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The Fifth Realm Volume 1 – Death's Vow

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A Brief Summary:

This is a story I'm working on in an attempt to make something without being...

Azvameth Rider

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Mar 20, 2022
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A Brief Summary:

This is a story I'm working on in an attempt to make something without being a crossover, or set in a universe from another series. It's just an attempt at making something original. This is not edited beyond what I can do by myself as English is not my first language.

The story follows a young man that upon his death received a contract to become a servant of the entity of Death. And we follow his story from that point on.

I hope you enjoy it.

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Prologue: When Death makes an offer

It could be said that all who live are afflicted by the same disease, from the moment they are born until they die. It is a terminal disease with no cure. This, of course, is a pessimistic view of the world. But it doesn't tell a lie. It states facts. Once alive, we are slowly approaching death. Some could say that when we sleep, we experience death.

The only certainty we have in life is that we will die. It doesn't matter when, it will happen. So, forgive me if I didn't sound surprised when I woke up in an empty dark room wearing my work clothes. My last memories were of a street in the center of the city. I didn't hear a sound and I didn't feel anything. However, there was no denying the fact I was dead. My heartbeat was gone, and I wasn't breathing.

I was expecting something closer to a judgment hall. The whole thing with your sins shall be judged speech; the sort of thing we see in almost every culture in some way, shape, or form. What I got, however, was a circular area as if I was in a spotlight. There are multiple representations of death and the reaper. I got neither. The one before me wasn't a he or a she. If you ever saw accurate pictures of angels in biblical records, you probably have the right idea.

The creature's eyes were all focused on me. They didn't say a word. They did, however, present me a piece of parchment. It looked like a contract.

"Be not afraid. We are not the reaper. We come in their name in response to your death. Had they met you, their offer would not have reached your ears." They said while the contract moved towards me. Although I'm not sure I can say it spoke since there was no sound. But I could feel as if words were appearing in my mind.

"How did I die?" I asked while taking the contract and keeping my eyes on the angel.

"A direct stab at the base of your skull. The killer severed your spinal cord from your brain and fractured the Atlas vertebrae." The angel replied without delay. Their eyes were all focused on the paper. I moved it around as they spoke, and their eyes followed.

"And this? You referred to it as an offer from Death. However, I cannot read anything on it," I said while hitting the paper. The eyes flinched in response to the impact.

"Death hereby offers you a contract. Upon acceptance of this contract, the beneficiary shall receive the blessing of Death. In exchange for this, the user shall become a Spirit Guide of death in the world of Gimenia. And as such, they must spread the teachings of death and increase their followers. The benefactor shall be free to do as it pleases, however, there may be times when their assistance may be requested. During such times, the user must present themselves at the signaled location. Upon completion of this contract, Death has agreed that the user shall be allowed one wish that is within their power." The angel explained while opening its eyes wide.

"Death wants me to become a priest? And, please, forgive me, but this sounds off. I get to live again and get a blessing from Death itself. But all I need to do is spread the word? Sorry, but this sounds like too good of a deal for me. Not so much for them. If I were to get half-baking my efforts they would get the short end of the stick. So, forgive me if I don't trust this proposal. There has to be a catch," I said while waving the contract back and forth.

The angel remained silent for a couple of moments before it started making its eyes blink in a pattern. No eyes that were adjacent to each other would blink at the same time while the central eye in the main body remained open.

"The judgment has been acknowledged. Skepticism and judgment are sound and within reason. The evaluation has been completed. Death's assessment is accurate with an accuracy of ninety-eight point nine percent. The margin of error is well above acceptable rates. An acceptable suitor for the position has been found. The Conditions have been met. The winner of the bet is Death. We hereby acknowledge Death's first Spirit Guide." The angel said as its body grew larger and larger with each word.

That's not off-putting in the least. I mused as the angel's eye moved forward to devour me whole. I remember that my last thoughts on the matter were simple. When Death makes an offer, you can't refuse it, can you?

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