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Swing of the Pendulum ( Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V SI Quest)

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Hi everyone. I'm Cart. I only just made this account recently in order to rehost a previous...


Getting some practice in, huh?
Jun 11, 2018
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Hi everyone. I'm Cart. I only just made this account recently in order to rehost a previous quest of mine that got disrupted due to my SB account getting banned. I just hope that no problems would arrive this time unlike the previous time. Now without further ado, let's begin shall we?

  1. [Male]
  1. [Female]




Deck (The most important part of any Duelist! Remember, each deck has their own strengths and weaknesses so choose wisely)


Judgement Dragon x3
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress x2
Jain, Lightsworn Paladin x3
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast x3
Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior x2
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner x2
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x2
Jenis, Lightsworn Mender x2
Celestia, Lightsworn Angel x2
Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon x2
Felis, Lightsworn Archer x3
Ehren, Lightsworn Monk x2
Shire, Lightsworn Spirit x2
Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid x1
Charge of the Light Brigade x2
Realm of Light x2
Lightsworn Sanctuary x2
Lightsworn Sabre x3
Solar Recharge x1
Pot of Greed 1
Glorious Illusion x3
Lightsworn Barrier x2
Light Spiral x1
Vanquishing Light x2
Michael the Arch-Lightsworn x3
Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn x2

A deck that focuses on sending cards from your graveyard in order to activate a variety of special effects and is capable of creating a fast OTK situation within only a few amount of turns. However, this deck runs the risk of quickly depleting resources from your deck which in turn runs the danger of easily decking out in a fight. Enemy decks that focus on milling an opponent's deck could prove to be very troublesome for this deck.

Shadoll Beast X3
Shadoll Falco X3
Shadoll Dragon x1
Shadoll Hedgehog x3
Shadoll Squamata x3
Shadoll Hound x1
Electromagnetic Turtle x1
Homunculus the Alchemic Being x2
Pot of Greed x1
Foolish Burial x1
El Shadoll Fusion X3
Nephe Shadoll Fusion X3
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Super Polymerization x1
Book of Moon x1
Curse of the Shadow Prison x2
The Shallow Grave x1
Shadoll Fusion x2
Shadoll Core x3
Torrential Tribute x1
Drowning Mirror Force x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Call of the Haunted x1
Extra Deck
El Shadoll Anoyatyllis x2
El Shadoll Construct x1
El Shadoll Winda x1
El Shadoll Wendigo x2
El Shadoll Grysta x2
El Shadoll Shekihinaga x2

A fusion deck that relies on sending monsters into the graveyard or flipping them face up in order to activate a variety of effects as well as anti-support for Special Summons via the special effects of the archetype's own Fusion Monsters. Unfortunately, this deck is very vulnerable against cards that can banish monsters or shuffle them into the deck. Additionally, cards that can negate monster effects or banish cards from the graveyard can also negatively affect this deck.

Harpie Dancer x3
Harpie Queen x3
Harpie Lady 1 x2
Harpie Channeler x3
Harpie Harpist x3
Cyber Harpie Lady x1
Harpie's Pet Dragon x1
Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon x2
Summoner Monk x2
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Terraforming x1
Pot of Greed x1
Elegant Egotist x2
Hysteric Sign x3
Harpie's Hunting Ground x3
Raigeki x1
Hysteric Party x3
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Compulsory Evacuation Device x2
Mirror Force x1
Harpie's Feather Storm x1
Extra Deck
Lightning Chidori x3
Ice Beast Zerofyne x3
Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon x2
Tornado Dragon x2
Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack x1
Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger x1

A deck that focuses on rapidly summoning monsters in order to achieve a quick Xyz Summon or to wreak havoc upon your opponent's backrow via the gratuitous use of Harpie's Hunting Grounds. Unfortunately this deck is vulnerable to cards that could negate the effects of several key monsters which could prevent you from Xyz summoning immediately with the added flaw that most Harpie monster are generally low in Original ATK.

Gishki Ariel x2
Gishki Abyss x3
Gishki Chain x2
Gishki Shadow x3
Gishki Vision x2
Gishki Beast x3
Evigishki Zielgigas x2
Evigishki Levianima x1
Evigishki Soul Ogre x1
Evigishki Mind Augus x1
Evigishki Gustkraken x1
Pot of Greed x1
Ritual Cage x1
Moray of Greed x1
Lightning Vortex x1
Salvage x3
Preparation of Rites x3
Gishki Aquamirror x3
Poseidon Wave x1
Torrential Reborn x1
Call of the Haunted x1
Grisaille Prison x1
Urgent Ritual Art x2

A deck that focuses on Ritual Summoning. This archetype is capable of quickly searching your deck in order to easily acquire the required Ritual Monsters and Ritual Spell Cards that you would need to summon this deck's strongest monsters and can even recycle cards from the graveyard. Unfortunately, this card gets hit pretty badly by cards and decks that rely on anti-Special Summoning methods, as well as cards that banish cards from your graveyard.

Plaguespreader Zombie x3
Mezuki x3
Zombie Master x3
Bone Crusher x3
Goblin Zombie x2
Bacon Saver x1
Pain Painter x 2
Pyramid Turtle x3
Red Eyes Zombie Dragon x2
Doomkaiser Dragon/Assault Mode x1
Foolish Burial x1
Burial from a Different Dimension x1
Dark Hole x1
Zombie World x2
Terraforming x1
Solidarity x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Pot of Greed x1
Book of Life x1
Creeping Darkness x1
Torrential Tribute x2
Call of the Haunted x2
Assault Mode Activate x1
Revived King Ha Des x2
Doom Kaiser Dragon x2
Archfiend Zombie Skull x2

A Synchro deck that focuses on heavy graveyard manipulation. Most Zombie monsters in this deck have an effect that activates when sent to the graveyard that either allows you to special summon another Zombie monster from your graveyard or to search your deck. Cards that focus on banishing cards from the graveyard are especially harmful to this deck.


Traits (Pick one only)

1. Athletic – Determines the physical strength of your body. Enables stuff like breaking free from someone's physical hold, kicking down doors, outrunning pursuers or generally just punching someone.

2. Silver Tongue – The ability to lie and get someone to easily trust you. Good for diplomacy and additionally you can also easily spot if someone is lying to you as well.

3. Composure – Despite facing extremely stressful situations not once did you ever lose your cool. This prevents you from panicking too easily and allows you to remain calm during tough situations.

4. Eidetic – Your memory is sharp and you are able to easily remember everything that happened within your life, even the tiniest or most insignificant details themselves. Additional, it is easy for you to recall any strategy your opponent might had done.

5. Silver Spoon - You were born into a life of wealth meaning money is not an issue for you. Unfortunately, such an upbringing caused you to develop an obnoxious behavior which tends to drive ordinary people away from you. Enables you to start with a higher amount of Duel Points as well as granting you a small generating income. Not compatible with Struggling.

Flaws (Required. Pick one only)

1. Out of Shape – You have a frail constitution. Just even running for a few minutes leaves you gasping for air. Not compatible with Athletic.

2. Bad liar – You're a terrible liar. Whenever you try to make a lie something in your mouth quickly messes it up. Not compatible with Silver Tongue.

3. Panicky – You are quick to panic and lose confidence during tough situations which causes you sometimes to commit some mistakes during your strategies. Not compatible with Composure.

4. Forgetful – You basically have the memory span of a goldfish. If you do not commit a memory to your heart you can easily forget it within a few minutes. Not compatible with Eidetic

5. Struggling - You barely have enough money to even buy your own food and most elitists tend to easily mock you due to your poor upbringing. Causes you to start with a lesser amount of Duel Points. Creates a penalty in rewards in which at least 5% percent of the total amount will always be deducted to sustain your basic needs. Not compatible with Silver Spoon.

Quirks (Minor traits that you want me to include as part of their character. Please be informed that it shouldn't be something too outrageous otherwise I won't include it).


Appearance (You can suggest to me an image that you wish to be the character's appearance, as long as it isn't something too vulgar or NSFW)

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Why does the Shaddoll deck use poly instead of Shaddoll Fusion?

Also you should move to the NSFW section even if you aren't planning to do smut, you will get more attention that way.
Why does the Shaddoll deck use poly instead of Shaddoll Fusion?

Also you should move to the NSFW section even if you aren't planning to do smut, you will get more attention that way.
Oh, tanks for your advice. But how do I switch it over there? I'm quite new here to say and I really don't know the works here.
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Can I just vote to have the same character as SB? I kinda liked that character.
Can I just vote to have the same character as SB? I kinda liked that character.
Sure, just be sure to state your choice. Though I would first have to wait for others to make their choices here too. At least a couple more considering how slow QQ is.
[X]Same character as SB
Kyoka Suigetsu
Gender: Female
Era: Arc-V
Trait: Composure
Flaw: Bad Liar
Quirk: Chuunibyou, likes seafood
Deck: Gishki
If QQ is too slow for you have you considered of posting on SV?
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If QQ is too slow for you have you considered of posting on SV?

I tried but the sign up section keeps on rejecting my attempts for some reason. I got frustrated with it so I was forced to use QQ.

Also, I assume by your choice that you will be picking Gishki for a deck choice right?
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[X]Same character as SB except deck.
Kyoka Suigetsu
Gender: Female
Era: Arc-V
Trait: Composure
Flaw: Bad Liar
Quirk: Chuunibyou, likes seafood
Deck: Shaddoll

Almost everyone is reliant on the extra deck so Shaddoll Fusion is always live.

Oh, tanks for your advice. But how do I switch it over there? I'm quite new here to say and I really don't know the works here.

Ask a mod.
Name: Kyoka Suigetsu
Gender: Female
Era: Arc-V
Trait: Composure
Flaw: Bad Liar
Quirk: Chuunibyou, likes seafood
Deck: Shaddoll

Almost everyone is reliant on the extra deck so Shaddoll Fusion is always live.

By the way, I should inform you that if you are planning to choose Shadoll then the name and seafood liking quirk would technically lose its meaning as you are not using a water based deck like Gishki.
[X] Plan Of Puppet Strings
-[X][Name] Shibai Ningyo
-[X][Gender] Male
-[X][Era] Arc-V
-[X][Trait] Composure
-[X][Flaw] Bad Liar
-[X][Quirk] Chuunibyou, likes making models of various monster cards.

How's this idea?
[X]New Character
Sazuki Shibara
Gender: Female
Era: Arc-V
Trait: Eidetic
Flaw: Bad Liar
Quirk: Likes to see the opponent's strategy and skills, even of may risk her victory.
Deck: Shaddoll
[X] Plan Of Puppet Strings
-[X][Name] Shibai Ningyo
-[X][Gender] Male
-[X][Era] Arc-V
-[X][Trait] Composure
-[X][Flaw] Bad Liar
-[X][Quirk] Chuunibyou, likes making models of various monster cards.
[X]New Character
Sazuki Shibara
Gender: Female
Era: Arc-V
Trait: Eidetic
Flaw: Bad Liar
Quirk: Likes to see the opponent's strategy and skills, even of may risk her victory.
Deck: Shaddoll
[X]New Character
Sazuki Shibara
Gender: Female
Era: Arc-V
Trait: Eidetic
Flaw: Bad Liar
Quirk: Likes to see the opponent's strategy and skills, even of may risk her victory.
Deck: Shaddoll

I'm voting for this one mostly for the quirk tbh. I like the idea of it.
[x]New Character
Sazuki Shibara
Gender: Female
Era: Arc-V
Trait: Eidetic
Flaw: Bad Liar
Quirk: Likes to see the opponent's strategy and skills, even of may risk her victory.
Deck: Shaddoll
[X] Plan Of Puppet Strings
-[X][Name] Shibai Ningyo
-[X][Gender] Male
-[X][Era] Arc-V
-[X][Trait] Composure
-[X][Flaw] Bad Liar
-[X][Quirk] Chuunibyou, likes making models of various monster cards.
[x]New Character
Sazuki Shibara
Gender: Female
Era: Arc-V
Trait: Eidetic
Flaw: Bad Liar
Quirk: Likes to see the opponent's strategy and skills, even of may risk her victory.
Deck: Shaddoll
[X] Plan Of Puppet Strings
-[X][Name] Shibai Ningyo
-[X][Gender] Male
-[X][Era] Arc-V
-[X][Trait] Composure
-[X][Flaw] Bad Liar
-[X][Quirk] Chuunibyou, likes making models of various monster cards.
[X] Plan Of Puppet Strings
-[X][Name] Shibai Ningyo
-[X][Gender] Male
-[X][Era] Arc-V
-[X][Trait] Composure
-[X][Flaw] Bad Liar
-[X][Quirk] Chuunibyou, likes making models of various monster cards.

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