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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Oho? That's the Lex from the Inviolate timeline, if I'm not mistaken. How'd he get to Grayven's neck of the woods?

I think that story ended with him and two women trying to find their way back home after the battle with the Guardians.

They most likely viewed other universes along the way and saw what was happening here, so chose to get a closer look.
Oho? That's the Lex from the Inviolate timeline, if I'm not mistaken. How'd he get to Grayven's neck of the woods?
In the final chapter Lex and his girls escape the collapsing dimension the Guardians trapped him in via a snazzy multiversal vehicle. Lex saved the universe from green tyrants and surprisingly didn't need to sacrifice himself in the process, but he didn't want his Earth to suffer his complicated existence any longer. He became a martyr and decided to travel the multiverse.
I have no idea which With This Ring plot line could have affected him, hampering him enough that he was forced to come to Grayven's Earth.
I'd put money on The Paul-Crisis moment for messing the multiverse up enough to screw with travel. Paragon Earth got anti multiverse blocking tech from Power Ring Blue Paul, and renagades universe only had a visit from a hand of Krona for a moment and left without much interference, unlike most others. Since Grayven wasn't around for the multiverse rearrangement this particular cul-de-sac of an existence would likely be less effected then others.

I know they showed up a fair bit during the crisis moments, but I've never read into the Inviolate story, so getting to know this Lex is gonna be interesting.
but I've never read into the Inviolate story, so getting to know this Lex is gonna be interesting.

I highly recommend it! One of the best representations of Lex I've ever read; it shows him as both intelligent, ruthless, and pragmatic, as well as what someone of his described ability should be capable of.

And honestly one of the best endings for a DC fic I've found, in that it ties off all the plot lines, counts as a happy ending, but still leaves tension and drama remaining for any potential sequel or reader imagination.
Was this mentioned in story? Because I don't think anything like that was ever mentioned in canon. The only thing that was ever mentioned in the show was the rule about being invited to the planet.

I dont think it was mentioned, but I would consider that common sense. It would be ludicrous if other planets or empires could wage war without the Reach retaliating.

Of course I dont think Paul would count as a representative of Earth as he has no actual authority in any government. He is barely even a Justice League affiliate at this point who could maybe be considered as representatives of Earth in galactic politics.

If someome like Paul could count, the Reach could easily bait various figures into attacking and then using it as casus belli.

Of course it is somewhat grey, so I could see the Reach arguing it. But if they win that legal battle the prize is going to Earth and... yeah.
Was this mentioned in story? Because I don't think anything like that was ever mentioned in canon. The only thing that was ever mentioned in the show was the rule about being invited to the planet.
It's the only way the system could potentially work.

Otherwise the Green Lanterns could just feed a planet technology through a fully deniable third party and have that planet wage a war against the Reach where the Reach wouldn't be able to touch them in return without violating the agreement with the Green lanterns.
8th July 2012
22:33 GMT +3

"…that I saw you talking to at lunch?"

Lex and I walk through the corridors of LexCorp's Kenya headquarters, heading towards a boardroom. With the threat of the Sheeda thoroughly eliminated we're converting the Earth Defence Force facilities here into an actual planetary strongpoint, rather than the 'kick me' sign it was before. That involves huge energy shield emplacements and rebuilding everything to far higher standards of resilience.
So, buildings that aren't literally made of cardboard and plaster. The aforementioned shields are a good idea, too. Probably not going to withstand a concerted orbital assault with KKV or projected-energy bombardments, but if they've got the luxury of orbital domination they need to do that, you're probably in bad shape anyway...

Lex visibly braces himself for the oncoming 'Grayven tiresomeness'.

"Her name is Veronica Cale. Her company is responsible for the EDF's health monitors and immunisation programs."
Ah, Wonder Woman's counterpart of Lex. I take it she's not in full antagonistic stage yet with Diana, though.

Armoured buildings… Obviously aren't going to survive against a dedicated bombardment platform, but that's not what they're for. They're for taking hits from attack craft, or hopeful shots from non-dedicated ships, or for soaking the backlash from our own overloading shield emitters. And of course they create a wonderful feeling of safety in the people taking shelter within them, so that if they do come under dedicated attack they don't spend their last few minutes cowering in fear.
A surprisingly compassionate way to look at it, Grayven. Looks like the pony therapy's been having some good side effects, eh?

"Lex, you were smiling."

We did talk about a full planetary defence shield like the one Euphorix has, but not only does something like that prevent you seeing out -so you can't know whether the attacker is still there or not- but it requires base stations all over the planet. We could… Just about do it by hiding them in LexCorp regional headquarters, but the risk of exposure was too great.
I suspect every nation you placed one in would have pointed questions about what the machinery was for. Never mind what the League's opinion will be on it...

"She's a charming and.. extremely driven woman. She remains me a great deal of myself."

I smile. "Admiration."
Yes, being a great deal like you is probably a bad thing in this case. Given the extremes each of them would go to in other universes to tear down their chosen nemesis, especially...

"Yes, I suppose you could put it like that."

"No, No, I mean… The Devil's Dictionary? 'Admiration. Noun. Our polite recognition of another's resemblance to ourselves.'" I glance his way as the door to the lounge opens itself. "Let me guess; grew up in a poor neighbourhood-."
Indeed. Perhaps Lex can convince her not to judge herself by comparison to a costumed clown known more for punching villains in the face than for the (at this point, modest) diplomatic and humanitarian activities...

"Yes, there is a.. degree of resemblance. But she appears to have avoided making some of my more… Short term decisions."

"Good to know. Sounds like she'll be an-." Lex walks through the doorway, and since this place was built with my frame in mind -mine and the larger suits of power around, anyway- I can follow.. him… Through.
So, high ceilings and wide doors? Nice to see him thinking ahead. No doubt there are plenty of concealed security measures too, such as shutters, defensive turrets and instant chest-high walls...

I look at the other Lex Luthor sitting on the seat facing the doorway. Then I scan both the newcomer and mine.

And then I grin.

"Lex! It's not my birthday!"
Any chance to poke the Luthor, eh, Graven? This promises to be very interesting, given the speculation as to which alternate Lex this might be....

The other Lex -who had been doing his version of Lex's 'calm, confident and in control' look- shudders very slightly, which lets me scan through whatever he was using to block me. Hm.

"Not that I'm complaining-."
Yes, if this is 'Inviolate' Lex, I suspect he's not got the best opinion of any alien species... Especially Apokaliptians or Spectrum-users.

My Lex decides to ignore me, walking forward confidently as our Mercy -quick check, yes, she's ours- makes sure that her hands are free.

"Who are you, and why are you here?"

"The 'who' should be obvious-."
Yes, well, not all Lexes are equal in appearance, you know. consider the Silver Age's slightly pudgy super-omnidisiplinary-scientist Lex to some of the more muscular models out there...

Hm. "Heart's on the left not the right. DNA's a close match, so I'm guessing you're an equivalent and not a literal doppelgänger."

I traverse the room, keeping my eyes on the intruder and making sure that my Lex is out of my line of fire and calling in a cross-section of drones.
Ah, the classic Grayven response. Be pleasant and friendly, but keep a weapon close at hand.

My Lex nods. "I'm told that most of my alter egos aren't… The most rational people."

The other Lex nods. "Sadly, that's been my experience. Imagine my… Concern, when I found out that you were building a space fleet, and were working in alliance with an Apokoliptian."
Well, I can see how bad that might look without context... But if you'd spent any time on the internet in the last few weeks, you;d probably have found the references to them stopping an 'alien' invasion...

I nod. "Yes, that does sound pretty dodgy." I widen my eyes, my grin broadening. "Wait. Are you from some sort of transplanar 'Council of Lex'? And am I going to have to shoot that woman in the stealth suit who thinks I can't see her?"

The Other Lex's face tenses very slightly as a drone shines its Ray of Revelation -thank you Sunset- at his surprised backup.
I mean, such a thing might well be interesting in this Lex, given his successes. Maybe looking to find out how he managed it without Superheroic interference... :p I see other Lex also follows the Grayven school of diplomacy.

"No, you're.. not."

Ah, there it is. An environmental shield. Yellow… No, gold in colour. Same base technology, but… Not standard? Sinestro?
And that more or less confirms it as 'Inviolate' Lex. Will, but not green light.

The closest thing I know of are the Anti-Green Lantern rings briefly used by the Weaponers of Qward. That line of research was discontinued in my own universe. Things may have been different wherever he's from.

My Lex glances at his alternate's backup, shrugs, then walks forward to sit down opposite him.
Well, if you can't trust yourself, who can you trust, hmm?

"What do you want?"

"To find out what you're planning."
Hardly needed to sneak in to do that, if that's all you wanted...

My Lex waves his right hand. "I think I've been fairly open with what I'm planning."

The woman in the stealth suit… I can scan her now, but I don't recognise her. She makes her away around to behind the chair her Lex is sitting in. For my own amusement I move to mirror her position behind-. I try to mirror her position, but Mercy is already occupying it. Looks like looming in the background is it, then.
Why not settle into the neutral position between them, then? You're big enough that any standing position qualifies as looming anyway... :D

"I doubt that you'd trust anything I was open about any more than I'm inclined to trust what you're open about. I know about the fleet you're building up on the far side of the moon."

Oh, Mother Box... You couldn't have mentioned that sooner?


"And I've just spotted your ship. Isn't it nice that we can all see each other."
Honestly, G-man, that doesn't sound threatening at all. :rolleyes: If this goes ploin-shaped, I'm blaming you.

I continue grinning, but I'm nervous. A ship snuck into my system and I didn't find it until after it got into a bombardment position. Alright, if he had access to Qwardian technology that's not outright embarrassing, but we need to do better. I think we'll have to bring up the system-wide sensor network thing with the Security Council, even if we have to share the results. Or just do it anyway and take the hit to our relations if they ever find out.
To be fair, I suspect the Security Council is in a more welcoming mood given the recent Sheeda affair. While they're not in Paragon-Earth's position, they did get hit hard by the initial attacks...

My Lex holds up his right hand. "Perhaps a less… Adversarial tone could be more helpful. I have publically announced that I'm undertaking the construction of a self-defense fleet. While I have taken steps to ensure that various governments believe that the total number I have under construction is far less than the actual number, their purpose hasn't changed."

"Let's just say that when most versions of us lay their hands on a fleet of warships, they tend to take regrettable actions with them."
Yes, well, this Lex has a number of good reasons for not doing that. Most of them are related to Grayven, you'll note. Amusingly, he's become something of a morality binder to Lex, hasn't he?

"And.. a year ago you may have been correct about me as well. But I've made enough progress, and… Frankly, gained enough personal renown, that the failures of the world's governments doesn't grate in quite the way it might once have done."

I nod. "And, you know, once you own all the media companies, they throw in the governments for free."
Ah, if only. But humans are so contrarian, they'll inevitably do the opposite of what you tell them to, just on principle, without the threat of retribution...

My Lex shakes his head. "If that were true then I'd have bought out my rivals years ago. It would be more accurate to say that they're a loyalty bonus that grows each decade. But if we may leave such cynicism aside..?"

I shrug, and he returns his focus to his alter ego.
Not easily done with this trio of movers and shakers...

"Since you already know that the fleet exists, why not take a formal tour? You can talk to my employees, contractors and other affiliates and find out why they're working with me. A good many of them have no particular love for me personally, but they're doing it because they believe that it's necessary for the good of the species. Or to further their own ends."

Other Lex nods slowly.
And there's enough oversight on those sort of folks to make sure that those ends aren't as easily accomplished as they'd hope, I bet.

"That would help to reassure me."

"But I doubt that you came all the way from a parallel universe just to check up on me. What is it that you want?"
Ah, Lex, you're learning. You'll make a fine Orange Lantern someday... Though I doubt Grayven would ever allow that unless the end of the Universe threatens...

"You've had contact with parallel universes. I'm… Having difficulty in returning to my point of origin."

My Lex nods. "I'll be happy to provide you with whatever assistance I can. Would you like to take a tour now?"
Hmm... Fallout from the plot of 'Involate', or after-effects of the Crisis of Pauls? I'm sure we'll find out eventually.

Well, this has gone kinda recursive. Fanfiction of a fanfiction! Grayven's timeline seems to be a catch-all for multiversal travellers, doesn't it? More than Paragon's, at any rate. Still.. on the whole, it promises to be interesting... ;)

Hm. "Heart's on the left not the right. DNA's a close match, so I'm guessing you're an equivalent and not a literal doppelgänger."

I traverse the room, keeping my eyes on the intruder and making sure that my Lex is out of my line of fire and calling in a cross-section of drones.
Wait, Doppel-Lexi's heart is on the left?

Does that just mean Grayven Lexi is different or that all people in Grayven's Paralel have the heart on the right?
A surprisingly compassionate way to look at it, Grayven. Looks like the pony therapy's been having some good side effects, eh?

Maybe, though it could also be just pure pragmatism, since people being scared could be chaotic and messy.

Yes, being a great deal like you is probably a bad thing in this case

Yeah, sometimes a person being like you is not good for a relationship.

Opposites attract is fairly true.

Indeed. Perhaps Lex can convince her not to judge herself by comparison to a costumed clown known more for punching villains in the face than for the (at this point, modest) diplomatic and humanitarian activities..

Diana is also a veteran of one of the most brutal wars in history, has saved the planet multiple times, is extremely charismatic, has most likely advanced the cause of gender equality and women's rights due to her presence etc.

There are a lot of reasons to be jealous of her.

Yes, if this is 'Inviolate' Lex, I suspect he's not got the best opinion of any alien species... Especially Apokaliptians or Spectrum-users.

Actually he may just not like Maltusians.

He lost the prejudice he had for Supes and seemed to be friendly with Sinestro.

Hell he actually helped create a Lantern Corps and helped the Green Lanterns.

Well, I can see how bad that might look without context... But if you'd spent any time on the internet in the last few weeks, you;d probably have found the references to them stopping an 'alien' invasion...

True, but he may suspect that they did what Bishop did in TMNT.

That being fake an alien invasion to win support.

It's a very Luthor thing to do.

Yes, well, this Lex has a number of good reasons for not doing that. Most of them are related to Grayven, you'll note. Amusingly, he's become something of a morality binder to Lex, hasn't he?

I see him more as 'I'm gonna squish your head if you go bad' guy.
Wait, Doppel-Lexi's heart is on the left?

Does that just mean Grayven Lexi is different or that all people in Grayven's Paralel have the heart on the right?

It was mentioned very early on in this fix that WtR Lex (and most parallel Lex's) have a very rare condition of having all of his organs mirrored (so his liver is on his left, for instance.)

Also, for reference, "mirror" verses -like the one Blue Paul is from- are distinguished by everyone having this condition. Causing their Lex to be 'normal' by our standards. I believe this is canon from the animated movies.
It amuses me greatly that Grayven thinks the Sheeda are dealt with given he didn't finish off the King Sheeda guy.
I wish we could see a whole chapter with Paul in one of the Marvel Universes, just to see how he'd turn things around for human-mutant relations.

There was that chapter where he told Magneto about Sublime, so it looks like one way of improving relations is going to be by getting rid of that bacterial menace.
And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how you properly bully Maxx Crowley. Good job!

I don't know who Maxx Crowley is, but I did think of one more thing to add to that post:

And then, when all else is said and done, 'What do you mean, their army has become five times larger overnight? Rapid cloning tech? No, that doesn't...'

'Sir, we think they may have supplemented their own forces with...' Reach officer looks back down at his datapad, but no, it's still just as absurd as before, 'alternate versions of themselves from multiple timelines. Several seem to be both from another timeline AND from the future, so there's that, too.'

In all honestly though, if Earth properly embraced multiple timeline tech, the possibilities for planetary defense would be huge. Imagine if, at any time, you could concentrate all the superhuman manpower from multiple timelines into one timeline for a short period. Unless all Earth continuities were attacked simultaneously, they would all be able to move toward the Earth in need. Imagine five versions of superman pummeling Darkseid at the same time.

It'd be a bit more of a Worm Post-Gold Morning situation, with multiple timelines all interacting with each other regularly.
"She reminds me", I suspect.
Thank you, corrected.
It was mentioned very early on in this fix that WtR Lex (and most parallel Lex's) have a very rare condition of having all of his organs mirrored (so his liver is on his left, for instance.)
I don't remember this.
Also, for reference, "mirror" verses -like the one Blue Paul is from- are distinguished by everyone having this condition. Causing their Lex to be 'normal' by our standards. I believe this is canon from the animated movies.
Yes, that's what I was referring to.
In the final chapter Lex and his girls escape the collapsing dimension the Guardians trapped him in via a snazzy multiversal vehicle. Lex saved the universe from green tyrants and surprisingly didn't need to sacrifice himself in the process, but he didn't want his Earth to suffer his complicated existence any longer. He became a martyr and decided to travel the multiverse.
I have no idea which With This Ring plot line could have affected him, hampering him enough that he was forced to come to Grayven's Earth.
Time trapper drastically changing how the multiverse works could have done it.
I have a question. Has paul awoken Lex Luthor and if so what is his domain. We are starting to see some interesting abilities from grayven and other new gods using their domains.

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