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A Hammer's Worth - (Marvel/DC)

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First story, sorry about the color madness that will happen at the end...


The Potatoist.
Jan 9, 2016
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First story, sorry about the color madness that will happen at the end.


Eons had passed since my creation, Trillions of years as the midgardians call it... so much time.

At first i wasn't even me, i think, just an object that was used in countless fights, just a tool for those who wanted to slaughter, just a something that besides its valor and power was never and would never mind the way it was treated. Well, i do mind it now.
It's been so long, the first thing i recall, though it isn't the moment of my creation, it is the moment I was born, the moment my firsts even if sluggish thoughts came into being, the moment i was cursed and blessed by the All Father.

"Whosoever holds this hammer,

If he be worthy,

Shall possess the power of


Those were first things i ever "heard", though heard might not be the right word for that, I more felt it echoing through my very being, echoing through my self and everything i was, and i accepted it as an Oath, an Oath for the rest of the universe existence.

It's really hard to think about those first moments, they were like dreams and my mind was so slow, so new, i was like a child that had just been born, except for my oath i knew nothing of anything, i was just my mission and nothing more, i was in a search for worthiness and that was all i knew.
At the beginning my mind only worked for short seconds, every time someone grasped me, the oath came into action, i could feel the grasper soul and mind and judge its worthiness, only a those moments i was really awake and only on those brief moments i learned.

It took me soo long to finally start to understand what i was, to finally start to see the world and comprehend what my powers were being used for, to have a conscience of my own and be really awake at all times, the contact with the worthy ones minds really helped, the first especially since he held me for such a long time, it was after millenniums of his use, that my mind finally started to awake, at first i felt admiration for my first owner, his worth was great and even though he sometimes got the wrong feelings and mindsets and was deemed unworthy, he could always get past that, i thought we would be together forever, i was wrong.

Just a few years after my awakening, something that would change how i evaluated worthiness happened, whispers, that was all that was needed, to make a man that i respected and admired become but a husk of what he was before, and let me for my despair, disappointment and pain, alone on the Bloody moon of midgard.

I couldn't keep my oath there, i couldn't do anything really, just feel the nothingness all around me, just wait and wait, that wasn't the first time i thought i was cursed, that only being able to move by the hands of others was the worst thing that ever happened to me, that being able to think was a curse on itself as well, but that was the time it hurted the most, after the whispers, my previous owner spent days trying to lift me, days where i could constantly feel his mind and soul, his despair, his pain, days where i could see and feel disgust at his shattered being, days where i couldn't comfort him, days where i could do nothing but watch, i hoped he could get past that as well someday, but deep inside i knew... deep inside i knew... that things would never go back to what they once were. Surprisingly, it didn't take long until someone came to the moon... and even more surprisingly, she was worthy of me.

She was the first of many, many hundreds of thousands and that just on earth, on the first tens of thousands i kept using my first owners traits and demeanors, talking funny, breaking stuff, most of it in honor of him, of his legacy, eventually it became tiresome and i was called on it so i stopped, most of the users where humans, but worth is kind of funny, and there were times where i was used by some animals, most notably a Rabbit, a Frog and a Octopus. After earth was destroyed by its own sun, i journeyed through the universe with the survivors for some time, i believe one my wielders was the last earthling human to ever exist, continuing alive through Thor's blessing and his own might.

After his death i spent some billions of years adventuring with others life forms, a really interesting set of experiences since theirs minds were so different, one or another even unique.
Now though... I am alone... I've been alone for millions of years now... I am literally watching the end of the universe... I can see both of its edges as they are enclosing to the big black hole that now holds most of it... There isn't anything alive or not that is close enough to wield me... and after all this time, all i can do is watch as the universe collapse over itself and is destroyed.

As the black hole finally starts to pull me i caught myself thinking , thinking of my wielders, of their memories, of our experiences together. In my last moments i can't help but curse the oath, curse my uselessness, thinking of all the beings i could have saved if it wasn't for this damn oath, thinking of the universe destruction and this blackhole sucking me, of my soon to be demise, sensing one of the last planets with live being destroyed, wishing i could move to save them, to save me, to learn and grow stronger, if i could only move, the black hole is getting closer and closer. i don't want that, i don't want to die, why do i have to be alone? I want to move! I want to save them! I WANT TO SAVE ME! I WANT TO LIVE!

At that, my body stops on its tracks. I am floating too close to be comfortable in front of the black hole. Whaaaat?

I Will myself to go back and do so. I am moving on my own and feeling my own powers, i really don't have time to think about this now, the pull of the black hole is getting stronger i can't hold out for long, i have to move and act before i it is too late, before the last beings of this universe are gone. There is something i can still do, it will cost me most of my powers, but it will let this universe survive, it will let their memories survive.
I concentrate All of my magic and starting moving as fast as i can too the black hole, just before hitting it, i activate one spell that i learned from the brief period Loki was worthy, turning it into a portal to another place, A portal to another dimension, The black hole suddenly expands engulfing all that was left and... i see stars that i have never seen before, it worked! I saved them! The last thing i thought just before darkness took me was:

I am Mjolnir, and i am worthy of myself.
It's a really interesting premise, and I'd like to see where you go with it. Will Mjolnir have any relation with the lanterns? Or is that just "Because DC"?
It's a really interesting premise, and I'd like to see where you go with it. Will Mjolnir have any relation with the lanterns? Or is that just "Because DC"?

Working on it, lots of people called me on my english, so I am doing some research on improving in that area before continuing with the fic. And yes and no, a bit of competition really, I wrote some lines on Mjolnir thoughts on the lanterns corps and the results where rather amusing.
Working on it, lots of people called me on my english, so I am doing some research on improving in that area before continuing with the fic. And yes and no, a bit of competition really, I wrote some lines on Mjolnir thoughts on the lanterns corps and the results where rather amusing.
Your English really isn't that bad, just a few slightly awkward sentences and that you need to write singular "i"s in uppercase. Think of it as a noun. All around I've seen plenty of native English speakers with significantly worse grammar.
Well you certainly caught my attention, no Idea where this is going but looking forward to finding out.
imma be honest with you looking forward to more and the mod who posted before me scares me for some unknown reason

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