Winterborn Part 3
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Winterborn Part 3
The subterranean machine was slowing, but had yet to come to a full stop, and date inputs were still coming in. Weather front notifications, temperature ranges and other information. It wasn't extrapolating second and third order effects. Kane closed his eyes against the dim red lighting as he rested his head against the black cushioned headrest and considered what they had accomplished. Most importantly they had severely weakened the Shongairi command and control. They had confirmed the existence of a service rivalry between ground and naval forces within the Shongairi services. That was useful, and exploitable from an intelligence stand point because the Shongairi command chain was hidebound at times.
Hidebound into preconceived strategic notions of war that they made mistakes that could then be exploited... and in this they had removed one of the more competent Shongairi ground leaders. That would potentially spark recriminations between the two services, as well as force less capable officers to cover larger areas of territory... or else the promotion of officers from the ranks. If their understanding of Shongairi rank structure was correct then junior officers probably wouldn't be respected outside of their original parent command and also likely considered less reliable than pre invasion officers of rank.
Of course in an ideal world the real effect would be that the Shongairi were forced by the loss of officers to grind operations to a halt... hopefully until such time as they could decapitate the naval side of things. By of course neutralizing the Shongairi ability to indulge in their favorite pastime of throwing rocks down into the Earth's gravity well usually at civilian population centers.
Unfortunately the Shongairi's computer systems were still frighteningly effect in manning a point defense system... it would have taken vast numbers of nuclear missiles launched in order to do anything. He had continued to return to the notion of the casaba howitizer idea... but no... energy weapons lifted into orbit would be much much harder to retaliate against. He was asking people to be patient, and had had to insist as the year turned that people with necessary skills not take up arms that they needed to remain in the safety of the underground...
Farmers especially, the truth was while they had worked hard to create a hydroponics array, raided cities and such and built food safe plastic tubs of tilapia and leafy greens people were going to want other sorts of food. Were going to need more and healthy foods once the invaders were banished from the Earth... and that meant needing farmers... a profession that had been in a steep decline in the developed world over the past century as more people took up other professions and moved away from where their ancestors had lived for generations... and that meant safeguarding them, including against themselves.
Kane's focus turned to the holographic map whose image had been all but burned into his psyche of all of North America's dead cities, and of the list of still other cities that had been struck by kinetic strikes in either the opening wave or as retaliation. The counter blow against the Shongairi had to insure they couldn't mount any further retaliation.
He let out a breath, as Marduk's daughter rested a hand on his collar. Ana moved more fully into his frame of view as he opened his eyes. How much simpler things would have been if that damned puppy had been stupid enough, if the fleet commander of the Shongairi invasion had been stupid enough to bring himself down to within the gravity well... but while the Shongairi had made many ham handed rash and foolish mistakes thickair had not come down to earth's surface. "I trust, my dear, that our guests are here." and with their wayward missing fly boy and his, or most of his contingent... which was good. Kane was glad that Torino was alive.
She allowed him to stand up and moved through the Montauk's hallway. The Shongairi intercepts had been a breach in communications discipline... expletives, swears, and superstitions. Kane had been focused on the information of his master display, the keep track of time until he could signal a 'code zeus' and lightning bolt the shongairi fleet into free floating debris...and the countdown to if that wasn't an option when he would be able to summon reinforcements of sorts from another dimension... but the panic in the Shongairi command spreading down from brigade, and up from company level at the shock had been a welcome surprise.
They padded silently down the halls. Picturesque grace, unencumbered by unnecessary battle rattle in contrast to others further down the platform to which the Montauk was parked at. The habitation block was a contrast from the Montauk's interior in that the it was a warm light not intended to preserve people's night vision.
Dave Dvorak was already present looking quite out of place among the throng of younger men and still not quite fitting in with the military personnel. Of course that was more body language than anything, the men and women honed by months upon months fighting the Shongairi expressed that in the way they stood. That was not to Dvorak's discredit, the former gun store owner had much like matherson served better in the resistance effort as sort of cobbled together staff and logistics chain than as a front line fighter. Matherson still went out to the front, in spite of Kane's objections, but the distribution of material, and the training aspect even just basic marksmanship helped the resistance.
The ambush relied on putting the first rounds on target before the Shongairi realized the fight was on them so basic marksmanship and familiarization with the M16/M4 or the AKM was critical. The average engagement distance in the south east was within two hundred yards, and that was skewed largely because of roadside ambushes as the Shongairi appropriated the highway system which meant long wide open spaces in the south.
Dvorak was however exceptionally a contrast for the trio to which he was in close proximity. The first was the familiar form, and bearing of Longbow Torino. Dvorak was chatting amiably with a big black marine noncom, but the final man, shorter than the marine but a presence entirely different was the real difference. "Ah, our host," The other green eyed man smiled broadly, an absurd curtsey, "My name is Basarab, Mircea Basarab," The smile showed off white, and sharp teeth. "I would say that we have a great deal to talk about."
"Vampire." Ana declared, Marduk's daughter not quite doing him the disservice of fully interposing herself between him and the man.
"Ah, yes of course," Mircea's smile grew even wider, "Your handy work was most impressive, my lady, the both of you have given the invaders quite the bother, I would say they were insurmountably flummoxed by your efforts... so much so that I just had to come and pay my respects to your efforts."Mircea's friends were unsurprised by the statement, Torino must have been informed already though Dvorak somewhat started slightly at Ana's statement, but he was paid no mind to as the vampire spoke animatedly as if they were all old school chums discussing the most recent sports game. Basarab had a clear and easy confidence, but that probably was that his fine boned features had likely made him quite popular with the opposite sex.
He did not need Zwei in his ear having run the name to make the guess. Lake Vidraru had been created by the communist government of Romania in the mid sixties as a reservoir for the dam of the same name. Romania which had as part of the course of wars earlier in the century gained Transylvania. "The forest of stakes, your handiwork." It wasn't quite an accusation
"A technique that I learned from the Turks," Mircea replied, "And thus showed to another invader in their turn. Just as from you, and my neighbors from the south did I consider the withdrawing to deep within the mountains mother earth so graciously provided for us. Though, this is," He gestured widely, and theatrically all around the habitation block, "is so much more comfortable than I thought, I should commend the consideration for your civilians you Americans put into such contingency planning."
Kane nodded, though he personally suspected most of the American civilians didn't consider this by any means luxurious, "You realize we must hide the civilians then."
"Yes, of course, indeed that is I am afraid where my judgment lapsed, I thought those under my protection were safe enough where they were, and the Shongairi took advantage of my lapse in judgment, and forced my hand." He shook his head sorrowfully, "A mistake I would rectify, "The Shongairi have been concentrating here in North America, reducing their presence elsewhere, they mean to kill all of mankind, and start fresh with our planet... we must strike my friend, and to do that I would board the sword of empire, their flagship... and put all of their leaders gathered there for a conference... to the sword."Mircea concluded with another broad smile as he spread his hands without ever quite addressing Ana's declaration.
Notes: We're back, I am planning tohave this chapter finished (Parts 4 and 5) hopefully by October that will cover Torino and Buschevsky as well other characters
The subterranean machine was slowing, but had yet to come to a full stop, and date inputs were still coming in. Weather front notifications, temperature ranges and other information. It wasn't extrapolating second and third order effects. Kane closed his eyes against the dim red lighting as he rested his head against the black cushioned headrest and considered what they had accomplished. Most importantly they had severely weakened the Shongairi command and control. They had confirmed the existence of a service rivalry between ground and naval forces within the Shongairi services. That was useful, and exploitable from an intelligence stand point because the Shongairi command chain was hidebound at times.
Hidebound into preconceived strategic notions of war that they made mistakes that could then be exploited... and in this they had removed one of the more competent Shongairi ground leaders. That would potentially spark recriminations between the two services, as well as force less capable officers to cover larger areas of territory... or else the promotion of officers from the ranks. If their understanding of Shongairi rank structure was correct then junior officers probably wouldn't be respected outside of their original parent command and also likely considered less reliable than pre invasion officers of rank.
Of course in an ideal world the real effect would be that the Shongairi were forced by the loss of officers to grind operations to a halt... hopefully until such time as they could decapitate the naval side of things. By of course neutralizing the Shongairi ability to indulge in their favorite pastime of throwing rocks down into the Earth's gravity well usually at civilian population centers.
Unfortunately the Shongairi's computer systems were still frighteningly effect in manning a point defense system... it would have taken vast numbers of nuclear missiles launched in order to do anything. He had continued to return to the notion of the casaba howitizer idea... but no... energy weapons lifted into orbit would be much much harder to retaliate against. He was asking people to be patient, and had had to insist as the year turned that people with necessary skills not take up arms that they needed to remain in the safety of the underground...
Farmers especially, the truth was while they had worked hard to create a hydroponics array, raided cities and such and built food safe plastic tubs of tilapia and leafy greens people were going to want other sorts of food. Were going to need more and healthy foods once the invaders were banished from the Earth... and that meant needing farmers... a profession that had been in a steep decline in the developed world over the past century as more people took up other professions and moved away from where their ancestors had lived for generations... and that meant safeguarding them, including against themselves.
Kane's focus turned to the holographic map whose image had been all but burned into his psyche of all of North America's dead cities, and of the list of still other cities that had been struck by kinetic strikes in either the opening wave or as retaliation. The counter blow against the Shongairi had to insure they couldn't mount any further retaliation.
He let out a breath, as Marduk's daughter rested a hand on his collar. Ana moved more fully into his frame of view as he opened his eyes. How much simpler things would have been if that damned puppy had been stupid enough, if the fleet commander of the Shongairi invasion had been stupid enough to bring himself down to within the gravity well... but while the Shongairi had made many ham handed rash and foolish mistakes thickair had not come down to earth's surface. "I trust, my dear, that our guests are here." and with their wayward missing fly boy and his, or most of his contingent... which was good. Kane was glad that Torino was alive.
She allowed him to stand up and moved through the Montauk's hallway. The Shongairi intercepts had been a breach in communications discipline... expletives, swears, and superstitions. Kane had been focused on the information of his master display, the keep track of time until he could signal a 'code zeus' and lightning bolt the shongairi fleet into free floating debris...and the countdown to if that wasn't an option when he would be able to summon reinforcements of sorts from another dimension... but the panic in the Shongairi command spreading down from brigade, and up from company level at the shock had been a welcome surprise.
They padded silently down the halls. Picturesque grace, unencumbered by unnecessary battle rattle in contrast to others further down the platform to which the Montauk was parked at. The habitation block was a contrast from the Montauk's interior in that the it was a warm light not intended to preserve people's night vision.
Dave Dvorak was already present looking quite out of place among the throng of younger men and still not quite fitting in with the military personnel. Of course that was more body language than anything, the men and women honed by months upon months fighting the Shongairi expressed that in the way they stood. That was not to Dvorak's discredit, the former gun store owner had much like matherson served better in the resistance effort as sort of cobbled together staff and logistics chain than as a front line fighter. Matherson still went out to the front, in spite of Kane's objections, but the distribution of material, and the training aspect even just basic marksmanship helped the resistance.
The ambush relied on putting the first rounds on target before the Shongairi realized the fight was on them so basic marksmanship and familiarization with the M16/M4 or the AKM was critical. The average engagement distance in the south east was within two hundred yards, and that was skewed largely because of roadside ambushes as the Shongairi appropriated the highway system which meant long wide open spaces in the south.
Dvorak was however exceptionally a contrast for the trio to which he was in close proximity. The first was the familiar form, and bearing of Longbow Torino. Dvorak was chatting amiably with a big black marine noncom, but the final man, shorter than the marine but a presence entirely different was the real difference. "Ah, our host," The other green eyed man smiled broadly, an absurd curtsey, "My name is Basarab, Mircea Basarab," The smile showed off white, and sharp teeth. "I would say that we have a great deal to talk about."
"Vampire." Ana declared, Marduk's daughter not quite doing him the disservice of fully interposing herself between him and the man.
"Ah, yes of course," Mircea's smile grew even wider, "Your handy work was most impressive, my lady, the both of you have given the invaders quite the bother, I would say they were insurmountably flummoxed by your efforts... so much so that I just had to come and pay my respects to your efforts."Mircea's friends were unsurprised by the statement, Torino must have been informed already though Dvorak somewhat started slightly at Ana's statement, but he was paid no mind to as the vampire spoke animatedly as if they were all old school chums discussing the most recent sports game. Basarab had a clear and easy confidence, but that probably was that his fine boned features had likely made him quite popular with the opposite sex.
He did not need Zwei in his ear having run the name to make the guess. Lake Vidraru had been created by the communist government of Romania in the mid sixties as a reservoir for the dam of the same name. Romania which had as part of the course of wars earlier in the century gained Transylvania. "The forest of stakes, your handiwork." It wasn't quite an accusation
"A technique that I learned from the Turks," Mircea replied, "And thus showed to another invader in their turn. Just as from you, and my neighbors from the south did I consider the withdrawing to deep within the mountains mother earth so graciously provided for us. Though, this is," He gestured widely, and theatrically all around the habitation block, "is so much more comfortable than I thought, I should commend the consideration for your civilians you Americans put into such contingency planning."
Kane nodded, though he personally suspected most of the American civilians didn't consider this by any means luxurious, "You realize we must hide the civilians then."
"Yes, of course, indeed that is I am afraid where my judgment lapsed, I thought those under my protection were safe enough where they were, and the Shongairi took advantage of my lapse in judgment, and forced my hand." He shook his head sorrowfully, "A mistake I would rectify, "The Shongairi have been concentrating here in North America, reducing their presence elsewhere, they mean to kill all of mankind, and start fresh with our planet... we must strike my friend, and to do that I would board the sword of empire, their flagship... and put all of their leaders gathered there for a conference... to the sword."Mircea concluded with another broad smile as he spread his hands without ever quite addressing Ana's declaration.
Notes: We're back, I am planning tohave this chapter finished (Parts 4 and 5) hopefully by October that will cover Torino and Buschevsky as well other characters