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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

No. Not one mouth and another beneath it. Her head split from top to bottom.
Technically, you're right, but I think he'd say it like that.
Mr Zoat, I was rereading the episode where Richard Simpson gets a robot body and John Quinn as a parole officer and it got me wondering. What happened to Richard Simpson after it was revealed that John Quinn was trying to infect the world with the Anti-Life? Was he infected like the imprisoned evil magicians? Or was he kept out of the way? And what is he doing now?
He's probably in hiding somewhere. I'll add this to the list of things to clear up in the next episode.
The only question I have that will hopefully be answered is if this Paul is a version of our Paul (the same background …) or has the Power Rangers comic book background…..
Yeah, I get the feeling he's trying to lose this fight. Not to make the Rangers look good, or to go out on a high note... No, he's hoping Rita pulls her usual trick, isn't he? Because that means the 'Wand' is out of Rita's hands, and quite likely charged up with magical energy he can absorb with a little need. Whether that will work remains to be seen, though...
Also seems like he just can't help but tutor heroes in his line of thinking for maximum effectiveness with their toolkits.

Prodding them into using their teleporters more, how to prioritize in a fight, group tactics on who gets reinforcements (since it sounds like not every bomb had a boss fight guarding it).

And naturally, he goes Surprised Pikachu Face.png when they escalate accordingly to his threat level by busting out Zords and weapon-use normally seen as their combo-gun. Effective way to leave a legacy for when he can't recharge, knowledge of him at least sticks around, but setting a higher baseline in what Team Evil needs for their monsters after can't turn out well.

End result's probably him taking a page out of Constantine's playbooks like he already did when setting up the bombs. Since Goldar set the timers, beating him isn't the victorious Reset Button and has lasting consequences. Likewise, arranging things so the Rangers get the final hit in is something that could actually matter. If he's seen fighting and taunting the Rangers only for them to end up in a nice spot to take out Rita? Well, that's just a shame, isn't it? Someone ought to look after any magical power sources she might have left behind as well, it would just be the responsible thing to do.
Well. I've been away for a while because work has been absolutely obliterating my free time, but I finally got caught up with work... so now I'm finally caught up with WTR!

Here's the pile of corrections that's been accumulating in my quotes:

Nebulan synthetic organs
Inconsistent, but by now I forget what you had settled on. Okay, that one's already corrected.

the hope holds it tight
Hm, don't remember why I tagged this one. Will have to go back and double-check in a moment. Oh, right, it was supposed to be "rope" but someone else already corrected this one.

sniffs the contents Already fixed.

taste tester, or food taster

Depending on how pedantic you want to be, it's "longue", but it's misspelled so frequently in the English-speaking world that this might not be an error for you.

Except it looks like this one's already been changed.


using standard hypespace drift calculations

He doesn't hesitates in nodding.

The things that emerge are dream-creatures; fragments risen from the collective unconscious.
comma instead of semicolon

It was "trinium" in the other places.

reaching our with my glowing left hand.
reaching out

Stargate command's reports
Capitalize "Command"

"I'm not adverse to that. I'm not adverse to conquering the Earth.
"averse", twice

World wide detection capabilities.
Usually "Worldwide"


He doesn't breath it in

You spelled it "New Gordane" previously.

American, so "oriented"

"Then it's our job to stop him. Morphin' time!"
I don't remember Jason ever leaving off "It's" from "It's morphin' time!"
Zoat, on a related alternate Paul side note, any ideas for new places to take the X-Men cartoon Paul who is with Rogue, given X-Men 97 has at least 5 episodes out?

Even regarding Sentinels, they could be easily taken over by a power ring. Presumably.

(Also hoping for maybe a Paul with a power ring in a non Evil Mark Invincible universe to be covered at some point.)
Even regarding Sentinels, they could be easily taken over by a power ring. Presumably.

I never understood sentinels. They're big, they shoot stuff, and they walk on two legs. They're basically shitty knockoff tanks that cost 100x more. Everything you put in a sentinel you could put in a tank, so why are they being funded?

So basically I'm waiting for Paul to arrest the group that's been laundering funds through "next generation warfare" and producing sentinels to pretend they weren't skimming off the top.
Zoat, on a related alternate Paul side note, any ideas for new places to take the X-Men cartoon Paul who is with Rogue, given X-Men 97 has at least 5 episodes out?
No. Though he's now calling Gambit 'Rembrandt'.

I am not impressed by X-Men 97. Thorias identifies the problems, but I'd find the fact that it actually isn't a sequel more annoyed than he does.
Even regarding Sentinels, they could be easily taken over by a power ring. Presumably.
Sort of. Regular Sentinels aren't mentally complex enough to be assimilated. He could change the programming, but honestly it's easier just to destroy them.
(Also hoping for maybe a Paul with a power ring in a non Evil Mark Invincible universe to be covered at some point.)
No, he goes to a world where Omniman and Invincible took over and tries to make membership of the Viltrumite Empire work. Turns out that Viltrumites are terrible at administration.
I never understood sentinels. They're big, they shoot stuff, and they walk on two legs. They're basically shitty knockoff tanks that cost 100x more. Everything you put in a sentinel you could put in a tank, so why are they being funded?

So basically I'm waiting for Paul to arrest the group that's been laundering funds through "next generation warfare" and producing sentinels to pretend they weren't skimming off the top.

Weren't they originally designed and built by Bolivar Trask, with his own money?

And I believe the reasoning behind the Sentinels is the same as for Mechas, an extremely mobile and adaptable weapons platform. Never underestimate the psychological effect that having a giant man made of metal glaring at you can have, when the main objective of the Sentinels is hunting down Mutants, generally just small humanoids.

A tank is scary, sure, but not so much to Mutants. There is a reason tanks usually have infantry support, as far as I know.
Well. I've been away for a while because work has been absolutely obliterating my free time, but I finally got caught up with work... so now I'm finally caught up with WTR!
Let joy be unbound!
Inconsistent, but by now I forget what you had settled on.
Okay, that one's already corrected.
Hm, don't remember why I tagged this one. Will have to go back and double-check in a moment. Oh, right, it was supposed to be "rope" but someone else already corrected this one.
sniffs the contents Already fixed.
Depending on how pedantic you want to be, it's "longue", but it's misspelled so frequently in the English-speaking world that this might not be an error for you.
Except it looks like this one's already been changed.
Let joy be unbound!
taste tester, or food taster
comma instead of semicolon
It was "trinium" in the other places.
reaching out
Capitalize "Command"
"averse", twice
Usually "Worldwide"
You spelled it "New Gordane" previously.
American, so "oriented"
I don't remember Jason ever leaving off "It's" from "It's morphin' time!"
Thank you, corrected.
He doesn't remember that.
Mr Zoat
You know these up coming chapters present the perfect opportunity for Paul to make a excellent "do I look like I was born yesterday" joke? Atm I'm guessing when the Rangers clarify that he didn't actually trust Rita.
Mighty Morphin' Lantern Rangers (part 14)
1st April 1995
14:45 GMT -7



Red Ranger lunges and swings, his now-glowing sword cutting through my ram construct and cleaving it lengthwise! My wall suffers a similar fate as his slash extends well beyond the limits of his blade, energy cutting through my construct armour and slamming into my-.


My armour literally bursts off me in a shower of sparks as the energy eats through my chest. Looks like the nerves inside my torso are working fine, good to know! I try catching my breath but-. Can't because there's my lungs, nice and exposed and-.

The crystal-. It's.. gone, and-.

I realise that my right arm is translucent. All or nothing, then.

"Mistress! I had to fight-. Zords, on foot! I can still do this!"

Is it going to be enough? Is she going to give me the same chance she gives every monster of the week? I mean, I think so, but I also know that Red Ranger is getting closer for a coup de grâce. With my ring power being equivalent to nothing right now… It's a good job that I've gotten used to pain, because this-

"Magic wand!"

-is really painful.

"You'd probably have been better off shooting me."

"Make my monster..!"

Now, there's no way that she actually throws it to Earth in the couple of seconds this usually takes arrive, so I'm assuming that she's using the same teleportation effect we've been using to jump around. The records the NSA had show that it definitely teleports back when the monster is defeated.

Matrix… Detected…

Feed me!

I don't know if I've got enough power to actually do this and I couldn't study the actual spell set-up she used for boosting her monsters to giant size, but with my life on the line I don't have time to hope.

I look down, and see that my legs have already gone.

Oh, that's why it's not hurting so much.


Red Ranger looks up, and I follow his gaze to spot the staff as it appears-.

Matrix absorbed.


I fly off the ground, my increasingly phantasmal body fading back into existence as I zoom towards the falling staff. It's not flying anymore, just falling, but it was relatively close to the ground already and terminal velocity for something that shape isn't exactly slow. I think I can-.

In the corner of my eye I see the Pterodactyl Dinozord swing around for another pass. Not now you don't! Sonic cannon construct, target the left wing! It charges its weapons-. But my shot hits the wing and knocks it off-course, causing the lightning cannons to miss. The staff-. Too low! Grapple construct!


The rope shoots downwards, and-. Got it! I got it I got it!

"Hah hah!"

Feed me!


"What's he doing? Squatt! What is he doing?"

"Uuh, I haven't gotten that far in the comic book yet, magnificent one!"

"Why are you even here!? Can you even read!?"

Ooh, that's better. I can feel a mild stinging as my tattoos light up, whatever strange reality/fiction interface that lets me exist here trying its best to properly represent what would happen if I focused my rings' draining ability on my tattoos in the presence of a source of magic power like this.

One last concern. Ring, message to Goldar.


An orange screen with Goldar on it appears in front of me.


"Is the Blue Ranger dead?"

"He destroyed the crate and fled!"

"Well, never mind. My bomb's still active. Why don't you head back to base and let me handle it from here."

"If you fail to keep this world in good condition-."

"There's nothing important in Angel Grove, and one little crater won't affect the value of this planet."

"Fine. Do not disappoint our Mistress."

"See you later!"

A giant buzz saw construct slices through the cable as the Triceratops Dinozord fires again, giant construct opera gloves grabbing the horn missiles and throwing them off course. The Dragonzord prepares a new volley of missiles but my heavy mining laser construct burns through them before they can launch. They erupt in its hands in a fiery blast, sending the zord staggering.

Ring, is Goldar still on Earth?

Goldar has now left Earth.

Anyone else on Earth?

No other member of Rita Repulsa's known associates is currently on Earth.

I fly towards Red Ranger with the staff in hand-. As the other Rangers teleport in. I make a point of clapping.

"We're down to ten seconds. You got them all, I assume?"

Four nods, then William looks at the others. "Yes, but-."

Red Ranger takes a step forwards. "Where is it?! Where did you move it?!"

"Look up."

And they all do, for goodness sake.

"One, zero."

For one point three seconds, nothing. Then a very small flash of light is visible on the moon's surface.

"And that is how you kill a supervillain team!"

Pink looks at me, then back at the moon, then at William. "What just happened?"

"The bombs on Earth were fake. He put the real ones in Rita's base."

"Yes I did."

Ring, where's the power in this staff coming from?

Scans show… The bulk of the staff looks like a focusing device. The power source is the appropriately orange orb attached to the crescent moon shape. I think I'll make a lantern-shaped protective case for it later.

"That was your plan all along?" Red Ranger stares at me. "Then why did you fight me?"

"I needed Rita to use the staff. With it, I can power myself for long enough for Zordon to find someone who can make me fully real. And I needed access to their teleportation system to sneak the bombs in." I look up, thoughtfully. "We should probably check anyway. Up for a trip to the moon?"
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Man, this ride has been the very definition of the School of Hard Knocks. Although I'm sure Billy has had a blast in a way with his hero twisting and turning with Orange moral ambiguity until the bad guys are dead.

Wonder how the Rangers will feel. The show's over until the next barely competent galactic conquerors come around.

Although there is the idea of turning fantastical Ranger power to more earthly matters, like the wars OL mentioned before if the Rangers are all bulletproof. But OL did mention earlier how US intelligence seemingly have eyes on Angel Grove and presumably the Rangers and the identities to intervening in international conflicts may cause Great Power problems if Uncle Sam wants one side to win or is selling weapons.
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I'd pay to see OL return to Earth 16 with a Goldar construct lantern. Souvenir!

Wonder how the Rangers will feel. The show's over until the next barely competent galactic conquerors come around.

Meh, Zedd should show up at some point relatively soon, so they'll probably get back in action soon enough.
Wonder how the Rangers will feel. The show's over until the next barely competent galactic conquerors come around.
Meh, Zedd should show up at some point relatively soon, so they'll probably get back in action soon enough.
That might turn out bad for OL, seeing as Zedd can beat all the Rangers by himself, and I can't think of a way for OL to outsmart him the way he did Rita and Goldar.
That might turn out bad for OL, seeing as Zedd can beat all the Rangers by himself, and I can't think of a way for OL to outsmart him the way he did Rita and Goldar.
Oh and Lord Zedd was wicked Competent until Rita got him under the love potion, like...The Power Rangers never beat Zedd personally, only thwarted his schemes.
1st April 1995
14:45 GMT -7



Red Ranger lunges and swings, his now-glowing sword cutting through my ram construct and cleaving in lengthwise! My wall suffers a similar fate as his slash extends well beyond the limits of his blade, energy cutting through my construct armour and slamming into my-.
And this is usually the place where the FX department gets to go nuts with slash effects, explosions and other fancy things. :p Not often a Ranger does a solo takedown finisher on a 'monster', after all. At least, in 'Super Sentai' footage. Now, 'Kamen Rider' shows... (And dang if it ain't hard to find supercuts of just finisher moves...)


My armour literally bursts off me in a shower of sparks as the energy eats through my chest. Looks like the nerves inside my torso are working fine, good to know! I try catching my breath but-. Can't because there's my lungs, nice and exposed and-.
Boy, you never stop to think about what finishers do to the bad guy. Some of them must really sting.

The crystal-. It's.. gone, and-.

I realise that my right arm is translucent. All or nothing, then.
Though I doubt he'd let things go that far. OL always has a plan.

"Mistress! I had to fight-. Zords, on foot! I can still do this!"

Is it going to be enough? Is she going to give me the same chance she gives every monster of the week? I mean, I think so, but I also know that Red Ranger is getting closer for a coup de grâce. With my ring power being equivalent to nothing right now… It's a good job that I've gotten use to pain, because this-
Oh, yes... :sneaky: Here we go, the moment we've all been waiting for...

"Magic wand!"

-is really painful.
And it looks like she took the bait.

"You'd probably have been better off shooting me."

"Make my monster..!"
Yeah, I get the feeling Red is feeling a bit of a heel now. Given that he's probably never actually used the Power Slash on a human-like entity before... :rolleyes: Monsters don't count, after all.

Now, there's no way that she actually throws it to Earth in the couple of seconds this usually takes arrive, so I'm assuming that she's using the same teleportation effect we've been using to jump around. The records the NSA had show that it definitely teleports back when the monster is defeated.

Matrix… Detected…
You just know they'd have had people in fast-response positions ready to acquire the staff if they could, after all.

Feed me!

I don't know if I've got enough power to actually do this and I couldn't study the actual spell set-up she used for boosting her monsters to giant size, but with my life on the line I don't have time to hope.
And desperation makes the desire all the stronger, after all.

I look down, and see that my legs have already gone.

Oh, that's why it's not hurting so much.
Bit hard to feel pain from something that's not there any more, after all.


Red Ranger looks up, and I follow his gaze to spot the staff as it appears-.
He's probably thinking 'Oh hell, if he was this tough before, how bad is he going to be giant-sized?'

Matrix absorbed.

One word for you, Rita: Yoink! :V

I fly off the ground, my increasingly phantasmal body fading back into existence as I zoom towards the falling staff. It's not flying anymore, just falling, but it was relatively close to the ground already and terminal velocity for something that shape isn't exactly slow. I think I can-.

In the corner of my eye I see the Pterodactyl Dinozord swing around for another pass. Not now you don't! Sonic cannon construct, target the left wing! It charges its weapons-. But my shot hits the wing and knocks it off-course, causing the lightning cannons to miss. The staff-. Too low! Grapple construct!
Because you just know it'll teleport home a few seconds after it hits the ground...


The rope shoots downwards, and-. Got it! I got it I got it!
Thank goodness for Enlightenment, because that would have killed his Ring otherwise.

"Hah hah!"

Feed me!

Now, let's see how much of Rita's magic is soaked up into the staff...

"What's he doing? Squatt! What is he doing?"

"Uuh, I haven't gotten that far in the comic book yet, magnificent one!"

"Why are you even here!? Can you even read!?"
Hey, he can at least appreciate the art. Some comics really do look damn good.

Ooh, that's better. I can feel a mild stinging as my tattoos light up, whatever strange reality/fiction interface that lets me exist here trying its best to properly represent what would happen if I focused my rings' draining ability on my tattoos in the presence of a source of magic power like this.

One last concern. Ring, message to Goldar.
Heh. One last step in the plan to fire off?


An orange screen with Goldar on it appears in front of me.
...Or maybe a chance to taunt him as well.


"Is the Blue Ranger dead?"

"He destroyed the crate and fled!"
Good to have that confirmed. Billy is the smart one, after all.

"Well, never mind. My bomb's still active. Why don't you head back to base and let me handle it from here."

"If you fail to keep this world in good condition-."
Oh, I don't think that's going to be an issue.

"There's nothing important in Angel Grove, and one little crater won't affect the value of this planet."

"Fine. Do not disappoint our Mistress."
Presumably the Command Centre can soak up the detonation anyway. Otherwise that bomb would take out the biggest threat to Rita.

"See you later!"

A giant buzz saw construct slices through the cable as the Triceratops Dinozord fires again, giant construct opera gloves grabbing the horn missiles and throwing them off course. The Dragonzord prepares a new volley of missiles but my heavy mining laser construct burns through them before they can launch. They erupt in its hands in a fiery blast, sending the zord staggering.
Do hope he intends to patch them up after as an apology.

Ring, is Goldar still on Earth?

Goldar has now left Earth.
...Oh look, all of Rita's goons in one handy place...

Anyone else on Earth?

No other member of Rita Repulsa's known associates is currently on Earth.
Well, this season is about to get cut real short. Hopefully there's nothing valuable in Rita's Palace.

I fly towards Red Ranger with the staff in hand-. As the other Rangers teleport in. I make a point of clapping.

"We're down to ten seconds. You got them all, I assume?"
Bet that's a confusing moment for them. 'Isn't he supposed to be growing larger? Turning into a monster?'

Four nods, then William looks at the others. "Yes, but-."

Red Ranger takes a step forwards. "Where is it?! Where did you move it?!"
Fight's over, bud. OL is not your enemy anymore...

"Look up."

And they all do, for goodness sake.
...It must be something about the Ranger suits that makes them so trusting. Or, y'know, teenagers.

"One, zero."

For one point three seconds, nothing. Then a very small flash of light is visible on the moon's surface.
No danger of flash effects at that distance.

"And that is how you kill a supervillain team!"

Pink looks at me, then back at the moon, then at William. "What just happened?"
An earth-shattering kaboom worthy of Marvin the Martian himself.

"The bombs on Earth were fake. He put the real ones in Rita's base."

"Yes I did."
Good catch. We all saw it coming, but we know OL. Surprised Billy didn't realise the possibility.

Ring, where's the power in this staff coming from?

Scans show… The bulk of the staff looks like a focusing device. The power source is the appropriately orange orb attached to the crescent moon shape. I think I'll make a lantern-shaped protective case for it later.
Not as efficient as a Lantern proper, with the cost of Feeding, but it'll do nicely.

"That was your plan all along?" Red Ranger stares at me. "Then why did you fight me?"

"I needed Rita to use the staff. With it, I can power myself for long enough for Zordon to find someone who can make me fully real. And I needed access to their teleportation system to sneak the bombs in." I look up, thoughtfully. "We should probably check anyway. Up for a trip to the moon?"
Preferably with the suits on. Atmosphere or not, I doubt it's hospitable without magic.

Well, we all saw that coming. Bravo for not changing it to spite us, Mr Zoat. Now, to see the fallout of that little ploy. Could Rita and company have survived a nuclear blast? Did the Zeo Crystal survive? Who knows? At the very least, Lord Zedd might turn up a little sooner to find out what's going on around here. At least the Rangers will have a powerful new ally to help when he does.
1st April 1995
14:45 GMT -7
Boy oh boy.

Paul was sure lucky this was yet another non-canon universe that perfectly matched up with what he misremembered about it. Otherwise he would have had absolute egg on this face when he found out all Rita's staff actually was was a focus for her own magical abilities. :p
Ahh, I DO wish this wound up being an unhinged/desperate Paul… but the enlightened Orange quotes don't lie. Operation MacGuffin is complete. Side quest unlocked; find Rita's phylactery.

Speaking of his enlightenment, if this quest had been a traditional aDr (meaning the Rangers would return in the future), I think it would have been improved slightly by showing the emotional colors of the rangers. Show some more of their psychological profiles, with or without Paul's analyses.

Huh. There is no guarantee that MMPR is the only world Paul is going to deal with today. And I said the lanterns won't return with him… but this Orange prize might. If he can maintain his grip on it through whatever shenanigans this Eris-blessed day has left for OL.
It's going to be rather ironic if zordon is super mad about this and didn't target Rita directly for a reason.


"She was a constant recurring threat. Now you can focus on improving the earth in other ways."


"Oh... Really? I didn't know that."

I don't know anything about power rangers lore.

But like if Rita and Zordon were both ancient paragons shielding the universe. One for magic and the other for technology. They both don't actually give a crap about humanity and earth is just their current testing ground for new magic and tech. All the fights are just to test stuff out and why they don't go for more serious decapitation shots.
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It's going to be rather ironic if zordon is super mad about this and didn't target Rita directly for a reason.


"She was a constant recurring threat. Now you can focus on improving the earth in other ways."


"Oh... Really? I didn't know that."

I don't know anything about power rangers lore.
That sounds awesome, and I hope it's the case. It would allow Zoat to continue the story.
It's going to be rather ironic if zordon is super mad about this and didn't target Rita directly for a reason.


"She was a constant recurring threat. Now you can focus on improving the earth in other ways."


"Oh... Really? I didn't know that."

I don't know anything about power rangers lore.

But like if Rita and Zordon were both ancient paragons shielding the universe. One for magic and the other for technology. They both don't actually give a crap about humanity and earth is just their current testing ground for new magic and tech. All the fights are just to test stuff out and why they don't go for more serious decapitation shots.
It was more of, technically, Rita had a claim to try to take over Earth until Zedd came along...her being indisposed in the Dumpster for 10,000+ years didn't actually matter there.

The earthborn threats didn't really matter with the United Alliance of Evil, and the only real break in things came from the fight with the Orgs which was still, relatively near Earth save for the Galactibeasts which wandered off, Zordon was working on various plans for things to be used such as with Gosei and the zords hidden elsewhere in the system.

Zedd is, probably, already heading towards Earth at this point because he's tired of waiting for her to actually succeed at anything. The Machine Empire shows up because they're doing it to show up Zedd, and Divatox is a pirate who doesn't give a crap about the rules unless it's with a gun to her head.

UAE kind of implodes following the death of Dark Spectre and the Z-Wave with the remnants scattered and infighting over who should lead them next.

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