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A Kadoc Grand Order

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A Grand Order quest that stars as a Emo Magus
Chapter 1


Sequence 8 : mele scholer
Jun 28, 2022
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As consciousness slowly dawns, you find yourself amidst billowing smoke and dancing flames, the acrid scent assaulting your senses.

Panic grips you as you realize you're in the heart of a burning city, devoid of life. Coughing violently, you struggle to recall how you ended up here, your memory clouded by the haze of sickness and the distant echoes of an explosion that drew you in.

The sensation of heat sears your skin, urging you to move, to flee from this inferno. But as you stagger forward, every step feels like wading through molten tar, your limbs heavy and unresponsive. Each breath is a struggle, your lungs protesting against the toxic air that fills them.

In the distance, buildings crumble and collapse, their structures devoured by the merciless flames. The once bustling streets now lie barren, save for the occasional flicker of fire that dances among the ruins. There is no sign of life, no sound but the crackling of flames and the wheezing of your own breath.

Fragments of memory pierce through the fog of confusion. You remember being bedridden, consumed by illness, unable to move or escape. And then, the sudden roar of an explosion, distant yet unmistakable, shattering the stillness of your sickroom. Something compelled you to rise, to abandon the safety of your bed and venture out into the chaldea.

With every labored step, you inch closer to the edge of reason, teetering on the brink of despair. Fear gnaws at your insides, threatening to consume you whole. But somewhere deep within, a flicker of determination refuses to be extinguished.

"Dammit, I don't want to die."

That is all you can say before you reach a building that seems safe enough.

It was Japanese style building mostly made with wood and enormous enough to belong to a rather rich family. As you slowly entered through the front gate, you were surprised to find a burnt body of an individual yet it was too burnt to figure out who it belonged to.

The scene is haunting, the charred remains a grim reminder of the devastation that has befallen this city.

Upon entering the building you notice a small amount of magical energy coming from the backyard.

As you follow your senses to the source you walk through the burning house although surprisingly it hasn't been burnt to the ground despite it being mostly wood.

Inside the building, the air is thick with smoke, making it difficult to breathe. You move cautiously, your senses on high alert for any sign of danger. The sound of crackling flames echoes through the corridors, a constant reminder of the peril that surrounds you.

Eventually you reached the backyard and slowly opened the door to the shed from where you sensed the source of the magical energy. The next moment you gasp as you find a summoning circle.

The discovery of the summoning circle sends a jolt of both fear and curiosity through you. Your mind races with questions. Who created this circle? What were they attempting to summon? And most importantly, could this be the key to your salvation?

Despite the uncertainty, a sense of urgency propels you forward. With cautious steps, you approach the circle, your heart pounding in your chest. Every instinct screams at you to turn back, to flee.

As you stand at the edge of the circle, you can feel the hum of power vibrating through the air, tangible and electrifying. It's a dizzying sensation.

Which class do you summon?

[ ] Saber
[ ] Archer
[ ] Lancer
[ ] Rider
[ ] Caster
[ ] Assassin
[ ] Berserker

A.N : Hello and welcome to my Version of the grand order. And yes you are following Kadoc through the whole grand order bit.

The vote that wins I will just use a random Character from that class.
Character Sheet

Name : Kadoc Zemplus
Age : 18
Gender : Male

Mythology expertise = G [30/400 XP]
Tactics = I [0/100 XP]
Magecraft = G [320/400 XP]

Magic circuits : Normal
Quantity : D
Quality : C
Magic crest : 200 years old
Mystery : Anti beast Magecraft

Nitocris - Caster
Cu Chulainn - Caster

Nitocris - Bond 1
Ritsuka - Bond 1 (25%)
Mash - Bond 0 (10%)
Leonardo Da Vinci - Bond 0 (25%)
Cu Chulainn - Bond 1
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Voting Closed. Caster won in both Spacebattles and here.
Chapter 2

You try to connect to Chaldea but for some reason are unable to as if you have been somehow jammed. Then again it was no wonder that something like this had happened.

"Damnit, today has been just shit."

It had all started with a bit of food poisoning that the director had banned him from just joining the A-team's first mission.

You knew that this was some ploy by them to get rid of you because you weren't as talented as them.

This makes you punch the wooden wall in frustration that not only were you going to be fired but the Chaldea had been attacked today of all days as well.

Sighing, you try to shake such thoughts away as these wouldn't help you survive this. Looking around it was obvious that you had been rayshifted into the singularities.

Though when it was a bit harder, although you could narrow this down to Japan and probably around 20 years give and take in the early 2000s.

As contact with Chaldea seemed impossible, your only hope was to summon a Servant to help you solve this singularity, although you knew that Wodime or Daybit would probably be on their to solve this.

But you couldn't be sure that they would also arrive here.

Taking a deep breath, you stood firmly in front of the summoning circle as you started to chant these lines you had memorised in order to summon your Servant.

"Let silver and steel be the essence.
Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.
Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall
Let the four cardinal gates close.
Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate,"

With each line you felt my Magic circuits your open, they weren't special like those that belonged to proper Magus families and that was why you wanted to summon a Caster since It was better on your Magic circuits, as you would be able to properly support them.

"I hereby declare.
Your body shall serve under me.
My fate shall be your sword,"

Please, summon answer my call. I may not be the best person, Magus or a Master but please I will give everything for this.

"Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail
If you will submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!,"

With each line your back felt boiling hot as you felt the same sensation of the fever earlier making you dizzy. Looking at yourself you couldn't help but think that you were a sorry excuse of a Magus, you couldn't even handle such minor pain.

"An oath shall be sworn here!
I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.
I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!"

I would give everything I have for this to work. My whole being would belong to them if someone answers my call. Just please.

"From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three greet words of power,
Come forth from the ring of restraints,
Protector of the Holy Balance!"

With the line the summoning circle is immediately lit up in bright white light that is fills the whole room and for a few moments blinds you from the surroundings.

After a few moments of light dying down a feminine voice rings out. Confident and beautiful.

"Servant Caster, the incarnation of the sky god Horus Nitocris has answers your summon,"

As your eyes adjusted to the room once again. Your breath hitched as a woman was standing Infront of you.

It was a woman with long purple hair holding a staff. She had darker skin then you, someone who barely left his room, although your eyes immediately caught that she was in a very revealing outfit.

But immediately shake your head and you remember some little details about her. Nitocris was possibly the last queen of the Sixth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt.

And that was all you knew about her at the moment as there was very little known about her in the Egyptian myth.

Looking at her you thought about what to say.

[ ] Why are you barely wearing clothes?
[ ] I am Kadoc Zemplus.
[ ] ...
[ ] Write in

A.N : So, thanks for everyone reading this Quest. Another shorter chapter but Fuyuki part will shorter Chapter mostly filled with Chargen.

And pick your dialogue carefully as these might affect the bond level with your Servant.
No Anastasia? I'm pretty fuzzy on the timeline so idk if they already summoned their Servants or not.
No Anastasia? I'm pretty fuzzy on the timeline so idk if they already summoned their Servants or not.
Nope, you see when you guys voted for the class of the servant I rolled to see who you would get from my Caster list and unfortunately you guys didn't get Anastasia even in 10 rolls. The first roll being Nitocris.
Chapter 3
"I am Kadoc Zemplus, and I have summoned you."

You say clear and to the point as anything else would be meaningless and just a drag to deal with.

"I see, well then Kadoc Zemplus, although I may be a pharaoh for only this time I will consider you my partner."

Nodding you decide to tell Caster the rundown of the situation that you have found yourself in. From how this is a Singularity and you're from Chaldea and are tasked to fix these Singularities.

"So, that's the jist of it. Our plan of action should be to gather information first and try and find my companions."

"Well, then what are you waiting for master, shall we set off."

[ ] Explore the house for items
[ ] Just leave

After finishing everything up you walk behind Caster through the streets of the burning city. Grimacing at each Burned body you see on your way.

Roll : 8

You notice nothing out of the ordinary especially Caster who sometimes stops but eventually is silently walking ahead. Although you aren't sure why she does this.

To you these bodies don't look all that well as they smell of burnt human flesh which already makes you feel like puking due to your bad.

As you walked suddenly a simple voice came through. It was from a man who seemed rather stressed from work.

"Right, I finally got through. Hello? Kadoc cam you hear me?"

It was a voice you had become rather familiar with in last day due to being sick and being stuck in the med bay of Chaldea.

It was the head of the medical department Romani Archman.

[ ] I can hear you loud and clear.
[ ] What are you doing Romani?
[ ] Where am I Romani?


"So, you got rayshifted to Kadoc."

"What you mean too Romani?"

You ask him as Caster is looking around to make sure that you aren't attacked while contacting with your allies.

"Oh, nothing that just I was surprised not to find you in bed but actively in Singularity F. Oh and another Master candidate survived and is currently with Mash and the director."

As soon as those words leave his mouth you are suprised.

"Wait a minute, the director also rayshifted?"

This was a suprise to be sure and one you were certain that this didn't mean anything.

"Why are you Suprised Master?"

[ ] Stay silent
[ ] Answer her

"Look, Kadoc I can't talk to you for long as the connection to weak but there is a leyline where the director and others are. About 3 KM away from you towards straight."

With that he glitches and Romani's voice vanished mid sentence as there are barely any much more.

You see that Caster is looking at you expecting a order. With a nod you confirm that it would probably be best to regroup with everyone.

But just as you are about to walk away a group of skeletons are running towards you.

[ ] fight.
[ ] Run away.

A.N : so another chapter. Please vote in. Plan as it will be easier for me. These choices will actually change some stuff around.
[X] plan stand don't run.

-[x] Explore the house for items
-[x] What are you doing Romani?
-[x] Answer her
-[x] fight.
[X] plan ark
-[x] Explore the house for items
-[x] I can hear you loud and clear.
-[x] Answer her
-[x] Run away.
Chapter 4
As you and Caster stood your ground. You immediately told Caster what you were thinking.

"Caster, we are going to fight."

Without waiting for anything else Caster immediately got ready to fight the skeletons.

Magecraft Roll : 13

Looking at your enemies it wasn't hard to figure out who they were. At least 10 skeletons were running towards you with varying weapons in their hands. This meant that a necromancer was either very close or was the instigator of this whole thing.

Closing your eyes you immediately activated your magic circuits ready for battle or at least supporting Caster but before you could Conjure the image to activate the circuits.

Caster immediately spoke a single word in a language that you couldn't understand and holes in the ground opened causing small little creatures to crawl out of them.

What came out gave you a surprise as they were dome like creatures with eyes and two feet. It looked like children with white blankets over them although to you it was obvious they weren't children as they radiated magical energy.

As the dome-like creatures engaged the skeletons, you could feel the surge of magical energy in the air. The skeletons, armed with swords and spears, clattered forward, but they were no match for the quick and agile movements of the summoned beings. The creatures darted around the skeletons, their small but powerful forms smashing the animated bones into piles of harmless debris with surprising efficiency

You marveled at the ease with which Caster's minions dismantled the threat. The skeletons crumbled to the ground, their necromantic energy dissipating into the ether.

Caster turned to you with a triumphant smile, her eyes shining with pride. "Did you see that? Aren't they wonderful?" she asked, her tone playful yet eager for praise.

[ ] You did great Caster
[ ] Let's move on
[ ] Write in

Roll : 4

"Hey, Master watch out!"

You heard Caster's voice as you replied to her but it was already too late as a Skeleton had somehow gotten behind you without you noticing. Maybe it was because of you being in a battle for the first time.

Roll : 20 + 2 = 22
Critical pass

Just as your body moved and your mind went into overdrive and on instinct you immediately flooded your body with magical energy and enhanced yourself as the skeletons blade hit your skin.

But thankfully due to the enhancement to your body the damage it did was very slight and like a wild animal you immediately punched the skeleton trying to imitate one of the boxing moves you had seen on television.

With a single punch the head of the skeleton was sent flying due you having done reinforcement and the skeleton immediately fell to pieces as the small creatures Caster Summoned pounced on him.

Caster rushed to your side, her face etched with concern. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry.

You felt a bit embarrassed. While you wouldn't admit it, Caster was an attractive lady, and her concern for you made your heart race a little. You quickly composed yourself and nodded.

"I'm fine, Caster. Thanks to you, I managed to handle it."

She smiled warmly, clearly relieved. "You did great, Master. Your reinforcement was impressive!"

Yeah right you bet she could easily do better than you and was just humouring you like a little animal. Dam that made you a bit bitter.

With the immediate threat dealt with, you both took a moment to catch your breath.

[ ] Let's move on. [ ] Write in.

You both pressed forward, the eerie silence of the city now punctuated by the faint sound of clattering bones as the remnants of the skeletons settled.

As you continued through the dense trees, Caster remained alert, her summoned creatures flanking your path like loyal sentinels. The adrenaline from the battle still coursed through your veins, sharpening your senses. You knew you had to find the person responsible for the attack.

"Master," Caster whispered, her voice low and serious, "I sense a strong magical presence nearby. It could be your allies."

Nodding, you adjusted your stance, preparing for whatever lay ahead.

Moving stealthily, you approached a clearing where the magical energy felt most concentrated. Peering through the window you saw three people all of them women.

One was easily identifiable,it was the director Olga Marie. The second one was also someone you were familiar with and member of the A-team mash. The only one you weren't familiar with was a young lady with orange hair who wore the Chaldea uniform, so you guessed that she was a master candidate.

It seemed that they were trying to summon a servant to.

[ ] Walk up to them
[ ] Shout "what's up my homies"
[ ] Stay where you are.
[ ] Write in

A.N : I really appreciate people reading this quest and hope all of you are enjoying this. I am mostly writing this to improve my writing so any criticism is alright as long as it is helpful and not just hate.

So you finally reached the main gang.

Basically skills that I posted on the Character sheet all have rank which will help you in these roll Checks which will get higher eventually.
Those Suprised by the different choices is that because this also on Spacebattles that is why some choices may be different.

[X] Plan Kadoc the Good Listener
-[X] Just leave
-[X] I can hear you loud and clear.
-[X] Answer her
-[X] fight.

This plan won.
[X] Plan Ark
-[X] You did great Caster
-[X] Let's move on.
-[X] Wait until they've finished the ritual, then walk up to them.

Give Praise to Best Girl.

Probably best not to disrupt a magical ritual, but there is no real reason to hide ourselves otherwise.

I wonder if Nitocris' connection to the underworld will let her notice
that Olga is already dead.
I am mostly writing this to improve my writing so any criticism is alright as long as it is helpful and not just hate.
Consider including at least a snippet for some of the interaction vote results. For example with this one we have a note that Kadoc responded to Romani in a professional manner and went out of the way to explain to Nitocris why Olga's presence is a surprise, but we as player's didn't see the result of either vote.

While the first might not need one because it isn't asking anything that needs an answer and mostly would effect future interactions with Romani as a result, for the latter it kind of is somewhat important to see, because there are people that aren't already aware that Olga's rayshift compatibility was low enough that she wasn't expected to be able to survive one, so they still wouldn't have any clue why it was surprising even after choosing to see it explained In Character.
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[X] Plan Ark

-[X] You did great Caster

-[X] Let's move on

-[X] Wait until they've finished the ritual, then walk up to them.

This will be interesting. I kinda feel that Nitocris would want to get reee-ee-eely close to Olga for some reason not known even to herself, likely letting Kadoc realise that director... may not be truly among them anymore.
Fuyuki Musings (Canon)
"Master do you find this director person rayshifting surprising?"

Caster asked you this question in an innocent manner like a child that didn't understand something and was asking about it.

Nodding you replied while thinking about it yourself.

"Yeah, you see the director shouldn't be able to rayshift at all as she has very little comparability."

To you this meant that either the director had been tampered with by the one who instigated the the bombing of Chaldea or she was an imposter sent by the instigator to finish of the rest of Chaldea.

"So, how are you planning to deal with this Master?"

Thinking further it still seemed odd that Chaldea could be bombed so easily without someone noticing about the bombing itself. So it meant that multiple were in on it.

This meant you couldn't trust anyone until you were sure that they had no part in the bombing.

To you the two most likely candidates were Beryl guts and Daybit sem void.

"Hey, Master are you listening?"

To you the most likely candidate was beryl guts as he was the most notorious about being a mercenary for hire, so someone hiring him to bomb Chaldea wasn't out of the question. But the biggest problem was that someone from the A-team would have realised this.

They all were better then him and more capable then him then why hadn't they realised about the bombing before it happened?

Of course the second candidate was Daybit. Out of all the team A members he was the most hidden and least known about person. Although Pepe was more unknown but pepe was person one could to some extent easily figure out.

Daybit on the other hand was highly suspicious and a loner kind of person. Although you hadn't told anyone this but you did see him run towards the director's office before the old director died and it was the last time the director was seen alive.

Before you could come up with other theory you felt a finger poking your cheek.

Looking to your right you found Caster very close to your face poking at you. This caused you to immediately jump back and almost yell before you controled yourself.

"Hey Caster what do you think your doing."

You say as you are jumpscared by Caster being so close to you. It was one of those horror houses where something immediately jumps at you. Although you were embarrassed to admit it you didn't like horror houses.

"Nothing, you weren't listening to a Pharaoh Master! I may be your Partner but this doesn't mean you can ignore me."

With that you sigh as you see a bunch of skeletons running towards you.

A.N : This is basically what you told her before the Skeletons arrived. Although you seem suspicious of everyone at the moment.
Fuyuki Part 5
Standing on the corner watching the trio trying to set up the summoning ritual you decided that it would be best that you approached after they completed the Summoning circle.

Your focus was mostly on the director and the new girl. You were still not sure about whether the director could actually be trusted.

"Hey, Master who is the white haired person?" Caster asked with a serious look her previous smile was nowhere to be seen.

"That's the director I was talking about Caster," you replied trying to catch your breath because you felt winded after using Magical energy in the fight before and having to run here. "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing Master but she doesn't feel right."

This set of even more alarm bells in your head. No you had to keep calm. What would be the best course of action right now.

It would be best if you didn't attack head on. Looking through the window it seemed that they were done with setting up the ritual.

Taking a deep breath you stepped out from the building and walked up to the rest of Chaldea even though you weren't sure of trusting them yet.

As you and Caster made your move, Mash immediately noticed both of you and a smile formed on her face. It seemed she was relieved to find you alive.

'Hey, Caster what about the other two? Is there anything suspicious about them?'

Quietly you sent a telepathic message to Caster. This was one of the abilities of becoming a Master. As after completing the contract you were bound to your servant and could telepathically communicate with them.

'The red haired one is normal, her magical energy is even lower than your master, although the purple haired one that is wearing the armour seems more like Servant yet not one.'

This caused you even more confusion. Why did Mash feel like a Servant? This was puzzling. You didn't know Mash very well as she rarely talked to others and seemed very weird to you.

"Ah, director, senpai I have found Kadoc Zemplus."

You could easily hear what Mash said as you had enhanced your hearing to the point that listening to such conversations was quite trivial. It was something any Magus could do.

As you approached, the scene unfolded with Mash calling out to the group. Director Olga Marie Animusphere's sharp gaze immediately locked onto you and Caster. She placed her hands on her hips and strode forward, her irritation palpable.

"Finally! What took you so long? We've been waiting forever," Olga snapped, her voice laced with impatience. "Do you have any idea how critical situation we are in? Any more delays, and we could have been in serious trouble."

Before you could respond, the red-haired girl, presumably 'Senpai', stepped forward with a much warmer demeanor. She extended her hand towards you with a kind smile.

"Hi there, I'm Ritsuka Fujimaru," she introduced herself, her hand outstretched presumably for a handshake. "It's good to see another familiar face. We were getting worried something might have happened to you."

[ ] Take her handshake
[ ] A Magus shouldn't do that so easily.
[ ] Give her a high five
[ ] Write in.

"So, what's the plan now?" you asked, trying to maintain your composure under Olga's scrutinizing glare.

"We're proceeding with the summoning ritual," Olga replied curtly, as if the answer should have been obvious. "And this time, let's make sure there are no more delays."

Mash, standing beside Ritsuka, offered you a small, encouraging smile. Her presence was a strange comfort, even though Caster's earlier words about her left you with lingering doubts.

[ ] try to Summon another Servant
[ ] Don't summon another Servant

A.N : Another Chapter done. So about the summoning bit. Basically you have enough energy in Chaldea to summon a single servant between you or Ritsuka. So think carefully about this.

So about some other mechanics of this Quest is basically any type of snippet you post I will reward it by either answering a Spoiler question or giving boosts to rolls depending on how I like it.
[X] Take her handshake
- Offer some insight into how a Magus normally doesn't approach this openly.
[X] Don't Summon a Servant
- Let Ritsuka do it.
Fuyuki Part 6
Kadoc extended his hand towards Ritsuka, his expression reserved and eyes cautious. Ritsuka responded with a warm smile, her grip firm and reassuring. Despite the friendliness in her demeanor, Kadoc couldn't completely shake off his lingering doubts. He met her gaze steadily, acknowledging the handshake with a slight nod, yet his guarded stance betrayed his unresolved apprehensions.

He hadn't been used to such things as not any Magus worth his salt would actually go in for the handshake, so this did put him at the edge as this meant that this woman was either too talented or looking down upon him. But then again who wouldn't do that.

"Now we have no time for introductions. Master candidate 47 I want you to complete the summoning thing."

With nod she replied with "okay, I will try my best." With a determination in her eyes.

Roll : 16

As she did the ritual to summon the servant Kadoc felt that someone was watching them. He could literally feel the lust for blood in that stare.

Kadoc immediately shouted to his servant to get ready. "Caster! We are being watched."

Caster nodded with a determined expression as she was ready for battle. "Yes, I feel them too master. This feels like a monster."

As if hearing our voices a figure moved with speed that I couldn't quite capture as the figure immediately made a dash for the other Master Ritsuka.


Caster immediately moved, within confirmation running to the defence of the other Master yet the speed of Caster was just a hair short as the figure reached the girl with the weapon in their hand, the figure swung their weapon going for the kill yet a shield was already there to defend Ritsuka from the strike yet the strike was so powerful that the sheer force of the strike sent Ritsuka flying away breaking the Ritual and immediately caused Mash to cry out.


Yet she didn't get the chance to check on the girl as she was also sent flying by the figure. As the figure laughed.

"Hehe, keep your head in the game girlie." The figure, a woman spoke. The woman had long purple air and held a scythe in her hand laughing maniacally as she continuously hit Caster and Mash.

[ ] Help the other Master
[ ] Help Caster
[ ] Write in

A.N : Short Chapter today due not having much inspiration after doing a Psychology exam for uni.

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