They twisted and turned and the five element lights separated in five directions dissipating. Huoyun was shocked, 'What kind of weapon is that?'

Hongjun brought up his hand and a large banner appeared. It was decorated with the image of Pangu holding up the sky. Hongjun waved the banner releasing a horrifying chaotic sword Qi.

'This is?' Huoyun sensed danger and attempted to dodge but found himself unable to. The universe had been sealed. He looked at the Taiji diagram that had formed before Hongjun and frowned.

Mustering all he could, the five element light clashed against chaotic sword Qi. The cutting power of creation began tearing into the perfected light separating them once more.

Huoyun gritted his teeth, his Dao fruit along with red clouds appeared.

"The origin of life stands tall. The stability of the world is dependent on the five elements. This is the base in which all things are built" upon chanting his spell, 5 stellar bodies appeared in the sealed space interlocking with one another. Transformations of fire, wood, earth, water, and metal transmitting their power into a renewed five elements light.

It struck the chaotic sword Qi but instead of a clash, it swept the violent attack. Hongjun's eyebrows raised, he released more Qi at Huoyun.

Huoyun brought up his arms sweeping the chaotic sword Qi towards the walls of locked space. He could just barely muster enough power to deflect. In accordance with his thoughts, the sword Qi blasted apart the barrier. Taking his chance Huoyun flew with all his might.

Hongjun looked pissed, the taiga diagram and the flag poured energy into his palm which became an energy blast. Hongjun fired at the fleeing Huoyun. The resulting blast travelled all the way to the east sea visible for all.

Hongjun stood on the peak on Mt Buzhou with a terrible expression. He turned around to look at the gestating Heavenly Dao protected by his power. He sighed in relief, it was still safe.

"What happened" a dark sinister voice called out. Luohu had arrived amidst the commotion.

"Huoyun discovered me," he said.

Luohu raised his spear and looked at the east. Seeing this Hongjun called out, "You cannot destroy the east".

"Information cannot be spread" was Luohu's reply.

"Then tribulation shall start ahead of schedule," Hongjun said.

"Distracting everyone with a crisis, clever. Huoyun is a good man, he'll come out as well. I'll take care of him," Luohu reassured before leaving quickly.

Border of the east continent

Huoyun managed to flee and forced space open teleporting him all the way to the east continent. He was bleeding from his stomach. As he was huffing Hongjun's voice was heard across the whole universe.

"I am Hongjun, firstborn of innate gods. The monster known as Shenni seeks to attack Mt Buzhou. He does this not out of a need for conquest but of the desire to destroy the celestial mountain. If this is done the primitive world is done for. Heaven will collapse onto the earth and all existence will end. Please, living creatures of the world, I Hongjun humbly beg for your help in stopping this menace.

The reaction was immediate, innate gods around the world who were initially unconcerned with the conflict immediately began divining to see the truth. Innate creatures were petrified by the revelation. Many of them had fled hoping to get away from Shenni only to know that it was hopeless.

Wangshu in the starry skies was deeply concerned. Heaven crashing onto the earth would mean the total collapse of the starry sea. That cannot be allowed to happen at all costs.

Even Da Hai immediately left the east sea upon some calculations of his own. With full clarity, he knew the consequences should Shenni succeed in this endeavour. "The first tribulation has come" he mused.

"Great one" small voices called out beneath him. Crab warriors, seahorses, manatees, shrimps, all kinds of heavenly immortal sea life cultivators appeared beneath him. "Dare to ask great one, is what the voice said the truth?"

Da Hai nodded grimly, even without Hongjun's warning this seemed inevitable. Da Hai recalled his recent encounter with Shenni, his mannerisms did not fit the image of a conquerer. He never even attempted to lay claim to anything.

West continent

"Master, what is thy order" a degenerated hairy man bowed to a throned Luohu on Mt Sumeru. The devil ancestor rested his head on his knuckle. His clone had sent back news from Hongjun, seems their arrangements will come to an end soon.

"Stay in the west Hou Pi, we will not involve ourselves in this conflict. Let Mara know to seal all exists," he commanded. The devils around him all kneeled in subservience.

North continent southern border.

Shenni stood frozen. His subordinates also looked around uneasily.

"Is this true?" A hooked nosed skinny man accused.

Shenni gave him a frightening look causing the man to cower back. "March for Mt Buzhou," he commanded. In his heart he thought in rage, 'Hongjun, you lying fucker'.
So why didn't Huoyun just reveal that information after Shenni was defeated.
All Converge on Mt Buzhou
In an instant, Shenni became public enemy number one. In the past, while his war had driven many to death, many more were unbothered and was more than willing to co-exist. Some even decided to join the innate god.

Those such as Shen Feng the daoist of divine winds, Shangxia the daoist of up and down, and Si Hai the daoist of four seas were among the many who submitted. The current era's Shenni was ahead of the curve compared to the Shenni from the chaos period.

Many innate gods had previousely decided that in the new world order Shenni will be most likely be the winning side. Now their hearts had changed.

The vast armies of primordial beasts did not care but many innate gods were planning to abandon the emperor. In one of the farms o the north continent Kunwu and Shangxia met up with a dozen other Taiyi Golden Immortals. The two leaders stood at the pinnacle Taiyi Golden Immortal just a step away from Da Luo Golden Immortal and as such commanded much respect from many innate gods.

"How do we even know this is true?" An innate god accused those around her. "Shenni is the strongest being in the vast wilderness, if he turns against him he'd kill us all".

"Foolish, he's already planning on killing us all," another retorted.

"Do you have proof? Shenni has no signs of such madness."

"Can't be as simple as that, his majesty must have some plan."

"You morons, when has his majesty even talked to us. We've only met him a handful of times."

"He's got a point. Brothers and sisters, Shenni has hardly ever interacted with us. All orders thus far had been relayed through the 4 evils."

"Wise lord Hundun follows Shenni, doesn't that prove he is a man of integrity?"

"Sister you are too naive. In my eyes the 4 evils are nothing but mindless dogs."

"You dare accuse lord Taotie of such savagery?"

On and on the argument went. Kunwu who led the secret meeting rubbed his brows. Shangxia beside him also had a complex look, he submitted in respect to Shenni's power but more importantly the promise of a future kingdom.

"Does he truly not plan to uphold our allegiance?" He muttered.

Kunwu scoffed, "Shenni never promised such things to anyone, the 4 evils are liars at best". Shangxia nodded, it seems he had trusted the wrong people. Kunwu continued "What's worse Si Hai had informed me Shenni's behavior is becoming more erratic".

"You have news from Shenni's cave?"

"Si Hai's strength allows him to request an audience with Shenni. Five years ago he informed me Shenni is more prone to rage and violence. The several food farms had also been razed because of it."

"So that was the reason?" Many innate gods were inwardly shocked. Food farms were used to keep primordial beasts happy and controllable. It may have been implemented a scant 15,000 years ago but had proven very useful.

To be fair the facilities were appalling and many innate gods decided to ignore the existence of those places. Kunwu could tell many of them felt uncomfortable when the topic came up.

"Lord Kunwu, it is not wise to turn tail now. Shenni's grasp on the primitive world is strong. We've already pushed deeply into the central continent," a mid stage Taiyi Golden Immortal pointed out.

Many nodded, resistance had been basically zero. Only tribes of innate creatures were left and they lacked any true experts. For the most part, there was no challenge in the war. Very few Heavenly Immortals were dying as very few were left. Innate god resistances had either fled or joined.

"Yuan Li is right, if we turn tail Shenni will kill us before we escape" the fearful spoke out as well. One must know Shenni is not a man who values mercy. Since the beginning, he has killed all who spoke out.

"Shenni does not have a good opinion on mercy" many had also readily agreed. The consensus seemed to slowly drive towards deserting.

Far away Shenni stood by himself looking in contempt at the direction of Mt Buzhou. He had ordered his army to meet him on the way, the various innate gods were of no bother to him. The primordial beasts on their own are enough as is.

A hooded man whose face was hidden in a swirl of chaotic vortex energy stood beside him. This was the primordial god Hundun, the greatest of the 4 evils and the second in command of Shenni.

"Are you really not concerned?" Hundun enquired. Shenni shook his head, his gaze was one of endless rage and focus directed at Mt Buzhou.

"Buzhou must fall, even if I die I will avenge master," he said. Hundun nodded, he could tell there was no disputing with Shenni. Shenni was a man possessed, he had lost what meant most to him. "You will stand behind me yes Hundun?"

"Of course, we were all brothers in arms" he admitted.

"Pangu must pay for what he did to master Demon Ape" he growled. His face contorted into a crazed look of fury. As the other 3 evils approached Mt Buzhou Shenni too blitzed across the continents.

He knew Mt Buzhou was the heart of the cosmos. Not only did it hold up the sky it was also the spine of Pangu. Hidden within the site was also both the brain and heart of Pangu. Once the mountain falls Demon Ape can finally be avenged, his own life did not matter.

His mind harkened back to his meeting over 50,000 years ago with Hongjun approached him during his exile. He roared in rage at the old man's betrayal.

"Lord Shenni" he had said, "I understand your pain, I can show you a path to get back at Pangu". He lent Shenni his own jade disc, the greatest divination tool in all creation. Although he loathed using something of Pangu's belonging it confirmed everything Hongjun said.

As a Golden Immortal then he was powerless to harm the mountain. But now it was a different story, Mt Buzhou must fall, consequences be damned. 'For Demon Ape' he roared a mighty roar that could be heard across the vast wilderness as if issuing a challenge to all beings in the world.

Eastern shore

"Great one, our armies will aid in the battle for our survival" marine Heavenly Immortals from the east sea all bowed to Da Hai when he crossed the seas to land once more. His human form was largely unchanged, his hair still a spongy yellow colour, and wore simple white robes with blue linings.

Da Hai stood on the white lotus with a grateful expression. "I'm afraid not young ones. This battle 100% will result in your deaths".

"Be that as it may great one, the sea is our home. If the universe collapses wouldn't that mean the destruction of our home and deaths of all our families?"

"Yes, but do not worry. I and many others are already making their way to Mt Buzhou. Stay in the east sea and save your strength." He said before leaving westwards leaving the myriad of creatures who were a little unwilling. Nevertheless, they were very grateful that an exalted god like Da Hai cared about them.

In reality, Da Hai thought it would be a waste if they all died in this battle. Shenni's presence alone ensured those below the rank of Golden Immortal to be ants. Golden Immortals themselves will be little more than fodder. Da Hai calculates that the majority of the fighters will have achieved primordial unity at bare minimum.

He could already feel many strong auras traveling towards the central continent. He too must do his part for the necessary survival of the primitive world. However, he first needed to make a visit to an old friend, there was much he needed to apologise for.

On Mt Yujing an old man smiled in satisfaction.
Infact the so called 'Chaos Gods'(not fiends they are just lifeforms born from chaos) are actually HuanYua Dalou with body of Golden Immortal of HuanYuan Dalou.

Also not immortal Qi Should be more of Primodial Qi or Innate Qi ( basically an energy that can be transformed into anything but with life charatericstics)

Also Innate Creatures are immortal due to two things.
They are born from innate Qi and they constantly intake innate Qi.

Also during chaos beast era there shouldn't be any innate creatures like foxes, should be just elementals and Primodial spirits etc.

Also is suspected that HongJun and the demon guy are infact a seperation of Pangu.

Also the lotus wasn't a thing until HongJun preached abt the Immortal Way.

There's also no universal realms just that Innate Gods are top dogs and their mastery and control over Daos determines their realm and strength.

Also the reason you don't want to horde treasure is cuz for every innate treasure you get it cost apart of your luck according to the innate treasure value.

Fated treasures are just treasures that's already prepaid before you were born so might as well pick it up.

The Golden Lotus is the best treasure that can supress luck and it generates merit (before heaven way is born those merits are super op.)

The red lotus can burn karma which means two thing
Can cause damage according to target karmic sins
Can burn away one's karma

Also wasn't white lotus born only when GuanYin is born?
This is an interpretation and I'm playing fast and loose with the normal honghuang rules this is based on.

edit: The chaos gods names are Shenmo meaning demon gods. I'm just using the godfiend name cause it sounds much cooler.

I noticed you were explaining things so just providing details abt chaos gods (the fact that they aren't actually some fiends or evil creatures they were just incarnation of laws given sentience)
Battle for Mt Buzhou
An injured Huoyun sat holding his sides within the fire cloud cave. A noticeable chunck of flesh was missing but slowly growing back with the help of five element lights. Chaotic sword Qi was truly terrifying, even the Dao of five elements struggle to heal the injury it caused.

Huoyun believes he needs to return to at least Hongyuan Da Luo Golden Immortal to confidently recover from such an injury. He groaned frustratingly, he was too reckless. His recovery had been halted for the foreseeable future.

He looked west in the direction of Mt Buzou. Knowing the imminent battle he knew he'd have to help. Should the universe collapse they would not survive the backlash. Huoyun did not care much about innate creatures but he did respect their right to live.

"Damned either way" he muttered regretfully. Knowing he escaped Hongjun was unlikely to let him go. With Shenni closing in on Mt Buzhou things were going from bad to worse. Huoyun's divine sense picked up a familiar signal heading his way.

"What is here doing here?" He got up with support from the cave wall. Walking outside he was greeted with the sight of a flying torrent of water. It descended before him revealing Da Hai. He was physically unchanged but Huoyun noticed something different about him.

"Hello brother Da Hai," he greeted warmly. In such a dire situation, seeing a familiar friendly face lifted his mood.

"You don't have to force yourself to refer to me as such fellow daoist. I am not that Da Hai, not the one you know," he said. Huoyun shook his head.

"Be that as it may, you are still my friend. You do not need to be so unfamiliar with me" he said. Da Hai looked in shock at the daoist of five elements.

"I came here to apologise for all the trouble I caused you all those years ago. Please fellow daoist accept my sincerest apology" he bowed before the Da Luo Golden Immortal.

Huoyun shook his head, "You do not need to apologise, I can tell you experienced some changes. This is good, very good indeed."

"You are correct. Because of a fortuitous encounter, I was able to find my path. I can already see my Dao path"

"You are talented brother, far better than me, it hasn't even been a yuanhui and yet you're already half a step into Da Luo Golden Immortal," he laughed joyfully.

"Nothing much, you on the other hand were a mighty figure that even the destiny demon god feared"

It didn't take long for the distant unfamiliarity to dissipate. The two friends began chatting like old times. Da Hai had realised the goodwill towards Huoyun did not originate from the original Da Hai. He was just someone who clicked with him.

"Shenni is imminent, what are you going to do brother?" Da Hai asked.

"Do you even need to ask? In case you haven't noticed my house is in the primitive world" the two laughed together. It was settled, just like many tens of thousands of years ago, two deities took off for Mt Buzhou.

"I have to warn you though brother, I have learned some things you need to know" Huoyun informed as they took flight.

In the outskirts of the chaos sea, Yang Mei looked back briefly and sighed. He turned around and dived away from the primitive world. Ultimately his own bond was not as strong as Huoyun's, his own Dao came first.

As time passed many mighty figures arrived at the base of Mt Buzhou. Dark storm clouds gathered above the central continent as if the world itself recognised a terrible event will take place soon.

Great gods Kunwu, and Shangxia, had defected and led dozens of innate gods to the central continent. Others such as Shen Feng fled hoping to not get caught up in the conflict. Shenni had done nothing to refute Hongjun's words and ignored them. This cemented their decisions.

Da Hai stepped onto the grounds of Mt Buzhou. He had grown infinitely more powerful since the last time he was here yet the mountains stood just as tall, just as insurmountable. He realised the mountain had grown as well, its powerful aura was leagues ahead of what it once was.

"The primitive world is such a unique place. It's like a living organism of its own" he commented. Huoyun agreed, although the chaos sea will always hold a special place within him, the primitive world did indeed offered much more.

"To think Shenni wants to wipe all this out. What does he get out of it?" Da Hai asked Huoyun.

"I too am unclear. Shenni was little more than Demon Ape's top lackey back then. I guess Demon Ape's death may have something to do with it," the five element daoist responded.

Those around them who heard the conversation nodded as well. Demon Ape despite all his strength was much like the original Da Hai. He fought till the very end and could not survive and reincarnate. It's a pity for such a shining star to die so young, he was the youngest of the four great chaos demon godfiends.

Huoyun scanned around looking for someone. In the end, he looked disappointed when he found nothing.

"What's wrong?" Da Hai asked.

"I was hoping brother Yang Mei would be here. If not him then at least Shichen or destiny demon god"

"That would be pure wish fulfillment, if they were around Shenni would not be much trouble," he paused for a bit revealing a hint of sadness. "But you are right. I hoped Yang Mei could've come too, I have much to thank him".

A host of Taiyi Golden Immortals had arrived, all familiar faces. A small percentage by comparison of chaos godfiends reincarnated and fewer were still around. Old rivals killed off others and Shenni killed the rest. Around 120 were present including Da Hai.

Before long a lunar beam descended from the heavens bringing with it Wangshu. She was a completely new figure, one none recognised. Hence she stood out amongst the crowd of gods and goddesses.

She exchanged greetings with Da Hai who introduced her to Huoyun. Their first contact was a very warm one. Wangshu had managed to recover her left arm to an acceptable degree. Her cultivation was similar to Da Hai, half step Da Luo Golden Immortal.

"I am disappointed" a rumbling voiced called out north of them all. Emperor Shenni flanked by the 4 evils had appeared.

"Give up now Shenni, you are massively outnumbered," an arrogant voice answered. A shirtless strong fisherman stood wielding a harpoon. This was a Da Luo Golden Immortal who had defected, an innate god born from the south seas whose name means four oceans, Si Hai.

"Filthy traitor," Qiong Qi answered with a growl. A majestic aura of Da Luo Golden Immortal descended from the winged tiger suppressing many Taiyi Golden Immortals below him.

Taotie opened his wide disgusting mouth releasing millions upon millions of Primordial beasts. The Taiyi Golden Immortals frowned, did they seriously think mere beasts will be a challenge? That's just looking down on them.

Si Hai waved his arm and many portals opened. Shrimp soldiers, crab warriors, manatee brutes, shark warriors, and countless cultivators of the south seas appeared. Their cultivations were much lower at Heavenly Immortal with the strongest and True Immortal at the weakest. An army of fodder for the primordial beasts.

Some innate gods such as the fabled Demon Eyes, Red Wings, Upper Skies, Earthly Sage, and countless others also brought about their own massive armies. The exited soldiers roared and advanced clashing with the primordial beasts.

"Warriors of the south sea, fight!" Si Hai roared emanating high charisma. The soldiers roared and battled with all their might. They were more than willing to die for their homes.

Da Hai frowned, any one of them could wave their hands and kill off hundreds of thousands of primordial beasts. A small orb of water was released from Da Hai's right palm expanding into a gargantuan sphere of water.

"Salvation comes for those brave and true, let filth be washed away," he released his spell inciting a massive flood that bathed the central continent in seawater. It washed across the battlefield crushing millions of lesser primordial beasts.

The sea creatures were feeling right at home quickly took advantage of the water to battle the stronger beasts. This unfamiliar with the new environment was still unaffected and battled bravely.

One of the 4 creatures Taowu, a scholarly looking man took off his robes and transformed. A massive green feline like creature with a human face covered in red war paint wearing a frown appeared mid air. It opened its mouth and breathed a stream of deadly fire down.

Hundreds of thousands died from the heat and the surface of the water evaporated. Unwilling to wait further dozens Taiyi Golden Immortals flew up to face the Da Luo Golden Immortal Taowu.

"Fellow deists group up. Chaos heaven formation activate," they interlocked their energy to activate various battle formations. With this union, several chaos giants stood with 3 arms and no face. Taowu gleefully met them in battle.

Qiong Qi leaped to battle the arrogant Si Hai. "Betrayer" he roared. The two Da Luo Golden Immortals began clashing fiercely.

Da Hai looked at Wangshu and both nodded. Leaping up they met the monstrous Taotie who looked at the two stunned. "Heh, just two Taiyi small fried" he opened his mouth to bite them.

Da Hai clapped his palms creating a crescent blade of seawater cutting into Taotie's fleshy tongue. "Agh!" He roared as blood was spilled.

Wangshu transformed into her three face six armed form and attacked with dozens of xiantian treasures. The two had experience dealing with Taotie before and knew what to expect. Their cultivations had reached the gate to Da Luo, their Dao fruits were already semi-visible. Taotie could not defeat them quickly.

"Hundun, take the five element daoist. I have a score to settle" Shenni flew in a blaze of purple flame revealing his monstrous beast form. He charged at Mt Buzhou with full intent to destroy it.

"No!" Huoyun transformed into a mass of multi coloured clouds emanating divine light everywhere blocking Shenni's path. Hundun took off his clean revealing a faceless man with silver hair, 4 wings, and 6 arms. He had no legs.

"Fellow daisy Huoyun, allow us to exchange pointers" he charged at the mass of clouds pushing it back.

"Hundun, you were always praised as a wise man. Why would you help a madman like Shenni?" Huoyun roared fighting his hardest to combat Hundun. His injuries were severely hindering him.

Huoyun pushed Hundun back several leagues and sent a blast of light at Shenni.

"You dare?" Shenni slapped at the light but it curved around him wrapping around the beast emperor like chains.

"Stay there for a while, I'll deal with you later" the chains formed a pentagonal shaped prison trapping the beast emperor.

"Hmph," he snorted. With a burst of his power, he attacked the prison head on. His Dao fruit was revealed in all its mutated glory leaving many shocked and afraid. Shenni had recovered the level of Hunan Luo.

"Aiyah, it seems this old man will have to stop you"

Shenni looked up in contempt, "Old thief, come and die". Hongjun had appeared to personally fight Shenni.
Gods vs Four Evils
Huoyun narrowed his eyes when Hongjun appeared above Mt Buzhou. His presence wasn't unexpected given he was the one who kickstarted the battle. Huoyun was simultaneously grateful and furious. This old man had the nerve to act all heroic when he was the one ultimately responsible.

"You dare show your face!" Shenni's single horned lion like beast form shot blasts after blast of spectral ghost fire. The purplish flames brushed against the combined image of the Taiji in front of Hongjun who stood confidently and unconcerned.

Since he arrived many of the innate gods felt at ease. If he was able to stop Shenni then victory was definitely in their hands. Many formations made out of Taiyi Golden Immortal went to fight Taowu while the rest were kept busy.

Hongjun displayed masterful control of the Dao as he fought. Shenni who was so domineering was completely tied down. The old man possessed impeccable defense not allowing the beast emperor to even come near Mt Buzhou.

The beast emperor roared in frustration. He bashed himself against the Taiji image. Spectral ghost fire burned around his whole body searing into the fabric of reality itself. Holes into the void appeared all around him creating suction flow into spatial tides.

"What is this?" Shenni roared. Hongjun smirked but it was covered by his fluffy beard. His defensive treasure, the Taiji painting was a part of the creation trio of spiritual treasures. Since the beginning of the primitive world, he had managed to obtain two of them.

The Taiji painting spun stabilising space around the primitive world. The damage done to reality was fixed just like that. The painting extended covering over a quarter of the central continent in an instant. It set space in place and locked dimensions preventing anyone from entering and exiting. It seemed to those participating in the fight that Hongjun was not taking any chances of Shenni escaping.

"A gift of Pangu's," Hongjun said. Upon hearing those words, Shenni's eyes went bloodshot as if he just found out he was cuckolded. He couldn't even form coherent words anymore and continued fighting carelessly. Many innate creatures who happened to be near him burned to ashes instantly.

It was chaos everywhere, Huoyun was preoccupied with Hundun and victory did not look to be close. Taowu whipped with his tongue shattering a formation crushing 13 Taiyi Golden Immortals at once. The rest formed up and combined into a greater cosmic giant.

Qiong Qi had a flashy duel against Si Hai. Both gods were of the origin of water. In the distant past, these two along with the original Da Hai were known as the 3 primaeval lords of water. Qiong Qi represents corrupted, dirty, or filthy water. Da Hai represents unrestrained an all consuming wave, and Si Hai represents all water in all directions in the world.

"Pathetic, is that all you've got?" Qiong Qi sneered. He brought his paw down and smashed Si Hai's body with great force. His strike ripped through Si Hai's body and clawed out chunks of flesh. The sea god spat out a mouthful of blood and glared at the tiger. He returned by aiming his weapon at his opponent's body.

"Did you forget who I am Qiong Qi?" He lunged forward and pierced Qiong Qi's shoulder with his harpoon. The strike dug deep into Qiang Qi's body before Si Hai dragged it out of the winged tigae. He bashed the end against Qiang Qi's face pushing him into the air. Qiang Qi merely roared and hurled his way back down again. Scrapping off Qiong Qi's flesh Si Hai clashed against the tiger's steel like wings. Both sides grinder against each other before Qiong Qi kicked Si Hai away.

The tiger charged at the sea god who brought up a shield of water bouncing the tiger away.

"I am first beneath the 4 greats" Si Hai charged with incredible might. Da Hai's ocean below rose up in response to his call forming a gargantuan giant of seawater. Si Hai merged himself with the ocean itself grappling with Qiong Qi who grew exponentially in size.
'This was like a scene out of Pacific Rim' thought Da Hai. He did not mind Si Hai taking control of his water nor did he resist the stronger god's attempt to do so. Da Hai was much too preoccupied with Taotie.

He and Wangshu worked in conjunction utilising the inherent connection between the moon and the sea to empower each other. The compatibility allowed Da Hai to grasp the embryonic form of a formation. Although he would still need years to study and perfect such a thing he could already see it taking form.

Wangshu was fully focused on Taotie. Her form was not without injuries, her furious demon face had been smashed in by Taotie's foot. Splinters of wood flew out as she growled in pain, her featrues had completely caved in, flattened against the back of her head. The goddess gripped her fist in rage, she pushed out a recreation of the lunar star punching into Taotie's stomach.

Da Hai punched out at the star, combining his own energy with it. The combined force of the blow heavily dented Taotie's incredibly tough stomach sending him reeling back in surprise. This attack managed to tear through skin and bones, tearing off pieces of flesh and muscle that splintered into maroon red pieces as Taotie was. ushed back. Da Hai created more water to trample over the innate god. Taotie stopped himself by dragging his claws through the air. He bashed his thick face against Da Hai's dissipating all of it into rain droplets in a single hit.

Taotie opened his mouth swallowing an ocean full of raining seawater. He opened his mouth dispensing the contents like a cannon at Wangshu forcing her to manurer out of the way less her body be smashed into paste from the reflected blow. Da Hai frowned when he saw Taotie's stomach restore to its original appearance, the bones had crunched back into place and the torn skin knitted themselves back to their intended place. It was as if no attack had been landed at all.

"This is not working," he told Wangshu who nodded. The gap of a single realm was enormous. The two of them were already half a step into Da Luo fighting a Taotie who had only recently restored to Da Luo Golden Immortal. Yet Taotie was evidently stronger than the both of them.

Da Hai readied the ocean swallowing jug in hand. "Eight head killing!" He declared unleashing eight snake heads all with frightening power. This spell was improved after Da Hai's cultivation rose, its power would tear apart even a peak Taiyi Golden Immortal with ease.

Taotie opened his mouth and bit the water construct in half. His eyes on his shoulders looked at Da Hai mockingly. He sprayed his stomach acid at Da Hai who brought out the 12th grade white lotus in response.

'I need to promote to Da Luo soon' he thought. He scanned the battlefield and saw flashes of Hongjun and Shenni above the clouds. Huoyun was still stalemating Hundun with no signs of clear victory though Huoyun did look to be slowly losing the advantage.

Three other observers who were fighting Taowu along with the cosmic giant also saw Da Hai and Wangshu's miserable state. The cosmic giant was able to hold Taowu back with the conjoined power of over 100 Taiyi Golden Immortals. The three ancestors Kunwu, ancestor Qiankun, and ancestor Shangxia nodded at each other.

Qiankun and Kunqu detached from the cosmic giant and flew to Da Hai and Wangshu. Shangxia took full command of the cosmic giant utilising 7 arms to grapple Taowu. Using his Dao of directions he disorientated Taowu.

"At this stage, you can still affect me?" The evil god was held by the cosmic giant. Shangxia commanded the formation to perform a suplex. They smashed Taowu's painted head into the ground sending a shockwave that could be felt around the world. Taowu's face bled as he rose back up with a snarl, his cranial held an injury of flesh and blood.

Da Hai's ocean was kicked up by the force, sending millions of primordial beasts and innate creatures into the air as well. They crashed back down again pulverising the being of these creatures who could not defend themselves. As a result of friendly fire, plays on all sides were flattened into meat pastes, shards of their bones and flesh littered the ocean painting the ground red. Thanks to Hongjun stabilising space with the Taiji painting no spacial tears occurred as a result of the instability of the universe.

Kunwu and Qiankun arrived to aid Da Hai and Wangshu. The ancestor Kunwu wielded a mighty greatsword known as the Kunwu sword. This great god intercepted Taotie's bite whose teeth were unable to break the blade.

Ancestor Qiankun was the master of the cosmos. He brought out the universal cauldron, it emitted cosmic energy as if it wanted to refine all things in creation. Ancestor Qiankun reached inside the cauldron pulling out a single ruler.

Da Hai recognised both tools. They were famed treasured that belonged to one of the three pure ones, the Heavenly Lord of the Dao and Virtue also known as Grand Supreme Elderly Lord, and several other titles but most famously the Grand Pure One.

This ruler was the universal ruler, one of the greatest offensive weapons in creation. Although the wielder ancestor Qiankun's cultivation was only at the half step Da Luo Golden Immortal realm he still commanded terrifying might.

Qiankun swung with the universal ruler at Taotie. To not allow Taotie to flee Da Hai created many water tendrils to tie down the evil god. Although she was confused by his actions Wangshu aided Da Hai empowering him with her lunar yin radiance while creating ropes of star energy. The combined attack managed to burn its way into Taotie's skin leaving a trail of grotesque black blemishes along his skin.

Wangshu's treasure repertoire was also put to good use. Various low to mid level xiantian spiritual treasures were used to suppress Taotie. Even Kunwu and Qiankun felt jealous of her. The suppression force successfully held down Taotie even despite his superior cultivation base.

The two ancestor's conjoined attack landed on Taotie. Kunwu's sword cut into Taotie's flesh drawing blood. Qiankun's attack however was much more ferocious. The ruler he lifted into the air with all his might was his companion treasure from way back before the primitive world came into existence. In terms of offensive capabilities, then among the strongest of the chaos godfiends, it was considered top three. Even now, even with Qiankun reduced as he was, it was still capable of universe shattering might.

A field of transparent blue Qi formed around the ruler's structure. Reality cracked along with every movement the weapon conducted, caving away as the ruler fell onto Taotie. It was like a celestial comment barreling its way towards the intended target. Even Taotie felt his heart beat rapidly.

"You Dare!" Taotie called out desperately within his binds.

"DIE!" Qiankun responded in kind

Taotie growled and scream, he unleashed a wave that attacked Da Hai and Wangshu. Using his full strength he barely managed an opening that allowed him to get out of the suppression. He pulled his pars back dragging Da Hai towards him. With another swing, he smashed into Da Hai's entire being sending him tumbling into the air. With another swing, he smashed Wangshu simarly. Looking back up, he leapt for Qiankun's attack.

At this late stage, he could not find the time needed to get away from the universal ruler. But he did not wish to stay still and wait for death. As such he'll meet the blow head on.


The universal ruler smashed into Taotie's face and the environment warped along with it. The sound of a skull cracking could be heard. Taowu who had regained his footing and slammed the cosmic giant into the land looked up in shock. Taotie's head bled as he swayed in the air.

Qiankun was clearly very tired after that strike. Using the universal ruler with his current cultivation was not a very good idea. Although Taotie was injured he wasn't close to dying. The good news was that Taotie could not stay conscious for long.

After being struck by the equivalent of an entire minor universe crystallized into a ruler Taotie felt incredibly dizzy. Soon he fell landing with a thud completely unconscious.

This was only a fraction of the universal ruler's power. Wielded by a combatant with a properly high cultivation base, this ruler's attack potency was the equivalent of being bashed by the entire primitive world. Even Hunyuan Da Luo Golden Immortals would be crushed to death. However, the current Qiankun could no longer display that level of might. Even still, Taotia's impressively durable body could not stop him from receiving enormous damage to his head.

The dark deity's brain bounced in his head as his skull cracked and dented from the supercharged strike. Taotie flopped unceremoniously onto the wet ground with a massive thud no longer concious of anything in the world. Although he was very much still alive, he will not be participating in anything anytime soon.

With Taotie out of the picture for now the four flew off to Taowu. Taotie was very nigh impossible to kill for them so he could do little aside from leaving him there.

Up above the clouds, Hongjun gathered purple clouds in his hand. These clouds swept away Shenni's fire breath and sent him hurtling through the skies.

"Despicable Hongjun. I thought you and I understood each other" he roared in rage and slashed with his claws. Hongjun held up his banner blocking the strike.

"Blame yourself for your lack of intelligence" Hongjun used his second hand and unleashed a palm strike. Shenni spat out blood as he was forced back with great force.

"Hongjun, was what you said a lie? Why aren't you helping me!" He attacked once more. Hongjun sighed, 'what a simple fellow' he thought. Shenni was all brawn and no brain, he was the ideal simpleton.
Pellucid Divine Water
"Your maddened ramblings clearly shows me the type of person you are Shenni," Hongjun justified. His battle was as good as won. As good as Shenni had become he was no Luohu.

Shenni was so furious he couldn't even think coherently anymore. He was like a rampaging animal with no higher thought. Hongjun looked at him with pity. 'At the end of the day, we all must do what we must,' he thought.

He deflected Shenni's strike once more with the Taiji painting. The swirling of the double extremities was impervious, it was as if no attack had been made at all. Hongjun surveyed other battles around him. Progress had not been good.

Dozens of reincarnated godfiends had decided not to show and those like Yang Mei had long left for the chaos. It would seem a compromise had to be made. Hongjun will have to be satisfied with what he has at the moment.

He frowned with dissatisfaction when he saw the knocked out Taotie. With Hundun and Qiong Qi tied down, Taowu will be at a severe disadvantage against so many power gods at once.

The difference between Taiyi and Da Luo was vast but this gap had been closed by several factors. The use of the chaos heaven formation interlocked so many times had created a beast of a cosmic giant whose power rivaled a Da Luo Golden Immortal.

Suddenly Hongjun thought of a plan. Shenni was still out of it so it might just work. He brought up the banner and retracted the chaotic sword Qi. Condensing it all around the flag pole it elongated into a grey longsword.

"Marvellous, the power which separated heaven from earth," Hongjun exclaimed. He swung the weapon with both hands directly at Shenni.

"ROAR!" The mindless beast spun in the air, turning into a spinning wheel of purple flames. Spectral screams emanated drawing power from all the deceased souls of the land. While only a short time had passed hundreds of thousands of innate creatures had already perished.

The unique quality of Shenni's spectral ghost fire was the ability to draw in and consume spirits. It was a sinister ability that grew stronger the more souls were added as fuel.

Depressing wails could be heard by everyone across Mt Buzhou. The army of innate creatures felt their hearts give out and their minds breaking. This left them vulnerable to the army of primordial beasts who gladly consumed them

Da Hai who was supporting the cosmic giant with powerful blasts was surprised. 'Things are not looking good,' he thought.

Of course the situation was only bad for the innate creatures below. For the innate gods, they were unconcerned nor bothered by the turn of events. To them as long as the 4 evils are out of the picture then they win.

They also weren't wrong in this thinking. Primordial beasts pose no threat to them nor to Mt Buzhou, they could always kill off these creatures later.

Da Hai however was unsatisfied, he had inherited empathy from the human who perished eons ago and could not tolerate this sight.

"Fellow daoists, can you hold for a little while?" He inquired.

Kunwu who was a bit confused asked, "What's the matter?".

"Yes or no, just answer me"

"Yes, with the addition of fellow daoist Wangshu and yourself Taowu will eventually be defeated"

Da Hai nodded, he allowed himself to break away from the clash of gods and fall towards the battleground below. To the shock of all the innate godfiends Da Hai went to rescue creatures suffering below.

He unleashed the 12th grade white lotus which split into thousands of small flowers all flying towards innate creatures. They attached themselves to their bodies and shielded them from oncoming attacks.

Da Hai controlled the water remaining in the environment. A massive downpour rained over the bodies of countless primordial beasts. Unlike a regular harmless rain, each droplet of water smashed into the beasts as if an anvil was dropped on a regular human.

Beasts died by the millions leaving nothing behind but blood paste. This was the difference between reincarnated innate gods and innate creatures. Despite both being of the immortal realms, one can effortlessly slaughter the other.

Huoyun watched as Da Hai decisively took action killing as much as he can before returning to attack Taowu. 'So different yet so similar,' Huoyun thought. Da Hai did not react at all like he did thousands of years ago, his belief system was a little different from what you'd expect of a chaos godfiend but it would seem Da Hai was fully capable of taking care of himself.

Da Hai formed a drill that pierced at Taowu's stomach. The god growled in visible pain, his body was not as strong as Taotie and it was easier to do damage to him. Although killing him was extremely difficult it was not as hard as Taotie.

Fire and wind swirled around the Da Luo Golden Immortal. Taowu has had enough. Pride as a being of superior power stopped him initially but he'd had enough of being battered.

"You lot really a pest among pests" Taowu's human face growled in anger. He slammed both front paws down at the cosmic giant with great force tearing away at the chaotic energy skin.

"Everyone, repair the wound," ancestor Shangxia commanded the godfiends within the formation. Wangshu moved to grab Taowu with her star whips. Kunwu and the exhausted Qiankun aided her as best they could to attempt to pull Taowu off.

Da Hai who was infront of Taowu slapped the ocean swallowing water jug to blast Taowu like a canon. Taowu roared shooting fire from his mouth meeting the blast. Taowu's focus was on the cosmic giant yet he was still fully capable of resisting Wangshu and Da Hai at the same time.

Kunwu was deeply frustrated as he saw Taowu rip off one of the cosmic giant's arms. 'If only that coward Yingyang was here' he jumped at Taowu's back with his sword.

"Die" he cut across Taowu's soft fur drawing blood which spilled onto the ground. Each drop was like a small lake containing strong vital energy. Taowu whipped his tail around catching Kunwu off guard.

Kunwu spat out blood, his falling body was caught by Taowu's lower legs. Taowu smirked and squeezed.

"NO!" Da Hai, Shangxia, Wangshu, and Qiankun moved to save Kunwu but were too slow as the ancestor was crushed to bits in Taowu's paws helplessly. Bits of scales and flesh dropped from Taowu's paws as the remains of the mighty immortal leaked from his claws. It was a horrifying sight with all the blood and flesh till present but compressed into a long tube of paste. Kunwu was unrecognisable.

Taowu caught sight of Shangxia and said, "You're next". He bit into the cosmic giant's head and tore it off, burning off many formation defences with his flams and cutting what's left with wind.

Taowu's human face revealed a deceptively terrifying mouth. It was filled with rows upon rows of seated fangs accompanying a long red tongue. Taowu's tongue stabbed into the cosmic giant's wound pulling out dozens of Taiyi Golden Immortals.

Ancestor Shangxia however was not helpless. He was a mighty expert of the past and it was not too difficult to repel Taowu's tongue strike. Sadly he could only watch and do nothing as the dozens caught by Taowu perished in the fiend's mouth.

Above the clouds, Hongjun did not show his satisfaction on his face. His desired outcome had already begun to take form.

The sudden death of so many immortals released tons of vitality which the primitive world quickly gobbled up. It was easily more potent then the deaths of the innate creatures.

Taowu leapt off he decapitated and chased the fleeing innate gods. Wangshu could barely slow Taowu down even when she elongate her arms as whip like roots ending in sharp spears. Taowu quickly slapped several more gods to death.

'So much for invincible gods of the chaos,' Da Hai thought bitterly, even in this situation he could only defend himself. His extremely high cultivation base ensured his safety for the moment and he could only kite around Taowu.

"I'd have to get you back for killing our army" Taowu suddenly changed directions and targeted Da Hai directly. The sudden attack caught Da Hai with his metaphorical pants down.

A half complete lotus shield sprung up but was quickly smashed apart by Taowu. Taowu swung his body hitting Da Hai with a flame encased tail slap. The blow was so great that a loud boom was heard and Da Hai's human form spat out blood.

The instant Da Hai was sent flying his true form was revealed, bloodied but alive. Taowu had hit Da Hai so hard, that it knocked him back into the 8 headed snake. His titanic form flew along with the force of the strike and repositioned himself in the air. All eight heads were like dragons as they looked at Taowu.

Da Hai landed groggily on his feet, his sickle like claws dragged across the soil and water stopping him eventually. His eight heads all rose and roared. Eight massive energy blasts raced towards Taowu like falling stars.

Wangshu's tree like appearance was soon joined by Qiankun's spiralling galaxy form. The two joined hands to attack Taowu from the back. Taowu however managed to jump out of the way and flew towards Da Hai.

"All actions have consequences," Taowu said admits his attack.

"I know" Da Hai rose to meet the god in the air. Taowu engulfed his whole body in flames further empowering him. He smashed down at Da Hai like a meteor.

Da Hai in response drew a new spell from within him. His own cultivation since the discovery of his own Dao had been smooth. It allowed him to develop a uniquely powerful resource similar to Shenni's spectral ghost fire or the sun star's pure yang divine sun fire.

Da Hai will not compare them to his own creation in the meantime but with the use of the three brilliance sacred water, it had allowed him to develop his own water different from the pre-established primeval forces.

A transparent water like substance rose up from beneath Da Hai. It met Taowu's flames equally without losing out. To Taowu's shock, he found that he could not overcome this water with ease. The water contained a spirituality unlike any he had seen.

His flames were not special compared to the primaeval fires such as the divine sun fore, nanming divine fire, nor Shenni's spectral ghost fire. However, it was still a pretty good spiritual fire which formed from his cultivation. Easily capable of roasting immortals alive.

The two clashed head on in a tornado of fire and water. The two gods clashed against each other admits the vortex.

"I refuse to believe I can lose to someone inferior" Taowu roared as the two forces met. Da Hai roared in response, his sickle claws extended becoming translucent blades of water.


The tornado was expelled and both individuals appeared. Taowu's body suffered light cuts along with his front limbs and chest. The most noticeable however was the long scar that ran along his face, from right cheek to lower jaw.

Taowu looked down with disbelief and admiration. Although he won the clash he couldn't help but respect the sea god for his strength.

Da Hai's massive body on the other hand crashed into the ocean below. Five of his heads were blown off and chunks of his flesh were missing. His spine was fully visible and even some of his internal organs were on the exterior floating amits the waves rather than where they should be. The remaining three heads looked up in defiance despite sustaining scarring injuries of their own.

"My divine water still needs to improve," he said tiredly. The quality was already beyond his own expectation but it could still be improved. 'Translucent water, now that I think about it I never gave it a name,' he thought. 'I think I'd name it pellucid divine water'.
If I'm not wrg hongjun only studied Dao of fate and three seperation technique.

He fight using spiritual treasures.

Only when he start to fit with heaven did he created the 72 earth
and 36 heavenly spells.
If I'm not wrg hongjun only studied Dao of fate and three seperation technique.

He fight using spiritual treasures.

Only when he start to fit with heaven did he created the 72 earth
and 36 heavenly spells.
Again, fast and loose with all the rules and events. Though I wasn't actually aware of this fact. I thought Hongjun was encompassing the Dao in its entirety as the great balance as his name and position imply.

should mention that in this story, people are creating their own Dao, not comprehending Dao laws.
Again, fast and loose with all the rules and events. Though I wasn't actually aware of this fact. I thought Hongjun was encompassing the Dao in its entirety as the great balance as his name and position imply.

should mention that in this story, people are creating their own Dao, not comprehending Dao laws.

Is more like they are digging their potential...

A Golden Immortal lives forever (And technically golden Immortal can live in chaos) and they can manipulate all elements and can recreate their body and spiritual body.

Even the heaven can't set up rules to limit golden Immortal lifespan and have to kill them off with Clamity.

Also is Hong Jun and Six sages that are responsible for creation of new laws, the whole Hong Huan is part experimental ground. (HongJun created Shinto system, the two western baldies created the relics that are comparable to innate treasures meaning each relic has Great Way fate (Determines whether one can reach Golden Immortal of great way. Is a realm you can't reach just through comprehesion of law as being one means unless killed by special law methods or ritual which are done by same realm or via higher realm a Golden Immortal of great way can reform in the future)(also the big shots innate gods are reincarnation of the chaos gods not chaos gods who reformed as the innate gods)

Also Golden Immortal of great way doesn't need innate Qi infact they produce innate Qi.
YES, another fan of Honghuang, finally a brother in arms.

s more like they are digging their potential...

A Golden Immortal lives forever (And technically golden Immortal can live in chaos) and they can manipulate all elements and can recreate their body and spiritual body.

Even the heaven can't set up rules to limit golden Immortal lifespan and have to kill them off with Clamity.
Very true and yes, Golden Immortals, Taiyi Golden Immortals, and Da Luo Golden Immortals and above all work exactly like this. Their lives and destiny are completely their own and are not in any way limited by the Heavenly Dao, doesn't mean they're superior in power, just means they can't be controlled. Now in this story, Hunyuan, Hunyuan Da Luo, Hunyuan Wuji, realms you know in honghuang as Sage to be, Sage of the Great Way, and whatever is beyond that, are all minor realms of Da Luo Golden Immortals.

Realms sequence: Mortal realms->True Immortal->Profound Immortal->Heavenly Immortal->Golden Immortal->etc

In Primitive age of xianxia, the idea here is not the cultivate the Dao laws of the Dao to completion. An immortal does that way earlier between True Immortal and Heavenly Immortal, these beings are immortals but are limited in their lifespans and their true souls do not belong to them. They can't survive in the chaos sea. In This story, a Heavenly Immortal forms the 3 splendour flower crowns before undergoing the Golden Immortal tribulation. That tribulation involves tearing out their true soul and breaking out of the primitive world.

This cultivation system is based on Desolate Era's, Lord Xue Ying's, Seeking the Flying Sword Path, History's Strongest Senior Brother, and Honghuang cultivation novels. It's not a one to one to say Spiritual Attainments of Minghe.

The final realm in cultivation specifically is the Dao realm, where one's Dao has developed to a point where they encompass all things. Starting from Taiyi Golden Immortal, a cultviators starts exploring and finding their Dao, manifest it into a Dao fruit in Da Luo Golden Immortal, continuously grows it to completion as a singular path in Hunyuan and Hunyuan Da Luo Golden Immortal. Cultivate the universal concepts of the 2 elements and 3 encompassing all things in Hunyuan Wuji Luo Golden Immortal, before reaching Dao realm.

Also is Hong Jun and Six sages that are responsible for creation of new laws, the whole Hong Huan is part experimental ground. (HongJun created Shinto system, the two western baldies created the relics that are comparable to innate treasures meaning each relic has Great Way fate (Determines whether one can reach Golden Immortal of great way. Is a realm you can't reach just through comprehesion of law as being one means unless killed by special law methods or ritual which are done by same realm or via higher realm a Golden Immortal of great way can reform in the future)(also the big shots innate gods are reincarnation of the chaos gods not chaos gods who reformed as the innate gods)
Not really, Hongjun's role is eventually that of an administrator for the Heavenly Dao with the 6 saints under him. The laws are already there, preset, being the remnants of the chaos godfiends. For reference, the godfiends all followed their own Dao, when Pangu killed them, these Daos were harvested by the primitive world and became the Dao laws. They're separated into 3000 Great Daos, and 108,000 lesser Daos. 3000 were Daos belonging to Hunyuan Da Luo Golden Immortals, 108,000 belonged to those between Da Luo and Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

What Hongjun eventually does, is break off the connection to Grand Dao(centre of all things in the multiverse) which stops a Da Luo Golden Immortal from sensing the concepts of encompassing all things. By that end point, people are very capable of reaching Hunyuan Da Luo Golden Immortal. The way the saints, their function, and their power level work is also very different here. They're not Hunyuan Da Luo Golden Immortals, they're way way way beyond that. Honghuang actually nerfed the 3 pure ones for their OC Hongjun to fit in, then nerfed all of them even more.

Also, I'm shying away from the typical bashing portrayals of the "2 bold Donkeys from the west". I've never liked those depictions to begin with. When they're introduced, expect powerful, respectable leaders. Self sacrificing if overly lax Jieyin and a Zhunti who genuinely wants to help the west but isn't malicious.

Again, not a one to one to most Honghuang. Everything I've spouted are stuff I've come up with in this story specifically.

Also Golden Immortal of great way doesn't need innate Qi infact they produce innate Qi.
Yes they do, I can't remember since I wrote the things I'm posting months ago but if there's a continueity error regarding this. My bad, I was pretty negligent, they're supposed to have infinite continuously filling reserves.
Big Explisions
Da Hai's momentary celebration had to be cut short sadly. He could feel his vitality drop by a massive percent. If he insisted to fight then his death is guaranteed. Bringing out the newly named pellucid divine water had exhausted him.

Taowu, despite his injuries, was still fully capable of fighting. This was evident when Qiankun, Wangshu, and Shangxia ganged up on him. Despite the three's attempts, they were unable to significantly harm Taowu. Taowu hopped a few kilometres away out of the way deciding it was better to rest for a bit.

Da Hai got back onto his feet before floating upwards again. Wangshu was injured but very much alive as were the other two ancestors.

"Can you use the universal ruler again?" He heard Wangshu ask as he neared them. The swirling vortex of miniature stars which was Qiankun dimmed and swayed.

"I can barely lift the damn thing," he complained. As if to prove his point the familiar ruler appeared briefly before dropping and disappearing into Qiankun's private dimension.

Da Hai stopped beside the three looking miserable. The three remaining heads were all bleeding from places and scales were missing. Taowu had done a great number on him.

"Without a doubt, Taowu is stronger than Taotie. By my guess he should've been at the Da Luo realm for a while now," he admitted. Wangshu, Shangxia, and Qiankun nodded in agreement. What little remained of the army of innate gods looked extremely nervous.

Taowu who retreated a distance away from them licked his wounds and hissed in discomfort. It was a bit embarrassing to be repelled by one whose cultivation was beneath his but as figures of the same generation as him it wasn't that upsetting.

He had to admit, the loser Qiong Qi described years ago was not the same as the opponent he faced. If they both existed in equal realms, Da Hai will demolish him without a doubt.

Among the 4 evils, there was a certain ranking in power. Hundun was the strongest, he can fight all three of the rest and still win. Taowu came after him slightly edging out on Qiong Qi due to a higher understanding on the Dao. Qiong Qi boast incredible physical might with easily outperforms him but his cultivation into Dao is much lower. Taotie is in much the same boat as Qiong Qi.

If either improved their Dao realm then they can easily surpass Taowu whose own flesh was not impressive when compared to theirs. In fact, Taowu can say the same for all those half step Da Luo Golden Immortals he's fighting now.

Taowu considered himself lucky for breaking into Da Luo Golden Immortal early. The deal they've made was handsomely paid off and their stake in the conflict was ending soon. Kunwu was already dead and it will only be a matter of time before the other troublesome ones die as well.

It's a shame that Yingyang did not come. That was another individual that should be gotten rid of. The 4 evils need every advantage they get out of their early boost because once the truly powerful godfiends catch up, it's game over.

Taowu reignited himself planning to finish them all off once and for all. "It's been a fun one," he said light-heartedly. The flams grew stronger bolstered by the fierce winds. Long green translucent insect wings sprouted from Taowu's back blossoming into large appendages.

Many innate gods looked at the sight in horror. Many got up and wanted to leave, they wanted to break space and teleport out. The sad reality was, they couldn't. The Taiji painting had sealed space in its entirety. Reality was very stable here, far more stable than the normal primitive world.

Glitters of micro-sized orange dust came out of Taowu's fur looking like billions of fireflies. Each one was pretty but very deadly for each one was a bomb containing Taowu's primordial Qi.

Taowu's fangs grew longer protruding out of his face. His mane grew longer as well turning red in colour while his forelimbs elongated turning into human like arms rather than a cat's paws.

"Micro blaze," Taowu chanted softly. He flapped his wind creating a huge gust of wind pushing billions of those bombs out. With a single flap, these bombs spread everywhere.

From a distance, this sight looked amazing. Then one of the specs touched a rat cultivator. The rat was annihilated in an instant, not even dust remained.

Realising what Taowu had just done, everyone started running. However, the scale was simply enormous. Millions of creatures died just like that.

Weak True Immortals died in an instant, Profound Immortals were torn apart with a few dozen specs, Heavenly Immortals lasted longer but they also died. Who knows how many unique tribes just went extinct.

Innate gods fared a lot better. However, Taowu also targeted them specifically. Millions of specs clomped together attacking fleeing innate gods. It took far more but these people were too incinerated.

With the scale of this attack, Da Hai also abandoned the idea of saving everyone. His serpentine body curled up manifesting the white lotus beneath him. He concentrated the defensive power into a single point wrapping Wangshu, Qiankun, Shangxia and himself in a bubble.

Right now, conserving their core fighting force was the most important. He also released water tendrils to grab fleeing gods who were surviving better. Seeing this the others repeated the same action.

However, there were simply too much and these tendrils were obliterated. The four were too exhausted to continue except surviving hence they reinforced the shield around them.

Taowu kept bombarding the group. With Da Hai's current cultivation the defences of the 12th grade white lotus were astounding, its Qi rich environment also helped with recovery even though it was minor.

"This can't last forever," Qiankun told the group. The bombardment was seemingly endless, Taowu had expended a lot of power to kill them all and he was making full use of it.

"There is no possible way we can avoid them," Wangshu argued. Right now the lotus was all they've got between their bodies and the attacks. It may take millions of bombs but they too will eventually fall.

Taowu was also getting impatient. He was successful in killing over a hundred innate gods with a single move. The alliance of four half step Da Luo Golden Immortals were proving to be very difficult to deal with.

He flapped his new wings with great force. The storm of specs resembling a dust cloud all flew towards the white lotus. Taowu took a huge breath and unleashed a gust of orange storm clouds writhing with lightning.

"He's going to explode them all at once," Shangxia sighed hopelessly. He sat down looking defeated.

Da Hai shook his three remaining heads, "I have an idea, fellow daoist what I want to try will be very intrusive upon yourself but it may save us". There was a unique property of the pellucid divine water that could be used after all. It was experimental but it was all Da Hai could think of.

"Just do it, there is not much we can do anyway," Wangshu said in response. Qiankun also nodded, whatever Da Hai wants to do won't really matter as their deaths were all imminent.

"Very well fellow daoist, here I go," the others could feel Da Hai's primordial Qi injecting into their own being. They allowed this to occur but suddenly felt strange. Their insides felt watery.

Da Hai had manifested the pellucid divine water once more using up the remainder of his strength. He morphed his entire body into the substance and did the same to the others as well. The lotus shield disappeared and withdrew within the four shapes of transparent water.

'Desperate aren't we?' The 4 evils who were observing the battle thought in unison. Even if it is water it will still be obliterated into nothingness. The bombs erased anything they touched, they ate away at the very being of their targets.

As soon as the lightning clouds hit the mass gathering of orange bombs, all hell broke loose. The bright flash of light blinded every party present.

Even Hundun who had no facial features covered his empty void like face. He could feel his divine senses going haywire with too many blips going off. Huoyun's cloudy form was much the same, he also took this opportunity to slip away from Hundun.

'Dammit, don't die on me brother' Huoyun thought as he desperately reached for the centre of the explosion.

Qiong Qi and Si Hai who were comparatively closer brought out shields to protect themselves. No attempts to save their armies were offered. Only a few individuals were alive by this point.

As the flash faded away Taowu uncovered his face and his face could only display a shaken expression. 'How?' He asked himself, he was sweating now. Da Hai's group remained completely unharmed, his vast costly spell had been completely wasted.

Wangshu looked at Da Hai. His eyes were closed and his body was swaying. The sea god had long lost conciseness. From below a five coloured cloud caught the serpent. Huoyun had arrived to help.

Qiankun and Shangxia were touching themselves wondering what had happened. The pellucid divine water had taken over their entire being shifting them outside this layer of space.

The central power of the water comes from Da Hai's own Dao. The Dao of ever distant seas signified an existence besides something, here but not here. The divine water existed in another plane of existence besides the space they currently inhabited thus allowed the explosive force to pass through them.

It was an amazing ability with few weaknesses. In order to defeat it, one would need to locate the space the water existed in which if they were at their peak was something fairly manageable given time. A better method was to simply break space into chaos and force the water into real space. Either way, it was an amazing defensive ability to use out of nowhere.

Seeing Da Hai's form Wangshu grew furious. He looked into her pocket dimension and thought, 'Screw it'. She flew towards the still shocked Taowu and spread both arms wide. She wore a maddened fierce expression on her face.

"Let's see how you like a taste of your own medicine," she snarled while deploying much of her treasury. Contrary to many expert's thoughts to store their most private collection in their lair, Wangshu's was always on her person.

It was actually quite common to be targeted for having a good treasure hence many will hide them in discreet locations. Where Wangshu stored her things was not unheard of, just really ballsy.

In an instant thousands of low grade xiantian treasures appeared along with dozens of medium grade treasures. Treasures were incredibly valuable in augmenting someone's strength hence what Wangshu is attempting to do was inconceivable.

"She couldn't possibly!" Si Hai and Qiong Qi were frozen in shock. Although greed was present in their eyes were, it was also evident that they were frozen in panic. They felt Wangshu's energy and realised what she wanted to do.

Taowu who was slowly waking up widened his eyes in terror. Wangshu had thrown out more then 70% of her collection and planned to detonate them all.

The spiritual energy within a single xiantian treasure was heavy. Detonation of one would unleash all of that in a massive shockwave. She gripped her fists and the countdown started, Taowu could feel the primordial Qi contained within each treasure going out of control.

Wangshu faded into a ray of moonlight blitzing into Huoyun'd cloud. The figures of the 12th grade white lotus, universal cauldron, up down compass, five element pearl, and the celestial moon crown flashed. Huoyun was borrowing these treasures to protect his group.

Hundun was also rushing towards Taowu at top speed. He cannot allow his brother to die.

Then the second explosion went off.
If the first explosion was a large scale bombing raid, the current explosion is a nuclear bomb. The concentrated explosion of thousands of xiantian spiritual treasures were magnified by primordial Qi within said treasures going haywire. The instability generated a far deadlier force indiscriminate of who it hit.

Ancestor Si Hai and Qiong Qi were at the edges of the explosion but both were blown back heavily burnt. Qiong Qi's wings were ruined, his fur was blackened with burn marks. Si Hai was even worse better, his natural water Dao was heavily damaged and his body, charred black.

Both combatants landed many hundreds of kilometres away from Mt Buzhou unconscious. The shockwave had charred the land reducing the surrounding area around Mt Buzhou into a smouldering crater.

The explosive force was comparable to a Da Luo Golden Immortal self detonating. Huoyun calculates that chances of anyone at the epicentre of the explosion surviving were slim to none.

He had managed to receive Wangshu who gave up her celestial moon crown to him for use. Top grade xiantian spiritual treasures could only unleash their full power with someone of high cultivation. Huoyun's Da Luo Golden Immortal cultivation base fully protected his charges.

Unfortunately, they seem to be the only survivors. None of the innate gods who arrived had survived. Huoyun surveyed the massive crater, the smoke was beginning to clear.

Taotie who was shaken awake by the explosion also looked over in fear. He immediately tried to sense the presence of his brothers and quickly found the unconscious Qiong Qi. He swallowed his saliva in nervousness.

At the crater, Hundun's damaged figure was revealed. Five of his arms were blown off and he'd only retained half of his body and his four wings. Hundun's featureless face faced Huoyun's cloud form, while indistinguishable, rage could be felt coming from him.

His last remaining hand clasped a decaying ball of orange-green light. It was convulsing as if it was unstable and about to collapse.

Huoyun realised immediately it was Taowu's nascent soul or at least what was left of it. Hundun was the only thing keeping the soul together and even then it did not look like it'd last long.

Huoyun's shield faded away and his multi coloured clouds receded back to his human form dressed in red robes. The battered figures of Qiankun, Shangxia, Wangshu, and Da Hai appeared behind him sitting on Da Hai's 12th grade white lotus who expanded to accommodate all of them.

Huoyun himself wasn't looking too good, blood was dripping from his mouth and he appeared very pale. However, it was much better compared to the mutilated Hundun.

"Brother, I was useless" Taowu's weak voice was heard by Hundun. The nascent soul completely dispersed leaving Hundun on his own. From this day the 4 evils just became 3. Hundun's mood was extremely terrible right now.

Four chaos hatchets appeared around him floating mid air. Hundun motioned for them to attack Huoyun. The daoist of five elements in response released the five element pearls.

Both top grade xiantian spiritual treasures clashed albeit much weaker compared to their earlier battles. Neither Hundun nor Huoyun could use their abilities to their maximum potential.

The hatchets retreated and faded away leaving the two in a staredown. Taotie's chubby human body slowly floated towards Hundun.

"Big brother, what are we going to do now?" He asked hopelessly. Hundun's true form receded back into a cloaked faceless human. He looked very tired, he stared up at the skies above him.

Waving his arms around he easily tore into space. "The great balance had been broken," he stated. From his test just now it was evident the bindings of the Taiji painting was no longer in effect. "A tactical retreat is the best option," he said.

"What about senior brother Qiong Qi?" Taotie asked. Hundun looked in Qiong Qi's direction and had a thought. It would be great if could kill Si Hai right now. He looked back at Huoyun then up at Hongjun.

"Our lord should be arriving soon as well. There's no need to panic," he said much to Taotie's confusion. Despite the distance, Huoyun had also heard him and felt extremely confused. Shenni was as good as dead, what is Hundun talking about.

Hongjun cut deeply into Shenni with the Pangu banner's sword form. With a hard swing, he cleaved off Shenni's right paw. Purple light shone at his feet and he kicked Shenni forcing him to spit out blood. The beast emperor howled in pain and rage.

"Hongjun you bastard, you will regret using me!" He roared and charged despite his grievous wounds.

Hongjun sighed, "Foolish, did you never think that since I gave you your cultivation, I could also take it away?" He raised his palm at Shenni, "Playing with you has been fun but we're on a schedule. I'm afraid this is where we part ways".

A massive bright seal with the image of the taijitsu appeared. "Your death shall herald a new era Shenni, a new year for us all," Hongjun said cheerfully pressing down towards the beast emperor.

Shenni could feel himself weakening before the seal. His primordial Qi was being sucked out, his Dao fruit was breaking apart. His body was riddled with injuries, blood and guts spilling out, bones protruding where they should not be. He felt extremely regretful at himself but also furious. However, his anger just kept increasing. His grotesque state did not stop him from getting up on all fours and snarling.

"Damn you, lying thief," he uttered out before being completely engulfed by the seal. The attack parted the clouds landing at the base of Mt Buzhou.

Hongjun retracted the Pangu banner while folding both hands behind his back. He looked extremely pristine and majestic as he descended from the heavens. The Taiji painting was also retrieved by him.

Hongjun was surprised, the Taiji painting's space locking effect had been broken by the explosion earlier. It would seem his control over the treasure would need to be increased by another level first before he gains full mastery over it.

"Thank you for your hard work fellow daoists," he nodded towards the surviving few. With a single conflict, nearly all reincarnated chaos godfiends had perished. The remaining ones were the few before him and they were reduced to a sorry state.

Hongjun could already feel the gestation process nearing completion. An extra few deaths should be enough. Although he felt regretful he justified to himself that they were dying for a good cause. Sacrifices were needed in pursuit of the Dao. 'All things for the Dao,' he recited as he was taught so long ago. God or fiend, it didn't matter what they became, so long as they reach the end goal.

He scanned both groups before detecting Louhu's oncoming presence. 'Talentless hack,' he thought in displeasure. Dark clouds gathered over the western horizon accompanied by silver lightning bolts.

A majestic aura and the sounds of chanting were heard from the west. Auspicious black dragons and phoenixes danced across the skies signalling the arrival of an equally mighty figure.

A black lotus suddenly descended from the western direction. A young man with an elegant smile stood atop it holding a deadly spear in hand. Luohu had arrived in spectacular fashion along with an enturage of his followers. The mystical power he emanated was no less than Hongjun's, far more than Shenni.

Accompanying Louhu was a host of other beings. Most prominently was an androgynous individual. He had three black eyes, long silver hair, and four arms. His skin was tanned brown and he held a black pagoda in one of its hands.

This individual's cultivation was very high at least Da Luo Golden Immortal realm. Luohu's right hand man, the demon king of the sixth heaven, Mara who the Japanese of earth knew as Hajun.

"Why have you come Luohu?" Hongjun asked righteously. He put on the image of a heroic elder meeting an evil demon. His purple aura screamed trust me.

"Don't mind me old friend, I'm simply here the pick up a few subordinates," he waved at Hundun to come over. Hundun much to everyone's shock took Taotie by the waist and flew towards Lou grabbing Qiong Qi along the way.

"Forgive me master, Taowu could not make it," he kneeled immediately upon landing on the black lotus. Lou laughed softly as if the loss did not bother him.

"Accidents are bound to happen," he forgave Hundun. "We still have a bit of his blood essence stored on Mt Sumeru so we can work something out".

Hundun nodded and motioned the stunned Taotie to follow him. The devilish aura was extremely frightening yet comforting to the innate god. He felt truly alive as if he could do whatever he wanted, consequences no longer mattered, conscience couldn't stop you, all things belonged to you.

Hundun clicked his fingers snapping tatie out of his visions. He chastised Taotie via voice transmission and made a mental note to improve Taotie's Dao heart. He handed the brutalised Qiong Qi to a hairy looking devil for medical attention and moved beside Luohu.

"Double agent huh? He never did seem like the sort to follow Shenni," Shangxia commented upon the change of allegiance. Now that Luohu is here another fight looked to be starting soon between both mighty beings.

"Hundun, even you?" Shenni's weak voice called out from the base of Mt Buzhou. His broken form slowly crawled out inch by inch staring in disbelief at the 3 evils. Hongjun narrowed his eyes in annoyance, 'So stubborn,' he thought.

"Can I trust no one in this forsaken world?" He cursed. "Are all of you just ungrateful curs? Do none of you remember the kindness master showed all of you?"

"Your actions were fundamentally illogical Shenni," Hundun stated in a cold detached voice. His tone was devoid of any significant emotion even when faced with his former master. "Your actions would've doomed us all. Why destroy everything when this world provides so much opportunity? All you'll be doing is killing all of us in a suicidal move of petty grief," he added.

"Curse you, curse every one of you. You spit on master's grave," Shenni cursed in tears. He could not control his emotions at all. His uncontrollable tears touched the ruined soil leaving wet patches.

Luohu sneered at the weeping Shenni and said, "How pathetic."

Shenni looked up at Luohu in rage. Now it all made sense why the 4 evils cultivated so fast. Luohu must've had something to do with it otherwise they'd probably still be Taiyi Golden Immortal.

'Just like Hongjun offered me,' he realised in depression. He laughed bitterly before glaring at both titans among gods.

"Don't write me off so easily. I am Shenni, most loyal of Demon Ape's general and I will avenge my master," accompanying his scream his body glowed golden. Large cracks appeared on his body.

Hongjun and Luohu widened their eyes. 'Stop him,' they thought in unison. They both deployed the Taiji painting and 12th grade black lotus in unison at the maddened beast emperor.

"Devils, help out as well," Luohu commanded and his army jumped off the black lotus leaping into action. They brought out various low grade xiantian spiritual treasures and even lower ranking primordial spiritual treasures.

Amongst the chaos Huoyun realised his chance. He turned towards the injured immortals beside him and said, "Fellow daoists, please use this opportunity to escape."

Qiankun and Shangxia did not hesitate, they bolted immediately. Wangshu looked at the two hesitantly before sighing loudly, she too transformed into a silver light rising above the atmosphere.

Huoyun transformed into a mass of cloud clinging onto Da Hai's body and ran as well. Staying here any longer would be extremely dangerous. He looked at the unconscious Si Hai and felt slightly complex.

"You are a fellow daoist too," he muttered sending a jolt of red lightning at Si Hai waking the man up. Upon realising his situation, the sea god followed the others examples and ran as well.

"Let's all die together," Shenni smiled widely. His body glowed like a star, the three spenders, 5 Qi unification, nascent soul, and Dao fruit shook violently. The unstable force screamed in destructive power.

"Forgive me, master," Shenni let loose a single tear. Memories from yesteryear poured over his mind. The first time he witnessed Demon Ape fighting, the times his master tore out the throats of his enemies. The guzzling blood as his victims gargled to death. The desecrated corpses of those arrogant godfiends of the previous generation. 'Those were good times,' he thought. Then he exploded.
A New Era Dawns
The self detonation of a Da Luo Golden Immortal was extremely dangerous. The inner cosmos and all the constructed foundations that were formerly stable became highly volatile resulting in an explosion on a truly massive scale.

Shenni's suicide attempt would've easily obliterated the infant primitive world. The power generated was in fact enough to kill many fellow cultivators of the same or even higher realm.

Which is why the actions taken by Hongjun and Luohu were so impressive. The two worked in unison, harnessing some of the greatest defensive treasures and techniques to contain the blast.

Taiji painting, unbreaking balance that locked dimensions. The 12th grade black lotus, indestructible wrapping around the epicentre of the explosion. Fortune jade disc, its natural karmic luck bolstered the power of the former two.

As in the attempt was the nine devils pagoda wielded by Mara. Wrapped in mysterious snake constructs and floating orbs of power. This pagoda opened its doors sealing the explosion within.

As quickly as it occurred, it ended. Shenni's suicide bombing had accomplished nothing in the end. The blast harmlessly passed signaling the death of the former beast emperor.

All that was left was a small sparkle that exploded into a flower of light. If Da Hai were present he'd licked it to a fireworks display.

Hongjun could feel the cultivation base of Shenni fly towards the peak of Mt Buzhou. In the end, all Shenni accomplished was the aiding of the primitive world. The end result was the complete opposite of what he wanted to achieve.

"Just one more," Luohu said softly. Hongjun eyed the experts behind Luohu, the devil ancestor starred back in return. It was a sit Luohu was darling Hongjun to attack. Currently, Hongjun was nowhere near ready to fight the full force of the devilish Dao.

"Indeed, only a little more and this farce can truly end," Hongjun nodded to Luohu. Silently they both came to an agreement, they simultaneously stared eastwards.

"Return to Mt Sumeru," Luohu ordered. His subordinates not daring to argue bowed in fear and reverence.

"As you command, master," the hairy ape man at the front turned around and led the lesser devils away. Hundun, Mara, and the high level gods nodded to Luohu trusting him to bring glory to the devilish Dao. Luohu did not need their help for he was fully capable of handling himself.

Hongjun frowned at the scene. He had really fallen behind, had he become complacent in the east? Mutually agreeing, the two flew rapidly chasing after Huoyun in the east.

Da Hai groggily opened his eyes. His serpentine body was wrapped in masses of colourful clouds, sitting within the 12th grade white lotus. He immediately recognised the person carrying him.

"Wh…where, Taowu," he stuttered in hand conscious confusion.

"The situation had been handled," Huoyun answered Da Hai much to his relief. He wasn't sure pellucid divine water's phasing out of this dimension would work considering the Taiji painting. He made a gentle note to conduct more studies in the future.

"I am glad that's all over, I'm looking forward to taking a long nap after this," he said. Da Hai began stretching his body, his severed head's necks followed along. The pain was still very real but nothing he couldn't handle.

Da Hai looked at his own pulsating flesh. Primordial Qi from the 12th grade white lotus was already working on healing him but Da Hai would need years to fully recover.

'Looking at your own wounds is gross,' he thought. He began shrinking wrapping himself and adopted a human form again. His human form appeared whole if a little pale.

He sat down and stretched some more whilst admiring the floating colours of Huoyun's cloud body. He could glimpse the Dao of the five elements with clarity. As a being of water, he could learn a thing or two from Huoyun's Dao.

In this regard, a human form was much better than his true form. In truth, only Da Hai called it the human form due to his relation to his predecessor. The true name should be Dao body, a construct most ideal for enlightenment into Dao.

The form of four limbs and five digits was what is closest to the Dao. Calling it the human form was very wrong. Humanity merely resembled this look. Da Hai recalled Nuwa's legend, of how she molded the first humans from clay.

The day she gave them their bodies and declared them a new race was the day humanity will be born. Due to their appearance, they gained natural Dao bodies, unlike innate creatures who had to cultivate to a certain level before gaining theirs.

For powerful gods like Da Hai and the chaos godfiends, they were born at Golden Immortal and they too possessed an already formed Dao body. Innate creatures who were already immortals were much the same.

The two continued to travel rapidly. Huoyun had broken space and was teleporting with blitzing. They had already returned to the east continent.

Da Hai smiled, "Brother Huoyun, you should come to visit me in the east sea." He began telling the innate god all the things underneath the sea. How the times of sea creatures had expanded peacefully for the past 10,000 years. How coral like herbs grew on the sea bed that were very beneficial to cultivation.

Da Hai also brought up the untapped riches of the east sea. How large gatherings of primordial Qi will eventually spawn an embryo that could be forged into primordial spiritual treasures. If you were lucky a low grade xiantian spiritual treasure may form.

As Da Hai was speaking Huoyun's true form receded back into his human form. He looked incredibly uneasy.

"What's wrong?" Da Hai asked. Huoyun looked back west and sighed. He motioned for Da Hai to follow.

"You know, the primitive world really is a wonderful place," he said. "During the chaos, we had observed some naturally forming worlds from a distance but never approached. The beings there were just so weak, so insignificant. However that drive to survive had always been something I admired. I do not truly care about them, but I do think that they have a right to attempt it."

"Why the sudden philosophical talk?" Da Hai asked him curiously at the sudden change of tone.

"Shenni's goal of destroying everything compromised that desire. The primitive world and all its living inhabitants wanted to live as well. I did not want conflict with Shenni, but it was inevitable we would clash," Huoyun continued looking around sadly.

"We were all fellow daoists of the chaos, in this new world we should not fight each other," He admitted. He looked at the primitive world with a complex expression.

"Do you want to know something?" Huoyun suddenly asked. Da Hai who was increasingly worried about Huoyun nodded.

"I perfectly understand Shenni. Deep down I also hate the primitive world," he said with a loud sigh. Da Hai was shocked, "What are you saying?" He asked.

"It all traces back to Pangu. I spent years in that cave cursing his name. I was so happy in the chaos," tears began welling as a look of frustration appeared on his pale face. "You want to open a world? Sure go ahead, I applaud you for it. But why did you have to kill me?"

He looked in the direction of Mt Buzhou and said, "Why did I have to die for your goals? Why did you have to slaughter us?" He turned back to look at the concerned Da Hai, "Sorry for my ramblings brother. I just felt I needed to vent before it's too late".

"What?" Before Da Hai could even complete his sentence Huoyun moved. A large seal formed by the five element pearls formed a trigram of the five elements. Before Da Hai could react it bound the sea god.

"What is the meaning of this?" Da Hai roared angrily at Huoyun. The daoist of the five elements had the face of a man in acceptance.

"Saving you," he said. With a swipe, he pushed the sealed Da Hai away. Da Hai landed in a large lake, the trigram formed massive chains blocking the lake. Primordial Qi, pure spirit energy of the world gathered, erecting the soil around the lake.

In an instant, a massive mountain with an underground lake formed before Huoyun. After it was completed, all traces of the seal had disappeared. It was as if the mountain formed naturally.

Huoyun looked back west and brought out the five element pearls. Before long the majestic figures of Hongjun and Luohu appeared before Huoyun.

"Finally stopped running?" Luohu taunted. "Where did that snake with you go?"

Huoyun didn't answer, he immediately charged Luohu. The devil ancestor scoffed, the current Huoyun was so tired, so weak that he couldn't put up much of a fight. Luohu pierced deeply into Huoyun's stomach stopping him mid air.

"Die!" Huoyun shot the five element pearls out along with his fist punching Luohu with his remaining strength. The devil ancestor easily caught the attack and crushed Huoyun's fist.

"So much for the 4 greats," Luohu tore into Huoyun's chest. The dying innate god looked miserable.

"One day Luohu, one day you will pay. You and Hongjun," he managed to make out before his body collapsed into Dao essence.

"And so it is complete, now the Heavenly Dao can… wait where did he go?" Luohu looked around and saw Hongjun's figure dashing away from him back towards Mt Buzhou.

"You fucker!" He roared and chased furiously. They had come together to keep an eye on the other but who knew Hongjun was so sly.

In their haste, they ignored the new mountain Huoyun had made and the sound of enraged wailing emanating from within its underground lake and the sound of someone desperately bashing against a wall.

"Hongjun you old bastard!" Luohu called out as both deities flashed to Mt Buzhou. Hongjun arrived first and immediately unleashed his immortal power. He sent his own Dao signature into the Heavenly Dao.

Not to be outdone Luohu threw out his own lot as well. He cannot let Hongjun grab all the benefits. Since Hongjun was distracted by the Heavenly Dao, Luohu was able to send a bit of himself into it as well.

The golden egg cracked when both signatures entered. Hongjun did not have time to be angry when vast Dao might flooded the primitive world. Hongjun gritted his teeth when he saw the laughing Luohu fly away. The war between the two had just begun.

The situation could however be salvaged. As long as he can win the Heavenly Dao over and convince it that his immortal Dao was superior, then he can still win. Luohu will be pushed out, Hongjun had already seen it.

Beneath the mountain, Da Hai watched as a radiant light illuminated in the distance from Mt Buzhou. Heavenly thunder and lightning roared along with celestial clouds. Constructs of auspicious dragons, phoenixes, qilins, turtles, tigers, and many creatures roared in harmony.

Golden soldiers made of pure Dao essence danced admits the heavens. The Heavenly Dao had finally appeared.

Across the world, a change was felt. The lands became more stable, primordial Qi became richer. The vast wilderness was overall a vastly more stable space.

True Immortals suddenly discovered they were no longer as strong as before. They could no longer run, fly, not punch as hard and their magical powers were weakened.

Profound Immortals and Heavenly Immortals discovered that space could not be broken so easily. They cannot wantonly break reality and teleport without paying a heavy price.

Another change was the sheer richness of primordial Qi. Many living beings felt that cultivation was so much easier than before. A breakthrough to the next realm might be possible now.

The current yuanhui had ended, 129,600 years had passed since Pangu opened the primitive world. A new era had dawned.
Secrets Within Mt Buzhou
The great wilderness had finally entered an era of peace and prosperous growth. Thousands upon thousands of innate creatures manifested, populating all sides of the primitive universe. Though the suppression of the Heavenly Dao limited their abilities, and by extension their ability to travel, these tribes were able to slowly carve out a territory amongst themselves.

However, it was inevitable such expansions will bring a rise to conflict. Because of the disappearance of a vast majority of ancestral masters, the innate creatures were able to rise as masters of the north, south, and east continents.

A thousand years after the great battle against Shenni, two tribes of innate creatures were having a territorial dispute on sorrow cliff mountain. It was named as such due to rumours of crying being heard from the mountain many centuries ago.

"Old Meng, you really are a fiend. You actually dared to trespass into our rhino clan's territory?" A buff elder at the Profound Immortal realm called out.

A sleek snake like man scoffed, "Your territory? Our ancestor claimed this land thousands of years ago. You upstarts were the ones who stole it".

"We've been here for millennia without issue. You can only blame yourselves for being too weak to keep your own lands," the rhino elder mocked. The snake's elder Meng signalled for his men to attack.

Soon another battle ensued. These battles have been on the rise for the past few decades. It was not strange for the desolate soil rhino clan and the dreaming white serpent clan to clash.

The chieftains of both clans were early stage Profound Immortal cultivators. Heavenly Immortals among innate creatures were exceedingly rare so their current cultivation was considered very good.

They ran across the mountain fighting fiercely, hurling boulders and uprooting forests with their primordial spiritual weapons. At some point, they released their true forms and continued fighting

The giant white snake hundreds of metres in length managed to coil around the rhino. Around them, the snakes were beginning to gain an advantage over the rhinos. Their speed and corrosive venom cultivated from their special bloodline were very useful in defeating the rhinos.

'Will this be the end of my desolate soil rhino clan?' The rhino elder thought depressingly. His clan was a new tribe that sprung up after the Heavenly Dao came into effect. In comparison to the dreaming white serpent clan, they were indeed worse off.

Suddenly the ground shook shocking both armies. The mountain they were fighting over was trembling. Avalanches of soil, rocks, and forestry tumbled down the mountain.

The shaking was so violent that both sides had to flee. Their war was forgotten as the mountain howled in sorrow and fury.

The mountain that had sat for over a thousand years erupted in a fountain of soil and debris.

Admits the rubble, a titanic 8 headed serpent with long sickle like claws sat with gleaming blue scales and flowing yellow hair. It was clearly aquatic in nature as it possessed fins, whiskers, and gills.

Da Hai had fully recovered, his cultivation base of Taiyi Golden Immortal peak showed signs of breaking through at any time. His eight heads surveyed the fearful creatures far away from him.

'The world has changed,' he thought. In the past, innate creatures had to survive primordial beasts and reincarnated chaos godfiends alike. These days most innate gods were dead and primordial beasts were non existent. The former died during the war while the latter was exterminated by the Heavenly Dao.

Primordial beasts were always little more than a tremor in the primitive world. Their extinction was inevitable, even if the Heavenly Dao missed a few, they were unlikely to live peacefully in the future.

Da Hai stared across vast distances, his superior eyesight could pierce the dimensional fabric of the western border of the east continent. Mt Buzhou was easily in sight.

Rage welled up in the sea god, all consuming rage. Da Hai's heads turned to stare in two directions. One west, towards Mt Sumeru at the being who killed Huoyun. The other was further east past Mt Kunlun to mysterious Mt Yujing, the abode of the schemer Hongjun.

At that moment a burning desire for vengence burned within Da Hai. His bloodlust gushed out of him terrifying both serpents and rhinos alike. These creatures immediately prostrated themselves begging the god for mercy.

They cursed their luck to run into an ancient powerhouse so soon. 'Weren't they all supposed to be dead?' They cursed.

However soon the rage gave way to depression. Da Hai hung his heads, retracting into his human form. There were changes to it now. While he still wore white robes with blue lining, he was physically older and taller.

Da Hai now resembled a young man in his twenties filled with anger. He thought about the sheer difference between Hongjun, Luohu and himself and sighed.

Looking at the direction of Mt Buzhou, Da Hai pondered. Perhaps he could discover something there that can help him defeat Hongjun and Luohu. Mt Buzhou was extraordinary, it is his only hope right now. As the spine of Pangu and the pillar of heaven, it should be the only thing that could help him.

Da Hai ignored the prostrating rhinos and snakes and left the area. Breaking through space, he teleported towards the central continent.

"Heaven was on our side, we were truly lucky," a rhino said in excitement. Both clans survived a terrifying ordeal that still left them trembling. They looked at each other and suddenly had a thought.

Soon an alliance was formed bringing peace to the surrounding regions. As thanks to Da Hai for indirectly bringing peace to their clans, a statue of the 8 headed snake was built for worship.

A decade later, Da Hai reached the base of Mt Buzhou. He stared at the golden merit within his inner cosmos and laughed in amusement. Sadly he had much more pressing matters to attend to.

He scaled the celestial mountain. With his peak Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation base it was easy to begin. However, he soon felt suppressed and had to land on his feet. The suppression force on Mt Buzhou was much stronger compared to the previous era.

As the primitive world grew in strength, Mt Buzhou grew with it. Even Da Hai who was 50% of the way through could no longer fly.

Undaunted Da Hai began hiking on foot. With his high strength and agility he continuously dashed up the mountain. However, as he went up the suppression force kept getting stronger and stronger.

At 70% of the way up Da Hai could barely move. The suppression force was increasing exponentially. Da Hai could barely lift his body from the ground.

Forcing his head against gravity he looked up at the sky. The sky above the upper area of Mt Buzhou was pure golden. The current Mt Buzhou could be considered a universe in and of itself hence changes within could hardly be felt outside. The auspicious sky of Mt Buzhou could not be seen from the base of the mountain.

Da Hai guessed the golden sky was the Heavenly Dao's true form. The feeling it gave him was simply terrifying. He had seen Da Luo Golden Immortals in action and from the original Da Hai's memories, Hunyuan Golden Immortal and Hunyuan Da Luo Golden Immortals.

Yet nothing short of Huyuan Da Luo Golden Immortals can even come close to the Heavenly Dao. Even then, he'd wager that even those immortal gods would be forced to retreat.

'To think it is still in its infancy,' he thought in wonder. The heavenly Dao was still young, it was bound to grow stronger over time. In the future, during the era of the six saints, the Heavenly Dao was more than capable of suppressing experts of that level.

Da Hai attempted to get up only to be crushed again. He could feel a familiar Dao essence of Hongjun and Luohu above him. He felt extremely hateful.

Witnessing Luohu killing Huoyun and arresting the five element pearls had infuriated him to no end. He had to do something, he couldn't let go. He had to think of a way.

The golden skies shined with divine light. The dark energy of the devil and the pure energy of the immortal could be seen within fighting for dominance.

However, the majority of primordial golden might still hold dominance over the two. It ignored the fighting completely as if it wasn't even aware of it.

"Will of the Heavenly Dao, I wish you no harm. I can see Hongjun and Luohu had done something to you. I wish to rectify it," Da Hai proclaimed, although he was only using this as an excuse. In truth, he wanted to screw over the Dao and devil ancestors.

The golden clouds rumbled, the fighting of devilish Dao and Immortal Dao was pushed to the wayside until it could no longer be felt. An unspeakable might barrelled onto Da Hai pushing him off the mountain.

Da Hai fell helplessly off Mt Buzhou's upper stratum. He fell and fell for days, weeks, months without seeing the bottom.

Eventually, he landed in a pool of blood. It was then that Da Hai regained his freedom. He had sustained some injuries and was bleeding Dao essence. Quickly, he swam upwards until he broke the surface.

He discovered that he had crashed into a large pool of blood about 50 metres radius. He quickly got out of it and looked around him. Surrounding him were 12 similar pools of blood.

Da Hai widened his eyes in realisation. 'Twelve ancestral Wu,' he thought. The famed ancient gods of china, predating the heavenly court of daoism.

"This means that behind me is," Da Hai turned around. What met him was a gargantuan royal pavilion hundreds of thousands of metres in size. Its massive pillars held up its circular roof and hung a massive sign post displaying the following words.

Pangu Temple!

Da Hai knelt down and kowtowed in respect. The Pangu temple was what became of the heart of Pangu. It was hidden deeply within Mt Buzhou and no one knows how to even begin looking for it.

After kowtowing in reference Da Hai got up. He could feel a pulse within him. Something telling him to go inside. Da Hai nodded to himself, perhaps the Heavenly Dao wasn't trying to harm him.

He walked up to the massive doors thousands of kilometres high. Da Hai was only 1.7 metres tall. He looked insignificant compared to the temple. Even his true form will be tiny in comparison.

He raise his arms and pushed the doors open. Inside he saw murals, paintings carved into the walls depicting scenes of battles, individuals, and universes. He recognised every single individual depicted, they were the 3000 chaos godfiends.

These murals showed the memories of the chaos period, of the mighty gods who fought for dominance. They all led to a centre point where 12 circular thrones sat arranged in a circular position atop of the 8 trigrams. Each seat displayed strange symbols.

Da Hai recognised them as the writings used by the chaos godfiends. This language was mystical in nature, only readable with a high enough cultivation otherwise they'd just be gibberish.

Each symbol named one of the core elements of the Heavenly Dao, natural laws of the world. Forces of nature integral to maintaining balance and existence of the Primitive world, divine authority of the gods.

Chaos, world, wood, metal, fire, sky, violent water, war and battle, lightning, death, calm water, and soil.

At the very back wall was a lonesome statue of a hairy fierce looking man. Yet he also looked wise dressed in grass-like loin cloth with an emblem of the taiji displayed. He stood on a spinning lotus, held an axe in his right hand, and a disc with the image of a butterfly spun behind him.

Da Hai stood before this statue and bowed in respect.

"You have come," a weak ancient voice called to Da Hai. The statue's eyes had brightened up in pale luminescent light.

"Junior greets you, great god Pangu," Da Hai answered.
Da Hai and Pangu
Da Hai was very respectful towards the statue of Pangu who spoke to him through an inanimate object carved in his perfect visage. Statues generally have some differences compared to the former but based on Da Hai's memories of the Pangu god, this statue was exactly the same.

The lifelike statue did not move despite speaking. The glow in its eyes was very soft as if it'd fade soon. Da hai knew Pangu fell after completing his task. When heaven was finally opened Pangu sacrificed himself to become a stabilising factor for the world.

The primitive world a yuanhui ago had been split apart for 18,000 years, a relatively short period of time based on chaos godsend's time scale. When Pangu let go of the sky, the universe was still very unstable, it threatened to collapse back into chaos.

Pangu back then could've simply abandoned everyone and left for the chaos sea. He had already split apart chaos and established the primitive world, he had no responsibility to it any longer. However, he stayed and gave his life away for it, filling the empty void with the five continents, four seas, starry skies, and the underworld.

His spine became Mt Buzhou holding up the heavens. His eyes became the sun star and lunar star, his bones and muscles became the continents, his hairs became the starry skies, his arteries and veins became spiritual leylines beneath the soil, his belly button swallowed up the wastes and became the blood sea.

Their reincarnation was only possible because of Pangu. If they were left drifting in the chaos sea, their weak nascent souls would've fallen apart.

"I did not expect you to still be alive great god," Da Hai said respectfully. The statue seemed to have shone brighter in response but the overall light was so dim that it was hardly noticeable.

"I am not really alive, merely a remnant stubbornly existing," Pangu's weak voice answered. Even so, Pangu's voice carried with it a level of enlightenment beyond imagination. Da Hai could understand what Pangu was saying but not at the same time.

It was like analysing a tv show back on earth. You understand what's going on and the base themes but there was so much more underneath that could be understood and interpreted. Pangu's simple words made Da Hai feel as if he was beginning to go into an epiphany.

'So this is what it feels like to interact with someone vastly beyond you,' he thought. The experience was something wholly new. Pangu's realm was so transcendent, so beyond anything Da Hai had ever seen.

"You do not have to stand on occasion Da Hai. Do not treat me any different as you would anyone else, I am not worthy of such," he said humbly. Pangu's voice carried some sense of self-deprecatingly.

"Nevertheless, you are the creator god. As a junior and someone who benefitted from your pain, it is only right to show you proper respect," Da Hai bowed once again to the statue. Pangu sighed helplessly.

"It was never my intentions young one. I never set out to create anything. In the end, I suffered at my own hands. You must think me pathetic," Pangu replied.

"That was never my intention great god. I only hold you in high esteem."

"Bah! I remember you, you were among the last who kept fighting. If anything you prideful sorts must be furious at me. It is only right if you hold me in contempt," Pangu dismissed.

"I am not Shenni," Da Hai said angrily. Pangu responded with a chuckle.

"Are you not going through the same emotions he was going through?" Pangu questioned, he chuckled but his tone did not imply any mockery at Da Hai's expense. "Forgive me for antagonising you, I can see your sincerity but my weariness of you, you should understand why."

"Da Hai died long ago," Da Hai answered.

"Yet you stand before me all the same."

'It seems Pangu is not all knowing after all,' Da Hai thought. Pangu was clearly observing him, analysing him. He did not feel any mental intrusions implying a lack of ability, unwillingness, or weakness. Judging by Pangu's current state it should be the third option.

"I am not a reincarnation, my origin stems from Da Hai but I am not him," he declared in clarification.

"Then it seems I jumped to the wrong conclusion. You show neither glee nor anger at me, I believe you," Pangu paused slightly. "May I ask what you are? If not a reincarnation, then could be a natural innate god?" Pangu asked apologetically to which Da Hai accepted.

"I was born from Da Hai's remnant nascent soul and the waters of the east sea," he told Pangu. The statue dimmed in response. Da Hai grew worried, had something happened to Pangu?

Fortunately, his worries were lifted when Pangu spoke again. It would seem he was merely thinking.

"I can sense you are not telling the whole truth," Pangu's light signaled for Da Hai to elaborate. The sea god sighed helplessly, there was no real point in hiding anything, he simply didn't dwell on the past much.

"I am also born from another being, a mortal creature called human from another world," he explained the background of the deceased human. Of the memories he inherited and the technological world left behind.

"I see, so you know then."

"If you mean the future then yes, I am aware of the broad details," Da Hai confirmed. "You seem to be already aware of the human. May I ask why?" He asked. It didn't take long for Pangu to answer.

"That child transmigrated earlier than you think. In the latter portions of the chaos period he had already appeared," Pangu explained much to Da Hai's shock. He had not been aware of this previously as the human memories were somewhat incomplete.

"That child was torn apart by the chaos sea but luckily he appeared near my residence. The structure I was cultivating in, what your world calls the cosmic egg. The event happened so fast that I barely noticed it, luckily I salvaged a little bit of the pieces that remained," Pangu elaborated as Da Hai's eyes began to widen in realisation.

"I saw what he saw, I saw the three realms through his mind. I saw the legends that will come to be. At the time I was stumped in my cultivation. My Dao struggled to improve and I was trapped in the realm of Hunyuan Wuji Luo Golden Immortal. But this scene of three realms, this one spark gave me an epiphany," Pangu recalled with nostalgia.

"I thought it was an opportunity unlike any other. The opening of a universe within the chaos sea performed by one such as I. That action must've been what would push me to Dao. I could already feel it back then," Pangu's next words were so profound that Da Hai could not comprehend what he was hearing.

"From pure nothingness, nonexistence defines the singular element completely white, blank, empty, no meaning, no existence, yet full of meaning, full of existence. Wuji, primordial ultimate, that which is without limit."

"From nothing comes something. White becomes Black, swirling in existence. Taiji, supreme ultimate. Taiji is the strongest of all, it is the centre point of creation, the ultimate existence. But Taiji came from Wuji, therefore it is inferior. But Taiji is supreme, but Wuji is limitless. Supreme in something and supreme in nothing."

"Taiji becomes Wuji, Wuji becomes Taiji, the constant transformation between the two created the third element. The constant change of the two, one fading into the other, births the spinning wheel of Taiji. From three all things arise."

"From the inception of creation, the Dao transforms the five elements of fire, water, earth, wood, and metal. From five primitive elements rises eight trigrams of heaven, lake, fire, thunder, wind, water, mountain, and earth. Existence is complete and all things arise."

"Hence completing Dao birth, where all things are but a transformation of you," Da Hai completed. His eye glazed over in enlightenment. He could feel so much from just musings from Pangu alone.

The distant seas, ever far away yet fully visible in sight. Available yet unavailable, in reach yet far away, present yet away. Endless waters that exists alongside the land. Another reality alongside another, fully visible yet unable to feel. Just attempting to reach would be a journey into the abyss.

The Dao fruit that was only an image within Da Hai's inner cosmos became physical. The tall cosmic tree's flower sprouted a gargantuan fruit gleaming in power. Slowly the tree collapsed away, its role completed. The Dao fruit sat at the centre of the cosmos, an almighty force overseeing all creation.

Da Luo Golden Immortal, on this day Da Hai had joined the likes of Huoyun, Hundun, Si Hai, Taotie, and others as a top power in the primitive world. He breathed out a profound breath of Qi and could feel the richness of primordial Dao essence around him. He felt so much clearer, so much stronger, so much more freer.

"Thank you great god Pangu," he kowtowed. Pangu was a huge benefactor to him, Da Hai's understanding into the Dao had improved by leaps and bounds in an instand.

"I guess I can consider you a disciple with that," Pangu chuckled. "I cannot give you any benefits but you can claim the position of my disciple. Named or not it makes no difference." Da Hai felt extremely happy at this, he kowtowed three times before the statue. He would've served tea as well but he did not have any equipment on him.

'Come to think of it I can just make one,' he was however stopped by Pangu.

"Stop, we're getting off track. I'm sure you must be aware that only pieces of the human came into my hands. I had assumed I was the only one and thought. However I realised too late that that was not the case," Pangu said sadly.

Da Hai was snapped out of his happy mood. He remembered why he had come here and immediately paid close attention.

"It wasn't until I had already killed the 3000 chaos godfiends and held open the chaos did I realise my sealed fate. To successfully accomplish the opening of the world, I would need to sacrifice my very being."

"But Grand Dao is aimless, it has no consciousness and could not force you. Why did you submit yourself to death?" Da Hai asked Pangu.

"I recalled the memories," Pangu said slowly. "I saw the world where everything meant something." Da Hai looked confused, he did not understand Pangu's meaning at all.

"Yes, I could have run and found another way to break through. Reach Dao and become an eternal existence. But then what?" He suddenly asked. Da Hai could find no answer.

"From the moment of my conception, I have traveled, battled across the infinite chaos sea. I have witnessed the majestic god of destruction and his preserver counterpart, timeless serpent and his consort, primeval giants of fire and ice, the solar falcon riding his eternal barge, and countless other godfiends of the chaos. I have cultivated all my life hoping to continuously progress, to reach the Dao," Pangu sighed.

"Dao is supreme, the beginning and end of all things, eternal and without limit. But then there is nothing," he explained to Da hai who was beginning to understand.

"You fear there is nothing after the Dao," he said, if the statue could nod it would've so Da Hai took the silence as confirmation.

"If I one day reach Dao then wouldn't my life become pointless?" Pangu sighed in defeat. "I did not want such an ending. I was already the mightiest in the chaos. I had defeated all I have met in combat, all for the sake of progression."

"I'm fine with this ending," he said, "Being responsible for the rise of so many greats with my name behind them, responsible for their existence. Egotistical I know, but at least there was some meaning," Pangu elaborated.

"We all fear the unknown," Da Hai stated. "It's a very universal concept".


From this conversation, Da Hai had guessed a lot of truths. He stared at Pangu and asked, "Hongjun and Luohu obtained those pieces too didn't they. They saw the future as well."

"Correct, these two caught some drifting pieces and became aware of the three realms. I do not know what they saw but I am sure their actions are related to it."

Da Hai pondered, "Could it be that your knowledge was incomplete?"

"Possibly, I saw the heavenly courts, the three pure ones, the buddha, the great battle of investiture of the gods, the monkey who trampled heaven underfoot, and the legacy I left behind," Pangu said.

Da Hai widened his eyes in realisation, "Are you aware of the three preachings at purple cloud palace. The 3000 guests and six disciples who became saints."

"Saint? What? Is that a title because I am aware of no such realm," Pangu answered fully clarifying Da Hai's hypothesis.

"Heavenly Dao, Hongjun, he knows he is destined to win," Da Hai explained leaving Pangu speechless. "He saw his future and he is determined to see it through."

Note: This chapter is pretty much entirely speculation on Da Hai and even Pangu
After leaving Mount Buzhou, Da Hai wandered the primitive world aimlessly. He didn't count how much time passed, nor did he consider where he was going. He just kept walking without any thought.

All the information he had found out was suffocating. Looking up at the clouds, he thought of the familiar auspicious five coloured clouds and sighed. He quickly wiped some droplets of tears from his eyes.

After his emotions calmed down, he really didn't know what to do next. Hongjun and Luohu were his enemies, and in a way so was the Heavenly Dao. Pangu had really placed a heavy burden on him. The excitement of meeting the legendary god turned master had already deserted him.

Throughout all his years of existence, Da Hai had never known pain such as this. For over a thousand years he raged and roared, constantly bashing himself against his prison. Eventually, he broke free of his restraint and in his anger, rushed to Mount Buzhou.

Now however, he just felt lost. The rage was still there, the murder of his best friend had left a deep scar in his heart. However he didn't even know where to even begin with his revenge.

Despite his newly minted Da Luo Golden Immortal cultivation base, he was still far inferior to the likes of Hongjun and Luohu. He thought about the Heavenly Dao and thought of going up Mount Buzhou again to inject a part of himself into it.

However there was an issue. Even if the Heavenly Dao allowed him to do so, his own will was also considered outside influence, a biased view and one that can never truly be impartial.

The second problem was Hongjun and Luohu. Da Hai's connection to the Dao was far stronger now, and he was already aware of the underpinnings of the universe. Hongjun and Luohu's essences, that were injected into the Heavenly Dao, opened up a direct pathway into the Heavenly Dao.

While this did not necessarily mean direct access for now, it did allow for them to detect changes in the Heavenly Dao. They can easily sense something has been tampered with and act to remove a potential rival. Da Hai did not want to risk this.

Slowly his mind drifted back to Huoyun. Thinking back, he reminisced on all the years they spent traveling through the vast wilderness. Those early years were a trying time for him. For thousands of years he was confused, lost and weak. Without Huoyun he would've long since perished.

Deep down Da Hai knew it was only inevitable that Huoyun would die. Otherwise how could the likes of Hongyun and Kong Xuan appear? However Da Hai mentally berated himself for not doing anything about it.

Just because he knew about the future didn't mean that things had to progress in that exact order. Why did he let Huoyun die? Da Hai felt he could've at least done something, perhaps given a warning.

Unknowingly, he made it back to the East Continent without even noticing. Da Hai's power made it so that all innate creatures never dared come near him. He was on his lonesome for the entirety of his walk.

"Fire Cloud Cave," he muttered softly when he stopped at a cliff face. A large valley was beyond him with an elegant red cave. A sign board out front proclaimed the name of the cave.

Da Hai scanned the valley, it was wide open and teeming with greenery. Long rivers stretched from the northern edges, merging into a single large river that Da Hai saw that eventually led into the southern edges of the east sea.

Da Hai recognised this place now. Unknowingly he had made it back to Huoyun's dojo again. This was the place Huoyun lived and cultivated. His home as well as his base of operations.

Da Hai walked up to the cave, it looked just like the last time he was here. However a feeling of loneliness permeated the area. He wondered in and admired the simple nature of the place. Not overtly showing off wealth like Wangshu, but still rich enough to contain treasures.

In all honesty, the cave was a pretty cozy place. It was permeated with Qi, saturated in the Dao of the Five Elements. So much so, that the beginning of a spirit embryo was beginning to form. Something was gestating here.

Da Hai however didn't pay it much attention. This was his friend's home and he respected that. He was not greedy for any treasure or spare items stored here. It'd have been disrespectful.

Instead he ignored all the low grade xiantian spiritual treasures, spiritual herbs and ores piled on the cave floor. He placed an incense holder before the stone seat Huoyun used to use for cultivation. Lighting a few sticks of incense, he paid his respects.

When he exited the cave he saw it was raining outside. Rather it was more accurate to say it was pouring. Even the river seemed to want to flood the lands.

"How long was I in there?" He wondered. The consequences of not keeping track of time was that Da Hai didn't know how long it's been since he left Mount Buzhou. For godfiends, they can easily take over a thousand years to think.

Da Hai sat near the entrance with his back to the mountainside and one foot stretched out. He didn't do much, simply sat there, thinking. Not long afterwards, he pulled out the Ocean Devouring Water Jug.

The high grade xiantian spiritual treasure floated in his hand, releasing a bit of its spiritual water contents. It wasn't anything high grade like the Pellucid Divine Water nor Three Brilliances Sacred Water. It was just normal spiritual water.

With another hand he brought out the high grade xiantian spiritual cauldron with the Wuji symbol. Seeing the symbol and the design of circular shapes resembling stars, Da Hai decided to name it Chaos Cauldron.

From his pocket dimension he also brought a few spiritual fruits he'd harvested over the years, resembling grapes. He had thought of an idea a little while ago.

He took the grapes and water into the cauldron and got to work. Invoking his power over the laws of nature he began fermenting the mixture. Soon after, he began distilling them.

Soon, he could detect the familiar scent of alcohol. This wine wasn't ordinary wine, but a spiritual creation. Da Hai had created a small cupful of it as a test. He drank it in one gulp.

"Weak," he muttered, annoyed. He took out more ingredients and began making more wine. Unknown to him, this was the first time the primitive world had ever tasted wine.

"Weak…Weak…Weak…Weak…Weak…Too weak," Da Hai threw away the last cup. He increased the concentration of alcohol each time, and again and again tried to create more potent alcohol. From cups, to bowls, to barrels, he drank them all down.

"Fucking hell, cultivation is annoying," he complained. Even with all his defences down, the alcohol was still hardly working. He looked at the cauldron again and began injecting large amounts of Qi. Pellucid Divine Water appeared, replacing the ordinary spiritual water.

"What's this?" A feminine voice asked. Unknowingly Wangshu had arrived in the valley as well.

"What are you doing here fellow daoist?" Da Hai asked with an uninterested tone. He continued to brew without paying the goddess much heed.

"I recovered from my wounds, I wanted to thank fellow daoist Five Elements for giving me the opportunity to escape," she answered. She had brought gifts as well, judging by the small satchel she wore on her waist.

"Too late for that, he's dead," Da Hai replied stiffly.

Wangshu widened her eyes in shock, "How could this be? Fellow daoist's strength was unfathomable, Yang Mei told me of his power."

"Luohu got to him," Da Hai took another barrel out and filled it with fresh wine. The liquid was grey in colour, Da Hai took a sip and flinched away. He then drank it all down and shivered, "That's strong."

"That bastard Luohu," Wangshu muttered in anger, as she turned west. However, before she could impulsively leave to confront Luohu, Da Hai grabbed her.

"Don't bother, Luohu is a great immortal of Da Luo. His Dao should be at least at Hunyuan," he explained, much to Wangshu's shock. Her determination faded into helplessness.

"Oh!" She muttered.

"There's an incense-burner inside, if you want to pay your respects," Da Hai pointed to the cave. The goddess nodded and walked in while the sea god continued brewing.

"What's that you're drinking?" She asked whence she came out again. She had detected the incredibly strong spiritual liquid Da Hai was consecutively gulping down.

"Wine," he said grimly, taking another gulp. Wangshu could smell the alcohol permeating the area, though she did not know what it was yet.

"I have never heard of this wine before," she admitted.

"You wouldn't have, it's not something the chaos godfiends had," Da Hai filled a cup and offered it to her. "Try it," he said. Wangshu took a sip and instantly flinched from the strong taste, dropping the cup.

"Oh, I'm sor…" "How was it?" Da Hai cut her off.

"It's… strong, yes it's very strong. Gives me an odd feeling, I don't quite know how to describe it," she admitted.

"Yeah well it's meant to be like that. It helps with the pain."

Wangshu's phoenix-like eyes widened in realisation. "Fellow daoist Five Element's death has been affecting you," she stated, to Da Hai's nod.

"I did not know him long, nor well at all. I only knew him from fellow daoist Yang Mei's stories," she admitted. "But I think you shouldn't dwell on it for too long. It could lead to a mental demon," she said worriedly.

"I know," Da Hai confirmed for her.

"If you understand then there is not much else I can do," she took the satchel she had off and gave it to Da Hai. "I intended for this to be a gift in good faith, but the intended receiver is, well... Since you were also responsible for my survival, this should go to you."

"Keep it, I have no need for it. Your treasure was depleted because of me, you have more need of them than me," He had heard the tale by Huoyun shortly before his death.

Wangshu dropped the satchel on Da Hai, "I would've detonated them regardless. Besides, I always have more in the lunar palace."

"But not as much as before."

"Just accept the damn treasures," she turned around. "Stay safe fellow daoist, the world is changing." She disappeared in a streak of silver light flying up to the starry skies. Space was far more stable now and she didn't want to extend the effort to tear a hole in reality.

Da Hai stored the satchel away and kept drinking. For an immortal's body as advanced as he, poison of any kind could never affect him. But perhaps it was becasue of whatever remaining humanity still within him. In this instance, at this moment, he wanted it to. So he forced it to

After a long time, he blacked out.


A storm followed the grieving god. A physical manifestation of the unavailable ancestor of the great sea. A trail that stretched vast distances. A journey beheld under the influence.

And beneath this uncaring storm, wallowing in his misery, lightning and rain crashed onto the unsuspecting earth. He flooded villages, valleys, and caves. He toppled mountains and carved out ravines.

Unaware and unbothered, he wandered the infinite lands of the east. Aimlessly following a karmic trail.

Far above, an invisible eye made of unidentifiable colours watched in anticipation.

"I trust you, don't fail me, friend."


An unknown amount of time later Da Hai opened his eyes. He was extremely disorientated. However he noticed that he was lying on a field of grass.

He gripped his head in pain trying to remember what came before. "This is not a cliff face," he said looking around him. He got up and walked groggily.

"Grassland, grassland, grassland. Where the hell am I?" He said out loud. He turned around looking at his surroundings. He spotted a figure in the distance. A familiar figure.

Standing there clothed in red robes was the Daoist of the Five Elements. Huoyun stared blankly back at the frozen in shock Da Hai
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Da Hai stood frozen, unable to speak. Amidst the grassland stood someone who should very much be dead. Yet Huoyun stood there, looking healthy as ever.

"How?" Da Hai stuttered out, stumbling forward. The alcohol was instantly purged from his system with a burst of Qi. Yet nothing changed. He could scarcely believe what his eyes were seeing.

All his senses, smell, sight, sound, divine sense, all were telling him that this was Huoyun. But Huoyun was dead, so how was this possible?

Da Hai reached out, managing to touch Huoyun's shoulder. He was solid. He was actually here. Huoyun's face showed no visible reaction. He simply stood there, looking at Da Hai with an empty look in his eyes.

"I," Da Hai struggled to speak. What should he say? What can he say? In this moment the world stood still for him and he did not know what was going on anymore.

"Hello, brother Da Hai," Huoyun said. His stoney expression transformed into an amiable smile. Da Hai released his hand.

"You're here. You're real. How is this possible?" He stammered. "Are you even here? Is this some trick of the mind?" He gripped his head trying to find any trace of wine still in his system. He however found none, he was completely sober.

"I'm as real as I'll ever be," Huoyun's amiable smile slowly turned into a dark look. "No thanks to you, traitor." These words sent shock down Da Hai's spine.

"What? What are you saying?" He said, panicked.

"What don't you understand? You're the one responsible for my death. You're the root cause of all my problems. It was you who pulled me into the conflict all those years ago, even when I didn't want to. It was you who put me on Luohu's radar," Huoyun roared, angrily pointing at Da Hai with a murderous expression.

"I," Da Hai struggled to speak. He felt everything Huoyun told was the truth. Yes, he could've prevented this, he could've told Huoyun everything about the future, about the stories from mythology.

Da Hai fell onto his knees in horror. He was the one at fault, it was because of him that his best friend had died.

"You're pathetic Da Hai, you are the cause of all my problems. I was happy cultivating silently in the Fire Cloud Cave, I was at peace, steadily making progress. But you just had to disturb me, didn't you? You dragged me into conflict with Shenni once again," Huoyun spat at Da Hai's face.

"You haven't changed from our first trip Da Hai. In the end you're still the most pathetic person out there. Always dragging me into your problems, where I pay the price."

Da Hai knelt on the grass on all fours. He couldn't retort even one bit. His emotional state was getting more and more out of control. He couldn't even lift his head up.

"From beginning to end you have always been a parasite, banking on the help of others. Well no more Da Hai, why don't you do us all a favour and off yourself," Huoyun drug his finger across his neck.

'He's right, he's always been right,' Da Hai thought with tears flowing down his face. It was all my thought, I was the one to blame. He looked up at Huoyun's disgusted expression.

"You will get no sympathy from me trash, your kind doesn't deserve living," this was his only response.

"You're right, I could've prevented your death. I never should've bothered you," Da Hai muttered, defeated. The sword that was dripping water, one he had received in Pangu Temple, materialised in his hands. He took it and pointed it at his own neck, however his grip was rather clumsy.

"Pathetic, you couldn't even hold a sword right? Are you even a cultivator?" Huoyun mocked. "Honestly, you're a waste of space. Are you seriously thinking of challenging those far greater than you? You're not even the real Da Hai. Just a lucky individual reincarnated into the right body."

"Dao of Distant Seas? It really does suit you, a parasite who forces others to do things for you. Always present to ensnare us, always far away when we suffer," Huoyun spat.

"You never stood a chance in this world. Who do you even think you are? Hongjun? Luohu? Those ancestors are masters of the Heavenly Dao. They only took pity on you and gave some compensation," Huoyun roared at Da Hai.

The sea god heard many voices yelling at him, belittling him. He could faintly hear Yang Mei behind him spatting at how disappointed he was at his results despite wasting so much effort to help him.

He heard Wangshu as well, "Why did you drag me into your war? My starry skies had nothing to do with you. Yet you barged into my home, stole my treasures and cost me an arm. My treasury is empty thanks to you."

A faintly familiar voice also spoke, Hou Pi, the hairy innate creature of many years ago. "If it weren't for you, Luohu would've never found us. My tribe is all dead because of you."

"Couldn't even stand in the face of words? I was so wrong about you disciple. No, you don't deserve to be my disciple. I wasted breath pushing you into Da Luo Golden Immortal," Pangu spat out.

"Just another bug, I didn't even notice you during the battle. You don't matter, you never mattered. Just offer yourself up as a meal would ya? At least then the world will get something out of it," Shenni mocked.

"Nothing but luck, all luck. You should've died against me. You were so useless that you needed others to save you once again," the familiar voice of Taowu mocked him as well.

Da Hai looked up and still saw Huoyun arms crossed looking furious with him. The sword that he held dug into the side of his neck. A drop of crimson blood flowed out.

"Get on with it Da Hai. Be quick about it and don't dirty my shoe," Huoyun spat. "Heavenly Dao was so wrong about you. Luohu and Hongjun will surely beat you. Your future knowledge is as good as worthless."

However the sword stopped and dropped to the side.

"I never told you any of those things," Da Hai slowly made out. "I never informed you."

"Yes, and that is why I died. All because of you!" Huoyun pointed fiercely at Da Hai.

"Yes, you're right, I should've at least warned you. I really could've saved you," tears began flowing down Da Hai's eyes. However his previous sad expression changed into a determined one.

"But that is why I'm going to make things right. Brother Huoyun, I swear Hongjun and Luohu will pay. They will pay for your death. Even if it means I'll have to fight the Heavenly Dao itself, I will right my wrong." he screamed.

Huoyun's anger had returned to one of emptiness. His expressionless eyes stared back at the crying Da Hai.

"I never got to say goodbye," he said softly. "So I'll say it now, Huoyun, I will always be grateful for what you've done for me. You were my mentor and best friend. I promise you, neither Hongjun nor Luohu will win, I guarantee it".

He walked up to Huoyun and gave him a hug, "Goodbye old friend". He swiped his arm and Huoyun faded into white mist. Suddenly the grassland which was clear as day became clouded. Mist that weren't there appeared as if they were always there.

Da Hai looked at his feet and noticed he was not standing on grass anymore. He was standing on rocky ground. He looked up with clarity and saw the mist blanketing the skies. He could hardly see through them.

"What a terrifying illusion," he muttered. Suddenly he pushed both arms out creating a great force. Using the full might of his cultivation he pushed as hard as he could. A whirlwind of Qi rippled across the air.

The mist was torn apart by Da Hai revealing his location. The sea god stood on a cliff, overlooking a wide beach meeting endless ocean waves. A large trail was seen across the sand resembling a snake with legs. Indents were present on the rock wall as well, clearly something sharp had dug into them as leverages.

Da Hai stared into the ocean and rubbed his temples. He turned around to look at what was behind him. An enormous mountain range rose up close to where he was at the centre of the island. It was in an irregular shape, twisting and winding everywhere.

However a clear definite path was visible leading inwards. Da Hai followed it but as he got closer his vision became blurry. The air became misty.

Huoyun's voice returned and taunted him. Shenni's voice returned, mocking him. Wangshu's voice too returned deriding him. Taowu's voice returned as well.

"None of you are real," Da Hai muttered with clarity. As he spoke the path became clear and the core of the island was revealed. Before him sat an enormous tree standing thousands of kilometres tall.

This tree resembled a mulberry tree. Its bark was pure white and its leaves were a vivid green. It bore red mulberry fruits hanging in the sky, each one hundreds of metres in size.

Da Hai breathed in the Qi rich air and felt invigorated. He touched the tree bark and felt an enormous amount of life energy. It was seemingly infinite, calming, soothing, and above all else, it was exhilarating.

"Fusang tree," he muttered with recognition dawning on his face. Da Hai flew up, transforming into his 8-headed serpent form. Even then he was easily dwarfed in size. He comfortably wrapped himself on a large branch. He took a huge bite out of the mulberry fruits and grinned in delight.

He looked at the island below him, "Yingzhou of the three mystical mountains. Fortune was truly on my side." Da Hai rested on the branch and smiled in contentment, lying in the shade.

"I was in need of a base of operations. Yingzhou is perfect, untraceable and outside the governance of Heaven. A chaos fragment of the Chaos Sea and a perfect environment for cultivation," Da Hai spat out blood containing his very essence.

They dropped onto the surface of the island. Da Hai began the refinement process with haste. 'I promise you Huoyun, no, I guarantee that your death will be avenged.'
Da Hai stored the satchel away and kept drinking. After a long time he blacked out.

An unknown amount of time later Da Hai opened his eyes. He was extremely disorientated. However he noticed that he was lying on a field of grass.

The move to Fusang tree was a bit abrupt. Some sort of explanation or further description could help to smooth over the transition.
A storm followed the grieving god. A physical manifestation of the unavailable ancestor of the great sea. A trail that stretched vast distances. A journey beheld under the influence.

And beneath this uncaring storm, wallowing in his misery, lightning and rain crashed onto the unsuspecting earth. He flooded villages, valleys, and caves. He toppled mountains and carved out ravines.

Unaware and unbothered, he wandered the infinite lands of the east. Aimlessly following a karmic trail.

Far above, an invisible eye made of unidentifiable colours watched in anticipation.

"I trust you, don't fail me, friend."

The scene helped to explain the situation a lot. It explains how Da Hai found the Fusang Tree, while underlineing his more callous approach to other living creatures. His behavior is slowly changing, which is interesting to see.
For anyone new to the genre, the translated and machine translated representative works are about as informative as cliche Young Justice fics are on rest of DC.

By which I mean there is a strict canon station by station tour with some minor, negligible differences in stuff like chosen character interactiosn and interpretations.

Basically read this fic (if it continues all the way to Journey to the West) and other Honghuang works will show and tell pretty much the same set of events with some minor hook of their own.

Your typical author using this background despises the western figures (Zhunti, Jieyin) so they are incompetent (as in least competent active Saints/Sages), Nuwa is just there to make humans (whether the protag respects her for this or despises her more is irrelevant), let her fellow demonkind eat humans without protest and basically never does much else, 3 Pure Ones are a mixed bag (set thing is the oldest looking one is subject to Schrodinger's competence/luck perception much like Sarutobi Hiruzen of Naruto and the younger 2 enter mutual total war including all their disciples that gets the youngest looking one's sect destroyed).

What else? Oh, its new on this side of the language barrier, but there are more and more webnovels where authors mix way back periods of actual history with xianxia/honghuang (trilobite body snatchers, dinosaurs tyrant clans, various missing links being mythical creatures of myth collectilns like Classics of Mountains and Seas).
Teacher of Yingzhou
Yingzhou was one of three stones which once floated amongst the Chaos Sea. When Pangu opened the Primitive World, these three stones fell into the infant Primitive World. In the process they transformed into three celestial mountains, constantly roaming the oceans of the primitive world.

Penglei, Yingzhou, Fangzhang, all of them impossible to track, outside of the Heavenly Dao but exist within it. Each island possessed their own secrets, which would make even the richest of cultivators salivate. Each mountain was also an incredible treasure in and of themselves.

Due to its immense power, Da Hai stayed on Yingzhou for many years, refining the mountain until it belonged to him completely. He had long conquered the unique naturally-forming formation on the island which produced fierce illusions.

The mental test had allowed his dao-heart to be strengthened beyond his previous resolve. Bit by bit Yingzhou submitted. The mountain and the Fusang tree eventually accepted Da Hai as their master.

With the refinement in process, Da Hai could already steer the island. Within the central area of the East Sea where his former resting place lay, the Celestial Mountain appeared.

Upon the mountain, surrounding the Fusang tree, an enormous palace was constructed using the ambient primordial Qi. Da Hai did not want his home to look shabby. Having been to the Pangu Temple, he used the aesthetic he'd observed there to create a palace of his own.

What resulted was many kilometres in size, with a giant main hall decorated in blue, silver, gold, and green. Statues of sea life were present alongside pillars holding up the ceiling which depicted a lotus pond. An elevated platform several kilometres long was built within the main hall, taking up half the available space. A soft set of cushions lay there, the personal seat of Da Hai.

Tens of thousands of years later, the process was finally done. Da Hai's control over Yingzhou became absolute. He rested in his true form within the palace, sleeping. He felt that although Yingzhou was peaceful, it lacked any inhabitants other than himself.

It was a shame, as he rather liked commotion. Da Hai looked out towards the East Sea. He'd spend thousands of years in seclusion and now he decided to catch up on the news.

Da Hai had not interfered with the East Sea since the end of the Shenni War. Thousands of years later, many from the older generation of immortals had finally died of old age.

Despite what the name will have you believe, immortals weren't eternal. Prior to the Golden Immortal realm, all beings lacked the Dao fruit which bestowed longevity, their lifespan is ultimately finite.

The maximum lifespan of any creature is a single Yuanhui, and that is assuming they reached the apex of Heavenly Immortal level, with two crowns formed and the seed of the third laid. Such geniuses were truly rare among the innate creatures.

Thus far, only their chieftains and mighty warriors of the various tribes had reached the Heavenly Immortal realm. Many immortals getting on in the years had sadly passed away. Da Hai wondered if those crabs living on his lotus all those years ago were still alive.

The East Sea wasn't different from the rest of the world. It was not without conflict. Various sea tribes vied for dominance on the ocean floor, causing several wars. Some tribes had even gone into a succession crisis when their leader died, resulting in civil wars.

An example of the latter was surprisingly in the Sea Turtle clan who were known for their cowardly temperament. The Boiling Crab clan had also invaded deep into Chill Song Dolphin clan's territory while they in turn called for their ally, the Colossal Shark clan to help out.

It wasn't an ideal time to be alive, Da Hai had noticed. The East Sea had no true leader to govern them like the West Continent. In fact none of the other regions had true leaders.

Hongjun was too exalted for that role. The North Continent was in shambles. The South was an enormous gathering of innate creatures far surpassing any other region. With a majority of innate gods dead, the geopolitical landscape was quite diverse with the numerous innate creature tribes.

In fact it was wrong to call them innate anymore. Many of them had experienced natural births and were now classified as post-natal creatures. Da Hai could see young children playing around.

It was a rather odd sight. He observed a crab family, where the mother was a True Immortal elder of the clan while the father had yet to transcend his tribulation. However due to their high cultivation they had obtained Dao bodies (human forms). Their children, with little cultivation, were little crabs running around.

Da Hai narrowed his eyes. Although a lot of breeding was going on, he noticed an issue. There were a lot of mortal creatures below the Immortal realm who were not cultivating.

Da Hai lowered his heads and divined the truth. It turned out that they didn't know how to cultivate. A few tribes had invented rudimentary exercises but they were ineffective and could only raise their cultivation slightly.

Mortal cultivation was not like immortal cultivation. Cultivation for Immortals was simple, they illuminated themselves into Dao, the workings of the universe naturally. From there they merge the five elements, birth the three splendours, rip themselves out of the river of destiny, form the primal unity, and create the Dao fruit.

The key factor was Dao. Mortals lacked the intimate connection to Dao that immortals possessed. As such mortals must forge their bodies and souls into immortal ones. They'd also need to condense essence, the nascent soul and the pure understanding into the workings of the universe, the Dao.

For many postnatal lifeforms, they were born with a nascent soul already formed. This meant that in theory they could cultivate further, albeit clumsily. However some were born without one, some even without any cultivation at all.

Hence these tribes pushed for the development of techniques, methods to cultivate further. Da Hai frowned, he was a native of the ocean and the fact that they were struggling didn't quite sit well with him.

He did not mind conflict, those drove progress and had very little to do with him. He was not the peace loving benevolent guru who wished for salvation upon all beings. He was empathetic but ultimately selfish person. However Da Hai could sense them crying out at their unfortunate fates of not being born immortal and the curse of short mortal lives. Such tears touched his heart.

"Inhabitants of the East Seas, I am Da Hai of Yingzhou. I have revealed the location of my home to you. I will be holding a sermon a thousand years from now. Whatever you gain from it is up to you," he announced.

The reason he picked a thousand year was due to the sheer size of the East Sea. These living beings were not like him, they couldn't cover vast distances in little time. They had to travel for a long time.

Even for those who are immortal, this trip could take centuries under the current climate. Sea creatures have a natural affinity to water and hence superior swimming speed compared to their flying speed. Since Da Hai was in the ocean, they could reach him much faster.

"Those words, this is the great immortal," an elderly sea cucumber exclaimed. An elderly stingray beside him was also jumping in excitement.

These two were lucky to be born at the Immortal realm due to their nature as those of the second generation. It seemed that cultivation affected the power of their children. The first generations produced True Immortal children, they in turn produced children who weren't immortals, and so on.

They quickly rounded up their families and sped for Yingzhou.

Across the East Sea, Da Hai's announcement was heard everywhere. Many clans were excited, they halted their wars and immediately headed for Yingzhou.

Above the ocean water, at the centre of the East Sea sat Yingzhou. This celestial mountain was hidden from the world by a veil of illusions. However, since Da Hai announced its location, many creatures knew where to look.

Over the years, vast schools of fish swam towards the central area of the sea. Troops of shrimps, manatees, stingray, sharks, whales, turtles. Even the elusive Mosasaur clan had made an appearance along with their rivals, the Plesiosaur clan.

'With the Great One's insight, I can surely promote to the legendary Golden Immortal realm,' this thought was shared by both ancient patriarchs of the Mosasaur and Plesiosaur.

As more and more tribes sent their members, news also leaked into other oceans. In the fourth century of Da Hai's announcement, the South Sea and what little remained of the North Sea caught wind of the lecture.

Instantly, the sea clans of those areas made a mad dash to hopefully arrive before the deadline. Even the avian clans who lived by the sea were interested and hurried to Yingzhou.

Hundreds of years later, a large gathering of Heavenly Immortals, Profound Immortals, and True Immortals found their way to the heart of the East Sea. Giant birds, insects, and pterosaurs had arrived as well.

"Where is it? Where is Yingzhou?" a nervous dolphin called out, "Were we lied to?" Some had similar sentiments while others glared at him for fear of insulting the Great One.

After a few more days of restlessness, the thousand year deadline arrived. On the dawn of the 1001st year, mystical transparent clouds emerged from the centre of the ocean. A rumbling sound was heard, driving the creatures back in alarm.

Yingzhou appeared out of the sea. Da Hai who sat at the heart of his palace called out, "As promised, the lecture will begin soon, make your way to my palace and I shall proceed."

Excitedly, the army of cultivators raced towards Yingzhou. Many took human form due to the ease in sensing Dao laws. Others who were unable to, remained in their natural forms, flying through the air.

They were all mesmerised by the environment of Yingzhou. The Qi here was so dense that it felt intoxicating. Many of them even felt woozy. Unknown to them, Da Hai was personally restricting the primordial Qi of this place. This was because the purity of Qi in Yingzhou would have overloaded the cultivation bases of weaker cultivators otherwise. Those beneath the True Immortal realm would have likely exploded.

Da Hai prepared some notes on his scales. Picking them out, he practiced a little while waiting for the rest to arrive. He needed to take care when lecturing, as these creatures were much, much weaker than him. He could easily destroy their minds and drive them insane by accident while talking about the profundities of the Dao.

Of course this only applied to the various mortal creatures. Da Hai read the flash cards again, some described his insight into the Dao, others described the foundation that needed to be forged for the crossing the immortal tribulation. All of them were important tidbits and notes relating to cultivation.

Gradually, his true form disappeared leaving a giant version of his human form. He looked much older than before, appearing to be in his mid-twenties with a short goatee pointing down like an arrow. His hair was loose and flowing freely in the air. He sat above the 12th grade white lotus, looking like a majestic deity.

Da Hai's eyes glowed with Dao-essence, his aura became unfathomable. This was all done to keep up appearance, of course. It would be really embarrassing if they all found him lazily lying down on cushions.

The various creatures were appropriately awed when they arrived inside the great hall. They all bowed to Da Hai.

"Greetings, Great One. Congratulations on your victory," they announced.

"Please be seated," Da Hai said calmly.

Then, hundreds of thousands of cultivators sat down, filling the great hall to the brim. Of course many more were stuck outside due to the sea of people already inside the hall. Many of those outside were mortals. Seeing this Da Hai projected his voice.

"My sermon is open to all who have come. I shall first explain the foundations of the mortal realm to those struggling with cultivation. However, my sermon on the Dao will be fatal to those unprepared. As such, only those who have formed their Nascent Soul may listen to it. If you have formed your Nascent Soul during my first lecture, then you may also listen with them," he said.

The many cultivators nodded, this seemed fair to them. Though many selfish individuals were a little impatient, they wanted to improve to the Golden Immortal realm, not listen to teachings for lesser creatures.But no one was foolish enough to protest.

"From the beginning of creation, living beings have existed. From mighty chaos godfiends of the Chaos Sea, to innate gods of the Primitive World. All those born innately are Xiantian lifeforms. Born of the world, with cultivation and a deep understanding of the Dao."

"For those below, you are considered mortal. Post-natal lifeforms with flesh made of the five elements. Your foundation is shaky and unstable, some may even lack the ability to channel Qi."

"On the road of cultivation for mortals, you must first open the meridians of the body. These meridians are connected by Qi vessels in your innards. You should first detect the natural Qi of the world, breathing in the Qi, and learn to circulate the Qi. I'm sure many of you have already discovered this."

"Twelve Prime Meridians exist within all living beings, followed by eight Extraordinary Meridians. However only twelve are necessary to open the Qi sea. In the process you will open the upper dantian, the third eye which detects the spiritual energy of the world, the middle dantian, the heart which allows for storage of Qi within the body, and finally the lower dantian, where you will open the Qi sea which will serve as the foundation of cultivation."

On and on, Da Hai explained his knowledge of the mortal foundational realms. As he explained, people practised along with his words. Eventually, they began breaking through in their cultivation.

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