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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

Riley, Lisa (even if she isn't a member anymore), Vicky, Taylor in full Skitter-mode, Nilbog, Akaihana, and we don't actually know most of the Cauldron/Background capes they've accumulated.

For some of them, Shard & Shard-influence is supposedly the 'tech' side of Clarketech, rather then demon voodoo, but why the hell not? And even ignoring that, some of them are pretty screwed up, no matter if they've found lifestyles and coping mechanisms that mitigate the worst of it.
Also, regarding Rapture's suggestion of a bedroom solution, given the status of Darkest Fixfic, I hope their backups are recent, just in case Taylor's issues choose it as sufficient justification to flare up...or she just thinks it's time for Master-Stranger protocols, and sounds a massive alarm bringing the entire Pantheon combat line-up crashing into their honeymoon suite with sirens blaring.
"Why didn't you tell me all of this sooner?" Fuck, the troubles we could have avoided...

"You weren't married, before."
Did they first meet Rapture before or after the whole Butcher thing? Because if it was before then this isn't funny this is Rapture being an absolutely gigantic bitch. Having this information from the start would have prevented so much suffering for all of pantheon... Wow, just wow and Rapture thinks she's stopped being a villain.
I'd cast my vote for Taylor. Sure, it might be a bit clichéd, but the whole "What are these strange feelings, I never knew I'd like this" thing would be interesting to see from her PoV.

With Amelia as the PoV I think it'd be a pretty basic seduction story. Not that Tana couldn't write that well, I have the utmost faith in you, I just think it'd be more interesting from Taylor's perspective
I'd cast my vote for Taylor. Sure, it might be a bit clichéd, but the whole "What are these strange feelings, I never knew I'd like this" thing would be interesting to see from her PoV.
Even if it is from Taylor's perspective, it wouldn't be this kind of story.

With Amelia as the PoV I think it'd be a pretty basic seduction story. Not that Tana couldn't write that well, I have the utmost faith in you, I just think it'd be more interesting from Taylor's perspective
Even if it is from Amelia's perspective, it wouldn't be this kind of story.
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[X] Amelia

It's still her story, and she's the one that's been putting more thought into this. Feels like natural progression to keep following her viewpoint now.
[X] Taylor Because honestly, we don't get to see Taylor be the less aggressive partner often enough.
Got a laugh out of how the parental units were making Taylor & Amelia uncomfortable at the beginning.

And Rapture the relationship counselor & sex therapist... well, it'll be interesting to see what happens when Amelia decides to put that advice to use.

Oh, and as for the vote:

[x] Taylor

getting through relationship problems in a normal way? That seems odd, are they sure they wouln't prefer the tech option? Or do so fancy stuff with Taylor's brain....

They wouldn't want to try the tech or power-based shortcuts- remember way back when, right before the Butcher fight, when Taylor had Emma use some of their tech to rewire her brain so she'd be into Amelia without talking it through with her first, only for Amelia to freak out when she discovered that and Bad Things happened? Also, a few chapters back, when Taylor & Amelia were discussing that very topic, and Amelia, beyond the bad memories from that first attempt and issues concerning how the aura from Vicky's original powerset messed with her, told Taylor that whatever they could do with tech or powers to make Taylor sexually attracted to Amelia wouldn't work because it'd set off red flags due to Amelia's powers, in that they'd cause her to perceive Taylor's attraction as obviously artificial and thus a major turn-off for her.
Oh, didn't notice it was actually a vote when I responded earlier. Hmm....

Taylor for the first, Amelia for subsequent would be interesting.


[X] Taylor.
I spent a minute laughing at the platypus line. Is that a Phineas and Ferb reference?
I was thinking more of Dogma, where it's given as proof that "even God has a sense of humor." And speaking of religious humor,
Your team could afford to visit a few confessionals. Get some baptisms. An exorcism or two, maybe."

"Why didn't you tell me all of this sooner?" Fuck, the troubles we could have avoided...
"You weren't married, before.".
Edit: People still seem divided on whether the exorcism line is a joke or not. I thought it was funny in any case.

P.S. [X] Taylor
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"I'd be all 'you're both sinners, rawr, except I can't say that because it's politically unpopular so I'll be a passive aggressive bitch instead'?" Rapture's voice was a blend of mockery and amusement. "Yeah, no. See, I've actually read the Bible, in the proper languages. There's nothing in there for you that isn't also true for straight couples. As long as you don't plan to do it in a church or in front of other people or with anyone other than your spouse, we're pretty much golden. You can agree not to do any of those, right?"

I feel a sudden sympathy for Lisa, mainly through Rapture, since Rapture is basically the Best End for Lisa, except that she was more blatently evil at time and got a more direct intervention from someone with a better-defined sense of morality (not particularly a better one, just a more cite-able one). And from the squicky knowledge of the context of the actual bible text (which doesn't say anything about two women anyways). If anyone is curious:

One of the sources "man many not lie with a man like with a woman" is in the middle of a section on ritual "cleanliness" for women around menstruation cycles. The quote that is often taken out of context, and parsed incorrectly from the original Hebrew, actually means "a man can have sex with another man at any time. But if a man has sex with a woman without considering ritual 'cleanless' that's horrible." The other is in the middle of a section on not supporting other religions or their gods, basically saying "Don't have sex with the prostitutes of Moloch or other idols, because you will be supporting those gods above your own god," with the context being that those prostitutes were almost all men. And these were both parts of the bible written to direct men.
If you have a strong enough stomach to read this and still want to discuss it, PM me. I really don't want this to clog up the thread.

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