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The Fall of Olympus(Digimon SI)

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Summary: A story about a man who want to change himself for the better after he was reincarnated...
chapter 1


A multiversal gentlemanly pervert
Jul 29, 2015
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Summary: A story about a man who want to change himself for the better after he was reincarnated into a digimon in server Illiad that is ruled by the Olympus XII, can he survive a world ruled by the digimon equivalent of Greek gods?

Chapter 1

"Huf! ha! Huf! Ha!" I struggle on lifting a boulder twice my size with my oversized ears, but I need to do it, I need to evolve.

It's been a while since I was reincarnated into a digimon, a Pagumon to be exact.

I was happy about it, unlike some people who would miss their home, I have nothing to lose, The first time I hatch I was really confused when I can't even feel my arms, of course I was not a Pagumon back then. I started as a Botamon, cute little black ball death.

It was lucky that I was found by a nice Angewomon and she teaches me on how to survive on this world. I also really like it when she hugged me, yes I'm shameless judged me all you want.

"Ouch!" The rock I was lifting slipped through my ears and hit me right in the head, I'm really thankful for my Digimon Physiology to make what would be a serious wound into a small scratch.

I rubbed my forehead with my ears, oh how I missed having proper arms.

Oh well, go back to the training I suppose.

I moved to the wall of the mountain and started to punch it with my powerful ears, I could see the entire hole I made since I started this training.

"One! Two! One! Two!"


Angewomon was worried about Pagumon, he was always exerting himself in his training. Everytime he came back covered in scar and bruise, she threaten him with a promise that she would not heal him if he forces himself too much, it work surprisingly.

Still, she was curious on why he was trying so hard, it's not like he lives in a dangerous place like dark area or something like that, they lived in Ceresmon domain where digimon are live in harmony and peace.

She walked into Pagumon training area, it was a training area he create himself with the help of local digimon, a black board, a stack of boulder, wooden dummy, climbing area, swimming pool and a giant boulder bigger than her, she looked around in search for Pagumon, ah! There he is.

"Pagumon....." Angemon drawled from behind him.

Pagumon stiffed and turned to Angewomon. "Hey? Haha." He laughs nervously.

"What did I tell you about exerting yourself?" Angewomon glare at him, the bruise at his ears was pretty bruised probably because of him punching down a mountain side.

"Not to?" He answer her question with another question. Angewomon pitched his cheek.

"What will I do with you really...."

"The dummy are not strong enough to take my ears punch, so I use the mountain wall to train."

Angewomon scoop the small purple bunny into her arms, she could see him blush at being so close to her chest, she chuckle.

"What?" He asked with a pout.

"Nothing." Angewomon started to heal him. "I haven't ask you before, but why are you train so hard? We're not in Plutomon territory where your life is in constant danger." Pagumon expression started to show shame.

"Say, do you remember your past life?" Pagumon start to ask her a strange question.

"No, I don't, a digimon remembering their past life is unusual." She answer as she looked at him questioningly, is he?

"Yeah I do." He answer her doubt.

"Do you ever felt that your life is a waste?" Pagumon look at her, she shook her head. She never felt it, she was happy with how she is.

"I would be surprised if you did, a great person like you are too good for this world." He smile bitterly. "In my past life, I'm a lazy person. I don't care about the life of people around me or even my own life." He looked at her as she finished her healing and put him down.

"I was just there floating without direction, I doubt anyone would even care about me in my previous life, I know something was wrong but I was too lazy to fix it, while everyone was busy trying to find their purpose in life I stay at my room doing nothing and at the end of it where everyone I know has found their purpose, I just stopped." His expression was fillet with regret.

"I know it was pathetic life I have, and I regret it, but now I was given a second chance and I don't want to become a pathetic excuse of a living being and I want to be a great person like you." He smiled at her.

Angewomon smile and pat his head,"I'm sure you will become a great digimon." She told him and it wasn't a lie, she truly believes he will become a great digimon. "For now let's go home okay?" She looked at the darkening sky.

"Okay." He answered.


Wow, I guess I really got carried away huh, the sky is already dark and they were in a dark forest, having no legs suck. I hate jumping around just to keep up with Angewomon slow pace walk.





Did I jump into something? Angewomon looked at me as I looked below me.

"Oh." I said as I jump away from the digimon under me.


"Sorry.." I smile sheepishly.

"Pagumon, he was wounded, we're going to take him home."

"Eh?" I said in confusion as I took a good look at the digimon, it is a dog like digimon with white fur and three sharp claw with the one in the middle is the longest, he was also covered in wound.

Angewomon moved to carry him to our house and I followed.

First time posting a fic in QQ.:D
Last edited:
Grammer is a bit off but otherwise interesting. On phone so can't really point it out.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2

The digimon lied that we found unconscious on my bed, I still feel bad for stepping on him, that is why I am right mixing herbs to ease him because appararently his wound was so bad that even Angewomon healing power can't completely heal him.


I finish crushing the herb together, it was a good thing Angewomon know many thing about herbal medicine I need to remember to ask Angewomon to teach me later, I put the herb inside a bandage and wrapped it around the digimon wound.

"Hah, I really wish I had legs more than ever now." I complained, carrying thing while hopping around is not fun, I turned around and goes outside so that I do not disturb the sleeping digimon more than I have to.

"Urgghh..." The digimon made a sound.

Is he awake? I turned around to look at the canine digimon.

No, his eyes is still closed, but he seemed to be muttering something.

"..pitermon...."It mumbled.

Pitermon? I'm pretty sure I have heard that before.

"..Br....t." The canine continues.

I can't make out what said.

"O...Sin has been realized." The unconscious digimon silent once again.

Well, that was not ominous at all, I walked outside and close the door.


"So, how is our guest doing?" Angewomon asked me, though I'm pretty sure she know the answer already.

"Sleeping soundly, though something he say is a bit worrying to me." I told her.

"What did he say?" Angewomon asked me.

"Well..." I rubbed the back of my head with my ears. "It was unclear but I do hear about Pitermon and sin being realized or something." I said.

"Hmm.." Angewomon adopt a thoughtful pose. "Pitermon do sound familiar."

"You too?" My ears perked up.

"But I don't know for sure, he may be referring to the ruler of the sky kingdom." Angewomon said, my widen.

"Jupitermon!" On impulse I screamed the god of thunder.

"Mffhhhhhh!" Angewomon quickly shut me up as I heard the sound of thunder on top of me.

Angewomon remove her hand from my mouth. "Hah." I sigh in relief embracing the freedom to inhale air once again.

"You need to be more careful Pagumon." Angewomon warned me.

"Yeah, I know." I agreed with her, Jupitermon would smite anyone who talk ill of him, I am actually quite surprised that I did not get smiten when I said 'sin' and 'Jupitermon' in the same sentence, I don't want to die again when I just get my second chance.

"Hey, Angewomon." I call her.

"Yes Pagumon?" She answer with curiosity.

"Can you teach me on how to make medicine? You know, in case of emergency." I told her my request.

"I think you are pushing yourself too much already, with your physical training." I'm sure she is rolling her eyes from behind that headgear., how could she see with that anyway?

"Tell me, why should I just keep you inside the house so that you won't hurt yourself anymore?" Angewomon crossed her arms.

...I can't believe I'm going to use it, this special technique that only available for baby level digimon.

Slowly I widen my eyes so widen that it look like it's going to pop out and then I quirked my lips downward in a pout and tears starting to come out my eyes, making it look glossy.

Yes, this is the ultimate technique of baby digimon, the puppy dog eyes!

I direct this unstoppable force toward the angel in front of me, I'm sure she could not resist that!

"Hmmm..." Angewomon tapped her feet's, I keep my assault.

"You know it stopped working after the third time you use right?" Angewomon said.

"Aww..." I pouted. "Still, will you teach me?" I just asked her straight out.

"Yes, yes I will teach you the basic tonight." Angewomon sigh as she said that.

I'm sorry Angewomon, your sacrifice won't be in vain, I internally pump my fist.


Pain, pain spread through his body as the light touch his eyes, slowly he bring himself into sitting position on the edge of the bed, he looked at his surrounding, he was inside what is to be a simple room with wooden wall, a wardrobe, a table and the bed he was sitting on.

He try to move his body, but pain suddenly strike him.


He clutches his bandaged chest, 'bandaged?' It looked like someone has treated his wound, he's also notice that he was depowered himself.

"It look like our guest has awaken, Pagumon can you keep him company?" A cheerful female halted his thought, 'an angewomon huh.' He thought to himself as he looked at the Angel digimon standing at the door, under her was a small purple digimon with long big ears, 'A pagumon isn't it?'

"Okay!" The Pagumon answer, the Pagumon come closer to him.

The small digimon scratch the back of his head with his ears, "So.. How are you feeling?" The small digimon asked him.

"I have see better day." He answered with a wry smile, no need to be ungrateful to those who helped him after all. "Ouch." The pain struck his body again.

"So, if I may ask, how do you ended up so close to death?" The Pagumon asked him.

"You are curious baby digimon aren't you?" He answered his question with another question.

"So, I have been told." The Pagumon shrugged. "Can you at least tell me your name? I won't pry into your business, but it is awkward to call you 'you' and I haven't see your species around here."

"I'm P-Gazimon." He answered. "By the way, where are we?" He want to know which area he was in.


"The food is ready." Pagumon was about to answer when the Angewomon come with with a bowl of soup in her hand.

"I see that you both are getting along, here you should eat first and regained your energy." Gazimon agreed with the angel digimon as he took the bowl and started to eat.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3

I watch as the one known as Gazimon ate the soup made by Angewomon enthusiastically, he really not acting like a jerkass lone wolf I thought he would be, then again saving his life may also play part on that, or he was playing the viper as we are the farmer.

"Thanks for the food." Gazimon put the bowl on the table with a thud as he finished his food, he then looked at me and Angewomon. "I'm grateful fo your help I will repay you one day." He is thanking us.

"No need, I just saw a fellow digimon in need of help how can I not help them?" Angewomon smiled at the Gazimon.

"While I am not as kind as Angewomon, leaving someone to their death feel wrong to me." I added, I know it was hypocritical of me as in my previous life I doubt I would care if someone I don't know die, even if it happen right in front of me.

Gazimon looked at me and Angewomon, "You are too good for this world, by the way whose territory are we in right now?" Gazimon asked.

"We are in the god of nature Ceresmon territory." I answered, Gazimon look relieved somehow. "I think you should lied down and rest to let your wound heal faster." I suggest to him.

"Thanks you but no, I need to meet Ceresmon right now." He started wobble trying to stand and slip, I catch him before hit the ground.

"You can't, not right now and not in your condition." I told him.

"Why?" He glares at me, I resist the urge to flinch, for some reason I could feel that this Digimon could kill me easily even in his condition even though I know that I was stronger than most child level digimon.

"The god has gone to meet her brothers and sister in the sky kingdom, the domain of thunder god." Angewomon interject before thing could get ugly.

"If you don't mind me asking, why do you want to meet the Ceresmon anyway?" I asked him, I know it was none of my business but I asked anyway as it may also concern us the denizens of the forest god domain.

"It's none of your business." He said rather harshly.

"Okay." I answered.

"Huh," He looks surprised. "I thought you were going to be more persistent than that." He said.

I remove myself from him to let him sit on the bed and shrugged. "It's none of my business, it's kind rude of me to ask when you don't even know me, I'm just curious why do you want to meet the most powerful digimon in this area."

"No, I'm sorry I was overreacting." Gazimon apologized. "I really needed to meet Ceresmon soon."

"Don't worry." Angewomon try to assured him. "I'm going to brought you to her when she get back, but first you need to completely heal your wound, you can't barely even stand right now." Angewomon said with a calm tone, Gazimon looked relaxed, Angewomon is pretty good at making people listen to her.


After Gazimon went back to sleep, we goes into Angewomon room to teach me her pharmacy that could be used in emergency.

"This is a green herbs," Angewomon gestured to the plant in her hand. "this herbs has capability of restoring damaged data but only for minor damage."

I nodded, while the herb did not have a name, I could at least its appearances is easily distinguishable from normal plants I just need to remember to look for marijuana if I want to look for green herbs.

"This is red herbs." Angewomon took out another plant, "It has capability of cleansing wound caused by virus type attack and also could enchanted the green herbs restoration ability if grinded together." Angewomon explained.

I nodded once again, this one look just like the other but with red coloration instead.

"And this is yellow herbs" Angewomon once again took out another plant. "It was useless if it is by itself, but if you grind it with both red and green herbs, it's restorative property is enough to attach back severed limb, it is also the most rarest of all ingredient so only use it for emergency if you it."

Is it just me or they all look the same? Oh yeah, digital world.

"Now, why don't you try to grind some these green herbs for your tomorrow training?" She suggested to me.

Yeah, I would do just that, it's not right to always depend on Angewomon after all.

The training continue until late at night.


It was a beautiful nights, the full moon shine through the sky, lighting up the world, at the top of the mountain stand two figure, one resembled a human wearing clothes that usually weared by humans noble of old time, but that is only resemblance it has.

The pale almost bluish skin that look like a rotten corpses, the seemingly living cape, arms and legs that are too long for a human alongside the mask and fang sticking out of his lips clearly disguishes this creature from human, the creature look at his companion.

"Do you remember the task our lord gave us?" It asked its companion.

"Of course I do." His companion answered, feeling offended that he needed to be asked of that, this creature unlike his companion is far from human.

It took the forms of four legged beast, but unlike normal beast its body has no ounce of flesh even bit, it was just a skeleton of four legged lion with a pair of skeletal wings on it, the bone on its body is colored blue, and the empty space between the bone are filled with black void and inside of was many white circuit line coursing through its body, as if it was its life line.

"Sorry, I just thought that empty skull of yours would not be able to remember a simple order." The humanoid monster chuckles.

The four legged beast grimaces, "Not funny."

"You have no sense of humor inside that body of yours." The skull beast companion joke.

"arrg." The beast groaned. "Once I get my revenge on that executioner, I won't have to deal with you anymore."

"You are not the only one who were killed by him my friend, I promise you we get our revenge on him soon."
Chapter 4
Chapter 4

Gazimon woke up with ache all over his body, while the wound from his battle was mostly healed the minor one remain, he really hoped that Ceresmon would be back to her own territory soon what he would tell her may ended up deciding the fate of digital world after all.

"Ah, you're awake." Pagumon entered the room. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm fine, still aching but the worse has come pass." Gazimon answered truthfully, no need to lie after all if the Angewomon and Pagumon pair really intended to kill him for being who he is then they would have already done so..

"Say, you want to stretch your legs for a bit?" The pagumon asked. "Maybe you could go with me to my training place, I doubt you like to be alone this dark and gloomy room all day, Angewomon was checking out if Ceresmon has come back or not." The purple ball of fluff said with a smile, a very awkward smile.

"Okay." The canine digimon agreed, the Angewomon is too nice for her own good he considered to give her and this Pagumon a blessing once he gets his power back.

They walk through a very green forest full of plant digimon, 'this place was pretty peaceful.' He thought as looked at many digimon either chat with each other or just doing nothing.

"Hey Pagumon!" A voice comes from behind them.

They turned around to see a Floramon running toward them with a bag of meat in its hand.

"Here your share of meat!" The Floramon said cheerfully as she shoved the meat to Pagumon. "Grandpa Jyuraimon is really thankful for your help on the plowing the file!"

"Oh, thanks Floramon." Pagumon answered.

"Ok, that it I need to go now bye!" With that the Floramon left as fast as she come.

"Energetic fellow isn't she?" Gazimon remarked.

"She just basked too much in the sun." Pagumon simply answered.

"Okay..." Gazimon raised an eyebrow.

"You don't get the joke do you?"



The 'training ground' Pagumon used was a really simple place, it just used most thing you find in nature as makeshift equipment but it was still functional and you could see that it was well used if the scratch on those rock and dummy are anything to go by.

"Why don't we start with a light climb to the top of the mountain?" Pagumon suggested.

"Aren't you going to use these training implement?" Gazimon quirked his eyebrow.

"Yes, but we needed to warm up first." Pagumon explained.

"I don't think climbing a mountain is a 'warm up', at least for a baby digimon." Gazimon remarked. "How old are you anyway?" For a child digimon, climbing a mountain is not that hard and even he in his severely weakened state could do in a few minute, but a baby digimon would tires easily unless they do these kind of training every day.

"I'm three years old, and I'm used to this kind of exercise." Pagumon answered. "Let's go." Pagumon start to hope toward the top of the mountain.

"So, why are you doing this?" Gazimon asked.

"To gain power." Pagumon answer.

"For what?" Now it made Gazimon curious, would he grown to be monster that he himself will personally hunt?

"To have the ability to make a choice."

"Choice?" Gazimon tilted his eyebrow.

"Yes, power can grant your wish, and I am not talking about brute force either even though it was just as important." Pagumon explained his reasoning. "Charisma is also power, the power to convince people to see your way and finding friend, brute force is power to made stop and try to listen to you, if you have a powerful heart you can give people mercy and spare their life after all someone with a weak heart would just kill his opponent in fear of them coming back and stab him on the back."

"That is why I want to be strong, it's just my opinion though." Pagumon shrugged.

Gazimon nodded, he could respect that.

Gazimon was the first to stop the mountain top and what he saw made him freeze.

"Gazimon?" Pagumon asked from behind him as he also reaches top and stunned.

In front of them was a blue skeletal winged beast with red glowing eyes, behind him was a giant glowing nail embedded into the ground, the beast start to turn around.

"Well, well what do we have here?" The bone digimon said in a mocking tone. "Two little digimon, sorry kid can't have you tell the digimon around until I'm done okay?" A sadistic appears on the digimon faces.

"Pagumon, once you get chance, run." Gazimon order the smaller digimon.

"What about you?" Pagumon object.

Just do it." Gazimon glare at him just as he done before silencing any objection.

The bone digimon jump at them with his claw, intending to kill them both in one sweep.

"Oh?" The bone digimon said in a curious tone. "You an exceptionally strong child to black my claw like that."

Indeed, Gazimon surprising was able to hold the massive skeletal claw of the hostile digimon.

"Now, Pagumon!" Gazimon shouted.

"Bu-"Pagumon was about to object.

"Just do it!"Gazimon ordered.

As Pagumon leave his line of sight, Gazimon smirk.

"Now just the two us huh." He remarked.

"Don't worry, I will kill that child painlessly after I am done with you." The skeletal digimon sadistically smile.

"I don't think so, SkullBaluchimon." Gazimon smirk widen.

"No..." The one now named Skullbaluchimon took a step back, removing its claw from Gazimon hold. "No, way....." SkullBluchimon shook his head in disbelief. "How are you still alive? Our lord has killed you!" He shouted.

"Do you really think someone like me would really die that easily?" Gazimon smirk widen even more.

"No, those smirk...." SkullBaluchimon tensed up.

"Don't worry I would executed you properly this time." Gazimon bluffed, he doubt he can take SkullBaluchimon, he just needed to intimidate him enough for him to retreat.

"Urgh!" It looked like his wound has opened again.

"No, you have your power. I'm sure of it." SkullBaluchimon start to reassure himself after hearing Gazimon pained groan. "I will finish you off and our lord would be happy." SkullBaluchimon leap toward the canine digimon, intending to finish him off once and for all.

"Grave bones!"

Gazimon stared at the incoming death, he was kind of disappointed that he can't even warned his sibling of the enemy arrival, at least that Pagumon gone to safety he was sure Angewomon could take on SkullBaluchimo-


A scream assault his ears, and also making SkullBaluchimon paused on his attack as black flying digimon fly under him.

"What?"SkullBaluchimon looked down under, a black hamster with bat wing on his ears greeted him with a smile, it started to inhale its breath and screamed a sentence no sane digimon would even speak of.


Like the hammer of a judge, lightning fall from the sky and filled the top of the mountain with light.

Chapter 5
Chapter 5

"Ha...Ha..Ha..." My breath ragged as I dragged myself down the mountain, to get as far away from an obviously evil digimon, I keep my pace as I strode down the mountain and avoiding rock along the way.

That is a perfect level digimon...

It was so different from Angewomon that it isn't funny, I can still feel myself shaking just because I was within its presence, it was a monster on another different level there no way I can beat it or even escape if not for Gazimon sacrifice.


Why? Why do I leave him?

Who am I kidding, I have already known the answer, it's because I only care about myself.

So what if a digimon die for me? Sure, I would be sad for a few days then I would act as if nothing ever happen, it's not like I even know him at all.

Yeah, when I say his past or goal was none of my business is not because I respect his personal space, it's because I don't want to get involved more than necessary, can you blame me? I just left someone who sacrifice himself so I could escape to death.

Trying to change for the better my ass, I was still a coward who was too lazy to fix his problem, and yet why do I find myself changing my direction? Why do I go back and charge toward my death? I doubt I would arrive in time so save Gazimon anyway.

Maybe it is a faint hope in my heart that I would be reincarnated once again if I die, and I could start over again or maybe I just lost my mind in this situation.

I found myself hopping faster...



Yet it still enough, I won't be arriving on time if I keep doing it like.


I have gone faster, more than I ever could, maybe it is adrenaline?

Slowly, my body feels lighter and lighter until I float through the air, I could feel my body has completely changing and a name enter my mind.

Tsukaimon that is my new name.

Oh, god. I doubt evolving to child level would do anything to help fight against a hostile perfect level digimon.


Oh god.

Oh god!

My eyes glance the sky, yes that it.

I have a plan now, a very suicidal plan but still a plan nonetheless, I keep accelerating as fast as I could and reach the top once again.

There SkullBaluchimon who is about to kill Gazimon with claw.

I need to distract him somehow...

I know.


I scream until my digital lungs can't run out of air without stopping my charge. It succeed on stopping SkullBaluchimon attack, I goes under him to protect myself from the most suicidal thing I have done since I was reincarnated.

I took a deep breath, "JUPITERMON IS A PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!!!"

A flash of light engulf the whole area, and pain like I never experience before struck my body before I lose consciousness.


Afterlife is boring.

Darkness, darkness everywhere.

Hey, at least getting whipped not be as maddening as this.

You may ask why I am sure I was dead and not in a coma, well let just say I ate more than two bowls of apple seeds, no human could survive that, yeah......

"Oh, dear who would abandon this egg alone?"

Hmm, a voice?

"You poor thing, let me take you to my home."

I am not insane am I?

I feel like I was moved now.

"Here it is, your new home."

The voice spoke again.

"I'm going to raise you until you hatch and be able to take care of yourself okay?" She or I think the voice is coming from a woman spoke to me.

I really want to respond to her, but I can't even move let alone speak.


I feel warms somehow.


"And then Jyureimon say: You Floramons are weak, why when I was a a Floramon I could easily lift three Woodmon alone." The voice now I know come from someone named Angewomon tells her story while giggling.

This kind of thing has become routine now, whenever she come back she always told me how her day to day experience to me, and I really appreaciate it, but still I can't believe I was reincarnated into my favorite tvshow.

Yeah, I am in Digimon, if it isn't obvious from the name of the people here.

I'm really happy if I could transform into MetalGreymon, haha I wish.

"You know, this place was pretty peaceful." Angewomon said. "I heard that only Venusmon and Dianamon equal to this place, maybe after you hatch we can go visit the place?" Angewomon hum.

"This place was pretty different from the colloseums, it was where I was born, there the only thing I know was to fight and survive, I fight, fight, fight and fight until I won my freedom and decide to travel worlds around me." She said with a nostalgic tone in her voice.

"I have been in Roma and Brown Land, those places I wish I would never visit anymore." She said with a bitter tone, "I love this place, the digimon are kind the god of this domain care about her people and most of all I found you."

You know, I think I was crying, how could a wonderful person like this find a rotten egg like me?


I slowly opened my eyes as I felt my body moved by itself.

"Ah, you're awake." Gazimon?

I shook my head, and clear my vision, meeting Gazimon eyes.

"What you're doing are pretty crazy you know? Haha." He laugh while carrying me on his back. "I don't think anyone has the guts to insult my br-the god of the sky like that." He laughs hearthily.

"I actually considering summoning Plutomon you know." I said jokingly, Plutomon reputation is like boogieman on this world.

Gazimon suddenly stopped his laugh.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked worriedly, I hope I did not insult his religion or something.

"Nothing, I'm just surprised you even considered summoning the worse gods of digital world." He said.

"Worst, while I would not say he was a good digimon, he was far from the worse gods, at least he only target digimon he deemed 'guilty' rather than actively killing digimon who may just insult him as a joke."


Gazimon was silent, he continue carrying me on the way to our house.

"Hey Gazimon, what is that red bump on the road?" I point to the said red bump.

"...Help." It said.

Wait that is Floramon!

Gazimon also notice it was Flora, we quickly approached the digimon and Gazimon put me down.

"What happen?" I asked as I craddled, her wound does not seemed to be life threating.

"Forest....Invaded.....Help....Angewomon..." She said before losing consciousness.

"Gazimon you carry her, I can walk now." We quickly ran toward where Angewomon most likely.

We arrived at the place where the hostile digimon attack and what we saw is not pleasant.


It can't be!

"Angewomon!!!!!" I screamed as I looked at angewomon who has her wings ripped off and a purple arms tore through her chest from behind, green light made of data seemed to escape from her body.

"....Run.." Angewomon wheezed.
Chapter 6
Chapter 6

Gazimon know this digimon, after all he was one of the digimon he personally enjoy hunting, the count Myotismon who demand sacrifice of child digimon once every week to sat his thirst for blood, Gazimon remember how much glee he had when he executed this vampire digimon.

"Let her go!" Tsukaimon charges at the hostile digimon.

"Alright." Said the well-dressed digimon. "Catch!" With that he swung his arms that pierced the Angewomon chest, throwing her into Tsukaimon and crashing both of them into a tree, Myotismon then looked at Tsukaimon and I observingly.

"Well, well if it isn't the digimon who call upon the lord of the sky wrath and kill my friend SkullBaluchimon, you see I may not know him well but I like SkullBaluchimon and for that alone I would kill everyone here and then both of you." A sadistic smirk appears on his faces.

Gazimon glanced at Angewomon and Tsukaimon, "Tsukaimon, take Angewomon and Floramon out of here I take care of this." He barked his order.

Tsukaimon silently carry both Angewomon and Floramon on his shoulder while flying, no one would expect such a small digimon could carry those two digimon who are probably four time his weight.

"Don't you die." Tsukaimon looked back one last time.

"I won't."

"Sacrificing yourself aren't you, brave little child." Myotismon lips twitch upward. "You are the one who insult the lord of the sky aren't you?"

"No." Gazimon shook his head. "It's the little Tsukaimon." Gazimon answered with a smirk.

"Oh, then I am going to kill him once I am done with you." Myotismon raise his arms.

"Hahahahahahahaha!" Gazimon laugh and smile mockingly. "I am going to dismembered you into thre hundred seventy two pieces again and this time I would burn you just to make sure it stick." Gazimon smile mirrored that of Myotismon.

"You....." The smile from Myotismon faces disappears in an instant. "I thought our lord has already taken care of you." Myotismon stated.

"Do you really think it would be that easy to kill me?" Gazimon smirked even wider, Gazimon actually think he had a chance fighting against Myotismon here as his power were halved during the daylight.

"No, but I try." The smile come back to Myotismon faces, Mytismon spread his cape.

"Dead Scream!"

Paralyzing purple waves come out of the cape and fly straights toward Gazimon, he dodge to the side.

"So, this is how you defeat Angewomon huh." Gazimon mutters, there is now way Myotismon with only a portion of his power defeat Angewomon in a straight fight.

"Hey now, now is not the time to think! Cloud Minion!" Myotismon scream disturb Gazimon thought as dark purple beam shot straight toward Gazimon in an alarming speed.

Gazimon barely dodge in time as he rushed straight toward the vampire digimon.

"Bloody stream!" A red whip appears on Myotismon hand, swinging his whip in an unpredictable manner.

"Urgh!" Gazimon grunt as the crimson whip of energy nicked his body, but still he continued his advance while continuing to dodge the vampire digimon whip in a weird pattern, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, and right.

"Got you!" Gazimon jump as he stared the bloody count right in the face and opened his mouth.

"Paralyzing Breath!"


I scrambled through the Angewomon room looking for her perfect mixed herbs, where, where, where is it? Damn it, she was dying and I can't even do anything right, turning for the better my ass, Gazimon right now alone with that monster.

I fucking left my friend twice in a day, I continue to look through the room.

"here it is!" I sigh in relief as I found the bottle that contains the perfect mix, I quickly ran to the unconscious Angewomon with Floramon sleeping beside her and quickly smear the power on the gaping hole on her chest.

Slowly but surely the wound on her chest was mended and she regained her consciousness.

"Pagumon...." Angewomon wheezed out.

"Sshhh, don't talk and strain yourself." I said.

"You evolve?" She ignored me. "Haha, that was fast, I took ten years to reach a child level you know, adn you're done it in what, three years I guess." She chuckles.

"Hey, after I healed, why don't you we go explore the world?" She offered, yeah that is what she said when I was still an egg.

"Yes, now rest and let the wound healed okay." I said desperately looking at her chest, the healing has stopped, no...

"Oh, god please, stays with me Angewomon!" I desperately said to her.

"Haha, I guess I can't do it huh." Angewomon chuckles. "Hey, can you explore the world for me?" She asked me as the data stream flowing out of her body.

"No. You need to go with, you promise!" I screamed.

"You remembered?" She sounded surprised. "Then can you keep it for me, please?" She sound really adamant on wanting me to explore the world.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you need a reason to live, since I can't be that reason anymore." She said as her body slowly becoming transparent.

"I promise." She completely faded away.

The earth shook.


"What, you really think that child level attack would affect me?" Myotismon laugh. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen." He mockingly shook his head.

Gazimon struggled to remove himself from Myotismon arm grip.

"Urggh." He grunted, the pain spread through his body.

"Why are.. you even... here Myotismon?" Gazimon wheezed out as he try to distract Myotismon with question, he can't here, he's already promised Tsukaimon to come back alive.

"Well, because you asked nicely, we come here to kill Ceresmon and destroy her domain." Myotismon simply answered.

"You're insane, you're just a perfect level digimon." Gazimon said.

"That is what the nail on top of the mountain are for." Myotismon smiled. "The gods existence are tied to domain, on those contain a curse created by our lord Titamon to kill the gods." Myotismon spread his free arms in a motion of grandeurs. "The moment Ceresmon come back here, the curse would take effect and she would die."

"You will also destroy this domain!" Gazimon screamed.

"So?" Myotismon look genuinely confused confused.

Gazimon forget who he was dealing with.

He won't let this vile digimon succeed in his plan, Gazimon calmed himself down.

"Oh, have you resigned to your death." Myotismon raised his eyebrow at Gazimon sudden calmness.

Myotismon has admitted on planning genocide, Gazimon would not let that happen.

Tsukaimon, Angewomon and even the denizens of forest are nice digimon.

Black aura shrouded Gazimon.

"What!" Surprised, Myotismon let go of his grip on the canine digimon.

For trying to end this nice place, Gazimon would executed this vile digimon.

The aura completely envelopt the canine digimon before fading away, revealing a giant black dog with spiky iron collar on its neck and red gems on each of its feets.

"You evolve!?" Myotismon shouted in surprise.

"I'm Dobermon, your executioner." The one named Dobermon started to walk toward the vampire digimon slowly, Myotismon took a step back.

"So, you evolve. But you're still just an Adult level digimon! Night raid!" Myotismon screamed the name of his special attack, hundred of bats fly straight to Dobermon intending to finish kill him off.

"Hmph." Dobermon scoffed and disappears before appearing in front of Myotismon. "Grau larms!" A wave coming from Dobermon mouth hit Myotismon and sending him flying.

"You!" Myotismon shouted in fury. "Night raid!" He invokes the name of his special move, but nothing happen.

"What? Night raid!" Nothing happen.

"Night raid!" Nothing.

"Night raid! Bloody stream! Cloud Minion!" He shouted many name of his attack, none of them is working.

"Why, what did you do me?!"

"I sealed your power." Dobermon said. "Now I'm going to seal your fate."

"Schwarz strahl!"Dobermon shouted the name of his special move as jet black beam shot straight from Dobermon mouth into Myotismon digi-core.

"No!!!" Was the last word of the bloody count.

Dobermon turn around, he need to make sure Tsukaimon and Angewomon are fine now.

"What..." The earth shake.

Massive crack on the ground are forming and under the earth split, and swallowing him.

The last thing he saw are Ceresmon massive body falling from the sky.

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