Getting sticky.
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I thought class A(ttacker) androids were obsolete and were replaced by class B(attler)
Yea thats true in the automata era thousands of years after this devola and popola. I was thinking Class A in their era would still be relevant.
Thanks! there were cursed ruins in Sothorys,Yeen i think,when notching grow and people vanished if they try to settle there.You could use that,too.
Maybe city of Valyrian convicts,Golgossos i think.But - they were too late,and only used flesh alchemy,so maybe not.
And Hightower was built on some ancient ruins,too
Im aware of the various locations that are associated with it. The Isle of toads also features it. Im aware theres other locations just within the scan radius of 1500 miles (which I wanted to be semi reasonable (opposed to just scanning the entiriety of the known world)
The only ones that would fit were the 3 brought up. And honestly even with the isle of toads (which is just off the north western coast of sotoryos I might have underestimated how far away it is. Theres a good map of distance between locations in westeros but not for essos/sotoryos at least as far as I saw.