Interlude 5B – The Other Side of a Coin
Flinger of Spaghetti, Recorder of Results.
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*** Xander POV ***
---Sunnydale Cemeteries---
Well this sucks. I struggle to get loose, but the vampire has me in a pretty good headlock and I can't seem to-
"Excuse me! …Hi… Sorry to interrupt." Jack? Oh no, please interrupt. Interruptions would be of the good right… She let go! I back away and look up to see everyone's stopped fighting and turned to stare at Jack.
Jack… is staring at me with a look of disappointment? No, not at me, at the vampire that had me in a headlock. Huh, that's- Where did he get that sword to cut her head off with?
Suddenly we're figh- … oh, are we not fighting again? Oz dusted that vamp nearest us and the only remaining vamp is currently trying to both fend Jack off with a knife and run away. I think I'm okay with that.
Is Jack laughing? He kinda sounds like the cartoon version of the Joker almost… "Okay, is it just me or does anyone else find that laugh incredibly disturbing?"
Wills nods franticly in agreement while staring wide eyed at our… uh… newest possible member of team slay?
Oz looks thoughtful, "It's more of a cackle really." Oh yeah… It is isn't it.
We've all just agreed that it's a cackle rather than a laugh when Jack dusts the remaining vamp while mumbling something derisively about knives and spins around to face us. He gestures at me with the sword, which would be alarming, if I hadn't seen him do that a lot with whatever was at hand all the time back when Wills thought Amy might need saving. My favorite was when used the box of Twinkies to bullet point while he described… uh... actually I can't remember what we were talking about. I got to eat the Twinkies though, that was the important part. I kinda miss the cookies that friend of Jack's grandmother made for us too.
"Fuck you Charlie Brown. No comments from the Peanuts Gallery." Oh haha very punny.
Is that Buffy!? It is Buffy! ... Buffy, no!
Oh phew, Jack's okay. Buffy must not have actually staked-
Hey! Not cool Jack! Punching the Buffster is definitely of the bad. Also usually ends badly for the… Is that a stake in his back?
"Gods, Buffy! Rude much!?" Jack knows Buffy? "You can't just walk up to people and shove things into them. You have to at least buy me dinner first!" Also he seems oddly okay for a guy who has a stake sticking out of his back.
Now he's glaring at us? Hey what did we do!? Why are you glaring at us now Mr. I can make swords appear out of nowhere? "You know what!? Fuck you all very much! Christ on a cracker, see if I ever try to help you buggerfucking hunters again!" Okay. Maybe he's not so cool with the accidental stake-age... not sure I can really blame him for that.
Jack stalks off, still ranting, "If it's not wolf boy trying to sniff me, or Willow angling for a one-more-some, it's Stabberific Barbie and her amazing pegging fetish! Well at least Willow must be happy, she finally found the final member for that foursome she's always wanted!" Okay. Rude. But he did just get staked in the back... and then walked away from it perfectly fine?
"Don't worry about Jerk, Buffy, he's always saying angry things like that." Uhh, Wills? "I'm sure he'll get over you almost staking him soon enough." Oh. She didn't see..?
I lean over and whisper, "Uhh… Wills… I don't think she almost staked him. There was a stake in his back."
"Mr. Pointy!" And Buffy's off at a run, chasing after Jack.
Willow looks over at me wide eyed. "But… He seemed fine. Angry maybe? But totally fine! He even made one of those jokes he loves to make about… uh… what's pegging?"
I look at Oz and a nonverbal agreement is reached. If Jack's the one mentioning something about... probably about sex... we want no part in it. At all.
"So! Oz. Tracking of the Jack and Buffy show? That would be of the good, right?"
"Right." We head off to follow them. Hooray Buffy's back!
---Giles' Flat---
I conclude my recounting of tonights exciting events for Giles benefit, "and that's where we lost him G-man. Oz could smell his trail in the alley Buffy saw him disappear into, but it ended at a wall."
"Extraordinary. You said this boy is some manner of half-demon? … Though I suppose the most mundane answer is that he climbed up one of the walls."
"Oh! That… would make more sense than a teleporting demon walking halfway across town." Willow agrees unhappily, she seemed to like that theory for some reason. Not that I blame her I suppose, knowing a guy like Nightcrawler could be cool.
Buffy, and even more especially Giles, seem to appreciate the distraction that Jack's lack of reaction to stake-age offers. I can get that. Even after he took so long to go get his tea, Giles still gets that look on his face when he sees Buffy is back! and alive! That look I probably have when I look over at her. It's good to have everyone back together again.
Talking about her summer meant reminding everyone she was gone. Of course we all leapt at the opportunity to discuss something else.
But why are Wills and Buffy so upset about him? He saved us from those vampires right? I think he did? I mean sure he's all with the inappropriateness and the bad jokes, but I wouldn't go so far as to call him the anti-Xander.
"Guys? Are you sure we aren't worrying about this a bit much? It's not like he's a vampire. And it's summer. Nothing of the evil world ending variety happens in summer. This one is even quieter than usual… well except for running into three vamps all at once tonight."
"He's a Demon! and! and! okay. Maybe he's not evil, but... but I still don't like being called a Hooker."
"He called you a hooker!?" Did we not tell you about that? Oh jeez...
"Okay, so here's how we first met Jack…" I begin my second distracting tale of the night.
---Summers Residence---
When we arrive to start patrol I hear muffled yelling inside Buffy's house.
Knocking, Buffy answers the door looking annoyed. "Mom! Xander's here, we're going slaying … I love you too mom! I'll be home in a few hours." Buffy closes the door as Mrs. Summers repeats her goodbyes. Weird.
"Hey, Buffs, what's wrong?"
"Apparently my mom knows Jack. As in she invited him and Amy over for dinner tonight. He was flirting with my mother. He must be evil. Did she learn nothing from Ted? And now mom's mad at me because somehow I made it awkward."
"Buffy… your mother is a… lovely… woman." Okay. Glaring Buffy. Shutting up now.
"Where's Cordelia anyway? I thought you said she'd be joining us tonight."
"Apparently Harmony wanted to catch up on gossip."
"…The same Harmony that called her a traitor for dating someone as 'lame' as you?"
"The one and only. Cordelia thinks she's up to something and wants to know what, so… keep your friends close and your uhhh… mutinous former head minions closer?" I hold open the door to the van for Buffy.
"Okay… that makes sense in a Cordelia sort of way. Willow! Did you know Jack knew my Mother?"
"He does!?"
"Apparently he's a very important client of the gallery. I bet he's the one that gave my Mom that stupid mask. I mean really, who makes a mask that says 'I want this room to suffer'? Oh. And! He gave me back Mr. Pointy tonight." She doesn't sound happy about that... Shouldn't she sound happy about that?
"Isn't that a good thing?" Apparently Wills agrees with me.
"He packed it in a box full of…"
"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that?" Buffy doesn't usually mumble like that.
"They're the drugs they made me take when mom... had me... institutionalized."
"… Okay that's definitely of the bad." Also, you were institutionalized? Dick move, Jack.
"Ouch." Ouch is right, Oz. Ouch is right.
"Oh... it gets worse!" It gets worse than that?
---Sunnydale High - Hallways---
"Guys, look. There's Amy right there. She's friends with Jack, why don't we just go ask her to talk to Jack about his inappropriate medication jokes?"
"Oh! Good idea, Xander… oh no… her arm is in a sling like you thought Buffy."
"Guys, that doesn't mean Jack broke her arm. Let's just be calm okay? I mean she's friend's with him, she probably won't react well to-"
Amy turns around and sees us all approaching her. "Can I help you people?" She looks… resigned? Okay maybe we shouldn't have all come to ask her. "Is there something on my face?"
"What is Jack?" Wills, I know you're just over excited about the idea of research, but I don't think she gets- Damn it, we were supposed to ask about how he knew about Buffy's time in the psych ward not start a fight over his parentage. Okay. We can fix-
"Hi, Amy!" See! There's the warm friendly tone I was going- Wait, is that Harmony? "Willow? Seriously? That shirt? With your hair?" Okay, that is just uncalled for.
Damn it, Harmony! I was trying to have a… where'd Amy go?
---Sunnydale High - Classroom---
I sit down next to Amy in English Class. She looks over at me, "Oh… now what..?"
"Hey. Sorry about earlier. Buffy thought that Jack had maybe broken your arm. So we were all worried about you, and we probably shouldn't have crowded around you all at once. And then Willow tends to get really excited about research and we were talking about what kind of half demon he might be and… yeah… just, sorry."
"Are you people serious? You thought he broke my arm? Why would you think that? What has Jack ever done to you people?"
"To me? Nothing. I get that. I think Buffy is still upset about the meds though."
"What meds?"
"He gave Mr. Pointy back to Buffy in a box full of… some… medication… she used to need to take." Amy's oddly alarmed look dissolves into giggles. "It's not funny! She really doesn't like reminders of… that… time of her life"
"I- I'm sorry… but I watched Jack fill the box. He chose that particular medication via Eeny Meeny Minee Moe at the pharmacy. He just wanted to tell her she needs to relax, the next guy she stabs at random might not be able to just shrug it off."
"… oh. Talk about bad luck. I'll let Buffy know-"
"Please don't. It won't matter. I'm sure once Jack finds out he'll swear til he's blue in the face that he meant to do it all along. He's like that, he likes to pretend he's all knowing and stuff even when he really shouldn't."
"So letting Buffy know won't help because he'd just say I was wrong anyway. Damn. You know they're probably going to hate each other by the end of… well yesterday really."
"I wouldn't worry about it. I think Jack finds this whole situation hilarious. You do realize he wasn't even mad when he got home that night Buffy stabbed him in the back? He just whined at me until I took it out like he was a two year old with a splinter."
"Wow… you don't happen to know… you know?"
"…I've never felt the need to ask him what he is." Amy's expression clearly indicates she thinks I shouldn't feel that need either, but I know Buffy won't let it go. "Class is starting. We should probably at least pretend to pay attention." Right. Class. With the learn-age and stuff.
---Sunnydale High - Hallways---
My walk down the hallway between classes is interrupted by a call of, "Hey! You!" Oh crap. Larry- "New Guy!"...isn't talking to me..? I should probably go distract him from whichever victim he's chos-
"Oh, please be talking to me!" ... Jack will probably be fine. No need to get involved... maybe stay and watch though?
...uh... Did he just crush Larry's hand? I'm not sure how to feel about that... I mean on the one hand Larry is always- Okay, no Larry is shaking it out. Not actually broken.
Wow. Principal Snyder looks really mad. I think I'm going to go to class now. I'll ask Jack about in History tomorrow. Yeah
---Sunnydale High - Library---
…must stay awake. I yawn. Being up late fighting zombies and then waking up early before school the next day to stare at books full of demon lore… takes a lot out of you. Why do we care so much about Jack's parentage again? He kills vampires. Isn't that a good thing?
The library doors swing open and Jack steps in with Amy. Awesome. No more books. We can just ask him. I look over at Buff and Wills. Okay, Oz or I can ask him.
Jack waves over at our table, "Excuse me, Mr. Giles? Can I talk to you?" Huh, he sounds nervous. I wave back at him encouragingly before noticing Buffy and Willow glaring at me. Fine. It's not like they'd believe he didn't know what he was doing anyway.
"Uh. Yes. Quite. I am here for all of the students of Sunnydale High after all." Giles heads over to his desk and has a hushed conversation with Jack. Both of them look uncomfortable with whatever they're talking about. It's actually really weird seeing Jack like that, he's usually just so overwhelmingly happy. Even while fighting those vampires he looked happy.
I can't quite make out what they're saying but Buffy and Oz seem to be following along, they look at each other. "He doesn't know?" Doesn't know wha- oh. No wonder why he gets so weird about it.
Giles speaks up, "Yes, we were actually engaged in just that endeavor now. If you'd be willing to answer some questions it could be of considerable help."
Jack looks… resigned? "What would you like to know?" He sags into the chairs across from us and rests his head on the table. "I've been looking through what books I could find since I realized I was… different. Nothing quite seems to fit."
Amy pulls a chair over and sits next to Jack, patting him on the back with her good arm.
Giles, polishing his glasses, sits back down in his seat and looks thoughtful. "I suppose we ought to start with the basics. Did your mother ever talk about him? Any kind of description at all."
"Oh, uh… I've never actually… spoken… to my mother. She kind of… she… uh… she left shortly after I was born. Um, but I've talked to people who met her! Of course they all thought she was crazy. Granted… she was talking about aliens and stars and stuff a lot apparently… So maybe they had a point? Err... There aren't aliens too right? Just demons? Should I have gone to Roswell instead of Sunnydale?" Oh boy! I just love an awkward conversation before first period. When's that bell gonna ring?
Wills looks horrified, and even the Buffster seems... differently upset? Is that a thing? Umm... what do you even say to that? Wait... are there aliens? That'd be so cool!
"Not as such, no. Although there was some debate recently on whether other dimensions were possibly other planets, so the distinction may be rather impossible to prove until we find a way to visit the stars." Thank god for Giles and his Britishy ability to press forward in the face of awkward. Stiff upper lip. Pip Pip Cheerios! Why are they such fans of that cereal? "Hmmm... have you perhaps noticed any unusually colored skin? Odd hornlike growths? Anything of that sort?"
"... I haven't noticed any skin tones as done by Crayola, or any horns... anywhere..." Jack pauses, looking slightly confused, before he turns from Giles to address Buffy and Willow finally returning to his usual grinning self. "And I haven't got a forked tongue or pointy tail either see?" He sticks his tongue out at them. "But I do seem to heal really well, which is apparently super useful in this town full of violent... monsters."
...And there's that bell. Gotta get going to class.
"So, same time next week?" Next week?
"Why not this afternoon or tomorrow?" Yeah, that.
"Can't. I have a shift at the hospital tonight and homework and stuff. But I can probably continue to do Wednesday mornings." Jack strolls out library chatting with Amy about an upcoming Math test. Wow. So glad I'm not in AP Calc. Tests on the first week?
"...They let that guy work in a hospital!?" Oh come on Buff, he's not that bad.
---The Bronze---
"So it was about a hundred and eighteen degrees, I'm sleepin' without a stitch on, suddenly I hear all this screamin'. I go tearin' outside -- stark nude -- this church bus has broke down and three vamps are feasting on half the Baptists in South Boston. So I waste the vamps and the preacher is hugging me like there's no tomorrow when the cops pull up. They arrested us both."
"They should film that story and show it every Christmas." Such a lovely image. Naked Faith, standing there all... Naked.
Faith, talking around a muffin, "God, I could eat a horse!" She turns to Buffy. "Isn't it crazy? Slayin' always makes you just hungry and horny." Really now? This I gotta hear.
"Well... sometimes I crave a non-fat yogurt afterwards..." Okay. Buffster looks super uncomfortable maybe I should-
"I get it." Really Cordelia? Do tell! "Not the horny thing, yuck!" Damn, crush my dreams why don't you. "The two slayer thing: there was only one, but then Buffy died for like two minutes so Kendra was called, then Kendra died so Faith was called." Oh... yeah... that makes sense. Hey is that Jack? He's looking incredibly happy. Maybe he and Buffy can get along this time?
"But why were you called here?" Huh, that's a good question, Wills. I wonder-
Jack plops himself down next to Faith, "Hiya Faithy! I gotcha a present!" Okay, wow, Jack really does seem to know everybody. Buff's Mom, Giles, now Faith. Actually, now I know why Faith's accent sounds so familiar, it sounds like Jack's dialed up to 11. And he got her a present? Errr... Faith is looking kinda freaked right now. That's odd, presents are a good thing right? And she seemed so cool and collected all night, even while slaying that vamp.
Actually... Oz looks pretty wigginsed too... Is he sniffing the box? What the hell? Something's definitely wrong.
Willow peeks in the box when Oz opens it. Kind of rude to open Faith's present... "Is that... a... human heart?" Oh. Shit. What the fuck dude!?
Faith seems to agree with me, "Dude! What the fuck!?" This is not okay!
Jack just nods happily, which is even more not okay. Human hearts are not ahappy occasion Jack! "Yup. I cut it out of this bastard named Kakistos. And that platter is real silver too." What the hell is a Kakistos? Why did Jack sound so angry when he said it? Faith is staring at Jack wide-eyed. It looks like she recognized that Kakistos thing. Sounds like some kind of demon? Or maybe a Mexican food?
I go to ask, but get drowned out by Wills and Buff's, "What the hell is wrong with you!?" I think Oz said something in there too?
Jack's head whips around to glare at us. I'm not sure I've ever seen him actually look angry like that before, it's kinda terrifying. "You try finding out that you have a sister you never knew about." Faith's his sister!? That actually explains a lot. "And at the same time finding out that she's been chased across the country by a vampire older than fucking dirt who wants to try and rape her to death! I think my response was ENTIRELY appropriate!"
Oh. That's a vampire's heart? I guess that', not okay... but less of the bad? Still super creepy. Though... I suppose I'd react badly to some vamp trying to do that to one of my girls.
Faith suddenly has Jack by the sides of his head. Forcing his head back around they stare at each other. "He's dead. You're sure!?" She sounds really freaked. Her eyes are open wide, unblinking, as they start roving around Jack's face like she's looking for something.
Jack looks a bit nervous with Faith's hands on his head like that. Then again, Buff's pretty strong, if Faith squeezes by accident... "Uh. I thought... you might wanna handle that honor personally... see it with your own eyes kinda thing? I... uh... left him trussed up in the basement for you." It sounds like Faith's starting to hyperventilate a bit.
"What if he escapes!?" she's definitely hyperventilating. She's eyeing the exits.
"How? With no arms or legs that'd be ... pretty fucking impressive." Jack sounds confused then thoughtful. Why is Faith scared of a limbless... oh. That look on Jack's face when he talked about this Kakistos guy... I get the feeling his heart isn't all that Jack removed. Suddenly Jack seems a lot less of the harmless.
Faith's breathing steadies. "Show me." She growls out. Jack is yanked out of his seat and being dragged towards the basement door.
"Uh... Faith. Not this place's basement, the one back at the house. That way, we can drive there." Jack points towards the parking lot.
Faith stops and does the wide eyed searching stare again. She points to Buffy, "Okay, but they're coming." We are? Apparently we are! Buffy and Willow are already on their feet nodding.
I can't imagine Jack wanting Buffy in his house given how much they've been fighting lately, but he doesn't even pause to blink. "Whatever it takes to make you feel safe, Faithy. Just name it." And there's that warm smile he usually wears. A smile that I can't quite seem to reconcile right now with a boxed heart sitting on the table.
---Sunnydale Cemeteries---
Well this sucks. I struggle to get loose, but the vampire has me in a pretty good headlock and I can't seem to-
"Excuse me! …Hi… Sorry to interrupt." Jack? Oh no, please interrupt. Interruptions would be of the good right… She let go! I back away and look up to see everyone's stopped fighting and turned to stare at Jack.
Jack… is staring at me with a look of disappointment? No, not at me, at the vampire that had me in a headlock. Huh, that's- Where did he get that sword to cut her head off with?
Suddenly we're figh- … oh, are we not fighting again? Oz dusted that vamp nearest us and the only remaining vamp is currently trying to both fend Jack off with a knife and run away. I think I'm okay with that.
Is Jack laughing? He kinda sounds like the cartoon version of the Joker almost… "Okay, is it just me or does anyone else find that laugh incredibly disturbing?"
Wills nods franticly in agreement while staring wide eyed at our… uh… newest possible member of team slay?
Oz looks thoughtful, "It's more of a cackle really." Oh yeah… It is isn't it.
We've all just agreed that it's a cackle rather than a laugh when Jack dusts the remaining vamp while mumbling something derisively about knives and spins around to face us. He gestures at me with the sword, which would be alarming, if I hadn't seen him do that a lot with whatever was at hand all the time back when Wills thought Amy might need saving. My favorite was when used the box of Twinkies to bullet point while he described… uh... actually I can't remember what we were talking about. I got to eat the Twinkies though, that was the important part. I kinda miss the cookies that friend of Jack's grandmother made for us too.
"Fuck you Charlie Brown. No comments from the Peanuts Gallery." Oh haha very punny.
Is that Buffy!? It is Buffy! ... Buffy, no!
Oh phew, Jack's okay. Buffy must not have actually staked-
Hey! Not cool Jack! Punching the Buffster is definitely of the bad. Also usually ends badly for the… Is that a stake in his back?
"Gods, Buffy! Rude much!?" Jack knows Buffy? "You can't just walk up to people and shove things into them. You have to at least buy me dinner first!" Also he seems oddly okay for a guy who has a stake sticking out of his back.
Now he's glaring at us? Hey what did we do!? Why are you glaring at us now Mr. I can make swords appear out of nowhere? "You know what!? Fuck you all very much! Christ on a cracker, see if I ever try to help you buggerfucking hunters again!" Okay. Maybe he's not so cool with the accidental stake-age... not sure I can really blame him for that.
Jack stalks off, still ranting, "If it's not wolf boy trying to sniff me, or Willow angling for a one-more-some, it's Stabberific Barbie and her amazing pegging fetish! Well at least Willow must be happy, she finally found the final member for that foursome she's always wanted!" Okay. Rude. But he did just get staked in the back... and then walked away from it perfectly fine?
"Don't worry about Jerk, Buffy, he's always saying angry things like that." Uhh, Wills? "I'm sure he'll get over you almost staking him soon enough." Oh. She didn't see..?
I lean over and whisper, "Uhh… Wills… I don't think she almost staked him. There was a stake in his back."
"Mr. Pointy!" And Buffy's off at a run, chasing after Jack.
Willow looks over at me wide eyed. "But… He seemed fine. Angry maybe? But totally fine! He even made one of those jokes he loves to make about… uh… what's pegging?"
I look at Oz and a nonverbal agreement is reached. If Jack's the one mentioning something about... probably about sex... we want no part in it. At all.
"So! Oz. Tracking of the Jack and Buffy show? That would be of the good, right?"
"Right." We head off to follow them. Hooray Buffy's back!
---Giles' Flat---
I conclude my recounting of tonights exciting events for Giles benefit, "and that's where we lost him G-man. Oz could smell his trail in the alley Buffy saw him disappear into, but it ended at a wall."
"Extraordinary. You said this boy is some manner of half-demon? … Though I suppose the most mundane answer is that he climbed up one of the walls."
"Oh! That… would make more sense than a teleporting demon walking halfway across town." Willow agrees unhappily, she seemed to like that theory for some reason. Not that I blame her I suppose, knowing a guy like Nightcrawler could be cool.
Buffy, and even more especially Giles, seem to appreciate the distraction that Jack's lack of reaction to stake-age offers. I can get that. Even after he took so long to go get his tea, Giles still gets that look on his face when he sees Buffy is back! and alive! That look I probably have when I look over at her. It's good to have everyone back together again.
Talking about her summer meant reminding everyone she was gone. Of course we all leapt at the opportunity to discuss something else.
But why are Wills and Buffy so upset about him? He saved us from those vampires right? I think he did? I mean sure he's all with the inappropriateness and the bad jokes, but I wouldn't go so far as to call him the anti-Xander.
"Guys? Are you sure we aren't worrying about this a bit much? It's not like he's a vampire. And it's summer. Nothing of the evil world ending variety happens in summer. This one is even quieter than usual… well except for running into three vamps all at once tonight."
"He's a Demon! and! and! okay. Maybe he's not evil, but... but I still don't like being called a Hooker."
"He called you a hooker!?" Did we not tell you about that? Oh jeez...
"Okay, so here's how we first met Jack…" I begin my second distracting tale of the night.
---Summers Residence---
When we arrive to start patrol I hear muffled yelling inside Buffy's house.
Knocking, Buffy answers the door looking annoyed. "Mom! Xander's here, we're going slaying … I love you too mom! I'll be home in a few hours." Buffy closes the door as Mrs. Summers repeats her goodbyes. Weird.
"Hey, Buffs, what's wrong?"
"Apparently my mom knows Jack. As in she invited him and Amy over for dinner tonight. He was flirting with my mother. He must be evil. Did she learn nothing from Ted? And now mom's mad at me because somehow I made it awkward."
"Buffy… your mother is a… lovely… woman." Okay. Glaring Buffy. Shutting up now.
"Where's Cordelia anyway? I thought you said she'd be joining us tonight."
"Apparently Harmony wanted to catch up on gossip."
"…The same Harmony that called her a traitor for dating someone as 'lame' as you?"
"The one and only. Cordelia thinks she's up to something and wants to know what, so… keep your friends close and your uhhh… mutinous former head minions closer?" I hold open the door to the van for Buffy.
"Okay… that makes sense in a Cordelia sort of way. Willow! Did you know Jack knew my Mother?"
"He does!?"
"Apparently he's a very important client of the gallery. I bet he's the one that gave my Mom that stupid mask. I mean really, who makes a mask that says 'I want this room to suffer'? Oh. And! He gave me back Mr. Pointy tonight." She doesn't sound happy about that... Shouldn't she sound happy about that?
"Isn't that a good thing?" Apparently Wills agrees with me.
"He packed it in a box full of…"
"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that?" Buffy doesn't usually mumble like that.
"They're the drugs they made me take when mom... had me... institutionalized."
"… Okay that's definitely of the bad." Also, you were institutionalized? Dick move, Jack.
"Ouch." Ouch is right, Oz. Ouch is right.
"Oh... it gets worse!" It gets worse than that?
---Sunnydale High - Hallways---
"Guys, look. There's Amy right there. She's friends with Jack, why don't we just go ask her to talk to Jack about his inappropriate medication jokes?"
"Oh! Good idea, Xander… oh no… her arm is in a sling like you thought Buffy."
"Guys, that doesn't mean Jack broke her arm. Let's just be calm okay? I mean she's friend's with him, she probably won't react well to-"
Amy turns around and sees us all approaching her. "Can I help you people?" She looks… resigned? Okay maybe we shouldn't have all come to ask her. "Is there something on my face?"
"What is Jack?" Wills, I know you're just over excited about the idea of research, but I don't think she gets- Damn it, we were supposed to ask about how he knew about Buffy's time in the psych ward not start a fight over his parentage. Okay. We can fix-
"Hi, Amy!" See! There's the warm friendly tone I was going- Wait, is that Harmony? "Willow? Seriously? That shirt? With your hair?" Okay, that is just uncalled for.
Damn it, Harmony! I was trying to have a… where'd Amy go?
---Sunnydale High - Classroom---
I sit down next to Amy in English Class. She looks over at me, "Oh… now what..?"
"Hey. Sorry about earlier. Buffy thought that Jack had maybe broken your arm. So we were all worried about you, and we probably shouldn't have crowded around you all at once. And then Willow tends to get really excited about research and we were talking about what kind of half demon he might be and… yeah… just, sorry."
"Are you people serious? You thought he broke my arm? Why would you think that? What has Jack ever done to you people?"
"To me? Nothing. I get that. I think Buffy is still upset about the meds though."
"What meds?"
"He gave Mr. Pointy back to Buffy in a box full of… some… medication… she used to need to take." Amy's oddly alarmed look dissolves into giggles. "It's not funny! She really doesn't like reminders of… that… time of her life"
"I- I'm sorry… but I watched Jack fill the box. He chose that particular medication via Eeny Meeny Minee Moe at the pharmacy. He just wanted to tell her she needs to relax, the next guy she stabs at random might not be able to just shrug it off."
"… oh. Talk about bad luck. I'll let Buffy know-"
"Please don't. It won't matter. I'm sure once Jack finds out he'll swear til he's blue in the face that he meant to do it all along. He's like that, he likes to pretend he's all knowing and stuff even when he really shouldn't."
"So letting Buffy know won't help because he'd just say I was wrong anyway. Damn. You know they're probably going to hate each other by the end of… well yesterday really."
"I wouldn't worry about it. I think Jack finds this whole situation hilarious. You do realize he wasn't even mad when he got home that night Buffy stabbed him in the back? He just whined at me until I took it out like he was a two year old with a splinter."
"Wow… you don't happen to know… you know?"
"…I've never felt the need to ask him what he is." Amy's expression clearly indicates she thinks I shouldn't feel that need either, but I know Buffy won't let it go. "Class is starting. We should probably at least pretend to pay attention." Right. Class. With the learn-age and stuff.
---Sunnydale High - Hallways---
My walk down the hallway between classes is interrupted by a call of, "Hey! You!" Oh crap. Larry- "New Guy!"...isn't talking to me..? I should probably go distract him from whichever victim he's chos-
"Oh, please be talking to me!" ... Jack will probably be fine. No need to get involved... maybe stay and watch though?
...uh... Did he just crush Larry's hand? I'm not sure how to feel about that... I mean on the one hand Larry is always- Okay, no Larry is shaking it out. Not actually broken.
Wow. Principal Snyder looks really mad. I think I'm going to go to class now. I'll ask Jack about in History tomorrow. Yeah
---Sunnydale High - Library---
…must stay awake. I yawn. Being up late fighting zombies and then waking up early before school the next day to stare at books full of demon lore… takes a lot out of you. Why do we care so much about Jack's parentage again? He kills vampires. Isn't that a good thing?
The library doors swing open and Jack steps in with Amy. Awesome. No more books. We can just ask him. I look over at Buff and Wills. Okay, Oz or I can ask him.
Jack waves over at our table, "Excuse me, Mr. Giles? Can I talk to you?" Huh, he sounds nervous. I wave back at him encouragingly before noticing Buffy and Willow glaring at me. Fine. It's not like they'd believe he didn't know what he was doing anyway.
"Uh. Yes. Quite. I am here for all of the students of Sunnydale High after all." Giles heads over to his desk and has a hushed conversation with Jack. Both of them look uncomfortable with whatever they're talking about. It's actually really weird seeing Jack like that, he's usually just so overwhelmingly happy. Even while fighting those vampires he looked happy.
I can't quite make out what they're saying but Buffy and Oz seem to be following along, they look at each other. "He doesn't know?" Doesn't know wha- oh. No wonder why he gets so weird about it.
Giles speaks up, "Yes, we were actually engaged in just that endeavor now. If you'd be willing to answer some questions it could be of considerable help."
Jack looks… resigned? "What would you like to know?" He sags into the chairs across from us and rests his head on the table. "I've been looking through what books I could find since I realized I was… different. Nothing quite seems to fit."
Amy pulls a chair over and sits next to Jack, patting him on the back with her good arm.
Giles, polishing his glasses, sits back down in his seat and looks thoughtful. "I suppose we ought to start with the basics. Did your mother ever talk about him? Any kind of description at all."
"Oh, uh… I've never actually… spoken… to my mother. She kind of… she… uh… she left shortly after I was born. Um, but I've talked to people who met her! Of course they all thought she was crazy. Granted… she was talking about aliens and stars and stuff a lot apparently… So maybe they had a point? Err... There aren't aliens too right? Just demons? Should I have gone to Roswell instead of Sunnydale?" Oh boy! I just love an awkward conversation before first period. When's that bell gonna ring?
Wills looks horrified, and even the Buffster seems... differently upset? Is that a thing? Umm... what do you even say to that? Wait... are there aliens? That'd be so cool!
"Not as such, no. Although there was some debate recently on whether other dimensions were possibly other planets, so the distinction may be rather impossible to prove until we find a way to visit the stars." Thank god for Giles and his Britishy ability to press forward in the face of awkward. Stiff upper lip. Pip Pip Cheerios! Why are they such fans of that cereal? "Hmmm... have you perhaps noticed any unusually colored skin? Odd hornlike growths? Anything of that sort?"
"... I haven't noticed any skin tones as done by Crayola, or any horns... anywhere..." Jack pauses, looking slightly confused, before he turns from Giles to address Buffy and Willow finally returning to his usual grinning self. "And I haven't got a forked tongue or pointy tail either see?" He sticks his tongue out at them. "But I do seem to heal really well, which is apparently super useful in this town full of violent... monsters."
...And there's that bell. Gotta get going to class.
"So, same time next week?" Next week?
"Why not this afternoon or tomorrow?" Yeah, that.
"Can't. I have a shift at the hospital tonight and homework and stuff. But I can probably continue to do Wednesday mornings." Jack strolls out library chatting with Amy about an upcoming Math test. Wow. So glad I'm not in AP Calc. Tests on the first week?
"...They let that guy work in a hospital!?" Oh come on Buff, he's not that bad.
---The Bronze---
"So it was about a hundred and eighteen degrees, I'm sleepin' without a stitch on, suddenly I hear all this screamin'. I go tearin' outside -- stark nude -- this church bus has broke down and three vamps are feasting on half the Baptists in South Boston. So I waste the vamps and the preacher is hugging me like there's no tomorrow when the cops pull up. They arrested us both."
"They should film that story and show it every Christmas." Such a lovely image. Naked Faith, standing there all... Naked.
Faith, talking around a muffin, "God, I could eat a horse!" She turns to Buffy. "Isn't it crazy? Slayin' always makes you just hungry and horny." Really now? This I gotta hear.
"Well... sometimes I crave a non-fat yogurt afterwards..." Okay. Buffster looks super uncomfortable maybe I should-
"I get it." Really Cordelia? Do tell! "Not the horny thing, yuck!" Damn, crush my dreams why don't you. "The two slayer thing: there was only one, but then Buffy died for like two minutes so Kendra was called, then Kendra died so Faith was called." Oh... yeah... that makes sense. Hey is that Jack? He's looking incredibly happy. Maybe he and Buffy can get along this time?
"But why were you called here?" Huh, that's a good question, Wills. I wonder-
Jack plops himself down next to Faith, "Hiya Faithy! I gotcha a present!" Okay, wow, Jack really does seem to know everybody. Buff's Mom, Giles, now Faith. Actually, now I know why Faith's accent sounds so familiar, it sounds like Jack's dialed up to 11. And he got her a present? Errr... Faith is looking kinda freaked right now. That's odd, presents are a good thing right? And she seemed so cool and collected all night, even while slaying that vamp.
Actually... Oz looks pretty wigginsed too... Is he sniffing the box? What the hell? Something's definitely wrong.
Willow peeks in the box when Oz opens it. Kind of rude to open Faith's present... "Is that... a... human heart?" Oh. Shit. What the fuck dude!?
Faith seems to agree with me, "Dude! What the fuck!?" This is not okay!
Jack just nods happily, which is even more not okay. Human hearts are not ahappy occasion Jack! "Yup. I cut it out of this bastard named Kakistos. And that platter is real silver too." What the hell is a Kakistos? Why did Jack sound so angry when he said it? Faith is staring at Jack wide-eyed. It looks like she recognized that Kakistos thing. Sounds like some kind of demon? Or maybe a Mexican food?
I go to ask, but get drowned out by Wills and Buff's, "What the hell is wrong with you!?" I think Oz said something in there too?
Jack's head whips around to glare at us. I'm not sure I've ever seen him actually look angry like that before, it's kinda terrifying. "You try finding out that you have a sister you never knew about." Faith's his sister!? That actually explains a lot. "And at the same time finding out that she's been chased across the country by a vampire older than fucking dirt who wants to try and rape her to death! I think my response was ENTIRELY appropriate!"
Oh. That's a vampire's heart? I guess that', not okay... but less of the bad? Still super creepy. Though... I suppose I'd react badly to some vamp trying to do that to one of my girls.
Faith suddenly has Jack by the sides of his head. Forcing his head back around they stare at each other. "He's dead. You're sure!?" She sounds really freaked. Her eyes are open wide, unblinking, as they start roving around Jack's face like she's looking for something.
Jack looks a bit nervous with Faith's hands on his head like that. Then again, Buff's pretty strong, if Faith squeezes by accident... "Uh. I thought... you might wanna handle that honor personally... see it with your own eyes kinda thing? I... uh... left him trussed up in the basement for you." It sounds like Faith's starting to hyperventilate a bit.
"What if he escapes!?" she's definitely hyperventilating. She's eyeing the exits.
"How? With no arms or legs that'd be ... pretty fucking impressive." Jack sounds confused then thoughtful. Why is Faith scared of a limbless... oh. That look on Jack's face when he talked about this Kakistos guy... I get the feeling his heart isn't all that Jack removed. Suddenly Jack seems a lot less of the harmless.
Faith's breathing steadies. "Show me." She growls out. Jack is yanked out of his seat and being dragged towards the basement door.
"Uh... Faith. Not this place's basement, the one back at the house. That way, we can drive there." Jack points towards the parking lot.
Faith stops and does the wide eyed searching stare again. She points to Buffy, "Okay, but they're coming." We are? Apparently we are! Buffy and Willow are already on their feet nodding.
I can't imagine Jack wanting Buffy in his house given how much they've been fighting lately, but he doesn't even pause to blink. "Whatever it takes to make you feel safe, Faithy. Just name it." And there's that warm smile he usually wears. A smile that I can't quite seem to reconcile right now with a boxed heart sitting on the table.