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The Crimson Moon Rises over Brockton Bay (A Worm/Nasuverse quest)

[X] Decide to get some sleep, I intend to do some experimenting with my powers in the morning.
[X] Decide to get some sleep, I intend to do some experimenting with my powers in the morning.

Taylor Hebert-Brunsteid. Fuck yes.
Alright, polls closed. Though with how you all agree I could have closed them yesterday.

C'mon, where's the arguing and the flame wars and the drama and-

Oh, wait, this is QQ not SB. Sorry forgot where I was for a minute.:p
Alright, polls closed. Though with how you all agree I could have closed them yesterday.

C'mon, where's the arguing and the flame wars and the drama and-

Oh, wait, this is QQ not SB. Sorry forgot where I was for a minute.:p

I shall start the drama and flame wars if you really want one.

Your Hat looks silly.

Flame war started.
This derail has gone on long enough, everyone back on topic.

... You know, it was just two posts. The Gm and me. That technically does not count as a derail. Even if you count it as a derail it did not spread past two post until you decided to act like a mod. But meh, It does not matter.

I will just wait until the quest votes again. I do not feel like getting in a pointless argument right now.
... You know, it was just two posts. The Gm and me. That technically does not count as a derail. Even if you count it as a derail it did not spread past two post until you decided to act like a mod. But meh, It does not matter.

I will just wait until the quest votes again. I do not feel like getting in a pointless argument right now.
I was just adding to the flame war wasn't meant to be taken seriously, my bad.
Not your fault. Some jokes just translate poorly through the Internet. >.<


Sorry I snapped at you a little.

You totally live up to your name. Have a like.

Also,sorry this is late, I usually work about 45-50 hours a week. Last week was about 60, so I was dead tired and had no inspiration. Tried to slog my way through anyway, but just ended up with a pile of drek. I would have been embarrsed to post it. It has since been canibalized for a bit of one scene here.

Again, thanks for your response, y'all voted for: Decide to get some sleep, I intend to do some experimenting with my powers in the morning.


I drifted awake slowly feeling more well rested than I had in weeks if not months. In that sleepy, half-awake place I tried to decide if I wanted to get up or not for a while, when suddenly I remembered that I'd intended to get up early to try to experiment some with my powers. The sudden snap of concern sent a shock of adrenaline through my system and I was abruptly wide awake. I swung my legs out of bed and grabbed my alarm clock to see how late it was.

The clock read 4:12am and for a moment the impossibility of that display caused a bit of a blue screen. Then I considered what little I knew of my powers from yesterday. Enhanced regeneration playing a part maybe? If so, and I don't need as much sleep, that would be awesome. I'd read enough fiction over the years to have an idea of what midnight stakeouts or patrols could do to negatively impact someone in their civilian life. It would probably make keeping a secret identity easier too. If the bad guys knew that my hero identity had been out till two o'clock in the morning they'd be looking for someone who was almost too tired to keep their eyes open instead of someone who looked reasonably well-rested. It also meant I had quite a bit more time to work with than I'd thought I'd have.

I'd done some thinking the night before,[1d6 roll=5] and I vaguely remembered that capes who had a passive power also tended to have a more active ability too. Brockton Bay's own Glory Girl had passive strength and durability but more active flight, and her sister Panacea had a passive resistance to diseases but an active ability to heal as two examples. With just a bit of luck, I would also have some other power too. As I quietly headed for the basement, I couldn't stomp out the hope that I might end up with a more classic Alexandria package than the minimal abilities I'd seen so far.

I reached the basement and quietly got the door shut to avoid waking my dad just in case I made some noise when I ran into a problem. I hadn't been able to check PHO since I got my powers, but nothing I'd remembered reading there before mentioned how powers worked. I could be the next Eidolon, and I'd have no idea how to access my powers.[1d8 roll=6]

After a few moments of self-annoyance I decided on an old standby, after all Hollywood wouldn't have all those scenes where the martial arts master sits and meditates for no reason, right? I sat on the floor with crossed legs and tried to, 'clear my mind.' That was actually spectacularly difficult. Trying to think of nothing led me to think of things that were full of nothing, like space. That, inevitably led to thinking about stars, which led to aliens, which led to chestbursters. I opened my eyes and glared at the far wall for lack of something better to take my irritation out on.
That surge of irritation, that desire to punch something for having wasted my time, for thinking that maybe I had a power that could be useful. That was the key. My body reacted to my desire to hit something by making me more capable of hitting something. The only thing I could think to compare it to as it was happening was what it must be like for a deaf person to suddenly be able to hear. An entire sense I'd never known I lacked was abruptly made available to me. Muscle density all over my body shot up. I reflexively knew that I'd be able to not just hit harder, but move faster and survive things that would normally kill me.

On the other hand, I could feel that I couldn't keep the burst of power up for very long. Something like Battery, maybe? PHO seemed to think that she could only use her power in brief spurts before she had to recharge. If so I could probably make use of my boost power fairly frequently. On the other hand, I might be limited to once an hour, or only be able to use it a certain number of times per day. I released the enhanced strength, speed, and durability just as it occurred to me that I might not be able to reactivate it easily. Immediately I reached for it again and let out a sigh when it came to me as naturally as breathing. It seemed like now that I knew how to reach for it, it was as if I'd had it forever. I did, however, take notice of the fact that my available pool of power was again draining. Since I hadn't worked out what experiments I wanted to run, I released it again to save the power. Once the boost cut out, I kept my attention on the sense of duration. The energy was returning fairly quickly, if not as quickly as I had been draining it. I decided I needed a stopwatch to get a better idea of how long I could maintain a boost and how long it took for my ability to recharge.

I briefly shook my head. I had enough money to pick up a cheap one later in the day, but there weren't many stores open this early even if Dad wouldn't have a cow that I was gone when he woke up. Instead of doing something foolish, I set up a rough and very unscientific strength test out of the clutter laying around in our basement then reactivated my boost and started working. I very quickly discovered that my already enhanced strength was approximately doubled, though I couldn't test the very top end. Nothing we had was heavy enough to max me out.
I deactivated my boost again, noting that the brief period of testing and the initial activation had drained about a quarter of the boost's energy pool, which meant I could maintain it for at least several minutes.
I laughed and did a victory dance I would have been embarrassed for anyone else to have seen. Then directed a brief apology to my powers. I might not be able to fly, but they definitely didn't suck. I still needed to test my speed and see what my max strength was, but if they were what my imagination was suggesting, hell, if they were even close to it, I might be able to really help turn this city around!

I take a look at the clock and,​

-start to clean up. Dad will be up soon, and I have things to do before school.

-clean up quickly, I have to be in bed before Dad gets up. I plan to cut classes to do some research and can't have him be suspicious.

-decide to fix breakfast. If Dad thinks things are going well, he's less likely to be suspicious if I'm late getting home. I need to find somewhere I can test the rest of my ablilities.​

Yes, this is much better than the version I had done last weekend even if it's also shorter. Sorry for the wait and thanks for your patience.​
[X]-clean up quickly, I have to be in bed before Dad gets up. I plan to cut classes to do some research and can't have him be suspicious.
[X]-clean up quickly, I have to be in bed before Dad gets up. I plan to cut classes to do some research and can't have him be suspicious.

Mind listing your rolls separately from the main body of the update? It's kinda jarring to be reading that and then seeing the numbers.
Wonder when Taylor would find out that she technically won the power lottery.
[X]-clean up quickly, I have to be in bed before Dad gets up. I plan to cut classes to do some research and can't have him be suspicious.
[X]-clean up quickly, I have to be in bed before Dad gets up. I plan to cut classes to do some research and can't have him be suspicious.
-clean up quickly, I have to be in bed before Dad gets up. I plan to cut classes to do some research and can't have him be suspicious.
[X]-clean up quickly, I have to be in bed before Dad gets up. I plan to cut classes to do some research and can't have him be suspicious.
[X]-decide to fix breakfast. If Dad thinks things are going well, he's less likely to be suspicious if I'm late getting home. I need to find somewhere I can test the rest of my ablilities.
Don't necro. This is against rule 7.
[X]-decide to fix breakfast. If Dad thinks things are going well, he's less likely to be suspicious if I'm late getting home. I need to find somewhere I can test the rest of my ablilities.

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