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Wolf's Whimsical Wonders (Commissions/One-shots)

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Thread for my SFW commissions. Will update the link and commissioner in this message...
Linnonline - Among Us - 500 words
Author: WolfSpatial
Editor: Lucifer
Commissioner: Linnonline

You can get your own story here, smut or not.
Or join the Discord.

Finding myself confronted in the corner of the security office, I did what anyone in my position would have. I started crying.

"I'm sorry," Wiping the tears from my eyes as the skin by my mouth split open up to my ears, I apologized to the first friend I had made during our stay, "It's you or me…"

"Wait…!" She cried out before my tongue sharpened and stretched from my face, piercing her pink space suit. Her heart was the first thing to go, being immediately stabbed through whilst my tongue continued and destroyed the rest of her internal organs.

She reached out with a hand to hit the emergency rescue button on her left wrist, something I couldn't allow. I grabbed her hand even as my eyes started to burn from the sensation of her mushy guts, forcing her from touching the button with strength a Human wouldn't have been capable of.

I admit I was lucky that she was the one to confront me. She was the only security officer of the six of us on the ship, the only one officially trained to investigate crime scenes. She'd have a hard time investigating this one, though.

The others wouldn't have an easy time either, my puncture in her suit being small enough to miss at first glance. I pulled back my tongue and dropped her hands as the door to the security office went off, signaling that someone was asking permission to enter.

My face fused back together, and I adjusted my jaw before stuffing her body behind her desk, pushing it in with her rolling chair.

The door opened after a second, brown coming in with some coffee to find me checking cameras. We weren't supposed to know each other's names, so we called ourselves by our suit colors, "Oh, Blue. I wasn't expecting you to be here. Where's Pink?"

"She said she had to use the restroom," I lied despite being able to feel the warmth of Pink's corpse at my feet, "She just left. I can take a message if you want."

"Dang," He walked up to the desk, looking at the camera upside down, "Do you think she like-"

As soon as the door shut, I shot my spiked tongue threw his left eye. Surprised covered his face as he fell and blood leaked from him. I wasn't a particular fan of his taste, but I couldn't let him discover Pink's body.

There were three of the crew left, which I didn't really want to hurt. However, there wasn't much of a choice at this point. With both Brown and Pink dead, the others wouldn't just stop asking questions.

Groaning to myself, I looked at Green coming down the hallway on the cameras and had an idea. I grabbed him when he passed by the door, snapping his neck with my hands gave a wet crunch, and I used his admin card to shut off the lights on the ship.

It was time to hunt the last two.
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