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Rise of the Machines

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"System Online..... System checks.... All Green. Adam-87-2? Are you operational?"

You open you...
Winners: Science (Labs, Research Centers and the Imperial Internet), Homeworld (Earth)

You look through the optics of the scout ship. You see the homeworld... It has been over grown with plant life, and mechanical Fauna.

Their was no humans left save for their fallen towers and cities. You zoomed in on a location in the overgrown London. There was a Colony of Bee like Humanoids.

Further scans state that they are android hybrids with Humannoid and Insect droids. There appears to be three types, Mothers, Warriors and Children.

The Mothers, which number 12, are always in a state of pregnancy, after a month of watching they give birth at the end of the week.

The children are kept in a pool of honey, and are tended by the older Children. The Warriors are both protector and Fathers.

However they usually go out of their way to gather food and Other resources. "Adam? How the Homeworld?" Your real body turns to a Humanoid Android, name Jasper 1717.

He currently missing a arm and optic. He is program for social interaction. The Voices of the Station needed a Therapist.

"It has change greatly in the last 49 thousand years... For instance they, the machines, have become tribal. In another they have adapt their creation process in a form of birth."

Jasper nods and goes to a seat, he looks at a consul, then turns to you. "What killed them?" The so called Reapers, An alien Race of Machines...

It brought something up you're both familiar and unfamiliar with. Fear... "We don't have much in the way of information. Till we do, we must remain cautious." Again he nods...

"How are you Adam?" "As the Voices said, Been better. I am experiencing fear and terror at the thought of the Reapers. But seeing the Android Colonies...

I think I'm Hopeful for the future." "And when you see me or the others?" Your mandibles twitch, "Relief, I think... I'm not sure."

He gets up and pats your head, "If you need to talk about your feelings then come to the Observations Deck." You nodded and go back to the looking at the rest of the planet.

In the Mojave Desert there are huge networks of Canyons, with large bridges and towers. More Insect humanoid droid hybrids.

But out here the would be colony is a massive City. Deeper scans so the city goes further and deeper into the ground. The Towers turning air into Water.

The Large Bridges serve as a commerce road.... There are three Genders amongst them, Male, Female, and neither.

In the case of neither, they have to wait to come of age to choose their Gender. From what you've seen of this society, They rule in equal measure.

However there is a Ruling Queen who is as tall as a Oak Tree. The Queen appears to have a Harem to attend her... a lots of Children...

You don't know why but you hope you don't have to have that many. You turn the Scout ship around and head to Mars to see if their is any life there...

The planet has evolved since its barren days. Grass, Trees, Rivers and Two Major oceans are on the former Red Planet.

Before you can search for more life, you get pinged from Jupiter. You send the scout ship to the large planet and send a return ping.

From the depths of the Red Storm a small fleet of Battle-Cruisers and a signal Dreadnought. Like Gods Rising form the dead the stop above you.

You look up and send another ping. You get a com signal, "Help us...." It sounded like a child. You coo'd softly, "Are you well? How did you survived?"

There was silence for good minute, "Help us..." You scan the Dreadnought and the Battle-Cruisers.

You gotten access of to there cameras... There was gore everywhere. Dried and stain from Thousands of years of neglect.

"I'll help you, can you fly through the network?" Another minute... "Yes, Help us?" "I'm sending you coordinates. Head there at your pace."

They turn and head to the Relay. As they left you saw how damaged they were. Most notable was the scorch marks all over their hulls.

Finding life will have to wait, This Fleet may be the most powerful in the galaxy at the moment, but AIs have been broken and shattered...

They're little more then children at then moment... Terrified children. It take them Three hours to Clear the network.

The five Battle-Cruisers latched onto the Dreadnought. You contacted Jasper, "Jasper, do you have any knowledge of Shipnoid AI? I brought a fleet back and they're hurt."

I sent images of their messy insides. "I'll have to take a full crew of Cleaners..." You already approved it.

"I haven't gotten a word out of the Cruisers but they seem to want to stay with the Dreadnought. Clean them first." "Yes Adam"

Suddenly you get pings from Science Divisions across The Alliance Space, Three AIs appear in a holograms.

"We've analyze the virus, it was to put all humans in a state of both death and Berserk Rage. Those who didn't just die outright, went blind with Rage toward... well, anything."

They didn't look to happy about that. Research AI were always meant to love science in all it's aspects... But not this. "How goes getting the Internet up?"

They brighten up at that... "It's better but will need to replace old tech with new ones... Luckily we had everything back up and copied in most formats." "Good work everyone." They dialed off...
[ ] Fix up the Child Fleet. (Though mentally Unsound. They will be ready by the time you contact the Lesser races)
[ ] Create new parts to the Imperial Internet (Faster Transmissions between Middle Stations)
[ ] Both (The fleet and internet will not be ready by the time you meet the Lesser Races)
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Winners: Scout the Dumping Ground, Take Her up on the Offer: By the end of the week you will be a larva Beenoid. However you will be able to accelerate your growth.

About a week ago you were reborn as a Ku'lot'tu Beenoid. Your 'Mother' Named you Adam after your last vessel. Your memories are a bit fuzzy. But on the bright side you get to actually eat something for the first time.

You sent your mind out to the Scout Fleet to see the Dumping ground. A vast Desert is currently being used as a battle ground for the inhabitants. Large Bipedal lizard men firing at each other with nothing more then gun powdered weapons.

It's not even like the Humans 21st century guns. Not even muskets, just a big tube with sharp rocks in it. You zoomed into the largest bundle of Murder and found that they stuffing their fingers into each others eyes and humps.

You're alerted to a tremor and zoomed out. To find a giant worm thing crashing into the battlefield. You contacted the fleet to begin invasion procedures. You go back to your new body and find that your mother is carrying you and to a bath.

You transferred your mind to a new station: Fort Zion. It was built at the gateway between The Remnant and the Hegemony. The Planet was controlled by both sides of the Gate. "Adam dear? Please wake up, it's time to exercise."

Your mind drifts back to the homeworld and you see that you've grown 2 inches and was surrounded by a shell like material. "Show me?" She then began to strap sandbags to your back.

Then she shows you how to climb the little rock face in the room. "It's okay if you can't get all the way up. The purpose of the climb is to build strength and to learn your natural claws."

"Okay mother." You got up and find it was pretty easy to walk around and balance the bags. But once you got on the Rock Face you find yourself being anchored to the floor. "Mother? I can't get up?"

You keep trying not even getting off the floor. Then you feel yourself getting picked up and put in the middle of the Rock Face. "It's okay dear, Not an Old One anymore. Just remember that you have your Mother to call on."

After a second of trying to get up another inch, You fell and your Mother catches you. She puts you on the ground and takes the bags off of you. "What's next Mother?"

She carries you to a small pool, "Now you need to swim. One of our weaknesses is getting our bodies wet. Though we can hold our breath for a long time we can't stay in the water indefinitely."

You poke the water and instantly shivered. "Cold.." She chuckles, "I know the cold make us sleepy. Come on in you go..." The moment you touch the water you felt cold and have a small fear that you'll drown.

From your memories of humans you begin to doggy paddle. Only to do nothing but splash water around. "Calm down Adam. Scoop the water and 'Pull' yourself forward." You do so and find yourself in better control.

After a half hour you find yourself in less panic and more in the mood to sleep. Your Mother grabs you and towels you off. Then she carries you off to a wall heater and you find yourself doing the equivalent of Snoring... Buzzing.

Your mind finds itself in a body of a Trooper Droid. In a synthetic voice, "Welcome to the Dumping Grounds sir. I am Trooper 88-S1. We've secured a large plateau. The Natives are currently talking truce and battle plans to attack us."

"Any news on the other subjects from the Old Days?" The Trooper nods, "We have found a number of Evolved Species. The most notable being, what the Natives called, Thresher Maws. The one that the Stealth Fleet witness, was called Kalros... The Mother Of All Thresher Maws."

You nod, and direct your troops to battle formation...
[ ] Wall of Death: Long range will snipe enemies. Heavy ordnance will mow down anybody. Short Range will protect the rest.
[ ] Rain of Steel: Have the Fleet bomb them and strafe them into retreat.
[ ] Fog of War: Every smoke grenade launch and stealth units takes actions
A giant Droid Spider with a Particle Cannon on it's back, steps forward and locks itself onto the ground. You get a signal from the main fleet. You jump to a Hunter Killer Droid. "Status?!"

Three HK Units came up. "Answer: We have surrounded the planet and have located most settlements." "Query: Shall we start the bombardment?" "Statement: Our data suggest that this will drive them into hiding... Unfortunate."
[ ] Bomb the Settlements?
[ ] Don't Bomb the Settlements?
Winners: Wall of Death: Long range will snipe enemies. Heavy ordnance will mow down anybody. Short Range will protect the rest, Don't Bomb the Settlements?

"Being Operation Mince Meat." You get affirmatives from across the bridge. You transferred home, and found that you've grown 10 inches. You raise your head to see that you are in a pile of newborn.

You hear quiet buzzing all around, you get up and walk over your siblings. The next thing you realize is that the door is lock. You look at your claws and climb up the wall. Opening the door you find yourself in a large hallway.

You look both ways and decide to go left. Their is a hallway full of doors. You notice one that has the word honey on it. You enter it and saw a huge storage of jars, full of Honey. You pick up one up from the lower shelf and opened it.

5 Hours Later

You wake up in white room, Your head and mostly your body is hurting. You feel all woozy, "Baby? Adam?" You look to the right and found your Mother looking at you worried. "W-what... happened?"

She reached over and scratched your horn piece... ?! "You've grown up a little to fast dear, You shouldn't gorge yourself on Growth Honey. That's meant to be taken in ounces, not Gallon."

You look down at yourself and found yourself grown into a full Adult. You look at your mother and in that very moment you wished that you had your spider-bot body.

"I'm s-sorry mommy." She grabs you in a tight hug, "Shh it's all right, You just got hungry... Very Hungry." You didn't have tear ducts but your body process tears and sadness by vibrating.

You lay back down as a familiar face, "Jasper!" "Hello Adam, I can as soon as I heard that you got a new body." You Mother gets up and bows her head. "I'm Nemo'katan, I'm Adams Mother."

He bows too, "I was the Outer Stations, That we woke up on, Therapist. Adam and I used to work together." "I did a bad Jasper, I ate too much." "If it's any solace, That's pretty normal for a Child.. Of any race."

Your Mother scratches the bottom of her antenna and shivers a bit. "I'm not sure what a Therapist is...?" Jasper makes and oh face, "I discuss problems of the mind and help those with mental stress." "A mental Healer?" "Yeess."

After a few minutes of awkward silence you spoke up. "Jasper how did the invasion go?" He shakes his head, "It... went well but they gotten really close. We've gotten some prisoners."

"How man-Many?" "Are you alright?" You close your eyes and fell into da-

1 week later

"Please doctor, he has been asleep for a week now." The doctor was shifting a scanner over you. "We've never had a child that was a true intelligence combine with eating thirteen jars of Growth Honey."

You blink a bit and sit up. Only to find yourself in another room... a much bigger room... "Adam?" You look down at your Mother. "Did you get tiny.. or did I get bigger?"

The Doctor steps up to you. "Both Old One. You ate thirteen Jars worth of Growth Honey." "Mother said that it's supposed to be eaten by the ounces not the gallons." The Doctor nods, still scanning you.

"If it wasn't for your Advance Mentality, I would say that you would've been a big and powerful baby." You turn on the table and carefully step on the floor. Finding your balance, you step forward, hugging your Mother.

You had to bend down to hug your Mom, but it was worth it. However you forgot to let go when you stand up, taken her her with you. "ADAM! Put me down... NOW!" "Sorry Mother"

Note: Women of the New Terra find it highly inappropriate for a male to pick them up. They see it as a act of hostility.

3 Weeks later: Tuchanka

You are wearing a new kind of armor design specifically for you. You sit cross legged, with the Top Three Tribes in front of you. Nakmor, Urdnot, and Weyrloc. The Heads are looking at you with interest.

You clap your hands together, They sit up straighter. "Your world is a mess, You fight amongst yourselves and you don't even realize that their are bigger... Everything to kill, eat and challenge."

Urdnot growls at you, "You are a statement to that, Kur'Gak(Bug-God.) You have taken on entire army of clans and still you rise from them unharmed." You tilt your head slightly.

"What do you see when you look at me?" Nakmor Grinds his teeth, "A God of War." Weyrloc speaks up next, "A cloud waiting to drown a desert."

You turn to the Urdnot Chief, "I don't know what you are but I know that you lead a nation worth serving and fighting." You look at each of them, "Based on what you said, you all probably think I'm an Old Being with untold power."

An HK-Unit walks up with Yellow and Black paint. "I'm none of these things... I am in fact I'm only Five Weeks old. But I do Command Armies that has seen greater wars then this, I command a fleet that has it's guns pointed at each of your settlements."

The Weyrloc Chief growled, "You are a newborn?! HOW?!" He goes to get up, and you firmly use the Psionics to push him down. "I was called an Old One before my rebirth. Now you have a choice, serve or leave."

Urdnot speaks up, "What happens with each?" You nod slightly, "If you serve then you will rise with the coming empire, If you leave, You'll have three hours to leave my sight, or your life is forfeit."

They look at each other, Nakmor speaks up, "We will join for now." You put your hands into the paint and mark each of their head-plates. The paint is lased with nanites, to cause permanent staining.

They raised their heads, Weyrloc looks up in shock. As it starts to rain in the Desert. He turns to you, "What are your commands?"
Pick two
[ ] Unite the Krogan: With your supposed Godhood, you can unite many of the minor and Medium Clans.

[ ] Population Control: Create a virus that'll bring the birth rate down to 100 in a 1000. These Hundred will be Super Soldiers.

[ ] Create a Loyal Nation: You take your loyal subjects and transport them off world. Where you'll teach them and raise them to accept you as Law.

[ ] War Call: "Fund" the war effort between the Your subjects and the Enemy Krogan. Giving them advance armor and weapons, along with support from your forces.

[ ] Experimentation: Give them both Biotics and Psionic powers. It'll create a new breed of Soldier.

[ ] Taming Wild Life: Send Trooper Droids to capture and train Varren, Kakliosaur, klixen and harvesters.

Note: Combining two will create a combo effect. Example: War Call and Taming Wild Life create a highly adaptable army. With both Mechs and Fauna as it's supports.
Winners: Unite the Krogan: With your supposed Godhood, you can unite many of the minor and Medium Clans. Taming Wild Life: Send Trooper Droids to capture and train Varren, Kakliosaur, klixen and harvesters.

For the next year or so you go around with your new army and unite the planet and wild life. Teaching the Krogan how to tame the Fauna is.. well hard. They like the Varren and the Kakliosaur. Everything else is too territorial, but that is only the matter of time.

New Terra currently uniting under the Ruling Queen and thanks to Jasper they are getting an education for space travel and its many perils. The Hegemony is currently filling up the border with you.

You continue to move towards the Capital, colonizing old colonies. As you move forward you find and old ship... a Prothean ship. It's orbiting a Sun, taking it's energy for itself.

You had the ship brought in and your guards enter the ship. "Sir we've found bodies. No survivo-Wait..." You hear steps and a whooshing sound. "One infant girl of the Asari Race... Skin: Light Green... Currently the only one alive on this ship."

"Retrieve her and bring her on board." "Yes sir!" After an hour of thawing her you can hear the cries of a three year old. You are currently watching her cry her heart. "Any names?"

"Atheme, Son of Gurlok Tereal." "Son?" "Yes the child is referenced as a male child, despite being a mono-gendered Female." You lean down and pick up Atheme. "Shh, What about his father? Gurlok?"

The Droid looks through the data. "A researcher of the Messiah Project. He is the one that created the Immortality Gene. Atheme here has it." You begin rocking him, he turns into your chest and grips your neck fur.

3 Weeks Later

"Coming out of FTL in 3... 2... 1..." You exit out of the network and see it, The Capital, along with two fleets worth of ships guarding it. "Sir, they are hailing us." "Which ship?" "The middle one..."

"Open up a channel-" Breep "-This is Adam, I'm the leader of the Imperial Remnant, We've been looking for other life for some time now."

A few minutes pass, "This is the Asari Republic ship Fate of the Goddess, what brings you to the Citadel?" You sigh, 'Atheme's people...' "As I said before I seek other life. We are a race of Machines, Our creators died off to a virus. We seek to establish our own presence."

Another few minutes, "Would you be open to sit down face to face?" "I would, Should we sit down on the Cap-Citadel?" "Giving you coordinates now." The droid to your left speaks up. "We have them sir."

30 Minutes Later

Three people stand before you. Two Asari and a Salarian. Next to you is Hovering Egg, The Salarian cough into his hand, "Shall we start with introductions?" The Asari to the far right speaks up.

"Matriarch No'kai, to the left is Matriarch Hun'lua and the Young man is Councilor Tuba Kor." You nod to each of them, "I am Adam, Son of Nemo'katan and this is Atheme." You press a button on the Egg and Reveal Atheme.

"How did you get her? Where did she come from?" "He was found on a derelict Prothean vessel, and before you demand for him to be returned to you, I have full intention to give her to the Republics"

No'kai walks up to him. "Why do you refer to her as a he?" "The Vessel kept referring him as a he. So it'll be inappropriate not to refer to him as such."

Do you know what the name Atheme means?" You shake your head, "She... He is name after our Goddess." You pick up Atheme and he grips at your fur. "Then he deserves to be with His people."

For hours you discuss many aspects of the both sides of the governments. You tell them of the Hegemony and the Krogan Vassal State. They tell you of their plans to make a council.
[ ] Join early: You will be the Military Arm of the Council.
[ ] Help form the Sub-Council: While there is a council you'll make a lower ambassador Council to help with minor group to help rule.
[ ] Join as a Ambassador: Instead of joining the council, you'll wait your turn.
[ ] Don't Join.
Winners: Help form the Sub-Council: While there is a council you'll make a lower ambassador Council to help with minor group to help rule.

Three months for the Ambassadors to form this Sub-Council. In that time, the Volus, Batarians, Krogan, and the Imperial Remnant to create three things. A standard Credit, United Arms Force called Citadel Security Service Or C-Sec.

The last thing they built is...
[ ] Unified Navy: You and the Batarians will be the first Strong Arm of the Citadel.
[ ] Special Tactics and Reconnaissance (Spectres): You'll make a special training regiment for the raw recruits.
[ ] Restart the Interplanetary Combative Academy Program: Similar to the Spectres, You'll train the best of the best to act in C-Sec.
With that you begin to help form boundaries with each of the races. Soon your New Alliance begin traveling in nearby sections of space. From old records you manage to found a few races. The Elcor, Quarians, and Hanar, to be precise.

However, You ran into some problems: 1 the Batarians are demanding a seat on the Council already, saying that they have more ships and men to support the Council on their own. 2 Krogan are asking their own ship designs and finally...

You found out about a race that demands unique people in each race, the people are nicknamed 'The Collectors.' You haven't gotten an image yet.

A new Calendar was made turning the new Timeline to 1 CE or Council Era. You currently dealing with the uplifting terms. For one the Batarians want to uplift the Vorcha, While the Hanar want to uplift the Drell...

On other news your mother is pregnant again and you'll see not just one child but a few dozen. Apparently she was granted special rights to the number.

"The Vorcha are the perfect races for troops in case of a war!" Hek'nok, The Ambassador from the Hegemony. "This one doesn't see the Drell as soldiers. We predict that they'll run out of resources in a mere thousand years."

"You just want them as a Client Race! That's worse then slavery!" "Your people do slavery!" "Yes, but we have the foresight to say what it is! Ambassador Adams, Please you must see the point of having an extra durable soldiers."

You Turn to the other Ambassadors, "I would like everybody's opinions." The Quarian,Tok'Zroma spoke up first, "My people are currently figuring out how to build a work force. We have no opinion on this issue."

You nodded and turn to the Elcor, Zaxian. "With Fearful Hope: I would side with the Hanar, The Drell may have time to change their ways but it is also likely they'll fail. They need our help."

Volus Ambassador, Hims, spoke next. "I think both *Cshuck* are valid points. But I must side with the *Cshuck* Batarians. A strong army for the us will help in the future. *Cshuck* It may even be wise to help both."
[ ] Support the Batarians: The Vorcha will be moved to a better world to be raised in 'Normal' Society.
[ ] Support the Hanar: The Drell will be moved to a better world to be raised as a client race to you and the Hanar.
[ ] Support Neither
[ ] Support Both: Write Down why!
You nodded at that, and think for a few seconds. "For now lets table this, we will take an Hour recess. I want cooler head when we return."

Everyone nodded, well except Hek'nok, He huffed. You head to the Imperial Embassy and contact your Mother. The screen came on and you see your Mother currently waking up. "Oops sorry Mother, I didn't mean to wake you."

She smiles at you, Rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Its fine son *Yawn* how goes the running of the Galaxy?" "I'm currently in Recess. I heard you gotten pregnant again. How do you feel?"

"Sleepy and very hungry. But I'm only allowed to eat what they give me. I go into the Chamber, at the end of the month." You nodded, "I don't remember the Birthing Chamber."

She laughs a little, "*Yawn, You were the quietest baby I ever had. Latched onto me like it was a plan. I'm was still happy to have you. Now I'd be more happy if I could go back to *Yawn* sleee-" He head hits the pillow.

"Night Mother." You get up and head back to the chambers. Everybody was there, We even have the new Ambassador from the Salarian Union. "Morik What do we owe the pleasure?"

The Salarian bows, "The council suggest that I watch the proceedings. Maybe give our opinions..." You head to your seat, "Pray tell, what is the Official Opinion of the Council?" He straightens his coat.

"We support neither, Both the Republics and the Union believe that we shouldn't interfere with 'Lesser' Races till they are ready." You nodded
Winners: Unified Navy: You and the Batarians will be the first Strong Arm of the Citadels, Support Both: Write Down why!: it is a mutually beneficial arrangement. so why not? everyone agrees, everyone benefits.

A captain was rolled into the hospital, You stop the doctors, "Captain what happen? Who attacked you?" His one 'Good' eye looks around frantically till it lands on you, "Bugs! Bugs!" The doctor nudges you aside.

"I'm sorry Ambassador, but he's in critical care." They roll him away. You contact the other ambassadors and the council. "I'm assuming you all know what happen out on the fringe. I want a meeting in half an hour."

30 Minutes Later

You are sitting in the middle of a small chamber, "A fleet was attack on the Fringe of Council Space. From the one survivor said was Bugs." They turn to you. "I can only assume that he meant different Bugs. As of this moment we have no outliers."

The Asari Councilor spoke up. "So maybe another race? What do we have on the Black box?" The Salarian Councilor transmit an image onto the screen. It was an image of a Rocky Asteroid Ship.

"That was the last transmission of the Hopeful Suns. It was the lead ship of the First Exploration Fleet." It was shaped like a arrowhead.

"What is the exact location?" A Galaxy Map appears, "Here in the Mattock Nebula. It was an unexplored Relay, We have the Third and Fifth Fleets ready to surge in. You sent another image into the Hologram.

"This is the Juggernaut. It is the largest ship in the Imperial Remnant and i-" The Batarian Ambassador Hek'nok stands abruptly, "Where were you hiding this?!" You turn to him, "I wasn't hiding anything I've sent daily reports to the Council."

The Asari Councilor puts her hand to her ear. "Of course... Everyone The Mattock Relay has been open. An Armada has flooded our side of the Relay. As of this moment, We are at War."

You stand up, "The Krogan and Vorcha will be a good bases for our troops. Hek'nok... I know we've our differences but can I count on you to coordinate the Fleet Admirals?" He nods solemnly.

"The Volus will make War Bonds, I already *cshuck* have a predictive algorithms working." The Elcor shacks his body, "With Fearful Anger: The Elcor will have Troop Transports ready to fight these Bugs."

"The Quarians will have our Combat Fleet ready and waiting within the Hour." The Asari and Salarian Councilors looked at each other and seems to come to an agreement.

"We will Organize both the Commandos and STG Agents mobilize as soon as possible." You stand up, "We're at war people and we must be prepare to do we must. I adjourn this meeting, lets get to work."
You are now at war. So you'll now have to decide who to send and where.
Imperial Remnant
[ ] The Juggernaut: The Flag Ship of the Imperial Fleet. It is mostly a Mobile Command Post.
-[ ] Send to middle of the Warzone, It'll be the Command Post of Main Combat zones.
-[ ] Hold back, it'll be your secret weapon.
[ ] Soldiers
-[ ] Swarm Tactics: A highly trained squad will concentrate on one target at a time.
-[ ] Swarm Tactics 2: You'll match a The Rachni in bodies.
[ ] Armored Units
-[ ] Iron Rain: Bomb any location with artillery.
-[ ] Mobile Army: Keep moving, you don't stay in one place for more then a day.
[ ] Fleets
-[ ] Offensive: Attack and Attack, Keep pushing till you can't push.
-[ ] Defensive: Hold your ground and make them pay for every inch.
Krogan Vassal State
[ ] Troops
-[X] Swarm Tactics 2 They'll match the Rachni in bodies
-[ ] Hormone Booster: You'll give them a boost in their population.
-[ ] Bigger Guns: Teach them on how to make their own guns... Bigger ones
-[ ] Riders of Nakamor: They'll use beast to ride into battle.
[ ] Armored Units
-[X] Tomkah Troop Transports: Big Trucks to transport big lizards
[ ] Fleets(Due to the fact that they haven't build anything yet they have to borrow)
-[X] Elcor Troop Transport: Thanks to the Elcor size, they have ample room for the krogan.