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You Won An Archive.


No one remembers who I am anymore.
Mar 10, 2013
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You Won A Mansion. And Nothing got done.

If the words Maid, Resource Management, Monster hunting, Humor, and/or being silly catch your attention then I have a game for you. But first a little plot.


On the date this letter to you was postmarked you were entered into a sweepstakes drawing with the grand prize of your very own MANSION. Which you* won! Since this is a limited time offer, you should come to collect the deed to the mansion on the date printed below. What's that? Why should I believe some letter printed on low grade printer paper by the thousands you say? Let me tell you about the mansion!

The mansion you won has no fewer than TWELVE (12) bedrooms and NINE (bathrooms)! That's enough to house four whole families, or a whole Mormon family. The mansion has two separate dining rooms and adjoining kitchens as well as a grand dining room--or ballroom if you or your daughter is the princess type. Add in an observatory and a library and you're set for all the entertainment you could want short of wi-fi internet.

In order to help facilitate the transfer of ownership, please fill out the attached questionaire and present it upon arrival.

Please make your way to the location marked on the map on the day noted, and wait outside the gate for our representative.
P.S. Ignore any glowing markings on that gate, they're just for...decoration, let's go with that.

*You and whoever else shows up to claim the oversized house

What!... Is your name?

WHAT!... is your favorite Color

WHAT!!!!....is the airspeed of a unladen swallow?"

What is your date of origin?

Tell us about your pitiful human life

IF you were playing a game what would you stat yourself with using the three stats below. You have 10 points

What do you think of maids?

What do you think of a cold unfeeling bastard of a butler that doesn't believe the maid's plan will work and will totally owe the maid five bucks.

Do you believe in life after love?

We're starting to run out of questions what do you think of that?

Have fun :p Because I sure will.
Demjou: Nick
Moronis: Mr. Crowley What goes on in your head, Mr. Crowley
Kiven: Oreo Fiend

Fresh Meat

Later I may feel in more fresh meat.

Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

After confirming that the date stated on the note is today, a quick check of the map and a bit of fiddling with my phones GPS, and I'm off to see this mystery mansion. A somewhat long drive later, I pull up outside what appears to be a rather worn down gate, though it still seems more then sturdy enough to stand up to any impact I could give it. Several minutes of examination and experimentation later, and I resign myself to waiting, having found no way to open the gate from this side, and not wanting to bother trying to climb the wall. I head back to my car, figuring if I have to wait, I might as well do it in A/C and enjoying some music.

08-21-2012, 11:49 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Sir Blade of Masters does a little stalking to check what sort of outfit would be most fitting for this trip. The Monty Python motif of the questionaire makes him think he should bring a suit of armor, but the clear tension between the staff makes him thing he should go dressed as a french maid outfit. Then there was the omnipotent feeling, perhaps an alien suit?

After an hour of work, he attaches a breastplate to the maid uniform and wears the alien suit underneath. Totally pimping.

08-21-2012, 11:58 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Kiven packs his clothes and does a few rounds of his house. Not that it really matters. He's won a mansion! Well... he's sharing, but HE WON A MANSION. At least, that's what the flyer said. Aw, who cares? Mansion! He loads everything (Which actually isn't that much, just a bag of clothes, a leather briefcase full of science equipment, and a backpack full of Oreos) into his small car and drives off. His mind is already wandering... Oh boy, new friends, lots of room, places to experiment, I heard there are maids and butlers, and there's probably a swimming pool. As he heads down the road, his thoughts eventually settle into the small puddle of 'What sorts of new things will happen there?'

08-21-2012, 11:58 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Not wanting to be left in last place AGAIN, Luigi completely ignores (taking a quick look at a scrap of paper,) "Nick" and makes his own entrance.

08-22-2012, 12:46 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Not wanting to be left in last place AGAIN, Luigi completely ignores (taking a quick look at a scrap of paper,) "Nick" and makes his own entrance.
A man with gleeming glasses stops you before you head too far.

"You have to wait for the others for now."

He smiles

08-22-2012, 01:28 AM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by Latewave View Post
"You have to wait for the others for now."
"W-wait for the others? T-t-that means I'm FIRST? WAHOOOOOOOO!"
Luigi gets so excited he starts jumping up and down and flapping his arms and breakdancing...!

How embarrassing... it's a good thing no-one is around to see this.

Oh wait.

08-22-2012, 02:13 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.


This guy walks up behind Luigi. He claims to be Sir Blade of Masters.

...his outfit is kindof scaring everyone.

08-22-2012, 02:30 AM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Luigi stops his prancing about and looks at (a scrap of paper,) "Sir Blade of Masters."

After a long contemplative period of looking the new arrival up and down, Luigi raises his brow up an inch and asks a question, "Are you here to be my stunt double?"

08-22-2012, 02:38 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"No, I'm here because I won a mansion."


"Its my property, I am allowed to dress however I like."

08-22-2012, 02:49 AM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"Oh, did you read the fine print? You're not the only won!"

(...Awkward silence as he remembers that pun does not translate into speech well,) Luigi pretends to cough, "So, um, just between you and me, I'm totally down with crossdressing, yeah."

He looks around nervously.

08-22-2012, 06:40 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

It is the day that Jeremiah Crowley can finally escape this stinky hovel he'd been forced to shelter in since his unfortunate escapade involving the mayor's son. In preparation, he packs all that he owns. A few suits, some food, and a flashlight. His scrap with that brat has drained his resources I am afraid.

Walking towards the mansion in a well fitted blue suit, Jeremiah Crowley surveys those around him and speaks.
"Might I inquire as to what you are all doing here on this day?"

08-22-2012, 08:56 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Kiven pulls up in front of the mansion and gets out of his car. 'So these are the others." he thinks. He jogs up to the others with a dopey grin on his face. "Hey guys and uh..." he gazes at Sir Blade of Masters. "Well anyway. So I guess you all won the mansion too! That's great!" He excitedly pulls out an Oreo and goes to stand next to the others at the mansion's entrance.

Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Relaxing in my car, I've spent the last hour watching as various people arrive, and with each one I feel a slight unease growing in my gut. The first one to arrive after me seems fairly normal, if a bit obsessed with green. The second though...I don't even want to know what kind of odd mind would go out in public in that outfit...assuming it actually IS a outfit. The third arrives on foot in a rather nice suit, but I can't help feeling like he's hiding or running from something. The last one is the only one that seems to have the sense to drive here, and save for the smile that makes him seem slightly drugged, he seems normal.

I exit and lock my car, joining the rest of the group with silent apprehension as I realize 'Oh god. I'm actually one of the most normal people here. This won't end well'

08-22-2012, 11:54 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

All of the prospective masters have reached the gate. The Glasses wearing man leads them in past the tunnel but stops before he gets too far.

"Now let me introduce myself, I am the butler for this Mansion."

A Wild MEIDO Approaches.



The Maid looks at the Butler, "Told you it would work. You owe me five bucks."

"Fine, Fine, I didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to answer that pamplet but here we are. Five new masters."

The Maid "We have six masters, you should pay me five bucks for each"

"Wrong, We have five masters and a new maid"


"Obviously the alien maid is applying for the maid position. It's obvious. We need a better one anyways"

"You saying I'm a bad maid?"

"No, I'm saying with a new one you can be even lazier"

Suddenly a giant flying chicken attacks the Maid. The Butler ignores it completely and speaks.

"Anyways, welcome to the mansion. We currently have twelve bedrooms, five of which have an attached bathroom. There are nine bathrooms not counting the ones that are attached to the bedrooms. There are several on each floor."

"As for the other rooms, we have two kitchens one of which is on the second floor and the larger on the First, two dining rooms which are attached to the kitchens, a pantry and a grand dining hall on the first floor. The library is on on the third floor and covers an unusually large number of subjects for one of it's size, the observatory is on the roof; the telescope is rather powerful.

"Some of the more... unusual locations include our old armory and forge, A room that can only be described as Enchanting, along with the Infirmary and Old Training hall, all on the first floor."

"On the second floor, we have the Main Office, Treasury, Security Center, and The Mirror Room. Down in the basement is mostly storage and utilitys such as the main furnace, central coolant control, and the waterworks. While out back we have a farm for growing various foods and livestock. We would like to suggest however that you stay away from the graveyard for the time being."

He turns to face the Maid, "Finish it off, it's squaking is giving me a headache."

The Maid looks down at the steel chair in her hands, "But I was having fun."

"Have fun later."

The Butler looks at the assembled group "Any Questions?"

08-23-2012, 12:04 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"If I say I'm responding to the letter and apply for the maid position simultaneously will I get paid for my stay here?"

08-23-2012, 12:10 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"If I say I'm responding to the letter and apply for the maid position simultaneously will I get paid for my stay here?"
Suddenly the Pamplet in your hand is replaced with a filled out application that has all of your details on it.

"I see no letter, I do see an application for the maid position however."

08-23-2012, 12:11 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"Will you lead me to the library? Can I have a chicken as a pet? Can he stay in my room?"

08-23-2012, 12:12 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
"Will you lead me to the library? Can I have a chicken as a pet? Can he stay in my room?"
"In order, Eventually, yes you can, and no."

08-23-2012, 12:15 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"Okay, so we all "won" a mansion, which is apparently more then big enough for all of us and then some."

I stare him dead in the eye, though behind him I notice the bird seems to be trying to...tap out?

"What's the catch?"

08-23-2012, 12:16 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"This will be suitable. I shall assume one of the rooms without a bathroom because that gives me time to clean and stuff on midnight bathroom stops."

08-23-2012, 12:20 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"Okay, so we all "won" a mansion, which is apparently more then big enough for all of us and then some."

I stare him dead in the eye, though behind him I notice the bird seems to be trying to...tap out?

"What's the catch?"
The Butler is smiling.

"The Catch is rather simple really. It needs to be fixed up slightly."

"However if you accept we have some gifts."

The Butler's glasses seem to be glowing?

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"This will be suitable. I shall assume one of the rooms without a bathroom because that gives me time to clean and shit on midnight bathroom stops."
The Butler simply cackles a bit.

08-23-2012, 12:22 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"...And how much is... slightly"

08-23-2012, 12:25 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"...And how much is... slightly"
"It just needs some repairs."

08-23-2012, 12:31 AM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"Whoa whoa whoa, repairs? I'm your man right here! Luigi, certified plumber and part-time mechanic!"

"So what are we fixing first?"

08-23-2012, 12:34 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"...Fine. Lead on. I got nothing better to do this year."

I glance behind me at the two who have been almost completely silent so far.

"Any of you guys coming along, or are me and Luigi gonna get to share with Maid Nut and the Oreo Chicken over there?"

08-23-2012, 12:37 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
"Whoa whoa whoa, repairs? I'm your man right here! Luigi, certified plumber and part-time mechanic!"

"So what are we fixing first?"
"Well the Main Bathroom does need some plumbing repairs."

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"...Fine. Lead on. I got nothing better to do this year."

I glance behind me at the two who have been almost completely silent so far.

"Any of you guys coming along, or are me and Luigi gonna get to share with Maid Nut and the Oreo Chicken over there?"
The Butler's smile at your acceptance of the role of master is eerie.

08-23-2012, 12:40 AM
The Sovereign Slayer
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

What!... Is your name?
Midnight Sparkle!!
WHAT!... is your favorite Color
Green!! No Brown!! No Green!! No Both!!
WHAT!!!!....is the airspeed of a unladen swallow?"
Depends, European or African?
What is your date of origin?
Tell us about your pitiful human life
Im a Pony, Silly!!
IF you were playing a game what would you stat yourself with using the three stats below. You have 10 points
STR : 2
SPD : 4
INT : 4

What do you think of maids?
What do you think of a cold unfeeling bastard of a butler that doesn't believe the maid's plan will work and will totally owe the maid five bucks.
Erm... No.
Do you believe in life after love?
We're starting to run out of questions what do you think of that?

08-23-2012, 12:47 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

I don't have words. You have literally hit me with a verbal brick. I don't understand. What?

08-23-2012, 12:55 AM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by Latewave View Post
"Well the Main Bathroom does need some plumbing repairs."
"Main Bathroom, got it! Do you have a map anywhere? Some schematics would help too."

Luigi seems really eager to do something.

Then again maybe 'eager' is the wrong word... perhaps 'anxious' is more accurate.

08-23-2012, 01:04 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
"Main Bathroom, got it! Do you have a map anywhere? Some schematics would help too."

Luigi seems really eager to do something.

Then again maybe 'eager' is the wrong word... perhaps 'anxious' is more accurate.
"It's much easier to show you."

08-23-2012, 01:09 AM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"Lead the way!"

He doesn't seem to care who's leading, so long as it's not himself.

08-23-2012, 06:40 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"I have one question. What caused these damages exactly? I'd like to know a bit more about what I'm leaping into. Of course, if telling me would exclude me from this mansion I now co-own, I'll just jump in without knowing." Crowley stated, getting ready to follow Luigi.

08-23-2012, 08:58 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"Well I'm ready to go in too. And how come I can't have a chicken in my room?" Kiven gaze starts to wander and he walks over to the maid and pets the chicken.

08-23-2012, 11:09 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

On second thought, I think you should find a different player for my slot. I don't know if I'll have enough time for this.

08-23-2012, 11:20 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"I have one question. What caused these damages exactly? I'd like to know a bit more about what I'm leaping into. Of course, if telling me would exclude me from this mansion I now co-own, I'll just jump in without knowing." Crowley stated, getting ready to follow Luigi.
"I could tell you but, some of you would just repress it. One of you thinks that a giant monster chicken is something you pet after all. Also, we're having chicken for lunch. Now I have a question. You've all accepted am I right?"

08-23-2012, 11:24 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"But good sir, I am but a simple maid aplicant. It is you who must accept me."

"Also I am taking this chicken's feathers for a spare duster. I hope that is OK."

08-23-2012, 11:32 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"But good sir, I am but a simple maid aplicant. It is you who must accept me."

"Also I am taking this chicken's feathers for a spare duster. I hope that is OK."
"Really? Then the first master beating us nearly to death five thousand years ago was not the accepted way to break in new servants?" And go ahead.

Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"Huh? I don't... think so." Kiven looks at the chicken. "So this is like... a mutant chicken? And you're dead?"

08-23-2012, 02:23 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
"Huh? I don't... think so." Kiven looks at the chicken. "So this is like... a mutant chicken? And you're dead?"
"Not exactly, and not in the least."

08-23-2012, 02:26 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"I accepted, yes. That is why I am here. Why do you ask?" Crowley said.

08-23-2012, 02:37 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by Latewave View Post
And go ahead.
Sir Blade of Masters puts his 5 points in strength into snapping the Monster Chicken's neck with the steel chair, then dragging it off to the kitchens.

08-23-2012, 02:51 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

The Butler Smiles.

"Finally. To our new masters we have two gifts for each of you."

He hands a book to Mr. Crowley, a weird looking Yoyo to Kiven, a Vacuum to Luigi, and finally a weird glove and ball thing to Nick.

"The second gift is at the mansion itself. Let's go. I almost forgot. Oy Give the new maid The Mop."

"The Mop?"

"THE Mop."

The Maid reaches behind her back and pulls out a mop taller then she is and hands it to the new maid.

08-23-2012, 03:04 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"I take this instrument of cleaning power with great pride."

Sir Masters equips the mop to his general weapons/tools slot and proceeds to carry the chicken (corpse?) to the mansion.

08-23-2012, 03:10 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Keeping a eye on the one I've dubbed Maid Nut, I absentmindedly examine the glove and ball. Aside from the golden circle on the palm, and what seem to be matching markings on the ball, it seems to be a normal leather glove, if one of quality I'm not used to seeing.

I slip it on, even as I ask the butler what exactly these are for.

Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Kiven's jaw drops at the death of the chicken. He sadly trudges into the house, fiddling with his yo-yo on the way there.

Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Walking towards the mansion with stoic grace, Jeremiah Crowley examines the book as best he can.

08-23-2012, 06:21 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Luigi equips the vacuum and waits for the butler's lead. "Seems pretty routine so far. No ghosts, right? ...Right?"

08-23-2012, 06:55 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

The Butler's smile fades.

Several mutant rabbits appear in the way.

"Tch, we have intruders. I had hoped to show this off later but, here's a good as time as any."

The Butler snaps his fingers.

The gifts transform.

The Vacuum shifts into a more backpackish form. The Book has a glowing symbol appear on the front. The symbols on the glove and ball fill in and the Yoyo glows with inner power.



The Book
Slow type
Magic +2
Scan lvl 2
Burn lvl 2

Speedy type
Attack + 3
Mass manipulation

Normal Type
Spd +1
Attack +2
Suction lvl 1

Mageball and Glove
Speedy type
Attack + 2
Telekinesis lvl 1

08-23-2012, 07:28 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"Well now, this is rather unfortunate. I believe I'll analyze these things for some sort of weakness." Crowley says as he straightens his tie and opens the book to use Scan LVL 2.

08-23-2012, 07:29 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

The Mop does not need to shift because The Mop already has all the power!

Sir Blade of Masters puts down the (dead?) chicken and golfs a rabbit off the property. No vermin allowed in the mansion!

08-23-2012, 07:33 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"Telekinesis eh"

I try out the TK, tossing one of the rabbits high into the sky. As it returns to earth a minute or so later, all I can think is 'Fuck. Yes.'

08-23-2012, 07:43 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Well now, this is rather unfortunate. I believe I'll analyze these things for some sort of weakness." Crowley says as he straightens his tie and opens the book to use Scan LVL 2.
Mammal beast
Strength Earth
Weakness Fire
Tastes good with Leeks and some cheese.
Native to woodlands.
Lesser Soul.
Known to attempt to attack from underground

08-23-2012, 07:46 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Luigi leaps into action! Literally! Then he falls back down on a rabbit with all his plumber weight. Squish! 100 points!

08-23-2012, 08:12 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"Well well. Weak to my oldest comrade, fire. Hmmf. This should be most interesting." Crowley states with his most dastardly smirk, flipping through the book in preparation to cast Burn LVL 2 on the nearest mutant rabbit thing.

08-23-2012, 08:57 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Kiven grins. "Ooh. This looks fun." He lengthens the yo-yo string and swings it and smacks a rabbit thing. Once on top on the mutant, he increases the mass of the yo-yo enough to crush the rabbit.

08-23-2012, 11:28 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Since I'm waiting on Crowley to roast his rabbit I should more then likely list out your current resources for something to do.

X1 Common soul
X4 Lesser souls
Chicken Meat
Rabbit Haunch

Also if you feel like bugging me. I do have an IRC for this :p. #YouWonAHouse at irc.lunarnet.org:6667

08-23-2012, 11:38 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Oh, I thought you were gonna just have him auto cast it on a rabbit. My bad.

Crowley mumbles something vague and casts Burn 2 on a rabbit.

08-24-2012, 12:06 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Oh, I thought you were gonna just have him auto cast it on a rabbit. My bad.

Crowley mumbles something vague and casts Burn 2 on a rabbit.
Nah I don't presume to take an action for someone. But anyways.

The Butler finally takes you the rest of the way to the mansion.

You finally see the Mansion. It's totaled.

Because you guys have finally managed to get to the house you finally get the dun dun dun. House Repair chart. It shows what's damaged and to what degree.

Completely destroyed
Enchanting Room
Central Coolant
Mirror Room
Security Center
Alchemy Room

Somewhat Wrecked
Grand Dining Room
Dining room medium
The Main Bathroom
The Main Bedroom

Main Kitchen
Training Room

Lightly smashed
Secondary Kitchen
Food Pantry and Storage

Secondary buildings

Extremely long way to go.

Wow that's a lot of work to do. Glad I'm not the one fixing it.

08-24-2012, 12:09 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.


Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

I turn to the butler as the strange maid man runs off and ask "Does he actually know where it is? Cause it seems like he just ran off in a random direction to me."

"Taking a look at the armory is a good idea though, mind showing the way?"

08-24-2012, 12:13 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Kiven follows THE ARMORMAID to the armory to grab a helmet or something. Then he scurries off to the Library to check out the damage.

08-24-2012, 12:19 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

The Butler leads the way for anyone that wants to come.

The maid drags off all of the various dead monsters that are going to end up as food.

"I'm going to need this."

The maid rips something glowing out of the chickens body and goes towards the kitchen.

08-24-2012, 12:29 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Crowley stays with the Butler, hoping to see just what might lie in this armory.

08-24-2012, 12:58 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Kiven follows the Butler to the Armory and asks him some questions. "Is there a helmet there? Will you lead me to the Library? Is there a map? Do we really have no running water? How important is the main kitchen?"

08-24-2012, 01:02 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven follows the Butler to the Armory and asks him some questions. "Is there a helmet there? Will you lead me to the Library? Is there a map? Do we really have no running water? How important is the main kitchen?"
"There are a couple helmets, after I show them to the armory, yes there is a map, No I do not have the map, we techinically have running water, and decently important."

08-24-2012, 01:33 AM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Luigi departs to take care of the main bathroom. Little does he know how much trouble this is going to give him...

He arrives at what he presumes to be the main bathroom. It's a real mess. He checks the state of the piping first.

08-24-2012, 06:07 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

The Butler shows off the Armory.

You see several swords, knives, some armor, and various other things that are in a armory. You also see a weird fist ax duck sorta thing, but the Butler warns you to not touch it.

He also points out the effect of the armory by grabbing a random sword and dropping it. The Sword returns to it's proper place.

Besides the Fist Ax Duck, you have free run to play with anything in here.


The Master Bathroom is a mess. There is scrap metal everywhere, the plumbing is all broken, and rubble is covering the floor. It's a good thing you have a magic vacuum.

The Maid blink blinks

She forgot to gift the last gift.

She looks around if anyone can see her and snaps her fingers.


Minion Summon LVL 1
Summon Five minions to do whatever

Warp Inventory
A bag that lets you pull stuff out of the mansion. Works the other way around too.

08-24-2012, 06:19 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Sir Blades samles the blades, and also grabs a new cuirass.

He then proceeds to dust everything... except the fist axe duck. He leaves it alone.

08-24-2012, 06:21 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Crowley looks through for any sort of light armor he could wear under his suit. Because while the man is stoic, he does love looking good.

08-24-2012, 06:29 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Kiven grabs a helmet and puts it on his head, then yanks on the butler's sleeve. "Hey c'mon. Let's go to the library. You said we could."

08-24-2012, 06:29 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

I grin as I start looking around the armory, with a special focus on what seems to be a set of knives. A short examination later and I happily start attaching them, sheaths and all, to various sections of my body, before moving over to the armor and grabbing a decent looking set of leather armor and a cloak.

Heading off to put said armor on, I can't help but think that my friends would kill me if they could see all these new toys.

Walking out fully setup, I head to find a bedroom to claim, while trying to figure out what this bag that appeared is for.

08-24-2012, 06:36 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

The Butler leads Kiven off to the Library.

Whoa it's a wreck.

Rubble everywhere. Books all over the floor. Shattered bookcases.

Maybe you should try out your new minions and have them clean up the place?

What do I know thou?

08-24-2012, 06:41 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Kiven tries out the summon spell and tells the minions to clean up the rubble and to find unbroken book shelves to put the books on. He then starts picking up books and putting them into a pile.

08-24-2012, 06:42 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

First thing's first, Luigi vacuums up all the rubble and scrap metal from the area. He opens the trash compartment of the vacuum and dumps all the stuff into the WARP BAG, it'll probably come in handy later. After spending the rest of his time moving pipes and adjusting screws the main bathroom is fixed! ...kind of.

Most of the cosmetic bits are missing and there's nowhere to sit but IN THEORY it should be functional, if incredibly uncomfortable. Except the bathtub, that's gonna need to be completely replaced. Hopefully no-one is dumb enough to take a shower without at least standing in bucket or something first, otherwise we're going to have some flooding issues.

Now to test the thing. Luigi, brave explorer that he is, uses the toilet as warp pipe! Where he goes no-one knows!

(Except the GM. Send him wherever you want, as long as it's not miles away from here. I assume the toilets should lead to the waterworks but go ahead and mess me up if you want.)

08-24-2012, 06:53 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Seeing a nice bit of leather armor sitting on a rack, Crowley analyzes it, nods his head, and places it in the warp bag for later when he finds a changing room. Afterwards, he heads off in the direction Kiven and the Butler went.

08-24-2012, 07:03 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Walking through the mansion, I familarize myself with the layout as I search for a bedroom. Reaching one door that seems to be a bit bigger then the rest, I open it to find a utterly massive room covered in rubble and smashed furniture, with part of the roof caved in and allowing exposure to the elements. Just a simple glance tells me that even with those minions it would take days if not weeks to fully repair this room by hand. I shut the door and continue my search, eventually finding one in a very minor state of neglect and disrepair, I set my stuff down and have the minions get to work on the minor repairs and cleaning needed while I head back to take a closer look at that one room.

If it's as big as it seems, I might have my personal pet project for the next few weeks.

08-24-2012, 07:07 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Luigi ends up in the Waterworks. An interesting area full of weird waterfalls, Clockwork, pipes, and odd broken magic things. Another room full of rubble.

Is the water flowing up? I think something is broken here besides the obvious.

08-24-2012, 07:14 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Assumig the dusting is finished (cause I apparently dont get results for my actions), Sir Blade will smith feathers onto a claymore to create the Buster Duster. He then grabs tools and heads for the Enchanting Room.

08-24-2012, 07:24 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Assumig the dusting is finished (cause I apparently dont get results for my actions), Sir Blade will smith feathers onto a claymore to create the Buster Duster. He then grabs tools and heads for the Enchanting Room.
/me shrugs.

+ 2 to dusting then? Also the Forge and Enchanting rooms are busted. In a different way then other rooms. But in the same kinda way as the Waterworks.

08-24-2012, 07:32 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

The first thing to do in fixing enchanted rubble piles is MORE DUSTING!

Then, when all the rubble is nice and clean, we summon the minions to start hauling the pieces to aother part of the mansion to be reassemled. Extra care is taken to uncover and touch as many broken enchanting circles as possible because they are bound to give Sir Blade superpowers. Like spiderman!

08-24-2012, 08:06 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
The first thing to do in fixing enchanted rubble piles is MORE DUSTING!

Then, when all the rubble is nice and clean, we summon the minions to start hauling the pieces to aother part of the mansion to be reassemled. Extra care is taken to uncover and touch as many broken enchanting circles as possible because they are bound to give Sir Blade superpowers. Like spiderman!
Or Cancer. Can't forget the cancer.

Most of the stuff in the enchanting room is smashed beyond repair.

What? It's no fun if everything can be repaired with light effort after all.

Don't worry you get to find out what happened at Dinner. ;p

08-24-2012, 08:19 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Kiven wipes his hands on his jeans and admires his handiwork in the library. He then peeks his head out of the library door and wanders down the hallway and heads into the first door he comes across.

08-24-2012, 08:28 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Kiven has wandered into a bathroom. It's lightly broken. Is that a frog suit in the corner?

08-24-2012, 08:41 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Crowley walks to the Treasury, hoping to inspect the damages and with any luck repair them.

Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

The Treasury roof is caved in. This is one of the jobs I'd recommend minions for. Wouldn't want a player to get squished accidently.

08-24-2012, 09:11 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

"Well that's unfortunate. Suppose I should get the help to assist with this endeavor." Crowley says, straightening his tie and snapping his fingers to summon minions.

08-24-2012, 09:14 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Kiven cleans up the bathroom to the best of his current ability and keeps wandering, going into another random room.

08-24-2012, 09:21 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

You walk into the Forge. Apparently someone broke the laws of physics because you're walking on the roof. Maybe you should leave this room for now?

08-24-2012, 09:25 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Kiven slowly backs out of the room and goes back to fixing the library. After yo-yoing for a minute to see what happens.

08-24-2012, 10:40 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Slogging through the waterworks, Luigi discovers a schematic!

08-25-2012, 12:13 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

I receive a notice that the minions are done as I leave the large room. My investigation has shown that it would be far too much effort to fix and repair right now, and I've decided to put my labor towards fixing up more useful areas of the house. Heading off to the training room to see if it's in good enough shape to play with my new knives, only to find a large amount of rubble strewn about the room amongst the smashed remains of various training aids.

I sigh as I signal the minions to start clearing the rubble as I start going through what's left of the equipment hoping I can salvage some of it.

08-25-2012, 06:17 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Oh well,the stuff is trashed. At least we can start rebuilding the rooms, right?

Request the minions to retrieve building materials from wherever they're being stored and start building the walls and roof back up.

The seemingly useless enchanting circle pieces are thrown in a pile outside the hall. Sir Masters fails to realize they have turned his alien suit into her real skin. One of the minions does, however, and puts a caution sign on the pile.

08-25-2012, 07:43 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Details inside.

Crowley merely looks on with a look of mild amusement as the minions take what appears to be a giant log and use it to prop the collapsed ceiling into something vaguely stable. "That's one method to repair a broken roof, I suppose."

08-25-2012, 06:16 PM
You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

The Maid has finished fixing the kitchen using the Chicken's soul. All of the knives and various other odds and ends are moving on there own now. Cleaning, Processing and cooking the monsters. Soon Lunch will be ready.

08-25-2012, 06:30 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

08-25-2012, 06:36 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post

08-25-2012, 10:00 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Miss Blade of Masters attempts to use the soul of the mutant bunny to patch up the finished restructured walls to be good as new.

This should move the room from completely destroyed to in serious need of repair, or better.

She then proceeds to the main kitchen to try and patch that area up.

08-25-2012, 10:12 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Crowley walks to the training room and puts a lesser soul to use to try and fix the place up, hopefully getting into a usable condition.

08-25-2012, 10:48 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Kiven uses a lesser soul to fix up the rest of the library, then pulls out a book and random and starts reading.

08-26-2012, 03:03 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

I grin at Crowley as I use my handy telekinesis to move the last of the rubble into a pile in the corner for the minions to dispose of, looking around after ceasing use of my artifact. The room still looks a bit worn down, though it's more of a lived in feel now then the something blew up here feel of before. Unfortunately, the only equipment I was able to salvage was some very basic targets for what seems to be archery, and a couple of training dummies for use with swords and similar sized weapons, leaving the room fixed but near empty.

Thanking my fellow resident for the help, I move on next door to the attached infirmary...or is it a mini hospital? Either way, the medical purpose of the room is obvious, even if the equipment is destroyed beyond repair. Directing the minions to the rubble as usual, I pull out what seems to be our last soul, and after a bit of thought, start using it to ensure the walls, ceiling, and floor are as good as new. After all, no good having a room for healing if the roof crashes down on people.

08-26-2012, 04:40 AM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Welp, a schematic is a schematic, no matter how blurry. Time to doodle on it in hopes of mapping the current state of things.
This place is dangerous, the piping is broken, there's unstable beams everywhere, and most of this stuff doesn't even resemble anything useful.

Luigi decides now would be a great time to call upon some help! Using his Summon Minions spell he conjures up... five gloombas. Oh wow, talk about bad luck, these guys can't even hold things. Luigi orders them to patrol back and forth in case there's monsters around or something. In the meantime he occupies himself trying to find a way out without collapsing the house.

Once he gets out of here he's gonna have to break the bad news to everyone that none of toilets are going to work in these conditions...

08-26-2012, 09:06 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

"You are most welcome." Crowley states with a nod, before heading off to the farm to inspect the damages.

08-26-2012, 01:51 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Blade of Masters attempts to use the soul of the mutant bunny to patch up the finished restructured walls to be good as new.

This should move the room from completely destroyed to in serious need of repair, or better.

She then proceeds to the main kitchen to try and patch that area up.
Wow, feeding a lesser soul to a room that badly damaged. It's like a putting a drop of water in a empty pool. Yeah, you're gonna have to get something stronger and feed it's soul to it.

You open the door to the Main Kitchen. Knives home in towards you. You quickly shut the door. Wow. Yeah I don't recommend going in there right now.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley walks to the training room and puts a lesser soul to use to try and fix the place up, hopefully getting into a usable condition.
Good choice of soul. While not enough to fill the room it's still got you half way done.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven uses a lesser soul to fix up the rest of the library, then pulls out a book and random and starts reading.
The way the Maid is making strangling motions with her hands has you feeling like you wasted a soul on something that's rather easy to fix. But hey at least you have books right?

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I grin at Crowley as I use my handy telekinesis to move the last of the rubble into a pile in the corner for the minions to dispose of, looking around after ceasing use of my artifact. The room still looks a bit worn down, though it's more of a lived in feel now then the something blew up here feel of before. Unfortunately, the only equipment I was able to salvage was some very basic targets for what seems to be archery, and a couple of training dummies for use with swords and similar sized weapons, leaving the room fixed but near empty.

Thanking my fellow resident for the help, I move on next door to the attached infirmary...or is it a mini hospital? Either way, the medical purpose of the room is obvious, even if the equipment is destroyed beyond repair. Directing the minions to the rubble as usual, I pull out what seems to be our last soul, and after a bit of thought, start using it to ensure the walls, ceiling, and floor are as good as new. After all, no good having a room for healing if the roof crashes down on people.
Another good choice. The soul creates some quick patches for this room. You want access to the magic in here thou you'll need to feed it a bit more, maybe if you have had one more soul? Why do you hear a scream of rage from the Maid? It's almost if she wants to murder someone. Well at least it's not you right?

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Welp, a schematic is a schematic, no matter how blurry. Time to doodle on it in hopes of mapping the current state of things.
This place is dangerous, the piping is broken, there's unstable beams everywhere, and most of this stuff doesn't even resemble anything useful.

Luigi decides now would be a great time to call upon some help! Using his Summon Minions spell he conjures up... five gloombas. Oh wow, talk about bad luck, these guys can't even hold things. Luigi orders them to patrol back and forth in case there's monsters around or something. In the meantime he occupies himself trying to find a way out without collapsing the house.

Once he gets out of here he's gonna have to break the bad news to everyone that none of toilets are going to work in these conditions...
Luigi you are my favorite. So much. You spot a door leading to the rest of the basement. Do you dare going in or do you try to get out using the pipes?
Hey look something shiny? Maybe you should pick it up?

Room Library is now fixed
The Training room and Infirmary are now Half fixed

Hmm not bad? v('-')v

08-26-2012, 02:00 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Entering the Farm, Crowley looks around with a look of mild shock at the carnage. From what he can see and his poor knowledge of agriculture, the farm is quite beyond his current ability to repair. So instead, Crowley shrugs and goes off in search of something he can hopefully fight for a soul to finish up repairs on the training room.

08-26-2012, 02:12 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

You walk to the edge of the property looking for something to fight. Well you see something weird. It seems that there is the weird barrier in the ground. But it looks like it was large before. Hmm. Well you walk to the other side of it and find well something to fight. It's a Wolf? Well it looks like one. But I didn't think they were blue or had little whirlwinds around there legs.


08-26-2012, 02:15 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

"Ah, now here is what appears to be a lively specimen." Crowley smirks, casting Scan LVL 2 to get a better idea of just what this thing is before making any hasty decisions.

08-26-2012, 02:23 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Wolf Beast
Strong Fire
Weak Water
Attribute Wind
Common Soul
Native to plains? What's one doing around here.
Known for fast movements.
Tame able

08-26-2012, 02:49 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Sighing as the seemingly automated repairs slow down and cease, I recall the minions and leave the infirmary clear if still in somewhat obvious need of repair.

Several minutes later I exit the mansion to take a look around the grounds and decide to see just how far out the grounds go. Making my way through the treeline, I shiver slightly as a small chill runs up and down my spine.

08-26-2012, 02:56 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Sighing as the seemingly automated repairs slow down and cease, I recall the minions and leave the infirmary clear if still in somewhat obvious need of repair.

Several minutes later I exit the mansion to take a look around the grounds and decide to see just how far out the grounds go. Making my way through the treeline, I shiver slightly as a small chill runs up and down my spine.
Tiny eyes are staring at you. You hear yipping?

Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

I pause as I hear a faint noise coming from somewhere nearby. Taking a moment to try and figure out where it's coming from I start moving in a attempt to get closer to and find the source of the noise.

08-26-2012, 02:59 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Suddenly you are attacked and defeated by puppies. Blue and red mixed puppies that are gnawing on you.

They demand that you hand over all of the yummys.

Hey look there is Mr. Crowley and is that two wolves?.

08-26-2012, 03:12 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

I grin at the mass of canines and happy start pulling out some bones and meat for them.

08-26-2012, 03:17 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I grin at the mass of canines and happy start pulling out some bones and meat for them.
You get Mass of affectionate puppies. And the Red wolf walks over and nudges you. Hey it seems that these guys aren't aggressive. Wonder why?

08-26-2012, 03:20 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Trying and failing to remove the smile from my face I start scratching and petting the mass of puppies. Eventually I manage to extricate myself from the puppies and start examining the wolf that I can only assume is one of the parents.

08-26-2012, 03:34 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Trying and failing to remove the smile from my face I start scratching and petting the mass of puppies. Eventually I manage to extricate myself from the puppies and start examining the wolf that I can only assume is one of the parents.
You spot a collar. It has a nametag that says Garm and it's from the Mansion Kennel. Wait? This place has a Kennel?

08-26-2012, 03:38 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

The massive grin finally fades from my face as I stand up, but my good mood is rather obvious to see. Looking around at the group of canines, I decide that Garm is obviously smarter then they look and ask them to show me the way to the kennel.

08-26-2012, 03:43 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

The Garm shows you the way to the Kennel. Wow. It's rather big and rather trashed. It seems this place had more then these two once. And apparently the lead puppy is stalking you. I think it likes you.

08-26-2012, 03:44 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Shrugging, figuring the wolf must be someone's pet or something, Crowley pulls out any of the remaining food stuffs in the bag and offers it to the Sirius.

08-26-2012, 03:49 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

I sigh as I take in the utterly trashed state of the building, knowing that there's no way it could be fixed by what I have access to. I turn around and head back to the remainder of the puppies, picking up the puppy that must have followed me after almost tripping over him.

As I sit there and watch the tiny horde munch away, their...mother? father?...parent watching over them with a lazy but attentive eye, I start to think about how these little guys would probably make good guard dogs and hunters after they grow a bit. I spend a bit just talking with Garm about if they would want to come stay at the mansion till we can fix the kennel, though it takes a bit of time to work out a simple communication method. Who knows, maybe there's a way to actually talk to them back at the mansion or something.

08-26-2012, 03:53 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

The wolf chows down on the offered food.

The Garm agrees to come to the mansion.

You've got
Hoard of Mixed Breed Puppies
Wind Elemental Beast Sirius
Fire Elemental Beast Garm

08-26-2012, 03:56 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Walking back to mansion, I can't help but feel amused at the two wolf beasts following me and Crowley, and in turn being followed by their brood. Turning to Crowley, I ask "Just me, or do you feel like your leading a animal parade?"

08-26-2012, 04:02 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Crowley smiles a full genuine smile, though this disappears as a thought strikes him.
"Yes. It is rather odd that we were not informed of the kennel though. Well now. Seems there really is more to this place than we originally thought." Crowley states, a calm, analytical look replacing the smile. Crowley sits down and pets the Sirius, before getting back up and heading back to the mansion.

08-26-2012, 04:08 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

"Yeah, I've been getting the feeling that butler wasn't telling the whole story since the thing with the maid and the chicken. That, and who the hell can actually use SOULS in a form like that?"

I slow a bit as the mansion comes into sight and several of the puppies start running around the open grounds playing. The Butler is currently standing on the steps just outside the doorway, as if he was waiting for us to return.

08-26-2012, 04:13 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Originally Posted by Latewave View Post
Luigi you are my favorite. So much. You spot a door leading to the rest of the basement. Do you dare going in or do you try to get out using the pipes?
Hey look something shiny? Maybe you should pick it up?
Luigi: Pick up the shiny thing with your vacuum. That's how you've always done it before.

08-26-2012, 04:15 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Luigi: Pick up the shiny thing with your vacuum. That's how you've always done it before.
Well You've sucked up a blue medal thing.It seems familiar. Man I'm getting Deja Vu again.

08-26-2012, 04:24 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Kiven heads outside the mansion to check out the back yard and some of the secondary buildings.

08-26-2012, 04:29 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Alright! A blue medal! Now Luigi can add fireman to his increasing list of professions!

Let's check out that door, real careful like.

08-26-2012, 05:23 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Crowley straightens the tie on his suit and approaches the Butler.
"I would like to know as to why we were not informed of the kennel and would like to be made awares of what other sort of facilities lie on the estate that you have not informed us of."

08-26-2012, 05:47 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley straightens the tie on his suit and approaches the Butler.
"I would like to know as to why we were not informed of the kennel and would like to be made awares of what other sort of facilities lie on the estate that you have not informed us of."
"You noticed the boundary did you not? The Mansion has been in decline. The last master wasn't very good at his job and thus the building began eating itself to keep from exploding. Once the Boundary went out much further and we could claim those as our own but as is? Well it's not very safe for you and we cannot pass the boundary ourselves."

"At Lunch we'll explain the reason it's like this further."

08-26-2012, 05:54 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

"Very well then. If you need me, I'll be wandering around looking for things less peaceful then our wolfish companions were. Our supply of souls seems to have dwindled. Any suggestions on where to go?" Crowley says, taking the information in.

08-26-2012, 08:42 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Originally Posted by Latewave View Post
You open the door to the Main Kitchen. Knives home in towards you. You quickly shut the door. Wow. Yeah I don't recommend going in there right now.
If those knives think they can pin down an astrological iron plated temptress they have another thing coming.

Miss Masters takes several suits of armor and pushes them in front of the door. She then swings it open and steps back, ready to knock away any knives that don't get stuck in her decoys.

08-26-2012, 09:14 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
If those knives think they can pin down an astrological iron plated temptress they have another thing coming.

Miss Masters takes several suits of armor and pushes them in front of the door. She then swings it open and steps back, ready to knock away any knives that don't get stuck in her decoys.
The knives slice through the armor like a hot knife through butter. But then knives used to cut up monsters would need to be sharp wouldn't it?

Wait is the kitchen eating the armor?

08-26-2012, 09:16 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.


BACKUP PLAN! Throw a duster at the swarm of knives, get them to start chasing you!

08-26-2012, 09:22 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post

BACKUP PLAN! Throw a duster at the swarm of knives, get them to start chasing you!
The massed kitchen utensils are annoyed at all called knives. The spoons personally declare a blood feud. The Wise Fridge declares War. Well. You wanted a war, well got a war. the knives and various other kitchen Utensils are now chasing you.

Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Miss Masters doubles back to the armory. She dashes behind the Fist Ax Duck.

The maid shakes her frills in intimidation. Their move now.

08-26-2012, 09:37 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Luigi is apparently having trouble opening a door. Is it even there? Or did someone just paint some door-like graffiti on the wall?

08-26-2012, 09:37 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Crowley continues to wander the estates, hoping to fight some more of those odd mutant rabbits.

08-26-2012, 09:45 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Having left the pups safely in the bounds of the mansion, I head back to continue exploring the forested area.

08-26-2012, 10:01 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Luigi is apparently having trouble opening a door. Is it even there? Or did someone just paint some door-like graffiti on the wall?
Apparently the stuff inside the knob is rusted. Luigi manages to get himself free. Whoa it's weird in here. Water, Ice, and Fire are dueling in this area. Good thing you found that Water thing? Put out some fires and hope for the best.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley continues to wander the estates, hoping to fight some more of those odd mutant rabbits.
Well you found something all right. It's a mouse made of cheese. I wonder how it tastes?

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Having left the pups safely in the bounds of the mansion, I head back to continue exploring the forested area.

The Garm is following you. Apparently they like you. Who knew? Wait are those Goblins? Well I think those are. Wonder what they are doing so close to the area?

08-26-2012, 10:02 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Crowley actually looks shocked for a brief moment before resuming his normal look of raw stoicness and Scanning the Cheese Mouse.

08-26-2012, 10:13 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Cheese Mouse
Tasty Monster
It's made of Gouda
Weak to Fire
It'd be good as a fondue
Lesser soul.

08-26-2012, 10:15 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Crowley looks at the cheese mouse, then the book, then the mouse again. Then, smirks. Then, burns it alive with Burn 2.

08-26-2012, 10:19 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley looks at the cheese mouse, then the book, then the mouse again. Then, smirks. Then, burns it alive with Burn 2.
You got
Lesser Soul
Tasty Cheese

08-26-2012, 10:22 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Crowley places everything in the bag, then continues to search for more creatures to flambe.

08-26-2012, 10:24 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Signalling to Garm to be quiet, I attempt to be as stealthy as I can and move close enough to find out what's going on.

08-26-2012, 10:54 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Miss Masters appears in a random room after nearly being slaughtered mercilessly. She marks the armory on the list as "Imminemt danger, do not enter"

She then goes to the secondary kitchens to aid the other maid with dinner and such.

08-26-2012, 11:28 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Luigi examines the room for anything interesting. If there is nothing interesting there he leaves.

08-26-2012, 11:32 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Kiven wanders to the first available staircase and attempts to get to the attic, if there is one.

08-27-2012, 10:11 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

09-05-2012, 05:30 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Man this place is totaled.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley places everything in the bag, then continues to search for more creatures to flambe.
As you look around the forest area it starts to rain. Maybe you should get back inside. Or not. I don't particularly care which way you go. I have fun either way.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Signalling to Garm to be quiet, I attempt to be as stealthy as I can and move close enough to find out what's going on.
"You gobs, YOU LOST THE GOBLIN STONE. The boss will eat my skull for this. We need to find it before it starts raining." The head goblin is in a panic. Wonder if it's the prospect of rain or the skull eating that's scaring him more?

You feel a few drops of rain. Maybe you should get out of here? Because those goblins have booked it. Thou you may want to mark this area as important. But hey what am I here for?

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Luigi examines the room for anything interesting. If there is nothing interesting there he leaves.

Single use item
Green Shell

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven wanders to the first available staircase and attempts to get to the attic, if there is one.
You climb and climb and climb and climb trying to reach the top. Whoa it's like you've been walking for a week. You've reached the Attic if this warped place could be called such a thing. Do you dare to try go through an obvious place for magical traps or do you turn around? Who knows? The Shadow knows of course.

And yeah the minions are unique to you.

Also watch out for Grues.

09-05-2012, 05:40 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

I do a quick search for the stone they mentioned, but finding nothing, make my way back to the house. After all, if rain is enough to make them run, I'd rather not find out why.

09-05-2012, 05:47 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

Okay, Luigi is fucking fed-up with this sewer level bullshit, he takes the nearest pipe back to the first floor (OR JUST ANY FLOOR JESUS CHRIST) and heads to the dining room to wait for the others, apparently there's some staff meeting or something going on, Luigi figures that's as good a time as any to catch some Zs.

09-05-2012, 05:54 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

"Lets see, I nearly got myself killed, was insulted by spiritbound cutlery, and my voice has been weak since i messed with that enchanting room."

"I'm going to need to straighten up if I'm to survive this job. You must teach me the art of the maid!"

09-05-2012, 06:33 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

Kiven retreats down the stairs and heads to the dining room. He resolves to ask the butler and maid about a carving into the door frame near the attic saying 'The Shadow knows.' Sounds like a ghost story.

09-05-2012, 06:59 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

Crowley pauses, notices the rain, shrugs, and heads back to the relative shelter of the mansion. He's resolved to continue hunting somewhere with a bit more warmth and dryness.

09-05-2012, 07:16 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Okay, Luigi is fucking fed-up with this sewer level bullshit, he takes the nearest pipe back to the first floor (OR JUST ANY FLOOR JESUS CHRIST) and heads to the dining room to wait for the others, apparently there's some staff meeting or something going on, Luigi figures that's as good a time as any to catch some Zs.
Luigi takes a nap +10 sleep ExP

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"Lets see, I nearly got myself killed, was insulted by spiritbound cutlery, and my voice has been weak since i messed with that enchanting room."

"I'm going to need to straighten up if I'm to survive this job. You must teach me the art of the maid!"
The Maid Smiles. You should be afraid right now.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven retreats down the stairs and heads to the dining room. He resolves to ask the butler and maid about a carving into the door frame near the attic saying 'The Shadow knows.' Sounds like a ghost story.
/me shrugs I had to make a joke

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley pauses, notices the rain, shrugs, and heads back to the relative shelter of the mansion. He's resolved to continue hunting somewhere with a bit more warmth and dryness.
Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I do a quick search for the stone they mentioned, but finding nothing, make my way back to the house. After all, if rain is enough to make them run, I'd rather not find out why.
Did you think it was that easy? It starts pouring on your heads. And with that I have to say a line from a disney song. Your in my world now, not your world and I got friends on the otherside.

Welcome to the Otherside, Version Forest of Mist.

The Forest has morphed. Taking a more desolate tone. Purple mists swarm around your feet. Moans are on the wind.

"Don't want to diiiieeeee"


Find your way out/Or Kill the Creature that brought you here

One of these is harder then the other. ;p

09-05-2012, 07:40 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.


Training montage. Be a Man Maid.

09-05-2012, 07:44 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

Kiven heads off to the training room, and picks up anything shiny he sees on the way there.

09-05-2012, 07:53 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

Suitably disturbed by the sudden change in the surrounding area, I pick up the pace while asking Garm to keep a eye out for whatever the hell is making those sounds.

'Damn it, this is feeling more and more like something out of Silent Hill. If I see anything with a cleaver, all bets are off.'
Last edited by a moderator:
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

Originally Posted by Latewave View Post
The Forest has morphed. Taking a more desolate tone. Purple mists swarm around your feet. Moans are on the wind.

"Don't want to diiiieeeee"
Where's Grecotch when you need it?

09-05-2012, 10:47 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

"This is... Unusual, unfortunate, and more than a little urgent a situation." Crowley mumbles, slightly put off by the whole situation. Still, Crowley is quite stoic and continues moving to search for an exit, albeit somewhat faster than usual.

09-05-2012, 11:23 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven heads off to the training room, and picks up anything shiny he sees on the way there.
You got a thing.

Yoyo Part A
An upgrade part.
Sadly you lack the room to upgrade your Yoyo.
Of course

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Suitably disturbed by the sudden change in the surrounding area, I pick up the pace while asking Garm to keep a eye out for whatever the hell is making those sounds.

'Damn it, this is feeling more and more like something out of Silent Hill. If I see anything with a cleaver, all bets are off.'
Well no cleavers, but zombies. But hey at least you have Garm, Aka Flamethrower with Legs, and Hell puppy on your side right?

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Where's Grecotch when you need it?
It's in Greenvale. Or is it? Who knows. It may even be in the mansion. ;p Also you are beating out Demjou for favorite again ;p.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"This is... Unusual, unfortunate, and more than a little urgent a situation." Crowley mumbles, slightly put off by the whole situation. Still, Crowley is quite stoic and continues moving to search for an exit, albeit somewhat faster than usual.
Yeah about that. Zombies, well you are going to get practice using Burn some more.

Masterblade is currently in training.
Please leave a message after the beep.
"You call that mopping?"
"I can't see my face in this Wall yet, Dust Harder"
Yeah we'll come back later.

09-05-2012, 11:33 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

"Zombies....actual fucking Zombies. What the hell is wrong with this place?!" Needless to say, I'm not in a good mood as I'm doing my best to avoid the group of undead, even as I do my best to punch through their heads with the knifes or TK Ball. That's what your supposed to do with zombies, right?

I turn and yell to the two hounds that followed me out here, "Little help would be welcome anytime now!"

09-05-2012, 11:37 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.


09-06-2012, 07:07 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

Eyes narrowing, Crowley merely opens his book to Burn Level 2, and sets fire to every last undead around him.

09-06-2012, 01:40 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

FFFFFFFF- Kiven goes and bothers the butler after fixing the training room to the best of his ability "Hey butler dude. Help me with this."

09-10-2012, 09:51 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"Zombies....actual fucking Zombies. What the hell is wrong with this place?!" Needless to say, I'm not in a good mood as I'm doing my best to avoid the group of undead, even as I do my best to punch through their heads with the knifes or TK Ball. That's what your supposed to do with zombies, right?

I turn and yell to the two hounds that followed me out here, "Little help would be welcome anytime now!"
The Puppy gives you puppy dog eyes. It's a puppy still you know. Hmm, you really should name it. The Gram however rips apart a mass of zombies rather easily. It's the King of the Forest Remember?

With a resounding Don't want to die from the zombie masses. It seems your in the clear for now. Look around for loot or whatever I'm not going to stop you.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Eyes narrowing, Crowley merely opens his book to Burn Level 2, and sets fire to every last undead around him.
Step one. Casually setting all the zombies on fire. Step Two. Watch them die. Welp that was easy. No soul gains from them however. It's not like they were alive.
A Red Door appears in front of you. Do you go in or not? It's not like it can get any more ugly right?

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
FFFFFFFF- Kiven goes and bothers the butler after fixing the training room to the best of his ability "Hey butler dude. Help me with this."
Help how? Be more specific ;p.

Meido training has begotten the skill Emergency TELEPORTO.
Yes the skill is exactly what it says on the tin

09-10-2012, 09:58 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

I spend about 3 minutes gaping at the remains of the group, somewhat surprised about how fast Garm had shredded them, before coming to my senses and deciding that since it's already raining, and I'm already here, I might as well take the time to loot the area and bodies. I start searching, the puppy following behind me. I decide that since he does need a name, and seems to be smart enough to understand me, I'll just start firing off random names till he likes one.

09-10-2012, 10:04 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

Miss masters bows to the sensei before going off to use her newfound skill for the greater good.

That newfound good being going out in the rain and finding out why the other masters are late for dinner.

09-10-2012, 11:02 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. It's Raining. You should Run.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I spend about 3 minutes gaping at the remains of the group, somewhat surprised about how fast Garm had shredded them, before coming to my senses and deciding that since it's already raining, and I'm already here, I might as well take the time to loot the area and bodies. I start searching, the puppy following behind me. I decide that since he does need a name, and seems to be smart enough to understand me, I'll just start firing off random names till he likes one.

150 to be exact.

Also you found a ring with a symbol on it


Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss masters bows to the sensei before going off to use her newfound skill for the greater good.

That newfound good being going out in the rain and finding out why the other masters are late for dinner.
Well you are outside and it's raining. Where to? Maybe you should ask that Zombie? Who knows it may even answer.

Okay I'm lying but still.

09-10-2012, 11:05 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Zombies, Zombies everywhere.

Miss Masters asks the zombie politely if it knows where the other masters are. If it attempts to break into her personal space, she will proceed to decapitate it with the Buster Duster.

09-10-2012, 11:11 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Zombies, Zombies everywhere.

Pocketing my loot, I continue wandering the forest in search of a path back to the mansion, STILL throwing out names at the puppy.

"Rex? *Grrr* Fine fine, no stereotype names, got it. Face Ripper? *flat stare* Yeah, didn't think so. How about Lance?"

I face plant into the dirt as the puppy decides to show it's approval by jumping on my back. Picking myself back up, Lance has somehow managed to stay on my head, and I don't care enough to remove him.

09-10-2012, 11:17 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Zombies, Zombies everywhere.

Straightening his purple tie, brushing off his dark purple suit, and slightly stroking his beard, Crowley analyzes the door before opening it and looking through.

09-10-2012, 11:20 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Zombies, Zombies everywhere.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters asks the zombie politely if it knows where the other masters are. If it attempts to break into her personal space, she will proceed to decapitate it with the Buster Duster.
The zombie is promptly eaten by a Flower?


When do Flowers eat Zombies.

I'm confused.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Pocketing my loot, I continue wandering the forest in search of a path back to the mansion, STILL throwing out names at the puppy.

"Rex? *Grrr* Fine fine, no stereotype names, got it. Face Ripper? *flat stare* Yeah, didn't think so. How about Lance?"

I face plant into the dirt as the puppy decides to show it's approval by jumping on my back. Picking myself back up, Lance has somehow managed to stay on my head, and I don't care enough to remove him.
By rite of name and claim.
Familar Bond lvl 1
Beast of Wind and Fire

A Red Door Appears.
Step forward or Run Away.
It's all on you after all.

09-10-2012, 11:23 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Zombies, Zombies everywhere.

Crowley, seeing nothing but howling darkness and vague hints of shapes, shrugs and steps through the Red Door.

09-10-2012, 11:26 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Zombies, Zombies everywhere.

I examine this door that seems to have appeared out of nowhere, and how it seems to have nothing special about it other then the red color and it's location.

Steeling myself, and holding one of the knifes in my hand, I open the door and enter, leaving it open for Garm to follow me in.

09-10-2012, 11:35 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Zombies, Zombies everywhere.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley, seeing nothing but howling darkness and vague hints of shapes, shrugs and steps through the Red Door.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I examine this door that seems to have appeared out of nowhere, and how it seems to have nothing special about it other then the red color and it's location.

Steeling myself, and holding one of the knifes in my hand, I open the door and enter, leaving it open for Garm to follow me in.
Welcome. A clear area in the midst of a forest. Welcome to the heart of the Misty Forest Otherside.

Say hello To the Demon of the Mists.

The Blood Red Tree

It's a tree that's made of Arms. Hands end every branch. Skeletons with saplings growing out of them littering the ground around it. Yeah I recommend you kill this. Kill this with extreme prejudice.

Fight Start.

09-10-2012, 11:39 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Zombies, Zombies everywhere.

'And there goes any idea that the zombies might have been a fluke'

I throw out the knives, before grabbing them with my oh so useful TK, and using them to start hacking at both the branch Arms and the Skeleton things. I find myself having to focus too hard to really pay attention to the two canines.

09-11-2012, 05:33 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Off into the mists! Make sure to feed the plants raw meat in the future.

09-11-2012, 07:19 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Crowley's eyes widen as flips over to Scan LVL2 and scans the Demon Of The Mists.

09-11-2012, 02:51 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

"Butler dude, how can I fix my yoyo so that I can put this upgrade in?"

09-11-2012, 06:28 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
'And there goes any idea that the zombies might have been a fluke'

I throw out the knives, before grabbing them with my oh so useful TK, and using them to start hacking at both the branch Arms and the Skeleton things. I find myself having to focus too hard to really pay attention to the two canines.
And something about this tree has pissed the Garm right the fuck off. Wonder Why? At the moment the Garm is showing off why it's an elemental beast of Fire and is currently dealing with Sapling Skeletons. With Fire. Obviously. Lance the Puppy is still on your head. Hey look it spat out it's first fireball. Be proud.

Knives aren't quite the best tool for this. Maybe you should look for something a bit bigger?

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Off into the mists! Make sure to feed the plants raw meat in the future.
Quest Added
Feed the Plants in the Green House

Plant Empathy LVL:0

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley's eyes widen as flips over to Scan LVL2 and scans the Demon Of The Mists.
The Demon of the Mists.
Arboreal Demon
The Red Tree of the Otherside Forest it spreads it's offspring by growing it's seeds in the body of living beings. It's one of several types of demon that cause the Otherside portals to open. The key to the Otherside caused by it is rain.
Weakness Fire
Strengths Earth and Water
Avoid Close combat the mists surrounding the roots of the trees cause psychosis in whoever inhales it.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
"Butler dude, how can I fix my yoyo so that I can put this upgrade in?"
"Acquire Tools. Attach pieces. ????. Profit. There may still be some usable tools in the forge. Possibly."

09-11-2012, 06:36 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

'Why, oh why did I not bother to grab one of those swords. Damn it, damn it, damn it...wait, the bag!'

Smacking myself mentally for forgetting about the bag, I quickly figure out how to pull out several swords and a couple maces, before swapping them out for the knives.

Seems that the swords at least are being a much better tool for cutting the branches, and the maces are making good work of any the skeleton things that manage to stumble past Garm. I do wonder why he seems to hate these things so much.

09-11-2012, 06:40 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Miss Masters stumbles across the door to the boss tree. She proceeds to sweep up the fleshy zombie corpses into a pile and puts it into her magic inventory bag.

Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Kiven scoffs at the butler in a dejected way and heads to the forge, repairing it with a lesser soul, if there are any left. If not, he fixes it up the ol' fashioned way. Afterwards, he looks around the room for anything noteworthy and then picks a bunch of random shit up.

09-11-2012, 09:03 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

"Nick, beware the mists! They cause psychosis in any who draw too near to them!" Crowley shouts out a warning before immediately flipping pages back to Burn Level 2 and setting the tree on fire.

09-11-2012, 09:22 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
'Why, oh why did I not bother to grab one of those swords. Damn it, damn it, damn it...wait, the bag!'

Smacking myself mentally for forgetting about the bag, I quickly figure out how to pull out several swords and a couple maces, before swapping them out for the knives.

Seems that the swords at least are being a much better tool for cutting the branches, and the maces are making good work of any the skeleton things that manage to stumble past Garm. I do wonder why he seems to hate these things so much.
The existance of this tree was an affront. These trees were wiped out of existance by the old master. He had helped. His pack helped. This Tree should not be here. Not this close to the Mansion. He would follow his masters order. DESTROY THE ABERRANTS.

With a howl the beast Garm becomes the Hellhound Garm. A metric ton of fuck you made of hellfire and shadows.

The Puppy is yipping happily.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters stumbles across the door to the boss tree. She proceeds to sweep up the fleshy zombie corpses into a pile and puts it into her magic inventory bag.
Cleanlyness is next to godlyness apparently. But you found some Agent Honor, I mean Cash. 50 bucks get.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven scoffs at the butler in a dejected way and heads to the forge, repairing it with a lesser soul, if there are any left. If not, he fixes it up the ol' fashioned way. Afterwards, he looks around the room for anything noteworthy and then picks a bunch of random shit up.
Well since the last time you came in this place hasn't changed at all. It's still upside down. Man physics must hate me right now. You find a few tools. And you pick up a bunch of rubble. More then you can carry really.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Nick, beware the mists! They cause psychosis in any who draw too near to them!" Crowley shouts out a warning before immediately flipping pages back to Burn Level 2 and setting the tree on fire.
The Demon Tree didn't like that at all and it's expressing it's displeasure by trying to smash your face in with a good chunk of it's arms. They get closer and closer but, The book begins to glow. Pages surround you as writing fills in on the pages of the book. Burn the Unworthy into ashes.

You are surrounded by flames and the arms trying to murder you are now ash.

Or in better words

Burn Lvl 3 get
Flame Cloak Defense Spell Learned
Hellfire semi learned.
Seems you need some more types of magic for that one

Mr. Crowley, I think you should burn this creature into ash.

09-11-2012, 09:28 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Miss masters pretends to be helping by throwing a large rock at the tree. She will use this to petition getting a share of boss exp and loot.

09-11-2012, 09:32 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

I manage to keep my focus on the weapons, though they do slow down a bit as I stare in shock at Garm.

"Best. Wolf. Ever."

09-11-2012, 09:35 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

"Oh, don't care for the taste of this then, do you?" Crowley snarks, a wicked smirk slowly creeping onto his face. "Well I'm quite sorry, not really well versed in spells yet. I'm afraid this is all you're getting."

"Now, be rent into naught but ash and ember! BURN LEVEL 3!" Crowley appears to have been knocked out of his stoicness temporarily, if the maddened laughter and brighter, bigger fireball headed for the tree are any clue.

09-11-2012, 09:47 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss masters pretends to be helping by throwing a large rock at the tree. She will use this to petition getting a share of boss exp and loot.
You throw a rock. It's not effective.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I manage to keep my focus on the weapons, though they do slow down a bit as I stare in shock at Garm.

"Best. Wolf. Ever."
The Garm releases a blast of hellfire at the tree.

Well, I don't think the tree is going to last much longer.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Oh, don't care for the taste of this then, do you?" Crowley snarks, a wicked smirk slowly creeping onto his face. "Well I'm quite sorry, not really well versed in spells yet. I'm afraid this is all you're getting."

"Now, be rent into naught but ash and ember! BURN LEVEL 3!" Crowley appears to have been knocked out of his stoicness temporarily, if the maddened laughter and brighter, bigger fireball headed for the tree are any clue.
The Fireball impacts the tree. I think it's dead. Hey why is your Book still glowing? The tree is currently cracking? and light is pouring from between the cracks? Umm? The Demon of the Mists shatters like glass and so does the Otherside. The glow on your book glows stronger as it sucks it all in.

Spell learnt
Douse Lvl 1
Needs more elements

The Tome of the Devouring God shows it's true power ;p.

09-11-2012, 09:53 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Miss Masters uses The Mop as a makeshift broom to sweep up the tree pieces in case they need lumber to fix the house later. Because using cursed lumber is a wise idea.

09-11-2012, 09:54 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Kiven examines the tools, then uses them to fiddle with the yoyo some more.

09-11-2012, 09:57 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

"...How the hell did your book...eat...the tree?" Seriously, is this the kinda crap I can expect? Garm looks happy though. I head over to start checking the area for loot.

09-11-2012, 10:16 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

"I'm not quite aware. I think it may have something to do with the name. Something about a devouring god? No matter. All that matters is that the tree is defeated, the mists repelled, our safety assured, and my power increased." Crowley states simply, his normal stoicness returning as he helps look for loot, possibly even souls.

09-11-2012, 10:34 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters uses The Mop as a makeshift broom to sweep up the tree pieces in case they need lumber to fix the house later. Because using cursed lumber is a wise idea.
You sweep up cursed lumber. Maybe one of the others should say something? Or not. I'm not a player after all.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven examines the tools, then uses them to fiddle with the yoyo some more.
You managed to get the parts on.

You got Upgraded Yoyo

You gain Ability Chainsaw.

Yoyo gains sharp pointy parts and spins at extreme speeds. Like a Chainsaw ;p

Well that could have been helpful somewhere.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"...How the hell did your book...eat...the tree?" Seriously, is this the kinda crap I can expect? Garm looks happy though. I head over to start checking the area for loot.
The Garm is Casually setting the saplings on fire. Have to be sure it's all dead.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"I'm not quite aware. I think it may have something to do with the name. Something about a devouring god? No matter. All that matters is that the tree is defeated, the mists repelled, our safety assured, and my power increased." Crowley states simply, his normal stoicness returning as he helps look for loot, possibly even souls.
No souls in the otherside sadly. But hey you killed a demon at least.

Into the Gains pool
Various shiny things that need appraisal.

Luigi is asleep.
So bored.

09-11-2012, 10:38 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Miss Masters has a sudden odd compulsion to grab the shiniest piece of jewelery and wear it to make the other maids jealous. This confuses her greatly.

"Oh, by the way, we should be reporting to dinner probably. Its finished... probably cold now."

09-11-2012, 10:40 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

"That... That is a lot of possible valuables." Crowley stammers, visibly shocked as he picks up what appears to be a goblet before casting Scan Level 2 on it in the hopes of doing some basic appraisal and getting some more utility out of what has so far been a combat spell.

09-11-2012, 10:47 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

"...Welp." Kiven heads back downstairs to the dining room, hoping dinner would be ready soon. He has this feeling that this upgrade must have been useful SOMEWHERE, had he been there earlier...

09-11-2012, 10:55 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Chuckling at the arson acts of Garm, I start heading back to the mansion, somewhat annoyed that I'm unable to identify any of the loot, but quite hopeful about it at the same time.

09-11-2012, 11:02 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters has a sudden odd compulsion to grab the shiniest piece of jewelery and wear it to make the other maids jealous. This confuses her greatly.

"Oh, by the way, we should be reporting to dinner probably. Its finished... probably cold now."
As if the Butler would let food get cold. That's like an insult.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"That... That is a lot of possible valuables." Crowley stammers, visibly shocked as he picks up what appears to be a goblet before casting Scan Level 2 on it in the hopes of doing some basic appraisal and getting some more utility out of what has so far been a combat spell.
Well. You keep making me give you spells.

Scan Lvl 2
--> Appraise lvl 1

Nothing really important thou they are decently valuable loot wise.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
"...Welp." Kiven heads back downstairs to the dining room, hoping dinner would be ready soon. He has this feeling that this upgrade must have been useful SOMEWHERE, had he been there earlier...
You are sitting at the table. Time to wait for the rest of the guys.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Chuckling at the arson acts of Garm, I start heading back to the mansion, somewhat annoyed that I'm unable to identify any of the loot, but quite hopeful about it at the same time.
On your way back the rain has stopped. But you are rather hungry. I guess this means I finally have to give that explanation of the back story. Balls.

Luigi has descended into Subcon. Well maybe you shouldn't have slept so many updates now should you?

Have fun.

09-11-2012, 11:05 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Crowley grabs all of the loot, stuffs it into the bag, and walks back to the mansion, hungry and hoping for an explanation, though satisfied with all of the new power and possibilities at his fingertips.

09-11-2012, 11:07 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Being late is an extreme emergency for maids and houseguests alike. Miss Masters grabs Crowley and uses her emergency teleport to seat both at the table.

09-11-2012, 11:08 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

I walk in and sit down, wondering how the other two managed to beat me back. Doesn't really matter in the long run though.

09-12-2012, 12:33 AM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Backstory time. Balls.

Someone needs to beat Luigi awake, or to death, whichever seems more practical.

09-12-2012, 05:09 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Backstory time. Balls.

Kiven smiles and waves. "Hey guys, where ya been? I upgraded my yoyo!"

09-12-2012, 03:56 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

The Maid has dragged Luigi into the room by his leg. Luigi is still asleep. Luigi has a hand print from where the maid tried to slap him awake. The Maid drops him into a chair and walks next to Butler.

"I got Luigi."

The Butler speaks the the gathered.

"You may have been wondering. How did the Mansion get into this kind of state? Why does it feed on souls of monsters and so on. Well for the most part only two people are to blame. The old master who first created it and the Last Master."

The Maid interjects

"The Last master is much too nice a name. Call him The Idiot. Or maybe The Completely stupid guy that doesn't listen to the wise maid. Or something."

"Don't Interupt. Anyways the First Master built this place a long time ago. He used magic and whatnot and well here it is Five thousand years later. Now while it's old that doesn't mean that all this degragation came from age. Not in the least. For you see the Last Master-"

"Idiot Master"

"Last Master, well he wasn't the brightest."

"He had the wit of a turnip."

"Shush. Anyways he had the bad habit of procuring odds and ends from, how do you say it. Well, unrespectable places."

"He bought stuff from a guy called Stupid Joe. He bought Spellbooks from a man called stupid Joe. Why are you trying to diguise the fact that the idiot was a moron?"

"Anyways, The Last Master attempted to become a Death God using various spells."

"I told him it wouldn't work. I mean who uses fried chicken to become a death god?"

"Well, I won't go into the gory details but the end result was, umm, he exploded. Violently."

"I was cleaning up gore for weeks."

"Do you still have his skull."

"Not at all." The maid can only say this because she lost it somewhere.

Nick is currently pounding his head on the the table due to stupidity.

"Anyways the Backlash caused most of the damage. Okay, all of it. He also emptied the treasury through his antics and well that's why we couldn't fix the damage. Umm some of the rooms anyways. However this place is alive. And well that was a pretty nasty wound. So it ate itself to keep living. So it shrunk. We lost rooms in the main mansion and the rest of the facilities like the green house or the kennels are on the other side of the boundry."

"Also, the news about that Demon is rather worrying. Considering they were wiped out of existance a good three thousand years ago. And one this close to the mansion as well. I can't help but worry that this is related to the last masters untimely demise. As in it's his fault hnn."

"Of course it's his fault. He bought the AxeDuck, Mister QuackyAxe as I call him. Him causing something like that is entirely in line with my projections of his ability. Which is Extremely Horrible. Because he's an idiot."

"Anyways on a lesser note, You've seen the monsters around here correct? How that most of them have produced a Lesser soul? They have levels but the one you should really be looking for is called a Grand Soul. Now you may ask, what is a Grand Soul? Well it's an important one. Because that boundry out there can be pushed back using one of them and it fixes a lot of the mess around here. We will need several. "

"Any questions?""

09-12-2012, 04:02 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Ow. So much stupid is bad for my head.

"So, how exactly would we find these Grand Souls? And what the hell was that tree thing?"

09-12-2012, 04:21 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"I agree with my compatriot Nick. That tree was... more than a tad bit disturbing considering the constant screams and the mist. Along with that, it exploded into treasure that I'm not quite capable of identifying." Crowley adds, reaching into the sack to pull out the goblet from earlier.

Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Kiven scoffs at the butler in a dejected way and heads to the forge, repairing it with a lesser soul, if there are any left. If not, he fixes it up the ol' fashioned way. Afterwards, he looks around the room for anything noteworthy and then picks a bunch of random shit up.

09-11-2012, 09:03 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

"Nick, beware the mists! They cause psychosis in any who draw too near to them!" Crowley shouts out a warning before immediately flipping pages back to Burn Level 2 and setting the tree on fire.

09-11-2012, 09:22 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
'Why, oh why did I not bother to grab one of those swords. Damn it, damn it, damn it...wait, the bag!'

Smacking myself mentally for forgetting about the bag, I quickly figure out how to pull out several swords and a couple maces, before swapping them out for the knives.

Seems that the swords at least are being a much better tool for cutting the branches, and the maces are making good work of any the skeleton things that manage to stumble past Garm. I do wonder why he seems to hate these things so much.
The existance of this tree was an affront. These trees were wiped out of existance by the old master. He had helped. His pack helped. This Tree should not be here. Not this close to the Mansion. He would follow his masters order. DESTROY THE ABERRANTS.

With a howl the beast Garm becomes the Hellhound Garm. A metric ton of fuck you made of hellfire and shadows.

The Puppy is yipping happily.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters stumbles across the door to the boss tree. She proceeds to sweep up the fleshy zombie corpses into a pile and puts it into her magic inventory bag.
Cleanlyness is next to godlyness apparently. But you found some Agent Honor, I mean Cash. 50 bucks get.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven scoffs at the butler in a dejected way and heads to the forge, repairing it with a lesser soul, if there are any left. If not, he fixes it up the ol' fashioned way. Afterwards, he looks around the room for anything noteworthy and then picks a bunch of random shit up.
Well since the last time you came in this place hasn't changed at all. It's still upside down. Man physics must hate me right now. You find a few tools. And you pick up a bunch of rubble. More then you can carry really.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Nick, beware the mists! They cause psychosis in any who draw too near to them!" Crowley shouts out a warning before immediately flipping pages back to Burn Level 2 and setting the tree on fire.
The Demon Tree didn't like that at all and it's expressing it's displeasure by trying to smash your face in with a good chunk of it's arms. They get closer and closer but, The book begins to glow. Pages surround you as writing fills in on the pages of the book. Burn the Unworthy into ashes.

You are surrounded by flames and the arms trying to murder you are now ash.

Or in better words

Burn Lvl 3 get
Flame Cloak Defense Spell Learned
Hellfire semi learned.
Seems you need some more types of magic for that one

Mr. Crowley, I think you should burn this creature into ash.

09-11-2012, 09:28 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Miss masters pretends to be helping by throwing a large rock at the tree. She will use this to petition getting a share of boss exp and loot.

09-11-2012, 09:32 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

I manage to keep my focus on the weapons, though they do slow down a bit as I stare in shock at Garm.

"Best. Wolf. Ever."

09-11-2012, 09:35 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

"Oh, don't care for the taste of this then, do you?" Crowley snarks, a wicked smirk slowly creeping onto his face. "Well I'm quite sorry, not really well versed in spells yet. I'm afraid this is all you're getting."

"Now, be rent into naught but ash and ember! BURN LEVEL 3!" Crowley appears to have been knocked out of his stoicness temporarily, if the maddened laughter and brighter, bigger fireball headed for the tree are any clue.

09-11-2012, 09:47 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss masters pretends to be helping by throwing a large rock at the tree. She will use this to petition getting a share of boss exp and loot.
You throw a rock. It's not effective.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I manage to keep my focus on the weapons, though they do slow down a bit as I stare in shock at Garm.

"Best. Wolf. Ever."
The Garm releases a blast of hellfire at the tree.

Well, I don't think the tree is going to last much longer.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Oh, don't care for the taste of this then, do you?" Crowley snarks, a wicked smirk slowly creeping onto his face. "Well I'm quite sorry, not really well versed in spells yet. I'm afraid this is all you're getting."

"Now, be rent into naught but ash and ember! BURN LEVEL 3!" Crowley appears to have been knocked out of his stoicness temporarily, if the maddened laughter and brighter, bigger fireball headed for the tree are any clue.
The Fireball impacts the tree. I think it's dead. Hey why is your Book still glowing? The tree is currently cracking? and light is pouring from between the cracks? Umm? The Demon of the Mists shatters like glass and so does the Otherside. The glow on your book glows stronger as it sucks it all in.

Spell learnt
Douse Lvl 1
Needs more elements

The Tome of the Devouring God shows it's true power ;p.

09-11-2012, 09:53 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Miss Masters uses The Mop as a makeshift broom to sweep up the tree pieces in case they need lumber to fix the house later. Because using cursed lumber is a wise idea.

09-11-2012, 09:54 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Kiven examines the tools, then uses them to fiddle with the yoyo some more.

09-11-2012, 09:57 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

"...How the hell did your book...eat...the tree?" Seriously, is this the kinda crap I can expect? Garm looks happy though. I head over to start checking the area for loot.

09-11-2012, 10:16 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

"I'm not quite aware. I think it may have something to do with the name. Something about a devouring god? No matter. All that matters is that the tree is defeated, the mists repelled, our safety assured, and my power increased." Crowley states simply, his normal stoicness returning as he helps look for loot, possibly even souls.

09-11-2012, 10:34 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters uses The Mop as a makeshift broom to sweep up the tree pieces in case they need lumber to fix the house later. Because using cursed lumber is a wise idea.
You sweep up cursed lumber. Maybe one of the others should say something? Or not. I'm not a player after all.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven examines the tools, then uses them to fiddle with the yoyo some more.
You managed to get the parts on.

You got Upgraded Yoyo

You gain Ability Chainsaw.

Yoyo gains sharp pointy parts and spins at extreme speeds. Like a Chainsaw ;p

Well that could have been helpful somewhere.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"...How the hell did your book...eat...the tree?" Seriously, is this the kinda crap I can expect? Garm looks happy though. I head over to start checking the area for loot.
The Garm is Casually setting the saplings on fire. Have to be sure it's all dead.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"I'm not quite aware. I think it may have something to do with the name. Something about a devouring god? No matter. All that matters is that the tree is defeated, the mists repelled, our safety assured, and my power increased." Crowley states simply, his normal stoicness returning as he helps look for loot, possibly even souls.
No souls in the otherside sadly. But hey you killed a demon at least.

Into the Gains pool
Various shiny things that need appraisal.

Luigi is asleep.
So bored.

09-11-2012, 10:38 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Miss Masters has a sudden odd compulsion to grab the shiniest piece of jewelery and wear it to make the other maids jealous. This confuses her greatly.

"Oh, by the way, we should be reporting to dinner probably. Its finished... probably cold now."

09-11-2012, 10:40 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

"That... That is a lot of possible valuables." Crowley stammers, visibly shocked as he picks up what appears to be a goblet before casting Scan Level 2 on it in the hopes of doing some basic appraisal and getting some more utility out of what has so far been a combat spell.

09-11-2012, 10:47 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

"...Welp." Kiven heads back downstairs to the dining room, hoping dinner would be ready soon. He has this feeling that this upgrade must have been useful SOMEWHERE, had he been there earlier...

09-11-2012, 10:55 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Chuckling at the arson acts of Garm, I start heading back to the mansion, somewhat annoyed that I'm unable to identify any of the loot, but quite hopeful about it at the same time.

09-11-2012, 11:02 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters has a sudden odd compulsion to grab the shiniest piece of jewelery and wear it to make the other maids jealous. This confuses her greatly.

"Oh, by the way, we should be reporting to dinner probably. Its finished... probably cold now."
As if the Butler would let food get cold. That's like an insult.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"That... That is a lot of possible valuables." Crowley stammers, visibly shocked as he picks up what appears to be a goblet before casting Scan Level 2 on it in the hopes of doing some basic appraisal and getting some more utility out of what has so far been a combat spell.
Well. You keep making me give you spells.

Scan Lvl 2
--> Appraise lvl 1

Nothing really important thou they are decently valuable loot wise.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
"...Welp." Kiven heads back downstairs to the dining room, hoping dinner would be ready soon. He has this feeling that this upgrade must have been useful SOMEWHERE, had he been there earlier...
You are sitting at the table. Time to wait for the rest of the guys.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Chuckling at the arson acts of Garm, I start heading back to the mansion, somewhat annoyed that I'm unable to identify any of the loot, but quite hopeful about it at the same time.
On your way back the rain has stopped. But you are rather hungry. I guess this means I finally have to give that explanation of the back story. Balls.

Luigi has descended into Subcon. Well maybe you shouldn't have slept so many updates now should you?

Have fun.

09-11-2012, 11:05 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Crowley grabs all of the loot, stuffs it into the bag, and walks back to the mansion, hungry and hoping for an explanation, though satisfied with all of the new power and possibilities at his fingertips.

09-11-2012, 11:07 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

Being late is an extreme emergency for maids and houseguests alike. Miss Masters grabs Crowley and uses her emergency teleport to seat both at the table.

09-11-2012, 11:08 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. A Red Tree Appears.

I walk in and sit down, wondering how the other two managed to beat me back. Doesn't really matter in the long run though.

09-12-2012, 12:33 AM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. Backstory time. Balls.

Someone needs to beat Luigi awake, or to death, whichever seems more practical.

09-12-2012, 05:09 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Backstory time. Balls.

Kiven smiles and waves. "Hey guys, where ya been? I upgraded my yoyo!"

09-12-2012, 03:56 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

The Maid has dragged Luigi into the room by his leg. Luigi is still asleep. Luigi has a hand print from where the maid tried to slap him awake. The Maid drops him into a chair and walks next to Butler.

"I got Luigi."

The Butler speaks the the gathered.

"You may have been wondering. How did the Mansion get into this kind of state? Why does it feed on souls of monsters and so on. Well for the most part only two people are to blame. The old master who first created it and the Last Master."

The Maid interjects

"The Last master is much too nice a name. Call him The Idiot. Or maybe The Completely stupid guy that doesn't listen to the wise maid. Or something."

"Don't Interupt. Anyways the First Master built this place a long time ago. He used magic and whatnot and well here it is Five thousand years later. Now while it's old that doesn't mean that all this degragation came from age. Not in the least. For you see the Last Master-"

"Idiot Master"

"Last Master, well he wasn't the brightest."

"He had the wit of a turnip."

"Shush. Anyways he had the bad habit of procuring odds and ends from, how do you say it. Well, unrespectable places."

"He bought stuff from a guy called Stupid Joe. He bought Spellbooks from a man called stupid Joe. Why are you trying to diguise the fact that the idiot was a moron?"

"Anyways, The Last Master attempted to become a Death God using various spells."

"I told him it wouldn't work. I mean who uses fried chicken to become a death god?"

"Well, I won't go into the gory details but the end result was, umm, he exploded. Violently."

"I was cleaning up gore for weeks."

"Do you still have his skull."

"Not at all." The maid can only say this because she lost it somewhere.

Nick is currently pounding his head on the the table due to stupidity.

"Anyways the Backlash caused most of the damage. Okay, all of it. He also emptied the treasury through his antics and well that's why we couldn't fix the damage. Umm some of the rooms anyways. However this place is alive. And well that was a pretty nasty wound. So it ate itself to keep living. So it shrunk. We lost rooms in the main mansion and the rest of the facilities like the green house or the kennels are on the other side of the boundry."

"Also, the news about that Demon is rather worrying. Considering they were wiped out of existance a good three thousand years ago. And one this close to the mansion as well. I can't help but worry that this is related to the last masters untimely demise. As in it's his fault hnn."

"Of course it's his fault. He bought the AxeDuck, Mister QuackyAxe as I call him. Him causing something like that is entirely in line with my projections of his ability. Which is Extremely Horrible. Because he's an idiot."

"Anyways on a lesser note, You've seen the monsters around here correct? How that most of them have produced a Lesser soul? They have levels but the one you should really be looking for is called a Grand Soul. Now you may ask, what is a Grand Soul? Well it's an important one. Because that boundry out there can be pushed back using one of them and it fixes a lot of the mess around here. We will need several. "

"Any questions?""

09-12-2012, 04:02 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Ow. So much stupid is bad for my head.

"So, how exactly would we find these Grand Souls? And what the hell was that tree thing?"

09-12-2012, 04:21 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"I agree with my compatriot Nick. That tree was... more than a tad bit disturbing considering the constant screams and the mist. Along with that, it exploded into treasure that I'm not quite capable of identifying." Crowley adds, reaching into the sack to pull out the goblet from earlier.

Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"How do I get in on the 5,000+ years of life thing? That seems like a perk that should have come with the job."

09-12-2012, 04:41 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Ow. So much stupid is bad for my head.

"So, how exactly would we find these Grand Souls? And what the hell was that tree thing?"
Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"I agree with my compatriot Nick. That tree was... more than a tad bit disturbing considering the constant screams and the mist. Along with that, it exploded into treasure that I'm not quite capable of identifying." Crowley adds, reaching into the sack to pull out the goblet from earlier.
The Butler's fingers twitch slightly.

"That Tree was a demon. Now you may wonder, why was this tree eradicated? Simply put the old master encountered one around three thousand years ago. He found out how they spread and reproduced. And he annihilated them. From the smallest seed to even a single word of it's name. He left nothing of it. But then he was still human after all. What human wouldn't destroy it? After all they could only spread by having another demon turn humans into soil. 24 hours of constant pain as a sapling took root in your body."

"For less troubling news. Grand Souls are difficult to locate however I may know something about one, but I don't want to get your hopes up. Also if you feel like it Mr. Crowley you can toss those random treasures into the treasury and they'll convert to gold. Or we could find an appraiser. It's up to you really."

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"How do I get in on the 5,000+ years of life thing? That seems like a perk that should have come with the job."
The Butler just looks at you

"It's simply our nature."

09-12-2012, 04:57 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Kiven taps his finger on the table. "So uh... are there more of these demons? And why is that one room upside down? Was that a result of the backlash as well?"

09-12-2012, 05:12 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Originally Posted by Latewave View Post
The Butler just looks at you

"It's simply our nature."
"That is a horrible way of saying *lets not share eternal life with the new maid*. When I grow old and frail and you cant find someone as perky as me you'll be all alone with the other maid again. Then what?"

"Reguardless, these trees don't sound very lovely either. Pruning them back to nonexistance sounds a good task as any."

09-12-2012, 05:24 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"...You assume that your lifespan hasn't been effected by the weirdness in this house already. And personally, I doubt that. Anyway, my vote is we get those things appraised if it's not gonna cost too much, and turn the useless crap into gold."

I don't mention the vague outline of a plan forming in my head. I want to find a way to rez that retard mage and kill him again.

09-12-2012, 05:36 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"Fully agreed Nick. Now, as far as other answers go, what other types of demon are there? And what is this book exactly? All I know about it is that it basically ate the demon tree after it was killed." Crowley states, stroking his beard.

09-12-2012, 06:13 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"So why'd you let that idiot go crazy with this place?" Luigi had apparently awoken while everybody was talking. He's rubbing the sore spot where he got bitch-slapped.

09-12-2012, 06:36 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"Because he's a master! You ALWAYS do what the master orders. Its a general rule of service."

"For example, say Master Nick asked me to polish his spear..."

09-12-2012, 06:42 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

I am speechless as a give a flat stare of utter disdain at the nut that dared say that.

09-12-2012, 06:47 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"Because he's a master!"
"I wanna be the very best~
Like no one ever was~
To catch them is my real test~
To train them is my cause~"

*cough* "What's stopping another batch of idiots from ruining the place even more?"

09-12-2012, 06:56 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post

*cough* "What's stopping from another batch of idiots ruining the place even more?"
"Considering Nick's tendencies to associate weapons with sex? I would have to say absolutely nothing."

09-12-2012, 07:11 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Luigi frowns, " Somehow, I don't think you thought your cunning plan all the way through."

09-12-2012, 07:17 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"Its quite simple. If it took this long for the mansion to be brought to such a state, then so long as we are cautious and leave reminders to future owners scattered around pertaining to the upkeep of the mansion, it probably won't fall into such disrepair for at least another thousand years if not longer." Crowley explains before pausing to take a sip of water.
"If I had to hazard a guess, I would say that it is within our better interests to finish repairing the training room, the hospital, the farm, and the bedrooms as soon as we are capable. As such, I suggest that after lunch, provided there is no pressing matter to take care of, we all split up and begin searching for either physical materials to repair the mansion with or things to kill for souls so we can repair the mansion. What say you colleagues?"

09-12-2012, 07:20 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"I have buisness I need to take care of before I help anyone with anything. Figurative and literal housekeeping."

09-12-2012, 07:23 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"I'm going to have to second that question about what other monstrosities we can expect to encounter in this forsaken place."

09-12-2012, 07:29 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven taps his finger on the table. "So uh... are there more of these demons? And why is that one room upside down? Was that a result of the backlash as well?"
"For the most part I thought they were gone. So I'm pretty unsure. And yes, his failure completely messed with the magics of house causing much havoc. There used to be a Room I liked. It's gone now. My poor Room."

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"That is a horrible way of saying *lets not share eternal life with the new maid*. When I grow old and frail and you cant find someone as perky as me you'll be all alone with the other maid again. Then what?"

"Reguardless, these trees don't sound very lovely either. Pruning them back to nonexistance sounds a good task as any."
"I'll deal with her as I've dealt with my sister for the past several thousand years. Ignore her and hope she shuts up."

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"...You assume that your lifespan hasn't been effected by the weirdness in this house already. And personally, I doubt that. Anyway, my vote is we get those things appraised if it's not gonna cost too much, and turn the useless crap into gold."

I don't mention the vague outline of a plan forming in my head. I want to find a way to rez that retard mage and kill him again.
"Appraisal fees can be annoying, there are ways around them. Most monsters can be beat into submission after all."

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Fully agreed Nick. Now, as far as other answers go, what other types of demon are there? And what is this book exactly? All I know about it is that it basically ate the demon tree after it was killed." Crowley states, stroking his beard.
"Depends really. But assuming the trend keeps up and more demons of the Otherside type keep popping up? They are varied and hard to describe. One of the reasons the Red Tree was wiped out is because of a certain ritual that turns people into demons. The demons are as varied as the people used to make them basically. Well of this type anyways."

"Also the book is the Tome of the Devouring god. Basically the old master got annoyed with a god and ripped out it's soul and turned it into a book. I wasn't even aware that gods had souls. But that's the old master for you. Basically it eats things and learns spells from them."

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
"So why'd you let that idiot go crazy with this place?" Luigi had apparently awoken while everybody was talking. He's rubbing the sore spot where he got bitch-slapped.
Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"Because he's a master! You ALWAYS do what the master orders. Its a general rule of service."

"For example, say Master Nick asked me to polish his spear..."

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I am speechless as a give a flat stare of utter disdain at the nut that dared say that.
Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
"I wanna be the very best~
Like no one ever was~
To catch them is my real test~
To train them is my cause~"

*cough* "What's stopping another batch of idiots from ruining the place even more?"

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"Considering Nick's tendencies to associate weapons with sex? I would have to say absolutely nothing."
The Maid answers this.

"Nothing at all. But for the part most masters aren't the type to fuck physics up with their stupidity. Normally we'd have his soul ready to be given to the old master for well punishment but, we can't find it. No one can find it."

09-12-2012, 07:41 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"Alright. Kil ldemons, fix the fuck up, draw on skulls with a marker. Sounds like a plan."

Miss masters takes a large bite out of a giant chicken leg and prepares to leave the table.

09-12-2012, 07:41 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Crowley seems deep in thought, before rousing himself out of it with a hard look in his eyes. "Then we should locate the soul of this false master and see if it's possible to beat sense into a soul." Crowley murmurs, thoroughly disgusted with stupidity of the sort that breaks fundamental laws of reality by existing. "After all, if one can rip the soul out of a god and turn it into a spell tome, then it must surely be possible to beat sense into a mortal soul."

09-12-2012, 08:07 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"All right, so let's split up the duties, who wants hunting, who wants repair, and who wants to go threaten a demon to tell us about our stuff? Personally, I'd prefer to go hunt or find out about the stuff."

09-12-2012, 08:12 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"I'm already doing stuff around the manor. Repairs sounds good for me." *nom*

09-12-2012, 08:13 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"I suppose I'm on hunting and demon threatening. If this book grows in power for every creature it eats, I wish to be present for fighting said creatures." Crowley responds as he finishes his meal and drink.

09-12-2012, 08:32 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"Alright, maybe I can work on the less messed up rooms? I don't think we're going to have any luck with the waterworks until someone slays some big beasty and captures its soul."


"Oh! Speaking of which, I wouldn't recommend anyone use the toilets yet, since the plumbing is all kinds of screwed up. I hope that gives you some incentive to invest your first whopper in infrastructure, unless you want the whole place to stink up... does this mansion even have modern ventilation?"

Luigi looks around for a moment before addressing the butler, "So, uh, where to? I'm not going into that sewer again."

09-12-2012, 09:07 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley seems deep in thought, before rousing himself out of it with a hard look in his eyes. "Then we should locate the soul of this false master and see if it's possible to beat sense into a soul." Crowley murmurs, thoroughly disgusted with stupidity of the sort that breaks fundamental laws of reality by existing. "After all, if one can rip the soul out of a god and turn it into a spell tome, then it must surely be possible to beat sense into a mortal soul."

"Well it's possible but you'd have to find it first. But with that kind of attitude there is a group of someones you may want to meet. Let's go visit the cemetery."

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"All right, so let's split up the duties, who wants hunting, who wants repair, and who wants to go threaten a demon to tell us about our stuff? Personally, I'd prefer to go hunt or find out about the stuff."
Class Hunter :p

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"I'm already doing stuff around the manor. Repairs sounds good for me." *nom*

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"I suppose I'm on hunting and demon threatening. If this book grows in power for every creature it eats, I wish to be present for fighting said creatures." Crowley responds as he finishes his meal and drink.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
"Alright, maybe I can work on the less messed up rooms? I don't think we're going to have any luck with the waterworks until someone slays some big beasty and captures its soul."


"Oh! Speaking of which, I wouldn't recommend anyone use the toilets yet, since the plumbing is all kinds of screwed up. I hope that gives you some incentive to invest your first whopper in infrastructure, unless you want the whole place to stink up... does this mansion even have modern ventilation?"

Luigi looks around for a moment before addressing the butler, "So, uh, where to? I'm not going into that sewer again."
"The grand souls are only useful depending on the type. We can't just feed the same type of grand soul into the mansion a bunch of times over. A Grand Soul of the Forest would hit most of the structural damage and fix up most of the greenery in the area. It's also the only one I have a location for at the moment."

"Also I may have the perfect job for you. We are going to need to kidnap some monsters and force them to work for us. So we are going to need rooms cleared out. Your vacuum is a neat tool for this."

09-12-2012, 09:15 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"Then let us go the cemetery. I wish to speak with this group if you're willing to vouch for them." Crowley says, rising from the table and straightening his suit and tie. One does not simply meet new acquaintances disheveled in appearance.

09-12-2012, 09:27 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Miss masters leaves the table and goes to the courtyard once more.

She walks up to the plants and feeds them from the bags of zombie flesh she collected. The one that ate the zombie earlier is also fed the remains of the Dinner Chicken (which she managed to sneak out without anyone noticing)

Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

I stand up to get ready to go, when a thought hits me.

"So...what exactly was the point of that questionaire?"

09-12-2012, 09:45 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Kiven glances around at all the talking, then grabs a piece of chicken and trots outside.

09-12-2012, 09:51 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Luigi sets off on his task immediately, vacuuming up all the debris he can find, and keeping anything interesting that might be unearthed by his grand excavation of the mansion's garbage. Just then, an idea strikes! Luigi tries to summon some more useful minions!

It's a vacuum! It's a worm! It's both!
Don't feed it bombs, or you'll ruin its supper. Forever.

09-12-2012, 10:19 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Then let us go the cemetery. I wish to speak with this group if you're willing to vouch for them." Crowley says, rising from the table and straightening his suit and tie. One does not simply meet new acquaintances disheveled in appearance.
The Butler begins to lead you away towards the Cemetery

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss masters leaves the table and goes to the courtyard once more.

She walks up to the plants and feeds them from the bags of zombie flesh she collected. The one that ate the zombie earlier is also fed the remains of the Dinner Chicken (which she managed to sneak out without anyone noticing)
The plants in the Greenhouse are happy to be feed for the first time in a long while.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I stand up to get ready to go, when a thought hits me.

"So...what exactly was the point of that questionaire?"
The Maid

"Because it amused me."

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven glances around at all the talking, then grabs a piece of chicken and trots outside.
/me shrugs at this

You gain Piece of chicken

Dun dun dun?

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Luigi sets off on his task immediately, vacuuming up all the debris he can find, and keeping anything interesting that might be unearthed by his grand excavation of the mansion's garbage. Just then, an idea strikes! Luigi tries to summon some more useful minions!

It's a vacuum! It's a worm! It's both!
Don't feed it bombs, or you'll ruin its supper. Forever.
/me clap claps at Luigi.

You get odds and ends.

09-12-2012, 10:26 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

With the plants all fed and lovely, Miss Masters heads back to the Main Kitchen, bringing with her all the unsalvageable metal scrap from the armory and destroyed rooms. She sets a large pile of the material in front of the door and uses a stick to poke it open.

09-12-2012, 11:05 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
With the plants all fed and lovely, Miss Masters heads back to the Main Kitchen, bringing with her all the unsalvageable metal scrap from the armory and destroyed rooms. She sets a large pile of the material in front of the door and uses a stick to poke it open.
The utensils pull the materials in and start chopping them into pieces. And gathering the metal bits into a mold? Wait are they going to recycle the materials?

09-12-2012, 11:09 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Now THIS requires some investigation! Miss Maaster postpones her plan in favor of seeing what this mold is for. She tapes an ordinary fork to a bedsheet in an attempt to make a disguise and gets a bit closer.

09-12-2012, 11:17 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Now THIS requires some investigation! Miss Maaster postpones her plan in favor of seeing what this mold is for. She tapes an ordinary fork to a bedsheet in an attempt to make a disguise and gets a bit closer.
The mold is placed into an oven and the metal inside melted down. It seems they are using this to recreate broken Utensils?

09-12-2012, 11:22 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Before Luigi gets too far he lobs one more question at the staff, "How did the previous guy become master of this place?"

09-12-2012, 11:32 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Miss Masters grows bold enough to go inside the kitchen to attempt a tally of what utensils are the norm and which need to be fixed. That 2 Int stat inspires a lot of confidence in this not going wrong.


It is the perfect crime.

09-13-2012, 12:55 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"Amused you. Why am I not surprised. Well, while we're having this lovely chat, I might as well get a few questions out of the way. First off, anyway we can either get back to or have someone go to our previous homes and get the rest of our stuff? I'd rather not leave my car or anything else just sitting around. Second, you said the book had the soul of a freaking GOD in it. What about the rest of the stuff you gave us? And last, what the hell did Sir KFC mean by upgraded his yoyo?"

09-13-2012, 05:12 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Kiven explores the backyard, looking for a barn or coop or something that chickens could come from

09-13-2012, 07:05 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Crowley follows the Butler to the cemetery when the butler heads off to the cemetery.

09-13-2012, 08:12 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Before Luigi gets too far he lobs one more question at the staff, "How did the previous guy become master of this place?"
"He inherited it from his father. It was originally supposed to go to his brother, but"

"His brother died a hero and he died a moron."

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters grows bold enough to go inside the kitchen to attempt a tally of what utensils are the norm and which need to be fixed. That 2 Int stat inspires a lot of confidence in this not going wrong.


It is the perfect crime.
I'm just going to let this go.

Seems they are making various cooking tools. Like spatulas.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"Amused you. Why am I not surprised. Well, while we're having this lovely chat, I might as well get a few questions out of the way. First off, anyway we can either get back to or have someone go to our previous homes and get the rest of our stuff? I'd rather not leave my car or anything else just sitting around. Second, you said the book had the soul of a freaking GOD in it. What about the rest of the stuff you gave us? And last, what the hell did Sir KFC mean by upgraded his yoyo?"
"Your stuff is being taken care off. None of your stuff has the soul of a god. But if you are looking for the name of yours, It's called Brionac. He added some parts to his yoyo to make it better."

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven explores the backyard, looking for a barn or coop or something that chickens could come from
The Narrator eyes you.

Is your name Ed by any chance?

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley follows the Butler to the cemetery when the butler heads off to the cemetery.
"It's getting dark. That's good."

The Butler leads you to the Cemetary.

There is a dark gleam in his eyes.

"Say hello, to my former masters."

And the world is swarming.

Mr. Crowley do you talk to the dead.

09-13-2012, 08:15 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

I open my mouth to continue my barrage of info gathering, only to slowly shut it as I realize I have no more questions. I leave with a shrug, and after collecting Lance, head back into the woods to try and find out what the hell that goblin was looking for.

09-13-2012, 08:17 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Miss Masters observes the process carefully so she may improove her metalworking to create bound metal objects like in the kitchens. No doubt this will be very helpful in item creation down the road.

09-13-2012, 08:32 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

"Greetings. If I am not mistaken, you are the former or even quite possibly still co-owners of the mansion. As you can see, it is in a dreadful state of disrepair. Now, I did not come here to waste your time, so I will dispense with the pleasantries. What would be the best course of action to take to begin repairing the more drastic damages?"

09-13-2012, 08:33 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. He exploded. Violently

Kiven continues on his search for the coop.

09-13-2012, 09:00 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I open my mouth to continue my barrage of info gathering, only to slowly shut it as I realize I have no more questions. I leave with a shrug, and after collecting Lance, head back into the woods to try and find out what the hell that goblin was looking for.
You are out searching in the dark. Is this such a good idea? Who knows? You hear voices thou.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters observes the process carefully so she may improve her metalworking to create bound metal objects like in the kitchens. No doubt this will be very helpful in item creation down the road.
You watch the creation of kitchen Utensils. Yay?

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Greetings. If I am not mistaken, you are the former or even quite possibly still co-owners of the mansion. As you can see, it is in a dreadful state of disrepair. Now, I did not come here to waste your time, so I will dispense with the pleasantries. What would be the best course of action to take to begin repairing the more drastic damages?"
A Map is imprinted into your brain. You wanted the best course of action to start repairing it. You definitely got it.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven continues on his search for the coop.
Well, that might take a while I've not seen any giant robot battles around here. I'd know you know? So I don't think Coop and his giant robot are around here.

09-13-2012, 09:01 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

I approach the voices, using as much stealth as I can.

09-13-2012, 09:02 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"Thank you. I will be sure to put the map to good use." Crowley bows gracefully, before gesturing goodbye and heading back to the mansion, calling up the map mentally to find the best hunting grounds for souls.

09-13-2012, 09:07 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Kiven follows Crowley back into the Mansion

09-13-2012, 09:10 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Miss Masters has deduced that since the room doesn't cause silverware to come to life, and since the utensils have escaped the room while preserving their mysticism, that the oven itself is the cause for the cutlery being alive!

She writes this down in her scientific journal. Then she sneaks over and grabs the largest kitchen knife floating around the kitchen and Emergency Teleports away with it. This lands her and the knife in the forge.

Since an entire kitchen of utensils suddenly turning to stab you all at once is by technicality an emergency.

09-13-2012, 09:53 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I approach the voices, using as much stealth as I can.
You found the Goblins again.

"Stupid gobs. Losing the Goblin stone. Why are all of them so stupid?"

"It was Grauch that lost it."

"Doesn't matter. I get my skull eaten either way."

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Thank you. I will be sure to put the map to good use." Crowley bows gracefully, before gesturing goodbye and heading back to the mansion, calling up the map mentally to find the best hunting grounds for souls.
You head towards the best place. Do you really want to?

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven follows Crowley back into the Mansion
You are with Crowley.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters has deduced that since the room doesn't cause silverware to come to life, and since the utensils have escaped the room while preserving their mysticism, that the oven itself is the cause for the cutlery being alive!

She writes this down in her scientific journal. Then she sneaks over and grabs the largest kitchen knife floating around the kitchen and Emergency Teleports away with it. This lands her and the knife in the forge.

Since an entire kitchen of utensils suddenly turning to stab you all at once is by technicality an emergency.
I don't know what to say.

You have lost the Narrator.

"Oh man how did the Narrator get lost."

"This is your fault."

"No it's not."

"No it"

"... Damnit."

The Maid is now the Narrator.

09-13-2012, 09:54 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Crowley stops, seems to sniff at the air before narrowing his eyes and backing away to the mansion to see if there is nothing else he can take care of before hand. Stopping by the kitchens, Crowley notices the rogue silverware before simply blasting them all with Douse Level 1. Crowley shudders, as though all were not well with the realms.

Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Remembering how quickly the last set of goblins ran, I pull out three knives and use Brionac to quickly kill the leader before subduing the minions. Lance seems to be eying the leaders body as it lies there, so I tell him to go ahead and chow down while I have a chat with the remaining goblins. As I start the interrogation, a huge chill does a few laps up and down my spine...

09-13-2012, 09:59 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Kiven stays after Crowley leaves. He just wanders around in the general area and looks for anything significant. But doesn't touch. He readies his yoyo just in case though.
Last edited by a moderator:
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Miss Masters suddenly gets a feeling the particular knife she kidnapped from the kitchen was important to telling the story and should be returned post-haste. She then disreguards these feelings in favor of crafting the ultimate familiar!

Her work is quick. After stacking several boxes around to reach the forge facilities, Miss Masters stokes up the heat and begins smelting metal. The Posessed Knife is quickly forged with several longswords from the armory to increase its size. An alloy of demon-cutting steel and ancient metals are formed together, and with all of her strength, the blade is hammered together and sharpened to slice through monsters like butter.

The soul of the Monster Bunny is also infused with the weapon as to make it more timid and commandable. And less likely to immediately cut her in half.


Thus a sword familiar was born. A loyal servant of steel and soul. AND INFINITELY BETTER THAN NICK'S MENAGERIE OF PUPPIES! He will be so totally jealous...

09-13-2012, 10:39 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley stops, seems to sniff at the air before narrowing his eyes and backing away to the mansion to see if there is nothing else he can take care of before hand. Stopping by the kitchens, Crowley notices the rogue silverware before simply blasting them all with Douse Level 1. Crowley shudders, as though all were not well with the realms.
"Well you doused all of the good utensils. You know how hard it is to clean a bunch of utensils that don't want to be cleaned? Now they are all wet and stuff."

"Also nothing is wrong. I am a totally cool narrators and stuff."

"Remind me to gut my brother."

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Remembering how quickly the last set of goblins ran, I pull out three knives and use Brionac to quickly kill the leader before subduing the minions. Lance seems to be eying the leaders body as it lies there, so I tell him to go ahead and chow down while I have a chat with the remaining goblins. As I start the interrogation, a huge chill does a few laps up and down my spine...
"Well you just killed the world's smartest goblin. You literally just dropped their IQ by a good dozen points. I hope your happy. Oh yeah I'm supposed to let you see what they say. Hey wait you didn't ask them any questions."

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven stays after Crowley leaves. He just wanders around in the general area and looks for anything significant. But doesn't touch. He readies his yoyo just in case though.
"Boring. When does he do something that causes a limit break or something. Some flashy cinematics a cool scene. nothing. blah"

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters suddenly gets a feeling the particular knife she kidnapped from the kitchen was important to telling the story and should be returned post-haste. She then disreguards these feelings in favor of crafting the ultimate familiar!

Her work is quick. After stacking several boxes around to reach the forge facilities, Miss Masters stokes up the heat and begins smelting metal. The Posessed Knife is quickly forged with several longswords from the armory to increase its size. An alloy of demon-cutting steel and ancient metals are formed together, and with all of her strength, the blade is hammered together and sharpened to slice through monsters like butter.

The soul of the Monster Bunny is also infused with the weapon as to make it more timid and commandable. And less likely to immediately cut her in half.


Thus a sword familiar was born. A loyal servant of steel and soul. AND INFINITELY BETTER THAN NICK'S MENAGERIE OF PUPPIES! He will be so totally jealous...
"I'm supposed to say something here what was it again? Something about bonds and stuff."

"Oh yeah. By bond of theft and soul of Rabbit, be bound by cyan blood. Let this one never leave your side. Familar bond LVL 1."

The Maid is smiling.

"What's this note? Be careful what you wish for? Because you may get it. Hmm. Oh well. It's not like I'll have to deal with it."

09-13-2012, 10:44 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"All right, let's start with some ground rules. I'll ask a few questions, you answer. You tell the truth, I might let you go. You lie, you die. You stay quiet, you die. You run, you guessed it, you die. So. What's the stone, what's it do, where is it, why are you looking for it, and how do I use it? Oh, and while I'm at it, what's your names...can't just call you Gob 1 and Gob 2...mostly cause I can't tell you apart...."

09-13-2012, 10:47 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"Now then, silverware. I assume you have some sort of grievances you wish to air. Now then, you can continue to make nuisances of yourselves, or you can OH SHIT!" Crowley suddenly loses his stoicness as he slams the door shut, several knives colliding with it. Looking at the door with a shocked and panicked look, Crowley very quickly runs off to the farm to water the plants.

09-13-2012, 11:08 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"ALRIGHT SWORD FAMILIAR! I am not new to the whole binding souls to objects and stuff, but it seems the last master got some pretty sweet loot out of it so Ill be damned if I don't try. If you had a name before... forget it. You are now Wallace! Because Wallace is an awesome name. I also crafted you with a face so if you can speak then feel free to do so. it is very likely I will take what you say 100% as is so it would be nice if you didn't mislead me to the side of evil or the furtherance of your goals."

"Aaaand I think thats it. Welcome to the team Wallace! Don't cut me in half, thats counterproductive for everyone."

With weapon orientation over, Miss Masters begins work on actually doing her job. She takes a bunch of armor sketches from around the forge and makes a few changes here and there. These are then summoned as the new form of her general help staff.


With her new armorey-plated staff summoned and polished, she orders them to get to work immediately! The Yellow-eyed laborers and Pink-eyed maids are sent in pair to the lightly damaged rooms to haul off rubble and give a status report on what needs fixing. The bedrooms are given top priorety; sleeping arrangements MUST be set by sundown!

Lightly smashed
Food Pantry and Storage

09-13-2012, 11:38 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"All right, let's start with some ground rules. I'll ask a few questions, you answer. You tell the truth, I might let you go. You lie, you die. You stay quiet, you die. You run, you guessed it, you die. So. What's the stone, what's it do, where is it, why are you looking for it, and how do I use it? Oh, and while I'm at it, what's your names...can't just call you Gob 1 and Gob 2...mostly cause I can't tell you apart...."
"We are here with the Goblin Racist. Now I'm either supposed to let you see what they say or say it myself. Decisions decisions."

"I'm Graunch"

" 'm Grok"

"It's the Goblin Stone. It was made by Grunk. It blows things up. because it blows things up and it's for warchief. You tap things with it and runes appear on it that explode. We lost it because Graunch dropped it and it made the grow explode."

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Now then, silverware. I assume you have some sort of grievances you wish to air. Now then, you can continue to make nuisances of yourselves, or you can OH SHIT!" Crowley suddenly loses his stoicness as he slams the door shut, several knives colliding with it. Looking at the door with a shocked and panicked look, Crowley very quickly runs off to the farm to water the plants.
"Coward. Let's see you are at the farm. Water your plants."

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"ALRIGHT SWORD FAMILIAR! I am not new to the whole binding souls to objects and stuff, but it seems the last master got some pretty sweet loot out of it so Ill be damned if I don't try. If you had a name before... forget it. You are now Wallace! Because Wallace is an awesome name. I also crafted you with a face so if you can speak then feel free to do so. it is very likely I will take what you say 100% as is so it would be nice if you didn't mislead me to the side of evil or the furtherance of your goals."

"Aaaand I think thats it. Welcome to the team Wallace! Don't cut me in half, thats counterproductive for everyone."

With weapon orientation over, Miss Masters begins work on actually doing her job. She takes a bunch of armor sketches from around the forge and makes a few changes here and there. These are then summoned as the new form of her general help staff.


With her new armorey-plated staff summoned and polished, she orders them to get to work immediately! The Yellow-eyed laborers and Pink-eyed maids are sent in pair to the lightly damaged rooms to haul off rubble and give a status report on what needs fixing. The bedrooms are given top priorety; sleeping arrangements MUST be set by sundown!

Lightly smashed
Food Pantry and Storage
"The minions are set off. I'm bored. It's going to be hilarious when the blade starts talking. I shouldn't ask my brother for spoilers but I can't help it."

09-13-2012, 11:48 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"Could you get the old narrator back? You seem a bi overly sarcastic for telling stories. it ruins my fun."

"Or better yet, get us that guy from Bastion as a narrator. I'd like his opinion on my sword thank you very much."

09-13-2012, 11:50 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

'Explodes?At will?!' I quickly try and school the grin off my face, even as I start marching the two goblins over to start searching for the stone. "All right, that's good to see you cooperating. Thing is, I kinda need souls to fix a bunch of shit done by a idiot jackass. So, here's my next question for you two. Why should I let you two live? Granted, your not going to go free, need workers and all that, but I need a reason why I should bother."

09-14-2012, 01:09 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Like I'm the type to not do something like this.

Hey, Where am I? Who are these douchebags? Why do I have the urge to make fun of the Maid? Blarg. Let's see what these guys are up to shall we?

"My Lord, one of the Red Trees are dead."


"Yep. Seems the mansion has some masters. Apparently they are competent. I mean I sold that Idiot a book and he actually used it. Hell I even used the alias Stupid Joe. Sometimes I just have the best luck. Or some people have the worst. Who knows really?"

"ARG, I need to kill something. Go get me a goblin."


So, Who are these douchebags?

09-14-2012, 05:13 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Probably the butler and the First Master. I think.

09-14-2012, 07:40 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Arriving at the farm, Crowley summons his minions to do his bidding. They appear to be a bunch of clay dolls, some with slightly shiny yellow skin and still others looking very pointy, jabby, and angry.
"Clean up this farm or you'll answer to me." Crowley states, standing imperiously in front of the minions as he tries to forget the kitchen incident from before.

09-14-2012, 11:23 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"Could you get the old narrator back? You seem a bi overly sarcastic for telling stories. it ruins my fun."

"Or better yet, get us that guy from Bastion as a narrator. I'd like his opinion on my sword thank you very much."
Che, Seems my sister was narratoring in my absence.

Well you have a Sword Familar. Made from a cursed sword. Odds says this will bite her.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
'Explodes?At will?!' I quickly try and school the grin off my face, even as I start marching the two goblins over to start searching for the stone. "All right, that's good to see you cooperating. Thing is, I kinda need souls to fix a bunch of shit done by a idiot jackass. So, here's my next question for you two. Why should I let you two live? Granted, your not going to go free, need workers and all that, but I need a reason why I should bother."
"Grunk make more stones in his mind. He make blue prints. I know where he hid them."

The other Goblin sneers.

"I already stole them."

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Arriving at the farm, Crowley summons his minions to do his bidding. They appear to be a bunch of clay dolls, some with slightly shiny yellow skin and still others looking very pointy, jabby, and angry.
"Clean up this farm or you'll answer to me." Crowley states, standing imperiously in front of the minions as he tries to forget the kitchen incident from before.
They begin clearing out litter and stuff.

09-14-2012, 11:46 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

With the regular narration staff back in its place, Miss Masters heads down to the treasury to assist the pair she sent to asses the damages and previous repair efforts. She leaves note for returning minions to rendezvous back to the treasury with their damage reports before fixing the damage itself.

09-14-2012, 12:06 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Pocketing the stone, I lead the two goblins back to the mansion, though not before taking the blueprints for the other stones. Entering the mansion, I lead the two in search of the maid.

09-14-2012, 03:56 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

While the minions are at work, the wrathful ones occasionally getting into fights and the greedy ones constantly stealing from each other, Crowley looks around, seeing if there's any plants that need tending to.

09-14-2012, 04:56 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Kiven, having nothing to do, heads to the greenhouse and searches around for anything useful/interesting/ a fight

09-14-2012, 05:16 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

09-14-2012, 05:40 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
With the regular narration staff back in its place, Miss Masters heads down to the treasury to assist the pair she sent to asses the damages and previous repair efforts. She leaves note for returning minions to rendezvous back to the treasury with their damage reports before fixing the damage itself.
Well you got your stuff in order. Did you go back an hack your Int to three when I wasn't looking? Minions are getting stuff done.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Pocketing the stone, I lead the two goblins back to the mansion, though not before taking the blueprints for the other stones. Entering the mansion, I lead the two in search of the maid.
You find the Maid. She's currently reading a book.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
While the minions are at work, the wrathful ones occasionally getting into fights and the greedy ones constantly stealing from each other, Crowley looks around, seeing if there's any plants that need tending to.
There are a lot of plants needing tending. It's a farm after all.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven, having nothing to do, heads to the greenhouse and searches around for anything useful/interesting/ a fight
You hear a metal grinding sound. Srrch, Srrch.

09-14-2012, 05:42 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

I toss the two goblins over to her, telling her "Here, two new minions for you to use. Try not to kill them." before heading off to find the butler and hoping he can help me make sense of these blueprints.

09-14-2012, 05:43 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Ghh. Sounds. Must investigate. Kiven calmly walks toward the sound and pulls out his yoyo.

09-14-2012, 05:44 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Crowley looks around at the plants, and decides to get to work with watering them. He does so by spamming douse on everything, not being much of a farmer by trade.

09-14-2012, 05:51 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Miss masters notices a lot of rubble clear from the treasury room, but the roof "fixed" by putting a log over the gaping hole. She ponders who would have done this before realising she doesn't care. She uses her strength to bring the log to ground floor where a saw is used to cut it into proper boards.

09-14-2012, 06:23 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

At this point Luigi has cleared nearly half of the first floor of debris.
The place still looks awful though, if a lot more spacious.

Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I toss the two goblins over to her, telling her "Here, two new minions for you to use. Try not to kill them." before heading off to find the butler and hoping he can help me make sense of these blueprints.
The Gleam in the maid's eyes is terrifying so let's go do something else. So let's head off to the Butler.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Ghh. Sounds. Must investigate. Kiven calmly walks toward the sound and pulls out his yoyo.
Well that's not the best idea.

You spot the source of the noise. A cloaked man with glowing red eyes carrying a fuck off ax. He makes a bring it gesture.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley looks around at the plants, and decides to get to work with watering them. He does so by spamming douse on everything, not being much of a farmer by trade.
Well you've watered the plants. I can't really say much.

But you did gain some plant empathy. You haven't dinged a level yet sadly.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss masters notices a lot of rubble clear from the treasury room, but the roof "fixed" by putting a log over the gaping hole. She ponders who would have done this before realising she doesn't care. She uses her strength to bring the log to ground floor where a saw is used to cut it into proper boards.
You gain boards.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
At this point Luigi has cleared nearly half of the first floor of debris.
The place still looks awful though, if a lot more spacious.
You gain even more rubble. And what's this. Your vacuum is evolving. Press B to cancel?

09-14-2012, 07:26 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Crowley looks around to see if he can't spot a greenhouse or other plant storage area.

09-14-2012, 07:26 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Miss masters uses the boards to patch holes in the cieling, as well as the roof around the room.

She sees a bird flying around and waves to it.

09-14-2012, 07:30 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Luigi watches the vacuum evolve into... something.

09-14-2012, 07:31 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Finally finding the Butler after quite a bit of searching, I walk up to him and ask him if he could either translate the blueprints or knows someone or somewhere that could.

09-14-2012, 07:41 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Kiven pulls off some mad tricks with his yoyo. "Bring it on" He bops the thing on the head with his yoyo.

09-14-2012, 07:55 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley looks around to see if he can't spot a greenhouse or other plant storage area.
You found a greenhouse. I'm going to guess you want to water these plants?

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss masters uses the boards to patch holes in the cieling, as well as the roof around the room.

She sees a bird flying around and waves to it.
The bird waves back and crashes into a tree.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Luigi watches the vacuum evolve into... something.
your Vacuum evolves into a mark Vortex.

You gain Suction LVL 2
You gain Wind Blast LVL 1

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Finally finding the Butler after quite a bit of searching, I walk up to him and ask him if he could either translate the blueprints or knows someone or somewhere that could.
"I can speak goblin but I never learned to read it. Well the current Dialect anyways. I can read Old Goblish however."

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven pulls off some mad tricks with his yoyo. "Bring it on" He bops the thing on the head with his yoyo.
Well, I wasn't expecting that.

I don't think he was either.

Anyways He smashes his ax against the ground and the world twists and churns.

Welcome to the Labyrintian. Welcome to the Maze of Horrors.

Time for a Game of Cat and mouse.


09-14-2012, 07:56 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Crowley sighs, opens the greenhouse door, and steps inside to water the plants.

09-14-2012, 07:58 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Kiven dashes off, navigating himself through this new, and extremely disturbing, new place. But he's looking for the thing he hit. It never specified which was the cat, and Kiven is rearing to go.

09-14-2012, 07:59 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

I hand the blueprints to him just to make sure, and tell him to have the goblins translate it for him if need be, before getting directions to Crowleys current location. I've got a ring I want him to have a look at.

09-14-2012, 08:12 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley sighs, opens the greenhouse door, and steps inside to water the plants.
You Gain Plant Empathy LVL1 through force.
Your book is glowing.
Only one new spell for the moment.
Growth LVL 1

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven dashes off, navigating himself through this new, and extremely disturbing, new place. But he's looking for the thing he hit. It never specified which was the cat, and Kiven is rearing to go.
You step into a large open area. The Executioner is on the other side. Well you can run right it's not like he's that fast right? He lifts his axe off the ground and takes three steps. Suddenly he's in your face. He zooms backward laughing. I think he's enjoying this.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I hand the blueprints to him just to make sure, and tell him to have the goblins translate it for him if need be, before getting directions to Crowleys current location. I've got a ring I want him to have a look at.
He'll look at it. Now you are looking for Crowley.

09-14-2012, 08:14 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.


Miss Masters rushes down to where the bird crashed to give it medical attention. She somehow switches to a nurse outfit in the transition and checks for a pulse in her patient.

09-14-2012, 08:15 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Kiven sprints forward so as to run into this 'Executioner'. He waits until he's almost about to hit the Executioner and sends his yoyo backwards, lengthening the string and increasing the yoyo's mass. Inertia foobs.

09-14-2012, 08:16 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"Well well. A new spell to play with. Lets see if we can't use you to procure some better food stuffs" Crowley says as he looks at a slightly withered looking pot of... Stawberries? Grapes? He's not sure what plant it is, but he focuses and uses Growth Level 1 on it. What's the worst that could happen, right?

09-14-2012, 08:22 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

I walk into the Greenhouse I've been told Crowley was at, spotting him over by a large group of plants, I walk up behind him and ask what he's doing.

09-14-2012, 08:25 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"I'm trying to use a combination of new spells to see if it's possible to gain further new spells. So far it has obtained me a spell referred to as growth and I wish to see if it will make these plants grow. Why?"

09-14-2012, 08:30 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"Well, last time I saw you, all you had was fire magic, so I had no clue what you were doing in a greenhouse. Have you considered using that scan spell on them or something? Oh, and I was hoping you could use that appraise spell on this ring I found."

09-14-2012, 08:31 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"Hmmm. Good point. And of course. I'll do that right now."

09-14-2012, 08:38 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post

Miss Masters rushes down to where the bird crashed to give it medical attention. She somehow switches to a nurse outfit in the transition and checks for a pulse in her patient.
You attempt to save the birds life. It does have a pulse.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven sprints forward so as to run into this 'Executioner'. He waits until he's almost about to hit the Executioner and sends his yoyo backwards, lengthening the string and increasing the yoyo's mass. Inertia foobs.
He's not there anymore. He is casually sitting on the Wall that you came in from. He jumps down and zooms down one of the paths. He's not letting this cat and mouse game be over until he's bored.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Well well. A new spell to play with. Lets see if we can't use you to procure some better food stuffs" Crowley says as he looks at a slightly withered looking pot of... Stawberries? Grapes? He's not sure what plant it is, but he focuses and uses Growth Level 1 on it. What's the worst that could happen, right?

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I walk into the Greenhouse I've been told Crowley was at, spotting him over by a large group of plants, I walk up behind him and ask what he's doing.
insert conversation here

You grew a strawberry plant.

Item Strawberry.

Item Appraised
Ring of Magic
All you got was that it was magical
Need to up your appraise skill.

09-14-2012, 08:40 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Kiven does what any logical mouse would do. He jumps down and whirls his yoyo like a lasso. "Why so scared friend? Let's duel." Kiven taunts the Executioner.

09-14-2012, 08:41 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"Hmm. This is disturbing in the lack of efficiency this spell is demonstrating. Anything else you'd like identified so I can get some practice?" Crowley says as he proceeds to make even more of the plants in the greenhouse grow.

09-14-2012, 08:42 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

I sigh. "Unfortunately, no. The ring was the only thing I had. Maybe something from the pile of loot we got? Can't hurt to go take a closer look at it."

09-14-2012, 08:48 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven does what any logical mouse would do. He jumps down and whirls his yoyo like a lasso. "Why so scared friend? Let's duel." Kiven taunts the Executioner.
You blink and the Executioner has you by the leg. He tosses you over the wall. Hide and seek time.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Hmm. This is disturbing in the lack of efficiency this spell is demonstrating. Anything else you'd like identified so I can get some practice?" Crowley says as he proceeds to make even more of the plants in the greenhouse grow.
You grow some more foodstuff plants.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I sigh. "Unfortunately, no. The ring was the only thing I had. Maybe something from the pile of loot we got? Can't hurt to go take a closer look at it."
good idea?

09-14-2012, 08:50 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Kiven wedges himself into a crack in the wall with his yoyo at ready, preparing to whack the dude with it in case he appears.

09-14-2012, 08:51 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"True. Though maybe we should go hunting. See if we can't locate some more creatures to eradicate for materials to repair the mansion. Speaking of little terrors, what are my minions up to?" Crowley queries, walking out of the greenhouse, comfortable in the knowledge of having helped stopped starvation for a little while longer.

09-14-2012, 08:52 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Get out the stretcher! Rush to the damaged infirmary! There must certainly be SOMETHING usable there...

09-14-2012, 08:53 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"Okay, how bout we head back to the mansion, grab Garm and that other wolf, swing by the treasurey room for a quick scan, then go hunting?"

09-14-2012, 08:56 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"Sounds like a good plan Nick." Crowley says, sincerely smiling, following Nick's lead.

09-14-2012, 08:57 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Luigi continues vacuuming, he makes sure to be careful using his new-fangled cleaning apparatus so as not to overdo it and make an even bigger mess by accident.

09-14-2012, 09:08 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven wedges himself into a crack in the wall with his yoyo at ready, preparing to whack the dude with it in case he appears.
You hear a grinding noise on the other side of the wall. Maybe you should keep quiet?

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"True. Though maybe we should go hunting. See if we can't locate some more creatures to eradicate for materials to repair the mansion. Speaking of little terrors, what are my minions up to?" Crowley queries, walking out of the greenhouse, comfortable in the knowledge of having helped stopped starvation for a little while longer.
Your minions are currently having a pitched battle over a tiny hat.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Get out the stretcher! Rush to the damaged infirmary! There must certainly be SOMETHING usable there...
Well quite maybe. You'd have to clean it up a bit thou.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"Okay, how bout we head back to the mansion, grab Garm and that other wolf, swing by the treasurey room for a quick scan, then go hunting?"

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Sounds like a good plan Nick." Crowley says, sincerely smiling, following Nick's lead.
And you do so.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Luigi continues vacuuming, he makes sure to be careful using his new-fangled cleaning apparatus so as not to overdo it and make an even bigger mess by accident.
Luigi Master of the Vacuum.

09-14-2012, 09:10 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Kiven stays absolutely still, listening to his common sense over his curiosity for once.

09-14-2012, 09:18 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Seeing as I seem to be leading the little pack we've formed, I make my way to the treasury for both a appraisal and a bit of inventory. "Wonder if we can just use your scan spell to insta-inventory the room..."

09-14-2012, 09:20 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"Hmmm. No sense in not trying. Worst comes to worst I have to appraise everything individually." Crowley shrugs, preparing to mass cast Appraise on everything.

09-14-2012, 09:20 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.



09-14-2012, 09:29 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven stays absolutely still, listening to his common sense over his curiosity for once.
The grinding keeps moving until it stops. And suddenly part of the wall isn't there anymore. I think you should be running.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Seeing as I seem to be leading the little pack we've formed, I make my way to the treasury for both a appraisal and a bit of inventory. "Wonder if we can just use your scan spell to insta-inventory the room..."
Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Hmmm. No sense in not trying. Worst comes to worst I have to appraise everything individually." Crowley shrugs, preparing to mass cast Appraise on everything.
All of the Suffering. ALL of it. You have a bunch of vaguely magical crap.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post

You clean all the things?

09-14-2012, 09:32 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Kiven rolls backwards and jumps onto his feet, dashing down the pathway.

09-14-2012, 09:32 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"As best as I can tell, the vast majority of this is only vaguely magical." Crowley says, a look of disappointment on his face as he gets up and brushes himself off before following Nick.

09-14-2012, 09:32 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Sighing, I let Crowley know I'm going off to the forest and he can catch up if he wants to run any more spells over the random magic crap. Really hoping we can find someone to get this stuff appraised soon...

09-14-2012, 09:41 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven rolls backwards and jumps onto his feet, dashing down the pathway.
The Executioner roars. It's seems he's had his fun. He's in front of you axe swinging for your throat. Time stops.

"Can't let you do that starfox. Time to stop cheating."

Both you and the Executioner are suddenly on top of the Labyrinthian. Bright sunlight is hitting both of you. The Executioner looks well less then he did.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"As best as I can tell, the vast majority of this is only vaguely magical." Crowley says, a look of disappointment on his face as he gets up and brushes himself off before following Nick.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Sighing, I let Crowley know I'm going off to the forest and he can catch up if he wants to run any more spells over the random magic crap. Really hoping we can find someone to get this stuff appraised soon...
You head off.

09-14-2012, 09:44 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by Latewave View Post
You clean all the things?


This happens. Only with hospital stuff. And The Mop.

The army of forest animals are courtesy of the musical number.

09-14-2012, 09:44 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Kiven flings the yoyo forward, smashing the Executioner in the head with it and attempting to wrap the yoyo string around the axe and yank it out of it's hands.

09-14-2012, 09:47 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

As I step out the front door, a thought hits me. 'Well, so far, we've only really explored the forest in front of and to the sides of the mansion. Let's check out whats behind it!'

With that idea firmly in my mind I head off into the forest.

09-14-2012, 09:48 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"Very well then. Let us go hunting for new prey." Crowley smirks, straightening his tie and following Nick's lead.

09-14-2012, 10:11 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven flings the yoyo forward, smashing the Executioner in the head with it and attempting to wrap the yoyo string around the axe and yank it out of it's hands.
You yank it out of his hands. He's weaker in sunlight. Well we can do sunlight.

The Yoyo is glowing golden with power. It tells you to defeat this demon.


You swing the Yoyo and it shifts. It grows larger and the blades multiply. Midswing 1 yoyo becomes 10. Wrapping completely around the demon and embeding directly into it's flesh. Chainsaw. The demon is ripped to shreds. And the shreds fade into shadows. As so does the world around you. Real world time.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
As I step out the front door, a thought hits me. 'Well, so far, we've only really explored the forest in front of and to the sides of the mansion. Let's check out whats behind it!'

With that idea firmly in my mind I head off into the forest.
Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Very well then. Let us go hunting for new prey." Crowley smirks, straightening his tie and following Nick's lead.
You head off to the back of the mansion.

You fix up the bird masterblade.

09-14-2012, 10:16 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Wandering through the woods looking for anything of interest, I decide to get to know Crowley a bit better. "So, why exactly did you bother responding to that contest thing?"

09-14-2012, 10:17 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Alright. Infirmary is just about repaired and now staffed with woodland creature nurses. With most of the equipment broken, however, we'll need to find some more supplies elsewhere.

Miss Masters goes back to the roof to let the bird go free to the wild once more. Though they share only these brief moments, the bond of friendship that formed will last a lifetime.

09-14-2012, 10:18 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Kiven blinks a few times. Did that really happen? He glances at his yoyo and smiles at it's light golden glow. Oh yes. He seeks out Crowley and Nick.

09-14-2012, 10:19 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"Hmm? Me? Oh. Some trouble with the mayor of the town I resided in. He took offense to my complaints regarding his son and then took further offense when I stole and scrapped the little upstart prick's car for money to repair my store after he and his friends ransacked it. You?" Crowley replies, hoping to learn more about his companion on this hunting trip.

09-14-2012, 10:22 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"Eh, not nearly as interesting as that. Just a rather private guy, normal job, normal apartment. All my friends had moved out of town due to jobs,school, or love, and my family didn't really keep in touch. Figured if nothing else this would give me a bit of spice to my life for a bit. Careful what you wish for, no?"

09-14-2012, 10:23 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

"Hah. Yes, I must admit I wasn't expecting mutant rabbits, demons, and a book that devours things. This has all been rather... odd to say the least." Crowley chuckles.

09-15-2012, 04:45 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. The Dead are Talking. You should listen.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Alright. Infirmary is just about repaired and now staffed with woodland creature nurses. With most of the equipment broken, however, we'll need to find some more supplies elsewhere.

Miss Masters goes back to the roof to let the bird go free to the wild once more. Though they share only these brief moments, the bond of friendship that formed will last a lifetime.
Well. I'm surprised. Heh.

You got ????

What's this?

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven blinks a few times. Did that really happen? He glances at his yoyo and smiles at it's light golden glow. Oh yes. He seeks out Crowley and Nick.
You search for them. Go have a convo with them or something now.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Hmm? Me? Oh. Some trouble with the mayor of the town I resided in. He took offense to my complaints regarding his son and then took further offense when I stole and scrapped the little upstart prick's car for money to repair my store after he and his friends ransacked it. You?" Crowley replies, hoping to learn more about his companion on this hunting trip.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"Eh, not nearly as interesting as that. Just a rather private guy, normal job, normal apartment. All my friends had moved out of town due to jobs,school, or love, and my family didn't really keep in touch. Figured if nothing else this would give me a bit of spice to my life for a bit. Careful what you wish for, no?"

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Hah. Yes, I must admit I wasn't expecting mutant rabbits, demons, and a book that devours things. This has all been rather... odd to say the least." Crowley chuckles.
Hmm, that's odd. The number of scarecrows in this area is rather large. Wait a second. What? You know what. I think you should set them on fire. Just a feeling.

09-15-2012, 05:33 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Investigate what ???? is. Pray it isn't bird poop.

09-15-2012, 05:44 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Crowley, following his gut instinct, immediately whips around and casts Burn Level 3 at the scarecrows.

09-15-2012, 05:48 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

I sigh, getting the feeling that was a bad idea, and brace myself for the fallout.

09-15-2012, 05:59 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Investigate what ???? is. Pray it isn't bird poop.
You got Feather lvl 1
Have fun falling.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley, following his gut instinct, immediately whips around and casts Burn Level 3 at the scarecrows.
Well they begin moving. So yeah good job. Have fun.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I sigh, getting the feeling that was a bad idea, and brace myself for the fallout.
Well. Good for you?


09-15-2012, 06:02 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Knew it. These creatures were likely planning on ambushing us when they had the chance to do so." Crowley spits, sneering at the animate scarecrows before scanning one of them.

09-15-2012, 06:08 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Yeah, sure. How do you know they wouldn't have left us alone if you didn't try to kill them?" Sarcasm is probably not the best thing to use right now, but being attacked and fending of various flaming scarecrows puts me in a bad mood. Least they seem to have no resistance to cold, sharp, metal.

09-15-2012, 06:16 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Miss masters uses her Feather ability to jump off the roof and gently float down to the greenhouse. She holds out an umbrella for effect; it does nothing for actual floating... or does it?

Reguardless, she starts mopping off the top of the glass so more sun can shine to the plants inside.

09-15-2012, 06:21 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Knew it. These creatures were likely planning on ambushing us when they had the chance to do so." Crowley spits, sneering at the animate scarecrows before scanning one of them.
Scarecrow demon
No soul.
Minion Type
Burns pretty well.
Something seems off thou.


Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"Yeah, sure. How do you know they wouldn't have left us alone if you didn't try to kill them?" Sarcasm is probably not the best thing to use right now, but being attacked and fending of various flaming scarecrows puts me in a bad mood. Least they seem to have no resistance to cold, sharp, metal.
Stabbing time is always fun Nick. Always.


And the Pendulum swings and sends Nick Flying.

09-15-2012, 06:23 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"The devil?" Crowley says, turning to see what the hell just happened to Nick before casting Flame Cloak on himself and preparing to do the same for Nick.

09-15-2012, 06:24 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Flying. Always did like flying. Not so much the landing part though. Specially when your landing zone is a tree. Ow. Pain. Hope I didn't break anything.

I struggle to my feet while trying to see what the hell hit me.

09-15-2012, 06:33 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"The devil?" Crowley says, turning to see what the hell just happened to Nick before casting Flame Cloak on himself and preparing to do the same for Nick.
You spot the foe pretty easily. In this corner with the wide breamed hat yellow glowing eyes and massive scythe? It's the Harvester. Gangly bastard.

Is that ticking?

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Flying. Always did like flying. Not so much the landing part though. Specially when your landing zone is a tree. Ow. Pain. Hope I didn't break anything.

I struggle to my feet while trying to see what the hell hit me.
Nick listen to your six sense. :p



09-15-2012, 06:34 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Oh. That devil." Crowley snarks, scanning the new foe in hopes of finding some weakness.

09-15-2012, 06:35 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

I feel like something is stalking me. I can't tell where it is though.

....Ah well, when in doubt, Do a Barrel Roll!

09-15-2012, 06:44 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

With the roof of the greenhouse wiped down, Miss Masters goes inside to wash down the interior panels till they're practically mirrors. Plants love seeing themselves with their eyes. citation needed

09-15-2012, 06:46 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Oh. That devil." Crowley snarks, scanning the new foe in hopes of finding some weakness.
Demon of the Harvests
This guy. Taking advantage of the scarecrow demons that flock around him to get in massive hits.
Funny thing about clockwork demons? They Rust.
If this guy gets the time his attacks will severely ruin your day.
He's got a hyper mode. So watch out.
Watch out if he grabs one of his minions.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I feel like something is stalking me. I can't tell where it is though.

....Ah well, when in doubt, Do a Barrel Roll!


Oh boy is it good you listened.

That tree you impacted?

It's been sliced right through.


09-15-2012, 06:48 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Hmm. Rust... In that case..." Crowley snaps the book open to the page containing Douse, then bombards the Harvester's joints with as many water spells as he can before it goes TICK.

09-15-2012, 06:52 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Holy Shit. Tree, your sacrifice will be avenged! Doubt my current arsenal could do much to him, though a quick examination of the knives reveals that one of them has a strange marking on it that's loose...almost like a button or something. Figuring it can't hurt, I press it, and use Brionac to hurl it right at the demons shoulder. Can't swing as hard if it can't move a arm, right?

09-15-2012, 06:59 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

After cleaning up the greenhouse to good shape, Miss Masters notices all the random food grown around. The picks alll the grown foodstuffs and heads towards the pantry to drop it off.

09-15-2012, 07:02 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Hmm. Rust... In that case..." Crowley snaps the book open to the page containing Douse, then bombards the Harvester's joints with as many water spells as he can before it goes TICK.
You've done some major damage to it.



Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Holy Shit. Tree, your sacrifice will be avenged! Doubt my current arsenal could do much to him, though a quick examination of the knives reveals that one of them has a strange marking on it that's loose...almost like a button or something. Figuring it can't hurt, I press it, and use Brionac to hurl it right at the demons shoulder. Can't swing as hard if it can't move a arm, right?
Well. Your current arsenal besides this knife anyways. That shoulder is gone. I think you made it angry.


09-15-2012, 07:04 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Thinking fast, realizing the creature is likely infuriated, Crowley tosses a seed to Nick and casts Grow on the creature while trying to dodge the next hit.

09-15-2012, 07:06 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

....Well. That was a surprise. And now it's pissed. And getting faster?

Catching the seed, I yell over to Crowley"Hey, anyway you could get a barrier up or something, I get the feeling this freak is gearing up for something big.", following up by using that stone from earlier to lodge some makeshift explosives in as many joints of it's legs as I can. As for the seed, that I plant right in it's remaining shoulder.

09-15-2012, 07:07 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Sorry, but the only defensive spells I know of are Flame Cloak. I could try using Grow to make something but I doubt that'd do much considering how fast it's started moving."

09-15-2012, 07:09 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Shit! Be ready then! When those things go boom, I don't know how long we'll have!"

09-15-2012, 07:26 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

(No response for three updates means I get to describe the pantry!)

What appears to be a normal closet for food opens up to an infinite hallway full of empty shelves and cobwebs. Pipes of various sizes line them, with shutes sticking between the barriors of wood. All come down to a central hub at the door. It would appear that the pantry can self-sort itself if food items are placed on the central platform near the door... if it was there. It, and the pipe above it seem lost, and would need to be recreated if the pantry were to work again.

Miss Masters puts the food unsorted on a random shelf while she figures out how she's gunna make a new pipe. The shelf could be remade with mere carpentry, bit where would she find the metal and tools to shape it?

09-15-2012, 07:31 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Thinking fast, realizing the creature is likely infuriated, Crowley tosses a seed to Nick and casts Grow on the creature while trying to dodge the next hit.
Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
....Well. That was a surprise. And now it's pissed. And getting faster?

Catching the seed, I yell over to Crowley"Hey, anyway you could get a barrier up or something, I get the feeling this freak is gearing up for something big.", following up by using that stone from earlier to lodge some makeshift explosives in as many joints of it's legs as I can. As for the seed, that I plant right in it's remaining shoulder.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Sorry, but the only defensive spells I know of are Flame Cloak. I could try using Grow to make something but I doubt that'd do much considering how fast it's started moving."

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"Shit! Be ready then! When those things go boom, I don't know how long we'll have!"
plants grow out of the body of the Harvester. That's not pretty. Well he's not tick tocking anytime soon.

And the goblin stone's magic goes off. Demolishing the demon. The demon's remains begins cracking well you've seen this before haven't you?

Time for the Tome to Feast.

Om nom nom.

You gain

Razor Wind Lvl 1

Better known as Howl.

09-15-2012, 07:34 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Well that was an interesting diversion." Crowley states, smug as he possibly can despite being covered in dirt and grass stains. Realizing that the death of their leader does not necessarily mean the minions have stopped, Crowley then immediately whips around and looks for more targets.

09-15-2012, 07:37 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

I make my way over to the remains of the demon, wanting to both make sure it's down for the count, and check for any loot of note. I do wonder where Garm and Sirius went, they were right behind us last I checked.

09-15-2012, 07:54 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Well that was an interesting diversion." Crowley states, smug as he possibly can despite being covered in dirt and grass stains. Realizing that the death of their leader does not necessarily mean the minions have stopped, Crowley then immediately whips around and looks for more targets.
You spot a few Scarecrows being mauled by Garm and Sirius.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I make my way over to the remains of the demon, wanting to both make sure it's down for the count, and check for any loot of note. I do wonder where Garm and Sirius went, they were right behind us last I checked.
Well The Garm and Sirius are currently ripping Scarecrows apart. Do remember that the Scarecrows are the type of demon that suicides if it lets there boss get a good hit in.

You personally picked up another ring. Wonder what they do.

09-15-2012, 07:55 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Without suitable lumber resources nor metal, Miss Masters leaves the pantry and heads back to the Head Maid. If anyone knows where she could find resources in fixing the manor, its her. Also the butler, but loyalty among houseservants.

09-15-2012, 08:00 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Shrugging and noticing that Nick has found a ring, Crowley decides to let the Garm and Sirius have their fun as he steps over to appraise the ring.

09-15-2012, 08:05 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

I toss the ring over to Crowley, and plop down on the ground to watch the two wolves, pulling a couple cans of soda from my room using the bag, and tossing one of them to Crowley as well. Still somewhat paranoid though, I make sure to keep the knife that took off the shoulder firmly grasped in Brionac.

"Ten bucks Garm has more kills by the end"

09-15-2012, 08:06 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Not even gonna take that bet. They're scarecrows and he's literally a wolf made of hate and fire held together only by a furry exterior." Crowley says, chuckling as he Appraises the ring.

09-15-2012, 08:41 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Without suitable lumber resources nor metal, Miss Masters leaves the pantry and heads back to the Head Maid. If anyone knows where she could find resources in fixing the manor, its her. Also the butler, but loyalty among houseservants.
She states that you could buy it. Or you could find monsters. Rip them apart and us them as lumber and metal.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Shrugging and noticing that Nick has found a ring, Crowley decides to let the Garm and Sirius have their fun as he steps over to appraise the ring.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I toss the ring over to Crowley, and plop down on the ground to watch the two wolves, pulling a couple cans of soda from my room using the bag, and tossing one of them to Crowley as well. Still somewhat paranoid though, I make sure to keep the knife that took off the shoulder firmly grasped in Brionac.

"Ten bucks Garm has more kills by the end"

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Not even gonna take that bet. They're scarecrows and he's literally a wolf made of hate and fire held together only by a furry exterior." Crowley says, chuckling as he Appraises the ring.

Still need to level up that Appraise some more.
Magical Ring
It's reacting to the other ring and something on Demjou thou. Not sure what.

09-15-2012, 08:46 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

09-15-2012, 08:48 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Reacting huh? Well, let's just see if moving anything closer makes it react stronger." Starting with Brionac.

09-15-2012, 09:00 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Well, since apparently this mansion doesn't have convenient acess to mines and/or a refinery, Miss Masters heads out to the back woods to search for metal and woody things to kill.

She brings William and an axe from the armory along as backup.

09-16-2012, 12:07 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"Reacting huh? Well, let's just see if moving anything closer makes it react stronger." Starting with those knives and Brionac.
It's Brionac.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Well, since apparently this mansion doesn't have convenient acess to mines and/or a refinery, Miss Masters heads out to the back woods to search for metal and woody things to kill.

She brings William and an axe from the armory along as backup.
Hunting. So well. I don't know.

09-16-2012, 12:19 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Miss Masters stalks around the woods. She finds a Terrifying Trio consisting of-

A Flying Shark
A Giant Boar
And A Tree.

She commands William to play Ahab and pierce the Floating Shark. Miss Masters does some acrobatic maneuvers and gets the Giant Boar to ram headfirst into the tree.

09-16-2012, 12:31 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters stalks around the woods. She finds a Terrifying Trio consisting of-

A Flying Shark
A Giant Boar
And A Tree.

She commands William to play Ahab and pierce the Floating Shark. Miss Masters does some acrobatic maneuvers and gets the Giant Boar to ram headfirst into the tree.
You managed to knock out a completely normal tree.

I'm not sure how that works.

Like at all.

William is stabbing the shark.

I think you have jumped the shark.

The boar is a ripraging under you so you may want to bash it's head in or something I don't know.

09-16-2012, 01:01 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

With the tree stunned, Miss Masters is able to climb it without fear of attack. Once at the tallest branch, she summons one of her armrored minions and pushes him down like a living anvil.

This isn't going to look good in the union meeting next week...

09-16-2012, 06:38 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Shrugging, and having had enough of the mystery, I slip the rings onto Brionac before standing up and heading deeper into the woods to continue my search for materials and things of interest.

09-16-2012, 06:39 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Crowley follows Nick, intent on continuing the hunt.

09-16-2012, 07:23 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
With the tree stunned, Miss Masters is able to climb it without fear of attack. Once at the tallest branch, she summons one of her armrored minions and pushes him down like a living anvil.

This isn't going to look good in the union meeting next week...
Well you've beaten a boar and a tree. Now all that's left is a shark. Wonder how sharkfin soup tastes.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Shrugging, and having had enough of the mystery, I slip the rings onto Brionac before standing up and heading deeper into the woods to continue my search for materials and things of interest.
Nothing happens at the moment. and you set off.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley follows Nick, intent on continuing the hunt.
You follow him. Three paths are before you.

09-16-2012, 07:25 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.


Miss Masters resummons the minion and gives it a patpat for a job well done. She then jumps off the top of the tree and does a 360* sword swing at the midair shark with the Buster Duster.

09-16-2012, 07:32 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

After a bit of thinking, I decide to head down the third path, since it seems to be the one heading deepest into the woods. After the last encounter though, I'm doing my best to pay attention to everything around me.

09-16-2012, 07:33 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Crowley heads down the third path as well, keeping his eyes open and the book open to scan.

09-16-2012, 09:57 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Miss Masters resummons the minion and gives it a patpat for a job well done. She then jumps off the top of the tree and does a 360* sword swing at the midair shark with the Buster Duster.
All this fighting has summoned the boss for this Area. GO GIANT CHICKEN GUNDAM: Not actually a Gundam. Is still a chicken thou. Also I bet it'd taste good with white sauce and pasta.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
After a bit of thinking, I decide to head down the third path, since it seems to be the one heading deepest into the woods. After the last encounter though, I'm doing my best to pay attention to everything around me.
Not everything is as it seems Demjou. As you walk down the path the area clears out and Water is everywhere. Seems you found a lake zone.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley heads down the third path as well, keeping his eyes open and the book open to scan.
Best be quick. Fish are quick buggers.

09-16-2012, 10:01 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

With the flying shark cut in twain, Miss Masters grabs onto William and uses her feather spell to be light enough to ride him

...like a hoverboard. They then fly towards the Giant Chicken, William aiming for the throat and Miss masters cutting down the chest.

09-16-2012, 10:30 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

A Lake huh? Hmm, wonder if there's any good fish in there.
Last edited by a moderator:
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
With the flying shark cut in twain, Miss Masters grabs onto William and uses her feather spell to be light enough to ride him

...like a hoverboard. They then fly towards the Giant Chicken, William aiming for the throat and Miss masters cutting down the chest.
Wow critical Damage. Ouch. Well the chicken knocks you off William. Lucky you have a feather spell on.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
A Lake huh? Hmm, wonder if there's any good fish in there.
Well it does have fish. Who knows if any are any good.

09-16-2012, 11:01 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Miss masters lands and runs around the Giant Chicken. With William's neck-piercing distracting the beast, she runs back to the KO'd three and uses her woodsman axe to chop it down onto the boss.


09-17-2012, 02:14 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Well, not much else to do right now other then look around.

09-17-2012, 01:43 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Crowley circles the lake, hoping to stumble across something to fight.

09-17-2012, 04:42 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Mansion Times Obituaries

It is with great sorrow that we report the disappearance of all debris and scrap metal from the first floor. We know they will all be greatly missed by their relatives and friends on the second and third floors and we wish them strength in these times of hardship. The garbage of the first floor set a solemn mood no other garbage ever could and the mansion will never be the same without them. Please send wilted flowers to the surviving kin on the other floors and pray for the safety of the souls of debris that now inhabit the vast void of the warp bag.

In other news, an anonymous letter has been sent to the Times, addressed to the survivors of first floor garbage.
It reads, "YOU'RE NEXT."

This edition of the Mansion Times has been brought to you by the Shlorps of the first floor under command of the Almighty Janitor Luigi.

09-17-2012, 04:59 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Kiven, having bored himself with wandering in the forest, heads to the green house to see if he can make some carnivorous friends.

09-17-2012, 06:14 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss masters lands and runs around the Giant Chicken. With William's neck-piercing distracting the beast, she runs back to the KO'd three and uses her woodsman axe to chop it down onto the boss.

Smashing the chicken's head in and doing massive damage. Ouch that's got to hurt. Good thing it wasn't a Cucco or you'd be dealing with a fucking horde of the fuckers. Oh well.

You got
Boar Meat
Boar Tusks
Shark Meat
Shark Teeth
Chicken Meat
x3 souls

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Well, not much else to do right now other then look around.
Well there is tons to do. You could go swimming. Okay yeah you know better then that but still. Something catches your eye. A Fishing rod? Looks pretty decent in shape. Maybe you should take it with you. Or not. I never care.

You Found
Fishing Rod.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley circles the lake, hoping to stumble across something to fight.
A fight you want, a Fight you'll get. Watch out for these fish. Because they bite back.

Fish things?

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Mansion Times Obituaries

It is with great sorrow that we report the disappearance of all debris and scrap metal from the first floor. We know they will all be greatly missed by their relatives and friends on the second and third floors and we wish them strength in these times of hardship. The garbage of the first floor set a solemn mood no other garbage ever could and the mansion will never be the same without them. Please send wilted flowers to the surviving kin on the other floors and pray for the safety of the souls of debris that now inhabit the vast void of the warp bag.

In other news, an anonymous letter has been sent to the Times, addressed to the survivors of first floor garbage.
It reads, "YOU'RE NEXT."

This edition of the Mansion Times has been brought to you by the Shlorps of the first floor under command of the Almighty Janitor Luigi.
Luigi. You saved your soul from Subcon. This this is good.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven, having bored himself with wandering in the forest, heads to the green house to see if he can make some carnivorous friends.
Not all of them are carnivorous. But anyways.


Make a friend?

Three types are available.

Fruit Vegetable or Flower.

09-17-2012, 06:15 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Crowley merely sniffs before opening the book and scanning these creatures.

09-17-2012, 06:16 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

After a short examination of the rod, I shrug and pick it up, slinging it over my shoulder as I notice that I've lost Crowley along the way somewhere. Shrugging, I figure he went the other way around the lake and decide to just keep going and meet him on the otherside.

09-17-2012, 06:22 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Flower. Kiven looks for a mutant one with teeth. If not, then a tomato plant.

09-17-2012, 06:28 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Miss Masters collects everything and stuffs it in inventory space. EVERYTHING! Including the whole tree. Hopefully noone will notice the managerie of corpses.

As she's walking back, she tries to talk with the seemingly quiet William. "You've been awful quiet little guy. Am I making you shy? You can tel me aaaaaaaanything if you want..."

09-17-2012, 07:36 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley merely sniffs before opening the book and scanning these creatures.

Fishmen are an odd species. And this version is rather weird itself.
watch out for fireballs
Obviously water and fire won't do much to them.
They don't like Electricity
Right now I'd try wind for the moment.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
After a short examination of the rod, I shrug and pick it up, slinging it over my shoulder as I notice that I've lost Crowley along the way somewhere. Shrugging, I figure he went the other way around the lake and decide to just keep going and meet him on the otherside.
Hah. I'm not taking your bait. Have fun fighting your fish monsters.

Water water everywhere. Not a drop safe to drink.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Flower. Kiven looks for a mutant one with teeth. If not, then a tomato plant.
You have found a Dandelion. You have plant empathy of zero. Do you really want to try this?

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters collects everything and stuffs it in inventory space. EVERYTHING! Including the whole tree. Hopefully noone will notice the managerie of corpses.

As she's walking back, she tries to talk with the seemingly quiet William. "You've been awful quiet little guy. Am I making you shy? You can tel me aaaaaaaanything if you want..."
"I wish to shed the blood of the innocent. Painting broad strokes of multicolored blood everywhere. I mean yay sunshine and ponies."

09-17-2012, 07:42 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Kiven whips out the chicken he got from dinner and offers it to the plant.

09-17-2012, 07:42 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Very well then. If you creatures are resistant to the elements of fire and water, let us try wind. As such..." With this said, Crowley snaps the book open to the page containing Howl, and yells out an incantation.
"Blow forth and scream, o wind! HOWL LVL1!"

09-17-2012, 07:45 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"I hear ponies have multicolored blood. You could make a crayola coloring box of you find enough of them."

Miss Masters heads to the Main Kitchen with William in tow. Knowing her ingenious costume would never work twice...with William around, she throws the Giant Turkey in as a distraction while she uses the Boss Chicken soul to repair the room like the Head Maid did with the other kitchen.

09-17-2012, 07:53 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Walking along the shore of the lake, I stop as I hear a fairly large splash. Quickly turning around to face whatever made the sound, I find myself staring down what seems to be a large fish flying tail first, right at my face. Too stunned at the sight to dodge, I'm knocked away by a hard tail slap. "Karp Slapped. I just got fucking Karp Slapped." Keeping my guard up, I start off with my trusty tactic of using the knives and Brionac to keep them busy, while I try and figure out if they have any weak points or patterns.

09-17-2012, 08:01 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven whips out the chicken he got from dinner and offers it to the plant.
It's not hungry. It's been feed already today.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Very well then. If you creatures are resistant to the elements of fire and water, let us try wind. As such..." With this said, Crowley snaps the book open to the page containing Howl, and yells out an incantation.
"Blow forth and scream, o wind! HOWL LVL1!"
Howl hits for resounding damage. Ouch. Cutting through flesh like butter.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"I hear ponies have multicolored blood. You could make a crayola coloring box of you find enough of them."

Miss Masters heads to the Main Kitchen with William in tow. Knowing her ingenious costume would never work twice...with William around, she throws the Giant Turkey in as a distraction while she uses the Boss Chicken soul to repair the room like the Head Maid did with the other kitchen.
You fixed the Main kitchen. And stopped the movement of the random silverwear. Hopefully it's not permanent or you'll have to find cooks.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Walking along the shore of the lake, I stop as I hear a fairly large splash. Quickly turning around to face whatever made the sound, I find myself staring down what seems to be a large fish flying tail first, right at my face. Too stunned at the sight to dodge, I'm knocked away by a hard tail slap. "Karp Slapped. I just got fucking Karp Slapped." Keeping my guard up, I start off with my trusty tactic of using the knives and Brionac to keep them busy, while I try and figure out if they have any weak points or patterns.
The fish are staring at you from the water. Smart little buggers. Maybe you should try to fish them out?

09-17-2012, 08:05 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Kiven reaches out to the plant "Hey there little guy. I'm not gonna hurt you. Wanna be my friend?"

09-17-2012, 08:08 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Miss Masters notices how despide all the silverware going flat that William is stil lalive and kicking. This must mean that by binding a soul upon his creation he was given the ability to float around. She shudders to think what sort of powerful soul had caused the kitchen to be possessed earlier.

With that fixed, Miss Masters moves over to the Pantry. She quickly chops up a nice wooden pedestal out of a treestump and uses the tree soul to extend it to create a hollow pipe. A few branches are added to the sides to allow the platform to "activate" sending whatever food placed within to its designated shelf, and whatever food requested onto the platform.

Using a soul of the forest also seems to have an effect on the pantry. All the produce seems to be a bit more fresh.

09-17-2012, 08:26 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Joy. Smart monsters now. Well, they are fish. Might as well just use that fishing rod I found to fish them out, then I can fillet them.

09-17-2012, 08:27 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Hmph. Not enough for you then? Very well." Crowley sneers, casting howl on the fishmen again.

09-18-2012, 08:24 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven reaches out to the plant "Hey there little guy. I'm not gonna hurt you. Wanna be my friend?"
The Dandelion is pondering this. He could maul you and that would be fun. But he's got no friends and wonders what that would be like. He shrugs and pats you on the head with a frond.

The Dandelion has got Pet.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters notices how despide all the silverware going flat that William is stil lalive and kicking. This must mean that by binding a soul upon his creation he was given the ability to float around. She shudders to think what sort of powerful soul had caused the kitchen to be possessed earlier.

With that fixed, Miss Masters moves over to the Pantry. She quickly chops up a nice wooden pedestal out of a treestump and uses the tree soul to extend it to create a hollow pipe. A few branches are added to the sides to allow the platform to "activate" sending whatever food placed within to its designated shelf, and whatever food requested onto the platform.

Using a soul of the forest also seems to have an effect on the pantry. All the produce seems to be a bit more fresh.
So what now Meido? Do you find out the secret of bacon or do you go do something else?

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Joy. Smart monsters now. Well, they are fish. Might as well just use that fishing rod I found to fish them out, then I can fillet them.
When you toss your line the fish move as fast as they can away from you. But that's not going to save them. The fishing hook has chosen it's prey. Zooming after the fish that Karp slapped you. Hooking it. Time to reel him in Nick.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Hmph. Not enough for you then? Very well." Crowley sneers, casting howl on the fishmen again.
And that's not pretty. Well you don't have to worry about these fishmen. But something's not kosher here. Normally I'd recommend gathering the eyes. But I've got a bad feeling about this.



Hey wait why isn't the soul counter going up?

Okay something is really not Kosher here.

09-18-2012, 08:26 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"That... Is... Hmmm. This bears investigation." Crowley says, eyes narrowing as he walks away, looking for Nick.

09-18-2012, 08:27 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

A slightly sadistic grin on my face, I yank back on the rod, while palming a knife to impale the little scaly bastard on.

09-18-2012, 08:28 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Meido knows not how bacon is relevant to this matter. However, with the fixing of the pantry everything in the "lightly damaged" section of the list is now FIXED!

She celebrates by breaking into the Main Bedroom and raiding its clothes closet for SWEET ACCESSORIES!

09-18-2012, 08:29 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Ooh goody! C'mere!" Kiven grabs the plant and it's pot and runs off. "Well, Mr. Dandelion. Do you want to fight monsters?"

09-18-2012, 08:47 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"That... Is... Hmmm. This bears investigation." Crowley says, eyes narrowing as he walks away, looking for Nick.
You find Nick currently murdering fish.

And a fish Karp slaps you for not paying attention.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
A slightly sadistic grin on my face, I yank back on the rod, while palming a knife to impale the little scaly bastard on.
The line feels light as a feather as the fish comes up. Have fun with making your fish fillet.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Meido knows not how bacon is relevant to this matter. However, with the fixing of the pantry everything in the "lightly damaged" section of the list is now FIXED!

She celebrates by breaking into the Main Bedroom and raiding its clothes closet for SWEET ACCESSORIES!
Welp. You woke the Mothman. Clothes damage is highly likely. Suggesting you attack. Or not. You are the crazy meido of justice or whatever.
Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
"Ooh goody! C'mere!" Kiven grabs the plant and it's pot and runs off. "Well, Mr. Dandelion. Do you want to fight monsters?"
Of course it does. It's a plant that was created to kill monsters.

09-18-2012, 08:49 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Eee! You're the best plant ever! Let's go!" Kiven runs off into the forest with wild abandon with his new friend.

09-18-2012, 08:52 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Hello Mr. Moth Man Person Thing. I am An Alien Maid Person Thing. This is William. He likes ponies... sort of. I was just investigating this room and didn't think someone was occupying it. Can I get your name?"

"Also as a tip, my maid attire is woven chainmail, and Im prety sure it was made in a filthy sweatshop. Also William stabs. That is two reasons we should be friends and not otherwise."

09-18-2012, 09:00 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Crowley stops as a look of pure bafflement slowly becomes replaced by one of indignant rage. Opening the book, Crowley calmly targets the nearest fishman and pours all of his hate and anger to the beast into the howl spell, which he then casts at it.

09-18-2012, 09:07 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

A nice smooth cut, followed by a couple stabs for good measure, and the fishy corpse falls at my feet just in time for me to hear the sound of scale on skin action. I turn just in time to see Crowley getting the same treatment I got earlier, and can't help but chuckle at it. I quickly return my attention to those damn fish and flick out the rod again, this time aiming to see if I can get more then one of the fuckers on the hook.

09-18-2012, 09:16 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
"Eee! You're the best plant ever! Let's go!" Kiven runs off into the forest with wild abandon with his new friend.
Well you found a spot where a battle was had. And some Agent Honor dammit I mean cash

You get
Cash 100.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"Hello Mr. Moth Man Person Thing. I am An Alien Maid Person Thing. This is William. He likes ponies... sort of. I was just investigating this room and didn't think someone was occupying it. Can I get your name?"

"Also as a tip, my maid attire is woven chainmail, and Im prety sure it was made in a filthy sweatshop. Also William stabs. That is two reasons we should be friends and not otherwise."
The mothman cannot understand a word you are saying.

But it's staring at your maid hat.

I think it's going to try to eat it.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley stops as a look of pure bafflement slowly becomes replaced by one of indignant rage. Opening the book, Crowley calmly targets the nearest fishman and pours all of his hate and anger to the beast into the howl spell, which he then casts at it.
Well that poor fishman is now down a head.

You got


Damnit are these zombies?
I need to go check something.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
A nice smooth cut, followed by a couple stabs for good measure, and the fishy corpse falls at my feet just in time for me to hear the sound of scale on skin action. I turn just in time to see Crowley getting the same treatment I got earlier, and can't help but chuckle at it. I quickly return my attention to those damn fish and flick out the rod again, this time aiming to see if I can get more then one of the fuckers on the hook.
Before you get too far into it. Arms appear out of the water and drag you and Mr. Crowley in.

Before you notice it the world is much different then it was.

Large pools of water separated by tiny slips of ground are everywhere. You look down in on nearby and you see corpses of the drowned.

A multitude of voices call out to you.

"Welcome to our home. Can you swim? Will you drown? Will we pull you down? Welcome to our pools. The Drowning Grounds"

You've been dragged down into the otherside.

Hope you can swim.

09-18-2012, 09:21 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Crowley looks all around, to make certain there's not some big giant monster about to drop down on them from the ceiling.

09-18-2012, 09:24 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Kiven keeps dashing through the woods, hoping to find something's ass to kick. "Hush plant friend. We'll find something to kill soon. Promise"

09-18-2012, 09:25 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Leaving the recon to Crowley, and noticing that regardless of their full nature our opponents are still at least part fish, and remembering how the rod seemed to easily hook the fish above, I quickly hook and reel in one of them for a knife to the face, rinsing and repeating as quickly as I can.

09-18-2012, 09:32 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley looks all around, to make certain there's not some big giant monster about to drop down on them from the ceiling.
Nothing up there but sky. Or what passes in a hell dimension-y thing.

You do however notice a hand trying to reach your leg.

I think you know what to do.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven keeps dashing through the woods, hoping to find something's ass to kick. "Hush plant friend. We'll find something to kill soon. Promise"
Heh. Well you do find something to kill. You spot a couple of head sized bugs. Perfect fodder for a plant right?

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Leaving the recon to Crowley, and noticing that regardless of their full nature our opponents are still at least part fish, and remembering how the rod seemed to easily hook the fish above, I quickly hook and reel in one of them for a knife to the face, rinsing and repeating as quickly as I can.
Well you definitely caught one.

A body half transformed into a fishman.

The Drowned.

It takes a few swipes at you before you stab it in the face.

09-18-2012, 09:32 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Luigi just happened to be vacuuming in the bedroom when the Mothman was discovered, this foul creature intends to eat fine linens and garments and Luigi isn't going to stand for that. This is where he makes a stand. This will be his moment of triumph.


09-18-2012, 09:33 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.


This moth seeks your hat.

He shall not dishonor it.

Ready your sword, slice swift.

09-18-2012, 09:37 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Alright boy, get'em!" Kiven sics his plant on the insects and whips out his yoyo, taking a swing at one of them.

09-18-2012, 09:39 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

There's too many of them to whittle down and keep a eye on the ground for any more popping up. I'm just dodging any that come my way and getting rather face stabby when a idea strikes me. Quickly making my way over to Crowley, "Hey, I got a plan, get your spell ready for when I get them all together.", before zooming off again to one side of the confrontation. Quickly turning to face the fishcreatures, I throw out the line as hard as I can horizontally, and trying my best to wrap it around as many as I can and pull them all into one big grouped up target.

09-18-2012, 09:41 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Boredly, Crowley points his spellcasting hand at the owner of that arm and casts howl.

09-18-2012, 09:56 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Luigi just happened to be vacuuming in the bedroom when the Mothman was discovered, this foul creature intends to eat fine linens and garments and Luigi isn't going to stand for that. This is where he makes a stand. This will be his moment of triumph.

You doused the mothman, and the maid. oh well it wasn't like they were going to have a samurai epic fight or anything right?

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post

This moth seeks your hat.

He shall not dishonor it.

Ready your sword, slice swift.
BzZ BzZ Bzz Bzzuzz
Bzz Bzzuzz Buzzzuzuz Bzz
Bzz Bzzuzuz buzzu

The mothman flutters his wings at you.

He is promptly soaked and so are you.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
"Alright boy, get'em!" Kiven sics his plant on the insects and whips out his yoyo, taking a swing at one of them.
You swing at the bug. But let's look at something more important.

The Dandelion gestures with his fronds. The bug shall be defeated and used to fertilize the ground where his children will grow. Roaring his challenge he takes a bite out of the bug and several of it's legs.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
There's too many of them to whittle down and keep a eye on the ground for any more popping up. I'm just dodging any that come my way and getting rather face stabby when a idea strikes me. Quickly making my way over to Crowley, "Hey, I got a plan, get your spell ready for when I get them all together.", before zooming off again to one side of the confrontation. Quickly turning to face the fishcreatures, I throw out the line as hard as I can horizontally, and trying my best to wrap it around as many as I can and pull them all into one big grouped up target.
Well that was unexpected. The line just sliced them in half. But I think that shows off what you expected. The fishing pole is an artifact.

"Bravo, Bravo, you managed to take out the Drowned. You should feel so proud of yourself for taking out some half living creatures. However that pole of yours will be worthless against my true children. And we will see you drowned."

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Boredly, Crowley points his spellcasting hand at the owner of that arm and casts howl.
You slice off the arm.

09-18-2012, 09:57 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Crowley points and aims at the Drowned(plural) and lets loose with Howl once more.

09-18-2012, 10:00 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Turning to face the source of the voice, I'm unable to resist a smartass answer "Well, considering I just started this doing kinda thing today and never trained for it a day in my life? Yeah, I do feel kinda proud." I'm keeping Brionacs ball prepped to punch through whoever this is if they make a move though.

09-18-2012, 10:03 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Kiven uses chainsaw, whipping it through the bugs and being careful not to hit his plant.

09-18-2012, 10:05 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Is the Mothman capable of flight? If so, douse him again.

Also the droplets of water glisten on Miss Masters' skin, making the showdown even more dramatic.

09-18-2012, 10:06 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.


Soaking in water.

The maid fights true in the rain.

Moth Man is no more.

Also William has decided to see what color blood Weegee has so he can mark it on his rainbow chart. he will be very dissapointed when he learns it isn't Green

09-18-2012, 10:11 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Luigi shoots a gust of wind at William in self defense!

Then douses him because why not.

09-18-2012, 10:17 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley points and aims at the Drowned and lets loose with Howl once more.
You finished off the few remaining.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Turning to face the source of the voice, I'm unable to resist a smartass answer "Well, considering I just started this doing kinda thing today and never trained for it a day in my life? Yeah, I do feel kinda proud." I'm keeping Brionacs ball prepped to punch through whoever this is if they make a move though.
You hear a loud fucking roar. I think you pissed it off. Well that's good right?

"I will devour your soul and feed you to all of my children. JEREMIAH CROWLEY AND NICK BENJAMIN. We shall feast on you."

The earth is shaking. I think you should start running.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven uses chainsaw, whipping it through the bugs and being careful not to hit his plant.
You kill stealed a plant. You are the most awful person.

It looks at you with the saddest eyes.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Is the Mothman capable of flight? If so, douse him again.

Also the droplets of water glisten on Miss Masters' skin, making the showdown even more dramatic.
It's not capable of flight right now.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post

Soaking in water.

The maid fights true in the rain.

Moth Man is no more.

Also William has decided to see what color blood Weegee has so he can mark it on his rainbow chart. he will be very dissapointed when he learns it isn't Green

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Luigi shoots a gust of wind at William in self defense!

Then douses him because why not.
The sword is wet and blown away.

Time for Luigi to run away?

09-18-2012, 10:21 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

...How the hell did he know that name? I don't even use that name on papers unless required by law. What the hell.

Oh. Rumbling. Rumbling is bad. I think I will listen to voice in head and run. Not before at least trying to punch Brionacs Ball through his smug face though. I don't bother sticking around long enough to see if it hits.

09-18-2012, 10:21 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Kiven kneels down and hugs the plant, offering it the insects and the clearing to grow his children.

09-18-2012, 10:22 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Crowley very quickly casts a howl in the direction of the rumbling before turning and running, being sure to avoid the puddles.

09-18-2012, 10:22 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Luigi runs away and hides inside a closet.

LT - Hold your breath

09-18-2012, 10:24 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Miss Masters celebrates in her victory against the Fashion Destroyer! She stuffs his corpse into her inventory for later craftings then checks the condition of the clothes closet.

There must certainly be some fashionable pieces in here. And totally not be a door to the otherside and the zombie horde within.

09-18-2012, 10:28 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
...How the hell did he know that name? I don't even use that name on papers unless required by law. What the hell.

Oh. Rumbling. Rumbling is bad. I think I will listen to voice in head and run. Not before at least trying to punch Brionacs Ball through his smug face though. I don't bother sticking around long enough to see if it hits.
You don't hit.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven kneels down and hugs the plant, offering it the insects and the clearing to grow his children.
The Dandelion has taken your offer.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley very quickly casts a howl in the direction of the rumbling before turning and running, being sure to avoid the puddles.
And neither do you hit.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Luigi runs away and hides inside a closet.

LT - Hold your breath
Hopefully it works and the maid can't find you.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters celebrates in her victory against the Fashion Destroyer! She stuffs his corpse into her inventory for later craftings then checks the condition of the clothes closet.

There must certainly be some fashionable pieces in here. And totally not be a door to the otherside and the zombie horde within.
You fall in the closet. It's full of clothes? Well yeah. Go futher in?

09-18-2012, 10:31 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Crowley keeps running while attempting to fire off a Scan LVL3 at his pursuer.

09-18-2012, 10:31 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Kiven leaves the Dandelion to do his business, and heads back to the greenhouse to find another plant to play with.

09-18-2012, 10:32 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

I notice the ball reappear in my gloved hand as I run, and pick up the pace a bit, making sure to keep a eye out for any hands sticking out of the ground or anything else that looks hostile.

09-18-2012, 10:41 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley keeps running while attempting to fire off a Scan LVL3 at his pursuer.
It misses. The pursuer is still where it was to begin with. Underwater. However you should be watching the pools. Because something seems swarming in it.

The word of the day is Dodge.

Brought to you by your sixth sense.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven leaves the Dandelion to do his business, and heads back to the greenhouse to find another plant to play with.
Plant Empathy Lvl 1

Dandelion Faction reputation up.

Mint faction reputation down

Mushroom faction reputation neutral.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I notice the ball reappear in my gloved hand as I run, and pick up the pace a bit, making sure to keep a eye out for any hands sticking out of the ground or anything else that looks hostile.
A Large fish creature pops out of one of the pools and takes a swing at you with some rather large claws.

09-18-2012, 10:41 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Thinking fast, Crowley dodges as best he can.

09-18-2012, 10:42 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

I quickly roll to evade, before popping up and shooting the ball at it's head to stun it and snapping out the line to finish it off.

09-18-2012, 10:42 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Luigi checks the area before leaving the closet, this recent encounter has led him to realize he needs more weapons in his arsenal!

To the basement! For chlorine and bleach!
Or the bathrooms! Or closets! Just get me some chemicals!

09-18-2012, 10:43 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Kiven grabs a random vegetable plant and offers it chicken.

09-18-2012, 10:44 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Miss Masters takes several articles of clothes to add to her prop collection, including...

-Ballroom Gown

-Summer Swimsuit

-Lumberjack Wool Shirt

-And a formal buisness suit

She then goes deeper into the wonder closet.

09-18-2012, 10:47 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Thinking fast, Crowley dodges as best he can.
Well you dodged something nasty. A fish with a blade for a face. pierces the area where you just were. Now I think you should keep moving.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I quickly roll to evade, before popping up and shooting the ball at it's head to stun it and snapping out the line to finish it off.
And ouch. For all it's bragging the demon that's holding this place together did for his children. That rod worked just as well as it should.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Luigi checks the area before leaving the closet, this recent encounter has led him to realize he needs more weapons in his arsenal!

To the basement! For chlorine and bleach!
Or the bathrooms! Or closets! Just get me some chemicals!
What are you planning?

Well you head to the basement. Do you really want to come back here?

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven grabs a random vegetable plant and offers it chicken.
Do you really want to feed the tomatos?

Well it's up to you really.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters takes several articles of clothes to add to her prop collection, including...

-Ballroom Gown

-Summer Swimsuit

-Lumberjack Wool Shirt

-And a formal buisness suit

She then goes deeper into the wonder closet.
You find more and more clothes. It's almost as if it's infinite? Who knows?

09-18-2012, 10:49 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Crowley immediately gets back up and keeps running, occasionally firing a howl at anything suspicious looking.

09-18-2012, 10:50 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Kiven continues with his plan, slowly nudging the chicken towards the plant. "Don't worry, I don't bite. You might, but I'm hoping you won't."

09-18-2012, 10:51 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Miss Masters runs down the closet until either A- She hits a wall or B- she realises she doesn't care. After which, she heads back to the Main Bedroom to see what actually needed fixing.

...besides the bed. That one is new.

09-18-2012, 10:52 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

With confirmation of it working still, I keep the rod out as I continue running, practically itching to sling it through another monster.

09-18-2012, 10:52 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Latewave View Post
What are you planning?

Well you head to the basement. Do you really want to come back here?
A man's got to face his fears sometime. Search the area!

09-18-2012, 10:58 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley immediately gets back up and keeps running, occasionally firing a howl at anything suspicious looking.
Spray and pray is always fun. You hit several of these fish faces and slice them straight though.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven continues with his plan, slowly nudging the chicken towards the plant. "Don't worry, I don't bite. You might, but I'm hoping you won't."
It takes the chicken and eats it. It's got rather large fangs.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters runs down the closet until either A- She hits a wall or B- she realises she doesn't care. After which, she heads back to the Main Bedroom to see what actually needed fixing.

...besides the bed. That one is new.
Well, you managed to get yourself into the clothes labyrinth.

This may take a while.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
With confirmation of it working still, I keep the rod out as I continue running, practically itching to sling it through another monster.
You keep running and taking out the children of the demon. I get the feeling that your fishing rod is having a ball.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
A man's got to face his fears sometime. Search the area!
Well you spot some bottles of something. You'd have to check them to see what they are.

09-18-2012, 11:00 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Damn it how long do I have to keep running? What is this, some kind of Quick Time Event?"

09-18-2012, 11:01 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"That's a lame construct... Used by lazy game designers... To stupid to make... A proper game." Crowley gets out in between breaths and his continued spray and pray of Howl. "So... What do you... Think of... Taunting the demon?"

09-18-2012, 11:02 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Well theoretically I could call my entrapment an emergency and teleport out... but that would be effortless. Maids have standards!

You shall try this the Lost Woods way. North, West, South, West!

09-18-2012, 11:03 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Can't make things too much worse, nothing else it'll draw it out and give me a target for the line."

09-18-2012, 11:04 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Luigi: Examine bottles.

09-18-2012, 11:08 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Well theoretically I could call my entrapment an emergency and teleport out... but that would be effortless. Maids have standards!

You shall try this the Lost Woods way. North, West, South, West!
You. You. ARGLEBARGLE. Damnit. You wander out of the closet.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Luigi: Examine bottles.
You find some bleach.

Back to the otherside guys.

Dead End.

And a pair of Giant Frogs to greet you. At least this spot has enough ground to run around.

Well time to fight.

At least you don't have to worry about anything besides the frogs.

09-18-2012, 11:10 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"How pathetic are you demon? That you must hide behind your 'children' in such a cowardly manner? If you're really so powerful, you'd show yourself and face us." Crowley bellows, howling a frog into the dirt as he continues his stride away from the rumbling.

09-18-2012, 11:11 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

I shift my hold on the rod so that I'm grasping it mostly with my Brionac covered hand, hoping that it will allow me to control the line, and throw it out to slice both frogs to ribbons.

09-18-2012, 11:19 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"How pathetic are you demon? That you must hide behind your 'children' in such a cowardly manner? If you're really so powerful, you'd show yourself and face us." Crowley bellows, howling a frog into the dirt as he continues his stride away from the rumbling.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I shift my hold on the rod so that I'm grasping it mostly with my Brionac covered hand, hoping that it will allow me to control the line, and throw it out to slice both frogs to ribbons.
Both of you do decent damage to the frogs.

"PATHETIC? PATHETIC ARE WHAT YOU ARE. You bring worthess artifacts against me. THE FISHING ROD THAT BELONGED TO THE FISHER LORD. It didn't save him then and it won't save any of you now. I devoured him as I will devour you. Those toys from your mansion so weak. Neither of them have their former glory. But then the Tools of that old bastard were never all that good to begin with. A spear that is no longer a spear and a tome that had it's pages and power ripped out. None of them are strong enough to catch me. I am the Devourer of Kings. I am the God of earthquakes and Lightning. NONE OF WHAT YOU BRING CAN HARM ME."

A Giant Catfish jumps out of the water.

I'd take this chance to scan.

09-18-2012, 11:20 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Ha! maid 1 House 1! Score is tied!

Since the closest thing to a crafting room is the forge, Miss Masters heads down there. She uses a chandelier as a sewing table and begins sewing the Mothman Wings onto the Ballroom Gown. After preserving the wings and solidifying the dress, she imbues it with the Mothman soul to create the Pixie Duster; flying maid dress!

This is the most awesome flying gown you have ever owned. And you can even reach the cobwebs on the ceiling now!

...she also makes a dog collar for Nick's dog out of the shark teeth and pig leather/ Because a dog has to be fashionable too I guess.

09-18-2012, 11:21 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Crowley immediately uses Scan Level 3 on the demon while charging up Howl to use on his froggy target again.

09-18-2012, 11:23 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Check the bottle for further details, is it a chlorine based bleach? And look for more bottles while you're at it.

09-18-2012, 11:24 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Ha! maid 1 House 1! Score is tied!

Since the closest thing to a crafting room is the forge, Miss Masters heads down there. She uses a chandelier as a sewing table and begins sewing the Mothman Wings onto the Ballroom Gown. After preserving the wings and solidifying the dress, she imbues it with the Mothman soul to create the Pixie Duster; flying maid dress!

This is the most awesome flying gown you have ever owned. And you can even reach the cobwebs on the ceiling now!

...she also makes a dog collar for Nick's dog out of the shark teeth and pig leather/ Because a dog has to be fashionable too I guess.
Well. That's pretty good.

You make a decent collar for Nick's puppy Lance.

And speaking of dogs. Let's go see what Garm and Sirius are doing.

Garm is currently tearing though zombie fishmen things.

But wait what is Sirius doing?

Sirius is currently being a wolf shaped hurricane made of wind and lightning on the top of the Lake. She roars and the lake shatters as she falls into the otherside.

09-18-2012, 11:27 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

I glance up just in time to see a beast falling from the sky, and quickly get the fuck away from it's landing zone. After a closer look, I realize this must be Sirius, and relax just a bit. Realizing that she's probably gonna go straight for the enemies, I snap out the line to hold them in place so they don't dodge away.

...Does make me wonder where the hell Lance is though.

09-18-2012, 11:27 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Miss masters declares the lack of puppy on this sharktooth collar as a fashion emergency. She uses this to justify teleporting to wherever Mr. nick is playing with him.

This is totally safe and could not possibly be a dangerous course of action.

09-18-2012, 11:36 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley immediately uses Scan Level 3 on the demon while charging up Howl to use on his froggy target again.
Well you don't really need to pay attention to the frogs. There is a Wolf Shaped Hurricane of fuck you Ripping them up.

Scan LVL 3
Nameless demon. Don't you love the Old Master?
Calls itself the Devourer of kings.
It's a fish demon.
The fat bastard can cause earthquakes and fire lightning from it's antenna.
He killed the last guy to use that fishing rod Nick has.
He's resistant to fire,Water,Elec
But he doesn't like the wind.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Check the bottle for further details, is it a chlorine based bleach? And look for more bottles while you're at it.
It's chlorine bleach yes.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
I glance up just in time to see a beast falling from the sky, and quickly get the fuck away from it's landing zone. After a closer look, I realize this must be Sirius, and relax just a bit. Realizing that she's probably gonna go straight for the enemies, I snap out the line to hold them in place so they don't dodge away.

...Does make me wonder where the hell Lance is though.
He's with Garm of course. Second safest place he could be. First is with his mother. Do not get in the way of Sirius when trying to protect puppy.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss masters declares the lack of puppy on this sharktooth collar as a fashion emergency. She uses this to justify teleporting to wherever Mr. nick is playing with him.

This is totally safe and could not possibly be a dangerous course of action.
You teleport to a lake.

There is a hellhound frying zombies.

There is a puppy taking a nap.

Wake puppy?

09-18-2012, 11:38 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Well. Don't see any minions left to shred. Let's try and hook us a whopper!

09-18-2012, 11:38 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"So tell me, Devourer, exactly what the difference between you and some hackneyed halibut too stupid to avoid the wiggling worm is?" Crowley states venomously and imperiously as he blasts howl at the beast's antennae, hoping to sever them.

09-18-2012, 11:39 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Patpat puppy on head to wake it gently.

Put Fashionable Sharktooth Collar on puppy.

Give puppy miscellaneous monster bone from inventory.

Patpat puppy back to sleep.

09-18-2012, 11:46 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Luigi continues his quest for chemistry in the name of science!

09-18-2012, 11:47 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Well. Don't see any minions left to shred. Let's try and hook us a whopper!
You get the feeling that the Fishing Rod is extremely angry. This may be a good and bad thing. Once the line hits the water It zooms extremely fast towards the Demon Catfish's mouth and hooks it. I get the feeling that Mister Devourer of Kings is regretting his taunts. Just a little.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"So tell me, Devourer, exactly what the difference between you and some hackneyed halibut too stupid to avoid the wiggling worm is?" Crowley states venomously and imperiously as he blasts howl at the beast's antennae, hoping to sever them.
Oh and that taunt strikes a sore spot. Specially since Nick just hooked it. Heh. You managed to hit one of his antennae as well. Man this demon cannot be feeling the best right now.

But then it eats cool people so it deserves it.


Energy is flowing through the antennae. Sixth sense says you should dodge.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Patpat puppy on head to wake it gently.

Put Fashionable Sharktooth Collar on puppy.

Give puppy miscellaneous monster bone from inventory.

Patpat puppy back to sleep.
Puppy got collar.

You got not bitten.

09-18-2012, 11:54 PM
Cetus Amicus
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Luigi abandons his quest for chemistry like a sore loser, but hey, at least he found some bleach, that will come in handy for getting the bloodstains out.

Luigi calls forth his Shlorp minions and heads to the second floor for another round of vacuuming.

09-19-2012, 12:01 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Miss Masters changes into her sexy twopiece swimsuit to take a dip in the lake. A Zombie Mermaid pulls her into the otherside the second she steps into the lake. WELP, those signs weren't kidding!

09-19-2012, 05:16 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Kiven uses his plant empathy on these vicious tomatoes. "Hey I know where you can get something to eat, if you like zombies."

09-19-2012, 08:01 AM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Crowley immediately jumps away from where he was standing before and fires off another howl at the same attenae, continuing his scathing tirade against it.
"No difference then? Just continued boasts about how you can eat us? I can quite clearly see that. Certainly you've never stopped flapping your mouth since we got here. Did you know a refusal to stop talking is symptomatic of stupidity?"

09-19-2012, 01:02 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

With a massive yank, I pull the Devourer off the ground and send him smashing through anything I can see.

09-19-2012, 01:15 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Mansion Status Update For No Reason Whatsoever

Secondary buildings
Treasury (Unstaffed)
Secondary Kitchen
Pantry/Food Storage
Training Room (No upgrades)
Hospital/Infirmary (Staffed)
Main Kitchen (Unstaffed)

Bathrooms (Rooms repaired, no plumbing)

Somewhat Wrecked
Grand Dining Room
Dining room medium
The Main Bathroom
The Main Bedroom

Completely destroyed
Enchanting Room
Central Coolant
Mirror Room
Security Center
Alchemy Room

Holy shit we didn't make it worse.

09-19-2012, 07:02 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Cetus Amicus View Post
Luigi abandons his quest for chemistry like a sore loser, but hey, at least he found some bleach, that will come in handy for getting the bloodstains out.

Luigi calls forth his Shlorp minions and heads to the second floor for another round of vacuuming.
Cleansing the Mansion of all Garbage. Luigi has lost title plumber. Gain title Janitor.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters changes into her sexy twopiece swimsuit to take a dip in the lake. A Zombie Mermaid pulls her into the otherside the second she steps into the lake. WELP, those signs weren't kidding!
You are currently in a random place in the Drowned Grounds. You don't have william or any weapons at all. Maybe that was a bad idea. Oh wait 2 int.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven uses his plant empathy on these vicious tomatoes. "Hey I know where you can get something to eat, if you like zombies."
The Tomatoes aren't sure if they want to go or not. You seem shifty. They seem to think you are a plant kill stealer.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Crowley immediately jumps away from where he was standing before and fires off another howl at the same attenae, continuing his scathing tirade against it.
"No difference then? Just continued boasts about how you can eat us? I can quite clearly see that. Certainly you've never stopped flapping your mouth since we got here. Did you know a refusal to stop talking is symptomatic of stupidity?"
Well the demon launches itself high up. I think you should get ready.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
With a massive yank, I pull the Devourer off the ground and send him smashing through anything I can see.
And it's pulled down hard.

09-19-2012, 07:08 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"Now then, fish, I think it's time I showed you what a true devourer looks like!" Crowley shouts, snapping the book open as an eldritch glow slowly surrounds him.
"You're nothing, you know that right? I doubt I'll even learn anything from such a pathetic, lowlife, insignificant pebble on the path to my glory such as YOU!"

Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Miss Master's father always told her there was no such thing as having "no weapons". True, one could be unarmed, but there were always weapons. he also said to use every part of everything you hunt in respect of nature.

She grabs a passing swordfish zombie and snaps its head off. She wields the head by the spine as a sword and cuts up the mermaid dragging her down to the depths. Both monsters are inventoried, as well as any she kills on her swim back to the shores.

09-19-2012, 07:14 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

A small smirk appears on my lips at the sight of Crowleys glowing form, only to widen as Brionac starts glowing. I can hear a faint voice whispering a single word over and over in my head as the glow spreads to the rod. Can't wait to see just what it is Brionac has just happened to 'Remember'.

09-19-2012, 07:21 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Now then, fish, I think it's time I showed you what a true devourer looks like!" Crowley shouts, snapping the book open as an eldritch glow slowly surrounds him.
"You're nothing, you know that right? I doubt I'll even learn anything from such a pathetic, lowlife, insignificant pebble on the path to my glory such as YOU!"
The book remembers. The winds howl. The sky darkens.


You have created a tornado that rips all in it's path to shreds.

You Got
Howl LVL 2

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Master's father always told her there was no such thing as having "no weapons". True, one could be unarmed, but there were always weapons. he also said to use every part of everything you hunt in respect of nature.

She grabs a passing swordfish zombie and snaps its head off. She wields the head by the spine as a sword and cuts up the mermaid dragging her down to the depths. Both monsters are inventoried, as well as any she kills on her swim back to the shores.
Che. You are killing random zombies.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
A small smirk appears on my lips at the sight of Crowleys glowing form, only to widen as Brionac starts glowing. I can hear a faint voice whispering a single word over and over in my head as the glow spreads to the rod. Can't wait to see just what it is Brionac has just happened to 'Remember'.
The Spear that Destroys all that stand in the path of it's wielder and The Fishing pole that caught the god of fish become one.


Brionac the Barbed Spear.

Your glove has morphed into a Gauntlet. A spool of barbed chains wrap around the wrist while you have a barbed spear head attached to the end.

Have fun you two.

09-19-2012, 07:25 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

"You called yourself the Devourer Of Kings and insulted my book. Tell me, do you know what this book is called? It's called the Devouring God." Crowley whispers at it with a most evil grin growing on his face. "You know your sibling, the Red Tree Of The Mists? Eaten. Devoured. It actually almost hit me, unlike you. Think on that. You, with all your power, all your advantages, couldn't do a thing a simple tree rooted to the ground nearly accomplished. You couldn't even land a hit. That? That is pathetic. Truly, undeniably pathetic. Your mechanical monster, The Harvester? Hmph. He actually hit Nick. You couldn't accomplish that either. You had to send your minions to do battle with us, like some gutless coward. Well look at your children now." At this, Crowley pauses and gestures at all of the fish carcasses strewn about in the mad dash he and Nick made. "They're nothing but food for the Sirius over there now, if it even decides to eat such pathetic morsels as these. You, your lineage, all of it was for nothing. I want you to know that before your end comes. As such." Crowley stops, straightens his tie, and looks the beast dead in its eyes. "An infinitum of pain and carnage, as though a thousand razors tearing through the sky awaits you all! HOWLNADO!"

09-19-2012, 07:28 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Miss Masters eventually gets bored of slicing down random fish zombies with only one weapon. She attempts to practice using her personal weapon by having it emergency teleport to her.

Boredom emergency.

Also maybe deadly zombies but that is the lesser of the two.

09-19-2012, 07:29 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Kiven promises the tomatoes that, as long it's with him, he will not steal it's kills.

09-19-2012, 07:31 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

A chuckle breaks loose as I take aim right between The Devourers arrogant eyes. I can't resist the urge to get in one last quip.

"You should have done your homework. Villain 101. Never declare yourself a God." With that said, I let loose and fire straight into his skull.

09-19-2012, 07:51 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"You called yourself the Devourer Of Kings and insulted my book. Tell me, do you know what this book is called? It's called the Devouring God." Crowley whispers at it with a most evil grin growing on his face. "You know your sibling, the Red Tree Of The Mists? Eaten. Devoured. It actually almost hit me, unlike you. Think on that. You, with all your power, all your advantages, couldn't do a thing a simple tree rooted to the ground nearly accomplished. You couldn't even land a hit. That? That is pathetic. Truly, undeniably pathetic. Your mechanical monster, The Harvester? Hmph. He actually hit Nick. You couldn't accomplish that either. You had to send your minions to do battle with us, like some gutless coward. Well look at your children now." At this, Crowley pauses and gestures at all of the fish carcasses strewn about in the mad dash he and Nick made. "They're nothing but food for the Sirius over there now, if it even decides to eat such pathetic morsels as these. You, your lineage, all of it was for nothing. I want you to know that before your end comes. As such." Crowley stops, straightens his tie, and looks the beast dead in its eyes. "An infinitum of pain and carnage, as though a thousand razors tearing through the sky awaits you all! HOWLNADO!"
This is one demon that's not going to be living for very long. Chunks of the demon are flying around as your spell rips it apart.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters eventually gets bored of slicing down random fish zombies with only one weapon. She attempts to practice using her personal weapon by having it emergency teleport to her.

Boredom emergency.

Also maybe deadly zombies but that is the lesser of the two.
The Mop is back. It may or may not think you need to not do bad ideas but it's not like it can talk.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven promises the tomatoes that, as long it's with him, he will not steal it's kills.
Maybe you want to phrase that differently in the future but the Tomatoes are currently following You. Hope you don't disappoint.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
A chuckle breaks loose as I take aim right between The Devourers arrogant eyes. I can't resist the urge to get in one last quip.

"You should have done your homework. Villain 101. Never declare yourself a God." With that said, I let loose and fire straight into his skull.
And Wow. It impales straight through the demon barbs and all. Ouch that can't be pretty.

Glowing lines appear all over this demon. I think that Mr. Crowley's book is going to eat this demon out of spite.

Clap Clap Clap.

09-19-2012, 07:56 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. On the Road again.

Kiven snatches up the tomato plant and runs off toward the lake in the direction he saw Crowley and Nick go.

09-19-2012, 07:59 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

"My name is Jeremiah Crowley, and tonight I feast." Crowley says imperiously as the book devours the beast. Hearing the clapping, Crowley then immediately ducks and rolls away from where he was.

09-19-2012, 08:03 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

"Bad ideas? Is that what this is *swing* about? I didn't think I was doing anything particularly bad. I mean *impale* I did mess with soul binding and creating artifacts which WAS what the old master did, but never *stab* never, *bash* NEVER *maim* would I do anything that would endanger the house or its residents. Besides, the last time I checked *HEADSHOT*, we happen to have the most arms and best armor out of the group. *roundhouse kick!* Would you not agree crafting some objects of power to protect our allies would help everyone?"

Miss Master's speech is soon interrupted by a rather large whale zombie which she jumps on top of and stabs the mop through its blowhole, crippling it through the weak spot. She proceeds to use the corpse as a boat to float over where the others are. She throws a zombie piece at the dead fish boss to take claim of a treasure share.

"I may be eccentric, but I do have standards. Remember that."

09-19-2012, 08:21 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

Brionac retracts, and starts giving off a rather...satisfied sensation as I start walking over to Crowley, when I hear clapping coming from nearby. I quickly turn and bring my new weapon to bear on the source, figuring it's probably that one fucker that summoned this bastard fish.

09-19-2012, 08:38 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven snatches up the tomato plant and runs off toward the lake in the direction he saw Crowley and Nick go.
You are at the Lake with a fire breathing hellhound and a puppy. I think this is the place you want to be?

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"My name is Jeremiah Crowley, and tonight I feast." Crowley says imperiously as the book devours the beast. Hearing the clapping, Crowley then immediately ducks and rolls away from where he was.
"Good Hustle. I give you a 7 out of 10"

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"Bad ideas? Is that what this is *swing* about? I didn't think I was doing anything particularly bad. I mean *impale* I did mess with soul binding and creating artifacts which WAS what the old master did, but never *stab* never, *bash* NEVER *maim* would I do anything that would endanger the house or its residents. Besides, the last time I checked *HEADSHOT*, we happen to have the most arms and best armor out of the group. *roundhouse kick!* Would you not agree crafting some objects of power to protect our allies would help everyone?"

Miss Master's speech is soon interrupted by a rather large whale zombie which she jumps on top of and stabs the mop through its blowhole, crippling it through the weak spot. She proceeds to use the corpse as a boat to float over where the others are. She throws a zombie piece at the dead fish boss to take claim of a treasure share.

"I may be eccentric, but I do have standards. Remember that."
The Mop shrugs. how does a mop shrug? It shrugs because it's The Fucking Mop of course.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Brionac retracts, and starts giving off a rather...satisfied sensation as I start walking over to Crowley, when I hear clapping coming from nearby. I quickly turn and bring my new weapon to bear on the source, figuring it's probably that one fucker that summoned this bastard fish.
"I have to say this. Most humans wouldn't react that way. But hey. I'm not one to care. I'd introduce myself but well I don't have a name anymore. You killed The Fish. Heh. I don't know whether to be sad or laugh at it's failure. I mean well I knew it was going to fail, but I didn't expect it fail that badly. Oh well what do you get for a Fish one casually beat in an afternoon."

The Man shrugs.

09-19-2012, 08:42 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

"Hello sir/madame. As you do not currently posses a name for the sake of this conversation I shall call you Mr. Doe."

"So Mr. Doe, why all the fish beating? I mean, slaying zombies is cool and all but you seem to have hit a sore spot where it isn't."

09-19-2012, 08:42 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

Kiven waves at the hellhound and finds a dead tree lying near the lake. He uses it as a raft, flipping it and drifting out to Miss Masters and her dead whale. "Hi! It's been a while huh? Like a few hours or so. Hey, everyone else is here too. Cool. I made a new friend!" He shows off his tomato plant.

09-19-2012, 08:47 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

Looking momentarily askance at Blade before focusing on the stranger, Crowley shifts into a more comfortable stance before flipping over casually to the page containing Scan. "And what is it you want with us?"

09-19-2012, 08:49 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

"Isn't it obvious Crowley? He's a lackey trying to pass himself off as a mastermind. Kinda pathetic really."

09-19-2012, 08:56 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
"Hello sir/madame. As you do not currently posses a name for the sake of this conversation I shall call you Mr. Doe."

"So Mr. Doe, why all the fish beating? I mean, slaying zombies is cool and all but you seem to have hit a sore spot where it isn't."
He rolls his eyes irritably at you.

Blink bink

"Wait a second. What in the seven hells are you?"

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven waves at the hellhound and finds a dead tree lying near the lake. He uses it as a raft, flipping it and drifting out to Miss Masters and her dead whale. "Hi! It's been a while huh? Like a few hours or so. Hey, everyone else is here too. Cool. I made a new friend!" He shows off his tomato plant.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
Looking momentarily askance at Blade before focusing on the stranger, Crowley shifts into a more comfortable stance before flipping over casually to the page containing Scan. "And what is it you want with us?"
"I wanted to see what you looked like. As I'm rather bored at the moment. You would think I'd have 3000 years of stuff to catch up on but oh well."

And he's not there anymore.

"I'm not going to let that book take that from me."

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
"Isn't it obvious Crowley? He's a lackey trying to pass himself off as a mastermind. Kinda pathetic really."
And from not being there to being right in front of Nick.

Boot to the face hard enough to send him flying out of the dimension.

09-19-2012, 09:01 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

Ow. Damnit, I think that might have broke my nose. Neck hurts like hell too. Respect for the response though it still doesn't prove me wrong.

Picking myself up and dusting myself off, I head off to check up on Lance and Garm. Not much else I can do to help the guys back in the otherside now.

09-19-2012, 09:01 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

"Hmmph. If that is the case, I think I'll take my leave then." Crowley says as he gazes about for an exit.
"So, would you mind informing me as to what led to the curse being put upon you?"

09-19-2012, 09:04 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

Kiven extends his yoyo down to Crowley and calls out. "Need a lift? Hahaha! Jokes."

09-19-2012, 09:04 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

Miss Masters suddenly loses all interest in Nick being used at a football to stare at the tomato.

"OH MY GOD HE'S SO CUTE! I should get a plant pet. Would certainly help in hiding corpses."

Miss masters tosses the tomato a barely alive zombie from her inventory. To feed it food. Or kills. Miss Masters is a lot more generous about taking the assist and letting others take the numbers.

09-19-2012, 10:31 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Ow. Damnit, I think that might have broke my nose. Neck hurts like hell too. Respect for the response though it still doesn't prove me wrong.

Picking myself up and dusting myself off, I head off to check up on Lance and Garm. Not much else I can do to help the guys back in the otherside now.
Do not taunt the demons.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Hmmph. If that is the case, I think I'll take my leave then." Crowley says as he gazes about for an exit.
"So, would you mind informing me as to what led to the curse being put upon you?"
"Me and my brothers caused havoc across the lands. Spreading all sorts of lesser demons as we went. It was fun until the Old Man Ripped our souls apart. You cannot believe how much that hurt. I have to say one thing about him. I have got to respect that kind of power."

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
Kiven extends his yoyo down to Crowley and calls out. "Need a lift? Hahaha! Jokes."
"He's not that bright is he?"

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post
Miss Masters suddenly loses all interest in Nick being used at a football to stare at the tomato.

"OH MY GOD HE'S SO CUTE! I should get a plant pet. Would certainly help in hiding corpses."

Miss masters tosses the tomato a barely alive zombie from her inventory. To feed it food. Or kills. Miss Masters is a lot more generous about taking the assist and letting others take the numbers.
The tomato trust you more then Kiven.

Does that mean you have more Plant Empathy then him? Seems to be.

09-19-2012, 10:34 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

"Apologies, but not right now. I still have business to attend to Kiven." Crowley calls up, calmly before returning his attention to his guest. "So, anything you'd care to tell me about the Old Man? I'd rather like to know a bit more about the creator of that which I'm benefiting from." At this Crowley glances at the book and smirks a little. "Albeit in ways I never quite expected."

09-19-2012, 10:37 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

"Okaaaaaay." Kiven rips off a dead branch and rows himself back to shore, looking for a fight or anything shiny.

09-19-2012, 10:38 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.


Miss masters spears the mop entirely through the whale, creating a hole and sinking the beast. This somehow ends them up on the other side of the lake without sinking on that end.#lakelogic

09-19-2012, 10:39 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

Eventually finding Garm among the remains of something I can't quite identify, and Lance just snoozing away, I decide to follow his example and plop down for a snooze while I wait for everyone else to get back.

09-19-2012, 10:46 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

Originally Posted by Moronis View Post
"Apologies, but not right now. I still have business to attend to Kiven." Crowley calls up, calmly before returning his attention to his guest. "So, anything you'd care to tell me about the Old Man? I'd rather like to know a bit more about the creator of that which I'm benefiting from." At this Crowley glances at the book and smirks a little. "Albeit in ways I never quite expected."
"I liked the Old Man. Something about a being that casually made the gods his bitches resounded with me. My brothers more then likely would go on about his Magic or his intelligence or whatever but it's not like that mattered. He punched me hard enough to shatter a mountain. A mountain that was five miles away. I was always sure he wasn't human. But who knows really?"

Originally Posted by SupahKiven View Post
"Okaaaaaay." Kiven rips off a dead branch and rows himself back to shore, looking for a fight or anything shiny.
Fighting? Garm has murdered everything. You do spot Nick and Lance snoozing thou.

Originally Posted by MasterBlade View Post

Miss masters spears the mop entirely through the whale, creating a hole and sinking the beast. This somehow ends them up on the other side of the lake without sinking on that end.#lakelogic
I don't even know. Logic?

Originally Posted by Demjou View Post
Eventually finding Garm among the remains of something I can't quite identify, and Lance just snoozing away, I decide to follow his example and plop down for a snooze while I wait for everyone else to get back.
Dream time.

You dream of Zombies and giant turtles.

For no reason at all.

09-19-2012, 10:50 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

"HEY WILLIAM! I'M BACK! Did you miss me? :D"

Miss Masters looks around the forest surrounding the lake for an obvious trail to the first major boss in the game. because usually there's a path or something to it.

09-19-2012, 10:51 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

"Five miles away? From a punch? Hmmm. That's... Worrying to say the least." Crowley stumbles, genuinely shocked by what he's just heard. Still, Crowley is Crowley and shakes it off soon enough. "So in that case, I have another question for you. Regarding my tome. You see, I know it is called the Tome Of The Devouring God. What I'm curious about is that god's name. Or was that, too, obliterated?"

09-21-2012, 04:20 PM
Re: You Won A Mansion. Clap, Clap, Clap.

Kiven steps off his raft with his precious tomato plant and heads back into the clearing to check on his old friend (that kill steal was an accident, my hand slipped whoops) the Dandelion.
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