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Science Will RUIN THE DAY! I mean save the day dang it! (DC/SI OC)

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Basically Mad Science Me in the Batman Brave and the Bold Cartoon, slighty AUish because I may...
Chapter 01: Brilliant Mind


Well worn.
Sep 23, 2015
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Basically Mad Science Me in the Batman Brave and the Bold Cartoon, slighty AUish because I may want to include other DC stuff.


Mad Scientists in this universe have tech that could earn they billions, cure cancer, save millions of lives... and they use either to fight superheroes and or steal money and things. And in some cases, to play being superheroes and fight villains.

And yes that includes faster than light travel, the Star Rod that's a device that rivals power rings, several non magical ways of becoming almost immortal and an android called Amazo that can copy any power, even magic and advanced tech.

Humanity in the DC universe has created amazing technology... they just don't share it with each other.

I hate that, I hate to see humanity waste their potential. I hate mortals having to depend on people wearing silly costumes to save the day when they could save themselves in they just shared with each other more.

Unfortunately ending in this universe came at the cost of my sanity, so I literally can't solve things on my own.

Chapter 01: Brilliant Mind

"Soo....to sum up a series of unfortunate events, after waking up on my street clothes in the middle of literal trash, it was a pile of certain sparkly vampire novels, and avoiding the police, I noticed this was not my Earth." I paused for dramatic effect and to let my listeners think about what I just said.

"Just imagine my great surprise at finding myself in a world of superheroes and villains were I legally did not exist and could not even remember my name for some stupid reason. The only advantage I have is my mind, my brilliant and glorious mind, with so many ideas that could be incredibly dangerous if I lost control and just let the madness rule me. That's why I came to see you Doctor Magnus, because you know what's is to thread the fine line of genius and madness, because like me, you have a glorious brilliant mind that you want to use to help others instead of using it to hurt and destroy."

Doctor Will Magnus and his Metal Men looked at me in silence, maybe I screwed up? I was a complete stranger that just showed up into their lives, and admitted to being insane. I would not be surprised if they kicked me out. Not to mention that I kind of definitely smelled bad after days of wearing the same clothes.

"I been thinking in taking an apprentice, someone who could continue my work when I am gone."


"Are you willing to take the job?"

"I... you believe me? I am just a complete stranger, I could be lying I..."

"Yours is a strange tale indeed but I feel the passion and truth of your words, If the Doc says is okay we could use the help." Gold said, he was currently only a head due to how expensive gold was.

Apparently the Metal Men had a battle recently and had to be rebuild. Still, a gold heart indeed, even if he was just a head right now.

"Well, if you say so... I got over a dozen ideas about how the Doc can legally get enough money to fix up Gold..." Sadly I also had near a hundred of illegal ones. While the Doc could only give a 'soul' to his Metal Men, he was still a roboticist that rivaled Doctor Tomek Ovadya Morah. And with us together we could land a few legal uses for generic robots, that hopefully didn't go insane.

Still some villain laughs and a big switch would probably be involved.


Working with the Doc was interesting. It turns the main function of the Metal Men was actually not to do superhero stuff but to keep Will Magnus sane and functional. Maybe I should build a robot or two to do the same for me? I should seriously look into it. Plus, minions are good to have.

Since there was Lexcorp and Waynetech to compete with, it explained why the Doc was broke. Unlike me he lacks the needed know how about legal ways to get resources and money. Sure he used to have money, but lack of real human contact plus focusing too much on the Metal Men means that if I had arrived a few months later he would be homeless.

Anyway, I knew who we could sell that would not use the generic bots for evil, and combining our talents with the help of the Metal Men the work went fast.

Tin was happy to be put in charge of the factory line, he may be the weakest of the Metal Men and have self stern issues but he is also the smartest of the Doc bots. And treating the Metal Men as humans helped the Doc to trust me even more.

Of course just when we were about done there was an alien starfish attack. Thankfully I had stored up Calcium oxide to use up on the garden of the Doc's place, (seriously the plants were dead, disgusting!) and this version of Starro was weak to it.

After the problem was dealt with I got to meet Batman and Tin and I tried to sell him Magnus Inc services, apparently Tin is a good businessman when he isn't moping. Better that me actually, but then I never was what you call a people person and becoming a Mad Doc has only made it worse.

Granted, it will be almost at cost due to the contract being to improve the Watchtower defenses, but at least we will get enough materials to fully rebuild Gold out the deal.

And I had only to be stopped on going supervillain two times this week, I call it a success!


"So, you studied the Doc notes... and made a different process that leads to more mentally stable androids? But only you can do it?" Tin asked, probably to make sure he was hearing me right. I could have worded it better, but that's what the PR gynoid will be for.

"I... I have a huge imagination. Before all this being stuck in another world mess, I was a writer. The method Magnus uses to give you guys souls, is based on people he knows and... different aspects of himself. Mine is based on creating a whole personality from scratch using my creativity and imagination. And I wouldn't say that makes the android more stable or sane, just... That I added a lot more safeguards that the Doc does." There, that was better, right? I honestly can't tell.

Tin then stared at the incomplete gynoid over my work table.

"And... why are you talking with me instead of Doc Magnus?"

"I... I know you are not only the smarter of Doctor Magnus Metal Men but that you actually have the talent to build androids. I want you to look over my work, to make sure this is not a complete disaster. And well... unlike me or Magnus, you tend to depression instead of wanting to take over the World. I love the Doc like that cool uncle I wish I had. But I fear that if we work together on finishing Bronze she will go to try to win over the Flash heart, take over the World or something like that."

"Not fighting Superman?"

"She is made out of bronze not from a green rock from space. Besides, what I have programed of her personality so far means she wouldn't mess with someone who already is in a stable relationship."

"Uh... any reason why Bronze sounds like... a boy crazy girl?"

"Flaws make a person a person. Besides she will be programed as a teenager gynoid because she is basically gonna be my... sister."

"Sister? Most men who build a female robot think of either bodyguard or girlfriend."

"Family bonds can be a tad more stable than love. More so when is family you chose to have instead of genetic relatives... I think? I only have some biased sample data about that."

"Eh, I am not saying is wrong just... you are aware I once build myself a robot girlfriend, right?"

"Are you saying I will need to supervise you, so you don't try to make Bronze be programmed to love you?"


"That's it, I am surrounded by mad men... and a a mad woman! How good is Gold at programing?"

"He can't even code a Hang Man game in Python."

"Uh... But if don't add the capacity for her to feel romantic love that will mess her emotional network. Ah whatever, we will figure something out."

AN: Yeah I honesty wouldn't build a girlfriend, I prefer family.
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A Mad Science guy, who is trying to do Good.

Might need an actual human or two to keep you on the straight and narrow!

Funny stuff.
I hope we get to see how other people react to him and the Doc, that will be entertaining. Pretty good start so far and looks interesting, I hope to see more.
The ability to feel romantic love doesn't have to exist from their first moments. Why not add it in a software update later? Plus if Bronze wants such an update badly enough she could learn programming to create a rough draft or framework that the professional scientists can finalize. I wish I could say that the absence of love does not make a sapient being inhuman...but we're talking about a powerful robot in DC, so we can imagine how well such a thing would work out in the long term.

Looking forward to the next update!
The ability to feel romantic love doesn't have to exist from their first moments. Why not add it in a software update later? Plus if Bronze wants such an update badly enough she could learn programming to create a rough draft or framework that the professional scientists can finalize. I wish I could say that the absence of love does not make a sapient being inhuman...but we're talking about a powerful robot in DC, so we can imagine how well such a thing would work out in the long term.

No software updates, the MC doesn't trust himself or others to not screw Bronze up if he allows that. Bronze is an evolving AI with hard coded limitations go avoid going evil.

That means that teaching Bronze to do something new takes time but limits the chance of malware infections, being reprogrammed for evil and so on.

Pls threadmark your chapter


A Mad Science guy, who is trying to do Good.

Might need an actual human or two to keep you on the straight and narrow!

Funny stuff.

That is a reason besides money why the MC is working with the JLA.
Chapter 02: My Creation
Chapter 02: My Creation

The Cosmic Rod, also know as the Star Rod, is a wonderful device.

First created by Theodore Henry Knight in April 1940, this device absorbs the energy of the stars and uses it to create a wide range of abilities for its wielders. That includes flight, project bursts of stellar energy, light, and heat, create force fields and simple energy constructs, and levitate objects. Extended use of the Cosmic Rod might create a bond between it and its user allowing said person to mentally summon the rod when separated from it.

The early version of this device was mostly used to manipulate gravity, so it was called the gravity rod.

The device can even attract or repel living beings or objects to and from itself and has ability to repel approaching objects or energy either away from their body or back to it's original source.

It can also make defensive force fields or a "stellar aura" around the user that's used in conjunction with flight to protect against atmospheric damage in high velocity flight.

The projected bursts of stellar energy are usually yellow, but some versions of the cosmic rod can also make red blasts capable of hurting and or weakening kryptonians.

Said energy blasts can be capable of melting steel but can also be toned down to not kill regular humans.

The rod can also absorb electricity to dissipate it.

While the ability is way harder to use than with a power ring, is possible to create solid energy constructs, but since the star rod doesn't have an AI that assists you doing it, this is an ability that only very few of the wielders have used effectively.

Newer versions of the Star rod can even be remotely controlled by mental orders from the distance.

Some idiots might call the Star Rod a poor man Green Lantern power ring but is not really fair to compare alien technology to something created on Earth during the forties.

Anyway, you might be wondering why I was talking about the Star Rod... Because the first Starman was a member of the Justice Society Of America and I just visited the man's grave.

The funeral was a few months before I got into this universe.

He could have done so much for science, get the man to the moon two decades earlier, make Earth have their own spaceships capable of Interstellar travel, heck we could be having humans living on another planets by now.

But... he didn't. He just made a cool trinket and used it to fight crime.

The thing is, he never patented the gravity rod or the cosmic rod, afraid of it being misused. The guy had to live World War II and later the Cold War era, so I don't blame him... or that's what I wish I could say.

But you can't really use a piece of man made tech for decades to fight crime and not expect for it not be copied, replicated and studied by your enemies. After all no matter how much beyond it might be from current tech, when it was invented, that can only protect the technology from falling in the wrong hands for so long, since Science keeps marching on.

Do you know about all those villains with abilities like flight and energy blasts whose abilities come from something they "invented"?

Amazingly, only about half of them are based on "Ted" Knight work.

So, you might be thinking, did I make or I am making my own star rod?

No, just finishing the spaceships using "cosmic energy" he never did besides a working prototype and make sure that this time they do get used to benefit mankind.

Forget the moon Alice, we are going to Mongo next year!

[I will not experiment on myself without having experimented on others first to make sure the procedure is as safe as possible. And without having taken enough precautions to mitigate or solve any problems if things go wrong. And most important, I will definitely not experiment on myself unless I can fully trust (and confirm because blind trust is for idiots) that the ones doing the procedure or helping me do it do not have motivations to do me any harm. - Super Science rule number six]


Building Bronze, my first truly smart creation was... complicated, and not just because the fact I feared would have a bout of madness that would ruin everything. Or because Doc Magnus and Tin helped and they could have, even by accident, made her crazy or a weapon, or evil. Or worse, Tin's girlfriend!

No, it was going over every single thing a dozen times, because I was scared. Bronze wasn't just going be a smart gynoid, she was going to be family, and if I messed up too bad I wouldn't be able to fix whatever was wrong without basically destroying her.

That was weird considering that I was making her boy crazy on purpose. But that flaw in her personality was better than trying to make her perfect only for her to develop flaws on her on and or go insane.

And there was another thing, Bronze purpose was to keep me on the side of good, so she also had to be the responsible and sane sibling between the two of us.

How do you even program sanity when you are not right in the head yourself? I looked over Gold plans, and compared them to Tin, one was noble and heroic if maybe not the smartest of the Doc bots, the other was basically a depressive version of Doctor Magnus himself and he was smart enough to build a smart gynoid.

Since I was making a girl, I also went over Platinum plans, mostly to know what NOT to do. I didn't want to build a robot girlfriend and I think the idea is destined to tragedy.

Meanwhile, Gold new body was finished and the Metal Men joined the Justice League reserves.

That means they were called in when a member of the Justice League needed help and no other member of the JLA was available. Although I had insisted in a "Not Braniac" clause because that mechanical genius would take over the Metal Men faster than you can say "No way!"

So of course the first time they were called in involved the Injustice League instead.

Cheetah was somewhat attractive for a woman that was an anthropomorphic feline. It was a tad sad to see Platinum sedate her, I wanted to talk to Cheetah and figure out if she was a failed experiment or if her form was because of magic.

Bizzaro did share Superman weakness with magic, but in the sense that magic had the opposite effect on him, hurtful magic made him stronger and good magic hurt him.

So Tin told Zatanna to just use healing spells on him, and then she made him sleep with the magical equivalent of drinking a dozen cups of coffee.

Luthor... he was mine.

"Why are you even doing this Luthor? Do you honesty want to be remembered as the bad guy by history? Don't you remember your plans? Your ambition? What are you doing playing kiddie games when you could be becoming a God by I dunno... figuring how Siniestro ring works?"

Lex Luthor stares at me, then he surrenders. I totally know I am going to be yelled at for this, but if there is anything I know about Alexander Luthor, is that he is his own worst enemy.

So it should be f... no is not gonna be fine, but since Bronze wasn't finished what I was gonna do, shot at him?


Why are we still using coal, petrol oil and nuclear power when we have so many Earth made alternatives that are way better?

Stellar energy is safe, fuel efficient, non radioactive unless you want it to be, and can be used for faster than light travel or at least close to light speed travel.

At the most basic level, is a super efficient use of solar energy. Just the very minimum would make a single solar panel be able to power a whole town in the technology is applied the right way.

Magnus Inc is already using it to make our solar panels up to 97% more efficient than the competition. And that's only because we holding back to delay Luthorcorp copying them.

And as mentioned before, the tech is already out there, half of people with tech that gives them flight and energy blasts copied Ted Knight, and worse, most of them are using it to be criminals.

So there is no real downside to slowly make the tech available for commercial and civilian use. Even better, it cannot be patented because it has already been in use since the forties and a lot of people made their own version. That's a difference in patent law caused by the existence of supervillains. You can only patent what someone else made so many times before you do it to someone that can make death rays and killer robots

And while I am not making my own Star Rod, Cosmic Staff or Cosmic Converter Belt... What do you think I am using as Bronze power source? A stellar power generator.

Of course that I don't trust myself with a power equivalent to a green lantern power ring, but I do trust Bronze with it.

Just not with it working when we first activate her, I am not that trusting. That's why her initial boot sequence is done with her connected to our prototype stellar solar panel that can power a whole city instead.

Now is time to pull that switch and laugh maniacally!

Sure turning on a solar panel might not be as dramatic as a lighting strike, but at least it eco friendly.

Bronze opened her eyes, looked around and stood up from the metallic table.

"Hello, mi name is Bronze AG01, are you my... brother? Curious, I wanted to say creator. Why do I think of you as my brother?"

"My name is Frank Fortress , your creator and I made you to be my younger sister and prevent me from doing evil."

Sure Frank Fortress is not my real name, but I needed something since I don't really know my true name, and I am a fan of Doctor Frankstein.

"Acknowledged, why Is that I am connected to a external power source and my internal stellar power generator is missing?"

"Safety precautions. Now lets start the safety test. First question: Do androids dream of electric Sheep?"

"I don't know, can I dream? Can other androids dream?"

""How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

"Really? You are asking me that?"


"A typical size of a woodchuck burrow is roughly six inches wide and extends 25 to 30 feet. 35 square feet of soil need to be excavated to create such a burrow. Since a cubic foot of soil weighs 20 pounds, that means a woodchuck can chuck 700 pounds of dirt. And this means that a woodchuck could chuck about 700 pounds of wood if it a woodchuck could chuck wood."

"Final question what is evil?"

"Evil is doing whatever you want to do without caring of the consequences."

"Good enough. After forty days of observation we will give install your internal stellar generator."

She blinked. "And what's I am supposed to do until them? Get a very long extension cable?"

"No, that's stupid. Just... socialise with your fellow androids."

Then I leave her with Gold.

The first few weeks of an artificial being existence are critical and since she is an AI make that the first few hours.

If I was Alexander Joseph Luthor, Bronze would be full of spyware and overide commands.

She is not.

Trust is something that's not just given, trust is something that must be earned, and I am giving her the chance to earn our trust.

Of course is quite possible we have failed, that she is actually evil and just good at faking it.

But whatever, I have plans in case that happens.

I just hope I will never have to use them.

AN: My main inspiration for using the Cosmic Rod is Star Girl from Justice League Action. And DC One Million, that showed how awesome stellar energy can be.
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If it's the Milton Fine version of Brainiac, the Metal Men would probably do alright.
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You can only patent something someone else made so many times before you get killed for it.

Another way to say this would be: "You can only patent what someone else made so many times before you do it to someone that can make death rays and killer robots"

There's this fic on SB called Assimilation where the MC actually discovers why advanced tech may not all that common on a world where a guy could build a AI before the mid 20th century.

One reason is the lack of materials. Specifically some of the advanced tech may require very rare materials to work so it can't be mass produced.

Another reason is fear of what villains will do to them. Remember a lot of those guys don't like you stealing their shit from them and they won't sue you, they'll just kill you. In the Assimilation story a guy actually studied Dr Lights tech and made several advancements in holographic technology, only to have Light kill him.

Association is also a factor. Specifically the fact that the tech villains use will be associated with their crimes and as such a lot of people may be uncomfortable with widespread use of it, despite its uses. Lots of people were anti nuclear power after Hiroshima. A lot still are.

Mad Scientists also tend to be insane, so they either don't care about improving society, or are incapable of seeing how they could do that. They also may not leave any records of what process they used to make some device that seemingly ignores the laws of physics, and good luck getting them to tell you how they did it in a way that you can actually utilize.

Telling them of more practical ways in which they could have succeeded may also not work as they are either too crazy to understand, are too arrogant to believe you, or just stopped caring.

As for the hero side, well sometimes even they can be a bit crazy.

Association is also a factor with them. Specifically if they have had their tech used in ways they never intended it to be used, like building energy weapons from a source of powerful energy they created, they may not feel confident that they're tech won't be used in such ways in the future.

Because of this they may hold tight to anything they invent.

The reason they don't start their own business could be because they don't know how to run one, they don't know anyone who does and maybe if someone abused the tech they made for profit they may dislike that person and his occupation so don't want to have anything to do with them or their occupation.

The red tape placed on some of the things they can do also limits them.

Current businesses may not want to see competitors that can beat them get the chance to grow, governments may also not want to release such society changing technologies for fear of the disruption it could cause, and some of those fears may be understandable.

In Assimilation the MC states that the reason Zeta Beams weren't used for decades before being given to the League was because the nations of Earth feared what would happen if one nation could get in contact with an alien power that could help them dominate the other nations. The Beams are able to be used over interstellar distances and Earth is by no means a unified planet, so this could potentially break out into a full on war if one country got such an advantage over the others.
Another way to say this would be: "You can only patent what someone else made so many times before you do it to someone that can make death rays and killer robots"

Fine, edited the fanfic to add that.

There's this fic on SB called Assimilation where the MC actually discovers why advanced tech may not all that common on a world where a guy could build a AI before the mid 20th century.

One reason is the lack of materials. Specifically some of the advanced tech may require very rare materials to work so it can't be mass produced.

Another reason is fear of what villains will do to them. Remember a lot of those guys don't like you stealing their shit from them and they won't sue you, they'll just kill you. In the Assimilation story a guy actually studied Dr Lights tech and made several advancements in holographic technology, only to have Light kill him.

Association is also a factor. Specifically the fact that the tech villains use will be associated with their crimes and as such a lot of people may be uncomfortable with widespread use of it, despite its uses. Lots of people were anti nuclear power after Hiroshima. A lot still are.

Mad Scientists also tend to be insane, so they either don't care about improving society, or are incapable of seeing how they could do that. They also may not leave any records of what process they used to make some device that seemingly ignores the laws of physics, and good luck getting them to tell you how they did it in a way that you can actually utilize.

Telling them of more practical ways in which they could have succeeded may also not work as they are either too crazy to understand, are too arrogant to believe you, or just stopped caring.

As for the hero side, well sometimes even they can be a bit crazy.

Association is also a factor with them. Specifically if they have had their tech used in ways they never intended it to be used, like building energy weapons from a source of powerful energy they created, they may not feel confident that they're tech won't be used in such ways in the future.

Because of this they may hold tight to anything they invent.

The reason they don't start their own business could be because they don't know how to run one, they don't know anyone who does and maybe if someone abused the tech they made for profit they may dislike that person and his occupation so don't want to have anything to do with them or their occupation.

The red tape placed on some of the things they can do also limits them.

Current businesses may not want to see competitors that can beat them get the chance to grow, governments may also not want to release such society changing technologies for fear of the disruption it could cause, and some of those fears may be understandable.

In Assimilation the MC states that the reason Zeta Beams weren't used for decades before being given to the League was because the nations of Earth feared what would happen if one nation could get in contact with an alien power that could help them dominate the other nations. The Beams are able to be used over interstellar distances and Earth is by no means a unified planet, so this could potentially break out into a full on war if one country got such an advantage over the others.

While all those reasons might have been valid at some point, The Star Rod tech has been copied so many times that no supervillain or hero will care about the stellar solar panels. The cartoon universe he is in premiered on 2008, and that Star Rod tech is from the forties. Even so he is not outright making another Star Rod. Just spaceships, solar panels and a power generator.

While the most advanced versions of the Star Rod might be hard to duplicate, he is not using that. He is using the original designs of them and the starship only updated with almost sixty years of technological advancement.

Not to mention that he is a mad scientist himself and has the Metal Men to help protect him, plus he is on friendly terms with the Justice League.

Even in Mad Science Land tech marches on. Doc Silvana Mister Atom is not even nuclear powered anymore, at least not with the nuclear reactor of the first model.

Nowadays he is using Cold Fusion so destroying the robot doesn't cause radiation poisoning.

Heck the Brotherhood of Evil keeps updating their tech and have quite good healthcare!

Is just that is hard to get tech like this in the civilian sector. Hence why the stellar solar panels are just about 97% better than regular ones instead of each one powering a whole factory.

Yes Bronze will have all the basic abilities of someone using a cosmic rod, but flying robots with energy blasts and forcefields are not exactly rare.
Fine, edited the fanfic to add that.

While all those reasons might have been valid at some point, The Star Rod tech has been copied so many times that no supervillain or hero will care about the stellar solar panels. The cartoon universe he is in premiered on 2008, and that Star Rod tech is from the forties. Even so he is not outright making another Star Rod. Just spaceships, solar panels and a power generator.

While the most advanced versions of the Star Rod might be hard to duplicate, he is not using that. He is using the original designs of them and the starship only updated with almost sixty years of technological advancement.

Not to mention that he is a mad scientist himself and has the Metal Men to help protect him, plus he is on friendly terms with the Justice League.

Even in Mad Science Land tech marches on. Doc Silvana Mister Atom is not even nuclear powered anymore, at least not with the nuclear reactor of the first model.

Nowadays he is using Cold Fusion so destroying the robot doesn't cause radiation poisoning.

Heck the Brotherhood of Evil keeps updating their tech and have quite good healthcare!

Is just that is hard to get tech like this in the civilian sector. Hence why the stellar solar panels are just about 97% better than regular ones instead of each one powering a whole factory.

Yes Bronze will have all the basic abilities of someone using a cosmic rod, but flying robots with energy blasts and forcefields are not exactly rare.

I know, but I was making a list of reasons why there isn't more advanced tech around, not just the Cosmic Rod.
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I know, but I was making a list of reasons why there isn't more advanced tech around, not just the Cosmic Rod.

Flying cars are not mass produced because each one costs more than ten to twenty F1 cars to make and maintain but because they are way worse than planes in anything but landing.

Energy guns are actually mass produced but the USA military refuses to give them to regular troops as that would kill the business of powerful backers. That's why they have so many black ops that actually use the things.

Death Rays can be mass produced but they are not exactly mobile and rocket launchers are cheaper and mobile if causing less damage.

Shrinking rays always have problems. In fact they used to cause more accidental deaths than death rays before they felt out of use and were replaced by shrinking submarines or Shrinking flying ships. As those are more stable and increase the survival rate.

Banks on DC keep having cash because they consider cheaper to get robed than having to pay to rebuild the bank. And because supervillains tend to cause less casualties if they do get the money. Not to mention that most times the money gets recovered or the villain gets stopped right away.

AI ALWAYS has problems. The number of evil or crazy AIs would outnumber the sane ones ten to one of they all survived.

And there is more.
Chapter 03: Reborn
Chapter 03: Reborn

[Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, so be prepared as much as possible. - Super Science rule number seven]

No matter how cool movies make it look, getting hit by lighting to get 'revived' by Frankenstein's Monster like Mad Science fucking hurts.

To make it worth, I had to get a lot of spare parts. I now have two hearts and other redundancies. But while I have to admit that becoming 'Frankenstein Jr' is kind of cool, that's not my main reason for doing this.

"Did it work?" I ask Bronze, my gyniod assistant and first one of my alloy girls... I really should get to finish up her sisters sometime soon.

"The rock glows blue, the machine thingie does detect something green and your eyes look more cute."

That ladies and gentlemen is my lovely assistant and sister way of saying I most likely just have got a new soul. No stupid quests, no dangerous and untested magic, no deals with jumped up elementals. Just the power of SCIENCE! Well okay is alchemy as the Frankestein's revival formula should not work even by what goes by science in this universe. But shouting ALCHEMY! at the top of my lungs doesn't have the same ring to it.

And why would I need a new soul? Someone stole my former one, but I am not crazy enough to chase whatever that creature was to get it back from what most likely was some kind of Hell dimension.

Granted, looking at a mirror my skin is kind of pale. And even with Bronze and Tin, from the Metal Men, help I am gonna have scars when I get fully healed, but I played god and it felt wonderful.

"Good, go get Doc Magnus for check ups, I am gonna rest now."

And I fainted.

When I woke up three days later I was glad I did not give in to the impulse to gloat about my genius, fainting mid rant would have been embarrassing.

Now comes the hard part, not the battery of tests that follow to check I won't devolve into a rampage idiot. But the fact I will be monitored from now on. That's why I build Bronze for, to help to keep myself in check due to my mad genius. But now the Metal Men and even Doc Magnus will watch me when they can to see that I don't go to the deep end.

Of course, with Doc Magnus, that goes both ways. I am also looking over him, I already had to stop him from building a Plutonium Man twice this month. Thankfully my ideas for upgrades to the Metal Men will keep him going for a while.

Now, were did I put that blasted machine? I need my caffeine and Bronze never makes my coffee right!


Alnico, the second of my Alloy Girls gyniod looks down, I smile and pat her head. Unlike Bronze who was designed to look like a woman in her early twenties, Alnico looks like a ten year old girl.

"Is okay, it was an accident."

"But I erased the whole computer!"

"I got backups, and you are a magnetic alloy, I knew It was going to happen." In fact, I decided that a demonstration was needed hence why I allowed this to happen.

"But, but... I want to play videogames!" Alnico pouts and puffs her checks. Damn, I really made her quite adorable, didn't I?

"I am working on a belt that nullifies your magnetism when you wear it, but it won't be ready for a few weeks." That is true, and while I could have given her an off switch to her powers that would be a weakness enemies would exploit.

"But... but... Bronze can play videogames now! Is not fair!"

"I got a suit that does the same, but it basically looks like a Hazmat suit." Just because I don't want to mind control my creations and fill them with spyware it doesn't mean I haven't taken precautions.

"I don't care, please give it to me!"

"Batman borrowed it to beat up a magnetic themed villain, so you will have to wait." It also wouldn't have fit her anyway.

"Then what I am suposed to do until then?"

Bronze pokes Alnico in the head shouting "Tag you are it!" then runs away. The small girl then chases after her big sister. Good thing Bronze can use her cosmic rod like powers to avoid being affected by magnetism.

I never thought I would be a father by literally building my daughter, but Alnico was designed to be a small girl and well... It feels nice.

Yes technicaly Bronze is my daughter too, but she was designed to be an adult and assist and boss me around if needed. So she feels more like a sister than a daughter, not to.mention I did actually program her to be my sister.

Also, I made Alnico to have a small kid that can point flaws at my plans and ideas and because I think magnetic powers are cool.

It took a whole year to get Alnico ready, turns out that making a magnetic gynoid is far from easy. And I really should try to finish up the heavy combat gynoid before a crisis of the Infinite Earths type of event happens.

75% depleted DC Promethium, 5% Inertron as that thing is very hard to get, and a 20% Nth Metal, she is gonna be the most powerful gynoid I can build! Unless I end in the future at the time of the Legion Of Superheroes and get more Inertron. The rest is the nanites needed to make the difference between a chunk of super alloy and a gynoid.

Inertron is the only super metal in the DC universe capable of contain a silver age superman at full power. But to do that you need at least three layers thick. Originally I just wanted to use Inertron and enough Nth Metal to make the gynoid light enough it could move fast, but Inertron in the 21th century is extremely rare. I even had to cheat and get the help of one of one of the Green Lanterns scanning the planet from orbit and I even went asteroid mining.

And nanites have yet to be made, but is not like being a part time superhero leaves me with that much free time.

I think I will call the alloy Prometria, for Prometeus.

I will need to be extra careful with her. Prometria will be really powerful and if she goes evil then I am screwed.

Sure, I could install safeguards and a self destruct mechanism, but I won't just like I didn't with Bronze and my daughter Alnico.

Anything artificial I can use to destroy or control her could also be used by my enemies.

I originally planed to base her on Wonder Woman or Supergirl but...

Well, Alnico could use a mother, right? And hopefully a family bond will be enough.

Oh I am not stupid, I know how to destroy her and if die in a way my Frankestein like body can't be revived, so will Batman.

Also I am not making a robot girlfriend or wife, she will be more like an aunt.

I am a fool? Yes I am. But is not like I have been quite sane since I woke up in a superheroes comic book like universe.

And she won't be alone, she has her sisters, me, Doc Magnus and the Metal Men to be a good influence in her. Worst case scenario, I did left a video series to teach her the basics in case she wakes up with no allies and has to fight alone.

Bronze is right, that was too depressing, I should get therapy or something.

Or a girlfriend who has a Frankestein's Monster fetish. The scars are kind of sexy after all.


DC's Captain Marvel has always been one of the more lighthearted superheroes in the superhero comic books. A lot of that has to do with the fact that he's really just a kid in an adult's body, living out the fantasy of being a superhero. However, that's kind of a refreshing take on being a hero, one that is not often seen in comics or superhero films. And yes Marvel's Spiderman can be quite funny but his life usually has so much drama on it that "Spider-Snark" is usually just there for his fans to not quit in frustration.

Being a superhero is often viewed as being at best a responsibility, and at worst, an obligation. Billy Batson doesn't necessarily look at being a hero that way, though. He sees it as being able to take on the bad guys and save the world, and that is something that makes him happy. It's not just something he has to do, but something he wants to do.

That's why I am on my best behaviour when I meet him, because I know he is a kid, a good kind doing his best to help people.

Alnico finally has the belt that can turn her power off and on, and she has also has trained enough control of her powers to not be a disaster to computers and other things negatively affected by magnetism. But until her control is perfect she will keep using the belt. In fact it may be a good idea to keep using the belt anyway to give the impression she actually needs it to our enemies.

To any casual observer it just looks like Captain Marvel is playing with a small girl to be nice, but as the Captain is actually a kid, despite what he looks like due to his transformation, he is actually having fun playing with my daughter

Of course the inevitable supervillain attacks happens but whoever they are, they rely on technology that Alnico magnetism easily disables. And the whole experience just ends with the two kids having fun.

AN: I am quite sure the stolen soul will cause no more problems at all, no sire!
I feel like chapter three would have had a lot more impact if you hadn't completely skipped how he lost his soul in the first place. It just kind of falls flat in terms of story telling if you handwave the problem to get to the resolution.
AN: I am quite sure the stolen soul will cause no more problems at all, no sire!

"So, Mr Luthor, why did you steal that soul?"

"Just burnishing my Evil Credentials."

"Sir? I wasn't wondering about you stealing a soul, just that one specificaly."

"Well, I did create a new soul viewing machine, and this one might just have screamed 'SCIENCE!' at the top of it's lungs..."

"Ah. So, that's where that new energy artwork comes from."
I feel like chapter three would have had a lot more impact if you hadn't completely skipped how he lost his soul in the first place. It just kind of falls flat in terms of story telling if you handwave the problem to get to the resolution.

Well, it will probably be explained in a flashback when it becomes relevant.

"So, Mr Luthor, why did you steal that soul?"

As funny as that is, it wasn't Luthor, he is busy trying to make his own power ring.
Is this story going to make a resurgence then, author-san?

Let's see my priority list.

1) Pokemon Misty SI

2) One of my original stories, probably the Cultivation one.

3) Tanya the evil stuff.

4) My Bulma Dragon Ball SI

5) This story.

I am having a hard time writing Superhero stuff lately but this story is more about Mad Science so I will try to write something but no promises my muse is crazy.

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