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Every time this popped up (and it happened a lot) it made me grind my teeth. It's not some mystical force we are talking about here. It's a goddamn program. An algorithm. A mathematical construct in the form of a failsafe. You rode that metaphor way too hard, way too far, and carried it way too long.

This is intentional. Weldon thinks that way; it's part of his character.
Chapter 7 - Happenings Elsewhere
Ancient Legos
Chapter 7
Happenings Elsewhere

Of the multitude of beings upon Earth Bet capable of truly simulating the future, five stood above all.

One lived in orbit, an engine of conflict and destruction leashed to an unknowing controller.

Another, the instigator of this world's troubles, flit across the planet saving, rescuing, and otherwise improving the lives of the native species in an attempt to find what he was missing.

The leader of a group of the native species, hiding his assembly of temporal monitors in a cave in parts unknown.

A woman in body, but girl in mind and soul. A veritable slave to one of the only functional weapons against The Rescuer, and by choice. She who wears a fedora.

And the last, a young girl who could ask questions and get the likelihood of events occurring.

On the morning of February 6th, 2011, their steadfast visions, paths, and predictions of the future… glitched.

An undetectable phenomenon was interfering with their ability to understand the universe.

The Orbiter would learn the answer to her query a single planetary rotation later. But she didn't know that. She was patient, however, and so settled in to observe. To figure out exactly what was disrupting her plans. And when she figured it out?

Well, her unknowing controller's deadline was soon upon them. She would simply have to eliminate the problem herself.

The Rescuer stopped mid-flight. He too took notice of the disruption. He had no more idea than the Orbiter what was causing it. But, he was not an intellectual type, like his deceased mate. As such he deemed it beyond his purview, merely logging the incident in his memory before continuing on his original course.

His advisor would be most unhappy if he allowed one of the volcano eruptions caused by the first conflict engine to kill a high number of the planet's native species.

The temporal monitor's leader had a very different reaction. His reliance on the data of the time was so great that his consciousness was knocked offline. He would not wake in time to prevent future changes.

And his daughter?

She would be out for blood.

Fedora girl, even as dependent on her ability and her passenger as she was, did not actually actively interpret time. She took snapshots, possibly even rapid snapshots, but it was not constant. Due to this small difference, when the disruption occurred, she was unaffected. Beyond her ability to determine the path forward, of course, but she remained conscious. She would proceed to call an emergency meeting of a conspiracy named after a witch's brewing tool.

And the little girl? She was already having headaches, the result of trying not to use her new abilities. Due to this disruption those headaches became migraines. A day later, just as a battlecruiser rose into the sky in an attempt to defeat The Orbiter, her parents would rush her to the hospital.

One thing was certain. Something had entered the playing field. And nothing would ever be the same again.


Rebecca Costa-Brown was not having a good day.

It started normally enough. She came into work, as Director Costa-Brown, and began going over the various things she had to sign and review as her position demanded.

Then she got a high priority call from Brockton Bay. Directly from Emily Piggot's office.

She hadn't been completely on board with the idea to use Brockton Bay as an experiment in the first place. Every single time she received a high priority message or call from that den of chaos, it just reinforced her belief that the entire thing was a bad idea.

Regardless, she had a job to do. It was with no small amount of hesitation that she pressed one of the buttons on her desk and allowed the incoming connection. The image of Emily Piggot, in full dress blues and sitting behind her own desk, flickered into existence above Rebecca's desk. The live video was being displayed by her office's holographic emission system.

It was one of the few personal gifts she still had from her old friend, her deceased- no, murdered- teammate. Her brother in all but blood. Hero.

"Hello Emily," she greeted the Director of the Brockton Bay PRT. It wasn't very often that Rebecca thanked her powers' stasis like effect upon her body. At that moment it received gratitude for the fact that she couldn't cry.

"Director Costa-Brown." That was it. A curt greeting, a slight nod of acknowledgement. Lady wasn't known as an old warhorse for nothing, after all. Even with her body in the state she refused to allow Panacea to repair she was still a force to be reckoned with.

Not even Nilbog could take that away from her.

"Emily," Rebecca said, giving her own nod of respect. "This is a high priority call. What happened?"

No more pleasantries. If the call have been a lower priority, Rebecca would've probably pressured Emily once more to let Panacea heal her. But there might be no time for that.

Emily sighed, long and hard. For once, the wear and tear of her body showed on her face. "It's not an emergency, but it is vitally important," she began. The blond woman took a moment to wipe a hand down her face and sighed once more. "We have a new Tinker 10."

That got Rebecca's attention. "Specialization?" she demanded.

Emily set her mouth in a grim line, rolled her eyes, and blew a breath out of the side of her mouth. "Spaceships."

It took several seconds for Rebecca to do anything but stare at her subordinate like she'd gone crazy. "Would you repeat that?" she requested, though it sounded more like an order.

"Spaceships," Emily instantly repeated. "Ships that fly into and through space."

Rebecca let out a long breath of her own and settled back into her comfortable office chair.

"Yes, that was my reaction as well."

Fuck, she thought. If Zion learns of this...

That was a thought, and a problem, for Cauldron. And for later. Right now, she had to get as much information out of Emily as possible. And see how accurate the specialization was. Given the Brockton Bay PRT had rated this new Tinker a level 10, it was entirely possible they weren't remotely wrong. There had only ever been one Tinker 10 before besides the Simurgh, and he could have had that specialization. Easily.

His was Waves.

Something just as powerful, as all encompassing, as Spaceships.

She idly noticed that her brother was showing up in her thoughts a lot these days.

"It's confirmed?" Rebecca questioned Emily, raising an eyebrow. "The rating, that is?"

Emily shook her head and grimaced. "We haven't tested him yet, no," she admitted. Then she got a hard look on her face. "Though I'm not inclined to doubt him. He announced his presence and intent to join the Wards by uncloaking, in his words, a shuttlecraft in front of our building."

Both of Rebecca's eyebrows raised at that. "He's a minor?"

Emily confirmed her assumption with a short nod. "Attends Arcadia. Triggered two weeks ago."

"At least he's of the heroic inclination," Rebecca lamented, rubbing her face with her hand. It didn't actually relieve her headaches, what few she got, but it was a helpful psychosomatic gesture for a reason. Even without head pain, rubbing faces, nose bridges, temples, or eyebrows eased mental anguish.

Emily scoffed. "Doesn't keep him from being aggravating." She sighed and shook her head. "The things he says he can do, Director… The things he says he can summon. I'm concerned that someone will try to get at him."

Rebecca raised her eyebrows at that. "Why? I understand Spaceships is a very powerful Tinker specialization, but isn't it also the most expensive? I remember a briefing on the costs of the Shuttles before NASA shut them down," she pointed out.

Her subordinate Director scoffed and shook her head. "He doesn't have those drawbacks, Director," she informed her. "He also has a secondary power. We're assuming Shaker/Striker at the moment. And it's…" she trailed off, putting her fingers to the side of her head, "it's fucking insane!"

"Oh? Shaker/Striker? Those ratings are usually mutually exclusive," Rebecca commented curiously.

"He can build models of ships from Legos, throw them over his shoulder, and summon them full size," Emily deadpanned, staring straight at Rebecca.

The national PRT Director and secret Triumvirate member was dead silent for several long, tense moments as she searched Emily's eyes for any sign of deceit.

"C-Come again?" she finally choked out, unable to believe what she'd heard despite her perfect memory proving it to be accurate.

"You heard me correctly. Lego models to full size spaceships," Emily repeated herself, massaging her own head and wincing.

"You're joking."

"I wish I was. Then I wouldn't have this headache."

Alexandria stared at Emily Piggot for another minute. Literally. She was subconsciously counting the seconds.

Finally she spoke up. "That's bullshit."

It was all she could say.

"Correct. Yet it seems to be true," Emily agreed and countered.

Rebecca Costa-Brown leaned over her own desk and stared Emily Piggot straight in the eyes. "I want that boy tested yesterday, Emily, and not a word of this can go outside the PRT."

She would also have to have Contessa pay a visit to their troublesome asset in Brockton Bay. This new Tinker, Shipyard, held far too much promise to allow a timeline simulator with delusions of grandeur to interfere.

"He's with the Wards right now," Emily informed her. "I'll push to get him into the testing labs as soon as I can."

Rebecca sighed with relief and subtly relaxed. "Good. Thank you for being so on top of this and bringing him to my attention."

Director Piggot nodded her head and snapped off a curt salute. "It's my duty and… not so much pleasure, given the subject of this conversation," she began to agree, then tried to find further words. "But at least informing you of his abilities spreads the headache he causes around."

That was a joke. Emily had said it with a straight face, but it was definitely a joke. Rebecca Costa-Brown smirked slightly and nodded to Emily to indicate she'd seen it. "Please call me once you have further information."

"Yes ma'am," Emily said. Then she hung up the call.

Rebecca managed to hold herself together for a good few seconds before standing up and shouting at nothing. "SPACESHIPS?! WHAT THE FUCK!"

She clenched her fists for several more tense seconds, wishing desperately to be able to smash something. But she couldn't blow her identity as Alexandria in her own office.

And so, she said the magic words that would start several temporal balls rolling.

"Door me."


Alexandria stepped out of the hexagonal orange-lined portal back into her office at the Los Angeles PRT. The rather quick meeting had been a den of chaos. Legend was even involved. This new situation was too big, and the fact it appeared Shipyard interfered with the Path was extremely worrying. They didn't really know what to do. For the first time in a long time Cauldron had been caught with their pants down by a new trigger.

And to a person, they hated it. Not to mention the possibility that Zion would come down on Shipyard like a sack of bricks for having the ability to help the Entity's test subjects escape their petri dish of a planet. This had all the potential of kickstarting the apocalypse.

Alexandria was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice what, or rather who, was standing in her office. Before she could get even a foot further into the room her assistant addressed her. His voice was extremely tense.

"Ma'am, a situation has developed."

The assistant who should not be able to access her office when it was sealed.

She would be looking into that quite soon.

Alexandria glanced at him, then the closing portal, then him again, before raising an eyebrow.

"I'm paid too much to see things, ma'am," he refuted. "You're good at your job, no matter who you are." He then snorted and shook his head. "Not to mention I've known for years."

Alexandria grimaced, then nodded. "Right, we'll deal with... this, later," she stated flatly, beginning to remove her costume. "What's wrong?" She started to replace it with her normal Costa-Brown dress blues at the same time as she removed it, piece by piece.

"Ma'am, this is urgent. The new Tinker down in Brockton Bay, Shipyard, directly challenged The Simurgh on her PHO Account three minutes ago. She accepted and is headed for Brockton Bay as we speak. He left for his battlecruiser in what I'm told is one of his shuttles accompanied by Dragon and Vista. We lost all communication with them when they entered the battlecruiser's shield. One minute ago, Shipyard posted on PHO that he was at the bridge of his ship. The battlecruiser then ascended into the sky. It is currently straight on course for The Simurgh."

Rebecca Costa-Brown stopped changing, stopped walking, almost stopped breathing. She stared at her assistant in jaw-dropped, eyes-wide shock. The look of disbelief on her face was priceless.

"This is not a joke, ma'am," he assured her.

"I was only gone for HALF A DAY!"


Revel stood in the Chicago Protectorate HQ. She was watching a national news broadcast with her lips set in a firm line.

Someone had killed the Simurgh.

Her relaxing day had been pulled out from under her before it even truly began.

As second in command of the Chicago Protectorate, and unofficial 'wizard'-keeper, it was now up to her to get her teammates and the Wards both to the HQ and into costume in preparation for whatever they might be needed for.

It was with a heavy heart she began dialing phone numbers.

An hour later everyone except her direct superior had arrived.

"Has anyone seen Myrddin?" Revel asked.

Campanile, her seven foot tall future teammate and gigantic barrel of a boy, chimed in. "Yeah, he was drawing runes of protection or something on the elevator on my way up." He was both serious and joking, stating the truth but with a smug grin and a teasing tone. The leader of the Wards seemed incapable of being pulled down. Something quite rare in their world.

It happened to be that same tone and imperviousness that used to drive her up a wall. Until she got used to it.

And he was only going to continue growing. She already had to crane her neck to look at his face. How the hell tall was he going to get?!

"Very well," she sighed. "I suppose we shall wait-"

The door to their meeting room swiveled open before she could complete the sentence. In strode her direct superior, leader of the Chicago Protectorate, Myrddin. The only cape on Bet who'd chosen Magic as an explanation for their powers and carried the theme through to its full conclusion.

Case in point, the billowing, stereotypical mage robe ensemble he wore even now, face-darkening hood included. A gnarled wooden staff completed the image. The fact the face darkening was achieved via a visor was the only compromise to modern cape costumes he'd allowed.

"Hail, friends," he greeted. Myrddin might be a few cylinders sort of a full engine, but even he could sense the solemn mood in the room. She was so serious and grave that even Campanile had failed to brighten everything up.

"Myrddin," she greeted her superior and nominal friend, "thank you for coming."

"Think nothing of it, my dear," he said, waving her gratitude off. "I am sorry for tarrying but I had to refresh the intent wards in our direct travel elevator."

Having made his excuse, Myrddin made a beeline for one of the open chairs and sat. With that, she could call the meeting to order.

Instead of doing any introduction, as time may very well be of the essence, she used the remote in her hand to turn on the projector in the room. Behind her a video of a gigantic spaceship fighting, injuring, and inevitably killing the Simurgh began playing on a loop. "At roughly 1630 hours Boston Time, the Brockton Bay Protectorate's newest Ward, a Tinker 20, yes, 20, codename Shipyard, took his spaceship into high atmosphere and engaged the Simurgh in combat. A few minutes later, he killed her," she summarized.

Their reactions were varied. Campanile looked like he initially believed she was pulling a fast one on him. Shuffle, her own second in command, was watching the video with rapt interest. Grace scoffed, Annex looked even more laser-focused than Shuffle, Tecton had a grim, flat line for a mouth, and Raymancer was grinning like a loon. Wanton was the only one with a relatively normal expression, and that's only because he was paying more attention to Myrddin for cues as to how he should react.

But it was her team leader's reaction that puzzled her. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. His face was white, his hand gripping his gnarled staff so hard his knuckles stood out. He mumbled something that she barely heard, along the lines of 'ankh he ate us', then stood up abruptly.

"I am sorry my friends, I must leave you for now. Revel, you are in command until I return," Myrddin announced, already turning around. He swept to the door and waved a hand, as he'd done many times before, which caused the door to swing open without him touching it.

Door telekinesis was one of his lesser known and not very useful powers, but Revel had to respect her team leader's ability to showboat with it.

What she didn't respect was him ditching them. "Myrddin!" she yelled after him, protesting.

"You will be fine, Revel," he called back to her, already in the hallway outside. "You are more this team's leader than I have ever been anyways. I however have to greet this… Shipyard."

Revel's eyes widened. He'd never acknowledged it before.

And he was already gone, flying down the hall if the swish of his robes was any indication.

Revel turned back to the shellshocked Chicago Protectorate and Wards, frowning.

"It's not like this is any fucking stranger than what he normally does," Grace piped up.

"Hey!" Wanton intruded, offended at her mocking the hero he idolized.

Revel sent a stern look Grace's way and sighed. The impertinent Ward just shrugged and grinned.

This was going to be a long day.


Director Piggot was calling her. For the second time that day.

She answered. Calmly and respectfully. Anyone who claimed she scrambled for the call answering button and almost flew towards it would be fired with prejudice.

"Emily," she greeted the incoming caller, looking up from her desk. Then the great Alexandria… paused.

The Brockton Bay Director looked like hell.

"Rebecca," she wearily greeted Costa-Brown in return. She sounded…


Rebecca's eyebrows rose at that. Emily never called her by her first name, and it took a lot to rattle her. Then again, her brand new ward engaging the Simurgh and having to deal with Endbringer preparations for her city were valid reasons to look like you were ages older than you actually were.

"Is this about Shipyard engaging the Simurgh, Emily?" Rebecca asked gently, slightly leaning forward. She stared straight into Emily's eyes through the video call separating them.

"Turn on the news, Rebecca," she stated.

...Emily had just called her by her first name.

The Lady, the old warhorse of the PRT, the legendary Ellisburg survivor, never did that.

Rebecca Costa-Brown swallowed nervously. "Why?"

"Just… just do it."

Rebecca was beginning to get worried. Cauldron knew it was pure stupidity to do as Shipyard had. Face and engage the Endbringer that regularly uses Tinkertech with Tinkertech, alone, without backup? Dragon and Vista didn't really count given the distances involved. She would barely count.

Rebecca searched Emily's eyes for a few more moments, seeing the wear and tear on her soul reflected there, and acquiesced. "Okay, Emily."

A few commands to her desk pushed Emily's video call to the side for another window to pop up. She tuned into one of the national news organizations. She figured if it was big enough for the Brockton Bay Director to say 'the news' vaguely, then it would be on all the channels.

She dearly hoped it wasn't 'Simurgh lands in Brockton Bay'.

The stream loaded up and began to play.

And Rebecca Costa Brown, Alexandria, felt her jaw drop.

On loop on one of the biggest national news channels was a video, seemingly recorded from Shipyard's vessel, of the engagement with the Simurgh.

And it showed him beating the pants off the winged Endbringer.

"Emily-" she began to ask, leaning backwards into her chair as if the impossibility on the news could eat her.

Emily didn't look at her. She was staring at something offscreen, clearly rubbing her hand against it if her upper arm muscles were any indication. "Where are you at?" she asked.

Rebecca turned her attention back to the news just in time to witness most of the Simurgh's body vanish in a series of bright blue flashes of light. "Shipyard just took out the majority of her body in one volley," she stated, disbelief clear in her tone and her tense body language.

Emily nodded, almost agreeably, and scoffed. "You're not even to the good part yet," she faux-cheerily said.

"Emily, what the fuck?"

"No, no, shhh," her subordinate interrupted, chuckling. She didn't even seem to notice that she'd just patronized and shushed her superior. "Keep watching."

Rebecca would've called her on her behavior if she wasn't so keenly aware of Emily's mental state. So she instead kept watching.

She saw the Simurgh's regeneration skyrocket.

Her blood ran cold. Psychologically anyways, as her body was timelocked, but it felt similar.

She saw the air vortexes and realised what exactly was worrying Emily so much.

The Simurgh had stopped holding back.

More to the point; she'd been holding back before.

And yet still Shipyard didn't quit. His ship began firing with wild abandon at the winged Endbringer, forcing her to dodge. Rebecca saw what he was doing; herding her towards the front of the ship.

And when she reached it, Alexandria witnessed something terrifying… and beautiful.

Thousands, possibly tens of thousands, of golden lights erupted from Shipyard's vessel. They arced over and around towards the Simurgh, hit, and erupted in what looked like nuclear fire.

The next few minutes were just a maelstrom of energy and turbulence as the ship rocked in place. The shields were easy to see failing as streams of the destruction outside them slipped through, scarring entire sections of the vessel. And through it all, the cannons on the ship kept firing at the Simurgh's previous position, until one by one, they burnt out. Rebecca was getting worried that she was about to witness someone's death.

Eventually the maelstrom cleared, though. The ship still stood, burnt, scarred, and limping in the sky, but whole.

And Rebecca couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"E-Emily," she stammered, turning to look at the Director of the Brockton Bay PRT.

Her subordinate and pseudo-friend saw her look, nodded, and then took a swig of the bottle in her hand. The thing she'd been rubbing before was a beer flask. "My brand new Ward just killed the Simurgh, Rebecca," she announced. She looked down at her flask again and frowned. "What the hell do I do?"

Rebecca had no answers for her. She was in too much shock herself to even contemplate an answer.
Yay! It's back!

Oh man, this is going to be all the fun monkey wrenches thrown in Cauldron's plans. New cape messes with your 'I Win' powered cape but at the same time he is the answer to the Endbringer problem you seem to be dealing with. Have fun figuring out what to do without the crutch that is Contessa for you to lean on in your planning!
I love this story, one of my favorites.

And what you should do miss Pigot, is immediately find some way to get Wendels parents to PRT hq. I know Rebbeca said she was going to make sure Thomas didn't do anything stupid, but this is Coil we're talking about here. Any villain worth his salt is going to try and get Wendel under their control, and blackmailing them by threatening his parents sounds like a particularly easy method to me.

Oh yeah, don't know if this was answered yet, but is Wendels manifested tech Altean locked? I know you had to have ancients blood in your family line to use their technology in the show...

Honestly, potentially locked tech that no one else can pick up and use may be a blessing...
Chapter 8 - Celebrate Good Times
Ancient Legos
Chapter 8
Celebrate Good Times


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♦ Topic: One Down (Verified) (Sticky) (The Simurgh Is Dead)
In: Boards ► Announcements
Shipyard (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Simurgh Slayer)
Posted On Feb 7th 2011:
That's it.

It's over.

I'm... I'm not going to say a speech, or beat around the bush.

The Simurgh is defeated. I... man, this is just as unreal for me as it is for all of you. But I've done my job, my duty, as a Ward, as a Hero. She won't threaten our world ever again. I...

No more capped cities. No more time bombed people. It's over. And to be respectful to the gone, even if she was a monster, I included her admittedly epic entrance in my proof.

Here. A complete video record of my battle with her and my victory.

I have a lot of repair work to do on the ship now. She stopped holding back after my first volley.

Gods. My shields were at 3% when it was all over. I..... yeah, I'm gonna need therapy, I think.

Anyways. You're welcome, everyone, I guess.

As my new friend Clockblocker would most likely say, cue the party.

Also, sorry to the mods about bypassing the forum security to post this in Announcements.

(Showing page 1 of 12451)

►Bagrat (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Gasp Bagrat just swore!

On topic; oh my god.

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:

She's... she's gone. The Simurgh is gone.

I- I have to tell my wife!

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior) (Wiki Moderator)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
This is real, right? PLEASE tell me this is REAL!

►Miss Mercury (Protectorate Employee)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
We're in chaos right now, I can't verify anything at the moment, and Reave just left the building at a dead sprint.

►DapperJumpingHat (Unverified Cape)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Good riddance. She's responsible for my girlfriend's pain.

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
I'm on my phone in a bunker right now. Is it real? Nobody down here knows, we're just waiting to be domed.

►Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:

Did you just-

This better not be a joke, man. Coming from me. I'm the one saying this. Did you really-?

►Shipyard (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Simurgh Slayer)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@Clockblocker Yeah. She's gone.

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(Showing page 2 of 12451)

►Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@Shipyard You.

You glorious bastard!

Of course it's real. You're that much bullshit.

...I'm just gonna sit down for a while and let it sink in that the guy I tried to timestop yesterday just beat an Endbringer, kay?

►Shipyard (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Simurgh Slayer)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@Clockblocker you do that. I've got things to do on my ship before I can come back out. We should be arriving back above the Bay soon, though.

►Aegis (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Wards Leader)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@Shipyard Ship, you're going to have the mother of all debreifings once you get back. And you can forget patrolling anytime soon.

But if this is real? You take your damn time. That's an order. I'll deal with Piggot if I have to. You've earned it.

And Ship? I'm proud of you.

►Shipyard (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Simurgh Slayer)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Aegis Yes sir.

►SpecificProtagonist (Verified Shipper)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Aww! Aegis x Shipyard confirmed OTP!

►Brilliger (Moderator: Protectorate Main)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@SpecificProtagonist This of all times is not the place for that.

With that said, given the rest of us forum PR people seem to be running around with no heads, it's up to me to do this.

Shipyard, don't worry about hacking the forums.

Because you weren't lying. This is real. Let me repeat; THIS IS REAL!

Our Thinkers have gone over the footage, and we've had a couple of jets go through the area. There's nothing left of the Simurgh. She's dead. Those jets also corroborate Shipyard's story about the shields. His ship doesn't look very good.

I can now pretty much confirm that the footage of Shipyard and The Simurgh getting into a high powered slugfest straight out of a science fiction movie is legitimate. The Simurgh lost, but not before almost erasing Shipyard's ship, and he, Dragon, and Vista with it.

I'm putting Verified on this thread until I'm told to do otherwise. I don't give a damn if I'm fired for releasing this before the higher ups cleared it and could put together a PR spin.

Because the God Damned Simurgh is fucking DEAD!

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior) (Wiki Moderator)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:

►Black Honey Badger
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
I can hear the cheering from Boston!


►Lost Angel
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Los Angeles reporting in, the party is in full swing since the news announced it. I can't find a dry eye anywhere, not even me. The streets are filled with people!

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 12449, 12450, 12451

(Showing page 3 of 12451)

►Good Ship Morpheus (Moderator) (Not a Ship)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Washington here. We were hit by Leviathan, not the Simurgh, but it doesn't matter. Shipyard, you've given us hope again. Thank you.

►Shipyard (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Simurgh Slayer)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
You're welcome.

Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
London, from outside the dome, reporting in! Someone broke the mandatory quarantine and broadcast into the dome. They told them.

The cheering must be amplified by the dome or something because I can hear it from my house!

►Brilliger (Moderator: Protectorate Main)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Please take the worldwide party discussion to the appropriate thread, here: Worldwide Celebration

In other news, I'm not fired yet! But only because Reave is MIA, Miss Mercury apparently triggered, the east coast is in chaos, and the whole world is cheering.

►AllSeeingEye (The Girl in the Know)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Holy shit. He actually did it. The bastard challenged an Endbringer... and won.

This isn't that known, but I'm actually a cape. Sorry @Bagrat for sharing your spotlight with my super Thinker powers.

I'm also under threat of death to work for a villain. This is gonna sound cliche as fuck, but after seeing this and Uber and L33t's team change...

@Shipyard help me Obi-Wan Shipobi. You're my only hope.

►Shipyard (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Simurgh Slayer)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@AllSeeingEye are you actively under threat? If not, head to the PRT HQ. I'll discuss this with you when I arrive.

►AllSeeingEye (The Girl in the Know)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@Shipyard Now that I've spoken out, I will be quite shortly. I don't know if I can make it to the HQ.

►Shipyard (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Simurgh Slayer)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@AllSeeingEye send up a signal I can see from the sky. I'll beam you to the ship.

►AllSeeingEye (The Girl in the Know)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@Shipyard ...I'm not even surprised anymore. I have a flare gun, I hope that's enough.

►Shipyard (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Simurgh Slayer)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@AllSeeingEye Should be. Fire when ready, I'm above the city now, definitely in range.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 12449, 12450, 12451

(Showing page 4 of 12451)

►AllSeeingEye (The Girl in the Know)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@Shipyard You're kilometers above the city and that's "in range."

Okay. That's definitely a Thinker headache.

I'm heading outside to fire the flare gun now. It's red.

►Shipyard (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Simurgh Slayer)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@AllSeeingEye Roger that. I'll search for red light.

►Bagrat (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Did that really all just happen? What am I asking, of course it did. This is Shipyard, the Simurgh Slayer.

@AllSeeingEye Also, I always knew that you knew far too much!

►Shipyard (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Simurgh Slayer)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Update post for the previous rescue. I got her.

►Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
That's three capes in a single day. And an Endbringer.

Jeez man, leave some for the rest of us!

(I'm totally kidding, if you feel like converting every villain in the world and taking out the rest of the Endbringers at the same time I'm totally on board with this)

►Shipyard (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Simurgh Slayer)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@Clockblocker I can't help it, I'm just awesome.

►Kid Win (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Awesomely bullshit.

►Shipyard (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Simurgh Slayer)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Oh hey Kid! Where've you been?

►Kid Win (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Watching your cannons gave me a few ideas. I may have gotten carried away. I kinda need to eat right now though so bye

►Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Same old Kid Win.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ... 12449, 12450, 12451

♦ Topic: Worldwide Celebration
In: Boards ► Earth
Brilliger (Original Poster) (Moderator: Protectorate Main)
Posted On Feb 7th 2011:
This is the thread to talk about the worldwide party currently going on! Also we have a new Board for things that affect the whole world like this.

(Showing page 1 of 30252)

►RushinRollout (Verified Ruskie)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
There's fireworks going off in Moscow! Tonight we celebrate the death of the bitch of feathers. DRINK, MY FRIENDS!

►Laotsunn (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Japan thanks the Master of Ships. He has engaged in honorable combat and ended our destroyer's sibling.

►Mac's Dual Rocket Propelled Grenades (Verified Redneck)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Texas has guns going off everywhere! People are shootin' at the sky and daring it to come get 'em! THE PSYCHIC CHICKEN IS DED!

Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Oahu, Hawaii checking in. Maloha Shipyard! The ships in Pearl are firing their guns in honor of you!

►Kernel Panic
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Kentucky. KFC just announced their new special, Fried Psychic Chicken, and I couldn't be more proud of my state's stereotypes than I am right now.

►Bob (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
I'm still alive! Brockton Bay is cautiously exiting our bunkers. For those of us in the know though, we're starting up the celebrations!


►Grace (Verified Cape) (Wards Chicago)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Fuckin' hell, one of those assholes is finally dead. I don't think I've ever heard the city this loud.

►White Fairy (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Netherlands here. This party is danke, yo.

Okay now that I've stopped stereotyping my own culture, we're fresh outta clogs. Too many bought in celebration.

►Narwhal (Verified Cape) (The Guild)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Vancouver is awesome right now. I'm even making a light show with my fields!

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 30250, 30251, 30252

♦ Topic: To Boldly Go
In: Boards ► Earth
Iblis (Original Poster)
Posted On Feb 7th 2011:
Now that the Simurgh is dead space is open again. And we have our resident spaceship Tinker to thank for it.

Do you think we can get back out there again? Start exploring space properly? Especially given Shipyard's existence?

(Showing page 1 of 3)

►Buzz Newyear (NASA)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
NASA Orbital Monitoring tech here. I'll speak for those of us left at the space agency here in Florida.

We want to. God, do we want to. But it'll be up to the President and Congress as to whether we get to. We're gonna need a lot more funding than what we have now. For the record, I don't begrudge our superiors for cutting most of what we had before The Simurgh showed up. With her in orbit, nothing we sent up was viable.

But she's gone now, and I know we're gonna petition the President to get back out there. Our buddies in the fledgling European Space Agency are on board with joint operations and we've even talked to the Cosmodrome. We are ready and raring to go.

Also, literally all of us are excited at the fact Shipyard claims his ships are starships. Most people probably don't remember the difference, but here it is in a nutshell:

The Space Shuttles were spaceships.
Starfleet's Enterprise was a starship.

If his ships can really go interstellar, we're gonna have some really interesting times ahead of us.

Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Ooh! Someone from NASA!

Do you play Space Opera?

►Buzz Newyear (NASA)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Yes, actually. It's a decently fun game to waste time with while you wait on the scans of orbit to finish.

Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
What's your username? If you wanna play, anyways. I'd sure love to!

►Buzz Newyear (NASA)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
I tossed ya a PM with it. Sounds fun.

►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Verified Idiot)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Hey, don't leave me out of it!

Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Back on the original topic!

I think we should start exploring space again. At the very least, Behemoth and Leviathan aren't on other planets. And we desperately need a second home for Humanity if and when some insane Tinker's virus, bomb, or creature escapes containment or blows up the planet.

►Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Not a tinker)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Oh come on, we're not that crazy. All Tinkers are intimately aware of just how dangerous our creations are. Not even String Theory, miss 'blow-up-the-moon', would've actually done it.

►Kid Win (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
You're not a Tinker, Procto.

That said I am totally on board with space travel again. I may not be able to understand my bullshit teammate's technology but I'll help as much as I can!

End of Page. 1, 2, 3

(Showing page 2 of 3)

►AllSeeingEye (The Girl in the Know)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
With space open again, I wonder if science fiction will kick back up into overdrive?

Also from what I can understand of Shipyard's technology, interstellar is underselling it.

►Space Zombie
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:

►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Verified Idiot)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@Space Zombie Hey, why haven't you been online?!

►Space Zombie
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
XxVoid_CowboyxX Because I've got space for brainz.

►Buzz Newyear (NASA)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@AllSeeingEye What exactly do you mean when you say interstellar is underselling it?

►Shipyard (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Simurgh Slayer)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
@Buzz Newyear My ships have a form of FTL called Hyperdrives. When powered by the generators I am capable of creating, they can go intergalactic.

►Buzz Newyear (NASA)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:

►Shipyard (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Simurgh Slayer)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
Woops, I wasn't supposed to say that. Alexandria is yelling at me now.

...Huh, her voice patterns... Nope, I'm not making this mistake again.

►AllSeeingEye (The Girl in the Know)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
And I'm not stupid enough to say it either.

►Buzz Newyear (NASA)
Replied On Feb 7th 2011:
You're both massive teases. Do I have to come to Washington? My boss is ready to send me there to talk to you if he has to!

End of Page. 1, 2

♦ Topic: PRT Director's Open Letter (Press Release: The Simurgh) (LOCKED)
In: Boards ► Earth
Director Costa-Brown (Original Poster) (Moderator: Protectorate Main) (Verified PRT Director)
Posted On Feb 8th 2011:
From the desk of Director Costa-Brown, dated February 8th, 2011, 0031 hours:

There have been many rumors and statements flying around the internet in the past few hours. Partially due to the nature of this communication network, and partially because of some members of our organization releasing information before it was fully confirmed without a shred of doubt.

They will not be penalized for their actions.

At 1625 hours Eastern Standard Time on Februrary 7th, 2011, one of the Protectorate East-North-East's new Wards, Shipyard, unearthed the fact that the Simurgh, the Third Endbringer, was posting on Parahumans Online. We are not yet aware of how she was accomplishing this. We did not know that she could understand our language, nor that she was even truly alive.

We still are unsure about those two points.

But regardless, Shipyard detected this. He proceeded to antagonize The Simurgh by revealing her presence to the world. This lead to her choosing Brockton Bay as her, and the Endbringer's 3 month attack cycle, new target.

Shipyard will not be penalized for his actions either.

The former because of their overwhelmed state in the wake of Shipyard's proceeding actions. The latter because of what he proceeded to do.

Risking his own life and that of Dragon and Vista, by mutual agreement, Shipyard heroically challenged The Simurgh directly.

She accepted.

The three of them took Shipyard's battlecruiser into the upper atmosphere to intercept The Simurgh, a task which the three of them believed would most likely end up with them dead or twisted into time bombs. But they did it in order to save Brockton Bay. They would try to use the ship's weapons systems to drive her away, but they were prepared to sacrifice their lives by detonating the ship's power core right in her face if they had to.

Thankfully, such an extreme solution proved unnecessary.

At 1629 hours, after engaging and testing the limits of The Simurgh, Shipyard proceeded to bombard her with enough ordinance to almost entirely devastate her body. He did more damage to an Endbringer than we have ever seen.

And he forced her to reveal that she had been holding back.

We are investigating the possibility that all our previous fights against the Endbringers, the times we did enough damage to drive them off, may have been nothing more than a ruse. This is a major upset if true, but also valuable intelligence on their capabilities.

But even when she revealed her true power, still Shipyard did not falter. At precisely 1631 hours, he brought the full might of his battlecruiser to bear against the winged Endbringer.

And. He. Won.

The Simurgh is dead. This is not a plan, or a convoluted series of events. She is not hidden. She did not survive.

The Third Endbringer is gone.

We are attempting to do all we can to make sure the, as I have heard it described, "Worldwide Party" proceeds without damaging anything and with minimal casualties. Protectorate and PRT forces are coordinating with the resident militias of as many nations as we can to ensure everyone goes home after tonight. Or after this week, if what some people are saying proves true.

Please, celebrate responsibly. We have just defeated an enemy of Humanity with absolutely no loss of life and minimal damage to our infrastructure. It would be foolish and embarrassing for us to damage ourselves after such a victory.

And to Shipyard. I have already told you this privately, but as this is an open letter;

Thank you. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

The world owes you a debt we can never repay. I only hope you can pull off your miracle twice more and permanently end the other two monsters. Also, I am publicly extending my earlier invitation to you to come to Washington D.C.

We have a meeting with the President.

And, to any Villains reading this; pay very close attention to the following sentences.

If you so much as scratch Shipyard, whatever is left of you after his technology has finished decimating your corpse will be handed to the various Protectorate parahumans to do with as they wish. After they are finished, the PRT agents will have their go. Then you will be hung up in the proverbial town square and flight tickets will be provided to whoever so wishes to come desecrate your mangled, broken remains.

There are a whole lot of people worldwide who see Shipyard as a new hope Alan Gramme could have only dreamed of being. As the true successor to our sorely missed friend Hero. We will not accept another demise like his. I sincerely recommend treating Shipyard as if there is a reverse Endbringer Truce upon his person, where if you break it, the entirety of the Protectorate and many independent teams will come down on you like a sack of lead bricks.

God knows I can't stop them. More to the point, I won't even try.

-Director Costa-Brown


♦ Topic: Boat Graveyard Tinkertech Spiders
In: Boards ► Places ► North America ► United States ► Brockton Bay
XxVoid_CowboyxX (Original Poster) (Verified Idiot)
Posted On Feb 8th 2011:
Guys I was walking back to my house from the bunker and I saw a silver spider on a boat in the Boat Graveyard. It looked like metal and Tinkertech. What's going on?

(Showing page 1 of 1)

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 8th 2011:
I saw one too! It was standing on the roof of the Library!

Void's batting two for two in the same amount of days. How is this possible

►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Original Poster) (Verified Idiot)
Replied On Feb 8th 2011:

Replied On Feb 8th 2011:
The entire world is partying after The Simurgh was killed and you're worried about a couple of Tinkertech bugs? Probably some new trigger from the maelstrom that spanned the sky of the East Coast.

►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Original Poster) (Verified Idiot)
Replied On Feb 8th 2011:
I don't know I just wanted to speak up in case they turn out to be some Simurgh plot or something.

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Feb 8th 2011:
Thank you for the report, Void Cowboy.

(I never thought anyone would be thanking Void for anything, but it's pretty much a brand new world out there.)

I've logged it in our system. Please keep an eye out for any more. You too, Brocktonite.

►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Original Poster) (Verified Idiot)
Replied On Feb 8th 2011:
Yes sir! o7

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 8th 2011:
Okay, will do.

Replied On Feb 8th 2011:
They're probably nothing, just like Acree says.

End of Page. 1

♦ Topic: Anyone Seen TinMother?
In: Boards ► Staff Forum
Good Ship Morpheus (Original Poster) (Moderator) (Not a Ship)
Posted On Feb 8th 2011:
I haven't been able to get in touch with her since yesterday. She's been offline for over 24 hours. Since when is she ever offline that long?

(Showing page 1 of 1)

►Brilliger (Moderator: Protectorate Main)
Replied On Feb 8th 2011:
I'm sure she's just celebrating along with everyone else. Though her unusual downtime is concerning. We'll just have to honor her tireless efforts by taking up the slack.

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior) (Wiki Moderator)
Replied On Feb 8th 2011:
Uh... Okay, A; why can I even see this forum

And B; since when am I a Mod?! Even if it says Wiki Mod, what the heck?

Oh, and uh, yes, that is somewhat concerning. She's never been offline no matter what time I tried to message her.

►Tin_Mother (Moderator)
Replied On Feb 8th 2011:
I'm fine guys, thanks for your concern. I was just indisposed by all the celebrations, but I'm back now! ^_^

Thanks for picking up my duties. And Valkyr, I figured you deserve the title after all you do for the Wiki.

►Brilliger (Moderator: Protectorate Main)
Replied On Feb 8th 2011:
They're not just your duties Tin. You just keep beating us to the punch :p

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior) (Wiki Moderator)
Replied On Feb 8th 2011:
Good to hear you're okay, TinMother! And thanks for the Mod position, I guess. I don't really need it, but if you think it's important, I'll give you this one.

►Logs (Moderator)
Replied On Feb 8th 2011:
Welcome back, TinMother!

End of Page. 1

A/N: Fixed the update, it glitched and uploaded an old version with placeholder posts.
Well that was fun..... kinda sucks that Ziz is actually still alive though..... yeah how are they going to play that long term?
Oh hey there Bonesaw (I think?).

Mannequin is in for a Bad Time methinks.
i doubt it, the Slaughter House Nine haven't survived as long as they have by being stupid, and going anywhere near Brockton Bay right now would get them dogpiled by enough forces there is no way to survive.

What if they were there already?

Jack: "Bonesaw, we're leaving, right now."
Riley: "Sent out the recall order already."
Jack: "I knew we shouldn't have come here, ugh..."

I've never seen this word before. Condecrate?

Nice to see this update again. It's a good story.


Or worship him and when he ascends he'll get a boost.

This aspect of some of my plans didn't even occur to me. Thanks for reminding me!

Poor Costa-Brown, I would not want to be in her position right now. It is really nice to see you continue this story TCGM.

It's good to be back.
Yay! It's back!

Oh man, this is going to be all the fun monkey wrenches thrown in Cauldron's plans. New cape messes with your 'I Win' powered cape but at the same time he is the answer to the Endbringer problem you seem to be dealing with. Have fun figuring out what to do without the crutch that is Contessa for you to lean on in your planning!

It's gonna be a lot of fun
exploring a world without Cauldron hanging off the walking MacGuffin's every word. Case in point, Alexandria's actions in this PHO interlude.


I love this story, one of my favorites.

And what you should do miss Pigot, is immediately find some way to get Wendels parents to PRT hq. I know Rebbeca said she was going to make sure Thomas didn't do anything stupid, but this is Coil we're talking about here. Any villain worth his salt is going to try and get Wendel under their control, and blackmailing them by threatening his parents sounds like a particularly easy method to me.

Oh yeah, don't know if this was answered yet, but is Wendels manifested tech Altean locked? I know you had to have ancients blood in your family line to use their technology in the show...

Honestly, potentially locked tech that no one else can pick up and use may be a blessing...

The way it ended up working it temporally is that the first Piggot/Costa-Brown interaction occurred before Weldon spilled the beans on what he can really do to Piggot all the way back in Chapter 1. Their video call is happening at the same time Weldon is meeting the Wards for the first time.

Which means Coil fired at Weldon's shuttle after he was warned off.

After Costa-Brown's warning on PHO, you'd have to be a particularly stupid villain to try and take Weldon's family now. Or really assured in your own victory.

And yes, it has been confirmed in story that his tech is Alteran locked. See the Medbay chapter.

Well, Contessa is going to absolutely love him.

Love him, hate him, she can't deny she's getting massively outplayed.

Well that was fun..... kinda sucks that Ziz is actually still alive though..... yeah how are they going to play that long term?

A better question is does anyone but Weldon even know? Or are they misreading his words...

I hope the spiders are constructors and not replicator.

The only effective difference is the instruction sets. They're the same machines.

Oh hey there Bonesaw (I think?).

Mannequin is in for a Bad Time methinks.
i doubt it, the Slaughter House Nine haven't survived as long as they have by being stupid, and going anywhere near Brockton Bay right now would get them dogpiled by enough forces there is no way to survive.
What if they were there already?

Jack: "Bonesaw, we're leaving, right now."
Riley: "Sent out the recall order already."
Jack: "I knew we shouldn't have come here, ugh..."

While this would be sincerely, absurdly, absolutely hilarious, they're not Bonesaw's.

Did Taylor trigger with Replicator powers?

Nope. :D
A better question is does anyone but Weldon even know? Or are they misreading his words.

Oh shit. I forgot Ziz is lurking in the depths of his ship. As much as one can lurk when they are some exotic ball of matter chilling and waiting patiently in a medical lab.

That is going to one hell of a thing to explain. Just imagine that Email sent off to your boss's boss's boss because it seems only curteous to give her the reach around on this one.

"Oh hey, turns out the Simurgh may have been mastered herself, I didn't actually kill her all the way and what is left of her is currently chilling in one of the medical labs on my ship. Thought I should mention that. K THX BYE!"

And then Costa-Brown throws the most epic of shit fits.
I meant a military decoration.
As in giving him a medal.

Ah. I can't remember if Protectorate members are considered military members or not...

TO THE CAULDRON DISCORD! Batman spinny transition sound!

I think it's a portmanteau of 'condemn' and 'decorate', i.e. 'Give him a medal while shouting at him'


Oh shit. I forgot Ziz is lurking in the depths of his ship. As much as one can lurk when they are some exotic ball of matter chilling and waiting patiently in a medical lab.

That is going to one hell of a thing to explain. Just imagine that Email sent off to your boss's boss's boss because it seems only curteous to give her the reach around on this one.

"Oh hey, turns out the Simurgh may have been mastered herself, I didn't actually kill her all the way and what is left of her is currently chilling in one of the medical labs on my ship. Thought I should mention that. K THX BYE!"

And then Costa-Brown throws the most epic of shit fits.

Yeahp, Ziz is still around. If you review Shipyard's post you might notice he was very, very careful with his word choice.

Informing Piggot of this would probably finish her off from the damage drinking did. He has to go over her head for her own good!

I'm sort of testing how much it will take for Alexandria to be knocked unconscious by shocking information through Shipyard's revelations. It'll be a fun ride.

"The Simurgh form is dead, insect. Meet Brockton Bay's newest Ward, Magical Girl Choral Uriel!"

Wonder if I could pull that off narratively... hmm.....
I keep misreading —LB—as Lego Batman, in a batman voice.
And so will you, from now on.
Stargate has always been a favorite of mine for a tech crossover. I hope this keeps getting better! :)
I keep misreading —LB—as Lego Batman, in a batman voice.
And so will you, from now on.

Yeah well maybe if a certain forum software used on a certain set of three websites supported horizontal line breaks..... grumble grumble


Stargate has always been a favorite of mine for a tech crossover. I hope this keeps getting better! :)

Woah where'd your post come from? Anyways, hi! Stargate is awesome and has much trolling potential for a world so far behind even real life like Earth Bet.

I mean, they don't even have Reddit!
Last edited:
Wonder if I could pull that off narratively... hmm.....
The name needs some work, but the basic idea stands. When you finally allow her to form a new body, have her take the form of a relatively-harmless superpowered little sister who looks her true age (about 8-9 y.o. at this point, depending on when in 2002 she first appeared).

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