Gozran 4715
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Gozran 4715
The kellid entourage had diffusedslightly as they moved. It was a process of pitching permanent camps,or at least camps where they could begin searching for good sites forcattle and sheep. That
was one of the few things that Dugathand Armag had agreed to was to lead the transition from semi nomadic lifestyle to one of permanent towns, even though that would mean changes in the traditional chieftain roles.
They were in one such camp, the pastureland here had access to the Pitax River, whose source was probably a few more miles north. When they moved on from here the Tiger Lords would move further north. The Pitax River was not unlike the Narlmarches, though it lacked the more expansive woodlands that defined the Narlmarches. A few miles further west was the beginningof the Thousand Voices forest, and to the north were the Branthlend Mountains beyond which lay Numeria proper. In truth Eire was casting an eye south towards the town, and petty kingdom that took its name from the River. As spring wore on, and as their presence became more pronounced he would need to begin to post sentries.
The Tiger Lords spoke of a wyvern of immense size in the mountains; Minognos Ushad the eater of kings as it were. It was that topic which had over shadowed most other talk, such as the split remains of the tribal confederation that had moved south, as well as other local tribes who Armag had not succeeded in swaying to his cause at least at the time of discovering his tomb. Then of course there was also the mastodon riding hill giants who competed historically with the TIger Lords, who had the nearest competitor for talk at the table beyond the monstrous wyvern.
The arrival of one of the centaurs as a messenger was unexpected, but not particularly concerning per se. Portents, and prophecies had been the hallmark of ancient cyclopean civilization... and so too was it form the Nomen centaurs who sought from the heavens signs from Desna in her aspect called mother Moon by the horse folk.
It was a comparison that Vordakai was on the fence about especially since the Death of Aroden and that prophecy had been made so much more uncertain. Truthfully Eire wasn't entirely convinced that prophecy had been all that reliable before ,but he withheld that... it had to have some practical value at least in the times of Vordakai's mortal life given how central it had been with the wizard dominated magocracy that had stretched to his east.
Mother Moon spoke of a rising power or powers, the Aecora had not been certain, but the vision suggested that there were powers stirring in the west... and opportunities from those. Dugath crossed his arms, "What do you make of it?"
"An Elf Gate is what she describes," Which they had expected on to be somewhere in the west based on what they had pieced together from from the records of a kingdom that was long gone, "Beyond that," Beyond the location implying something was happening in Numeria, "Something is going on in Numeria." A conflict between Iron Gods who hadlaid sleeping since the rain of stars four thousand years before Aroden's calendar had begun. The problem was even with the rivers that did flow in the western Glenbon there was unlikely to be the same degree of brick construction in this part of the realm relative to the Narlmarches or the Kamelands. On the other hand it might be in his interested to following George Washington's example and order stick and post buildings to be erected to keep costs down since there was timber to harvest in order to construct royal administrative centers. Still Eire could hardly deny he had become somewhat accustomed to the red brick row houses that formed neat lines in his core towns... along with their clock towers and other features. He had earmarked in his notes that while quick and inexpensive those facilities should be only temporary at until the economy could support efforts to build more sturdy construction. "We will ride for the Abbey first," There was no denying having the Elf Gate in hand would be great... and raising a temple to Alseta there would further reinforce his hold on the region, but nothing Aecora's messenger could tell them pushed them from their current course.
Dugath was not finished, "And that it connects to this gate of Dreams?"
That was another matter. The Dreamgate either meant it connected to Alseta's ring in Isger, or ... if Mother moon's message was to believed it it connected to the gate in Ravounel on the Chelish coastline... which assuming Cheliax were willing to to tolerate that connection might further allow immigrants from Western Chelish lands to leave the realm of the Infernal House of Thrune. "There are two possibilities I can think of, both of which have the potential for long term implications... but any Aiudara that we hold will attract Kyonin's look."
Dugath familiar with his plans nodded, "You will raise a strong," what the Hallit word literally meant though used to also meant great, "temple to Alseta," It was not a question, and then being accustomed to how Eire thought and planned for such things, "Perhaps also to the Wise One," Yuelral,"In hopes of her support for your wizards, perhaps also the Bronze Lady."
"Perhaps," He replied.
Dugath nodded. In contrast to Armag the older Tiger Lord chieftan was more restrained. Dugath asked questions but made no attempt to rush into cosmopolitan urban solutions. The surrounding highlands that they were travelling through was sparsely populated, and there was little here for which the Kellids needed to actually contest by arms. If anything Dugath was quick to point out that if Armag had desired it, there were no effective competitors and he could have easily taken and held the potential Barony of the Iron Wraiths's charter and faced no likely resistance.
This would not have won him fame though, and that was likely why Armag had felt the need to allow lesser chieftains to mount forays into the Rostlandic plain culminating in the battle on the outskirts of the free city of Restov. Had those chieftains succeeded then Armag might have justified invading further north.
But they had not.
Restov had ultimately mounted a defense but not one that had proven decisive. Dugath was quick to point out that while it was a viable argument to other chiefs that they had been defeated by a powerful territorial kingdom that was not Brevoy, and also Dugath was quick to argue that a noteworthy portion of Narland's army was assembled of Iobarian kinsmen of the Kelllids who split their time between pasturelands, and migrated between significant towns and trade cities. This arrangement was not much different than that practiced by the Tiger Lords, or most Kellids as like on Earth it was an effective method of supporting a population.
Armag was quick to rebut that it had not escaped him that the complex agricultural program allowed the sustainment of the military force Eire had called upon to face the substantial confederation built around the Tiger Lords. That was a hallmark of a settled territorial state. These arguments were just rehashing of the push and pull between the two Tiger Lord chieftains.
"For now we will go north and attempt to find White Rose Abbey." After they could then search for other noteworthy features of the western stretch. HIs priority remained being able to project power and influence into the region and for that without way stations for horses he would need a religious site with grounds substantial enough for his purposes. Really once they had a viable site he would need to return to Shrikewall, and so Eire elected to change the subject and quiz Dugath on what he thought about the wyvern threat in the mountains, and any other threats in that direction.
The kellid entourage had diffusedslightly as they moved. It was a process of pitching permanent camps,or at least camps where they could begin searching for good sites forcattle and sheep. That
was one of the few things that Dugathand Armag had agreed to was to lead the transition from semi nomadic lifestyle to one of permanent towns, even though that would mean changes in the traditional chieftain roles.
They were in one such camp, the pastureland here had access to the Pitax River, whose source was probably a few more miles north. When they moved on from here the Tiger Lords would move further north. The Pitax River was not unlike the Narlmarches, though it lacked the more expansive woodlands that defined the Narlmarches. A few miles further west was the beginningof the Thousand Voices forest, and to the north were the Branthlend Mountains beyond which lay Numeria proper. In truth Eire was casting an eye south towards the town, and petty kingdom that took its name from the River. As spring wore on, and as their presence became more pronounced he would need to begin to post sentries.
The Tiger Lords spoke of a wyvern of immense size in the mountains; Minognos Ushad the eater of kings as it were. It was that topic which had over shadowed most other talk, such as the split remains of the tribal confederation that had moved south, as well as other local tribes who Armag had not succeeded in swaying to his cause at least at the time of discovering his tomb. Then of course there was also the mastodon riding hill giants who competed historically with the TIger Lords, who had the nearest competitor for talk at the table beyond the monstrous wyvern.
The arrival of one of the centaurs as a messenger was unexpected, but not particularly concerning per se. Portents, and prophecies had been the hallmark of ancient cyclopean civilization... and so too was it form the Nomen centaurs who sought from the heavens signs from Desna in her aspect called mother Moon by the horse folk.
It was a comparison that Vordakai was on the fence about especially since the Death of Aroden and that prophecy had been made so much more uncertain. Truthfully Eire wasn't entirely convinced that prophecy had been all that reliable before ,but he withheld that... it had to have some practical value at least in the times of Vordakai's mortal life given how central it had been with the wizard dominated magocracy that had stretched to his east.
Mother Moon spoke of a rising power or powers, the Aecora had not been certain, but the vision suggested that there were powers stirring in the west... and opportunities from those. Dugath crossed his arms, "What do you make of it?"
"An Elf Gate is what she describes," Which they had expected on to be somewhere in the west based on what they had pieced together from from the records of a kingdom that was long gone, "Beyond that," Beyond the location implying something was happening in Numeria, "Something is going on in Numeria." A conflict between Iron Gods who hadlaid sleeping since the rain of stars four thousand years before Aroden's calendar had begun. The problem was even with the rivers that did flow in the western Glenbon there was unlikely to be the same degree of brick construction in this part of the realm relative to the Narlmarches or the Kamelands. On the other hand it might be in his interested to following George Washington's example and order stick and post buildings to be erected to keep costs down since there was timber to harvest in order to construct royal administrative centers. Still Eire could hardly deny he had become somewhat accustomed to the red brick row houses that formed neat lines in his core towns... along with their clock towers and other features. He had earmarked in his notes that while quick and inexpensive those facilities should be only temporary at until the economy could support efforts to build more sturdy construction. "We will ride for the Abbey first," There was no denying having the Elf Gate in hand would be great... and raising a temple to Alseta there would further reinforce his hold on the region, but nothing Aecora's messenger could tell them pushed them from their current course.
Dugath was not finished, "And that it connects to this gate of Dreams?"
That was another matter. The Dreamgate either meant it connected to Alseta's ring in Isger, or ... if Mother moon's message was to believed it it connected to the gate in Ravounel on the Chelish coastline... which assuming Cheliax were willing to to tolerate that connection might further allow immigrants from Western Chelish lands to leave the realm of the Infernal House of Thrune. "There are two possibilities I can think of, both of which have the potential for long term implications... but any Aiudara that we hold will attract Kyonin's look."
Dugath familiar with his plans nodded, "You will raise a strong," what the Hallit word literally meant though used to also meant great, "temple to Alseta," It was not a question, and then being accustomed to how Eire thought and planned for such things, "Perhaps also to the Wise One," Yuelral,"In hopes of her support for your wizards, perhaps also the Bronze Lady."
"Perhaps," He replied.
Dugath nodded. In contrast to Armag the older Tiger Lord chieftan was more restrained. Dugath asked questions but made no attempt to rush into cosmopolitan urban solutions. The surrounding highlands that they were travelling through was sparsely populated, and there was little here for which the Kellids needed to actually contest by arms. If anything Dugath was quick to point out that if Armag had desired it, there were no effective competitors and he could have easily taken and held the potential Barony of the Iron Wraiths's charter and faced no likely resistance.
This would not have won him fame though, and that was likely why Armag had felt the need to allow lesser chieftains to mount forays into the Rostlandic plain culminating in the battle on the outskirts of the free city of Restov. Had those chieftains succeeded then Armag might have justified invading further north.
But they had not.
Restov had ultimately mounted a defense but not one that had proven decisive. Dugath was quick to point out that while it was a viable argument to other chiefs that they had been defeated by a powerful territorial kingdom that was not Brevoy, and also Dugath was quick to argue that a noteworthy portion of Narland's army was assembled of Iobarian kinsmen of the Kelllids who split their time between pasturelands, and migrated between significant towns and trade cities. This arrangement was not much different than that practiced by the Tiger Lords, or most Kellids as like on Earth it was an effective method of supporting a population.
Armag was quick to rebut that it had not escaped him that the complex agricultural program allowed the sustainment of the military force Eire had called upon to face the substantial confederation built around the Tiger Lords. That was a hallmark of a settled territorial state. These arguments were just rehashing of the push and pull between the two Tiger Lord chieftains.
"For now we will go north and attempt to find White Rose Abbey." After they could then search for other noteworthy features of the western stretch. HIs priority remained being able to project power and influence into the region and for that without way stations for horses he would need a religious site with grounds substantial enough for his purposes. Really once they had a viable site he would need to return to Shrikewall, and so Eire elected to change the subject and quiz Dugath on what he thought about the wyvern threat in the mountains, and any other threats in that direction.