Chojin Patriarch
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Well, they certainly don't lack for imagination, certainly. Also: Ick.2nd May
01:50 GMT -5
"This is a maggot pit."
It's a maggot pit.
Why not any two, or all three combined? This isn't the best life for anyone, I suspect. We've already heard about those who want a better life than they have...A hundred and thirty three Sheeda maggots writhe at the bottom of a steep-walled pit at a local youth throws the chopped entrails of various local animals down to them. The maggots orientate on them at once, squirming towards them. The youth has skin of a shade of deep pink that I've never seen on a human, and his fangs are so pronounced that they jut out from his mouth top and bottom. He's also really thin, though I'm not sure if that's a mutation or just his build.
Or malnutrition.
Sensible. Gods only know what they'd turn into, except that it'd be nasty."What happens when they reach maturity?"
"They don't." He raises his right hand, a witch-sign glimmering between his fingers. He swipes it over the rim of the maggot-pit, and as it swings I see the invisible signs branded on the 'foreheads' of each of the maggots illuminated by its ethereal light. "We bind them to this form as we in turn are bound."
...Cows aren't an option? Or even goats?
Ah. Well, I suppose 'milk' is as good a name for it... Wonder how it does as a sealant...I blink. "And you..? Drink it?"
He looks at me like I'm an idiot. "No, good sir. It's a resin. We use it to keep the water from our homes and out boat."
Wonder what, since it's unlikely they have cattle or sheep.I nod and.. look away from the maggot pile as they pull the offal into their mouths. Aside from the other four pits I can't see any other pastoral areas. They're tried to keep as much of the tree cover from the surrounding areas as possible, and the sloped sides of the gully we're in create a canopy of greenery which will probably make this place dim even in the day.
"Mistress Butler mentioned other farm animals?"
...What would it even eat? And what the hell does it taste like?"We let them roam. We couldn't feed the live ones close to the village, and the dead ones we keep for times of direst need."
I look at the giant undead cricket-spider that's staring off towards the village edge. I suppose that being hunted by the Sheeda is a pretty good example of a dire emergency.
Yeah, maggots aren't really known for their responsiveness to stimuli, beyond 'eat it' or 'flee it'."Do the maggots react to the intruders?"
"No reaction I could ken. Though they are maggots, sirrah."
A trace of whatever genetic modification created the Sheeda in the first place? And interesting that it was done that way rather than easier methods. Evidently whoever created it wasn't concerned with efficiency.Fair point. Not like they're about to start singing. Still, I can scan them and their undead fellow Sheeda creatures without difficulty, and I've found something jolly interesting. There are segments of their genetic material which are shared, completely identical between each type of Sheeda creature and the warlock-breed but not the Columbians. But I'm not completely sure what it actually does. It looks like it creates a protein which absorbs contaminants in the blood stream so aid the liver in filtering them out into the waste system… But the physiology of a maggot is radically different to the physiology of a giant insect. I'd assume that it's engineered in, but there are several ways to create something that would be better at the job. And they also share chunks of non-coding DNA whose purpose I can't decipher.
Interesting. While they're born with mutations, they're not entirely hereditary. Perhaps whatever's managing these mutations is glitched out, causing random changes.I suppose if Melmoth was just breeding naturally… Or raping the women in his power for the fun of it, he wouldn't check which parts were transmitted due to a lack of genetic technology or a lack of desire. But they're active in all warlock-kind, whatever their physical mutations.
"Tell me, to the physical changes you possess relate to those of your parents?"
"My mother shared my teeth, sirrah. But if there's a pattern beyond that, I see it not."
One for the Atlantean teams. And that's if they can ever set up trading.They don't run in families, but there are definite commonalities of style. The same things are mutated, and in only so many ways. They're not just getting animal parts randomly grafted on or having their bodies twisted like there were plasticine in the hands of a cruel child. There's some purpose at work here.
I sign inwardly. But I think it's a purpose that requires a team of biomancers to understand.
Explains why he spoke of his mother in the past tense..."Did you grow up around here?"
"Somewhat close to here. Then the witch-hunters came, and their.. fire."
So they don't consider themselves amongst the Warlocks proper? Merle their offcasts and byblows, then?Ah.
"I'm sorry to hear that."
He snorts a humourless laugh. "'Tis our lot in life. Neither our mannish forebears nor our Sheeda forebears have any love for us, and most warlocks don't either."
Uh, do you mean..."I'm-." I frown. "People like yourself, or first generation warlocks?"
"Both. I have only seen a warlock once, and he and his grundymen hurried through here without stopping. They felt only contempt for us. I could taste it."
...I don't even know what to say to that."Literally or metaphorically?"
"Literally, though his scowl made his mind plain." He shrugs. "I taste it with my eyes."
Huh. Man, these people have some strange traits. It's like the mutants in Marvel universes, manifesting all manner of odd powers, many of which are entirely useless."By spell, or an innate ability?"
Another shrug. "I don't use witch-sign, but maybe there is some other kind of magic? May I take my leave, sirrah?"
Let's hope he didn't take OL's curiosity as something more venal..."Oh. Of course."
He turns and strides away, which-. He's been feeling my avarice. That… Must be uncomfortable. And if he's just feeling that it's there, he might not see what it is that I want.
I shudder at what the insect it came from would need a saw-like limb for... Carving bark off toughened plants to feed on sap, maybe? Or one hell of a combative adaption...I give him time to get away, then walk away from the pit and back towards Mistress Butler's home. Two rooms and a dirt floor, though the glyphs around the wall work to keep out moisture. Along with the maggot milk, presumably. There's a saw propped up against the outside wall, and it isn't made of metal. It couldn't be; they have no way to mine iron or copper and trade with the Columbians isn't possible. And stealing would be entirely too risky. Instead, this saw is made from part of a macro-insectoid's body. A foreleg, I think, with glyphs carved into it to extend its lifespan.
Unfortunately, delegation will have to wait until you can leave...The door is open so I wander inside, where Abednego, Mistress Butler and Leonid are looking over a crude map. They look around as they hear me approach.
"We need actual researchers. I think there's something revealing going on, but I don't have the skills to study it."
I don't think anyone will want to volunteer for that, given the stigma it has... Even if he can guarantee his ability to undo the changes.Abednego raises his eyebrows very slightly. "Oh?"
"I'm not a magician. I can recognise some things based on what I've studied, but it someone's done something genuinely original there's no direct way for me to study it. Unless someone wants to go warlock while I watch so I can see exactly what happens."
So something not present in all Columbians, but rather introduced by the effects of the broken oath? Strange. Very strange..."What is it that you have found?"
"There are certain characteristics of the body common to warlock-breed and all Sheeda creatures that I've been able to examine. It's not in people like yourself, or completely Sheeda-free humans like Starfire or me."
I rather suspect they'd not stand still for the attempt to be made, given the time it takes. I doubt it's all too pleasant."Be it in the grundymen?"
I nod. "Yes. It's probably why branding works. Have you ever tried to brand a warlock?"
Yeah, that's likely to be a dead end for investigation. Unless OL can get really lucky."No. Pistol shot is my preference for such as they."
"Do you know if it works?"
He shakes his head. "It has not occurred to any who would put it to paper to try. And I'll not be expecting the warlock-breed to volunteer for such treatment any more than I would turn myself warlock to assuage your curiosity."
Like fabrication of useful tools, and reinforcing structural supports in the buildings? Maybe even making proper housing, maybe...I nod. "Mistress Butler, would your people mind our magicians coming here?"
"No, not right away. We only brought one with us and he's busy at the moment. It will be several months from now. And in the mean time… Would you like me to do some work on your town?"
Good to see OL getting data, and trying to win hearts and minds. And a fascinating glimpse at the sort of processes the Warlock-breed use to get by out here...
...from our homes and our boat.
They've tried to keep as much of the tree cover... they were plasticine in the hands...