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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Given Wasem's talk about pagan gods, this might result in an even greater boon for non-monotheistic religions

Didn't think of that, but good point.

Proof that a jumped-up elemental with delusions of morality and relevance exists.

Not necessarily.

Even if God is not the creator of the universe in this setting, people may have known that and still worshipped him believing him to be an incredibly powerful force, but this may shake that faith.
I'm pretty sure antitheism was already on the rise after Heaven set the earth on fire and killed untold millions of people and then it was revealed that Angels don't have direct communication with God. So faith in a just God has taken a serious hit.

They caged the earth with holy fire and killed tens of thousands of demon worshippers and thousands of bystanders that didn't move away fast enough, don't let Paul experience with the Host paint what the Host actually did to earth (pretty much nothing).

Remember the earth split? That killed hundreds of thousands directly (mostly children) and can be argued to have killed hundreds thousands more indirectly (adult suicides after losing their children), the host of heaven killed a lot less than that and most of the people they killed had it coming and that is before you remember the Host revived the people they wrongly killed, so a net positive by all accounts.

Of course the Sheda killed tens of million directly and likely caused the death of tens of millions more due to exposure as people fleed population centers, the host in comparison killed nothing. With developing nations with poor organization being hit harder than developed better armed and organized ones.

The current Anti Life is mind controlling people into despair, but Paul already mentioned that people with a better standard of living are taking the artificial dose of despair significantly worse than those that learned to live with some despair in the developing world. So the kill count is of the anti life is unlikely to get as high as the Sheda.

So no there is no interpretation that ends with the Host killing millions of people, not even as hyperbole.
You know. one thing that might help with the situation right now other than the white light is the black light. Considering that anti-life is basically adjacent to the black light, a sufficiently skilled user of black power rings might be able to wrestle control of the anti-life broadcast away from Mannheim.

However, considering that the only black lanterns shown in the fic doesn't even live in Universe-16, the Cthonian gods might be the next best bet. Those guys basically all have black quotation marks whenever they speak. And Paul is pretty chummy with Hades, after all.
The sliver city is certainly not sending forces to help right now.

Which could mean that they're either infected themselves, Manheim is somehow blocking them, or they're confident that the situation will resolve itself.

You know. one thing that might help with the situation right now other than the white light is the black light. Considering that anti-life is basically adjacent to the black light, a sufficiently skilled user of black power rings might be able to wrestle control of the anti-life broadcast away from Mannheim.

However, considering that the only black lanterns shown in the fic doesn't even live in Universe-16, the Cthonian gods might be the next best bet. Those guys basically all have black quotation marks whenever they speak. And Paul is pretty chummy with Hades, after all.

Last time we saw Hades, he was preparing to get his mind wiped so that he could try to save а marriage that should have ended thousands of years ago.

If he's still lacking his memories then he may not know what to do, and even if he gets them back, his mental state may not be sufficient to do anything without significant risk.
Which could mean that they're either infected themselves, Manheim is somehow blocking them, or they're confident that the situation will resolve itself.

Last time we saw Hades, he was preparing to get his mind wiped so that he could try to save а marriage that should have ended thousands of years ago.

If he's still lacking his memories then he may not know what to do, and even if he gets them back, his mental state may not be sufficient to do anything without significant risk.
Ah, dangit. I forgot about that. And asking the underworld titans is probably a useless endeavour.
Ah, dangit. I forgot about that. And asking the underworld titans is probably a useless endeavour.

They may potentially be of help if they want to be considered for parole.

Granted, there may not be any underworld Titans.

Erebus and Tartarus may be dead or at least in a death-like state.
Which could mean that they're either infected themselves, Manheim is somehow blocking them, or they're confident that the situation will resolve itself.
Don't forget Earth was invaded by hell the First of the Fallen showed up to wreck shit and the Silver City didn't lift a finger, but the moment Paul stole a fruit they invaded and started killing like no tomorrow.
Don't forget Earth was invaded by hell the First of the Fallen showed up to wreck shit and the Silver City didn't lift a finger, but the moment Paul stole a fruit they invaded and started killing like no tomorrow.

The First may have potentially been able to do enough damage to them that they thought it would be better to let the very powerful mortals handle him.

Plus, he has been defeated by vastly less powerful beings before, so they would have reason to be confident.

The fruit was more personal.

Plus Smiley ordered them to.
Don't forget Earth was invaded by hell the First of the Fallen showed up to wreck shit and the Silver City didn't lift a finger, but the moment Paul stole a fruit they invaded and started killing like no tomorrow.
The First may have potentially been able to do enough damage to them that they thought it would be better to let the very powerful mortals handle him.

Plus, he has been defeated by vastly less powerful beings before, so they would have reason to be confident.

The fruit was more personal.

Plus Smiley ordered them to.
I would also point out here that we have no idea what the Silver City did during said incident.

And that the Silver City's normal modus operandi is to take action without anybody else knowing they took action.
I would also point out here that we have no idea what the Silver City did during said incident.

And that the Silver City's normal modus operandi is to take action without anybody else knowing they took action.
True but the League and Paul specifically have been dealing with their fair share of demons Harm, The Fallen, Devil Jizz usesrs, Satanus, and that demon speedster and we've not seen heaven involved in any of it.
True but the League and Paul specifically have been dealing with their fair share of demons Harm, The Fallen, Devil Jizz usesrs, Satanus, and that demon speedster and we've not seen heaven involved in any of it.
That's Book of Job compliant. Life is a test. That doesn't mean you're supposed to egg your teacher's car.
Don't forget Earth was invaded by hell the First of the Fallen showed up to wreck shit and the Silver City didn't lift a finger, but the moment Paul stole a fruit they invaded and started killing like no tomorrow.

False. Hell attacked one city and their invasión got resolved in a few hours.

The plague of Ghost (when Lucifer left hell) was once again significantly worse.

Heaven is sponsoring the congregation and empowering tens of thousands of people with on demand teleportation, and light powers empowered by theurgy. so by most accounts they are doing more than plenty considering how many heroes are emporeded by other faiths (counted in a single hand by each faith).

Also we already know Heaven is getting locked out from helping, Zauriel very explicitly said he couldn't hear the song of creation anymore.
You know, it should be safe to summon Ion from about the Moon's Orbit, then perform a "My Will Is The Universe" blast at earth.
You know, it should be safe to summon Ion from about the Moon's Orbit, then perform a "My Will Is The Universe" blast at earth.
Might be the same reason Ophidion won't necessarily fully help: for people to be balanced, they need the full spectrum. Overbalancing towards one could cause problems... like making everyone on Earth super stubborn to the point of self destruction. Even assuming that it manages to remove anti-life from everyone, which it probably won't.
Might be the same reason Ophidion won't necessarily fully help: for people to be balanced, they need the full spectrum. Overbalancing towards one could cause problems... like making everyone on Earth super stubborn to the point of self destruction. Even assuming that it manages to remove anti-life from everyone, which it probably won't.
"My Will Is The Universe" is what Green Lantern used to depower the giant robot, and is using right now to passively push back the Anti-Life Broadcast in a bubble radius.

Blasting that across the Earth would pinpoint Mannheim fairly quickly, but would need Ion to perform as that scale.

No lasting changes involved.
I know thia episode isn't really conductive for comedic bits, but the fact that Darkseid has glowing red eyes and brainwashes people made me think of this:

Heavenly Host would have tô be idiots to send down rank and file angels to interfere, they'd be antilifed and working to undermine Heaven in a jiffy. They're already created to be subservient to an all-powerful entity, they'd just change allegiances at that point

The only person we saw that kinda maybe immune was Order John and he was plenty fucking crazy already
Heavenly Host would have tô be idiots to send down rank and file angels to interfere, they'd be antilifed and working to undermine Heaven in a jiffy. They're already created to be subservient to an all-powerful entity, they'd just change allegiances at that point

The only person we saw that kinda maybe immune was Order John and he was plenty fucking crazy already
.... If angels were that easy to mindwhammy, there'd be a lot more fallen ones. Antilife is basically counter to the source, angels serve the source... Sorta. They'd have innate defenses if nothing else.
.... If angels were that easy to mindwhammy, there'd be a lot more fallen ones. Antilife is basically counter to the source, angels serve the source... Sorta. They'd have innate defenses if nothing else.

We saw from Zauriel that that wasn't the case.
Jet Fighter (part 12)
1st January 2013
00:02 GMT +2

"…know precisely how far Teth Adom's purification aura extends?"

"As far as Kahndaq's borders. But that does not just mean our 'official' borders. If the people hail him as their king, his power shields them."

I nod as I come up on… My home away from home.

"Does that include Bir Tawil? I can see the greenery from here."

"No." Falil sounds quite sure. "Mighty Adom discussed the matter, and it was decided that your use of that place required that it be part of no nation."

"Thank you. I'll let you get back to it."

I lower my ring, wincing.

This is a trade post which I upgraded slightly to be more suited for long term habitation. It was never precisely a fortress. But it has-. Had force fields and automated weapons of varying degrees of lethality. It.. technically still has armour that should turn aside most Earth-built anti-armour weapons.

Someone smashed right through it all. That's… Within the combined abilities of people the Alliance has on its rolls, I think. If Marcus-.

I look over at the blasted-open anti-ship silos.

Ring, scan for atmospheric disturbances commensurate to-. Yes.

Marcus's ship has some pretty solid shields. From the residual ionisation in the air it looks like it took a few hits, and then…

I float over to the closest silo and try connecting to the control system. No, it's been destroyed. Local backup? Destroyed. Targetting data in the gun itself? No.

"Orange Lantern to Blue Lantern. Bir Tawil's been attacked. Exterior defences appear to have been destroyed by a force that included Alpha Centurion's ship."

"Yeah, that's what we picked up. You got any idea how worried we should be about him just… Flying to another planet in it?"

"Don't know. Mister Wasem told me that Alliance members didn't need to wear the helmet to be under the sway of the Anti-Life. Otherwise I'd have guessed that they had to stay in range of the Earth's thaumosphere. If anyone is going to have been heavily dosed, it's Marcus. And he has the coordinates of every inhabited world in this region, so if he…"

"He can just fly off any time he wants to."


"No, because he doesn't have access to the Justice League's interdiction system. He could fly off, but it would take him months to get outside the affected area at least. There's still boom tubes… Do we have a count on the number of simultaneous boom tubes they've used?"

"I don't think so. Our coverage isn't what it was." He sighs. "Gotham and New York are little slices of Hell right now, Paul. The people who aren't catatonic are… They're lashing out at everyone and everything."

"Unlikely. There's almost certainly a pattern."

"That's what Riddler says. One thing I don't get, maybe you can explain it to me: if Mannheim's trying to take over the world with mind control, why is he letting them tear it apart?"

"Could be several reasons. I doubt he could produce enough helmets for everyone in secret. So he sets this off, we're distracted and he has the time to finish his work. Or he might not be trying to conquer the Earth."


"This universe contains seven galaxies. Each contains about a hundred billion stars. The Reach are trying to conquer them reasonably conventionally, subverting their neighbours before annexing and exterminating them. By N.E.M.O.'s calculations, they might just about finish before the universe runs out of energy. Apokolips haven't been on a conquest-spree for longer than humans have had the wheel. Darkseid is trying to learn more about the Anti-Life because universal mind control is more practical than conquering everything."

"So that's all it's about."

"That would be my guess. He's been able to negate Lanterns since the Green Lantern Corps' failed invasion. That's not new. But the sort of arcane technology Earth's developing is new. Maybe he wanted to see how they interact?"

"But why bother attacking your place? What do you have in there?"

"Some weapons they either couldn't or didn't try to take in one piece." I don't suppose I can scan..? No, that would have been too much. "Not sure about the interior. I've got-. I had a couple of purple healing rays here, but they don't seem all that worried about their people dying. I'm going to look inside."

"Do you need help?"

"Doesn't look like there's anyone still here." And we're in the Anti-Life zone. We don't have enough people who can resist on their own. "I'll handle it. Probably just a matter of recording the damage. I didn't keep anything unique here."

I release Lantern Thornton and send him forwards, flying in through the gaping wound in my breakfast room.

"It's clear."

I follow him in. Am I even going to rebuild this? Yes, yes of course I am, but getting one of my…

Yes, first world problem, but I doubt that Jade's flat is in one piece either.

"Damage to the interior is precise, targeted at defence systems. Some blood on the floor, and the… Pattern of dust and clothes suggests to me that wounded Justifiers were vitality drained. Estimate… Thirty minimum killed in the initial part of the attack."

The outer defences escalate to human-lethal, but they start at 'stun'. Or… It's possible that they interact with the Anti-Life in a way that causes more damage. There aren't all that many long-term Anti-Life exposure cases off Apokolips itself. We're probably going to be a gold mine for researchers.

"Still clear. The place is empty."

I continue on, maintaining my alert just in case. Living area looks like someone threw an explosive into it. Orange light spills out from my left ring and begins reassembling the settee, though if I'm going to have to redecorate I should probably run it past Jade first. Dismissing my own efforts, I float into the working areas.

"Workshop and storage room were ignored as far as I can tell. The defence systems are destroyed and there are more remains, but it doesn't look like they took anything or destroyed anything that wasn't directly in their way."

"What sort of things did they ignore?"

"Space-age tools. A couple of infantry weapon prototypes. Useful things that normal supervillains would loot. Not what Mannheim wanted, so they didn't even look at it."

Next is medical. I float over the molten remains of the door.

Darn it.

"One of the purple rays is gone. Parts of the computer have been carefully removed and taken. Three cloning tanks and my three backup bodies have also been removed."

"Your three-? Oh, because you can move yourself.. into one if you die."

"I'm not sure if I can do it on a thaumically active world, but that's the idea."

Though obviously I can't risk it now.
Last edited:
"…know precisely how far Teth Adom's purification aura extends?"

"As far as Kahndaq's borders. But that does not just mean our 'official' borders. If the people hail him as their king, his power shields them

Well those nations he's been helping after the Sheeda should be at least a bit safe.

"This universe contains seven galaxies

That's surprisingly small.

Though it does make the Guardians' goal of being guardians of the universe much more easier.

suggests to be that wounded

"to me that"

. No what Mannheim wanted, so they didn't even look at it."

"Not what"
"One of the purple rays is gone. Parts of the computer have been carefully removed and taken. Three cloning tanks and my three backup bodies have also been removed."

"Your three-? Oh, because you can move yourself.. into one if you die."

"I'm not sure if I can do it on a thaumically active world, but that's the idea."

Though obviously I can't risk it now.

They probably have a strong thaumic link to you.
The sort of thing that would make a great Voodoo doll or sympathetic link, perhaps.
1st January 2013
00:02 GMT +2

"…know precisely how far Teth Adom's purification aura extends?"

"As far as Kahndaq's borders. But that does not just mean our 'official' borders. If the people hail him as their king, his power shields them."
Which gives me the feeling Kahndaq will be somewhat larger after all this is done than it was before. Whether their neighbouring nations will accept the shift of territory is another story. Hopefully, the unspoken threat of Adom and his family will hold off any military response. Even if that threat is only in the neighbours' minds...

I nod as I come up on… My home away from home.

"Does that include Bir Tawil? I can see the greenery from here."
Honestly, where is home right now? The Mountain? Themyscira? Maltus? Gotham? OL spends hardly any time at rest, and most of the places he sleeps are just that, places to lay down and rest... Not actual homes.

"No." Falil sounds quite sure. "Mighty Adom discussed the matter, and it was decided that your use of that place required that it be part of no nation."

"Thank you. I'll let you get back to it."
Logical enough. If it were in Kahndaqi territory, other nations would assume they're taking advantage of it to gain some advantage, even if they weren't actually doing so.

I lower my ring, wincing.

This is a trade post which I upgraded slightly to be more suited for long term habitation. It was never precisely a fortress. But it has-. Had force fields and automated weapons of varying degrees of lethality. It.. technically still has armour that should turn aside most Earth-built anti-armour weapons.
I'm guessing the Dark Side weren't gentle in their assault. Unsurprising...

Someone smashed right through it all. That's… Within the combined abilities of people the Alliance has on its rolls, I think. If Marcus-.

I look over at the blasted-open anti-ship silos.
Safe bet Alpha Centurion led the assault, then. That's quite a bonus to the enemy.

Ring, scan for atmospheric disturbances commensurate to-. Yes.

Marcus's ship has some pretty solid shields. From the residual ionisation in the air it looks like it took a few hits, and then…
Going by the lack of wrecked ship, it's still functional, though hopefully damaged enough that they won't risk it again...

I float over to the closest silo and try connecting to the control system. No, it's been destroyed. Local backup? Destroyed. Targetting data in the gun itself? No.

"Orange Lantern to Blue Lantern. Bir Tawil's been attacked. Exterior defences appear to have been destroyed by a force that included Alpha Centurion's ship."
Which means they had the run of the place, then. Ship-based firepower is a big force-multiplier.

"Yeah, that's what we picked up. You got any idea how worried we should be about him just… Flying to another planet in it?"

"Don't know. Mister Wasem told me that Alliance members didn't need to wear the helmet to be under the sway of the Anti-Life. Otherwise I'd have guessed that they had to stay in range of the Earth's thaumosphere. If anyone is going to have been heavily dosed, it's Marcus. And he has the coordinates of every inhabited world in this region, so if he…"
Hopefully, whoever's in charge will be too stupid to think of that.

"He can just fly off any time he wants to."


"No, because he doesn't have access to the Justice League's interdiction system. He could fly off, but it would take him months to get outside the affected area at least. There's still boom tubes… Do we have a count on the number of simultaneous boom tubes they've used?"
Well, that's one relief, at least.

"I don't think so. Our coverage isn't what it was." He sighs. "Gotham and New York are little slices of Hell right now, Paul. The people who aren't catatonic are… They're lashing out at everyone and everything."

"Unlikely. There's almost certainly a pattern."
Probably under external direction to release their darkest impulses, as a distraction. After all, if heroes are occupied trying to stop them they won't be fighting their masters.

"That's what Riddler says. One thing I don't get, maybe you can explain it to me: if Mannheim's trying to take over the world with mind control, why is he letting them tear it apart?"

"Could be several reasons. I doubt he could produce enough helmets for everyone in secret. So he sets this off, we're distracted and he has the time to finish his work. Or he might not be trying to conquer the Earth."
Certainly, the effect seems to be getting a little stronger with every moment that passes. Maybe he's playing a waiting game.


"This universe contains seven galaxies. Each contains about a hundred billion stars. The Reach are trying to conquer them reasonably conventionally, subverting their neighbours before annexing and exterminating them. By N.E.M.O.'s calculations, they might just about finish before the universe runs out of energy. Apokolips haven't been on a conquest-spree for longer than humans have had the wheel. Darkseid is trying to learn more about the Anti-Life because universal mind control is more practical than conquering everything."
Seven galaxies within possible reach of the Milky Way, at least. Intergalactic distances are not small.

"So that's all it's about."

"That would be my guess. He's been able to negate Lanterns since the Green Lantern Corps' failed invasion. That's not new. But the sort of arcane technology Earth's developing is new. Maybe he wanted to see how they interact?"
Surely the Fifth World can't be that strange and unfamiliar... Or he's being very careful about it.

"But why bother attacking your place? What do you have in there?"

"Some weapons they either couldn't or didn't try to take in one piece." I don't suppose I can scan..? No, that would have been too much. "Not sure about the interior. I've got-. I had a coupe of purple healing rays here, but they don't seem all that worried about their people dying. I'm going to look inside."
Outside of his clones, I doubt he kept anything valuable in there. Not even his miniatures collection. :p

"Do you need help?"

"Doesn't look like there's anyone still here." And we're in the Anti-Life zone. We don't have enough people who can resist on their own. "I'll handle it. Probably just a matter of recording the damage. I didn't keep anything unique here."
Nothing that can't easily be replaced, outside of the clones. And even they can be remade given time.

I release Lantern Thornton and send him forwards, flying in through the gaping wound in my breakfast room.

"It's clear."
I doubt they're lurking in there. The Dark Side's strategy doesn't seem to run to anything clever like an ambush...

I follow him in. Am I even going to rebuild this? Yes, yes of course I am, but getting one of my…

Yes, first world problem, but I doubt that Jade's flat is in one piece either.
And there's still that slight sense of violation, of someone creeping about your house and going through your private stuff... Thankfully they weren't smooth criminals...

"Damage to the interior is precise, targeted at defence systems. Some blood on the floor, and the… Pattern of dust and clothes suggests to be that wounded Justifiers were vitality drained. Estimate… Thirty minimum killed in the initial part of the attack."

The outer defences escalate to human-lethal, but they start at 'stun'. Or… It's possible that they interact with the Anti-Life in a way that causes more damage. There aren't all that many long-term Anti-Life exposure cases off Apokolips itself. We're probably going to be a gold mine for researchers.
Hopefully, those piles of dust have some form of ID on them, if only for identification later. I doubt they'd discard wallets or the like upon being reprogrammed.

"Still clear. The place is empty."

I continue on, maintaining my alert just in case. Living area looks like someone through an explosive into it. Orange light spills out from my left ring and begins reassembling the settee, though if I'm going to have to redecorate I should probably run it past Jade first. Dismissing my own efforts, I float into the working areas.
Can't help wanting to tidy up, huh?

"Workshop and storage room were ignored as far as I can tell. The defence systems are destroyed and there are more remains, but it doesn't look like they took anything or destroyed anything that wasn't directly in their way."

"What sort of things did they ignore?"
I'm guessing someone with more value was here, using the Justifiers as fodder and fuel to keep themselves fighting fit...

"Space-age tools. A couple of infantry weapon prototypes. Useful things that normal supervillains would loot. No what Mannheim wanted, so they didn't even look at it."

Next is medical. I float over the molten remains of the door.
Yes, one guess where they focused...

Darn it.

"One of the purple rays is gone. Parts of the computer have been carefully removed and taken. Three cloning tanks and my three backup bodies have also been removed."
Let's hope they aren't functional without OL's animating essence.

"Your three-? Oh, because you can move yourself.. into one if you die."

"I'm not sure if I can do it on a thaumically active world, but that's the idea."

Though obviously I can't risk it now.
So, no extra lives if you fuck up. I expect you'll be more careful in any upcoming fights.

So... The clones are missing. Given that they're intended as blanks for his mind and soul to infuse, I doubt they have functional brains or souls. Meaning they're just waiting for someone to move in. I doubt they're preprepared with tattoos, though. That would probably make it harder to lock onto them from the Honden. Still, I'm sure the Dark Side will find some use for them...

I had a coupe of purple healing rays here...
I had a couple of purple healing rays here...

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