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  • For some reason, all the Chinese Cyberpunk stories tend to have the MC distain implants and opt for a brick phone
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Lol.... Without implants, can't be hacked. 4 dimensions ahead of them hackers!
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    Reactions: d.fish
    I feel like that's part of it, there's also an element of "pure human pride", you know what I mean? Sort of uses similar terminology as many nationalist phrases, which is not that surprising in this environment.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Well... I can see it. And yeah, I've seen stories in Cyberpunk/Mass Effect or stuff that uses tech from those kind of settings with 'external' plug ins... ie contact lenses instead of implants to do Heads Up Displays in their sight, etc.
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    Reactions: d.fish
    There's this one story that got made into a comic that's basically a loser with a simp system, where the system gives him 90 trillion dollars, but he can only use that money simping for girls
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Lol... a licking dog system, huehuehue~
    At first I was going to suggest 综漫:盖提亚加入群聊 to you, but passed the first two arcs, I found that it tends to stick closer to stations of canon (for example, Gilgamesh getting hydraed in Snowfield), but it's still good, for humiliating Aqua

    Just, it tends to lack some human emotions hm
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    after all, no matter how much you humiliate Aqua, it's nothing compared to the one story where Kirei found a knocked out Kiritsugu, tied him up, broke him, rammed his backdoor, and then pushed him around on a wheelchair
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Bork.... Aqua?!?!? in Faito?!~
    I like the one setting where Gaia is a white haired loli and Alaya is a black haired loli and they bicker all the time.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    !!! oh noes... fishie has discovered the truth!
    In an alternate universe, there's a Tamamo Louis Vuitton, a Tamamo Chanel, a Tamamo Dior, a Tamamo Cartier, a Tamamo Hermès, a Tamamo Prada, a Tamamo Bulgari, a Tamamo Moncler, a Tamamo Givenchy, heck, even a Tamamo Salvatore Ferragamo...

    ... but no Tamamo Gucci, because rappers ruined her.
    If you think about it, all these grails being passed around, it must mean that goetia has some kind of grail-making ability that's sort of like grandma making cookies whenever she sees you're coming home, just like grandma goetia will make grails when she sees you're having an event
    So are you like a shape shifting Tanuki? Half of your profile pictures are of those adorable balls of fluff, and the rest are of the feminine persuasion. So clearly some kind of weretanuki is the only answer…
    Kiritsugus and Shiros are made to be NTRed
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    When did Shinji ever have a chance with Rin except in his own mind?
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Don't forget Maiya got raped and birthed a Sigma, lmao Kiritsugu

    but I guess that's less NTR and more Kiritsugu using her as a pre-used public bus meat toilet, hmmm
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Maiya got raped before she meet Kiritsugu, so that does not count as NTR.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Transformers has some really neat Chinese names. For example, Unicron is "宇宙大帝" (lit. Great Emperor of the Universe). Or Optimus Prime is "擎天柱" (lit. Pillar Supporting the Heavens). Or Megatron is "威震天" (lit. Power Shocking the Heavens).

    So basically, Transformers is secretly a xianxia story.
    综漫舰娘:从零开始打造次元帝国 convinced me that azur lane isn't utter trash, this story is pretty good for what genre it's in
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    "Ah, Loli, they are the cornerstone of the empire and our future!"

    "A strong Loli makes the country strong, and a smart Loli makes the country wise…"
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    If you think about it, Jiraiya is an "almost hero".

    He almost mastered Sage Mode
    He almost brought back Orochimaru
    He almost romanced Tsunade
    He almost talked Nagato out of insanity
    He almost saved Hiruzen
    He almost saw Naruto become Hokage
    He almost reached the end of the story
    "I would rather betray the world than let the world betray me!" (Read as: I can steal your wife, but you can't touch mine!)
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Heh... Good old double standards
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    Reactions: d.fish
    I would rather NTR the world than be NTR by the world!
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    This shit where the MC is a "villain" and the setting is "xianxia" and the enemy is "protagonist's supporter" who went and "tried to kill the MC" but the MC just humiliates and loots the enemy and leaves her alive what is this shit drop story
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    One, is there anyone in a "xianxia" setting that is not a villain? And two, who is the protagonist if not the MC.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    The heck? Is it called?
    forgot, I dropped it
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    A recently discovered pet peeve being these Chinese stories set in anime settings of Japanese high school... having "deskmates"... ugh
    I used to think that we're so creative in English when we got "simp", but these days, in Chinese, you know, there's "licking dog", "boiling sheep", "little clown", etc. etc. hm hm
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Licking dog is ancient words!
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    Reactions: d.fish
    licking tanuki 舔狸
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Borks! But everyone dun respects licking dogs! Especially the Rich Second Generation 'Villain' licking dogs!
    If Namekians had brown skin, then would the dragon ball abridged show have nicknamed Dende "Little Black" instead?
    There's this one Inuyasha story where the MC expressed interest in Sesshoumaru's mom, and Inuyasha's like, I support you go for it, and the minion youkai were all panicking, so Inuyasha explained that if Sesshoumaru's mom birthed a half-youkai, then Sesshoumaru can't sneer at him all the time
    If you think about it, if Momonga knew of Kazuma's backroom dealings/backdoor to resurrections due to having Eris and Aqua as connections, he'd be super envious of that kind of nepotism, and if you really think about it, Momonga did nothing wrong
    If you think about it, the reason why the lion king spear goddess lost is probably because after she didn't get excurrystick she got wrongspear and that caused her class to change from saber to lancer, which means her luck is now F, so she'll lose in the end no matter what
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