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What Makes a Pure Evil Villain?

Seth Vatamaris

Hentai Will Save the World
Aug 25, 2017
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Bringing this from SB as there's not much traffic reaching

I was trying to think of how to make this thread then this video came out

It's a analysis of what makes a villain so pure irredeemably evil and its a hard topic to pin down. I once expressed annoyance at the Anti Villain which going by TvTropes has far more sub-categories than Anti Hero, and in my experience I've seen better Anti Villains than Anti Heroes. The problem I had was that everyone has to be so complicated ranging from "why aren't you a hero already?" to "why are you refuse to take a few closer to being totally evil?"

This thread is about those who either somersault across the line or just like to poke it. And believe me there are far more in the latter.

Usually the surefire way to make a Complete Monster memorable is having such a long and closely defining conflict with the protagonist, hurting them personally in any way possible, and tearing at the soul of the heroes. Winning is optional.

But like any trope or character type they can be written badly if you don't have a good understanding of them. And yes there are many categories of villains and just because they aren't a monster doesn't mean they're a "normal" villain. Even the so called regular ones can do some pretty horrible things but context is dependant on the story, what might be horrible in one is normal in another. And I've been surprised when someone gets listed as Pure Evil that I never really considered unless I took at good look at their laundry list of crimes.

The video here claims that backstory doesn't matter to them, The Joker being the prime example, but Scourge a fan favorite from Warrior Cats has a backstory and it didn't detract from his villainy.

Then there were those who had complex motivations in the past but became evil like Megatron from Transformers Prime, Griffith from Berserk (points for changing in story), Abaddon from 40k to a degree.

Of course what is hated is when villains who were previously monsters are forcibly made sympathetic or have their crimes swept under the rug. Mayuri Kurotsuchi from BLEACH was introduced turing his men into bombs "Bombs aren't meant to come back" torture his clone daughter and brag about his part in the Quincy Genocide while rubbing in how he experimented on and tortured Uryuu's grandfather while showing him a picture. Then Kubo turns him into walking example of black comedy and the "necessary evil" of the Soul Society while having him fight Sazyel who is even worse than him.

Orochimaru from Naruto is a stanger case as his original form is tapped for all eternity and his current form is an old backup that's had lots of time to think about his mistakes.

Sir Crocodile from One Piece was easily a monster in his first appearance for engineering a civil war in Alabasta for starters, then he got more complicated when he returned in Impel Down years later.

Eobard Thawne aka the Reverse Flash from The Flash (2014-present) or at least well with Time Remnants its complicated but much like his comic counterpart he tried to kill a young Barry Allen; he failed so he killed his mother and framed his father. Throughout the first season he kills people who threaten Barry or try to out is identity, kills Cisco who he considers a son in one timeline, killed and replaced Harrison Wells, and when his plan to return home failed he tried to kill Barry and everyone he cares about out of spite.

In Season 2 in his Harrison Wells disguise he confesses to murdering Barry's mother on a video that he left behind in case he died, true Harrison Wells of Earth-1 will be remembered as a murderer. He gets more complicated in his other appearances but is still evil and wants to hurt Barry in some way, one version of him kills and replaces Wells for kicks and joins the Nazis of Earth-X. in Season 5 he cares about Nora West-Allen like a daughter.
Unlike an anti-villain, what makes a truly vile villain great and memorable has nothing to do with their ethos or the morality of their actions. You can piss people off by trying to turn such a true villain into an antihero, but simply having them stay villainous is not enough to be great.

No, they're great when they have style. Xykon from Order of the Stick has an unearthly Charisma score, and acts like it. The sixth Master from Doctor Who steals every goddamned scene with his great (if usually fatal) sense of humour and his total and obvious disdain for anything resembling decorum. And so on.
Evil is a religious term. People don't get sent to jail for being evil. Only for committing crimes.

So, for a villain to be evil it will need to be a religious context.
Unlike an anti-villain, what makes a truly vile villain great and memorable has nothing to do with their ethos or the morality of their actions. You can piss people off by trying to turn such a true villain into an antihero, but simply having them stay villainous is not enough to be great.

No, they're great when they have style. Xykon from Order of the Stick has an unearthly Charisma score, and acts like it. The sixth Master from Doctor Who steals every goddamned scene with his great (if usually fatal) sense of humour and his total and obvious disdain for anything resembling decorum. And so on.
Doflamingo from One Piece.
Jack Slash from Worm.
A truly evil villain is one who commits evil without reason. Even the joker and jack slash have the reason of entertainment. A truly pure evil villain wouldn't torture and kill a man out of boredom or for fun. They'd do it just because he was there. Evil is there good.
Irrideamable evil is when their plan doesn't even result in anything worthwhile. Not even petty gain for themselves.

Thanos is irredeemable because he's so stupid.
His homeworld underwent a resource crisis, so he assumed that every single planet in all of reality was exactly the same, and what he saw was inevitable?

But his solution is to get his hands on the incredibly powerful reality-altering rocks so that he can fix the world.
Alright, his premise is flawed but his solution may have merit. With this he could totally erase all resource problems across all of reality.

'I'm going to kill half of every living creature (including livestock)'
That's moronic, and hidiously immoral, and a complete waste of such an incredibly powerful tool.
'Then after doing that once, I'm going to destroy the tools I used to do it, so that when we're facing the same (nonexistant) problem in 1 or 2 generations, there will be no way to fix it'

His entire thought process is completely without merit, and involves becoming the greatest mass-murderer ever, for absolutely no gain to anyone. Least of all himself.

Totally beyond redemption. At least his comicbook counterpart was just a selfish horny cunt. It was humanising.
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His entire thought process is completely without merit, and involves becoming the greatest mass-murderer ever, for absolutely no gain to anyone. List of all himself.

Totally beyond redemption. At least his comicbook counterpart was just a selfish horny cunt. It was humanising.

Actually, he states that his shit worked, at least on Gamorrahs homeplanet, and nobody ever says that this is bullshit.

Of course that is ridiculous, but it just shows that in-universe is right because he lives in a universe that runs on nonsense-logic.
Actually, he states that his shit worked, at least on Gamorrahs homeplanet, and nobody ever says that this is bullshit.

Of course that is ridiculous, but it just shows that in-universe is right because he lives in a universe that runs on nonsense-logic.

Sure, he says that, but...


He's fuckin lying, ain't he?
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So wait, does that mean Thanos hallucinates all the time?

At the risk of treading rule 8, think of Thanos like those [insert religion here] fanatic nutters who give the entire faith a bad name, via doing stupid and violent shit, and not realizing they're the baddies. He's not stupid, just crazy; the difference being his logic is completely bonkers, and he's blind/deaf to anything that threatens his worldview.

In his own mind, he's the hero trying to save the universe.
answering the topic's question. words. words themselves are evil. but when they shine through with the mental equivalent of a pure shadow without a shadow of itself, a singularity so enormous that it does not fit into the surrounding world, and instead absorbs it in attempts to expand... right up to itself. so until each eaten elmenet is again expelled from her unharmed. so much so that everything will happen again. every time we said such a word, we would imagine very clearly how it would affect us. the concept that everything is doomed. so that everything has already happened a long time ago and will continue to do so endlessly. Even the very reason for such an effect does not exist. then you will know evil itself. a process when everything around is unintentionally cruel
and this is so sophisticated that...
I wouldn't have necro'd this myself, but since someone else did, I'll add my two cents.

I think the issue with anti-villains vs anti-heroes comes down to the Anna Karenina principle. Anna Karenina says that all happy families are alike, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. So I say that all heroes are alike (in terms of their heroic qualities), but each villain is evil in his own way. That's because evil is essentially a failure to live up to the pattern of wisdom and discipline that one has to follow in order to be good. One can fail at this for many different reasons; the Catholics name seven of the deadliest ones. At its core, evil is about sacrificing the good of the community for the sake of short term selfish goals, and there are many ways to do this because human desires are infinite. So I don't think there is such a thing as a perfect villain, only different types of villains that emphasize one type of moral failing over others (though the most destructive of the sins seems to be Pride, followed closely by Envy). A compelling story identifies one such type of villain, condenses the pattern and describes it accurately, as it would be encountered in reality in various forms, and then demonstrates how a heroic person can overcome this type of villain. Then the reader might learn something he can apply to his own life, if he encounters people who follow that same villainous pattern (for example, a manipulative moocher who acts like a vampire, or an unhinged Karen who acts like a witch, or a careless hedonist who acts like a goblin).
Of course what is hated is when villains who were previously monsters are forcibly made sympathetic or have their crimes swept under the rug. Mayuri Kurotsuchi from BLEACH was introduced turing his men into bombs "Bombs aren't meant to come back" torture his clone daughter and brag about his part in the Quincy Genocide while rubbing in how he experimented on and tortured Uryuu's grandfather while showing him a picture. Then Kubo turns him into walking example of black comedy and the "necessary evil" of the Soul Society while having him fight Sazyel who is even worse than him.
Minor nit pick: Mayuri Kurotsuchi vs Szayalaparo Granz was not a case of Mayuri being the lesser evil. Even ignoring the "objective" weight of their respective crimes, the fight was presented as a conflict between two mad scientists with Mayuri winning because he was the madder mad scientist. They were playing his sociopathy for comedy, but him being the bigger sociopath compared to the literal soul devouring monster that was in the process of torturing the heroes before he arrived was central to that comedy working.

That's not to say the narrative didn't bizarrely try to treat Mayuri as a necessary evil, especially in that bizarre scene early in the Thousand Year Blood War where he has a bunch of Rukon citizens slaughtered to correct the imbalance the Quincy activities were having, when it was pretty obvious that the entire reason the Rukon district exists at all is to serve as ballast, full of defenseless people who can be quickly and easily slaughtered in order to correct imbalances like this. Yamamoto noting he would've been given permission if he'd bothered to explain the problem was just glossed over despite it demonstrating pretty conclusively that Mayuri was not a necessary evil making the hard decisions his softer, more moral compatriots couldn't or wouldn't. He was just an asshole who wasted a bunch of people's time investigating a complete non-issue of a routine massacre because he couldn't be fucked to file his paperwork in a timely fashion.
My definition of evil is the willingness to hurt people to achieve your goals. Notice the world willingness. If I'm a solider who has a mission, but wants to complete as quickly, professionally, and with the least number of deaths for everyone involved, then that person is not a villain since they don't enjoy hurting people. They don't actively choice the plan that causes the most deaths or needlessly tortures someone.

Characters in books and media want to do things, even supposedly mindless villains like the Joker, Micheal Myers, or Jack Slash have goals. Even if those goals are just avoiding the police and killing more people. They are still objectives they want to achieve and in the process of that, a true villain will either seek or not care how many innocent and unrelated people get hurt.

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