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Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

While our resident Si Doyle went back to apartment apartment and hunting for the mystery creature by Si Doyle visions,even though the Scooby gang wanted to help out with the usual demon hunting in the Sunnydale area.
As Giles informed him it was an "Genlar " creature and only attacks at dusk, which had our Jenny Calendar very skeptical at the moment ( inner thoughts) to his wild claims as

Buffy Summers was wondering if dropping by the hyerion on Friday weekend.
Meantime,Si Doyle got to the park for the near death of the red headed school librarian as Si Doyle ( use his Negan style bat)to kill the killer Frog
along with Si Doyle & Jenny Calendar going an roadtrip to meet with the Buffyverse oracles in town.
See you soon
Thanks again for the chapter Author
Catch ya later
Since I'm not limited by people in suits, I wanted to show a non humanoid demon.

I don't know if people really care, but I'm keeping pretty close track of the date. This just means Doyle's been in Sunnydale for about 4 weeks and it's now November 12th.

The librarian living was really the biggest thing. It means Giles doesn't might need to find a different job.

Thank you and have a great day.

Thanks for the update!
Thank you for being a constant reader.

Thank you for the update, I like where this is going.
And thank you. I'm enjoying the butterflies.

Seems like it's time for him to upgrade to an aluminum bat, maybe fill it with lead for extra oomph.
I hadn't even considered filling a bat. I was just going to try moving up to something more mace like.

Iirc the shafts of those are also hollow...

Edit: Unless you're talking about wooden shafted maces, My mind immediately jumped to metal shafted maces, I didn't think after breaking a wooden bat Doyle Si would jump to another mostly wooden weapon.

And a lead filled aluminum bat looks pretty innocuous just sitting in a car, or being carried around by someone as opposed to a medieval weapon so long as no one else but him tries to lift it anyway...
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Iirc the shafts of those are also hollow...

Edit: Unless you're talking about wooden shafted maces, My mind immediately jumped to metal shafted maces, I didn't think after breaking a wooden bat Doyle Si would jump to another mostly wooden weapon.

And a lead filled aluminum bat looks pretty innocuous just sitting in a car, or being carried around by someone as opposed to a medieval weapon so long as no one else but him tries to lift it anyway...
If you can access the hollow, a good first step woukd be to store your holy water in it. More weight, more inertia, and an emergency stash.
Iirc the shafts of those are also hollow...

Edit: Unless you're talking about wooden shafted maces, My mind immediately jumped to metal shafted maces, I didn't think after breaking a wooden bat Doyle Si would jump to another mostly wooden weapon.

And a lead filled aluminum bat looks pretty innocuous just sitting in a car, or being carried around by someone as opposed to a medieval weapon so long as no one else but him tries to lift it anyway...
Yeah, after breaking his bat it's time for something more durable. He swings too hard for a wooden handle to last very long.

Yeah, I'm definitly on the metal bat is the new upgrade train of thought.

If you can access the hollow, a good first step woukd be to store your holy water in it. More weight, more inertia, and an emergency stash.
Holy water is more going to be a regular person weapon.
Interlude 6: Rumors Spread
Interlude 6: Rumors Spread
The girls scent is just different enough from her peers to really make Faith stand out of the crowd. Just like when he first was graced with the sight of Buffy Summers back in Los Angeles, something primal inside Liam stirs him to stalk.

The thirteen year old stays out long after dark, her stalker passing concerned hours ago. Aren't her parents worried?

The curly haired brunette has more than enough attitude to fit in with the troublemakers and gives just as many cutting insults as she. The curses Faith flings at her friends are just as fiery and Liam has to hold in a chuckle when one is exceptionally crude.

The vampire doesn't interfere in the mischief being caused. When the spray paint come out and lookouts posted, Liam can't help but notice the artistic talent help by his target.

The smoking parrots she works on are incredible and incredibly detailed. It leaves the champion stunned, unable to understand understand how the texture was created without a brush.

And they're so fast.. Eyes wide as he absorbs how much of the brick wall has already been covered, Liam picks up the sound of sirens first.

"Sooie!" The warning call gets repeated by the whole group of teens, the vitriol coming off in palpable waves.

By the time the red and blue lights are blocking off the alley, only wet paint waits for them. The teen artists scatter with practised ease and Liam is forced to follow his target by smell alone.

Faith's strain of anxiety is mixed with her citrus shampoo and stands out from her friends. The trail leads Liam through a park he wouldn't let a crackhead play in before eventually heading behind a gas station.

Worming through a gap in the chain link fence, Liam knows the smaller girl must be back on the road by now. She's done this more than once.

The opening leads right into a thorn bush the vampire would need to be a foot shorter to crawl under safely. But knowing this is all just to slow him down, Liam charges through with a string of his own profanity.

He ignores the pricks of discomfort across his body, only bothering to shield his face with a raised arm. This ends up being the right choice as he just barely makes it to street in time to see Faith climbing onto a city bus.

The sprint he turns his jog into, doesn't close the distance in time. The bus pulls away from the curb and sends the vampire into a mad dash to beat the public transportation to it's next stop.

It takes three whole blocks before he manages the feat. But eventually a very annoyed Liam is dropping change into the meter.

Something about his presence makes Faith sit up and take notice. She even slides her headphones back far enough to hear both the music and her surroundings.

Angelus has his own way of getting close to people. So Liam does the exact opposite and feigns a look of disinterest. A scoff later and he plays the encounter off like Faith was the one bothering him instead.

Once he slips a hand into one of the straps, the bus starts moving again. The tension on the bus rises when they pass one of the squad cars from earlier, Faith ducking down in her seat until the cops are long out of sight.

When Liam senses his target is about to reach for the pull cord, he beats Faith to it with a swift motion. The girl isn't tipped off about her personal observer since he gets off first and makes a show of speed walking in his chosen direction.

The second he rounds the corner, he starts acting like he lost his wallet. Patting his jeans, Liam closely 'examines' the sidewalk as the bus pulls away. He doesn't immediately follow Faith onto her street, instead letting her relax while he 'finds' his wallet.

Hanging back long enough for Faith to be out of sight, Liam finally starts following her scent home. She feels confident enough to go straight towards a duplex with peeling blue paint and a yard overgrown with weeds.

It's a lower middle class neighbourhood and seems at odds with the hooligans Faith was with earlier. But Liam doesn't judge and slinks into the yard quiet as a cat.

Yelling from upstairs is directed at the returning teen almost the second she shuts the front door. The words filled with drunken slurring and very little love.

Faith holds her own and screams right back at the terrible parents, the words actually coherent. The slamming of a door is followed by furious stomping down the stairs. A raging Faith flicks on the light to her basement room and punches another hole into the connect a dot drywall.

Watching her for almost an hour until she lets out a yawn, Liam starts rifling through the trash for a family name he can provide Allen. When he finally does get a bill with the name and address both on it, Liam departs back for the motel.

Unknown to the champion, his presence in Boston has not gone unnoticed. The Worst of the Worst has had him watched since the second day. With the Master of Boston's patience finally burnt through, his right hoof vampire is waiting inside for Liam.

The dark skinned and incredibly suave Mister Trick greets his contemporary with a cold smile. "Angelus, what is an Aurellian doing in our turf? You must have a good reason for this breach of etiquette."

"Just passing through..." Watching Trick and the bulky vampire with him for muscle, Liam tries to inch towards a weapon.

"And I heard you aren't really on the best terms with Nest." Stroking his chin, Trick makes up his cruel mind. "So he's not going to care if I question you for the boss. Find out what really down in Los Angeles."

Grabbing the cheap white chair and swing with a single motion, Liam shatters it over the big vampire's head and drives one of the legs into his chest. The could of ash warns Trick this isn't going to be the easy feat he first thought and he roars for his goons.

The five vampires who burst in from outside are joined by another two from the bathroom. The sudden change in numbers is more than enough to overwhelm Liam in such close quarters.

A burlap hood is forced over his head, with his legs being swept out from under him shortly after. Once he's pinned on his belly, the mocking words of Trick promise plenty of pain to come.

Notes: I'm feeling better and can fully admit the chapter yesterday was subpar. This is the revision and I'm going to try getting the actual one out before midnight my time.

While Liam's plan had been to spend a few weeks looking around for Faith. The vampire with a soul's arrival in Boston is discover before he can actually call his find in to Doyle.

The rumors out of Los Angeles have stirred the local master's interest and Kakistos sends his right hand vampire to determine the truth. Mister Trick the dark skinned and suave killer wastes no time finding the motel.

The gang of five stop by for a surprise visit just after sunset, the largest hammering his fist against the cheap door. "Open up Aurellian, Boss wants to talk to you!"

Knowing Kakistos by a terrible reputation nearly as ancient as his own bloodline, Liam goes right for a weapon.. It's only once a flimsy chair is secure in his grip, the wary champion responds with plenty of scorn.

"I'm not with the Master, just passing through." That ends up being the exact wrong thing to say and draws hisses of irritation from outside.

Tutting in disappointment, Mister Trick gives the signal to break down the down. "Only one master in Boston and he really doesn't like being told no. Get him boys."

The door crashes inwards, with the first vampire through trying to rush his target down. But after one quick swing, the cheap wooden chair is turned into scrap.

"Always got to make things difficult for the working demon..." Scowling at the melee, Trick motions for the shotgun.

The thunderous blast knocks the champion of his feet and gives the minions a chance to grapple Liam properly. Smirking down at the struggling Irish vampire, Trick can't help but think of his coming reward.

"I just wanted to talk." Tracing a clawed finger along the captive's cheek, Trick's tone turns sickeningly sweet. "Find out what you're searching for so desperately and maybe offer a fellow sadist some help."

Digging his nails into Liam's soft flesh, Trick revels in the blood being drawn. But the lack of any whimper of pain is very unsatisfying and he tries to twist the emotional knife instead.

"But you aren't one of us anymore Angelus. So we're going to find out why you're really after here in Boston." Releasing his bloody grip on his captive, Trick licks the crimson from his claws.

"Throw him in the trunk. We need to get out of here before the cops show up." A heavy boot slams into Liam's face, shattering the bone as his vision is replaced with black.

When he does finally come back to awareness, it's to find himself wrapped in heavy chains. The smell of the ocean hangs thick in the air and Liam realizes he's on a boat with the rocking beneath his feet.

A rough hand grabs him by the back of the neck and tears a burlap hood off Liam's head. The bright lights of the yacht make the captive wince even before he catches sight of the brutish Kakistos.

Cloven hands and a permanently monstrous face mark the massive vampire as ancient. "What is one of Nest's spawn doing here?"

"I think he's here to get an answer to the same question we've had the last couple months..." Mister Trick's calculating eyes watch the prisoner for any stray twitch. "He must be here to find out if you're the one who took out Lothos."

Growling at the words, Kakistos can perfectly picture the bald vampire's head being crushed underfoot."... Which would mean that Nest was not behind our rivals demise."

"The Slayer was trying to set you against each other," Agrees a smirking Trick.

"Such insolence will not go unpunished!" Roars the massive monster. "Once you learn anything useful, drop Angelus overboard. We have preparations to make."

Not liking the sound of that, Liam starts struggling the moment Kakistos steps off the yacht. The behemoth's loss of weight makes the boat noticeably rock and lets Liam disguise his movement.

When the Cuban vampire left behind makes a move to begin the questioning, Liam surges into action. The rusty chains snaps with a roar and he throws himself at his captor.

By the time Liam works through his frustration on the no longer moving vampire, the other minions have returned. It turns into a brawl far more desperate than the one at the motel, with Liam able to fight his way outside successfully.

Once he reaches the night air, Liam wastes no times in dropping himself into the back waves below. The splash is covered up by the minions' yells, giving Liam a chance to escape his execution.

Not requiring air, Liam stays underwater until he reaches the pier. Once he does, the crowd above covers any noise made climbing up it's frame. Not even the surprised seagulls draw any attention and let him slip away into the night.

Wet boots squelch with every step as Liam returns to the neighbourhood he found Faith. Passing more than a few houses that should have been condemned years ago, the vampire with a soul can't help but scowl.

Yelling reaches his ears long before he creeps into the overgrown yard of the duplex. Insults fly back and forth between the thirteen year old girls parents, with the vitriol making even him feel sympathy.

But the light in basement room makes him sigh in relief. Dropping down to his belly, Liam crawls to the dirty glass. His supernatural vision the only reason Liam can make out more than curse words smeared on the glass.

The girl trying to lose herself in her homework mostly fits the description he was given of Faith. But the style is completely off and it's taken him a few days to make up his mind. She's young, still time for a personality change or two.

Once the girl can't take the fighting above anymore, she makes a sudden angry move towards the window. Forced to back away fast or risk discovery, Liam barely gets himself concealed in the cedar bush separating the yards.

Yellow light spills across the lawn as the disgruntled Faith Lehane pulls herself out the window and raises a middle finger towards the fighting inside. "Let's see how long it takes you to notice I'm gone this time."

Notes: I pulled my neck while sleeping and it was really hard to write. Sorry for cutting this one so close to the end of the day.
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You really shuld have sent back up with bff Angel ( liam) Si Doyle but he underestimated the rumors by the Lothos demon destruction and Kakistos were definitely curious about why Angel was in Boston for reasons ( he wasn't telling the bad guys) looking for young slayer faith .
Which had him nearly sent under water again z( by similar conditions of season 4-5 of Connor and Holtz machinations) prophecy, as Angel finally made it out and escaping Kakistos minions.
Meantime Angel caught up with super hearing of Faith Lehnan less than stellar home life as she sudden disappearing act in the middle of the night.
We'll see how it goes next time for our brooding hero Angel ( liam) and the wild Faith Lehnan in Boston adventure at the meantime.
Catch ya later

P.S. While I speculating that Buffy / Angel shippers got thier proper relationship payoff in the Buffy series .
But our Angel/ Cordelia Chase shippers were definitely not satisfied with the mostly let of the relationship between Connor & Cordelia Chase ( Jasmine) payoff were not what the fans expecting between Angel & Cordelia Chase in the 5 season run before cancelation of the show.
I pinched a nerve yesterday and the pain definitely affected the chapter yesterday. I rewrote it and will try getting today's out before midnight my time.

You really shuld have sent back up with bff Angel ( liam) Si Doyle but he underestimated the rumors by the Lothos demon destruction and Kakistos were definitely curious about why Angel was in Boston for reasons ( he wasn't telling the bad guys) looking for young slayer faith .
Which had him nearly sent under water again z( by similar conditions of season 4-5 of Connor and Holtz machinations) prophecy, as Angel finally made it out and escaping Kakistos minions.
Meantime Angel caught up with super hearing of Faith Lehnan less than stellar home life as she sudden disappearing act in the middle of the night.
We'll see how it goes next time for our brooding hero Angel ( liam) and the wild Faith Lehnan in Boston adventure at the meantime.
Catch ya later

P.S. While I speculating that Buffy / Angel shippers got thier proper relationship payoff in the Buffy series .
But our Angel/ Cordelia Chase shippers were definitely not satisfied with the mostly let of the relationship between Connor & Cordelia Chase ( Jasmine) payoff were not what the fans expecting between Angel & Cordelia Chase in the 5 season run before cancelation of the show.
I was really trying to show the big bads are all intelligent enough to react to the changing world independently. Kakistos was always my favourite Master vampire (on looks) so I wanted to bring him in earlier.

Was aiming more for the Gem of Amara vampire Angel tackled into the ocean. Burning slowly underwater as the water keeps putting the fire out.

And I also swapped the order of the Faith stalking/Motel ambush.
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Chapter 40: On The Road Again
Chapter 40: On The Road Again

With the car loaded for the weekend trip, we only have our last passenger to wait for. A very anxious Amy was over before I even had breakfast ready.

The relief at getting away from her mom, is something even a normally bubbly Fred picks up on. So while I set another place at the table, Amy explains what she overheard last night.

"Mom signed me up for fat camp over the Christmas break." Her face is tight with betrayal as Amy unconsciously bares her teeth. "But everything in the suitcase is her old stuff."

Angel's worried eyes shoot towards her friend. "You're running out of time."

"Tell me something that doesn't fill me with existential dread." To spite her mother's plan, Amy ignores her diet by grabbing the good syrup.

Challenge accepted. "I'm getting a new car this weekend."

Snorting at the non sequitur, Amy tries to relax enough to enjoy her waffles. The discussion slowly covers our plans in Los Angeles and how they'll have most of Saturday to themselves.

I can only smile to myself when one of Fred's feet starts brushing against my own and try not to get distracted. "Jenny and I will hit the Oracles after we drop you off at the Maclays. Get that out of the way before I introduce her to everyone."

"And we're going to have our magic lesson on Saturday?" The witch in training is eager to finally have someone who can answer all her questions.

Nodding my confirmation, I glance over at a smirking Fred. Her toes dance across the top of my foot as I try not to blush.

"Angel and Fred will have the afternoon to themselves. But we'll all meet back up at the Hyperion for dinner." Apparently Merrick wants to talk to me about something before patrol and I figure it will just be easier for me to order a dozen pizzas.

Buffy even said please when she called last night. Which means this is more important than just showing off the finished rehab room Billy has on reserve.

I let the teens take care of the clean up when they offer. Very relieved I didn't even have to make a passive aggressive remark, the peaceful moment washes over me. And I let it.

A grin spread across my face as I revel in the way things have turned out. Despite waking up in a death world only a couple of months ago, somehow I've managed to find happiness.

The bonds I'm forming may be new. But fighting beside someone really does forge them faster. Too late for me to just walk away now, I'm in this for the long haul.

Caleb isn't going to just forget me and I still have my own demon army to banish. Is that even the right choice though?

Pylea has innocent people too and the Scourge isn't going to spare any of them. It was all I could think of when I was fighting alone. But I'm not alone anymore, am I?

Maybe I should be using this trip to ask for help. The sudden honking outside pulls me from me morose thoughts and back to the moment.

"Jenny's here, last chance to pee." After a first life filled with road trips growing up, I am not taking any chances with a car cram packed with five people.

Both Angel and Amy dart out at my reminder, leaving me and Fred a rare moment alone. Not going to have many of these this weekend.

"Lorne made us a mix tape." The grinning genius pulls said cassette out of her purse and winks playfully. "He said if he's not going to be keeping the radio safe, it's the least he can do to protect us all from your terrible taste in music."

"See if I get him a present now." Grumbling to myself, I ignore Fred's snort of laughter and follow her outside.

Already waiting beside the Corolla with her Dufflebag, Jenny waves once we make our appearance in the morning sun. "You ready to put your money where your mouth is?"

After a couple bets that turned out exactly like I knew they would, Willy had gotten me enough of a nest egg that I can actually start making some real investments. It's one thing to tell people what stocks to buy, it's a whole other matter to provide the capital yourself.

If things don't turn out like I expect, that's fifty grand down the drain. But even if it does pay off, it's not like I'll see the money for at least a decade. Guess I can always fund the new Council if everything still goes to hell.

"You're always welcome to bet on a real team." Smirking at the more technically inclined teacher, I tease her for being a staunch supporter of her own hockey team. "You know, if you want to make some money this year."

"Loyalty means something where I come from." Jenny laughs off my comment, tossing her bag at me when I get close enough.

After the teens rejoin us, it doesn't actually take that long to get on the road. The ballads that start belting out once Fred slides in the tape are somehow just what we all needed. Of course Lorne knew that.

At first we just all hum low in an attempt to gauge each other's interest. But once 'The Time of My Life' plays, even I find it impossible to keep myself quiet.

The miles whiz by with laughter and I know these are the moments I'm fighting for. Being able to smile in the face of so much evil and pain in the world. That's the real battle we all need to fight and I'm finally ready to try again.

Half an hour outside Los Angeles, the tape finishes and conversation resumes. With me realizing now is probably the best chance to get some female opinions on a potential creep.

"So what do you think of Warren?" I couldn't notice anything that screamed problematic yet. "Is it alright if he comes over again with Willow on Monday?" But I wasn't the one working on the robot.

Amy is the one who's known him longest and considers her words carefully. "I think he's amazed at how many girls can keep up with him. Because he's not nearly as rude as I remember him being in chemistry last year."

Well that sounds like a good thing. "He's not creeping anyone out?"

"Not anymore than Jesse does each time he opens his mouth." Rolling her eyes in a mix of annoyance and interest, Amy doesn't say anything about Warren that I find damning.

"He still sulking?" I know he took my words hard, just hope he gets over it soon.

Black lips curl into a grin as Angel answers. "Not anymore. He's spending all his time trying to get on a team now."

"Which one?" I hope it's not swimming.

"Whichever one he can," Explains a very amused Amy. "He's already tried out for both baseball and track."​
Whilst we have a more wholesome day with the Scooby gang ( Angel ( Anne Steele), Amy,and Jonathan Warren, Fred,Lorne ).
As Our resident Si Doyle has recently found out that Amy's window of freaky Friday switcheroo is close at hand.
Along with the most of the important stuff out of the way as Si Doyle & Jenny Calendar preparing to meeting with the one of the Oracles.
Including that Si Doyle finally found out he found a bit of happiness in the Sunnydale ( Hellmouth) area after some effort he put into it and seeing Buffy Summers at the Hyperion hotel , despite there's still more work to be done in Buffyverse world season 1 .besides that Warren is improving as character development for him of course.
We'll see how it goes next time for our resident Si Doyle and Scooby gang in" Something to Atone For " at the meantime.
Catch ya later

P.S. Caught up with previous interlude post ( revisions) on Angel 's (liam ) on the Faith Lehnan hunt and Kakistos captured for the moment.
Chapter 41: Fatel Attraction
Chapter 41: Fatel Attraction

Once we drop everyone off at the apartment, I waste no time bringing Jenny to the Oracles. I wasn't sure how to find them at first and even started to worry I was going to look like an idiot.

But the second I made finding them a conscious effort, the directions appeared in my head. Like I had always known the way, my body instinctively steers us towards an empty lot.

"So is this when you hack me to pieces?" Wary at our surroundings, Jenny gives me a scowl when I shut off the engine.

"If I really wanted you out of my way, I would have just thrown you at the Grenlar." It would have gotten rid of any evidence.

Nodding cautiously, Jenny takes a few seconds to detect the magic nearby. "... Oh."

"They like privacy." In the time it takes me to explain, the empty lot shimmers as the illusion encompasses us. "And they aren't so fond of 'lowly' mortals. So be on your best behaviour please."

While she hums her non commitment to the request, I open the trunk for the last thing we need before entering the marble door inlaid with gold. It seems to be attached to nothing and yet I know it holds a touch of divinity beyond it.

The stolen jacket is carefully removed from the dry cleaners bag I've been hiding it in. Sliding it onto my shoulders with barely a grimace of distaste for it's original purpose, I can only hope it will help today. Even an Oracle has to be lonely sometimes.

The second the jacket is on, a wave of interest surges from Jenny. It's so instant and overwhelming, I almost consider slapping her. Not worth it even if it does work.

"Stay focused. I told you about this thing already." Growling at her lack of convincing response, I can only roll my eyes in annoyance. "... Not my fault if you forget any questions."

"Nothing could ever be your fault Francis, don't be silly." The simpering is cringe inducing.

Best to just get this over with. "Can I get that in writing? Might come in handy if Enyos ever comes to town."

"My uncle will be here just after Easter. The Elders have already booked his flight." Jenny's quick infatuation only makes me more sure of my theory.

The jacket must create some kind of feedback loop. The more mystical energy a girl has, the more intense the attraction.

It would explain how half the female half of the student body could still function when Lance actually came to school. And why Willow, Anya, and Buffy have such immediate reactions when they encounter RJ. Each one is chock full of power.

The intricately carved marble splits down the middle and opens inwards. A chorus of children singing invites us to enter with any queries and we do so.

A long hallway of the same white stone eventually leads us to a round room. A single bronze brazier set in the middle casts a warm glow of orange light.

Shadows dance along the walls as the voices singing start to age. Soon wails of the elderly replace the once joyous music and I try not to shudder.

Before us the orange light morphs into an eerie green and casts it's sickly glow on us. But in the time it takes to blink, the light is once more the comforting orange.

The voices are gone and so are the dancing shadows. Both now merged into a pair of golden siblings, runes of pale blue glow faintly against the metallic sheen.

Togas of the darkest brown humbly cloth the duo as they have very intense looks focused on me. The scowling brother is about to speak first, only for his more curious sister to interrupt with a gesture.

"You intended to seduce fate?" The voice that comes out of her golden lips echoes faintly with bells. "To what end?"

"He clearly intended to bend you to his will!" The sneer of her brother slides right off me. "Just like all of the mortals, the seer is flawed." But it doesn't stop him from trying to melt me with it.

My snort thankfully is loud enough to cover up Jenny's mystically induced snark. "Of course I am."

"At least this one knows his place. How meaningless he truly is in the face of existence." Smugness fills the brother's entire being as he stares me down.

"Well see that's where you're wrong..." Confident in myself, I let the gleaming siblings know exactly why. "Someone above you thought I was worth gambling on. Because unless you think it's Jasmine sending me these visions, you know we have the same bosses."

Shock and fear mix in equal measures as the twins recoil away from the name. The entire foundation of the temple shuddering around me to make sure I know that name is forbidden.

"But you seek to change more of the plan than you are shown," Grumbles the now less pompous brother as he starts treating with me with an actual scrap of respect. "You reach too far."

"And if the Powers thought I should follow the plan closer, they wouldn't have let me see such a detailed outline of the next eight years." MY confidence roars hot as I finally vocalize my plans to someone who might actually care.

"As long as I live, I'm going to spend every single day trying to make things a little bit better!" The fear and pain I experience with every vision has made me care about strangers in a way I never thought possible before. "The Powers want me to follow the plan more closely, they better just lobotomize me."

The speech hangs in the air, both siblings examining everything about me in silence. But when they turn to each other in unison, I'm confused by the proud smiles they share.

"He is an..." The brother's voice actually sounds teasing right now and I have to blink away the shock. "Adequate choice. I withdraw my complaints dear Sister."

"As I knew you would." Her response is equally playful as the sister turns back to me. "Now I believe you came here for a purpose Seer."

Nodding carefully, my voice comes out filled with trepidation. "I did."

"So ask." Now seeming to be amused by me, the sister runs a a golden hand along my cheek. "And we may answer."

"But not until he offers proper tribute first. We are not a charity." Her brother stares me down with a smirk taking over his every feature.

"Uh..." Kind of forgot about that. "You want anything in particular?"

Stepping away with a sorry look, the sister explains with a gentle whisper. "It must be gold."

Only have one thing that fits the bill. "Alright."

Reaching into my jacket pocket, I pull out the wedding ring. Regret fills me for a moment until I remind myself the ring is Doyle's past and the answer to the question my future.

"Will this do?"

Taking the ring without a word, the brother closes his eyes to focus on something. "It will. You may ask your questions now."

"What makes the visions transfer?" Blunt with my words, I can barely contain my anticipation right now.

"Love," Explains the sister at the exact moment her brother contradicts the answer with his own.


Growling at the vague non answer, I cross my arms to stop myself from getting physical. "I gave you one ring. I want one answer."

"When you make the choice that leads to death, love will ensure the visions endure." Smiling even as her brother grumbles, the golden sister explains in more clear terms. Still not crystal though.

"So Fred and I just have to worry about the other kind of accident?" That's a strangely mundane relief.

"And can you let Jenny know Liam's off limits to her family." Remembering the reason I'm not here alone, I tune out while the Oracles explain things to her.​
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Whilst we have a more wholesome day with the Scooby gang ( Angel ( Anne Steele), Amy,and Jonathan Warren, Fred,Lorne ).
As Our resident Si Doyle has recently found out that Amy's window of freaky Friday switcheroo is close at hand.
Along with the most of the important stuff out of the way as Si Doyle & Jenny Calendar preparing to meeting with the one of the Oracles.
Including that Si Doyle finally found out he found a bit of happiness in the Sunnydale ( Hellmouth) area after some effort he put into it and seeing Buffy Summers at the Hyperion hotel , despite there's still more work to be done in Buffyverse world season 1 .besides that Warren is improving as character development for him of course.
We'll see how it goes next time for our resident Si Doyle and Scooby gang in" Something to Atone For " at the meantime.
Catch ya later

P.S. Caught up with previous interlude post ( revisions) on Angel 's (liam ) on the Faith Lehnan hunt and Kakistos captured for the moment.
We're going to have a surprise mission in LA, so I felt we needed some cheer first.

Very soon. Only a couple weeks before Xmas break.

Warren was able to function just fine when he went to college. So I figured he had a 50/50 shot of getting put on a better path.
I Really got to get me one of those jackets ( a very fanservice moment) between Jenny Calendar & Si Doyle( Jenny / si Doyle shippers)as he put on the magic love jacket on to meet with mysterious golden siblings , as the brother implied her reaches to far but has been waived in his resolve ( conviction) towards the mysterious golden orcales .
Besides getting possibly getting lobotomy by the PTB Club. Along with the answer for the vision lockdown transference by meaning of death and love for the Si Doyle and worries about other kind of accident he mentioned the Golden siblings, which includes the most taboo name of Jasmine ( Gina Torres, firefly) dastardly godling( I think?).
As Golden siblings told Jenny Calendar afterwards that Angel ( champion ) was off limits to the Romany( Gypsy family as Si Doyle tuned him out of course.
We'll see how it goes next time for our resident Si Doyle and Jenny Calendar ( Scooby gang ) in Something to Atone For at the meantime.
Catch ya later
Cheers !
It could take up to twenty minutes before the drugs kick in," Mary's explanation finally gets a look of concern on Buffy's face. "You might need to turn it into a marathon."

Now anxious about the hunt tonight, Buffy is desperate for answers when they arrive at the Hyperion. "Why didn't anyone tell me how long these things could take?"

They take that long because the darts are loaded with the wrong stuff. Typical tranq darrs emphasize safety, so you get 20+ minute onset times. An injected dose of Nembutal is much less safe for non-supernatural critters, but the target goes from darted to faceplant in 30-60 seconds.

Not smart enough to work on Ted." Shrugs a blushing brunette. "What else am I going to do?"

Xander's inferiority complex always annoys me. Willow makes him take the same classes she does, and he passes them. A C-average in those advanced classes is equivalent to straight-As in normal classes. He's not stupid, he's just not as smart as Willow.

Okay, that right there is funny.

I Really got to get me one of those jackets ( a very fanservice moment) between Jenny Calendar & Si Doyle( Jenny / si Doyle shippers)

The problem with that jacket is your ability to ever safely take it off - to sleep, during sex, to shower, etc - is inversely proportional to how powerful the most powerful female you've ensnared with it is. Buffy would be fairly safe as long as you didn't take it off in her presence. Amy and Willow might curse you from afar. Glorificus or Illyria might be able to teleport in and slaughter you. And that female Oracle?

If it worked on her, if you ever took it off for any reason, you'd die instantly on the spot.
They take that long because the darts are loaded with the wrong stuff. Typical tranq darrs emphasize safety, so you get 20+ minute onset times. An injected dose of Nembutal is much less safe for non-supernatural critters, but the target goes from darted to faceplant in 30-60 seconds.
This is all depends on the kind of dart (hunting or conservation), the species it is used on, and dosage being accurate to the targett's mass. .

Darts on humans take 4-5 minutes for an average weight and up to 10 minutes to take full effect. Chimpanzees are usually on the longer end and can normally keep raging for 10-20 minutes after being hit by several darts.Horse Tanquilizers take around 30 minutes to take full effect, Bulls are 15-30 minutes. I pretty much averaged it based on zoo incidents of raging animals.

It's basically only instant( under a minute) when it's intravenous or a drug with higher lethal wiggle room. With Mystic Werewolves, I was lowballing the 20 minutes (since an overdose might kill the lycanthrope).

I was always annoyed at the Dart rifle in the show being instant (those trade accuracy for range/guarenteend dispersal in the skin, and easier removal of the darts.) You aren't hitting one of Oz's veins with a rifle, so he should have been running around for at least 10 minutes.

Xander's inferiority complex always annoys me. Willow makes him take the same classes she does, and he passes them. A C-average in those advanced classes is equivalent to straight-As in normal classes. He's not stupid, he's just not as smart as Willow.
It's when Willow starts acting like he's stupid along with everyone else (Pretty much when Buffy shows up and it feels like Willow is trying to not make Buffy feel stupid, accidently making Xander look like he's suddenly an idiot), Before Willow was the smart friend but now with Jesse dead, Xander is the one not keeping up to her instead of her being advanced.

Giles treats him like a moron because he doesn't get the jokes(laughs when he does though) The fact that Giles only calls the jokes dumb wastes of time is annoying, especially considering how well informed Xander/Buffy/Cordelia's burns actually are (How many Buffy fans actually know what the Zeppo is, even after seeing the episode?), and even Buffy doesn't realize what Xander's intelligence means (she's not in the AP classes, not with her barely passing normal class grades) And we see her taking a lot of classes alone as the show goes on.

But Xander was tested as a kid and he's slow on math and science(says so himself). So he's not taking those classes as AP (only ones I caught him in are English and so I made him being a good english student a plot point) ones. Ted is all of his worst subjects combined and now he's surrounded by science geeks half the time. So instead of only Willow being the smart one compared to him and Jesse, it's a bunch of AP students and him, so he really feels the C's.

Okay, that right there is funny.
I grew up on a pig farm. It became my friends Cop call when we got up to trouble in the early 00's.

The problem with that jacket is your ability to ever safely take it off - to sleep, during sex, to shower, etc - is inversely proportional to how powerful the most powerful female you've ensnared with it is. Buffy would be fairly safe as long as you didn't take it off in her presence. Amy and Willow might curse you from afar. Glorificus or Illyria might be able to teleport in and slaughter you. And that female Oracle?

If it worked on her, if you ever took it off for any reason, you'd die instantly on the spot.
100% this. If they can kill you in the time it takes to put the jacket back on, you're dead.

Against normal girls, it makes it a bit easier to charm them and they'll ignore stuff like acne. But it's not going to make them overlook you cheating on them (without a halfway decent excuse they can rationalize). Otherwise it would have worked on Buffy/Willow/Jenny in High school. Lance is canonically in the same grade and only Xander's love spell was noticed by the student body.

If the Oracle was outside her temple, it would have worked. It would only work on Illyria because of the female human shell. In my setting, Glory would be safe due to her human half being male. (It only affects the demons/entities that have intermingled at least a tiny bit with humans)

I Really got to get me one of those jackets ( a very fanservice moment) between Jenny Calendar & Si Doyle( Jenny / si Doyle shippers)as he put on
Cheers !
The Jenny Doyle tension is only on her side and will be short lived as an attempt to get some control over the situation.
Chapter 42: Magical Morality
Chapter 42: Magical Morality

The awkwardness felt when Fred presses a goodbye kiss to my lips is more than worth it after the wait. Angel's giggles don't even bother me. But before I can get carried away, she pulls away with a grin that promises more later.

"You all better still be in this dimension by dinner." Her eyes dart to the book I recovered from Seidel back when we first met and shift into a concerned frown. "That book doesn't give me any good feelings and I don't want to have to come looking for y'all."

"I've decided good old fashioned violence will probably be effective against the Scourge..." Everyone looks horrified when I finally reveal what happened with Lucas. "Besides, they'd probably just come back with a bigger army."

But to my great relief, none of them seem upset with my failure to act. They all have varying degrees of hatred expressed towards the demon supremacists.

"That's what you need Liam's help with?" Jenny took the words of the siblings' well enough and has the Book of Kelsor ready for study on the kitchen table.

It was all the Oracles would give me when I asked for information on Mohra demons. So it better have something useful inside those pages.

"One of them." Admitting that out loud makes Jenny's expression soften unexpectedly.

"I'll help anyway I can." My fellow teacher's voice is filled with conviction as she meets my gaze. "And I bet Willow will even help make you a whole pack of those robot dogs." Wonder how the search for that dalmatian is going?

It's only her mention of the Jewish girl that makes me realize the source of her sudden passion for my cause. Her people went through the exact same thing.

"We actually deal with my mom and you can count me in." Amy doesn't hesitate to add her own voice to the mix.

"We should probably let you get on with that," Interrupts a blushing Fred. "Meet you all at the hotel around six?"

"Make sure to get a Hawaiian for me." Easiest way to get nearly a whole pizza to myself is cover it in pineapple.

Gags of disgust great my request just making a smirk take over my face. "You don't like the order, you can always pay."

Jenny actually seems to consider it until she adds it all up in her head. "As long as the rest are edible."

The door closes behind my girlfriend and ward, leaving me alone with four eager witches. Tara has been devouring the book on primal magic all night and though Mary seems most interested in the museum photos, she gives me her full attention.

"Lets start with a few basic rituals. Some simple stuff to gauge your potential." The mother studying to retake her nursing exam puts away the more advanced books I brought and leaves only two on the table.

"Glad you had the sense to ignore the title." Opening up the copy of 'Remedial Witchcraft' that Amy has been using, Mary smiles at all the sticky notes marking certain pages. "Only a few spells actually care about male and female. This is one of the better books to start out with."

Amy and I exchange intrigued looks before I respond with curiosity flowing from me in a torrent. "Really? I thought that kind of thing would have been important."

"A few care about the body. But those all have very specific results." Mary's explanation doesn't get any argument from Jenny and I soak in the information. "Some care about the soul, really only a handful though."

The pages stop flipping as Mary finds the ritual Amy performed at the zoo, the book being held up towards a chuckling Jenny. "Do we all learn this spell first?"

"Any witch with thin walls," Agrees Jenny, her dark hair shaking with each laugh.

"What are you talki-" About to ask for clarification, Amy suddenly stops as her face goes cherry red. "... Oh."

Deciding it's best to play dumb, I force any look of understanding from my face. "Must really help with sneaking out to do those midnight rituals under the moon."

"Exactly." Winking at the smirking mother behind me, Jenny deftly avoids any further awkward discussion on the subject.

"If you're going to be my tutor..." Frowning at the insisted upon delay, Amy turns to the techno pagan with a frown. "Why did you make me wait until today before you'd teach me anything?"

"It's too easy for beginners to reach beyond themselves on a Hellmouth. So many demons are waiting to fill the gap if a spell's power is too far beyond the caster, it's safer to find yourself at a distance first."

Good time to answer my own concerns. "I'm not going to get hooked on magic, am I?"

"Only the darker magics will give you withdrawal symptoms. But in general, the dependence comes from how easy everything becomes." Mary gives her daughter a stern look that implies previous conversations on the subject.

Taking over while the family have a silent back and forth, Jenny finishes the warning. "People are lazy and most will take the easy way out. That's what is truly so addicting about magic."

Incense is lit and a cloud of chalk tossed on me. The sneeze bringing out my spikes is nearly instant and is followed by my annoyed mutters.

Forced to sit through over twenty minutes of meditation, I barely feel more than a slight tickle on my skin. "Is something supposed to be happening? I mean besides the headache."

"Just like I thought..." Giving me a look of pity, Mary tries finding the words that will let me down gently. "Most of your potential is being used to make the visions clearer."

"Most of my magic is being used like rabbit ears?" That's incredibly lame.

"You're the only case in recent record where a seer has more than just the visual." Jenny's look is completely lacking any of her former distrust. "And the only one I know of who got all five senses." Snorting at her assessment, I still can't help but be jealous of everyone in the room.

"Point of view horror movies aren't really that much fun." Would definitely trade a few senses for the ability to make a fireball.

Trying to soften the news, Tara proves she's the sweetest one of the whole lot. "You use your magic to make helping people easier. You really are a hero, auras don't lie."

"Since I'm not going to be learning how to do it myself, this is my plan..." I explain how all the different pieces are supposed to go together, with Mary being surprisingly fine with it.

"A mother tries taking her daughter's body to regain her lost youth?" A devious look fills her eyes as Mary agrees to help. "I can't think of a punishment more fitting."

When Jenny is focused on her own studies with Amy, I take the chance ask for help with the memory spell. Don't want Jenny to know it was me who ruined her second vengeance.
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It's basically only instant( under a minute) when it's intravenous or a drug with higher lethal wiggle room. With Mystic Werewolves, I was lowballing the 20 minutes (since an overdose might kill the lycanthrope).

Nembutal is one of the brand names of pentobarbital, so it's definitely in the higher lethal wiggle room category, as you put it. Mixing it with DMSO would allow it to work fast without hitting a vein, as well as allowing you to apply it with a squirt gun, though - just wear exam gloves in case of drips.

One advantage with the squirt gun is it's a lot easier to add extra doses if the first one is taking too long - and as long as it's not silver, a mystic werewolf isn't going to be killed by it.

How many Buffy fans actually know what the Zeppo is, even after seeing the episode?

I did, but only because I'd been listening to old radio and TV programs on tape for years at that point.

Easiest way to get nearly a whole pizza to myself is cover it in pineapple.

Alas, not an option for me, as I'm allergic to pineapple pulp. Not the juice, just the pulp. On the other hand, anchovies work just as well - ham, mushrooms, red onions and anchovies is quite tasty.

Agrees Jenny, her dark her shaking with each laugh.

her dark *hair

I can't think of a punishment more fitting.

Extremely fitting punishments are enough to get Janna's support, I'd imagine - even if she wouldn't have helped otherwise. Cleverly ironic vengeance is practically her clan's official sport. :p
Nembutal is one of the brand names of pentobarbital, so it's definitely in the higher lethal wiggle room category, as you put it. Mixing it with DMSO would allow it to work fast without hitting a vein, as well as allowing you to apply it with a squirt gun, though - just wear exam gloves in case of drips.

One advantage with the squirt gun is it's a lot easier to add extra doses if the first one is taking too long - and as long as it's not silver, a mystic werewolf isn't going to be killed by it.

I did, but only because I'd been listening to old radio and TV programs on tape for years at that point.

Alas, not an option for me, as I'm allergic to pineapple pulp. Not the juice, just the pulp. On the other hand, anchovies work just as well - ham, mushrooms, red onions and anchovies is quite tasty.

her dark *hair

Extremely fitting punishments are enough to get Janna's support, I'd imagine - even if she wouldn't have helped otherwise. Cleverly ironic vengeance is practically her clan's official sport. :p
The main advantage about having Ford for observation now, the Watchers can finally get some solid records on sedatives. In a couple months, they'll know how to bring him down in under a minute each time.
Enough physical trauma will still kill a Buffyverse werewolf. It's just really hard to do. It seems like silver just stops regeneration for that transformation (at least what my research on non Season 8 comics canon showed).

Yeah, the references made are so obscure, it's impossible for the average view to know half of them.

I'm allergic to basically everything myself. So you have my full empathy on that one. Citrus fruit is one of the few things I can tolerate, so I may as well revel in it.

Thank you, fixing now.

Oh indeed. I have a lot more planned for Janna's arc than the show got to explore.
Doyle saying Liam paid his time, has a lot more weight now that she's seen his own plans for vengeance/punishment. It doesn't seem like trying to let the vampire off easy now and she isn't going to resent the Oracles insisting Liam is now off limits to her clan.
I'm allergic to basically everything myself. So you have my full empathy on that one.

Yeah, that's pretty much me. I often joke that it would be easier and faster to list everything on Earth I'm not allergic to than to list all my allergies. And some of them are just weird to boot.

For example, I have a trinary allergy - it works a lot like a binary poison does. I am not allergic to tobacco, cow's milk or wheat, alone or in any combination of two. I am mildly intolerant of wheat and milk, severely intolerant to tobacco (though not other nightshades).


If I'm exposed to all three within about 24 hours, even in trace amounts, I suffer an asthma attack within minutes. The attack lasts for about 24 hours, until the allergens are finally dealt with by my immune system. For every consecutive 24 hours I am exposed to all three allergens, the intensity of the asthma attack doubles. On day one, I notice a little shortness of breath. On day two, it's enough difficulty breathing that I can't run more than a few steps. Day three it's that but for walking. Day four I can't get out of bed. Day five I need hospitalization on a ventilator. I've never seen what day six would bring thanks to getting away from allergens or medical treatment before it progressed that far in the past.
Mr Si Doyle & Mary McClay question about the morality of magic on Amy 's twisted freaky Friday situation with her mother.
Along with working on new magic power lessons and Jenny Calendar ( second round vengeance)?
We'll see how it goes next time for our resident Si Doyle and Scooby gang in Something to Atone For at the meantime.

P.S. Sorry for the late notice afternoon review , was very tired last time Author San!
Yeah, that's pretty much me. .
Yeah, Right in that same boat with ya.

Mr Si Doyle & Mary McClay question about the morality of magic on Amy 's twisted freaky Friday situation with her mother.
Along with working on new magic power lessons and Jenny Calendar ( second round vengeance)?
We'll see how it goes next time for our resident Si Doyle and Scooby gang in Something to Atone For at the meantime.

P.S. Sorry for the late notice afternoon review , was very tired last time Author San!
When you get magic boosts directly from a demon like Eghyon, it's going to be addictive by design. But 95% of magic is just dependency forming because it makes everything easy.

I also used the scene to make it clear Doyle isn't going to be a jack of all trades. He has a team because everyone gets to specialize and he's one of the few able to brawl with the demons in melee. And as a way to give Giles Correy from the Salem Witch Trials a shout out. He refused to give the court the satisfaction of a yay or nay and I would be honoured to be a Witch because of him. I care more about the style of magic than the gender, so really only fertility spells/love spells are affected by that.
Interlude 7: Boston Breakout
Interlude 7: Boston Breakout

Iron chains dig into Liam's wrists, suspending him over a dunk tank apparently filled with holy water. The week long interrogation has left him moaning with inarticulate pain each morning. But he is allowed no respite, the agonizing process just begins once again at sunset.

The shadows growing on the warehouse walls are Liam's only sense of time as he waits for the torture to resume. Another hour and Trick will be back.

The pain coursing through him is nothing compared to the feeling of failure. They have Faith's address.

Whenever Liam gathers enough strength to make another attempt at escape, his muscles just strain uselessly against the restraints. Unable to use his increased strength without leverage, the champion still gives it his all each time.

"Almost..." Teeth grit against the burning in his shoulder blades, Liam tries with all his might to snap the metal.

Even with all his remaining effort, he soon hangs feebly in the air. Groans are the only sound the distraught vampire can make as he waits for Trick's eventual return.

The sound of a bird whistling goes unnoticed for a few minutes, the despondent Liam ignoring anything but his own discomfort. But when the music gets both sharper and picks up an accompanying chorus, it becomes impossible to miss.

"Well isn't this quit the bind you found yourself in." The smirking face of Whistler is suddenly in the warehouse, the hacksaw he has making short work of the chain.

With incredible reaction time, the balance demon snatches the chain before Liam can plummet into the possibly acidic water. Strength far beyond a normal human's is used to carefully lower the champion to the floor.

"Whistler?" Disbelief at his saviour's sudden appearance fills his voice as Liam accepts the hand up. "What are you doing here?"

"Saving you..." Smirks the guide sent by the Powers, his smarmy voice straight out of a fifties detective movie. "Can't let Allen get away with all that slander."

Blinking as his pain washes away as quickly as Whislter arrived, Liam strains his ears for any sound of Trick's minions. When he doesn't hear anything, the champion can finally relax a single degree.

"Slander is lies. You really didn't tell me anything important."

"Wasn't my call to make at the time." Shrugging off the ire, Whistler doesn't have a single shred of shame below his tacky fedora. "But things have changed and it looks like you don't need me anymore. I probably wasn't supposed to interfere, just figured you deserved a face to face goodbye."

"... Thanks?" The vampire with a soul gives his former guide a wary look.

"Don't look so glum. Things are looking a whole lot better for you now, if not everyone else involved." Walking him out of the warehouse, Whistler casually steps over a few piles of ash on the way.

Something about the tone triggers a warning bell in his head and has Liam's brow crease into a scowl. "Who?" Buffy better be fine!

"You used to have such a cram packed destiny, I really didn't know how one vampire was supposed to pull it all off." Whistler hands Liam a patio umbrella, after transforming the a drink one to full size with just a snap of his fingers. "But now I get it. Not sure I approve of the ethics personally though."

"What are you talking about?" Confused and growing more annoyed by the second, Liam barely controls his glee at the sight of his Camaro waiting on the boardwalk.

"Well I hope you know how to share. Because by the time you're back in America, that destiny will be split three ways." The words should be lighting a competitive fire inside him, Liam is fully aware of the balance demon's intent.

But he doesn't care and snatches the keys from his former guide. "Vampire used to be both the plural and singular. The prophecy doesn't have to be talking about the same vampire, Doyle already explained it to me."

"Did he explain his plan to deal with the Master is going to get somebody killed?" As a last ditch effort to steer him back to California, Whistler attempts to create a rift between the Irish demons. "Or how the prophecy says it's supposed to be the Slayer?"

Grit teeth and a snort are Liam's initial response, his following words just as conclusive. "Yep. That's why he's dealing with the Master before she moves."

"Alright. Good luck Liam." Whistler doesn't get in the passenger seat and gives a visibly sad wave goodbye. "Sorry I wasn't allowed to tell you anymore. But I was always rooting for you, please know that."

In the space of a blink, Liam is nearly deafened by a shrieking train whistle. But when his eyes flicker back open, nothing is different on the pier except for the absence of Whistler. Guy sure knows how to make an exit.

Angry yelling notices him and when Liam sees Trick with his minions, a feral smirk fills his face. Oh... This is going to be satisfying.

Roaring towards the vampires at top speed, the champion internally cheers at how many go over his hood. His only regret is that Trick managed to avoid the road rage and he actually considers switching into reverse for a second try.

When guns come out however, Liam decides it's not worth replacing his car and continues back onto the pavement. Faith's home takes nineteen minutes to reach, with every single second feeling like agony to the vampire with a soul. She has to be okay!

The two extra cars in the driveway are far too fancy to be any of the Lehanes' friends, making Liam realize with roaring guilt it may already be too late. He slams against an invisible barrier, not relaxing in the slightest when it happens. Only one of them still needs to be alive.

The noise brings company from inside. With two burly vampires already in game face ready to fight by the time Liam is back on his feet.

"Thought it was the girl..." The Cuban vampire snorts at the sight of the roughed up Liam. "You better get inside if you want a drink of the mom, she's only got a couple litres left. Dad kicked the bucket a few hours ago."

"Thanks." Liam feigns gratitude only to stake the pair when they turn back inside.

He does the same to the female vampire drinking from the moaning mother, only to watch Mrs Lehane fade before he can reach her. With a growl of self hate, Liam grabs a few of Faith's things before leaving. Better be able to pick up her scent before Trick finds her.

Notes: If this interlude wasn't any better, I'm going to try doing the next one in 1st​ person.​
How is it that the mysterious acquaintance( miagi ) Whistler is one, I'm only starting to miss the most had less screen time than Si Doyle in the fanfic verse world, but Luckily enough Whistler left him a nice surprise camaro( bumble bee style ride) ?
As Whistler informed him of the prophecy being split 3 ways when Angel gets back to America, which had our favorite brooding hero arrives to late to Faith Lehnan parents from Kakistos minions and still hoping he tracks the scent of the future Dark Slayer Faith.
We'll see how it goes next time for brooding hero vampire Angel in his Boston adventure in the meantime.

P.S Is Kendra/ Faith pair making an appearance in the Boston area with the ensouled vampire Angel ( liam). My best speculation guess?
How is it that the mysterious acquaintance( miagi ) Whistler is one, I'm only starting to miss the most had less screen time than Si Doyle in the fanfic verse world, but Luckily enough Whistler left him a nice surprise camaro( bumble bee style ride) ?

As Whistler informed him of the prophecy being split 3 ways when Angel gets back to America, which had our favorite brooding hero arrives to late to Faith Lehnan parents from Kakistos minions and still hoping he tracks the scent of the future Dark Slayer Faith.
We'll see how it goes next time for brooding hero vampire Angel in his Boston adventure in the meantime.

P.S Is Kendra/ Faith pair making an appearance in the Boston area with the ensouled vampire Angel ( liam). My best speculation guess?
Less of a goodbye forever and more of a "I'm not your guardian angel anymore, I've been reassigned to another Champion. So here's one last favour, since apparently I was so shit at my job." Insert a bunch of cursing towards Doyle.

The third was the important part. Readers already knew Darla was planned. And I loved the idea of doing a moose joke with vampire. Since Doyle is an English teacher, he just lied about vampire being plural in the past. This was Whistler clarifying in a mysterious way to readers, that the Shanshu is only for one vampire with a soul. All the Vampire with a Soul prohecies get split up, not shared.

Kendra is still a 14 year old potential in Jamaica. She isn't going to be part of the Boston trip.

One criticism, with third person use past tense not present.
I've been trying each Interlude. I don't think I'm capable of it, it took 7 hours and I barely had 4 paragraphs(I can normally do 2 chapters in that time.). My brain just keeps immedietly shifting into present tense with every other word. So I guess next Interlude is going to be first person. If it gets a good response, I'll rewrite the first 7.
I've been trying each Interlude. I don't think I'm capable of it, it took 7 hours and I barely had 4 paragraphs(I can normally do 2 chapters in that time.). My brain just keeps immedietly shifting into present tense with every other word. So I guess next Interlude is going to be first person. If it gets a good response, I'll rewrite the first 7.

I go the other way around.

If it helps, one good trick is to write in the tense you've comfortable over then give it an editing pass.

But in the end, write how you're comfortable.

All the Vampire with a Soul prohecies get split up, not shared.

And this, children, is what we in the business call 'redundancy'
Chapter 43: Cards On The Table
Chapter 43: Cards On The Table

A head of platinum blonde hair makes my eyes widen in surprise as soon as we enter the lobby. When she turns to greet us and reveals Angel with a bigger grin than I can ever recall seeing before, I take full stock of her new look.

Long and flowing black leather skirt, blood red corset, and fishnets are what really pop. But most importantly, I can clearly see how much she enjoys the appreciative looks from the braver members of the Gunn Show. Glad Angel's finally starting to crack out of her shell.

As I notice the curly haired brunette beside the girl everyone thinks is my sister, I'm forced into stunned a double take.

Guarding two pizza boxes from the hungry hands of the crew, Fred looks simply stunning. "About time you got here, these guys eat like Lorne."

"Did you go to the salon with Angel?" Her black leather pants are tight enough that I can feel the strain and I know Fred can see me staring based on her pleased smirk.

"You actually noticed that?" Snorts a Charles Gunn as he proves why he's the leader of the crew, his hand sneaking away with one of my Hawaiian slices. "Cause if I didn't like you so much, no way I could resist the new look."

With no reason to get mad about such an obvious compliment, I just nod back with a knowing grin. "I know the whole world has eyes, that's why I didn't waste any time asking. Just amazed she said yes."

"So am I." A playful smirk lets me know he's just playing around and decide to return the favour.

"How are the Brits?" I haven't seen any of the Watchers yet and want to get an honest opinion of them.

"Gwen got a snowplow on my truck and it's been great." To my shock, Gunn is a lot happier to be working with them than I had expected. "I can go right through a pack of vamps now and ever since she told me to replace the wheels with solid rubber, I haven't been replacing them every few nights."

Is he talking about Gwendolyn Post? The crazy woman who wanted the lightning glove?

A grim feeling settles in my gut as I start planning to search the cemeteries. Can't really take chances on something like this. I need to find the Glove of Myhnegon before she makes an excuse to check out Sunnydale.

"-nd I guess Sirk's alright." While distracted I missed out on Gunn's opinion on Giles. "He's been the one handling the resale of anything we find in a nest, gives everyone a fair cut." But I do start listening again in time to hear about a name I don't recognize.

"The junior ones? How are they?" Buffy said they're pretty green.

"Lydia knows her vampires," Answers a contemplative Gunn. "She got us right on this guy Winter's trail."

He noticeably doesn't have anything positive to say about the final Watcher. "Wesley is just a prick too full of himself to listen to common sense. He's too much of a pansy ass to even come on patrol with us."

"He was supposed to take a bullet for you." Blunt with my words, I notice Gunn go slack with shock. "But I think I probably screwed that up along with Alonna getting turned. So I'm still going to call that a net positive change for you."

"You've had visions about us?" His hand is shaking when I feel it grab my shoulder desperate for the truth.

"You've been in a few. The crew not so much." Really hope I changed that.

His eyes go hard and his grip tightens. "What about Alonna?"

"It's why I gave you the apartment. Vamps couldn't get her inside the threshold." The conversation continues around us, with Fred the only one close enough to really hear the words.

"You saved Alonna..." Gunn's lip trembles right before he pulls me into a desperate hug. "You ever need anything. Anything at all and I'm already on it."

Before he can let go, I take him up on the offer. "Want to help me kill some demon Nazis?"

"Hell yes I do!" His roar of encouragement is carried by the rest of the guys and it's only then that I realize the crew has actually grown in size. Even got a few girls hanging around now.

The front doors swing open, Buffy and the tweed brigade entering with a smattering of greetings. Once I lock eyes with the Slayer, I know this is my best chance to be honest with Gunn.

"Before you get too carried away, it's about time I told you my whole story. We're friends and I want you to trust me as much as I do all of you." Hope that helps convince them all to listen.

"Already do, you're as good as family Doyle." The words mean a lot and I hope they aren't about to be taken back.

"Well you see I'm not one hundred percent human." Rip the Band-Aid off fast. "My mom got taken advantage of by a Brachen demon and I popped out ten months later."

For the first few sentences, everyone looks ready to pounce on me. But once I soften the blow with the tale of Doyle's origin, I branch out into the subject of friendly demons.

"It's not common. But it's not a rare occurrence either." To my amazement, Wesley is the one to come to my defence with the facts. "The Council has friendly relations with several different demon clans around the world."

"You for real?" Gunn is having a hard time rationalizing such conflicting world views. "Some demons are good?"

Again it's Wesley who steps up to the plate and earns my gratitude. "I have made contact with the Kwaini here in Los Angeles. I could bring you to my next check in with the tribe."

"Wait a second..." Alonna interrupts with shock pouring from her. "Is that what you do when we all patrol? You go talk to friendly demons?"

Shrugging at all the stunned expressions, Wesley admits his own duties in the city. "... The Council wasn't sure how you would all react. So I was assigned the role of making contact with the more tolerant species and told to keep them away from the patrol routes."

"Why?" Still not fully convinced, Gunn stares down the bespectacled Watcher.

"Just because someone looks different, doesn't mean they're a monster. It's what we do that defines us." Allowing my demon side out, I draw the full attention of everyone in the lobby. "I kind of thought you'd know that. But if you really want me gone just say so, I'll never come back."

Buffy looks like she wants to defend me. But Merrick silences his Slayer with a stern look she actually responds to.

No one gives Angel any such signal though and she has issue with me possibly being kicked out. "You even think about saying anything nasty right now and you better have insurance on this place."

The words are delivered evenly and with no hint of backing down. But instead of making Gunn or his crew furious at the threat, hoots of approval start to ring out.

"I'm not dumb enough to argue with your sister. Even if I start winning, you got another one and that niece who can back her up." The Maclay woman give firm nods of agreement.

"And I'd have a few angry things to say about it," Adds Buffy as she cracks her knuckles, implying her own brand of revenge would also be in store for the crew.

"Anyone got a problem with Doyle?" The promise of violence in Gunn's voice brings a smile to my face. "You got one with me!"

"Well if that's the case..." Something has been worming it's way through my brain every single time I see Gunn and in this moment I finally remember the cause. "After we deal with my demons, how about we go handle yours." Pulling him in for another hug, I whisper so only Gunn can hear the final part. "You know, get that soul back for you."​
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Something you forgot to mention to little sister Alonna , Gunn ( have a time explaining that one to her,but not completely yet by Si Doyle as it remains between friends for now ,) which had our resident Angel ( Anne Steele) looking very posh goth look for the Hyperion hotel and Fred Burkle ( was very stunning herself ,spruced up ) even other boyfriend Gunn complimented her back too.
As Si Doyle remembering that Gwen Post was stealing an lightning glove as found out Gwen & Gunn were friends ( a situation he might have to deal with later on), which Si
Doyle also validating the Welsey was a supposed to take a shot for Buffy Summers and told Gunn that Alonna was supposed to turned into an vampire.
Including Si Doyle told rest of the Hyperion hotel Gunn 's team that was a Brachen. Half demon more surprising is Welsey ,Buffy, and Angel ( Anne Steele), and Charles Gunn came around for the Si Doyle.
We'll see how it goes next time for our resident Si Doyle and the little secret of Charles Gunn soul for the young hunter ( and shouldn't be surprised he knew that one) clarified as Si Doyle & team & Gunn's soul rescue side mission on the table in "Something to Atone For " at the meantime.
Catch ya later

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