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We Didn't Start The Fire [Quote Based World Building Game]

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[The Following text has been Blatantly Stolen, Plagierized, Liberally Copy-Pasta'd from 'The...

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Sometimes I forget my name.
Dec 12, 2014
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[The Following text has been Blatantly Stolen, Plagierized, Liberally Copy-Pasta'd from 'The Unnamed World'by Gaemnomut]

Quote based Worldbuilding-Game

Welcome, one and all, to my first, Second thread on QQ.
~Let's build a world Galaxy.~

The idea is this:
We are going to design a universe by layering in-universe quotes on top of each other, with one person writing something someone said or wrote in this world and the next providing context (who, when, why, ...) and the next quote.

1. Later Quotes cannot contradict earlier ones.
2. Anyone can join in whenever they want.
3. First a person writes down a text, it can be anything from single sentence to grand speech or song, as long as it's not taken from somewhere. Author provides no context for this quote.
4. Next poster replies by adding who said the above quote and providing any additional context for it, then giving their own quote. And so on. Think of it as climatic fragments of fluff from a RPG book or quotes on M:tG cards.
5. No Apocalypse Pain Train. At least lets not jump for that right out the gate.

And now, after hunting the illusive piece of writing I left to turn feral in the SB HFY threads.

Let's get this party started!

"To the Denizens of this Galaxy. Mankind Stands now, as a power that we were not even able to imagine, one hundred and fifty years ago. We Are Young. Young and so very new to these stars, and were it not for the Telarians we would be digging for scraps, begging for leftovers. From the Telarians we learned of the Galaxy around us, we learned of the species that shared it with us.

For that we were grateful.

That our fears were unfounded. That our preparations for hostility from the stars were largely unnecessary.

For that too, we were Grateful.

Fifty years of Education given freely by the Telarians to any human with the aptitude to join one of Telaria's many universities, and we were climbing onward. Greatness of our own within our grasp.
Maybe not soon. But we would reach it.

We made our first journey almost to the day of the Be'Merek initiation of the 17th sphere of Expansion. After fifty years of minor star nations they reached our teachers.
Telaria has held for fifty more years.

And yet again we are grateful to Telaria for that we are grateful.

We have learned.

We have Prospered.

In our little forgotten corner of the Galaxy over shadowed by a war that refuses patently to abate Human kind has prepared. In defense of yourselves Telaria, you have defended us.
You have allowed us to remain hidden, to remain forgotten, and we are once more grateful for a gift freely given if only tangentially.

Because We have prepared Telaria
We have not Stood idly by, and hoped.
We have not stared hopelessly at a beloved teachers work torn away, and wished.
We have not watched a dear friends house burn, and stood frozen in shock.

Even as I speak the 3rd 7th and 11th fleets move to shore up the Ekeros Salient
Even as I speak Merchants ferry materials to your factories.
Even as I speak Human kind prepares itself for war.


You could have conquered. You taught.
You could have easily taken advantage. You lent aid.

Human kind is Grateful.
Human kind finally stands ready.


You are not alone!"
"To the Denizens of this Galaxy. Mankind Stands now, as a power that we were not even able to imagine, one hundred and fifty years ago. We Are Young. Young and so very new to these stars, and were it not for the Telarians we would be digging for scraps, begging for leftovers. From the Telarians we learned of the Galaxy around us, we learned of the species that shared it with us.

For that we were grateful.

That our fears were unfounded. That our preparations for hostility from the stars were largely unnecessary.

For that too, we were Grateful.

Fifty years of Education given freely by the Telarians to any human with the aptitude to join one of Telaria's many universities, and we were climbing onward. Greatness of our own within our grasp.
Maybe not soon. But we would reach it.

We made our first journey almost to the day of the Be'Merek initiation of the 17th sphere of Expansion. After fifty years of minor star nations they reached our teachers.
Telaria has held for fifty more years.

And yet again we are grateful to Telaria for that we are grateful.

We have learned.

We have Prospered.

In our little forgotten corner of the Galaxy over shadowed by a war that refuses patently to abate Human kind has prepared. In defense of yourselves Telaria, you have defended us.
You have allowed us to remain hidden, to remain forgotten, and we are once more grateful for a gift freely given if only tangentially.

Because We have prepared Telaria
We have not Stood idly by, and hoped.
We have not stared hopelessly at a beloved teachers work torn away, and wished.
We have not watched a dear friends house burn, and stood frozen in shock.

Even as I speak the 3rd 7th and 11th fleets move to shore up the Ekeros Salient
Even as I speak Merchants ferry materials to your factories.
Even as I speak Human kind prepares itself for war.


You could have conquered. You taught.
You could have easily taken advantage. You lent aid.

Human kind is Grateful.
Human kind finally stands ready.


You are not alone!"

- The President of the World announcing after the Great Filter has fallen because of the strain keeping the universe stable. All races, for the first time, now sees one another. There is a great panic. But nonetheless all of them are keeping calm, one step at a time.

"Don't eat the drones. They taste awful."
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"Don't drink and drive. Especially when you're near a black hole." - Sgt. John Doe; the First Person to use a Black Hole to Time Travel; A random bar on Terra Ignatius of the Zeta Quadrant; 50XX-1990
Not quite like that my dude. Provide the context for my quote. IE who/why/when it was said. Then write out a quote of your own. Then the next person in the chain provides yours with context.
Example layout.
Here's an example from Gaemnomut's thread.

--Frederic Baldwin, Royal advisor, to long time family friend Sylvia Moranday. 3 years after the rebellion.

"You didn't think I'd survive, you spirits dammned traitor! Well, I did, and now, befor I kill you I want to know why. Why, why, why? You were our brother, Damien."

Carl Hubert, formerly of the Royal Musketeers, confronting the traitor and ursurper Damien Helswroth.

"For all the extent of this land, we must not forget that it's true worth is not in the horizontal, but in the vertical. Dig deep, my brethren, for it is in the deeps that we shall find true wealth."
- The President of the World announcing after the Great Filter has fallen because of the strain keeping the universe stable. All races, for the first time, now sees one another. There is a great panic. But nonetheless all of them are keeping calm, one step at a time.

"Don't eat the drones. They taste awful."

- Sargent Adam St. Adams. On worker caste drones of the Qullok. An insect species far to the tail of the Orion Arm.

"Hello, Hello! Hello, Hello! Is that... It is! You have hair! And oooh look at all of those skin tones! Is it a caste marker? No!? You just like those sub dermal ink patterns.? Why wear those mirrored corrective lens frames on a starship? What is 'cool'?
"Hello, Hello! Hello, Hello! Is that... It is! You have hair! And oooh look at all of those skin tones! Is it a caste marker? No!? You just like those sub dermal ink patterns.? Why wear those mirrored corrective lens frames on a starship? What is 'cool'?
-Narahin Dertorio, who would later become an Ambassador of the Alari Ascendancy

"Yes I know that was fast, this baby is the fastest scout craft of the entire fleet. I tell you, my human half would love to make some kind of a joke right now about parsecs and something about a Kessel run, but the rest of me will just tell you that yes, we went really fucking fast right now."

"Yes I know that was fast, this baby is the fastest scout craft of the entire fleet. I tell you, my human half would love to make some kind of a joke right now about parsecs and something about a Kessel run, but the rest of me will just tell you that yes, we went really fucking fast right now."

-Subub "Leroy" Jones, after the self proclaimed "mad engineer" demonstrates his radical alterations of an alliance scouting craft.

"Surprised? I was too. For such fragile creatures they sure are frightening."
"First pirates, and now space ninjas? Honestly, I don't know what to expect anymore."
- Sargent Adam St. Adams, in response to the assassins of the black flamingo sect boarding his ship during what was supposed to be just an ordenary cargo shipment voyage.

"Honestly, that's remarkable. I'm impressed as much as I'm annoyed. I never expected the alliance to muster that many ships in this sector on such short notice. I wonder what they were doing here?"
- Excerpt from the diary of Senoia Cour. Regional logistics coordinator for the Red Cross. Following the Lambent Solar Flare event at Golmia.

"My God... that cavern's big enough to fit Luna!"
-Lt. H. Garret, remarking on a particularly large cavern in the subterranean cave system on Taichisu.

"Wait, they're called the Black Flamingoes? That's a stupid name, is what I'd say were we not about to be horribly murdered by them."

-minister of defence of the Republic of the halo stars, Alasto crowl. Taken from live broadcast before the black sun invasion.


-actress Kathryn Harris, as Vice Admiral Holloway in the film Holloway's Folly, a dramatization of the admiral's ill-fated attempt to end the Y'teer War with a sudden and decisive attack on the Y'teer capital.

"Look pal, if you think I'm the type of guy who can be persuaded by a big stack of money and some scantily-clad slave girls... you'd be right. What's this business opportunity you wanna talk about?"
"Look pal, if you think I'm the type of guy who can be persuaded by a big stack of money and some scantily-clad slave girls... you'd be right. What's this business opportunity you wanna talk about?"
Porwen Porwen Porohen, legendary master infiltrator, champion blaster duellist, and wide known Raltum card collector, during a conversation in the "Leaky Containment Cylinder", which was accidentally caught by a passing surveilance worm, coincidentally almost exactly one year before the great heist of Nandragath took place.

"When I said detonate all the rift charges, do you think I meant one charge, some of the charges, or all of the charges?"
"But Sir, ..."
Porwen Porwen Porohen, legendary master infiltrator, champion blaster duellist, and wide known Raltum card collector, during a conversation in the "Leaky Containment Cylinder", which was accidentally caught by a passing surveilance worm, coincidentally almost exactly one year before the great heist of Nandragath took place.

"When I said detonate all the rift charges, do you think I meant one charge, some of the charges, or all of the charges?"
"But Sir, ..."

Admiral Dellet Paloa - partial recording.

"Humans gave us beef. For that, I'll forgive them anything."

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