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WI; Jon Snow was raised by Littefinger (ASOIAF)

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As a favor to Catelyn; Catelyn kidnaps Jon and gives him to Littlefinger to raise (she doesn't...


Getting out there.
Jul 27, 2016
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As a favor to Catelyn; Catelyn kidnaps Jon and gives him to Littlefinger to raise (she doesn't wanna outright kill him) without Ned knowing and pretended Jon just went missing.

This assumes that littlefinger eventually figures out Jon's real parents (having Jon in the forefront of his mind daily raising him would make Petyr think of him enough to actually attempt to figure out his heritage)

Also Petyr grows attached to Jon overtime and sees him as an actual son/legacy (not on purpose; he tries his best to use him and see him as a tool but Jon worms his way into Petyr's black heart)

What would Jon become? What would happen to the story of ASOIAF?​
How old was Jon when he was kidnapped
So that means he would have no memory of the Starks and no lasting loyalty to them

Ned is going to want to murder his wife when he finds out
So that means he would have no memory of the Starks and no lasting loyalty to them

Ned is going to want to murder his wife when he finds out
Probably more 'execute' than 'murder.' For that matter, while a lot of other lords might not have thought it was a great idea for Ned to keep Jon at his castle openly, they, even Hoster and Brynden, are going to have rather little sympathy for Cat in this instance, and if she doesn't get killed immediately are likely to pressure her hard to tell Ned everything about who was involved.

Littlefinger making it out of the North with the kid is rather unlikely, really.

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