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Building RWBY CYOA

Master of Squirrel-fu

The Original
Feb 14, 2013
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For those who might not know I've been recently trying to design a RWBY CYOA. At first I tried to use the original version as a base but I've mostly gone off the rails so far that I think it can be considered it's own thing. In order to get discussions going and to keep better track of ideas and feed back I think I'm going to make a dedicated thread for this.

Since I have no plans of making this a lewd CYOA it's here in the SFW section. No, I'm not planning to run a quest or PbP for this, but if others want to use this once done I'd be quite enthused. So far there's still 4 of the 10 major sections that still need to be created: Grimm Evilutions and CAST Jack-in Apps (Name pending), Weapons/equipment design, and Blessings.

I'll primarily work in the doc and then update here.

The Doc.
4/13/2016 - Added Fluff to Semblance Sectioin
Table of Contents:

Sections Under Revision:
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Welcome to the world of Remnant, where humanity fights for its survival against the creatures of Grimm and the machinations of their fellow man. But even as the darkness threatens to consume it there still shines a beacon of light. Standing defiant against this crushing force are the valiant few who serve as torches to light up the world and protect the precious spark of hope agains the ever encroaching tides of shadows. The Hunters, the swords who slay evil and the shields who guard humanity, these are the heroes who fight in defense of the world and beat back the ever hungering Grimm hordes and face down those villains who prey on men.

A tenuous peace has settled upon Remnant thanks to their constant efforts but the tides of fate can shift in an instant and already change can be seen as groups prepare and plot in the shadows. While this world is not without it's guardians, any help offered is welcomed. The path is open to you to enter this world, the tools you need laid before you to choose from. As one who existed outside of this world it's destiny holds no hold on you, you're freedom absolute. The choice to help, or to harm, are yours to make.

Do you accept this invitation?

Excellent. Your journey is soon to start, brave Hunter; but every story must have a beginning, and with these tools you shall craft your origin. Ah, but what is a legend without challenge to face against? Select your tools wisely; with these 5 Points you will shape your own fate. Should you increase the challenge, so shall your options increase.
Select Your Start
Arrival Point:
The introduction is one of the most important parts of any tale. There are many methods used, each with their strengths and weaknesses. How do you wish to make your debut?

A New Arrival: You simply appear one day, as if from the Aether, brought to this world by some unknown force. A mysterious traveler with no past, no obligations, and no ties. Anonymity is your blessing and your curse. Can't Take History Perks or Disadvantages.
  • Disadvantage: Rough Start: For those seeking a challenge your arrival is far from ideal, landing yourself in a dangerous situation immediately with consequences far reaching. Take these 2 Points and We shall make arrangements with the nearest undertaker, just in case.
A Familiar Face: Your story begins long before the events that will propel you to greatness. Whether born again or awakening to your previous life you are a native to Remnant. You have lived a second life, making a name and connections for yourself.
  • Disadvantage: Troubled Past:. Not all your efforts turned out for the better, enemies, unsavory obligations, or deadly secrets just wait in the shadows to bring everything you've built crumbling down. Grants 2 and the regret for the terrible life choices that got you here.
It Takes Jaune to Know Jaune: Your journey begins with much more humble origins. You are Jaune Arc, either reborn or awakened, an ordinary and talentless young man who seeks for something greater. A perfect Blank Slate to work off of. You can start with Crocea Mors.
  • Disadvantage: A Loser is You: Let's face it Jaune, you suck. hard. Not in anything specific, just general suckiness in life, love, and combat. Here's 2 Points back to ease the pain. It won't help.
A Ruby in the Rough: (Cost 2 Points) You find yourself living the life of the Heroine of Remnant's current legend in the making, Miss Ruby Rose. Her destiny may have already been penned but a good story is one that surprises you… You can start with Ruby's cannon Speed Semblance and Silver Eyes.
  • Disadvantage: (In)corruptible Pure Purity: Oh god you're just too irresistibly cute and you don't even know it! And that idealism and innocent trusting nature only makes everyone want to corrupt you more~ Be sure to watch out for shady men, handsy teammates, and overprotective older siblings. Grants 2 points and blissful ignorance regarding people's darker intentions.
Bash Bros: (Costs 1 Point) Your story entwines with that of another character. From beginning to end, you and they are bound by the red string of fate. The nature of the relationship is irrelevant; be it siblings, cousins, friends, or rivals, you and they are tied together in fate. It is possible to take this option with the other origins.
  • Disadvantage: Dysfunction Junction: Your relationship isn't quite healthy or at least not normal. Be it suffocating overprotectiveness, destructive fits of jealousy, inconsolable viewpoints or something more... taboo, things aren't all roses and sunshine between you. This problems can be resolved, but it will take time and effort. Grants 2 plus an invitation to appear on The Sperry Jinger Show.
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Character Creation
A Legend Appeared...

Character Creation: Your entrance selected the path ahead is still to be determined. It is time to begin weaving together the tale you wish to make for yourself. Who exactly is the hero of our little adventure and what works have you accomplished? Remember, a legend is an icon, someone who stands out, a beacon, someone who draws in others, and symbol, someone who has or can change the world. While in this world there exists no such thing as an "Ordinary Person" as the protagonist you are something special. Those reincarnated as Ruby or Jaune are Human and are born in Vale, keeping their cannon appearance.

Appearance: While it is important to have a unique look it is portion with the least consequence on your journey. Aesthetics essentially, ...well literally. In short describe yourself in brief, looks, clothing, gender, and such. Should you choose you can keep your appearance, gender, and age in life or change them as you wish.

Thema: Remnant is a world very much built around Legends. A realm crafted on symbolism. Those of interest often take inspiration from That Which Came Before, The Stories of Old, or even Nature itself. Their creation centering around, or at least featuring a central concept.

Race: More than just humans call the Remnant their home, aside from the beasts of the earth there also exist other beings just as intelligent, either living peacefully with or competing for dominance against humanity.
  • Human: The dominant race of Remnant, the largest and most politically powerful by far. While driven and varied in appearance they lack the diversity in innate abilities present in other races. They have no glaring advantages nor disadvantages. Costs 0
  • Faunus: An oppressed offshoot of humanity whom exhibit beast-like traits. They have some physical advantages over humans but also take on certain quirks of their Animal Side, both mental and physical. Faunus only show a single distinguishing trait, usually ears, tail, or horns, of the animal they are related too. They are subject to much discrimination by humans and effectively are treated as Second Class citizens. You can only choose a single Animal and 1 minor trait (Claws, night-sight, flexability, etc) and an physical trait (ears, tail, horns, etc) related to that animal. Costs 1
  • Droids: There are a new brand robotic humanoids created by the Atlesian Army known as the CAST. While Battle-Droids are common in the Atlesian military they are generally limited in intelligence and function, created only for combat and sacrifice humanoid appearance for optimization. CASTs however are fully intelligent and self aware, and despite appearing much more humanoid they are still just as combat effective as their Mech predecessors. Though they lack Aura and thus semblances they can utilize advanced technology to mimic some of its functionality. Because of their Mechanical nature they can integrate tech into their body. Costs 2
  • Grimm: Grimm are the blight of the world or Remnant, soulless monstrosities that seek to devour the light of humanity. Almost entirely non-sapient you are born a unique existence, a humanoid self aware Grimm. As a grimm you are lacking a soul, at least as far as aura is concerned, but you have a nasty bag of tricks to employ and naturally evolve with age and conflict. You are capable of adapting a truly human appearance if needed. Costs 2

Racial Perks: All cost 1
  • History - Noble: You are part of a family of respectable age and prestige. A person of good breeding and class, money and power are non-issue thanks to your connections. Your name holds much weight in many circles.
  • History - Freedom Fighter: You are well known as a civil rights activist and your actions have earned you the respect and loyalty of your fellow Faunus. You've saved lives and made great changes for your fellows, if you were to ask nearly any Faunus would follow you to hell and back. Having friends in low places has it's benefits.
  • Ability - Plus Anima: While Faunus usually take on traits of their Animal Self there are legends of those capable of channeling their inner-beast, gaining physical abilities or skills to mimic them. The grace and claws of a wild cat, the strength and horns of a bull, the speed and tenacity of a wolf, the wings and ears of a bat, etc. It is said that those born with such abilities are marked from birth with a strange symbol.
  • History - The Prototype: You are a brand new type of CAST and have the full support and protection of the Atlesian Research and Military Science division while still maintaining a large degree of independence. To see just what you are capable of they will spare no expense and take any risk. Your own creator even sees you like their own child and only wishes for your happiness.
  • Ability - Singularity: Naturally you can maintain yourself but major repairs would normally require a mechanic be sent and the same could be said for upgrading yourself, which would be a hassle. You are now capable of tinkering with your own systems and adjusting or repairing your body as you wish. While you can integrate technology with your body it might come at the cost of another system to maintain efficiency.
  • History - King of The Hill: You are the ruler of grim in your area, either through strength, cunning, or sheer will-power you have taken the absolute servitude of Grimm in your territory. These creatures of Grimm are moderately intelligent and capable of following simple open orders, and perhaps eventually they may gain sapience like you.
  • Ability - Voracious Eater: By consuming other Grimm you grow in power. Some small amount their strength adds onto your own and consuming enough can causes physical changes to take on the traits of your prey. You also heal upon consuming the flesh of your brethren, the cannibalism reinvigorating your body. If only it didn't taste so terrible, like rotten fish fermented in feces. People taste much better, in fact this might just be the reason for your current existence...

Racial Disadvantages: Grants 1 each.
  • History - Doomed Hometown: Those closest to you have almost all died when your town was taken by Grimm. In the span of hours you witness more violent death and tragedy than most people can fathom. You have not only the trauma of watching your family and friends eaten in front of you but the hatred of all Grimm that overrides your better judgement.
  • History - One man's freedom fighter...: You were a member of a certain terrorist organization. You may have left it behind but your face is out there, and you've made plenty of enemies. The Whitefang, the Schnee, and perhaps even a some other organizations would be quite pleased to see you dead, a few might have even taken steps to that effect.
  • Ability - Inner Animal: You are a bit too in tune with your more beastial side, you share many of your chosen animals weaknesses, habits, and distastes. You act more wild and occasionally have a hard time understanding certain human concepts, preferring a more "natural" and direct approach. Prepare to also have to suffer your fellow Faunus telling you not to be such a stereotype.
  • History - Turing Tested: You are more than aware of your nature and want more than anything to be assured you are a real person. Most people who are aware treat you like a machine or a curiosity which only compounds the issue. You do not sleep, you do not dream, you have seen your own naked coding. Can a mass of ones and zeroes, pre-plotted programming, behind a screen really contain a Soul?
  • Ability - Beta Phase: Your hardware and software are still not fully tested so there are bound to be issues popping up, both minor and major. As your systems are still new and untested few technologies mesh well with your body, requiring specialized equipment and adaptors.
  • History - Beta Male: You are a lower level member of another stronger Grimm's pack. It probably isn't going to take well to any perceived threat by you. It is terrifyingly intelligent, and should you flee it will hunt you down. By your own nature you are compelled to be subservient to the one who can best you, though loyal you will remain to your Alpha.
  • Ability - Hatred: All Living Things: Grimm harbor an innate hatred for humanity, an intense disgust for positive emotions, and an animalistic hunger for human flesh. despite your unique existence you are still bound by your nature. You crave to kill any human you meet and feast on them and are weakened by large amounts of joy and love. While you may be able to control yourself, no matter your own personal feelings or wishes, you cannot help these impulses.

Nation: Despite it's size and the vast expanses of unclaimed land Remnant is host to only a handful of Kingdoms, each powerful enough to manage to carve themselves a place into the world in spite of The Creatures of Grimm that constantly work to tear it down around them. Besides the major Cities, the capitals of their respective nations, civilization is scarce. Small Towns exist, isolated to a degree, but they are a rarity, only becoming more so as more fall to the Grimm that surround them.

  • Vale: The Nation that lies in the center of Remnant, and among the most colonized. Thanks to its location it is a great hub for trading, earning it much political and economic power. Vale has become a melting pot of many of Remnant's cultures as many travel through or settled down in the nation's borders. It is very egalitarian compared to other nations, at least in regards to humans. It's home to Beacon Academy, and the nation where most of the recent events are focused. Perhaps you might run across some of the important players even before the story officially starts.
  • Vacuo: The nation that lies to the West. It is a very harsh environment that is largely dominated by savana and desert. It lacks in many resources and living anywhere other than the city is a struggle. Still it is a powerful nation despite its disadvantages, the terrain providing many natural defenses against Grimm and other nations. The people value freedom and individuality highly, though due to how isolated the villages can be they tend to be fairly insular. It is home to Shade Academy. Make a name for yourself on the wild frontiers, a land filled with dangers and monsters in need of some order to be beaten into it.
  • Atlas: formerly known as Mantle, is a kingdom located in the far northern continent of Remnant. The nation is known for it's large military and technology that far exceeds that of the other nations. The Huntsman academy of Atlas is known as Atlas Academy. Unlike most kingdoms, the Kingdom's government, military, and the Academy function as a single entity. Because of the large governmental influence and control the populace if largely Nationalistic, jingoism being a common flaw. Live a life of opulence and comfort the envy of the world over, but try not to step too far out of line, Big Brother is always watching...
  • Mistral: Towards the East lies the Mistral, the Kingdom of The Dawn, and the nation with the the largest population. A land of many rivers, marshes, and fertile soil, the natural geography and fauna lead it to be quite picturesque. It is the most economically powerful of the kingdoms thanks to its large amount of unspoiled land and natural resources. The culture is split, the many small villages being close to Mediterranean while the city itself being very conformative and more similar to Japan or China. It hosts Haven Academy and the combat school Sanctum. Despite it's peaceful appearance it is a land of mystique and wonder, steeped in mythology and tradition.
  • Menagerie: A continent to the southeast. It was once supposed to be the forced home of faunus before their revolution. In current times it is very much isolated from the world, lacking a CCTS connection, and is home mostly to the Faunus unlucky enough to have been deported prior to their uprising and their decedents. Little is known about it as those who enter never return. The Faunus Homeland, and the Faunus prison, perfectly isolated you do not know what you may find here.
  • The Back Continent: The landmass north of Vacuo, also known as The Dragon Lands. It is mostly uninhabited and hosts no kingdom or central government. Human civilization is sparse and limited to small villages on the beaches, none existing further inland. It is a land overrun with Grimm, inhabited by many more powerful species. Thanks to the lack of humanity though it has many ancient and powerful species. It is rumored to be the Birthplace of all Grimm. The land where legends still roam, not only do nightmarish beasts still walk the land but the heroes of times gone by are born again here to coral them so they may never escape on an unprepared Remnant.
  • The Migrant Fleet: Not a nation but the name given to the constantly moving caravans of Faunus, bandits, wanderers, and other undesirables that journey across the world. There is no singular path or group, but many collectives that occasionally cross paths. A path of adventure and relative safety, witness strange lands across the globe and leave your mark in all four corners.
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With Great Power....

The people of this world are capable of greater feats than one would think. And among the greatest stand the huntsmen and their mortal foes. While capable and skill in many tasks, they excel in combat. But beyond even that they have access to a far greater power… Aura.

Aura & Semblance: Aura, it is the light of your soul, It eases your burdens and shields your heart. It is the power of life and love, flowing through every creature from the trees in a forest to the men in a city. But what sets some apart is their ability to control their innate power, and realize the power of their soul into the world. Aura is both a shield and a sword, acting to protect you from harm and to increase your strength. Everyone has an innate ability to passively use their aura, but only those with the potential are able to control it. It grows over time, in control and power, It is not however invincible nor is it infinite and every use will cause your reserves to deplete and should your aura fade all that you will have left is your resolve.

However should the odds be against you, there is another ability that can be called upon. Semblance. It is the manifestation of one's inner being, a window into the soul. By condensing one's aura into a more tangible form they are able to bring out powers far beyond conventional means. Each Semblance is unique, as is their soul, no two truly matching. The power manifested from a Semblance is the ultimate realization of the wielders inner self. While it's form will never change a Semblance will grow and shift along with its wielder.

With enough dedication and training, one can master one's Aura. And with master of yourself, you can become more than just a man.

One can purchase a specific Semblance for 2 points or roll for one in a Class for 1 point. Or, should you be Human or Faunus, roll for a random semblance for free. As Semblances, and aura, require souls to function Casts are only able to mimic the effect through technology while Grimm do not have the ability at all. Semblances are either personal effects or close ranged unless stated otherwise. You can chose a descriptor for your semblance to give it flavor, such as leaving rose petals behind in your speed or healing others using Blue Fire.

Kinesis: Powers that manipulate objects or forces without having to hold them. The power originates from you, either in an omnidirectional area of about 5 feet or at a targeted range of about 15. Those who seek control or stability. A fear of change and uncompromising.
  • Telekinesis: Ability to manipulate certain materials, an element, or a forces at a distance. Must have touched object or be near it.
  • Force: The ability to project great amounts of kinetic force in quick bursts. The impact can come from any direction.
  • Ward: Create a shapeable "Force Field" that imparts force on anything in it's area. While you cannot move or alter the effect once cast you can make more and dispel existing ones.

Mobility: Powers that increase your own ability to move. While not always the most impressive when compared to other Semblances one should not underestimate the worth of enhanced maneuverability. Those who seek freedom or change. Distaste for commitment and homogyny.
  • Speed: You've got extreme speed, you move and react faster than most can see, let alone match.
  • Flight: You defy gravity, either by means of ignoring it or sidestepping the issue with something like walking on air or through rocket like propulsion.
  • Wake: You leave a destructive force in the wake of your movements. This can also be used to propel you to great heights or at greater speeds.

Illusion: The ability to affect the perceptions of others. Illusions are not selective and must be sustained or else they disappear. The amount of Aura it takes scales with how hard it is to detect/dispel the effect. Those who seek status or knowledge. Distrustful and deceitful.
  • Hypnotism: Fool the sense of another being perfectly, but it only works on a handful of targets at a time and becomes exponentially more costly with each addition after the first.
  • Invisibility: You are capable of becoming undetectable. Invisible, silent, and masked scent; you may still be detected by exotic senses until you learn to overcome your limits.
  • Mirage: Create illusions that affect everyone, but are either easily dispelled if all but impossible to detect or vice versa. Either personal or close ranged.

Bruiser: A simple and direct power, but still very effective, augmenting your innate strengths further or compensating for faults. It's benefits may also be applied to cloths or channeled through a weapon. Those who are direct and honest. Stubborn and impassioned.
  • Chartreuse: Increase your physical abilities or charges a single destructive attack using a certain trigger such as increasing over time or exposure to certain elements. You're highly resistant if not immune to damage by attacks with the element that strengthens you.
  • Castile: Your Aura shines bright, it forms an impregnable shield to protect you from any hostile forces, even healing damage already done. Beware, every attack that washes over your aegis dims it's luster.
  • Burgundy: Your Soul burns hot, more than simply enhancement you can boost your abilities far beyond than would normally be possible making you a juggernaught. The hotter the "flame", the shorter your time.

Support: A Semblance built around aiding others, but offers no direct personal benefit. While you can assist multiple people at once the effect is diminished in equal measure. Those who are copacetic and mature. Compromising and passive.
  • Cura: You can quickly heal the wounds of others. Save for death nothing is beyond your completely ability to cure, though some wounds are more costly to reverse than others.
  • Helping Hand: Increase the already existing abilities your allies. Lending aura, boosting Semblances, enhancing skills and gifts, the versatility of this power is great.
  • Bless: Grant a pre-chosen non-support Semblance to others. Can be bought multiple times.

Summon: The ability to create beings from your aura. The creations are not sapient though can follow basic instructions requiring intuitive thought, knowing their role instantly upon appearing. Those who seek acceptance. Hesitant with trusting others.
  • Simulacrum: Creates a perfect clone but only one at a time.
  • Crowdsource: Creates multiple clones but suffers some drawback (weaker, staying in place, etc.) in compensation.
  • Duplicity: Summon a copy of some narrow category related to you. (Defeated enemies, close friends, Current enemy, ect.)

Space/Time: Granting one the power to manipulate the very fabric of the universe Space/Time Semblances are very powerful with decent utility as well. Those who seek optimization and options. Goal oriented.
  • Pause: A Semblance that allows you to exit the flow of time, making appear as if time has halted. Your ability to affect the world is limited as objects will not move while time is stopped even if force is imparted, this extends to equipment as it will become equally inviolable upon leaving contact with you. Even with aura to spare it's not an effect that can be used for extended periods.
  • Gateway: A semblance that causes a certain element or type of object to act as a portal to another similar object. Your range varies with familiarity and experience, at first it's limited to accurate perception or intimately familiar locations. If you so choose you can conserve the momentum of what enters. That is: speeding things go in; speedy things come out.
  • Blink: Teleportation. You can appear anywhere in line of sight, reorienting yourself as you please.

Witch: Rather than empower yourself you choose to hinder your enemies. All are resistable by by some means, most often by way of Aura, Will, or Health. The effect ends when you are unable to supply the aura to sustain it. Status Effects. Those who value Guile and patience. Self Delusion and refusal to cope.
  • Jynx: A variety of "Gradient" Status Effects that weaken or pester an enemy, even when resisted they often still cause some issues for the victim. Despite the difficulty in resisting them they tend to not be very strong, taking many successful uses to stack high enough to be debilitating.
Examples: Poison, Weaken, Pain, Charm, Slow, etc.
  • Curse: The ability to inflict a single "Save or Die" style status effect. If the target is unable to resist the power they are afflicted with the full, often deadly, effect of the Semblance.
    Examples: Death, Disintegration, Polymorph, Control, etc.
  • Bewitch: The ability to afflict a permanent, or near permanent, affliction on the target. These effects require some form of catalyst or are otherwise limited in their scope. The effect can be cumulative or independently progressive, but once the victim fails to resist too often or simply runs out of time their only hope lies in your mercy to release them.
    Examples: Petrify, Doom, Compel, Depower, etc.

Alchemical: The creation or alteration of objects via your aura. A Semblance with much utility in and out of combat. While the effect does not require aura after being created and doesn't weaken with multiple uses it will end if you are unconscious or leave the area. Those who seek to enact change. Idealistic or fanatical.
  • Psychogenesis: You can create simple objects quickly, thought the more complex the harder it is. The objects you create are made out of either Aura or your chosen Element/Descriptor. (Pick One).
  • Transmutation: The ability to physically alter already existing objects changing their state, shape, and characteristics at will.
  • Enchant: You can grant an existing object the ability to channel a pre-chosen Semblance.

Aura Advantages: The means to which you can further enhance and personalize your Semblance. For a reflection of one's own soul the more one can adjust it to better it can mirror your inner self, and the more useful it can be. Each advantage Costs 1.
  • Greater Aura: You hold within you a well of power far deeper than all but the most veteran Hunters. In terms of stamina and endurance, in regards to your Aura, few if any of your peers come close. A sign of inner potential yet untapped.
  • Dust Booster: Your Aura is far more "Fluid" than most, able to utilize dust directly to change it's properties and open new avenues for use. A sign of one's ability to adapt to change.
  • Autoevolution: While Semblances naturally grow stronger and more versatile with experience they remain fundamentally the same. Your Aura is capable of radical shifts that can drastically change and expand the way your Semblance expresses itself. A sign of one's conviction to follow through.
  • Broad Strokes: Rather than a specific element or trigger you're Semblance covers a much broader category, Temperature rather than heat or Solid objects instead of Earth. A sign of one's ability to work towards a distant goal.
  • Wide scope: Your Semblance is far more just a simple ability, there is more to it than is initially apparent. Purchase another Semblance to combine with your first. A sign of one with multiple facets to their personality.
  • Restoration: As the power of Life it is only natural that Semblances grant one a greater ability to recover, but yours goes one step further. Normally Regeneration is a slow process but yours is noticeable and able to be of use in combat with some focus. A sign of one's ability to continue despite hardship.
  • Range: Increases the range a semblance can be used at. Close to Ranged to Line of Sight. A sign of one's drive to excel.
  • Hidden Depths: Your semblance has some sort of extra trick to it, not quite a second power as an alternate usage or odd mutation. However "off" the general Semblance remains the same. A sign of mystique and secrets.
  • Affect Others: Allows certain Semblances to work on others, such as creating clones of them or allowing them to fly with you. A sign of one who places value in the opinions of others.
  • Affect Self: You can even use your powers on yourself. For most this isn't much of a boon but for some such as Support Semblances it is priceless. A sign of one who does not lose perspective on themselves.
Aura Disadvantages: Limitations on one's own aura, a window into your own fettered self laid bare. While they may act as chains and bars, the difference between a prison and a haven can be a matter of perspective. However like all weaknesses, one can overcome their flaws with enough dedication. Grants 1.
  • Weak Aura: Your aura is in low quantity, even while playing conservatively you will not come close to matching the endurance of your peers. While Aura's may grow with time you will need to work twice as hard for even half the same result. A sign of one who is passive and avoids conflict.
  • Overly Narrow: A Semblance works on a spectrum, on a concept. Rarely does it limit itself such to only a single unalterable form. A telekinetic only able to hold others in place, a summoner only able to create a very specific phantom, or a Speedster unable to react as fast as he runs, these are just a few examples. A sign of one who will focus on an objective entirely.
  • Triggered: Your semblance needs certain conditions to activate, such as meeting eyes or being on a timer. A sign of one who is reactive rather than proactive.
  • Self Destructive: Your aura is either lacking in some sort of normal secondary immunity or it's use is harmful to you in some way. A sign of one who places an objective before themselves entirely.
  • Flickering Light: While other's aura is a steady glow yours is not so steady. A fickle thing, it might shine brighter at times but more often than not it dims or dies when knocked off balance. A sight of one who cannot act decisively.
Broken Base: Unlike others you are incapable of strengthening yourself with aura, at least not to the levels of your peers. Stronger and faster than a normal person but when compared to what a hunter should accomplish you sadly lag far behind. A sign of one who wishes to remain unnoticed and overlooked.
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Gifts: A hunter is more than just their Semblance after all. Some are combat oriented others are more for utility, but in general they will make your life much easier.

Lesser Gifts: Costs 1
Nekomimi modo: Removable cat (or other fluffy animal) ears and tail that you can wear to gain faunus like powers. Be careful not to show them off to your faunus buddies though, some consider it what you humans call a "dick move".
Henshin!: You have some innocuous object that stores all your hunter gear away and be used to summon it back. Comes with optional stock footage of your softcore stripte- er, transformation sequence.
Meganeko: just a pair of glasses, makes you look even sexier or more moe. Also something about being hard to recognize, but the fanservice is what's important.
PANTSU!: You have a drawer full of undergarments with some minor effect. Lucky Blue ones, bear print to seem more innocent, black strings for sex appeal, stripes to energize, spats for running, and red lace to help clean up the blood of unfortunate (late) rivals for senpai.
Greater Gifts: Costs 2
Silver Eyes: Now you too have special eyes that can act as deus ex machina when you write yourself into a corner! Careful, use it too often and your story might end prematurely from lack of interest.
Intelligence Device: Be it some mystical means or simply advanced technology your weapon is sapient and has a personality of it's own. It's capable of acting autonomously to a degree, assisting you if needed but also capable of disobeying orders out of your best interest. The Device has an avatar it can use to interact with the world but as a weapon it can't truly wield itself.
Gemini Stone: Oh? You wish to bring a friend? Or perhaps you just wish to partner with yourself? Whichever case there is another, you're other half. All things are shared between you, as one is merely the other side of the same coin. Twins so alike and so close they may as well be a single entity.
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An Ember That Sparks A Flame...


A hunter is expected to have a team to stand beside them no matter what, be it a partner or a squad. It is the rare few hunters that work solo, and fewer still were always such. You always have at least one Partner even if you aren't on a squad.

Replacement: You replace a member of an existing team.
Extra Wheel: You are an "Extra" on an existing team. Admit it, it's just an excuse to buddy up to Team RWBY.
RNDM: You're team is randomly built, either by dice or by the voters.
Prebuilt: You can select your teammates from a list of prebuilt templates. Can be added to your existing choice within reason. Costs 2 points per each pre-built character.
Idea for a prefab character's stand Semblance:
Killer Queen Blasting Powder: can detonate (part of) anything they touch on a ten second timer, empowered and elementally charged by dust.
Idea for a prefab character's stand Semblance:
Killer Queen Blasting Powder: can detonate (part of) anything they touch on a ten second timer, empowered and elementally charged by dust.
Feel free to create prebuilt teammates if you want. On another note I just realized that I didn't fluff up the Semblance Intro, fix'd that.

Still need ideas for more Aura Disadvantages that make sense.

Also need ideas for Gifts, Flaws, and Talents. Gifts are more OoC things, or story things, or mystical items. Flaws are basically flaws. Talents are for things that are knowledge based, like being good at lying/tactics/fighting and will probably grouped together to something similar to classes or character types.
Alright question on how a some aura perks will affect a specific semblance

Psychogenesis: Energy Chains that look like this:
and when summoned are attached to parts of my body like my back or arms.
Greater Aura: Lets me use them a lot or summon a lot at once.

Autoevolution: Lets me over time learn how to add hooks, spikes, and eventually summon blade whips that look like this:

Range: Lets me make them really long and use them at range. Letting me impale someone from across a football field.

Hidden Depths: Lets me use my chains to constrict, whip, and impale. Also lets me change the lengths of summoned chains which would allow me to pull someone towards me or myself to something.

So good examples or are they too OP?
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Alright question on how a some aura perks will affect a specific semblance

Psychogenesis: Energy Chains that look like this:
and when summoned are attached to parts of my body like my back or arms.
Greater Aura: Lets me use them a lot or summon a lot at once.

Autoevolution: Lets me over time learn how to add hooks, spikes, and eventually summon blade whips that look like this:

Range: Lets me make them really long and use them at range. Letting me impale someone from across a football field.

Hidden Depths: Lets me use my chains to constrict, whip, and impale. Also lets me change the lengths of summoned chains which would allow me to pull someone towards me or myself to something.

So good examples or are they too OP?
Pretty much. Psychogenesis like that would be "Chains" as a theme, for those that are creative it isn't just a chain to wrap someone in but a "Wall" of chains to block attacks, A net to catch you, an early warning system, etc. It's almost as useful as "Towel", almost. And you hit Auto Evolution on the head, another path could have been to follow something along the Mami-path and learn to force them into other shapes like muskets, or maybe something like Kurapica with learning to give them certain special effects.. Summoning though will allow for more summons but within the limits of the Semblance. For Simulacrum it's still one at a time but creating each one isn't as exhausting,

Range one lets you create and stretch them over extreme distances, pretty much as far as you can see, Not accurately necessarily. Range Two lets you spawn them in anywhere you can see, so you can suddenly cause them to spring from the ground to trap someone.

Hidden depths: Given how these things usually work you can naturally impart some forward motion to the chains, though probably not much more than you could throw them yourself. In your example it'd be more like gaining the use of them as "Extra Limbs" of a sort, so Telekinesis limited to your chains. Or the things mentioned in the Autoevolution section. Just hooks and barbs isn't too much of a shift to be beyond it's natural versatility, though it may say things about your mentality that "Jagged Chains" is how your soul is expressed.
Range one lets you create and stretch them over extreme distances, pretty much as far as you can see, Not accurately necessarily. Range Two lets you spawn them in anywhere you can see, so you can suddenly cause them to spring from the ground to trap someone.
Oh I didn't realize you could take range twice.

So I thought of some flaws based around talents.
City slicker- Too used to living with the modern comforts of civilization you have trouble surviving in the wilderness.
Technological illiterate - You have trouble using modern technology. You can barely turn your scroll on and off.
Loud- Constantly makes noise or draws attention to yourself. Incapable of stealth.
Something based around not knowing how to fight without a weapon. Once you're disarmed you're useless.
Aura Disadvantage thoughts:
Two's A Crowd: The more people around, the less reliable and effective your semblance and Aura become. One isn't really a dip, but any more than that will affect you bit by bit. The sign of somebody who doesn't trust themself to keep others safe.

Showtime: The fewer people around, the less reliable and effective your semblance and aura become. Without at least four, you can't reach full power, and more are needed to do so reliably. The sign of somebody who doesn't trust their own judgement of right and wrong.
Aura Disadvantage thoughts:
Two's A Crowd: The more people around, the less reliable and effective your semblance and Aura become. One isn't really a dip, but any more than that will affect you bit by bit. The sign of somebody who doesn't trust themself to keep others safe.

Showtime: The fewer people around, the less reliable and effective your semblance and aura become. Without at least four, you can't reach full power, and more are needed to do so reliably. The sign of somebody who doesn't trust their own judgement of right and wrong.

Better change that to friendly people around. Cause the first is utterly useless for... um... Everything.

The second is only useful when fighting crowds of people, so... also makes your aura kinda useless.
I'm curious as to why you posted this here instead of General?
Does semblance category give you every option under it, or just one?

Is there something that can be used to increase durations of effects? I want a buff semblance that lasts for days/weeks.
Does semblance category give you every option under it, or just one?

Is there something that can be used to increase durations of effects? I want a buff semblance that lasts for days/weeks.
Just one, those are Classes, grouped together to organize similar Semblances. So just one from any classes.

Use Hidden Depths I guess but if seems like it can fit more than a niche I'll expand on it as an Advantage.

Aura Disadvantage thoughts:
Two's A Crowd: The more people around, the less reliable and effective your semblance and Aura become. One isn't really a dip, but any more than that will affect you bit by bit. The sign of somebody who doesn't trust themself to keep others safe.

Showtime: The fewer people around, the less reliable and effective your semblance and aura become. Without at least four, you can't reach full power, and more are needed to do so reliably. The sign of somebody who doesn't trust their own judgement of right and wrong.
When I make these I want to leave things a bit vague for narrative. Similarly I want to avoid things too crippling or munchkinny. The idea has merit but I'll probably alter them a bit if I use them.
Racial Disadvantage

Disease:Rouge's Syndrome- (Only affects predators) Where most other Faunus have one animal attribute, you have two, in addition to a more feral form and semi-standard looks. (Ex- A Fox faunus has large, plainly visible ears and a matching tail. Their eyes are like a foxes', their fur is ragged-looking, and they have sharper claws and teeth. They also typically have a lithe build.) Those with this genetic disease cannot hide their features physically without dangerous surgery, forever marking them as a Faunus whether they like it or not.
The rule seems to be two racial perks, two racial flaws, unless you're a human.
Okay finally got started on the weapons section. Pretty bare bones right now, but it needs to be done and I'm getting the frame work down.

You aren't buying a prebuilt package or static weapon, you're purchasing the parts to make your own weapon. Again, left vague-ish to make it so I don't have to elaborate on every little piece, but the general effect they'd have. I separated the Features from the Extras, namely main part from the little modifies that assist it. Similarly made a system to make your own vehicle. Added some Extras for equipment. Those with experience with Mutants and Masterminds 3e will probably see the resemblance.

I'm unsure if it's too complicated for a CYOA, if so I can just put a price on some generic-ish parts (Blade, Shaft, Gun, Rifle, rocket, etc) to build with.

Possible plans: Mechs? Power Armor? Weapon Skills? Need to add more Misc. equipment,
Okay finally got started on the weapons section. Pretty bare bones right now, but it needs to be done and I'm getting the frame work down.

You aren't buying a prebuilt package or static weapon, you're purchasing the parts to make your own weapon. Again, left vague-ish to make it so I don't have to elaborate on every little piece, but the general effect they'd have. I separated the Features from the Extras, namely main part from the little modifies that assist it. Similarly made a system to make your own vehicle. Added some Extras for equipment. Those with experience with Mutants and Masterminds 3e will probably see the resemblance.

I'm unsure if it's too complicated for a CYOA, if so I can just put a price on some generic-ish parts (Blade, Shaft, Gun, Rifle, rocket, etc) to build with.

Possible plans: Mechs? Power Armor? Weapon Skills? Need to add more Misc. equipment,
A more in-depth CYOA is a cyoa that inspires more thought from those who engage with it.
Why can't we grant a support semblance via Bless?

I have an idea for a support semblance that lets you buff everyone else nearby with the same semblance.
Why can't we grant a support semblance via Bless?

I have an idea for a support semblance that lets you buff everyone else nearby with the same semblance.
Because it basically leads to either Exponential growth or singularity. It also somewhat invalidates buying the semblance yourself, even more than other granted semblances.
I assume the AI option is as it is to keep Penny unique?

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