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XF2 transition feedback

I liked how it used to work with watching threads, where when you watch a thread, you're only alerted to new posts when either a) it's the OP making a big post, or b) you've read all the posts in the thread (or the thread hasn't had posts in 30 days so it's filed as full). Right now I'm getting watched alerts for replies on threads that I haven't clicked on.

Previous behavior: see alert for discussion in [Story Thread], don't click on it, don't get new alerts until the update next week.

Current behavior: see alert for discussion in [Story Thread], don't click on it, get new alerts within an hour or two for more non-author replies.
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^ what chastity said.

edit* also its a small thing, but when i choose to watch a thread, it now automatically sets on 'and receive email notifications' instead of 'without receiving email notifications' that it did before. I had to unwatch and watch something again with preferred settings when I got a surprise email about it, after i watched it after the XF2 transition.
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Are ',' and '.' keys now bound to pop up Conversations and Alerts respectively now, or is this just a weird interaction with my browser extensions?

("Key Jump keyboard navigation" ( https://github.com/KennethSundqvist/key-jump-browser-extension ) in this case. On all other sites, including SpaceBattles, pressing ',' just displays the numbered hints, but on QQ, it pops up Conversations (triggering the browser to scroll to the top) and also displays the numbered hints. That's a problem because usually the link I wanted to activate has been put offscreen by the automatic scrolling.)
I tested this. It's happening to me, too, and I don't have that extension.

What you have selected (or not) seems to impact it, as I'm able to type this -- and this message has both periods and commas. Still annoying.
Alright, I can confirm the coma and period buttons are shortcuts to conversations and alerts, but it only happens when you're not in the text editor. I honestly probably never would have noticed on my own, because I rarely ever hit those buttons outside of commenting.
Ugh, did you have to 'upgrade' the forums to this? It looks awful.

I think I'm done with this site. *pukes*
Give them a bit of time, they had to do it for security reasons. They've been actively working to improve things since the implementation of the new forum and have been doing a remarkable job for being a small team with limited resources.
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I liked how it used to work with watching threads, where when you watch a thread, you're only alerted to new posts when either a) it's the OP making a big post, or b) you've read all the posts in the thread (or the thread hasn't had posts in 30 days so it's filed as full). Right now I'm getting watched alerts for replies on threads that I haven't clicked on.
^ what chastity said.

They auto-enabled an option.

Go to 'Preferences' > Scroll down to 'Alert Preferences' > Find the box for 'Generate new alerts without reading threads' > Make sure it isn't checked

If it is checked, then it'll automatically alert you to every thread *as if* every time you checked alerts you *actually* went and read the thread. When unchecked, alerts act the same as they previously did.
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I see that lists have been added, as have SV's expanded functions. Thank you.

If it's not too much bother, could we also get the Insert Special Characters back from the old one as well? Just so we don't need to go and copy paste from the unicode characters websites.
On mobile I am unable to see the number of pages without clicking into the thread. On desktop I am able to. I couldn't find a setting to fix, but I may be blind.
Is it just me or am I getting way more alerts for threads now that I would not have been getting before? Why am I getting notified when some random person who isn't the OP posted a comment now?
It used to be that if I ignore an alert from a watched thread, I'd stop getting alerts from that thread unless it's a new thread mark or an author post.

Now I get alerted about every reply on the thread. How do I fix this?
Is it just me or am I getting way more alerts for threads now that I would not have been getting before? Why am I getting notified when some random person who isn't the OP posted a comment now?

It used to be that if I ignore an alert from a watched thread, I'd stop getting alerts from that thread unless it's a new thread mark or an author post.

Now I get alerted about every reply on the thread. How do I fix this?

There's a new alert option for getting alerts for unread threads, you can disable it in your preferences.
Why in the world is there blank space on either side of the thread. I liked the old way where the posts stretched to fit.
Scroll down to the bottom. There's a "change width" button next to the style chooser.
Doesn't help, all it does is shrink it even more. Here's a comparison, there's a lot more wasted space.


EDIT: Apparently linking media is broken... Here.
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Doesn't help, all it does is shrink it even more. Here's a comparison, there's a lot more wasted space.


EDIT: Apparently linking media is broken... Here.
That's seems go be issue specific to you, it works fine for me (either no or very small margins depending on "Change width" setting).

And the embedding of pictures from imgur has been borked for quite some time now and have nothing to do with transition XF2.
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Can you specify the option? I'm not smart enough to figure it out.

Generate new alerts without reading threads
If enabled, clearing all "new post" alerts for a thread will allow new ones to generate, even if you haven't viewed the thread since your previous alert(s).

If disabled, new alerts will only be generated after you visit a thread.

Doesn't help, all it does is shrink it even more. Here's a comparison, there's a lot more wasted space.

Welp, that's all I've got. Also...embedding images from imgur doesn't work right. There's something you can do using the video embed tool but I'm not sure of all the details
That's seems go be issue specific to you, it works fine for me (either no or very small margins depending on "Change width" setting).

And the linking of pictures from imgur has been borked for quite some time now and have nothing to do with transition XF2.
Disappointing. I fucking hate wasted space.

Also thanks for letting me know about imgur.
For some reason I keep getting notified whenever someone posts in a thread not just when the op posts. Is this a new change because it's kind of annoying to constantly have notifications pop up.
For some reason I keep getting notified whenever someone posts in a thread not just when the op posts. Is this a new change because it's kind of annoying to constantly have notifications pop up.
That was always how it worked though?
For some reason I keep getting notified whenever someone posts in a thread not just when the op posts. Is this a new change because it's kind of annoying to constantly have notifications pop up.

I'm having pretty much the same issue. I'm getting more notifications than I used too. And while I don't mind them too much, it is a little annoying.
For some reason I keep getting notified whenever someone posts in a thread not just when the op posts. Is this a new change because it's kind of annoying to constantly have notifications pop up.
I'm having pretty much the same issue. I'm getting more notifications than I used too. And while I don't mind them too much, it is a little annoying.
Disable "Generate new alerts without reading threads" in alert preferences, it got accidentally enabled by default last night. It's has been answered multiple times in the last few pages of this thread (like half the post on this page alone are about that).

@Fryst maybe add a banner for this (something along the lines of ""Generate new alerts without reading threads" option was enabled for all users by accident last night, if you don't want it you can disable it in your alert preferences."), there's literally dozens of post in this thread about this issue.
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For some reason I keep getting notified whenever someone posts in a thread not just when the op posts. Is this a new change because it's kind of annoying to constantly have notifications pop up.
I'm having pretty much the same issue. I'm getting more notifications than I used too. And while I don't mind them too much, it is a little annoying.


They auto-enabled an option.

Go to 'Preferences' > 'Alert Preferences' > 'Generate new alerts without reading threads' > Make sure it isn't checked

If it is checked, then it'll automatically alert you to every thread *as if* every time you checked alerts you *actually* went and read the thread. When unchecked, alerts act the same as they previously did.

@Fryst maybe add a banner for this, there's literally dozens of post in this thread about this.

Hard agree. This is what, like the tenth time this page, even after being answered by multiple people at different times.

Needs to either be a banner, or set to be off by default imo.
Needs to either be a banner, or set to be off by default imo.
I think it's not the default so much that it was accidentally turned on for everyone, and admins can't just disable without also disabling it for people who actually had it on before.
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Another thing from the update that seems to be in XF2, since I also recall it being incredibly aggravating for me when SB switched: Alerts don't link to the post, exactly. Or at least not the same way Threadmarks do.

As an example:

Current Alerts:

Current Threadmarks:

Note that last bit, which is the issue with the first two. The "?post=8377723" between the page number and "#post-8377723" is unnecessary, and really kind of irritating in terms of favoriting/bookmarking pages.

Can we get rid of that, at all?

Also clicking on the date at the bottom of a threadmark:
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