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Broken Fiction

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After waking up in a hospital I now have to adjust to a new body, a new life. All while living...


Still alive
Jun 9, 2018
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After waking up in a hospital I now have to adjust to a new body, a new life. All while living in one of the most God forsaken cities in the multiverse. I'm talking a crime rate that would make Gotham city blush. Oh and did I forget that the world was gonna end in a few years, great.
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Chapter 1 Ain't no rest for the wicked
Disclaimer I own nothing. Worm, Eclipse phase, Mass effect, Bioshock, Dues ex, Cyberpunk, Borderlands, Fallout, Xcom and Metal gear all belong to their respective owners.

Ain't no rest for the wicked

Brockton bay August 19th 2010

You ever wake up to that feeling of not knowing where you are, even after recognising the environment around you. Yeah the feeling of I should know this place but I don't, it's a bit of a surreal experience to be honest.

Furthermore once I was able to put my thoughts together I realised something very important about my current situation, one I was in a hospital room, two I was missing my left arm from the elbow down and three this most definitely wasn't the world I was used to. How did I know, well the tv showing news of an actual supervillain named Hookwolf's rampage might have tipped me off. Unfortunately the only Hookwolf I knew of was from Worm a delightful little story about people with powers making horrible choices in order to save humanity, and that's just me giving the cliff notes. The actual story was actually quite long, like longer than the three lord of the rings books put together long.

Taking a few moments to try and review the memories of my new body I found I didn't have any, great guess I'm going to have to play the amnesia card. The door suddenly flies open as a nurse walks in, "good day" I call out, as her eyes widen with surprise.

"your awake" she asks as she rushes over to my bed side. The surprise was clear in her eyes, it seems this body was most likely in a coma, unable to wake up, great.

"yes and if you could answer a question for me ?" I asked.

"Yes what is it ?" the nurse responded looking perplexed at the fact I was awake and responding to her.

"who am I ?" I questioned her.


Brockton bay August 20th 2010

Ok so it turns out my new name is Adrian Wayne, my parents and I were heading home after I got in a fight at school, I apparently punched one of my class mates, during the trip home Hookwolf ran into the car. Apparently he got into a fight with Oni lee and ran away with his tail between his legs when Lung got involved. My family was just a couple of innocent bystanders caught up on the whole situation.

I was thankfully left a sizable inheritance by my family but I didn't have any family left. So now I was a ward of the state, even had a case worker come in and everything. At least I will be until I apply for emancipation. Hopefully being nearly seventeen would help with that. My new birthday was around the start of November which was great, ment I didn't have to much of a change to get used to.

there was a sudden knock at the door of my hospital room. "Yes, hello" I called out thinking it was just one of the nurses. Entering into my room was a trio of teenagers, one of whom I recognised as Victoria Dallon a.k.a Glory girl. Great what were the odds that the other teenagers were members the wards.

"So, the nurse gave us the low down, you really don't remember anything, do you" one of the teenagers a hispanic boy asked.

"nope nothing, not your names, not mine, not even the name of my parents" I said.

"Great, well we are some of your friends, my name's Carlos, this is Dennis and this is" he said gesturing to each of his fellows as he mentioned their names, or about to in the case of Vicky.

"Victoria Dallon, a.k.a Glory girl" I said, they looked surprised that I knew her name. The three of them looked surprised that I knew who she was.

"wait if you remember Vicky, does that mean you remember the five bucks you owe me ?" Dennis asked. Really he was going to try and pull that on me, I mean it is possible I did owe him five dollars but I mean come on, that's like the third or fourth oldest trick in the book for when dealing with someone with amnesia.

"she was on the tv, so I know a super hero, that's kinda cool" I explained. Part of me wondered how close I was to the wards, too close and they may get suspicious at my changes, hopefully I can milk the amnesia card for all it's worth. "So I know I was sent home from school due to a fight, so what actually happened" I asked.

"You punched Vicky's boyfriend Dean in the face, knocking him straight to the ground" Carlos said. I did what, I punched Dean, Gallant of the Wards. Dean, who brought his powers from Cauldron, is in a relationship with Alexandria-lite Vicky Dallon, who was standing not three feet from me. Great I can't tell if the previous inhabitant of this body was brave or an idiot, more then likely he was both to be honest. Whatever reason he had to start that fight had better have been a dam good one, or I will find someway of resurrecting him just so I can kill him for leaving me to deal with this problem.

"I am so sorry" I said looking at Vicky, wondering why she was here if I punched her boyfriend. To be fair it could have been a simple misunderstanding, or even that she felt a bit guilty, after all it was during the drive home after I had been suspended that this body had lost both his parents and arm.

"It's fine, to be fair you were defending me at the time" Vicky said. Great, fantastic the former Adrian was not only friends with members of the wards but also had a recent argument with one of their members. I needed to think up a solution to any potential situations, worst part was I didn't seem to have any powers, great.


Brockton bay August 21th 2010

After Vicky, Carlos and Dennis left I had some time to think, no powers ment I would have to rely on my meta knowledge about the setting. Problem was I hadn't read worm in forever, I mostly just read fanfiction and I had little to no idea what was canon anymore.

The situation could be worse though, I had a roof over my head, food in my belly and apparently had friends to support me. Not really much more I could ask for, other than powers I mean.

My new home was a three bedroom townhouse, with an basement, it was kinda plain looking but that's fine I didn't need much. Carlos was kind enough to give me and my few megar possessions a ride from the hospital.

"Hello there" a male voice called out. "Yes you, behind you" a female one soon followed. Looking around I spotted a man and a woman, I recognised them both from a popular video game from home. Robert and Rosalind Lutece, the quantum ghosts of bioshock infinite, great.

"Of all the ROB's that could have sent me here it had to be you too" I said angrily. These two should have known better than to try and take people from there home universe, after the mess they made last time.

"We are not Random" Robert started, "nor are we omnipotent" Rosalind continued. "We are beings though" Robert said, Rosalind soon spoke up again, "yes I will concede that we are beings".

"What do you even want?" I asked hoping that they would answer with a simple answer, my hopes were quickly dashed when Rosalind turned to speak.

"Simply to observe the changes, and impacts you will have on this timeline" she said. "I would like it to be added that we had nothing to do with you ending up in this universe" Robert said, something I found to be both highly likely. These two had some power but were never malicious enough to throw someone into a different universe, just because they could.

"So wait if you didn't send me here who'd did?" I asked, curious at who or what could have sent me to this death world.

"You fell through a tear in the fabric of space and time, a rather tragic accident if I do say so myself" Rosalind answered.

"We even came bearing gifts for you" Robert said as he reached out with his hand and placed it on my head. My head burned with knowledge not of this world, a vast amount of information flooded my skull, and in a moment, I knew and understood technology and scientific principles well beyond what I once did.

"Did you just give me the tinker of fiction" I asked. The power was great, all the knowledge of how technology from other universe function, how to build it, how to use it.

"Well not exactly, see we could only give you about ten worlds worth of information, but the benefit was the information isn't going to despair at all, you will always know what you know" Robert said looking excited. "Yes, so welcome to being our peer" Rosalind said, I could tell why they described me as their peer. I now knew all of what they knew regarding quantum physics and more. "Now unfortunately we can't help you anymore, someone has walled off this section of the multiverse off, most likely to keep those pests from devouring everything" Robert said. wait what did he mean walled off a section of the multiverse, what did he mean by pests.

"What, What the fuck?" I exclaimed aloud, how could you Wall off a section of the multiverse. The multiverse is infinite, it would be like trying to subtract infinity from infinity, impossible.

"Well, that's all good bye" Rosalind said as she grabbed Robert's arm pulling him away. They both disappear from sight within the blink of an eye, almost as if they were never here in the first place. The only evidence to the contrary was the knowledge in my head.

looking though the knowledge I now had I thought about what to do. I need protection, not just physical protection either, I need protection for my identity. Fortunately for me I had just the right piece of technology to get it and hey this would also make me immortal too, The cordial stack aloud for the transfer of a person's entire consciousness into a new body. I just needed a lot of material in order to get started, this was gonna take a while wasn't it.


Brockton bay September the 16th 2010

after some time of experimenting and building several of the tools I needed for my new tech, I ran into a problem, a problem I should have seen coming, money. I only had so much of it and needed to budget for simple things like food and bills. I was fortunate enough that my now deceased parents actually own the house and that the mortgage had already been paid off. To solve my money problems I turned to a simple if elegant solution, an artificial intelligence. Many of the tech trees now filling my head had multiple different ways to create an A.I. some of them were simple little more than lines of code that could complete basic tasks, other incredibly complex, complex enough to pass the turing test.

In the end I settled for creating something a bit more simple, the program named B.A.N.K.E.R. or Banking, Artificial, Networked, Knowledge, Economic, Reporter and yes I know that I may have tried a bit to hard to make the acronym spell banker. B.A.N.K.E.R. wasn't anything too complex, only able to predict trends in the stock market, a skill that any good stock broker would have but the benefits of it being an A.I. were it could buy and sell stocks within a split second. B.A.N.K.E.R. would then deposit the funds into several overseas bank accounts and I would use the cards issued to them to slowly trickle the money into a number man account I had set up meant for dedicated cape work. The actual application for the account had been down through proxies so as to try and distance myself from my cape identity as much as I could. Although I had no idea how B.A.N.K.E.R. hadn't set off any alarms. I knew the government had a thinker think tank meant to find out when stuff like this was happening. Maybe I was just lucky but, I knew that kinda luck never holds out.

The biggest flaw with B.A.N.K.E.R. though was the fact that beyond economics it was useless , lacking any sort of programming or hardware required for it to grow beyond its simple parameters. That was fortunate as the programming would have taken more time than I would have liked and the hardware would have been too expensive.

Thankfully I still had time off from school, so I could keep working on my projects, but that wasn't going to last. I only had another week or so until I would have to head back to school. So rather than build a complex biological organism for a second body, like I planned to, I instead had to make something simpler, looks like I'm gonna be a pod person.


Brockton bay September the 20th 2010

Four days, that's how long it took me to grow the required parts for my new body and set up a lab in the basement. The first day I was busy just making a power source, a simple fusion core generator. I was also busy making sure my different tech trees would play nice with each other. In the end I ended up growing the limbs and vital organs in a series of fish tanks I got for a good price, filled with a number of growth serums and other chemicals. I was mostly playing around with a mixture of fallout and eclipse phase tech. A small amount of Xcom tech was needed to help stabilise the neural network. The network was arguably one of the most complex things I could have built and one of the most expensive. I had basically spent all of my monthly tinkering budget I had set aside to build it and my pod person body.

But the network was a way for me to improve some of the tech I was working with. It basically created a bridge between both my main body, that I was currently inhabiting and any other bodies I built. Linking them together into a sort of hive mind. I wouldn't be able to control that many, maybe two or three bodies at most and I certainly couldn't hold multiple separate conversations, but the versatility this offered was too good to pass up.

Getting everything set up I connect all the parts of my pod body together, cybernetics preventing it from falling apart. Laying down on a mattress I had set up in the lab I closed one set of eyes and two open.


Brockton bay September the 21st 2010

so here I am, lookin at myself. It's a weird experience from both of my perspectives, I am me and in front of me is also me. I do the classic motion of moving my arms in mirror sync with each other. "Hello" both of my bodies say simultaneously, great I need to figure out how not to do that.

The Pod body had a generic appearance, he looked similar to Adam Jensen from Deus ex. Most of the cybernetics were internal and were only used to keep the body from falling apart and rejecting its biological components, But I had planned to make a few upgrades, to make the body more combat capable. A pair of combat blades concealed in the arms, reinforced legs to allow for landings from a great height and even a stealth system to allow for optical camouflage a.k.a invisibility. The only obvious piece of cyberware was the eyes and HUD which looked exactly like Adam Jensen's from Deus ex. Looking at the time and noticing it was about three in the afternoon. Thinking about it I should probably head out for a test in my new body tonight.


Getting ready to head out I went to sleep in my main body so I could focus on my pod body. My face was obscured by a simple mask, my costume if it could be called that was just a pair of black pants, a black shirt and a pair of steel toed boots, a black trench coat was thrown on as well to complete my appearance. I didn't look to bad to be honest, could've certainly looked worse.

Slipping out under the cover of night I made my way down the streets and made my way down to the docks. I knew the merchants had a number of locations out that way they use as drug labs.

Spotting a number of people loitering around one of corners of a street I made my way to them, between them were are a number of bottles of alcohol and littering the ground was several used drug needles. Great looks like I had some drug users, They could most likely point me in the direction of their suppliers and hopefully that would put me on the path to do some damage to the merchants.

It's telling that in a city filled with a gang of neo nazis and the shit show that was the asian bad boys, that I felt the merchants were the worst. They took advantage of the hopelessness of the people, got them addicted to their drugs and then used and abused them. Hell most of their members are probably only with the merchants in order to feed their addictions. They will be a fine first test of my new body.

The basic pod wasn't all that impressive by the standards of eclipse phase, but it was still a low tier super human. Pods were made to do grunt work, enhanced strength, enhanced endurance and with the cyberware holding together enhanced durability.

Approaching the druggies I picked out the one that looked the most sober. "You, where's your supplier?" I asked. It took him a whole three minutes to respond.

"The fuck you wanna know for" he responded. slowly head his way up to me till we where face to face.

"Look we can do this the easy way or the hard way?" I said giving him an ultimatum.

"Shit, this fucker thinks he's some kinda cape" the asshole in front of me said as he started to put out the blunt he had out on my chest. The blunt burnt a hole clean through the shirt, thankfully due to my pod body I didn't feel a thing.

"Wrong answer" I said as I grabbed his hand. I squeezed until I heard the bones in his hand brake.

"Shit man let me go, I don't know anything" he said. All of his friends started to scurry away, trying to escape me.

"Tell me where I can find your supplier and I might let you go?" I demanded. The guy looked ready to piss his pants, he was that scared.

"East Street, Down by the docks, ask for crooked Jimmy" he said, finally giving up his supplier. Without a word I released him and he ran off cradling his now broken hand. East Street great I now had a starting point.


Heading down to East Street took more than a few minutes. But once I got to the street I noticed quite a few members of the merchants all along the street and they were armed. Shit the druggie I interrogated must have told them I was coming and they thought to ambush me. Great knew I should have knocked him unconscious. well nothing ventured, nothing gained. But this would take some planning, some strategy, but most importantly some stealth. Looking around I found a cardboard box, about the right size for me to hide underneath. No way, there was no way I was actually considering this.

This was the dumbest idea I have ever had. I mean like really, really dumb. But for some reason it was working the merchants just ignored the box as I slowly crawled into an alley way. Waiting until a member of the merchants moved off onto his own and into the ally I made my move. I sprang from the box and quickly put him into a choke hold, arms around his neck I waited until he went unconscious to lay him down on the ground as gently as I could. This particular merchant was equipped with a hand gun and two spare magazines. I stashed my new firearm in my pocket and made sure to take the extra ammo.

Poking my head out of the alley I noticed most of the merchant goons standing around one particular werehouse.All in all there were five guards, six if you count the one I knocked out, standing out the front and who knew how many inside.

I knew that of I wanted to stand a better chance of taking down five opponents on my own I needed to use some skills from the Batman school of hard knocks. Stealth and surprise were great but intimidation was the key. Finding a nice quiet spot near enough to the guards I started to hatch my plan. First I switched the colour of my eyes to a red and set them to glow. Was it good for stealth no, But it would help with the intimidation factor.

Slowly and with purpose I made my way towards the guards. Each step bringing me closer and closer towards them. There was a look in their eyes as if they didn't believe somebody, anybody would so brazenly and openly approach, even if they were a cape. They got over their shock pretty quickly and soon enough all five of them were pointing a gun of some kind at me. I counted two smgs, two pistols and a shotgun, all of which were aimed in my direction.

"Now we can do this the easy way" I said taking a moment to look each of them in the eyes. "Or we can do this the fun way" I finished cracking my neck as I did so. I don't know how long we where there in that stand off, but eventually one of them lost their nerve and pulled the trigger. The low calibre bullet struck centre mass and deflated on my chest. Still hurt like a bitch, but my cyberware ment that anything this low a calibre wouldn't go through. Not sure about the shotgun or smgs though.

"Fun way it is" I said taking the moment of their collective surprise to get in close. First I grabbed the shotgun and elbowed it owner in the throat, there that takes out the biggest threat. Next I smashed the shotgun now in my hands over the head of one of the smg users. Menacingly I turned to the other three "So who's next" I said. They all dropped their guns and ran like hell was behind them.

Stepping inside the building I looked around and saw a few of the merchants drug chemist hard at work, mixing the latest batch. I whistled to get all of their attention, "Ok listen up, all of you are going to leave this building, am I understood" I yelled out. All of the chemists looked at me like I had grown a second head. "I said am I understood" I yelled out once more this time I made clear my point by firing off the shotgun I still had in my hands.

Once the chemists started to flee like headless chickens I got to work. Normally I would have love to grab as much of the equipment here as I could, but unfortunately I knew that the merchants would soon be back with reinforcements. The only thing I could do quickly enough was deny them use of this place for later use. Finding a lighter and jerry can full of petrol I got started. Once I had poured the petrol over their lab stations and the product they had already made I made a trail going out of the warehouse.

Once outside I noticed that one of the merchants I had knocked unconscious was watching me. "You know who the fuck we are, we're the merchants, you think Skidmark is just gonna take this lying down, your dead mother fucker, your dead" he screamed out, alerting the whole area to what I was about to do.

"I know who you guys are, I just don't give a fuck" I said tossing the lighter, now lit onto the trail of petrol. I grabbed the still unconscious merchant guard and dragged him away from the blaze as the one who had been ranting at me looked on in horror as the lab we t up in flames. Fishing through the pockets of the merchant I had just dragged away I found his cell phone, once I had it I dialled in 911.

"nine one one what's your emergency?" the voice on the other side asked.

"Yea this is an new independent cape, just letting you guys know that I just burnt down a merchant drug lab on East Street, bye" I said tossing the phone to the ground once I had finished. Once a few moments had past I could hear the sounds of emergency sirens. Making my way I went away from East Street and made my way back home, as the sun began to rise.
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There appears to be two versions of this story posted.
Chapter 2 the man who sold the qorld
Disclaimer I own nothing. Worm, Eclipse phase, Mass effect, Bioshock, Dues ex, Cyberpunk, Borderlands, Fallout, Xcom and Metal gear all belong to their respective owners.

The man who sold the world.

Brockton bay September the 25th 2010

In a city like Brockton bay life was cheap and death was even cheaper. It had been three days since I got the merchants drug lab on East Street and boy were they pissed. Over the last few days merchant activity had skyrocketed as they attempted to find me. Thankfully they had no idea what I truly looked like as my pod body looked significantly different to my real body.

over the past three days though I had been making some upgrades to both the body and my costume, using some resources I had scavenged from a number of yard sales and a few second hand stores. It did cost me quite a bit but I felt a little bit safe this way, as I had to go out in my main body to get anything.

The costume upgrades were a simple weave of fibers made from a small amount of metals and I chemically treated the fabric to make the shirt and jacket bullet resistant. It wasn't perfect but it was leagues better than most kevlar vests available. I had also made a helmet that covered half of my face, it left the lower half exposed and was based on the helmets worn by the advent troopers in Xcom 2. On the body side of things I went for a much greater emphasis on cybernetics. With some of the stuff I got like old computers, a few radiator heaters and even an old bulky tape machine, ment to record and play large music tapes, I was able to start upgrading the body.

The arms had been replaced with a pair of cybernetic limbs, each having a foot long blade that would fold out for use in combat, each of the blades also had metal gear high frequency blade technology, which meant that they could cut though just about anything, short of some of the most durable materials. The new limbs also greatly increased my strength, giving the body a lifting capacity of just over three tons.

However what I was most proud of was the integration of some new tech in the head. I had basically rigged up a communications system to act as a phone in my head. I also had built some other tech to record my memories. It used quite a bit of cyberpunk tech being built on the back of brain dance tech with some eclipse phase to make it work. Ideally I would build a cordial stack but I lack most of the resources needed to make one. That's the problem with tinkers I find we have many ideas in our heads but lack either the tools or the resources to see the realised. I was just thankful that the tech to create the neural network link was able to build out of what I had in the house at the time.


Unfortunately it seems like the social obligations of this body were now coming to bite me in the ass, as I had ignored my friends for too long. Now it seems they were back with a vengeance, yesterday Carlos came by and dropped off all of my missed homework. He also let me know that I wouldn't have to do any of the vocational program stuff, or at least I wouldn't be forced to. Apparently they understood that after such a traumatic incident I would need time to recover both physically and mentally.

Honestly I felt fine, but I wasn't going to just ignore any free time, that I would be given, especially if I could make better use of it than spending my time solving math problems and answering biology questions.

I had until Monday to start attending school again and I knew that all of friends were going to probably surrounded me any time they could. From what Carlos told me he and I were friends going back a few years, even before he triggered. Dennis was a friend I had made through him. Vicky sort of naturally joined our group and were she goes Amy goes. Dean only joined our group because of Vicky and Chris the other ward that attended Arcadia mostly stayed out alone but was a friend of Dennis. I knew that they would have most likely suspected that I had triggered, however my medical records could confirm that I lacked a corona pollentia and this could never trigger, or at least never in th traditional sense. I was sure that if I downed a couldron vial I could probably gain parahuman powers, but I was pretty sure that would turn me into a case 53, so no go from me.


Brockton bay September the 27th 2010

Half an hour is way to long for lunch I thought to myself. So here I am sitting at a lunch room cafeteria surrounded by teenage superheroes. Carlos has been helpful the whole time I've been here even carrying my food for me, Dean's been glaring at me like he can't understand what's going through my head, Vicky is gossiping with a few other girls that seem to sit around us, Dennis was cracking another joke that gets a snicker from Carlos and Amy looks about 110% done with everything. Chris was sitting a few tables down from us with some of his other friends and every now and then he would look at the rest of us, then go back to talking with his other friends.

Most of the classes were easy, I had the entire knowledge of multiple universes shoved into my head and that included incredibly advanced subjects. Like I had multiple PhDs worth of knowledge on even the most mundane sciences. I knew how to turn a humble strain of influenza into a hyper deadly virus with my understanding of virology. I mean I wouldn't do it but I still had that kind of knowledge. It was that same knowledge that let me breeze through my questions on biology. I still had to dumb it down so as to not be to suspicious, but I was sure I was going to get straight A's.

Actually the only classes that posed any sort of trouble were history and world issues. Nothing major it just ment I had to focus on those two a bit more.

Finally the bell for lunch went and most of the students started to pack up their stuff and go off to their vocational studies. Carlos and the rest bid me goodbye and went off on their way to their studies. I however would now make my way to the library, I didn't have any classes so I would make use of my time by studying, mostly cape related stuff for world issues, but every now and then I would get inspired with an idea for a new peice of tech or some other upgrade from my hero identity.


Checking over my homework before I headed off into the night I made sure all my answers were correct. I wasn't too worried but I just want to get it done as soon as possible. It wasn't even that hard simply some mathematical equations, to be fair the equations would have been a bit difficult before I had all the knowledge dumped into my head, but once you're capable of solving a complex quantum physics equation, regular math looks easy.

Once I was sure everything was correct I connected to my pod body with the neural network. Giving a quick flex of my new cyber arms the foot long blade quickly deployed into combat mode. With a second flex of the arm the blade then retracted itself back into my forearm, everything was working as it should. Once I was out the door I started plotting my route, I needed more resources and getting them though second hand stores and yard sales weren't cutting it, I also I needed a better place to act as my lab. Looking out towards the ocean I was suddenly inspired, one of the biggest piles of resources was the boat graveyard, a pile of resources that was close to the ocean. I could build an underwater lab. I had the technological knowledge of how to build a glass structure able to withstand the pressure of being over a thousand meters deep. Thankfully the bay wasn't that deep, only about thirty feet deep which meant it would be easier to get stuff out there. However building the structure would, much like the cordial stack would take time and resources, although not as much time or as many rare resources. Most of the glass needed could even be made from the ocean sand.


Once I was closer to the bay I made note of a few of the ships out in the bay, most of them were in horrific condition, time and the tide had not been kind to them nor had the protesters who beached many of the ships, the others had simply been abandoned after the global shipping trade collapsed due to Leviathan.

Most of the wrecks were an unsalvageable mess, however one of the smaller ships named the New hope was in great condition. She wasn't much but she was big enough to house myself, a lab and a few other amenities. Although it would take a bit of work to get her running again, Her engine was fried but that's fine I would be replacing it with a fallout generator anyway as it was the most reliable power generator I could build with so little resources. She also thankfully wasn't beached like some of the ships, instead she was abandoned in the middle of the bay, all it took to get to her was a short swim.

She would take time, but I needed a place to do my tinkering that wasn't at risk of discovery and the plans for an underwater lab required me to create quite a few components.

pulling myself into the abandoned crew quarters I sat down for some rest, completely disconnecting from my pod body as I did so. Next time I connected to it I would wake up back in the New hope.


Brockton bay September the 28th 2010

With the weekend there was more free time to tinker and fix up the New hope, it didn't take much to get a fusion core generator up and running, they were designed like much of fallout's tech to be made with whatever you had available by vault tech. Once I had power it was a simple matter of building and refitting my current lab equipment to the New hope.

Most of the new tech I was developing was to supplement my current pod body. A lot of what I could scavenge from the remains of a few of the ships let me build one of the most dangerous and risky pieces of cyberware, the sandevistan. The sandevistan or the sandy as it was informally known as, slowed down your perception of time and let you move your body incredibly fast by flooding it with adrenaline. I haven't installed it yet as I needed a second body to handle the installation process and I didn't trust myself to handle the installation one handed.


once it started to get dark I headed out in my pod body, figuring that I could at least do a quick patrol, maybe even do some damage to one of the gangs of the city. as I was heading out of the docks my comms system began to pick up police radio communication.

"All units respond, we have an active shooting on Lord's Street" I heard from my comms system. Great looks like someone was out causing chaos. Running into a dead sprint I leap up a building's fire escape ladder to run along the roof tops, I should be able to make it there within a few minutes this way.


gun shots rang out with a frightening consistency, round after round was exchanged between what looked like a group of merchants and several PRT troopers. Looking down I noticed the group of merchants were beginning to move out of the way for something. Bursting out of a nearby wall kool aid man style was a ten foot tall mess of power armour, the design of which insulted power armour on so many level. This was Trainwreck one of the merchants heavy hitters and secretly a spy of Coil. Great looks like I'm about to fight my first super villain great.

Gunshots were fired at Trainwreck to no effect. Despite his armour looking like a piece of crap it was actually quite protective, no they need cape support and they needed it now. Waiting until Trainwreck was passing under the building I was on, I would only have one shot at this. Once Trainwreck was beneath me I jumped from the building, for anyone who didn't have enhanced bones this would have certainly resulted in a broken leg at the very least. Thankfully pod bodies, even basic ones like mine were built tougher than a standard human body was.

once I was in free fall I made sure to land on Trainwreck, after all I didn't want to kill anybody and I was pretty sure that his armour would prevent any major damages. Landing on Trainwreck there was a loud thump sound as he fell to the ground with me on top of him, every merchant and the PRT troopers then all turned to look at me. Guns from everywhere were aimed at me as I than deployed both of my arm blades.

"Call off your men" I demanded to Trainwreck as I pointed my blade threateningly at his exposed neck.

"who the fuck do you think you are ?" he asked.

"I'm the crazy fucker who just jumped from a building and landed on your fat ass" I said looking him dead in the eyes.

Trainwreck looked around, seeing that this was a no win scenario, he decided to do the smart thing. "Ok we give now let me up" He called out, I moved off of him and gave him just enough room to get back up. "You gonna put those blades down ?" he asked.

"No, I don't think I will" I answered as I kept my blades out ready just in case he tried anything. Slowly the PRT began to approach, with contamination foam grenades for Trainwreck and handcuffs for the non cape members of the merchants.

Once they were finished with the arrests one of the PRT guys turned to me. "So can we get a name and statement for the records please ?" he asked.

"Names Shade and I don't really have a statement for the record, I just saw you guys need help and acted" I said. I then gave a nod to each of the PRR troopers, climbed up a nearby building's fire escape and headed off in the directions of the docks, back to my lab in the New hope. I wasn't ready to interact with other heroes yet, it's a shame then that while parkouring back to base I ran head first into Glory girl, great.


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♦ Topic: New cape sighted in the bay,
In: Boards ► Brockton bay ►
Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (Guy in the know)
Posted On Sep 28th 2010:
A new cape has made there debut in Brockton bay. The new hero shade made a hell of an entrance by dropping in from a rooftop and landed on top of Trainwreck. He then proceeded to place a blade extending out from his arm at the downed Trainwreck's neck and told him to surrender. After the merchants surrendered he gave his name to the PRT troopers and that he saw that they help.

(Showing page 1 of 5)
►Word wizard
Replied On Sep 28th 2010:
I for one am glad that a cape that a cape is deescalating the situation, but he could have done so without threatening to cut off Trainwreck's head.

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Sep 28th 2010:
I agree with you @Word wizard, but that whole situation was already a mess before the PRT got there. Apparently the merchants have been riled up ever since one of their drug labs on East Street go burnt down. This was them attempting to show some force after that. The merchants shot at a bunch of people, they only managed to capture Trainwreck and about half a dozen merchants.

►First Response (Verified paramedic)
Replied On Sep 28th 2010:
I can confirm that several people are now being treated for gun shot wounds, smoke inhalation and several people were the victims of Squealer driving over them with one of her trucks.

Replied On Sep 28th 2010:
What I want to know how the hell did Shade survive the drop unharmed. I mean that was what a 2 story drop straight into Trainwreck.

►Answer Key
Replied On Sep 28th 2010:
I mean he could have a brute rating, he wouldn't be the first brute to jump from a building and walk away unharmed.

Replied On Sep 28th 2010:
Yeah but come on his arms and helmet scream tinker tech. So if he does get a brute rating it would have to come from his tinker tech.

►I am the law (Brockton bay police)
Replied On Sep 28th 2010:
What I want to know is why didn't he interfere before, why did he wait until there was a shootout before interfering.

►First Response (Verified paramedic)
Replied On Sep 28th 2010:
From what I could gather at the scene he seems to travel along the rooftops. Depending on where he was it could have taken he some time in order to arrive at the scene. That would also explain why he was already on the roof.

►Tester free (Protectorate Employee) (Cape guru) (Power tester)
Replied On Sep 28th 2010:
It's a proven fact that most villains don't look up. On to more practical facts from what I can see Shade seems to be a tinker with a pair of augmented arms, each arm is capable of deploying a foot long blade. No idea on what other tinker tech he has on him but I'm sure his helmet and possibly his jacket are tinker tech.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
I hope that, in the future, unless something major happens, PO forums talks won't take more place than this one
Can I say that I feel like the story wasn't that good. Because it felt like his tech buildup happened too quickly and the tech base's mentioned in the story shouldn't allow him to build up so quickly or at least the ones I'm familiar with and I'm familiar with most of the ones mentioned. I feel like if he had the subnautica tech base this would be more believable. As the tech base from the game is focused heavily on allowing the main character to be a one man manufacturing army for survival in hostile environments.

Then there's the other elephant in the room some of the dialogue feels like it was ripped from various '90s action movies and awkwardly placed in the story to try to make the main character seem cool. Then there is a lot of awkwardly dumb things the main character thinks out to himself and better ways the main character could have handled things. Like for example he approaches a group of druggies and asks for their suppliers and essentially beats the information out of them exposing himself as a cape instead of just asking them like he's interested in getting hooked up with some drugs when he's really not. Then there's the fact that he thinks out to himself they must have been expecting him because the merchants have guns. While yeah they were probably expecting him after what he did to find their location. But they probably would have still had guns anyway so that's kind of stupid. As their drug dealers located in a fictional City supposed to be located in America and drug dealers and criminals tend to carry guns in America. As it isn't located in f****** Britain and criminals aren't likely going to be carrying knives.
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The idea and first couple of chapters were interesting enough for me to watch for for more so it'll be cool to see where this goes
Chapter 3 Rules of nature
Disclaimer I own nothing. Worm, Eclipse phase, Mass effect, Bioshock, Dues ex, Cyberpunk, Borderlands, Fallout, Xcom and Metal gear all belong to their respective owners.

Brockton bay September the 28th 2010

Running head first into a super hero unexpectedly is a weird feeling. Especially if you know the hero in question. Although this was the first time I had seen Vicky in her costume.

"So first night out?" she asked she more than likely knew about the drug lab fire so she should have been able to guess that this wasn't my first night. I mean come on how many new capes are there.

"No" I gave a short reply not wanting to be around her for too long in case I gave away anything. I mean that was why I put on the act of a gruff anti-hero. It was little more than a role for me to play and somehow I hoped my crappy acting skills would be enough to prevent anyone from discovering anything about me.

"So you're just gonna swoop down save some cops and leave?" she asked. Wait she was there, she watched the whole encounter and did nothing. That doesn't sound like Vicky she's normally the first to rush into danger. At least according to fannon I guess probably exaggerated that aspect of her character or she was potentially being cautious with a new cape.

"Why didn't you help?" I asked.

"I only got there for the end of your little show and any way it looked like you had it covered" she said.

"So you expect me to believe that we just ran into each other like that?" I asked. I mean it could just be a coincidence and I was being paranoid but this was worm unless I had proof that Contessa or Ziz couldn't see me I had to assume anything could be a plot. That though also did account for someone like coil who would engineer certain scenarios to further their plan.

"Yea well I mean it is the truth it's not like I expressly go out of my way to hunt down new triggers. What do I look like a villain" she said defensively. Ok fair I was kinda being a dick and making assumptions.

"Look I'm sorry it's been a really stressful couple of months" I said and it had been even before I started going out as a hero, the whole adjusting to only having one arm was a pain, that along with being reincarnated into a new world, one that was a death world like worm was would stress anyone out.

"Well if you need help don't be afraid to ask ok after all the city could always use more heroes" Vicky said. Taking a moment I looked around and observed the bay. Plotting my next jump from this rooftop to the next I took a running start and leaped forwards.

"I will" I called out once my feet had left the rooftop. Slowly but surely I made my way back to the New hope to repair and upgrade my gear after my last fight.


Brockton bay September the 29th 2010

Have I ever stated how much I love fallout tech because I really do. The tech is designed to be put together from literal garbage. I mean sure some of the stuff requires complex hard to manufacture parts but a decent amount of those parts could be salvaged from most modern tech.

This meant that most of the tech I wanted only to build required me a way to produce the basic components I needed. Most of the tech trees I had seemed to be cross compatible enough to allow me to fuse two or more pieces of tech together. Other parts of the tech tree however didn't like to play nice with each other. It was hard to tell sometimes how the tech would interact, sometimes things would work perfectly such as how my cheap fallout fusion core generator seemed to be able to power any and all of my inventions. Other times it just did not go my way. Take this for an example, I had built a fallout laser pistol but had incorporated elements from an xcom laser pistol. Thank god I was testing it out here in the New hope because it ended up blowing up on me and I still don't know why. All the math says it should work and even be more efficient than a standard fallout laser pistol while cheaper in resources than the xcom one.

Looking out to my repairs of the New hope I spotted my over big project I had recently started. Due to the fact that the ocean depths were not good for long term health even with the bays depth of only thirty feet. being around 2.4 atmospheres of pressure, just within the safe range for humans I still wanted some safety and assurances. Thus a set of underwater drones were being constructed.

Their chassis was based on modified fallout power armour but made to be cheaper in cost. Built so that rather than contain their own power source they would draw power from the New hope to recharge. However power armour was one of the things that would take some time to construct even being made as cheaply and as quickly as possible.

It would take the better part of a week of non stop work just to get one of the drones up and running. Although once I had one it would then help in the construction of the second, the second in the third and so on. The A.I. thankfully had a simple solution for how to make something complex with what I had available. Just use the wetwere solution, after all the human brain had incredible computing power. Making one was also rather easy as I already possessed the tech to make them and with the growth formula they would be ready within a short period of time.


Brockton bay October the 6th 2010

After a week of school, building new gear and beating the shit out of merchants I was finally ready to deploy the first of my drones. The drone body was built like a striped down version of fallout power armour. The frame lacked many of the enhancements of actual power armour only being slightly stronger than your average human. It also lacked the protectiveness that true power armour would have. It was bullet proof don't get me wrong but amour penetrating ammo would get through quite easily. The CPU for the unit was made out of a cloned human brain. I could have made a basic A.I. out of a large collection of parts I had but this way I saved on both parts and made my creation able to think creatively. I still put in some safety measures though as I wasn't a complete idiot. I knew that fiction was littered with A.I. rebelling against their creators.

The photoreceptors began to turn on as the power activated the unit. slowly unit one raised its head and looked at me dead in the eyes. "Hello unit one we've got a lot of work to do" I said as unit one silently nodded. Good seems like the ears and eyes are working as intended. Both unit one and myself went about starting to construct the framework of unit two. Words were unspoken between us as we each went about the work it seems many hands do indeed make light work and that idle ones are the devil's playthings.


Once it began to get light I set unit one to recharge mode. I knew that I had to be in my younger primary body for school within a few hours. Getting into the bed I had prepared in the New hope lab I let myself disconnect from my Shade body and return to my Adrian one.


School sucks, I suppose that fact will never change no matter what. All this time wasted well mostly wasted. I had grown at least a little bit fond of my new friends. Mostly Carlos and Dennis as those two were the ones I hung around the most. Well them and Vicky which was super awkward as I still had not resolved my differences with her boyfriend Dean. I had tried to talk to him but it seems that whenever I had the chance to make amends something would come up.

Classes were relatively easy so I ended up spending most of them designing some new gear. It was all written down as a series of design documents for an architectural project. Different buildings in the brief would represent different parts of the invention. It was just a way for me to hide what I had been truely working on.

Part of me though was glad to be attending school again. It gave me ample time to interact with other people, well other people in person that is. I still spent a considerable amount of time online particularly on PHO on a number of different accounts. I had even set up a VPN system to hide the fact that it was all me.

"Hey Adrian, got any plans for the weekend?" I heard the voice of Carlos call out.

"No nothing why?" I replied. That was a lie as I had planned to head out and test the drones. but he didn't need to know that.

"Well I figured we could do a movie marathon you know like old times" he said. That honestly didn't sound too bad and it's not like a single night, a mere few hours of distraction would be bad right.

"Sure your place or mine?" I asked wondering were he would like to have this movie night.

"Mine, my folks even offered to cook dinner if your interested?" he said. Great free food not turning that down. It would be great to be able to eat some home cooking again as I had only eaten basic noodles and microwave meals since I got out of hospital.


Brockton bay October the 8th 2010

With the help of Unit one I was able to finally install the sandevistan into my Shade body. Unit one took over the complicated task of the installation while I watched on from a remote camera. I was surprised at how steady the hands of unit one were but considering the mechanical precision of its parts maybe I shouldn't be.

After I had woken back up in my Shade body I gave a quick test of the sandy. Time slowed to a crawl as I began to perceive the world at a much slower rate. I had actual bullet time now. Speaking of bullets or rather guns actually. I had finally finished a prototype laser pistol. the pistol was made with fallout tech like most of my stuff at the moment. It was rather primitive at least in comparison to the standard laser pistols of fallout but it did its job. The pistol only had enough power for ten shots before I had to replace the battery and I only had three batteries for it.


Deciding to test out unit one's combat prowess I brought him along with me on a patrol. His usual unpainted grey armour had been sprayed white with orange accents. Unit one knew how to throw a punch, how to leverage its strength but it was untested in a real life combat scenario. I had hoped that this patrol would change that, that I could see where improvements needed to be made in the software and if the units were really even useful for combat or should be left back at base with a support role.

Walking about the docks of the city I noticed that a number of people were opening fire on another group of people. One group dressed in the colours of the neo natzi gang empire eighty eight and the other in the colours of the Asian bad boys. Both groups only seemed to have pistols nothing bigger than that thankfully.

Looking out there was maybe a total of twenty combatants total. Giving a nod and gesture to unit one we both jumped into the battle.
Chapter 4 Big iron
Disclaimer I own nothing. Worm, Eclipse phase, Mass effect, Bioshock, Dues ex, Cyberpunk, Borderlands, Fallout, Xcom and Metal gear all belong to their respective owners.

Brockton bay October the 8th 2010

"So your Shade our city's new gruff anti hero right?" asked a man in a red body suit. I was pretty sure this was Assault. By his side were a few PRT troopers and regular police officers. All the members of the empire eighty eight and the Asian bad boys were either cuffed or foamed up with containment foam.

"Yea I'm Shade" I said giving an answer to his question. Assault and the PRT troopers were giving subtle glances at both my equipment and unit one or at least they were trying to. The police officers however did not hide when they were looking at my gear and even openly talked about it to each other.

"So who's your friend?" Assault asked turning to look at unit one.

"This is Ratchet" I said as I gestured towards unit one. I suppose with how well surgery went giving unit one the name of the autobot medic wasn't a bad idea. Following my introduction unit one or Ratchet I suppose waved his arm.

"Ratchet ha well nice to meet you at the very least. Say if you're free would you be willing to come do some power testing and get registered as an affiliated independent?" Assault asked. He then spent the next couple of minutes explaining the pros of becoming a registered affiliate with the PRT. I just said I would think it over and get back to him when I had decided.


Once Ratchet and I got back to the New hope I went about making some modifications to it's armour. First was attaching a series of basic medical tools and scanners. Second I had repainted the entire armour so that it was white with red accents on the trim and I had a Caduceus painted in red over the shoulders.

My original plan was to build the units as a means of increasing my man power had to be reworked. That's not to say I wasn't going to use them for labour but with how well Ratchet did with my surgery and all the medical programs I was even now installing I felt like it no he could do more be more. One flaw I never expected of my idea to use cloned brains although it did make sense was them developing any sort of sense of self or individually and yes I may have put restrictions in place to prevent any traitorous automata to quote one of my favourite films life finds a way.

Looking over Ratchet's systems it was clear that he was changing and evolving in ways that even I couldn't really predict. Maybe it was just the nature of life or a fluke of a chance but somehow Ratchet had begun to show the early signs of becoming a fully sentient A.I. In the end however as long as I proceed with caution there shouldn't be too many problems with the units developing true A.I and even if they did turn against me I had both the tools and knowledge on how to disable them.

Taking a few moments I started to rework the programming for the other four units. If I was going to make them specialised with Ratchet being the medical unit then unit two would be built more for combat. A larger more bulker frame with mounted hard points for a number of weapons. Slowly but surely I slipped into a tinker fugue as I started to design the blueprints of unit two or if I was going to continue the theme of naming my units after famous robots than Bastion would suit this one.


Brockton bay October the 15th 2010

School is a strange and boring hell. Most of the teachers had learnt by bow that even if it seemed like I wasn't paying attention that I could still answer any and all questions that they asked. It's not my fault that most of what they're trying to teach could be seen as basic by the standards of a futuristic society.

Thankfully my semi forced interaction with my friends helped to keep me sane in these difficult times and I did by now consider them friends as there is only so long you can be around people like Vicky, Carlos and Dennis before you come to count them as friends. Dean however was still someone who I had avoided at first due to the fact of the bad blood between us but after some time of trying to make amends even asking Vicky to pass along an apology for me nothing ever became of it so I had decided to just leave him be.

Outside of classes I mostly engaged in my new favourite hobby of beating the crap out of gang members. I even helped out when the gamer duo of Uber and Leet started a reenactment of grand theft auto. More than a dozen people got hurt so both Ratchet and I went down to help supply medical aid where we could. I still hadn't decided if I would join the Protectorate as an affiliate the benefits were good but I still wasn't sure. In canon the Protectorate was really just a puppet of Cauldron hell the higher ups of both it and the organisation meant to manage it were both run by members of Cauldron. But despite that their members had done some good.

Thankfully I had plenty of things to do to distract me from that Bastion would soon be ready for a field test and I had even made sure to stock up on medical supplies for Ratchet. somehow I knew that if I stepped out of a patrol something would happen.


I hate being right. For context both Ratchet, Bastion and I were doing a simple patrol of the docks. Not too much going on until I stumbled across the dumbass pair of Uber and Leet engaging in some ridiculous stunt. The pair of them had dressed up like they came straight out of a wild west movie they had tied someone up and left them next to what looked like a bundle of old fashioned dynamite.The whole scene was cliche and actually hurt to watch.

"Ok you boys have had your fun now put your hands in the air" I said making sure their attention was on me.

"Well look Uber if it ain't one of the local deputies" Leet said as he turned to glare at me his hand twitching by his side. I noticed then that he and Uber both had a revolver strapped to their sides.

"We don't like your kind around these here parts so we be calling you out deputy Shade" Uber said with what was honestly the worst attempt at a western accent I had ever heard.

"You calling me out Uber the kid and Leet the red then I should let you know I'm no Arizona ranger and this is far more than a big iron on my hip" I said as I started patting the laser pistol holstered at my side. I had no idea why I was playing along with this but I will admit it was kinda fun. Both Bastion and Ratchet stood by off to the side and watched the whole situation unfold.

"O we know but the bounty on your here head is worth far more then the likes of us can afford" Uber said still playing up his horrible attempt at a western accent.

Both Uber and Leet then made to stand directly opposite me both of them were twitching to draw their fancy revolvers. "Do you need a count?" I called out to them. They each looked at each other.

"No" they both cried out in response to my question.

"Good then draw" I said as my hand went down to my laser pistol. Within that split second between me saying draw and my hand moving I activated the sandevistan. Was it cheating to use probably but I definitely didn't care. I had engaged Uber and Leet for long enough today and was honestly getting sick of them. Once my pistol was clear of its holster I took aim at Uber and then Leet squeezing off a shot at both of them aimed at their hands. The intensity of the laser wasn't set too high but they still get some nasty burns on their hands.

Once I resumed normal time I walked towards Uber and Leet. They both looked at me with surprise at how fast my quick draw was. That look of surprise didn't even leave their face when I gestured for Bastion to secure them while Ratchet and I looked over the young woman the had used as a hostage.

"You ok?" I asked the woman who now getting a better look at her seemed to be a high school student like myself although I didn't recognise her. She was dressed in a pair of grey tracksuit pants and had a hoodie on. Most likely she had been out on a walk or jog when Uber and Leet grabbed her off the streets.

"Yea I'm fine" she said taking a moment to brush her self down of the dust and rocks that she had picked up from her time lying on the ground.

"Ok if your sure" I said as I waited for the PRT response team to arrive.


It took about half an hour for the PRT response team to arrive. Apparently they had been busy dealing with Squealer and Skidmark rampaging. Uber and Leet explained that the merchants had offered them quite a bit of cash in order to insure that I wasn't going to be able to respond to any requests for help and that I wouldn't be able to request any backup. I wonder where the hell the merchants had gotten enough money to put a hit out on me and how Uber and Leet knew where I would be. The answer was a little bit disturbing they had mapped out my usual patrol routes and figured out that I was coming out from the ship graveyard. From there they just had to set up a trap along my way and bingo. At least now they were not my problem or at least not my problem until the next time they caused some trouble.


After that whole fiasco I went about actually testing Bastion out. He didn't do too bad and I'm sure the few gangers he knocked unconscious will be fine. Ratchet even got to his medical skills when helping out as more than a few times along the patrol we came across somebody who needed medical assistance.

Overall it was a productive day. But the best part had to have been when I was looking around one of the junk yards. Sitting there in a pile of garbage was an old school bus. The yellow paint was flaking off and at least two tires were flat but I knew that I wanted it. So in order to get started with the repairs to the bus I popped open the hood to get a good look at the engine. The engine was in decent enough condition and would at least start. I did have to hot wire it though so once I got back to the docks I would have to manufacture some way of starting it without having to hot wire it every time. Most of the back seats though were in a terrible condition and had to be scrapped. But that just meant more room in the back.

I also had Ratchet and Bastion load the back with as much useful salvage as we could. Most of which were some components from old washing machines, TVs and other general electronics. All of that was going to be useful though especially the spin cycle mechanism from the washing machine as that would be needed for Bastion's main weapon. Making sure all of our stuff was loaded up and both Bastion and Ratchet were secured in the back I started to drive out of the junk yard heading towards the boat graveyard.


Once we arrived at the graveyard I pulled the bus in between two beached wrecks. I knew that there was no way the bus would fit on the New hope but I could at least hide it or at least hide it as well as wreck in a boat graveyard would be. Which is to say that it was well hidden from a distance but if anyone started snooping around they would find it pretty quickly.

Repairs were going to be a real pain though but I could at least find some enjoyment from fixing up my new ride. As I began to get to work I dismissed Ratchet and Bastion back to the recharging dock for the day. Slowly I went about my work on my own not noticing or caring as a figure snuck up behind me.

"So this is where you've been making your base" the voice of Assault said as I turned around. In his right hand was a bag of junk food.

"What do you want Assault?" I asked as I started putting my tools down.

"Got you some food as thanks for dealing with Uber and Leet. The higher ups also wanted me to push recruitment onto you again but I don't think you are the type who takes well to that are you?" he said offering the food towards me while pulling out a burger for himself.

"No I'm not but I thank you for your honesty your probably one of the better heroes in this shit hole of a city" I said taking the bag and pulling out one of the burgers inside.

"Thanks and by the way the rest are for Ratchet and the new guy you've been sighted with. Speaking of which he or she got a name?" he said between bites of his burger.

"The new guy is Bastion who acts as heavy support he finally got the upgrades to his armour done" I said lying about Bastion's origins. If the Protectorate or the PRT knew that I could create A.I they would more than likely put a kill order out on me. If not then Saint and the Dragonslayer would most likely pay me a visit.

"So just for professional curiosity how many of you are there" Assault asked now having finished his burger and scrunched up the wrapper.

"Six including me although three of them haven't chosen names yet. Also you and the word professional should not go together" I said now having finished my own burger.

"That hurts I thought we were friends but at the very least thanks for the info. By the way you guys really should register as an independent team at the very least, makes it easier for paperwork on my end" he said.

"Still thinking about it. The team will decide when the others get here" I said.

"Well you let me know and thanks for today" he said as he started to head off.

As soon as Assault had left I took the bag with burgers in it and headed abroad the New hope taking with me some of the more useful components to my projects from the loot as well.

Huge shout out and thanks to everyone who has like and supported this fic.
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Is the MC still missing his left arm? Running around as a new body then going to school one handed has got to be one of the best worm civilian disguises at least.

The MC is indeed still missing his arm in his original body. Whenever he is out heroing assume he is in his Shade body unless stated otherwise.

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