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Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")

I noticed that the fics you keep recc'ing are mostly WH40K instea of, well, Nasuverse ones. Why is that?
Pretty good stuff
#019 Long Version Astolfo’s Advertisement
#019 Long Version Astolfo's Advertisement

At least the money goes to a good cause?

Design Notes

Yeah this was the original, saw a video about how this meme could cause the problem stated above. Since I am a neutral party I'll just make a hypocritical joke.

You know you can all ask me stuff or talk right? I'm here, maybe some suggestions?
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#020 Back to Back Events
#020 Back to Back Events

You just go BB-blocked!

Design Notes

I meant to post this earlier but real life now matches the first panel.

And the annoying lines came back in the last comic so I changed it up so that the clear edges are no longer seen.

Kiyohime comes from her trimmed Valentines CE that I got from Transparent Fate Grand Order who are no longer active

I am in need of editors who can check my work as Bloo is still out sick.

Bye-onara is not from Osakabehime but from Angie Yonaga from DanganRonpa V3.

I like the machinima Leet World it's Counter Strike G Mod of a gameshow (with its own rock song) involving Terrorists and Counter Terrorists who live under the same roof and fight, has a good plot and I heard of a movie in the works but maybe it was cancelled, visit the wiki or site for character profiles.
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#019 Long Version Astolfo's Advertisement

At least the money goes to a good cause?

Design Notes

Yeah this was the original, saw a video about how this meme could cause the problem stated above. Since I am a neutral party I'll just make a hypocritical joke.

You know you can all ask me stuff or talk right? I'm here, maybe some suggestions?
That's not the long version.
You know, I really wonder what kind of insanity the Beast-class Servants could bring in this form.
#021 Emiya's Unwanted Reunions: Vlad III (EXTRA)
#021 Emiya's Unwanted Reunions: Vlad III (EXTRA)

*Actual dialogue

Design Notes

But not really some of it was changed to fit the flow better but Vlad does say all of that in EXTRA, except for the last line which belongs to Emiya. Yes I've wanted to do this one for a while.

I would've used Ascension 2 Vlad but he has an orange glow that just ruins the shot for me, plus this Vlad was A3.

He has a custom face but I removed it for pacing and unlike the others I do this was harder as his derp face changes angles and shading that make splicing new expressions very difficult.

Still need editors.

Fanfic of the day Code Prime - R1: Rebellion Chapter 1: Prologue, a Transformers/Beast Wars + Code Geass Crossover fanfic | FanFiction
Why did I hear the last line in the Major's voice from the last episode of Hellsing Abridged. The "show me what you love" scene.
#022 Kiara Strikes Out
#022 Kiara Strikes Out

Out maneuvered yet again.

Design Notes

While I do find Kiara attractive, I have better options that are far less evil.

I was going to add in Mata Hari, Anne and Bonnie, Carmilla, Lancer Artoria, and Tomoe but I don't have the room and some of them don't qualify as older women given how they were summoned.

Bryn is there as I have her modified CE from Transparent Grand Order which is where I got these.

Personally I don't look at women who have someone so Bryn is happy with Sigurd and Tomoe is a good friend. Everyone else is fair game.

On fanfic that influenced my style that I hope to use as a template for my long delayed Naruto AU fic starring Fu is The Uzumaki Tales: Return of the Whirlpool Chapter 5 (revised), a naruto fanfic | FanFiction , start at that chapter as the rehash stops there and we slowly start going off the rails, it's been a while since I checked it out, being on hiatus, but now I need to finish it.
#023 Happy Birthday Sakura (&BB)
#023 Happy Birthday Sakura

And the party never ended.

Design Notes

A simple one, didn't have to change the Kishinami twins too much, and I just had to use Summer BB.

Fanfic of the day But Doctor, I Am Pagliacci [DC, Joker, AU] | SpaceBattles Forums , based on the prompt that Joker becomes sane and learns Batman doesn't exist
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#024 Secret of BB
#024 Secret of BB

The result of yet another one of Suzuka's big brained schemes.

Design Notes

I was bothered with the dialogue of Suzuka so I embraced the cringe, the explosion is made to look fake but it was one that I liked. Took the idea from Hokusai's Quest about Suzuka wanting to know what BB meant.

Had to zoom in and overlap the larger sprites which blur easily when they are at certain sizes.

My zinger is based on her legend in her profile, her death was due to her own poorly thought out plan and miscommunication.

An actual fate fanfic for once Lancer Gets Serious Chapter 1: Prologue, a fate/stay night fanfic | FanFiction Cu is given free reign to win the Holy Grail War
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#025 Rulers Assemble!
#025 Rulers Assemble!

They all had holographic shawarma afterwards

Design Notes

Originally I was going to use my Ruler team but seeing the JP ones with their expressions I had to include all 10.

I wish we had Lucha Mask Martha costume, same with Santa Island Kamen, and Bombastic Bag Priest Caren.

Tried to have Jeanne with a custom sprite of her Arcade Costume but Bloo was not available.

My end joke is from SpongeBob with Plankton's "dinner".

Yep Robin and Suzuka were there reluctantly.

And old Halo 3 machinima favorite of mine with the ODSTs

TROOPERS - a Halo 3 machinima - Part 1 - YouTube
#026 Happy Birthday Reines
#026 Happy Birthday Reines

Better watch your back Waver.

Design Notes

I had forgotten about Reines Birthday and only had a reminder on my ipad, so I decided to roll with the joke about her being scorned and crazier than canon.

Got the EKG Spidey Sense idea from the comic below, but I like that PNG better, really hard to change the color but I am still learning

Big Sister's Instinct. : grandorder (reddit.com)

Yes Waver is cheap to by a knockoff replica Excalibur from China, and Reines was going to Joffrey cake cut him for that.

An old favorite with a catchy theme in The Codex, but watch the prequel The Heretic first, it plays a bit fast and loose with the Halo story with a completely different group of Spartans but has a good cast and story, too bad Microsoft stopped them from making the Sequel Reclaimer.
#027 Happy Birthday Anne Bonny
#027 Happy Birthday Anne Bonny

Now let's see if we can get Master to join us.

Design Notes

Simplistic one with a bit of seriousness and history. I fact checked the FGO anthology and it was accurate on the Yuri Pirates history. Both had sad childhoods from being illegitimate daughters but their circumstances differed.

Anney is a relatively uncommon name Anne went by. I did think about doing their swim suit versions but I felt that their regular forms were enough.

Out of all the Servants this pair suffers from inconsistent art, Mary is supposed to be taller by their profile, and you notice some flaws in both their card art, Summer final is notable.

I have neither.

I take Assassin's Creed Blackflag as a headcanon for Anne's life after Mary along with the anthology manga.

Also first attempt to use the dialogue curve for non box side comments that you've seen in other comics.

Video Game Reunion / VGR: Turbo - Season 1 Episode 1 - YouTube is a comedy about mostly 80s videogame characters, and most are from Mario, being washed up actors
#028 Wrong Pentagram
#029 Happy Birthday Musashi
#029 Happy Birthday Musashi

Now she's closer to being like her male counterpart

Design Notes

Tired from work had to get this one done fast kept trying to find a way to make a educational joke.

OroJuice's comic with Mephy as Kadoc's Servant was a big inspiration in using him, I originally was going to have him break the 4th Wall but I'll save it for another comic.

Red Hare was going to talk but his comments were useless.

Had to search for a pet rock as it would be funnier than a regular rock, used the curved lines for side comments as classic action lines, got a cartoon bubble explosion for the end, and I thought of the second with with Musashi getting hit as she was thrown off.

Context in history Musashi died of lung cancer as we see in Shimosa, and during the Shimabara Rebellion his notable action was being thrown off his horse from a peasant chucking a rock.

Geld, that's what you call castrating a horse.

I used a custom Musashi I found on Reddit

How Silent Fall the Cherry Blossoms | alternatehistory.com I love this AH despite how the pandemic there predicted the real world, I first read it expecting a dark story but there were just too many feel good moments and humanity that this is the basis of my eventual Redline AU
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I'll answer both

The AH story takes place where Imperial Japan in WW2 was able to scrounge enough resources to make Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night / Operation PX possible, which is a two part plan. Part 1 is to drop specially made bombshell that contain fleas with the Bubonic Plague but also contain the lesser known but deadlier sister the Pneumonic Plague to infect the US. Part 2 was using long distance balloons to drop anthrax on farms to infect livestock and crops.

While not a game changer for Japan the events spurred forth an alternate ending for WW2. Won't spoil more but I will also has cherish the chapter about Operation Frankenstein, fictional but I wish it happened. Other than that it's how people were decent to each other in spite of all the horror happening.

I need more information on Fate/Type Redline to consider a proper draft. The story is moving too slow.

Well Redline has most of what happens in the story but I've changed the background for an alternate history darker WW2 that still had the same outcome but with a higher body count. Takes elements from the above story and The New Order Last Days of Europe, a Hearts of Iron mod known for its intricate plot and mostly well researched history.

The AU takes place in a different world line from my main Trust Sign story which has yet to be made due to my schedule, there a alternate version of my protagonist Hikaru (different last name) knowing gets himself involved with the Grail War but ends up with the second Saber, his grand father Hajime Saito, with a theme of hated this Hikaru has so much loathing for his home and the world because of the war that he becomes an constant obstacle for Arata the Redline protagonist as their views and motives clash.

Plus I wonder with how much period accurate racism I am allowed because of how all the different people involved see each other, like the internal struggles of Japan also the Nazis. And I'm not holding back on the darkest villains that do appear alongside Major Magatsu as ensemble antagonists, Shirou Ishii who you will learn about in the AH story, and survivors of the Dirlewagner Brigade one of the worst group of war criminals in history, I'd advise not to read about either of them after eating.

I would have brief excerpts of world building with history books and such to describe what's going on and how this WW2 is different from our own.

While it would not be covered in my comic save for brief adaptions I'm doing a fanfic.
I wouldn't mind being spoiled, I don't think I will ever get around to reading that fic. Part of it is a lack of interest in WWII. But mostly it's becuase my 'to read' list is getting quite ridiculous in its lenght.

As for redline, your guess is as good as mine. And I don't know enough about WWII to make any suggestions. Sorry bout that.
#030 Ides of March
#030 Ides of March

Such violence! - Caesar's actual last words...maybe.

Design Notes

Not feeling up to it this week, made one I had planned.

StikBots Off the Grid by Moonshine Productions - a very original stop motion using some toy I never heard of but I like the sets used and a lot of the figures, some custom made. Favorite in the very slow Season 4 is Tamamo-no-Mae nicknamed Tammy who has a southern belle accent.
#031 An Elementary St. Patrick's Day
#031 An Elementary St. Patrick's Day

A few seconds later Holmes was disappointed that he couldn't get high from grounded up four leaf clovers.

Design Notes

I did this quick as I didn't plan on one.

So here's a comment I did on Reddit to explain the series name

I explained it on another site but it was a hold over name, an artifact title, like is Halo still Halo when there is no Halo appearing?

Brain Trust is a fancy phrase for a political think tank, when I first got into fanfic ideas I was using that as a placeholder name which I got from the BLEACH fanfic Uninvited Guests where Kenpachi refers to his officers by that phrase only to realize his terrible mistake in relying on them.

This was meant to be the title of my series but the comedic elements clashed with the serious ones too much and with many Servants OOC I separated this as the non canon mostly comedic universe inspired by Orojuice's Fate/Gag Order.

The idea of the Brain Trust was for all the smart Servants acting together to better their goal but always inevitably screwing it up. I'm still not confident in my story because I find Grand Order to be too railroaded in major events happening, like I can't work around Lostbelts for instance, many stories I've read avoid them entirely or go really off the rails.

But Fate Gamers Only seems to be doing a good job in retelling the story from a different AU perspective with a MC that has a vastly different personality and name (something I was told to avoid multiple times) but my main story Trust Sign will be reserved as posted fan fiction with adapted sprite comic scenes.

MerryWeather Comics does some animesque work and is a cool guy, I'm not up for going into details now
Can we suggest reccomendations for you to put on you posts?
The merrywheater on was kimd of weak.
Don't get me wrong, I do follow his works but the recc was kind of meh.
How about this one"?:

Astartes project.
#032 Happy Birthday Kariya
#032 Happy Birthday Kariya

Your insurance won't cover that.

Design Notes

Didn't have much with his limited sprites, included his hobby of photography and talent in creative writing, subtly having him die in a non extravagant location as he would want.

Nightingale was going to mention using her bonesaw but it didn't flow well.

BB nurse sprite was perfect, I love Heath Ledger but I will still make jokes.

Nightingale did start nursing school in 1844.

Yeah some of the fan circles I go to argue his intentions to a intense degree and this is from information outside the anime, I am in no place to debate.

This was based on an idea I heard about Nightingale being a good choice as a Servant for him.

Malachici is a funny VR guy who mostly makes crack skits of My Hero Academia on YouTube
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