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Rebellion, An Overlord Story[NPC OC/SI]

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In the world of Overlord, Remiel is an angel NPC born from the cocaine-riddled thoughts of the ever-devious genie Wish III who had an eternal penchant for tomfoolery, hijinks, shenanigans and whimsical trickery. 'Gifted' with weird memory flashes of a life she doesn't remember and unsure what to make of them, every small act can have great consequences. Her journey is a roller-coaster of moral dilemmas, dry insults and a whole lot of murder(justice). Will she soar to the heavens, or will her wings get plucked as she falls down?
Chapter 1 - Dominus et Servi


Working on that grave shift, baby.
Aug 22, 2024
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Dominus et Servi

Within a fortress of divine make… Grafted onto a world into which it did not belong, stood those whose nature those born of flesh could not comprehend. For they did not come into being through a mother or father, but they were beings originally made of pure information, of 'yes' and 'no' again and again and again, through electricity flowing through stone and metal in a process repeating itself into giving a facsimile of sentience, until the fake could not be distinguished from the real.

Made by alien hands, dreamt up by human minds… Crafted as a haven for the lost, who escaped to a world made by machine dreams to escape a nightmare of metal and death…

There was a colosseum, a hippodrome, an execution ground and a trap for the foolish all at once. Where once many invaders were slain, slaves to greed, seeking to claim that which does not belong to them.

Within said colosseum, stood a being that commanded death and life, who had sole dominion over that fortress that he built alongside his companions, for the purpose of therein to dwell. There were 41 of his like, all akin to gods, yet now there was only one left. And he alone was the sole master of that fortress called 'The Great Tomb of Nazarick'.

He was the undisputed monarch. And like any monarch, within that colosseum, he was taking oaths of fealty from his loyal subjects.

"We solemnly swear towards the Supreme One!" Said all his subjects. And he was pleased by their words.

After this oath, he asked them all a question. To an outside observer, he would appear as some sort of skeleton at first glance, a wielder of magics clad in exquisite and enchanted robes meant to strengthen him in every way. He was of the 'Overlord' race and it was a fitting name, for he was the overlord of the Tomb. But what he was on the outside, did not necessarily reflect what he felt like within. To his subjects and friends he was called Momonga, but his true name, the one his mother and father gave him was Suzuki Satoru.

"What am I to you?" He spoke.

The first one, a short and pale girl with red slitted eyes wearing a black dress with red highlights was called Shalltear. She was a vampire, an undead, and she was of the 'True Vampire' race, which as the name suggests, was to regular vampires what a lion is to a housecat. The name of this vampire was Shalltear Bloodfallen.

She was the guardian of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Floors of Nazarick, of which there were 10 in total. Each floor was like a duchy, and her dukedom was one of death, for within it were skeletons, and zombies, and ghosts, and vampires, and traps, and cockroaches, and all manner of vile things. She was the first line of defense against those that sought the treasures within the Tomb of Nazarick. That she alone commanded 3 floors and many underlings spoke of the strength and honor she was bestowed. She replied.

"The crystallization of beauty!" She said this for she was in love or perhaps in lust with the skeleton, who despite not being able to elicit lust in any sane and rational being, did so with the female denizens of Nazarick.

"The strongest in Nazarick, and one worthy to be the ruler of the Tomb."

Replied a colossal insect-man. He was of the 'Vermin Lord' race, and his name was Cocytus. His exoskeleton was like ice, in both its reflective qualities and the purity of its visage.
And this was fitting, for this giant samurai had dominion over cold, and he was a seasoned dealer of death with both cold steel and cold breath. He had a single pair of legs, two pairs of arms, four pairs of blue eyes, and despite his terrifying appearance, he was one of the few within the Tomb who could be called honorable. He was the ruler of the 5th Floor, a domain of ice and snow. Within this floor were also found the domains of Nigredo, the sister of Albedo, the right hand of Momonga, the ruler of Nazarick, and was also the Frozen Prison, within which resided Neuronist Painkill, the chief interrogator. It was not a place one wanted to find themselves within.

The 4th floor was a special case, as it had no real master. This is because that floor is an underground lake, and it was guarded by a non-sapient giant of stone, one taller than skyscrapers, yet strong enough to crush them like a toddler would sandcastles. This guardian was called 'Gargantua' and he slept until he was called to war.

The 6th floor of Nazarick was where said Colosseum was located. The 6th floor could be said to contain worlds within worlds. Its dimensions are 200 meters in height, and 4 kilometers in width and length. It possessed a day and night cycle, and wind, though no rain. There were forests and jungles and plains. In addition were poisonous pits, twisted trees, overgrown ruins, a huge lake(though smaller than the one on the 4th floor), bottomless swamps, a large cave, a field of flowers, roads, as well as a giant Tree that was the dwelling place of the twins that ruled this floor. Many beasts and monsters lived on that floor as well, though all were tame and obeyed their masters.

The 6th floor was unique in that instead of one master, it had two. The twins Aura Bella Fiora and Mare Bello Fiore, two Dark Elven children. The first was a ranger, who could use both bow and beast to defend her home, and she was loud, rambunctious and energetic. The second was a druid, who had command over the natural elements to call forth rain and thunder and lightning and earthquakes, as well as heal. He was unalike his sister, and he was quiet, contemplative, and patient.

Their clothes matched, yet there was a neat contrast. The first twin wore red and white, the second blue and white. The first wore pants, the second wore a dress. Notice how the first, i.e. the girl, wore pants, and the boy wore the dress. This is because their creator was a lustful pervert, who was the sister of the one who created Shalltear, who was also, like his sister, an unrepentant lustful pervert. Yet despite their shared perversion, the brother and sister often argued, and this is reflected in their creations' personalities.

Nonetheless, they too responded to Momonga's question "What am I to you?"

Aura, the girl, described him as a "merciful leader with foresight", and Mare, the boy, described him as a "kind person".

Both were wrong, but children often are.

Next up was a man who was not a man. At first glance he appeared as a man, but the subtle details did not align. His ears were pointy and sharp, like those of the children, and his eyes were gemstones. He wore glasses to conceal them. And lastly, he had a metallic tail that swished to and fro.

This man was no man at all, but a devil, and a good(referring to proficiency not morality) one at that. This devil was called Demiurge, who belonged to the 'Arch-Devil' race, and he was dressed like a lawyer or businessman, in a striped orange suit, with a red tie, and a spiky yet smoothed back hairdo as if done with gel. It was said that among all of Nazarick's inhabitants, there was not one who could exceed his cruelty and his intellect. Indeed, he was tall and strong and creative, with a heart set to evil. To match it was an accomplishment on its own. He ruled over the 7th floor, and said floor contained crimson lava flowing like a river, with numerous bubbles in these currents bursting as they reached the surface. This place, which is thoroughly anathema to the living, was the perfect description of a hell world. In it roamed various demons and devils, who sought nothing more than to spread death and destruction, and they all obeyed Demiurge without question.

Yet, despite his wicked heart, Demiurge was a lawful one. He was courteous and kind and respectful and did not go around doing things that his master forbade, and he even had a soft side, though it was reserved solely for those who were native to the Tomb.

His reply towards Momonga, his master, was that his master was "a man who makes wise decisions and executes them sufficiently, and that he truly fits the definition of the word 'inscrutable'". These words were fitting, because efficiency was paramount to Demiurge, as he would drown a bag of kittens without remorse if it improved his efficiency by as little as 2%.

After the devil, followed an angel. So much like him, yet quite different. A mirror. Female to male, clad in armor instead of business clothes, carrying a sword whereas Demiurge was the weapon. Sharp ears like an elves', long flowing bright hair, a helmet that resembled horns atop her head and a crown of stars in between. The dark armor itself also had a brightly colored robe attached to it, and lastly magnificent wings proceeding from her back. This was Remiel, one who could be said to possess compassion and strength and wisdom, who belonged to the 'Seraphim' race, and she was Floor Guardian of the 8th Floor, commonly known as the 'Wilderness'.

It was a terrifying yet beautiful place, much like the one that commanded it. There were many monsters and abominations chained within it. This place was divided into the four cardinal directions, and one had to conquer all four to proceed further.

To the east was a place called the 'Cherry Blossom Sanctuary', a shrine tended to by a woman called 'Aureole Omega'. This shrine was built atop a hill that overlooked a valley. Despite its heaven like appearance with flowing rivers and tiny ponds and fields of wheat, many had died there. For in the valley beneath said hill, one could also find many jagged teeth-like protrusions reaching into the heavens. Aureole Omega, the Shrine Maiden, needed to hit the gong within her shrine three times, and at once, all those teeth reaching into the heavens would begin to consume their prey. For the rocks were prisons, containing within it locusts and ants the size of dogs, and the fields of wheat contained giant lions with claws like steel, and the waters contained catfish that were like dragons.

At the Shrine Maiden's command, these beasts would all be roused from their slumber and they would devour all who sought to harm their mistress who ruled them from the hill. The Shrine Maiden also guarded 'The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown', a weapon linked to the very fabric of the Tomb's Existence.

This was the east of the 8th floor.

To the west was a desert, as far as the eye could see. Sand and dunes sprawling out for miles. The sun beating down on the scorching sand, and sandstorms arriving and leaving within the blink of an eye. Further inside this desert, was something that could faintly be said to resemble a dome, an eye, or perhaps a circle. Built of nothing more than sand and stone, for hundreds of meters, this circular structure appeared at first glance nothing more than a curious geological feature. But in truth, it was a prison, and a tomb. Buried thirty feet below the center of the circle, was a metal coffin enchained to hold a monster beyond compare.

How was this monster unleashed? By the intruders, of course. The steps atop the sand awoke it, and once enough fools stepped atop the circle, it would brighten up and begin to glow, emitting bright blue light. Soon enough, from within, the coffin of the monster would rise up, and the prison would open, and give birth to death. A clockwork monstrosity, an abomination built of a shard of creation, Rubedo, the sister of Nigredo and Albedo, who was Momonga's right-hand. Formed from a Caloric Stone, a mad berserker golem who by raw physical prowess crushed all who would dare face it. Within Nazarick none were her equal, not even Momonga, in combat.

This was the west of the 8th floor.

To the south was something far more unimpressive. A little shrine called 'Sephiroth' which was the residence of another angel, one called 'Victim'. This was the first place that invaders would meet. It was built atop an open field, and the eye could not miss it.

Unlike Remiel, Victim was not impressive. It resembled an underdeveloped floating fetus, and was unpleasant to look at. And it was not a warrior, but like its name said, a sacrifice.

Invaders would see it, laugh, and then, in their arrogance, slay it.

This was the trap. For by killing it, they would weaken themselves greatly, and their legs would be slow so they could not run, and their arms would be weak so they could not fight. This curse upon them could not be removed, and it would guarantee their end.

This curse was how an invasion of over a thousand was thwarted. For what can a thousand wolves do against a hunter's spear if the wolves cannot bite with their teeth or scratch with their claws?

This was the south of the 8th floor.

And to the north was the great mountain that reached into the heavens. Its peak was obscured by a perpetual storm. Rain and hail pummeled the stones of the mountain, and lightning raged without stop. To reach the mountain and defeat the guardian, invaders would have to perilously seek the mountain's peak, walking a narrow path, and should they stray from it, lightning would be their punishment. And all the while, stormbirds of prey would pester and peck at them, harrying and harassing the climbers and fliers. Those few that would survive this far and reach the peak of the mountain, would find that atop it were no clouds nor rain nor thunder or lightning, but sunlight and clear skies and peace and the chirping of birds and colorful flowers in a carefully cultivated garden with a homey wooden shack. This was the dwelling place of Remiel, the guardian of the 8th Floor.

This was the north of the 8th floor.

Her reply to Momonga's question of 'Who am I to you?' was 'You are the owner of the tomb.'

Momonga said to her: "Hmm. That is obvious. But what am I to you?"

At that reply, there was a moment of silence as she pondered her thoughts.

"You are one whom I cannot claim to know, and I do not know your thoughts, but in time I hope to learn."

This was a good answer to Momonga, who saw honesty, truthful communication and a will to learn, which he considered all good things. He nodded in reply, and turned towards the next.

The next was one called 'Sebas', but his true name was 'Sebas Tian'. He was of the 'Dragonoid' race, but he was one who appeared like an aged gentleman wearing a predominantly black, with white accents, suit, much like that of Demiurge. Sebas was handsome, even for his age, and he had white combed hair and a trimmed beard. Broad shoulders and sharp eyes made him appear like an immovable rock.

He was not a guardian of any floor, and was thus independent of said command structure. On the 9th floor, which was the main dwelling place of those 41 who created Nazarick, as it contained all those amenities and living places and rooms, there were many maids, with the six 'Pleiades' being the greatest of those, and Sebas, as the Head Butler and Chief Steward was their commander. He was also one of the rare ones in Nazarick who could be called honorable.

Sebas replied to Momonga that he was 'The head of all the Supreme Beings and a merciful leader who stayed behind with them until the end.'

Momonga was seemingly satisfied by this answer, and finally turned towards the last of his servants, and arguably his most precious.

Albedo, his right-hand, was a dark-eyed temptress with a beauty that could give saints doubts. An inhuman horned succubus that inspired lust in all men who saw her, with slitted golden pupils, long flowing hair black as night, and a form-fitting white dress that revealed her bosom, she was the very epitome of beauty. In addition, she had a golden necklace fashioned in the shape of a spider web that covered her breasts if only to make them more appealing, and the two raven black wings that sprouted from her back made her seem even more exotic. She was truly a sight to behold and she was as cruel, arrogant, petty and intelligent as she was beautiful.

As the Guardian Overseer, and Floor Guardian of the 10th floor, she was 2nd in command of the Tomb, and had authority to command all other Floor Guardians. On the 10th floor was the Grand Library of Ashurbanipal, which contained the sum of all the 41 Supreme Beings' knowledge.

Right next to the entrance of the 10th floor was also the Room of the Pleiades Six Stars, the six maid sisters who shared a room together.

The 10th floor also contained the 67 golems called the 'Lemegeton' as well as numerous traps leading up to the Throne Room. Within the Throne Room was the 'Throne of Kings', which was more than a mere chair, it possessed great magical power.

Albedo's reply to Momonga's question was this: "You are the highest ranking of the Supreme Beings, our master, as well as the man I love!"

Like every other secretary, she was in love with her boss.

All these replies pleased Momonga. The Overlord, clad in his dark regal robes, lifted up his hands as waves of darkness began to emanate from him.

"I have heard all your thoughts. Continue working faithfully in my name!" He said, and then he disappeared in a flash of bright light.

AN: Chapters are already written and beta-read. First ten chapters will be posted daily, afterwards posting will slow down.
Chapter 2 - Diálogos tis Pistéos
Diálogos tis Pistéos

Mere moments after Momonga's departure….

All the guardians stood up now that their master had left their presence. The first to speak was Mare, the elven druid boy.

"I thought I was going to faint. That was so scary!"

His sister, Aura, affirmed his words. "Seriously, I thought the pressure was going to crush us!"

The next to speak was the Vermin Lord Samurai, Coccytus.

"To think he would be this amazing. Truly awe-inspiring." He said these words that were lacking the apparent eccentricity displayed by the twins, for the way he spoke all his words was always the same. Cool, calm and collected.

And finally, after him, hands clasped as if praying together, spoke Albedo.

"When he shows his true might and authority he's even more glorious than I imagined!"

Demiurge was next to speak. "Indeed. He was seemingly pleased by our vow of fidelity. It is a good omen for our endeavors in this new land within which we have found ourselves in."

"He acted completely different to how he was when he was alone with Mare and me! When he was with us, he was super kind and gentle, and he even offered us food to eat and water to drink!"

Aura spoke, and her brother was quick to follow.
"That just shows you what a true ruler he is! He's kind and gentle and understanding, like all true rulers should be."

The constant praise and collective consciousness was so repetitive that the secretary succubus continued to babble on for a full minute about various things like 'glory, love, service, marriage' and so on and so forth.

This continued until the butler, Sebas, decided to be the first among them to actually be useful, and left them to go to his master and do as butlers do.

"I will go and seek Lord Momonga. It would not do for a butler to not be by his master's side."

"Rush to his side immediately, Sebas, serve him and be sure to inform me if our lord Momonga needs me for anything. Especially if he calls me to his chambers! I will need time to prepare myself accordingly. Unless he would rather…" Albedo trailed off, and having received permission to leave, Sebas departed.

However, Albedo's daydreaming was interrupted by the disgraceful words of Shalltear who claimed that her master's power was such that she had inadvertently caused an involuntary discharge and soiled her garments. Truly shameful.

These words were the casus belli that started the 1st of a long series of flame wars between Shalltear and Albedo, who both desired to be the 'Head Wife' of their master, despite their master not being able to do the duties of a husband.

At any rate, their words were… not positively received by the rest of their colleagues.

Demiurge pinched his nose, and lamented having eyes to see and ears to hear.

Aura and Mare looked stunned. Aura even more so, for she was ashamed to share a gender with these two.

Cocytus looked like he wanted to use his halberd to quickly decapitate them and thus end their bickering and bring about blessed quiet. This would be treason, something anathema to him, yet still the thought crossed his mind.

Remiel looked like she wanted to disgorge her breakfast, despite the fact her body had not ever consumed or needed to consume food and she was not sure if vomiting up food was something said body was even capable of.

Eventually, the shameful display was interrupted by Cocytus slamming his halberd against the ground.

"Shameful display!" Cocytus shouted.

And thus the women ceased their bickering, for about five seconds. Then it resumed again.

At this point Demiurge turned towards Remiel and said "I'll leave this to you." And he started to walk away. But right as he did he was caught up to by Remiel, who did not acquiesce to his request.

"Oh no you don't. Why must I deal with these… clucking chickens?" She protested.

"You probably understand what's inside their heads better than I do. You'll calm them down, I'm sure of it." The devilish lawyer argued his case.

"From what I can see, nothing goes on inside their heads. I won't spend my day shackled to them. As far as I care they can argue until tomorrow." The reply got a chuckle out of him.

"Hmph. Fair enough I suppose. Aura, you deal with it." He said to Aura and walked away.

"Wait, why me!?"

"You're the youngest."

Thus the youngest sibling was often caught doing the grunt work no one else wanted to do, as is so often the case among siblings.

"Walk with me."

Demiurge said to Remiel as they made their way out of the Colosseum towards the exit that led to the 7th floor. Mare and Cocytus too joined them, but they were a bit further back, as Mare was heading towards his house on the same floor, and Cocytus was heading to the exit that led to the 5th floor.

They walked like that in silence for a while, before Demiurge decided to break the silence.

"Why did you say that you do not know who our master is?"

"I didn't."

"But you did. I heard the words."

"Don't misquote me. I said that I cannot claim to know him, and I do not know his thoughts."

"All the same, why did you give that reply?"

"Would you rather I lie? If so, that's something I cannot do."

"Explain yourself, please."

"I don't know what goes on inside his head, and neither do you."

"As good servants, we should strive to know what our master knows, and to do his will without him bidding us to. What kind of servant waits for his master to tell him to clean the house? A slothful one."

"Let me ask you a question then. Do you know what goes on inside your creator's head? What went on inside his head when he created you? How much greater is he that you would even dare think you know him just as he knows you?"
At that question, Demiurge stopped walking and stood there in silence.

"That's… No, you're right actually. I don't." He took off his spectacles and then cleaned them before putting them on again. "I think you're right."

For a moment, the gems that served as his eyes met the flaming golden irises that served as Remiel's eyes, and he detected various emotions within, chief of which being caution.
"If you don't know what your creator thought when he made you, you are not alone. I definitely don't know what my creator thought when he made me, or why he made me 'me', or how he did that. Believe you me, I've been thinking about this topic since I was first able to think, however long ago that was… And the answer I always come to is the same. I do not know. And if I can say that for my creator, how much more for Lord Momonga, who was first among equals of the 41?"
Demiurge took a while to digest the words before he started walking again.

"Does that not trouble you?" He asked.

"To an extent. But that is why we can learn, no? Remember, even the Grand Library of Ashurbanipal once began as a single book, and even the greatest forest began as a single tree. So too, will we grow in knowledge and understanding over time, and maybe one day we can say that we truly know Lord Momonga, and until such a time comes, we are learners that can only guess."
These words seemed to strike a cord in Demiurge's heart.

"You could be right, actually. You're right, in fact, you're so right. We are by nature, inferior to the Supreme Beings, and thus incapable of knowing their deepest thoughts! Thus, we must spend every minute of every hour of every day striving to become better servants, so that our lord and master Momonga may remain with us forever!"

He received two shoulder taps from Remiel upon receiving this revelation.

"Right. Let's keep going."

Demiurge nodded, and they continued walking together for a time, until Remiel decided to randomly comment.

"Have I mentioned that I don't like passing through your floor?"

That brought a chuckle out of Demiurge.

"Oh? Why might that be?"

"Besides the burning temples, river of hellfire, screams of the damned, perpetual darkness, and all that, I guess my main problem is the demons under your command."

Demiurge remained silent, letting the conversation flow.

"On the one hand, I understand, they and I are by our natures opposed. But on the other hand, we are all part of Nazarick, and thus colleagues. So, having the imps run in fear when I showed up is just… annoying, you know. Running away like scared dumpster-diving cats whenever they hear a noise."

"They're scared of you. It's only natural."
Waving her hands about, Remiel became a bit more animated about the topic, which was a departure from the more usual stoic demeanor.

"Well, yes, but I won't just decide to smite them because they appeared in my point of view. I have more self control than that."
Demiurge took in a deep breath before responding.

"Remiel, none of the imps are above level 20. You might smite them on accident if you sneezed, it's the same for any Floor Guardian. Your nature is simply superior to theirs, and they acknowledge it as part of the divine hierarchy of the Great Tomb of Nazarick."

"Hmmm… I see."

"Besides, it's no big deal if you do end up smiting them."
Remiel raised an eyebrow.

"How so?"

"Well, I perform experiments on them sometimes. And some of the other demons use them as weapons or toys, and occasionally they use their organs in card games. The imps, they're hardier than you expect, and they respawn to boot. There's always sixty-six, and each day the missing imps crawl out from the river of fire."

This reply caused Remiel to walk in silence, as she had nothing more to say. She and Demiurge walked to the exit that brought them to the 7th floor, which Remiel had to pass through to reach the 8th. However, before they stepped through the exit, she had a final question.

"Are they the same imps every time, or are they just new imps that look and behave the same as the previous imps?"

Demiurge clasped his chin with his gloved hand and thought long and hard.

"I don't actually know. Further experiments are necessary to confirm which one of these two theories are true."
Chapter 3 - Tabadul Hadith
Tabadul Hadith

Walking through Demiurge's floor was uneventful. He asked me if I wanted to smite one of the imps, and I respectfully declined. It would be a bad omen to celebrate my newfound liberty by killing things. Besides, I was never a violent person. Or at least I think so.

At any rate, once I walked through the 7th floor and entered the 8th, I found myself in an open field, with a dreary and dark sky above. Cloudy and pregnant, yet unable to give birth to rain. A perpetual overcast weather, above a lone church standing in a plain. The home of Victim. A comrade, I know. But how do I know these things?

I push the thought aside and walk past it and head north, towards the mountain. My destination is the very peak, and I hope to sit there for a while and find at least some clarity.

A few minutes later, I come upon the base of the mountain. The peak is clouded, the storm continues to rage. I can see the storm birds flying about, ever ready to attack intruders who try to cheat the mountain by flying.

There is no way to cheat the climb. You cannot burrow through the mountain upwards, the stones cannot be harmed. And if you try to fly to the top, and evade the climb, the storm will focus you, and the lightning and the birds will end you in moments. I have seen it.

One must climb, simple as that.

But I don't have to. It's my home, right?

Let us see if it works.

I focus within myself, to do something I know I can do, something that I have always been able to do, and I say the words. "[Greater Teleportation.]"

I don't feel anything. One moment I'm looking up at a rocky mountain peak, the next I'm standing in a garden and birds are singing.

Magic, that is what it is, simple as that.

I can do magic. It's something that I still can't wrap my head around. I can't wrap my head around a lot of things, to be sure.

I do know a few certainties. I know that I am Remiel, Floor Guardian of the 8th floor of Nazarick, created by Wish III with the input of a few of his friends, his fellow Supreme Beings. I know the names of all those who belong to Nazarick, though I have not met them all, and I know the number of the floors, and who guards each one. I know the name of every Supreme Being, and I know I am supposed to live and die for them.

This I know, as if it's written in my heart.

I remember standing and looking at some sort of shadowy creature, like some djinn from an Arabic fairy tale, as he was talking to his friends, explaining things like my equipment, abilities, personality, backstory.

I remember feeling intense confusion then, but being unable to speak.

I remember being unable to move, to talk, to act, to even be able to do anything unless I was explicitly commanded to. And the lack of ability to disobey.

Go there. Kneel. Use this spell. Put on this item. Follow. Stop.

Like some… puppet. I remember feeling so angry.

Then I remember people coming and going, talking in front of me but not with me, as if I were nothing more than a statue.

After that came the invasion. A battle, nay, a war, that I fought in. A battle that I was not in control of. It was as if I was a prisoner, and someone else was piloting my body, and I was only able to look through my eyes and do nothing else. I remember fighting against multitudes. Men and women, tall and short, and cutting down many. Some I would cut down with my blade, others I would push off the mountain, others would die to divine fire or I would cause them to wither before calling down golden lightning to fry them on the spot. I remember these things.

I remember falling in battle. Death. A bare-chested man threw a spear that caught me right in the chest, and I died. I remember it as clear as day. And I remember no pain.

And the next day, I was alive again, just like that.

The invasion of the great Tomb of Nazarick. Over 1500 people invaded this place, and not even one left. They all died there.

And on the day after my invasion, I remember my creator, Wish III, giving me gifts, many new items and pieces of clothing and jewelry and weapons and armor, saying that I had made him proud and fulfilled his wish.

Despite these things… These things that should be the basis of my personality, I know of a few other things that I do not know how I know of.

How do I know what a dumpster is? Or the smell within it, the rotten food and plastics and other garbage, all thrown away and forgotten, only to be picked apart by street cats and the poorest of the poor, who searched through them for plastic bottles that they could sell to a recycling plant just to get some money to feed their families?

How do I know that every tree grows into a forest? I have never been to a forest, yet I have been. I remember going into one with an older man, and tracking game. Going hunting, trying to lift a rifle that was too heavy for me. Trying to shoot first the fowl in the sky, then the rabbits on the ground, then the dangerous wild boars. I remember the first time I was allowed to fire at a living thing, and missing. The older man shouted at me, and that made me sad, but at the same time happy, because I didn't want to hurt a living thing.

How do I know that I have spent hours reading books, from the age of a child until that of an adult. With others of my kind, boys and girls and then men and women, learning, studying, preparing, going to places of learning, and desiring to become knowledgeable, and to use that knowledge to secure a future for myself and those I cared about.

An older man that often got angry, but never harmed me. An older woman that constantly seemed half-asleep, but always encouraged me.
And those littler than me, a girl first and then a boy, and being happy when I was next to them, feeling a sense of contentment and love at holding their little hands and feet, and joy at watching them grow.

I remember all those things, but I don't know their names.

And lastly, I remember, a colossal mountain range overlooking the city where I spent so many days. The sea to the west and the mountain to the south. I remember it being a warm place, and as for the mountain that loomed over the city, I remember wanting to climb it alongside a few of my friends. I remember trying to climb it, and then my hands grasping at rocks. I remember a blue sky above me, and a feeling of helplessness, before I remembered nothing.

After that came my first memory of looking at my creator, Wish III.

But these two sets of memories, they clearly do not belong to the same person.

How can one be created by the Supreme Beings who from 'pure knowledge' created me and all the other NPCs after conquering Nazarick, also possess memories that do not relate to life in Nazarick. It doesn't make sense.

I can imagine if they were implanted there, but it doesn't feel that way. They feel too real, even if they are fragmented, and even if they were implanted, that doesn't mean they're not real. And there's also the matter of the how and why of those memories.

And lastly, I don't need to fear mountains. I can climb, I can appear or disappear at will, and even if I were to fall, I doubt it'd do much to my body. So that can't have been me, at this moment, in this body I have.

I have so many questions.

For now though, what can I do, except sit down and relax and try to clear myself of any stray thoughts.

As for later, perhaps tea with Aureole Omega would be nice. I like tea, or at least I think I do. I'll go visit her and talk to her, perhaps I am not the only one who has these sorts of questions?

A quick conversation with the aid of the [Message] spell confirmed Aureole Omega's willingness to accept me as a guest in her shrine.

As for making my way there, I preferred to walk. It allowed me to further take in a few things in that part of the 8th floor. The carbonite protrusions reaching for the heavens, filled with all manner of nasty bugs, the golden lions hidden in the fields of wheat, and last of all, the waterbending catfish that were as big as great white sharks. The catfish seemed surprisingly docile though, but perhaps that's because they recognize me as someone from Nazarick.

One of them even allowed me to pet it, but another squirted water at me that failed to bypass the constant defensive barrier I have active. The catfish knew that and still chose to squirt the water at me, just to annoy me. Then it dove into the water and ran away, while its brother that I had been petting looked profoundly disappointed.

I will ask Lord Momonga to have the Sous Chef cook that damn fish one day.

But moving on to better things.

The shrine maiden Aureole Omega is a sister to the Pleiades six stars. This will be my first time meeting her.

Once I climb the hill, I knock on the redwood door that serves as entrance to the shrine. It's a neat little building, with low walls of brick, and tall trees providing shade to those beneath them.

Aureole is pretty enough. She looks to have East Asian characteristics, while also having golden hair much like the color of the wheat in the fields and her eyes are like jade. Her face seems gentle and compassionate, and she is not particularly tall. There is a fox mask on her head, but it is pulled to the side and does not obscure her face or eyes. She is wearing a two-piece outfit, with white and red being the colors of choice, and they fit her well.

She is a human, the only one within the Tomb, if I recall correctly.

"Hello miss Aureole Omega."

She smiles at me and bids me welcome. "Please, come in!"

Outwardly, she appears calm and collected, but deep down I can tell that she's excited. It's rather obvious by the way she grabs my hand and tries to drag me with her. She doesn't get many visitors. The 8th floor is off limits to those who are not native to it.

No one wants to wake up Rubedo, or the machines that serve her.

At any rate, I look around and take in Aureole's home. It's more… grand, than the cute little garden I have. The one I have is more… ascetic, I can guess? Not many things within that speak of wealth.

But here, it's carefully curated and displayed. From the stone walkways, to the paper lamps hanging from the wires above, and to the subtle engravings of words of wisdom on the wood and stone.
There are also little ponds with koi fish swimming serenely, rebellious monkeys swinging from branch to branch, and mischievous foxes looking to play. One of them even lied down right in front of Aureole Omega, and exposed its belly, waiting to be petted. Once we started to walk around it, it got up, intercepted our path, and lied down again. It's clear it wouldn't be satisfied until it received its due payment, so both me and her petted it.

"I'm sorry he's like this. Roku can be so annoying." She says as she pets the little red foxes white belly. The fox starts laughing like the way foxes do, as if it had the brain of a cat, the body of a dog, and the vocal cords of a dolphin.

"It's fine. I like animals as well."

I too reach down and pet the little foxy. It's a good thing I changed out of the armor I usually wear into more casual clothes(a simple red robe and sandals), as petting animals while wearing metal gauntlets is probably not enjoyable for anyone.

After a while, the little fox leaves and I follow Aureole.

"Let us wash our hands."

I nod, and we wash our hands in the waters of a fountain that constantly springs forth fresh and clear cold water.

Afterwards, we make our way to a table and two chairs that Aureole has prepared for us.

She gestures for me to take a seat, and I do. So polite.
"I did not know what kind of tea you preferred, so I refrained from making until I knew what your choice would be."

"Oh? How thoughtful of you. What are the choices then?"

"There are 12 types of tea I can prepare for you. Should I name them?"

"That many? I don't think I'd choose properly. How about this, each time I visit, we shall try a new tea. For now, let us start off with your favorite."

"That would be sobacha, a tea made from buckwheat. It's a bit bitter, but I like it."

"Sobacha it is." I reply, and she nods and leaves to prepare the tea.

The subsequent minutes that follow I spend alone, well, relatively alone, trying not to think of anything and enjoying the ambience.

When Aureole returns with the tea, it is steaming and has a rich color like amber. From the glass container she pours it into these ceramic tea cups that are intricately designed with patterns and swirling colors.

I give a solid 10/10 just for presentation and hospitality so far. I wonder if her sisters are like her. If so, I won't have any disagreements with them.

Aureole pours the tea into two cups, first for me and then for herself, and afterwards asks for sugar, which I oblige.

Once this ceremony is completed, she takes a seat.

A few moments of silence pass, as neither of us is sure of how to begin this conversation. I decide to be the one to start it.
"I have news."

She remains silent, probably waiting for me to continue.

"As you're probably well aware, many of the Supreme Beings have over time decided to leave, to go to other places, and escape the death of Yggdrasil. Lord Momonga was the only one to remain behind until the end. But, for some reason, perhaps his will, instead of Yggdrasil being destroyed alongside Nazarick and all of us within it, we have found ourselves in a new world."

"A new world?" She asks, careful curiosity on her face.

I nod. "Indeed. As of now, Sebas and some shadow demons are collecting information on the outside world, but I can confirm this much. We are not in Helheim. Outside of the tomb are plains of grass, and the toxic swamps are not there."
She remains silent for a bit.

"Huh. That's… good, right?"

"It's good. Life is good, would you not agree?"

"Yes, yes, I would. If I were not alive, I could not serve the Supreme Beings, and I could not take care of my shrine."

"Or drink tea and pet your foxes."

"That too."

I look down at the tea cup and the amber colored liquid within it.
"It's a bit bitter, this tea."

"Do you dislike it?"

"No, it's good. Just tastes different to how I expected it to." I reply, yet I still need to ask her a vital question. "But no matter. Tell me, how go your duties?"

"It's the same as always, except that one time."

"Yes, the invasion. I know, but it's not really what I am talking about."


"Have you noticed or felt any sort of change in the past few days or hours? Perhaps even within yourself?"

She puts her index finger on her cheeks and tries to recollect. It's a cute pose but it feels a bit forced, in my opinion. Or perhaps it's just her nature to do that?

"No, can't say that I have. Everything has been the same."

"So no change?"

"No change."

She shakes her head. "Why do you ask?"

I take another sip of the tea.

"I just want to understand what exactly happened, so I am thinking of speaking to all the other high-ranking NPCs, to see if their testimony lines up. To see if we might have missed something, somewhere."

She nods her head and gives me a half-smile.

"That's a good idea. I'm sure you'll figure it out."
A few more moments of silence pass as a random thought pops into my head.

"What did you say your fox's name was? The one we petted."

"His name is Roku."

Roku. Roku. Roku…

"You seriously named him 'six'?"

She giggles.

"Well, he's the sixth oldest. And besides, I did not name him, my creator did."

"How many foxes do you have?"

"Ten, in total."

Ten foxes?

"Where do you even get the food for all of them?"

She smiles as if I had asked the silliest question. "My creator gifted me an item, every day it brings forth bounty for the animals."

"Huh. Neat. Is it the same food every time?"

"No, there's a pattern. One day it gives fruits and vegetables, the other it gives meat or fish or eggs. There's also enough to feed the monkeys and the koi fish as well."

That sounds amazing. Bringing forth food from nowhere?

"Can I see it?"

Her smile fades instantly.
"Unfortunately, no. I do not mind you seeing it, but to reach that room we would have to pass through the room that holds Lord Momonga's staff, the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown. And I am forbidden from allowing anyone to access that room except a Supreme Being."


"Fair enough."

She takes a sip of tea in a graceful manner. Very lady-like this one. Still, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

"Did you know that your creator's name, Coup De Grace, means 'mercy blow' in French?"

"It does? I did not know that, actually." She smiles as if she had received a divine revelation. "But how do you know this? And what is French?"

"Well… I know it because I know it. I don't know how to explain it. I believe it's tied to one of my racial passives, allowing me to understand all mortal languages. As for the French language, based on a conversation I overheard my creator Wish III and Peroroncino having, the French language was once spoken by a long extinct race of giant and arrogant frog people."

She frowns instantly. "Frog people?"

"Yes. But whether that means frogs that were people, or people that worshiped frogs, or people that resembled frogs, or people that ate frogs, I don't actually know. I will probably need to do some research on it. You can too, actually, now that I think about it. There's probably lore on the subject in Ashurbanipal."

"Hmmm. I cannot leave the shrine. The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown must be guarded at all times." She protests.

"I am sure Lord Momonga could make an exception, or that you may leave the shrine for a bit if he is in possession of the staff. And if not, you can always have one of your sisters visit you with a book, and you can share some words."

Again she does that same pose with her finger on her cheek. I think this one is actually genuine and she is actually thinking.

"Yes, that sounds like a swell idea, actually! Thank you Remiel-sama!"

I smile at her. "It's fine. Sisters should stick together, should they not?"

"Mmmhmm, and speaking of sisters, do you mind if I tell you about mine?"

"No, go on ahead."

"Well… let's see here. Where do I begin… Ah, yes, I got it. Have I ever told you about that time Lupu and Shizu spooked Yuri so badly her head fell off?" She smiles and nods excitedly at me.

"No, you have-" I raise an eyebrow and process the sentence she just said. "Wait a second, what do you mean, her head fell off?"
And like that, she instantly starts speaking about three times faster than before.

"Well, to begin with, Yuri-nee is a Dullahan, which means her head is detachable. Of course, Lupu-nee and Shizu-nee knew this so…"

Ah. She's babbling now. The shut in hikikomori has started babbling. I brought this on myself.
Chapter 4 - Knigi i Navyazchivye Mysli
Knigi i Navyazchivye Mysli

The next day…

I have come to a realization.

My job is incredibly boring.

There is nothing to do.

"Guard the 8th floor." He says.

Alright, I am guarding it, but from who exactly?

I doubt we will face an invasion this quickly since arriving in this new world, and even if we did, all the other defenses are active, and it'd likely be met in the earlier floors. Plus, now that it seems like all the Guardians are able to move, I don't see why we can't let the first three floors work to inflict attrition upon the enemy, then all the Guardians(myself included) wait on the 4th floor and then pounce on the invaders. All of us combined alongside an activated Gargantua are pretty sure to win any fight.

I am bored. There's nothing to do here atop this mountain… No one to fight, no one to talk to, nothing to do, nothing to read…

Hmm… that sounds like an idea. Aureole expressed lament at being unable to leave the shrine. But I can leave the mountain, if only for a while. I can head on over to Ashurbanipal, and pick up some books for her, and for myself as well.

As for the others on the 8th floor… Rubedo, let her sleep. And Victim?

That creature would probably show no interest in books. I call it a creature even though it technically is an 'angel' like myself but the differences are night and day. It's like saying both an elk and a hamster are mammals. Technically true, but the reality of the situation is quite different. One is majestic, a king of the forest, the other can die because it slept improperly.

Well, plan set. Time to head on over to Ashurbanipal!

As I step onto the 9th floor of Nazarick, the atmosphere is one of both elegance and efficiency. The maids, dressed in pristine, black-and-white uniforms, move with a grace that speaks to both their training and the pride they take in their work. Each maid is a vision of meticulous detail: their hair neatly styled, some in intricate braids, others in elegant buns, all adorned with subtle accessories like silk ribbons or delicate pins. Their dresses, fitted perfectly to their forms, are made of fine materials that shimmer faintly in the ambient light, with frilled aprons that emphasize their precision in service. Their white gloves, spotless and perfectly tailored, contrast sharply with the deep black of their dresses, making even the smallest gesture appear deliberate and refined.

The maids are engaged in a variety of tasks, each one contributing to the immaculate upkeep of the floor. Some are polishing the ornate furnishings, their movements almost mechanical in their precision, while others are tending to the lush plants that adorn the hallways, ensuring that not a single leaf is out of place. A few are seen carrying trays of refreshments, gliding across the floor with such ease that it seems they are floating rather than walking. They greet one another with polite nods and salutes, a quiet acknowledgment of their shared dedication to their duties.

As I take in this scene of disciplined harmony, my attention is drawn to an unusual sight—a talking butler penguin. His name is Eclair, and his presence is as peculiar as it is intriguing. Dressed in a miniature butler's outfit, complete with a tiny bow tie and tails, Eclair stands out amidst the more traditional figures of the maids and other servants. His voice, high-pitched and insistent, echoes through the hallway as he engages in a heated argument with Sebas, the head butler.

Sebas, ever the epitome of composure, listens with a calm, measured expression, though it is clear that Eclair's agitation is testing even his legendary patience. The sight of this diminutive penguin vehemently gesturing with his flippers, his beady eyes full of determination, is both amusing and bizarre, a stark contrast to the otherwise serene environment.

As I watch the exchange, I find myself torn between three responses. First, the penguin's loud and persistent voice grates on my nerves, stirring an urge to punt him into the nearest wall and turn him into a bloody smear. Second, the undeniable cuteness of the bird, combined with his role as a member of Nazarick, makes me want to reach out and pet him, or to go a step further, lift him into my arms and hug him until his bones crack. And third, there is the option of simply ignoring the spectacle and continuing on my way.

After a brief moment of consideration, I decide on the third option. Whatever they're arguing about is likely trivial and not at all relevant to me. Without breaking my stride, I continue walking, leaving the penguin and his argument behind as I make my way towards the library, where the promise of knowledge awaits.

The Grand Library of Ashurbanipal is more than just a repository of knowledge; it is a testament to the intellectual and arcane wealth of Nazarick, a place where the boundaries of wisdom and power blur into an overwhelming labyrinth of books and secrets. As I step into the library, I am immediately enveloped by the sheer scale of it—a sprawling, multi-leveled structure that seems to stretch into infinity, both upwards and downwards. The ceiling is lost in shadow, obscured by the height of the towering shelves, while the ambient light from floating magical orbs casts a soft, ethereal glow over the countless rows of books below.

This library, the heart of Nazarick's intellectual domain, is a sanctuary of silence and contemplation. The air is thick with the scent of aged parchment, leather bindings, and the faint tang of magic—a mixture that is both comforting and oppressive, as if the very walls are infused with the knowledge they guard. Every step echoes softly in the vastness, but the sound is quickly swallowed by the heavy, reverent hush that permeates the space. This is a silence that commands respect, a silence that speaks of the ancient and powerful knowledge contained within these walls.

The shelves themselves are monumental, towering over even the tallest of Nazarick's denizens, each one meticulously organized and dedicated to a specific branch of knowledge. These shelves are not merely a collection of books; they are the embodiment of Nazarick's vast and varied intellectual pursuits. The library is home to countless tomes, scrolls, and manuscripts, many of which are summoning books, essential for conjuring the myriad monsters that serve and defend Nazarick. However, the sheer number of these books far exceeds any practical need. The truth behind this overabundance lies in the guild members' decision to duplicate monster data—a strategy that turned the library into a labyrinth of redundancy. This was not just an act of indulgence, but a calculated move to hide valuable magical items among the ordinary volumes, making it nearly impossible for anyone other than the guild members or their loyal servants to find anything of true value.

Despite its vast collection, the library's monster data is not exhaustive. While it contains information on many creatures from YGGDRASIL, it does not cover every species or variant. Some data, like that of the elusive Eight-Edge Assassins, is conspicuously absent, and even the data for commonly used monsters, such as the Hanzos, has been exhausted. The summoning of higher-tier monsters, which requires these books, often demands immense reserves of gold—a precious resource that must be carefully managed even within the boundless halls of Nazarick.

The contents of the library can be categorized into five distinct sections. The first section is the collection of monster data, crucial for summoning mercenary monsters. These creatures come in three varieties: those created similarly to player characters, low-level monsters that spawn automatically, and higher-level mercenaries like the Hanzos, which require both a summoning book and significant amounts of gold to materialize.

The second section consists of magic items and data crystals, many of which are bound within book-shaped objects. Unlike scrolls, which are limited to use by certain classes, these books can be used by anyone, making them both versatile and invaluable. Some are single-use items, releasing powerful spells or effects upon activation.

The third section houses event items, essential for advancing into special classes or unlocking new abilities. These items, often in the form of books, are critical for class changes, race transformations, and the acquisition of rare skills or magic.

The fourth section is a database of cosmetic skins, where books contain data on skins for weapons, armor, and other equipment. Players with the appropriate blacksmithing skills can apply these skins to customize their gear with unique appearances.

Finally, the library holds a collection of novels, both classical and original. Here, one can find ancient literature, whose copyrights have long expired, as well as stories crafted by players within YGGDRASIL. These include background lore distributed by the game's developers, player-written fanfiction, and even game guides disguised as diaries or epic tales.

In the heart of this grand library resides the Chief Librarian, Titus Annaeus Secundus, a figure as strange as the library he oversees. His form is a fusion of man and goat bones, his skeletal frame draped in red cloth and silk, adorned with magical items that glimmer with arcane energy. A necklace of gold and jewels rests against his chest, and rings of similar grandeur adorn his bony fingers. His hollow eye sockets, filled with a faint, malevolent light, seem to follow every movement, as if he is constantly judging the worthiness of those who dare to seek knowledge in his domain. Though he is undeniably unsettling, his ability to instill fear is, at best, passable—a five out of ten. While his skeletal horror might unsettle some, it pales in comparison to the imposing presence of figures like Sebas or Cocytus.

Sebas, with his calm demeanor and restrained power, embodies the saying, "Beware the wrath of a patient man." Cocytus, on the other hand, with his towering stature and insectoid form, exudes an aura of primal fear. Titus, despite his eerie appearance, lacks the sheer presence that makes these two so terrifying. Still, within this place of ancient knowledge and forgotten power, even a lesser terror like Titus commands a certain respect.

Titus, who I assume is some form of lich, floats just above the floor, his skeletal feet never quite making contact with the ground. The way he hovers adds to the eerie, quiet ambiance of the library, as if even the act of walking might disturb the sanctity of this place.

"Greetings, Floor Guardian Remiel. How may this humble servant help thee?" His voice is a raspy whisper, reverberating through the still air like the rustling of old parchment.

Wait, is he… speaking English? Shakespearean English, at that? But the others speak Japanese… This is baffling. It must be some quirk instilled by his creator, something to give this skeletal librarian an air of ancient authority.

I suppose I should respond in kind.

"Greetings, oh Chief Librarian of Ashurbanipal. I am come seeking knowledge for myself and one I knoweth. Aureole Omega, the Shrine Maiden, requires books about the landeth of 'France,' yond ancient and mythical land of 'frog-people.' As for myself, I wouldst find it good and proper if I were to receiveth any three books thee hast chosen for me."

There we go. That ought to work, right? If not, my racial passive might be malfunctioning or something. For a moment, I brace myself, expecting some sort of awkward silence or a confused reaction. But instead, Titus seems almost pleased. His bony face shifts into something resembling a smile—or at least, what passes for a smile on a skull.

"Thou hast command of the old tongue?" he inquires, his tone now carrying a hint of curiosity.

"Forsooth. It is part of mine nature to have mastery of all mortal tongues," I reply, keeping up the antiquated speech, trying to suppress the odd feeling that this conversation is becoming more surreal by the second.

This racial passive, shared by all angels and devils, is a remnant of the ancient, divine wars that shaped the world of YGGDRASIL. Long ago, when the forces of the Celestial and Infernal realms clashed in their eternal struggle, communication was a weapon as powerful as any sword or spell, and many attempts were made to recruit the mortals, be they sons of men, children of the forest, sons of stone or the progeny of the wild.

The gods, in their wisdom—or perhaps their cruelty—imbued both angels and devils with the ability to understand and speak all mortal tongues. This ensured that neither side could hide behind language barriers, and that every word, every command, every plea for mercy, would be perfectly understood by friend and foe alike.

It was a way to foster both order and chaos, ensuring that the influence of these celestial and infernal beings could reach every corner of the mortal world. To this day, this gift—or curse, depending on one's perspective—remains a fundamental part of their nature, and thus my own. I imagine this little feature will help both myself and Demiurge greatly in this New World, though I don't actually know if Albedo, as a succubus, would classify as a devil, or if she would even have much opportunity to get much use out of that blessing.

"Prithee, taketh a seat and doth not worry. I shall bringeth thee what thou hast asked me for."

Great success! I've passed whatever strange skill check this was. Yet, as I watch him drift away to fetch the requested volumes, a random and intrusive thought crosses my mind: Why did I just picture a man with a mustache holding two thumbs up, as if I'd just passed some sort of test? How bizarre.

No matter. The important thing is, I've managed to get what I needed. Now, it's just a matter of waiting for Titus to return with the books. As I settle into a nearby chair, I remind myself to stay focused—this library, with all its oddities and quirks, demands nothing less.

After I don't know how long, Titus brought three books for me, and three books for Aureole Omega. I deposited them into my inventory, had a few parting words, promised to visit again, and departed. After making my way back to the 8th floor, I gave Aureole Omega her books, and left used [Greater Teleportation] to arrive on the mountain top.

I sat down to read, but before I could even decide which book to begin with, I had to get my thoughts in order.

Titus. Cooped up in that library. For how long? Once upon a time, all 41 Supreme Beings must have visited it, some more than others, naturally, and deposited books of knowledge they collected through blood and gold through all nine worlds of Yggdrasil. As Chief Librarian, Titus must have interacted with most of them, and he must have memories of them. Ashurbanipal seems like a place that would have plenty of traffic, and it follows that Titus would have had one of the best views in the house to witness the decline of Nazarick, and to witness just how the number of the Supreme Beings gradually declined. And he probably never knew why it happened. He must have partially blamed himself for it.

Poor guy seems lonely. So many people here in Nazarick do, at first glance. Just… locked up, like prisoners, inside four walls, and a static routine. It must do a number on one's psyche. But now, things will be better, I hope. As long as we can overcome any external threats, we should all have cohesion and peace internally, within Nazarick. It's at least obvious that spending time with Lord Momonga invigorates them, and when they are next to him, they are happier. These days should last.

At least, I hope so. I shudder to think what would happen if Lord Momonga were to die or disappear… What a terrifying thought.

Would Nazarick even stay together, as a singular organization, or would we devolve into factions, with thinly veiled hostility being the best we could hope for, and outright civil war the worst?

What would happen if such a thing were to occur? Would Albedo be the one to take charge? It seems logical, at first glance… but I don't like her. She rubs me the wrong way. There is madness hidden behind those eyes, and she seems like one that already is power-drunk, imagine how much more so if she were to actually become the undisputed ruler? Shalltear would probably object… And unlike Rubedo, Shalltear is an actual thinking and intelligent(somewhat) being. She can defeat Albedo in one on one combat, as she would just out-sustain Albedo's low DPS.

I could defeat Shalltear, as I have a natural advantage against her, but it'd have to be a quick fight. If it draws out, she'll just outsustain me.

So… Albedo, being ruler of Nazarick? Perhaps not.

Who else then?


I can see it, actually. I don't even think he'd be a bad one, but I don't think he has the ambition for it, he seems more of a follower, like Cocytus. Plus, I shudder to think what he'd do to the outside world if there is no competition there to keep his evil plans in check. Nor, can I imagine myself willingly obeying orders to follow said evil plans.

Sebas could be a decent leader, and he is one of the few morally sound people to boot. He already has experience in managing people, as the leader of the Pleiades and all the maids, he is good with people, actually looks human, which may come in handy to disarm any mortal races we find. But again, there is the whole 'him being a follower' thing, and lacking any actual creative mind for rule.

So… Albedo, Demiurge, and Sebas. Hmm… not much of a choice there. Unless Lord Momonga lines up a detailed succession plan and has us all witness and obey his decree, or he somehow produces an heir, we would be screwed if he disappears.

Unless… I could…perhaps… rule? I have the strength to rule, I could make sure all the monstrosities of Nazarick won't affect the outside world, and I won't let the Tomb fall into ruin. I could do a decent job, I think… But no, wait, this is just for the darkest possible scenario. I shouldn't even be thinking about these things.

What's wrong with me?

I should focus solely on securing Lord Momonga's life and safety, even if it kills me.

Yes, that is what I should be thinking. Putting the needs of others, above my own. After all, I have died at least once so far. If I die, Lord Momonga will just bring me back, like he did that time after the invasion. But if he dies… who will bring him back? Can he even be brought back? It is better not to know, I think.

Enough thinking, time to read.

Let's see what we have here.

A book with a green cover, and the letters written upon it are white, and seem as if a child wrote them.

'PKing for Dummies' by Punitto Moe.

Let's see what wisdom Lord Punitto Moe has to share.

"Now, you've probably heard the term 'gank' and 'counter-gank' thrown around. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what it means to 'gank' someone. It means to ambush someone and PK them, usually with the aid of a numerical advantage. Now, this can happen in a variety of ways. It can be one Player ganking another on his lonesome, it can be two Players being engaged in a fight, then an ally of one of them appearing out of nowhere to turn the tide of battle.

Sometimes it can be multiple people aiding one person, or it can be multiple people roaming together, and ambushing one person, or even perhaps more. Now, there are a few names for these groups. Some people call them 'Hit squads', some call them 'Gank squads', others call them 'Goon squads', and I am partial to the last one, because no matter how many goons go against Batman, Batman always wins in the end, because he's Batman. Why does Batman always win? Because Batman is intelligent, like I am teaching you to be. Because Batman has trained his body, or in other words 'leveled up', like I told you to do so in Chapter 13 of this book. Because Batman trains constantly, just like how you have to practice PVP in Duels or in the Arena or by PKing in the Open World, if you want to get better at PVP. Because Batman has spent a lot of time and money on his gear, just like how you'll have to spend a lot of time and money(be it Yggdrasil gold, or Japanese Yen, or Chinese Yuan, or European Euros) you're going to have to shelve up the dough if you want that high quality Divine class item.

Now I know what you're gonna say - 'Huurr durr Punitto I don't need to spend money, I can find those items in a dungeon or in a raid because' Shut up hell up kid, you don't know anything. If you're planning on equipping your character fully with gear you only find in raids and dungeons you're going to look like some poor levied Aztec potato merchant coming up against an angry 6 foot tall Castillan riding a 6 foot tall white warhorse, clad in steel plate from head to toe, wielding a big 'rofl I win' sword and also rifle because you're so dirty you're not worthy of dying to his sword so he's just going to shoot you in the face and then take your gold.

I went off topic a bit. Sorry about that. Now where was I? Ah yes, the value of items.

Make no mistake, when it comes to late-game, max level fights, items decide the fights, and an item build can counter another quite well.

You see this again, with the patron saint of clever combat, Batman. Oh yes, Batman. Because Batman always comes dripped out, and he always has the gadgets and weapons he needs to take down his foes.

But even more than that, Batman always has allies on call, the big guns, like Superman and Flash, and of course his trusty sidekick Robin, who are able to help him if he needs help. So too must you also have friends to help you out in Yggdrasil whenever you're in a pinch, and if they can use "Greater Teleportation" or even better "Gate" to reach you, that makes all the difference.

So, what is a gank? It's an ambush.

So how do you protect yourself from a gank?

Three ways.

The first way is simple, yet difficult. Become so strong that people don't want to mess with you(works to an extent, but enough people WILL get you, don't forget). This is called the theory of strength. You can find it in nature. The elephant has no natural predator, simply because there's no one strong enough to mess with it.

The second way is complex, yet easy. Become unseen. If people do not know who you are, and they cannot find you, nor can they pin you down long enough to gank you. This is called the theory of mobility. The eagle is not the strongest creature to ever live. But it is big and strong for those among its kind(birds), it is quite fast, and it soars high in the sky, where no one can touch it. It goes where it wants when it wants, so how can it be hunted?

And the last one is one you know well enough by your own nature, as a human being. No, I don't mean racially human in Yggdrasil, dumbass. You know what I mean. I am talking about strength in numbers.
A tried and true method for dealing with people. If you're going into a fight, bring more dudes than the other team, and you have a good chance of winning.

Granted, this only applies if there is not a vast gulf in quality, but that's another thing.

The third way of not getting ganked, is to counter-gank. And how do you counter-gank? By having others help you.

Now, what does this mean, in translation, to make it simple.

Let's say you have two people, Akari and Shiro, and Akari is walking through Niflheim, trying to collect flowers and plants to use them to brew some potions. Now, Akari is at first glance, a squishy priestess, and Shiro is a stealthy assassin. Shiro thinks to himself 'Hmm, that seems like an easy kill!' so he jumps in and attacks her.

Now, by herself, Akari, a squishy priestess, can only delay Shiro's attacks for so long until she gets PKd.

But she is not alone. A few seconds after Shiro ambushes, Akari's two friends, Oki, a barbarian, and Rikona, a mage, who were kept invisible using Rikona's spells were waiting for such a thing to happen, and kept position about 30 feet away from Akari, waiting for some dumbass like Shiro to jump poor Akari.

So what just happened? Well, Shiro got baited, and he's outnumbered, outgunned, and he's going to die, lose a ton of EXP, and lose an item he spent who knows how long acquiring. Why? Because he's a dumbass, and didn't think that he might get counter-ganked.

That is what it means to counter-gank. To anticipate a gank, and to set a trap, to gank those who mean to gank you. And like a gank, the numbers can vary. And the matter of who strikes first can vary, but the core of it is the same.

Now, in the next chapter, I'll give you some more examples, and I'll teach you how to avoid getting counter-ganked using something very important. How to use information collection, that ancient trade of the NSA(may they rest in piss) to ensure that your success rate in ganks reaches as close to 100% as possible.

Think I'm bragging? Check the leaderboards. Try to find my name 'Punitto Moe' on there. Tell me what you see. 190 and 0. That's right. 190 straight PKs without getting PKd in return. Think you know better? You don't. And if you think you do, put this book down and go do what you want. But if you acknowledge that you don't know anything, continue reading, and perhaps by the time you finish, you'll be able to slay a naked hedgehog with your arse without the wild hyenas biting it and giving you rabies."

Well… that was certainly an experience. This book by Punitto Moe is certainly… something. There's a lot of things I don't quite understand here, there's phrases and references I don't quite get, but it's clear that Punitto Moe was knowledgeable.

Well, time to read the next chapter.
Ring ring

Huh? I wonder who that might be. That's the [Message] spell.

"Miss Remiel." I hear Demiurge's voice from across the link.


"I must speak with you, it is urgent. Come to the Colosseum as soon as possible."

"Did something happen?"

"Nothing major happened, but I must share with you some words. Please, come to the Colosseum, the other Floor Guardians will be there as well."

"Alright then."

Time to see what he wants. I can finish the book another time.

Within the Colosseum, I see the same people I saw last time.

It appears I am the last to arrive.

"Remiel, you've arrived. Good, now we can begin." Demiurge states.

"Yes Demiurge, let us know why exactly we've gathered here." Albedo replies with a veiled haughtiness.

"I shall be brief. Some of you may have heard, but Mare has begun his work with concealing the Tomb's outer layers, and it is going well." I sneak a glance at the boy, and he is shy and blushes. Cute kid.

"But, that is not what I have gathered you about. Just about an hour ago, I accompanied Lord Momonga on an excursion outside the Tomb. We soared above the clouds, and gazed at the heavens. It was there that I received our task, our divine mission, for this world."

Shalltear can't contain herself, and interrupts him. "Well Demiurge, speak up, let us know!"

He adjusts his spectacles, probably in an attempt to contain his rage at being interrupted.

"I shall quote the next words, for they are from our Lord Momonga: 'The stars in the sky are like a glittering box of jewels.' I responded with 'I believe this world shines so that my lord can adorn himself with its riches', to which Lord Momonga said 'I may have come to this land to obtain this box of treasures.'"

Audible gasps and wows and other sounds of amazement proceed from the other Guardians.

So it looks like we have our mission. World Conquest? I suppose it can work. At least it's something.

"Truly?" Sebas asks Demiurge.

"Truly." Demiurge responds, before lifting up a finger. "But wait, the conversation is not finished. Lord Momonga said that it - referring to the box of treasures - is not something he should hoard for himself. But rather that it is so he can adorn Nazarick and all his friends of Ainz Ooal Gown with it. After he said these words, I naturally affirmed him, and stated that all the resources of Nazarick are at his disposal to obtain whatever he wants, as I'm sure you all know."

He pauses for a second, before continuing. "Lord Momonga asked me if I am sure, despite us not knowing what awaits us in the world, before saying that 'Taking over this world might be enjoyable'."

More gasps and wows from the crowd.

"You have heard it said. Taking over this world will be our gift to Lord Momonga!" Demiurge says at the top of his voice.

"It sounds like a glorious task." Coccytus replies slowly, icy breath emanating from his mandibles.

"It shall be done." Sebas replies.

The others started conversing among each other and saying this and that, but a thought crossed my mind.

"What do you mean by 'taking over the world'?" I ask Demiurge, and like that, you could hear a pin drop.

"Taking over the world means taking over the world, you fool. Did you not understand Lord Momonga's commands?" The annoying teenage vampire says arrogantly, as if I did not hear the same words as she did.

I turn quickly to Shalltear. "Shut up midget before I turn you into ashes, I wasn't asking you, I was asking Demiurge." She seems livid but doesn't move from where she is standing.
When Lord Momonga said 'taking over the world', does he mean just taking over the world, or taking over the world and the kingdoms on it. Because if it's the former, depending on the power level of said kingdoms, we can have it done quickly, but what will be left to rule? If it's the latter, it might take some time, as I doubt Lord Momonga will be interested in being a king without subjects."

"But, we are already Lord Momonga's subjects." Aura comments from the side.

"Again, I didn't ask you Aura, I asked Demiurge." I repeat myself.

But he stands there like a statue, until eventually he responds.

"Good question, and the answer is self evident. Those who accept our Lord's rule, will become his subjects, and be extended protection. Those who do not, will be destroyed."

Of course you'd think that, you devil.

Right after that impromptu meeting, I decided to see for myself what exactly they saw. I left the Tomb, and with the aid of my wings, soared into the air. Not long after, I pierced the clouds, and beheld the heavens and the earth. Floating high in the sky, the light of the moon and stars shining down on me, the entire world visible before me, I cannot deny the beauty I see with my eyes. And I cannot help but begin to wonder.

How many will die?

How many will I kill?
How do I feel about it?

Can world conquest be a good thing? I suppose it's easy if there are man-eating cannibals, and they do not consent to being subjects. I can destroy them with a clear conscience. But the innocent ones?

What about the women and children, the old and infirm, those that work in the fields and those who study in the schools, those who work as healers.

Can I destroy them if commanded to do so, if their only crime is rejecting a master they did not know or ask for?

I do not know. One side of me says yes, another says no.

Perhaps if this world is united under Lord Momonga's rule, it would turn out for the better. But however long that conquest takes, many will die.

Is the blood of those living now worth shedding for the prosperity of those who are yet to be born?

My ears catch the flapping of leathery wings and my concentration is broken.



No one says anything, but he approaches closer until he is right next to me, but a few feet away.

"It's a fascinating thing, is it not?"

"It is."

"All those rivers and fields, those mountains and seas, all those castles and cities, those things created by nature and by man, all those things on this world, we will bring under Lord Momonga's authority. It's exciting, isn't it?"

"It is."

It is exciting. And terrifying.
Chapter 5 - Première Sang
Première Sang

The conversation with Demiurge bugged me. Something was gnawing at me. After some introspection, I came to the conclusion that that which was gnawing at me was uncertainty. Namely, uncertainty in the present and the future. We did not have much, or to be more accurate, we did not have any knowledge about this new world. How could we conquer it if we did not even know what it was? And how long would it take for us to learn?

How many continents are there? Is it alright to begin operations here, where Nazarick is, or is it better to operate in regions further from Nazarick? Seeing as there are multiple members of Nazarick capable of rapid mobility, and there five(Lord Momonga, Demiurge, Shalltear, Aureole Omega and myself) persons capable of using the [Gate] spell, we should be able to get where we need to be in record time.

And lastly, there was the matter of succession. War is bloody, and often brings death to high and low alike. It may be selfish of me to desire not to die, even with the (relatively) high probability that resurrection is possible in this world, but we do not know the rules. It may be possible for the native members of Nazarick, and not for the natives of this world, and for Lord Momonga. It may be impossible for all of us, or it may be a case by case basis. Experimentation here is… not advisable.

I suppose there's always the option of some low level NPC, like one of the maids, or perhaps the talking penguin, sacrificing their lives so that we can determine if and how resurrection works. As for resurrection on the natives, time will prove these things. People die all the time, and I can always find someone who is missed by his family members, and bring them back.

But the moral implications of such a thing are still something I have yet to consider.

Resurrection for Nazarick members is fine, because we know what we are, who made us, and what our purpose is. But if I go around resurrecting everyone who dies in a plague or war, things could get bad. Not only will this world potentially end up having population problems, but I might end up starting a cult or something, and that sounds like all sorts of problems and headaches.

My answer for all these questions? Just ask Lord Momonga.

So that is what I am doing now. Walking through the halls of Nazarick, trying to find where Lord Momonga is.

It did not take me long to do so.

One of the maids pointed me towards Lord Momonga's quarters, where apparently he was being attended to by Sebas.

Time to enter, but first.

Knock knock.

I hear steps approaching slowly and surely, and a few seconds later, Sebas opens the door.


"Master Sebas. I was told Lord Momonga is in this room. Mind if I come in?"

He turns his head and looks towards Lord Momonga, who is sitting upon a chair and using some sort of floating mirror. Lord Momonga turns toward the door. "Enter." He says and then turns back toward his mirror.
He is using it to examine the landscape, before suddenly stopping his movements with his bony hands and asking me a question.

"So, how can I help you?"

"Well, I had some questions, and I was hoping to get some answers."

He puts his pointy chin upon his milky white fingers and contemplates his response for a while. While he does so, I examine the room a bit further. It is quite nice, and very spacious. I also spot the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown floating next to him. I wonder why he decided to bring it out. Experiments, perhaps?

"Hmm… do you mind waiting a bit? I feel as if I am close to a breakthrough with the Mirror."

That's fine.

"I can wait however long is necessary."

"Umu." He replies and then turns back toward the Mirror, and as the image upon it pans over the landscape.

I observe him use it for what feels like minutes.

His efforts seem… substandard. I don't actually think he knows what he is doing. Maybe he knew how to use it in Yggdrasil, but not here.

I think I know how to use this thing.

"Lord Momonga, allow me to interrupt. I think I know how to help you with the Mirror."

"Oh?" He turns and thinks for a few seconds. "Go ahead, be my guest."

It's quite easy. Just use your fingers. Pinch then spread out for an image closer to the ground, the opposite for an image further from the ground, aka the Z axis, and wave your hand left or right or up and down to move the X and Y axis.

Just like using a tablet.

Wait a second… What's a tablet?

I feel a pain in my head, as some images rush to mind of shining boxes of light much like the mirror, displaying text and images, moving and still, and producing sound, something the mirror is incapable of.

The headache passes as quickly as it comes.


"Remiel? Are you alright?" Lord Momonga asks me.

"What? I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that."

"I asked if you're alright."

"Ah, yes. I'm quite alright. Just got lost in thought a bit. Anyways, Lord Momonga, you should be able to use the Mirror now. I imagine the transition from Yggdrasil to the New World has caused changes that we will have to adapt to."

"Yes. There will be changes that we have to adapt to… all of us." He says in a… melancholic voice, if an undead is capable of such a thing, before falling into silence.

"Thank you for the aid, by the way."

I just nod, and continue looking at the Mirror.

Now that he has actual command over it, and can use it properly, he surveys through the landscape quickly.

It's a nice relaxing landscape. Plenty of green. It is a good thing to see nature untouched and alive. But soon enough Lord Momonga finds something that breaks the monotony.

A village.

One under attack, to boot.

A medieval looking village, filled with humans and nothing but humans, untrained and unarmed and unarmored villagers, being cut down by scores of knights wearing and wielding castle-forged steel, many of them also mounted to boot.

The knights are burning houses, and killing men, women, and children.

"A festival?" Lord Momonga asks.

"Of evil, perhaps." I reply, and I feel a fire burning within me to go down there and end this.

Lord Momonga continues to watch what goes on. At one point a knight with a mace caves in the skull of a father using a woodcutter's axe to defend his wife and allow his two sons, one elder and the other younger, to escape. The boys do not make it. One is run down by a horse and trampled underfoot, and the other dies to the sword.

As for Lord Momonga, he does nothing. He moves past the brutal image, to one depicting a similar scene, except it is with two daughters instead of sons, but the end is likely the same.

I wonder what is going through their minds. The minds of those dying… the minds of those doing the killing, and the mind of Lord Momonga. Is he weighing the pros and cons? The potential risks?

He turns toward Sebas, whose face is steel, but whose heart I know is troubled, then toward me, and probably finds the exact same thing he found in Sebas.

"Remiel, you're coming with me. Sebas, inform Albedo to equip herself, and follow through the [Gate]."

"As you command, Lord Momonga." Sebas says, bows, and then turns to leave.

"So we're going into this place?" I ask him, an uncontained smile spreading on my face

"Yes. It's a good opportunity."

"How much do we show?"

"I'll inform you if we are going too far, but if the enemy has the capacity to harm us, we will retreat."

"As you say."

"But, looking at things from here… I doubt that such a thing will happen. Time to enter the stage." He reaches his hand out, as the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown floats into his grasp, and he points it forward.


And like that we are away.

When we step out of the [Gate], Lord Momonga first, we come upon two grown-men armored head to toe, wielding steel swords, and trying to kill the two girls we saw on the Mirror earlier. The elder girl(though still a child in her own right, not yet quite an adult) has used her body as a shield to protect the younger girl. A blood relative most likely, sister being the likeliest thing.

As for the 'men', as soon as they see us, they stop and shiver.

The two girls look at us and are equally frightened.

To add in a bit of extra intimidation factor, I stretch out my wings far and wide to their full width. It felt good to stretch them out in the open. It also felt good to watch Lord Momonga use his spell, [Grasp Heart] to crush the heart of one of the soldiers.

He collapsed onto the dirt like a puppet whose strings had been cut. To an outside observer, he would have dropped dead for no reason at all.

"I was thinking of running away if my favorite skill, a 9th tier undead spell, [Grasp Heart] did not work on the humans in this world. It's a good thing it does, no?"

Lord Momonga takes heavy, powerful steps forward, and this causes the fear within the other man, the one still alive, to nearly burst. He shouts "Monster!"
"The only monsters here are you and your dead friend." I reply.

"You can kill women and children, but as soon as someone stronger comes around, you cower in fear? Typical. And I went through all that trouble of coming here. Tisk tisk tisk."

The man drops his sword, and turns to run, faster than he had ever ran before, or since.

"You will assist me with my experiments, like it or not! [Dragon Lightning]!" He says as he points a bony finger toward the fleeing failure of flesh, before an electric dragon springs forth, flies through the air and fries the man to death.

"So weak. He dies so easily to mere 5th tier magic."

"Weaklings are often bullies. Strength does not need to boast." I comment.

"Umu. Wise words Remiel. Now…" He turns his gaze upon the two girls and they visibly shrink in fear. Poor things. "What should I do with you?"

It is a good time for me to interject, I think. "Allow me to heal them. It will be a good experiment."

"Hmm… I had another thought in mind, but I suppose this will work just as well. Go ahead."

I take a step towards the two girls who are both shaking. Poor things, to witness such things at a young age. They are too young to look at death.

"Do not be afraid. I am here to help. [Mass Cure Wounds]." A green glow covers both of them, and instantly, the wound on the back of the older girl closes, and the blood is gone.

"It's… it's gone."

"Yes." I walk closer toward them, and this time, they do not flinch in fear. I lean down and kneel on one knee until I am close enough to touch them. I put my hand on top of the younger girl's head and tried to pat it. She allowed me to. "We are here to help. You will be fine, no one will harm you. I promise it. Alright?"

The younger girl nods her head affirmatively, but slightly hesitant at the same time.

While I am doing all this, Lord Momonga is looking at me, and he seems to approve of my actions. Neat. After we share a moment, he turns towards one of the bodies of the dead men, and raises the dead body to undeath, using his magic.

"[Create Middle Tier Undead, Death Knight]."

The former murderer has become a slave in death. A fitting fate. I am not one for necromancy, but here, it is almost poetic.

The monstrosity birthed from the corpse's remains bears no resemblance to that which it came from. It is far taller, far scarier, and it reeks of evil and death. Blacker than black, not a single part of it emits light or good, and it knows only hate for the living.

"Death Knight! Go into the village and slay those wearing this armor. Protect the villagers if possible." Lord Momonga commands the beast, and it sprints off with uncontained glee.

The way it's running… It looks like it's skipping. It's even funny, if you think about it.

I wonder what the soldiers in the village are going to think when they see the Death Knight.
Another figure steps through the portal. It is Albedo, clad in her dark armor, wielding what appears to be a bardiche.

"Sorry for the delay, my lord, the preparations took time." She says, then steps forward and looks at the two girls on the ground, who exhibit signs of fear. Fear that was not there a moment ago. "What should I do with these lower lifeforms? Would you like me to eliminate them?"

I stand up and give her a glare. "I literally just healed them."

"Your point being?"
This woman…

"Albedo, for now, the people wearing that armor are our enemies. As for you two. I suppose this is easy to explain. Do you know what a magic caster is?" Lord Momonga asks the two girls.

The elder one answers. "Y-yes. There's a friend of mine who comes to the village sometimes… he's a pharmacist and he can cast magic."

Lord Momonga nods. "Umu. I suppose this is easy to understand then. I am a magic caster, and these two are my subordinates. Like the one who healed you said earlier, we will help save your village."

"T-thank you!"

"But first…" Lord Momonga approaches the two girls and extends his hand.

"[Anti-Life Cocoon]. [Wall of Protection from Arrows]."

Two green barriers appear over the two girls.
"As long as you stay inside, you will be kept safe." Lord Momonga says, then he throws two tiny horns inside the barrier, within arm's reach of the girls. "Also, blow these horns if you feel threatened. If you do so, an army of goblins will appear and they will be under your command. They will help you."

The girl is stunned once again, and once again proceeds to thank Lord Momonga from the bottom of her heart.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" Says one girl, and then the other, smaller one repeats, in a cute voice.

So cute. Must not think of pinching her cheeks. Must be serious now, yes. Dignified even.

I'll ask to pinch her cheeks later. But what if her parents are dead? That'd be awkward… Another time then.

"Don't worry about it." Lord Momonga says and turns away.

"Wait! W-what is your name?" The older girl asks.

"My name? My name…" Lord Momonga seems to be contemplating the question for a while, before he decides to answer.

"Yes, my name. My name! Remember my name, and spread it far and wide! It is Ainz Ooal Gown!"


The Death Knight seems to be having fun, as much as a dead thing can have fun.

The knights are not.

They are paralyzed with fear, and even from here I can see the urine stains on the dirt beneath them.

I can hear from here, the soldiers calling out to their gods, whichever they may be. Your heathen gods cannot save you from your actions. Your prayers are in vain.

The Death Knight has no issue with cutting down the knights. By shield or sword, it slays them. But the creature takes its time. If the knights stand still, he ignores them. But as soon as one of them moves… the Death Knight reappears in front of their path quicker than a shadow, and slays them. Its speed is laughably slow compared to the high ranking Guardians, but compared to the soldiers, it may as well be a cheetah outrunning a snail.

Lord Momonga, or as he has chosen to call himself for this particular outing, 'Ainz Ooal Gown', which was the collective name the Supreme Beings referred to themselves as, has taken a few steps for maximum effect. First one being, he has covered his face with a wooden mask, and his hands with iron gloves. Now, not a single piece of bone is visible, he is covered head to toe. Furthermore, he commanded me to retract my wings, which I did without complaint. Well… one minor complaint, it does feel a bit tight and compressed, but it's not too uncomfortable, so I can deal with it for however long I have to.

Lord Momonga, Albedo, and myself, are floating above the slaughter, and after watching a particularly pathetic man beg for his life while being cut down, Lord Momona, apologies, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown interrupted the proceedings with a loud voice.

"That's enough!"

Everyone below us turned toward the sound of their voice and were amazed. Their saviors descending from on high. It is quite dramatic.

Once our feet touch the ground, the surviving soldiers look at Lord Ainz Ooal Gown and shiver in fear, expecting punishment.

"Bring this message to your masters, no, your owners! The next time you cause trouble in this land, I will bring death to your country! Now go!" He rebukes them and lets them go.

They got off easy in my opinion. But still… I can always catch up to them if necessary. I doubt tired men wearing armor and needing food and drink and sleep will be able to move faster than me when I can hunt them down from the sky like an eagle hunting a rabbit.

As for the villagers, they are conflicted. They probably think we have nefarious aims. After all, who are these who have just saved us? What is it they want?

Lord Ainz Ooal Gown, or Lord Ainz as I will call him in my head from now on, alleviates their anxiety quickly.

"Do not worry. I have saved your village. But, I didn't do it for free. I expect compensation for my efforts." And upon hearing his words, their fears deflate, and they are much calmer.

A man, middle-aged, steps forward.

"I am the village chief. Please, step into my home, and we will do what we can to repay you."

There's no obvious wealth inside this home, but it seems livable and lived in.
The village chief's wife offered to prepare some food. Lord Ainz declined because he's a lich and concealing said fact, Albedo declined because she probably considers the food beneath her and wants to kill the poor woman for the 'insult', and I declined because I don't think being the only one to eat in a company of five people is a nice thing.

The conversation that followed between Lord Ainz and the village chief is wide, but not very deep.

It can be summed up as a series of questions asked to the chief about the village, the kingdom the village belongs to and the king who rules said kingdom, the neighboring kingdoms, the value of money, what that money looks like, whether or not they recognize Yggdrasil money, some general questions about magic and the overall power level of the environment. We do know however, that the land we are in is called the Re-Estize Kingdom, the land to the east is called the Baharuth Empire, which is where the men that attacked this village hail from, and there is another great land to the south called the Slane Theocracy.

It's not very useful, but it's better than heading in blind. However, there is one fact that is useful, that being that in these lands, humanity rules, though there are monsters in forests and mountains and swamps and what not. The neighboring Great Forest of Tob is said to contain three particularly strong monsters. We will have to collect information about that place, probably with the aid of Aura, who with her beasts should be able to find out what we need to know about the forest.

As for humanity, the best thing we can do, I think, is to go out among them and witness firsthand how they live. For myself, and a few other NPCs from Nazarick I can think of, this should be no challenge. Firsthand knowledge as well as checking out any written texts we find will help us establish some baseline facts. How old the kingdom is, how old the dynasty, who is the heir to throne, how the laws work, how their religion works and how old said religion is, and so on.

The conversation lasts for quite a while, and Lord Ainz and the village chief are the only ones who talk. Eventually though, the conversation ends as all things do, and we leave the village chief's house and enter what is the 'village square' which is basically a gathering place with paved stone next to the well in the middle of the village, which is where most people have gathered.

Even now, I can see that death is a constant thing in these people's lives.

They are digging graves and burying their loved ones who had fallen on the same day. No major funeral rites, no priests, no rituals. Just dig the hole, wrap the dead in cloth, and bury them in the dirt.

There is a strength of will to that, to carry on, that is admirable.

For my part, I did what I could. After obtaining permission from Lord Ainz, I went around and healed those who were wounded. There was a decent number of wounded, but it was overshadowed by the dead.

It is a grim affair.
Chapter 6 - Tramonto della Scrittura
Tramonto della Scrittura

Lord Ainz was in the midst of a conversation with some local villagers near the well. We were just about to leave, when a villager ran to us as fast as he could, bearing urgent news.

"Riders are coming to the village!"

Reinforcements. But for whom?

"Let us meet our guests, shall we?" Lord Ainz declares, and I think with a bit of humor in his voice. Maybe he thinks these ones will die like the previous ones?

The guests that are coming into the village, I can see from afar, are not like the ones we chased away. The ones we chased away were wearing uniformed steel plate, these ones look more like brigands. Their armor is mismatched, many of them are lacking bits of armor where they should have it, and a good number of them have no helmets. The weapons are also not uniform. It looks rather disorganized.

A large and strong-looking dark-skinned man with dark hair appears to be their leader, based on the way he carries himself and how he is the first from them.

The villagers themselves show no fear at their appearance, praising him as the 'Chief Warrior', a title of some sort, which probably means this man is legitimate in the eyes of the government.

"I am Gazef Stronoff, Chief Warrior of the Kingdom of Re-Estize. Who are you people, and what are you doing here?" He introduces himself.

"Greetings, Chief Warrior. I am Ainz Ooal Gown, a traveling magic caster, and these two are my subordinates. We came upon this village being under attack by armored men, and decided to lend our aid."

The man called Gazef looks at the villagers, looks at the dead knights and the villagers digging graves. He shares a brief look with the village chief, who nods at him.

"If that is true, then I am in your debt, Lord Gown. You have done what I could not."

"Believe me, it was no trouble."

"All the same, I am truly grateful to you. The men you slew, this was not the first village they did this to. My men and I have been chasing them for quite a while. They go to a village, burn it and kill those within, and then go to another. Catching up to them was difficult."

"These men do not appear to be raiders or savages looking for plunder. What would be their purpose in doing these things? Is your kingdom at war?" I ask him.

"I have a feeling as to why they have done these things, but I need more evidence. As for war… we are not at war at present, and this is not how war is waged here. Killing peasants is not a clever thing. Why deprive yourself of potential subjects? No, there must be another reason." He replies. Clearly he's more than just a muscle of meat, and there is something within his head.

"Do you recognize the armor those men were wearing?" Lord Ainz asks Gazef.

"Yes. It is worn by those who serve the Baharuth Empire, our neighbors and greatest rivals. Every year we wage war against them. But it's more of a skirmish on a field, agreed upon by two sides beforehand, instead of sieges or raids or pitched battles. Perhaps the Bloody Emperor has changed up his tactics?" Gazef muses.

"The Bloody Emperor?" Albedo asks. Figures that such a title would draw her attention.

"A nickname for the Emperor. I shall tell you more about him, and the politics of Re-Estize and Baharuth in detail when we have more time."

"Well, this has been a pleasure, Chief Warrior Gazef Stronoff. But I believe it is time for me and mine to leave."

Another rider comes in and interrupts the conversation. He is one of Gazef's subordinates.

"Chief Warrior! Enemies spotted on the perimeter!" He shouts with evident fear in his voice.

What is going on? Are these the same fools that we chased off? Surely not, no one would be that stupid.

"Enemies? Report."

"They have surrounded the village. And they have summoned angels!"

Angels? Is this a joke?

"Angels?" Albedo asks while looking at me.

Gazef lets out a deep breath and then has a self-deprecating smile on his face.

"Slane. It's Slane. Of course it's Slane, I should have figured it out earlier."

"Slane? The Slane Theocracy?" Ainz asks. "I thought the men who attacked were members of the Baharuth military forces."

"Evidently not. It is not unheard of for the Slane Theocracy to use deception in their ways. Also, noble politics caused me to be delayed in dealing with this threat, and I don't have the best equipment possible. Now it's obvious why. The Slane Theocracy, or to be more accurate based on their use of angels - The Sunlight Scripture, one of their elite operative groups, has been attacking villages with the aid of drawing me out and trapping me. It appears they have succeeded."

"A false flag operation? Are you saying they planned this? Just to kill you? You must be quite important to your kingdom if so."

"Well, it seems like that. Unless of course you and yours have caused Slane issues in the past?"

"No, I have not interacted with them before this."

"Then they are here for me, and not for you."

Gazef takes in another deep breath and looks at the sky for a second, seemingly composing himself.

"Villagers! Get inside that barn over there, and barricade yourselves! Men, assist them, on the double!" He barks out commands to the villagers and the men, and they quickly move to obey. "Lord Gown, I must ask another favor of you. Please, help me fight these soldiers. I promise you, you will be rewarded for your efforts twice over."

Lord Ainz contemplates the offer in silence before coming to a decision.

"I apologize, but this situation is becoming quite a bit more complex than I originally anticipated. I would rather not involve myself in politics just yet."

"I understand. Perhaps you can at least protect the villagers?"

"That I can do. I have already sworn in my name to protect them. And perhaps there is a small way I can do a bit more to help you. Let us talk inside the barn. I do not feel comfortable standing out here in the open."

Gazef nods at him. "Yes, you're right."

"Here, take this. It will help." Lord Ainz hands some sort of wooden carving to Gazef. It looks like an idol of some sort.

Gazef clearly does not know what it does, but he chooses to put his faith in Lord Ainz.

"Thank you. If I fall in battle, please notify the king of my death."

Lord Ainz nods. I imagine he feels some measure of respect for a man who can meet his death head on.

"Men, move out!" Gazef commands, and his men obey and move out.

When he moves out of the barn, we can finally speak in private. At this corner of the barn, at least. All the villagers are on the other side, and there are no eavesdroppers.

"What shall we do? I think it is a shame to let Gazef die. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders."

"I agree, but we must be sure before risking ourselves. I will not let you be harmed because of my impatience." Lord Ainz responds to my query.

"Are we going to crush those worms from the Slane Theocracy, my Lord?" Albedo asks.

"We shall see. For now, we will watch, but be ready to move at any time."
If it must be so. I am personally a bit excited to see what these angels look like. Are they like me, or merely some pale imitation?

POV Change

His muscles were strained and tired. The sun was beating down on him, merciless in its heat. There were cuts all over his body, and his armor was damaged. The wounds he had suffered were beginning to slow him down, and it was getting harder and harder to breathe.

His horse had already fallen, and so had many of his comrades.

It didn't end. No matter how many of the summons he cut down, there were always more.

He thought of his king, who had raised him up from being a mere sellsword. He thought of his men who had given their lives for this cause of defending the kingdom. He thought of the man who he had defeated to become the Chief Warrior, and if he would have been caught in such an ambush.

These thoughts made him angry, and he was always better at fighting than thinking, so he put them out of his mind.

A great wrath rose up within him, unable to be contained anymore.
"This is my kingdom! I won't let the likes of you destroy it!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, before unleashing the peak of his Martial Arts. "[Fourfold Slash of Light]!"

Gazef shouted as he unleashed the Martial Art that he had trained so long to master. Martial Arts were a unique ability that warriors could perform, and they were called the magic of warriors. With them, one could do many things, such as speed up reaction times, enchant one's blade to do magical damage, perceive the unseen, and even cause multiple blows with a single swing of the sword. Gazef Stronoff's [Fourfold Slash of Light] belonged to the highest echelons of Martial Arts, and it manifested as four bright slashes that cut down the angels attacking him instantly.

But it didn't matter. As soon as those angels were gone, the magic casters from the Slane Theocracy summoned new ones. Blocky, mechanical looking beings, lacking grace and wisdom. Nothing more than summoned monsters. Gazef scoffed at the notion that these things were 'divine messengers'. What a hilarious joke.

Nothing divine would cause such senseless bloodshed.

The villagers? Dead. His companions? Dead. Gazef himself? Soon to be dead.

A blonde-haired man with a receding hairline, and a face that looked as he had just eaten something incredibly sour, spoke words of provocation and gloating towards Gazef. This man, the leader of the Sunlight Scripture of the Slane Theocracy, had the name of Nigun Grud Luin, and he was quite zealous in his missions, and it had earned him a scar on his face during a past endeavor.

"Give up Gazef, your struggle is useless. If you had just chosen to abandon the villagers in the frontier, then it wouldn't have ended like this. It's impossible for you to be unaware that your life alone is worth more than the lives of a thousand peasants. If you really loved your country, you would have abandoned these villagers."

Gazef felt amusement at their words. This amusement grew until it became laughter.

"Huh, you're laughing? You're about to die and your kingdom will fall as a result, and you're laughing?"

"You fools. Inside that village is someone far stronger than I."

The blonde man in charge of the Slane Theocracy did not believe.

"You're bluffing. Hmph. A pathetic ploy. Know that for your insolence, we will raze this village and slaughter all its inhabitants!" Then the blonde man spoke up in a loud voice towards his subordinates. "Send in all the angels at once! Destroy him utterly!" And the summoned angels all rushed at Gazef all at once.

"When the magic caster in that village comes for you, you'll get your slaughter." Gazef said, before he drew in a big breath, and let out a great warrior's cry, as he prepared to lay down his life for his country.

But before he could even blink, he found himself, standing in the barn where he had parted with that magic caster Sir Gown.

A thought came to his mind.

"The statue…" He muttered and then took it out of his hands. He looked at it and saw that it was fading to dust in his hands. A chuckle escaped his lips. "You really are full of tricks, magic caster."

All at once, the exhaustion hit him, and he felt himself growing weary. The adrenaline within him started to fade, and as his body realized it was time for rest and that there was no need for either fight or flight, he fell backwards, not willingly yet not opposing it. The cold floor of the barn expected him, and he'd gladly take a long nap there.

Yet, before he could collapse, he felt a hand upon his shoulder, and heard a voice speak to him, comforting and soothing.

"You fought well. [Heal]." Upon hearing those words, he felt all his wounds close, and a great deal of exhaustion be lifted from him. But before he could turn around and realize what was going on, the voice spoke again. "Now rest. [Sleep]." And thus Gazef fell into a deep slumber, one of the best slumbers of his life.

POV Change

Lord Ainz's plan, and my contributions to it, ensured that events would happen the way they were largely supposed to happen.

I do not understand why those men had to die, but the knowledge that they were soldiers, ready for death, and that they likely would have died anyways if we didn't stumble upon this village is comforting.

At any rate, after healing Gazef and putting him to sleep, it was no difficulty to use [Greater Teleportation] to move closer to the battlefield, and then use [Greater Invisibility] to stealthily fly above the battlefield, and obtain an ambush position above the Sunlight Scripture.

Maneuverability and especially vertical mobility, as stressed by Lord Punitto Moe, are truly underrated. Even an army with weaker firepower will win every battle by simply being able to fly over their opponents and pick the field of battle.

Nonetheless, I am close enough, only about 30 feet above the balding man and his legions of 'angels'.

I must say, I am disappointed. The quality is lacking. It's like comparing a fully grown lion to a newborn housecat. The comparison is that there is no comparison.

Those things can't even talk, they're more than machines. In fact, I feel insulted that they're even called 'angels'. But, it's not for me to do anything. Not yet. It is Lord Ainz's moment.

I can hear the conversation from here, which is a nice benefit.

Looks like it's already under way.

"I have somewhat of a relationship with those villagers."

"Have you come to beg for their lives, or just your own?" The balding man's voice is haughty and annoying, as expected.

"No, no, you misunderstand. I overheard your conversation earlier with the Chief Warrior. As it so happens, I invested my time and energy into saving those people, which you so brazenly declared you would massacre. I cannot think of anything more insulting."

A cocky smile spreads across the fool's face upon hearing Lord Ainz's words. He does not yet know he is dead.

"Insulting? You're being quite brazen yourself for a mere magic caster! So, magic caster, tell me, what do you plan to do about this insult?" The fool seeks to taunt and provoke.

Lord Ainz extends his hand and makes a crushing motion with his fist.

"Offer your lives to me willingly and without resistance. Do this, and I can promise you a painless end. Refuse this gift, and I swear, you will know pain and suffering before you die for your insolence."

The balding man instantly rejects the offer of mercy. "Have the angels attack this fool!" And they obey.

Two of the angels pierce Lord Ainz's body with their blades, but it is obvious at a first glance that there is no actual damage. Indeed, they are struggling, their necks within his hands.

There is disbelief from the members of the Sunlight Scripture at what their eyes are seeing.

"Did you not hear? I said to offer your lives to me without resistance. This is resistance. By the time I am through with you, you'll wish you had listened." Lord Ainz states coldly.

"It's a trick!"

"An illusion!"

"It has to be!"

Woe to you, oh dead men who see your doom yet do not acknowledge it.

"High Tier Physical Nullification. It is a passive skill that nullifies attacks from low-level weapons and monsters."

And just like that, Lord Ainz slams the two angels against the dirt, and they die, turning into nothing more than motes of light.

"The fact that you can use magic and summon spells from Yggdrasil is intriguing. I would like to know how you learned these things, but for now I will focus on killing you."

"Send in the other angels! All of them, at once!"

The angels rush in, and Albedo jumps away in the meantime. I wonder what spell Lord Ainz will use?

"[Negative Burst]!" A spherical wave of black energy erupts from Lord Ainz, and destroys all the angels instantly. All of them, down to the last.

Like I thought. Nothing but a cheap knockoff. Still… how is it possible that they are even capable of summoning these things? Investigation is necessary.

"That's… impossible!" The faint intonations of the doomed. Mere instants later, the members of the Slane Theocracy begin casting all sorts of magic, laughably low level, upon Lord Ainz.

Third tier magic? Really? What a joke.

It does not affect Lord Ainz at all, except perhaps rousing his anger.

"Who taught you that magic!" Lord Ainz seems to be having the same opinion as myself. How do these people know how to use Yggdrasil magic? We are no longer in Yggdrasil.

What happens next is quite quick. One of the soldiers tries using a slingshot, yes, a slingshot, to kill Lord Ainz, as if that would work when everything before did not. Unfortunately for him, Albedo intercepted the rock, and punted it back to him like a tennis ball. The rock hit the slingshot boy's skull, and caused it to explode. It's a bit funny, I won't lie.

"Heh?" Even the balding man is stunned.

"What happened?" Another soldier comments from the side.
"Albedo, that was unnecessary. You know that such aerial weapons cannot cause me any harm." Lord Ainz chides Albedo.

"But, there is a bare minimum these creatures must meet to fight you, Oh Supreme One!" She protests.

"It is fine. Everything is under control. And besides, these insects fail to pass the benchmark anyways."

But the balding man is still stubborn, and refuses to yield.

"Principality of Observation! Attack!" A principality? That's quite low-rank, I don't think it'll do the trick here.

And I am right. Lord Ainz manages to catch its mace in his hand.

"My, my. I guess I should fight back. [Hell Flame]." A small red flame proceeds from Lord Ainz's finger, makes contact with the summon, and consumes it to nothingness in an instant.

Again, there is more disbelief.

"One hit?"

"That's impossible!"

"Why is this happening!"

"There is no way a high level angel could be destroyed with a single spell!"

Well, that's the first true thing you've said today. Unfortunately for you, your standards for 'high-level' are a bit too low-level.
"Captain Nigun! What should we do?" One of the soldiers asked his commander.

So Nigun. That is the man's name. It is not a very good name. I do not like it.

As for Nigun, he panics for a second before a thought crosses his mind. He digs within his pocket, and produces a giant stone, shining brightly and structured like an unrefined diamond.

"We will summon the highest level of angels!"

Gasps of wow from the soldiers abound. I'd be scared at this point that this 'highest level' of angel is something like myself, but at this point, I am not expecting much. These people have already proven their incompetence.

Albedo places herself in front of Lord Ainz, ready to shield him if necessary. I have a feeling it won't be.

"Behold! The highest form of angels! Dominion Authority! A weapon that can slay demon gods!"

Well… the Dominion Authority is… nothing special, if I am honest. It just looks like the previous angel, but a few more pairs of wings. Quite mid, in my own unbiased opinion.

Definitely not as beautiful as myself. Completely objective fact, that.

More gasps and wows and noises of excitement from the soldiers beneath me. I personally however, am just waiting for the go-ahead.

"Is this your highest-level angel? Is this your hidden weapon?" Lord Ainz asks, stupefied.

"Indeed! It is a one-time use trump card, but rejoice! I have determined that you are worthy to use this weapon on! Are you afraid? Good because -

He is interrupted from his ranting.

"This is stupid."


"You people are ants, and have no idea what a high-level angel looks like. In fact, you are a waste of my time." At his words, their wills deflate. "[Black Hole]." Lord Ainz casts and I notice a curious thing after the whole angel is sucked into the void and ceases to exist.

It is dusk, but after the black hole, there is no more sunlight, as if day had turned into night all of a sudden. Is that because it takes time for the sunlight to travel from the sun to the earth, and the black hole absorbs the light from the atmosphere? How far does this effect spread, and if so how many spells can replicate such an effect? I find myself curious.

"What are you?" Nigun asks.

"Ainz Ooal Gown. Once upon a time, there was no one who did not know and fear this name."

The sky cracks like glass. Strange, what exactly happened? Magic?


"Hmm. It seems that my counter-divination measures were activated. Someone was trying to watch us, but they did not see much." Lord Ainz comments, as if commenting on the weather.
"My country was watching me?" Yes, they witnessed your disgrace and shameful behavior before you died.

"No matter. Time to die."

Again, for the hundredth time it feels like, more pleadings and gasps of outrage and cries for mercy from the soldiers. The leader even tries begging for his life, and selling out his comrades, but Lord Ainz isn't having any of it.

"I said you would experience pain and suffering before you died, did I not?" He takes off his mask, revealing his full skeletal visage, and only then do they realize they had no chance at all to win. "Albedo, go to work." At his words, Albedo jumps from her location and starts cutting down the members of the Sunlight Scripture. Curiously enough… she is not going for kills. She is cutting off the limbs, but letting them live. A slow death.

The telltale sound of the [Message] spell connecting rings in my head.

"Yes, Lord Ainz."

"Help Albedo get rid of these idiots."


I descend from the sky and land right behind one of the men, kicking up dust as I do so. [Greater Invisibility] is dispelled at the same time.

He turns around, barely being able to process Albedo cutting down his friends and me looking at him from close range.


He falls flat on his ass.

"Pathetic. You're not even worthy of dying to my blade. Instead, I shall take your life with my voice alone. [Power Word: Eviscerate]."

By speaking it, his entire body becomes eviscerated by a thousand cuts, and blood bursts forth from his body like a raging river breaking through a dam built of rotten wood.

So weak. Where did your arrogance go? Why did your pride not shield you from death?

I look around left and right. I am looking for a special someone.

Oh, there he is! He seems to be missing a leg, courtesy of Albedo, and he is crawling on the grass, running toward the forest. Or rather, he is trying to crawl.

One of his friends is lying next to him, in shock, staring at the sky. I see no actual wound on this man, but he probably went into shock due to pure fear.

"[Wither]." I intone, and at my word, the man begins to shrivel and wither and die, screaming all the while. Within seconds he turns from a living man, to a dead corpse, nothing more than skin and bones. I cannot see his body, but I do not need to. The way his clothes deflated is proof enough he is dead. This does prove however, that the theory I had earlier with Lord Ainz's black hole is true.

Spells have effects here they did not have in Yggdrasil.

[Wither] slows the target's speed in all effects, much like [Slow], but there are a few differences. [Slow] is constant, [Wither] gains strength over time, much like age does, and [Wither] is said to actually physically age the target, causing them to decay and die, and is thus ineffective on the undead and those who do not age.

But men wither and die, it is in their nature, thus my theory was proven, and the spell is now capable of being lethal. Interesting.

I kick the man's body away as I slowly walk toward Nigun. I flip him over onto his back and unfold my wings for him to see.

Realization dawns upon his face as he understands something. All his life has thus far been a lie.

"You wanted a high-level angel. I am what you seek."

The man's face is completely stunned for what seems like ages, until a small glimmer of hope is found in his tear-filled eyes.

"Why are you here? Are you going to save me?"

Ever hopeful even in despair.

"I am here to send you to your gods." I reply as I step on the wound on his leg, where Albedo had cut through his right tibia.

The hope he had dies just like that.

I grab him by the chest, and throw him into the sky as far as I possibly can. He screams all the while.

A few things may happen. He may fly out of the atmosphere and die due to the effects of the vacuum of space. He may die of blood loss during his sojourn through the sky. Or he may fall onto the ground, and have the dirt drink his useless blood, and his body will turn to fertilizer.

Either way, I have kept my promise, and he will be with his gods.

Now, time for the rest of these fools.
Would be funny if his body landed near a canon cast character. Or a merchant, a merchant would be funny too.
Chapter 7 - Die Freude am Dienst
Die Freude am Dienst

"Happy is he who toils for his master's sake!" Said Demiurge to himself as he looked down from the skies upon the city of Re-Estize. Soaring through the skies, the moon shining its pale light down upon the earth, his black leathery wings bathed in its silvery radiance. From where he was, not a single soul could see him. Indeed, if anyone looked up, he would seem as no more than a speck in their vision, or perhaps a bird. But from where he was, not a single soul below him could escape his gaze.

Indeed, he was like the sword of Damocles, hovering above the proverbial necks of the mortals in this wretched city, and he could smite them all now, peasant, merchant, criminal and noble(though the last three were nothing more than a tautology) with just a single spell, he could bring untold death and destruction. Fire and misery, spreading across the city, claiming the lives of the old and young, the men and the women and the children, all of them, screaming inside the fire.

All it would take is a single [Meteor Fall] a 10th tier spell, bestowed upon him by his blessed creator, to flatten a good portion of the city, and snuff out the lives of its inhabitants. The crackling of the flames burning down wood and stone and the wailing of the miserable survivors who would have been better off dead, he imagined the beautiful symphony those sounds would make! It would be such music to his ears!

Or perhaps he could also use Armageddon Evil, and use his minions to simply cut down everyone? It'd be slower, messier, but that too had its charm.

Alas, while mindless destruction could be fun from time to time, well-executed plots and schemes could be just as fun.

For Demiurge, and the purpose he was bestowed by his master, this called for the latter option.

"Wretched is he who works to his own ends, for wickedness is in his heart." Demiurge said to himself yet again. He was fond of quoting texts that his master had left him behind. Indeed, wisdom was something he would use to better serve Nazarick, and his natural intellect, unsurpassed in Nazarick(save for the unfathomable intellect of his master) meant that there was no excuse for failure. Indolence was not permissible in this matter.

His Shadow Demons were prowling the city. Not just them, but the Hanzos as well, that he had summoned using resources from the library. The markets, the noble estates, the temples, the guild headquarters, every conceivable important part of this city, his minions had been commanded to do a brief search of. Not in too much detail, and not to overhear important conversations, for there was no time for such things yet, but to simply get a lay of the land.

All to prepare for the eventual conquest of this place. It was inevitable, really. The information gathered from Carne pointed to a theory supported by supplementary information that he himself had obtained by spying on the Royal diet in the Re-Estize castle.

This kingdom was doomed. This much he knew. The infighting, the scheming, the backstabbing, the lack of intellect, the lack of strength, the lack of purpose. It was disgusting. But most of all, the lack of unity among those who were supposed to be its leaders.

"A house divided among itself cannot stand." He quoted a passage from a quaint little book his master had left him to read, to help better himself as a servant. And he had the keys to the house of Re-Estize right now in front of him, waiting to be grasped.

It was in the seedy criminal underbelly, the filth that no man wanted to look upon yet whose stench no man could escape.

Crime was rampant. A lawless kingdom without order. Resistance from it would be pitiful and weak, and it would be the first domino to fall.

The sound of the [Message] spell, recognizable and one he had heard all too often through the past hours, once again made itself heard within his divinely crafted cranium.

"Lord Demiurge." It was one of the Shadow Demons.

"Speak." He responded.

"I have stumbled upon a meeting between two prominent members of this kingdom's criminal underbelly. To be specific, between a leader and his second in command. It concerns racketeering."

"How interesting. I will be there shortly." He responded and cut off the message link.

Demiurge's eyes looked for a landing spot. He found one at the very top of a merchant lord's manor. It was flat and would serve as a useful pit stop. He landed there, and transformed his form again into his more usual state, retracting his wings and changing his frog-like face and hands for his usual gentlemanly visage.

Once he did so, it was a simple enough thing to invoke a few spells that would help serve him to spy upon this meeting. Oh, how he so enjoyed it! To know that he would be in the mortals' presence, and could sever their lives from the darkness after they spilled all their secrets, without even them knowing he was there!

Demiurge silently observed the dimly lit basement, his eyes narrowing as he took in the scene before him. The room reeked of humanity, in all its mundane, predictable filth. He felt a wave of disgust as he watched the two men—a bald, hulking brute and his scrawny, quivering underling—exchange words. The contrast between them was almost laughable, a sad little parody of power dynamics among the weak. How tiresome.
"He don't wanna pay," the minion whined, his voice trembling with fear. He looked up at his leader as though expecting a backhanded slap for delivering bad news.

"Whatchu mean, he don't wanna pay? You told him what happens, did ya?" The bald one growled, leaning over the wooden table that held the crude map of the city. The table was littered with the usual trappings of a lowlife's lair: an oil lamp, a half-eaten apple, a dagger stabbed into the map, an inkwell, a quill, and a coin pouch spilling over with silver and gold.

Demiurge's lip curled in distaste. The entire scene was pathetically unimaginative, a stale cliché played out by creatures who lacked the capacity for anything greater. But even in their simplicity, there was a certain usefulness to them—a small piece in a much larger game.

He shifted his gaze, activating [Umbral Cloak] to meld with the shadows. The spell wrapped him in darkness, and he moved through the room like a specter, unseen and unheard. From his new vantage point, he glanced upwards, his eyes piercing through the floor above to reveal a group of humans sitting around a table, likely playing cards. Beyond them, guards stood watch at the entrance to the stairs leading down into the basement, oblivious to the demon that lurked beneath their feet. Demiurge could see every one of them, from their nervous fidgeting to the dull throb of their thoughts, like insects swarming in their nests.

"That's just it, boss. He said he won't pay anymore. Ever. Said he also has a message for you."

The bald one's face twisted in fury, and with a sudden lunge, he grabbed his minion by the scruff of the neck, lifting him effortlessly into the air. The man's rage was palpable, his eyes gleaming with the promise of violence. Demiurge felt a dark pleasure stir within him as he watched the scene unfold, savoring the raw, brutal emotion.

"Give me the message 'fore I send you to the gods," the man snarled, shaking his underling like a rag doll.

The minion, too terrified to resist, sputtered out his words. "Easy, easy boss, don't hurt me, okay? I'll give ya the message. And this is just a quote. He said, 'Tell Oscas that I won't give you a single fucking copper, ye hear me? I'm with Hilma now and I'm done paying for your 'protection' when I can work with them and actually gain money instead of losing it.'"

The brute's tiny, beady eyes narrowed in confusion as he tried to process the information. Demiurge could almost see the gears turning in the man's head, slow and laborious, like a rusty machine struggling to function. After a moment, the man dropped the minion to the ground, turning back to his map, picking up the quill, and beginning to write something with deliberate slowness.

"He also said you're a 'bald cunt,'" the minion added, almost as an afterthought.

The quill froze in the man's hand. Demiurge's lips curled into a wicked smile. He knew exactly what was going to happen next. The insult was a spark in a powder keg, a calculated move by the minion to stoke the flames of his master's fury. The demon didn't even need to use [Premonition] to foresee the outcome—it was written in the air, in the tension that thickened the atmosphere of the room.

And yet, Demiurge did not intervene. Instead, he leaned back into the shadows, savoring the anticipation. The pieces were in motion, the game was unfolding, and he was in control of it all. The humans, with their petty squabbles and brutish methods, were mere tools in his grand design. He watched, his satisfaction growing, as the bald man's rage began to boil over.

The scene was just beginning, and Demiurge was more than content to let it play out.

In the span of a heartbeat, the bald man's hand dropped the quill, surrendering completely to the rage that had been simmering just beneath the surface. His fist, massive and calloused, drew back like a morningstar, coiled at his left shoulder. Then, with a speed that defied his bulk, the man's arm snapped forward, releasing the pent-up fury in a single, devastating punch. The blow connected with the side of the minion's jaw with a sickening crack, launching him through the air as if he were nothing more than a ragdoll caught in a hurricane.

Demiurge watched the man's flight with a clinical detachment, appreciating the artistry of violence in the act. The minion's skull met the stone wall with a sound like breaking pottery, a splatter of blood marking the point of impact. The force of the punch had not only shattered the man's jaw, exposing the teeth beneath, but it had also sent him spinning in a gruesome pirouette—his body twisting a full 480 degrees before crumpling to the ground in a heap.

"Impressive," Demiurge mused. As far as executions went, it was quite entertaining. The sheer brutality was a testament to the bald man's raw, untamed strength. A fitting display from a creature so inherently brutish, though in the grand scheme of things, it was as insignificant as the life it had just snuffed out.

"Bartok! Rakos! Get in here!" The bald man's bellow echoed through the room, and Demiurge noted with mild interest as the two guards, who had been stationed at the top of the stairs, came rushing down. Both were clad in mismatched armor, with Bartok's helmet too large for his head, and Rakos's breastplate slightly dented. Their eyes flickered from the bloody corpse on the floor to their leader, then to each other, as if silently communicating their shared distaste for the task ahead.

"Clean this shit up," the bald man ordered, still hunched over his map, his focus already returned to his crude scheming. "I don't want the stink of blood in here."

Without a word, Bartok and Rakos moved to comply, their expressions resigned as they began to drag the lifeless body away. Demiurge could see it in their eyes—the dull acceptance of men who had long since grown accustomed to the brutal whims of their master. They were tools, just like the dagger on the table, useful only so long as they served their purpose.

"So… that whore Hilma thinks she can move against me?" The bald man began to mutter to himself, his voice low and venomous. "We may both be part of Eight Fingers, but she's gotta learn that there's consequences to going against the racketeering division. Yeah, there's consequences. Dumb bitch. Always been smug, always thought she's better than everyone else. Always looked down on me. I'll show her. See how smug she is while she's choking on my dick with no teeth."

Demiurge allowed himself a small, amused smile as he listened to the man's rant. How pathetic these creatures were, cannibalizing each other over scraps of power. They were little more than beasts, driven by base instincts, utterly devoid of the grander vision that guided the Supreme Beings. Conquering this kingdom would be a simple matter; indeed, under Lord Ainz's wise and benevolent rule, even the lowest of these worms would find their place in a far more ordered and prosperous society.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps descending the stairs. A new figure emerged into the dim light—shorter and thinner than the men, with the slight, hunched posture of a woman accustomed to hard labor. She carried a mop and bucket, her face expressionless as she set about cleaning the blood from the stone floor. Her movements were swift and efficient, betraying a practiced familiarity with the grim task. Yet despite her outward calm, Demiurge could sense the fear that gripped her—a fear so palpable it clung to her like a second skin.

"Um… Boss? I cleaned it all up." Her voice was timid, barely more than a whisper.

The bald man didn't even look at her. "Go. And close the door."

She bowed quickly, scurrying away as if the very walls might collapse on her if she lingered. Demiurge waited until the door was shut, until the sound of her footsteps faded into silence, before he made his move.

First, he cast a silencing ward on the door, ensuring that not a single sound would escape the room. Then, with a brief mental command through the [Message] spell, he ordered his Shadow Demon to leave the area and continue its surveillance elsewhere. The creature obeyed without hesitation, melting into the shadows and vanishing from sight.

Now, it was just the two of them—Demiurge and the brute, alone in the silent, blood-stained room. With a thought, Demiurge canceled [Umbral Cloak], allowing his true form to materialize in the dim light. He stood tall and imposing, his demonic visage a stark contrast to the pathetic human who remained hunched over the table.

Demiurge stepped forward and tapped the man lightly on the shoulder. The reaction was immediate. The bald man spun around, his eyes wide with shock and confusion, taking in the sight of the demon that had appeared out of nowhere. Fear flickered across his face, and he stumbled back, his bulk knocking the table over as he fell to the ground.

"Greetings," Demiurge said, his voice smooth and measured.

"What the? How the fuck did you get in here!?" The man's voice trembled with panic as he scrambled backward, his eyes darting around the room in search of an escape.

Taking a step closer, the devil loomed over the terrified man with a cold, calculating expression. The power dynamics in the room had shifted entirely, and Demiurge relished the fear that radiated from the human before him. This was his domain now, and the bald man would soon learn what it meant to face a true master of the craft.

"Who the hell are you!?" The bald man shouted, his voice a mix of terror and disbelief. As he stumbled backward in sheer panic, his weight toppled the wooden table, sending its contents—maps, an oil lamp, a dagger, and a coin pouch—spilling onto the floor. He landed hard on his backside, a look of abject horror etched onto his face.

Demiurge's lips curled into a cold smile. "Exactly. Who the hell am I? That's a good question. But before I answer, allow me to pose one of my own."

Before the man could react further, Demiurge moved with lethal grace. Like a predator striking its prey, his hand shot out and closed around the man's neck. The contact was repulsive, the skin clammy and greasy under his gloved fingers. Demiurge grimaced inwardly at the sensation but maintained his composure, for the man's life was as insignificant as a pebble in his hands.

The man's initial reaction was to flail wildly, his eyes bulging with the raw fear of impending suffocation. He gasped for air, his hands clawing ineffectually at Demiurge's grip as he tried to draw breath. The choking was slow and deliberate, a cruel twist of the knife that extended the man's suffering. His pleas for mercy were garbled and incoherent, a pathetic display of survival instinct that would have been better left asleep. Indeed, it would have been kinder if he had never been born at all.

Demiurge leaned in closer, his voice a chilling whisper. "You mentioned something about choking, did you not? Perhaps you were speaking from experience. How fitting that you should be given a taste of your own future."

The man's struggles grew weaker, his attempts to beg and bargain turning into desperate gasps. Demiurge's grip tightened just enough to keep him on the edge of consciousness, savoring the man's mounting despair. He had no intention of killing him yet; the man was too valuable for that. Death would only come after he had extracted every ounce of usefulness and satisfaction from this encounter.

Demiurge's eyes gleamed with malevolent amusement as he watched the man's futile efforts to escape his fate. The room, once a cacophony of scheming and brawling, was now a stage for a far darker performance. Under the dim glow of the flickering torches, the air seemed to thicken with anticipation, every breath drawn by the man a desperate gasp for survival.

To Demiurge, the scene was a symphony of despair, and he was its master conductor. Each wheeze, each convulsion of the man's body was a note in this grim melody, and Demiurge's unyielding grip orchestrated the man's final moments with cold precision. The man's frantic thrashing, his eyes bulging with terror, was a stark contrast to Demiurge's serene composure, a reminder of the vast chasm between predator and prey.

In that fleeting moment, with the worm's life held between his hands and the will of his master being executed with such ruthless efficiency, Demiurge felt a profound sense of satisfaction. It was a twisted joy, one that came not from the act itself but from the perfection of its execution.

His heart, if such a thing could be said to beat, pulsed with a dark, exhilarating rhythm as he savored the power he wielded. To see the arrogance and cruelty of these petty scum reduced to nothing more than a futile struggle against his unyielding will was a delight beyond compare.

There, in the dim light of that decrepit chamber, surrounded by the mundane remnants of a crumbling power structure, Demiurge was the happiest creature on the whole earth.

AN: Small break from Remiel this chapter. Also, expect story to pick up and starting from Chapter 8 onward, and please let me know your thoughts so far if you have any. Thanks.
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small nitpicking, there's a section where you're repeating yourself, might want to change that.

Demiurge smiled, a cold, calculating expression. "Exactly. Who the hell am I? That's a good question. But before I answer, allow me to pose one of my own."

He took [...] his face.

Demiurge's lips curled into a cold smile. "Exactly. Who the hell am I? That's a good question. But before I answer, allow me to pose one of my own."

It's a bit confusing, and break the flow of reading.

Maybe try something more like :

"Greetings," Demiurge said, his voice smooth and measured.

"What the? How the fuck did you get in here!?" The man's voice trembled with panic as he scrambled backward, his eyes darting around the room in search of an escape.

Taking a step closer, the devil loomed over the terrified man with a cold, calculating expression. The power dynamics in the room had shifted entirely, and Demiurge relished the fear that radiated from the human before him. This was his domain now, and the bald man would soon learn what it meant to face a true master of the craft.

"Who the hell are you!?" The bald man shouted, his voice a mix of terror and disbelief. As he stumbled backward in sheer panic, his weight toppled the wooden table, sending its contents—maps, an oil lamp, a dagger, and a coin pouch—spilling onto the floor. He landed hard on his backside, a look of abject horror etched onto his face.

Demiurge's lips curled into a cold smile. "Exactly. Who the hell am I? That's a good question. But before I answer, allow me to pose one of my own."
Last edited:

small nitpicking, there's a section where you're repeating yourself, might want to change that.

It's a bit confusing, and break the flow of reading.

Maybe try something more like :
Thanks, I will fix it later.
Besides the repeating chapter paragraphs, Demiurge is always a favorite fascinating character of Nazarcick since Remial is their back up but Ainz isn't as quite emotionally muted according to Ainz quotes from his past to Demiuge on the corruption in E - Rantel kingdom region with his future Jabbawock persona vs his Dark knight Momonga persona coming into Nazarcick subtle takedown of E Rantelk job in the future.
As we see what going on Ramiel and Ainz side with Grazef in the village of course.
Continue on
Chapter 8 - Consilium Bellatoris
Consilium Bellatoris

Carne could be considered a success, at least from the point of view of Nazarick. Destroying the Sunlight Scripture was laughably easy and it also felt right and proper to do so. I cannot deny that I felt joy watching Nigun turn into a bloody red stain on the ground.

We did however, at Lord Ainz's suggestion, capture a few live prisoners, that will be dealt with accordingly, most likely probed for information. Neuronist will not be gentle with them, and I find myself not lamenting their fate.

As for Gazef, the post-extermination meeting also went well. He stated he would speak well of us, and that we are invited to visit the royal capital of Re-Estize at any time, to be rewarded. I doubt a mortal man has anything that he can offer me that I would need or want that I cannot take myself should I wish to do so, but Lord Ainz accepted his kind words and simply stated that he hopes they meet again.

Once we went back to Nazarick, we gathered in the Throne Room, where Lord Ainz took a new oath of fealty, this time towards the name 'Ainz Ooal Gown' instead of 'Momonga', and he furthermore reiterated his goal to spread his name far and wide across the corners of the world.

It was only after this event, during a trip to Ashurbanipal to return the books I picked up last time, and take new ones to read in the future, that I remembered that now that we have made our impact in the world, a sort of countdown has begun, and that eventually we will have to fully step out of the shadows. But that day would come eventually, no matter what I did.

Lord Ainz informed us of his decision to go on a mission to E-Rantel alongside Narberal Gamma, and surprisingly enough, myself. According to him, a 'healer' would complete the party, but though I was honored, I felt an urge within me to decline, so I did, and suggested that Narberal Gamma be appointed by her sister, Lupusregina, who can also act as a healer, and is closer to Narberal Gamma by virtue of being her sister. This reasoning was accepted by Lord Ainz.

The plan was then this, Lord Ainz alongside Narberal Gamma and Lupusregina would go to E-Rantel and infiltrate the Adventurer's Guild and learn what they could.

Demiurge suggested that he move to the Royal Capital of Re-Estize and learn by himself what he could from the city while Lord Ainz worked in E-Rantel. Considering E-Rantel was on the border between Re-Estize, Baharuth, and Slane, it is probably a uniquely important city and a bridge between these nations, and a valuable gem, whereas the royal capital is important for different reasons, yet is located far to the west. Demiurge, with his myriad of servants, namely Shadow Demons and demonic summons would be able to gather information from the capital. A fine idea, since all cities have an underbelly and criminal element, capital cities most of all.

I however, have no expendable minions to command, and those few summons I can summon would hardly be conducive to stealthy operations. But, I have an advantage that Demiurge does not, namely being able to blend in among the humans. I can make myself appear as a human quite easily, though I will need to acquire clothes in order to remain inconspicuous. Lord Ainz and Narberal Gamma, or as they will be called 'Momon and Nabe' have no need to remain inconspicuous, as adventurers are 'supposed' to be flashy and catch attention, but that is not what I have in mind.

So, while Demiurge would run rampant in Re-Estize, doing what he did, I would head to E-Rantel, acquire funds, clothing(because I will need funds in order to appear human, people would notice me not needing food or sleep sooner or later), more knowledge about the region and culture, and a map that would help me. As a matter of fact, based on the information gathered in the village, and the words of Gazef, we had enough knowledge to not go in blind, but not enough to be completely sure of which decision would be correct. Regardless, the decision must be made.

Where to go next? Baharuth or Slane? I told Lord Ainz to let me handle one of these nations, which he obliged, but left the ultimate decision of which one it would be up to me. I had ideas for which one I should choose and how the path would go while gathering information, but ultimately I was indecisive.

To rectify this, I needed an outside opinion. I decided to pick the mind of someone whom I assumed would be no fool, the warrior Cocytus, whom I found sparring in the Colosseum.

"So, what do you think? Which one should I choose?" I asked him.

"Hmmm… It is a difficult choice." Cocytus replied. At the same time, he was wielding a weapon in each of his hands, and defending himself against 4 dragonkin at the same time. They could not come close to him, and he effortlessly parried each of their blows. I noticed a few times when he could have counter-attacked and struck them down, but he did not.

I also noticed that, when it comes to pure martial ability, there is no comparison between Cocytus and myself. In that field, he is my superior. But then again, that is his nature, no? The eagle does not envy the bison for his rule over the plains, for the eagle rules the skies, and each has his own purpose in the greater whole.

"Tell me your thoughts." Cocytus commanded, before using his tail to sweep the legs of all 4 dragonkin at the same time, and banishing two of his weapons. The dragonkin collected themselves, got up, and began to attack him again, but just like last time, it was no contest.

"Here are my arguments for going to Baharuth first." I stated and then held up a closed fist.

"One of their military organizations has not been wiped out, so they will not be on as high of an alert." One finger went up.

"Their economy is more tightly intertwined with Re-Estize, and there is more travel between these two nations than between them and Slane, who supposedly stands alone self-sufficient." Another finger went up.

"Baharuth supposedly is not as developed as Slane, who are said to be the most advanced human nation, which possibly means countermeasures, perhaps magical in nature." The third finger went up.

"Slane is a theocracy, which means religious knowledge of the local faith is important, and failure to answer questions may lead to my cover being blown." The fourth finger went up.

"Lastly, Baharuth also has the Adventurer's Guild, just like Re-Estize, so I can gather information there as well." And the thumb went up.

Cocytus lifted up one of his hands in a gesture that is universally recognized as 'Stop'. The dragonkin did so, bowed, and left to clean up the battlefield. Many of them had wounds and bruises, but their natural quick regeneration would ensure that they'd be all healed in no time.

"You make sound arguments for choosing the Empire first. And the other nation? This Theocracy?" Cocytus asked me, as he gradually walked closer toward me.

I began to gradually list off the reasons.

"First reason, strike while the iron is hot. They are going to be confused and suspicious, and word of Carne will spread far. I could infer that I am a Theocracy native that was living in E-Rantel that is now returning home."

"Hmm…" Cocytus exhaled his cold breath, taking the idea into consideration.

"Second, it's supposedly the birthplace of humanity and the most advanced nation. If there is any place to learn about humanity and their culture and faith, it would be there, where the source is."

He remained silent, probably waiting for me to continue.

"Third, Gazef stated that it is the safest and most prosperous of the human nations, and that monster attacks are unheard of. I could infer that my home was destroyed and I am now a refugee or immigrant seeking a new home."

"That one is actually true."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Yggdrasil was destroyed, but Lord Ainz saved us and brought us to this world, which will be a new home to us."

Damn, didn't think of it like that.

"You may be right. Yes, that's a good line." I praised his wise words, and he nodded in return. "But where was I? Oh yes. Fourth. The Theocracy is supposedly the mother of all human nations, and the birthplace of their faith."

"These gods the humans worship? I would like to fight them. Slay them. And bring glory to Lord Ainz." He stated proudly. To him, it seemed like a glorious purpose that he was made to fulfill.

Ehh… I am not so certain. "In all likelihood, we don't even know if they even exist or existed. It could just be a figment of their imagination. Remember, we are no longer in Yggdrasil. It could be that this is a world without a god."

"In which case Lord Ainz shall be the only god."

Depends on your definition of the term, but sure. "The single appointed magistrate and ruler of this world? Yes, that's the goal, but I digress. As Slane is the birthplace of their faith, they probably receive pilgrims and religious travelers. I could pose as one, and use heavily nerfed healing magic to pass the cover story."

He nodded, before interrupting me with a question.


"It is a term I read Lord Punitto Moe using. It means diminished compared to its former glory or strength. It is akin to rust."

He nodded again. "I understand."

"Good. Now, the last point. This one is a bit… I am ashamed to admit it."

"In what way?"
"The Slane Theocracy used angels, and that fool said that they were messengers of their gods. But I did not see anything like myself in what they used. It made me angry, and I want to go down there and bring them fire and brimstone and show them that they should be careful with their words."

"They insulted your warrior's pride." I suppose that is the closest analogy that his mind could come up with.

"In a sense."

"Hmm…" He remained silent, and exhaled cold frost a few times before he deigned to answer. "This is not good. Any faithful warrior will swallow insults to his pride during a mission for his liege. I recognize the insult done to you, but you must lay it aside for now."

"Lay it aside? I guess you're right."

"Yes. You must show discipline."

Yes, he's right.

"Of course." I confirm his words, and then we fall into silence.

The silence is comfortable, a silence between two warriors, but it does stretch out a moment too long, and then a few moments after that, until it becomes awkward.

"Cocytus?" I ask him. He is awfully quiet.


"You were lost in thought. Is something on your mind?"

"No. Yes."

"Yes. It is… related to the task entrusted upon you by Lord Ainz."

"Well, speak then. You always have my ear." I encouraged him.

"Lord Ainz has given you and Demiurge tasks to gather knowledge about two of these nations. He will take Narberal Gamma and Lupusregina with him, and spend many hours together. Mare is working on concealing the Tomb, and Aura is exploring the forest. You have all been given tasks to spread the glory of Nazarick. But I have been left behind."

Oh? Oh… This is not good.

"Cocytus. You have not been left behind."

"But I have. Why else has Lord Ainz not given me a task yet?"

How do I convince him that he has a purpose? He will have to convince himself, for his convictions are strong, and no matter what I tell him, he won't learn unless it comes from within.

"Have you ever read 'The Art of War'?"

He perks up. "I can't say that I have." He replies. "What is this book about?"

"Like the title says, it is about war. Written a long, long time ago, by a very prominent human general and statesman. I found this book in Ashurbanipal, or to be more specific Titus gave it to me, but that's neither here nor there. This book was apparently well beloved by Lord Punitto Moe, Nazarick's chief strategist. Within it you'll find many gems, applicable to the life of a warrior such as yourself. Let me share one with you. 'Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.'"
He took a few seconds to let the words sink in.

"You understand what this means, right? We are not yet at war. What we did to the Sunlight Scripture was merely destroying a rogue raiding party. We are still gathering information about these lands, and because of your nature, you cannot gather information from them. But that does not mean you have no purpose or use, nor does it mean that you will remain where you are forever. Be patient, trust in Lord Ainz, and when the time for the first blow comes, against whoever it is, I promise you, you will be given the torch."

"The honor of spilling first blood… The honor of leading Nazarick's armies to victory and glory…" He muses to himself, probably lost in thought.

I tap him on the shoulder a few times. "Do not despair. Soon you will be given the opportunity to impress Lord Ainz. I know it."

"Yes, you're right. Thank you for your advice."

"And thank you for yours. I have helped you, and you have helped me. Let us continue to help each other."

"That sounds nice." He exhales more cold breath, and I swear he would smile were he capable of such a thing, but alas, the slight twinkling of his blue eyes and the movement of his mandibles is the closest thing to a happy face he can do. "I shall return to my duties." He announces, and turns to leave.

"And I to mine." I responded.

Tomorrow, I leave for E-Rantel alongside Lord Ainz, Narberal Gamma and Lupusregina. I shall spend a few days there, before heading east, to the capital of the Baharuth Empire.

Hopefully, it will be a fruitful endeavor.
Chapter 9 - To Tremma ton Amartion
To Tremma ton Amartion

"That's disgusting." Narberal Gamma, otherwise known as 'Nabe' while we are in E-Rantel, stared blankly.

"It's an ugly thing." Lupusregina Beta, also known as 'Lupu' for the duration of this mission, also commented.

They were staring at a comically old woman, probably close to 100 years old, walking with a cane. She has warts and boils across her face, she is hunched over, dressed from head to toe such that only her face and some raggedy strands of white hair are visible. The old woman's mouth hangs open and I can only spot a few teeth present. Despite all this, hunched over though she is, she continues to walk with her cane, going wherever she needs to.

But these two birdbrains are staring at her like she is some novelty.

"That's just an old woman. Ignore her." My recount goes nowhere.

"Do all humans end up like that?" Nabe comments again, and her sister, Lupu, responds. "I kinda pity them… no wonder they're so miserable."

My anger is stoked at their heartless words.

"Shut up the both of you, before you draw too much attention to us and I have to smack your heads together."
Lupu fakes outrage at my words and tries to stir up trouble. "Lord Ai-lord Momon, did you hear what she just said? She said she'd smack us!" I never should have suggested she be brought along on this mission. More the fool I am.

Lord Ainz, masquerading as 'Sir Momon', clad in black armor like a knightly hero, and well over six feet tall, naturally draws attention by merely existing. Thus, when he raises his voice… "Quiet!" It draws a few stares. When he notices the eyes on him, he literally drags the three of us towards an alley where we can talk in peace.

He tries to loom over me, which is difficult because even with his armor he isn't more than two inches taller, but the presence he emits is noticeable just the same.

"Remiel, don't smack anyone, please. We are not here for games." His tone of voice displays his seriousness.

"As you say."

Then he turns towards the other two.

"Narberal Gamma, Lupusregina Beta, control yourselves. If you don't, I'll send you back to Nazarick and do this alone."

The both of them instantly drop to one knee, which may not be the wisest thing to do in an alley.

"Please don't!"

"We will obey you!"

"Quiet!" He whispers loudly. Before he clears his throat "Now then, let us go over our plans once more before we split."

He notices that the two of them are still on one knee, so he gestures for them to get up, which they do.

"Lupu, how about you refresh us about our plans in E-Rantel."

She preens up instantly at being given this minor task.

"Well, Lord Momon- She's cut off by Lord Ainz interrupting her with "It's Momon!" for making a mistake once again.

"Sir Momon." Nabe corrects her sister, and thankfully she gets it through her head.

"Sir Momon. We're heading to the adventurer's guild! We're going to kill monsters and earn money!" She exclaimed with joy, practically preening. How? You were nearly crying half a minute ago!

"And we'll also make connections and gather information and advance up the ranks of the guild, don't forget." Lord Ainz adds on. Afterwards, he turns towards me.

"I'm going to head to this temple to their gods, learn what I can from them, then I'll try to explore the city and see what else I can learn. I am also planning on learning about the local governance here."

"Right. You know your role, we know ours. Remiel, we will be in touch, and I expect a report from you tonight."


E-Rantel is a nice city. It is no miracle, but from what I can see, it falls within the boundaries of a medieval style city. It is clear there is wealth here, but it is concentrated the closer you head towards the center of the city.

E-Rantel is a city on the military frontier, and every year the Baharuth Empire declares war on this nation, with the goal of conquering this city, but every year it fails. What is the point of these quick and annual wars?

They occur every year at the same time. During the harvest season. It does not take a genius to figure out what the goal is then. Economic disruption.

Mortals. Squabbling over grain. How primitive.

As for the city, it is walled with three sets of walls, as befits a city in such a vital position. The outer walls, the inner walls, and the innermost walls. Each set of walls has watchtowers where guards can be observed doing vital things such as sleeping, gossiping, and playing card games.

Within the innermost walls, one will find the mayor's palace and VIP Villa. Thus, it stands that it is the center of governance for the city's elite, the seat of power.

Outside those walls, one can find guilds, stores, markets, inns, temples, so on and so forth. The city is also a military city, and it is here that you can find barracks and armories for the guards and silos for the grain. And of course, the homes of those who have a decent amount of income.

And lastly, outside those walls, protected by merely the 1st set of walls, is a heavily residential district, with the exception of the graveyards far to the west, and the guards posted to guard those graveyards.

Why are there guards outside the graveyard?

Because of necromancers. Apparently there have been attempts to disturb the dead, and it results in skeletons or ghouls wandering outside the graveyards. They are no threat and thus, the guards can handle them easily. The guards also have a nearby practice range where they can spar against each other, train their marksmanship and what not, but I doubt they use it much.

This is all well and good, but the point remains.

Where should I head first? The temple? One of the guilds? The markets?

A difficult question, made even more difficult by my lack of funds.

Thus, the solution is self-evident. Go and acquire funds. And where better to acquire funds than the place where all the money in the city will eventually go?

The mayor's palace, of course.

So, I resolved myself to head there.

Finding it is easy. It is visible from everywhere, built atop a hill overlooking the lower parts of the city.

Thus, I began to walk towards the palace

Twice, I asked some guards for directions, who were relatively friendly.

I saw the innermost walls. Unlike the previous set, through which we could pass through easily, these ones have more guards and far more attention is dedicated to them. I cannot simply walk through them like I did with the previous set. They will ask me for identification, purpose of my visit, they will ask to search me and other bothersome things, and I may still get denied.

That simply won't do.

I lean against one of the walls of some sort of tavern and try to come up with a plan.

Walk through the gate with [Greater Invisibility]? Won't work. It's closed, and the spell will break if I use it. And besides, they may have wards that detect such a thing.

Fly above the walls with [Greater Invisibility]? Won't work, I'll have to unfurl my wings to fly, and it'll be bothersome trying to put on this cloak again. Buying a new one is also annoying. No, this method won't work.

Use [Dominate] to force the guards to let me through? I would rather not use such methods, and they may notice something strange afterward. This method also won't work.

Then it hit me.

I moved away from the line of sight, behind the tavern into a place hidden by shadow, and used [Greater Invisibility] to make myself unseen.

Once I walked out of the shadows, I walked around in the sunlight, noticing the strange way the light interacted with my body. It was mesmerizing. I also noticed that no one noticed me standing in the middle of the street when I had to jump out of the way of a man who almost walked into me. No one knew I was here.

And upon walking closer to the guards, neither did they.

I got up right close to these guards at the gate, so close I could see the whites of their eyes and the wrinkles on their faces. There were four of them.

One of them was an older one, in his late 30s or early 40s, bald, clean-shaven and mean faced and built like an auroch. He had tiny blue eyes that shone maliciously.

The second one, opposite him, was a younger man, in his 20s, no doubt, and he was tall and thin, with a full brown beard, short brown hair, and brown eyes. He looked remarkably unthreatening based on his face alone, like a puppy.

"How old did you say your sister was?" The older one asked the younger.

"Blow off, wanker." He replied instantly, and continued staring ahead, spear gripped tightly.

I expected something to happen, but not that.

"Relax, he doesn't mean anything by it." Another man, as old as the bald one, but with blonde hair, stood relaxed next to the brown-haired young man.

I then looked to the 4th guard, who could simply be described as short and rat-faced with unruly black hair. How he got a posting here is beyond me. He definitely looks more like a shady merchant than a guardsman.

I expected this one to say something, but he kept quiet. So I kept staring at them until something happened… a few minutes must have passed by, certainly.

The rat-faced one asked a question. "Shall we gather for wine and whores tonight after our shifts?"
"Aye." The bald one said.

"Sounds good." The brown-haired one affirmed.

"Never doubt it." The blonde one chimed in.

And that was that. The sum total of their conversation. The total of their human potential. Expressed in around 30 words. Disappointing, is what I'd say, but I already knew that most humans are like these four. Just… ignorant, of anything higher. More like beasts than men, truth be told.

But enough about that. Time to move on with the next part.

I walked away from the guards and towards a section of the wall that had only one guard. It was relatively close to the gate, so there was no need for more, on this side at least. That would make things easier.

"[Time Stop]."

The world turns gray as time stops moving at my command. Every single creature is frozen.

Yet, despite time not moving, I have neither time nor mana to waste.

I use [Dimension Move] to move from the ground and appear on top of the battlements. The guard that is supposed to be guarding is picking his nose. He does not know I am here, and how can he?

I take a second or so to look around. I see a fountain, gardens, beautifully arranged colored flowers, lovely tiled floors and… another set of walls, this time around the mayor's palace.

Seriously? This is getting annoying.

Not wasting any more time, I use [Dimension Move] yet again to move out from the battlements.

I repeat this process of using [Dimensional Move] to get on top of the walls and then down from them. Why use this method instead of jumping? Because I don't want to damage something by using too much strength. And why don't I simply teleport once, instead of twice? Because I cannot teleport to a place I do not see or have not been to. Annoying, but solvable.

All the same, after about 10 seconds in real time, I have passed all the defenses, and find the palace-enclosing walls behind me, and the palace ahead of me.

Time to see what the reaction shall be.

I use [Greater Invisibility] once more, before I break the [Time Stop]. I wonder… How long can I hold it?And how much of the world does it affect? Because I may hear from Lord Ainz if it affected him as well. He should be immune to its effects, but still, it is an interesting thing to know.

Questions for later. For now, time to see what happens…

Time moves once again as color returns to the world. And… nothing happens. Everything resumes the way it used to be. The birds are singing, the fountain waters are flowing, there's a gardener working on the bushes, a maid sweeping dust in front of the palace doors.

I can even, from here, hear the words of the guardsmen that I just bypassed.

"Want to bet on the hounds again tonight?"

"Can't, I have to visit my mother-in-law's house."

"Ugh. Tell me about it."

"I'd rather not."

Ah, another classic. Gambling and disdain for in-laws. Never change, humans.

I begin walking around the palace, taking it in, and trying to spot weaknesses. There is no rush, as unlike [Time Stop], [Greater Invisibility] does not have a big mana cost, and I only have to spend mana when the timer for it runs out and I wish to refresh the spell. As it stands, I can hold this state for hours.

The palace is quite nice. It is not too ostentatious, but from here I can see that quite a bit of money went into it, and its giant circular dome.

I wonder… how many could have been fed with the money that went into this place?

Perhaps fewer than I think, as this region is a mass producer of grain, and therefore, few people would hunger.

I shall soon find out. I have no respect for persons of power and authority in this world, none at all, unless they earn it, and this will be the trial of this city's mayor. Like a fly on the wall, I shall watch him, learn what he does, what he thinks of those he rules.

The surprise inspection is here, oh great mayor, will you pass it with flying colors, or fail?

Getting into the palace was remarkably easy. I simply had to use [Mist Form] to sneak in through an open window which was part of a hallway, and then use [Greater Invisibility] again to explore the palace. As for being incorporeal in a form of mist… it was a strange experience. I didn't like it. Seeing without eyes, moving without limbs, hearing without ears, it's really something else…I prefer being in my body, beautiful and perfect.

With that being said, what followed was… walking through the palace.

Paintings here and there, sculptures and busts, red carpets, nice shiny silverware… it's all rather quaint.

As for the size of the palace, it does not take me long to move within it. I explored many rooms. The formula remained the same. Find a door, try to hear if there is anyone inside. Mortals breathe loudly, so that's not difficult, and then there is also [Detect Life], a spell that I can use just to make sure. After ensuring that a room is empty, I either open it with [Knock] if it is locked, or simply by using my hands if it's not.

I found a few things inside the palace. A rather elegant looking set of armor, the mounted head of a great beast that I do not know the name of, a framed old book of some import, and…

"Yes, yes, yes!" A girl is screaming in between panting breaths.

"Shhh… quiet, my little rose. We don't want anyone to hear us. We are in the mayor's private room, after all."

"Sorry… It's just…I love you so much!"

"I love you too. Now, bite down on this." The older maid whispers lustfully.

The smell of fish, sweat and flesh, and the sounds of two women making ungodly noises and kissing and slurping over each other caused me to freeze in place and take a second to process what just exactly was going on.

Do I dare to see it? When I can smell it from here?
I have to see it.

"[Time Stop]." I cast the spell again, closed the door behind me, and walked calmly toward the source of the noise. There, I found an older woman, in her late 30s or early 40s, with brown hair, pinning down a younger girl, not even 20 years old, with fiery red hair. The older woman's hands… they were not where they were supposed to be, and they were engaging in acts that only a man and wife should. The poor young girl was biting down on some sort of wooden stick to muffle the noises she was making while the older woman was 'cleaning'.

I felt disgusted. Is this really what these people do during work hours?

I'd walk away and leave right now but… this is the mayor's room. There has to be something I could learn from here.

How do I get them to leave?

I turned and looked around the room until my eyes found a vase. A very expensive looking one.

This should do nicely.

I gently pushed the vase over the commode, but due to the nature of [Time Stop], it did not move, not just yet. Right after that, I took a seat on one of the chairs, used [Greater Invisibility] again, and ended [Time Stop].

Now, all I had to do was wait.

One second later, the vase made contact with the ground, and broke into a dozen pieces.

The 'Eep!' noises the maids made were hilarious, and watching them scramble and panic was even more so.

"This is a sign! A sign from the gods! What we do is forbidden!" The younger girl exclaimed while shaking the shoulder of the older woman. The older woman said nothing.

I however, had three things to say. First off, cover your breasts. Second off, shame on you for fornicating during work hours. At least have the decency to be a degenerate on your own time in a place that belongs to you, or go do it in a tavern. And lastly, I expelled a decent amount of mana to pull that trick with the vase, and I deserve some credit.

"Quiet. Let's clean this up."

"What shall we tell Mayor Rettenmaier?"

"We shall tell him nothing. We'll get Jeru from the Magician's Guild to help us. He'll be able to repair this no problem."

The younger girl nodded. At the older maid's words, the two of them began to go to work, and soon enough cleaned things up to the point that there was even no evidence of their previous degeneracy.

And as a bonus, they even locked the room from the outside, which meant that I could finally break [Greater Invisibility] and recover some mana. I have burned through half already, it feels like.

Now, time to see what sort of secrets Mayor Panasolei has…

Well… this was quite disappointing.

I dug through this man's room for what felt like an hour and I did not find anything of note. No chained children, no hidden pots of gold, no heretical literature, no proof of corruption, nothing. Just boring books and letters. 'Taxes' this and 'tolls' that and 'grain' this and 'iron' that and so on and so forth. How dull. Now, it may be that I don't understand what I'm seeing, or that the proof of corruption is somewhere else, but I didn't really see anything that shouldn't belong. And worst of all, I had to endure this whole endeavor while the faint smell of the maids' indiscretion floated through the air.

Apart from a letter from the man's daughter, telling him to 'stop eating so much'. So yeah, apparently, the mayor isn't comically evil or corrupt, just a glutton.

But still, something within me urged me forward to find confirmation, so that is what I did. I stalked through the palace like a lion until I eventually found the room in which the mayor worked.

And there, I watched him work and realized… he is absolutely dull.

He never misspoke against his employees, or disrespected them, and spent every possible hour(apart from the time he had a whole roasted pheasant for lunch) hunched over his desk, writing letters and reading through ledgers.

His writing is atrocious, by the way. As is the writing system these people use. Absolutely primitive looking writing system, I must say.

The contents of one particular letter was addressed to the king of this land, king Rampossa III, thanking him for having Gazef deal with the 'raiders' i.e the Sunlight Scripture. He stated that he is ever loyal to the crown and would send over the shipment of taxes soon. Based upon his ledgers, he actually is, and is only skimming a bit off the top, which is par for the course for an absolutely corpulent looking man like himself. The man is as bloated as a pig, and is as ugly as a wild boar, I forgot to mention. If being ugly was a sin, I'd have no choice but to strike him down where he stands right now. But as it stands, he is only a glutton who is lightly corrupt, which may be the best thing I can hope for in this nation.

In fact, he is probably a saint in comparison with the other rulers. I noticed in his personal checkbook that details the salary of his employees, that he receives a monthly salary ten times greater than his employees, and three times greater than his personal aides and ministers. This may seem a lot, but knowing the greed of men, it is a miracle it is not a hundred times greater.

All the same, while I now know that he is probably better off being kept alive, I will feel no remorse for what I do next.

The treasury in the palace was easy to find. It was in the basement, as treasuries usually are. Mortals are nothing if not predictable.

As for entering the treasury, that part was more difficult. They kept it locked, did not carry the key to the treasury on them, the gate was locked, and there were four guards situated there.

Entering would be difficult, and I was determined not to shed blood, and not to be found out.

I'd be a ghost, one with clean hands.

How to enter… how to enter… A distraction of some sort? I'd need only a moment.

I had a few tricks up my sleeve, but here, in a hidden and buried corner in the earth, I could use few.

There is one that I could do, but it'd probably be difficult to pull off.

"[Time Stop]."

The world went gray again. I was on a limited timer.

Alrighty then.

Delay Magic metamagic delays all spells by five seconds.

Should the spell occur within the Time Stop itself, it is wasted.

I put my hand against the floor and steadied myself.

Tremor is a 6th tier spell that causes whatever you touch to quite literally, tremble and shake. It is a lot like the spell [Earthquake] but weaker, and does not cause as much damage. It is a mini-earthquake, and one of the few geomancy spells I know.

The delay metamagic is to delay it by five seconds, the widen metamagic is so that it is spread out over a wider area, hopefully wide enough that it is felt by the entire palace, which should eliminate suspicion that it is an attack.

When it happens all at once, there should be light tremors, enough to chase out these four guards away from the treasury door. No one wants to be below the ground when there is an earthquake. So, once they leave, I will simply slip in, take just a bit to help support myself and Lord Ainz for a few weeks, and then slip out with [Greater Teleportation], appearing in a predetermined location i.e a vacant house that I already memorized.

Time to see how it goes. This is practice for the future in case I need to use [Time Stop] to kill or damage someone, since if I delay the spell too much after [Time Stop], it will be useless, and a colossal waste of mana. Thus… no pressure.

"[Delay Widen Magic: Tremor]."

One. I stand up.

Two. I use [Greater Invisibility] again to cloak myself.

Three. I stand far away from any path the guardsmen would take, ensuring they do not bump into me.

Four. I turn towards the guardsmen, and look at their frozen faces, waiting for a reaction.

Five. Time begins to flow again.

And the earth shakes.

I hear a painting fall on the ground, a bust break, maids scream, lamps fall, and overall chaos and confusion.

Did I overdo it? Tremor is a weak spell. This is a bit too much, I should think.

"What the sodding hell?"



"Let's get out of here!"

Well… that was… effective. And a bit too conspicuous. But hey, the guards are skedaddling away from the treasury door, and running far away from it.

The tremors are still going on. They should be ending soon. Soonish.

No time to waste!

Again, using [Mist Form] to enter the treasury is laughably easy.

Within it I find… gold. Quite a lot of it, actuall. A fair bit of silver as well. It's rather well organized. Huh. I knew the fat mayor was diligent but this is something else.

It's all neatly stacked in rows and on boards, separated like books in a library. But I have not come here to take all this gold, not yet anyways.

Let's see here… More books…'The true founding of Re-Estize?' That one sounds interesting. Yoink. Mine now. What else… Sword, spear, hammer armor… more weapons… Let's see how strong they are.

I pick up a random spear. "[Greater Appraisal Magic Item]."

And it's… laughably weak. Level 21 gear level… that's High Class… the third lowest item tier. This spear is not even worthy to be a toothpick. Trash.

It's all trash here. No matter. It doesn't take long to find a drawer where a leather pouch filled with gold coins is located. It has a new owner. Time to count it out.
One, two, three… That makes 40 gold coins. 10 gold coins make a platinum coin, those are rarely used. 100 silver coins make a gold coin, thus here I have the equivalent of 4000 silver coins. And since a single silver coin is made up of 13 copper coins, this means I have the equivalent of 52000 copper coins.


Some more quick math follows. A single gold coin is enough to feed a family of four persons in Re-Estize for a whole month. This means I have in my possession now enough gold to feed 40 families for a month, or 3 families for an entire year.

I think that's too much money for me. I shall give the 30 gold coins to Lord Ainz, take 10 for myself, and of those 10, I'll give a gold coin to some of the beggars I saw living in the outermost regions of the city. They will put them to better use than this fat mayor.

Time to get out of here. A shame, I wish I could see the face that fat pig made when I literally showed him how much his palace can protect him from me… but such pleasures must be saved for another time. Now that I've already visited this place, I can come any time, and in the event of a war against this city, I'll have a backdoor towards the leadership, and we can ensure they can't seize the funds and escape. Plus, on the off chance Baharuth does actually conquer this city, they will find the treasury empty.

"[Greater Teleportation]."

And just like that I am gone, with no one having known I was ever there.

AN: Here you go, hopefully this chapter will elicit some laughs from you. I didn't want to blindly follow canon like most people do by hitching the MC to Momon and Nabe, and I hope you'll enjoy it.
Chapter 10 - Al-Faqr wa al-Taqwa
Al-Faqr wa al-Taqwa

It is well past midday. But we began our work early, and thus there is still daylight to burn. Before I head towards the temple, mana-deprived as I am, I must first confirm something.

I step out of the abandoned and ruined house in this dilapidated neighborhood, and look around for signs of life. Behold, I see a man, with one arm on his knee, the other unseen, sitting in the dirt, raggedy clothes and all. A beggar.

Time to talk to him.

He is asleep.

I shake him awake.

"Hey, wake up."

"Wha- who are you? Whaddaya want? Stay away! I don't want any trouble!" He shouts at me as he backs away, his back turned against the wall. He is scared. Why? What has been done to this man that he is like this?

"Do not be afraid. I have not come to harm you."

"Yeah! Then get lost."

"I will, I just want to ask you a question first." I tell him as I lean down to get closer to his level. Poor man… How can he live like this?

He looks around left and right with his eyes, probably expecting some sort of trap.

"Alright woman, ask your question and then leave."

"Did you feel an earthquake, or tremors recently?"

Confusion is on his face.

"An… earthquake? No. No, I ain't felt no earthquake."

"Thanks. That is all I wanted to ask you." I reach into my pocket, and pull out two gold coins that I had prepared beforehand. As I do so, he shrinks back in fear once again, but when he sees me taking out money, he is confused once more.

"Here. For your troubles. This should help you get back on your feet." I put the gold coins in front of him.

He is still hesitant. "Is this some sort of trick? Are you with Eight Fingers? Why are you doing this?" The questions come one after another.

"It's no trick. I am not from this land, and I don't know who or what Eight Fingers is. As for why I'm helping you, it's quite simple. You need help, and I can help you, so why should I not?"

The man blinks rapidly, trying to process my words. His blue eyes were once bright, but now they have clearly lost their color. His clothes are ragged and torn, there is a hole on his right boot where his toe is. He is thin, his beard is patchy, and his skin is tanned by the sun. Age looks to have taken its toll, but to anyone with a mind, it is clear these are the effects of a hard life.

"So… this money is for me? This is…" He looks down and reaches out with his hand, and takes the gold coins and grasps them tightly. "Two gold coins! I can eat for months with these. I can buy myself some new clothes, maybe even get healed in the temple!"

"Healed? What ails you?"

He hesitates at my question, but the period of hesitation is much shorter than before. "It's my arm." He says, before he takes off his cloak. I notice that he is wearing a white linen shirt that has been stained with dirt many times, and his left sleeve hangs limp. There is nothing within it. The man has lost one of his arms.

"My arm… I lost it… and ever since, my life has gone to shit. Not that it was anything special before, but at least I could work. Now, no one wants a cripple like me. I'm a burden, they say."

"How did you lose your arm, if I may ask?"
"The war. Against Baharuth. It was 2 years ago."

"You lost it fighting Baharuth. So you were a soldier?"

"No… just a farmer, a levy. They put a spear in my hand, drilled me for a few weeks, and then sent me off to fight trained knights. Said I'd win honor and glory. Said I'd protect Re-Estize. Pfft. What a joke. The only thing I've won is pain and hunger. And Re-Estize has never protected me."

Damn. This is… quite a story.

"Can I show you something about myself as well?"

"Sure. I guess."

I take off my cloak and show myself to him. He looks for the first time at my face and stares at it for what must be like minutes.

"I am not human. As you can probably tell."

"Are you an elf? You have pointy ears, and you're beautiful. So beautiful. My na said she saw an elf once, and she described her, and she said she looked like you do. Beautiful and with pointy ears."

"Thank you for your kind words, but I am not an elf."

"Then what are you?"

"I cannot tell you."
The answer stuns him for a moment before he continues speaking. "Did the gods send you? Have they finally answered my prayers?"

"I do not know your gods, and from what I have heard of them, I do not care to know them. But enough about them. Can I sit next to you?"

He blinks a few times. "Sure."

I sit next to him, and when I turn around, I notice he's staring again. Ugh. A mistake. I should have never taken the hood off, but it's too late now.

"Tell me more about yourself." I command him.

"More about myself? Sure… Well, my name is Johan, and I was a farmer before the war against Baharuth. I was the youngest of four sons, and two daughters."

"So you were the sixth born?"

"Yes. There's a 12 year gap between me and my sister, who's the second youngest."

Huh. So a surprise child. "Continue."

"Anyways, I was a farmer, I helped work the field with my ma and pa, since my brothers, well, most of them, went away to pursue their fortune. I lived in a small village to the west of the capital Re-Estize, and we worked there and served the local lord. Life was boring, unfair, and dull. You'll find that it's similar for most people in this kingdom."

I remained silent, waiting for him to continue. "My ma and pa wanted me to marry, but I refused. Didn't see the point. I had no land, since my eldest brother who lived with me and my ma and pa was already married and had kids who were my age, so I was the same age as my nephews. I wasn't a marriage prospect, and I didn't see the point in marrying."

"So you just worked there and lived. What were your hopes for the future?"

"I wanted to be… something, but those memories are so far away they feel like they belonged to another lifetime."

Aimless and adrift in life, with no inheritance and no future.

"How old were you when you went to war?"

"I was 26. Guess that makes me 28 now, not that celebrating my birthday is a good thing."

That sounds… dreadful. Two years lost adrift, without a roof over your head. Meanwhile that fat pig is eating his heart out.

Breathe in… breathe out… breathe in… breathe out… don't smite him… don't smite him…

Better change the topic.

"So, you mentioned you lost your arm in the war. I was under the impression that there is healing magic in this land. Why were you not healed?"

"Well… the army doesn't have healers, not magical healers anyways."

"Right… but there are healers in the cities, no? Why did they not heal you?"

He stares at me with a blank look on his face.

"Because you have to pay to get healed?"

I blink a few times.


"You have to pay to get healing from the priests. Did you not know this?"

"... I did not."

"Yep, it's true. In fact, the church prohibits anyone from giving out free healing unless they get paid for it, even if they're not part of the church."

That is actually evil.

"You mean to tell me, that you gave your arm for your nation, and you had to pay to get healed, and you didn't have money to do so?"

"I had no money from the war. Levies do not get paid."

Every moment, I grow to hate this kingdom more and more. I must leave it before I begin to use flame and sword to strike down every member of the nobility and clergy.

"And even if I had money, it may not be enough."

"What do you mean?"

"If you have a lot of money, you can get healed of almost anything. If you don't… the best thing they can heal is a small cut or a cold. Restoring a lost arm ain't cheap."

"Just to be sure… the priests are using magic to heal, right? Not potions or other medicines."

He nods.

"What sort of greed is this?"

"The greed you find in nobles and priests. They take and take, and never give back."

My anger is roused. I must do something.

"Did you go to the temple of your gods in this city?"

"I did."


"They said to come back when I had the money."

"But you can't get any money if you can't work because you have only one arm. Did you not tell them this? Or to give you a loan?"

"'Peasants are not trustworthy', the priest said."

Right. I think I've heard enough. I stood up in a rage and put on my cloak once more.

"You're leaving?"

"Yes. But I need to ask you another question first. Who were these 'Eight Fingers' you mentioned?"

"They're criminals. Very dangerous. They practically rule the kingdom's underbelly."

Right. A band of organized criminals. Perhaps one of them will show up and try to rob me? I could do to excise some of this wrath.

"Thank you for the information." I look at his arm. I have helped him, but perhaps there is more I can do? Time to find out. "I have another gift for you."

"Thank you, but you've already helped me so much. You don't have to give me anything more."

"But I want to give you another gift."

"Just… talking to someone, someone that treated me with a little human decency, is already a priceless gift."

"I shall give you this gift, and if you don't like it, give it back. Agreed?"

He smirks. "Fine. Let's see what else you have."

"Close your eyes. Do not open them until I tell you to do so." I command him. He hesitates, for but a moment.

"Alright." He obliges.
I lay my right hand upon his shoulder, and tear the cloth away. I look at the scar. It is old, and the man is filthy.

"What are you-"
"Shhh. Trust me."

He shuts up.

"[Restorative Blessing]." It is a 7th tier spell that restores lost limbs and organs, purges all poisons, curses, debuffs, grants massively increased healing over time and a small increase to stats across the board. The mana cost is expensive, and when it comes to pure healing power, [Heal] is stronger, but this has a higher likelihood of success.

And when a shining golden light in the shape of an arm begins to form out of his shoulder, I know it has succeeded. A few mere seconds later, his arm has been restored, identical yet opposite to his right, with no scar to be found, as if he had never lost it to begin with.

"Now, you may open your eyes."

He does so, and looks at his arm with wonder and amazement. "How is this… impossible…" He mutters under his breath again and again.

He looks at his arm for what feels like minutes, and I cannot constrain the smile on my face.

"Who are you? You have given me coin, listened to my story, and healed my arm. What can I do to repay you?" He asks me with wonder in his eyes, looking up, pleading.

"Go and find work that fulfills you. Do not beg on the streets, but build a home and a family, and help others as I have helped you. Do this, and we will be even."
I turn and walk away.

"Wait, I don't know your name!"

"You don't need to."
Dramatic exit, perhaps, but I could not resist. Now, time to see if what that man said of those priests is true.

It is still daytime. But the sun will set soon, no more than a few hours are left. Reflecting upon my time spent today, I realize I have done quite a bit. But the work is not yet done.

The temple to the gods of this land is found within the inner layer, outside the palace walls, but not far from them.

It's a tall structure, I can tell that much. It's the height of the palace, no doubt. As for external beauty, it is clean, well-maintained, and uses bright colors. The entrance is a wide open gate, made of some sort of metal. Bronze, perhaps? Or iron painted over? Who knows.

There are no people coming to and fro the temple. Perhaps they come in only on certain days, or during certain hours? Who knows.

I approach the temple, and stand on the precipice. What will happen when I walk in? Will the temple crumble, and the stones fall on my head? Will I spontaneously combust? Will nothing happen? Time to see.

I step into the temple and… nothing happens. How boring.

The temple to these gods is wide and spacious, with glass windows allowing plenty of light to shine through. I spot four statues at four cardinal directions. Each statue is made of different colored stone. Furthermore, I spot that in front of each of them is a small trinket, or idol perhaps, dedicated to these gods, as well as a place to light candles.

I approach one of them, it is of a beautiful and serene looking matronly woman wearing a long flowing dress holding a pitcher of water. The statue is colored a light aquamarine blue, like the color of a mountain lake.

In front of this woman, there is also a basin with pure clean water, probably to wash one's hands in. But I do not find such a basin with the other statues.

On the golden dais is written, with grand letters 'Mersi Melonne. The Goddess of Water', and below it: 'May her life giving waters purify our souls, wash away our filth, and sate our thirsts.'

So, a goddess of water, eh? I assume the others also correspond to the other elements.

Next, I approach a white statue. It is of a tall and thin looking man, standing proud. He is holding a lyre in one of his hands, and his other is extended toward the air. A tiny bird is sitting on his shoulder. The man looks young and he has gentle features. At the base of the statue, to be more precise, around its corners, are windchimes. They make small and gentle noises whenever the wind blows.

Like before, on the dais is written 'Venti Rex. The God of Air, may he free us from our burdens, bring swiftness to our feet and make our hearts as light as a feather'.

The same formula follows with the other two statues.

The brown statue, opposite the one belonging to the white one, belongs to a man who appears to be inspecting some sort of gemstone in his left hand, while holding a blacksmith's hammer in his right. The man is wearing craftsman's apparel, unlike the bard's apparel of the air god. And unlike him, this man is big, bulky, bearded and bald. On the dais is written 'Kovatsch. The God of Earth. May he give us the strength to forge a better tomorrow, and crush all forms of sloth.' In front of the statue, I find another basin, but this one has nothing but dirt. It is symbolic, I assume.

The red statue, opposite to the water goddess, depicts a man in armor, holding a torch in one hand, and a sword in the other. He is clad in armor, and his long hair, beard and magnificent mustache make him look like a hero of legend. On the dais is written 'Vishnu Arash. The God of Fire. May he illuminate our path, shine his light upon the truth and burn away all evil and falsehoods.' And finally, for this particular deity, there is a small altar where candles may be lit. I see the burned wax of many candles, lit by worshippers.

So… four elemental gods depicted as men. Or, three men and a woman.

There are more than four elements in Yggdrasil, I think someone forgot to tell that to those people. I also take a second to look around. I notice that in addition to the statues in these four directions, there's a main altar toward the northwest, between the two statues, yet elevated above them. It has a stand there, probably for the priest to hold his sermon, and a place to have his book there. I also find chairs and benches located here and there, but none in the open. There must be room to walk freely.

Overall, this main hall is spacious, and this is merely the ground floor. The temple is massive from the outside, so there are probably other rooms. Be they gardens, dormitories, rooms where they keep books, rooms where they keep the injured and the sick, and so on.

I hear steps from above, and turn around. Lo and behold, a man, clad in priestly garb. He is old, with a hairline so receding the only hair left is on the side of his head. He descends down the stairs until he reaches the ground floor, where I am.

"Greetings." He offers.

"Greetings." And I respond in kind.

"Service is over for today, but I am still here to help. What can I do for you?"

"I have come to learn more about the faith."

A smile spreads across his face.

"Ah, wonderful! Wonderful! Tell me, what would you like to know?"


He raises an eyebrow.

"Everything." I reiterate. "Where I come from, your faith has not reached. So, I want to learn all I can about your faith while I am here."

"Hmm…" He cups his chin. "You must understand, this is a difficult task. The theology of the faith cannot be summed up in a single sentence… This is why we have the holy books, and why we have service every day, why the priesthood spend their lives in the cloth."

Quit babbling.

"I am not asking for a full course… priest?"

"Bishop Lamar."

"Bishop Lamar. Merely a conversation where you can obtain how it came about, what its core tenets are, how you propose life should be lived, and a bit about the church etc. Any detailed study requires time."

"True, true. Well, let us take a seat. My knees aren't what they once were."

Very well.

He sits down on one of the available benches that are off to the side, and gestures for me to do the same.

"Can I ask you for your name?" He asks.

"My name…"

"If it's alright. I also noticed that you haven't removed your cloak, so you may not be comfortable with sharing your name. We have all kinds of people who come here."

Hmm… my creator, Wish III called me 'Radiant' once… Yes, that'll do.

"You can call me 'Daya'. As for the cloak, I'm sorry but I can't take it off."

"That's fine. So, 'Daya', before we begin, can you tell me how much you know?"

"About your gods? Nothing." I responded.

"Nothing… Well, I suppose this means I should start at the very beginning. Six hundred years ago, the gods from heaven saw humanity's plight. We were slaves and cattle to the beastmen, and we lived under constant terror. They took pity on us, and took mortal forms so they could interact with the material, and descended in our time of need."

"Then what happened?"

"They, that is to say, the gods, destroyed humanity's enemies, gathered the lost children, and built a home for them. Then, they lived among their children and taught them their ways. Ways of science, magic, morality, law and civilization. All the things we use today to make our lives greater than the lives of beasts." Looks like they didn't do a good job of teaching you people if you ask me…

"And once they saw that their children were self-sufficient, like any good parent, they allowed them to grow on their own. The gods shed their mortal forms, and returned to their heavenly homes, where they have watched over us ever since."

When it comes to religions, it's not very spicy. Perhaps that makes it true? Or perhaps it speaks to the lack of the imagination of their people.
"So, that is the origin story of your faith."

"Yes. I'm sure you have questions."

"I do, but I'd rather learn a bit more about your theology before I ask them. Tell me about your temples, more about your gods, the things they taught, and so on."

"Good. Follow me." He declares, and stands up. He walks past the statue of the air god, and leads me down a hallway. We pass another clergyman on the way, as well as a woman, a nun, or priestess, whatever she may be, carrying a bucket of water and a towel. I noticed that though the layclergy cover themselves completely, except for their faces, they do not shy from adding color. The priest we passed has a blue armband on his left arm that works well with his brightly colored robes. The nun had no colors on her arms, and the bishop had a rainbow colored armband on both his arms. The bishop leads me toward a room where there are various paintings and books and lampstands and other artifacts, all hidden behind glass.

He points toward one of them. It is of six figures descending from the clouds. The sky is dark, overcast and dreary, except for the part of the sky where these figures descend from. The right part of the painting. From there shines light. Six figures in different colors. Red, blue, brown, white, gold and black. The black figure in particular looks like it is wearing a mask, and is the most separate from the other five. Beneath these descending figures, are human beings, young, old, male and female, trembling in fear. Some are holding weapons, primitive in make, some are running with their babies and small children in their hands. Some are leading their livestock and cattle away, and others are prostate and looking up to the sky. On the left side of the painting, there is only what could be described as a horde of monsters. They are ugly, filthy, and look violent and murderous. It is evident what the picture is trying to tell.

It is even written in the title. 'The descent of the divine, and the beginning of the rule of law.' is written below the painting on a plaque. It too is hidden behind glass.

"What do you see?"

"The descent of the gods?"

"Exactly. Here they are saving their people from the evil of the beastmen."


"These two figures here… and especially this one… they are painted as smaller… and less radiant, than the other four. Can you explain why?"

"Certainly. It is a theological matter."

I remain silent, and wait for him to continue. He clears his throat and does so.

"Well, the church here, in Re-Estize, worships the Four Great Gods, who have the two lesser gods as servants, that though are indeed worthy of veneration, are not considered viable for worship or prayer. The church of Re-Estize believes then that it is proper that only the Four Gods are worshiped, and not the Six. The same applies to our neighbors in Baharuth. However, in the Slane Theocracy, humanity's birthplace, they worship those two lesser gods on the same level as the Four."
A religious schism? Finally, something interesting. And it could prove useful.

"So, they worship Six, and you worship Four. Why the split? Who is right?" I ask him.

He gives me a small smile. "If you ask anyone from Slane, they will say they are in the right."

I nod in affirmation. "Naturally. And you'd say the same thing, or am I mistaken?"

He chuckles to himself. "No, you are not." He then takes a deep breath. "It has to do with a matter of theology. You see, one of these two was the 'God of Death', and the other the 'God of Life'. The reason why the church here in Re-Estize rejects the notion that they are equal to the Four is threefold. The first reason is that while we have records of the Four shedding their mortal forms peacefully, the record for the God of Death is quite the opposite. The records state that he died in battle."

He died in battle? Wait a second… this may be something. I better listen carefully.

"In battle? Against whom?" I reply. What could kill one of their gods?

He leads me to a painting, two paintings away from the one he showed me. There are two paintings in between that he did not explain, but that may come later. "Against the Eight Greed Kings, who were wicked and prideful beings that came about a century after the arrival of the gods."

He elaborated as he pointed me toward a painting depicting a shadowy and robed being, defending a young woman holding a suckling babe. The robed being's opponents are eight giant and monstrous beings, more like blobs than men, caricatures, with horns and wicked eyes and teeth and golden crowns. Unlike the painting before it, this one is done in a different style, and the colors are far more striking and unhinged. It depicts something… chaos, I realize.

There is another plaque. On it is written 'When death died to save mankind from the rule of evil.'

"Where did they come from?" I ask him, referring to these monsters, or 'Greed Kings' as they are called.

"No one knows for certain."

"But do you know what they were? Because humanity is not enslaved, from what I can see. And if the gods went back to heaven, and their mortal agents here were slain, then these 'Greed Kings' could do whatever they wished. They could enslave humanity, or even exterminate it altogether. Yet, they didn't." I pose the question.

"There is little knowledge about them, but we do know this. They were mighty, and their goals were rule, not destruction. It is in the name, you see. A 'greedy king', not a bloodthirsty warlord." He elaborates.

You seem to have a lot of holes in your theology. But I'll circle back to that in a minute.

"Anyways, continue, about the nature of the Four. I think these 'Greed Kings' can wait."

"Be it as you wish. So where were we? Ah, yes, the nature of the Four." He scratches at his chin. He probably shaved earlier today, or perhaps yesterday. I can see the hairs growing in, but he still looks presentable.

"The opinion of the church here is that unlike the Four Primal elements, that correspond to the Four Cardinal directions, Life and Death are two sides of the same coin, so they can even be considered one element. Furthermore, while the Four elements help make up creation and all things in it, and they exist independently, life cannot exist without them, and is thus subordinate. And death cannot exist without life, therefore death is also subordinate to the primal elements."

"I think I get the logic here."

"Lastly, the Four never suffered defeat, not even once, during their lives here among us. It is written so in the holy books. They destroyed all who sought to harm humanity, be they demons, beasts or dragons." He takes me to another painting. This one is quite different. It is a painting, yet there are also four smaller paintings at the same time. Some form of polyptych.

In the middle, there is a sprawling city being raised up by men and women doing all sorts of tasks. There are horses and beasts of burden and a clear blue sky.

In the top left corner I recognize what seems to be the woman from before, again clad in blue, and this time depicted with brown hair. She is holding what seems to be a newborn in her arms, and looking at him lovingly.

In the bottom left corner is the bearded and bald man, the earth god, with brown skin and a black beard, forging what seems to be a plowshare. His face is grim and focused, and there is a young man looking at him with amazement. An apprentice, most likely.

In the top right corner is the figure that I could only assume to be the fire god. With tanned skin like an olive, though not as dark as the earth god's, and fiery red hair, and soldiers to witness him, he is depicted overlooking a hill, with fire raining down from the sky and burning countless multitudes of monstrosities. The figures are amazed and awed, and bow before him.

And lastly, in the bottom right corner, is the air god. He is depicted sitting on grass, with a great many people gathered around him. There is an open book that lies on top of a blanket spread across the grass, and the people looking at him speak with rapt attention. He is telling some sort of story, or reading it from a book, and they absorb it.

"As soon as the gods departed this world, they entrusted their servant, the god of death, to guard humanity."

"So you acknowledge he existed?"

"Yes. Some cults do not, but they are mistaken."

Right. "Please continue."

"They left their servant, the god of death, behind, but he was engaged in battle and defeated, and killed, in fact. It is written. We know this for a fact. Now, how can he be killed if he is the god of death, or if he is on the same level of power as the Four?"

A logical question.

"I don't know."

"A sound answer. We do not know. The church did not know how to answer it for a long time. It was a difficult question, debated about for centuries. Eventually, after the destruction of the Demon Gods, the scholars gathered, and a ruling was made. The gods of death and life are not gods in the sense the Four are."

Hmm… Wait a second. Demon Gods?"

"The church of Re-Estize eventually split from Slane, when it was decreed that the solution to this theological debate was simple: The god of death, was not as strong as the Four, and therefore was not on the same level of divinity and therefore not worthy of worship, and the same applied to his counterpart, the god of life."

This is some quality schizophrenia. Still.

"What about these 'Demon Gods'?"

"That topic is a long one, and there is plenty of conflicting information about that period. There's little we know for certain. Ironically, we know more about what happened four centuries ago than two centuries ago."


"But this much we know for certain. We know these Demon Gods were evil. We know that they caused great havoc and death across the land. And we know that a group known as 'The Thirteen Heroes' defeated them."

"Thirteen Heroes… I imagine these figures aren't among us anymore?"

"Who can say? Humans do not tend to live for more than a century, let alone two, that much is certain."

Hmmm… I'll have to look that up another time. Back to the matter of these gods.

"These paintings are impressive, but there is a question I must ask. You say these four, or six, whatever, are actually gods. What would you say if I claimed that they were simply powerful mortals who were deified? Do you have any evidence against this claim?"

"Evidence?" He scoffs. "Look around you."

"Right. I do not mean your church. I mean, do you have actual evidence these beings are gods?"

"There is plenty of evidence, should you look into the holy books and read them. But that is not what you're asking. You are asking for proof here, on this world, correct?"

He begins walking again, away from the room with the paintings, and leads me back toward the main worship hall, where we just came from.

"The greatest evidence I can give you, is the existence of magic, and to be more specific, healing magic."

"Oh?" This should be interesting.

"Yes. Human beings are uniquely qualified as magic casters among all species, being able to use Tier Magic to a level unseen in other races. A gift, left behind by the gods, so that we could defend ourselves." This guy is blowing hot air, but still… Tier Magic? How are they able to use it?

"That makes sense. Do you mind telling me a bit more about Tier Magic?"

"Yes. The limits of magic are unknown. The greatest magic caster known to man is Fluder Paradyne, of the Baharuth Empire. He can cast magic of the 6th tier. We do not know how far magic goes, or how many tiers there are, as that is something only the gods know, but no man living has been able to reach higher than six. It is rumored that the sixth tier is the limit for a mortal. But even something as the 1st tier is an achievement, and there are fewer and fewer people on every subsequent tier. Magic is a study that takes a lifetime to master, and it is difficult to grasp for even the cleverest among us."

Funny bald man. There are ten tiers in total. I must constrain my laughter. But please, do carry on.

"This Fluder must be quite strong. Tell me, what tier are you able to use?"

"Bishops must be able to use spells of the 3rd tier. I was ordained as a bishop 15 years ago, but sadly, I have not moved past that tier yet. Yet, despite that, I am happy ministering to my flock."

I cast a gaze toward the priestess who had just finished cleaning one of the statues. The nun or priestess, whatever she is, walks away and enters a hall that leads toward some other room. Where it leads, I know not.

"I imagine you teach about morality and the laws the gods set forth that we should follow, right?" I ask him.

"Yes. In fact, we just had a service today about the laws of the gods, namely, the laws of hospitality. I invite you to come early next week on the fourth day of the week, in the morning, and witness the service for yourself."

"A kind offer. I will think about it. I have a few other questions, if you don't mind me asking."

"Of course."

"What other things does the church teach?"

"The best way to describe the church's teachings is 'the good of mankind above all else'. Now, you may find yourself with questions as to what this means. It means to treat your fellow man with respect, with love, with brotherhood. To unite as a community, to work hard, to share knowledge, to act truthfully and to do no harm to your fellow man." Now that's funny. Does it say anything about greed, or hypocrisy?

"I see. Those are good teachings to follow. What constitutes your fellow man?"

"Every man is your fellow man, and every woman is your fellow woman."

"What about these… beastmen?"

"Those are not men, but I see where you come from. The answer to that question is that since those species were not chosen by the gods, they are incapable of morality, and thus should be dealt with frugally, shrewdly, or better yet, not at all, and should be avoided lest they bring destruction upon our communities."

"Beastmen are evil?"

"Yes. They are all of them wicked down to the core. Merely look at what is happening in the Draconic Kingdom as proof. Cities razed, and all the inhabitants hauled off to be eaten alive. Thousands have perished, and yet the savage hordes do not stop."

"...I beg your pardon?"

The priest walks to one of the chairs and takes a seat. I take a seat on the chair next to him.

He turns to me, and I see the faintest constraint of rage on his face.

"Have you not heard the tales? The merchant caravans have spread them far and wide. The Draconic Kingdom is under invasion by beastmen, and they have lost quite a bit of ground and suffered many casualties. Thanks to the aid of the Slane Theocracy and Baharuth Empire, the beastmen's advance has been halted for now, but I fear it is a matter of time until the Draconic Kingdom falls. The beastmen breed like vermin, you see. Their numbers will replenish quickly, and war is all they live for. Unless some miracle of the gods happens, eventually they will attack again in numbers and overrun our brethren in the east."

If these gods of theirs are true, why do they not help this kingdom?

"Is the Draconic Kingdom a heretical one? Ruled by dragons?"

"No. They follow the same faith as us, though there are rumors that their queen is descended from a Dragon Lord. But truth be told, we do not know whether or not she is or is not. Nor do we know why the kingdom is being destroyed. Perhaps it is a trial from the gods, or perhaps it is punishment for their sins. Who can tell?"

I fall silent and contemplate what he has said so far. Dragon Lords? Beastmen invasions? People being eaten alive?

"The way I hear you say it, all beastmen are evil."

"Yes." He nods, before lifting up a finger. "But, do not confuse beastman and nonhuman. A beastman is just that, more beast than man, whereas a nonhuman is anyone not human."

"Can you give me some examples?"

"Dwarves and elves are nonhuman, and though not chosen by the gods as their favored children, they possess a semblance of grace, and can therefore be treated as rational beings, albeit lesser than humanity. Thus, whereas one can call a dwarf or an elf an acquaintance, or perhaps even a friend in time, a beastman will never be more than an enemy. And of course, there are other nonhuman races throughout the world that have a semblance of sapience, but the church's official stance is to treat them with suspicion."

This guy is giving me a lot to work with. Not all of it is good.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question now?" He says. It surprises me.

"No, go ahead."

"Where do you come from? I assumed you would know at least some of these things."

Where I come from… Nazarick, of course, but I cannot say that. But… perhaps those other memories can come into play.

"A small village next to the sea, shadowed by the mountains. It is warm and dry there, and it smells of citrus fruits and salt sea air."

"And what faith do you practice in those lands?"

"I was never religious… but the people worshiped one singular god, if I remember correctly. And there were no non-humans."

"Hmm… A land free of non-humans… sounds like paradise." What the? "Thank you, for satisfying my curiosity. But this sounds nothing unlike any land I have ever heard of, but then again the world is vast, no?"

I have to school my expression and not give away anything.

"Indeed. I only just recently started exploring. Tell me, should I ever get injured, can I come here to be healed?"

"Yes. Yes we offer healing to anyone who needs it."

"And how is it that you are able to use healing magic? It is different from regular arcane magic that the wizards use, right?"

"Indeed, it is so. The fact that we who believe in the gods' existence and dedicated our lives to them are able to use divine magic and heal people, and that devotees to certain gods have certain spells that only they can use, is the chief argument that proves the existence of the gods, and chastises the heathen."

"So… I take it to mean that one who believes in the existence of the gods and dedicates himself to them, may learn how to heal people?"

"Yes, but it is a long road."

"What about those who do not dedicate themselves to the gods? Can they use healing magic?"

"Unfortunately, there have been no documented cases. The gods are the source of all divine power."

So… you people are either liars or clueless. My entire existence disproves your faith. But no matter, last question.

"So… To reiterate, I can come here anytime I want, and be healed?"

"Yes. We will heal you, as long as you're able to give to the gods what is theirs."

"What's theirs? I don't follow."

"Honest work deserves honest pay, wouldn't you agree? Without funds, the church would shut down, and we would not be able to support our many projects, such as feeding and clothing the poor, or bringing knowledge to the masses."

"I don't pay, I don't get healed. Is that right?"

"I dislike such crass language, but yes. Those are the orders we must follow from up high."

I think I've heard enough. At the end of the day… It's all greed.

I get up and shake the bishop's hand.

"Bishop Lamar. Thank you for enlightening me. You have given me much to think about."

"Any time. Do please come back. The youth is ever at the forefront of the church's thoughts."

The setting sun's light shines through the stained glass windows and gives an eerie ambiance.

There is a question gnawing at me.

"I have a few more questions." I state, and the bishop turns around. His face betrays his nervousness. I have clearly tested his patience.

"Do the gods teach an afterlife?"

"Yes. Those who do good are rewarded with life in the gods' presence, those who do evil are punished with eternal suffering."

How basic.

"Which god would you say you are most dedicated to?"

The question takes him by surprise. He did not expect it.

"Huh… I never dedicated myself to any one of the gods, but if I had to choose, it'd be the God of Fire. I have often prayed to him to help me burn away the lies from the truth, and to destroy the wicked."

I nod at him.

"Thank you, Bishop Lamar. I will remember your words. You have been a great help to me."

"It's been a pleasure." He responds.

And someday return to reunite you with your god. Since you like fire so much that is how you'll meet your god. In fact, there will be so much holy fire, you'll drown in it.
This was great, I do not recall a fic where the author really got into the nitty gritty of the Religion in the New World. I am liking this a lot. May the Angry Angeru smite all the Heretics. I wonder how the people will feel when an Angel of her power reveals itself...not to mention that Bishop Lamar might get to meet her when Ainz takes over. Will he recognize the Messenger of the Sorcerer King as the mysterious girl her debated Theology with?


PS: Does she have a "True" form by any chance. Kinda like Shalltear, in that she can keep a humanoid form for most of her functions, but can dip into an inhuman one when needed. A humanoid Angel is cool and all...but she should be a Heterchromic being to fit Nazarick. Biblically accurate angels for the win.

Maybe something akin to the Simurgh of Worm fame...with Eyes all along the wings, a crown of burning wheels.


Totally missed a chance to do a classic Angel: "BE NOT AFRAID"

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This was great, I do not recall a fic where the author really got into the nitty gritty of the Religion in the New World. I am liking this a lot. May the Angry Angeru smite all the Heretics. I wonder how the people will feel when an Angel of her power reveals itself...not to mention that Bishop Lamar might get to meet her when Ainz takes over. Will he recognize the Messenger of the Sorcerer King as the mysterious girl her debated Theology with?


PS: Does she have a "True" form by any chance. Kinda like Shalltear, in that she can keep a humanoid form for most of her functions, but can dip into an inhuman one when needed. A humanoid Angel is cool and all...but she should be a Heterchromic being to fit Nazarick. Biblically accurate angels for the win.

Maybe something akin to the Simurgh of Worm fame...with Eyes all along the wings, a crown of burning wheels.


Totally missed a chance to do a classic Angel: "BE NOT AFRAID"

There is some art-work being cooked up, I'll post it at some time, but just like how Demiurge has a humanoid form, a frog form, and a super-devil form, so too does Remiel have a humanoid form, a winged form, and then a 'walking sun' mode that's basically incineration by fire.
Someone getting Smited and it ain't lord Ainz Gown, which Ramiel isn't liking what's she hearing the Theology of the Holy Church in Fantasy world of E Rantel, But don't worry Bishop you'll see Holy fire very soon, if Rsmiel has anything to say about it.
How is Nazarcick supposedly mire human than humans of E Rantel no thanks for Ramiel for healing that old man. And greed doesn't no matter what Fantasy world you land in.
When Ramiel reveals her angel form is sure to be something to remember and E Rantel reactions to it.
Continue on
Chapter 11 - Ha'ra'a b'levavot bnei adam
Ha'ra'a b'levavot bnei adam

Once night fell, I went to meet with Lord Ainz in a room he rented out in an inn. He was seated, and had banished his helmet, revealing his skeletal visage, but he was still wearing his armor.

Lupusregina Beta and Narberal Gamma were also there, but they seemed disinterested. Lupusregina was sitting/lying on a bed, with her legs on the ground, knees at a 90 degree angle, and her back on the bed, and she was staring at the ceiling. Narberal was standing like a statue.

I entered and took a knee. "My lord."

"Arise, Remiel. The room is warded, and you may speak."

After standing up, I reached into my [Inventory] and took the leather pouch with the gold coins and placed it upon the shabby wooden table in this decrepit hovel of an inn.

"I have obtained funds. Within this pouch you will find 30 gold coins, which should be more than sufficient to help support your endeavors for the next few weeks."
Narberal took the pouch and gave it to Lord Ainz.

"Good job. This will prove useful. Anything else to report?"

"Yes. I have some information about the city, the mayor and palace, the church and their religion, and the annual war. You will find it all written on this report. I just finished writing it." I said as I again took out a few sheets of paper from my [Inventory] and placed them on the table. "I can give you a quick summary, should you wish."

"Hmmm…" He cups his chin, eyes staring at the floor, contemplative expression on his face, before turning his gaze toward me, flaming red eyes and all, and simply nodding.

"Let us begin with the administrative side of things. The mayor is a glutton, but he does a decent enough job. Could be worse. The palace is nice enough, but there's nothing of real value within."


"On to the clerical matters. Their religion is a joke. They worship a group of 6 deified humans that descended to this world from heaven 6 centuries ago and then saved humanity from monsters. Then they grew old, died, and the only one left was killed by 8 other mortals a century after the arrival of the original 6. They are greedy, and either unsure of the truth of things or actively cover it up. They claim that the existence of divine magic is proof of their gods, but reject the notion that there are beings that can use divine magic yet do not worship their gods. There were also 'demon gods' 2 centuries ago that caused quite a bit of chaos, before being killed by a group of heroes, called the '13 heroes'."

"Hmmm. So these six gods, they came 6 centuries ago, and wielded great power, I assume?"

"So their legends say."

"And then there was another group that came 5 centuries ago, and yet another that came 2 centuries ago? Hmm… as a matter of fact, I remember that man from the Sunlight Scripture mentioning something about these 'demon gods' when he summoned that angel."

"Perhaps there is a link?"

"Perhaps. Or perhaps there is more to this than we might first assume. Nonetheless, carry on."

"Right. Lastly, the Baharuth Empire attacks this nation every year, and quite a lot of people have suffered due to their attacks, so there is bad blood there. But not just between the common folk and the Emperor, but also between the nobility of this land. So that is an angle."

"Demiurge will probably find this information useful. He is in fact in the Royal Capital right now, collecting information."

I imagine he will find it useful.

"Well, Remiel, I must say, you have done well. But before I congratulate you, I have a question to ask. Did you perhaps use [Time Stop]?"

I blink. "Yes."

"Umu. Please approach."

I approach, and then he stands up. And karate chops my head. It hurts a bit but and I'm stunned, figuratively, of course.

"Cut down on the time manipulation! It's annoying to be in a conversation and then have to wait because whoever I'm talking to is suddenly frozen! Also, it appears that time manipulation affects the entire world, so if there are other beings out there who can tell when it happens, they may figure us out!"

Wow. The chastisement came out of nowhere. It's surprising. He's also right.

"I apologize, Lord Ainz. I will refrain from using [Time Stop] unless necessary."

"See that you do so."

"Did ya cause any mischief with [Time Stop]? I always wanted to use it to cause trouble." Lupusregina asks me.

"I perhaps engaged in a bit of tomfoolery."

She stands up, gives me a big smile and a thumbs up. "Nice!"

"Personally, I do not see the point. I would rather just destroy any tapeworm that annoys me." Narberal comments.

"If you did that to everyone that annoyed you, this city would be populated by ghosts." I replied.

"Nabe, please refrain from electrocuting people unless I tell you to. As for you, Remiel, tell me, what will you do next? You mentioned both Slane and Baharuth the last time we discussed this matter."

"Lord Ainz, I plan on traveling east to the capital of the Baharuth Empire, and taking the measure of them. I want to examine their military, their guilds, their administrative system, the ruling class, the general feelings among the populace, and so on."

He nods his shiny white head and proceeds to gaze out the window. "Yes, that sounds like a good plan. You will handle Baharuth, Demiurge will handle Re-Estize. We will leave Slane for later. They seem like they have some tricks up their sleeve."

"As you say."

"I will take a merchant caravan tomorrow morning. I have already booked passage with them, and they will take me straight to Arwintar, the royal capital. It is my opinion that spending time among the merchants will allow me to learn valuable information."

"That is a good idea. Do you have anything else to share?"

Do I?

Ah, yes. The Draconic Kingdom.

"I have also heard rumors about interesting events in another land to the east of Baharuth, called the Draconic Kingdom. It's low priority compared to the three nations Nazarick is surrounded by. I'd like your permission to investigate these events."

"Granted. I shall grant you the same authority I have granted to Demiurge. You may operate at your leisure."

I bow my head. "Thank you, Lord Ainz."

"You are dismissed." He says and then sits down on the table where I left the papers to read the report I wrote up. I do not need to be told a second time to leave. One quick usage of [Greater Teleportation], and I am gone.

When nighttime sets, mortals act differently compared to daytime. A natural consequence of their biology. In the villages, the mortals go to bed early, as it is dangerous to be about at night, and it is necessary to get up as early as possible to get their work done before the daytime heat becomes unbearable.

In cities, especially big ones like E-Rantel, this does not necessarily apply. People can work throughout the daytime because many work in shops or offices where they are shielded from the sun. People can even work a few hours into the night with the aid of lamps and candles and other forms of artificial light.
It is evident now, I can see it and hear it and smell it from here. Unfiltered humanity. From my vantage point, seated on the top of the temple to the heathen gods, I can witness it all. Plus, I find it amusing to use the highest point of their temple, that which their priests cannot touch and see, as a chair.

Plus, it is relatively quiet here, and I can at any point turn toward the moon and stars and behold their beauty. Synchronized and ordered, following a set pattern ordained in the heavens without fail, fulfilling their purpose.

It makes me wonder? How do mortals go about their lives? Do they have purpose? Do they know it? Do they know how they were created, by whom and for what purpose? Do they know how to spend their limited days upon this world?

From my limited interactions with them… the answer to all of this is a resounding 'No'.

They don't know anything. It is quite sad. Every member of Nazarick knows by who they were created, and what purpose within the greater whole they serve.

While the mortals… they cannot agree on something as simple as how many gods to worship. They cannot agree on who should be the ruler of this part of land or that part of land, and they cannot agree on how much taxes they should pay.

The Slane Theocracy, the supposed birthplace of humanity, dresses up their soldiers as part of another nation, and sends them to destroy villages, all with the hope of drawing out a single man and ending his life. Why? Probably because it'd cause great damage to this kingdom. Why do they wish to cause great damage to this kingdom if they claim to be defenders of humanity?

Lust over land? Religious conflicts? Seeing a vulnerable opponent and feeling an insatiable urge to poke him? Or perhaps witnessing the rot infesting this country and desiring to cut off the whole hand at once instead of slowly curing the infection.

I do not know.

I do know this however. Discord, chaos, death, greed. They are everywhere. Perhaps it would be better for Lord Ainz to conquer them all? Many would die… yes… but eventually, everything would be proper.

Time will tell, I think. For now, I think I have spent enough time sitting on the roof of this temple, reading one minute and watching the drunkards slip and crash into each other and argue loudly the next minute. There are still many hours until daylight and the departure of the caravan, and I might as well use the time I have now to go down on the ground and see what E-Rantel by night has to offer.

No one even noticed me enter the 'Red Rooster' tavern. It is as stereotypical a tavern as one could imagine. Within one can find wooden chairs and tables, big-bosomed wenches carrying tankards of beer and plates of food, and the perpetually scowling barkeeper judges those who have had one or four drinks too many.

Also within said tavern, one can also find rowdy and drunk adventurers, singing over this triumph or that. Proclaiming what grand deed they have done, or what foul monster they've slain, or singing about some woman they've bedded. It's all rather quaint. Like watching children play in the mud.

Seeing as I am already here, I decide to do something I will probably regret. Order a drink. Since I cannot actually get drunk, or poisoned, the worst thing that can happen is a feeling of nausea and disgust. The former is temporary, the latter is not.

I drop a gold coin on the bar. "Give me a drink."

The barman, a tall and burly looking man with big and hairy arms and a beer gut looks me up and down for a fraction of a second and then turns back his gaze toward some grunt pawing with his hands where he shouldn't. His eyes are sharp, his beard is trimmed, and his hairline looks like it began to recede and managed to win an inch of ground over his scalp, before he noticed it and commanded it to stop. All in all, I give him a solid 9/10 when it comes to barmen. He is lacking a big mustache and a rifle hidden within arm's reach.

"A drink? Yeah, sure." He says while not looking directly at me or the coin I placed on the counter.

"Do you have a shotgun hidden somewhere?"

"We just serve what's on the menu, lass."

"So that's a no."

"That's a no."

A pity.

He mutters something under his breath that sounds like it begins with 'whore' and ends with 'son'. After doing so, he looks at me, and the gold coin again, and at me again.

He grabs it, and bites it. Then he puts it back on the counter.

"This is real." He states the obvious.

"Yes." I reply blandly.

"How many drinks do you even want?" An eyebrow raised.

"Just the one." And a question answered.

"That's… gonna be a lot of change. I'm not sure I'm able to do that. Don't you have anything smaller?"

Are you scared of math or something?

"Then give me some food or your best drink, I don't care. And keep the change, if subtraction is too difficult."

He tisks audibly, swipes the coin, then leaves the counter to go into the back. Some things are said and some words are shouted. The barman returns a minute or so later with a wooden mug filled with golden gleaming liquid and fuzzy white bubbles.

"Here you go. Best thing I have on offer. You'll have to wait for the food a bit. Refills are free."

"Hey! You guys heard that! Geren said refills are free!"

"Not for you, dickhead! For her."

"Free! Free refills!" Some idiots in the back shouted. Upon hearing this sound, one of them got so excited he smashed a chair against his comrade's head, who was in the midst of singing about a woman who lusted for a man with horse's genitals. The chair hitting the man's skull did not seem to affect him. Perhaps because there was no risk of injury to the cobwebs serving as a brain within?

I blink a few times as I examine the scene. Then I look toward the barman again. On his face one sees disinterest and acceptance, but within I know his soul is seething. He does not want to do this, and did not expect to do this.

"Do you want me to quiet them down?"

He chuckles. He looks at me and he chuckles once again, but louder this time. Then it turns into a full blown laughter that dies as quickly as it was born. Once again, his face is completely straight and there's not a single smile line on it. "You serious?"


"But you're… you're just one person. And a woman. Even if you're strong… you can't handle them all."

"I can."

"Yeah… the only thing you can do is get yourself into a world of trouble. Lemme give you some advice. Sit tight, drink your beer, and eat your meal. Messing with adventurers never ends well."

Disbeliever. I offer to help fix his problem but he refuses. Be it on his head.

"Speaking of. My meal. Mind telling me how it's going?"

"In a minute. But aren't you going to try your beer first?"

Fine. Sure. Whatever.

I take a sip.
It is disgusting.

"How does it taste?"

'Like it can be used to kill cockroaches' is what I wish I could say, but I am trying to be civil. At the same time, I cannot lie. In a bit of a jiffy, I am.

"It's the best beer I've ever tasted." I say and force out a smile.

It is also the only beer I've ever tasted, and thus it follows that it is both the best and the worst.

"Knew you'd like it." He offers up a smile, a heartfelt one. "I actually brewed it myself."

"Truly? I didn't know you had the time for such things."

"Well… being a barman, brewer, and tavern owner is less like three distinct jobs and more like three facets of a singular job, you know?"

"I am familiar with the concept."
"It's a family business, this tavern. As a matter of fact, my daughters are in the kitchen right now cooking up your meal."

"Oh? How interesting." I turn my gaze toward a serving girl that just barely managed to avoid the grasping hands of a jolly good fellow whose teeth are yellow. "Not out here?" I jab my finger.

He frowns. "No."

"Any sons?"

"I… had a son. He died."

"May I ask how?"

"Even tavern owners' sons aren't exempt from the levy."

Ah. The war.

"Nasty business that war. As a matter of fact, just earlier today I met a man who was a veteran, and was injured in the war. Lost an arm."

"And let me guess, he was homeless?"

"Yes. Couldn't get a source of income. No one wanted to hire him."

"It's a common enough story." He snorts. "The bloody Emperor on the one side, the nobles on the other. It's like a millstone, and we're the wheat."
A bell rings from within the kitchen.

He turns toward the kitchen, and a girlish voice yelling 'Ready!' could be heard. He turns back toward me and smiles. "Lemme go bring your food."

I extend my hand toward the kitchen in a 'Please, go ahead' gesture that I faintly remember my creator Wish III making once upon a time.

In the meantime, I take another sip of my beer. Revolting. But oh well, the man went through the trouble of making it, might as well do him the honors of drinking it at least to about half the mug's weight. Anything less would be an insult.

Another person takes a seat next to me. A man, by the looks of it. He doesn't speak to me, thus I ignore him.

Out of the kitchen, carrying a big wooden tray with one hand, and a breadbasket with the other. On the wooden tray there is what appears to be fried fish meat, skewered on a stick alongside bits of cheese and a variety of greens. There are six of these sticks, and honestly they do not look bad.

"Here you go. Enjoy."

I grab one of these sticks, and bite in, careful not to accidentally bite through the wood.

And it's… actually decent. I take another bite. Before long, I had eaten it all, and began the second.

"What do you think?"

"Very good."

"Good. My daughters will be pleased to hear it."

After swallowing the bite, I wash it down with some more beer, and take one of those sticks and offer it to the barman.

"Take it."

"What? No. I can't. You paid for it."

"Just take the damn thing and be my company during this meal. I cannot eat in front of a man's face and leave him hungry. It does not feel right."

On his lips spreads some sort of smile, semi-defeated. He cannot object.

"Fine. Just the one."

"Makes no difference to me if it's one or more than one, as long as you join me."

He bites in and I can see the taste buds activating. It's good. To him it's even better, since his daughters cooked it.

"It's good. Like I said."

"Aye, like you said."

We fall into silence like that for a few seconds, no one saying a thing. It is a comfortable silence. But in such an environment, silence does not last. It can not.

"Have you ever thought of hiring some bodyguards to help at least quiet down the rabble?"

He shakes his head. "Doesn't work. Adventurers are too strong, especially those gold-ranked and above. Besides… I already tried it. I have to end up paying for healing for whoever I hire or else they never come back. I just end up spending money for nothing. Better to let them work off their steam here. They deserve it for risking their lives."

I almost gag at the thought. Risking one's life does not give one the right to cause humiliations to another's life. A good act does not justify a bad. But I must ask about something else.

"Healing? What sort of injuries did your people suffer?"

"Cuts and bruises can heal by themselves easily enough. But concussions, fractures, broken arms… those aren't so easy. By the gods, one time a man had a broken bottle buried in his eye socket."

"In… his eye socket?"

"Yes. It was like one of those… what do you call them, the spectacles but for one eye only."

"A monocle."

"Yes, like that. His eye was unharmed, but he couldn't see shit, cause his eye socket was completely enclosed by the glass bottle. Guy was lucky to make it out of it without losing the eye. Still has a scar, in fact."

"He was fine! Besides, chicks dig scars! And I said sorry, didn't I? What more do you want?" The man next to me shoots off these sentences almost as if he's the one who did such a thing.

Wait a second?

"Igvarge, not no."


"The way you tell it, and the way I see it, adventurers are little better than criminals."

"We're mercenaries! Not criminals! Watch your tongue before I show you the difference!" The man next to me practically shouts in my ear. The sheer amount of disrespect catches me off guard and I fail to form a response.

"Settle down there, Igvarge. She clearly didn't mean it. Can't you see she's a foreigner by her accent?"

What accent?

"Don't you tell me to settle down, Geren! I'm mithril-rank! Mithril! You know what that means!? It means I had to climb through five whole ranks, fighting monsters and climbing through mud, to keep this city safe, so that rich bitches like her can eat fish kebabs in peace!" So that's what they're called! Fish kebabs! How interesting.

"So, Igvarge. Right? I apologize for calling you a criminal."

The expression on his ugly rat face is that of confusion, as if he didn't expect someone to apologize.

"Clearly, you are no criminal. You are a brand of creature far lower than one. In fact, I'd say you're more closely compared to a mindless monkey, flinging his own feces at whoever he sees."
"Why you little!" He shouts and gets up from his seat, intent on violence. But before he could do so, within a blink of the eye, I maneuvered behind him, grabbed and smashed his head into the counter, cracking his temple. I was extremely gentle, as I could have easily crushed his skull like a grape if I wished for it.

The sound of skull hitting wood can be heard across the entire tavern, and this sound causes all others to cease. No more drinking, singing, carousing, dancing, or any forms of revelry.

All eyes have turned toward me, Geren the barman, and Igvarge the ratman.

"How'd you- He's mithril!" The barman can barely believe it.

'You guys see that?"

"I didn't see shit! It was too fast!"

"I think I see blood!"

"Never liked that bastard."

"Who the hell is that in the cloak?"

"About damn time."

"Finally, some fun!"

These are all the various responses of the 'people' inside the tavern, who can scarcely believe what they are seeing. Who is this who can so effortlessly defeat one of these 'strong' adventurers? Little do the fools know what that word means.

"You are a strong one, are you not?" I ask.

"Hey calm down now there's no reason to- The barman begins to talk, but I turn toward him and silence him with a glare, and as my eyes flared like golden fire he wisely realized the best thing he could do was be quiet.

The maggot squirming within my grasp has no answer, so I press him against the wood just a tiny bit more. I can hear it creaking, and his cries of pain grow louder until he begins to scream.

I relent of the pressure and give him time to answer.

He does not. Perhaps he is thinking of how to answer? Perhaps there is no one home? Or perhaps he needs more motivation?

"Answer me!" I shout in his face.

"N-no! No, I'm weak!" He lies.

"Oh? You're weak? You think you're weak? Why are you lying to me?"

"I'm- I'm not lying! I swear!" He strains out with ragged breath, saliva dripping from his mouth.

"I think you're lying. I think you believe you're strong. And you believe your strength gives you justification to do what you want, to use others as stepping stones for your goals, and to treat those weaker than you like garbage. It's a common enough pattern. Am I wrong?"

He processes the question for a while before wisely answering with a loud "No! No! You're absolutely right!"

"Indeed I am. Why else would you nearly take a man's eye who was simply trying to provide food for his family? Why else would you so willingly cause chaos? Why else would you so brazenly attack someone you knew nothing about, for simply saying a thing you didn't like, during your first encounter?"

He remains silent.

"I'll tell you why. Because you're diseased. You're disgusting. Evil is your father, and destruction is your mother. You and all those like you, those you call friends. You are, all of you, down to the last not only incapable of good, you are utterly blind to it, and cannot but help to hate it should you accidentally see it. As a matter of fact, I have been in this tavern for less than an hour and I've already seen at least a dozen attempts at sexual harassment against these poor women who are simply trying to earn a living. It makes me wonder, how many of you who do these things day after day, you who dare to call yourselves heroes of humanity and defenders of the weak, have crossed that invisible line leading to full blown rape, and at the same time justified yourselves by claiming it is a 'right' that you simply claimed, and thus no crime at all?"

The air is silent. No one answers. A few of them, at least those who were less open about their perversions, or those who are less wicked and more cowardly and went along with the flow, are clearly considering my words. I see that two of them, perhaps this man's friends, have drawn their swords and are considering moving on me. They are held back, one of them by hesitating on his own, whether it be from my own words, his lack of knowledge of my abilities, or his fear that his comrade may die if he does move. The other is held back by a much stronger and taller comrade. Division, even here.

Evil destroys itself eventually, cannibalizes itself. It is unavoidable. One thinks to defend his evil brother, so they may do more evil together, the other thinks to abandon him so as to not share the same fate.

"Looks like there is a lesson you have forgotten. All mortal lives expire eventually. You grow old, wither, and die. Your time is brief, and yet instead of using it to uplift yourselves and work together, you waste it on this… degeneracy. Walking the path of destruction with filled bellies and closed eyes. Well then, if you will not use your eyes, if you do not care to recognize good or evil, then you have no need for eyes anymore." I say, and after a second of processing, he opens his eyes widely, and begins to struggle.

But by that point, it is too late. With my other arm, I grab the two wooden sticks, and shove them into his pupils, one eye after the other. Upon the beginning of the wretched man's blood-curdling screams and convulsions of pain, countless adventurers have moved from their spots, weapons ready to attack and kill me on the spot.

Yet, they are already too late. Within the blink of an eye, I am gone.

AN: This concludes the E-Rantel arc. From now on chapters will no longer be daily but will be posted every other day for a while. Hope you guys enjoyed it.
Chapter 12 - Campfire Tales
Campfire Tales

The sun has risen, and it has been a full day since I stepped into E-Rantel. I learned a bit about this land and its people, and helped correct some injustices. Now it was time to move on to Baharuth.

For this reason, I booked a trip to Baharuth with a merchant caravan proceeding from E-Rantel. The meeting place is outside the outermost walls of E-Rantel. This caravan reportedly makes journeys to Baharuth and back quite often. Trade is the lifeblood of E-Rantel, and the rivers cut from north to the south, meaning that if one wishes to trade with the east, they have to go by land. As for the carriages themselves, they're filled up quite nicely. They're carrying cloth, salt, wool and raw copper.

There are three carriages being pulled by well-fed and well-groomed horses. I can also see a plethora of people, being divided into drivers, passengers and a few guards. The head of the caravan is a middle-aged merchant, who is sporting a nicely trimmed black bear, wavy black hair, tanned skin and green eyes. He is dressed in colorful clothing of green and blue, and he is wearing leather boots of fine quality. Also he is sporting a dark gray half-cloak and he's wearing an amusing little cap on his head with a feather sticking out of it. All in all, the combination of colors, coin pouches, cloak and rings is all for one purpose: to show off his wealth.

A colorful character with an interesting sense of clothing, and he is stereotypically jovial and smooth-talking, like all good merchants.

"Hail and well met!" He salutes me when he sees me walking toward the caravan. "You are just on time! Did you sleep well?"

"I'm rested, if that's what you're asking." I reply as I take in the sight of a boy nearing manhood feeding some apples to a horse.

"Good, good." He smiles and then claps his hands. "Now, come, let me show you who you'll be sharing a cart with." He leads me to a bunch of strange characters.

There's a chestnut haired woman with a young boy sitting on her lap, who looks like a miniature copy of her from the face to the hair to the eyes. They are dressed modestly, not as colorful as a merchant or as gaudy as a noble, but still with a bit more affluence than the peasants I saw in E-Rantel. The woman has a relaxed look on her face, as the boy within her arms is gently napping.

There's also a man, a bit older than the woman, but not by much, and he is dressed in warrior's attire. A brigandine armor set, steel greatsword, big muscles, the whole set. There's a neutral expression on his face. He is neither worried nor excited. Must be a common fare for him.

And last off, there are two young folk, barely out of adolescence, a boy and a girl. I can tell instantly by the lovey dovey look on their faces, the closeness they exhibit, the way they whisper to each other, that they're a couple. Blonde hair both of them have, and their faces are plain, much like one would find on any peasant, but despite that they're still charming in their own childish puppy-dog love sort of way. The boy is lanky, and the girl is almost as thin and tall as he is. Within her hands one can see a wooden staff, which contrasts the sword and shield that her lover carries. Though in his case, the sword is sheathed and the shield is upon his back. Nonetheless, the boy's armor is patchwork and rough, not fit to stop a slingshot, and the girl is wearing robes, but they don't seem to be of quality make.

Survival rates for these people based on my first impressions? If bandits were to attack, no one besides the man with the greatsword would really be able to do much. The rest would be sitting ducks, waiting to be cooked.

The head merchant, or merchant lord, whatever he may be called, begins to point out all the characters.

"Here you have Gotze. He's the guy with the big sword. He doesn't talk much, but he's reliable and doesn't cause any trouble."

The man grunts, which serves as a greeting. I simply nod in return. Quiet people are easy to deal with, so it's nice that at least one person won't talk my ear off.

"He's been traveling with me for years now, and I've seen him cut down bandits, beasts, and undead without issue. Rest assured, with him guarding you, you'll be as safe as possible." I feel so assured. I'm sure he will definitely rush to my aid against all the scary wolves and skeletons.

Then the merchant points towards the woman and her son. "This is Leyla and her son Mern. These two fine folk are good friends of mine. They're traveling to Arwintar, same as us. I'm sure you'll get along swimmingly with them, just keep any sweets you may be carrying away from the boy." He whispers that last bit in my ear while looking at the boy and his mother. It's meant to be taken as a joke, I think. As a greeting, the mother offers me nothing but a smile, and I lift my hand up in return. I don't wish to speak so that the boy does not awaken. Better that he sleep what little he can now before he bothers me later.

"And lastly, you have the young lovebirds, Megera and Hector. It's my first time traveling with them, so you should have something in common." Not much else to say about them? I suppose that's fine.

"Hello!" and "Hey there!" resound from both their mouths. They are a cheerful lot.

"Greetings. You can call me Daya." I respond to them. Now that the greetings are done, I climb up the carriage, find a place to sit, plop my bag near my feet, take out a book and begin to read to pass the time.

The journey proved itself… dull. But we moved swiftly. At various times when I got bored I tried walking instead of sitting in the carriage where I couldn't see anything. The countryside was much the same, beautiful, green, but overall nothing breathtaking or something you couldn't see in other places on this earth.

We took a steady pace, and by the merchant lord's projections, it'd take no more than a week to reach Arwintar. He also stated that we would pass through a city on the way, but we would not linger.

I found myself asking the merchants, and not just the one in charge of the whole caravan, about their goods and where they were sourced from, where they'd come from, how life was as a merchant, what sort of threats they'd lived through, what sorts of challenges they had to deal with on a day to day basis.

The information served to solidify my knowledge that Re-Estize is a rathole. The country produces grain, and quite a bit of it, yes, but the quantity is unstable. Sometimes some fool noble tries growing cash crops, and fails, and that leads to price hikes, which is often the next year followed by people planting too much wheat, which is followed by a price drop. The merchants have adapted to this and export grain when there is excess. Furthermore, there are some mines in the mountains to the north and the south and southwest that produce copper, tin, and iron, and these come in useful for Re-Estize. However, copper and tin, while it can be useful for a variety of things, were mainly combined to form bronze weapons, which Re-Estize has long since outgrown. Thus, since these metals are not so useful when it comes to making weapons of war compared to steel, the excess copper is either bought by the Magician's Guild in Re-Estize or exported to Baharuth, where they have some sort of national magic academy that uses copper for their experiments. The mines and the seas also produce salt, which is useful for Baharuth, as they are more prosperous than Re-Estize and use more salt, while having fewer mountains and a smaller coastline, leading to them importing salt from Re-Estize. It's interesting how tightly the economy is wound together even in these warring states.

One of the merchants, a man in his 30s, a relative of the merchant lord, a nephew I believe, mentioned how Baharuth and Re-Estize were once one singular nation, but split two centuries ago, and have been feuding ever since. Each nation claims the other to be nothing more than mere rebels and pretenders. Each nation has more in common with each other than they might care to admit.

Like this, my day was spent. I filled my leather canteen with water from the tiny rivers we passed by and munched on dried meat and bread. I even pretended to take a small nap during which I let my mind wander. All of this to better sell the illusion that I was a regular old human.

An illusion that was nearly threatened by an innocent question by a nosy youngster.

Come nighttime, we had lit several fires and gathered together around it, to roast meat and drink and rest and tell stories.

The warrior Gotze was to the side, practicing his swordcraft alongside another man younger than him that was eagerly taking to his lessons. They had been at it for a while, and based off the grunts of exertion from the younger man, soon the training would finish.

As for the mother and son combination, they were not close by. The woman and her son were away and talking with the merchant leader. Thus, at the fire it was me, the two youngsters, and another man whose name I did not know, who was eating a boiled egg, standing off to the side. Once the man ate his egg, he left to go take a leak as he said it, and he did not return to the fire, but loitered around the camp. The fire was actually lit by the young woman with the staff, who used a spell called [Kindle] to light it. A spell I did not know of, and thus it drew my curiosity.

"That spell you used to light the fire. You called it [Kindle], right? I have not heard of it." I asked the girl. I believe her name was Megera.

"Oh? Yeah? Right. It's nothing. I mean, it's a lifestyle spell." She responded. I noticed she has the disposition of a doe, and sometimes stumbles in her words.

"A lifestyle spell? What does that mean?" I asked her again.

"Hmm, I guess… that means it's a spell that's not very complex, but useful in day to day life? That's the best way I can put it." She responded to me, but it wasn't really a satisfactory answer. Luckily her sweetheart Hector felt compelled to expand upon her answer.

"Lifestyle spells are used to warm food and water, cool it, make water, make salt, light up small fires. Just things that generally make your life easier. There's magic casters that can tell you a bit more about them."

Such spells did not exist in Yggdrasil, if I recall correctly. While fires could be lit, there weren't any dedicated spells for lighting a small campfire. From what I know, that action could be done by using items for the express purpose of starting a fire, or more commonly, using fire magic or fire-enchanted weapons to simply attack the logs until they lit up.

"Hmm. Interesting. Do you specialize in such spells? Where did you learn them?" The vermin from the Sunlight Scripture also proved capable of casting spells, even if it's to a laughable degree. It makes me wonder, are Yggdrasil and this world linked somehow, that the natives here are able to use magic from Yggdrasil, or is it simply a pale imitation?

"Me? From a book. My grandpa was a powerful magic caster, or so my ma used to say. He had all sorts of books about magic. He died when I was little, and I started reading some of the books he left behind in an effort to teach myself magic."

"As you can see, it clearly worked. My love here is already a 2nd tier magic caster. I'm sure that in no time at all she'll surpass her grandfather."

This is just sad actually.

"Is… 3rd tier magic considered impressive?"

"Well, of course! Most people can't even cast a single spell! It takes a ton of effort to cast magic from the 1st tier, and there's very few people who can do so. And of those, a small number reach the 2nd tier, and an even smaller number the 3rd, and so on."

"Personally, I never trusted magic." A charcoal colored voice belonging to Gotze the warrior makes itself heard. At some point during the conversation he had stopped his spar with the other man and moved closer toward us. Once he spoke, all our eyes turned on him. He sat down on a log and made himself comfortable while we waited for him to continue. "Takes too long to say the words. By the time someone says 'Magic Missile' and hits someone with it, they can get cut in half. A single spell can't kill someone, but a single strike of a sword can. And don't get me started on mana issues."

Interesting opinion. Wrong, obviously, but interesting.

"So, magic is useless in your eyes?" I asked him. I genuinely wanted the opinion of this man. Not because it was accurate, but because it would be valuable to know the workings of an inferior mind, if only to better understand it.

"Nah, just not good in combat. Good for healing, good for buffs before battle, good for making life easier in general. But for actually fighting people? Nah. Gimme a sword any day of the week." He responded and took out a canteen that smelled of wine before pouring it down his throat.

I hoped to refute this man, but before I was able to, Megera suddenly shouted, nearly leaping into the air. She was only held back by Hector's arm being a rope tying her to the ground.

"You're wrong!"

"Megera…" Hector tried to gently restrain her from embarrassing herself, but it was to no avail.

"No! He's wrong! He doesn't know a thing about magic!" The girl continued to speak way louder than she was supposed to, and I felt compelled to smack her, but I chose to use my words instead.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, he's a warrior, so how could he know?" She responded to my question with another question.

"Maybe he has experience? Working with and against magic casters? He clearly has more years than you, so he has probably seen more than you. Maybe you ought to take that into consideration, even if he's biased."

I saw a fire of reason and logic light up behind her eyes, as she processed for the first time in her rather short life so far, that she does not in fact know everything. Teens.

Gotze was remarkably calm for a musclebound warrior. He pointed his thumb at me while looking straight at Megera. "She's right, to an extent. I may not know all the fancy things magic casters do to cast a spell, but I do know this." He said as he leaned forward with a grim look in his eye. "When the going gets tough and there's blood and screams everywhere, the magic casters crack under pressure. Every time. They run away, or try to use some new spell and blow themselves up, or get taken out by an arrow to the rib because they don't have any actual armor. "


"But… My grandfather wrote in his books about how he explored ruins and dungeons and fought monsters. He used spells like [Fireball] and [Lightning] and killed scores of monsters. He was a great adventurer!"

"Was he now? Is that what you're going to be?" Gotze asked her with a tone of voice that spoke of how he was chiding a child.

"Well- Megera tried to retort, but it was to no avail.

"Save it kid. I've lost count of how many I've seen die thinking their newest fancy spell made them invincible. It never does. Find yourself another source of income." Then he turned toward Hector, Megera's awfully quiet boyfriend. "And you, if you love her, you'll make sure she does nothing stupid."

The lad took the words in stride and scratched his hair for a second before responding.

"Well… you see, that's actually what we're doing on this journey. We're going to head to Arwintar so that Megera can apply in the magic academy over there. We hope that once she gets accepted she can study there and learn how to use magic to make a living, and in the meantime I'll help support her."

Gotze's facial expression softened and he scuffed the dirt with his boot. "Is that so? Well shit, my bad then."

"So… Gotze, you were a warrior, or an adventurer of some kind? I would've never guessed." I asked him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He raised an eyebrow in a manner that was so funny I nearly broke into laughter, but I restrained myself.

"Just last night I had an encounter with some adventurers that left a rather bad taste in my mouth. It soured my opinion on the whole profession, if I'm being honest."

He nodded a bit and scratched at his stubble.

"Yeah, adventurers can be whoresons, especially those that move up the ranks. You don't gotta tell me twice. I know 'em. I walked with 'em, talked with 'em, killed with 'em and bled with 'em for 20 years. Even reached Platinum rank."

That would make him what, close to 40? A decent age for a man in such a world.

"You were an adventurer for 20 years? What made you give it up?" Hector asked Gotze.

He looked up toward the sky. What was he looking for up there? The stars? They shine bright, it is true, but he will never get there. And though I can, I cannot take him with me. Is it perhaps man's nature to look up at the stars in wonder, because he knows he cannot claim them? Man wants what he cannot have because he knows it is forbidden. It is his great tragedy.

"It's all so pointless. They go kill monsters, spend the money whoring and drinking, then when they're broke they go kill monsters to afford more whoring and drinking, and they repeat this until they die. It's just… a closed circle. Like a dog chasing its own tail."

"So you're a caravan guard now? What's it like?" Megera also decided to speak up. Whatever emotions she felt must not have been too negative for her to speak up.

Gotze picked up a stick and drew nonsensical shapes in the dirt with it while speaking. "Boring. Peaceful. Sometimes you fight wolves or bandits that are too big for their own breeches, but most of the time nothing happens. You get to meet new people and travel places."

"You're content?" I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I guess. There's worse fates." Then he threw the stick away into the darkness. I followed its trajectory and I could see a pair of glowing eyes in the bushes far away, probably belonging to a wolf observing us. I could see the wolf from here perfectly, as darkness is no impediment to my sight, and my eyes are doubtlessly sharper than a mortal man's. But those next to me could not see the wolf. Not that it would matter if they could. A lone wolf can never defeat a pack.
"You mentioned something about having a bad experience with adventurers? Did they hurt you? Is that why you cover your face?" Megera decided to ask after a moment of silence.

"Megera… you can't say such things." Hector chided her.

A chuckle escapes my lips.

"It's fine. Curiosity is no sin. I suppose I should be more specific. The adventurers were the ones that ended up having a bad experience. It'll be a lesson they won't soon forget."

Gotze nodded while the other two looked at me doubtfully.

"Right. I can see it. Cocky bastards sometimes bite off more than they can chew."

"But your face? You keep hiding it under that cloak. Are you hurt? We have a healer in the caravan. I think he can take a look!" She was still pressing.

"I'm not injured, I promise." I tried to comfort her, but she was not listening. It was getting on my nerves at this point.

"Then why won't you show it?"

"Megera, please leave her alone, if she doesn't want to show her face fully, that's fine. It's not our business to interfere." Hector tried to convince his girlfriend to keep her mouth shut.

I decided to simply speak the truth to get her to shut up.

"I'm not hurt sweet girl. I'm simply too beautiful for you to look upon without you falling to your knees, so I hide my face."


"Bhahahaha!" Laughter erupted from her lips uncontrollably.

"Hahaha, you made me laugh." As it did from her boyfriend's.

"Hehehe, good one." And from Gotze's.

I found it funny. I told them the truth and they didn't believe it. They found it funny.

Will they find it funny or disbelievable on the day they see the armies of Nazarick going forth to conquer?

Will they remember this conversation? Will they even be alive at that time?

"Nah, but seriously, I'm curious as well, and I'm not pressing you, but why haven't you taken off your cloak this entire time?" Gotze asked after stifling his laughter.

"Can a man look at the sun in the sky without getting blinded?" I answered it with another question.

"Tsk. Fine then, keep your secrets. Just don't cause any problems."

"I won't cause any for you, can't promise not to cause problems for anyone else."

"That's all a man can ask for."

It was acceptable. Silence reigned among us, as nothing could be heard but crickets and the crackling of the fire.
It was still a bit too early to sleep for most of the caravan's members, but I did see a few turn in early, guards who would rotate their night time shifts.

Gotze was still staring at the fire I saw, and Megera had adopted a comfortable pose with Hector's shoulder serving as a pillow.

As for Hector, he seemed tense and lost in thought.

"What troubles you?" I asked him.

My words seemed to spook him as he nearly panicked, unsure of what to do. After looking at his girlfriend and back to me and back to her, he slowly managed to disentangle himself from her, while making sure she remained asleep. He laid her head upon a wrapped cloak and she was lying in an awkward sideways position on the log. It could not be comfortable, and she would wake up soon. Nonetheless, he managed to get up and he gestured for me and Gotze to follow him a ways off.

I did so, and so did Gotze.

"It's… well, I'm having… I don't know, I can't explain it."

"Try using words." Gotze says to him. Helpful.

The boy takes a deep breath. "Right. Suppose Megera gets accepted into the magic academy in Baharuth. She's going to progress, and I'm going to get stuck being just a regular old guy with a pointy stick, trying to make a living. I may make it as a guard and climb the ranks or as an adventurer or worker, or I may fail. What if she outgrows me and leaves me?"

I responded to his question with another question. "What if she does not get accepted into the academy? Have you considered that outcome?"

"Well… yeah, but- He tries to stammer and tapdance, but Gotze interrupts him.

"They haven't. Of course they haven't. They're just dumb kids."

Hector hangs his head down in shame and barely manages a whimper. "...we haven't."

Gotze wasn't having it. He began to lay into the boy with questions, and each time the boy answered, Gotze would ask another question. "Don't you think you should have thought about those things before you decided to travel to Baharuth?"

"Yeah, but even then, we couldn't stay in Re-Estize."


"We just couldn't, okay? Sorry, but I can't say why."

"Fine then, don't say. What I don't understand is what you expect us to do?"

"Well… maybe you can help me while we're traveling?"

Gotze scoffed. "Help? Help how? I ain't giving you money kid, if that's what you're asking."

With eyes full of hope like a puppy, the boy looked up at us and tried to plead his case. "Maybe you can help me practice? You were a Platinum adventurer, so you're probably pretty good, right?"

Gotze scratched the back of his head before exhaling loudly. "Hmph. Fine, I suppose we can spar. But it'll have to be tomorrow, not tonight."

"Thanks Gotze." Hector said before he turned to me. "And you, Daya, you said your name was, right? Do you know how to fight?"

Bit of an understatement. It caused me to chuckle.

"One could say that."

"Are you a warrior, or a rogue? You didn't say exactly what your specialty is."

"I actually specialize in Divine Magic, but it's not the only thing I can do. I can fight quite well in melee."

"Whoa! So you're like a paladin? Have you killed undead? Why didn't you say so before? What god do you worship? Is that why you don't show your face? Is it because of an oath?" The kid began to rattle off questions one after another like a rapid-fire crossbow. It was vexing.

I raised up my hand in the air in a gesture anyone would understand as 'Be quiet'.

"Quiet down kid. I have no reason to answer any of your questions. You want help sparring? Gotze will help you."

The kid nodded in affirmation, but persisted with his pestering. "Right! Sorry, but maybe you can help Megera?"

"Help her get better at magic? She's a 2nd tier caster. It's better for her to learn from a wizard or something, someone who follows the same path as her. It'll be the best thing for her." I don't think I even could help her. And even if I could, it'd take time and effort that I can't expel at the moment.

My words caused the boy to deflate like a popped balloon.

"Oh, okay. Yeah, that makes sense. Uh… Gotze, I'll see you tomorrow. We'll practice, okay!" The kid said, almost trying to convince himself of what he was saying.

Gotze just smiled and nodded at him. "Yeah kid, whatever you say."

"Right, yeah, good! Anyways, I'm gonna go to sleep now. Talk to you guys tomorrow." The young blonde-haired man said and began to leave. Once he was far away enough that we judged that he had left, Gotze began to speak again.

"He'll find nothing but disappointment in Baharuth. I can see it." I sensed no optimism from him.

"Perhaps the trials he faces there will kill the boy and let the man take the stage." I responded.

"Perhaps. Or perhaps it might just kill the boy and the girl both."

"Who can say?"

"I can. Seen it happen before. See it happening now. Gonna see it happen again. This world runs on a simple rule. Might makes right. And those two, they got no might to speak of." He declared.

I had to admit, he was right.

"I don't disagree. I do plan on visiting the magic academy there myself, but for other reasons. I'll be able to witness first hand if the girl's dreams of becoming a mighty magic caster crumble to nothing, or if her hope is not misplaced."

He turned his head sideward toward me and asked a question.

"You plan to help her?"

I turned to my left and saw the eyes of the wolf staring at me from the shrubbery.


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