Chojin Patriarch
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Well, that's ominous, but hardly unusual, I suspect. Thanagar seems to be the kind of Empire that likes to keep a close grip on the reins of power in its colonies where it can. Having control of their local space would go a long way to helping with that.4th October 2012
08:10 GMT
"Legion craft, you are cleared for descent. Remain within the indicated corridor."
Havania has nothing like the number of ships standing guard as Thanagar itself does, but it does have several large military defence stations and near-planet shipyards. The stations appear to be under the control of the Empire's military rather than local officials.
Ah, the old Kzinti Lesson: 'The more efficient a reaction drive is, the better a weapon it makes'. Admittedly, that's more 'We turned our ship around to point the fusion torch drive at them' than 'hypersonic orbital kamikaze'. But still... Remember the Holdo manoeuvrer?"L.E.G.I.O.N. acknowledges, Havania control. Course entered."
And down we go, into the atmosphere. Our ship is perfectly capable of maintaining a steeper angle of approach and a higher velocity, but quite understandably they don't want to take a chance on us suicide ramming something. Especially not the home of the planet's ruler.
And it's classy as fuck."Why does she live in a castle?"
"It's not exactly a classical castle in the European style. The insides are perfectly modern. But when Thanagarians first came here they wanted defensible structures at high elevation, and it was easier to quarry stone using local corvée labour than to bake bricks or mix concrete. Now, it's tradition."
Corvée, for the record. Essentially, enforced community service. A decent landlord using it would pay the workers with food and drink during their shifts, often better than they'd usually get. Still not all that popular, because it often took serfs away from their land during important times, like seeding or harvests.
Ah, double standards. An Orange Lantern's best friend, after their ring. He got pissed at Fate because Zatara was his, in a second-hand sort of connection... The locals? He doesn't know any of them, and poking his nose in would probably piss off the Thanagarians."Given how badly you reacted to Zatara being enslaved, I'm a little surprised at how little you care about it."
"I reacted badly because I like Zatanna and respect Zatara, and because of the form his enslavement took. The Havanian native population were primitive hunter-gatherers before the Thanagarians arrived, and now they have access to technology they wouldn't have had for thousands of years, if at all."
"At least you're honest about being an imperialist. Didn't Truggs come back in time to stop that happening to Earth?"
"That was because it was the Reach. You know that anyone occupied by them gets exterminated eventually. Under the Thanagarians, the size of the native population has increased from the level it was at the start of colonisation due to better medicine and agricultural technology, as well as the elimination of internal violent conflict. It's like Britannia and Roman Empire. Besides, who around here is actually worth getting conquered by? The Ungarans?"
Ungarans, by the by, are Abin Sur's people. Xudarians are Tomar-Re and Tomar-Tu's race. Neither are particularly into the conquest thing."Xudar?"
"Barely. They're mostly isolationist, so there's no access to any great trade network. They aren't especially skilled at societal management, and that's mostly what holds Earth back, so there's no benefit there. Now if Krypton was still a going concern then we'd have something to talk about."
Yes. In more than a few Elseworlds, they did. Good thing for us they didn't notice Humanity.That gets a raised eyebrow.
"Wouldn't Krypton have conquered us effortlessly?"
Which hews closer to more recent versions than some where Krypton was isolationist for generations. Still, Humanity is not particularly good at bowing its' collective knee without quite considerable force on our necks."Yes, because they were still empire-building a century or so ago. But they didn't really colonise in depth, so we'd get limited access to their technology without having to worry about our culture being destroyed."
"A century or so?"
...How coincidental.
"Ah… Probably. Maybe slightly after its peak?"
Jade smiles faintly as she double checks our final approach vector.
I think she meant in terms of protective gear. Just in case, you know?"Landing zone sited. What should I wear?"
"This isn't a state visit. Whatever you like."
So, formal military dress uniforms are not out-of-place as casual wear, huh? Then again, continuities vary on what the formal dress uniform looks like. Anything from classic pulp sci-fi jumpsuits to heavy formal robes to 'putting on the Reich'..."I'd like to wear my exo-mantle."
"You could. Thanagar is very proud of its military, and they won't be offended if you feel the same way."
I'm guessing it's either very overblown, very silly-looking or both."But Bleez won't."
"Thanagarian intelligence assets don't have a uniform. There's a formal mode of dress for Havanian nobility, but I doubt that she'll wear it. Oh, and-."
...Oh god, espionage double-talk. Let's hope it doesn't get all 'Dune inner monologue' in here... Seriously, the book was laden with that kind of over-analytical reflection...A minor eye roll.
"I'm not going to mention that you know that she's an informant. But do you want me to mention it if she knows that you know?"
Please, stop know before you slip into a comedy routine..."I'm pretty sure that she knows that I know."
"Then do you want me to mention it if she knows-"
Third Base!"-that I know-"
"-that she knows?"
"I don't know. I don't know."
Does OL even still have any Construct Lanterns right now? Ones he'd want to show off, anyway?Jade lets out an amused snort as we land. Local custom dictates that nobles should only speak face to face while other communications are relayed via servants. Since we don't have a servant with us… Though I suppose that my construct lanterns would probably have counted. I think I could get away with direct personal communication, but now that we're here I want to give Princess Bleez the opportunity to decide how she wants people to see us.
Jade switches the ship's systems into standby and stands, taking a moment to shake out her outfit.
It's not a break form the Ring, after all, just 'work'.
I rather expect they weigh a little more than a duck. Nor are nearly so elegant in the water as a swan (on the surface, anyway.)"She's going to fly out wearing a bikini, isn't she?"
"Technically, no. Thanagarians aren't big on swimming."
Right answer, OL. Ah, Empathic visions, allowing you to cheat at relationship questions.…
"But as I've said, it's not a competition. Unless you want it to be, in which case, you win."
Not quite Tamaranean hot, but still... Her Red Lantern version certainly fills out that classic leotard in all the right places.Jade takes in a deep breath, then snorts it out in a sharp exhalation. "She's pretty hot, isn't she?"
Kind of rude to expect him to carry her around everywhere. She certainly wouldn't want to be that reliant on someone else, after all."Basic laundry, then-" I'm already running a laundry beam over her as we both get up and head towards the airlock. "-let's go."
"Have you got a flight-?" She pulls her blouse aside slightly to show me her kinetic belt. "Good show."
...So, basically a bikini, with decoration.The airlock swings open and Jade confidently walks out, her eyes moving to take in as much of her environment as she can without getting distracted from-.
"Hey!" Bleez descends through the air from one of the upper dowers, wings flared and body covered in what is basically a cut down halter top and a thong with streamers. She lands just in front of Jade and smiles warmly at her. "You're Jade, right! Paul's told me so much about you!"
At least she's smart enough to try and butter Jade up. I don't doubt Jade's read up on Thanagarian postural intricacies and their meanings.Bleez makes a wing gesture of trust, extending the wing tips slightly in front of her so that she wouldn't be able to fly away quickly if Jade attacked her.
"It's so good to finally meet you!"
He's been busy. There's a war on, you know?"I'm happy to be here."
Bleez turns her head to pout at me. "And I thought you were avoiding me."
At least he's polite about it.
...Ah. Good timing, then."Bleez? Where are you?"
"-get out of here before Mother catches up. Humans can fly, right?"
Well, off to a good start. Running and hiding from the overbearing mother. Sucker's bet that Bleez is very glad for the escape route. I guess we'll see tomorrow how the ladies get on together. Though now I have the amusing image of Bleez, OL and Jade zooming along, a flotilla of bodyguards trying to keep up while the trio try to ditch them. Unlikely we'd see that, but still...