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Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

Whilst we catch back up with our Si Doyle with Scooby gang after Buffy Summers left afterwards, but found that there more destruction at the Bronze club besides the fact that everyone was involved was dire straits and needing a Hospital for the injured, which Si Doyle and Cordelia Chase were getting into order by the way laid victims by the Prime Hyenas spirit, including Si Doyle dealing with not taking care of the Shaman properly back in October ( though I think Si Doyle shouldn't blame himself to much it, That Shaman was slippery bastard to get away with most of the Hyenas spirits intact, though the guilt is a powerful motivation for Si Doyle, doesn't make it easier for him to try and help out with Scooby gang in Sunnydale town. ) As there still more to come officially in Sunnydale town yet,
As Si Doyle clarified that Angel ( Anne Steele) recently are very possibly getting either demonic or divine interference( which he didn't say for now) , which Marie had to slapped Warren for pushing to hard as Hyenas Teenagers were still somewhat on the loose somewhere in town.( Joyce Summers household, seriously?)
As Darla had brusquely mentioned that Hyenas spirit attempts to make contact for her but she already had a demon occupied with her soul self, so no fleas for her Si Doyle banter with her that tidbit of information about Hyenas Teenagers last seen in the Bronze area.
While it seems that Scooby gang had back up with Hyenas Teenagers with Jenny Calendar help band mysterious prototype shell for the Primal Hyenas Teenagers , but with serious complications that Primals Hyenas and which one to choose without getting devoured is a gamble for the rest Scooby gang.
We'll see how it goes next time Si Doyle with Scooby gang in "Something to Atone "For at the meantime.
Catch ya later
Chapter 88: Something to Ponder
Chapter 88: Something to Ponder
Once everyone understands what they need to do, I somehow manage to get the teens all home before midnight. Going to be another movie day I think.

Darla isn't happy about her close call and storms right up the stairs without another word. But at least Angel and Dennis are up for the victory movie.

Though I'm positive the tradition is here to stay, it's now carried on without Fred's vast collection of childhood tapes. The selection has shifted to whatever is playing on cable and some nights I'm flicking channels for a long time.

"Someone called." Angel points to the red light on the answering machine as she heads into the kitchen for popcorn.

Shrugging at the late hour, I have only a few guesses. "Probably just Lorne checking in on us."

"Allen?" Giles' voice is the one that plays and I blink a few times. "Something seems to be going on with Buffy and her friends. You wouldn't happen to know what the cause is, would you?"

The way he whispers the last part makes my heart clench in trepidation until he picks up where he left off. "Sorry about that. Buffy insisted I pay for her pizza and I really didn't like the way Marcie was eyeing the delivery boy."

His voice is tight with obvious concern and I frantically wait for the next recording to fill me in. When it finally does, this time it's Joyce who speaks with a hushed tone.

"Allen. Something is really wrong with Buffy and Rupert locked me in the basement..." She grumbles under her breath for a second. "Apparently for my own safety while he tries to send her friends home for the night."

"Are they..." Joyce hesitates in her search for a safe word. "Like you?"

"Get in the car Dennis." Without wasting a moment, I whirl to a concerned Angel next. "And you go tell Darla she might just get her payback tonight."

She doesn't even bother acknowledging me and just dashes up the stairs. Hopping over the creaky stair with practised ease, Angel is hammering on the surly vampire's bedroom door before I grab an old sweater off the back of the couch.

"You sure I'll be any help?" Frowning with concern, Dennis admits he has very little real experience in the field.

"It's two on one if you stay here." Still outnumbered either way. "So you can have Willow." But I'm kind of hoping Russel can meet us.

Grim in the artificial face, the phantom goes to the weapon rack with a heavy sigh. "I'm watching two movies while you're all at school."

"So am I." Might even just call in sick if this ends up taking too long.

Turning back to Angel as she arrives with our heavy hitter, I give her a desperate look. "Try calling Snyder and tell him we could really use him. If he doesn't pick up, call Miss Calendar instead."

Not explaining why Russel would be over at her place, I hurriedly reach for the door. That last message was fifteen minutes ago, can't waste time on gossip.

"Good thing you're used to getting your ass kicked Al." Darla doesn't hold back in her assessment of our chances. "Because I'm going to have my hands full with the Slayer."

"Leaving me the middle of the pack?" Jesse has been taking the Judo lessons I suggested to Xander and I'm hoping he's to far gone to remember any of it. On the other hand I already know how savage Marcie Ross can get of her own volition.

An angry shout from the doorway interrupts us. "Stop getting distracted! You don't need to beat them tonight!"

Just make sure they don't eat anybody? That seems a bit more plausible.

"You're absolutely right!" Closing my eyes to swallow the longing, I consider who would have the gear we need. "Call Fred instead and tell her I need to borrow some tear gas." Still not sure how Graham got her that stuff.

Her dorm isn't too far out of the way and if the Primals are anything like me... They're going to be completely unprepared for a little chemical warfare.

"That crap again?" Of course Darla remembers using it just before Christmas to flush the last of the Aurellians out of Nest's tunnels. "Well now you're definitely going in first."

"Of course I am, how else are you getting an invite?" Joyce didn't seem like she wanted to offer one once you revealed the fangs at dinner.

"Smart ass," hisses a pissed of woman with four hundred years worth of plans.

Quipping back does settle my nerves enough for my leg to stop vibrating. "Better than being a dumb ass."

"You are so lucky you're driving right now." Darla is still having hard time breaking away from the vampire instinct to discipline physically, her hand being visibly restrained from smacking the back of my head.

"I'm just lucky I'm not doing this alone." That would have ended up with me being a midnight snack. "So you know, thanks for not skipping town on me."

"I told you I'm sticking around until I have you figured out." The expressionless look I see in the rear view mirror gives me nothing to work with. "... You keep surprising me."

"Good surprise or bad?" It really could go either way with you.

A smirk takes over her face. "Mix of both really. But so far I'd call it a net positive."

"And you aren't going to tell me what I've done wrong, are you?" It's plain to see by the way her eyes sparkle with mischief.

"Nope." Darla shakes her head firmly. "If I do, that just means you're acting how I want you to. This way I get to find out exactly who the true Allen Doyle is."

Something about her words strikes me and I realize I'm pretty much in the exact same boat. Allen Doyle is dead and I'm just the person driving his body. Did someone give Doyle the soul curse to shove me inside his skin?
Ahh shucks Why Author San ( You won't believe what happened with my post on the Darla/ Doyle triangle argument I had written about between the them and it was good one too Man !
But Since it 's lost your getting the short version of What I wrote , Whilst ensouled vampire Darla is vampire woman with a plan for Si Doyle but if ensouled vampire Darla? dialed up her sexy charm to 11 ) and her best lingerie set ( depending on the color hmm?) with this being" post break up Fred " , cause it will be more physical relationship with each other and ( will be hot, hot sex between them). As adults considering if they want more out their supposed physical relationship with each other possibly .
Meantime, ensouled vampire Darla want payback for the Hyena pack teenagers and will be busy with the Slayer Buffy Summers at Summers household.
As ensouled vampire Darla trying to figure out the mystery "true Allen Doyle " on the road trip to the dangerous Hyena pack at the house.
Leaving Si Doyle pondering if he was soul cursed or something else like a ROB 's entertainment amusement for cannon alternative events in Buffy verse.
We'll see how it goes next time for our Si Doyle with Scooby gang in" Something to Atone For " at the meantime.
This v2 of my review that unfortunately got deleted during posting ( still not happy with this one , but will suffice for now)
P S. Thanks for the newest spoilers about the endgame pairings Author San.
Ahh shucks Why Author San ( You won't believe what happened with my post on the Darla/ Doyle triangle argument I had written about between the them and it was good one too Man !
But Since it 's lost your getting the short version of What I wrote ,
P S. Thanks for the newest spoilers about the endgame pairings Author San.
I only said endgame. Doesn't even necessarily mean readers will see more then the relationship start before the end of the fic. It also doesn't mean other potential growth ships will not matter.

Because everything you said about Darla applies to a different "S2" character I'm going to be introducing.
Chapter 89: Rolling Up
Chapter 89: Rolling Up
"Hello?" My words echo through the eerily silent Summers' home as I turn back to Darla on the porch. "No point inviting you in anymore I guess. It'll just give Giles more busy work and I don't really want to annoy him right now."

"You have to smell the blood." She stares me down and I reflexively take a sniff of the air.

"Not picking up anything but some wine..." Following the scent down to the basement, I find what must be Joyce's entire collection has been smashed. "One of them is still thinking enough to cover their tracks!" And I'm guessing it's Willow.

Knowing time is of the essence, I race back up the wooden steps with a few dirty shirts snatched from the hamper. Hope this is enough for me to track them.

"Giles' car is still here." Dennis notices the car in the driveway isn't the same one Joyce brought to dinner.

"Probably means Buffy decided she wanted to go for a spin." I'm not really sure where all the Buffy is a bad driver stuff came from. "So we should do a drive by of the mall." As far as I can remember it was just a mother's regular concern about handing over the keys to a child the thought irresponsible.

Of course he locked it. Annoyed when I find all the doors equally stuck, I end up smashing my elbow through the window before letting anyone else have a try. Giles can send me the bill.

Grabbing the headrest, I pull it free from the driver's seat and inhale the man's scent. Once I have it memorized, I toss Darla the keys to the car. "Try not to get pulled over."

"Climbing into the passenger seat of my own van, I quickly roll down the window. "And if I hear even one joke about sticking my head out the window like a dog, I'll make sure the only blood in the fridge is goat."

"You wouldn't!" Aghast at the threat, Darla doesn't even consider making a stink.

"Didn't you tell me all men are ass-holes?" It was an exaggeration born from a lifetime of experiences I can't even comprehend, I know that. "Well here's the proof that I'm just another one." But I'm taking more than a tad bit of enjoyment at how I can toss the words back in her face.

Scowling in response, Darla proves she's actually been enjoying her time. "You know exactly why I said that and you've done nothing but disprove it. I'm mature enough to direct my hatred towards the scum of your gender."

"So only like a third of us Sweetheart?" Dennis tries to bring the mood in the car back a less tense one and fails miserably considering Darla's stormy expression.

"What did we say about those kinds of words Dennis?" Quickly trying to diffuse the fight I know will explode soon, I yank my head bank in the window with a frown.

He's a good soul. But definitely still adjusting to the modern time period. "... They demean people and I shouldn't use them unless they give me permission first."

"Knowing someone like you is shaping at least a handful of the next generation is the only reason I'm still here." Admitting that seems to cause Darla physical discomfort considering how quickly her frown turns into a wince. "So stop being so hard on yourself Allen. None of us are."

I know she means still here on Earth and not just in Sunnydale. That kind of knowledge was really just what I needed, filling me with a srge of energy I haven't felt since Thanksgiving.

I really have helped people, not just made everything worse. Only about half the stuff has gone really crazy and I should be counting that as a miracle.

"Thanks Darla." Confidence back in my voice has her smirking in approval. "I really needed to hear that."

"Never really had the chance to build someone up before. It was always about tearing them down to the worst version of themselves." Humming thoughtfully, Darla turns when I point to the left. "I can see why you chose the life you did."

"Seeing the kids avoid a mistake they would have made even a week ago, that's really what makes me keep getting up each morning." And I can usually do that just by pointing out how their actions or words look to someone else.

"Well you have Angel and Buffy..." Nodding along at the words, Dennis doesn't seem to realize he's included in the ones who need some of that guidance. "Darla has Jesse listening to her every word and even Willow and Amy have been scooped up. Who do I get to share my wisdom with?"

Darla and I exchange awkward looks and I'm left with the job of answering. "Don't you already spend each afternoon with Warren?"

"Yeah." He lets a grin take shape.

I would rather the kid turn out a little bit prejudiced than a straight on murderer. "I'd pretty much call that a mentorship program. You know, if you take the time to share what you got in that bundle of wires we call a brain."

"He likes coming over for dinner!" Realizes an excited phantom, his artificial chestnut ponytail sways excitably behind him. "I can teach him how to cook."

"The excited mood doesn't last long, the strengthening scent leading us ever closer to the pack. Darla seems to agree when she makes her own welcome addition to the conversation. "Bleeding must have stopped because I can't smell the Watcher anymore."

"I can." The trail led us straight to Xander's still empty house. "And I'm pretty sure everyone's inside right now. Six fresh trails lead inside and none of them have left yet."

The least confident of us all is Dennis and he points out we don't have a plan. "So are we just running in and punching everyone in the face?"

"We're getting the hostages out." The Primals can be dealt with more permanently once we have some magic on our side. "Shock and awe the pack with the flashbangs. Don't worry about really doing damage and just make sure no one dies." On either side.
Since my Grandma died, we've been waiting for probate to finish. Just got our move out date so the house can be sold and I'm probably not going to be updating until I know where I'll be living.
Whilst we caught up with our Si Doyle, ensouled Darla, Dennis rolling up to the Summers family household, beforehand we had Si Doyle doing more pondering but on not what we think of course, but Darla brusquely mentioned Si Doyle was being too hard on himself because of the post Vander ( lex ) thing with the Sunnydale town high school incident and few personal failure issues. Along with ensouled Darla somewhere dissing the Male species of his gender ( as Dennis says a 3rd of his male population). As Si Doyle clarified he's putting goat blood in refrigerator, if she making any Scooby dog jokes about his Brachen half track prowess,Haha!
Although ensouled Darla, Si Doyle found their initial mentor role in the Scooby Gang lives( Darla had Jesse, Si Doyle ( Angel, Buffy) and Dennis had possibly Warren ( an work in progress with Warren) .
Whilst we found that Si Doyle, Darla, Dennis were entering old Xander boy house with six blood trails and using Fred flashbangs ( hasn't caught wind of the initiative yet) and getting the hostages out of the house by the si Doyle with Darla, Dennis with Shock & awe tactics in "Something to Atone For " at the meantime.
Catch ya later

P.S. Sorry about the recent Probate move on death of your Grandmother dying happened Author San, since we'll be waiting for the Feral episode to wrap in a few weeks possibly?
Really sorry I didn't crosspost this the same day, I honestly just forgot with the terrible few weeks I was having.

The whole situation has gone worse than I would like. It's completely ruined my mood or any desire to write about things working out/getting better. I don't want to ruin the tone of this story, so I'm pretty sure this is me ending it.

My plans for the rest of S1: Lex/Vander helps Doyle free the Primals. He offers Willow and Jesse real power now that they've had a taste. They reject him

Sid was going to be involved for the rest of the season and part of Season 2 (until the Initiative nabbed him).

Kakistos was going to show up and be the Master Vampire in the season finale, with Lex siding with the heroes again. He others his friends the chance to become vampires and is firmly rejected this time.

Lex thinks of the best way to hurt them both. So he uses the harvest ritual to absorb the rest of his bloodline with Cathrynss help (Except the 4 master vampires). and turns Cordelia. He also tells the Mayor that Doyle isn't on his side.

Doyle REveals all the coming Apocalypses and the team plans for them over the summer.

S2: The Mayor starts interfering/helping Lex. Jenny gets visited by D'Hoffryn and she accepts his deal (the deal is kept secret for later, but essentially she's trying to give the team more power agaisnt the big bads that Doyle has now revealed.). Snyder starts getting taller and stronger over the season, but it's chalked up to the magic jacket/armbands, eventually going full troll and having to go face his mother.

Accidental wish to Jenny has Canon Buffy appear suddenly (She's the same age as Doyle, Buffy in the few seconds between jumping into the glowing lights and dying). She tells fic Buffy to live and not gie up on life, sacrifices herself. Ted shocks her heart back awake and she gets sent back to Canon but is alive, skipping season 6/7 of canon Buffy

Kendra arrives at the Hyperion and falls for Charles. Gwen brings her to Sunnydale to meet Buffy/look for the glove, she gets recruited by Lex. Ritual to drain Darla and Liam is underway (Amy was kidnapped to do the magic after most of Lex's team has been dealt with). Gwen finds Molochs book and uses it to infect Ted and the robot dogs the Hyena Primals get put in. The Robot dogs eat Flootie and Doyle gets the principal job.

Spike and Dru don't show up this season, with Cordelia/Lex replacing them. Liam returns around the time Kendra did in canon, so Buffy thinks he's an evil vampire.

Vamp Cordelia gets really caught up in the being an evil queen thing(uses her parents money to actually pay for Terakans), Lex feels a surge of something enter him, the heroes arrive and save the day. Cordelia ends up leaving Lex to die in the church fire. Doyle checks once the blaze dies down and finds Lex managed to survive. Amy Reveals she cursed him with a soul and that was the surge of energy, not the ritual giving him the Aurelian bloodline power. 3 Vampires with a soul by the time Liam returned to sunnydale. Cordelia sees no reason to stick around and goes to LA to become a famous actress, gets connected with Winters/Wolfram and HArt (who now want access to a seer with such accurate visions). So they set up a branch in Season 3.

Marcie feels ignored and vanishes for hours at a time. The Mayor blows up/burns down the Sunset club. Some teens die and they can't find Marcie.

Jonathan uses his rifle and blows the Mayors head open. He gets arrested for it and while he's alone in his cell, invisible Marcie whispers in his ear. So he's not alone while in Jail.

Season 3: Wolfram and Hart + the Initiative + The bad section of the Watchers Council (Faith and the potentials are essentially brainwashed warriors for Jasmine and they do the whole chain resusitation thing for a whole battalion of Slayers)).

Riley was going to be turned into Adam who ends up wiping out Wolfram and Hart's Sunnydale base. He teams up with Eve since she can do magic stuff.

Holtz and Sahjan. Baby Connor is in the end of Season 3.

Season 4 is Glory, Caleb, Jasmine. Dawn ends up becoming Doyle/Harriets kid and she needs to live with Doyle now. Harriet gets taken out by One of Jasmine's agents, when Glory is getting too close.

Jon and Marcie get broken out of Jail when the city evacuates and they rejoin the team for the grand finale. Doyle, Buffy, Liam ride of into the Pylean Sunset with Connor and Dawn.
Sorry for the delay about the Something to Atone For series and was completely irreparable to continue on with at after recent family events made it impossible finish up.
Anyway Thanks for the awesome ride Author San while it lasted for everyone else for Doyle Si series in Sunnydale town school .
Thanks again for the heads up
See you soon again Someday
Hope you getting better

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