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B Team - Save The World. (MCU/Crossover)

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Welcome to B Team - Save The World. This is a MCU/Crossover quest.

You are playing as Nicolas...


Mr. Archleone
Gone for Good
Apr 7, 2018
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Welcome to B Team - Save The World. This is a MCU/Crossover quest.

You are playing as Nicolas Fury. And you are preparing a team of individuals who can fight the fights nobody else can.

However, you never leave anything to just one plan. You always have a plan B.


It turns out that Captain America survived, a miracle in of itself.

Captain America, Iron Man, The Hulk. Two picks from my B Team list who manage to get along will be on the team as well, Black Widow and Hawkeye. Their teamwork was far more valuable than the skills the too many wild cards on the Team B roster hand. We also potentially had Thor if we are lucky. That's Team A, the Avengers.

However I never leave anything to chance.

I looked at my list of Agents and Candidates that I could use for the B Team while taking a drink of some cold, burning whiskey. B team could be as large as we needed, but it needed to be able to work together as a proper team.

For now, we needed a Team Leader.

[ ] John Spartan 117, having the rank if Master Chief in some sort of futuristic space navy. He landed here in half a space ship that is submerged in the Antarctic Ocean depths. We can promice to research how to get him home in exchange for helping us, and we will, but mostly to get ahold if that technology.

Master Chief has the strongest Leadership ranking available of your options, meaning your team will likely fall in line. He brings future technology and a (Borderline Rampant) AI to the table.

[ ] Cloud Strife. A Magical Super Soilder from a fantasy world. He has impressive abilities, but he would jot get along with the A Team. He arrived in some sort of crystal portal. He brings Magic, a magic portal that gives him supplies from his world (we are trying to research), and some fantasy technology to the table.

Cloud has the most abilities that he can bring to the table, but his leadership is questionable at best.

[ ] Optimus Prime (Movies. First Movie), Prime is a living robot who brings heavy armor and weapons to the table. Has lead his people through a war lasting longer than any mankind has ever fought. Prime arrived here through a portal of some sort, and he is depressed right now. He has something called the All Spark.

Prime has moderate leadership skills, however he is most likely to go do his own thing if he thinks he has too, and both his judgement and mindset might not be on point.

[ ] Write In. (No Mass Effect, I am not here to debate Mass Effect Vs. Halo. Ultimately I just feel more comfortable writing Halo than I do Mass Effect.)

Write in's MUST be a team leader, and you MUST give justification before I approve your vote.

This means that if you wish to submit a Write In vote like this:

[ ] Mario
-[ ] Justification: He saved mushroom kingdom numerous times.

So you would present it without an X.

On this note the above reasoning will not be accepted. You need a team leader, not a power house.
[ ] Optimus Prime (Movies. First Movie), Prime is a living robot who brings heavy armor and weapons to the table. Has lead his people through a war lasting longer than any mankind has ever fought. Prime arrived here through a portal of some sort, and he is depressed right now. He has something called the All Spark.
There is only one movie. And it's the Autobot Matrix of Leadership.

Ooh, this looks neat! Optimus Prime would be my first choice out of the default options. Pity that the regular questing areas of QQ are so inactive. Maybe there are other threads on QQ to advertise this quest.

Hmm. I'll try a write-in first.

[] Obi-Wan Kenobi. A magical monk-warrior from another galaxy and time.
-[] Justification: Pretty good resume of conducting diplomacy, leading squads and armies, and maintaining self-discipline.

Would an option like this work? Dunno if you'd want to write him.

Probably would be after Episode III. Could almost fit better on the A team in terms of competence and combat skills. But his personal skills would be more needed on the B team.

He'd come with traumatic baggage for thematic flavor. Also somewhat limited by lack of access to SW tech. (And I'm not sure how the Force would function in this situation.)
Ooh, this looks neat! Optimus Prime would be my first choice out of the default options. Pity that the regular questing areas of QQ are so inactive. Maybe there are other threads on QQ to advertise this quest.

Hmm. I'll try a write-in first.

[] Obi-Wan Kenobi. A magical monk-warrior from another galaxy and time.
-[] Justification: Pretty good resume of conducting diplomacy, leading squads and armies, and maintaining self-discipline.

Would an option like this work? Dunno if you'd want to write him.

Probably would be after Episode III. Could almost fit better on the A team in terms of competence and combat skills. But his personal skills would be more needed on the B team.

He'd come with traumatic baggage for thematic flavor. Also somewhat limited by lack of access to SW tech. (And I'm not sure how the Force would function in this situation.)

Vote approved.
It's funny when you realise in the beginning Marvel had no rights to the A Team of Marvel and only had The Hulk, Iron Man and Captain America, the so called B Team of Marvel except maybe for Hulk, yet when I think Marvel I instantly think of them, I honestly thought they were the A Team.
Alright, I'll vote that for now, then. Hope this quest gets more attention. :)

[x] Obi-Wan Kenobi. A magical monk-warrior from another galaxy and time. The B team is going to need one hell of a leader, and Kenobi certainly possesses the experience and the skills. And he can talk pretty. But, he has lingering personal baggage, and his own moral code. Other details left open to the QM to choose.
-[x] Justification: Pretty darn good resume of conducting diplomacy, leading squads and armies, and maintaining self-discipline.
[X] John Spartan 117, having the rank if Master Chief in some sort of futuristic space navy. He landed here in half a space ship that is submerged in the Antarctic Ocean depths. We can promice to research how to get him home in exchange for helping us, and we will, but mostly to get ahold if that technology.
Ah. Looks like QQ's non-NSFW questing subforum is low on player activity. On a second glance, it appears that no new quest here has gone beyond 9 pages in the past two years. There still are a few active quests, though. Dunno if those players would be interested.
I'll move to the NSFW and add some sex/smut. Later.
[x] Obi-Wan Kenobi. A magical monk-warrior from another galaxy and time. The B team is going to need one hell of a leader, and Kenobi certainly possesses the experience and the skills. And he can talk pretty. But, he has lingering personal baggage, and his own moral code. Other details left open to the QM to choose.
-[x] Justification: Pretty darn good resume of conducting diplomacy, leading squads and armies, and maintaining self-discipline.
[x] Obi-Wan Kenobi. A magical monk-warrior from another galaxy and time. The B team is going to need one hell of a leader, and Kenobi certainly possesses the experience and the skills. And he can talk pretty. But, he has lingering personal baggage, and his own moral code. Other details left open to the QM to choose.
-[x] Justification: Pretty darn good resume of conducting diplomacy, leading squads and armies, and maintaining self-discipline.
Yes! Even if you eventually end up not continuing this, I'd appreciate the heck out of seeing even one update or a few scene snippets. The basic premise of an Avengers B Team and a crossover'd protagonist is fun. :)
Obi-Wan Kenobi. Some sort of Magical Precog from the distant past in a galaxy he had no chance getting to.

He told a grand tale, so I tested him. He could effectively lead troops thanks to his experience and ability to talk. He could follow orders, his discipline is impeccable. He refuses to kill where unnecessary, and ever single death thus far was justified beyond a reasonable doubt.

However his moral compass was a little too on point, I had to send him on missions I would have reserved for Captain America, where there was a clear cut good guy and bad guy. He didn't like moral greyness, and to be frank the only reason why I put him on the B team and not the A team was because of the Hulk. He presented a security risk, his powers suggested an ability to trick the Hulk.

Because he is not from earth it would be too dangerous to give him access to the Hulk, even if he has proven himself to the point of being able to be trusted to save the world when necessary.

I put Obi Wan's file to the side. He fit the Captain America slot well enough...

Now for the reminders. Hawkeye and Black Widow, while they were certainly impressive individuals, they also served as a reminder to the other Avengers of what they were fighting for. The normal men and women who desperately fought for what they believed in.

I knew that Dark Side, the black ops off the record part of SHIELD had a few special people.

Should I call them on their shit and bring one or two of them into this?

The first, and most impressive, was Ghost. A women in constant pain, she was able to phase through matter. This could prove invaluable.

The second was a but if a long shot, but we managed to get one of the Russians from the Hydra splinters from the cold war to deflect a long time ago. He has information on The Winter Soilder. Ethically questionable, but he can potentially mind control him into coming to our side. If he remains loyal would have to be seen.

The third was a questionable man who didn't speak unless absolutely necessary. He randomly arrived here while holding a dead man in a suit with a brief case who quickly faded away in a cloud of dust. His name was Gordon Freeman, and this man was intelligent and highly effective in combat. He was woking as a scientist right now for SHIELD, however he recently defeated a group of fifteen terrorists at the nigeria outpost with machine guns all on his own with a crowbar and a pistol with four bullets.

The fourth was a women who had a mechanical device surgically implanted into her legs. Her name was Chell, no known last name. She was currently living under SHIELD protection and possessively protected a potato with some strange device connected to it. She didn't speak, but her device attached to her legs allowed her to always land on her feet at any height without dying. The potato device was wirelessly accessed and it was discovered that Chell was a test subject of some sort at a facility before she arrived mysteriously. Tests show that she can be cunning, and she never gives up.

[ ] Yes, Bring Ghost in as our Haweye equivalent. (Hawkeye was always loyal.)

[ ] Yes, Bring The Winter Soilder in as our Black Widow equivalent. (Black Widow defected)

[ ] Yes, bring in Freeman. He offers a scientific standpoint and his combat skills are worth exploring.

[ ] Yes bring in Chell. She offers a sort of drive for the team. Her potato device has expressed willingness to share technology IF they build her a body. Chell disagrees with the idea rather strongly, and I personally believe she might have a good reason.

[ ] No, Ghost can be comprised the moment anyone promises to fix her. Maybe we can get Stark to do something? Hank Pym might be willing to help, but too much room for risk.

[ ] No, The Winter Soilder isn't trustworthy if we have to rely on an Ex Hydra officer to get him to turn. Maybe we could get him some help, but he is too large of a risk.

[ ] No, Dr. Freeman is not a team player and he is too silent for proper team building.

[ ] No Chell has too many personal problems, and her little AI is clearly insane.

[ ] No, we will find someone else to fill the spot. (Write in option)


Please select two yes and two no. You may write in, however please include a no vote for the ones you rejected.

You may choose all four, however if this is the case two of them will be with their general manager who will be selected later on. Please keep in mind that other options are open for the general managers assistants later on.

Originally Coulson was supposed to be the Manager for the Avengers before her "died". Fury became that manager for a short while before the Shield was disbanded. Tony and Steve became the joint managers until Civil War.
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[X] Yes, bring in Freeman. He offers a scientific standpoint and his combat skills are worth exploring.

[X] Yes bring in Chell. She offers a sort of drive for the team. Her potato device has expressed willingness to share technology IF they build her a body. Chell disagrees with the idea rather strongly, and I personally believe she might have a good reason.

[X] No, Ghost can be comprised the moment anyone promises to fix her. Maybe we can get Stark to do something? Hank Pym might be willing to help, but too much room for risk.

[X] No, The Winter Solider isn't trustworthy if we have to rely on an Ex Hydra officer to get him to turn. Maybe we could get him some help, but he is too large of a risk.
[X] Yes, bring in Freeman. He offers a scientific standpoint and his combat skills are worth exploring.

[X] Yes bring in Chell. She offers a sort of drive for the team. Her potato device has expressed willingness to share technology IF they build her a body. Chell disagrees with the idea rather strongly, and I personally believe she might have a good reason.

[X] No, Ghost can be comprised the moment anyone promises to fix her. Maybe we can get Stark to do something? Hank Pym might be willing to help, but too much room for risk.

[X] No, The Winter Solider isn't trustworthy if we have to rely on an Ex Hydra officer to get him to turn. Maybe we could get him some help, but he is too large of a risk.
[X] Yes, bring in Freeman. He offers a scientific standpoint and his combat skills are worth exploring.

[X] Yes bring in Chell. She offers a sort of drive for the team. Her potato device has expressed willingness to share technology IF they build her a body. Chell disagrees with the idea rather strongly, and I personally believe she might have a good reason.

[X] No, Ghost can be comprised the moment anyone promises to fix her. Maybe we can get Stark to do something? Hank Pym might be willing to help, but too much room for risk.

[X] No, The Winter Solider isn't trustworthy if we have to rely on an Ex Hydra officer to get him to turn. Maybe we could get him some help, but he is too large of a risk.
Hehe, yeah, definitely a strict personal moral code there. Fortunately, in terms of lethal violence and subterfuge, he's probably a lot more comfortable with those than most comics superheroes.

[x] Yes, Bring Ghost in as our Haweye equivalent. (Hawkeye was always loyal.)
[x] Yes bring in Chell. She offers a sort of drive for the team. Her potato device has expressed willingness to share technology IF they build her a body. Chell disagrees with the idea rather strongly, and I personally believe she might have a good reason.
[x] No, The Winter Solider isn't trustworthy if we have to rely on an Ex Hydra officer to get him to turn. Maybe we could get him some help, but he is too large of a risk.
[x] No, Dr. Freeman is not a team player and he is too silent for proper team building.

I'm pretty ok with any of these options. I switched in that Ghost person, since her situation could make for an interesting dynamic with Obi-wan's beliefs and powers.
[X] Yes, bring in Freeman. He offers a scientific standpoint and his combat skills are worth exploring.

[X] Yes bring in Chell. She offers a sort of drive for the team. Her potato device has expressed willingness to share technology IF they build her a body. Chell disagrees with the idea rather strongly, and I personally believe she might have a good reason.

[X] No, Ghost can be comprised the moment anyone promises to fix her. Maybe we can get Stark to do something? Hank Pym might be willing to help, but too much room for risk.

[X] No, The Winter Solider isn't trustworthy if we have to rely on an Ex Hydra officer to get him to turn. Maybe we could get him some help, but he is too large of a risk.

I'm thinking Obi Wan fills most of our Spooky Shit needs. Freeman brings us the Science Shit needs (and supersuit needs... HEV suit is pretty much a early Iron Man suit with 0 weapons and no helmet). Chell brings us our Survival in Adversity Shit needs. GlaDOS acts as our 80s cartoon Scrappy Doo wisecracking animal companion.

Really we just need one street level dude and one cosmic dude and we got all the base dudes to take on all of Marvel dudes.
[x] Yes, Bring Ghost in as our Haweye equivalent. (Hawkeye was always loyal.)

[x] Yes, Bring The Winter Soilder in as our Black Widow equivalent. (Black Widow defected)

[x] No, Dr. Freeman is not a team player and he is too silent for proper team building.

[x] No Chell has too many personal problems, and her little AI is clearly insane.
Sorry for the extreme late reply.

Chell and Freeman won.

The end result of that for Ghost and Winter Soldier is that Fury is going to ask Stark to help with Ghost and ask Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow to help with the Winter Soldier to keep the Hydra agent in line just in case he attempts to use the Winter Soldier as a weapon. They will be joining The Avengers once their conditions are cured.

Working on update.

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