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What i mean is that it's like saying a monkey and a fruit bat are same species because both eat fruit.
Silversun17 said:
which i would call bullshit on sense buffy vampires have no souls while hellsing vampires have them.
When Angel's group go to Pylea, it shows that vampires can apparently change, depending on which dimension they're in. Maybe in Hellsing, they're Midians, while they're BTVS vampires in Buffy.
22 - A Girl and Her Toys
[X] Bunker down in the Summer's residence, and examine the things of this world?
Event Roll ~ 1d100=95

You were certain that the librarian knew the address of the Summers' residence and as such would be able to get in contract with your motley group.

Still, it was worrying that you had not gotten any updates from Victoria Celestia Lunatic Pandora Frankenfurter the First, you had left instructions with the thinking clank to notify you if any one entered the library. That it hadn't meant that the Librarian and Cordelia had not return there.

Most disconcerting. Still, you were in a safe-ish location after your companions had locked the doors and drawn the curtains shut. You are certain that Mister Giles has everything in hand and things would be fixed shortly.

But this doesn't mean you can't study the technology found in the home of the average citizen of this analog of your world. Why surely... you could glimpse the principles behind said technology and when you return home...

You would show them.

You would show them all!

You find yourself giggling softly as you examined the more advance television set in the Summers' residence. It appeared to be more advance in that it used a different imaging mechanism. One that hinted at things that make you wonder at how advance this world was with its electrical technology.

The telephone used a wireless transmission between the base unit and the hand held component. Nothing revolutionary, but you could see hints of a genius here. Someone had created something... wonderful and then broke it so that it could be used as a common household item instead of a high powered deathray. This was hinted at the microwave radiation device used for heating food.

Truly, this world had tame Mad Boys and Girls somewhere... laboring for the common man.

This gave you ideas.

- - -
Harmony Quest /// A Girl and Her Toys
- - -​

What Do?
[X] Enter the Madness Place with all these wonderful toys?
[X] Check with Victoria to see if Cordelia or Mister Giles had been spotted by the satellite?
[X] Go out there and look for this Ethan's.
[X] Write In
[X] Enter the Madness Place with all these wonderful toys?

Modern Technology + Spark = Awesome
[X] Enter the Madness Place with all these wonderful toys?
[X] Enter the Madness Place with all these wonderful toys?

*Sees avatar*
That... is not a tanuki. Who are you? What have you done with Biigoh!?
[X] Check with Victoria to see if Cordelia or Mister Giles had been spotted by the satellite?
24 - Morning After
[X] Enter the Madness Place with all these wonderful toys?
Event Roll 1d100=58

While you didn't like that part of you, you were in the end a Mad Girl. One to whom the madness of the gods shone within and without. You weren't a particularly strong one. But you were skilled, you were trained.

And there was so many nice toys here.

You had your aetheric repair kit, as well as the electronic devices of this world.

You breathed in and out and hummmed a simple tune. A trick really. You knew it was a stupid and rather simplistic method of containing one's mad boy impulse. Controlled subliminal controls to leash or unleash as it maybe one's impulses to YOUCANMAKEITBETTER!AnDShOWTHEMaLl!

- - -
Th҉e ͘Ma͏d ̛G̷įrl̢s ͟are ̸f̢ix͏ing̀ th̛in̨g͟s͝.̶..̡.̵ p̴l̨eas̛e wait ̀f͜o̧r à wh҉i̡ļe.̀.͢.͡
- - -​


You come to, still humming... the light of the sun shining in the windows.

You had to blink.

You are

You are a minor spark of no note. Late of Eternal Albion. Clacker extraordinaire and a surprisingly good runner amongst the shadows cast by gas lamps.

You are Harmony Kendall.

You are a student in Sunnydale High, a totally boring high school with the exception for the clique you were in, and the hotties in the football team.

Last night... things.

You groan and shook your head.

The memory cascade was going to be an issue despite the shielding you had kludge up.

Wait... you're a normal high school student? You were more than that.

You are still

This was awkward.

You blink and look at Willow who was still dressed as she had been last night.

Oh dear, this was going to be really awkward, you noted to yourself as you looked at the pile of ash past her in the kitchen. At least, you managed to stop a monster.

You stretched... and looked at your equipment.

It looks like Victoria is still transmitting. Apparently, things had not changed back to normal, at least from what she could infer.

- - -
Harmony Quest /// Morning After
- - -​

What Do?
[X] Check in with erm... your companions?
[X] Call Cordelia and find out what's going on? Did the Librian fix the problem or was there something else going on?
[X] Write In

- - -


- - -​

Name : Harmony Kandell, Gentlelady Adventurer and Professional Cheerleader
Status : At the Summer's residence and quite confused.
Alignment : Ditzy Good

Resources / Equipment :
Zenith Aetheric Pulse Pistol (in layman's term, a Z.A.P. gun for ladies)
- Current Charge (100% Ionization Charge x 6 Vitae Capacitors)
- Settings : Incapacitate Pulse (1170/1200 shots) / Modified Lethal Pulse (554/600 shots)
- Maximum Range : 1 Imperial League

Basic Aetheric Equipment Repair Kit
- The absolute minimum, mind.

Zenith Aetheric Pulse Pistol Charger
- Requires plugging into an aetheric charging station. Alternatively, vitae capacitors can be recharge via electrostatic discharge from a negative charged atmospheric region. But only in the most barbaric hinterlands is this necessary.

Portable Babbage/Lovelace Analytical Engine
- Monocle Display unit
- Hand held scanning device
- Miniaturize Babbage/Lovelace Analytical Engine

A lady's personal effects
- It is most crass and impolite to ask about the contents of such. And only the most brutish of boars would do so.

A coin purse
- Contents are most distressingly low. You are down to your last few sterling notes and shillings.
Last edited:
[X] Check in with erm... your companions?

It would be remiss to not see how our companions fair on this auspicious morning.
[X] Check in with erm... your companions?
-[X] Call Cordelia and find out what's going on? Did the Librian fix the problem or was there something else going on?
[X] Check in with erm... your companions?

Bad Happerry, no cake and eat it too votes.
I kind of want to see Buffy, Xander, Willow, Giles and Jenny's reactions to Angel being dead, but I also don't want to have our nose broken by Buffy. Are we capable of building a personal energy shield?
[X] Contact victoria, find out how she is doing.
[X] Contact victoria, find out how she is doing.
[X] Contact victoria, find out how she is doing.
24 Vampire and not Vampire Slayer or Layer?

[X] Check in with erm... your companions?

You must admit to some confusion. This was a thing that couldn't be helped... after all, you are currently a hybrid of High School Girl Harmony Kandell and Gentlelady Adventurer Harmony Kandell.

On the one hand, you were Harmony Kandell. An every day normal high-school girl who was part of the Cordettes Clique, true... you had designs on Cordelia's position in said totem pole of Cheerleaderness, and you would have cheerfully pushed her down if she had made a mistake.

On the other hand, you were
and you were a minor spark of no note, at least... you had been in Albion... erm... England? A Clacker extraordinaire and extremely good runner amongst the shadows cast by gas lamps. This was verifiable in that you were still alive to brag about it, and not conscripted into the service of one of the various Powers That Be.

It's clear to both sides of you that something had gone wrong and right, as you examined the shielding system that had once been a rather expensive flat-screen TV. After all, the things that had changed hadn't reverted... in your case, which was as it was meant to be. You were within the shielding area of effect... that you had your original self's memories could be deemed worrying.

That Willow looked like she was her normal self... just dressed like she had last night. That worried you. You tried VERY hard not to think about what this meant for Buffy. Which was why you were about to VERY carefully nudge Willow awake.

"Harmony." The no nonsense words from behind you before you could nudge Willow awake had your instincts working as one. Sunnydale was a dangerous place to be surprised even if it wasn't acknowledged, which was why you spun about with an eep! even as your other instincts kicked in, and your trusty Zenith Aetheric Pulse Pistol fairly leapt into your hand to point at the speaker.

With the rotary engine spinning as electricity from the aetheric ionizers danced over the vitae chambers with a soft hmmm and the scent of ozone, you could feel a certain relief and confidence as you looked at... the dweeb Harris, or rather the amalgamation of the dweeb and Corporal Alexander Harris, Late of UNIT. "Alexander?"

"Kind of... I'm surprised your weapon still works... but then..." He held up his rather functional rifle. "Mine didn't change back either. Even if my body seems to have returned to normal."

There was a soft groan from where Willow lay. "Owie... why do I feel like an army of green martians marched over my head?"

"So... Buffy?" You swallowed drily at the thought of a Construct/VAMPIRE!?! Buffy.

There was a yipe from somewhere upstairs. A cry of pain and then... horror.

Oh dear, you were going to have to do something about Buffy Summers, wouldn't you? You really hoped it wouldn't be necessary, that she had kept her humanity and not become a ravaging monstrosity that needed to be put down.

From the look on Corporal Harris' face, it was clear that he was thinking along the same lines as you. "Right... we're going to need to talk to her and see what's going on there."

"At least, it's day?" You sighed in response as the two of you walked up the stairs to Buffy's bedroom.

There was a shake of head by Harris at that. "Yeah, small mercies."

Right... you weren't going to mention that you had been working on a shielding system that apparently was more effective than expected. It might get people thinking along dangerous lines. You were a Mad Girl... not a stupid girl or a suicidal girl, after all.

- - -
Harmony Quest /// Vampire and not Vampire Slayer or Layer?
- - -​

What Do?
[X] Carefully and slowly talk to Buffy with cover from Harris?
[X] Let Harris talk to Buffy as he is more familiar with her?
[X] Go in with guns blazing... ah hahahahaha... no. You were going to carefully examine her to see if she was safe.
[X] Vampires were harmed by sunlight, why not go look for the Librarian Giles with Cordelia and Willow, he might have an idea of what to do?
[X] Write In?


Name : Harmony Kandell, Gentlelady Adventurer and Professional Cheerleader
Status : At the Summer's residence and quite confused.
Alignment : Ditzy Good

Resources / Equipment :
Zenith Aetheric Pulse Pistol (in layman's term, a Z.A.P. gun for ladies)
- Current Charge (100% Ionization Charge x 6 Vitae Capacitors)
- Settings : Incapacitate Pulse (1170/1200 shots) / Modified Lethal Pulse (554/600 shots)
- Maximum Range : 1 Imperial League / 3 Miles / 4.828 Kilometers

Basic Aetheric Equipment Repair Kit
- The absolute minimum, mind.

Zenith Aetheric Pulse Pistol Charger
- Requires plugging into an aetheric charging station. Alternatively, vitae capacitors can be recharge via electrostatic discharge from a negative charged atmospheric region. But only in the most barbaric hinterlands is this necessary.

Portable Babbage/Lovelace Analytical Engine
- Monocle Display unit
- Hand held scanning device
- Miniaturize Babbage/Lovelace Analytical Engine

'Immobile' Thinking Clank "Victoria Celestia Lunatic Pandora Frankenfurter the First"
- High speed dial-up connection to the "internet"
- Spy Satellite Drone
- Wireless Display Unit with a connection to Victoria

A lady's personal effects
- It is most crass and impolite to ask about the contents of such. And only the most brutish of boars would do so.

A coin purse
- Contents are most distressingly low. You are down to your last few sterling notes and shillings.
[X] Vampires were harmed by sunlight, why not go look for the Librarian Giles with Cordelia and Willow, he might have an idea of what to do?
i will need to reread, but as a starting vote.

[X] Let Harris talk to Buffy as he is more familiar with her?
Okay from reading the new updafe. This was a yah quest where harmony dressed as a spark. And somehow magic sheidled her way into not reverting?

And we seem to have done something to buffy?
Okay from reading the new updafe. This was a yah quest where harmony dressed as a spark. And somehow magic sheidled her way into not reverting?

And we seem to have done something to buffy?
This is a YAH quest... and yes, Girl Genius style Spark Harmony... who MAY have designed and build a shielding device to prevent being reverted back to normal Harmony.... she believes she was successful, even if from evidence Willow and Xander are back to their normal human selves but with memories and equipment from their YAH.
[X] Carefully and slowly talk to Buffy with cover from Harris?
This is a YAH quest... and yes, Girl Genius style Spark Harmony... who MAY have designed and build a shielding device to prevent being reverted back to normal Harmony.... she believes she was successful, even if from evidence Willow and Xander are back to their normal human selves but with memories and equipment from their YAH.
So caught back up....

You motherfuckers killed angel. When harmony knew people were displaced amd he could have been mahatma ghandi and could get in the house.

Buffy is going to literally implode if the synergy of new instincts wrath and continuance of consciousness doesn't cause her to kill us.

She fucking crashed the first time he died .

[X]Check with Harris about anything thing that might be sensitive with buffy so we don't step in landmines while trying to calm her down.

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