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Vote Thread for Ack's Omake Corner

[X] Security! - 6
[X] I, Panacea - 5
[X] One More Trigger - 4
[X] Trump Card - 3
[X] War Games - 2
[X] Wyvern - 1
[X] Confrontation II - 6
[X] Danny & Taylor - 5
[X] Bait & Switch - 4
[X] Hostage Situation - 3
[X] Meet the Heberts - 2
[X] Wyvern - 1
[X] Recoil - 6
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 5
[X] I, Panacea - 4
[X] Wyvern - 3
[X] All Alone - 2
[X] Security! - 1
[X] MirrorVerse - 6
[X] All Alone - 5
[X] War Games - 4

You know me, i'm all about the exchange for MirrorVerse.

The Trade begins!
Last edited:
[X] War Games - 6
[X] Recoil - 5
[X] All Alone - 4
[X] Security! - 2
[X] I, Panacea - 1

Swapped for War Games with Angush
[X] Confrontation II - 3
[X] War Games - 5
[X] Slippery Slope - 1
[X] Confrontation II - 6
[X] Recoil - 4
[X] Trump Card - 3
[X] I, Panacea - 2
Alright! Time for some predicticating!

As was expected, Meet the Heberts took home the win (and boy will they have fun!). But now Vote 75 is looking like it's going to be a close one! Current projections put Wyvern and Confrontation II very, very close together. We're talking on 1 vote apart. This thing's going to teeter on a knife-edge. There's even a third rival; Recoil will be only 20 votes behind; enough for an upset if it gets a lot of support.

Right now, Vote 75 is probably too close to call. I see two possible scenarios, based on the two most likely victors of 75:

75 - Wyvern
76 - Recoil
77 - Confrontation


75 - Confrontation
76 - Wyvern
77 - Recoil

Vote 75 is the tipping point; the margins after that are probably too wide for an upset.

After that little kerfuffle, One More Trigger is a relatively solid bet to win Vote 78, and Slippery Slope is even more certain to take Vote 79. Then plucky little Hostage Situation gets its first win in vote 80.

Crowd-favorite Alea Iacta Est comes back around in Vote 81, followed by Trump Card in 82, Wyvern again in 83 and long-running Security! in 84.

Beyond that, estimated rounds-to-win are:

Alea Iacta Est: 7
All Alone: 6
Bait & Switch: 26
Confrontation II: 11
Danny & Taylor: 16
Hostage Situation: 21
I, Panacea: 1
Junior Hero: 13
Meet the Heberts: 8
MirrorVerse: 4
NSW: 6
Nemesis: 18
One More Trigger: 12
Really Bad End: 2
Recoil: 2
Security!: 14
Slippery Slope: 16
Trump Card: 19
War Games: 2
Wyvern: 8

Again, that's counting from Vote 84.

Overall accuracy was 97.61%. Most proportionally accurate was Bait & Switch at 99.8%, most accurate in raw votes was a tie between that and Trump Card; both were only 1 vote off, but since Bait & Switch has more votes total right now it was less of a difference. Least accurate proportionally was I, Panacea at only 84.26%, while least accurate in raw count was War Games, which came in an impressive 24 votes ahead of expectations.

Current vote-earner rankings:

1: Wyvern - 149
2: Alea Iacta Est - 127 - up 5
3: Recoil - 124 - Up 2
4: I, Panacea - 109 - up 1
5: Trump Card -107
6: Security! - 82
7: Meet the Heberts - 66 - down 1
8: Confrontation II - 65 - up 3
9: One More Trigger - 64 - down 1
10: All Alone - 60
11: TIED!
- Slippery Slope - 56 - up 2
- War Games - 56 - up 3
12: NSW - 49 - down 1
13: Hostage Situation - 47
14: MirrorVerse - 43 - up 1
15: Really Bad End - 26
16: TIED!
- Nemesis - 25 - down 1
- Danny & Taylor - 25 - up 2
17: Junior Hero - 19
18: Bait & Switch - 18

And last but not least, my own vote:

For my own vote:
[X] Meet the Heberts - 6
[X] NSW - 5
[X] War Games - 4
[X] One More Trigger - 3
[X] Security! - 2
[X] Recoil - 1
Also note that Meet the Heberts was the first to reach 1100 vote points.

Interestingly enough, MtH got 1111 points, while Nemesis got 444. :D
[X] Nemesis - 6
[X] Bait & Switch - 5
[X] NSW - 4
[X] Wyvern - 3
[X] Trump Card - 2
[X] Recoil - 1
[X] Meet the Heberts - 6
[X] NSW - 5
[X] Really Bad End - 4
[X] Confrontation II - 3
[X] Hostage Situation - 2
[X] Trump Card - 1
[X] Security! - 6
[X] Recoil - 5
[X] Trump Card - 4
[X] I, Panacea - 3
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 2
[X] Wyvern - 1
[X] NSW - 4
[X] Danny & Taylor - 3
[X] Wyvern - 5
[X] Meet the Heberts - 6
[X] Security! - 2
[X] Trump Card - 1
Atropa, if you're up for a 5-5 War Games AIE trade that'd be great. Otherwise I'll be modding my voting list.


[X] War Games - 6
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 5
[X] MirrorVerse - 4
[X] Confrontation II - 3

As always, Acktropa War Games Quote Yadda Yadda :)

Snake/Eater, 4 Votes for MV for War Games?
Last edited:
[X] I, Panacea - 6
[X] Security! - 5
[X] Hostage Situation - 4
[X] Wyvern - 3
[X] Recoil - 2
[X] One More Trigger - 1
[X] Recoil - 6
[X] Wyvern - 5
[X] Trump Card - 4
[X] One More Trigger - 3
[X] Bait & Switch - 2
[X] NSW - 1
[X] Really Bad End - 6
[X] Confrontation II - 5
[X] War Games - 4
[X] Recoil - 3
[X] Wyvern - 2
[X] All Alone - 1
[] Trump Card - 0
[] Alea Iacta Est - 0

As always, Acktropa War Games Quote Yadda Yadda :)
If Snake/Eater doesn't bite, I'll swap Confrontation II for War Games at number 4 (otherwise #3 works for me)
Last edited:
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 6
[X] Wyvern - 5
[X] I, Panacea - 4
[X] One More Trigger - 3
[X] Nemesis - 2
[X] Slippery Slope - 1
[X] Meet the Heberts - 4
[] Hostage Situation - 0
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 3
[] All Alone - 0
[X] Really Bad End - 2
[] Recoil - 0
[X] NSW - 5
[X] Trump Card - 1
[] Wyvern - 0
[] One More Trigger - 0
[X] Confrontation II - 6
[X] NSW - 6
[X] I, Panacea - 5
[X] Security! - 4
[X] Alea Iacta Est - 3
[X] Trump Card - 2
[X] Recoil - 1
[X] NSW - 6
[X] Meet the Heberts - 5
[X] Danny & Taylor - 4
[X] Hostage Situation - 3
[X] One More Trigger - 2
[X] Bait & Switch - 1

I didn't vote for Meet the Heberts last time around because I figured it was far enough ahead that I should invest my points elsewhere. I'm glad I did too, seeing it hit 1111 was very entertaining.

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