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Xenforo Threadmarks Add-On


Primordial Tanuki
Feb 19, 2013
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This might also be nice.

If I had to pick one of Xon's modifications I could get for QQ, it'd be OP-wordcount thread alerts. But these things are also good. I'll see if I can get them installed over the Christmas break.

If we wanted to pay for the other threadmarks thing, it could be useful.
Most excellent.

Given the multiple requests for it, I'm in favor of buying this. I don't know the current state of QQ finances, but I can pay part or all of the cost.

I'm going on vacation until next Friday, but after that I still have a few weeks of winter break, so I'll be available to do install work. (And look through the current backlog of addon requests.)
Most excellent.

Given the multiple requests for it, I'm in favor of buying this. I don't know the current state of QQ finances, but I can pay part or all of the cost.

I'm going on vacation until next Friday, but after that I still have a few weeks of winter break, so I'll be available to do install work. (And look through the current backlog of addon requests.)

We're making it on monthly payments, but barely. The Xenforo license and domain name renewals were both in the last month, so we have less than $100, and we'll have less than $50 if we use board funds to buy that add-on.
This missing is one of my biggest issues with the QQ software, os getting this would justify increasing my subscription to $10 if it's a financial issue.
I should get around to renewing my subscription. Mine lapsed after Paypal decided to be an ass.

In addition, I could drop $50 immediately on this upgrade, so we didn't have to stress the main account.
I notice that it requires a number of addons(which appear to be free), and Xenforo's Enhanced Search feature which has a software requirement of its own(which is open source). I don't think we have any of the addons, and I know we don't have the Enhanced Search, which will cost another $50 to get and $10 extra yearly.

This might be more costly than anticipated.
...huh, damn. Increasing the subscription runs into a "credit card required" warning on Paypal. This is going to be tricky.
Okay, so far, we've received $55, and need $30 more to cover all the costs associated with this upgrade, then alethiophile can begin once he gets the free time.

EDIT: $20 remaining.
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I donated 50 today (well, 70, as exchange rates are pain), do we still need more?

$85 total is needed, we have received $65 currently, minus paypal's fees. So, $20 or so more and that will be good enough.

Sleep Also, the board appreciates your donation. many people will be thrilled to have that addon. :)
Thank you guys so much. Both those who donated, and the admins that made it happen. This is a wonderful addition to QQ.

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