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Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel(duh) and/or any of its published characters that may or may not...
Technomancer in MCU #1


Not too sore, are you?
Jun 28, 2021
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Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel(duh) and/or any of its published characters that may or may not appear in this story. Disney, please don't sue me! Support the Official Release :)
Technomancer in MCU
Chapter 1
– Nick Fury –
The Helicarrier control room

I did not need this.

"Hill, Sitrep", Limping slightly, I asked her.

"We have one engine down and another one on its last legs, sir.", Hill Replied.

"Any chance we can reach New York before the aliens destroy the goddamned city?"

"Negative, Sir."She grimaced.

"Updates on the team?"Sighing, I asked.

"Thor and Banner are both MIA. Iron Man was last seen fighting against the incoming alien horde in a new suit and the Captain along with Widow and Barton are not far behind and should reach in time to provide reinforcements."

"How far are we from repairing all the damage to the comms?"

"Comms are back online along with full satellite uplink being restored soon."

"Keep looking for Banner and prepare to escort him to New York once he is found. I think we could use the abilities of our angry green friend effectively for once," I said, turning around.


"Hmm?" I asked her, turning around.

"Sir, it's the council. They want a meeting."

"What are we waiting for then, set it up."

"Yes sir."

Just as I was about to head to the conference hall, all alarms started sounding up.

"Hill, this better not be another disaster in the making. What is going on?"I asked her.

"Sir, it's New York, multiple unknown bogies en route, air and water sir."

This could not come at a worse time.

"Put it on the big screen and someone better identify who our uninvited guests are and how they were able to evade all trackers and get motherfu*ing jets in US Airspace without anybody knowing about it."

With the satellite uplink restored, we finally had some credible eyes on the battlefield.

All the stations were in a flurry of activity tracking what was apparently a small but very well-equipped army coming to Manhattan.

The council was not going to be happy about this. Just thinking about it brings me a headache.
Palming my forehead, I asked"Any updates on Banner or Thor?"

"Negative, Sir."

"I am too old for this shit."Sighing, I replied.
– ? –


The moment I heard that cursed sound, my eyes snapped open, adrenaline flooding my system, instantly waking me up, despite my sluggish feeling body.

"Alfred", I spoke to my best buddy absentmindedly.

"Yes, sir."

"Turn off the alarms and activate the NYC-2012 protocols."

A little hologram appeared in front of me with Alfred dressed in all his three-piece suit glory.

"Affirmative, sir."Bowing, he replied cheekily.

My AI had a sassy personality, go figure.

As the automatic routines kicked in, the nanites in the suit began moving my body for all my morning activities, carrying me across the rejuvenation chamber and into the command console pod.

It looked a lot like a rescue pod from outside but inside was a whole other story, containing technology that is in some cases, literally out of this world.

"Alfred, What's the current status?"

"....All command centres online"

"..Orbital launch platforms ready.."

"...Shieldbots launched….ETA-1 minute"

"....Rescue boats ETA-2 minutes 40 seconds"

"....Avengers suits prepped for launch.."

"...Multiple bogies en route to the New Jersey Medical conference.."

"Alright.ETA on the Avengers?" I asked Alfred.

"Currently, only Tony Stark is in the vicinity with 'America's Ass' along with Widow and Barton on their way on a Quinjet."He snickered.

"Not the time for jokes, Alfred"

"Yes, sir."

"What about Banner and Thor?"

"ETA unknown. Should I send escorts?" He asked.

"No need. Focus all resources on saving as many people as possible." I answered.

On the Screen, I could see that while capable, Tony was vastly outnumbered there.

"Alfred, Why don't we show Mr.Stark what real armour looks like?"

"Yes!" Alfred replied giddily.

"I'll finally be able to show J.A.R.V.I.S. his place today"

Alfred may have a teeny-tiny bit issue with Stark calling J.A.R.V.I.S. an AI. According to him, he is the only true AI on the planet.

"Not the time Alfred, if possible coordinate with him for rescue operations. Remember they are going to be our future allies." I chastised him.

Gathering my thoughts, I get ready for the literal world-changing day ahead of me.

Sighing, "Alfred, initiate NEURALINK"

"Affirmative, sir."

As I brace myself for the extrasensory perceptions that come part and parcel with connecting to the main systems, my thoughts go into conflicting directions regarding the operation ahead.

With Howard Stark's old Vita Ray research, I was able to create CHI tablets but revealing them to the world will come with its own sets of problems and expectations.

The sheer amount of outcry to distribute the stuff after the invasion would allow the politicians to steer the public opinion against me but importantly against the Avengers as well.

Sighing from the mental stress of it all, I order Alfred to "Activate BLEEDING-HEART protocols"

"Are you sure, sir?" asked Alfred.

"Yes, I'll deal with the fallout later, save the people first."

"Very well, sir."

Due to the nifty ability of the Neuralink, all this took less than a second.

Just in time, I could see the hilarious site of the armour just latching onto Tony's armour like a glowing goo. I could literally feel his confusion through the armour.

"Alfred, you did that on purpose, didn't you?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, sir. On a separate note, all of this is being recorded in posterity for research purposes."

Snorting, I replied, "Yeah, right."

I watch on as S.H.I.E.L.D scrambles to get an appropriate response to an actual alien invasion happening in broad daylight in one of the most populated cities of their main sponsor country.

On another screen, I could clearly see all the assets being brought in from around the world, to NYC for the final showdown.

"Alfred, prep my suit for battlefield entry."

"Are you sure, sir? I am sure we can manage with all the resources—"

"Alfred, there's no turning back now. Besides, if we couldn't even handle the Chitauri what hope would we have against the incoming threats?"

"...Suit prepped and ready for launch, sir…"

As I look on, I find myself laughing over the repeating clip of Tony's confusion over the armour upgrade.
Alfred had designed them with minimal input from myself, back in my scavenging days.

It was sleek, aerodynamic which hugged the underlying Mark VII perfectly. A nanite mixture made from a cocktail of exotic materials like Vibranium for better durability along with unparalleled motion ranges.

I watch on as all the pieces I had painstakingly gathered in the short time I had, fall into their respective places, just for this one event, for the world to finally learn the painful lesson that we are not alone and humanity as a whole needs to unite to have even a semblance of hope of winning against the threats that I know are on their way.

I just hope that the price paid in lives for the world to finally learn that we are not alone is not too high.
Word Count - 1257
Next Chapter - Tony's POV
Author Notes - So? How was it? I would love to hear what you guys think. Any Criticism is always appreciated, good or bad. It's still engagement LOL :)
If you like my writing and would like to support me or want to read ahead of the public release, you can head on to my
I already have 8 chapters ahead uploaded there.

Technomancer in MCU #2
Chapter 2
Technomancer in MCU
New York City
–Tony Stark–

"Jarvis, what's the situation?"I yell as I blast off another one of those Chitauri rider boat things.

"The energy surrounding the cube is impenetrable by conventional means, sir."He replied.

"We already knew that. Damn it! Where are the others?"I questioned.

"Captain America along with the Black Widow and Hawkeye were last seen downtown exiting a crashed jet, helping start rescue operations." Replied my trusty AI.

"Any sign of Banner yet?"

"No sir."

"Keep me informed."

"Affirmative, sir."

Going by the numbers I am seeing, even the entire team won't be enough. We'll need heavy support from the army and even then the casualty count will be too high, civilian and military alike.

Just as I was about to order Jarvis to connect me to the closest military base, something slammed into me.

Completely blindsided, I ask "Jarvis, what the hell?"

"I'm sorry sir, the projectile completely escaped all senses right up until it slammed into you."

The HUD was showing all kinds of Vacky readings that didn't make any sense. The energy readings alone made my current Arc Reactor look like an AA battery.

"Jarvis, any updates on the situa—What the hell is this?"

"Sir, it seems to be a semi-liquid material completely enveloping the armour."

"What is it, Jarvis?"

"I believe that the projectile that attacked us was a nanite package, it has completely mended to the Mark VII armour and has a superior power source along with numerous other features that have only been theorised before."

"I'll say, the processing prowess along with advanced weapons alone makes this a walking tank."

"Alright let's see what this—-"

"Sir, I think you should see this." Interrupted Jarvis.

The RADAR or whatever advanced version of it this suit was using was somehow telling him that reinforcements were here.

They did not seem to be from the US military but probably from whoever built this suit.

Squinting slightly, I saw what appeared to be multiple jets coming towards me at speeds exceeding Mach 3.


"On it, sir"

"What the hell?" I replied, incredulously.

Everywhere I could see, these bots of some sort launched themselves at any and all buildings in sight.

They looked more like arachnids to be honest. Multiple legs for support and also for offensive purposes, as evidenced by the unfortunate Chitauri soldier who was just bisected in two by a suspiciously familiar thin beam from one of its legs.

"Jarvis, are they using my tech?"

"..Scans suggest a version with significantly higher throughput, sir."

"Damn!", I replied, seeing the numbers, not at all jealous.

"...Unusually synchronous buildup of energy sensed"

"What are they doing, Jarvis?"

Just as I was about to head towards one, for closer inspection, there was a faint whining noise and a huge wave of blue light erupted from all the bots near me.

That wave was joining with other waves emerging from other parts of the city.

"Well I'll be damned," I said, grinning.

There were now multiple domes of pure blue light, almost like the cube, surrounding the major areas of the city.

It excluded the Stark tower so it was still going to be a bitch and a half to repair.

I did not pout, no matter what Jarvis tells you.

"Mr.Stark, The Captain has been spotted wearing similar armour to yours on the streets."

"Well, let's go say hi then. Jarvis, let's see what this bad boy can do."

With nary a sound, the repulsors came active and I rocketed away.


"Jarvis, what % are we on the repulsion systems?"

"Just under 1%, sir."

I whistled. Damn, I hope whoever gave me this lets me keep it after this.

Just ahead, I could see Captain lifting a literal block of concrete from the street like it was a pebble and using it to smash an entire horde of aliens.

It seems he isn't using the weapons systems or does he not have one?

"Jarvis, target all Chitauri riders. Eliminate with extreme prejudice."

"Gladly, sir."

With the command given, Jarvis just, somehow? Emitted lasers from all parts of the armour and sliced through the aliens like a hot knife through butter.

Landing on the ground, I gave the good Captain a nod, "Captain"

"Mr.Stark" he nodded back.

"Are those shields yours?", he asks, looking up.

I do the same, replying, "No, but damn am I glad that they are there. Otherwise, who knows what the casualty rate would have been."

Hearing the sound of thunder rumbling, I smiled, "Look alive, Captain, Point Break is here".

With the sound of Thunder, Thor arrived where we were standing.

Wait, how did he get through the shields?

As if reading my mind, he replied "The shields are somehow selective, they let me pass through but the Chitauri can't seem to enter and they are now trying to go beyond the barriers."

"What about Loki?"The captain asked.

"With the power of his sceptre, he can slice through the barrier but it heals right up so he can only allow limited entry."

As if given some sort of signal, we could clearly see Loki getting into the barriers on one of the nightmare fuels-whale things.

Hearing the sound of an engine closeby, I turned around only to..

"Well, Doctor Banner, better late than never."

"Uh-huh" replied our resident anger management doctor.

We could clearly see the whale thing floating towards us.

"We could use a little bit of giant angry muscle here, Doc."

"Yeah, I know," he replied

With a sigh, he removed his glasses and walked forward, probably to do a reenactment of the whole crush a tank with his bare hands at the Culver University.
"Doctor Banner?", asked Steve


"Now might be a real good time to be angry."

Like a badass, Bruce replied, "That's the secret, Cap. I'm always angry."

Then, he turned around, hulking up and stopping the damn lizard thing in a single punch.

Damn! That was cool.

Wait, where was Loki?

"Uh…Jarvis, any sign of Loki?"


There was a high-pitched noise of some sort.

As I turned around to look for it, there was a bright flash of light near the portal.


"..Activating filters.."

As the light cleared up, the scene that greeted me made my jaw drop slightly.

There was a straight path cleaved through the hordes of aliens near the Portal.

I could clearly see partially cleaved parts of the huge space whales.

Tracking the trajectory, I searched for the culprit of that attack and I immediately did a double-take.

"Fury?" I mumbled, seeing a near replica of Fury's secret carrier.

"No" I shook my head. The design was similar but they actually had repulsor tech incorporated to keep the boat afloat.

"..Incoming call…"

I mumbled, "Let's see what our mystery benefactor has to say to us. Patch us through, Jarvis."

"...Connection Established…"

"Greetings, Avengers….."
Word Count - 1164
Next Chapter - Natasha POV
If you like my writing and would like to support me or want to read ahead of the public release, you can head on to my
I already have 8 chapters ahead uploaded there.

Technomancer in MCU #3
Chapter 3
Technomancer in MCU
New York City
–Natasha Romanoff–

Shooting another Chitauri alien with the 'Widow Blasters' this weird suit came with, she wondered when her life became this strange.

Being one of the top agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., she has seen her fair share of strange stuff but this does take the cake.

–A few hours earlier–

They were exiting from the emergency exit of the now-ruined jet, when they saw multiple people stuck inside a school bus.

"Probably thought it was a safe place to hide when the blasts began" " she thought.

"Barton, with me" Steve ordered Clint.

"Roger that, Captain", he replied cheekily.

Giving her a reassuring smile, he nodded and went ahead to help the passengers.

Meanwhile, she removed the safeties on her guns and proceeded to shoot any and all riders she could see.

Crackle! Crackle!

The comms crackled, "Romanoff", came an infuriatingly smug voice through them, "Miss me?"

"As much as you miss your father, Tony?"

The comms were suspiciously silent after that.

"Too soon?", she asked Clint.

"Eh, he had it coming anyway" he replied, shaking his head.

We were on our way inwards into the battlefield area after clearing out the bus, something slammed into me, shoving me into the ground.

My vision soon began to darken. Looking up, all I managed to see was some black sludge spread all over Clint.

Just as the thought of this being a surprise enemy attack began to take root in my mind, a voice spoke from seemingly everywhere.

"..Greetings, Black Widow. I am Alfred, your designated partner for this exciting battle we have ahead of us.", a voice chirped excitedly.

And then my vision cleared up.

Standing up, she could see Clint covered in skin-tight armour of sorts, examining his hands.

"Uh, Nat, you alright?" he asked nervously.

"Yeah, just peachy.", she grumbled.

"Uh, Alfred, was it?" she spoke aloud.

"Yes?", came the voice simultaneously from all three of our armours.

"Not creepy at all", she thought in her mind.

"Who exactly are you?", she questioned.

After all, while they might be providing reinforcement and backup for now, she had seen more than her fair share of backstabbing and was always on guard with situations like this one. The ones that seemed too good to be true.

"To answer your question, Miss.Romanoff, we would be wasting valuable time better spent in fighting the invaders and making sure that they leave the planet post-haste. I would recommend that you start working with the parameters already given to your suits.", Alfred replied tersely.

As she was about to question him further, "He's right. Our first and foremost goal should be to save the people. The questioning can come later.", Steve interrupted.

"Besides, a representative of our organisation will soon arrive to assist you all. After this invasion is over, he will be providing you with a full debrief. So please, less talking more smashing.", interjected Alfred.

"Alright alright", she took a deep breath, "Fine."

The conversation died down as they entered the fray and started cleaning up any aliens they came across.

According to the suit's parameters, She was supposed to be airborne and taking out anybody that came too close to the Stark Tower and remain there.

Clint had taken an interesting approach to this suit of armour.

She could almost feel the giddiness wafting off of him like a child who found a new toy.

"What an idiot", she thought fondly.

Just because he was excited didn't mean that he missed any shots, though.

Clint had taken surprisingly well to his suit. Flying around intuitively, shooting long-range targets with his never-ending supply of energy arrows.

The captain on the other hand was probably still getting used to the existence of the internet, so this might not be the easiest stuff to handle.

But, as an energy shield whizzed by her, bisecting a bus and smashing through a dozen aliens hidden behind them, she thought "Maybe the suit's more intuitive than I thought"

As they cleared about another large area with a subway entrance where they herded all the survivors they could find, she heard the comms crackle to life,

"Uh, guys?" said Tony.

"What is it, Tony?" asked Steve

"Look up"

As they both looked up, a blue wave of sorts expanded and passed through us.

Upon close examination, she could see arachnid-like structures that were emitting this blue light.

She whirled around when she heard a series of gasps behind her. Only to see a number of the brave ones come out and point toward the sky excitedly.

She took a look, only to freeze.

She could very clearly see that a huge shield had covered the entirety of the nearby area.

Taking flight, "Holy Crap", she thought as she could see that there was now an energy shield that covered an area as far as her eyes could see.

It was a very strong one too, judging by the frustrating attempts of the Chitauri. Even one of their big whale ones crashed into it and it didn't even show as much as a flicker let alone cracks.

"Impressive, right?" came an incredibly smug sounding voice.

"Who are you really, Alfred?" she replied back.

"All will be revealed soon, Miss.Romanoff.Now will you please follow the parameters?" he grumbled back

Rolling her eyes, instead of replying, she was about to turn around and go to the Stark Tower when something whizzed past her at an incredible speed.

"Alright, you have got to be messing with me," she said, frustrated.

"I apologise if I startled you, Miss Romanoff. Honestly,I was told that the Avengers were made of rather sterner stuff.", a little hologram of an old butler popped into my HUD, sniffing haughtily.

I deadpanned at him.

"If you must know, that was one of the many medbots being deployed to NYC."

"Medbots?" she asked, uncomprehendingly.

"Just watch and learn."

She watched on as many small TV-sized floating platforms came out of the medbots. They were, as was the theme of this organisation, sleek and made of black stuff with shiny blue circuitry running through them.

They were also floating, apparently.

She watched on as one of the floating platforms came near one of the injured people, nothing too serious, just scratches and bruises, and scanned them somehow.

What it did later raised all sorts of alarm bells in her head.

"Clint, are you seeing this?"

"Yeah, still working on believing. Man, Fury is not going to be happy about this."

"Yeah, no kidding", she replied.

The floating platform, after presumably scanning the medical state of the person in front of them, emitted a focused bright beam of orange light on the bruised and scratched areas.

Amidst a sea of gasps from the huddled group of injured people, the injuries began to visibly fade away.

With the amount of these medbots launched in the city, she could safely assume that a majority of the people will walk away from this ordeal physically fine.

"That's not all either. The largest doctors' conference of this century was coincidentally happening right near New Jersey. Almost all the doctors present there have been kidna-, Ahem, Escorted to the Central Park and a large cordoned-off area has been created there for them to treat the patients that can't be completely healed with the Vita Rays.", Alfred added helpfully.
Word Count - 1245
Next Chapter - Multiple POVs
If you like my writing and would like to support me or want to read ahead of the public release, you can head on to my
I already have 8 chapters ahead uploaded there.

Technomancer in MCU #4
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Chapter 4
Technomancer in MCU

"That's not all either. The largest doctors' conference of this century was coincidentally happening right near New Jersey. Almost all the doctors present there have been kidna-, Ahem, Escorted to the Central Park and a large cordoned-off area has been created there for them to treat the patients that can't be completely healed with the Vita Rays.", Alfred added helpfully.

New York City
–Natasha Romanoff–

When a high-pitched tearing sound came from behind me, the alarms started blaring in the suit.

"Alfred?", I asked, turning around.

Before he could reply, I could clearly see Loki riding on one of the whales, with several stragglers riding behind him.

Behind him, I could see a tear in the shield as if something had just cleaved through it.

"The sceptre…", I realized.

"Yes. The sceptre's powers can easily breach through the shield but due to the shield's construction, only that part of the shield is destroyed. With the abundance of shieldbots we have here, that part of the shield will be repaired soon enough.", Alfred replied.

I could clearly see the shield visibly closing up as Alfred said.

As I was searching for ways to destroy the aliens that had entered the shield with Loki, Banner had arrived and was talking to Steve.

Sighing with relief, I knew that at least the immediate issue was solved.

With a loud tearing noise, Banner transformed into the Hulk and stopped the whale with a single punch.

The whale and its entire exoskeleton nearly toppled over as it groaned in pain at being nearly stopped with a single punch.

Tony took the opportunity and fired a small missile into one of the exposed parts.

"Take Cover", he shouted.

"Where?", I thought loudly in my mind.

Thankfully, there was no need as the only unarmoured person here was the Hulk.

In the immediate aftermath of that explosion, Clint and Tony took care of all the stragglers and I went back to see if any of the shelters were compromised.

I arrived at one of the buildings only to find smaller versions of the shield projected onto the people who were actually out into the open, recording everything with their phones.

Groaning in frustration, "Alfred?" I asked, aloud.


"Don't let the civilians out of the shelter, please."

"As you wish"

With that, the shields began to literally herd the group into the shelters, despite their asinine protests.


There was a high-pitched buildup of noise that all my instincts were telling me to run from.

I looked up at the shield boundary only to see a white light fill all of my vision.

Silence reigned on the battlefield.

The Feed on the HUD cleared up.

I squinted, only to see a path carved out through the Chitauri bodies right up to the portal.

Partially vaporised corpses littered the boundary of the shields as they lost the ability to float.

The huge locusts like aggregation of the aliens seemed oddly still, as if afraid that they were going to be targeted next.

Then, as if a button was pushed, all the aliens I could see began to rapidly crash on to the shields. Some of them being clearly crushed to death beneath the weight of the aliens behind them yet the aliens continued their frenzied approach.

"Don't worry, the shields will hold". Reassured Alfred.


I heard the sound of someone crashing near me.

Looking over, I saw Thor landing wobbly near one of the wrecked cars nearby.

I went to help him but he recovered pretty quickly.

"Loki", he whispered," He ran away."

"Don't worry, we'll find him.", I reassured him.

"What kind of seiðr is this?", he asked, gesturing to the Vita Rays being projected onto him from my suit, healing him from cuts he must have gotten from Loki, surprising even me.

As I was about to tell him what I knew, I heard an unfamiliar voice speak through the armour's internal systems, "Greetings, Avengers….."

"Hello, Mystery Guy. Mind telling me how you arranged all this so soon?", Tony asked snarkily, gesturing to the shields and the armours surrounding them, his words having a hint of an accusation with them.

"Would you believe me if I said that I saw the future." the voice replied.

"Nooo but we would be having some words about you not informing someone about this attack.", Tony said in a heated tone.

The voice sighed, "Look, We can stand here arguing about it or we can deal with the extra aliens that come out of that hell hole together while Alfred helps in evacuation and healing the injured. I'm on my way as well."

"I agree.", I said, surprising everyone.

"What? It's not like I am not suspicious about the timing but the relevant thing is that the guy is helping and without his help, we would not have been able to do half of what we have done already. So let's save the interrogation for later when he actually comes here and not as some disembodied voice.", I argued.

"Like I said, let's leave this for later.", the voice said, sounding surprised.

As if his words heralded something terrible, the same high-pitched building-up noise came from before and the floating air carrier floating out of the city fired multiple times.

After my vision cleared, I saw that the entirety of the shield dome was littered with thousands of corpses of the aliens.

The entire sky nearing the Stark Tower where all I could see were hordes of aliens, now remained free.

"Be careful, the carrier will not be able to do that again for quite some time. We must find Loki and close the portal else the invading forces will overwhelm our forces too.", the voice said.

And I agreed too.

Glancing at the portal, I could clearly see the new wave of aliens coming through the portal but this time instead of crashing to their literal deaths on the energy barrier, they made a beeline towards the carrier, recognizing the greater threat it possessed.

"Loki" I whispered, realizing he was still somewhere commanding the army.

"Alright, here are all your orders, if you choose to accept them", said the voice.

All of them waited with bated breaths.

"Tony and Clint, you are on straggler duty. We will open up a section of the shield near one of the completely evacuated areas. Your goal is to make sure that the least amount of aliens go past the barrier area on either side and make sure that the load on the carrier is lessened."

"I don't take orders from anyone but alright.", Tony replied snarkily.

"Roger that.", replied Clint.

"Steve and Natasha, you are on crowd duty. A detailed scan of life signatures of the shielded area has been uploaded on your respective armours. Also, designated shelter zones with fortified areas have been marked. Your task is to make sure that all the people are in the shelters and you might find some people with serious injuries that are only stabilised by the Vita Rays. You need to get these people to Central Park for emergency treatment. Got it?"

"Got it", I and Steve replied.

"Thor, Find your brother and subdue him. You know he cannot be convinced or stopped now."

"Yes", Thor replied somberly.

"And Hulk?", the voice sounded bemused.

The Hulk grunted back.

A small hatch opened from a nearby shieldbot and a rectangular box cam and attached itself to the Legs of the Hulk.

"These will help you reach the heights necessary for you to SMASH them properly."

The Hulk grinned at that. It did not bode well for the aliens.

With that, he Leaped straight through the barrier, blasting through the corpses of the aliens and into one of their riders, obliterating it.

All of them leaped into action after that.
Word Count - 1330
Next Chapter - Fury POV

If you like my writing and would like to support me or want to read ahead of the public release, you can head on to my
I already have 8 chapters ahead uploaded there.

Technomancer in MCU #5
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Chapter 5
Technomancer in MCU
The Helicarrier control room
– Nick Fury –

"What a shitshow this has become", I think, not hiding my grimace, while waiting for the council to assemble.

"Even in times like this, they cling on to their vain pride. ", I thought privately.

After what felt like ages, "Director Fury", spoke the councilman in front of me.

"Can you tell us what the hell is going on?", the councilman speaks, clearly frustrated at their lack of control of the situation.

"As you know, Loki opened a portal above New York through which his Army came to conquer the earth for him. The Team was able to figure out Loki's location before us and given the urgency of the situation, they went ahead rushing to Stark Tower ahead of us. Due to–"

"How can they go ahead without our permission, Director. We were very clear from the beginning that even though we allowed the formation of the team reluctantly given the dire circumstances but under no circumstances was the team to be deployed without our knowledge. ", interrupted the clearly irate Councilman.

"As I said before I was rudely interrupted, the situation's urgency forced their hands. Romanoff and Barton are both with them so they have not gone rogue as you would believe. Now, Can I go ahead or does anyone else have any questions?", I glared at the room with my one eye narrowed to make the point.

"No, Director. You have made your point. Go on with the report. ", spoke another silhouette.

Clearing my throat, I said, "Thank you. As I was saying, Due to Tony's suit, he was able to reach Stark Tower the fastest. There he found Loki. After a brief altercation, he was able to momentarily overpower Loki but due to the Opening of the Portal, he was forced to concentrate on the literal horde of aliens pouring out of that Gaping hole above New York City. "

Taking a sip of water to moisten his dry throat, he continued, "Stark alone was not going to be able to handle them, that much was pretty clear from the get-go. The rest of the team sans Thor and Banner reached there soon after. "

"While rescuing people stuck nearby, the suits that you are seeing were given to them"

"Yes, the advanced weaponry that has come into their possession. The council has a special interest in that, Fury. "

"Ofcourse you do. ", I thought darkly.

"As of now, we have no idea regarding the origin of the suits, the aircraft carrier floating nearby or even where they got that advanced healing and barrier tech. "

"How did that come about, Fury", spoke Alexander Pierce for the first time.

His inquiring voice was soft but it spoke volumes of how shaken he was regarding the revelation.

"We were supposed to be the guardians of Humanity from the greater expanse. How was SHIELD caught pants down in this situation? We clearly don't have half a clue regarding the players on our own home planet. "

The feed showing a white beam cutting through swathes of aliens running in front of him. Next to it was a feed of people being healed, the barriers being deployed through those spider bots.

"This is horrendous. We have no idea, no clue regarding this organisation. They have been operating on US soil for who knows how long without anybody being the wiser and now this, this needs a response. We cannot be seen not doing anything. Fury, what are our options now?", the councilman questioned me.

"We are doing something, members of the council. My team is right there, helping people, defending them from the stragglers. The unknowns have just supplied the technology. None of their people seems to actually be there. Last I heard from the team, they had successfully established contact with the organisation and were promised a meeting after all this was over. "

"See to it that SHIELD doesn't come out the loser after this, Fury. ", they addressed me.

They cut the feed after that.

Huffing, I turned around to head back to the bridge when halfway through Hill came running to me.

"What is it, Hill?" I asked her.

"Sir, it's not just a single carrier as we previously thought. "

Her words send alarm bells ringing in my mind.

"2 more have emerged from the water, sir. They have surrounded the city in a formation. Sensors indicate faint underwater activity of 2 more such structures. More importantly, a projectile was somehow launched from the moon. "

What? "The Moon?", I thundered back at her.

Not phased by my outburst at all, she replied "Yes sir. It is the size of a quinjet and it is headed straight towards the portal. "

"Have we attempted to establish communication?"

"Yes sir. It is not answering any hails. Should we engage, sir?"

"No, I don't think it will be of any use. I have a feeling that thing must be the doing of our mystery organisation. I don't like mysteries, Hill. "

"Contain this. Don't put it in writing anywhere. We don't need a riot amongst the councilmen regarding this.

"Roger that"


"14 minutes, sir. "

"Hmm, inform Stark and the others about that just in case. "

"Yes, sir. "

As we were talking, we finally reached the bridge,

I shouted, "Alright, people. Are we any closer on identifying any of the tech they are using and where could they have gotten that?"

Sitwell came forward with a tablet and said, "Sir it seems that the white beam we saw was an advanced railgun prototype. I say prototype because, after those continuous three bursts, they haven't fired again but seem to have gone into defensive mode. The carriers seem to be using repulsor technology, same as Stark's but the output suggests that they are leaps ahead of him. "

"And the stealth technology they used?" I questioned him.

He scratched his head and replied, "We have no idea, sir. The only reason we are able to track them is they let us. Total sound, radar, light, and even vibration absorption technology. I have never seen anything like it. "

"Alright, keep me posted about any new developments. " I dismissed him.

"Yes, sir"

Standing nearthe bridge command console, I could clearly see all the machines in action.

From the healing bots to the shield machines to even the jets that have exited the carriers to destroy any alien that was able to get past Stark and Barton.

Speaking of them, I could see their popularity shooting through the roof after this. Hell, I could probably get Banner his pardon pretty easily now.

Studying the footage, I could confirm that whoever they are, they have thoroughly infiltrated SHIELD.

The themed suits with perfect synergy between the innate abilities of the user and the extra abilities offered by the suit.

Palming the pager that Carol gave me, I thought of calling her but the secret mysterious cabal seemed to be actually good this time and by the time she comes back, the invasion would probably be over.
Just like that, the time passed by.

The emergency services managed to arrive at the Central Park hospital these guys had created. Nearly all the civilians in the Dome of the shield surrounding the nearby areas of Stark Tower had been evacuated.

The team was fighting outside the dome now, all of the suits came with flight capabilities apparently.

Soon, the spaceship arrived.

From the feed of one of the many drones flying nearby, they were able to see that the spaceship stopped on top of the portal.

It stayed there for a while, increasing the tension in the bridge before something happened.

One after the other, a long rectangular structure unfurled itself from the bellies of all the three carriers and aimed itself at the portal or more specifically, the spaceship suspended above the portal.
A similar one emerged from the top of the spaceship.

The sensors indicated a huge buildup of energy at the tip of those things.

"Stark, are you seeing this?", I said over the comms.

"Yeah, still don't know what it does though. I'll keep you posted Fury. "

After a while, the carriers were emitting so much energy that for a second, I thought that they were going to just bomb the entire city.

Fortunately, the three carriers simultaneously emitted three beams of azure blue light aimed at the spaceship. The spaceship lit up when the energy beam struck its pole and then, all hell broke loose.
Word Count - 1428
A/N :- Lol. Cliffhangers truly are fun when you are on the other side of the screen.

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Technomancer in MCU #6
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Chapter 6
Technomancer in MCU

After a while, the carriers were emitting so much energy that for a second, I thought that they were going to just bomb the entire city.

Fortunately, the three carriers simultaneously emitted three beams of azure blue light aimed at the spaceship. The spaceship lit up when the energy beam struck its pole and then, all hell broke loose.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier
–Nick Fury–

There was a huge commotion at the bridge and no doubt at every agency and country that had eyes on the event.

It was a scene straight from a sci-fi movie scene, there was now a spherical barrier covering the entirety of Manhattan, probably the same tech they used with the previous barriers but just at a level unthought of.

Seeing the commotion below, I shouted, "Silence! Silence! Get back to your stations."

With that, the commotion finally subsided but he could still see hushed whispers as the crew discussed the frankly world-changing scene going on in front of them.

I saw Hill walking toward me, shaken, she said, "Sir, the energy readings of this barrier are not making any sense. Even if they had an advanced version of Stark's reactor, there is no way they are making anywhere near the necessary energy output required to sustain the shield for however long they plan to."

Sighing, I replied, "Hill, these guys have broken all our expectations and have managed to become a more shocking factor in an event that contains literal aliens. All this speculation will lead us nowhere."

"Prepare for initial contact with them. The team has secured a meeting after the invasion. Make sure that we reach there in time for the meeting."

"Me, sir?", she asked.

"Is there a problem with that?", I asked back, eyebrows raised.

She snapped out of it, "No, sir."

I nodded, dismissing her.

–Tony Stark–

Well, that wasn't something I had expected to happen.

To think they had the tech to make barriers of this level.

More importantly, the fact that they were able to make this barrier portable, even if three huge air carriers are pushing the definition of portable, was of immense significance to the current world order.

Man, just thinking about the politicians in DC nearly shitting their pants after seeing this, brings immense joy to my heart.

"..Sir, activity above the portal.."

"...Somebody's leaving the ship, sir."

Oh joy…

"Come on, people. Let's meet whoever the hell this guy is. I don't know about you but I have a lot of questions for our mysterious benefactor."

Gesturing to Romanoff and Barton, I said, "I imagine Fury has some words of choice for him as well."

They nodded back.


"Alfred, let's make a badass entry, shall we?", I asked my best buddy.

"...Only the best, sir.", he replied.

A huge floating platform ejected from one of the Prime carriers and came flying towards the ship at blinding speeds, stopping just short of touching the hull of my ship.

Snickering at the thought of the aneurism the analysts of the spy agencies of the world must be having, I exited my ship in my suit, floating over, and landed on the platform with my hands behind my back.

Man! This was embarrassing. According to Alfred, though, this was one of the cooler poses.

The sun glinted off the armour.

The suit itself was a monstrosity of epic proportions, rivaling the Hulk in sheer size and even outclassing him in terms of its destructive potential.

The outer hull was built from a freak accident I had when trying to make the ultimate exotic material cocktail. It was made from a mixture of Vibranium, Adamantium, and Uru. The resulting material, once cast, made what was the closest possible thing to an unbreakable metal.

So, naturally, I built my personal suit from it.

The inner shell was built using standard Vibranium nanites so that I can upgrade the internals as I go on advancing technologically and making breakthroughs in material sciences.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I saw that the platform was hovering just above the Avengers and they were all staring at me or more accurately, at my next move.

Deciding to give them what they wanted, I jumped from the platform and landed on the pavement, completely destroying it and creating a small crater around me.

I sighed internally. There was no reason that should have happened, with Uru in the mix, Alfred was able to completely alter the density of the outer hull as per his commands. He did this deliberately as a show of power.

They all jumped at that and stared at or rather, up at my suit with only the Hulk being able to look me in the eye.

Not letting any of my nervousness bleed in my body language, I casually replied, "Apologies. Battlefield preparations."

Not offering any more explanation at their silent questioning looks, I stared at them silently.

Tony, as expected, was the first to break the silence, "Riiiight. You needed battlefield preparations when you came at the end of the battle. Completely understandable, of course.", he said, sarcasm dripping from every word that came out of his mouth.

Just as I was about to reply to his unasked question regarding my absence from the battlefield, we all heard a loud roar.


We all looked, only to see a total of 6 Leviathans coming at us with Loki at the helm, his face twisted in a rictus of wrath.

Seeing the Avengers tensing in preparation for an attack, I waved them off, "Alfred, be a dear and take care of them, will you?"

"Gladly, sir.", he replied, taking control of the suit.

The chest cavity opened up and the internal nanite suit took hold and brought me out of the armour.

I noticed Tony giving the closing suit behind me a look for consideration.

The suit closed itself up right behind me and near silently took off in the direction of the incoming horde.

With that taken care, I said, "So?", taking their attention away from the absolute beat-down Alfred must be giving them, "I can tell you have questions on your mind. Ask away."

Eyes lighting up, Tony was about to go into a whole tirade of questions about my tech but somebody else beat him to it.

"Why do all this?", Steve asked me, his entire demeanour serious.

Head tilting to one side, I asked innocently, "Do what?"

Visibly frustrated by my non-answer, he took a deep breath and said, "I might still be playing catch up with the rest of the world but from what we have seen today even I can tell that with the power you have available to you, you could have stopped Loki a dozen different times since he came to Earth. My question to you is, why didn't you?"

"Why did you let hundreds of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and thousands of innocent people die?"

"Why did you let New York become a battlefield and get completely destroyed?", he nearly shouted.

Breathing heavily, he looked at me with a determined gaze.

I looked at each of them in the eye and it was clear that if I didn't give an answer that satisfied them then they might just attack me here.

They wouldn't be able to do anything of course. The only ones with the potential to hurt me were Thor and Hulk but both were years away from unlocking their true potential.

But that would burn any bridge I could build with them in the future. They were needed to help safeguard this world.

Sighing internally, I thought about how to go about replying to this question without them instantly attacking me.

Shoulders slumping slightly, I raised both my hands and said, "Alright! Alright, I will answer your questions."

They all relaxed visibly.

I raised a finger, "BUT not here, we have prying eyes here", I said, glancing at an inconspicuous corner of the building.

Gesturing to the platform that had floated down silently behind me, I said to Natasha, "After you."

Raising an eyebrow at me, she nodded and went on ahead to step on the platform.

One by one, everyone boarded the platform and with a mental command, the platform rose steadily and took us out of the shield boundary.

I spy from the corner of my eye, Tony taking scans of everything like a kid in a candy store with an unlimited budget.

Breaking the silence, I say, "I know you will not like my answer but here it is anyway. For a lesson. It was all for a lesson….."

To be Continued..

Word Count - 1465

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Interlude #1

I looked at the fools charging on ahead at my master without even thinking about the doom they had invited upon themselves after this.

My master is not a merciful man.

He will not leave any of them alive after this.

With a look of pity, I activate the close-range scanners to find Loki.

That bastard is a slippery one.

There was no way in hell that the one charging ahead on top of the Leviathan's head was the real Loki.

Ah, there he is.

Hiding right underneath the Leviathan's neck, riding on one of the Chitauri riders made invisible under his illusions, was Loki.

Tracking an Infinity stone's energy signature was so much easier if only you knew what to look for.

With a command, the right shoulder pad opened up and I fired a circular disc at Loki.

The look of utter surprise on his face as a black disc smacked right into his face out of nowhere was hilarious.

That same look turned into one of slight desperation as the runes inscribed onto the disc with the help of the Ancient One activated and negated the use of any energy manipulation abilities inside its sphere of influence.

The fool couldn't even use the sceptre as moving inside 1000G would be a bit tough even for his brother let alone him.

The Frost Giants were never known for their overwhelming brute force after all.

With that taken care of, I activated all the lasers available in my suit and watched as they cut down the horde of Leviathans down to a couple of stragglers and a single injured Leviathan which was barely floating as it was.

Cracking my knuckles, or at least imitating the actions as I was a super AI without a body, yet, I punched, kicked, smashed, and otherwise pulverized the remaining Chitauri into bloody pulps.

They really are the weakest army in Thanos' empire.

I shook my head, grabbed Loki's prison disc and floated over to the platform Master and our future allies were seated upon.

WAKANDA Council War Room
–King T'Chaka–

Today has turned out to be a very ominous day.

The news of figures of Norse Mythology emerging from blue portals was headache-inducing enough but the fact that somebody called upon an alien army to invade Earth through a portal turned this into a political nightmare.

Seeing the elders arguing with each other pointlessly, I shouted, "Enough! You are all respected tribe leaders and you will act like it."

The room finally quieted down after that.

The Merchant tribe's elder said, "I think we should consider sending in some aid that doesn't compromise our secrets. This should be an easier way to allow us to open up slightly to the world and also to get close in case we need to find out more about this organisation that has popped up out of nowhere."

I nod slightly, agreeing with her.

"Absolutely Not!", shouted the border tribe leader.

With spittle flying out of his mouth, he said, "We will not risk Wakanda's exposure for mere aid to the outsiders."

Just like that, the arguments started again.

Palming my forehead in frustration, I had finally had enough, "Silence! I will allow the release of aid to New York in terms of money as well as grains. No technology that might expose us will be shared. War Dogs will be dispatched to find out everything they can about the new organisation."

In front of them, the feed from one of the drones was being played.

At first, they thought that they might need to finally let the curtains loose and defend the planet but surprisingly, this team of Avengers managed to hold the entire invasion off with but a few casualties.

Upon closer examination, they could clearly see traces of vibranium being used in the Avengers' suits as well as the technology being used to construct those barriers.
Wakandan scientists managed to confirm that the shields were based on Wakandan tech but just at a much higher capacity.

The confirmation had all but sent all the elders into a frenzy. They wanted me to send the wardogs to have that man arrested and his entire army seized as Vibranium was Wakanda's property.

How could they not see that was impossible. The firepower shown off by them was of such a level that we would not be able to do anything without significant casualties.
Now, they could clearly see the cordoned-off area of Manhattan where the invasion was occurring. The entirety of the area was sealed off completely.


Upon hearing a sharp gasp beside him, he looked only to see the Elder's jaw slightly agape as they stared ahead at the screen.

Mmm? he looked at the screen only to freeze.

Dread pooled in his guts as he read the message.

On the hologram running in front of them that was showing the feed from one of the closest drones they had to the man, 'I AM COMING- BE PREPARED' was flashing in bright red letters.

Soon, the entire feed of the drone went offline.

"What happened?", he asked the operators.

He replied nervously, clearly not used to being in such a situation, "King T'Chaka, it seems that the man sensed our drone was nearby and deactivated it with a glance somehow. As for the message, we are not being hacked. I have checked and all outside communications are being monitored."

"Whoever they are, sir. They are much more advanced than us at least in the cybersecurity department."

"Do a complete sweep of all our communications systems. Find out how he entered our systems. Monitor all outgoing traffic."

"Yes, King T'Chaka.", he bowed and left the room.

I turned back to the Council and said, "Prepare for War. The man said that he will be here soon and with the firepower they have at their disposal, I am not willing to risk anything. We will not make the first shot in this meeting. If we do so, even if we win, it will be a pyrrhic victory at best."

Looking back at the screen, I said, "This could be a great opportunity for Wakanda. If we can ally ourselves with the man's organisation, the road ahead in these turbulent times will be much clearer for Wakanda."

I just hope that it doesn't invite ruin to our doorsteps, I thought somberly.

"Dismissed," I say to the council.

They bow and leave.
Word Count - 1082

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Technomancer in MCU #7
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Chapter 7
Technomancer in MCU

Breaking the silence, I say, "I know you will not like my answer but here it is anyway. For a lesson. It was all for a lesson….."
New York City (Outside the Barrier)

The silence that followed my statement was deafening.

Even though I couldn't see everybody's reaction, the change in the very nature of the air and the scent of ozone in the air was unmistakable.

"YOU DARE!", Thor boomed, as he advanced towards me.

I remained calm even as Steve stopped Thor and calmed him down.

He then turned to me, "Explain.", he demanded.

Even though he sounded calm, I could tell he was just as if not more angry than our resident Asgardian prince.

With a mental command, all of our face plates melted away, allowing the members to see my face for the first time.

Not that it would help them since it was one of the dozens of fake holographic projections I had on hand for situations like this that required a bit more personal touch.

Visibly surprised at the change, they all looked at me for further explanation.

Grinning sardonically, I said, "This requires a bit more touch of a face-to-face conversation."

"To answer your previous question, Steve. It's simple. The world needed to know."

"It needed to know about the true dangers it faces and not the artificial ones that have been created to keep the general populace distracted."

"That all of it won't matter if some galactic overlord comes over and takes over all of our forces in a day."

"And before you say it, I've seen it happen. It is not as unlikely as you think it is."

"Just ask Thor here, what happens to the unfortunate civilisations that gain the attention of Pirates or Warlords and are not fortunate enough to be in the sphere of influence of an advanced civilisation such as Asgard.", I said, gesturing to Thor.

They all look at him with questioning looks.

"Aye, it is far more common than I would like.", he replied somberly.

Steve interjected, "Still. There is no reason you needed to do this just to prove a simple point. You, with all your resources, would have had your voice heard. All of this could have been avoided. We could have–"

"Who is this 'We' you are talking about Steve because as far as I remember, you all were just about at each other's throats just a couple hours ago. There was no unification anywhere. No singular body that I could approach that would treat the threat as planetary rather than just to their own nations."

"They would just hoard the information and any technology I would have given them to advance their own goals. The funny thing is I once entertained such thoughts."

"I thought of approaching Fury and telling him everything, getting it all off my chest. Just dumping all the responsibility on him. Take away all the mental load of it all and just become a weapon. Fire wherever someone tells me to fire."

"It was actually Alfred who shattered my delusions. He ran a model with a staggering 96% accuracy that without a common tragedy, something world-shattering, the chances of humanity unifying even under a loosely built agency rather than true unification would be only 15% and even then it would have been too late to make any actual difference."

I could see it on everyone's faces, they didn't believe me.

"Alfred,", I called out.

Two screens popped up in front of Stark and Banner, who had turned back from the repeated calming CHI injections.

They showed all the parameters regarding the future modeling.

While Stark and Banner were busy verifying the authenticity of my claims, I gave a mental command to Alfred.

They were all startled as the suit just fell down from all of their bodies like water and into one of the drainage ports opened under them.

I gestured to the medical seats that emerged from the ground, "Let's get seated. I am sure anytime now you will start the effects of CHI withdrawal."

Natasha and Clint staggered back onto their seats. The rest sat slowly on the seats.

By that time, Tony and Banner had both gotten through the reports and were both sporting equally haunted faces.

The Avengers didn't ask them anything. They didn't need to.

Their faces said everything.

Tony was the first to ask, "Even if we do believe you regarding the alien threats, what makes you so certain that they will arrive anytime soon and even if they did, as you said, we have Asgard protecting us."

Rolling my eyes, I replied, "Odin is old. Asgard's current strength is a shadow of what it once was. There are foes just as mighty as Odin that are unaging and have the benefit of time on their hands. I suspect that many of these forces are just waiting for Odin to kick the bucket to start moving in the Nine Realms again."

They all listened with rapt attention even though I saw Thor's face tightening at my perceived insult to Odin.

"They know Thor will not be nearly as powerful as Odin anytime soon and with this incident, the royal house being reduced to just 3 members now, it sends a signal of weakness to the outer cosmos."
"Even if Asgard was at its heyday, why should we be reliant on them for our protection. Humanity needs to evolve.", I was breathing heavily at this point.

"You still haven't answered the question.", asked Steve.

Slumping slightly, "Look. You just need to trust me. This is the better way."

"Yes, there will be chaos for a while but if we want to prevent what I have foreseen, this was necessary.", I mumbled, mostly for my own benefit.

"Foreseen?", questioned Natasha with a sharp glare in my direction.

Not willing to discuss this any further, I shake my head, deactivate all the screens of the platform, and turn around.

Just in time to see Alfred holding an energy prison holding Loki in a face-down position.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Thor tensing up to intervene.

"Don't worry. The sphere makes sure that he can't use any magic as there is no one around to prevent him from slinking away using his magic if he wants to.", I warn Thor.

In the background, the Leviathans and the Chitauri keep coming out of the portal and not being able to exit the barrier, they begin thrashing the surroundings, felling entire skyscrapers.

The noise attracts their attention as Tony says, "So, mystery guy? Any way you can close that hole to hell back there?", he pointed at the portal.

Nodding, I replied, "Alfred was able to track down Dr.Erik Selvig in his addled state. With the CHI infusions, they were able to calm him down and the last thing he said before falling into a coma is 'It can't fight against itself'."

"It's the sceptre, isn't it?", questioned Natasha with a sharp glance towards Loki.

I nodded, answering her question.

"Alfred was able to figure it out by comparing their energy signatures."

"According to him, the crown of the sceptre can be used to breach the pure energy barrier surrounding the cube and stop the energy flow between the cube and the machine powering the portal."

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Get the sceptre and close the portal Mr.Person-whose-name-we-don't-know.", snarked Tony.

Agreeing with him, I said, "Alfred, will you—"

"...Mayday! Mayday!.. Tactical Nuke headed right towards us."

"What?", they shouted, aghast.

"ETA - 2min 13sec", came the warning from Alfred.

"Well, shit", Tony surmised our situation correctly.

Word Count - 1291
Next Chapter - HYDRA POV

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Technomancer in MCU #8
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Chapter 8
Technomancer in MCU
Washington D.C.
–Alexander Pierce–

Adjusting my tie, I got ready to meet with the fellow Heads of H.Y.D.R.A.

Unfortunately, the situation in New York has only gone from bad to worse. Despite my word that I would handle it, the other heads want reassurances.

Shaking my head, I thought of the new variable that has popped up out of nowhere with the potential to upend the entire board casually by his lonesome.

The best and worst thing about the situation was the dangling juicy pie that is the technology employed by that man during the invasion.

It was technology, which can be replicated and distributed to every player on the planet. It wasn't a serum that has been costing multiple organisations ludicrous amounts of money to make and even if they did succeed, all it would do is make a super-soldier. A single soldier, no matter how enhanced, will not be able to stand up to the might of the technology that they saw.

His contacts had already reported the movements of China, Russia, India, hell even the North Koreans had sent spies to find out if they could get some of the technology.

Shaking my head, I snorted, "Like those fools would ever get anything."

The computer pinged, signaling the start of the meeting.

As I made myself comfortable on my chair, the screen lit up and the silhouettes of all the other H.Y.D.R.A. heads were displayed.

"What is going to be our next step, Alexander? You assured us that the team Fury was assembling was a one-shot trick and it would never work out. The scenes we have witnessed show them working out quite well.", Strucker questioned.

"Yes yes. And what of that unknown variable and all the technology he has at his disposal. Where did he come from and how was he able to remain hidden from all our assets?", came the hurried question from Whitehall.

"The healing technology they possess. Imagine what I could do with that. The survival rate of our experiments might shoot through the roof. We might even become immortal."
I could literally feel him salivating at the thought of possessing their healing technology, through the screen.

Disgusting!, I thought.

"Like I said, we don't yet need to do anything. I know Fury and he will never let this big of an unknown leave without having his curiosity satisfied.", I replied.
"He will ask all the questions for us."

"With that information, we can easily get the technology for us."

I grinned, "After all, it will not be the first time that S.H.I.E.L.D. has some technology shipments stolen from them."

Suddenly, an alarm sounded on the screens.

A file popped up on my dashboard.

"What is it, Supreme Leader?", came the mocking voice of Strucker.

I glared at the screen, then opened the file with a sigh.

The contents of the file left me reeling in shock.

The silence probably spooked them since Whitehall asked again in a serious voice, "What happened, Pierce?"

The other leaders were in their respective bunkers with only a single secure H.Y.D.R.A. communication line between them, so it was only natural none of them knew about the current happenings in New York.

I soundlessly shared the footage.

Unsurprisingly, there were audible gasps of surprise between them.

The video showed the extraordinary feat of them essentially quarantining a significant section of a City with three of their aircraft carriers.

This changed everything. It meant that they could essentially dominate any place on the planet. Crush any rebellion anywhere.

This was their answer to Project: INSIGHT.

They were all taken aback by the seriousness in Gideon's voice when he said, "Alexander. We can't let that man get out of there alive."



Came the resounding agreement from the other two.

"Let's not be hasty. There is still time. Maybe Fury's team will pull through."

"We can not trust those Freaks with this. They are uncontrollable weapons at best and you know it, Pierce.", argued Whitehall.

With a sigh, he agreed, "But how do you intend to kill him? Remember, this will also kill all the other Avengers. Stark can still be of use to us."

"Let them die. They will need to go when Project: INSIGHT comes online anyway. I say good riddance.", said Strucker.

"Very well. I'll make sure that the pilot is not traced back to us in any way."

"Hail H.Y.D.R.A.", I shouted.

"Hail H.Y.D.R.A.", came the equally excited reply.

Rubbing my forehead from the stress of it all, slumping slightly, I ordered the strike.

Getting up and Opening a bottle of whiskey, I dial a call.

"..Hello, connect me to POTUS, Priority Yellow."


A weary voice replied, "What is it, Secretary Pierce? If you aren't aware, I am dealing with a crisis over here."

"Yes, sir. I was meaning to talk to you about the same. I have reason to believe Director Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. is compromised and might be a part of the organisation that has intervened in today's battle."

"....I'm listening.", he replied after a moment of silence.

The President was an intelligent man, he understood my intent immediately.

After all, be it for the invasion or their intelligence failure regarding the new variable, somebody had to take the blame.

With Fury's headstrong nature, he would have never approved the strike and once he learns of it, he will not stop until he unearths everything.

Better to nip that dangerous possibility in the bud.

The Helicarrier
–Nick Fury–

While the portal was has yet to be closed, the whole world was watching with bated breaths what was going to happen next.

If only I could get a hold of any of them there, I would have asked them what the hell they were doing.

Aliens continued to pour out en-masse through the portal and the team had apparently given up on protecting the city as they were floating outside the shield, apparently watching the slow destruction of the city.

Through drone footage, I could see that they had captured Loki and it seemed to hold this time but why were they not doing anything to close the portal.

"Hill", I shouted, "Any success in contacting Stark?"

"Negative, sir. All attempts at communication with the team have failed.", she replied.

"Still, the fact that they can do that is astounding.", she remarked after a while of silence.

With a sigh, I replied, "Yes, Hill. That is impressive but it would have been more impressive if they could contain the damage to the city and close than goddamned portal above the city."

"Any luck in figuring out a way to close that damn thing?", I questioned her.

"The analysts and the lab's people have yet to find anything. Sorry, sir."

I waved her off, "Not your fault."

I turned around on the bridge to look at the drone footage showing them sitting on chairs and listening to the man talk, "Let's hope they find something to do that."


With a shrieking sound, alarms began to blare throughout the facility.

Hill ran to her seat and her face paled.

She took another look at the panel and promptly ran away towards the runway.

Eyes widening, I realised what was happening and took off after her.

I reached her just in time to see her shoot a rocket and take down a bird.

Sighing in relief, I was about to approach her when the sound of a second jet reached our ears.

Both of our faces lost colour as we turned around and saw a bird had taken flight.

Face rapidly wilting, she asked me, "What do we do now, sir.?"

"Seal everything. Make sure no one even thinks of going near one of the birds. Take their wings off if you have to.", I ordered her.

Running back to the bridge, I pray to God that somebody finds out about the bird before it is too late.

"Stark, can you hear me? Stark? Widow? Barton? Captain? Anybody?"

Slumping slightly, I limp back to the bridge, vowing to make sure that whoever did this will pay.
Word Count - 1407
Next Chapter - Stark POV

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I already have 8 chapters ahead uploaded there.

Technomancer in MCU #9
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Chapter 9
Technomancer in MCU
New York
–Tony Stark–

As soon as I heard those words, my mind immediately went into overdrive. The first thought that crossed my mind was how the hell did they get past Fury.

The one-eyed spymaster was many things but incompetent was not one of them.

"Jarvis?", I called out loud.

"..Si…Sir..Can you hear me?"

"Jarvis, what the hell happened?"

"..All communication attempts with you after you stepped on that platform failed.."

Giving a look to Ed, "Never mind."

"Set a path to the missile. Full thrust."

I shot off like a rocket towards the missile.

I could see it on his HUD. I was getting closer.

"Sir, I do hope you are not blindly charging towards what is clearly a nuclear armament."

I could hear my own heart beating loudly.

Hearing his response, I chuckled, "Of course not. I do have a plan. I am just not sure about it working."

Just a little more, I could see it closing in.

Coming to an abrupt halt under it, I flew after it in an attempt to latch myself to it.

I had just the place to send it to.

I activated the external magnets in my suit, affording me some grip on the missile.

I just hope that this gambit of mine works. It has to.

As the barrier entry comes closer, I hear Ed say, "Alfred, clear the path, please."

No sooner than that, multiple lasers from hundreds of sources cut down the alien horde as far as he could see.


Without a sound, Jarvis charted a path straight to the portal, displaying it on my HUD.

Just a little bit more, I could see Stark Tower now.


With a stupefied look that must have looked so stupid on my face, I could only watch as Ed's suit just tackled me away from the missile and the missile continued on a straight path towards Stark Tower.

In my confusion, I failed to notice that Ed was taking me outside the barrier.

I tried to get out of his frankly embarrassing grip but the suit at the last moment failed me.

Even the HUD shut down.

"STOP!", I shout, nearly hysterically.

"We need to throw that into the portal. The city will be doomed otherwise."

"Too late for that now", he replied.

Ed took me and dropped me unceremoniously on the floating platform from before.

Somehow, the suit came online after that and my face plate opened up.

The first thing I saw was the backs of the team as they stared ahead with an incredibly sad air about them.

Then my vision turned white.

I fruitlessly raised my hands to shield my face when I knew that there was nothing that could stop my inevitable demise now.

Some part of me was incredibly resentful of Ed for dooming us all.

Resentful at the politicians who probably authorized the strike without thinking or communicating at all, fearful of Ed and the power he displayed.

After a while, the light began to die down but there was no shockwave, no damage to me.

I looked around in confusion as the light died down, only to see that the team sported similar expressions on their faces.

Looking back at the city, I expected to see the barrier crumble or something but what I saw was just despair-inducing.

The barrier held strong. The entirety of the area inside the barrier was turned into a huge crater. Most of the skyscrapers were outright vaporized and the shockwave probably destroyed the rest.

There was only rubble as far as he could see.

But the portal was still open and the aliens continued to pour out of them.

The machine was still protected by the pure energy barrier generated by the barrier.

With a choked sob, I forced out, "So, that was all for nothing."

I glared at Ed, who was just standing there nonchalantly as if what was happening in front of us had nothing to do with him.

"I had it. I was going to send the nuke into the portal."

"How did you plan on coming back?"

"I..I would have done something. The repulsors would have generated enough thrust–"

"Your suit is not rated for outer space operations. You would have died there.", he replied harshly.

"Yeah, but I would have saved the city. At Least I would have gone with that knowledge.", I replied back.

His face softened, "There was no need for that, Tony. Humanity still has need of you."

He extended a hand towards me, "Besides, it's not like this is the end."

I took his hand and stood up, "What do you mean?"

He gestured towards the city.

On a screen, we could clearly see Alfred standing near the portal machine and after receiving some signal, he breached the energy core with the sceptre and cut the connection to the cube.

With the cube no longer supplying any energy, the portal swiftly began collapsing on itself.

At the last moment, they all saw a projectile exiting Alfred's suit and going through the portal to the other side before the portal closed upon itself.

Alfred then began to fly back towards us with the sceptre in his hands.

Sighing, I turned towards Ed, "Great. The aliens are now dealt with."

Chuckling sardonically, I said, 'Some great heroes we are. Stopped the invasion but destroyed Upper Manhattan for it, displacing hundreds of thousands of people."

"Billions of dollars in property damages. Can't forget that."

"Don't go all mopey on me now Stark.", came an infuriating voice from an equally infuriating person.

"What?", I glared harshly at Ed.

He rolled his eyes, "Just Watch", he said, gesturing to the barrier area.

Curious as to what he was talking about, I looked inside the barrier area only to nearly fall back in shock when a high-speed projectile just slammed from straight above right near where Stark Tower was.

Looking at Ed for confirmation, I see him nod as if this was his doing all along.

I focused on the crater and saw a black sand-like wave flow out of the crater. It began flowing from the crater in all directions, eventually reaching the edge of the barriers.

It then began to climb the barriers from all directions until the entire spherical shield from outside looked black as the nanites covered the entirety of the shield's surface.

The entire team watched with bated breaths the spectacle happening in front of them.

The nanite wave then began to contract slightly. In the process, they began to change colours, purplish streaks began to colour the otherwise pitch-black wave.

The wave soon reached the crater from where they came from and stayed there.

The entire team along with me looked at Ed with questioning gazes as the nanite wave seemed to have done nothing.

He chuckled, "That was for scrubbing the entire area of radiation. The inside of the barrier now has less radiation than any city on the planet.", he said, pointing towards the city.

I could only gape in awe, as he explained to us the principle of the frankly revolutionary technology he used.

The power to negate the after-effects of the most potent weapon in Humanity's arsenal.

The weapon that hasn't been fired for decades as the consequences of doing so are too high, acting as a deterrent on its own.

The method involved the use of Vibranium nanite latices. Vibranium, upon special processing, was capable of becoming a material that could absorb any and all types of energy.

Ed configured it so that it was capable of scrubbing an entirely enclosed area of all radiation in it.

His entire body relaxing, Steve replied, "At least the city can be rebuilt then."

Ed's face lit up with a mischievous smile.

He wordlessly gestured to the city.

All of us looked back, only to jerk back in shock.
Word Count - 1337
Next Chapter - Fury POV
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I already have 8 chapters ahead uploaded there.

Technomancer in MCU #10
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Chapter 10
Technomancer in MCU

His entire body relaxing, Steve replied, "At least the city can be rebuilt then."

Ed's face lit up with a mischievous smile.

He wordlessly gestured to the city.

All of us looked back, only to jerk back in shock.
New York City
–Tony Stark–

I thought that the nuclear radiation absorption technology was the end of surprises for today.

But, apparently, I thought wrong.

The nanite wave was now spreading vertically and slowly moving forward towards the edge of the barrier.

Behind the waves, I could clearly see brand new pristine buildings being built from scratch, appearing out of nowhere.

"That nanite wave can reconstruct matter from existing matter, albeit at an exaggerated energy cost. It's a good thing we had all the radiation from before absorbed, right.", Ed explained.

I could only nod jerkily.

"So…ahem…So the city will be rebuilt back to how it was?", I hated how my voice broke there.

"Better than before. The nanites don't compromise in quality", Ed winked back.

That bastard.

"With this, we can officially conclude that the Battle of New York is over.", Ed declared.

With that statement, all the fight blew out of me. I just collapsed back on the cushy ground.

I could also see similar looks of exertion on Barton and Romanoff.

Seeing their looks, Ed explained, "It's the CHI dose withdrawal. For the entirety of the invasion, the suits were pumping micro dosages of CHI into your system for your optimum operation. Now that it has been stopped, your body has been overdrawn and needs to rest."

"My suggestion would be to drink plenty of fluids and complete bed rest for a few days, except Tony", he pointed at me.

"You need a few weeks, so your chicken body can get better."

I goggled at his audacity.

He just smirked at me.

"On a serious note, the reconstruction of the city should be completed within a few hours at best. The residents can move in by tomorrow. Until then the barriers will remain active."

"The nanites might look harmless but those particular ones are built to devour any matter to build the required product, even organic matter can be consumed.", he said seriously.

Eyes widening in realisation, I said, "Which means the aliens–"

"Yes, even the alien bodies and all their technology will be consumed to make the required matter to build back the city."

"Which means–"

"Yes, nothing is left for S.H.I.E.L.D. or the other spy agencies to salvage from the invasion. No dangerously incompatible technology that can be stolen by people not having the best interests of humanity at heart."

Romanoff interjected, "You know this means that they will hound you with even more ferocity than before. This means that they will have nothing to show for the invasion. No advanced technology, no credit for saving the city. Essentially no benefit but bad PR from this incident."

Ed rolled his eyes, "Well, First of all, they can try. Second of all, the tech wouldn't have helped anyway. It was mostly weapons systems and low-level propulsion systems."

"Honestly, with the right power output?", he gestured to me, "His repulsor tech would be your best bet for advanced propulsion for orbital and sub-orbital transportation."

"And Tony?", he pointed at me, "Be nice. Share some of the tech you have. A first-generation ARC Reactor built for the city to have near unlimited green energy would be a good start, don't you think?"
I thought about it and nodded slowly.

He clapped, "Great. You all can go ahead from there."

"Honestly, with the energy issue solved, most of the other issues will be solved by great minds like Dr.Banner here working together.", he mumbled to himself.

He then abruptly said, "Great work guys. I think we should wrap it up here."

"Tony, Ms.Potts is waiting for you down there. I hope you will make satisfactory arrangements for Dr.Banner here.", he said gesturing to Banner.

"Don't worry, nobody will come for him. I will make sure of that.

Banner offered a hesitant thankful nod.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives have cordoned off the area some time ago. They should be able to escort the rest of you out."

"Gentleman, nice working with you all. May we meet again in nicer circumstances."

His suit started floating as the platform began to descend.

"Wait", I yelled at him, "How do we contact you?"

"You don't, I will. Bye-bye now.", he waved at me.

His suit took off towards the ship above the barrier and soon, he was out of our sight.

"Midgard truly is filled with some interesting people. I don't know why father doesn't allow us to come here more often for adventure.", Thor said.

Loki, who was with Thor in special chains given to them by Ed, rolled his eyes melodramatically.

Nobody reacted to that, all of them in their own thoughts.

–Nick Fury–

Watching Stark take control of the missile and take it on a path toward the portal was bittersweet.

On one hand, they were going to save the city but on the other hand, they were also going to lose one of humanity's best defenders.

Seeing Ed just tackle Stark out of the way and let the nuke explode was maddening.

Waiting for the shields to break from the force of the nuclear explosion was a nightmare in and of itself.

I heaved a sigh of relief after watching the portal close.

It was a conflicting feeling. I was happy that the portal was finally closed but the cost at which the victory came was too high.

An entire city was lost to nuclear irradiation. The worst thing was that the nuke didn't do anything to the portal.

The energy surrounding the cube remained impenetrable even by the might of humanity's strongest weapons.

In the end, the sceptre was the key to closing the portal.

If the damned council hadn't decided to go over my head and fire a nuke at a city with a civilian population at close proximity, they would have won the battle and the city would have survived.

It would have been in a rough shape, sure but it could have been rebuilt.

Now, with the nuclear fallout, the loss will be felt for generations.

I felt, more than saw the projectile that smashed into the city.

Watching it take over the barrier and then somehow, start rebuilding an exact replica of the city that was destroyed was mind-numbing.

I felt as if I had aged decades in a single day. It was infuriating.

Speaking of infuriating, I suppose it was time to meet the biggest headache I have encountered in years.

"Hill, how far are we?", I asked loudly, over the sound of wind in the chopper.

"A couple minutes, tops.", she replied.

I nodded.

They soon landed in the makeshift helipad in the cordoned-off area.

Getting off the chopper, I was greeted by Special Agent Felix Blake.

"Where is our mystery guest, Agent?", I asked him.

He pointed to the river, "He is just floating there, sir. Upon questioning, refused to come and down and said that he was just waiting for you."

"Very well.", I nodded.

"Clear the area around him. Make sure nobody comes in or out. I don't want out conversations to be leaked.", I ordered him.

"Affirmative, sir."

I watch on as the area around him is cleared out rapidly.


"Yes, sir?"

"Stay here.", I order her.

Then I walk ahead without listening to her concerns.

I could see him lowering himself the closer I was to him.

By the time I reached the railings, he had landed right beside me.

For a while, none of us spoke.

I was enjoying the view, a moment of peace before the storm.

"So. What can I do for you, Fury?", he asked in an inherently infuriating voice,

God, I wanted to just punch him so bad.

I turned around to face him fully.

Glaring at him, I asked him the question that had been bugging me the most, "Did you know?"

"Know what?"

"Don't patronise me. Did you know about the invasion? About Loki? About the Nuke? About all this death and destruction occurring?", I nearly shouted at him.
He made a humming noise in return.

I was going to strangle this motherf*cker.
Word Count - 1418
If you like my writing and would like to support me or want to read ahead of the public release, you can head on to my
I already have upto 8 chapters ahead uploaded there.

Technomancer in MCU #11
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Chapter 11
Technomancer in MCU

"Don't patronize me. Did you know about the invasion? About Loki? About the Nuke? About all this death and destruction occurring?", I nearly shouted at him.

He made a humming noise in return.

I was going to strangle this motherf*cker.

–Nick Fury–

Just as my patience was about to reach its breaking point, he said, "No."

The answer, while relieving, took the wind out of my sails completely.

My shoulders slumped slightly, and I relaxed slightly.

Even still, I asked him, "Then how did your forces reach here so quickly?"

"If you haven't already noticed, I am head and shoulders above most civilizations on the planet in terms of technology."

"I've had a fixation with transport technology for a long time and have improved upon existing tech and outright invented stuff to make my imagination come true."

I opened my mouth but he cut me off, "Before you ask, No. I will not be giving you any of my technology on a silver platter."

"Especially not to S.H.I.E.L.D. since your outfit just hoards it. Even civilian tech with no clear military applications is not taken out of your vaults."

"So don't preach to me about helping humanity by giving you stuff. It will just remain with you or conveniently get "Stolen" or "Misplaced"."

"I know how you operate, Fury."

I looked at him with a narrowed glare.

He looked back steadfastly.

Finally, after a while, I softened my glare.

"Fine. At Least then tell me what your intentions are."

"Because anybody who can amass this much power and wealth doesn't do it for just any reason."

He looked surprised, "You haven't had a chance to talk with Romanov, have you?"

I looked at him suspiciously.
"What is that supposed to mean?"

He laughed it off, "Nothing Nothing. You'll know when you talk to them anyway."

I made a mental note in my mind to talk with Romanoff and figure out what the hell happened when they gathered on that floating platform.

I had meant to debrief them before this meeting but ever since they arrived at the camp, they just collapsed.

The doctors told me that it was extreme exhaustion and they would recover in a few days' time.

Upon questioning, all they received was gibberish from both of them so I made the call to let them sleep it off.

It seems I should have insisted.

At Least then I wouldn't have just bumbled through this meeting.

The conversation fell silent after that.

Looking towards the city being nearly rebuilt completely.

An exact replica of the existing structures, even better, from Stark's testimonies.

The man was very bitter when he had to accept that his newcomer was better in terms of technology in every way possible.

I could see determination burning through his eyes whenever this "Ed" was mentioned.


I hope that fire burning below his ass finally makes him get his head in the game.

At least that way, anything he creates can reach our hands and we can start closing the seemingly huge gap between this new player and S.H.I.E.L.D.

"So, is it true?", I questioned him, "What you told Stark? An exact replica of the city?", gesturing to the city being built behind the huge barrier still active.

The analysts back at HQ were having strokes just thinking about the energy output of even one of those carriers, to be maintaining this large of a shield for hours at a time without needing any support.

Truly something those people in the army would kill for.

Why wouldn't they? After all, this would ensure their global hegemony for decades or even centuries to come.

After a while, he replied, "Down to every last brick, Director. I don't do shoddy work."

"I'll have Alfred send you the scans we have of the city and you can compare and tear up many places to see if we changed anything or placed some things where we shouldn't have."

About that.

"How can we trust that you won't misuse that pet A.I. of yours. Stark himself says that it is far more advanced than his and even that has many of our members in congress fearing for their lives."

"How can I reassure them that it won't bring doomsday upon all of us, especially as it controls all your technology."

He shrugged and then said bluntly, "You don't"

At my incredulous look, he said, "Don't give me that look."

"Your people have done the same for years."

"You guys had the bigger stick so you got everything."

"No one questioned you about your BLACK BUDGET or your off-books clandestine operations."

"Why? Simply because you always had the bigger stick."

"Well, guess what? You don't anymore."


He sighed, "Look, this is getting exhausting."

"All the patients that I could treat will be done getting treated in a few minutes."

Gesturing in front of us, he said, "The city should be done around the same time anyway. You will just need to re-attach the utilities as the barriers have sliced clean through them."

"The platform built in the Central Park will fall apart on its own after the patients are done getting treated."

"Ah! And as a parting gift for you.", he gestured behind me.

I looked behind me.

At first, there was nothing but after a faint glimmer, the cockpit of a ruined jet was visible along with an unconscious pilot, deposited on the ground.

How that got there without making any noise is beyond me.

With a faint suspicion in my mind, "Is that?", I asked him.

"Yes, that is the pilot of the jet that fired a nuclear missile at a civilian population. I don't need to remind you of the consequences of that, do I?", he asked with a grave countenance.

With a tight nod, I replied, "I will make sure that whoever was behind that gets the punishment they deserve. You have my word for it."

He snorted and waved me off, "Bah! Starting to talk like a real politician there, Fury. I don't need your empty reassurances. The Avengers or the public on the other hand might."

"So, better get your case tight.", he patted my shoulder and began to fly away.

"Is there any way I can contact you if shit hits the fan?"

"I'll be on it before you know about it, Fury.", the bastard said in the most condescending possible way.

He soon disappeared into his spaceship on top of the barrier.

"Director! Director!", I heard a faint shouting voice.

I look for it only to see a frantic-looking Hill running towards me.

"What is it?", I asked with urgency in my voice.

If she came running all the way here and broke my express orders not to disturb me, she must have a damn good reason to do so.

Panting for breath with her hands on her knees, she said, "It's Secretary Pierce."

As soon as I heard that, I cursed.

"He is here with the S.T.R.I.K.E. team.", she continued.

"They want to take the Cube and the Sceptre along with Loki into their custody."

I could already imagine Thor's reaction to that.

"They had just tried to escort Dr.Banner out of the tent when I came here to inform you."

I was already on a run when I heard her say Banner's name.

I couldn't understand what was going on in Pierce's head.

Were they suicidal?
Word Count - 1273
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Interlude #2
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Interlude II
Technomancer in MCU
New York City
–Third Person POV–

On the screen, you could see a sea of people exiting the huge central park camp built by our mysterious saviors.

The reporters were interviewing the survivors regarding their experience of the ordeal.

A high school student, clearly in his early teens, could be seen relegating his tale of witnessing a battle of a lifetime.

He said, "I was one of the people who was rescued by the Captain."

"I was stuck in a bus and their jet crash-landed right in front of us. Oh, man, it was so cool. You had to be there for that."

The reporter urged him to go on, clearly in a hurry to move past him to other people.

"Then they exited the jet like such badasses."

"The Widow and Hawkeye were cool too, I guess."

"But they all became even cooler when they got their suits."

"It was like someone who knew them very well built those suits personally for them. They were all personalised in some way."

"I couldn't see all of it because of those pesky shields in our way but I remember seeing the suit just launching itself at the Avengers."

"They were also clearly just as startled as us but the suit just unfurled itself on their bodies like a wave of water."

"It was awesome as heck. I think Iron Man should come with the same technology."

"After that, those smaller bots came into the shelter we were hiding in."

The reported interject at this point, "Are those the healing pods that are termed as such in the news?"

He nodded, clearly excited, "Oh man! You had to see it to believe it."

"It was so fast. All it did was scan you with a weird blue light that made you all tingly like it was static clinging to your body, you know. And then BAM! The light turned yellow and after a few seconds only, all bruises and cuts were gone you know."

"I didn't even know I had a cut on my elbow when it healed me."

"Broken bones were healed within less than half an hour."

"And! And! It wasn't just healing either. All the people that were hit by that yellow light for a few seconds looked so much better and it was just so noticeable."

"I suddenly had a lot of energy. All the gloomy faces of the oldies were changed. They looked like they wouldn't kick the bucket the next second."

Somebody changed the channel in the bar.

"Hey! I was watching that", yelled an old man from the corner.

A Tall, well-built black man, who was clearly the bartender, replied "Old man. All the channels are showing the same damn thing. Watch the reporter interview someone else for a change."

Clearly intimidated by the visage of the bartender even though he didn't make any intimidating gestures, the old man shut up and watched the new channel.

The man sighed, clearly aware of what was going on in that old customer's head.

He didn't want to scare that man but ever since escaping from that hellhole, he had become more easily angered, more frustrated.

Especially now, when he had the power to help the people.

He could have destroyed nearly all of the aliens that he could see, those huge whales being the exception.

Destroyed them with his bare hands.

Their blasts would have done nothing but tickled at best. His skin was invulnerable.

He felt ashamed to have just run with the populace when those robots came, herding them into safety shelters.

The shame reached a new high when he felt relieved that there was somebody else to save the people and he wouldn't have had to reveal himself.

Afraid of imaginary boogeymen.

Unworthy of this power that I was given.

He nursed a drink and turned around to look at the TV, watching those bloodthirsty vulture reporters trouble the poor victims.

Maybe, Pops was right.

Huh! Maybe he did need therapy.

If only to not destroy someone's ribcage with a light touch.

He looked out of his bar, at the unusually peaceful night, pondering about Pop's suggestions of heroics.

Shaking his head, he ultimately decided against it, too cowardly to face the public.
In Hell's Kitchen, a caucasian man with a stick walked into a clearly run-down apartment.

This scene was not surprising due to the state of the apartment as the neighborhood was a rough one but due to the astonishing coordination of the man as he entered the apartment and moved around it without missing a beat,, especially in the darkness of the city.

The city officials still hadn't gotten to restoring power to the poorer areas of the city.

He opened the fridge to get something to drink, but upon opening it he saw that it was empty.

He realized that somebody had broken into his apartment and eaten all his food.

With a sigh, he plopped himself onto the old worn-out sofa.

He resolved to get the food from one of Tony Stark's charity trucks running all around the city, giving away food for free.

Last he heard, even mobile soup kitchens were running around the city to feed the homeless, to some people's chagrin.

But they were mostly ignored in this time of solidarity.

He clenched his fast as he thought of the death and destruction that happened to the city in a short period of time.

He wanted to help, he truly did.

But he was given no choice.

He was near Stark Tower when it happened.

When a hole in the sky opened up and the people ran for their lives, screaming.

He helped as many as he could by guiding them to the nearest shelter but he was very clearly out of his league here.

Then the blue barrier spread over all over the city.

Tying a torn piece of his shirt across his eyes, he was about to go help the people trapped everywhere but he was stopped.

One of those robots came in and escorted him into the barriers.

When he protested, it threatened him with his real identity and his past.

After that, he fell silent and tried his best to calm the people he was stuck within the makeshift shelter.

As he was about to get some precious shut-eye, his advanced hearing managed to hear the faint sounds of a gunshot.

With a resigned sigh, he woke up and opened a hidden compartment in the floor.

The authorities turned on the power at the same time, revealing a red mask that covered his eyes.

It made for an ominous sight.
Word Count - 1128
Interlude #3
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Interlude III
Technomancer in MCU
New York City
–Third Person POV–

Elsewhere, a group of students from Midtown High were getting in line to enter their respective school buses to reach their homes.

A reporter spotted them and ran towards them.

The students were intimidated at first but when the reporter asked them questions about their thoughts on the technology used during the invasion, they came into their element immediately.

"What do you think about the overall response should be to the highly advanced technology that was used to protect us?", the reporter asked.

One of the students began to gush about the technology, nearly vibrating in place.

With his face lit up, he said, "Oh man! That was so cool. I mean, sure it was always theorized that the government was hiding a lot of stuff from us. That was probably reasonable."

"But, this? Technology of this level doesn't come out of nowhere. I don't think the U.S. government has this level of technology. If they did, they would have conquered the whole planet long ago."

"I mean just from some rough calculations I made while I had free time in the hospital, the power output from just one of those carriers will be comparable to the power usage of the entire eastern

"Even they needed three huge carriers and that small ship at the top to power the spaceship, we can safely assume that the energy required to power that small shield would be comparable to an entire continent's power draw."

"Just that alone would be impressive but floating ships? That's huge man. Just considering the military implica–"

"Ugh, stop your rambling Ben.", interrupted a girl standing behind the boy.

She haughtily took the mic from the reporter's hand.

She took a breath, put on a smiling face, and said, "The military implications aside the medical technology they have shown is incredible."

"Just from witnessing the applications of that orange light, I have theorized that continued dosages of that technology will eradicate nearly 99% of all common diseases, bankrupting the medical industry.", she smirked at that statement.

It seemed that she had a vendetta against the American medical-industrial complex.

"I mean, just imagine, cuts and bruises healing in seconds. Feeling refreshed as if you had a very good nap within a few seconds I think continued application during pregnancy will probably also result in healthier offspring."

"I think that is enough out of you, young lady.", the reporter said after he finally managed to snatch the mic out of the student's hands.
In another corner of the city, people could be seen entering their homes, their apartment buildings, and even some business owners entering their businesses.

Most of them were touching and poking at the buildings around them, still disbelieving of the fact that their homes were once again intact.

After all, who would blame them?

They witnessed with their own eyes, their houses and their livelihoods being destroyed in a fiery flash of destruction from a missile sent by their own government.

After confirming the conditions and that it was indeed reality, many members of the neighbourhood broke down into tears at their luck.

Some cried in remembrance of the fallen members of the society that they would never get back.

In this grief, the communities came ever closer, huddling together for comfort.

The neighbourhood dads took out grills and brought meat from the trucks distributing food to the city for free. They heard that Stark was paying for it.

Eventually, the atmosphere turned merrier.

In the presence of food and memories, the people got over their grief and began to look forward to tomorrow.

Eventually, they went home with their bellies full and their hearts lighter.
Such scenes happened across the city.

People realized how close they had come to instant death and for what?


Many people noticed that the nuke did absolutely nothing to help solve the root of the problem.

After the nuke detonated inside the barriers and reduced nearly everything inside it to ashes, the portal was still open and aliens continued to pour out of it en masse.

Why did the government do it, then?

Such uncomfortable questions were brewing in everybody's minds.
Such scenes were witnessed all over the city by the Cops and the Firefighters.

The ones with the most thankless jobs.

They had to be on duty even though the thing they wanted to do was go home into the arms of their loved ones.

Especially after their close brush with death.

They were the ones who were especially grateful to the Avengers as without their barriers and medical technology, most of them would not have made it out of this ordeal in one piece.

The same questions were also brewing inside their heads.

The question of whether their government had decided to sacrifice them in a haphazard attempt to kill the aliens, to look useful in the eyes of the public.

In the office of the president of the Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York, the same questions were taking root.

Finally, with a determined glint in his eye, he went home to his wife and children, vowing to not let anyone who was related to that missile go free.

To hunt down the people who tried to sacrifice his city, his people, and more importantly, his family in a failed attempt.
Come next morning, hordes of people began marching towards the Mayor's office.

The office was surrounded by the largest Police force gathering in years.

The Mayor, fearing riots, had declared a curfew yet none of the Cops on duty were interested in following the orders more than necessary.

The police chief had given the orders to only maintain non-violence and to let the people of New York ask the questions they rightfully have the right to.

With the amount of people in attendance, the Mayor had to come out to answer their questions.

Soon, a press conference was called.

In the press conference, under pressure, the Mayor promised to personally call the White House and ask for the perpetrators of this heinous crime to be tried with the highest punishment.

The public and the press, both kept repeatedly asking about the terrorist attack after the alien invasion but the Mayor kept deflecting the questions by telling them he was focusing on restoring the city's functions rather than chasing criminals.

He repeatedly assured them that the FBI was onto the case.

In an attempt to deflect the attention from the uncomfortable questions being asked, he announced a hefty reward for the individual or the organisation that helped in saving New York City.

The ones who can give any credible information about them will also be rewarded.

He practically fled the press conference after.

The assurances he gave the public, turn out to be true or just empty platitudes, only time will tell.
Word Count - 1169

Technomancer in MCU #12
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Chapter 12
Technomancer in MCU

"They had just tried to escort Dr.Banner out of the tent when I came here to inform you."

I was already on a run when I heard her say Banner's name.

I couldn't understand what was going on in Pierce's head.

Were they suicidal?
S.H.I.E.L.D. Cordoned-off site (NYC)
–Nick Fury–

I ran as fast as I could to reach the tent where Thor and Banner were staying.

They had refused to part with either the Cube or the sceptre and the less said about Loki, the better.

I was in a rush to meet this Ed so I thought that I would handle that particular issue later on.

After all, none of them were going anywhere without my permission anyway.

Turns out, I was wrong.

Huffing and Puffing, I reach near the area where their tent was installed.

That leg injury was clearly doing me no good.

The area was nearly empty as a precaution in case Banner went green and also because none of the agents wanted to be near Loki or Banner.

Upon getting closer, what I saw nearly made me lose my mind.

All around the tent, in a circular formation were S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers.

They had surrounded the tent in which Banner was present with all of their guns drawn.

These people were going to give me a heart attack at this rate.

As soon as I got into hearing range, I shouted, nearly hysterically, "STAND DOWN!"

"I repeat, STAND DOWN!"

The soldiers looked at each other in confusion upon seeing me, but they didn't lower my gun, which nearly burst a vein in my forehead.

"Are you all starting a mutiny down here? I will not repeat it again, Stand down!"

This time they lowered their weapons.

But just for precaution, I spoke into my comms.

"Hill, get 2 squads here. Hold these guys and don't let them go until you have my permission."

"We need to get to the bottom of this."

"Roger that, sir.", she replied dutifully.

Glaring at the soldier that tried to get in my way, I nearly shoved him out of the way and went inside the tent.

The scene that I see inside fills with dread.

Alexander Pierce along with S.T.R.I.K.E. team leader Rumlow is standing in front of Thor, Loki, and Banner.

The worst part of it was that Rumlow was pointing an assault rifle towards them.

I nearly leapt between them.

With my back turned to them, I could still hear Banner heave a quiet sigh of relief at my arrival.

"What are you doing here, Pierce?", I nearly growled out.

He had the audacity to say, "Doing your job, it would seem."

"You were under express orders to contain the prisoner Loki and confiscate any 0-8-4s that you come across."

The scent of ozone in the air was unmistakable, at that statement.

"And yet all I see is your agents collapsing due to exhaustion, Stark being gone from your custody and you gallivanting with the new and might I add, dangerous variable."

"Someone with the strength to pull the entire world into chaos."

"So, step aside and let me do my job."

He tried to step past me but I got in his way.

I glared at him and replied, " No. You need to understand that you are on thin enough ice as it is."

"It is my job to handle this and you are overstepping your bounds by doing this."

He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Step out of the way, Fury. That is an order."

"If you don't do so, I will be forced to relieve you of your position as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"You don't have the authority to do that.", I stated with pure conviction.

The smirk that he sported however sent alarm bells ringing in my head.

"While I might not be able to do that alone, I have the entire council's approval along with POTUS' confirmation to go ahead and arrest you on the suspicion of collusion with foreign powers who initiated a nuclear terrorist attack on U.S. soil."

"Need I remind you that is one of the most heinous crimes you can commit, Director.", he said mockingly.

I gritted my teeth, trying to think of a way to stop Pierce before he triggers Banner while not losing my position.

It would be a huge blow to the Avengers and their overall agenda.

Not finding anything, I was about to just warn Thor and Banner to take everything and run away, an unfamiliar voice spoke.

"Well Well Well. If it isn't Secretary Pierce. While I would love to listen to how you have all the authority in the world to do what you want, I am not interested. So..", spoke Alfred.

He was a projection, seemingly coming from Loki's prison disc that they still hadn't managed to remove.

He then continued, gesturing towards the cases containing the cube and the sceptre, "You can have the sceptre. Remember, you meaning S.H.I.E.L.D. can have that."

A light construct comes from the disc and lifts the case containing the sceptre and hands it to me.

Pierce spoke, "You can't do that. We are going to confiscate it and the cube for safekeeping."

Alfred then tauntingly spoke, "Oh yeah? Who's gonna stop me?"

"Your goons behind you?", he mockingly said and then waved his hands.

Another light construct came from the disc and created a cube around them, trapping Pierce with them.

He could see Rumlow banging on the barrier and failing that, even shooting bullets at it but it didn't even flicker.

"Some variation of that huge shield they used outside?", I thought in my mind.

"Listen to me because I won't repeat anything. The cube is going with Thor as it needed to get him home and rebuild a critical piece of their infrastructure. Loki is an Asgardian Prince. He was declared dead, not exiled."

"So, he is so far out of your jurisdiction it's not even funny."

"Be thankful you are at least getting something out of this deal."

Pierce tried everything he could to regain control of the situation but Alfred kept reminding him of the simple matter of fact.

They had more power than S.H.I.E.L.D.

He even threatened Alfred, to which I had to smother a laugh because that motherfucker was not going to be cowed by anyone or anything we threw at him.

After a while of back and forth where Pierce continued to desperately stand his ground and refused to accept the situation as it was, Alfred sighed.

He seemingly gave up on convincing Pierce and displayed a screen right next to Pierce's eyes.

It was too small for me to read but I could make out a globe and multiple red dots, probably signaling locations for something.

I don't know what was on that map but upon seeing it, Pierce's face rapidly paled.

He looked as if he had seen a ghost. He stumbled back two steps in shock.

I was curious as to what had happened and took a step closer for a better look but Alfred closed the display before that.

I gave him a look but he just deadpanned back at me, not budging an inch.

"Ahem, In light of recent findings, Fury, you can keep your job."

"Make sure that the sceptre is safely stored and the two Asgardian princes are safely transported to their home."

"Dr.Banner, I am sorry if my actions made you feel uncomfortable but please do think about all the innocents nearby that will be hurt if you do transform."

He nodded at everyone and left along with the S.T.R.I.K.E. team.

Everyone looked incredulously at him as he nearly fled the tent, shocked at the sudden switch of his personality.

"What did you show him that made him back off?", Banner asked Alfred softly.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that.", Alfred replied.

"I need to leave now. This drama is just so exhausting.", he yawned.

Everyone stared at him.

"Sheesh, tough crowd.", he sheepishly said.

"Fury, take care of the sceptre. Mind control instruments entrusted into the hands of an obscure extra-government agency doesn't have good optics anyway but if the public finds out that you somehow lost it, well, you can imagine the rest.", he added and then the projection disappeared from the disc it came from.

Loki looked repulsed at the thought of Alfred coming out of the disc that was attached so closely to his body.

"I am sorry for that. Don't worry, we will do everything in our power to get you both home.", I apologized to Thor.

He waved it off.

Loki snorted with a look of scorn at the mention of home.

Hill came into the tent after that and said, "Sir! Widow and Hawkeye have regained consciousness and are being prepped for debrief."

"Excellent. Let's go.", I nodded back at her.
Word Count - 1538
Next Chapter - Doctor's POV
Next Next Chapter - Shocking Debrief
A/N : My longest single chapter yet. :)
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Technomancer in MCU #13
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Chapter 13
Technomancer in MCU
Central Park
–Jemma Simmons–

When I came to know about the New York Invasion, I was horrified to witness the grotesque aliens coming from the portal and open firing on the civilians below, causing death and destruction at a level never seen before in the heart of the United States' Financial Capital.

I was also interested as a biochemist about the exoskeletons and the general overall physique of the aliens.

Watching the new entity put up shields surpassing anything S.H.I.E.L.D. had even come up with was shocking.

It was cathartic to watch some of the science boys nearly have a stroke after they did some rough calculations regarding that shield equipment.

I nearly did a double-take when I saw those yellow healing lights.

That technology was revolutionary!

It was able to heal cuts, bruises, and even broken bones with nothing but a light shining on that area, a complete non-contact healing technique.

Not only that but it also had a rejuvenating effect even on the ones who didn't seem to be injured.

I was so excited for that!

Seeing that the invasion was pretty much under the control of the Captain and his team, I headed to my personal lab.

I couldn't wait to put in a request to examine both the aliens and that revolutionary healing technology.

I had no doubt in my mind that S.H.I.E.L.D. would eventually acquire both.

No sooner had I entered my lab, I got a text from my supervisor to report to her immediately.

I raced to her office, as her summoning me at this moment would indicate only one thing.

"Agent Simmons, Reporting.", I saluted her after entering her office.

"At ease."

"Agent Simmons, you are to head to the New York City Central Park site ASAP. You are under orders to examine the patients that are being healed there."

"Examine the technology employed there and if possible, acquire a piece of it but do not recklessly jeopardize your safety for that. I can see your excitement for that from miles away"

"Am I clear?", she stressed out.

She nodded heavily.

"Great, dispatch is in 15 minutes. All your necessary gear has been sent ahead."

"Take your essentials and meet Commander Grey in Hangar 3. He will personally escort you there in one of the Quinjets."

I smothered a gasp at that.

It would seem that the matter was very urgent.

I had never traveled in a quinjet before. That was reserved for the most urgent matters only.

I tried not to run through the hallways to get my stuff from the dorms.

Within 10 minutes, I was in Hangar 3.

The commander greeted me and we entered the quinjet.

I strapped myself in and watched as the quinjet took off and the S.H.I.E.L.D. academy became a mere dot in the distance.

With nary a whisper, the quinjet landed on one of the agency's helipads hidden in plain sight.

When I exited the jet, an agent was waiting for me with a black SUV.

He gave me a tablet, debriefing me on the current situation and the staggering amount of people who have already been evacuated from the city, processed at the Central Park complex for any injuries, and held in makeshift shelters across the city.

The number of doctors I could see that were present in that complex was huge.

"How did they get so many doctors together in such a short period of time?", I asked agent Ken.

He grumbled, "That's one of the questions the higher-ups have been asking again and again. There was a conference going on nearby, and a ton of doctors, especially specialists, attended from around the world. They kidnapped all of them and presumably, forced them to work here."

"We have looked into the conference and have yet to find a clear trail towards the sponsor. The higher-ups suspect that they could have had a hand in the conference."

I gasped at that, "Which would mean that—"

"Yes, they had prior knowledge of the time and location of the invasion and didn't tell anyone.", he continued.

Sighing from the weight of these revelations, I said," Just take me to the camp. I trust all my stuff has already reached there."

He nodded at me.

I decided to rest my eyes for a while, "Tell me when we reach the site."

When the vehicle came to a stop, I woke up.

Shaking off the dizzying feeling, I took a sip of my coffee and stepped out of the car.

The scene that awaited me took my breath away.

A huge multi-story building was floating on top of Central Park.

It was very wide as well.

I could see armed agents posted near the rockets which seemed to hold the entire complex afloat.

A huge number of people already waiting in a line to be filled into a bus and sent out to the number of shelters across the city.

With a determined nod, I entered the complex.

The insides were very much a whirlwind of activity.

A cacophony of doctors giving orders to nurses.

Nurses administering medicines to the patients.

But the conspicuously absent sound was the sound of pain and misery that was common when you entered a hospital that was taking in patients from war-torn areas.

Resolving to find out more, I headed towards what was apparently a receptionist area.

Upon finding no one there, I was about to turn around when a hologram projection appeared in front of me.

It was a man wearing a three-piece suit.

This must be the A.I. that ran this place, I thought.

"How may I be of help, Agent Simmons?", he bowed.

I raised an eyebrow at that. It would seem that the other party had extensive knowledge about their agency.

They would need to check for any hacks in their databases.

"I am here to act as a liaison for S.H.I.E.L.D. as well as help in any way I can."

He looked me in the eye for a moment and then nodded.

He then gestured towards a tablet that was sitting on the table.

Hesitantly, I picked it up and saw that it was an overlay of the entire complex.

The number of patients going in and out, the wards designed for specific purposes.

Astonishingly, not a single casualty was reported inside the hospital.

The next few hours were a whirlwind of activity.

I went from ward to ward, noting the technology employed here.

None of the doctors seemed to be having a problem using any of it as it was almost supernaturally intuitive.

In some cases, it was literally operated by brainwaves.

I mentally noted all the new technology she was seeing here, utterly fascinated by it, to put it in her report.

It was going to be a long one.

More than a few times, I tried to take one of the miniature healing light emitters that resembled common torches but always, always without fail, Alfred would pop up somewhere in her vision and shake his head disappointingly at her.

Ashamed to admit it but I was kind of scared as to what he would do if I took it anyway.

After a while, the invasion had ended, and barring a few patients, the entire complex had become empty.

The doctors too had taken a break.

They were sitting in one of the lounges, where Alfred had provided the full set for all of us.

High-quality alcohol was available.

I looked longingly at the litany of high-class brands but I had a job to do and couldn't afford to be drunk on it.

As she was mentally adding matter fabrication to the rather astonishing list of abilities that Alfred had on command, one of the agents stationed outside came running inside.

He stiffened when he saw Alfred, but continued otherwise when he didn't do anything.

"There must be some story there", I thought in my mind.

He came up to me and said, "Mam, you are required someplace else. The Widow and Hawkeye need medical attention and you are the highest placed medical staff of our agency on site."

Understanding his urgency, I nodded to him and started preparing my stuff.

Alfred chose that moment to slide into my vision and a slit opened up on top of my table and one of those healing emitters was raised from it.

Raising an eyebrow, I looked at Alfred and then the healing emitter and then again back at him with a questioning gaze.

"Take it. For your reference, it's called a CHI light", he said.

I was surprised that he outright gave me the stuff. He must know that this means S.H.I.E.L.D. could start researching this.

Not questioning his change of heart lest he change it back, I promptly stuffed it into my bag and walked out of the complex without a glance back.

Entering the SUV, we drove off and soon, entered the black site S.H.I.E.L.D. had set up to receive Widow and Hawkeye.

I entered the wards, to see a veritable army of doctors hovering around the prone forms of Widow and Hawkeye.

The lead doctor spotted me and his utterly exhausted-looking face looked relieved to see me.

He came up to me and pleaded in a weary voice, "Please! No matter what I do, they simply won't listen to me. I have told them that their bodies are utterly exhausted."

"They simply tell me that they are the top agents and just a few hours of high-intensity combat won't land them in a coma."

"I am at my wit's end. I have seen cases like these."

"Cases where the human body is pushed to its utmost limits. Normally it has its limits but in life-threatening situations, we can push that limit."

"Given the situation, both of them were in, it is perfectly reasonable for this to happen but they want them awake for they possess important information."

She placed a calming hand on the doctor's forearm.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it."

"Why don't you take a break? You clearly need it."

He nodded at me and he shuffled out of the room.

After diagnosing them, I came to the same conclusion.

Just the one thing that confused me was how they overdrew their bodies so much.

The reports suggest extended periods of artificially increased synapse speed.

That would have resulted in enhanced reflexes and reaction speeds but the question was how did they do it.

All this thinking had exhausted me.

I took my water bottle out of my bag and coincidentally, my gaze fell on the CHI light that Alfred had given me.

My eyes lit up immediately.

It all made sense when I thought of it that way.

After careful consideration, I decided to use the lights on them.

It worked immediately.

Their faces gained colour and their bodies showed increased activity, a sure sign that they were going to wake up soon.

After about a minute, she turned off the light as she had learned in her brief time at the Central Park complex that an overdose could be fatal.

Informing one of the nearby nurses to inform her when they woke up, she went to the temporary office they had set up for her use.

She was so invested in studying the effects of CHI on various life forms that she didn't realise how much time had passed and one of the nurses had come running into her office, informing her that Widow had woken up.

"Inform Special Agent Hill about Widow waking up.", I order her.

I then go ahead to take a look at their conditions.

I was very curious about what they knew too.
Word Count - 1999 (Lol)
Next Chapter - Shocking Debrief
A/N : Once again, my longest chapter yet. Almost 2k words.
If you like my writing and would like to support me or want to read ahead of the public release, you can head on to my
I already have 8 chapters ahead uploaded there.
Technomancer in MCU #14
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Chapter 14
Technomancer in MCU
Central Park

Hill came into the tent after that and said, "Sir! Widow and Hawkeye have regained consciousness and are being prepped for debrief."

"Excellent. Let's go.", I nodded back at her.
S.H.I.E.L.D. Blacksite
–Nick Fury–

On the way to the ward where Widow and Hawkeye were kept, I encountered Agent Simmons.

I remember her being a genius in her own right. Her teachers in the academy say she is the Tony Stark of the biochemist world and from what I had seen of her contributions to the S.H.I.E.L.D. research systems, I was inclined to believe them.

Her face lit up with a sort of nervous delight when she saw me, it would see that she was hoping to see me.

I nodded at her in a greeting and started walking briskly towards the ward.

Not taking the dismissal as it was, she began to walk beside me.

"Good evening, sir. I–I, uh, was hoping to join you for the debrief, sir.", she asked, clearly nervous.

I stopped at that statement and looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"If you are asking that as their doctor then be assured that this will only take a short while and I will be out of your hair soon."

Then my countenance changed abruptly.

Glaring daggers at her, I said, "If this is your idle curiosity regarding the invasion and the interesting tech that you have no doubt encountered, I would advise you to think about it. You do not have the clearance level necessary to listen to that."

She looked sheepish but still said in a small voice, "I doubt many have the clearance necessary for that, sir."

"But I assure you that I only want to learn more about their healing technology. If you are not aware already, Alfred gave me one of their healing lights as I was leaving and somehow, it had bonded to my biometric signature."

"It won't work in anyone else's hands. I am utterly fascinated by it and any more information, even the experiences in using a more advanced version of this would help immensely."

"Please, sir. You wouldn't even notice me.", she pleaded.

I looked at her incredulously.

She still looked at me expectantly.

Palming my forehead, I was at the limit of my patience when Hill interjected.

"Agent Simmons, you are overstepping your bounds. This is no time to boundlessly indulge in your curiosities. Don't bother the Director. This meeting will have information you won't be cleared to know for years. ", she said scathingly.

Agent Simmons wilted in front of her scathing remarks.

"I would suggest you look for them after their recovery in their free time if you want to ask your questions and satisfy your curiosity.", Hill advised her.

She nodded meekly.

Satisfyingly chastising her, Hill looked at me and nodded.

We continued on our path to the ward.

One of the agents stationed outside nodded at us and opened the door.

Once inside, I saw that Widow was the only one who was awake.

Barton, according to the reports, will take slightly longer than Widow to wake up.

I wonder how much of that can be attributed to the bootleg version of the super soldier formula they gave the Widow.

She looked at me and put down the tablet she was using, probably writing the action report.

I ordered the stationed nurse to stay outside for a while.

I took a seat on one of the nearby chairs.

Hill stood behind me silently.

"So," I began, "How's the Avengers life treating you, Romanoff?"

She chuckled at my question, "The pay sucks, teammates have big time issues, no work-life balance. It isn't much but it is what it is."

I smirk at her reply.

"In all seriousness, though, it's good to have you back. I am glad you made it out in piece.", I said seriously to her.

She nodded.

"You too, Barton.", I said, turning to the other occupant in the room.

He was pretending to be asleep.

"Oh, man! I thought I had you. Can't you let Nat report to you while I sleep for a few more weeks? It feels as if a truck ran over or more realistically, a chitauri Leviathan ran over me."

I chuckled at his reply, "Get up, Barton. The council wants the report yesterday."

He sighed and got up," Yeah, alright."

With both of them being awake, I could ask them the questions that had been bugging me the most.

"First of all, is there any chance that we could bring him in?"

"Even as a consultant like Stark?"

Barton snorted, "Fat chance of that happening, Boss. He seemed pretty independent to me."

It was worth a shot.

I nodded at him, "Fair enough."

"What would you recommend our response to him should be?"

"As an agency, I would strongly recommend maintaining our distance. He didn't seem too fond of S.H.I.E.L.D. and after the missile, I won't blame him.", he gave me a look after this.

"Who gave the order, Fury? We were still there not to mention the council had no idea if Ed's shields would hold."

Natasha interjected, "They were ready to sacrifice millions of people and ruin the future of millions more on the chance that they would be able to kill Ed and even us?", she asked with more emotion than I had ever seen before.

It was understandable as she had never come this close to absolute death with no chances of survival before.

She had close calls but there was always a chance she could make it out with her extensive skill lists but there was no martial arts that could save you from a fiery ball of death and destruction.

Her being shaken by the situation was normal.

I could not, however, give her an answer regarding the perpetrators behind the event.

"We will talk about that in detail later. When we are done with the investigations on our side."

"Ed was kind enough to give us the black box of the jet and the pilot."

"Was he alive?", she asked.

I nodded and confirmed it.

"I'll make sure he is interrogated properly. Any information he has can help us gain a bargaining chip against the council. They have been overstepping their bounds a lot lately."

"Their activities are becoming more suspicious as well."

Both of them nodded after a while, trusting me to handle that matter for the moment.

"Did he say anything about his overarching goals?", I ask after that.

Both of them looked at each other for a second.

I narrowed my eyes at that, suspicion already brewing in my head.

Natasha shook her head and said, "In his words, he wants to uplift humanity."

"Didn't say how he was going to do that but he did say that we needed to stop relying on outsider protectors like Thor and develop our own tools."

Develop our own tools, he says, and has no intention of sharing his vast technological advantage with us.

"Threat Level?"


I raise an eyebrow at that, regarding her with a questioning look.

"Even above Banner?"

She shook her head, "Much worse. It's not about the brute force he has available to him though that is a factor. It's his intelligence. He can make better suits than Tony and in quantities like they were built in a mass production factory."

"The technological threat he represents is only compounded by Alfred."

"The A.I.?"

She nodded, "Yes. He is much more advanced than Stark's. Unparalleled coordination between all his forces. Independent investigative thought processes."

"He was the one who actually found the solution to the portal."

"We'll include him in our threat list as well."

"Well, this has been informative. At least we know he won't immediately go off in the deep end and screw us all over."

"That's a relief. I will read the rest from your respective reports.", I gave Barton a stare as I said that.

He rolled his eyes but nodded at me.

Standing up with only a slight difficulty, I ask them, "Anything at all that you would like to say to me, off the books?"

Natasha, after a hesitant glance at Barton, said, "He used the word 'Foreseen' during the conversation. I don't know if it means anything but he changed the topic immediately."
"With all that we have seen and his reaction to the events, is it safe to assume that we might have someone with precognitive abilities on our hands?"

My face rapidly paling, I looked at her disbelievingly.
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Technomancer in MCU #15
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Chapter 15
Technomancer in MCU

"With all that we have seen and his reaction to the events, is it safe to assume that we might have someone with precognitive abilities on our hands?"

My face rapidly paling, I looked at her disbelievingly.


S.H.I.E.L.D. Blacksite
–Nick Fury–


It was an ability that was only theorized by the boldest analysts at S.H.I.E.L.D. as it was often thought of in the world of science.

The boys in the labs could more often than not make some sort of sense in terms of science when we encounter enhanced individuals and put them in the Index list.

There had never been a precognitive enhanced encountered by any of our agents.

However, some at the agency have theorized that the more powerful someone's precognitive ability was, the farther they could see, effectively warning them about our approach and making them flee.

The thought of anybody being a precognitive and using it for nefarious purposes was bad enough.

The fact that the person who could upend the world just with his words has that ability made the stuff of nightmares.

This could change everything, which is why I needed to confirm it.

Aghast at the revelations, I asked her, "Anything else you know that can support that."

"You should know Romanoff that if it turns out to be true, we will have to take him far more seriously, even more so since he would know about credible threats to the planet."

"An ability invaluable to any nation or agency on the planet."

She shook her head, "Apart from all the weird coincidences of him being in the right place at the right time, having just the right tech for nuclear irradiations, and then even building an entire city from scratch."

"He even had customized suits ready for each of the members of the team."

"I wouldn't pretend to understand them like Stark would but I could see that those were built to fight back against heavy odds in an urban environment."

She took a breath, drank water from a nearby cup, and continued.

"You know what that would mean, Director."

I nodded grimly.


"Once can be attributed to coincidence, maybe even twice but three times? I don't think we should doubt that anymore."

"I think he or at least someone in his faction is a potent precognitive. This raises the stakes even more."

Barton interjected here, "Just don't let that cloud your thinking when you meet him again. It could end disastrously for us."

I nodded grimly, taking his words into account.

Remembering something, I asked them, "Did he give any of you a way to contact him? I don't think any of the bugs you planted on any of his shit is going to work."

They both shook their heads. "He didn't give us anything. In his own words, he would be the one contacting us rather than us contacting him."

The same thing he told me.

Sighing, I replied, "Fine. Take your required rest. I'll go put out some more fires."

"Ha! Not envying you right now, Boss.", Barton snickered.

I gave him a flat stare.

I heard Hill's comms crackle to life.

Putting a finger on them, she replied, "Yes, this is Hill speaking."

She glanced at me and replied, "Yes, Director Fury is with me."

Whatever she heard was shocking enough that her face lost all its color.

She then turned to me, "Si..Sir, the pilot we had in custody is dead."

I abruptly stood up at that news.

I turned to her and thundered, "What the hell just happened?"

"I had specifically ordered to keep him under full containment, nobody going in or out without my say so."

Not listening to her answer, I ordered, "Take me where he was kept."

"How can somebody just die? It seems like one hell of a coincidence."

I paced through the halls, Hill beside me.

The words of Ed rang in my head.

He had told me of things going conveniently missing.

Is this what he was warning me about?

Did he see this future as well?

So many questions and no real answers.

An entire squad was stationed at the entrance.

It was one of those purpose-built pods that S.H.I.E.L.D. had in case we wanted to contain someone in a portable prison.

Only one way In or Out.

In-built air filter system along with oxygen supply to last a single person weeks.

There should have been no point of entry and yet, as I came near, I saw two of the guards with their throats slit and the pilot with a hole in his head.

I cursed under my breath.

I rounded on the nearest agent, "Where's the footage?"

"How long ago did you find the bodies?"

"Any sign of tampering."

The agent stammered out, "Uh..Um, sir, the cameras were disabled before their death sir.", he gestured to the clearly shot cameras.

"We found the bodies just a few minutes ago. We informed Special Agent Hill immediately."

"The medics have yet to touch the pilot's body as per your orders."

I looked at him with wide unblinking eyes and snarled, "If my orders were actually followed, we wouldn't have 2 dead agents and our prime lead in figuring out the perpetrators behind the nuclear attacks."

He looked terrified of me.

"Get the autopsy done ASAP.", I ordered him.

Looking at the scene once again, I palm my face from the frustration of it all.

He was right, the organisation as it is now won't be able to help humanity.

Hell, we can't even protect our agents right in the centre of a heavily fortified base.

On the way back to the chopper, my phone rang.

I took one look at the caller and my headache intensified tenfold.

I accepted the call.

"Hello, sir."

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, sir. I assure you that investigation is at the top of our priority lists."

"Yes, sir. I'll personally be there tomorrow, sir."

"Just give me 24 hours, I'll have it ready by then."

"Thank you, sir. I won't disappoint you."

"Yes, sir. Have a good day."

With a sigh that seemed to drained the life out of me, I said," Hill, put a meeting with POTUS on my calendar tomorrow."

"Have something ready for me to show him lest we both lose our jobs."

"The agency is teetering on thin enough ice as it is."

"Yes, sir.", came the equally despondent reply.



–Alexander Pierce–

"Is it done?", I ask Rumlow while nursing my drink.

"Good. We don't need Fury sticking his nose in our business."

"Especially since this Ed character is already going to be a pain in the ass to deal with."

"Monitor the situation and give me regular updates on any steps Fury takes."

I closed the cell phone and tossed it on the table, uncaring of its state.

That was one headache dealt with.

How did that Ed guy get a hold of our most secretive bases' location is another one that we need to deal with immediately.

I had already put all bases on high alert, warning them of a possible attack.

The other heads will soon require an explanation from me for disrupting their work like that.

After not getting messages of any base being attacked, I concluded that the guy probably had no interest in them.

But he was dangerous.

More dangerous than any foe we had ever encountered.

The Captain right now is nothing more than a super-solider with a frisbee.

Stark, Banner, and everybody else can be dealt with Project: INSIGHT.

He was going to be the one who made or broke the situation.

The power he had at his fingertips, along with the information he likely possessed of the secrets of the world.

Too dangerous to engage right now without sufficient information.

We have to move most of our bases.

This would set us back years but we had no other choice.

Until we can find some sort of weakness in that guy, we have to lay low.

I initiated a meeting of the heads for that purpose.

Palming my face with a sigh, I prepared myself for another meeting of treachery and subterfuge.


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Technomancer in MCU #16
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Chapter 16

Technomancer in MCU


Until we can find some sort of weakness in that guy, we have to lay low.

I initiated a meeting of the heads for that purpose.

Palming my face with a sigh, I prepared myself for another meeting of treachery and subterfuge.



–Alexander Pierce

One by one, all the members logged in to the meeting from their respective bunkers.

A bunch of cowards, I thought.

None of them, not even Gideon Malick had the balls to go out confront the Avengers and get the Cube and the sceptre.

"Pierce, the fact you have called us so soon, I suppose you had problems regarding the retrieval?", asked Strucker.

"You would be correct. I encountered fierce resistance from Fury and Banner, as was expected."

"I was under the assumption that we had already solved the pesky problem that was Fury and were well underway in replacing him with one of our compatriots.", interjected Whitehall.

I nodded solemnly, "You would be correct but the variable has turned out to be even more dangerous than we thought."

"I suppose the news hasn't reached you but using my authority as the temporary supreme leader of all H.Y.D.R.A. bases around the world, I have ordered all of them to enter a state of high emergency and to expect heavy hitter attacks from the variable's organisation as of two hours ago."

"What?!!", came a collective surprise shout from all of them.

"What would possess you to do this madness", Whitehall added.

"Do you have any idea how many years the procedures for doing that would set me back?", thundered Strucker.

"Silence!", I shouted back and the meeting calmed down.

They had never seen me this outraged in such a short period of time.

That was for good reason as even though we were allies, they wouldn't hesitate to get rid of me at the first sign of weakness.

"Pierce, what exactly happened out there? And for god's sake, can we just call off this lockdown we have initiated for ourselves?", asked Whitehall in a serious voice.

"The thing I could have never imagined happened and yes, you can get out of your bunkers now."

"The alien threat is resolved and this Ed person won't be targeting us for a while, if the absence of attacks on all our bases is any indication."

"You are making no sense here and what is this about an attack on all of our bases."

"Nobody knows about all of our bases. I thought that was the whole point. Compartmentalization to the point that even the leader doesn't truly know the whole truth.", said Whitehall.

With a sigh, I replied," I wasn't supposed to but over the years, combing through the reports I had access to, I had the rough locations to the majority of our bases, even the ones under your supervision, Whitehall."


"Does the word 'Jiaying' mean anything to you?" I smirked at him.

"How..How do you know that name?"

"That is not the point, Pierce, and you know it. This was not supposed to be the standard operating procedure."

"I know, I know. I have violated all of your trust but that is not of primary importance here."

"Somehow, they have the completed list of all of our bases throughout the world."

"And before you ask, no, they were not leaked since they were not on a digital database to begin with. They only existed in my memory."

"I was about to formally declare Fury a terrorist when that damn man's pet A.I. projected a screen showing the location of our bases directly in front of my eyes."

I could feel the sheer disbelief pouring out of every member's fear along with overwhelming fear.

"Yes, We have confirmation now that they know."

"For some reason, the AI didn't show any of that to Fury, even upon his insistence so I believe that they have a plan ahead for us."

"We need to be out of their radars before they begin commencing whatever they have in their minds for us."

"Am I clear?" I asked them with a grave countenance.

"Yes", they replied in unison.

"Make sure all of your important projects are shipped out of your bases ASAP. Don't rely on your established backup bases. Create new ones so that they cannot be tracked by them."

They all nodded.

"Hail H.Y.D.R.A!", I shouted.

"Hail H.Y.D.R.A!"

"Hail H.Y.D.R.A!"

"Hail H.Y.D.R.A!"

One by one, they dropped out of the meeting until only I remained.

Closing the laptop, I dialed Rumlow's number.


"Any updates on Fury's movements?"

"He has an appointment with POTUS tomorrow, sir."

"Other than that, he has ordered an autopsy on the pilot. I have already made sure that our people are the only ones who operate on him."

"And the Jet's black box?"

"Already disposed of, sir."

"Hmm..Good work, Rumlow. Keep updating me."

"Roger that, sir."

I tossed the phone on the mahogany table in front of me.

Opening the bottle, I poured myself a glass of my favorite Whiskey.

Resting it on my forehead, I thought of any way I could minimize the damages that were going to be inflicted on our many ongoing projects with this drastic movement.

Not finding any, I input a task for all Level 7 and above H.Y.D.R.A. operatives in S.H.I.E.L.D.

It is to find any and all weaknesses on the members of the Avengers and if possible, the new variable, this Ed and his organisation.


On the screen of my phone, I could see Rumlow's name.

Leaning over the table, I picked it up.

"Sorry to disturb you so soon, sir."

"But I have some important information for you."

"What is it?" I lean forward in anticipation.

"There have been reports of one Dr.Jemma Simmons being in possession of the CHI healing technology that was used by them during the Central Park complex."

My eyes shine in greed at that.

"Any special reason she was given that over all the others?"

"She was S.H.I.E.L.D.'s liaison at the Central Park complex, worked with the doctors already present there."

"Apparently, she tried multiple times to acquire a piece of their technology but was unsuccessful due to their AI's watchful eye."

"Towards the end, however, he gave her one of the smallest units of their healing tech."

"So? Any reason why we are having this conversation without her already being taken?", I asked him with a cold voice.

"Sir, we have credible reports stating that the tech only works in her hands. Some sort of biometric lock."

"Outside of her, it just seems to be a paperweight in anybody's hands."

"There also seems to be heavy security surrounding her, probably Fury's men."

"We don't have a certain shot at extracting her without killing her so we are waiting for an opportune moment."

"Make one if you can't do it soon. I want their tech as soon as possible." I ordered him.

"Roger that, sir."

I sat on the chair, eyes gleaming in anticipation of finally getting some good news from this whole fiasco.

The addition of that healing tech, even in a rudimentary form, will boost the capabilities of our agents and our experimental weapons by a significant amount.


Word Count - 1259

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Interlude #4
A/N: Sorry that I couldn't post yesterday. IRL stuff happened and long story short, I ended up at a location without cell service, let alone data


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Interlude IV
Technomancer in MCU
The Moon
–King Black Bolt–

I listen to the ramblings of Maximus as he delivers the report of the attack on the human city of New York.

He was arguing to attack Earth and take their rightful place as its ruler as they were still reeling under the horrors of that alien attack.

The worst part was that I could see quite a few of the elders on the noble council nodding along.

Did they not see the resounding defeat the aliens suffered at the hands of those Avengers?

Deciding to nip this dangerous idea in the bid, I raised my hand.

Such was their fear and in some cases, disgust of my power that they immediately quietened down.

They looked at me with apprehension, Maximus with scorn.

I signaled at Medusa, my wife.

Not having the ability to speak without utterly eviscerating whatever that had the misfortune of being in front of me at the moment, I relied on the mild telepathic connection I shared with her, to convey my orders to her.

She acts as my speaker, a formidable fighter in her own right.

She helped me navigate the intricacies of the Genetic Council.

"What do you think is Maximus' motive here? He has access to the same reports we have.", I conveyed to her.

"I think he is up to his same tactics again. He probably wants to rile up the council against you, showing your refusal to act as a sign of weakness." She conveyed amusement at his continued attempts to usurp my throne.

I wonder what he saw in ruling that has him so enticed.

I wanted nothing more than to find someone capable and hand this crown to them.

But alas my wayward brother is incapable of ruling, his contempt towards the lower-class members of our species shone through at almost every council meeting.

Coincidentally, this behavior gained him the favour of many of the sitting members of the Genetic Council.

Together, they have successfully thwarted all of my attempts to help the lower class of our species.

Alas, I have to think about the overall stability, otherwise, I would have killed them long ago.

"Tell them" I command my beautiful wife. The sight of her red hair always soothes me.

"King Black Bolt has spoken. There will be no attempts at any invasion of Earth. Lockjaw along with a trusted individual will be sent to Earth for Reconnaissance purposes only."

She coldly glanced at Maximus, "I think in light of recent events, we need to make the happenings of Earth accessible to all of the populace."

Maximus' face paled at that.

I do love it when my wife destroys some monkey-haired scheme that Maximus concocts in his dungeons.

There was the usual commotion from the council of the lower class not deserving to know it but once they saw the true reports and not the ones that Maximus probably fabricated, all of them shut up.

They were so shocked that they didn't even react beyond a shaky nod when I declared the end of the meeting and swiftly departed from the meeting hall.

I just hoped that Maximus put those thoughts to rest.

An all-out confrontation between what I saw and our forces would result in the outright extinction of Inhumans.

I didn't need that sword hanging over my head on top of our fertility and genetic defect issues.


The Royal Palace

–Odin Borson–

Dressed in all my royal garb, holding Gungnir, I addressed the council of nobles gathered in front of me.

News had somehow leaked that I had, through means unknown, sent Thor to Midgard.

The purpose of his visit was not however leaked but the absence of the Crown Prince at a time when Asgard is believed to be at it's most vulnerable did stir up a commotion.

If I was in my prime, in my hot-headed days, I would have smote the person who dared question my actions but those days are long gone.

Frigga also suggested pacifying the noble crowd to give them reassurance to help restore calm in the population.

So, here I was, shepherded into my royal garb just to satisfy some nobles.

The commotion in front of me reached its crescendo when I banged my trusty spear, Gungnir, creating a deafening boom.

The spear containing the weight of Asgard itself.

"Silence" I whispered, but the voice reached the ears of everyone present.

"I have sent Thor to Midgard to retrieve the Tesseract."

"It is a necessary component required to rebuild the Bifröst."

"He has already secured it." I continued.

"Soon, he shall return triumphant. So, feast, enjoy, and remain calm for your Prince is returning." They shouted and cheered for my son's return.

If only my other son could receive the same treatment, maybe he would not have fallen so low.

To attack Midgard of all places.

What could he have possibly wanted on that rock?

Shaking my head, I banish those dark thoughts and take Frigga's hand in mine for support.

She gives me a fragile smile, already reeling from the news of Loki being alive.

Leaning on me for support, we both exit the meeting hall, our actions unnoticed by anyone with a mere flex of my magic.

My body weakened and her heart shattered, we both could use a night of peace before Thor inevitably arrived and I had to imprison another one of my children.

Sigh… What a terrible father I am.


Sanctuary II

–Thanos, son of A'Lars–

I watch on dispassionately as the Chitauri, the cannon fodder of my army, are utterly decimated by the Earthlings.

"It would seem that the Earthlings are not as weak as we thought. They stand triumphant, our ally defeated." The Other, one of my children that I rescued personally from a terrible fate, said.

"To challenge them… is to court death."

Death, huh.

I smirk at that, "Let them be. It was just a gamble anyway."

"A gamble to see if Odin Borson had gotten so weak so as to allow an Infinity Stone of all things to be snatched away from his realms."

"The sire is wise.", he bowed deeply.

"Leave me," I ordered him.

On second thought, "Send Gamora. I have a new mission for her."




I was making supper for Jack, at the behest of Ben.

Humming one of the many tunes that I have heard throughout my long life, I ponder upon what our purpose was.

The rest of us are scattered throughout the globe.

Without a purpose, some of us made one for ourselves.

Some of us couldn't handle it and retreated into ourselves.

I considered myself the luckiest of us all, finding Ben and then Jack was the best thing of my life.

"Jack, supper's ready."

"Coming" came the distant yell from the troublemaker.

Hearing the faint thudding sounds of the stairs being stomped upon, I sighed.

"Jack Ben Stoss, how many times do I have to tell you not to run around in the house, especially on the stairs? You could get injured."

"Sorry" he said meekly.

"Phastos! Phastos!", came the worried voice of Jack as he ran into the house.

Worriedly, I asked him "What is it?"

Panting, he said "Aliens. Aliens in New York.."

Pupils dilating, I immediately tapped into my powers and activated the HUD display mounted on my retinas.

I heard Ben herd Jack back into his room, probably to give me privacy.

On the screen, I could see a bone-chilling scene.

Bi-pedal aliens with massive floating lizards invading the city of New York through a blue hole in the sky.

I thought of going there, to help. With my powers, I could reduce the casualties massively.

The sounds of people being in misery, crying for help made my heart wrench but I thought of Jack and the life I had built for myself here.

With a resigned sigh, I chose to stay here, close to my family.

The choice was made infinitely easier when I saw, hours later, the invasion getting thwarted.

The aliens getting pushed back into a dome of blue, effectively neutralized, made my heart finally calm down.

Curious about the defenders, I tried to hack into their technology, only to get rebuffed immediately.

Caught off guard, I tried again.

It was the same result.

I tried again. This time the entire HUD, along with all the lights in the house shut off.

The HUD crackled back to life, showing a message - "KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF"

I immediately slammed all connections to the house shut.

Breathing heavily, I just hoped that they were good guys and didn't come after me.

If they did, the only way I could protect my family is if I ran back to the Eternals.


Word Count - 1517

This marks the end of the Invasion Arc.
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Technomancer in MCU #17
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Chapter 17
Technomancer in MCU
The Royal Laboratory, Wakanda

The scenes in the lab were as usual.

People moving around, reading reports on their beads, taking calls, and filing reports.

Suddenly, all the lights in the lab turned red as the emergency evacuation notices started blaring.

"Emergency Evacuation! RED Alert! This is not a drill"

The emergency speakers started blaring that message repeatedly.

At first, the people who heard it froze completely, not used to the sudden evacuation notices apart from the few emergency drills that happened once a year.

The older ones were reminded of the bombs that were smuggled into Birnin Zana and the subsequent death and destruction that occurred after the attack of Ulysses Klaue.

The older ones managed to snap out of it and herded the younger ones out of the labs into the emergency shelters built into all of the government facilities.


Shield Control Room

–M'Tasha Dzezo–

Today was a good day.

I had gotten news from my supervisor regarding a possible promotion in the works for me.

I just had to work a 6-month border shift and after a quick evaluation of my Barrier engineering skills, I was poised to become the youngest Captain of the Shield Corps.

As I was dreaming of the girls I would be able to impress after getting my promotion, my computer pinged.

Opening the barrier sensory data, I was able to see a humanoid object in close proximity to the barrier.

Eyes widening, I double and triple-checked the data.

Upon confirming it, I activated the long-range cameras aimed at the Shield boundaries with road entries.

What I saw made me hyperventilate and almost sent me into a panic attack.

It was the 'Ed' person from the New York Alien Invasion.

I swiftly pushed the red alarm intended for emergency situations like this.

For some reason, we had gotten an alert from the King to increase the watch around the shields surrounding Wakanda.

To be alert for any intruders.

Especially to be mindful of any of the Avengers being here.

I was confused by this bizarre order as the Avengers had no reason to know of Wakanda's barriers even existing, let alone them coming anywhere near us.

I thought that they would be hounded by the World at large for their contribution to stopping the invasion and the advanced technology and firepower they possessed that made them capable of taking down even the most advanced outsider nations.

Begrudgingly, I could admit that they would have a decent shot at taking Wakanda down as well.

We would destroy them but the damage sustained by Wakanda would make it easy prey for the outsiders to do what they do best - Pillage and destroy anything good.

Shaking me from my thoughts, my Captain pulled me from my seat and pushed me towards the emergency exits.

Only then did I realize that evacuation notices for all citizens had been issued.

This had only happened once.

I could still remember it as if it happened yesterday.

I was still in college back then, doing an internship with the Barrier Corps.

One moment, I was doing a routine patrol near one of the auxiliary shield generators, and the next, I was thrown back by a thunderous explosion that rocked the entirety of the facility.

I thanked the ancestors that advanced vibranium-laced shields are standard issue for Barrier Corp members, even for interns.

All I could remember after that was the entire portion leading to the shield generator station being on fire

Wakanda soldiers' corpses lined the roads and a truck I could dimly see filled with vibranium fleeing on the roads leading to the outside village we maintained as a sham for the entire world to see.


Royal Council Meeting Hall

–King T'Chaka–

Sighing wearily, I was just about done with the day's meetings.

All that was left was a discussion regarding the enhanced watch over all of the border areas.

"The next issue on the list is the renewal of the orders for the increased watch over the border areas of Wakanda.", the receptionist declared.

The elders had just begun to argue when red alerts began to ring throughout the meeting hall.

"Okoye!", I commanded her.

"My King", she bowed and ran towards the command terminal to investigate the issue.

Whatever she heard must have been quite shocking to her because her face paled as she staggered her way back to me.

That was mildly disturbing as Okoye swore to her professionalism very strictly. For her to forego decorum, she must have been pretty shaken.

As these thoughts coursed through my mind, she came near me and whispered in a shaky voice, "My King, it's Ed."

Of course, it was.

I sighed, then smiled despite the situation.

"It would seem I am needed elsewhere. Our mystery guest, Ed, has arrived."

"What!" came the collective surprise from the elders.

I shrugged, "In his defense, he did say that he would arrive soon."

"I just didn't expect that he would arrive in less than a day after the invasion was over."

"How did he even get near the barrier without the Barrier Corps alerting us? Were they asleep?" the Barrier Tribe Leader asked, quite shaken by the arrival of a very powerful entity with intimate knowledge of our nation right at our very doorsteps.

He was right to be afraid.

After all, the outcome of this meeting would most likely decide the very future of Wakanda.

Never before had I faced such a daunting task that risked the very nature of my country.

Ed was someone who could wage and likely win a war with Wakanda single-handedly.

Even if by some stroke of luck we won, the resulting damage would bring us to our weakest level in centuries.

We would be easy pickings for the Westerners, especially if all our crimes against their development were revealed. They would leave no one alive then.

"Should we send guards to bring him in?" questioned the Border tribe elder.

"No," I ordered them.

The elders send a quizzical look toward me, and so does Okoye.

"I will go there alone. No guards."

The room was silent for a beat and then it erupted into a cacophony of voices.

"With all due respect, that is wildly unsafe."

"We have no idea what weapons they have with them."

"Who's to say that they are alone out there? If they could get this close to our city without anyone noticing, they might be able to hide any number of people waiting to ambush us."

On and on it went.

"Silence" I raise my hand and shout.

"You all make valid points yet I am King and my word is final," I say to the room at large.

"I will go there and I will go alone. That is my order."

"For the safety of Wakanda, I will do anything."

I turn to Okoye, "Make sure that the kids and Ramonda are safe and sound inside the bunker."

"Have the military on stand-by," I order the Border Tribe Leader

"If I fall in battle, evacuate everyone. Make sure that T'Challa leaves. He won't leave on his own. He is stubborn like me." I told Okoye.

I cross my hands, perhaps for the final time, and yell out with all my heart,

"Wakanda Forever"

"Wakanda Forever"

"Wakanda Forever"

"Wakanda Forever"

Came the resounding shouts from the rest of the room.

"Move out. Now." I order everyone.

I set out to don my Black Panther suit, Okoye right on my heel.

Opening the hatches, I take a moment to admire my armour.

It had served my and Wakanda's interests faithfully for decades now.

Maybe Shuri is right and it does need a Revamp but I always told her that I am old-fashioned and it suits me.

I might just change it after this.

Sighing, I put it on.

Just as I was about to head out, I heard the faint voices of T'Challa shouting, "Baba! Baba!"

I gave Okoye a look that she avoided.

It would seem that she suddenly found the flooring very interesting.

"Baba! I heard that we have an intruder on our hands and that you are going alone to deal with them?" T'Challa asked me.

"Yes, son. But if he is an intruder or not is yet to be decided." I answer him.

"They could be a tremendously useful ally for us. I have decided to forego the guards for the simple reason that if they were to turn hostile, Wakandan lives would be needlessly lost in fighting them."

His face looked surprised at my admission of weakness.

"Make no mistake, son. This is not a sign of weakness. We bow to No one."

"We are the children of Bast. Always remember that."

He nodded gravely, "Yes Baba."

Even though he looked sufficiently mollified, I knew that once he was here, he would just follow me in any way he could and with Okoye helping him, he could reach anywhere in Wakanda.

Sighing, "You can come with me but you will come only as my guard. You will not initiate anything no matter what he says."

"Take this as your first international diplomatic mission as a King to be."

He nodded seriously.

I spied on Okoye with the corner of my eye.

She was looking awfully triumphant.

Shaking my head, I gave the orders, "Prepare the jet."


Word Count - 1581

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Technomancer in MCU #18
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Chapter 18
Technomancer in MCU
The Borders of Birnin Zana, Wakanda

I stood in front of one of the least guarded sections of the barrier that envelops the entirety of Wakanda.

It was one of the least guarded sections because there was nothing behind me.

No way to reach here by foot,

A straight cliff behind me hundreds of feet down.

I suspect it was created artificially for security purposes.

Feeling mischievous since N'Jadaka won't talk to me on the job as he feels that it is too 'unprofessional', I poke the shield.

I made sure to put the right amount of pressure so that multiple vibranium shield generators would be required to absorb that amount of force.

The result was a beautiful wave of cascading waves that spread over a solid quarter of the shield.

I am sure that the citizens must be curious as to what happened.

Grinning, I started flicking the shield in the same spot over and over again with increasing amounts of force.

Today, I had brought just the nanite undersuit with me as I had N'Jadaka here with me and he really didn't need more firepower than he already has.

Alfred was cackling maniacally when he finished outfitting the entirety of N'Jadaka's suits as per his specifications.

I believe his only requirement was "Overkill".

The reason I was being this petty and evidently stressing their shield systems was because I knew that they had sensed me minutes ago since I purposefully deactivated all my stealth stuff and I had yet to see a single sentry or even a drone would have helped.

Hoping to speed things along, I waved with my other hand and yelled out, "Hello? Anybody Home?".

I flicked once particularly hard, which actually created cracks in the shield section in front of me, shocking me.

What did Alfred do to my suit this time?

I comically looked at my fingertips and tried to do that again, only to see a drone speeding towards me, shouting, "Don't! Please don't do that again, the shields won't be able to take it."

Furrowing my brows, I cupped my hands in front of my mouth and shouted, "Don't try to fool me. I know your shields can take much bigger punishment than what I just did."

The voice sounded as if it was on the verge of tears, "Please! The shields can bear much higher forces but we will have to shut down the illusion that surrounds Wakanda, exposing us to the hundreds of satellites floating in space."


I didn't think of that.

"Alfred?", I ask out loud.

Alfred pops up in front of me, looking at the drone intensely.

Not breaking eye contact with the drone, he spoke, "He is speaking the truth. The shields will hold even under the full force of your new and enhanced energy shield breakers but they will have to divert all power to the forcefields from the illusion constructs."

Nodding gravely, I said, "I see."

I then turned to the drone, "Where is your King? I believe I had a meeting scheduled with him."

I heard a squeak come from the drone and after some shuffling noises, a far deeper sound responded to my question.

"The King has accepted your request for a meeting. Although, for future references, we have a perfectly good landing strip 50 miles north of here for you to just pop into."

I roll my eyes at the sass.

"It would seem not all Wakandans have huge sticks up their asses. Right, N'Jadaka?" I heard Alfred saying that over the comms.

A smirk graced my face as I heard him grumbling over the comms and eventually shut them off.

"What's taking him so long? Should I just teleport to the council meeting room?" I asked them only half-jokingly.

"NO!" came the high-pitched reply.

"Ahem..No. Please don't do that. That will be considered an act of aggression and you will be openly fired upon. We don't want to do that to a hero of the human race but we will if ordered to."

"Rest assured. The King is on his way alone, despite our best attempts." The voice reassured me.

I nodded lazily at that, "Very well."


The Great Forests of Wakanda

–N'Jadaka (Erik Killmonger)–

Despite Alfred's best attempts, I refuse to open the comm channel to hear more of his ribbing of my heritage. It has always annoyed me.

He had never stopped doing it since I joined the organisaton.

Even after half a decade, I still didn't know shit about them.

I had only really met Ed and he was the self-proclaimed leader.

The only other member that I knew of was the scary A.I.

Even Ed didn't scare him as much as Alfred did. It was terrifying knowing the amount of damage Alfred could cause if he put his mind to it.

The weapons that he gave me alone could topple entire countries, not to mention the support vehicles that I have seen.

M*therfucker has entire aircraft carriers at his beck and call, of course, he won't be afraid of a small nation, no matter how advanced it may be.

An alert sounded on my HUD, shaking me out of my reverie.

"I spot an aircraft, a very small one, coming near us, Boss," I tell Boss.

"It's probably the royal Talon."

"My orders?" I ask him.

"You are not here for just recon, you should know that."

"Come down here, remove the camouflage. You'll be coming home after a long time. You should be able to enjoy it out in the open, not hidden behind a sniper." He ordered me.

Despite myself, I could not help but tear up a little when the moment came.

I had trained hard for this.

Shed blood, sweat, and tears for this.

I had enlisted in the SEALS for this.

Killed hundreds of men, hoping that one day I would be strong enough to come back here and bring justice for my father and the millions of Africans suffering around the world.

I was just so angry back then, at myself for my weakness and at the world for allowing the suffering to continue.

I still remember how I met him.

I had just been given a mandatory break after a mission went particularly violent. I had gotten my entire team killed but had wiped out an entire contingent of Taliban soldiers, completing my mission.

My superiors were worried about my mental health and had assigned me a shrink in the States.

Imagine my surprise when I went to my first appointment and the first thing that came out of the shrink's mouth was "N'Jadaka".

Eyes widening, I was out of my seat and at his throat before I could even process how he came to know about my name.

Ah! Good times.

"Don't tell me you got cold feet now?" asked Ed.

Shaking my head, I replied, "No, Boss."

I jumped from the tree and with the help of the suit, landed silently next to him.

I shivered slightly as the suit unfolded back into my skin and I appeared next to him in a black tank top and cargo pants.

The boss looked up and down at my outfit with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" I asked defensively.

"Nothing Nothing," he said, raising both his hands.

"It's comfortable, alright?" I said, a bit defensively.

"I already said it's nothing," he said but I could hear him quietly chuckle as I stared straight ahead at the Royal Talon.

They had yet to disembark from the ship, probably waiting for us to make a move.

"Alfred?" I said aloud.

"They are taking an awful lot of time to get out, aren't they?" I ask him with a grin on my face.

"Indeed, they are." the little murderbot nodded seriously with a matching grin on his face.

"Don't! Don't do anything that will jeopardize our alliance with them." Boss ordered with a stern voice.

Alfred and I both looked at him and he was looking very severely at us.

I gulped and nodded hurriedly.

He then looked straight ahead and said, "Look, they have gotten off the plane."


The King was supposed to come alone.

Looking towards the scene I could see two black panthers coming out of the Talon.

The very sight of that accursed suit made me clench my fists.

Breathing deeply, I was very thankful for the meditative exercise boss pounded into me, or else I would have just pounced on them, reason be damned.

The shield section exactly in front of us opened up.

They were inviting us to come to their country.

I heard Boss order Alfred something and then he stepped forward to cross the borders.

I was just about to take a step after the Boss when I heard a slight whining sound behind me.

I glanced back, only to nearly jump in surprise at what I was seeing.


Word Count - 1509
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Technomancer in MCU #19
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Chapter 19
Technomancer in MCU
The Borders of Birnin Zana, Wakanda

I heard Boss order Alfred something and then he stepped forward to cross the borders.

I was just about to take a step after the Boss when I heard a slight whining sound behind me.

I glanced back, only to nearly jump in surprise at what I was seeing.



There was a huge fleet just floating silently behind me.

A dozen small aircraft surrounded one of those aircraft carriers I saw from that battle of New York.

Looking up close at them, I whistled.

Man, Boss makes such badass entrances.

Turning around, I jog to catch up to Boss' freakishly large strides in that suit.

"Are we here for an alliance or are we here to just straight destroy them cause I know you have some cold fusion nuclear weapons inside that carrier which will destroy this entire country without any nuclear fallout.?" I asked him only half joking about the matter.

After all, this was still my home country.

The place that birthed my father.

I would not let it be destroyed by outsiders.

Despite the favors Boss had done for me, I would still fight him for it.

The revelation surprised me a bit.

I had exactly zero chance of even touching Boss but I was willing to die defending my homeland if needed.

It was a fitting end in my book.

The Boss glanced back at me as we walked ahead.

A shiver ran through my spine.

He gave me a smirk at that.

It was as if he knew what was going on in my head.

"Don't worry your pretty little bald head about it. That was necessary as a show of force, not for the King but for the elders behind him. Those can be particularly stubborn, even more so than their King." the Boss said.

A sigh of relief unknowingly escaped me.

"What is our strategy here, Boss?" I asked him.

"You are to just listen and say Yes when asked. Everything else will fall on me and Alfred. We will do the heavy lifting and make sure that you have a fair chance of getting Wakanda's throne."

"But" here his countenance changed abruptly.

Despite not changing his stride at all, I felt as if I was walking next to a volcano that was about to erupt.

All my instincts told me to just run away from here.

He then continued, "If you try to wage a one-country war on the world using Wakanda's advanced weaponry, I will know and I will destroy you for it. Got it?"

I gulped and then replied hurriedly, "Yes! Yes, don't worry. It is in our agreement."

He nodded and then his demeanor changed completely, going back to the happy-go-lucky persona he put on most of the time in front of everyone.

"Besides, with the way your satan child made the agreements, I would probably have to sell my soul to repay the penalties for breaking the contract," I said to him, attempting a joke to alleviate some of the earlier pressure and lighten the situation.

He then laughed and said, "Don't worry. Your soul is safe. Bast doesn't exactly allow other hell lords to tamper with souls of her domain."

In between this banter, I didn't even realise when we reached the Traitor King and his Son.

They stood in front of us, their helmets removed.

Both of their faces solemn, not a hint of emotion leaking through the King's face.

That was expected though, he had been King for nearly three decades now.

The Prince on the other hand needed some training in politics, it would seem. His face showed subtle hints of anger at our presence.

That was understandable. We had just invaded his home and strongarmed them into giving us a meeting with their King.

Seeing that none of them were about to speak anytime soon, I said, "We were informed that the King would come alone."

The air suddenly grew heavy with that statement.

I could see the Prince coiled tightly, ready to pounce upon anything he deemed a threat to his father.

The tension was alleviated by the Boss when he said, "Now Now Eric, it's just the Prince. That is even better."

I looked at him quizzically. So did the King and his son.

At our collective looks, he chuckled and said, "After all, King T'Chaka has to retire someday. It would be beneficial if we could strike a deal that lasts 2 generations of Monarchy, don't you think?"

In my mind, I could hear Alfred cackle like a madman like he does whenever a plan he makes comes together perfectly.

I shudder just thinking about that.


Royal Talon

A few minutes earlier

–King T'Chaka–

I sighed and repressed the urge to rub my forehead as I was still in my suit with the helmet on.

"Why don't you understand, Baba? We cannot go outside. We should invite them in so you would be better protected."

"Even if the Border tribe takes a minute to appear in case of an attack, there are multiple weaponised sentries barrier at the edge of the barrier that can initiate attacks on them instantly, should they make the first move."

He had enough of this.

"And why won't you realise that being King means taking risks for the betterment of our people, Son? The kind of power that man has behind him, he won't let himself be trapped in any way."

"Even if we do manage to capture him, his forces would just ransack Wakanda and inevitably destroy it."

I could see that he was still determined to not let me leave his perceived safety net.

Sigh, this is why I didn't want him to come.

He is not ready to be King.

Still too clouded by emotions for his family.

The word family brings back terrible memories.

Of what I did.

What I had to do to my own brother.

I even left my nephew to survive on his own.

I clench my fists at that gut-wrenching thought.

Over the years, I had tried to find him but without any clue in regards to his identification and not wanting to alert his presence to Wakanda's enemies, I had stopped that fruitless search years ago.

Steeling my heart, I vow to make sure that this decision will be a fruitful one and it will be my last one.

I will abdicate my throne to T'Challa.

He is still rough around the edges but he will make a fine king someday.

Until then, I will still be here to guide him every step of the way.

Sighing, I replied, "Very well. Give the command to open the barrier section in front of them."

"They'll realize that we want them to come inside the barrier. With the power they have, they will walk in confidently knowing that we wouldn't be able to do much even if we wanted to." I said somewhat bitterly.

All that research and all this time being the most advanced nation on the planet and we were suddenly upstaged by an organisation that popped up out of nowhere and rocked the global power dynamics out of the park.

Hitting the button to open the ramp, I turn to T'Challa and warn him, "You are not to engage unless they attack us first. Do not provoke them. I know you are upset and your pride is wounded that we have had to be so accommodating of them but the truth of the matter is, that they are superior to us in terms of firepower and we are in a weaker position so I would suggest you to just watch and listen. Got it?"

He nodded his head begrudgingly.

"Very Well. Let's go."

We get out of the Talon and its ramps close up behind us.

Up ahead, I could see two silhouettes walking closer through the golden grass, passing the opened-up section of the barrier.

It closed up behind them, closing them off from the rest of the world.

I heard T'Challa give an almost imperceptible sigh of relief at the fact.

He still believed it offered us an advantage.

Only time will tell.


I heard him inhale sharply.

Snapping my neck sharply, I looked at Ed and his guard, only to stagger back in shock.

Almost immediately, my hand went to my ear, "STAND DOWN! I repeat STAND DOWN! "

"Do not engage."

Lest they invite doom upon us.


Word Count - 1434
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Technomancer in MCU #20
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.
Chapter 20
Technomancer in MCU
The Borders of Birnin Zana, Wakanda

Snapping my neck sharply, I looked at Ed and his guard, only to stagger back in shock.

Almost immediately, my hand went to my ear, "STAND DOWN! I repeat STAND DOWN! "

"Do not engage."

Lest they invite doom upon us.



Never in my lifetime had I felt such a technological chasm between Wakanda and someone.

Even the Inhumans on the moon with their leftover Kree technology were no better than us. They didn't have the crucial materials that the Kree probably had aplenty in their home system but didn't exist at all in our solar system.

We had checked.

Finding out that aliens existed was a shock.

Their experimentation on ancient humans and creation of what were essentially super soldiers was mind-numbing.

They searched far and wide on Earth for any sign of Kree technology.

Even though we found some signs of Kree tech and traced that to the Inhuman colony on the moon, they were very much manageable.

Plans to contain and if required, destroy them were made.

Funnily enough, the easiest way to destroy even the strongest of the Inhumans on the moon was just germs.

Common cold germs of Earth would easily kill even the most powerful of their Kind, King Black Bolt.

A terrifying being capable of causing pure destruction at the level of multiple cities with just his voice.

Hearing T'Challa's voice, I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him.

He had removed his helmet and at some point in my introspection, I had fallen down on the grass.

How unsightly of me.

Getting up, I am asked by T'Challa, "Baba! Why did you refuse Backup."

He said, gesturing to their fleet floating outside the barrier menacingly, "They have brought more than enough backup. I say we call the Border tribe squad at the very least."

Shaking my head, I said, "Wouldn't have worked."

"Our people, I have noticed, are a bit too prideful. And they should be. Wakanda is a utopia. But that pride wouldn't have helped in this situation. It would have backfired instead."

He looked confused at that.

Sighing, I gave my command to the people undoubtedly listening in on this conversation, "No matter what happens, unless they attack us, no armed forces will move from their positions."

I stood with my back straight, hands behind my back, every bit as confident as the King of Wakanda should be.

They both soon reached us.

Standing in front of me was Ed, the man who according to the reports of government agencies worldwide, was the number one most wanted person in the world.

A person capable of destroying and destabilising countries on his lonesome.

The person who came with him looked familiar for some reason but I had never met him before, of that I was certain.

His words of me coming here with T'Challa even though they were informed that I would be coming alone was a good attempt at provoking us.

Fortunately, I had been handling the merchant tribe's elder for longer than this person had been alive.

T'Challa on the other hand.

Even from the corner of my eye, I could see that his body language exuded anger and small amounts of frustration.

Ed's statement regarding making a deal with 2 successive monarchies and his backhanded remark regarding my impending retirement made T'Challa growl.

Sighing at the fact that he was able to get under T'Challa's skin so easily, I raise my hand in front of T'Challa.

He stops instantly.

The foolish boy was about to charge at our guests. An absolutely suicidal move.

After a moment of silence, I sigh and ask, "Why have you come here, Ed?"

"If you are in search of more vibranium for your army, I am afraid that the elders will not agree." I continued.

He raised an eyebrow at that statement.

"And you?" he asked me.

I shrug in a rare show of casualness, "I am King. It is my first and foremost responsibility to protect Wakanda. A little bit of vibranium here and there won't affect us much but someone of your powers can endanger the entirety of our country. I can't have that."

He looked at me in surprise at that statement, his jovial attitude vanishing like a fleeting wisp of smoke, leaving behind a somber and contemplative aura.

He then replied, "I am surprised."

"To be honest, I expected a much stiffer attitude from you, King T'Chaka."

I reply, "If it were anybody else other than you, they would not have gotten nearly so much accommodation from me but these are exigent circumstances and I as King must change according to the flow."

"Eh, Fair enough." Ed shrugged.

"Before we begin though, I and my companion here would like a formal tour of Wakanda. Both of us have heard that it is the closest thing to a utopia on Earth," he said, gesturing to his guard and himself.

T'Challa and I both gave him intensely suspicious looks at that request.

As I was about to refuse, citing my citizens' safety as the reason, he raised his hands and said, "Any deal we make will be contingent on that tour. So reply wisely, King T'Chaka."

That made me shut up immediately.

Thinking about the implications of this decision on the citizens, the pros and cons to Wakanda, I sighed and said, "Very well. You will have to wait here for a moment as we prepare."

"We weren't exactly prepared to receive a State Guest. We'll have a landing party prepared for you soon, to get you the best possible experience of Wakanda."

Ed waved me off, "Yeah..Yeah.. I know you probably expected me to come in here guns blazing, destroying property, and all that jazz. Look, I come in peace."

"And so does he" he gestured to his guard.

Curious about his identity, I ask, "Who exactly is he? From your words, he doesn't seem to be your guard."

He looked surprised at my words.

His face then lit up and then he replied with a smirk, "What gave you that idea, King T'Chaka? Far be it for me to have a Prince of a nation to be my guard."

"I mean, I am pretty high up on the global power scale but still, a Prince?" He rambled on.

But I stopped listening after he said the word 'Prince'.

Dread pooled in my gut as I looked at the Guard's face.

My face paling, I stagger back in shock. I would have fallen down had T'Challa not stopped me.

The reason he looked so familiar despite me never meeting him was..

Because I had met him.

When he was just 10 years old

Before I killed his father, my brother with my own two hands.

And then left him there, to the wolves.

Raising a trembling hand towards him, I ask in a broken voice, "Are..Are you his s–son?"

He looked utterly dispassionately towards me as he nodded, "My name is N'Jadaka, Prince of Wakanda."

T'Challa looked so confused as he said, "What? Who are you? What did you do to my Baba?"

I understood why this Ed didn't come here with an army to conquer Wakanda.

He didn't need to.

He had someone on his side who could tear apart Wakanda from the inside.

Then he could easily conquer the remnants.

Looking at my nephew's face, I could see the resemblance.

With dread, I thought of the Civil War that would happen should the council come to know of his existence.

I didn't know anything about him and he had a solid chance of becoming Black Panther.

Looking at Ed, a chill ran up my spine as he looked so coldly towards me.

My mind ran furiously at the revelations.

No, it is certain that N'Jadaka will become the Black Panther.

They wouldn't have risked coming here without the absolute certainty that N'Jadaka will win.

Something broke inside me at the thought that another one of my sins had come back for retribution. Only this time it threatened the entirety of Wakanda.

Something must have shown on my face when Ed said, "Crown Prince T'Challa, I would suggest you take your father for medical assistance. He is old now, and probably can't handle too many shocks at once."

T'Challa's hold tightened on me.

"We will remain here, awaiting your response," Ed said resoundingly.

"Go on.", he waved us off.

I stood up with the help of T'Challa.

Giving both of them a look, I hobble back towards the Talon.

The only thing that was going on through my mind was how would I explain this to the council.

How would they react?

Would N'Jadaka defeat me and become King through the traditional ways?

Would N'Jadaka even allow me to live?

Would I even blame him?

All these thoughts rang hollow inside my head.


Word Count - 1503
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Technomancer in MCU #21
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 21

Technomancer in MCU

Birnin Zana, Wakanda


I watch with grim satisfaction as the traitor King is taken away to the Talon for medical attention.

Many times, in my dreams, I had envisioned this scenario.

The King at my feet, defeated.

Him finally getting the consequences he deserves.

Me finally getting my revenge and being in peace.

All those dreams were shattered by Boss within 2 weeks of me meeting him.

He showed me a vision.

"A Possible Future" he called it. One of the billions of possibilities.

What he showed me was the most likely one had he not interfered in my life's trajectory.

I had to admit that I was a little repulsed by my future self's actions.

God what a weird thought to have.

He had become the very thing he had sworn to destroy.

I could see it now, he just wanted to watch the world burn. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he must have known that no matter how many weapons we made and supplied to our brothers and sisters, the end result would be the same.

The world up in flames, more divided than ever with our community ending up being even more persecuted than before.

Because in the end, my future self chose to drive forward his agenda with the very thing that has held the world back for centuries.


He chose to make the world afraid of Wakanda, not knowing that that would only hasten its destruction.

Hell, I could see the world imploding upon itself if I had not been killed by T'Challa.

The vision and therapy along with actual knowledge of how the universe worked, calmed me down.

I would no longer be the me from the future.

King T'Chaka might have thought that I was here for the throne, to kill him and plunge Wakanda into the flames of war, I could see it in his frightened eyes.

But that would be counterproductive to our motives.

We needed a united Wakanda, not one plunged into the throes of a devastating Civil War.

That would only expose the entirety of Wakanda to the world and destroy any hopes of Ed's Unified Government plans.

I would become an integral part of Wakanda, that much was certain.

Integrating myself with the upper echelons of Wakanda was a chore I hated with all my being and yet I would have to do it.

Boss' orders after all.

I was shaken out of my thoughts when the Boss put a hand on my shoulder.

"Look, " he said while gesturing ahead of us.

In front of us, I could see a veritable storm being raised by the amount of vehicles coming towards us.

Talons, Hovercrafts, SUVS and more were coming towards us in a very aggressive manner.

All of them followed a Talon that looked much fancier than the one the King came in. It had shades of gold blended in its body.

Noticing my gaze, Boss replied, "It's the Royal Family's Talon."

He grinned at me, "Somebody from the Royal Family is here to pick us up."

"Alfred, stand down." Boss ordered Alfred

Confused as to why he did that, I turned around to look at our forces stationed outside of the shields.

My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when I noticed that all of them were floating menacingly near different sections of the barrier and all of them had their weapons active.

The most obvious of them was the aircraft carrier canon that displayed its tremendous might in yesterday's invasion, cleaving through thousands of aliens and vaporizing even more.

I could almost feel the march of the incoming vehicles become more confident as Alfred winded down the weapons platforms of the entirety of the fleet.

Soon, Queen Ramonda of all people exited the Talon and came towards us in a graceful manner.

She stood in front of us in a regal manner, the Dora Milaje standing dutifully at attention behind her.

An entire entourage assembled behind her, a fitting entry for the Queen.

"Welcome to Wakanda.", she began the conversation.

"I am pleased to be here," Ed replied.

He then looked at me.

Naturally, I stumbled upon it with the grace of a wet cat.

I opened my mouth and said, "Sup?"

I could almost hear Boss cringing beside me.

Queen Ramonda, credit to her, didn't so much as bat an eyelash at me.

She took it in stride, nodded at me, and gestured to the fleet of SUVs standing behind her.

"Please, board the Vehicles. They will take you to the Royal Guest House."

"My husband is currently not available so please use that opportunity to get yourselves freshened up."

"We will notify you once he is available."

"In the meantime, you can explore Wakanda but please do so with caution."

I raised an eyebrow at that.

"Please understand that this situation is an entirely new one for the civilians. Most of them will go their entire lives without ever seeing an outsider."

"Rest assured, as long as you don't harm anyone, all public places are open for you to visit."

She then gestured to one of the badass-looking bald ladies behind her, "This is Okoye. She will be your guide for today."

Okoye did not look happy to do that. Looks like it was sprung last minute on her.

"Very well, Queen Ramonda." Boss replied

"Lead the way," he said to Okoye.

Just as I was about to follow after Boss, Queen Ramonda cleared her throat, bringing our attention to what she was pointing at.

At Boss' questioning look, she said, "The Border tribe is getting awfully nervous regarding your fleet at our border."

Boss raised an eyebrow and replied, "If you are telling me to get rid of them, I am afraid to tell you that Alfred has complete control over them and he never listens to me on his best days."

At her deadpan stare, Boss shrugged and said, " The best I can do is tell them to settle down in a designated area and tell them to behave."

The Queen gave a very slow nod, "Very well. Someone will go there to tell them where to land."

"There is no crew on any of them. It's just Alfred so don't be shocked when no one comes out of the ships." Boss reminded them.

The Queen nodded at that.

After that hilarious conversation, I followed Boss to the SUV and sat in it.

The doors opened and closed on their own and after looking, I found that the entire thing is self-driven.

At my incessant poking around, Boss got frustrated, "Will you just settle down. It's just a life-size remote control toy. You've seen much more advanced self-driven vehicles."

"Yeah, but they were made by you," I replied.

At his confused stare, I said, "Between the team, it's commonly associated that you are a freak of nature when it comes to technology. So all of them have become accustomed to the fact that you can just whip out technology straight from dreams anytime you want. On the other hand, watching advanced tech built by relatively ordinary people is quite a novelty."

Boss said in a very confused tone of voice, "I don't know if I should be mad or amused at you all."

With a sheepish voice, I said, "Amused?"

He deadpanned at me and spoke out loud, "Alfred, increase their weekly training sessions with Frank, will you?"

"Acknowledged, sir," Alfred replied.

"Nooooooo! Why would you do that? He already grills us till we are half dead." I despaired dramatically.

The Boss and Alfred's hologram both rolled their eyes at me.

It was disturbing in a way, how much they resembled in their mannerisms.

I guess being the creator, Boss imprinted some of his personality on the murder bot.

The SUV soon stopped and the doors opened on their own volition.

The scenes that greeted me were breathtaking.

Despite having seen the same visuals on a screen for years, the real thing just took away my words.

"Magnificent, isn't it?" Boss said, standing beside me.

I nodded robotically.


Word Count - 1369
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Technomancer in MCU #22
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 22

Technomancer in MCU

Birnin Zana, Wakanda


Despite having seen the same visuals on a screen for years, the real thing just took away my words.

"Magnificent, isn't it?" Boss said, standing beside me.

I nodded robotically.


The Royal Guest House, Birnin Zana, Wakanda


I knew that they would pull out all the stops for me, as such this was unsurprising for me.

Still, the views more than made up for the ugly truth that lies beneath it.

The Structure was built into a mountain apparently. A perfect example of modern construction as it showcased modern buildings built in consort with nature rather than against it.

A waterfall falling from up above the mountain.

Exotic Flora surrounded the entire facility. Some of them were literally glowing.

Then again, it was not entirely impossible for new species to emerge after millenia of exposure to vibranium.

That metal did have the tendency to mutate even the most mundane of lifeforms into exotic ones just by prolonged exposure.

The only visible way is through a raised platform that has an energy barrier around it.

The governments outside would cry in envy if they saw advanced barrier tech being used as a glorified umbrella.

I glanced at N'Jadaka from the corner of my eye, he was still gaping and looking around the scenery like a tourist.

It was understandable. After all, this has been his dream for many years.

To come to Wakanda.

To be welcomed as a guest rather than an invader.

To be able to see all these beautiful views and more importantly, belong somewhere.

He had been without a home ever since his father died.

Constantly going from foster home to foster home, in search of a home.

This is what he was searching for and in the 'original' timeline, the fact that he was detested, unwelcome even here, the last place he expected to reject him must have hurt him really badly.

So, he snapped and declared the most asinine war known to mankind.

Clearing my throat, I gained his attention and said to him, "Come on. Stop gawking around like a tourist. They're waiting for us."

He followed my gaze and saw that Okoye was looking at us very much unimpressed.

He must have looked like a bumpkin to her, admiring things that seemed normal to the local populace.

Following her, we went inside and were shown to our rooms.

Both of us got a penthouse suite, it would seem.

It had gorgeous views of the entirety of their Capital city.

I could see the Royal Palace, the center of the City. It was built with advanced materials, infused with vibranium to make what is probably the most fortified palace of any king ever.

This thing made Fort Knox look like a wall safe with the access code '0000' in comparison.

The only thing that could come close would be Namor's palace but that was only due to its inherent geographical advantage coupled with their advanced vibranium-based technology.

Speaking of Namor, I should go meet him soon.

Should advise him against his vendetta regarding the surface world.

After some time, N'Jadaka entered my room, already ready for his tour.

"Excited?" I asked him as he stood beside me, enjoying the view of the city.

"Are you kidding? Hell yeah! This is the city my father used to gush so much about. Let's see what's so special about it." he replied giddily.

"Very well. Somebody should be with us soon to show us the city. I've already told them I don't have much time and would prefer if I was out of Wakanda by the end of the day." I said to him.

"They were extremely relieved that I was set on leaving and also mildly terrified that I was going to stay in their capital for an entire day with what was essentially an army staying just outside the city."

"Alfred, what's the situation outside?" I asked my buddy.

All I heard in return was a malicious chuckle.

That did not bode well for the Border tribe members guarding the fleet.


Outside Birnin Zana


As I stood outside the perimeter that encircled the entire fleet brought by the outsiders, my mind buzzed with a whirlwind of thoughts and conflicting emotions.

The decision to host those outsiders inside Birnin Zana was of paramount significance. That much was certain.

I find myself conflicted thinking about the implications of this visit and King T'Chaka's reaction to this unannounced visit on Wakandas's security, traditions, and even its very future.

It was clear that this Ed character had no respect for our traditions, or our privacy and security as he barged into Wakanda with an army of all things.

An army that was more than capable of causing catastrophic damage to Wakanda if the videos he had seen of their destructive might in New York were any indication.

I could see it in the eyes of the security forces stationed nearby.

They were nervous.

Why wouldn't they be? They too had seen the same footage I had seen.

Being this close to machines capable of causing mass destruction would make anyone nervous.

I, myself, had I not been personally reassured by the King and Queen, would have fought tooth and nail to get these machines off Wakandan soil or annihilated.

Hearing another series of screams, I gritted my teeth and ran towards the source.

There, I found the same scene I had been finding for the past dozens of screams that sounded throughout the perimeter.

The damn aircraft carrier was so big and heavy that it only floated on the land, never truly touching down. It was a good thing as I was truly worried that it would just sink into the land, damaging it and its weapons systems.

The problem was the size of their fleet.

It was huge and the resulting perimeter that had to be established around the fleet stretched his entire team thin.

Then there was the other nuisance.

I was informed by the Queen that there were no people on board the fleet.

It was all run by an advanced A.I.

At the moment, it was hard to believe as according to recent reports, even Wakanda was at least a decade behind on creating actually sentient A.I. and there were even huge debates within the council regarding the creation of sentient digital lifeforms and the risks associated with them.

The A.I. was sentient and it formed the appearance of an old man but its actions were of a teenager hopped up on enormous quantities of sugar instead.

The main carrier ship must have some sort of hard light projection system.

The A.I. constantly used that to prank his soldiers.

Assuming different forms and appearing in front of the soldiers holding all sorts of weapons or firing beams of light reminiscent of the ones fired during the invasion.

This scared the soldiers so much only for them to later realise that it was just light and not an energy beam capable of vaporizing them without their vibranium shields.

He ordered the soldiers to get up and continue their patrolling shift.

Frustrated, he then shouted in the direction of the ship, "I know you are listening to me. Stop this at once."

"This does not bode well for you as well as your creator."

As soon as I did that, he appeared in front of me with a flash of white light.

Startled, I raised my shield and took a step back.

"What I do doesn't concern my master, Mr.W'Kabi." the AI replied, utterly serious.

"It does! You people are here on a diplomatic mission and the fact that you brought an army here doesn't speak well of your intentions in the first place and then this."

"Your harassment of my soldiers tells me you are not serious about the alliance because let me tell you, the Border tribe elder is on the council where the final decision regarding this alliance will ultimately be taken."

"So I would advise you to behave lest you reduce the chances of this alliance taking any shape," I warned him, breathing heavily.

He gave a very slow nod, "Very Well"

He then disappeared.

I was relieved and went to the outpost to tell the rest of the team about this.

They were very relieved, and many of them even thanked me profusely.

Still, I was going to send a complaint regarding this to the Queen as the King is not accepting the calls of any tribe elder for the moment and just telling them to continue things as they were.

He had already called off the evacuation notices issued to the entirety of the city and without any explanation as to why that decision took place, told the population of the city to just go about their days and not worry about any security issues.


Word Count - 1504

A/N : - Sorry for the huge gap between chapters. One of my brothers had to get hospitalised for a heatstroke and I couldn't concentrate enough to write. BUT don't worry, I will be releasing another chapter today, maybe about 4-5 hours later. It will be late I know but I will publish it.

Anyways, you know the Jazz - Extra chapters on

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